

bc — arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator


bc [-hilqsvVw] [--help] [--interactive] [--mathlib] [--quiet] [--standard] [--warn] [--version] [-e expr] [--expression=expr...] [-f file...] [-file=file...] [file...]


bc is an interactive processor for a language first standardized in 1991 by POSIX. (The current standard is here.) The language provides unlimited precision decimal arithmetic and is somewhat C-like, but there are differences. Such differences will be noted in this document.

After parsing and handling options, this bc reads any files given on the command line and executes them before reading from stdin.

With all build options enabled (except for extra math), this bc is a drop-in replacement for any bc, including (and especially) the GNU bc.


-e expr --expression=expr

Evaluates expr. If multiple expressions are given, they are evaluated in order. If files are given as well (see below), the expressions and files are evaluated in the order given. This means that if a file is given before an expression, the file is read in and evaluated first.

-f file --file=file

Reads in file and evaluates it. If expressions are also given (see above), the expressions are evaluated in the order given.

-h --help

Prints a usage message and quits.

-i --interactive

Forces interactive mode.

Per the standard, bc has an interactive mode and a non-interactive mode. The interactive mode is turned on automatically when both stdin and stdout are hooked to a terminal, but this flag can turn it on in other cases. In interactive mode, bc attempts to recover from errors and flushes stdout as soon as execution is done for the current input.

-l --mathlib

Sets scale (see the Scale section) to 20 and loads the included math library before running any code, including any expressions or files specified on the command line.

In addition, scale (see the Scale section) is set to 20.

To learn what is in the library, see the Library section.

-q --quiet

Do not print copyright header. bc will also suppress the header in non-interactive mode.

This is mostly for compatibility with the GNU bc.

-s --standard

Process exactly the language defined by the standard and error if any extensions are used.

-v -V --version

Print the version information (copyright header) and exit.

-w --warn

Like -s and --standard, except that warnings (and not errors) are given for non-standard extensions.


See the build manual.



All of the functions below, including the functions in the extended library if bc has been compiled with the extra math option enabled, are available when the -l or --mathlib command-line flags are given.

Standard Library

The standard defines the following functions for the math library:


Returns the sine of x, which is assumed to be in radians.


Returns the cosine of x, which is assumed to be in radians.


Returns the arctangent of x, in radians.


Returns the natural logarithm of x.


Returns the mathematical constant e raised to the power of x.

j(x, n)

Returns the bessel integer order n of x.

Extended Library

In addition to the standard library, if bc has been built with the extra math option, the following functions are available when either the -l or --mathlib options are given.

However, the extended library is not loaded when the -s/--standard or -w/--warn options are given since they are not part of the library defined by the standard.


Returns the absolute value of x.

r(x, p)

Rounds x to p decimal places according to the rounding mode round half away from 0.


Returns the factorial of the truncated absolute value of x.

perm(n, k)

Returns the permutation of the truncated absolute value of n of the truncated absolute value of k, if k <= n. If not, it returns 0.

comb(n, k)

Returns the combination of the truncated absolute value of n of the truncated absolute value of k, if k <= n. If not, it returns 0.


Returns the logarithm base 2 of x.


Returns the logarithm base 10 of x.

log(x, b)

Returns the logarithm base b of x.


Returns pi to p decimal places.


Returns the numbers of unsigned integer bytes required to hold the truncated absolute value of x.


Returns the numbers of signed, two's-complement integer bytes required to hold the truncated value of x.


Outputs the hexadecimal (base 16) representation of x.

This is a void function.


Outputs the binary (base 2) representation of x.

This is a void function.

output(x, b)

Outputs the base b representation of x.

This is a void function.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an unsigned integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer or is negative, an error message is printed instead.

This is a void function.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as a signed, two's-complement integer in as few power of two bytes as possible. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer, an error message is printed instead.

This is a void function.

uintn(x, n)

Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an unsigned integer in n bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into n bytes, an error message is printed instead.

intn(x, n)

Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an signed, two's-complement integer in n bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer or cannot fit into n bytes, an error message is printed instead.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an unsigned integer in 1 byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into 1 byte, an error message is printed instead.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an signed, two's-complement integer in 1 byte. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer or cannot fit into 1 byte, an error message is printed instead.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an unsigned integer in 2 bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into 2 bytes, an error message is printed instead.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an signed, two's-complement integer in 2 bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer or cannot fit into 2 bytes, an error message is printed instead.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an unsigned integer in 4 bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into 4 bytes, an error message is printed instead.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an signed, two's-complement integer in 4 bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer or cannot fit into 4 bytes, an error message is printed instead.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an unsigned integer in 8 bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer, is negative, or cannot fit into 8 bytes, an error message is printed instead.


Outputs the representation, in binary and hexadecimal, of x as an signed, two's-complement integer in 8 bytes. Both outputs are split into bytes separated by spaces.

If x is not an integer or cannot fit into 8 bytes, an error message is printed instead.

hex_uint(x, n)

Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of x as a unsigned integer in hexadecimal using n bytes. Not all of the value will be output if n is too small.

This is a void function.

binary_uint(x, n)

Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of x as a unsigned integer in binary using n bytes. Not all of the value will be output if n is too small.

This is a void function.

output_uint(x, n)

Outputs the representation of the truncated absolute value of x as a unsigned integer in the current obase using n bytes. Not all of the value will be output if n is too small.

This is a void function.

output_byte(x, i)

Outputs byte i of the truncated absolute value of x, where 0 is the least significant byte and number_of_bytes - 1 is the most significant byte.

This is a void function.

Command Line History

bc supports interactive command-line editing, if compiled with the history option enabled. If stdin is hooked to a terminal, it is enabled. Previous lines can be recalled and edited with the arrow keys.

See Also



The bc utility is compliant with the IEEE Std 1003.1-2017 (“POSIX.1-2017”) specification. The flags -efhiqsvVw, all long options, and the extensions noted above, are extensions to that specification.


This bc was made from scratch by Gavin D. Howard.


None are known. Report bugs at GitHub.