Release Checklist

This is the checklist for cutting a release.

  1. Eliminate all compiler warnings.
    • debug
    • release
    • minrelease
  2. Run scan-build and eliminate warnings.
    • debug
    • release
    • minrelease
  3. Run and pass the test suite.
    • debug (with AddressSanitizer and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer)
    • release
    • minrelease
  4. Run the script an excessive amount and add failing tests to test suite.
    • debug
    • release
    • minrelease
  5. Run valgrind on the test suite.
    • debug
  6. Have other testers try to break it.
  7. Fuzz with AFL
    • release
  8. Fix AFL crashes as much as possible.
  9. Repeat steps 1-5 again.
  10. Run the release script.
  11. Upload the custom tarball to GitHub.
  12. Add sha's to release notes.
  13. Edit release notes for the changelog.