Add TableStorage class for wrapping bpf map tracking

Adds a TableStorage class for use by language frontends to store/access
references to loaded bpf maps. Includes support for shared and
namespaced maps, in a directory-like hierarchy.

Add a FileDesc helper class to automatically wrap open file descriptors.
The object prevents implicit copying of the fd (allows only
rvalue/move()), and takes care of the close() call.

Add a reference implementation of a TableStorageImpl that performs the
current default behavior expected by BPF_TABLE_PUBLIC, which is to share
maps between BPFModules in the same-process only. A stub implementation
for bpffs is started.

Update b/clang frontends to use this new class.

Also included is a framework for extracting the type information of maps
in an extensible way. Migrate BMapDeclVisitor to use this as the first

Signed-off-by: Brenden Blanco <>
diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format
index d5a3996..2a27948 100644
--- a/.clang-format
+++ b/.clang-format
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
 AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
 AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
 IndentCaseLabels: false
-AccessModifierOffset: -2
+AccessModifierOffset: -1