
This is an implementation of POSIX bc that implements GNU bc extensions, as well as the period (.) extension for the BSD bc.

This bc is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). It is licensed under the BSD 0-clause License.


To build, use the following commands:

make release
make install

To use a non-default compiler, replace the first command with:

CC=<compiler> make release

To install into a non-default (the default is /usr/local) prefix, change the second command to:

PREFIX=<prefix> make install

To make a minimum size release, use make minrelease instead of make release. To make a debug release, use make reldebug.

There is also a make help command to list all targets and options.


This bc is in alpha stage, so it is ready for testing in the wild, but it is not ready to be officially distributed as an official part of any project.


This bc is written in pure ISO C99.

Git Workflow

This bc uses the git workflow described in this post. Developers who want to contribute are encouraged to read that post carefully.

For feature branches, it uses rebase + merge --no-ff (option 3). It also uses a develop/master split. (Main development is on develop, and master just points to the latest tagged release to make it easy for users to get the latest release.)

Commit Messages

This bc uses the commit message guidelines laid out in this blog post.

Semantic Versioning

This bc uses semantic versioning.

Contents Listing

Every folder contains a README file which lists the purposes for the files and folders in that directory.



LICENSE.md      A Markdown the BSD 0-clause License.
NOTICE.md       List of contributors and copyright owners.


docs        Contains all of the documentation (currently empty).
include     Contains all of the public header files.
src         All source code.
tests       Tests.