Merge pull request #52 from mdigiorgio/improve-readme improve structure of README file
tree: aa4fc7bbe64a8cf94ba07d2da13f408318e025e6
  1. bart/
  2. docs/
  3. tests/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .travis.yml
  8. setup.cfg

BART Build Status

The Behavioural Analysis and Regression Toolkit is based on TRAPpy. The primary goal is to assert behaviours using the FTrace output from the kernel.

Target Audience

The framework is designed to cater to a wide range of audience. Aiding developers as well as automating the testing of "difficult to test" behaviours.

Kernel Developers

Making sure that the code that you are writing is doing the right thing.

Performance Engineers

Plotting/Asserting performance behaviours between different revisions of the kernel.

Quality Assurance/Release Engineers

Verifying behaviours when different components/patches are integrated.


Required dependencies

Install additional tools required for some tests and functionalities

$ sudo apt install trace-cmd kernelshark

Install the Python package manager

$ sudo apt install python-pip python-dev

Install required python packages

$ sudo apt install libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev python-nose
$ sudo pip install numpy matplotlib pandas ipython[all]
$ sudo pip install --upgrade trappy

ipython[all] will install IPython Notebook, a web based interactive python programming interface. It is required if you plan to use interactive plotting in BART.

Install BART

$ sudo pip install --upgrade bart-py

For developers

Instead of installing TRAPpy and BART using pip you should the repositories:

$ git clone
$ git clone

Add the directories to your PYTHONPATH


Trace Analysis Language

BART also provides a generic Trace Analysis Language, which allows the user to construct complex relation statements on trace data and assert their expected behaviours. The usage of the Analyzer module can be seen for the thermal behaviours here

Scheduler Assertions

Enables assertion and the calculation of the following parameters:


The total time that the task spent on a CPU executing.


Assert that a task switched between CPUs/Clusters in a given window of time.

Duty Cycle

The ratio of the execution time to the total time.


The average difference between two switch-in or two switch-out events of a task.

First CPU

The first CPU that a task ran on.


Calculate and assert the total residency of a task on a CPU or cluster.


The Scheduler assertions also use TRAPpy's EventPlot to provide a kernelshark like timeline for the tasks under consideration. (in IPython notebooks).

A notebook explaining the usage of the framework for asserting the deadline scheduler behaviours can be seen here.