ucalls: Summarize method calls with USDT

`ucalls` is a new tool that uses the USDT probes in high-
level languages (Java, Python, Ruby) to summarize the
number of method calls and optionally their latency. This
is similar to `funccount` and `funclatency` but for methods
in Java, Python, Ruby, and other languages that might have
USDT probes for method entry and exit.

`ucalls` uses the `method__entry` and `method__return`
probes in Java and Ruby, and the `function__entry` and
`function__return` probes in Python. The Python probes are
not as accurate because they do not report the class name,
but are still useful.

The optional `-L` switch indicates whether latency numbers
are required. By default, only the number of calls to each
method is printed. The `-T` switch filters out the top
methods (by number of calls or total latency).
diff --git a/tools/ucalls.py b/tools/ucalls.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b2257c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ucalls.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# @lint-avoid-python-3-compatibility-imports
+# ucalls  Summarize method calls in high-level languages.
+#         For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF.
+# USAGE: ucalls {java,python,ruby} PID [interval] [-T TOP] [-L] [-v] [-m]
+# Copyright 2016 Sasha Goldshtein
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
+# 19-Oct-2016   Sasha Goldshtein   Created this.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+from bcc import BPF, USDT
+from time import sleep
+examples = """examples:
+    ./ucalls java 185           # trace Java calls and print statistics on ^C
+    ./ucalls python 2020 1      # trace Python calls and print every second
+    ./ucalls ruby 1344 -T 10    # trace top 10 Ruby method calls
+    ./ucalls ruby 1344 -L       # trace Ruby calls including latency
+    ./ucalls python 2020 -mL    # trace Python calls including latency in ms
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description="Summarize method calls in high-level languages.",
+    formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+    epilog=examples)
+parser.add_argument("language", choices=["java", "python", "ruby"],
+    help="language to trace")
+parser.add_argument("pid", type=int, help="process id to attach to")
+parser.add_argument("interval", type=int, nargs='?',
+    help="print every specified number of seconds")
+parser.add_argument("-T", "--top", type=int,
+    help="number of most frequent/slow calls to print")
+parser.add_argument("-L", "--latency", action="store_true",
+    help="record method latency from enter to exit (except recursive calls)")
+parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
+    help="verbose mode: print the BPF program (for debugging purposes)")
+parser.add_argument("-m", "--milliseconds", action="store_true",
+    help="report times in milliseconds (default is microseconds)")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# We assume that the entry and return probes have the same arguments. This is
+# the case for Java, Python, and Ruby. If there's a language where it's not the
+# case, we will need to build a custom correlator from entry to exit.
+if args.language == "java":
+    # TODO for JVM entries, we actually have the real length of the class
+    #      and method strings in arg3 and arg5 respectively...
+    entry_probe = "method__entry"
+    return_probe = "method__return"
+    read_class = "bpf_usdt_readarg(2, ctx, &clazz);"
+    read_method = "bpf_usdt_readarg(4, ctx, &method);"
+elif args.language == "python":
+    entry_probe = "function__entry"
+    return_probe = "function__return"
+    read_class = "bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, &clazz);"    # filename really
+    read_method = "bpf_usdt_readarg(2, ctx, &method);"
+elif args.language == "ruby":
+    entry_probe = "method__entry"
+    return_probe = "method__return"
+    read_class = "bpf_usdt_readarg(1, ctx, &clazz);"
+    read_method = "bpf_usdt_readarg(2, ctx, &method);"
+# TODO The whole string reading here reads beyond the null terminator, which
+#      might lead to problems if we consider past the end of the string as
+#      part of the class or method name. Think what to do with this.
+program = """
+struct method_t {
+    char clazz[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
+    char method[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
+struct entry_t {
+    u64 pid;
+    struct method_t method;
+struct info_t {
+    u64 num_calls;
+    u64 total_ns;
+#ifndef LATENCY
+BPF_HASH(counts, struct method_t, u64); // number of calls
+BPF_HASH(times, struct method_t, struct info_t);
+BPF_HASH(entry, struct entry_t, u64);   // timestamp at entry
+int trace_entry(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
+    u64 clazz = 0, method = 0, val = 0;
+    u64 *valp;
+    struct entry_t data = {0};
+#ifdef LATENCY
+    u64 timestamp = bpf_ktime_get_ns();
+    data.pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
+    bpf_probe_read(&data.method.clazz, sizeof(data.method.clazz),
+                   (void *)clazz);
+    bpf_probe_read(&data.method.method, sizeof(data.method.method),
+                   (void *)method);
+#ifndef LATENCY
+    valp = counts.lookup_or_init(&data.method, &val);
+    ++(*valp);
+#ifdef LATENCY
+    entry.update(&data, &timestamp);
+    return 0;
+#ifdef LATENCY
+int trace_return(struct pt_regs *ctx) {
+    u64 *entry_timestamp, clazz = 0, method = 0;
+    struct info_t *info, zero = {};
+    struct entry_t data = {};
+    data.pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
+    bpf_probe_read(&data.method.clazz, sizeof(data.method.clazz),
+                   (void *)clazz);
+    bpf_probe_read(&data.method.method, sizeof(data.method.method),
+                   (void *)method);
+    entry_timestamp = entry.lookup(&data);
+    if (!entry_timestamp) {
+        return 0;   // missed the entry event
+    }
+    info = times.lookup_or_init(&data.method, &zero);
+    info->num_calls += 1;
+    info->total_ns += bpf_ktime_get_ns() - *entry_timestamp;
+    entry.delete(&data);
+    return 0;
+""".replace("READ_CLASS", read_class) \
+   .replace("READ_METHOD", read_method) \
+   .replace("DEFINE_LATENCY", "#define LATENCY" if args.latency else "")
+usdt = USDT(pid=args.pid)
+usdt.enable_probe(entry_probe, "trace_entry")
+if args.latency:
+    usdt.enable_probe(return_probe, "trace_return")
+if args.verbose:
+    print(usdt.get_text())
+    print(program)
+bpf = BPF(text=program, usdt_contexts=[usdt])
+print("Tracing method calls in %s process %d... Ctrl-C to quit." %
+      (args.language, args.pid))
+while True:
+    try:
+        sleep(args.interval or 99999999)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        pass
+    print()
+    if args.latency:
+        data = bpf["times"]
+        data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.total_ns)
+        time_col = "TIME (ms)" if args.milliseconds else "TIME (us)"
+        print("%-50s %8s %8s" % ("METHOD", "# CALLS", time_col))
+    else:
+        data = bpf["counts"]
+        data = sorted(data.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v.value)
+        print("%-50s %8s" % ("METHOD", "# CALLS"))
+    if args.top:
+        data = data[-args.top:]
+    for key, value in data:
+        if args.latency:
+            time = value.total_ns/1000000.0 if args.milliseconds else \
+                   value.total_ns/1000.0
+            print("%-50s %8d %6.2f" % (key.clazz + "." + key.method,
+                                       value.num_calls, time))
+        else:
+            print("%-50s %8d" % (key.clazz + "." + key.method, value.value))
+    if not args.interval:
+        exit()