Added -s switch to perform allocation sampling
diff --git a/tools/memleak_examples.txt b/tools/memleak_examples.txt
index 4217775..9861b18 100644
--- a/tools/memleak_examples.txt
+++ b/tools/memleak_examples.txt
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 # ./ -h
 usage: [-h] [-p PID] [-t] [-i INTERVAL] [-a] [-o OLDER]                                                                              
-                  [-c COMMAND]
+                  [-c COMMAND] [-s SAMPLE_RATE]
 Trace outstanding memory allocations that weren't freed.
 Supports both user-mode allocations made with malloc/free and kernel-mode
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@
   -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                         execute and trace the specified command
+  -s SAMPLE_RATE, --sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE
+                        sample every N-th allocation to decrease the overhead
@@ -146,4 +148,6 @@
 ./ -p $(pidof allocs) -t
         Trace allocations and display each individual call to malloc/free
 ./ -p $(pidof allocs) -a -i 10                                                                                                                Trace allocations and display allocated addresses, sizes, and stacks                                                                            every 10 seconds for outstanding allocations                                                                                            ./ -c "./allocs"                                                                                                                              Run the specified command and trace its allocations                                                                                     ./                                                                                                                                            Trace allocations in kernel mode and display a summary of outstanding                                                                           allocations every 5 seconds                                                                                                             ./ -o 60000                                                                                                                                   Trace allocations in kernel mode and display a summary of outstanding                                                                           allocations that are at least one minute (60 seconds) old  
+./ -s 5
+        Trace roughly every 5th allocation, to reduce overhead