external/boringssl: Sync to f21650709a6f76e829ddcc77fe221c9d6a5c12de.

This includes the following changes:


Test: BoringSSL CTS Presubmits.
Change-Id: Ie6e99c3315c552068b5ea57e31b1af7ff94f9b0f
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/aead.h b/src/include/openssl/aead.h
index dd2e418..7424e29 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/aead.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/aead.h
@@ -22,271 +22,271 @@
-/* Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data.
- *
- * AEAD couples confidentiality and integrity in a single primitive. AEAD
- * algorithms take a key and then can seal and open individual messages. Each
- * message has a unique, per-message nonce and, optionally, additional data
- * which is authenticated but not included in the ciphertext.
- *
- * The |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init| function initialises an |EVP_AEAD_CTX| structure and
- * performs any precomputation needed to use |aead| with |key|. The length of
- * the key, |key_len|, is given in bytes.
- *
- * The |tag_len| argument contains the length of the tags, in bytes, and allows
- * for the processing of truncated authenticators. A zero value indicates that
- * the default tag length should be used and this is defined as
- * |EVP_AEAD_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH| in order to make the code clear. Using
- * truncated tags increases an attacker's chance of creating a valid forgery.
- * Be aware that the attacker's chance may increase more than exponentially as
- * would naively be expected.
- *
- * When no longer needed, the initialised |EVP_AEAD_CTX| structure must be
- * passed to |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup|, which will deallocate any memory used.
- *
- * With an |EVP_AEAD_CTX| in hand, one can seal and open messages. These
- * operations are intended to meet the standard notions of privacy and
- * authenticity for authenticated encryption. For formal definitions see
- * Bellare and Namprempre, "Authenticated encryption: relations among notions
- * and analysis of the generic composition paradigm," Lecture Notes in Computer
- * Science B<1976> (2000), 531–545,
- * http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/~mihir/papers/oem.html.
- *
- * When sealing messages, a nonce must be given. The length of the nonce is
- * fixed by the AEAD in use and is returned by |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length|. *The
- * nonce must be unique for all messages with the same key*. This is critically
- * important - nonce reuse may completely undermine the security of the AEAD.
- * Nonces may be predictable and public, so long as they are unique. Uniqueness
- * may be achieved with a simple counter or, if large enough, may be generated
- * randomly. The nonce must be passed into the "open" operation by the receiver
- * so must either be implicit (e.g. a counter), or must be transmitted along
- * with the sealed message.
- *
- * The "seal" and "open" operations are atomic - an entire message must be
- * encrypted or decrypted in a single call. Large messages may have to be split
- * up in order to accommodate this. When doing so, be mindful of the need not to
- * repeat nonces and the possibility that an attacker could duplicate, reorder
- * or drop message chunks. For example, using a single key for a given (large)
- * message and sealing chunks with nonces counting from zero would be secure as
- * long as the number of chunks was securely transmitted. (Otherwise an
- * attacker could truncate the message by dropping chunks from the end.)
- *
- * The number of chunks could be transmitted by prefixing it to the plaintext,
- * for example. This also assumes that no other message would ever use the same
- * key otherwise the rule that nonces must be unique for a given key would be
- * violated.
- *
- * The "seal" and "open" operations also permit additional data to be
- * authenticated via the |ad| parameter. This data is not included in the
- * ciphertext and must be identical for both the "seal" and "open" call. This
- * permits implicit context to be authenticated but may be empty if not needed.
- *
- * The "seal" and "open" operations may work in-place if the |out| and |in|
- * arguments are equal. Otherwise, if |out| and |in| alias, input data may be
- * overwritten before it is read. This situation will cause an error.
- *
- * The "seal" and "open" operations return one on success and zero on error. */
+// Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data.
+// AEAD couples confidentiality and integrity in a single primitive. AEAD
+// algorithms take a key and then can seal and open individual messages. Each
+// message has a unique, per-message nonce and, optionally, additional data
+// which is authenticated but not included in the ciphertext.
+// The |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init| function initialises an |EVP_AEAD_CTX| structure and
+// performs any precomputation needed to use |aead| with |key|. The length of
+// the key, |key_len|, is given in bytes.
+// The |tag_len| argument contains the length of the tags, in bytes, and allows
+// for the processing of truncated authenticators. A zero value indicates that
+// the default tag length should be used and this is defined as
+// |EVP_AEAD_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH| in order to make the code clear. Using
+// truncated tags increases an attacker's chance of creating a valid forgery.
+// Be aware that the attacker's chance may increase more than exponentially as
+// would naively be expected.
+// When no longer needed, the initialised |EVP_AEAD_CTX| structure must be
+// passed to |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup|, which will deallocate any memory used.
+// With an |EVP_AEAD_CTX| in hand, one can seal and open messages. These
+// operations are intended to meet the standard notions of privacy and
+// authenticity for authenticated encryption. For formal definitions see
+// Bellare and Namprempre, "Authenticated encryption: relations among notions
+// and analysis of the generic composition paradigm," Lecture Notes in Computer
+// Science B<1976> (2000), 531–545,
+// http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/~mihir/papers/oem.html.
+// When sealing messages, a nonce must be given. The length of the nonce is
+// fixed by the AEAD in use and is returned by |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length|. *The
+// nonce must be unique for all messages with the same key*. This is critically
+// important - nonce reuse may completely undermine the security of the AEAD.
+// Nonces may be predictable and public, so long as they are unique. Uniqueness
+// may be achieved with a simple counter or, if large enough, may be generated
+// randomly. The nonce must be passed into the "open" operation by the receiver
+// so must either be implicit (e.g. a counter), or must be transmitted along
+// with the sealed message.
+// The "seal" and "open" operations are atomic - an entire message must be
+// encrypted or decrypted in a single call. Large messages may have to be split
+// up in order to accommodate this. When doing so, be mindful of the need not to
+// repeat nonces and the possibility that an attacker could duplicate, reorder
+// or drop message chunks. For example, using a single key for a given (large)
+// message and sealing chunks with nonces counting from zero would be secure as
+// long as the number of chunks was securely transmitted. (Otherwise an
+// attacker could truncate the message by dropping chunks from the end.)
+// The number of chunks could be transmitted by prefixing it to the plaintext,
+// for example. This also assumes that no other message would ever use the same
+// key otherwise the rule that nonces must be unique for a given key would be
+// violated.
+// The "seal" and "open" operations also permit additional data to be
+// authenticated via the |ad| parameter. This data is not included in the
+// ciphertext and must be identical for both the "seal" and "open" call. This
+// permits implicit context to be authenticated but may be empty if not needed.
+// The "seal" and "open" operations may work in-place if the |out| and |in|
+// arguments are equal. Otherwise, if |out| and |in| alias, input data may be
+// overwritten before it is read. This situation will cause an error.
+// The "seal" and "open" operations return one on success and zero on error.
-/* AEAD algorithms. */
+// AEAD algorithms.
-/* EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm is AES-128 in Galois Counter Mode. */
+// EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm is AES-128 in Galois Counter Mode.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm(void);
-/* EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm is AES-256 in Galois Counter Mode. */
+// EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm is AES-256 in Galois Counter Mode.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm(void);
-/* EVP_aead_chacha20_poly1305 is the AEAD built from ChaCha20 and
- * Poly1305 as described in RFC 7539. */
+// EVP_aead_chacha20_poly1305 is the AEAD built from ChaCha20 and
+// Poly1305 as described in RFC 7539.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_chacha20_poly1305(void);
-/* EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256 is AES-128 in CTR mode with HMAC-SHA256 for
- * authentication. The nonce is 12 bytes; the bottom 32-bits are used as the
- * block counter, thus the maximum plaintext size is 64GB. */
+// EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256 is AES-128 in CTR mode with HMAC-SHA256 for
+// authentication. The nonce is 12 bytes; the bottom 32-bits are used as the
+// block counter, thus the maximum plaintext size is 64GB.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256(void);
-/* EVP_aead_aes_256_ctr_hmac_sha256 is AES-256 in CTR mode with HMAC-SHA256 for
- * authentication. See |EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256| for details. */
+// EVP_aead_aes_256_ctr_hmac_sha256 is AES-256 in CTR mode with HMAC-SHA256 for
+// authentication. See |EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256| for details.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_256_ctr_hmac_sha256(void);
-/* EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm_siv is AES-128 in GCM-SIV mode. See
- * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-02 */
+// EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm_siv is AES-128 in GCM-SIV mode. See
+// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-02
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm_siv(void);
-/* EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm_siv is AES-256 in GCM-SIV mode. See
- * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-02 */
+// EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm_siv is AES-256 in GCM-SIV mode. See
+// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-gcmsiv-02
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm_siv(void);
-/* EVP_has_aes_hardware returns one if we enable hardware support for fast and
- * constant-time AES-GCM. */
+// EVP_has_aes_hardware returns one if we enable hardware support for fast and
+// constant-time AES-GCM.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_has_aes_hardware(void);
-/* Utility functions. */
+// Utility functions.
-/* EVP_AEAD_key_length returns the length, in bytes, of the keys used by
- * |aead|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_key_length returns the length, in bytes, of the keys used by
+// |aead|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_AEAD_key_length(const EVP_AEAD *aead);
-/* EVP_AEAD_nonce_length returns the length, in bytes, of the per-message nonce
- * for |aead|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_nonce_length returns the length, in bytes, of the per-message nonce
+// for |aead|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_AEAD_nonce_length(const EVP_AEAD *aead);
-/* EVP_AEAD_max_overhead returns the maximum number of additional bytes added
- * by the act of sealing data with |aead|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_max_overhead returns the maximum number of additional bytes added
+// by the act of sealing data with |aead|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_AEAD_max_overhead(const EVP_AEAD *aead);
-/* EVP_AEAD_max_tag_len returns the maximum tag length when using |aead|. This
- * is the largest value that can be passed as |tag_len| to
- * |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_max_tag_len returns the maximum tag length when using |aead|. This
+// is the largest value that can be passed as |tag_len| to
+// |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_AEAD_max_tag_len(const EVP_AEAD *aead);
-/* AEAD operations. */
+// AEAD operations.
-/* An EVP_AEAD_CTX represents an AEAD algorithm configured with a specific key
- * and message-independent IV. */
+// An EVP_AEAD_CTX represents an AEAD algorithm configured with a specific key
+// and message-independent IV.
 typedef struct evp_aead_ctx_st {
   const EVP_AEAD *aead;
-  /* aead_state is an opaque pointer to whatever state the AEAD needs to
-   * maintain. */
+  // aead_state is an opaque pointer to whatever state the AEAD needs to
+  // maintain.
   void *aead_state;
-  /* tag_len may contain the actual length of the authentication tag if it is
-   * known at initialization time. */
+  // tag_len may contain the actual length of the authentication tag if it is
+  // known at initialization time.
   uint8_t tag_len;
-/* EVP_AEAD_MAX_KEY_LENGTH contains the maximum key length used by
- * any AEAD defined in this header. */
+// EVP_AEAD_MAX_KEY_LENGTH contains the maximum key length used by
+// any AEAD defined in this header.
-/* EVP_AEAD_MAX_NONCE_LENGTH contains the maximum nonce length used by
- * any AEAD defined in this header. */
+// EVP_AEAD_MAX_NONCE_LENGTH contains the maximum nonce length used by
+// any AEAD defined in this header.
-/* EVP_AEAD_MAX_OVERHEAD contains the maximum overhead used by any AEAD
- * defined in this header. */
+// EVP_AEAD_MAX_OVERHEAD contains the maximum overhead used by any AEAD
+// defined in this header.
-/* EVP_AEAD_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH is a magic value that can be passed to
- * EVP_AEAD_CTX_init to indicate that the default tag length for an AEAD should
- * be used. */
+// EVP_AEAD_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH is a magic value that can be passed to
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_init to indicate that the default tag length for an AEAD should
+// be used.
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_zero sets an uninitialized |ctx| to the zero state. It must be
- * initialized with |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init| before use. It is safe, but not
- * necessary, to call |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup| in this state. This may be used for
- * more uniform cleanup of |EVP_AEAD_CTX|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_zero sets an uninitialized |ctx| to the zero state. It must be
+// initialized with |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init| before use. It is safe, but not
+// necessary, to call |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup| in this state. This may be used for
+// more uniform cleanup of |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_new allocates an |EVP_AEAD_CTX|, calls |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init| and
- * returns the |EVP_AEAD_CTX|, or NULL on error. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_new allocates an |EVP_AEAD_CTX|, calls |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init| and
+// returns the |EVP_AEAD_CTX|, or NULL on error.
                                               const uint8_t *key,
                                               size_t key_len, size_t tag_len);
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_free calls |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup| and |OPENSSL_free| on
- * |ctx|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_free calls |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup| and |OPENSSL_free| on
+// |ctx|.
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_init initializes |ctx| for the given AEAD algorithm. The |impl|
- * argument is ignored and should be NULL. Authentication tags may be truncated
- * by passing a size as |tag_len|. A |tag_len| of zero indicates the default
- * tag length and this is defined as EVP_AEAD_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH for
- * readability.
- *
- * Returns 1 on success. Otherwise returns 0 and pushes to the error stack. In
- * the error case, you do not need to call |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup|, but it's
- * harmless to do so. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_init initializes |ctx| for the given AEAD algorithm. The |impl|
+// argument is ignored and should be NULL. Authentication tags may be truncated
+// by passing a size as |tag_len|. A |tag_len| of zero indicates the default
+// tag length and this is defined as EVP_AEAD_DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH for
+// readability.
+// Returns 1 on success. Otherwise returns 0 and pushes to the error stack. In
+// the error case, you do not need to call |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup|, but it's
+// harmless to do so.
                                      const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
                                      size_t tag_len, ENGINE *impl);
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup frees any data allocated by |ctx|. It is a no-op to
- * call |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup| on a |EVP_AEAD_CTX| that has been |memset| to
- * all zeros. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup frees any data allocated by |ctx|. It is a no-op to
+// call |EVP_AEAD_CTX_cleanup| on a |EVP_AEAD_CTX| that has been |memset| to
+// all zeros.
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in| and
- * authenticates |ad_len| bytes from |ad| and writes the result to |out|. It
- * returns one on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * This function may be called concurrently with itself or any other seal/open
- * function on the same |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
- *
- * At most |max_out_len| bytes are written to |out| and, in order to ensure
- * success, |max_out_len| should be |in_len| plus the result of
- * |EVP_AEAD_max_overhead|. On successful return, |*out_len| is set to the
- * actual number of bytes written.
- *
- * The length of |nonce|, |nonce_len|, must be equal to the result of
- * |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length| for this AEAD.
- *
- * |EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal| never results in a partial output. If |max_out_len| is
- * insufficient, zero will be returned. If any error occurs, |out| will be
- * filled with zero bytes and |*out_len| set to zero.
- *
- * If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in| and
+// authenticates |ad_len| bytes from |ad| and writes the result to |out|. It
+// returns one on success and zero otherwise.
+// This function may be called concurrently with itself or any other seal/open
+// function on the same |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
+// At most |max_out_len| bytes are written to |out| and, in order to ensure
+// success, |max_out_len| should be |in_len| plus the result of
+// |EVP_AEAD_max_overhead|. On successful return, |*out_len| is set to the
+// actual number of bytes written.
+// The length of |nonce|, |nonce_len|, must be equal to the result of
+// |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length| for this AEAD.
+// |EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal| never results in a partial output. If |max_out_len| is
+// insufficient, zero will be returned. If any error occurs, |out| will be
+// filled with zero bytes and |*out_len| set to zero.
+// If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal(const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                      size_t *out_len, size_t max_out_len,
                                      const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nonce_len,
                                      const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
                                      const uint8_t *ad, size_t ad_len);
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_open authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in| and |ad_len| bytes
- * from |ad| and decrypts at most |in_len| bytes into |out|. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * This function may be called concurrently with itself or any other seal/open
- * function on the same |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
- *
- * At most |in_len| bytes are written to |out|. In order to ensure success,
- * |max_out_len| should be at least |in_len|. On successful return, |*out_len|
- * is set to the the actual number of bytes written.
- *
- * The length of |nonce|, |nonce_len|, must be equal to the result of
- * |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length| for this AEAD.
- *
- * |EVP_AEAD_CTX_open| never results in a partial output. If |max_out_len| is
- * insufficient, zero will be returned. If any error occurs, |out| will be
- * filled with zero bytes and |*out_len| set to zero.
- *
- * If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_open authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in| and |ad_len| bytes
+// from |ad| and decrypts at most |in_len| bytes into |out|. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
+// This function may be called concurrently with itself or any other seal/open
+// function on the same |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
+// At most |in_len| bytes are written to |out|. In order to ensure success,
+// |max_out_len| should be at least |in_len|. On successful return, |*out_len|
+// is set to the the actual number of bytes written.
+// The length of |nonce|, |nonce_len|, must be equal to the result of
+// |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length| for this AEAD.
+// |EVP_AEAD_CTX_open| never results in a partial output. If |max_out_len| is
+// insufficient, zero will be returned. If any error occurs, |out| will be
+// filled with zero bytes and |*out_len| set to zero.
+// If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_AEAD_CTX_open(const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                      size_t *out_len, size_t max_out_len,
                                      const uint8_t *nonce, size_t nonce_len,
                                      const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
                                      const uint8_t *ad, size_t ad_len);
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in|
- * and authenticates |ad_len| bytes from |ad|. It writes |in_len| bytes of
- * ciphertext to |out| and the authentication tag to |out_tag|. It returns one
- * on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * This function may be called concurrently with itself or any other seal/open
- * function on the same |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
- *
- * Exactly |in_len| bytes are written to |out|, and up to
- * |EVP_AEAD_max_overhead+extra_in_len| bytes to |out_tag|. On successful
- * return, |*out_tag_len| is set to the actual number of bytes written to
- * |out_tag|.
- *
- * |extra_in| may point to an additional plaintext input buffer if the cipher
- * supports it. If present, |extra_in_len| additional bytes of plaintext are
- * encrypted and authenticated, and the ciphertext is written (before the tag)
- * to |out_tag|. |max_out_tag_len| must be sized to allow for the additional
- * |extra_in_len| bytes.
- *
- * The length of |nonce|, |nonce_len|, must be equal to the result of
- * |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length| for this AEAD.
- *
- * |EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter| never results in a partial output. If
- * |max_out_tag_len| is insufficient, zero will be returned. If any error
- * occurs, |out| and |out_tag| will be filled with zero bytes and |*out_tag_len|
- * set to zero.
- *
- * If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|. |out_tag| may not alias
- * any other argument. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in|
+// and authenticates |ad_len| bytes from |ad|. It writes |in_len| bytes of
+// ciphertext to |out| and the authentication tag to |out_tag|. It returns one
+// on success and zero otherwise.
+// This function may be called concurrently with itself or any other seal/open
+// function on the same |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
+// Exactly |in_len| bytes are written to |out|, and up to
+// |EVP_AEAD_max_overhead+extra_in_len| bytes to |out_tag|. On successful
+// return, |*out_tag_len| is set to the actual number of bytes written to
+// |out_tag|.
+// |extra_in| may point to an additional plaintext input buffer if the cipher
+// supports it. If present, |extra_in_len| additional bytes of plaintext are
+// encrypted and authenticated, and the ciphertext is written (before the tag)
+// to |out_tag|. |max_out_tag_len| must be sized to allow for the additional
+// |extra_in_len| bytes.
+// The length of |nonce|, |nonce_len|, must be equal to the result of
+// |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length| for this AEAD.
+// |EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter| never results in a partial output. If
+// |max_out_tag_len| is insufficient, zero will be returned. If any error
+// occurs, |out| and |out_tag| will be filled with zero bytes and |*out_tag_len|
+// set to zero.
+// If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|. |out_tag| may not alias
+// any other argument.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter(
     const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
     uint8_t *out_tag, size_t *out_tag_len, size_t max_out_tag_len,
@@ -295,39 +295,39 @@
     const uint8_t *extra_in, size_t extra_in_len,
     const uint8_t *ad, size_t ad_len);
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_open_gather decrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in|
- * and authenticates |ad_len| bytes from |ad| using |in_tag_len| bytes of
- * authentication tag from |in_tag|. If successful, it writes |in_len| bytes of
- * plaintext to |out|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * This function may be called concurrently with itself or any other seal/open
- * function on the same |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
- *
- * The length of |nonce|, |nonce_len|, must be equal to the result of
- * |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length| for this AEAD.
- *
- * |EVP_AEAD_CTX_open_gather| never results in a partial output. If any error
- * occurs, |out| will be filled with zero bytes.
- *
- * If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_open_gather decrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in|
+// and authenticates |ad_len| bytes from |ad| using |in_tag_len| bytes of
+// authentication tag from |in_tag|. If successful, it writes |in_len| bytes of
+// plaintext to |out|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
+// This function may be called concurrently with itself or any other seal/open
+// function on the same |EVP_AEAD_CTX|.
+// The length of |nonce|, |nonce_len|, must be equal to the result of
+// |EVP_AEAD_nonce_length| for this AEAD.
+// |EVP_AEAD_CTX_open_gather| never results in a partial output. If any error
+// occurs, |out| will be filled with zero bytes.
+// If |in| and |out| alias then |out| must be == |in|.
     const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *nonce,
     size_t nonce_len, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, const uint8_t *in_tag,
     size_t in_tag_len, const uint8_t *ad, size_t ad_len);
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_aead returns the underlying AEAD for |ctx|, or NULL if one has
- * not been set. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_aead returns the underlying AEAD for |ctx|, or NULL if one has
+// not been set.
-/* TLS-specific AEAD algorithms.
- *
- * These AEAD primitives do not meet the definition of generic AEADs. They are
- * all specific to TLS and should not be used outside of that context. They must
- * be initialized with |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction|, are stateful, and may
- * not be used concurrently. Any nonces are used as IVs, so they must be
- * unpredictable. They only accept an |ad| parameter of length 11 (the standard
- * TLS one with length omitted). */
+// TLS-specific AEAD algorithms.
+// These AEAD primitives do not meet the definition of generic AEADs. They are
+// all specific to TLS and should not be used outside of that context. They must
+// be initialized with |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction|, are stateful, and may
+// not be used concurrently. Any nonces are used as IVs, so they must be
+// unpredictable. They only accept an |ad| parameter of length 11 (the standard
+// TLS one with length omitted).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_cbc_sha1_tls(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_cbc_sha1_tls_implicit_iv(void);
@@ -343,22 +343,22 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_null_sha1_tls(void);
-/* EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm_tls12 is AES-128 in Galois Counter Mode using the TLS
- * 1.2 nonce construction. */
+// EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm_tls12 is AES-128 in Galois Counter Mode using the TLS
+// 1.2 nonce construction.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm_tls12(void);
-/* EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm_tls12 is AES-256 in Galois Counter Mode using the TLS
- * 1.2 nonce construction. */
+// EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm_tls12 is AES-256 in Galois Counter Mode using the TLS
+// 1.2 nonce construction.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm_tls12(void);
-/* SSLv3-specific AEAD algorithms.
- *
- * These AEAD primitives do not meet the definition of generic AEADs. They are
- * all specific to SSLv3 and should not be used outside of that context. They
- * must be initialized with |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction|, are stateful,
- * and may not be used concurrently. They only accept an |ad| parameter of
- * length 9 (the standard TLS one with length and version omitted). */
+// SSLv3-specific AEAD algorithms.
+// These AEAD primitives do not meet the definition of generic AEADs. They are
+// all specific to SSLv3 and should not be used outside of that context. They
+// must be initialized with |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction|, are stateful,
+// and may not be used concurrently. They only accept an |ad| parameter of
+// length 9 (the standard TLS one with length and version omitted).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_cbc_sha1_ssl3(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_256_cbc_sha1_ssl3(void);
@@ -366,33 +366,33 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_null_sha1_ssl3(void);
-/* Obscure functions. */
+// Obscure functions.
-/* evp_aead_direction_t denotes the direction of an AEAD operation. */
+// evp_aead_direction_t denotes the direction of an AEAD operation.
 enum evp_aead_direction_t {
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction calls |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init| for normal
- * AEADs. For TLS-specific and SSL3-specific AEADs, it initializes |ctx| for a
- * given direction. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction calls |EVP_AEAD_CTX_init| for normal
+// AEADs. For TLS-specific and SSL3-specific AEADs, it initializes |ctx| for a
+// given direction.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_AEAD_CTX_init_with_direction(
     EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_AEAD *aead, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
     size_t tag_len, enum evp_aead_direction_t dir);
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_get_iv sets |*out_len| to the length of the IV for |ctx| and
- * sets |*out_iv| to point to that many bytes of the current IV. This is only
- * meaningful for AEADs with implicit IVs (i.e. CBC mode in SSLv3 and TLS 1.0).
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_get_iv sets |*out_len| to the length of the IV for |ctx| and
+// sets |*out_iv| to point to that many bytes of the current IV. This is only
+// meaningful for AEADs with implicit IVs (i.e. CBC mode in SSLv3 and TLS 1.0).
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
                                        const uint8_t **out_iv, size_t *out_len);
-/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_tag_len computes the exact byte length of the tag written by
- * |EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter| and writes it to |*out_tag_len|. It returns one
- * on success or zero on error. |in_len| and |extra_in_len| must equal the
- * arguments of the same names passed to |EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter|. */
+// EVP_AEAD_CTX_tag_len computes the exact byte length of the tag written by
+// |EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter| and writes it to |*out_tag_len|. It returns one
+// on success or zero on error. |in_len| and |extra_in_len| must equal the
+// arguments of the same names passed to |EVP_AEAD_CTX_seal_scatter|.
                                         size_t *out_tag_len,
                                         const size_t in_len,
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
 extern "C++" {
@@ -420,4 +420,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_AEAD_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/aes.h b/src/include/openssl/aes.h
index 2aef918..1156585 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/aes.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/aes.h
@@ -56,115 +56,115 @@
-/* Raw AES functions. */
+// Raw AES functions.
 #define AES_ENCRYPT 1
 #define AES_DECRYPT 0
-/* AES_MAXNR is the maximum number of AES rounds. */
+// AES_MAXNR is the maximum number of AES rounds.
 #define AES_MAXNR 14
 #define AES_BLOCK_SIZE 16
-/* aes_key_st should be an opaque type, but EVP requires that the size be
- * known. */
+// aes_key_st should be an opaque type, but EVP requires that the size be
+// known.
 struct aes_key_st {
   uint32_t rd_key[4 * (AES_MAXNR + 1)];
   unsigned rounds;
 typedef struct aes_key_st AES_KEY;
-/* AES_set_encrypt_key configures |aeskey| to encrypt with the |bits|-bit key,
- * |key|.
- *
- * WARNING: unlike other OpenSSL functions, this returns zero on success and a
- * negative number on error. */
+// AES_set_encrypt_key configures |aeskey| to encrypt with the |bits|-bit key,
+// |key|.
+// WARNING: unlike other OpenSSL functions, this returns zero on success and a
+// negative number on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int AES_set_encrypt_key(const uint8_t *key, unsigned bits,
                                        AES_KEY *aeskey);
-/* AES_set_decrypt_key configures |aeskey| to decrypt with the |bits|-bit key,
- * |key|.
- *
- * WARNING: unlike other OpenSSL functions, this returns zero on success and a
- * negative number on error. */
+// AES_set_decrypt_key configures |aeskey| to decrypt with the |bits|-bit key,
+// |key|.
+// WARNING: unlike other OpenSSL functions, this returns zero on success and a
+// negative number on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int AES_set_decrypt_key(const uint8_t *key, unsigned bits,
                                        AES_KEY *aeskey);
-/* AES_encrypt encrypts a single block from |in| to |out| with |key|. The |in|
- * and |out| pointers may overlap. */
+// AES_encrypt encrypts a single block from |in| to |out| with |key|. The |in|
+// and |out| pointers may overlap.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                 const AES_KEY *key);
-/* AES_decrypt decrypts a single block from |in| to |out| with |key|. The |in|
- * and |out| pointers may overlap. */
+// AES_decrypt decrypts a single block from |in| to |out| with |key|. The |in|
+// and |out| pointers may overlap.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_decrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                 const AES_KEY *key);
-/* Block cipher modes. */
+// Block cipher modes.
-/* AES_ctr128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, it's the same in CTR mode) |len|
- * bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
- * first call and |ivec| will be incremented. */
+// AES_ctr128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, it's the same in CTR mode) |len|
+// bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
+// first call and |ivec| will be incremented.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_ctr128_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                        size_t len, const AES_KEY *key,
                                        uint8_t ivec[AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
                                        uint8_t ecount_buf[AES_BLOCK_SIZE],
                                        unsigned int *num);
-/* AES_ecb_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) a single,
- * 16 byte block from |in| to |out|. */
+// AES_ecb_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) a single,
+// 16 byte block from |in| to |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_ecb_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                     const AES_KEY *key, const int enc);
-/* AES_cbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) |len|
- * bytes from |in| to |out|. The length must be a multiple of the block size. */
+// AES_cbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) |len|
+// bytes from |in| to |out|. The length must be a multiple of the block size.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_cbc_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, size_t len,
                                     const AES_KEY *key, uint8_t *ivec,
                                     const int enc);
-/* AES_ofb128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, it's the same in OFB mode) |len|
- * bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
- * first call. */
+// AES_ofb128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, it's the same in OFB mode) |len|
+// bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
+// first call.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_ofb128_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                        size_t len, const AES_KEY *key,
                                        uint8_t *ivec, int *num);
-/* AES_cfb128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) |len|
- * bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
- * first call. */
+// AES_cfb128_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| == |AES_DECRYPT|) |len|
+// bytes from |in| to |out|. The |num| parameter must be set to zero on the
+// first call.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void AES_cfb128_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                        size_t len, const AES_KEY *key,
                                        uint8_t *ivec, int *num, int enc);
-/* AES key wrap.
- *
- * These functions implement AES Key Wrap mode, as defined in RFC 3394. They
- * should never be used except to interoperate with existing systems that use
- * this mode. */
+// AES key wrap.
+// These functions implement AES Key Wrap mode, as defined in RFC 3394. They
+// should never be used except to interoperate with existing systems that use
+// this mode.
-/* AES_wrap_key performs AES key wrap on |in| which must be a multiple of 8
- * bytes. |iv| must point to an 8 byte value or be NULL to use the default IV.
- * |key| must have been configured for encryption. On success, it writes
- * |in_len| + 8 bytes to |out| and returns |in_len| + 8. Otherwise, it returns
- * -1. */
+// AES_wrap_key performs AES key wrap on |in| which must be a multiple of 8
+// bytes. |iv| must point to an 8 byte value or be NULL to use the default IV.
+// |key| must have been configured for encryption. On success, it writes
+// |in_len| + 8 bytes to |out| and returns |in_len| + 8. Otherwise, it returns
+// -1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int AES_wrap_key(const AES_KEY *key, const uint8_t *iv,
                                 uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
-/* AES_unwrap_key performs AES key unwrap on |in| which must be a multiple of 8
- * bytes. |iv| must point to an 8 byte value or be NULL to use the default IV.
- * |key| must have been configured for decryption. On success, it writes
- * |in_len| - 8 bytes to |out| and returns |in_len| - 8. Otherwise, it returns
- * -1. */
+// AES_unwrap_key performs AES key unwrap on |in| which must be a multiple of 8
+// bytes. |iv| must point to an 8 byte value or be NULL to use the default IV.
+// |key| must have been configured for decryption. On success, it writes
+// |in_len| - 8 bytes to |out| and returns |in_len| - 8. Otherwise, it returns
+// -1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int AES_unwrap_key(const AES_KEY *key, const uint8_t *iv,
                                   uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in,
                                   size_t in_len);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_AES_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/arm_arch.h b/src/include/openssl/arm_arch.h
index e7010f4..faa2655 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/arm_arch.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/arm_arch.h
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@
 #    else
 #      define __ARMEL__
 #    endif
-  /* Why doesn't gcc define __ARM_ARCH__? Instead it defines
-   * bunch of below macros. See all_architectires[] table in
-   * gcc/config/arm/arm.c. On a side note it defines
-   * __ARMEL__/__ARMEB__ for little-/big-endian. */
+  // Why doesn't gcc define __ARM_ARCH__? Instead it defines
+  // bunch of below macros. See all_architectires[] table in
+  // gcc/config/arm/arm.c. On a side note it defines
+  // __ARMEL__/__ARMEB__ for little-/big-endian.
 #  elif	defined(__ARM_ARCH)
 #    define __ARM_ARCH__ __ARM_ARCH
 #  elif	defined(__ARM_ARCH_8A__)
@@ -98,24 +98,24 @@
 # endif
-/* Even when building for 32-bit ARM, support for aarch64 crypto instructions
- * will be included. */
+// Even when building for 32-bit ARM, support for aarch64 crypto instructions
+// will be included.
 #define __ARM_MAX_ARCH__ 8
-/* ARMV7_NEON is true when a NEON unit is present in the current CPU. */
+// ARMV7_NEON is true when a NEON unit is present in the current CPU.
 #define ARMV7_NEON (1 << 0)
-/* ARMV8_AES indicates support for hardware AES instructions. */
+// ARMV8_AES indicates support for hardware AES instructions.
 #define ARMV8_AES (1 << 2)
-/* ARMV8_SHA1 indicates support for hardware SHA-1 instructions. */
+// ARMV8_SHA1 indicates support for hardware SHA-1 instructions.
 #define ARMV8_SHA1 (1 << 3)
-/* ARMV8_SHA256 indicates support for hardware SHA-256 instructions. */
+// ARMV8_SHA256 indicates support for hardware SHA-256 instructions.
 #define ARMV8_SHA256 (1 << 4)
-/* ARMV8_PMULL indicates support for carryless multiplication. */
+// ARMV8_PMULL indicates support for carryless multiplication.
 #define ARMV8_PMULL (1 << 5)
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/base.h b/src/include/openssl/base.h
index 6b43c76..a796c73 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/base.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/base.h
@@ -54,20 +54,20 @@
-/* This file should be the first included by all BoringSSL headers. */
+// This file should be the first included by all BoringSSL headers.
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #if defined(__MINGW32__)
-/* stdio.h is needed on MinGW for __MINGW_PRINTF_FORMAT. */
+// stdio.h is needed on MinGW for __MINGW_PRINTF_FORMAT.
 #include <stdio.h>
-/* Include a BoringSSL-only header so consumers including this header without
- * setting up include paths do not accidentally pick up the system
- * opensslconf.h. */
+// Include a BoringSSL-only header so consumers including this header without
+// setting up include paths do not accidentally pick up the system
+// opensslconf.h.
 #include <openssl/is_boringssl.h>
 #include <openssl/opensslconf.h>
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 #elif defined(__myriad2__)
 #define OPENSSL_32_BIT
-/* Note BoringSSL only supports standard 32-bit and 64-bit two's-complement,
- * little-endian architectures. Functions will not produce the correct answer
- * on other systems. Run the crypto_test binary, notably
- * crypto/compiler_test.cc, before adding a new architecture. */
+// Note BoringSSL only supports standard 32-bit and 64-bit two's-complement,
+// little-endian architectures. Functions will not produce the correct answer
+// on other systems. Run the crypto_test binary, notably
+// crypto/compiler_test.cc, before adding a new architecture.
 #error "Unknown target CPU"
@@ -136,19 +136,17 @@
-#define BORINGSSL_201512
-#define BORINGSSL_201603
 #define OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER 0x100020af
-/* BORINGSSL_API_VERSION is a positive integer that increments as BoringSSL
- * changes over time. The value itself is not meaningful. It will be incremented
- * whenever is convenient to coordinate an API change with consumers. This will
- * not denote any special point in development.
- *
- * A consumer may use this symbol in the preprocessor to temporarily build
- * against multiple revisions of BoringSSL at the same time. It is not
- * recommended to do so for longer than is necessary. */
+// BORINGSSL_API_VERSION is a positive integer that increments as BoringSSL
+// changes over time. The value itself is not meaningful. It will be incremented
+// whenever is convenient to coordinate an API change with consumers. This will
+// not denote any special point in development.
+// A consumer may use this symbol in the preprocessor to temporarily build
+// against multiple revisions of BoringSSL at the same time. It is not
+// recommended to do so for longer than is necessary.
@@ -161,7 +159,7 @@
 #define OPENSSL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-#else  /* defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS) */
+#else  // defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
 #define OPENSSL_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
@@ -169,19 +167,19 @@
-#endif  /* defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS) */
+#endif  // defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
-#else  /* defined(BORINGSSL_SHARED_LIBRARY) */
+#else  // defined(BORINGSSL_SHARED_LIBRARY)
-#endif  /* defined(BORINGSSL_SHARED_LIBRARY) */
+#endif  // defined(BORINGSSL_SHARED_LIBRARY)
 #if defined(__GNUC__)
-/* MinGW has two different printf implementations. Ensure the format macro
- * matches the selected implementation. See
- * https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/wiki2/gnu%20printf/. */
+// MinGW has two different printf implementations. Ensure the format macro
+// matches the selected implementation. See
+// https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/wiki2/gnu%20printf/.
 #if defined(__MINGW_PRINTF_FORMAT)
 #define OPENSSL_PRINTF_FORMAT_FUNC(string_index, first_to_check) \
   __attribute__(                                                 \
@@ -194,7 +192,7 @@
 #define OPENSSL_PRINTF_FORMAT_FUNC(string_index, first_to_check)
-/* OPENSSL_MSVC_PRAGMA emits a pragma on MSVC and nothing on other compilers. */
+// OPENSSL_MSVC_PRAGMA emits a pragma on MSVC and nothing on other compilers.
 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
 #define OPENSSL_MSVC_PRAGMA(arg) __pragma(arg)
@@ -221,7 +219,7 @@
-/* CRYPTO_THREADID is a dummy value. */
+// CRYPTO_THREADID is a dummy value.
 typedef int CRYPTO_THREADID;
 typedef int ASN1_BOOLEAN;
@@ -343,7 +341,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #elif !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
@@ -443,8 +441,8 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
 #endif  // !BORINGSSL_NO_CXX
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_BASE_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/base64.h b/src/include/openssl/base64.h
index 4bf3888..ef76088 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/base64.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/base64.h
@@ -64,124 +64,124 @@
-/* base64 functions.
- *
- * For historical reasons, these functions have the EVP_ prefix but just do
- * base64 encoding and decoding. */
+// base64 functions.
+// For historical reasons, these functions have the EVP_ prefix but just do
+// base64 encoding and decoding.
-/* Encoding */
+// Encoding
-/* EVP_EncodeBlock encodes |src_len| bytes from |src| and writes the
- * result to |dst| with a trailing NUL. It returns the number of bytes
- * written, not including this trailing NUL. */
+// EVP_EncodeBlock encodes |src_len| bytes from |src| and writes the
+// result to |dst| with a trailing NUL. It returns the number of bytes
+// written, not including this trailing NUL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_EncodeBlock(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
                                       size_t src_len);
-/* EVP_EncodedLength sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes that will be needed
- * to call |EVP_EncodeBlock| on an input of length |len|. This includes the
- * final NUL that |EVP_EncodeBlock| writes. It returns one on success or zero
- * on error. */
+// EVP_EncodedLength sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes that will be needed
+// to call |EVP_EncodeBlock| on an input of length |len|. This includes the
+// final NUL that |EVP_EncodeBlock| writes. It returns one on success or zero
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_EncodedLength(size_t *out_len, size_t len);
-/* Decoding */
+// Decoding
-/* EVP_DecodedLength sets |*out_len| to the maximum number of bytes that will
- * be needed to call |EVP_DecodeBase64| on an input of length |len|. It returns
- * one on success or zero if |len| is not a valid length for a base64-encoded
- * string. */
+// EVP_DecodedLength sets |*out_len| to the maximum number of bytes that will
+// be needed to call |EVP_DecodeBase64| on an input of length |len|. It returns
+// one on success or zero if |len| is not a valid length for a base64-encoded
+// string.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DecodedLength(size_t *out_len, size_t len);
-/* EVP_DecodeBase64 decodes |in_len| bytes from base64 and writes
- * |*out_len| bytes to |out|. |max_out| is the size of the output
- * buffer. If it is not enough for the maximum output size, the
- * operation fails. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_DecodeBase64 decodes |in_len| bytes from base64 and writes
+// |*out_len| bytes to |out|. |max_out| is the size of the output
+// buffer. If it is not enough for the maximum output size, the
+// operation fails. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DecodeBase64(uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len,
                                     size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in,
                                     size_t in_len);
-/* Deprecated functions.
- *
- * OpenSSL provides a streaming base64 implementation, however its behavior is
- * very specific to PEM. It is also very lenient of invalid input. Use of any of
- * these functions is thus deprecated. */
+// Deprecated functions.
+// OpenSSL provides a streaming base64 implementation, however its behavior is
+// very specific to PEM. It is also very lenient of invalid input. Use of any of
+// these functions is thus deprecated.
-/* EVP_EncodeInit initialises |*ctx|, which is typically stack
- * allocated, for an encoding operation.
- *
- * NOTE: The encoding operation breaks its output with newlines every
- * 64 characters of output (48 characters of input). Use
- * EVP_EncodeBlock to encode raw base64. */
+// EVP_EncodeInit initialises |*ctx|, which is typically stack
+// allocated, for an encoding operation.
+// NOTE: The encoding operation breaks its output with newlines every
+// 64 characters of output (48 characters of input). Use
+// EVP_EncodeBlock to encode raw base64.
-/* EVP_EncodeUpdate encodes |in_len| bytes from |in| and writes an encoded
- * version of them to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written.
- * Some state may be contained in |ctx| so |EVP_EncodeFinal| must be used to
- * flush it before using the encoded data. */
+// EVP_EncodeUpdate encodes |in_len| bytes from |in| and writes an encoded
+// version of them to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written.
+// Some state may be contained in |ctx| so |EVP_EncodeFinal| must be used to
+// flush it before using the encoded data.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EVP_EncodeUpdate(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                      int *out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                      size_t in_len);
-/* EVP_EncodeFinal flushes any remaining output bytes from |ctx| to |out| and
- * sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. */
+// EVP_EncodeFinal flushes any remaining output bytes from |ctx| to |out| and
+// sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EVP_EncodeFinal(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                     int *out_len);
-/* EVP_DecodeInit initialises |*ctx|, which is typically stack allocated, for
- * a decoding operation.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): This isn't a straight-up base64 decode either. Document
- * and/or fix exactly what's going on here; maximum line length and such. */
+// EVP_DecodeInit initialises |*ctx|, which is typically stack allocated, for
+// a decoding operation.
+// TODO(davidben): This isn't a straight-up base64 decode either. Document
+// and/or fix exactly what's going on here; maximum line length and such.
-/* EVP_DecodeUpdate decodes |in_len| bytes from |in| and writes the decoded
- * data to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. Some state
- * may be contained in |ctx| so |EVP_DecodeFinal| must be used to flush it
- * before using the encoded data.
- *
- * It returns -1 on error, one if a full line of input was processed and zero
- * if the line was short (i.e. it was the last line). */
+// EVP_DecodeUpdate decodes |in_len| bytes from |in| and writes the decoded
+// data to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. Some state
+// may be contained in |ctx| so |EVP_DecodeFinal| must be used to flush it
+// before using the encoded data.
+// It returns -1 on error, one if a full line of input was processed and zero
+// if the line was short (i.e. it was the last line).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DecodeUpdate(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                     int *out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                     size_t in_len);
-/* EVP_DecodeFinal flushes any remaining output bytes from |ctx| to |out| and
- * sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. It returns one on success
- * and minus one on error. */
+// EVP_DecodeFinal flushes any remaining output bytes from |ctx| to |out| and
+// sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. It returns one on success
+// and minus one on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DecodeFinal(EVP_ENCODE_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                    int *out_len);
-/* EVP_DecodeBlock encodes |src_len| bytes from |src| and writes the result to
- * |dst|. It returns the number of bytes written or -1 on error.
- *
- * WARNING: EVP_DecodeBlock's return value does not take padding into
- * account. It also strips leading whitespace and trailing
- * whitespace and minuses. */
+// EVP_DecodeBlock encodes |src_len| bytes from |src| and writes the result to
+// |dst|. It returns the number of bytes written or -1 on error.
+// WARNING: EVP_DecodeBlock's return value does not take padding into
+// account. It also strips leading whitespace and trailing
+// whitespace and minuses.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DecodeBlock(uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src,
                                    size_t src_len);
 struct evp_encode_ctx_st {
-  /* data_used indicates the number of bytes of |data| that are valid. When
-   * encoding, |data| will be filled and encoded as a lump. When decoding, only
-   * the first four bytes of |data| will be used. */
+  // data_used indicates the number of bytes of |data| that are valid. When
+  // encoding, |data| will be filled and encoded as a lump. When decoding, only
+  // the first four bytes of |data| will be used.
   unsigned data_used;
   uint8_t data[48];
-  /* eof_seen indicates that the end of the base64 data has been seen when
-   * decoding. Only whitespace can follow. */
+  // eof_seen indicates that the end of the base64 data has been seen when
+  // decoding. Only whitespace can follow.
   char eof_seen;
-  /* error_encountered indicates that invalid base64 data was found. This will
-   * cause all future calls to fail. */
+  // error_encountered indicates that invalid base64 data was found. This will
+  // cause all future calls to fail.
   char error_encountered;
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_BASE64_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/bio.h b/src/include/openssl/bio.h
index 9a80cd5..095ac75 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/bio.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/bio.h
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
 #include <openssl/base.h>
-#include <stdio.h>  /* For FILE */
+#include <stdio.h>  // For FILE
 #include <openssl/buffer.h>
-#include <openssl/err.h> /* for ERR_print_errors_fp */
+#include <openssl/err.h>  // for ERR_print_errors_fp
 #include <openssl/ex_data.h>
 #include <openssl/stack.h>
 #include <openssl/thread.h>
@@ -72,494 +72,481 @@
-/* BIO abstracts over a file-descriptor like interface. */
+// BIO abstracts over a file-descriptor like interface.
-/* Allocation and freeing. */
+// Allocation and freeing.
-/* BIO_new creates a new BIO with the given method and a reference count of one.
- * It returns the fresh |BIO|, or NULL on error. */
+// BIO_new creates a new BIO with the given method and a reference count of one.
+// It returns the fresh |BIO|, or NULL on error.
-/* BIO_free decrements the reference count of |bio|. If the reference count
- * drops to zero, it (optionally) calls the BIO's callback with |BIO_CB_FREE|,
- * frees the ex_data and then, if the BIO has a destroy callback for the
- * method, calls it. Finally it frees |bio| itself. It then repeats that for
- * the next BIO in the chain, if any.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_free decrements the reference count of |bio|. If the reference count
+// drops to zero, it calls the destroy callback, if present, on the method and
+// frees |bio| itself. It then repeats that for the next BIO in the chain, if
+// any.
+// It returns one on success or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_free(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_vfree performs the same actions as |BIO_free|, but has a void return
- * value. This is provided for API-compat.
- *
- * TODO(fork): remove. */
+// BIO_vfree performs the same actions as |BIO_free|, but has a void return
+// value. This is provided for API-compat.
+// TODO(fork): remove.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_vfree(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_up_ref increments the reference count of |bio| and returns one. */
+// BIO_up_ref increments the reference count of |bio| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_up_ref(BIO *bio);
-/* Basic I/O. */
+// Basic I/O.
-/* BIO_read attempts to read |len| bytes into |data|. It returns the number of
- * bytes read, zero on EOF, or a negative number on error. */
+// BIO_read attempts to read |len| bytes into |data|. It returns the number of
+// bytes read, zero on EOF, or a negative number on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_read(BIO *bio, void *data, int len);
-/* BIO_gets "reads a line" from |bio| and puts at most |size| bytes into |buf|.
- * It returns the number of bytes read or a negative number on error. The
- * phrase "reads a line" is in quotes in the previous sentence because the
- * exact operation depends on the BIO's method. For example, a digest BIO will
- * return the digest in response to a |BIO_gets| call.
- *
- * TODO(fork): audit the set of BIOs that we end up needing. If all actually
- * return a line for this call, remove the warning above. */
+// BIO_gets "reads a line" from |bio| and puts at most |size| bytes into |buf|.
+// It returns the number of bytes read or a negative number on error. The
+// phrase "reads a line" is in quotes in the previous sentence because the
+// exact operation depends on the BIO's method. For example, a digest BIO will
+// return the digest in response to a |BIO_gets| call.
+// TODO(fork): audit the set of BIOs that we end up needing. If all actually
+// return a line for this call, remove the warning above.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_gets(BIO *bio, char *buf, int size);
-/* BIO_write writes |len| bytes from |data| to BIO. It returns the number of
- * bytes written or a negative number on error. */
+// BIO_write writes |len| bytes from |data| to BIO. It returns the number of
+// bytes written or a negative number on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_write(BIO *bio, const void *data, int len);
-/* BIO_puts writes a NUL terminated string from |buf| to |bio|. It returns the
- * number of bytes written or a negative number on error. */
+// BIO_puts writes a NUL terminated string from |buf| to |bio|. It returns the
+// number of bytes written or a negative number on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_puts(BIO *bio, const char *buf);
-/* BIO_flush flushes any buffered output. It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// BIO_flush flushes any buffered output. It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_flush(BIO *bio);
-/* Low-level control functions.
- *
- * These are generic functions for sending control requests to a BIO. In
- * general one should use the wrapper functions like |BIO_get_close|. */
+// Low-level control functions.
+// These are generic functions for sending control requests to a BIO. In
+// general one should use the wrapper functions like |BIO_get_close|.
-/* BIO_ctrl sends the control request |cmd| to |bio|. The |cmd| argument should
- * be one of the |BIO_C_*| values. */
+// BIO_ctrl sends the control request |cmd| to |bio|. The |cmd| argument should
+// be one of the |BIO_C_*| values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT long BIO_ctrl(BIO *bio, int cmd, long larg, void *parg);
-/* BIO_ptr_ctrl acts like |BIO_ctrl| but passes the address of a |void*|
- * pointer as |parg| and returns the value that is written to it, or NULL if
- * the control request returns <= 0. */
+// BIO_ptr_ctrl acts like |BIO_ctrl| but passes the address of a |void*|
+// pointer as |parg| and returns the value that is written to it, or NULL if
+// the control request returns <= 0.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *BIO_ptr_ctrl(BIO *bp, int cmd, long larg);
-/* BIO_int_ctrl acts like |BIO_ctrl| but passes the address of a copy of |iarg|
- * as |parg|. */
+// BIO_int_ctrl acts like |BIO_ctrl| but passes the address of a copy of |iarg|
+// as |parg|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT long BIO_int_ctrl(BIO *bp, int cmd, long larg, int iarg);
-/* BIO_reset resets |bio| to its initial state, the precise meaning of which
- * depends on the concrete type of |bio|. It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// BIO_reset resets |bio| to its initial state, the precise meaning of which
+// depends on the concrete type of |bio|. It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_reset(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_eof returns non-zero when |bio| has reached end-of-file. The precise
- * meaning of which depends on the concrete type of |bio|. Note that in the
- * case of BIO_pair this always returns non-zero. */
+// BIO_eof returns non-zero when |bio| has reached end-of-file. The precise
+// meaning of which depends on the concrete type of |bio|. Note that in the
+// case of BIO_pair this always returns non-zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_eof(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_set_flags ORs |flags| with |bio->flags|. */
+// BIO_set_flags ORs |flags| with |bio->flags|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_set_flags(BIO *bio, int flags);
-/* BIO_test_flags returns |bio->flags| AND |flags|. */
+// BIO_test_flags returns |bio->flags| AND |flags|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_test_flags(const BIO *bio, int flags);
-/* BIO_should_read returns non-zero if |bio| encountered a temporary error
- * while reading (i.e. EAGAIN), indicating that the caller should retry the
- * read. */
+// BIO_should_read returns non-zero if |bio| encountered a temporary error
+// while reading (i.e. EAGAIN), indicating that the caller should retry the
+// read.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_should_read(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_should_write returns non-zero if |bio| encountered a temporary error
- * while writing (i.e. EAGAIN), indicating that the caller should retry the
- * write. */
+// BIO_should_write returns non-zero if |bio| encountered a temporary error
+// while writing (i.e. EAGAIN), indicating that the caller should retry the
+// write.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_should_write(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_should_retry returns non-zero if the reason that caused a failed I/O
- * operation is temporary and thus the operation should be retried. Otherwise,
- * it was a permanent error and it returns zero. */
+// BIO_should_retry returns non-zero if the reason that caused a failed I/O
+// operation is temporary and thus the operation should be retried. Otherwise,
+// it was a permanent error and it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_should_retry(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_should_io_special returns non-zero if |bio| encountered a temporary
- * error while performing a special I/O operation, indicating that the caller
- * should retry. The operation that caused the error is returned by
- * |BIO_get_retry_reason|. */
+// BIO_should_io_special returns non-zero if |bio| encountered a temporary
+// error while performing a special I/O operation, indicating that the caller
+// should retry. The operation that caused the error is returned by
+// |BIO_get_retry_reason|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_should_io_special(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_RR_CONNECT indicates that a connect would have blocked */
+// BIO_RR_CONNECT indicates that a connect would have blocked
 #define BIO_RR_CONNECT 0x02
-/* BIO_RR_ACCEPT indicates that an accept would have blocked */
+// BIO_RR_ACCEPT indicates that an accept would have blocked
 #define BIO_RR_ACCEPT 0x03
-/* BIO_get_retry_reason returns the special I/O operation that needs to be
- * retried. The return value is one of the |BIO_RR_*| values. */
+// BIO_get_retry_reason returns the special I/O operation that needs to be
+// retried. The return value is one of the |BIO_RR_*| values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_get_retry_reason(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_clear_flags ANDs |bio->flags| with the bitwise-complement of |flags|. */
+// BIO_clear_flags ANDs |bio->flags| with the bitwise-complement of |flags|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_clear_flags(BIO *bio, int flags);
-/* BIO_set_retry_read sets the |BIO_FLAGS_READ| and |BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY|
- * flags on |bio|. */
+// BIO_set_retry_read sets the |BIO_FLAGS_READ| and |BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY|
+// flags on |bio|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_set_retry_read(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_set_retry_write sets the |BIO_FLAGS_WRITE| and |BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY|
- * flags on |bio|. */
+// BIO_set_retry_write sets the |BIO_FLAGS_WRITE| and |BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY|
+// flags on |bio|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_set_retry_write(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_get_retry_flags gets the |BIO_FLAGS_READ|, |BIO_FLAGS_WRITE|,
- * |BIO_FLAGS_IO_SPECIAL| and |BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY| flags from |bio|. */
+// BIO_get_retry_flags gets the |BIO_FLAGS_READ|, |BIO_FLAGS_WRITE|,
+// |BIO_FLAGS_IO_SPECIAL| and |BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY| flags from |bio|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_get_retry_flags(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_clear_retry_flags clears the |BIO_FLAGS_READ|, |BIO_FLAGS_WRITE|,
- * |BIO_FLAGS_IO_SPECIAL| and |BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY| flags from |bio|. */
+// BIO_clear_retry_flags clears the |BIO_FLAGS_READ|, |BIO_FLAGS_WRITE|,
+// |BIO_FLAGS_IO_SPECIAL| and |BIO_FLAGS_SHOULD_RETRY| flags from |bio|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_clear_retry_flags(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_method_type returns the type of |bio|, which is one of the |BIO_TYPE_*|
- * values. */
+// BIO_method_type returns the type of |bio|, which is one of the |BIO_TYPE_*|
+// values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_method_type(const BIO *bio);
-/* bio_info_cb is the type of a callback function that can be called for most
- * BIO operations. The |event| argument is one of |BIO_CB_*| and can be ORed
- * with |BIO_CB_RETURN| if the callback is being made after the operation in
- * question. In that case, |return_value| will contain the return value from
- * the operation. */
+// bio_info_cb is the type of a callback function that can be called for most
+// BIO operations. The |event| argument is one of |BIO_CB_*| and can be ORed
+// with |BIO_CB_RETURN| if the callback is being made after the operation in
+// question. In that case, |return_value| will contain the return value from
+// the operation.
 typedef long (*bio_info_cb)(BIO *bio, int event, const char *parg, int cmd,
                             long larg, long return_value);
-/* BIO_callback_ctrl allows the callback function to be manipulated. The |cmd|
- * arg will generally be |BIO_CTRL_SET_CALLBACK| but arbitrary command values
- * can be interpreted by the |BIO|. */
+// BIO_callback_ctrl allows the callback function to be manipulated. The |cmd|
+// arg will generally be |BIO_CTRL_SET_CALLBACK| but arbitrary command values
+// can be interpreted by the |BIO|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT long BIO_callback_ctrl(BIO *bio, int cmd, bio_info_cb fp);
-/* BIO_pending returns the number of bytes pending to be read. */
+// BIO_pending returns the number of bytes pending to be read.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BIO_pending(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_ctrl_pending calls |BIO_pending| and exists only for compatibility with
- * OpenSSL. */
+// BIO_ctrl_pending calls |BIO_pending| and exists only for compatibility with
+// OpenSSL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BIO_ctrl_pending(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_wpending returns the number of bytes pending to be written. */
+// BIO_wpending returns the number of bytes pending to be written.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BIO_wpending(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_set_close sets the close flag for |bio|. The meaning of which depends on
- * the type of |bio| but, for example, a memory BIO interprets the close flag
- * as meaning that it owns its buffer. It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// BIO_set_close sets the close flag for |bio|. The meaning of which depends on
+// the type of |bio| but, for example, a memory BIO interprets the close flag
+// as meaning that it owns its buffer. It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_close(BIO *bio, int close_flag);
-/* BIO_set_callback sets a callback function that will be called before and
- * after most operations. See the comment above |bio_info_cb|. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_set_callback(BIO *bio, bio_info_cb callback_func);
-/* BIO_set_callback_arg sets the opaque pointer value that can be read within a
- * callback with |BIO_get_callback_arg|. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_set_callback_arg(BIO *bio, char *arg);
-/* BIO_get_callback_arg returns the last value of the opaque callback pointer
- * set by |BIO_set_callback_arg|. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT char *BIO_get_callback_arg(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_number_read returns the number of bytes that have been read from
- * |bio|. */
+// BIO_number_read returns the number of bytes that have been read from
+// |bio|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BIO_number_read(const BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_number_written returns the number of bytes that have been written to
- * |bio|. */
+// BIO_number_written returns the number of bytes that have been written to
+// |bio|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BIO_number_written(const BIO *bio);
-/* Managing chains of BIOs.
- *
- * BIOs can be put into chains where the output of one is used as the input of
- * the next etc. The most common case is a buffering BIO, which accepts and
- * buffers writes until flushed into the next BIO in the chain. */
+// Managing chains of BIOs.
+// BIOs can be put into chains where the output of one is used as the input of
+// the next etc. The most common case is a buffering BIO, which accepts and
+// buffers writes until flushed into the next BIO in the chain.
-/* BIO_push adds |appended_bio| to the end of the chain with |bio| at the head.
- * It returns |bio|. Note that |appended_bio| may be the head of a chain itself
- * and thus this function can be used to join two chains.
- *
- * BIO_push takes ownership of the caller's reference to |appended_bio|. */
+// BIO_push adds |appended_bio| to the end of the chain with |bio| at the head.
+// It returns |bio|. Note that |appended_bio| may be the head of a chain itself
+// and thus this function can be used to join two chains.
+// BIO_push takes ownership of the caller's reference to |appended_bio|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *BIO_push(BIO *bio, BIO *appended_bio);
-/* BIO_pop removes |bio| from the head of a chain and returns the next BIO in
- * the chain, or NULL if there is no next BIO.
- *
- * The caller takes ownership of the chain's reference to |bio|. */
+// BIO_pop removes |bio| from the head of a chain and returns the next BIO in
+// the chain, or NULL if there is no next BIO.
+// The caller takes ownership of the chain's reference to |bio|.
-/* BIO_next returns the next BIO in the chain after |bio|, or NULL if there is
- * no such BIO. */
+// BIO_next returns the next BIO in the chain after |bio|, or NULL if there is
+// no such BIO.
-/* BIO_free_all calls |BIO_free|.
- *
- * TODO(fork): update callers and remove. */
+// BIO_free_all calls |BIO_free|.
+// TODO(fork): update callers and remove.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_free_all(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_find_type walks a chain of BIOs and returns the first that matches
- * |type|, which is one of the |BIO_TYPE_*| values. */
+// BIO_find_type walks a chain of BIOs and returns the first that matches
+// |type|, which is one of the |BIO_TYPE_*| values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *BIO_find_type(BIO *bio, int type);
-/* BIO_copy_next_retry sets the retry flags and |retry_reason| of |bio| from
- * the next BIO in the chain. */
+// BIO_copy_next_retry sets the retry flags and |retry_reason| of |bio| from
+// the next BIO in the chain.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_copy_next_retry(BIO *bio);
-/* Printf functions. */
+// Printf functions.
-/* BIO_printf behaves like |printf| but outputs to |bio| rather than a |FILE|.
- * It returns the number of bytes written or a negative number on error. */
+// BIO_printf behaves like |printf| but outputs to |bio| rather than a |FILE|.
+// It returns the number of bytes written or a negative number on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_printf(BIO *bio, const char *format, ...)
-/* Utility functions. */
+// Utility functions.
-/* BIO_indent prints min(|indent|, |max_indent|) spaces. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_indent prints min(|indent|, |max_indent|) spaces. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_indent(BIO *bio, unsigned indent, unsigned max_indent);
-/* BIO_hexdump writes a hex dump of |data| to |bio|. Each line will be indented
- * by |indent| spaces. */
+// BIO_hexdump writes a hex dump of |data| to |bio|. Each line will be indented
+// by |indent| spaces.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_hexdump(BIO *bio, const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
                                unsigned indent);
-/* ERR_print_errors prints the current contents of the error stack to |bio|
- * using human readable strings where possible. */
+// ERR_print_errors prints the current contents of the error stack to |bio|
+// using human readable strings where possible.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_print_errors(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_read_asn1 reads a single ASN.1 object from |bio|. If successful it sets
- * |*out| to be an allocated buffer (that should be freed with |OPENSSL_free|),
- * |*out_size| to the length, in bytes, of that buffer and returns one.
- * Otherwise it returns zero.
- *
- * If the length of the object is greater than |max_len| or 2^32 then the
- * function will fail. Long-form tags are not supported. If the length of the
- * object is indefinite the full contents of |bio| are read, unless it would be
- * greater than |max_len|, in which case the function fails.
- *
- * If the function fails then some unknown amount of data may have been read
- * from |bio|. */
+// BIO_read_asn1 reads a single ASN.1 object from |bio|. If successful it sets
+// |*out| to be an allocated buffer (that should be freed with |OPENSSL_free|),
+// |*out_size| to the length, in bytes, of that buffer and returns one.
+// Otherwise it returns zero.
+// If the length of the object is greater than |max_len| or 2^32 then the
+// function will fail. Long-form tags are not supported. If the length of the
+// object is indefinite the full contents of |bio| are read, unless it would be
+// greater than |max_len|, in which case the function fails.
+// If the function fails then some unknown amount of data may have been read
+// from |bio|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_read_asn1(BIO *bio, uint8_t **out, size_t *out_len,
                                  size_t max_len);
-/* Memory BIOs.
- *
- * Memory BIOs can be used as a read-only source (with |BIO_new_mem_buf|) or a
- * writable sink (with |BIO_new|, |BIO_s_mem| and |BIO_get_mem_buf|). Data
- * written to a writable, memory BIO can be recalled by reading from it.
- *
- * Calling |BIO_reset| on a read-only BIO resets it to the original contents.
- * On a writable BIO, it clears any data.
- *
- * If the close flag is set to |BIO_NOCLOSE| (not the default) then the
- * underlying |BUF_MEM| will not be freed when the |BIO| is freed.
- *
- * Memory BIOs support |BIO_gets| and |BIO_puts|.
- *
- * |BIO_ctrl_pending| returns the number of bytes currently stored. */
+// Memory BIOs.
+// Memory BIOs can be used as a read-only source (with |BIO_new_mem_buf|) or a
+// writable sink (with |BIO_new|, |BIO_s_mem| and |BIO_get_mem_buf|). Data
+// written to a writable, memory BIO can be recalled by reading from it.
+// Calling |BIO_reset| on a read-only BIO resets it to the original contents.
+// On a writable BIO, it clears any data.
+// If the close flag is set to |BIO_NOCLOSE| (not the default) then the
+// underlying |BUF_MEM| will not be freed when the |BIO| is freed.
+// Memory BIOs support |BIO_gets| and |BIO_puts|.
+// |BIO_ctrl_pending| returns the number of bytes currently stored.
-/* BIO_s_mem returns a |BIO_METHOD| that uses a in-memory buffer. */
+// BIO_s_mem returns a |BIO_METHOD| that uses a in-memory buffer.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_mem(void);
-/* BIO_new_mem_buf creates read-only BIO that reads from |len| bytes at |buf|.
- * It does not take ownership of |buf|. It returns the BIO or NULL on error.
- *
- * If |len| is negative, then |buf| is treated as a NUL-terminated string, but
- * don't depend on this in new code. */
+// BIO_new_mem_buf creates read-only BIO that reads from |len| bytes at |buf|.
+// It does not take ownership of |buf|. It returns the BIO or NULL on error.
+// If |len| is negative, then |buf| is treated as a NUL-terminated string, but
+// don't depend on this in new code.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *BIO_new_mem_buf(const void *buf, int len);
-/* BIO_mem_contents sets |*out_contents| to point to the current contents of
- * |bio| and |*out_len| to contain the length of that data. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_mem_contents sets |*out_contents| to point to the current contents of
+// |bio| and |*out_len| to contain the length of that data. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_mem_contents(const BIO *bio,
                                     const uint8_t **out_contents,
                                     size_t *out_len);
-/* BIO_get_mem_data sets |*contents| to point to the current contents of |bio|
- * and returns the length of the data.
- *
- * WARNING: don't use this, use |BIO_mem_contents|. A return value of zero from
- * this function can mean either that it failed or that the memory buffer is
- * empty. */
+// BIO_get_mem_data sets |*contents| to point to the current contents of |bio|
+// and returns the length of the data.
+// WARNING: don't use this, use |BIO_mem_contents|. A return value of zero from
+// this function can mean either that it failed or that the memory buffer is
+// empty.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT long BIO_get_mem_data(BIO *bio, char **contents);
-/* BIO_get_mem_ptr sets |*out| to a BUF_MEM containing the current contents of
- * |bio|. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// BIO_get_mem_ptr sets |*out| to a BUF_MEM containing the current contents of
+// |bio|. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_get_mem_ptr(BIO *bio, BUF_MEM **out);
-/* BIO_set_mem_buf sets |b| as the contents of |bio|. If |take_ownership| is
- * non-zero, then |b| will be freed when |bio| is closed. Returns one on
- * success or zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_set_mem_buf sets |b| as the contents of |bio|. If |take_ownership| is
+// non-zero, then |b| will be freed when |bio| is closed. Returns one on
+// success or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_mem_buf(BIO *bio, BUF_MEM *b, int take_ownership);
-/* BIO_set_mem_eof_return sets the value that will be returned from reading
- * |bio| when empty. If |eof_value| is zero then an empty memory BIO will
- * return EOF (that is it will return zero and |BIO_should_retry| will be
- * false). If |eof_value| is non zero then it will return |eof_value| when it
- * is empty and it will set the read retry flag (that is |BIO_read_retry| is
- * true). To avoid ambiguity with a normal positive return value, |eof_value|
- * should be set to a negative value, typically -1.
- *
- * For a read-only BIO, the default is zero (EOF). For a writable BIO, the
- * default is -1 so that additional data can be written once exhausted. */
+// BIO_set_mem_eof_return sets the value that will be returned from reading
+// |bio| when empty. If |eof_value| is zero then an empty memory BIO will
+// return EOF (that is it will return zero and |BIO_should_retry| will be
+// false). If |eof_value| is non zero then it will return |eof_value| when it
+// is empty and it will set the read retry flag (that is |BIO_read_retry| is
+// true). To avoid ambiguity with a normal positive return value, |eof_value|
+// should be set to a negative value, typically -1.
+// For a read-only BIO, the default is zero (EOF). For a writable BIO, the
+// default is -1 so that additional data can be written once exhausted.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_mem_eof_return(BIO *bio, int eof_value);
-/* File descriptor BIOs.
- *
- * File descriptor BIOs are wrappers around the system's |read| and |write|
- * functions. If the close flag is set then then |close| is called on the
- * underlying file descriptor when the BIO is freed.
- *
- * |BIO_reset| attempts to seek the file pointer to the start of file using
- * |lseek|. */
+// File descriptor BIOs.
+// File descriptor BIOs are wrappers around the system's |read| and |write|
+// functions. If the close flag is set then then |close| is called on the
+// underlying file descriptor when the BIO is freed.
+// |BIO_reset| attempts to seek the file pointer to the start of file using
+// |lseek|.
-/* BIO_s_fd returns a |BIO_METHOD| for file descriptor fds. */
+// BIO_s_fd returns a |BIO_METHOD| for file descriptor fds.
-/* BIO_new_fd creates a new file descriptor BIO wrapping |fd|. If |close_flag|
- * is non-zero, then |fd| will be closed when the BIO is. */
+// BIO_new_fd creates a new file descriptor BIO wrapping |fd|. If |close_flag|
+// is non-zero, then |fd| will be closed when the BIO is.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *BIO_new_fd(int fd, int close_flag);
-/* BIO_set_fd sets the file descriptor of |bio| to |fd|. If |close_flag| is
- * non-zero then |fd| will be closed when |bio| is. It returns one on success
- * or zero on error.
- *
- * This function may also be used with socket BIOs (see |BIO_s_socket| and
- * |BIO_new_socket|). */
+// BIO_set_fd sets the file descriptor of |bio| to |fd|. If |close_flag| is
+// non-zero then |fd| will be closed when |bio| is. It returns one on success
+// or zero on error.
+// This function may also be used with socket BIOs (see |BIO_s_socket| and
+// |BIO_new_socket|).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_fd(BIO *bio, int fd, int close_flag);
-/* BIO_get_fd returns the file descriptor currently in use by |bio| or -1 if
- * |bio| does not wrap a file descriptor. If there is a file descriptor and
- * |out_fd| is not NULL, it also sets |*out_fd| to the file descriptor.
- *
- * This function may also be used with socket BIOs (see |BIO_s_socket| and
- * |BIO_new_socket|). */
+// BIO_get_fd returns the file descriptor currently in use by |bio| or -1 if
+// |bio| does not wrap a file descriptor. If there is a file descriptor and
+// |out_fd| is not NULL, it also sets |*out_fd| to the file descriptor.
+// This function may also be used with socket BIOs (see |BIO_s_socket| and
+// |BIO_new_socket|).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_get_fd(BIO *bio, int *out_fd);
-/* File BIOs.
- *
- * File BIOs are wrappers around a C |FILE| object.
- *
- * |BIO_flush| on a file BIO calls |fflush| on the wrapped stream.
- *
- * |BIO_reset| attempts to seek the file pointer to the start of file using
- * |fseek|.
- *
- * Setting the close flag causes |fclose| to be called on the stream when the
- * BIO is freed. */
+// File BIOs.
+// File BIOs are wrappers around a C |FILE| object.
+// |BIO_flush| on a file BIO calls |fflush| on the wrapped stream.
+// |BIO_reset| attempts to seek the file pointer to the start of file using
+// |fseek|.
+// Setting the close flag causes |fclose| to be called on the stream when the
+// BIO is freed.
-/* BIO_s_file returns a BIO_METHOD that wraps a |FILE|. */
+// BIO_s_file returns a BIO_METHOD that wraps a |FILE|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_file(void);
-/* BIO_new_file creates a file BIO by opening |filename| with the given mode.
- * See the |fopen| manual page for details of the mode argument. */
+// BIO_new_file creates a file BIO by opening |filename| with the given mode.
+// See the |fopen| manual page for details of the mode argument.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *BIO_new_file(const char *filename, const char *mode);
-/* BIO_new_fp creates a new file BIO that wraps the given |FILE|. If
- * |close_flag| is |BIO_CLOSE|, then |fclose| will be called on |stream| when
- * the BIO is closed. */
+// BIO_new_fp creates a new file BIO that wraps the given |FILE|. If
+// |close_flag| is |BIO_CLOSE|, then |fclose| will be called on |stream| when
+// the BIO is closed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *BIO_new_fp(FILE *stream, int close_flag);
-/* BIO_get_fp sets |*out_file| to the current |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one
- * on success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_get_fp sets |*out_file| to the current |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one
+// on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_get_fp(BIO *bio, FILE **out_file);
-/* BIO_set_fp sets the |FILE| for |bio|. If |close_flag| is |BIO_CLOSE| then
- * |fclose| will be called on |file| when |bio| is closed. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_set_fp sets the |FILE| for |bio|. If |close_flag| is |BIO_CLOSE| then
+// |fclose| will be called on |file| when |bio| is closed. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_fp(BIO *bio, FILE *file, int close_flag);
-/* BIO_read_filename opens |filename| for reading and sets the result as the
- * |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The |FILE|
- * will be closed when |bio| is freed. */
+// BIO_read_filename opens |filename| for reading and sets the result as the
+// |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The |FILE|
+// will be closed when |bio| is freed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_read_filename(BIO *bio, const char *filename);
-/* BIO_write_filename opens |filename| for writing and sets the result as the
- * |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The |FILE|
- * will be closed when |bio| is freed. */
+// BIO_write_filename opens |filename| for writing and sets the result as the
+// |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The |FILE|
+// will be closed when |bio| is freed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_write_filename(BIO *bio, const char *filename);
-/* BIO_append_filename opens |filename| for appending and sets the result as
- * the |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The
- * |FILE| will be closed when |bio| is freed. */
+// BIO_append_filename opens |filename| for appending and sets the result as
+// the |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The
+// |FILE| will be closed when |bio| is freed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_append_filename(BIO *bio, const char *filename);
-/* BIO_rw_filename opens |filename| for reading and writing and sets the result
- * as the |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The
- * |FILE| will be closed when |bio| is freed. */
+// BIO_rw_filename opens |filename| for reading and writing and sets the result
+// as the |FILE| for |bio|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The
+// |FILE| will be closed when |bio| is freed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_rw_filename(BIO *bio, const char *filename);
-/* Socket BIOs.
- *
- * Socket BIOs behave like file descriptor BIOs but, on Windows systems, wrap
- * the system's |recv| and |send| functions instead of |read| and |write|. On
- * Windows, file descriptors are provided by C runtime and are not
- * interchangeable with sockets.
- *
- * Socket BIOs may be used with |BIO_set_fd| and |BIO_get_fd|.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Add separate APIs and fix the internals to use |SOCKET|s
- * around rather than rely on int casts. */
+// Socket BIOs.
+// Socket BIOs behave like file descriptor BIOs but, on Windows systems, wrap
+// the system's |recv| and |send| functions instead of |read| and |write|. On
+// Windows, file descriptors are provided by C runtime and are not
+// interchangeable with sockets.
+// Socket BIOs may be used with |BIO_set_fd| and |BIO_get_fd|.
+// TODO(davidben): Add separate APIs and fix the internals to use |SOCKET|s
+// around rather than rely on int casts.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_socket(void);
-/* BIO_new_socket allocates and initialises a fresh BIO which will read and
- * write to the socket |fd|. If |close_flag| is |BIO_CLOSE| then closing the
- * BIO will close |fd|. It returns the fresh |BIO| or NULL on error. */
+// BIO_new_socket allocates and initialises a fresh BIO which will read and
+// write to the socket |fd|. If |close_flag| is |BIO_CLOSE| then closing the
+// BIO will close |fd|. It returns the fresh |BIO| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *BIO_new_socket(int fd, int close_flag);
-/* Connect BIOs.
- *
- * A connection BIO creates a network connection and transfers data over the
- * resulting socket. */
+// Connect BIOs.
+// A connection BIO creates a network connection and transfers data over the
+// resulting socket.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIO_METHOD *BIO_s_connect(void);
-/* BIO_new_connect returns a BIO that connects to the given hostname and port.
- * The |host_and_optional_port| argument should be of the form
- * "www.example.com" or "www.example.com:443". If the port is omitted, it must
- * be provided with |BIO_set_conn_port|.
- *
- * It returns the new BIO on success, or NULL on error. */
+// BIO_new_connect returns a BIO that connects to the given hostname and port.
+// The |host_and_optional_port| argument should be of the form
+// "www.example.com" or "www.example.com:443". If the port is omitted, it must
+// be provided with |BIO_set_conn_port|.
+// It returns the new BIO on success, or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *BIO_new_connect(const char *host_and_optional_port);
-/* BIO_set_conn_hostname sets |host_and_optional_port| as the hostname and
- * optional port that |bio| will connect to. If the port is omitted, it must be
- * provided with |BIO_set_conn_port|.
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_set_conn_hostname sets |host_and_optional_port| as the hostname and
+// optional port that |bio| will connect to. If the port is omitted, it must be
+// provided with |BIO_set_conn_port|.
+// It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_conn_hostname(BIO *bio,
                                          const char *host_and_optional_port);
-/* BIO_set_conn_port sets |port_str| as the port or service name that |bio|
- * will connect to. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_set_conn_port sets |port_str| as the port or service name that |bio|
+// will connect to. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_conn_port(BIO *bio, const char *port_str);
-/* BIO_set_conn_int_port sets |*port| as the port that |bio| will connect to.
- * It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_set_conn_int_port sets |*port| as the port that |bio| will connect to.
+// It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_conn_int_port(BIO *bio, const int *port);
-/* BIO_set_nbio sets whether |bio| will use non-blocking I/O operations. It
- * returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_set_nbio sets whether |bio| will use non-blocking I/O operations. It
+// returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_nbio(BIO *bio, int on);
-/* BIO_do_connect connects |bio| if it has not been connected yet. It returns
- * one on success and <= 0 otherwise. */
+// BIO_do_connect connects |bio| if it has not been connected yet. It returns
+// one on success and <= 0 otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_do_connect(BIO *bio);
-/* Datagram BIOs.
- *
- * TODO(fork): not implemented. */
+// Datagram BIOs.
+// TODO(fork): not implemented.
-#define BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_QUERY_MTU 40 /* as kernel for current MTU */
+#define BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_QUERY_MTU 40  // as kernel for current MTU
 #define BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_MTU 42 /* set cached value for  MTU. want to use
                                      this if asking the kernel fails */
@@ -567,47 +554,47 @@
 #define BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_MTU_EXCEEDED 43 /* check whether the MTU was exceed in
                                           the previous write operation. */
-/* BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_NEXT_TIMEOUT is unsupported as it is unused by consumers
- * and depends on |timeval|, which is not 2038-clean on all platforms. */
+// BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_NEXT_TIMEOUT is unsupported as it is unused by consumers
+// and depends on |timeval|, which is not 2038-clean on all platforms.
 #define BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_GET_PEER           46
-/* BIO Pairs.
- *
- * BIO pairs provide a "loopback" like system: a pair of BIOs where data
- * written to one can be read from the other and vice versa. */
+// BIO Pairs.
+// BIO pairs provide a "loopback" like system: a pair of BIOs where data
+// written to one can be read from the other and vice versa.
-/* BIO_new_bio_pair sets |*out1| and |*out2| to two freshly created BIOs where
- * data written to one can be read from the other and vice versa. The
- * |writebuf1| argument gives the size of the buffer used in |*out1| and
- * |writebuf2| for |*out2|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// BIO_new_bio_pair sets |*out1| and |*out2| to two freshly created BIOs where
+// data written to one can be read from the other and vice versa. The
+// |writebuf1| argument gives the size of the buffer used in |*out1| and
+// |writebuf2| for |*out2|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_new_bio_pair(BIO **out1, size_t writebuf1, BIO **out2,
                                     size_t writebuf2);
-/* BIO_ctrl_get_read_request returns the number of bytes that the other side of
- * |bio| tried (unsuccessfully) to read. */
+// BIO_ctrl_get_read_request returns the number of bytes that the other side of
+// |bio| tried (unsuccessfully) to read.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee returns the number of bytes that |bio| (which
- * must have been returned by |BIO_new_bio_pair|) will accept on the next
- * |BIO_write| call. */
+// BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee returns the number of bytes that |bio| (which
+// must have been returned by |BIO_new_bio_pair|) will accept on the next
+// |BIO_write| call.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_shutdown_wr marks |bio| as closed, from the point of view of the other
- * side of the pair. Future |BIO_write| calls on |bio| will fail. It returns
- * one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// BIO_shutdown_wr marks |bio| as closed, from the point of view of the other
+// side of the pair. Future |BIO_write| calls on |bio| will fail. It returns
+// one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_shutdown_wr(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_NOCLOSE and |BIO_CLOSE| can be used as symbolic arguments when a "close
- * flag" is passed to a BIO function. */
+// BIO_NOCLOSE and |BIO_CLOSE| can be used as symbolic arguments when a "close
+// flag" is passed to a BIO function.
 #define BIO_NOCLOSE 0
 #define BIO_CLOSE 1
-/* These are passed to the BIO callback */
+// These are passed to the BIO callback
 #define BIO_CB_FREE 0x01
 #define BIO_CB_READ 0x02
 #define BIO_CB_WRITE 0x03
@@ -615,49 +602,49 @@
 #define BIO_CB_GETS 0x05
 #define BIO_CB_CTRL 0x06
-/* The callback is called before and after the underling operation,
- * The BIO_CB_RETURN flag indicates if it is after the call */
+// The callback is called before and after the underling operation,
+// The BIO_CB_RETURN flag indicates if it is after the call
 #define BIO_CB_RETURN 0x80
-/* These are values of the |cmd| argument to |BIO_ctrl|. */
-#define BIO_CTRL_RESET		1  /* opt - rewind/zero etc */
-#define BIO_CTRL_EOF		2  /* opt - are we at the eof */
-#define BIO_CTRL_INFO		3  /* opt - extra tit-bits */
-#define BIO_CTRL_SET		4  /* man - set the 'IO' type */
-#define BIO_CTRL_GET		5  /* man - get the 'IO' type */
+// These are values of the |cmd| argument to |BIO_ctrl|.
+#define BIO_CTRL_RESET		1  // opt - rewind/zero etc
+#define BIO_CTRL_EOF		2  // opt - are we at the eof
+#define BIO_CTRL_INFO		3  // opt - extra tit-bits
+#define BIO_CTRL_SET		4  // man - set the 'IO' type
+#define BIO_CTRL_GET		5  // man - get the 'IO' type
 #define BIO_CTRL_PUSH	6
 #define BIO_CTRL_POP	7
-#define BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE	8  /* man - set the 'close' on free */
-#define BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE	9  /* man - set the 'close' on free */
-#define BIO_CTRL_PENDING	10  /* opt - is their more data buffered */
-#define BIO_CTRL_FLUSH		11  /* opt - 'flush' buffered output */
-#define BIO_CTRL_WPENDING	13  /* opt - number of bytes still to write */
-/* callback is int cb(BIO *bio,state,ret); */
-#define BIO_CTRL_SET_CALLBACK	14  /* opt - set callback function */
-#define BIO_CTRL_GET_CALLBACK	15  /* opt - set callback function */
-#define BIO_CTRL_SET_FILENAME	30	/* BIO_s_file special */
+#define BIO_CTRL_GET_CLOSE	8  // man - set the 'close' on free
+#define BIO_CTRL_SET_CLOSE	9  // man - set the 'close' on free
+#define BIO_CTRL_PENDING	10  // opt - is their more data buffered
+#define BIO_CTRL_FLUSH		11  // opt - 'flush' buffered output
+#define BIO_CTRL_WPENDING	13  // opt - number of bytes still to write
+// callback is int cb(BIO *bio,state,ret);
+#define BIO_CTRL_SET_CALLBACK	14  // opt - set callback function
+#define BIO_CTRL_GET_CALLBACK	15  // opt - set callback function
+#define BIO_CTRL_SET_FILENAME	30	  // BIO_s_file special
-/* BIO_CTRL_DUP is never used, but exists to allow code to compile more
- * easily. */
+// BIO_CTRL_DUP is never used, but exists to allow code to compile more
+// easily.
 #define BIO_CTRL_DUP	12
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* BIO_f_base64 returns a filter |BIO| that base64-encodes data written into
- * it, and decodes data read from it. |BIO_gets| is not supported. Call
- * |BIO_flush| when done writing, to signal that no more data are to be
- * encoded. The flag |BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL| may be set to encode all the data
- * on one line. */
+// BIO_f_base64 returns a filter |BIO| that base64-encodes data written into
+// it, and decodes data read from it. |BIO_gets| is not supported. Call
+// |BIO_flush| when done writing, to signal that no more data are to be
+// encoded. The flag |BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL| may be set to encode all the data
+// on one line.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_base64(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BIO_set_retry_special(BIO *bio);
-/* BIO_set_write_buffer_size returns zero. */
+// BIO_set_write_buffer_size returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_set_write_buffer_size(BIO *bio, int buffer_size);
-/* Private functions */
+// Private functions
 #define BIO_FLAGS_READ 0x01
 #define BIO_FLAGS_WRITE 0x02
@@ -665,11 +652,11 @@
 #define BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL 0x100
-/* This is used with memory BIOs: it means we shouldn't free up or change the
- * data in any way. */
+// This is used with memory BIOs: it means we shouldn't free up or change the
+// data in any way.
 #define BIO_FLAGS_MEM_RDONLY 0x200
-/* These are the 'types' of BIOs */
+// These are the 'types' of BIOs
 #define BIO_TYPE_NONE 0
 #define BIO_TYPE_MEM (1 | 0x0400)
 #define BIO_TYPE_FILE (2 | 0x0400)
@@ -677,24 +664,24 @@
 #define BIO_TYPE_SOCKET (5 | 0x0400 | 0x0100)
 #define BIO_TYPE_NULL (6 | 0x0400)
 #define BIO_TYPE_SSL (7 | 0x0200)
-#define BIO_TYPE_MD (8 | 0x0200)                /* passive filter */
-#define BIO_TYPE_BUFFER (9 | 0x0200)            /* filter */
-#define BIO_TYPE_CIPHER (10 | 0x0200)           /* filter */
-#define BIO_TYPE_BASE64 (11 | 0x0200)           /* filter */
-#define BIO_TYPE_CONNECT (12 | 0x0400 | 0x0100) /* socket - connect */
-#define BIO_TYPE_ACCEPT (13 | 0x0400 | 0x0100)  /* socket for accept */
-#define BIO_TYPE_PROXY_CLIENT (14 | 0x0200)     /* client proxy BIO */
-#define BIO_TYPE_PROXY_SERVER (15 | 0x0200)     /* server proxy BIO */
-#define BIO_TYPE_NBIO_TEST (16 | 0x0200)        /* server proxy BIO */
+#define BIO_TYPE_MD (8 | 0x0200)                 // passive filter
+#define BIO_TYPE_BUFFER (9 | 0x0200)             // filter
+#define BIO_TYPE_CIPHER (10 | 0x0200)            // filter
+#define BIO_TYPE_BASE64 (11 | 0x0200)            // filter
+#define BIO_TYPE_CONNECT (12 | 0x0400 | 0x0100)  // socket - connect
+#define BIO_TYPE_ACCEPT (13 | 0x0400 | 0x0100)   // socket for accept
+#define BIO_TYPE_PROXY_CLIENT (14 | 0x0200)      // client proxy BIO
+#define BIO_TYPE_PROXY_SERVER (15 | 0x0200)      // server proxy BIO
+#define BIO_TYPE_NBIO_TEST (16 | 0x0200)         // server proxy BIO
 #define BIO_TYPE_NULL_FILTER (17 | 0x0200)
-#define BIO_TYPE_BER (18 | 0x0200)        /* BER -> bin filter */
-#define BIO_TYPE_BIO (19 | 0x0400)        /* (half a) BIO pair */
-#define BIO_TYPE_LINEBUFFER (20 | 0x0200) /* filter */
+#define BIO_TYPE_BER (18 | 0x0200)         // BER -> bin filter
+#define BIO_TYPE_BIO (19 | 0x0400)         // (half a) BIO pair
+#define BIO_TYPE_LINEBUFFER (20 | 0x0200)  // filter
 #define BIO_TYPE_DGRAM (21 | 0x0400 | 0x0100)
-#define BIO_TYPE_ASN1 (22 | 0x0200) /* filter */
-#define BIO_TYPE_COMP (23 | 0x0200) /* filter */
+#define BIO_TYPE_ASN1 (22 | 0x0200)  // filter
+#define BIO_TYPE_COMP (23 | 0x0200)  // filter
-#define BIO_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR 0x0100 /* socket, fd, connect or accept */
+#define BIO_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR 0x0100  // socket, fd, connect or accept
 #define BIO_TYPE_FILTER 0x0200
 #define BIO_TYPE_SOURCE_SINK 0x0400
@@ -703,7 +690,7 @@
   const char *name;
   int (*bwrite)(BIO *, const char *, int);
   int (*bread)(BIO *, char *, int);
-  /* TODO(fork): remove bputs. */
+  // TODO(fork): remove bputs.
   int (*bputs)(BIO *, const char *);
   int (*bgets)(BIO *, char *, int);
   long (*ctrl)(BIO *, int, long, void *);
@@ -714,27 +701,24 @@
 struct bio_st {
   const BIO_METHOD *method;
-  /* bio, mode, argp, argi, argl, ret */
-  long (*callback)(BIO *, int, const char *, int, long, long);
-  char *cb_arg; /* first argument for the callback */
-  /* init is non-zero if this |BIO| has been initialised. */
+  // init is non-zero if this |BIO| has been initialised.
   int init;
-  /* shutdown is often used by specific |BIO_METHOD|s to determine whether
-   * they own some underlying resource. This flag can often by controlled by
-   * |BIO_set_close|. For example, whether an fd BIO closes the underlying fd
-   * when it, itself, is closed. */
+  // shutdown is often used by specific |BIO_METHOD|s to determine whether
+  // they own some underlying resource. This flag can often by controlled by
+  // |BIO_set_close|. For example, whether an fd BIO closes the underlying fd
+  // when it, itself, is closed.
   int shutdown;
   int flags;
   int retry_reason;
-  /* num is a BIO-specific value. For example, in fd BIOs it's used to store a
-   * file descriptor. */
+  // num is a BIO-specific value. For example, in fd BIOs it's used to store a
+  // file descriptor.
   int num;
   CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
   void *ptr;
-  /* next_bio points to the next |BIO| in a chain. This |BIO| owns a reference
-   * to |next_bio|. */
-  BIO *next_bio; /* used by filter BIOs */
+  // next_bio points to the next |BIO| in a chain. This |BIO| owns a reference
+  // to |next_bio|.
+  BIO *next_bio;  // used by filter BIOs
   size_t num_read, num_write;
@@ -760,21 +744,21 @@
 #define BIO_C_SSL_MODE				119
 #define BIO_C_GET_MD_CTX			120
 #define BIO_C_GET_PROXY_PARAM			121
-#define BIO_C_SET_BUFF_READ_DATA		122 /* data to read first */
+#define BIO_C_SET_BUFF_READ_DATA		122  // data to read first
 #define BIO_C_GET_ACCEPT			124
 #define BIO_C_FILE_SEEK				128
 #define BIO_C_GET_CIPHER_CTX			129
-#define BIO_C_SET_BUF_MEM_EOF_RETURN		130/*return end of input value*/
+#define BIO_C_SET_BUF_MEM_EOF_RETURN		130  //return end of input value
 #define BIO_C_SET_BIND_MODE			131
 #define BIO_C_GET_BIND_MODE			132
 #define BIO_C_FILE_TELL				133
 #define BIO_C_GET_SOCKS				134
 #define BIO_C_SET_SOCKS				135
-#define BIO_C_SET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE		136/* for BIO_s_bio */
+#define BIO_C_SET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE		136  // for BIO_s_bio
 #define BIO_C_GET_WRITE_BUF_SIZE		137
 #define BIO_C_GET_READ_REQUEST			141
@@ -796,7 +780,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -806,7 +790,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -828,4 +812,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_BIO_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/blowfish.h b/src/include/openssl/blowfish.h
index fa60d53..ecf9d45 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/blowfish.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/blowfish.h
@@ -90,4 +90,4 @@
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/bn.h b/src/include/openssl/bn.h
index bdd41ba..52333ac 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/bn.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/bn.h
@@ -126,25 +126,25 @@
 #include <openssl/base.h>
 #include <openssl/thread.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>  /* for PRIu64 and friends */
-#include <stdio.h>  /* for FILE* */
+#include <inttypes.h>  // for PRIu64 and friends
+#include <stdio.h>  // for FILE*
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
 extern "C" {
-/* BN provides support for working with arbitrary sized integers. For example,
- * although the largest integer supported by the compiler might be 64 bits, BN
- * will allow you to work with numbers until you run out of memory. */
+// BN provides support for working with arbitrary sized integers. For example,
+// although the largest integer supported by the compiler might be 64 bits, BN
+// will allow you to work with numbers until you run out of memory.
-/* BN_ULONG is the native word size when working with big integers.
- *
- * Note: on some platforms, inttypes.h does not define print format macros in
- * C++ unless |__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS| defined. As this is a public header, bn.h
- * does not define |__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS| itself. C++ source files which use the
- * FMT macros must define it externally. */
+// BN_ULONG is the native word size when working with big integers.
+// Note: on some platforms, inttypes.h does not define print format macros in
+// C++ unless |__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS| defined. As this is a public header, bn.h
+// does not define |__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS| itself. C++ source files which use the
+// FMT macros must define it externally.
 #if defined(OPENSSL_64_BIT)
 #define BN_ULONG uint64_t
 #define BN_BITS2 64
@@ -164,703 +164,703 @@
-/* Allocation and freeing. */
+// Allocation and freeing.
-/* BN_new creates a new, allocated BIGNUM and initialises it. */
+// BN_new creates a new, allocated BIGNUM and initialises it.
-/* BN_init initialises a stack allocated |BIGNUM|. */
+// BN_init initialises a stack allocated |BIGNUM|.
-/* BN_free frees the data referenced by |bn| and, if |bn| was originally
- * allocated on the heap, frees |bn| also. */
+// BN_free frees the data referenced by |bn| and, if |bn| was originally
+// allocated on the heap, frees |bn| also.
-/* BN_clear_free erases and frees the data referenced by |bn| and, if |bn| was
- * originally allocated on the heap, frees |bn| also. */
+// BN_clear_free erases and frees the data referenced by |bn| and, if |bn| was
+// originally allocated on the heap, frees |bn| also.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BN_clear_free(BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BN_dup allocates a new BIGNUM and sets it equal to |src|. It returns the
- * allocated BIGNUM on success or NULL otherwise. */
+// BN_dup allocates a new BIGNUM and sets it equal to |src|. It returns the
+// allocated BIGNUM on success or NULL otherwise.
-/* BN_copy sets |dest| equal to |src| and returns |dest| or NULL on allocation
- * failure. */
+// BN_copy sets |dest| equal to |src| and returns |dest| or NULL on allocation
+// failure.
-/* BN_clear sets |bn| to zero and erases the old data. */
+// BN_clear sets |bn| to zero and erases the old data.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BN_clear(BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BN_value_one returns a static BIGNUM with value 1. */
+// BN_value_one returns a static BIGNUM with value 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIGNUM *BN_value_one(void);
-/* Basic functions. */
+// Basic functions.
-/* BN_num_bits returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent the
- * absolute value of |bn|. */
+// BN_num_bits returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent the
+// absolute value of |bn|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned BN_num_bits(const BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BN_num_bytes returns the minimum number of bytes needed to represent the
- * absolute value of |bn|. */
+// BN_num_bytes returns the minimum number of bytes needed to represent the
+// absolute value of |bn|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned BN_num_bytes(const BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BN_zero sets |bn| to zero. */
+// BN_zero sets |bn| to zero.
-/* BN_one sets |bn| to one. It returns one on success or zero on allocation
- * failure. */
+// BN_one sets |bn| to one. It returns one on success or zero on allocation
+// failure.
-/* BN_set_word sets |bn| to |value|. It returns one on success or zero on
- * allocation failure. */
+// BN_set_word sets |bn| to |value|. It returns one on success or zero on
+// allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_set_word(BIGNUM *bn, BN_ULONG value);
-/* BN_set_u64 sets |bn| to |value|. It returns one on success or zero on
- * allocation failure. */
+// BN_set_u64 sets |bn| to |value|. It returns one on success or zero on
+// allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_set_u64(BIGNUM *bn, uint64_t value);
-/* BN_set_negative sets the sign of |bn|. */
+// BN_set_negative sets the sign of |bn|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BN_set_negative(BIGNUM *bn, int sign);
-/* BN_is_negative returns one if |bn| is negative and zero otherwise. */
+// BN_is_negative returns one if |bn| is negative and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_negative(const BIGNUM *bn);
-/* Conversion functions. */
+// Conversion functions.
-/* BN_bin2bn sets |*ret| to the value of |len| bytes from |in|, interpreted as
- * a big-endian number, and returns |ret|. If |ret| is NULL then a fresh
- * |BIGNUM| is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation
- * failure. */
+// BN_bin2bn sets |*ret| to the value of |len| bytes from |in|, interpreted as
+// a big-endian number, and returns |ret|. If |ret| is NULL then a fresh
+// |BIGNUM| is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_bin2bn(const uint8_t *in, size_t len, BIGNUM *ret);
-/* BN_bn2bin serialises the absolute value of |in| to |out| as a big-endian
- * integer, which must have |BN_num_bytes| of space available. It returns the
- * number of bytes written. */
+// BN_bn2bin serialises the absolute value of |in| to |out| as a big-endian
+// integer, which must have |BN_num_bytes| of space available. It returns the
+// number of bytes written.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BN_bn2bin(const BIGNUM *in, uint8_t *out);
-/* BN_le2bn sets |*ret| to the value of |len| bytes from |in|, interpreted as
- * a little-endian number, and returns |ret|. If |ret| is NULL then a fresh
- * |BIGNUM| is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation
- * failure. */
+// BN_le2bn sets |*ret| to the value of |len| bytes from |in|, interpreted as
+// a little-endian number, and returns |ret|. If |ret| is NULL then a fresh
+// |BIGNUM| is allocated and returned. It returns NULL on allocation
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_le2bn(const uint8_t *in, size_t len, BIGNUM *ret);
-/* BN_bn2le_padded serialises the absolute value of |in| to |out| as a
- * little-endian integer, which must have |len| of space available, padding
- * out the remainder of out with zeros. If |len| is smaller than |BN_num_bytes|,
- * the function fails and returns 0. Otherwise, it returns 1. */
+// BN_bn2le_padded serialises the absolute value of |in| to |out| as a
+// little-endian integer, which must have |len| of space available, padding
+// out the remainder of out with zeros. If |len| is smaller than |BN_num_bytes|,
+// the function fails and returns 0. Otherwise, it returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_bn2le_padded(uint8_t *out, size_t len, const BIGNUM *in);
-/* BN_bn2bin_padded serialises the absolute value of |in| to |out| as a
- * big-endian integer. The integer is padded with leading zeros up to size
- * |len|. If |len| is smaller than |BN_num_bytes|, the function fails and
- * returns 0. Otherwise, it returns 1. */
+// BN_bn2bin_padded serialises the absolute value of |in| to |out| as a
+// big-endian integer. The integer is padded with leading zeros up to size
+// |len|. If |len| is smaller than |BN_num_bytes|, the function fails and
+// returns 0. Otherwise, it returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_bn2bin_padded(uint8_t *out, size_t len, const BIGNUM *in);
-/* BN_bn2cbb_padded behaves like |BN_bn2bin_padded| but writes to a |CBB|. */
+// BN_bn2cbb_padded behaves like |BN_bn2bin_padded| but writes to a |CBB|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_bn2cbb_padded(CBB *out, size_t len, const BIGNUM *in);
-/* BN_bn2hex returns an allocated string that contains a NUL-terminated, hex
- * representation of |bn|. If |bn| is negative, the first char in the resulting
- * string will be '-'. Returns NULL on allocation failure. */
+// BN_bn2hex returns an allocated string that contains a NUL-terminated, hex
+// representation of |bn|. If |bn| is negative, the first char in the resulting
+// string will be '-'. Returns NULL on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *BN_bn2hex(const BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BN_hex2bn parses the leading hex number from |in|, which may be proceeded by
- * a '-' to indicate a negative number and may contain trailing, non-hex data.
- * If |outp| is not NULL, it constructs a BIGNUM equal to the hex number and
- * stores it in |*outp|. If |*outp| is NULL then it allocates a new BIGNUM and
- * updates |*outp|. It returns the number of bytes of |in| processed or zero on
- * error. */
+// BN_hex2bn parses the leading hex number from |in|, which may be proceeded by
+// a '-' to indicate a negative number and may contain trailing, non-hex data.
+// If |outp| is not NULL, it constructs a BIGNUM equal to the hex number and
+// stores it in |*outp|. If |*outp| is NULL then it allocates a new BIGNUM and
+// updates |*outp|. It returns the number of bytes of |in| processed or zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_hex2bn(BIGNUM **outp, const char *in);
-/* BN_bn2dec returns an allocated string that contains a NUL-terminated,
- * decimal representation of |bn|. If |bn| is negative, the first char in the
- * resulting string will be '-'. Returns NULL on allocation failure. */
+// BN_bn2dec returns an allocated string that contains a NUL-terminated,
+// decimal representation of |bn|. If |bn| is negative, the first char in the
+// resulting string will be '-'. Returns NULL on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *BN_bn2dec(const BIGNUM *a);
-/* BN_dec2bn parses the leading decimal number from |in|, which may be
- * proceeded by a '-' to indicate a negative number and may contain trailing,
- * non-decimal data. If |outp| is not NULL, it constructs a BIGNUM equal to the
- * decimal number and stores it in |*outp|. If |*outp| is NULL then it
- * allocates a new BIGNUM and updates |*outp|. It returns the number of bytes
- * of |in| processed or zero on error. */
+// BN_dec2bn parses the leading decimal number from |in|, which may be
+// proceeded by a '-' to indicate a negative number and may contain trailing,
+// non-decimal data. If |outp| is not NULL, it constructs a BIGNUM equal to the
+// decimal number and stores it in |*outp|. If |*outp| is NULL then it
+// allocates a new BIGNUM and updates |*outp|. It returns the number of bytes
+// of |in| processed or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_dec2bn(BIGNUM **outp, const char *in);
-/* BN_asc2bn acts like |BN_dec2bn| or |BN_hex2bn| depending on whether |in|
- * begins with "0X" or "0x" (indicating hex) or not (indicating decimal). A
- * leading '-' is still permitted and comes before the optional 0X/0x. It
- * returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// BN_asc2bn acts like |BN_dec2bn| or |BN_hex2bn| depending on whether |in|
+// begins with "0X" or "0x" (indicating hex) or not (indicating decimal). A
+// leading '-' is still permitted and comes before the optional 0X/0x. It
+// returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_asc2bn(BIGNUM **outp, const char *in);
-/* BN_print writes a hex encoding of |a| to |bio|. It returns one on success
- * and zero on error. */
+// BN_print writes a hex encoding of |a| to |bio|. It returns one on success
+// and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_print(BIO *bio, const BIGNUM *a);
-/* BN_print_fp acts like |BIO_print|, but wraps |fp| in a |BIO| first. */
+// BN_print_fp acts like |BIO_print|, but wraps |fp| in a |BIO| first.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_print_fp(FILE *fp, const BIGNUM *a);
-/* BN_get_word returns the absolute value of |bn| as a single word. If |bn| is
- * too large to be represented as a single word, the maximum possible value
- * will be returned. */
+// BN_get_word returns the absolute value of |bn| as a single word. If |bn| is
+// too large to be represented as a single word, the maximum possible value
+// will be returned.
-/* BN_get_u64 sets |*out| to the absolute value of |bn| as a |uint64_t| and
- * returns one. If |bn| is too large to be represented as a |uint64_t|, it
- * returns zero. */
+// BN_get_u64 sets |*out| to the absolute value of |bn| as a |uint64_t| and
+// returns one. If |bn| is too large to be represented as a |uint64_t|, it
+// returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_get_u64(const BIGNUM *bn, uint64_t *out);
-/* ASN.1 functions. */
+// ASN.1 functions.
-/* BN_parse_asn1_unsigned parses a non-negative DER INTEGER from |cbs| writes
- * the result to |ret|. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
+// BN_parse_asn1_unsigned parses a non-negative DER INTEGER from |cbs| writes
+// the result to |ret|. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_parse_asn1_unsigned(CBS *cbs, BIGNUM *ret);
-/* BN_parse_asn1_unsigned_buggy acts like |BN_parse_asn1_unsigned| but tolerates
- * some invalid encodings. Do not use this function. */
+// BN_parse_asn1_unsigned_buggy acts like |BN_parse_asn1_unsigned| but tolerates
+// some invalid encodings. Do not use this function.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_parse_asn1_unsigned_buggy(CBS *cbs, BIGNUM *ret);
-/* BN_marshal_asn1 marshals |bn| as a non-negative DER INTEGER and appends the
- * result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
+// BN_marshal_asn1 marshals |bn| as a non-negative DER INTEGER and appends the
+// result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_marshal_asn1(CBB *cbb, const BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BIGNUM pools.
- *
- * Certain BIGNUM operations need to use many temporary variables and
- * allocating and freeing them can be quite slow. Thus such operations typically
- * take a |BN_CTX| parameter, which contains a pool of |BIGNUMs|. The |ctx|
- * argument to a public function may be NULL, in which case a local |BN_CTX|
- * will be created just for the lifetime of that call.
- *
- * A function must call |BN_CTX_start| first. Then, |BN_CTX_get| may be called
- * repeatedly to obtain temporary |BIGNUM|s. All |BN_CTX_get| calls must be made
- * before calling any other functions that use the |ctx| as an argument.
- *
- * Finally, |BN_CTX_end| must be called before returning from the function.
- * When |BN_CTX_end| is called, the |BIGNUM| pointers obtained from
- * |BN_CTX_get| become invalid. */
+// BIGNUM pools.
+// Certain BIGNUM operations need to use many temporary variables and
+// allocating and freeing them can be quite slow. Thus such operations typically
+// take a |BN_CTX| parameter, which contains a pool of |BIGNUMs|. The |ctx|
+// argument to a public function may be NULL, in which case a local |BN_CTX|
+// will be created just for the lifetime of that call.
+// A function must call |BN_CTX_start| first. Then, |BN_CTX_get| may be called
+// repeatedly to obtain temporary |BIGNUM|s. All |BN_CTX_get| calls must be made
+// before calling any other functions that use the |ctx| as an argument.
+// Finally, |BN_CTX_end| must be called before returning from the function.
+// When |BN_CTX_end| is called, the |BIGNUM| pointers obtained from
+// |BN_CTX_get| become invalid.
-/* BN_CTX_new returns a new, empty BN_CTX or NULL on allocation failure. */
+// BN_CTX_new returns a new, empty BN_CTX or NULL on allocation failure.
-/* BN_CTX_free frees all BIGNUMs contained in |ctx| and then frees |ctx|
- * itself. */
+// BN_CTX_free frees all BIGNUMs contained in |ctx| and then frees |ctx|
+// itself.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BN_CTX_free(BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_CTX_start "pushes" a new entry onto the |ctx| stack and allows future
- * calls to |BN_CTX_get|. */
+// BN_CTX_start "pushes" a new entry onto the |ctx| stack and allows future
+// calls to |BN_CTX_get|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void BN_CTX_start(BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_CTX_get returns a new |BIGNUM|, or NULL on allocation failure. Once
- * |BN_CTX_get| has returned NULL, all future calls will also return NULL until
- * |BN_CTX_end| is called. */
+// BN_CTX_get returns a new |BIGNUM|, or NULL on allocation failure. Once
+// |BN_CTX_get| has returned NULL, all future calls will also return NULL until
+// |BN_CTX_end| is called.
-/* BN_CTX_end invalidates all |BIGNUM|s returned from |BN_CTX_get| since the
- * matching |BN_CTX_start| call. */
+// BN_CTX_end invalidates all |BIGNUM|s returned from |BN_CTX_get| since the
+// matching |BN_CTX_start| call.
-/* Simple arithmetic */
+// Simple arithmetic
-/* BN_add sets |r| = |a| + |b|, where |r| may be the same pointer as either |a|
- * or |b|. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
+// BN_add sets |r| = |a| + |b|, where |r| may be the same pointer as either |a|
+// or |b|. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_add(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b);
-/* BN_uadd sets |r| = |a| + |b|, where |a| and |b| are non-negative and |r| may
- * be the same pointer as either |a| or |b|. It returns one on success and zero
- * on allocation failure. */
+// BN_uadd sets |r| = |a| + |b|, where |a| and |b| are non-negative and |r| may
+// be the same pointer as either |a| or |b|. It returns one on success and zero
+// on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_uadd(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b);
-/* BN_add_word adds |w| to |a|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// BN_add_word adds |w| to |a|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
-/* BN_sub sets |r| = |a| - |b|, where |r| may be the same pointer as either |a|
- * or |b|. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
+// BN_sub sets |r| = |a| - |b|, where |r| may be the same pointer as either |a|
+// or |b|. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_sub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b);
-/* BN_usub sets |r| = |a| - |b|, where |a| and |b| are non-negative integers,
- * |b| < |a| and |r| may be the same pointer as either |a| or |b|. It returns
- * one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
+// BN_usub sets |r| = |a| - |b|, where |a| and |b| are non-negative integers,
+// |b| < |a| and |r| may be the same pointer as either |a| or |b|. It returns
+// one on success and zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_usub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b);
-/* BN_sub_word subtracts |w| from |a|. It returns one on success and zero on
- * allocation failure. */
+// BN_sub_word subtracts |w| from |a|. It returns one on success and zero on
+// allocation failure.
-/* BN_mul sets |r| = |a| * |b|, where |r| may be the same pointer as |a| or
- * |b|. Returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// BN_mul sets |r| = |a| * |b|, where |r| may be the same pointer as |a| or
+// |b|. Returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,
                           BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mul_word sets |bn| = |bn| * |w|. It returns one on success or zero on
- * allocation failure. */
+// BN_mul_word sets |bn| = |bn| * |w|. It returns one on success or zero on
+// allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mul_word(BIGNUM *bn, BN_ULONG w);
-/* BN_sqr sets |r| = |a|^2 (i.e. squares), where |r| may be the same pointer as
- * |a|. Returns one on success and zero otherwise. This is more efficient than
- * BN_mul(r, a, a, ctx). */
+// BN_sqr sets |r| = |a|^2 (i.e. squares), where |r| may be the same pointer as
+// |a|. Returns one on success and zero otherwise. This is more efficient than
+// BN_mul(r, a, a, ctx).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_sqr(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_div divides |numerator| by |divisor| and places the result in |quotient|
- * and the remainder in |rem|. Either of |quotient| or |rem| may be NULL, in
- * which case the respective value is not returned. The result is rounded
- * towards zero; thus if |numerator| is negative, the remainder will be zero or
- * negative. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// BN_div divides |numerator| by |divisor| and places the result in |quotient|
+// and the remainder in |rem|. Either of |quotient| or |rem| may be NULL, in
+// which case the respective value is not returned. The result is rounded
+// towards zero; thus if |numerator| is negative, the remainder will be zero or
+// negative. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_div(BIGNUM *quotient, BIGNUM *rem,
                           const BIGNUM *numerator, const BIGNUM *divisor,
                           BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_div_word sets |numerator| = |numerator|/|divisor| and returns the
- * remainder or (BN_ULONG)-1 on error. */
+// BN_div_word sets |numerator| = |numerator|/|divisor| and returns the
+// remainder or (BN_ULONG)-1 on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BN_ULONG BN_div_word(BIGNUM *numerator, BN_ULONG divisor);
-/* BN_sqrt sets |*out_sqrt| (which may be the same |BIGNUM| as |in|) to the
- * square root of |in|, using |ctx|. It returns one on success or zero on
- * error. Negative numbers and non-square numbers will result in an error with
- * appropriate errors on the error queue. */
+// BN_sqrt sets |*out_sqrt| (which may be the same |BIGNUM| as |in|) to the
+// square root of |in|, using |ctx|. It returns one on success or zero on
+// error. Negative numbers and non-square numbers will result in an error with
+// appropriate errors on the error queue.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_sqrt(BIGNUM *out_sqrt, const BIGNUM *in, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* Comparison functions */
+// Comparison functions
-/* BN_cmp returns a value less than, equal to or greater than zero if |a| is
- * less than, equal to or greater than |b|, respectively. */
+// BN_cmp returns a value less than, equal to or greater than zero if |a| is
+// less than, equal to or greater than |b|, respectively.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_cmp(const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b);
-/* BN_cmp_word is like |BN_cmp| except it takes its second argument as a
- * |BN_ULONG| instead of a |BIGNUM|. */
+// BN_cmp_word is like |BN_cmp| except it takes its second argument as a
+// |BN_ULONG| instead of a |BIGNUM|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_cmp_word(const BIGNUM *a, BN_ULONG b);
-/* BN_ucmp returns a value less than, equal to or greater than zero if the
- * absolute value of |a| is less than, equal to or greater than the absolute
- * value of |b|, respectively. */
+// BN_ucmp returns a value less than, equal to or greater than zero if the
+// absolute value of |a| is less than, equal to or greater than the absolute
+// value of |b|, respectively.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_ucmp(const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b);
-/* BN_equal_consttime returns one if |a| is equal to |b|, and zero otherwise.
- * It takes an amount of time dependent on the sizes of |a| and |b|, but
- * independent of the contents (including the signs) of |a| and |b|. */
+// BN_equal_consttime returns one if |a| is equal to |b|, and zero otherwise.
+// It takes an amount of time dependent on the sizes of |a| and |b|, but
+// independent of the contents (including the signs) of |a| and |b|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_equal_consttime(const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b);
-/* BN_abs_is_word returns one if the absolute value of |bn| equals |w| and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// BN_abs_is_word returns one if the absolute value of |bn| equals |w| and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_abs_is_word(const BIGNUM *bn, BN_ULONG w);
-/* BN_is_zero returns one if |bn| is zero and zero otherwise. */
+// BN_is_zero returns one if |bn| is zero and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_zero(const BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BN_is_one returns one if |bn| equals one and zero otherwise. */
+// BN_is_one returns one if |bn| equals one and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_one(const BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BN_is_word returns one if |bn| is exactly |w| and zero otherwise. */
+// BN_is_word returns one if |bn| is exactly |w| and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_word(const BIGNUM *bn, BN_ULONG w);
-/* BN_is_odd returns one if |bn| is odd and zero otherwise. */
+// BN_is_odd returns one if |bn| is odd and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_odd(const BIGNUM *bn);
-/* BN_is_pow2 returns 1 if |a| is a power of two, and 0 otherwise. */
+// BN_is_pow2 returns 1 if |a| is a power of two, and 0 otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_pow2(const BIGNUM *a);
-/* Bitwise operations. */
+// Bitwise operations.
-/* BN_lshift sets |r| equal to |a| << n. The |a| and |r| arguments may be the
- * same |BIGNUM|. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
+// BN_lshift sets |r| equal to |a| << n. The |a| and |r| arguments may be the
+// same |BIGNUM|. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_lshift(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n);
-/* BN_lshift1 sets |r| equal to |a| << 1, where |r| and |a| may be the same
- * pointer. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
+// BN_lshift1 sets |r| equal to |a| << 1, where |r| and |a| may be the same
+// pointer. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_lshift1(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a);
-/* BN_rshift sets |r| equal to |a| >> n, where |r| and |a| may be the same
- * pointer. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
+// BN_rshift sets |r| equal to |a| >> n, where |r| and |a| may be the same
+// pointer. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_rshift(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n);
-/* BN_rshift1 sets |r| equal to |a| >> 1, where |r| and |a| may be the same
- * pointer. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
+// BN_rshift1 sets |r| equal to |a| >> 1, where |r| and |a| may be the same
+// pointer. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_rshift1(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a);
-/* BN_set_bit sets the |n|th, least-significant bit in |a|. For example, if |a|
- * is 2 then setting bit zero will make it 3. It returns one on success or zero
- * on allocation failure. */
+// BN_set_bit sets the |n|th, least-significant bit in |a|. For example, if |a|
+// is 2 then setting bit zero will make it 3. It returns one on success or zero
+// on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_set_bit(BIGNUM *a, int n);
-/* BN_clear_bit clears the |n|th, least-significant bit in |a|. For example, if
- * |a| is 3, clearing bit zero will make it two. It returns one on success or
- * zero on allocation failure. */
+// BN_clear_bit clears the |n|th, least-significant bit in |a|. For example, if
+// |a| is 3, clearing bit zero will make it two. It returns one on success or
+// zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_clear_bit(BIGNUM *a, int n);
-/* BN_is_bit_set returns the value of the |n|th, least-significant bit in |a|,
- * or zero if the bit doesn't exist. */
+// BN_is_bit_set returns the value of the |n|th, least-significant bit in |a|,
+// or zero if the bit doesn't exist.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_bit_set(const BIGNUM *a, int n);
-/* BN_mask_bits truncates |a| so that it is only |n| bits long. It returns one
- * on success or zero if |n| is greater than the length of |a| already. */
+// BN_mask_bits truncates |a| so that it is only |n| bits long. It returns one
+// on success or zero if |n| is greater than the length of |a| already.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mask_bits(BIGNUM *a, int n);
-/* Modulo arithmetic. */
+// Modulo arithmetic.
-/* BN_mod_word returns |a| mod |w| or (BN_ULONG)-1 on error. */
+// BN_mod_word returns |a| mod |w| or (BN_ULONG)-1 on error.
-/* BN_mod_pow2 sets |r| = |a| mod 2^|e|. It returns 1 on success and
- * 0 on error. */
+// BN_mod_pow2 sets |r| = |a| mod 2^|e|. It returns 1 on success and
+// 0 on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_pow2(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, size_t e);
-/* BN_nnmod_pow2 sets |r| = |a| mod 2^|e| where |r| is always positive.
- * It returns 1 on success and 0 on error. */
+// BN_nnmod_pow2 sets |r| = |a| mod 2^|e| where |r| is always positive.
+// It returns 1 on success and 0 on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_nnmod_pow2(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, size_t e);
-/* BN_mod is a helper macro that calls |BN_div| and discards the quotient. */
+// BN_mod is a helper macro that calls |BN_div| and discards the quotient.
 #define BN_mod(rem, numerator, divisor, ctx) \
   BN_div(NULL, (rem), (numerator), (divisor), (ctx))
-/* BN_nnmod is a non-negative modulo function. It acts like |BN_mod|, but 0 <=
- * |rem| < |divisor| is always true. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error. */
+// BN_nnmod is a non-negative modulo function. It acts like |BN_mod|, but 0 <=
+// |rem| < |divisor| is always true. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_nnmod(BIGNUM *rem, const BIGNUM *numerator,
                             const BIGNUM *divisor, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_add sets |r| = |a| + |b| mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
- * on error. */
+// BN_mod_add sets |r| = |a| + |b| mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_add(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,
                               const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_add_quick acts like |BN_mod_add| but requires that |a| and |b| be
- * non-negative and less than |m|. */
+// BN_mod_add_quick acts like |BN_mod_add| but requires that |a| and |b| be
+// non-negative and less than |m|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_add_quick(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,
                                     const BIGNUM *m);
-/* BN_mod_sub sets |r| = |a| - |b| mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
- * on error. */
+// BN_mod_sub sets |r| = |a| - |b| mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_sub(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,
                               const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_sub_quick acts like |BN_mod_sub| but requires that |a| and |b| be
- * non-negative and less than |m|. */
+// BN_mod_sub_quick acts like |BN_mod_sub| but requires that |a| and |b| be
+// non-negative and less than |m|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_sub_quick(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,
                                     const BIGNUM *m);
-/* BN_mod_mul sets |r| = |a|*|b| mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
- * on error. */
+// BN_mod_mul sets |r| = |a|*|b| mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,
                               const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_sqr sets |r| = |a|^2 mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
- * on error. */
+// BN_mod_sqr sets |r| = |a|^2 mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_sqr(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *m,
                               BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_lshift sets |r| = (|a| << n) mod |m|, where |r| and |a| may be the
- * same pointer. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// BN_mod_lshift sets |r| = (|a| << n) mod |m|, where |r| and |a| may be the
+// same pointer. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_lshift(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n,
                                  const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_lshift_quick acts like |BN_mod_lshift| but requires that |a| be
- * non-negative and less than |m|. */
+// BN_mod_lshift_quick acts like |BN_mod_lshift| but requires that |a| be
+// non-negative and less than |m|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_lshift_quick(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, int n,
                                        const BIGNUM *m);
-/* BN_mod_lshift1 sets |r| = (|a| << 1) mod |m|, where |r| and |a| may be the
- * same pointer. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// BN_mod_lshift1 sets |r| = (|a| << 1) mod |m|, where |r| and |a| may be the
+// same pointer. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_lshift1(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *m,
                                   BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_lshift1_quick acts like |BN_mod_lshift1| but requires that |a| be
- * non-negative and less than |m|. */
+// BN_mod_lshift1_quick acts like |BN_mod_lshift1| but requires that |a| be
+// non-negative and less than |m|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_lshift1_quick(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a,
                                         const BIGNUM *m);
-/* BN_mod_sqrt returns a newly-allocated |BIGNUM|, r, such that
- * r^2 == a (mod p). |p| must be a prime. It returns NULL on error or if |a| is
- * not a square mod |p|. In the latter case, it will add |BN_R_NOT_A_SQUARE| to
- * the error queue. */
+// BN_mod_sqrt returns a newly-allocated |BIGNUM|, r, such that
+// r^2 == a (mod p). |p| must be a prime. It returns NULL on error or if |a| is
+// not a square mod |p|. In the latter case, it will add |BN_R_NOT_A_SQUARE| to
+// the error queue.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_mod_sqrt(BIGNUM *in, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
                                    BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* Random and prime number generation. */
+// Random and prime number generation.
-/* The following are values for the |top| parameter of |BN_rand|. */
+// The following are values for the |top| parameter of |BN_rand|.
 #define BN_RAND_TOP_ANY    (-1)
 #define BN_RAND_TOP_ONE     0
 #define BN_RAND_TOP_TWO     1
-/* The following are values for the |bottom| parameter of |BN_rand|. */
+// The following are values for the |bottom| parameter of |BN_rand|.
 #define BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY  0
 #define BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ODD  1
-/* BN_rand sets |rnd| to a random number of length |bits|. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * |top| must be one of the |BN_RAND_TOP_*| values. If |BN_RAND_TOP_ONE|, the
- * most-significant bit, if any, will be set. If |BN_RAND_TOP_TWO|, the two
- * most significant bits, if any, will be set. If |BN_RAND_TOP_ANY|, no extra
- * action will be taken and |BN_num_bits(rnd)| may not equal |bits| if the most
- * significant bits randomly ended up as zeros.
- *
- * |bottom| must be one of the |BN_RAND_BOTTOM_*| values. If
- * |BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ODD|, the least-significant bit, if any, will be set. If
- * |BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY|, no extra action will be taken. */
+// BN_rand sets |rnd| to a random number of length |bits|. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
+// |top| must be one of the |BN_RAND_TOP_*| values. If |BN_RAND_TOP_ONE|, the
+// most-significant bit, if any, will be set. If |BN_RAND_TOP_TWO|, the two
+// most significant bits, if any, will be set. If |BN_RAND_TOP_ANY|, no extra
+// action will be taken and |BN_num_bits(rnd)| may not equal |bits| if the most
+// significant bits randomly ended up as zeros.
+// |bottom| must be one of the |BN_RAND_BOTTOM_*| values. If
+// |BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ODD|, the least-significant bit, if any, will be set. If
+// |BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY|, no extra action will be taken.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_rand(BIGNUM *rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom);
-/* BN_pseudo_rand is an alias for |BN_rand|. */
+// BN_pseudo_rand is an alias for |BN_rand|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_pseudo_rand(BIGNUM *rnd, int bits, int top, int bottom);
-/* BN_rand_range is equivalent to |BN_rand_range_ex| with |min_inclusive| set
- * to zero and |max_exclusive| set to |range|. */
+// BN_rand_range is equivalent to |BN_rand_range_ex| with |min_inclusive| set
+// to zero and |max_exclusive| set to |range|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_rand_range(BIGNUM *rnd, const BIGNUM *range);
-/* BN_rand_range_ex sets |rnd| to a random value in
- * [min_inclusive..max_exclusive). It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// BN_rand_range_ex sets |rnd| to a random value in
+// [min_inclusive..max_exclusive). It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_rand_range_ex(BIGNUM *r, BN_ULONG min_inclusive,
                                     const BIGNUM *max_exclusive);
-/* BN_pseudo_rand_range is an alias for BN_rand_range. */
+// BN_pseudo_rand_range is an alias for BN_rand_range.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_pseudo_rand_range(BIGNUM *rnd, const BIGNUM *range);
-/* BN_generate_dsa_nonce generates a random number 0 <= out < range. Unlike
- * BN_rand_range, it also includes the contents of |priv| and |message| in the
- * generation so that an RNG failure isn't fatal as long as |priv| remains
- * secret. This is intended for use in DSA and ECDSA where an RNG weakness
- * leads directly to private key exposure unless this function is used.
- * It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// BN_generate_dsa_nonce generates a random number 0 <= out < range. Unlike
+// BN_rand_range, it also includes the contents of |priv| and |message| in the
+// generation so that an RNG failure isn't fatal as long as |priv| remains
+// secret. This is intended for use in DSA and ECDSA where an RNG weakness
+// leads directly to private key exposure unless this function is used.
+// It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_generate_dsa_nonce(BIGNUM *out, const BIGNUM *range,
                                          const BIGNUM *priv,
                                          const uint8_t *message,
                                          size_t message_len, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_GENCB holds a callback function that is used by generation functions that
- * can take a very long time to complete. Use |BN_GENCB_set| to initialise a
- * |BN_GENCB| structure.
- *
- * The callback receives the address of that |BN_GENCB| structure as its last
- * argument and the user is free to put an arbitrary pointer in |arg|. The other
- * arguments are set as follows:
- *   event=BN_GENCB_GENERATED, n=i:   after generating the i'th possible prime
- *                                    number.
- *   event=BN_GENCB_PRIME_TEST, n=-1: when finished trial division primality
- *                                    checks.
- *   event=BN_GENCB_PRIME_TEST, n=i:  when the i'th primality test has finished.
- *
- * The callback can return zero to abort the generation progress or one to
- * allow it to continue.
- *
- * When other code needs to call a BN generation function it will often take a
- * BN_GENCB argument and may call the function with other argument values. */
+// BN_GENCB holds a callback function that is used by generation functions that
+// can take a very long time to complete. Use |BN_GENCB_set| to initialise a
+// |BN_GENCB| structure.
+// The callback receives the address of that |BN_GENCB| structure as its last
+// argument and the user is free to put an arbitrary pointer in |arg|. The other
+// arguments are set as follows:
+//   event=BN_GENCB_GENERATED, n=i:   after generating the i'th possible prime
+//                                    number.
+//   event=BN_GENCB_PRIME_TEST, n=-1: when finished trial division primality
+//                                    checks.
+//   event=BN_GENCB_PRIME_TEST, n=i:  when the i'th primality test has finished.
+// The callback can return zero to abort the generation progress or one to
+// allow it to continue.
+// When other code needs to call a BN generation function it will often take a
+// BN_GENCB argument and may call the function with other argument values.
 struct bn_gencb_st {
-  void *arg;        /* callback-specific data */
+  void *arg;        // callback-specific data
   int (*callback)(int event, int n, struct bn_gencb_st *);
-/* BN_GENCB_set configures |callback| to call |f| and sets |callout->arg| to
- * |arg|. */
+// BN_GENCB_set configures |callback| to call |f| and sets |callout->arg| to
+// |arg|.
                                  int (*f)(int event, int n,
                                           struct bn_gencb_st *),
                                  void *arg);
-/* BN_GENCB_call calls |callback|, if not NULL, and returns the return value of
- * the callback, or 1 if |callback| is NULL. */
+// BN_GENCB_call calls |callback|, if not NULL, and returns the return value of
+// the callback, or 1 if |callback| is NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_GENCB_call(BN_GENCB *callback, int event, int n);
-/* BN_generate_prime_ex sets |ret| to a prime number of |bits| length. If safe
- * is non-zero then the prime will be such that (ret-1)/2 is also a prime.
- * (This is needed for Diffie-Hellman groups to ensure that the only subgroups
- * are of size 2 and (p-1)/2.).
- *
- * If |add| is not NULL, the prime will fulfill the condition |ret| % |add| ==
- * |rem| in order to suit a given generator. (If |rem| is NULL then |ret| %
- * |add| == 1.)
- *
- * If |cb| is not NULL, it will be called during processing to give an
- * indication of progress. See the comments for |BN_GENCB|. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. */
+// BN_generate_prime_ex sets |ret| to a prime number of |bits| length. If safe
+// is non-zero then the prime will be such that (ret-1)/2 is also a prime.
+// (This is needed for Diffie-Hellman groups to ensure that the only subgroups
+// are of size 2 and (p-1)/2.).
+// If |add| is not NULL, the prime will fulfill the condition |ret| % |add| ==
+// |rem| in order to suit a given generator. (If |rem| is NULL then |ret| %
+// |add| == 1.)
+// If |cb| is not NULL, it will be called during processing to give an
+// indication of progress. See the comments for |BN_GENCB|. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_generate_prime_ex(BIGNUM *ret, int bits, int safe,
                                         const BIGNUM *add, const BIGNUM *rem,
                                         BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* BN_prime_checks is magic value that can be used as the |checks| argument to
- * the primality testing functions in order to automatically select a number of
- * Miller-Rabin checks that gives a false positive rate of ~2^{-80}. */
+// BN_prime_checks is magic value that can be used as the |checks| argument to
+// the primality testing functions in order to automatically select a number of
+// Miller-Rabin checks that gives a false positive rate of ~2^{-80}.
 #define BN_prime_checks 0
-/* bn_primality_result_t enumerates the outcomes of primality-testing. */
+// bn_primality_result_t enumerates the outcomes of primality-testing.
 enum bn_primality_result_t {
-/* BN_enhanced_miller_rabin_primality_test tests whether |w| is probably a prime
- * number using the Enhanced Miller-Rabin Test (FIPS 186-4 C.3.2) with
- * |iterations| iterations and returns the result in |out_result|. Enhanced
- * Miller-Rabin tests primality for odd integers greater than 3, returning
- * |bn_probably_prime| if the number is probably prime,
- * |bn_non_prime_power_composite| if the number is a composite that is not the
- * power of a single prime, and |bn_composite| otherwise.  If |iterations| is
- * |BN_prime_checks|, then a value that results in a false positive rate lower
- * than the number-field sieve security level of |w| is used. It returns one on
- * success and zero on failure. If |cb| is not NULL, then it is called during
- * each iteration of the primality test. */
+// BN_enhanced_miller_rabin_primality_test tests whether |w| is probably a prime
+// number using the Enhanced Miller-Rabin Test (FIPS 186-4 C.3.2) with
+// |iterations| iterations and returns the result in |out_result|. Enhanced
+// Miller-Rabin tests primality for odd integers greater than 3, returning
+// |bn_probably_prime| if the number is probably prime,
+// |bn_non_prime_power_composite| if the number is a composite that is not the
+// power of a single prime, and |bn_composite| otherwise.  If |iterations| is
+// |BN_prime_checks|, then a value that results in a false positive rate lower
+// than the number-field sieve security level of |w| is used. It returns one on
+// success and zero on failure. If |cb| is not NULL, then it is called during
+// each iteration of the primality test.
 int BN_enhanced_miller_rabin_primality_test(
     enum bn_primality_result_t *out_result, const BIGNUM *w, int iterations,
     BN_CTX *ctx, BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* BN_primality_test sets |*is_probably_prime| to one if |candidate| is
- * probably a prime number by the Miller-Rabin test or zero if it's certainly
- * not.
- *
- * If |do_trial_division| is non-zero then |candidate| will be tested against a
- * list of small primes before Miller-Rabin tests. The probability of this
- * function returning a false positive is 2^{2*checks}. If |checks| is
- * |BN_prime_checks| then a value that results in a false positive rate lower
- * than the number-field sieve security level of |candidate| is used. If |cb| is
- * not NULL then it is called during the checking process. See the comment above
- * |BN_GENCB|.
- *
- * The function returns one on success and zero on error.
- *
- * (If you are unsure whether you want |do_trial_division|, don't set it.) */
+// BN_primality_test sets |*is_probably_prime| to one if |candidate| is
+// probably a prime number by the Miller-Rabin test or zero if it's certainly
+// not.
+// If |do_trial_division| is non-zero then |candidate| will be tested against a
+// list of small primes before Miller-Rabin tests. The probability of this
+// function returning a false positive is 2^{2*checks}. If |checks| is
+// |BN_prime_checks| then a value that results in a false positive rate lower
+// than the number-field sieve security level of |candidate| is used. If |cb| is
+// not NULL then it is called during the checking process. See the comment above
+// |BN_GENCB|.
+// The function returns one on success and zero on error.
+// (If you are unsure whether you want |do_trial_division|, don't set it.)
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_primality_test(int *is_probably_prime,
                                      const BIGNUM *candidate, int checks,
                                      BN_CTX *ctx, int do_trial_division,
                                      BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex returns one if |candidate| is probably a prime
- * number by the Miller-Rabin test, zero if it's certainly not and -1 on error.
- *
- * If |do_trial_division| is non-zero then |candidate| will be tested against a
- * list of small primes before Miller-Rabin tests. The probability of this
- * function returning one when |candidate| is composite is 2^{2*checks}. If
- * |checks| is |BN_prime_checks| then a value that results in a false positive
- * rate lower than the number-field sieve security level of |candidate| is used.
- * If |cb| is not NULL then it is called during the checking process. See the
- * comment above |BN_GENCB|.
- *
- * WARNING: deprecated. Use |BN_primality_test|. */
+// BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex returns one if |candidate| is probably a prime
+// number by the Miller-Rabin test, zero if it's certainly not and -1 on error.
+// If |do_trial_division| is non-zero then |candidate| will be tested against a
+// list of small primes before Miller-Rabin tests. The probability of this
+// function returning one when |candidate| is composite is 2^{2*checks}. If
+// |checks| is |BN_prime_checks| then a value that results in a false positive
+// rate lower than the number-field sieve security level of |candidate| is used.
+// If |cb| is not NULL then it is called during the checking process. See the
+// comment above |BN_GENCB|.
+// WARNING: deprecated. Use |BN_primality_test|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(const BIGNUM *candidate, int checks,
                                            BN_CTX *ctx, int do_trial_division,
                                            BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* BN_is_prime_ex acts the same as |BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex| with
- * |do_trial_division| set to zero.
- *
- * WARNING: deprecated: Use |BN_primality_test|. */
+// BN_is_prime_ex acts the same as |BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex| with
+// |do_trial_division| set to zero.
+// WARNING: deprecated: Use |BN_primality_test|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_is_prime_ex(const BIGNUM *candidate, int checks,
                                   BN_CTX *ctx, BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* Number theory functions */
+// Number theory functions
-/* BN_gcd sets |r| = gcd(|a|, |b|). It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// BN_gcd sets |r| = gcd(|a|, |b|). It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_gcd(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,
                           BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_inverse sets |out| equal to |a|^-1, mod |n|. If |out| is NULL, a
- * fresh BIGNUM is allocated. It returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * If |n| is even then the operation is performed using an algorithm that avoids
- * some branches but which isn't constant-time. This function shouldn't be used
- * for secret values; use |BN_mod_inverse_blinded| instead. Or, if |n| is
- * guaranteed to be prime, use
- * |BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(out, a, m_minus_2, m, ctx, m_mont)|, taking
- * advantage of Fermat's Little Theorem. */
+// BN_mod_inverse sets |out| equal to |a|^-1, mod |n|. If |out| is NULL, a
+// fresh BIGNUM is allocated. It returns the result or NULL on error.
+// If |n| is even then the operation is performed using an algorithm that avoids
+// some branches but which isn't constant-time. This function shouldn't be used
+// for secret values; use |BN_mod_inverse_blinded| instead. Or, if |n| is
+// guaranteed to be prime, use
+// |BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(out, a, m_minus_2, m, ctx, m_mont)|, taking
+// advantage of Fermat's Little Theorem.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_mod_inverse(BIGNUM *out, const BIGNUM *a,
                                       const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_inverse_blinded sets |out| equal to |a|^-1, mod |n|, where |n| is the
- * Montgomery modulus for |mont|. |a| must be non-negative and must be less
- * than |n|. |n| must be greater than 1. |a| is blinded (masked by a random
- * value) to protect it against side-channel attacks. On failure, if the failure
- * was caused by |a| having no inverse mod |n| then |*out_no_inverse| will be
- * set to one; otherwise it will be set to zero. */
+// BN_mod_inverse_blinded sets |out| equal to |a|^-1, mod |n|, where |n| is the
+// Montgomery modulus for |mont|. |a| must be non-negative and must be less
+// than |n|. |n| must be greater than 1. |a| is blinded (masked by a random
+// value) to protect it against side-channel attacks. On failure, if the failure
+// was caused by |a| having no inverse mod |n| then |*out_no_inverse| will be
+// set to one; otherwise it will be set to zero.
 int BN_mod_inverse_blinded(BIGNUM *out, int *out_no_inverse, const BIGNUM *a,
                            const BN_MONT_CTX *mont, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_inverse_odd sets |out| equal to |a|^-1, mod |n|. |a| must be
- * non-negative and must be less than |n|. |n| must be odd. This function
- * shouldn't be used for secret values; use |BN_mod_inverse_blinded| instead.
- * Or, if |n| is guaranteed to be prime, use
- * |BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(out, a, m_minus_2, m, ctx, m_mont)|, taking
- * advantage of Fermat's Little Theorem. It returns one on success or zero on
- * failure. On failure, if the failure was caused by |a| having no inverse mod
- * |n| then |*out_no_inverse| will be set to one; otherwise it will be set to
- * zero. */
+// BN_mod_inverse_odd sets |out| equal to |a|^-1, mod |n|. |a| must be
+// non-negative and must be less than |n|. |n| must be odd. This function
+// shouldn't be used for secret values; use |BN_mod_inverse_blinded| instead.
+// Or, if |n| is guaranteed to be prime, use
+// |BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(out, a, m_minus_2, m, ctx, m_mont)|, taking
+// advantage of Fermat's Little Theorem. It returns one on success or zero on
+// failure. On failure, if the failure was caused by |a| having no inverse mod
+// |n| then |*out_no_inverse| will be set to one; otherwise it will be set to
+// zero.
 int BN_mod_inverse_odd(BIGNUM *out, int *out_no_inverse, const BIGNUM *a,
                        const BIGNUM *n, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* Montgomery arithmetic. */
+// Montgomery arithmetic.
-/* BN_MONT_CTX contains the precomputed values needed to work in a specific
- * Montgomery domain. */
+// BN_MONT_CTX contains the precomputed values needed to work in a specific
+// Montgomery domain.
-/* BN_MONT_CTX_new returns a fresh BN_MONT_CTX or NULL on allocation failure. */
+// BN_MONT_CTX_new returns a fresh BN_MONT_CTX or NULL on allocation failure.
-/* BN_MONT_CTX_free frees memory associated with |mont|. */
+// BN_MONT_CTX_free frees memory associated with |mont|.
-/* BN_MONT_CTX_copy sets |to| equal to |from|. It returns |to| on success or
- * NULL on error. */
+// BN_MONT_CTX_copy sets |to| equal to |from|. It returns |to| on success or
+// NULL on error.
                                              const BN_MONT_CTX *from);
-/* BN_MONT_CTX_set sets up a Montgomery context given the modulus, |mod|. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// BN_MONT_CTX_set sets up a Montgomery context given the modulus, |mod|. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
                                    BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked takes |lock| and checks whether |*pmont| is NULL. If
- * so, it creates a new |BN_MONT_CTX| and sets the modulus for it to |mod|. It
- * then stores it as |*pmont|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
- *
- * If |*pmont| is already non-NULL then it does nothing and returns one. */
+// BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked takes |lock| and checks whether |*pmont| is NULL. If
+// so, it creates a new |BN_MONT_CTX| and sets the modulus for it to |mod|. It
+// then stores it as |*pmont|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
+// If |*pmont| is already non-NULL then it does nothing and returns one.
 int BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(BN_MONT_CTX **pmont, CRYPTO_MUTEX *lock,
                            const BIGNUM *mod, BN_CTX *bn_ctx);
-/* BN_to_montgomery sets |ret| equal to |a| in the Montgomery domain. |a| is
- * assumed to be in the range [0, n), where |n| is the Montgomery modulus. It
- * returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// BN_to_montgomery sets |ret| equal to |a| in the Montgomery domain. |a| is
+// assumed to be in the range [0, n), where |n| is the Montgomery modulus. It
+// returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_to_montgomery(BIGNUM *ret, const BIGNUM *a,
                                     const BN_MONT_CTX *mont, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_from_montgomery sets |ret| equal to |a| * R^-1, i.e. translates values out
- * of the Montgomery domain. |a| is assumed to be in the range [0, n), where |n|
- * is the Montgomery modulus. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// BN_from_montgomery sets |ret| equal to |a| * R^-1, i.e. translates values out
+// of the Montgomery domain. |a| is assumed to be in the range [0, n), where |n|
+// is the Montgomery modulus. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_from_montgomery(BIGNUM *ret, const BIGNUM *a,
                                       const BN_MONT_CTX *mont, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_mul_montgomery set |r| equal to |a| * |b|, in the Montgomery domain.
- * Both |a| and |b| must already be in the Montgomery domain (by
- * |BN_to_montgomery|). In particular, |a| and |b| are assumed to be in the
- * range [0, n), where |n| is the Montgomery modulus. It returns one on success
- * or zero on error. */
+// BN_mod_mul_montgomery set |r| equal to |a| * |b|, in the Montgomery domain.
+// Both |a| and |b| must already be in the Montgomery domain (by
+// |BN_to_montgomery|). In particular, |a| and |b| are assumed to be in the
+// range [0, n), where |n| is the Montgomery modulus. It returns one on success
+// or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_mul_montgomery(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a,
                                          const BIGNUM *b,
                                          const BN_MONT_CTX *mont, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* Exponentiation. */
+// Exponentiation.
-/* BN_exp sets |r| equal to |a|^{|p|}. It does so with a square-and-multiply
- * algorithm that leaks side-channel information. It returns one on success or
- * zero otherwise. */
+// BN_exp sets |r| equal to |a|^{|p|}. It does so with a square-and-multiply
+// algorithm that leaks side-channel information. It returns one on success or
+// zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_exp(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
                           BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_exp sets |r| equal to |a|^{|p|} mod |m|. It does so with the best
- * algorithm for the values provided. It returns one on success or zero
- * otherwise. The |BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime| variant must be used if the
- * exponent is secret. */
+// BN_mod_exp sets |r| equal to |a|^{|p|} mod |m|. It does so with the best
+// algorithm for the values provided. It returns one on success or zero
+// otherwise. The |BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime| variant must be used if the
+// exponent is secret.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
                               const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
@@ -874,69 +874,69 @@
                                              const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
-/* Deprecated functions */
+// Deprecated functions
-/* BN_bn2mpi serialises the value of |in| to |out|, using a format that consists
- * of the number's length in bytes represented as a 4-byte big-endian number,
- * and the number itself in big-endian format, where the most significant bit
- * signals a negative number. (The representation of numbers with the MSB set is
- * prefixed with null byte). |out| must have sufficient space available; to
- * find the needed amount of space, call the function with |out| set to NULL. */
+// BN_bn2mpi serialises the value of |in| to |out|, using a format that consists
+// of the number's length in bytes represented as a 4-byte big-endian number,
+// and the number itself in big-endian format, where the most significant bit
+// signals a negative number. (The representation of numbers with the MSB set is
+// prefixed with null byte). |out| must have sufficient space available; to
+// find the needed amount of space, call the function with |out| set to NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BN_bn2mpi(const BIGNUM *in, uint8_t *out);
-/* BN_mpi2bn parses |len| bytes from |in| and returns the resulting value. The
- * bytes at |in| are expected to be in the format emitted by |BN_bn2mpi|.
- *
- * If |out| is NULL then a fresh |BIGNUM| is allocated and returned, otherwise
- * |out| is reused and returned. On error, NULL is returned and the error queue
- * is updated. */
+// BN_mpi2bn parses |len| bytes from |in| and returns the resulting value. The
+// bytes at |in| are expected to be in the format emitted by |BN_bn2mpi|.
+// If |out| is NULL then a fresh |BIGNUM| is allocated and returned, otherwise
+// |out| is reused and returned. On error, NULL is returned and the error queue
+// is updated.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_mpi2bn(const uint8_t *in, size_t len, BIGNUM *out);
-/* BN_mod_exp_mont_word is like |BN_mod_exp_mont| except that the base |a| is
- * given as a |BN_ULONG| instead of a |BIGNUM *|. It returns one on success
- * or zero otherwise. */
+// BN_mod_exp_mont_word is like |BN_mod_exp_mont| except that the base |a| is
+// given as a |BN_ULONG| instead of a |BIGNUM *|. It returns one on success
+// or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_exp_mont_word(BIGNUM *r, BN_ULONG a, const BIGNUM *p,
                                         const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,
                                         const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
-/* BN_mod_exp2_mont calculates (a1^p1) * (a2^p2) mod m. It returns 1 on success
- * or zero otherwise. */
+// BN_mod_exp2_mont calculates (a1^p1) * (a2^p2) mod m. It returns 1 on success
+// or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_exp2_mont(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a1,
                                     const BIGNUM *p1, const BIGNUM *a2,
                                     const BIGNUM *p2, const BIGNUM *m,
                                     BN_CTX *ctx, const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
-/* Private functions */
+// Private functions
 struct bignum_st {
   BN_ULONG *d; /* Pointer to an array of 'BN_BITS2' bit chunks in little-endian
                   order. */
-  int top;   /* Index of last used element in |d|, plus one. */
-  int dmax;  /* Size of |d|, in words. */
-  int neg;   /* one if the number is negative */
-  int flags; /* bitmask of BN_FLG_* values */
+  int top;    // Index of last used element in |d|, plus one.
+  int dmax;   // Size of |d|, in words.
+  int neg;    // one if the number is negative
+  int flags;  // bitmask of BN_FLG_* values
 struct bn_mont_ctx_st {
-  BIGNUM RR; /* used to convert to montgomery form */
-  BIGNUM N;  /* The modulus */
-  BN_ULONG n0[2]; /* least significant words of (R*Ri-1)/N */
+  BIGNUM RR;  // used to convert to montgomery form
+  BIGNUM N;   // The modulus
+  BN_ULONG n0[2];  // least significant words of (R*Ri-1)/N
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned BN_num_bits_word(BN_ULONG l);
 #define BN_FLG_MALLOCED 0x01
 #define BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA 0x02
-/* |BN_FLG_CONSTTIME| has been removed and intentionally omitted so code relying
- * on it will not compile. Consumers outside BoringSSL should use the
- * higher-level cryptographic algorithms exposed by other modules. Consumers
- * within the library should call the appropriate timing-sensitive algorithm
- * directly. */
+// |BN_FLG_CONSTTIME| has been removed and intentionally omitted so code relying
+// on it will not compile. Consumers outside BoringSSL should use the
+// higher-level cryptographic algorithms exposed by other modules. Consumers
+// within the library should call the appropriate timing-sensitive algorithm
+// directly.
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
 extern "C++" {
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -987,4 +987,4 @@
 #define BN_R_ENCODE_ERROR 118
 #define BN_R_INVALID_INPUT 119
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_BN_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/buf.h b/src/include/openssl/buf.h
index 013c546..d4c3e22 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/buf.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/buf.h
@@ -64,59 +64,59 @@
-/* Memory and string functions, see also mem.h. */
+// Memory and string functions, see also mem.h.
-/* buf_mem_st (aka |BUF_MEM|) is a generic buffer object used by OpenSSL. */
+// buf_mem_st (aka |BUF_MEM|) is a generic buffer object used by OpenSSL.
 struct buf_mem_st {
-  size_t length; /* current number of bytes */
+  size_t length;  // current number of bytes
   char *data;
-  size_t max; /* size of buffer */
+  size_t max;  // size of buffer
-/* BUF_MEM_new creates a new BUF_MEM which has no allocated data buffer. */
+// BUF_MEM_new creates a new BUF_MEM which has no allocated data buffer.
-/* BUF_MEM_free frees |buf->data| if needed and then frees |buf| itself. */
+// BUF_MEM_free frees |buf->data| if needed and then frees |buf| itself.
-/* BUF_MEM_reserve ensures |buf| has capacity |cap| and allocates memory if
- * needed. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// BUF_MEM_reserve ensures |buf| has capacity |cap| and allocates memory if
+// needed. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BUF_MEM_reserve(BUF_MEM *buf, size_t cap);
-/* BUF_MEM_grow ensures that |buf| has length |len| and allocates memory if
- * needed. If the length of |buf| increased, the new bytes are filled with
- * zeros. It returns the length of |buf|, or zero if there's an error. */
+// BUF_MEM_grow ensures that |buf| has length |len| and allocates memory if
+// needed. If the length of |buf| increased, the new bytes are filled with
+// zeros. It returns the length of |buf|, or zero if there's an error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BUF_MEM_grow(BUF_MEM *buf, size_t len);
-/* BUF_MEM_grow_clean acts the same as |BUF_MEM_grow|, but clears the previous
- * contents of memory if reallocing. */
+// BUF_MEM_grow_clean acts the same as |BUF_MEM_grow|, but clears the previous
+// contents of memory if reallocing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BUF_MEM_grow_clean(BUF_MEM *buf, size_t len);
-/* BUF_strdup returns an allocated, duplicate of |str|. */
+// BUF_strdup returns an allocated, duplicate of |str|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *BUF_strdup(const char *str);
-/* BUF_strnlen returns the number of characters in |str|, excluding the NUL
- * byte, but at most |max_len|. This function never reads more than |max_len|
- * bytes from |str|. */
+// BUF_strnlen returns the number of characters in |str|, excluding the NUL
+// byte, but at most |max_len|. This function never reads more than |max_len|
+// bytes from |str|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BUF_strnlen(const char *str, size_t max_len);
-/* BUF_strndup returns an allocated, duplicate of |str|, which is, at most,
- * |size| bytes. The result is always NUL terminated. */
+// BUF_strndup returns an allocated, duplicate of |str|, which is, at most,
+// |size| bytes. The result is always NUL terminated.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *BUF_strndup(const char *str, size_t size);
-/* BUF_memdup returns an allocated, duplicate of |size| bytes from |data|. */
+// BUF_memdup returns an allocated, duplicate of |size| bytes from |data|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *BUF_memdup(const void *data, size_t size);
-/* BUF_strlcpy acts like strlcpy(3). */
+// BUF_strlcpy acts like strlcpy(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BUF_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t dst_size);
-/* BUF_strlcat acts like strlcat(3). */
+// BUF_strlcat acts like strlcat(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BUF_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t dst_size);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h b/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h
index 1e74956..a09b49c 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h
@@ -22,110 +22,110 @@
-/* Bytestrings are used for parsing and building TLS and ASN.1 messages.
- *
- * A "CBS" (CRYPTO ByteString) represents a string of bytes in memory and
- * provides utility functions for safely parsing length-prefixed structures
- * like TLS and ASN.1 from it.
- *
- * A "CBB" (CRYPTO ByteBuilder) is a memory buffer that grows as needed and
- * provides utility functions for building length-prefixed messages. */
+// Bytestrings are used for parsing and building TLS and ASN.1 messages.
+// A "CBS" (CRYPTO ByteString) represents a string of bytes in memory and
+// provides utility functions for safely parsing length-prefixed structures
+// like TLS and ASN.1 from it.
+// A "CBB" (CRYPTO ByteBuilder) is a memory buffer that grows as needed and
+// provides utility functions for building length-prefixed messages.
-/* CRYPTO ByteString */
+// CRYPTO ByteString
 struct cbs_st {
   const uint8_t *data;
   size_t len;
-/* CBS_init sets |cbs| to point to |data|. It does not take ownership of
- * |data|. */
+// CBS_init sets |cbs| to point to |data|. It does not take ownership of
+// |data|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CBS_init(CBS *cbs, const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
-/* CBS_skip advances |cbs| by |len| bytes. It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// CBS_skip advances |cbs| by |len| bytes. It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_skip(CBS *cbs, size_t len);
-/* CBS_data returns a pointer to the contents of |cbs|. */
+// CBS_data returns a pointer to the contents of |cbs|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const uint8_t *CBS_data(const CBS *cbs);
-/* CBS_len returns the number of bytes remaining in |cbs|. */
+// CBS_len returns the number of bytes remaining in |cbs|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t CBS_len(const CBS *cbs);
-/* CBS_stow copies the current contents of |cbs| into |*out_ptr| and
- * |*out_len|. If |*out_ptr| is not NULL, the contents are freed with
- * OPENSSL_free. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure. On
- * success, |*out_ptr| should be freed with OPENSSL_free. If |cbs| is empty,
- * |*out_ptr| will be NULL. */
+// CBS_stow copies the current contents of |cbs| into |*out_ptr| and
+// |*out_len|. If |*out_ptr| is not NULL, the contents are freed with
+// OPENSSL_free. It returns one on success and zero on allocation failure. On
+// success, |*out_ptr| should be freed with OPENSSL_free. If |cbs| is empty,
+// |*out_ptr| will be NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_stow(const CBS *cbs, uint8_t **out_ptr, size_t *out_len);
-/* CBS_strdup copies the current contents of |cbs| into |*out_ptr| as a
- * NUL-terminated C string. If |*out_ptr| is not NULL, the contents are freed
- * with OPENSSL_free. It returns one on success and zero on allocation
- * failure. On success, |*out_ptr| should be freed with OPENSSL_free.
- *
- * NOTE: If |cbs| contains NUL bytes, the string will be truncated. Call
- * |CBS_contains_zero_byte(cbs)| to check for NUL bytes. */
+// CBS_strdup copies the current contents of |cbs| into |*out_ptr| as a
+// NUL-terminated C string. If |*out_ptr| is not NULL, the contents are freed
+// with OPENSSL_free. It returns one on success and zero on allocation
+// failure. On success, |*out_ptr| should be freed with OPENSSL_free.
+// NOTE: If |cbs| contains NUL bytes, the string will be truncated. Call
+// |CBS_contains_zero_byte(cbs)| to check for NUL bytes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_strdup(const CBS *cbs, char **out_ptr);
-/* CBS_contains_zero_byte returns one if the current contents of |cbs| contains
- * a NUL byte and zero otherwise. */
+// CBS_contains_zero_byte returns one if the current contents of |cbs| contains
+// a NUL byte and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_contains_zero_byte(const CBS *cbs);
-/* CBS_mem_equal compares the current contents of |cbs| with the |len| bytes
- * starting at |data|. If they're equal, it returns one, otherwise zero. If the
- * lengths match, it uses a constant-time comparison. */
+// CBS_mem_equal compares the current contents of |cbs| with the |len| bytes
+// starting at |data|. If they're equal, it returns one, otherwise zero. If the
+// lengths match, it uses a constant-time comparison.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_mem_equal(const CBS *cbs, const uint8_t *data,
                                  size_t len);
-/* CBS_get_u8 sets |*out| to the next uint8_t from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_u8 sets |*out| to the next uint8_t from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_u8(CBS *cbs, uint8_t *out);
-/* CBS_get_u16 sets |*out| to the next, big-endian uint16_t from |cbs| and
- * advances |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_u16 sets |*out| to the next, big-endian uint16_t from |cbs| and
+// advances |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_u16(CBS *cbs, uint16_t *out);
-/* CBS_get_u24 sets |*out| to the next, big-endian 24-bit value from |cbs| and
- * advances |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_u24 sets |*out| to the next, big-endian 24-bit value from |cbs| and
+// advances |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_u24(CBS *cbs, uint32_t *out);
-/* CBS_get_u32 sets |*out| to the next, big-endian uint32_t value from |cbs|
- * and advances |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_u32 sets |*out| to the next, big-endian uint32_t value from |cbs|
+// and advances |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_u32(CBS *cbs, uint32_t *out);
-/* CBS_get_last_u8 sets |*out| to the last uint8_t from |cbs| and shortens
- * |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_last_u8 sets |*out| to the last uint8_t from |cbs| and shortens
+// |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_last_u8(CBS *cbs, uint8_t *out);
-/* CBS_get_bytes sets |*out| to the next |len| bytes from |cbs| and advances
- * |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_bytes sets |*out| to the next |len| bytes from |cbs| and advances
+// |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_bytes(CBS *cbs, CBS *out, size_t len);
-/* CBS_copy_bytes copies the next |len| bytes from |cbs| to |out| and advances
- * |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_copy_bytes copies the next |len| bytes from |cbs| to |out| and advances
+// |cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_copy_bytes(CBS *cbs, uint8_t *out, size_t len);
-/* CBS_get_u8_length_prefixed sets |*out| to the contents of an 8-bit,
- * length-prefixed value from |cbs| and advances |cbs| over it. It returns one
- * on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_u8_length_prefixed sets |*out| to the contents of an 8-bit,
+// length-prefixed value from |cbs| and advances |cbs| over it. It returns one
+// on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_u8_length_prefixed(CBS *cbs, CBS *out);
-/* CBS_get_u16_length_prefixed sets |*out| to the contents of a 16-bit,
- * big-endian, length-prefixed value from |cbs| and advances |cbs| over it. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_u16_length_prefixed sets |*out| to the contents of a 16-bit,
+// big-endian, length-prefixed value from |cbs| and advances |cbs| over it. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_u16_length_prefixed(CBS *cbs, CBS *out);
-/* CBS_get_u24_length_prefixed sets |*out| to the contents of a 24-bit,
- * big-endian, length-prefixed value from |cbs| and advances |cbs| over it. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBS_get_u24_length_prefixed sets |*out| to the contents of a 24-bit,
+// big-endian, length-prefixed value from |cbs| and advances |cbs| over it. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_u24_length_prefixed(CBS *cbs, CBS *out);
-/* Parsing ASN.1 */
+// Parsing ASN.1
-/* The following values are tag numbers for UNIVERSAL elements. */
+// The following values are tag numbers for UNIVERSAL elements.
 #define CBS_ASN1_BOOLEAN 0x1u
 #define CBS_ASN1_INTEGER 0x2u
 #define CBS_ASN1_BITSTRING 0x3u
@@ -149,143 +149,143 @@
 #define CBS_ASN1_BMPSTRING 0x1eu
-/* CBS_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED may be ORed into a tag to toggle the constructed
- * bit. |CBS| and |CBB| APIs consider the constructed bit to be part of the
- * tag. */
+// CBS_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED may be ORed into a tag to toggle the constructed
+// bit. |CBS| and |CBB| APIs consider the constructed bit to be part of the
+// tag.
 #define CBS_ASN1_CONSTRUCTED 0x20u
-/* The following values specify the constructed bit or tag class and may be ORed
- * into a tag number to produce the final tag. If none is used, the tag will be
- *
- * Note that although they currently match the DER serialization, consumers must
- * use these bits rather than make assumptions about the representation. This is
- * to allow for tag numbers beyond 31 in the future. */
+// The following values specify the constructed bit or tag class and may be ORed
+// into a tag number to produce the final tag. If none is used, the tag will be
+// Note that although they currently match the DER serialization, consumers must
+// use these bits rather than make assumptions about the representation. This is
+// to allow for tag numbers beyond 31 in the future.
 #define CBS_ASN1_APPLICATION 0x40u
 #define CBS_ASN1_PRIVATE 0xc0u
-/* CBS_ASN1_CLASS_MASK may be ANDed with a tag to query its class. */
+// CBS_ASN1_CLASS_MASK may be ANDed with a tag to query its class.
 #define CBS_ASN1_CLASS_MASK 0xc0u
-/* CBS_ASN1_TAG_NUMBER_MASK may be ANDed with a tag to query its number. */
+// CBS_ASN1_TAG_NUMBER_MASK may be ANDed with a tag to query its number.
 #define CBS_ASN1_TAG_NUMBER_MASK 0x1fu
-/* CBS_get_asn1 sets |*out| to the contents of DER-encoded, ASN.1 element (not
- * including tag and length bytes) and advances |cbs| over it. The ASN.1
- * element must match |tag_value|. It returns one on success and zero
- * on error.
- *
- * Tag numbers greater than 30 are not supported (i.e. short form only). */
+// CBS_get_asn1 sets |*out| to the contents of DER-encoded, ASN.1 element (not
+// including tag and length bytes) and advances |cbs| over it. The ASN.1
+// element must match |tag_value|. It returns one on success and zero
+// on error.
+// Tag numbers greater than 30 are not supported (i.e. short form only).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_asn1(CBS *cbs, CBS *out, unsigned tag_value);
-/* CBS_get_asn1_element acts like |CBS_get_asn1| but |out| will include the
- * ASN.1 header bytes too. */
+// CBS_get_asn1_element acts like |CBS_get_asn1| but |out| will include the
+// ASN.1 header bytes too.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_asn1_element(CBS *cbs, CBS *out, unsigned tag_value);
-/* CBS_peek_asn1_tag looks ahead at the next ASN.1 tag and returns one
- * if the next ASN.1 element on |cbs| would have tag |tag_value|. If
- * |cbs| is empty or the tag does not match, it returns zero. Note: if
- * it returns one, CBS_get_asn1 may still fail if the rest of the
- * element is malformed. */
+// CBS_peek_asn1_tag looks ahead at the next ASN.1 tag and returns one
+// if the next ASN.1 element on |cbs| would have tag |tag_value|. If
+// |cbs| is empty or the tag does not match, it returns zero. Note: if
+// it returns one, CBS_get_asn1 may still fail if the rest of the
+// element is malformed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_peek_asn1_tag(const CBS *cbs, unsigned tag_value);
-/* CBS_get_any_asn1 sets |*out| to contain the next ASN.1 element from |*cbs|
- * (not including tag and length bytes), sets |*out_tag| to the tag number, and
- * advances |*cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error. Either of |out|
- * and |out_tag| may be NULL to ignore the value.
- *
- * Tag numbers greater than 30 are not supported (i.e. short form only). */
+// CBS_get_any_asn1 sets |*out| to contain the next ASN.1 element from |*cbs|
+// (not including tag and length bytes), sets |*out_tag| to the tag number, and
+// advances |*cbs|. It returns one on success and zero on error. Either of |out|
+// and |out_tag| may be NULL to ignore the value.
+// Tag numbers greater than 30 are not supported (i.e. short form only).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_any_asn1(CBS *cbs, CBS *out, unsigned *out_tag);
-/* CBS_get_any_asn1_element sets |*out| to contain the next ASN.1 element from
- * |*cbs| (including header bytes) and advances |*cbs|. It sets |*out_tag| to
- * the tag number and |*out_header_len| to the length of the ASN.1 header. Each
- * of |out|, |out_tag|, and |out_header_len| may be NULL to ignore the value.
- *
- * Tag numbers greater than 30 are not supported (i.e. short form only). */
+// CBS_get_any_asn1_element sets |*out| to contain the next ASN.1 element from
+// |*cbs| (including header bytes) and advances |*cbs|. It sets |*out_tag| to
+// the tag number and |*out_header_len| to the length of the ASN.1 header. Each
+// of |out|, |out_tag|, and |out_header_len| may be NULL to ignore the value.
+// Tag numbers greater than 30 are not supported (i.e. short form only).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_any_asn1_element(CBS *cbs, CBS *out,
                                             unsigned *out_tag,
                                             size_t *out_header_len);
-/* CBS_get_any_ber_asn1_element acts the same as |CBS_get_any_asn1_element| but
- * also allows indefinite-length elements to be returned. In that case,
- * |*out_header_len| and |CBS_len(out)| will both be two as only the header is
- * returned, otherwise it behaves the same as the previous function. */
+// CBS_get_any_ber_asn1_element acts the same as |CBS_get_any_asn1_element| but
+// also allows indefinite-length elements to be returned. In that case,
+// |*out_header_len| and |CBS_len(out)| will both be two as only the header is
+// returned, otherwise it behaves the same as the previous function.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_any_ber_asn1_element(CBS *cbs, CBS *out,
                                                 unsigned *out_tag,
                                                 size_t *out_header_len);
-/* CBS_get_asn1_uint64 gets an ASN.1 INTEGER from |cbs| using |CBS_get_asn1|
- * and sets |*out| to its value. It returns one on success and zero on error,
- * where error includes the integer being negative, or too large to represent
- * in 64 bits. */
+// CBS_get_asn1_uint64 gets an ASN.1 INTEGER from |cbs| using |CBS_get_asn1|
+// and sets |*out| to its value. It returns one on success and zero on error,
+// where error includes the integer being negative, or too large to represent
+// in 64 bits.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_asn1_uint64(CBS *cbs, uint64_t *out);
-/* CBS_get_optional_asn1 gets an optional explicitly-tagged element from |cbs|
- * tagged with |tag| and sets |*out| to its contents. If present and if
- * |out_present| is not NULL, it sets |*out_present| to one, otherwise zero. It
- * returns one on success, whether or not the element was present, and zero on
- * decode failure. */
+// CBS_get_optional_asn1 gets an optional explicitly-tagged element from |cbs|
+// tagged with |tag| and sets |*out| to its contents. If present and if
+// |out_present| is not NULL, it sets |*out_present| to one, otherwise zero. It
+// returns one on success, whether or not the element was present, and zero on
+// decode failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_optional_asn1(CBS *cbs, CBS *out, int *out_present,
                                          unsigned tag);
-/* CBS_get_optional_asn1_octet_string gets an optional
- * explicitly-tagged OCTET STRING from |cbs|. If present, it sets
- * |*out| to the string and |*out_present| to one. Otherwise, it sets
- * |*out| to empty and |*out_present| to zero. |out_present| may be
- * NULL. It returns one on success, whether or not the element was
- * present, and zero on decode failure. */
+// CBS_get_optional_asn1_octet_string gets an optional
+// explicitly-tagged OCTET STRING from |cbs|. If present, it sets
+// |*out| to the string and |*out_present| to one. Otherwise, it sets
+// |*out| to empty and |*out_present| to zero. |out_present| may be
+// NULL. It returns one on success, whether or not the element was
+// present, and zero on decode failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_optional_asn1_octet_string(CBS *cbs, CBS *out,
                                                       int *out_present,
                                                       unsigned tag);
-/* CBS_get_optional_asn1_uint64 gets an optional explicitly-tagged
- * INTEGER from |cbs|. If present, it sets |*out| to the
- * value. Otherwise, it sets |*out| to |default_value|. It returns one
- * on success, whether or not the element was present, and zero on
- * decode failure. */
+// CBS_get_optional_asn1_uint64 gets an optional explicitly-tagged
+// INTEGER from |cbs|. If present, it sets |*out| to the
+// value. Otherwise, it sets |*out| to |default_value|. It returns one
+// on success, whether or not the element was present, and zero on
+// decode failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_optional_asn1_uint64(CBS *cbs, uint64_t *out,
                                                 unsigned tag,
                                                 uint64_t default_value);
-/* CBS_get_optional_asn1_bool gets an optional, explicitly-tagged BOOLEAN from
- * |cbs|. If present, it sets |*out| to either zero or one, based on the
- * boolean. Otherwise, it sets |*out| to |default_value|. It returns one on
- * success, whether or not the element was present, and zero on decode
- * failure. */
+// CBS_get_optional_asn1_bool gets an optional, explicitly-tagged BOOLEAN from
+// |cbs|. If present, it sets |*out| to either zero or one, based on the
+// boolean. Otherwise, it sets |*out| to |default_value|. It returns one on
+// success, whether or not the element was present, and zero on decode
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_get_optional_asn1_bool(CBS *cbs, int *out, unsigned tag,
                                               int default_value);
-/* CBS_is_valid_asn1_bitstring returns one if |cbs| is a valid ASN.1 BIT STRING
- * and zero otherwise. */
+// CBS_is_valid_asn1_bitstring returns one if |cbs| is a valid ASN.1 BIT STRING
+// and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_is_valid_asn1_bitstring(const CBS *cbs);
-/* CBS_asn1_bitstring_has_bit returns one if |cbs| is a valid ASN.1 BIT STRING
- * and the specified bit is present and set. Otherwise, it returns zero. |bit|
- * is indexed starting from zero. */
+// CBS_asn1_bitstring_has_bit returns one if |cbs| is a valid ASN.1 BIT STRING
+// and the specified bit is present and set. Otherwise, it returns zero. |bit|
+// is indexed starting from zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBS_asn1_bitstring_has_bit(const CBS *cbs, unsigned bit);
-/* CRYPTO ByteBuilder.
- *
- * |CBB| objects allow one to build length-prefixed serialisations. A |CBB|
- * object is associated with a buffer and new buffers are created with
- * |CBB_init|. Several |CBB| objects can point at the same buffer when a
- * length-prefix is pending, however only a single |CBB| can be 'current' at
- * any one time. For example, if one calls |CBB_add_u8_length_prefixed| then
- * the new |CBB| points at the same buffer as the original. But if the original
- * |CBB| is used then the length prefix is written out and the new |CBB| must
- * not be used again.
- *
- * If one needs to force a length prefix to be written out because a |CBB| is
- * going out of scope, use |CBB_flush|. If an operation on a |CBB| fails, it is
- * in an undefined state and must not be used except to call |CBB_cleanup|. */
+// CRYPTO ByteBuilder.
+// |CBB| objects allow one to build length-prefixed serialisations. A |CBB|
+// object is associated with a buffer and new buffers are created with
+// |CBB_init|. Several |CBB| objects can point at the same buffer when a
+// length-prefix is pending, however only a single |CBB| can be 'current' at
+// any one time. For example, if one calls |CBB_add_u8_length_prefixed| then
+// the new |CBB| points at the same buffer as the original. But if the original
+// |CBB| is used then the length prefix is written out and the new |CBB| must
+// not be used again.
+// If one needs to force a length prefix to be written out because a |CBB| is
+// going out of scope, use |CBB_flush|. If an operation on a |CBB| fails, it is
+// in an undefined state and must not be used except to call |CBB_cleanup|.
 struct cbb_buffer_st {
   uint8_t *buf;
-  size_t len;      /* The number of valid bytes. */
-  size_t cap;      /* The size of buf. */
+  size_t len;      // The number of valid bytes.
+  size_t cap;      // The size of buf.
   char can_resize; /* One iff |buf| is owned by this object. If not then |buf|
                       cannot be resized. */
   char error;      /* One iff there was an error writing to this CBB. All future
@@ -294,147 +294,147 @@
 struct cbb_st {
   struct cbb_buffer_st *base;
-  /* child points to a child CBB if a length-prefix is pending. */
+  // child points to a child CBB if a length-prefix is pending.
   CBB *child;
-  /* offset is the number of bytes from the start of |base->buf| to this |CBB|'s
-   * pending length prefix. */
+  // offset is the number of bytes from the start of |base->buf| to this |CBB|'s
+  // pending length prefix.
   size_t offset;
-  /* pending_len_len contains the number of bytes in this |CBB|'s pending
-   * length-prefix, or zero if no length-prefix is pending. */
+  // pending_len_len contains the number of bytes in this |CBB|'s pending
+  // length-prefix, or zero if no length-prefix is pending.
   uint8_t pending_len_len;
   char pending_is_asn1;
-  /* is_top_level is true iff this is a top-level |CBB| (as opposed to a child
-   * |CBB|). Top-level objects are valid arguments for |CBB_finish|. */
+  // is_top_level is true iff this is a top-level |CBB| (as opposed to a child
+  // |CBB|). Top-level objects are valid arguments for |CBB_finish|.
   char is_top_level;
-/* CBB_zero sets an uninitialised |cbb| to the zero state. It must be
- * initialised with |CBB_init| or |CBB_init_fixed| before use, but it is safe to
- * call |CBB_cleanup| without a successful |CBB_init|. This may be used for more
- * uniform cleanup of a |CBB|. */
+// CBB_zero sets an uninitialised |cbb| to the zero state. It must be
+// initialised with |CBB_init| or |CBB_init_fixed| before use, but it is safe to
+// call |CBB_cleanup| without a successful |CBB_init|. This may be used for more
+// uniform cleanup of a |CBB|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CBB_zero(CBB *cbb);
-/* CBB_init initialises |cbb| with |initial_capacity|. Since a |CBB| grows as
- * needed, the |initial_capacity| is just a hint. It returns one on success or
- * zero on error. */
+// CBB_init initialises |cbb| with |initial_capacity|. Since a |CBB| grows as
+// needed, the |initial_capacity| is just a hint. It returns one on success or
+// zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_init(CBB *cbb, size_t initial_capacity);
-/* CBB_init_fixed initialises |cbb| to write to |len| bytes at |buf|. Since
- * |buf| cannot grow, trying to write more than |len| bytes will cause CBB
- * functions to fail. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// CBB_init_fixed initialises |cbb| to write to |len| bytes at |buf|. Since
+// |buf| cannot grow, trying to write more than |len| bytes will cause CBB
+// functions to fail. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_init_fixed(CBB *cbb, uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
-/* CBB_cleanup frees all resources owned by |cbb| and other |CBB| objects
- * writing to the same buffer. This should be used in an error case where a
- * serialisation is abandoned.
- *
- * This function can only be called on a "top level" |CBB|, i.e. one initialised
- * with |CBB_init| or |CBB_init_fixed|, or a |CBB| set to the zero state with
- * |CBB_zero|. */
+// CBB_cleanup frees all resources owned by |cbb| and other |CBB| objects
+// writing to the same buffer. This should be used in an error case where a
+// serialisation is abandoned.
+// This function can only be called on a "top level" |CBB|, i.e. one initialised
+// with |CBB_init| or |CBB_init_fixed|, or a |CBB| set to the zero state with
+// |CBB_zero|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CBB_cleanup(CBB *cbb);
-/* CBB_finish completes any pending length prefix and sets |*out_data| to a
- * malloced buffer and |*out_len| to the length of that buffer. The caller
- * takes ownership of the buffer and, unless the buffer was fixed with
- * |CBB_init_fixed|, must call |OPENSSL_free| when done.
- *
- * It can only be called on a "top level" |CBB|, i.e. one initialised with
- * |CBB_init| or |CBB_init_fixed|. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error. */
+// CBB_finish completes any pending length prefix and sets |*out_data| to a
+// malloced buffer and |*out_len| to the length of that buffer. The caller
+// takes ownership of the buffer and, unless the buffer was fixed with
+// |CBB_init_fixed|, must call |OPENSSL_free| when done.
+// It can only be called on a "top level" |CBB|, i.e. one initialised with
+// |CBB_init| or |CBB_init_fixed|. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_finish(CBB *cbb, uint8_t **out_data, size_t *out_len);
-/* CBB_flush causes any pending length prefixes to be written out and any child
- * |CBB| objects of |cbb| to be invalidated. This allows |cbb| to continue to be
- * used after the children go out of scope, e.g. when local |CBB| objects are
- * added as children to a |CBB| that persists after a function returns. This
- * function returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// CBB_flush causes any pending length prefixes to be written out and any child
+// |CBB| objects of |cbb| to be invalidated. This allows |cbb| to continue to be
+// used after the children go out of scope, e.g. when local |CBB| objects are
+// added as children to a |CBB| that persists after a function returns. This
+// function returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_flush(CBB *cbb);
-/* CBB_data returns a pointer to the bytes written to |cbb|. It does not flush
- * |cbb|. The pointer is valid until the next operation to |cbb|.
- *
- * To avoid unfinalized length prefixes, it is a fatal error to call this on a
- * CBB with any active children. */
+// CBB_data returns a pointer to the bytes written to |cbb|. It does not flush
+// |cbb|. The pointer is valid until the next operation to |cbb|.
+// To avoid unfinalized length prefixes, it is a fatal error to call this on a
+// CBB with any active children.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const uint8_t *CBB_data(const CBB *cbb);
-/* CBB_len returns the number of bytes written to |cbb|. It does not flush
- * |cbb|.
- *
- * To avoid unfinalized length prefixes, it is a fatal error to call this on a
- * CBB with any active children. */
+// CBB_len returns the number of bytes written to |cbb|. It does not flush
+// |cbb|.
+// To avoid unfinalized length prefixes, it is a fatal error to call this on a
+// CBB with any active children.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t CBB_len(const CBB *cbb);
-/* CBB_add_u8_length_prefixed sets |*out_contents| to a new child of |cbb|. The
- * data written to |*out_contents| will be prefixed in |cbb| with an 8-bit
- * length. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// CBB_add_u8_length_prefixed sets |*out_contents| to a new child of |cbb|. The
+// data written to |*out_contents| will be prefixed in |cbb| with an 8-bit
+// length. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_u8_length_prefixed(CBB *cbb, CBB *out_contents);
-/* CBB_add_u16_length_prefixed sets |*out_contents| to a new child of |cbb|.
- * The data written to |*out_contents| will be prefixed in |cbb| with a 16-bit,
- * big-endian length. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// CBB_add_u16_length_prefixed sets |*out_contents| to a new child of |cbb|.
+// The data written to |*out_contents| will be prefixed in |cbb| with a 16-bit,
+// big-endian length. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_u16_length_prefixed(CBB *cbb, CBB *out_contents);
-/* CBB_add_u24_length_prefixed sets |*out_contents| to a new child of |cbb|.
- * The data written to |*out_contents| will be prefixed in |cbb| with a 24-bit,
- * big-endian length. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// CBB_add_u24_length_prefixed sets |*out_contents| to a new child of |cbb|.
+// The data written to |*out_contents| will be prefixed in |cbb| with a 24-bit,
+// big-endian length. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_u24_length_prefixed(CBB *cbb, CBB *out_contents);
-/* CBB_add_asn1 sets |*out_contents| to a |CBB| into which the contents of an
- * ASN.1 object can be written. The |tag| argument will be used as the tag for
- * the object. Passing in |tag| number 31 will return in an error since only
- * single octet identifiers are supported. It returns one on success or zero
- * on error. */
+// CBB_add_asn1 sets |*out_contents| to a |CBB| into which the contents of an
+// ASN.1 object can be written. The |tag| argument will be used as the tag for
+// the object. Passing in |tag| number 31 will return in an error since only
+// single octet identifiers are supported. It returns one on success or zero
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_asn1(CBB *cbb, CBB *out_contents, unsigned tag);
-/* CBB_add_bytes appends |len| bytes from |data| to |cbb|. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. */
+// CBB_add_bytes appends |len| bytes from |data| to |cbb|. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_bytes(CBB *cbb, const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
-/* CBB_add_space appends |len| bytes to |cbb| and sets |*out_data| to point to
- * the beginning of that space. The caller must then write |len| bytes of
- * actual contents to |*out_data|. It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// CBB_add_space appends |len| bytes to |cbb| and sets |*out_data| to point to
+// the beginning of that space. The caller must then write |len| bytes of
+// actual contents to |*out_data|. It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_space(CBB *cbb, uint8_t **out_data, size_t len);
-/* CBB_reserve ensures |cbb| has room for |len| additional bytes and sets
- * |*out_data| to point to the beginning of that space. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. The caller may write up to |len| bytes to
- * |*out_data| and call |CBB_did_write| to complete the write. |*out_data| is
- * valid until the next operation on |cbb| or an ancestor |CBB|. */
+// CBB_reserve ensures |cbb| has room for |len| additional bytes and sets
+// |*out_data| to point to the beginning of that space. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise. The caller may write up to |len| bytes to
+// |*out_data| and call |CBB_did_write| to complete the write. |*out_data| is
+// valid until the next operation on |cbb| or an ancestor |CBB|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_reserve(CBB *cbb, uint8_t **out_data, size_t len);
-/* CBB_did_write advances |cbb| by |len| bytes, assuming the space has been
- * written to by the caller. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// CBB_did_write advances |cbb| by |len| bytes, assuming the space has been
+// written to by the caller. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_did_write(CBB *cbb, size_t len);
-/* CBB_add_u8 appends an 8-bit number from |value| to |cbb|. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. */
+// CBB_add_u8 appends an 8-bit number from |value| to |cbb|. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_u8(CBB *cbb, uint8_t value);
-/* CBB_add_u16 appends a 16-bit, big-endian number from |value| to |cbb|. It
- * returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// CBB_add_u16 appends a 16-bit, big-endian number from |value| to |cbb|. It
+// returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_u16(CBB *cbb, uint16_t value);
-/* CBB_add_u24 appends a 24-bit, big-endian number from |value| to |cbb|. It
- * returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// CBB_add_u24 appends a 24-bit, big-endian number from |value| to |cbb|. It
+// returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_u24(CBB *cbb, uint32_t value);
-/* CBB_add_u32 appends a 32-bit, big-endian number from |value| to |cbb|. It
- * returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// CBB_add_u32 appends a 32-bit, big-endian number from |value| to |cbb|. It
+// returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_u32(CBB *cbb, uint32_t value);
-/* CBB_discard_child discards the current unflushed child of |cbb|. Neither the
- * child's contents nor the length prefix will be included in the output. */
+// CBB_discard_child discards the current unflushed child of |cbb|. Neither the
+// child's contents nor the length prefix will be included in the output.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CBB_discard_child(CBB *cbb);
-/* CBB_add_asn1_uint64 writes an ASN.1 INTEGER into |cbb| using |CBB_add_asn1|
- * and writes |value| in its contents. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error. */
+// CBB_add_asn1_uint64 writes an ASN.1 INTEGER into |cbb| using |CBB_add_asn1|
+// and writes |value| in its contents. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CBB_add_asn1_uint64(CBB *cbb, uint64_t value);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
@@ -451,4 +451,4 @@
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/cast.h b/src/include/openssl/cast.h
index 8021723..2978a67 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/cast.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/cast.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 typedef struct cast_key_st {
   uint32_t data[32];
-  int short_key; /* Use reduced rounds for short key */
+  int short_key;  // Use reduced rounds for short key
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CAST_set_key(CAST_KEY *key, size_t len,
@@ -93,4 +93,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_CAST_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/chacha.h b/src/include/openssl/chacha.h
index 3d035e6..61deb8e 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/chacha.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/chacha.h
@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@
-/* CRYPTO_chacha_20 encrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| with the given key and
- * nonce and writes the result to |out|. If |in| and |out| alias, they must be
- * equal. The initial block counter is specified by |counter|. */
+// CRYPTO_chacha_20 encrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| with the given key and
+// nonce and writes the result to |out|. If |in| and |out| alias, they must be
+// equal. The initial block counter is specified by |counter|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_chacha_20(uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in,
                                      size_t in_len, const uint8_t key[32],
                                      const uint8_t nonce[12], uint32_t counter);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/cipher.h b/src/include/openssl/cipher.h
index 5710e3c..a8dd63a 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/cipher.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/cipher.h
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
-/* Ciphers. */
+// Ciphers.
-/* Cipher primitives.
- *
- * The following functions return |EVP_CIPHER| objects that implement the named
- * cipher algorithm. */
+// Cipher primitives.
+// The following functions return |EVP_CIPHER| objects that implement the named
+// cipher algorithm.
@@ -92,242 +92,242 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_ofb(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_xts(void);
-/* EVP_enc_null returns a 'cipher' that passes plaintext through as
- * ciphertext. */
+// EVP_enc_null returns a 'cipher' that passes plaintext through as
+// ciphertext.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_enc_null(void);
-/* EVP_rc2_cbc returns a cipher that implements 128-bit RC2 in CBC mode. */
+// EVP_rc2_cbc returns a cipher that implements 128-bit RC2 in CBC mode.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_rc2_cbc(void);
-/* EVP_rc2_40_cbc returns a cipher that implements 40-bit RC2 in CBC mode. This
- * is obviously very, very weak and is included only in order to read PKCS#12
- * files, which often encrypt the certificate chain using this cipher. It is
- * deliberately not exported. */
+// EVP_rc2_40_cbc returns a cipher that implements 40-bit RC2 in CBC mode. This
+// is obviously very, very weak and is included only in order to read PKCS#12
+// files, which often encrypt the certificate chain using this cipher. It is
+// deliberately not exported.
 const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_rc2_40_cbc(void);
-/* EVP_get_cipherbynid returns the cipher corresponding to the given NID, or
- * NULL if no such cipher is known. */
+// EVP_get_cipherbynid returns the cipher corresponding to the given NID, or
+// NULL if no such cipher is known.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_get_cipherbynid(int nid);
-/* Cipher context allocation.
- *
- * An |EVP_CIPHER_CTX| represents the state of an encryption or decryption in
- * progress. */
+// Cipher context allocation.
+// An |EVP_CIPHER_CTX| represents the state of an encryption or decryption in
+// progress.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init initialises an, already allocated, |EVP_CIPHER_CTX|. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init initialises an, already allocated, |EVP_CIPHER_CTX|.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new allocates a fresh |EVP_CIPHER_CTX|, calls
- * |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init| and returns it, or NULL on allocation failure. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new allocates a fresh |EVP_CIPHER_CTX|, calls
+// |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init| and returns it, or NULL on allocation failure.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup frees any memory referenced by |ctx|. It returns
- * one. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup frees any memory referenced by |ctx|. It returns
+// one.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free calls |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup| on |ctx| and then frees
- * |ctx| itself. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free calls |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup| on |ctx| and then frees
+// |ctx| itself.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy sets |out| to be a duplicate of the current state of
- * |in|. The |out| argument must have been previously initialised. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy sets |out| to be a duplicate of the current state of
+// |in|. The |out| argument must have been previously initialised.
                                        const EVP_CIPHER_CTX *in);
-/* Cipher context configuration. */
+// Cipher context configuration.
-/* EVP_CipherInit_ex configures |ctx| for a fresh encryption (or decryption, if
- * |enc| is zero) operation using |cipher|. If |ctx| has been previously
- * configured with a cipher then |cipher|, |key| and |iv| may be |NULL| and
- * |enc| may be -1 to reuse the previous values. The operation will use |key|
- * as the key and |iv| as the IV (if any). These should have the correct
- * lengths given by |EVP_CIPHER_key_length| and |EVP_CIPHER_iv_length|. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_CipherInit_ex configures |ctx| for a fresh encryption (or decryption, if
+// |enc| is zero) operation using |cipher|. If |ctx| has been previously
+// configured with a cipher then |cipher|, |key| and |iv| may be |NULL| and
+// |enc| may be -1 to reuse the previous values. The operation will use |key|
+// as the key and |iv| as the IV (if any). These should have the correct
+// lengths given by |EVP_CIPHER_key_length| and |EVP_CIPHER_iv_length|. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
                                      const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, ENGINE *engine,
                                      const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv,
                                      int enc);
-/* EVP_EncryptInit_ex calls |EVP_CipherInit_ex| with |enc| equal to one. */
+// EVP_EncryptInit_ex calls |EVP_CipherInit_ex| with |enc| equal to one.
                                       const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, ENGINE *impl,
                                       const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv);
-/* EVP_DecryptInit_ex calls |EVP_CipherInit_ex| with |enc| equal to zero. */
+// EVP_DecryptInit_ex calls |EVP_CipherInit_ex| with |enc| equal to zero.
                                       const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, ENGINE *impl,
                                       const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv);
-/* Cipher operations. */
+// Cipher operations.
-/* EVP_EncryptUpdate encrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| to |out|. The number
- * of output bytes may be up to |in_len| plus the block length minus one and
- * |out| must have sufficient space. The number of bytes actually output is
- * written to |*out_len|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// EVP_EncryptUpdate encrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| to |out|. The number
+// of output bytes may be up to |in_len| plus the block length minus one and
+// |out| must have sufficient space. The number of bytes actually output is
+// written to |*out_len|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_EncryptUpdate(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                      int *out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                      int in_len);
-/* EVP_EncryptFinal_ex writes at most a block of ciphertext to |out| and sets
- * |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. If padding is enabled (the
- * default) then standard padding is applied to create the final block. If
- * padding is disabled (with |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding|) then any partial
- * block remaining will cause an error. The function returns one on success and
- * zero otherwise. */
+// EVP_EncryptFinal_ex writes at most a block of ciphertext to |out| and sets
+// |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. If padding is enabled (the
+// default) then standard padding is applied to create the final block. If
+// padding is disabled (with |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding|) then any partial
+// block remaining will cause an error. The function returns one on success and
+// zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                        int *out_len);
-/* EVP_DecryptUpdate decrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| to |out|. The number of
- * output bytes may be up to |in_len| plus the block length minus one and |out|
- * must have sufficient space. The number of bytes actually output is written
- * to |*out_len|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// EVP_DecryptUpdate decrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| to |out|. The number of
+// output bytes may be up to |in_len| plus the block length minus one and |out|
+// must have sufficient space. The number of bytes actually output is written
+// to |*out_len|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DecryptUpdate(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                      int *out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                      int in_len);
-/* EVP_DecryptFinal_ex writes at most a block of ciphertext to |out| and sets
- * |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. If padding is enabled (the
- * default) then padding is removed from the final block.
- *
- * WARNING: it is unsafe to call this function with unauthenticated
- * ciphertext if padding is enabled. */
+// EVP_DecryptFinal_ex writes at most a block of ciphertext to |out| and sets
+// |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. If padding is enabled (the
+// default) then padding is removed from the final block.
+// WARNING: it is unsafe to call this function with unauthenticated
+// ciphertext if padding is enabled.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out,
                                        int *out_len);
-/* EVP_Cipher performs a one-shot encryption/decryption operation. No partial
- * blocks are maintained between calls. However, any internal cipher state is
- * still updated. For CBC-mode ciphers, the IV is updated to the final
- * ciphertext block. For stream ciphers, the stream is advanced past the bytes
- * used. It returns one on success and zero otherwise, unless |EVP_CIPHER_flags|
- * has |EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER| set. Then it returns the number of bytes
- * written or -1 on error.
- *
- * WARNING: this differs from the usual return value convention when using
- *
- * TODO(davidben): The normal ciphers currently never fail, even if, e.g.,
- * |in_len| is not a multiple of the block size for CBC-mode decryption. The
- * input just gets rounded up while the output gets truncated. This should
- * either be officially documented or fail. */
+// EVP_Cipher performs a one-shot encryption/decryption operation. No partial
+// blocks are maintained between calls. However, any internal cipher state is
+// still updated. For CBC-mode ciphers, the IV is updated to the final
+// ciphertext block. For stream ciphers, the stream is advanced past the bytes
+// used. It returns one on success and zero otherwise, unless |EVP_CIPHER_flags|
+// has |EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER| set. Then it returns the number of bytes
+// written or -1 on error.
+// WARNING: this differs from the usual return value convention when using
+// TODO(davidben): The normal ciphers currently never fail, even if, e.g.,
+// |in_len| is not a multiple of the block size for CBC-mode decryption. The
+// input just gets rounded up while the output gets truncated. This should
+// either be officially documented or fail.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_Cipher(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                               const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
-/* EVP_CipherUpdate calls either |EVP_EncryptUpdate| or |EVP_DecryptUpdate|
- * depending on how |ctx| has been setup. */
+// EVP_CipherUpdate calls either |EVP_EncryptUpdate| or |EVP_DecryptUpdate|
+// depending on how |ctx| has been setup.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_CipherUpdate(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                     int *out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                     int in_len);
-/* EVP_CipherFinal_ex calls either |EVP_EncryptFinal_ex| or
- * |EVP_DecryptFinal_ex| depending on how |ctx| has been setup. */
+// EVP_CipherFinal_ex calls either |EVP_EncryptFinal_ex| or
+// |EVP_DecryptFinal_ex| depending on how |ctx| has been setup.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_CipherFinal_ex(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                       int *out_len);
-/* Cipher context accessors. */
+// Cipher context accessors.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cipher returns the |EVP_CIPHER| underlying |ctx|, or NULL if
- * none has been set. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cipher returns the |EVP_CIPHER| underlying |ctx|, or NULL if
+// none has been set.
     const EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_nid returns a NID identifying the |EVP_CIPHER| underlying
- * |ctx| (e.g. |NID_aes_128_gcm|). It will crash if no cipher has been
- * configured. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_nid returns a NID identifying the |EVP_CIPHER| underlying
+// |ctx| (e.g. |NID_aes_128_gcm|). It will crash if no cipher has been
+// configured.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size returns the block size, in bytes, of the cipher
- * underlying |ctx|, or one if the cipher is a stream cipher. It will crash if
- * no cipher has been configured. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size returns the block size, in bytes, of the cipher
+// underlying |ctx|, or one if the cipher is a stream cipher. It will crash if
+// no cipher has been configured.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(const EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length returns the key size, in bytes, of the cipher
- * underlying |ctx| or zero if no cipher has been configured. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length returns the key size, in bytes, of the cipher
+// underlying |ctx| or zero if no cipher has been configured.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(const EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length returns the IV size, in bytes, of the cipher
- * underlying |ctx|. It will crash if no cipher has been configured. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length returns the IV size, in bytes, of the cipher
+// underlying |ctx|. It will crash if no cipher has been configured.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(const EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_app_data returns the opaque, application data pointer for
- * |ctx|, or NULL if none has been set. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_app_data returns the opaque, application data pointer for
+// |ctx|, or NULL if none has been set.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_app_data(const EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_app_data sets the opaque, application data pointer for
- * |ctx| to |data|. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_app_data sets the opaque, application data pointer for
+// |ctx| to |data|.
                                                 void *data);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_flags returns a value which is the OR of zero or more
- * |EVP_CIPH_*| flags. It will crash if no cipher has been configured. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_flags returns a value which is the OR of zero or more
+// |EVP_CIPH_*| flags. It will crash if no cipher has been configured.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode returns one of the |EVP_CIPH_*| cipher mode values
- * enumerated below. It will crash if no cipher has been configured. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode returns one of the |EVP_CIPH_*| cipher mode values
+// enumerated below. It will crash if no cipher has been configured.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl is an |ioctl| like function. The |command| argument
- * should be one of the |EVP_CTRL_*| values. The |arg| and |ptr| arguments are
- * specific to the command in question. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl is an |ioctl| like function. The |command| argument
+// should be one of the |EVP_CTRL_*| values. The |arg| and |ptr| arguments are
+// specific to the command in question.
                                        int arg, void *ptr);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding sets whether padding is enabled for |ctx| and
- * returns one. Pass a non-zero |pad| to enable padding (the default) or zero
- * to disable. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding sets whether padding is enabled for |ctx| and
+// returns one. Pass a non-zero |pad| to enable padding (the default) or zero
+// to disable.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, int pad);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length sets the key length for |ctx|. This is only
- * valid for ciphers that can take a variable length key. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length sets the key length for |ctx|. This is only
+// valid for ciphers that can take a variable length key. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error.
                                                  unsigned key_len);
-/* Cipher accessors. */
+// Cipher accessors.
-/* EVP_CIPHER_nid returns a NID identifying |cipher|. (For example,
- * |NID_aes_128_gcm|.) */
+// EVP_CIPHER_nid returns a NID identifying |cipher|. (For example,
+// |NID_aes_128_gcm|.)
-/* EVP_CIPHER_block_size returns the block size, in bytes, for |cipher|, or one
- * if |cipher| is a stream cipher. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_block_size returns the block size, in bytes, for |cipher|, or one
+// if |cipher| is a stream cipher.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned EVP_CIPHER_block_size(const EVP_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_key_length returns the key size, in bytes, for |cipher|. If
- * |cipher| can take a variable key length then this function returns the
- * default key length and |EVP_CIPHER_flags| will return a value with
+// EVP_CIPHER_key_length returns the key size, in bytes, for |cipher|. If
+// |cipher| can take a variable key length then this function returns the
+// default key length and |EVP_CIPHER_flags| will return a value with
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned EVP_CIPHER_key_length(const EVP_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_iv_length returns the IV size, in bytes, of |cipher|, or zero if
- * |cipher| doesn't take an IV. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_iv_length returns the IV size, in bytes, of |cipher|, or zero if
+// |cipher| doesn't take an IV.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(const EVP_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_flags returns a value which is the OR of zero or more
- * |EVP_CIPH_*| flags. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_flags returns a value which is the OR of zero or more
+// |EVP_CIPH_*| flags.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t EVP_CIPHER_flags(const EVP_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* EVP_CIPHER_mode returns one of the cipher mode values enumerated below. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_mode returns one of the cipher mode values enumerated below.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t EVP_CIPHER_mode(const EVP_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* Key derivation. */
+// Key derivation.
-/* EVP_BytesToKey generates a key and IV for the cipher |type| by iterating
- * |md| |count| times using |data| and |salt|. On entry, the |key| and |iv|
- * buffers must have enough space to hold a key and IV for |type|. It returns
- * the length of the key on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_BytesToKey generates a key and IV for the cipher |type| by iterating
+// |md| |count| times using |data| and |salt|. On entry, the |key| and |iv|
+// buffers must have enough space to hold a key and IV for |type|. It returns
+// the length of the key on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_BytesToKey(const EVP_CIPHER *type, const EVP_MD *md,
                                   const uint8_t *salt, const uint8_t *data,
                                   size_t data_len, unsigned count, uint8_t *key,
                                   uint8_t *iv);
-/* Cipher modes (for |EVP_CIPHER_mode|). */
+// Cipher modes (for |EVP_CIPHER_mode|).
 #define EVP_CIPH_ECB_MODE 0x1
@@ -339,84 +339,84 @@
 #define EVP_CIPH_XTS_MODE 0x7
-/* Cipher flags (for |EVP_CIPHER_flags|). */
+// Cipher flags (for |EVP_CIPHER_flags|).
-/* EVP_CIPH_VARIABLE_LENGTH indicates that the cipher takes a variable length
- * key. */
+// EVP_CIPH_VARIABLE_LENGTH indicates that the cipher takes a variable length
+// key.
-/* EVP_CIPH_ALWAYS_CALL_INIT indicates that the |init| function for the cipher
- * should always be called when initialising a new operation, even if the key
- * is NULL to indicate that the same key is being used. */
+// EVP_CIPH_ALWAYS_CALL_INIT indicates that the |init| function for the cipher
+// should always be called when initialising a new operation, even if the key
+// is NULL to indicate that the same key is being used.
-/* EVP_CIPH_CUSTOM_IV indicates that the cipher manages the IV itself rather
- * than keeping it in the |iv| member of |EVP_CIPHER_CTX|. */
+// EVP_CIPH_CUSTOM_IV indicates that the cipher manages the IV itself rather
+// than keeping it in the |iv| member of |EVP_CIPHER_CTX|.
 #define EVP_CIPH_CUSTOM_IV 0x100
-/* EVP_CIPH_CTRL_INIT indicates that EVP_CTRL_INIT should be used when
- * initialising an |EVP_CIPHER_CTX|. */
+// EVP_CIPH_CTRL_INIT indicates that EVP_CTRL_INIT should be used when
+// initialising an |EVP_CIPHER_CTX|.
 #define EVP_CIPH_CTRL_INIT 0x200
-/* EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER indicates that the cipher manages blocking
- * itself. This causes EVP_(En|De)crypt_ex to be simple wrapper functions. */
+// EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER indicates that the cipher manages blocking
+// itself. This causes EVP_(En|De)crypt_ex to be simple wrapper functions.
-/* EVP_CIPH_FLAG_AEAD_CIPHER specifies that the cipher is an AEAD. This is an
- * older version of the proper AEAD interface. See aead.h for the current
- * one. */
+// EVP_CIPH_FLAG_AEAD_CIPHER specifies that the cipher is an AEAD. This is an
+// older version of the proper AEAD interface. See aead.h for the current
+// one.
-/* EVP_CIPH_CUSTOM_COPY indicates that the |ctrl| callback should be called
- * with |EVP_CTRL_COPY| at the end of normal |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy|
- * processing. */
+// EVP_CIPH_CUSTOM_COPY indicates that the |ctrl| callback should be called
+// with |EVP_CTRL_COPY| at the end of normal |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy|
+// processing.
 #define EVP_CIPH_CUSTOM_COPY 0x1000
-/* Deprecated functions */
+// Deprecated functions
-/* EVP_CipherInit acts like EVP_CipherInit_ex except that |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init|
- * is called on |cipher| first, if |cipher| is not NULL. */
+// EVP_CipherInit acts like EVP_CipherInit_ex except that |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init|
+// is called on |cipher| first, if |cipher| is not NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_CipherInit(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const EVP_CIPHER *cipher,
                                   const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv,
                                   int enc);
-/* EVP_EncryptInit calls |EVP_CipherInit| with |enc| equal to one. */
+// EVP_EncryptInit calls |EVP_CipherInit| with |enc| equal to one.
                                    const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, const uint8_t *key,
                                    const uint8_t *iv);
-/* EVP_DecryptInit calls |EVP_CipherInit| with |enc| equal to zero. */
+// EVP_DecryptInit calls |EVP_CipherInit| with |enc| equal to zero.
                                    const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, const uint8_t *key,
                                    const uint8_t *iv);
-/* EVP_add_cipher_alias does nothing and returns one. */
+// EVP_add_cipher_alias does nothing and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_add_cipher_alias(const char *a, const char *b);
-/* EVP_get_cipherbyname returns an |EVP_CIPHER| given a human readable name in
- * |name|, or NULL if the name is unknown. */
+// EVP_get_cipherbyname returns an |EVP_CIPHER| given a human readable name in
+// |name|, or NULL if the name is unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_get_cipherbyname(const char *name);
-/* These AEADs are deprecated AES-GCM implementations that set
- * |EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER|. Use |EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm| and
- * |EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm| instead. */
+// These AEADs are deprecated AES-GCM implementations that set
+// |EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER|. Use |EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm| and
+// |EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_128_gcm(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_gcm(void);
-/* These are deprecated, 192-bit version of AES. */
+// These are deprecated, 192-bit version of AES.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_ecb(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_cbc(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_ctr(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_gcm(void);
-/* Private functions. */
+// Private functions.
-/* EVP_CIPH_NO_PADDING disables padding in block ciphers. */
+// EVP_CIPH_NO_PADDING disables padding in block ciphers.
 #define EVP_CIPH_NO_PADDING 0x800
-/* EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl commands. */
+// EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl commands.
 #define EVP_CTRL_INIT 0x0
 #define EVP_CTRL_GET_RC2_KEY_BITS 0x2
@@ -432,15 +432,15 @@
 #define EVP_CTRL_GCM_IV_GEN 0x13
-/* Set the GCM invocation field, decrypt only */
+// Set the GCM invocation field, decrypt only
 #define EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_IV_INV 0x18
-/* GCM TLS constants */
-/* Length of fixed part of IV derived from PRF */
+// GCM TLS constants
+// Length of fixed part of IV derived from PRF
-/* Length of explicit part of IV part of TLS records */
+// Length of explicit part of IV part of TLS records
-/* Length of tag for TLS */
+// Length of tag for TLS
 #define EVP_GCM_TLS_TAG_LEN 16
 #define EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH 64
@@ -448,51 +448,51 @@
 struct evp_cipher_ctx_st {
-  /* cipher contains the underlying cipher for this context. */
+  // cipher contains the underlying cipher for this context.
   const EVP_CIPHER *cipher;
-  /* app_data is a pointer to opaque, user data. */
-  void *app_data;      /* application stuff */
+  // app_data is a pointer to opaque, user data.
+  void *app_data;      // application stuff
-  /* cipher_data points to the |cipher| specific state. */
+  // cipher_data points to the |cipher| specific state.
   void *cipher_data;
-  /* key_len contains the length of the key, which may differ from
-   * |cipher->key_len| if the cipher can take a variable key length. */
+  // key_len contains the length of the key, which may differ from
+  // |cipher->key_len| if the cipher can take a variable key length.
   unsigned key_len;
-  /* encrypt is one if encrypting and zero if decrypting. */
+  // encrypt is one if encrypting and zero if decrypting.
   int encrypt;
-  /* flags contains the OR of zero or more |EVP_CIPH_*| flags, above. */
+  // flags contains the OR of zero or more |EVP_CIPH_*| flags, above.
   uint32_t flags;
-  /* oiv contains the original IV value. */
+  // oiv contains the original IV value.
   uint8_t oiv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
-  /* iv contains the current IV value, which may have been updated. */
+  // iv contains the current IV value, which may have been updated.
   uint8_t iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
-  /* buf contains a partial block which is used by, for example, CTR mode to
-   * store unused keystream bytes. */
+  // buf contains a partial block which is used by, for example, CTR mode to
+  // store unused keystream bytes.
   uint8_t buf[EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH];
-  /* buf_len contains the number of bytes of a partial block contained in
-   * |buf|. */
+  // buf_len contains the number of bytes of a partial block contained in
+  // |buf|.
   int buf_len;
-  /* num contains the number of bytes of |iv| which are valid for modes that
-   * manage partial blocks themselves. */
+  // num contains the number of bytes of |iv| which are valid for modes that
+  // manage partial blocks themselves.
   unsigned num;
-  /* final_used is non-zero if the |final| buffer contains plaintext. */
+  // final_used is non-zero if the |final| buffer contains plaintext.
   int final_used;
-  /* block_mask contains |cipher->block_size| minus one. (The block size
-   * assumed to be a power of two.) */
+  // block_mask contains |cipher->block_size| minus one. (The block size
+  // assumed to be a power of two.)
   int block_mask;
-  uint8_t final[EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH]; /* possible final block */
+  uint8_t final[EVP_MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH];  // possible final block
 } /* EVP_CIPHER_CTX */;
 typedef struct evp_cipher_info_st {
@@ -501,28 +501,28 @@
 struct evp_cipher_st {
-  /* type contains a NID identifing the cipher. (e.g. NID_aes_128_gcm.) */
+  // type contains a NID identifing the cipher. (e.g. NID_aes_128_gcm.)
   int nid;
-  /* block_size contains the block size, in bytes, of the cipher, or 1 for a
-   * stream cipher. */
+  // block_size contains the block size, in bytes, of the cipher, or 1 for a
+  // stream cipher.
   unsigned block_size;
-  /* key_len contains the key size, in bytes, for the cipher. If the cipher
-   * takes a variable key size then this contains the default size. */
+  // key_len contains the key size, in bytes, for the cipher. If the cipher
+  // takes a variable key size then this contains the default size.
   unsigned key_len;
-  /* iv_len contains the IV size, in bytes, or zero if inapplicable. */
+  // iv_len contains the IV size, in bytes, or zero if inapplicable.
   unsigned iv_len;
-  /* ctx_size contains the size, in bytes, of the per-key context for this
-   * cipher. */
+  // ctx_size contains the size, in bytes, of the per-key context for this
+  // cipher.
   unsigned ctx_size;
-  /* flags contains the OR of a number of flags. See |EVP_CIPH_*|. */
+  // flags contains the OR of a number of flags. See |EVP_CIPH_*|.
   uint32_t flags;
-  /* app_data is a pointer to opaque, user data. */
+  // app_data is a pointer to opaque, user data.
   void *app_data;
   int (*init)(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *iv,
@@ -531,9 +531,9 @@
   int (*cipher)(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in,
                 size_t inl);
-  /* cleanup, if non-NULL, releases memory associated with the context. It is
-   * called if |EVP_CTRL_INIT| succeeds. Note that |init| may not have been
-   * called at this point. */
+  // cleanup, if non-NULL, releases memory associated with the context. It is
+  // called if |EVP_CTRL_INIT| succeeds. Note that |init| may not have been
+  // called at this point.
   void (*cleanup)(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *);
   int (*ctrl)(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *, int type, int arg, void *ptr);
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
 extern "C++" {
@@ -588,4 +588,4 @@
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/cmac.h b/src/include/openssl/cmac.h
index 0f05bc9..dfcd37b 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/cmac.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/cmac.h
@@ -22,55 +22,55 @@
-/* CMAC.
- *
- * CMAC is a MAC based on AES-CBC and defined in
- * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4493#section-2.3. */
+// CMAC.
+// CMAC is a MAC based on AES-CBC and defined in
+// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4493#section-2.3.
-/* One-shot functions. */
+// One-shot functions.
-/* AES_CMAC calculates the 16-byte, CMAC authenticator of |in_len| bytes of
- * |in| and writes it to |out|. The |key_len| may be 16 or 32 bytes to select
- * between AES-128 and AES-256. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// AES_CMAC calculates the 16-byte, CMAC authenticator of |in_len| bytes of
+// |in| and writes it to |out|. The |key_len| may be 16 or 32 bytes to select
+// between AES-128 and AES-256. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int AES_CMAC(uint8_t out[16], const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len,
                             const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
-/* Incremental interface. */
+// Incremental interface.
-/* CMAC_CTX_new allocates a fresh |CMAC_CTX| and returns it, or NULL on
- * error. */
+// CMAC_CTX_new allocates a fresh |CMAC_CTX| and returns it, or NULL on
+// error.
-/* CMAC_CTX_free frees a |CMAC_CTX|. */
+// CMAC_CTX_free frees a |CMAC_CTX|.
-/* CMAC_Init configures |ctx| to use the given |key| and |cipher|. The CMAC RFC
- * only specifies the use of AES-128 thus |key_len| should be 16 and |cipher|
- * should be |EVP_aes_128_cbc()|. However, this implementation also supports
- * AES-256 by setting |key_len| to 32 and |cipher| to |EVP_aes_256_cbc()|. The
- * |engine| argument is ignored.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// CMAC_Init configures |ctx| to use the given |key| and |cipher|. The CMAC RFC
+// only specifies the use of AES-128 thus |key_len| should be 16 and |cipher|
+// should be |EVP_aes_128_cbc()|. However, this implementation also supports
+// AES-256 by setting |key_len| to 32 and |cipher| to |EVP_aes_256_cbc()|. The
+// |engine| argument is ignored.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CMAC_Init(CMAC_CTX *ctx, const void *key, size_t key_len,
                              const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, ENGINE *engine);
-/* CMAC_Reset resets |ctx| so that a fresh message can be authenticated. */
+// CMAC_Reset resets |ctx| so that a fresh message can be authenticated.
-/* CMAC_Update processes |in_len| bytes of message from |in|. It returns one on
- * success or zero on error. */
+// CMAC_Update processes |in_len| bytes of message from |in|. It returns one on
+// success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CMAC_Update(CMAC_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
-/* CMAC_Final sets |*out_len| to 16 and, if |out| is not NULL, writes 16 bytes
- * of authenticator to it. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// CMAC_Final sets |*out_len| to 16 and, if |out| is not NULL, writes 16 bytes
+// of authenticator to it. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CMAC_Final(CMAC_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_CMAC_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/conf.h b/src/include/openssl/conf.h
index ae71575..ebf6dc4 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/conf.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/conf.h
@@ -67,17 +67,17 @@
-/* Config files look like:
- *
- *   # Comment
- *
- *   # This key is in the default section.
- *   key=value
- *
- *   [section_name]
- *   key2=value2
- *
- * Config files are represented by a |CONF|. */
+// Config files look like:
+//   # Comment
+//   # This key is in the default section.
+//   key=value
+//   [section_name]
+//   key2=value2
+// Config files are represented by a |CONF|.
 struct conf_value_st {
   char *section;
@@ -92,77 +92,77 @@
-/* NCONF_new returns a fresh, empty |CONF|, or NULL on error. The |method|
- * argument must be NULL. */
+// NCONF_new returns a fresh, empty |CONF|, or NULL on error. The |method|
+// argument must be NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT CONF *NCONF_new(void *method);
-/* NCONF_free frees all the data owned by |conf| and then |conf| itself. */
+// NCONF_free frees all the data owned by |conf| and then |conf| itself.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void NCONF_free(CONF *conf);
-/* NCONF_load parses the file named |filename| and adds the values found to
- * |conf|. It returns one on success and zero on error. In the event of an
- * error, if |out_error_line| is not NULL, |*out_error_line| is set to the
- * number of the line that contained the error. */
+// NCONF_load parses the file named |filename| and adds the values found to
+// |conf|. It returns one on success and zero on error. In the event of an
+// error, if |out_error_line| is not NULL, |*out_error_line| is set to the
+// number of the line that contained the error.
 int NCONF_load(CONF *conf, const char *filename, long *out_error_line);
-/* NCONF_load_bio acts like |NCONF_load| but reads from |bio| rather than from
- * a named file. */
+// NCONF_load_bio acts like |NCONF_load| but reads from |bio| rather than from
+// a named file.
 int NCONF_load_bio(CONF *conf, BIO *bio, long *out_error_line);
-/* NCONF_get_section returns a stack of values for a given section in |conf|.
- * If |section| is NULL, the default section is returned. It returns NULL on
- * error. */
+// NCONF_get_section returns a stack of values for a given section in |conf|.
+// If |section| is NULL, the default section is returned. It returns NULL on
+// error.
 STACK_OF(CONF_VALUE) *NCONF_get_section(const CONF *conf, const char *section);
-/* NCONF_get_string returns the value of the key |name|, in section |section|.
- * The |section| argument may be NULL to indicate the default section. It
- * returns the value or NULL on error. */
+// NCONF_get_string returns the value of the key |name|, in section |section|.
+// The |section| argument may be NULL to indicate the default section. It
+// returns the value or NULL on error.
 const char *NCONF_get_string(const CONF *conf, const char *section,
                              const char *name);
-/* Utility functions */
+// Utility functions
-/* CONF_parse_list takes a list separated by 'sep' and calls |list_cb| giving
- * the start and length of each member, optionally stripping leading and
- * trailing whitespace. This can be used to parse comma separated lists for
- * example. If |list_cb| returns <= 0, then the iteration is halted and that
- * value is returned immediately. Otherwise it returns one. Note that |list_cb|
- * may be called on an empty member. */
+// CONF_parse_list takes a list separated by 'sep' and calls |list_cb| giving
+// the start and length of each member, optionally stripping leading and
+// trailing whitespace. This can be used to parse comma separated lists for
+// example. If |list_cb| returns <= 0, then the iteration is halted and that
+// value is returned immediately. Otherwise it returns one. Note that |list_cb|
+// may be called on an empty member.
 int CONF_parse_list(const char *list, char sep, int remove_whitespace,
                     int (*list_cb)(const char *elem, int len, void *usr),
                     void *arg);
-/* Deprecated functions */
+// Deprecated functions
-/* These defines do nothing but are provided to make old code easier to
- * compile. */
+// These defines do nothing but are provided to make old code easier to
+// compile.
 typedef struct conf_must_be_null_st CONF_MUST_BE_NULL;
-/* CONF_modules_load_file returns one. |filename| was originally a string, with
- * NULL indicating the default. BoringSSL does not support configuration files,
- * so this stub emulates the "default" no-op file but intentionally breaks
- * compilation of consumers actively attempting to use this subsystem. */
+// CONF_modules_load_file returns one. |filename| was originally a string, with
+// NULL indicating the default. BoringSSL does not support configuration files,
+// so this stub emulates the "default" no-op file but intentionally breaks
+// compilation of consumers actively attempting to use this subsystem.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CONF_modules_load_file(CONF_MUST_BE_NULL *filename,
                                           const char *appname,
                                           unsigned long flags);
-/* CONF_modules_free does nothing. */
+// CONF_modules_free does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CONF_modules_free(void);
-/* OPENSSL_config does nothing. */
+// OPENSSL_config does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OPENSSL_config(CONF_MUST_BE_NULL *config_name);
-/* OPENSSL_no_config does nothing. */
+// OPENSSL_no_config does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OPENSSL_no_config(void);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -184,4 +184,4 @@
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/cpu.h b/src/include/openssl/cpu.h
index 5ccf14b..39e7264 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/cpu.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/cpu.h
@@ -68,28 +68,28 @@
-/* Runtime CPU feature support */
+// Runtime CPU feature support
 #if defined(OPENSSL_X86) || defined(OPENSSL_X86_64)
-/* OPENSSL_ia32cap_P contains the Intel CPUID bits when running on an x86 or
- * x86-64 system.
- *
- *   Index 0:
- *     EDX for CPUID where EAX = 1
- *     Bit 20 is always zero
- *     Bit 28 is adjusted to reflect whether the data cache is shared between
- *       multiple logical cores
- *     Bit 30 is used to indicate an Intel CPU
- *   Index 1:
- *     ECX for CPUID where EAX = 1
- *     Bit 11 is used to indicate AMD XOP support, not SDBG
- *   Index 2:
- *     EBX for CPUID where EAX = 7
- *   Index 3 is set to zero.
- *
- * Note: the CPUID bits are pre-adjusted for the OSXSAVE bit and the YMM and XMM
- * bits in XCR0, so it is not necessary to check those. */
+// OPENSSL_ia32cap_P contains the Intel CPUID bits when running on an x86 or
+// x86-64 system.
+//   Index 0:
+//     EDX for CPUID where EAX = 1
+//     Bit 20 is always zero
+//     Bit 28 is adjusted to reflect whether the data cache is shared between
+//       multiple logical cores
+//     Bit 30 is used to indicate an Intel CPU
+//   Index 1:
+//     ECX for CPUID where EAX = 1
+//     Bit 11 is used to indicate AMD XOP support, not SDBG
+//   Index 2:
+//     EBX for CPUID where EAX = 7
+//   Index 3 is set to zero.
+// Note: the CPUID bits are pre-adjusted for the OSXSAVE bit and the YMM and XMM
+// bits in XCR0, so it is not necessary to check those.
 extern uint32_t OPENSSL_ia32cap_P[4];
 #if defined(BORINGSSL_FIPS)
@@ -105,25 +105,25 @@
 #if defined(OPENSSL_ARM) || defined(OPENSSL_AARCH64)
 #if defined(OPENSSL_APPLE)
-/* iOS builds use the static ARM configuration. */
+// iOS builds use the static ARM configuration.
-/* CRYPTO_is_NEON_capable_at_runtime returns true if the current CPU has a NEON
- * unit. Note that |OPENSSL_armcap_P| also exists and contains the same
- * information in a form that's easier for assembly to use. */
+// CRYPTO_is_NEON_capable_at_runtime returns true if the current CPU has a NEON
+// unit. Note that |OPENSSL_armcap_P| also exists and contains the same
+// information in a form that's easier for assembly to use.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char CRYPTO_is_NEON_capable_at_runtime(void);
-/* CRYPTO_is_NEON_capable returns true if the current CPU has a NEON unit. If
- * this is known statically then it returns one immediately. */
+// CRYPTO_is_NEON_capable returns true if the current CPU has a NEON unit. If
+// this is known statically then it returns one immediately.
 static inline int CRYPTO_is_NEON_capable(void) {
-  /* Only statically skip the runtime lookup on aarch64. On arm, one CPU is
-   * known to have a broken NEON unit which is known to fail with on some
-   * hand-written NEON assembly. For now, continue to apply the workaround even
-   * when the compiler is instructed to freely emit NEON code. See
-   * https://crbug.com/341598 and https://crbug.com/606629. */
+  // Only statically skip the runtime lookup on aarch64. On arm, one CPU is
+  // known to have a broken NEON unit which is known to fail with on some
+  // hand-written NEON assembly. For now, continue to apply the workaround even
+  // when the compiler is instructed to freely emit NEON code. See
+  // https://crbug.com/341598 and https://crbug.com/606629.
 #if defined(__ARM_NEON__) && !defined(OPENSSL_ARM)
   return 1;
@@ -132,17 +132,17 @@
 #if defined(OPENSSL_ARM)
-/* CRYPTO_has_broken_NEON returns one if the current CPU is known to have a
- * broken NEON unit. See https://crbug.com/341598. */
+// CRYPTO_has_broken_NEON returns one if the current CPU is known to have a
+// broken NEON unit. See https://crbug.com/341598.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CRYPTO_has_broken_NEON(void);
-/* CRYPTO_is_ARMv8_AES_capable returns true if the current CPU supports the
- * ARMv8 AES instruction. */
+// CRYPTO_is_ARMv8_AES_capable returns true if the current CPU supports the
+// ARMv8 AES instruction.
 int CRYPTO_is_ARMv8_AES_capable(void);
-/* CRYPTO_is_ARMv8_PMULL_capable returns true if the current CPU supports the
- * ARMv8 PMULL instruction. */
+// CRYPTO_is_ARMv8_PMULL_capable returns true if the current CPU supports the
+// ARMv8 PMULL instruction.
 int CRYPTO_is_ARMv8_PMULL_capable(void);
@@ -171,22 +171,22 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_ARM || OPENSSL_AARCH64 */
 #if defined(OPENSSL_PPC64LE)
-/* CRYPTO_is_PPC64LE_vcrypto_capable returns true iff the current CPU supports
- * the Vector.AES category of instructions. */
+// CRYPTO_is_PPC64LE_vcrypto_capable returns true iff the current CPU supports
+// the Vector.AES category of instructions.
 int CRYPTO_is_PPC64LE_vcrypto_capable(void);
 extern unsigned long OPENSSL_ppc64le_hwcap2;
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_PPC64LE */
+#endif  // OPENSSL_PPC64LE
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_CPU_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/crypto.h b/src/include/openssl/crypto.h
index e071c70..c94f39f 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/crypto.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/crypto.h
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
 #include <openssl/base.h>
-/* Upstream OpenSSL defines |OPENSSL_malloc|, etc., in crypto.h rather than
- * mem.h. */
+// Upstream OpenSSL defines |OPENSSL_malloc|, etc., in crypto.h rather than
+// mem.h.
 #include <openssl/mem.h>
-/* Upstream OpenSSL defines |CRYPTO_LOCK|, etc., in crypto.h rather than
- * thread.h. */
+// Upstream OpenSSL defines |CRYPTO_LOCK|, etc., in crypto.h rather than
+// thread.h.
 #include <openssl/thread.h>
@@ -31,65 +31,65 @@
-/* crypto.h contains functions for initializing the crypto library. */
+// crypto.h contains functions for initializing the crypto library.
-/* CRYPTO_library_init initializes the crypto library. It must be called if the
- * library is built with BORINGSSL_NO_STATIC_INITIALIZER. Otherwise, it does
- * nothing and a static initializer is used instead. It is safe to call this
- * function multiple times and concurrently from multiple threads.
- *
- * On some ARM configurations, this function may require filesystem access and
- * should be called before entering a sandbox. */
+// CRYPTO_library_init initializes the crypto library. It must be called if the
+// library is built with BORINGSSL_NO_STATIC_INITIALIZER. Otherwise, it does
+// nothing and a static initializer is used instead. It is safe to call this
+// function multiple times and concurrently from multiple threads.
+// On some ARM configurations, this function may require filesystem access and
+// should be called before entering a sandbox.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_library_init(void);
-/* CRYPTO_is_confidential_build returns one if the linked version of BoringSSL
- * has been built with the BORINGSSL_CONFIDENTIAL define and zero otherwise.
- *
- * This is used by some consumers to identify whether they are using an
- * internal version of BoringSSL. */
+// CRYPTO_is_confidential_build returns one if the linked version of BoringSSL
+// has been built with the BORINGSSL_CONFIDENTIAL define and zero otherwise.
+// This is used by some consumers to identify whether they are using an
+// internal version of BoringSSL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CRYPTO_is_confidential_build(void);
-/* CRYPTO_has_asm returns one unless BoringSSL was built with OPENSSL_NO_ASM,
- * in which case it returns zero. */
+// CRYPTO_has_asm returns one unless BoringSSL was built with OPENSSL_NO_ASM,
+// in which case it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CRYPTO_has_asm(void);
-/* FIPS_mode returns zero unless BoringSSL is built with BORINGSSL_FIPS, in
- * which case it returns one. */
+// FIPS_mode returns zero unless BoringSSL is built with BORINGSSL_FIPS, in
+// which case it returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int FIPS_mode(void);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT contains a string the identifies the version of
- * “OpenSSL”. node.js requires a version number in this text. */
+// OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT contains a string the identifies the version of
+// “OpenSSL”. node.js requires a version number in this text.
 #define OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT "OpenSSL 1.0.2 (compatible; BoringSSL)"
-/* SSLeay_version is a compatibility function that returns the string
- * "BoringSSL". */
+// SSLeay_version is a compatibility function that returns the string
+// "BoringSSL".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSLeay_version(int unused);
-/* SSLeay is a compatibility function that returns OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER from
- * base.h. */
+// SSLeay is a compatibility function that returns OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER from
+// base.h.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned long SSLeay(void);
-/* CRYPTO_malloc_init returns one. */
+// CRYPTO_malloc_init returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CRYPTO_malloc_init(void);
-/* ENGINE_load_builtin_engines does nothing. */
+// ENGINE_load_builtin_engines does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(void);
-/* ENGINE_register_all_complete returns one. */
+// ENGINE_register_all_complete returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ENGINE_register_all_complete(void);
-/* OPENSSL_load_builtin_modules does nothing. */
+// OPENSSL_load_builtin_modules does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OPENSSL_load_builtin_modules(void);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/curve25519.h b/src/include/openssl/curve25519.h
index 11fc25e..58a181f 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/curve25519.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/curve25519.h
@@ -22,160 +22,160 @@
-/* Curve25519.
- *
- * Curve25519 is an elliptic curve. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748. */
+// Curve25519.
+// Curve25519 is an elliptic curve. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748.
-/* X25519.
- *
- * X25519 is the Diffie-Hellman primitive built from curve25519. It is
- * sometimes referred to as “curve25519”, but “X25519” is a more precise name.
- * See http://cr.yp.to/ecdh.html and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748. */
+// X25519.
+// X25519 is the Diffie-Hellman primitive built from curve25519. It is
+// sometimes referred to as “curve25519”, but “X25519” is a more precise name.
+// See http://cr.yp.to/ecdh.html and https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7748.
 #define X25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN 32
 #define X25519_PUBLIC_VALUE_LEN 32
 #define X25519_SHARED_KEY_LEN 32
-/* X25519_keypair sets |out_public_value| and |out_private_key| to a freshly
- * generated, public–private key pair. */
+// X25519_keypair sets |out_public_value| and |out_private_key| to a freshly
+// generated, public–private key pair.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void X25519_keypair(uint8_t out_public_value[32],
                                    uint8_t out_private_key[32]);
-/* X25519 writes a shared key to |out_shared_key| that is calculated from the
- * given private key and the peer's public value. It returns one on success and
- * zero on error.
- *
- * Don't use the shared key directly, rather use a KDF and also include the two
- * public values as inputs. */
+// X25519 writes a shared key to |out_shared_key| that is calculated from the
+// given private key and the peer's public value. It returns one on success and
+// zero on error.
+// Don't use the shared key directly, rather use a KDF and also include the two
+// public values as inputs.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int X25519(uint8_t out_shared_key[32],
                           const uint8_t private_key[32],
                           const uint8_t peer_public_value[32]);
-/* X25519_public_from_private calculates a Diffie-Hellman public value from the
- * given private key and writes it to |out_public_value|. */
+// X25519_public_from_private calculates a Diffie-Hellman public value from the
+// given private key and writes it to |out_public_value|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void X25519_public_from_private(uint8_t out_public_value[32],
                                                const uint8_t private_key[32]);
-/* Ed25519.
- *
- * Ed25519 is a signature scheme using a twisted-Edwards curve that is
- * birationally equivalent to curve25519.
- *
- * Note that, unlike RFC 8032's formulation, our private key representation
- * includes a public key suffix to make multiple key signing operations with the
- * same key more efficient. The RFC 8032 key private key is referred to in this
- * implementation as the "seed" and is the first 32 bytes of our private key. */
+// Ed25519.
+// Ed25519 is a signature scheme using a twisted-Edwards curve that is
+// birationally equivalent to curve25519.
+// Note that, unlike RFC 8032's formulation, our private key representation
+// includes a public key suffix to make multiple key signing operations with the
+// same key more efficient. The RFC 8032 key private key is referred to in this
+// implementation as the "seed" and is the first 32 bytes of our private key.
 #define ED25519_PRIVATE_KEY_LEN 64
 #define ED25519_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN 32
 #define ED25519_SIGNATURE_LEN 64
-/* ED25519_keypair sets |out_public_key| and |out_private_key| to a freshly
- * generated, public–private key pair. */
+// ED25519_keypair sets |out_public_key| and |out_private_key| to a freshly
+// generated, public–private key pair.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ED25519_keypair(uint8_t out_public_key[32],
                                     uint8_t out_private_key[64]);
-/* ED25519_sign sets |out_sig| to be a signature of |message_len| bytes from
- * |message| using |private_key|. It returns one on success or zero on
- * error. */
+// ED25519_sign sets |out_sig| to be a signature of |message_len| bytes from
+// |message| using |private_key|. It returns one on success or zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ED25519_sign(uint8_t out_sig[64], const uint8_t *message,
                                 size_t message_len,
                                 const uint8_t private_key[64]);
-/* ED25519_verify returns one iff |signature| is a valid signature, by
- * |public_key| of |message_len| bytes from |message|. It returns zero
- * otherwise. */
+// ED25519_verify returns one iff |signature| is a valid signature, by
+// |public_key| of |message_len| bytes from |message|. It returns zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ED25519_verify(const uint8_t *message, size_t message_len,
                                   const uint8_t signature[64],
                                   const uint8_t public_key[32]);
-/* ED25519_keypair_from_seed calculates a public and private key from an
- * Ed25519 “seed”. Seed values are not exposed by this API (although they
- * happen to be the first 32 bytes of a private key) so this function is for
- * interoperating with systems that may store just a seed instead of a full
- * private key. */
+// ED25519_keypair_from_seed calculates a public and private key from an
+// Ed25519 “seed”. Seed values are not exposed by this API (although they
+// happen to be the first 32 bytes of a private key) so this function is for
+// interoperating with systems that may store just a seed instead of a full
+// private key.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ED25519_keypair_from_seed(uint8_t out_public_key[32],
                                               uint8_t out_private_key[64],
                                               const uint8_t seed[32]);
-/* SPAKE2.
- *
- * SPAKE2 is a password-authenticated key-exchange. It allows two parties,
- * who share a low-entropy secret (i.e. password), to agree on a shared key.
- * An attacker can only make one guess of the password per execution of the
- * protocol.
- *
- * See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-spake2-02. */
+// SPAKE2.
+// SPAKE2 is a password-authenticated key-exchange. It allows two parties,
+// who share a low-entropy secret (i.e. password), to agree on a shared key.
+// An attacker can only make one guess of the password per execution of the
+// protocol.
+// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-irtf-cfrg-spake2-02.
-/* spake2_role_t enumerates the different “roles” in SPAKE2. The protocol
- * requires that the symmetry of the two parties be broken so one participant
- * must be “Alice” and the other be “Bob”. */
+// spake2_role_t enumerates the different “roles” in SPAKE2. The protocol
+// requires that the symmetry of the two parties be broken so one participant
+// must be “Alice” and the other be “Bob”.
 enum spake2_role_t {
-/* SPAKE2_CTX_new creates a new |SPAKE2_CTX| (which can only be used for a
- * single execution of the protocol). SPAKE2 requires the symmetry of the two
- * parties to be broken which is indicated via |my_role| – each party must pass
- * a different value for this argument.
- *
- * The |my_name| and |their_name| arguments allow optional, opaque names to be
- * bound into the protocol. For example MAC addresses, hostnames, usernames
- * etc. These values are not exposed and can avoid context-confusion attacks
- * when a password is shared between several devices. */
+// SPAKE2_CTX_new creates a new |SPAKE2_CTX| (which can only be used for a
+// single execution of the protocol). SPAKE2 requires the symmetry of the two
+// parties to be broken which is indicated via |my_role| – each party must pass
+// a different value for this argument.
+// The |my_name| and |their_name| arguments allow optional, opaque names to be
+// bound into the protocol. For example MAC addresses, hostnames, usernames
+// etc. These values are not exposed and can avoid context-confusion attacks
+// when a password is shared between several devices.
     enum spake2_role_t my_role,
     const uint8_t *my_name, size_t my_name_len,
     const uint8_t *their_name, size_t their_name_len);
-/* SPAKE2_CTX_free frees |ctx| and all the resources that it has allocated. */
+// SPAKE2_CTX_free frees |ctx| and all the resources that it has allocated.
-/* SPAKE2_MAX_MSG_SIZE is the maximum size of a SPAKE2 message. */
+// SPAKE2_MAX_MSG_SIZE is the maximum size of a SPAKE2 message.
 #define SPAKE2_MAX_MSG_SIZE 32
-/* SPAKE2_generate_msg generates a SPAKE2 message given |password|, writes
- * it to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written.
- *
- * At most |max_out_len| bytes are written to |out| and, in order to ensure
- * success, |max_out_len| should be at least |SPAKE2_MAX_MSG_SIZE| bytes.
- *
- * This function can only be called once for a given |SPAKE2_CTX|.
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// SPAKE2_generate_msg generates a SPAKE2 message given |password|, writes
+// it to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written.
+// At most |max_out_len| bytes are written to |out| and, in order to ensure
+// success, |max_out_len| should be at least |SPAKE2_MAX_MSG_SIZE| bytes.
+// This function can only be called once for a given |SPAKE2_CTX|.
+// It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SPAKE2_generate_msg(SPAKE2_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                        size_t *out_len, size_t max_out_len,
                                        const uint8_t *password,
                                        size_t password_len);
-/* SPAKE2_MAX_KEY_SIZE is the maximum amount of key material that SPAKE2 will
- * produce. */
+// SPAKE2_MAX_KEY_SIZE is the maximum amount of key material that SPAKE2 will
+// produce.
 #define SPAKE2_MAX_KEY_SIZE 64
-/* SPAKE2_process_msg completes the SPAKE2 exchange given the peer's message in
- * |their_msg|, writes at most |max_out_key_len| bytes to |out_key| and sets
- * |*out_key_len| to the number of bytes written.
- *
- * The resulting keying material is suitable for:
- *   a) Using directly in a key-confirmation step: i.e. each side could
- *      transmit a hash of their role, a channel-binding value and the key
- *      material to prove to the other side that they know the shared key.
- *   b) Using as input keying material to HKDF to generate a variety of subkeys
- *      for encryption etc.
- *
- * If |max_out_key_key| is smaller than the amount of key material generated
- * then the key is silently truncated. If you want to ensure that no truncation
- * occurs then |max_out_key| should be at least |SPAKE2_MAX_KEY_SIZE|.
- *
- * You must call |SPAKE2_generate_msg| on a given |SPAKE2_CTX| before calling
- * this function. On successful return, |ctx| is complete and calling
- * |SPAKE2_CTX_free| is the only acceptable operation on it.
- *
- * Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// SPAKE2_process_msg completes the SPAKE2 exchange given the peer's message in
+// |their_msg|, writes at most |max_out_key_len| bytes to |out_key| and sets
+// |*out_key_len| to the number of bytes written.
+// The resulting keying material is suitable for:
+//   a) Using directly in a key-confirmation step: i.e. each side could
+//      transmit a hash of their role, a channel-binding value and the key
+//      material to prove to the other side that they know the shared key.
+//   b) Using as input keying material to HKDF to generate a variety of subkeys
+//      for encryption etc.
+// If |max_out_key_key| is smaller than the amount of key material generated
+// then the key is silently truncated. If you want to ensure that no truncation
+// occurs then |max_out_key| should be at least |SPAKE2_MAX_KEY_SIZE|.
+// You must call |SPAKE2_generate_msg| on a given |SPAKE2_CTX| before calling
+// this function. On successful return, |ctx| is complete and calling
+// |SPAKE2_CTX_free| is the only acceptable operation on it.
+// Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SPAKE2_process_msg(SPAKE2_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out_key,
                                       size_t *out_key_len,
                                       size_t max_out_key_len,
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_CURVE25519_H */
+#endif  // OPENSSL_HEADER_CURVE25519_H
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/des.h b/src/include/openssl/des.h
index 2b8dd0f..af1c822 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/des.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/des.h
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
-/* DES. */
+// DES.
 typedef struct DES_cblock_st {
@@ -85,30 +85,30 @@
 #define DES_CBC_MODE 0
 #define DES_PCBC_MODE 1
-/* DES_set_key performs a key schedule and initialises |schedule| with |key|. */
+// DES_set_key performs a key schedule and initialises |schedule| with |key|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_set_key(const DES_cblock *key,
                                 DES_key_schedule *schedule);
-/* DES_set_odd_parity sets the parity bits (the least-significant bits in each
- * byte) of |key| given the other bits in each byte. */
+// DES_set_odd_parity sets the parity bits (the least-significant bits in each
+// byte) of |key| given the other bits in each byte.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_set_odd_parity(DES_cblock *key);
-/* DES_ecb_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |is_encrypt| is |DES_DECRYPT|) a
- * single DES block (8 bytes) from in to out, using the key configured in
- * |schedule|. */
+// DES_ecb_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |is_encrypt| is |DES_DECRYPT|) a
+// single DES block (8 bytes) from in to out, using the key configured in
+// |schedule|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_ecb_encrypt(const DES_cblock *in, DES_cblock *out,
                                     const DES_key_schedule *schedule,
                                     int is_encrypt);
-/* DES_ncbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| is |DES_DECRYPT|) |len|
- * bytes from |in| to |out| with DES in CBC mode. */
+// DES_ncbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| is |DES_DECRYPT|) |len|
+// bytes from |in| to |out| with DES in CBC mode.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_ncbc_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                      size_t len,
                                      const DES_key_schedule *schedule,
                                      DES_cblock *ivec, int enc);
-/* DES_ecb3_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| is |DES_DECRYPT|) a single
- * block (8 bytes) of data from |input| to |output| using 3DES. */
+// DES_ecb3_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| is |DES_DECRYPT|) a single
+// block (8 bytes) of data from |input| to |output| using 3DES.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_ecb3_encrypt(const DES_cblock *input,
                                      DES_cblock *output,
                                      const DES_key_schedule *ks1,
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@
                                      const DES_key_schedule *ks3,
                                      int enc);
-/* DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| is |DES_DECRYPT|) |len|
- * bytes from |in| to |out| with 3DES in CBC mode. 3DES uses three keys, thus
- * the function takes three different |DES_key_schedule|s. */
+// DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| is |DES_DECRYPT|) |len|
+// bytes from |in| to |out| with 3DES in CBC mode. 3DES uses three keys, thus
+// the function takes three different |DES_key_schedule|s.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                          size_t len,
                                          const DES_key_schedule *ks1,
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@
                                          const DES_key_schedule *ks3,
                                          DES_cblock *ivec, int enc);
-/* DES_ede2_cbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| is |DES_DECRYPT|) |len|
- * bytes from |in| to |out| with 3DES in CBC mode. With this keying option, the
- * first and third 3DES keys are identical. Thus, this function takes only two
- * different |DES_key_schedule|s. */
+// DES_ede2_cbc_encrypt encrypts (or decrypts, if |enc| is |DES_DECRYPT|) |len|
+// bytes from |in| to |out| with 3DES in CBC mode. With this keying option, the
+// first and third 3DES keys are identical. Thus, this function takes only two
+// different |DES_key_schedule|s.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_ede2_cbc_encrypt(const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out,
                                          size_t len,
                                          const DES_key_schedule *ks1,
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@
                                          DES_cblock *ivec, int enc);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* DES_set_key_unchecked calls |DES_set_key|. */
+// DES_set_key_unchecked calls |DES_set_key|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_set_key_unchecked(const DES_cblock *key,
                                           DES_key_schedule *schedule);
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@
                                          DES_cblock *ivec, int enc);
-/* Private functions.
- *
- * These functions are only exported for use in |decrepit|. */
+// Private functions.
+// These functions are only exported for use in |decrepit|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DES_decrypt3(uint32_t *data, const DES_key_schedule *ks1,
                                  const DES_key_schedule *ks2,
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_DES_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/dh.h b/src/include/openssl/dh.h
index 9f92a06..d78bbeb 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/dh.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/dh.h
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@
 #include <openssl/base.h>
-#include <openssl/engine.h>
 #include <openssl/ex_data.h>
 #include <openssl/thread.h>
@@ -68,92 +67,83 @@
-/* DH contains functions for performing Diffie-Hellman key agreement in
- * multiplicative groups. */
+// DH contains functions for performing Diffie-Hellman key agreement in
+// multiplicative groups.
-/* Allocation and destruction. */
+// Allocation and destruction.
-/* DH_new returns a new, empty DH object or NULL on error. */
+// DH_new returns a new, empty DH object or NULL on error.
-/* DH_free decrements the reference count of |dh| and frees it if the reference
- * count drops to zero. */
+// DH_free decrements the reference count of |dh| and frees it if the reference
+// count drops to zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DH_free(DH *dh);
-/* DH_up_ref increments the reference count of |dh| and returns one. */
+// DH_up_ref increments the reference count of |dh| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_up_ref(DH *dh);
-/* Properties. */
+// Properties.
-/* DH_get0_key sets |*out_pub_key| and |*out_priv_key|, if non-NULL, to |dh|'s
- * public and private key, respectively. If |dh| is a public key, the private
- * key will be set to NULL. */
+// DH_get0_key sets |*out_pub_key| and |*out_priv_key|, if non-NULL, to |dh|'s
+// public and private key, respectively. If |dh| is a public key, the private
+// key will be set to NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DH_get0_key(const DH *dh, const BIGNUM **out_pub_key,
                                 const BIGNUM **out_priv_key);
-/* DH_get0_pqg sets |*out_p|, |*out_q|, and |*out_g|, if non-NULL, to |dh|'s p,
- * q, and g parameters, respectively. */
+// DH_get0_pqg sets |*out_p|, |*out_q|, and |*out_g|, if non-NULL, to |dh|'s p,
+// q, and g parameters, respectively.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DH_get0_pqg(const DH *dh, const BIGNUM **out_p,
                                 const BIGNUM **out_q, const BIGNUM **out_g);
-/* Standard parameters.
- *
- * These functions return new DH objects with standard parameters. They return
- * NULL on allocation failure. The |engine| parameter is ignored. */
+// Standard parameters.
-/* These parameters are taken from RFC 5114. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_get_1024_160(const ENGINE *engine);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_get_2048_224(const ENGINE *engine);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_get_2048_256(const ENGINE *engine);
-/* BN_get_rfc3526_prime_1536 sets |*ret| to the 1536-bit MODP group from RFC
- * 3526 and returns |ret|. If |ret| is NULL then a fresh |BIGNUM| is allocated
- * and returned. It returns NULL on allocation failure. */
+// BN_get_rfc3526_prime_1536 sets |*ret| to the 1536-bit MODP group from RFC
+// 3526 and returns |ret|. If |ret| is NULL then a fresh |BIGNUM| is allocated
+// and returned. It returns NULL on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIGNUM *BN_get_rfc3526_prime_1536(BIGNUM *ret);
-/* Parameter generation. */
+// Parameter generation.
 #define DH_GENERATOR_2 2
 #define DH_GENERATOR_5 5
-/* DH_generate_parameters_ex generates a suitable Diffie-Hellman group with a
- * prime that is |prime_bits| long and stores it in |dh|. The generator of the
- * group will be |generator|, which should be |DH_GENERATOR_2| unless there's a
- * good reason to use a different value. The |cb| argument contains a callback
- * function that will be called during the generation. See the documentation in
- * |bn.h| about this. In addition to the callback invocations from |BN|, |cb|
- * will also be called with |event| equal to three when the generation is
- * complete. */
+// DH_generate_parameters_ex generates a suitable Diffie-Hellman group with a
+// prime that is |prime_bits| long and stores it in |dh|. The generator of the
+// group will be |generator|, which should be |DH_GENERATOR_2| unless there's a
+// good reason to use a different value. The |cb| argument contains a callback
+// function that will be called during the generation. See the documentation in
+// |bn.h| about this. In addition to the callback invocations from |BN|, |cb|
+// will also be called with |event| equal to three when the generation is
+// complete.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_generate_parameters_ex(DH *dh, int prime_bits,
                                              int generator, BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* Diffie-Hellman operations. */
+// Diffie-Hellman operations.
-/* DH_generate_key generates a new, random, private key and stores it in
- * |dh|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// DH_generate_key generates a new, random, private key and stores it in
+// |dh|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_generate_key(DH *dh);
-/* DH_compute_key calculates the shared key between |dh| and |peers_key| and
- * writes it as a big-endian integer into |out|, which must have |DH_size|
- * bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes written, or a negative number
- * on error. */
+// DH_compute_key calculates the shared key between |dh| and |peers_key| and
+// writes it as a big-endian integer into |out|, which must have |DH_size|
+// bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes written, or a negative number
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_compute_key(uint8_t *out, const BIGNUM *peers_key,
                                   DH *dh);
-/* Utility functions. */
+// Utility functions.
-/* DH_size returns the number of bytes in the DH group's prime. */
+// DH_size returns the number of bytes in the DH group's prime.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_size(const DH *dh);
-/* DH_num_bits returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent the
- * absolute value of the DH group's prime. */
+// DH_num_bits returns the minimum number of bits needed to represent the
+// absolute value of the DH group's prime.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned DH_num_bits(const DH *dh);
 #define DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME 0x01
@@ -164,49 +154,49 @@
-/* These are compatibility defines. */
+// These are compatibility defines.
-/* DH_check checks the suitability of |dh| as a Diffie-Hellman group. and sets
- * |DH_CHECK_*| flags in |*out_flags| if it finds any errors. It returns one if
- * |*out_flags| was successfully set and zero on error.
- *
- * Note: these checks may be quite computationally expensive. */
+// DH_check checks the suitability of |dh| as a Diffie-Hellman group. and sets
+// |DH_CHECK_*| flags in |*out_flags| if it finds any errors. It returns one if
+// |*out_flags| was successfully set and zero on error.
+// Note: these checks may be quite computationally expensive.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_check(const DH *dh, int *out_flags);
-/* DH_check_pub_key checks the suitability of |pub_key| as a public key for the
- * DH group in |dh| and sets |DH_CHECK_PUBKEY_*| flags in |*out_flags| if it
- * finds any errors. It returns one if |*out_flags| was successfully set and
- * zero on error. */
+// DH_check_pub_key checks the suitability of |pub_key| as a public key for the
+// DH group in |dh| and sets |DH_CHECK_PUBKEY_*| flags in |*out_flags| if it
+// finds any errors. It returns one if |*out_flags| was successfully set and
+// zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_check_pub_key(const DH *dh, const BIGNUM *pub_key,
                                     int *out_flags);
-/* DHparams_dup allocates a fresh |DH| and copies the parameters from |dh| into
- * it. It returns the new |DH| or NULL on error. */
+// DHparams_dup allocates a fresh |DH| and copies the parameters from |dh| into
+// it. It returns the new |DH| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DHparams_dup(const DH *dh);
-/* ASN.1 functions. */
+// ASN.1 functions.
-/* DH_parse_parameters decodes a DER-encoded DHParameter structure (PKCS #3)
- * from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DH| or NULL on
- * error. */
+// DH_parse_parameters decodes a DER-encoded DHParameter structure (PKCS #3)
+// from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DH| or NULL on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_parse_parameters(CBS *cbs);
-/* DH_marshal_parameters marshals |dh| as a DER-encoded DHParameter structure
- * (PKCS #3) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero
- * on error. */
+// DH_marshal_parameters marshals |dh| as a DER-encoded DHParameter structure
+// (PKCS #3) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_marshal_parameters(CBB *cbb, const DH *dh);
-/* ex_data functions.
- *
- * See |ex_data.h| for details. */
+// ex_data functions.
+// See |ex_data.h| for details.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DH_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
                                        CRYPTO_EX_unused *unused,
@@ -216,50 +206,50 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *DH_get_ex_data(DH *d, int idx);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* DH_generate_parameters behaves like |DH_generate_parameters_ex|, which is
- * what you should use instead. It returns NULL on error, or a newly-allocated
- * |DH| on success. This function is provided for compatibility only. */
+// DH_generate_parameters behaves like |DH_generate_parameters_ex|, which is
+// what you should use instead. It returns NULL on error, or a newly-allocated
+// |DH| on success. This function is provided for compatibility only.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_generate_parameters(int prime_len, int generator,
                                           void (*callback)(int, int, void *),
                                           void *cb_arg);
-/* d2i_DHparams parses an ASN.1, DER encoded Diffie-Hellman parameters structure
- * from |len| bytes at |*inp|. If |ret| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to
- * the result is in |*ret|. Note that, even if |*ret| is already non-NULL on
- * entry, it will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |DH| is allocated and the
- * previous one is freed.
- *
- * On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
- * returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * Use |DH_parse_parameters| instead. */
+// d2i_DHparams parses an ASN.1, DER encoded Diffie-Hellman parameters structure
+// from |len| bytes at |*inp|. If |ret| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to
+// the result is in |*ret|. Note that, even if |*ret| is already non-NULL on
+// entry, it will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |DH| is allocated and the
+// previous one is freed.
+// On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
+// returns the result or NULL on error.
+// Use |DH_parse_parameters| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *d2i_DHparams(DH **ret, const unsigned char **inp, long len);
-/* i2d_DHparams marshals |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure. If |outp| is not NULL
- * then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past the
- * output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or
- * not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * Use |DH_marshal_parameters| instead. */
+// i2d_DHparams marshals |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure. If |outp| is not NULL
+// then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past the
+// output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or
+// not, or a negative value on error.
+// Use |DH_marshal_parameters| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_DHparams(const DH *in, unsigned char **outp);
 struct dh_st {
   BIGNUM *p;
   BIGNUM *g;
-  BIGNUM *pub_key;  /* g^x mod p */
-  BIGNUM *priv_key; /* x */
+  BIGNUM *pub_key;   // g^x mod p
+  BIGNUM *priv_key;  // x
-  /* priv_length contains the length, in bits, of the private value. If zero,
-   * the private value will be the same length as |p|. */
+  // priv_length contains the length, in bits, of the private value. If zero,
+  // the private value will be the same length as |p|.
   unsigned priv_length;
   CRYPTO_MUTEX method_mont_p_lock;
   BN_MONT_CTX *method_mont_p;
-  /* Place holders if we want to do X9.42 DH */
+  // Place holders if we want to do X9.42 DH
   BIGNUM *q;
   BIGNUM *j;
   unsigned char *seed;
@@ -273,7 +263,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -283,7 +273,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -294,4 +284,4 @@
 #define DH_R_DECODE_ERROR 104
 #define DH_R_ENCODE_ERROR 105
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_DH_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/digest.h b/src/include/openssl/digest.h
index 2de84f7..ad6dd50 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/digest.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/digest.h
@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@
-/* Digest functions.
- *
- * An EVP_MD abstracts the details of a specific hash function allowing code to
- * deal with the concept of a "hash function" without needing to know exactly
- * which hash function it is. */
+// Digest functions.
+// An EVP_MD abstracts the details of a specific hash function allowing code to
+// deal with the concept of a "hash function" without needing to know exactly
+// which hash function it is.
-/* Hash algorithms.
- *
- * The following functions return |EVP_MD| objects that implement the named hash
- * function. */
+// Hash algorithms.
+// The following functions return |EVP_MD| objects that implement the named hash
+// function.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_md4(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_md5(void);
@@ -84,185 +84,185 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_sha384(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_sha512(void);
-/* EVP_md5_sha1 is a TLS-specific |EVP_MD| which computes the concatenation of
- * MD5 and SHA-1, as used in TLS 1.1 and below. */
+// EVP_md5_sha1 is a TLS-specific |EVP_MD| which computes the concatenation of
+// MD5 and SHA-1, as used in TLS 1.1 and below.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_md5_sha1(void);
-/* EVP_get_digestbynid returns an |EVP_MD| for the given NID, or NULL if no
- * such digest is known. */
+// EVP_get_digestbynid returns an |EVP_MD| for the given NID, or NULL if no
+// such digest is known.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_get_digestbynid(int nid);
-/* EVP_get_digestbyobj returns an |EVP_MD| for the given |ASN1_OBJECT|, or NULL
- * if no such digest is known. */
+// EVP_get_digestbyobj returns an |EVP_MD| for the given |ASN1_OBJECT|, or NULL
+// if no such digest is known.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_get_digestbyobj(const ASN1_OBJECT *obj);
-/* Digest contexts.
- *
- * An EVP_MD_CTX represents the state of a specific digest operation in
- * progress. */
+// Digest contexts.
+// An EVP_MD_CTX represents the state of a specific digest operation in
+// progress.
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_init initialises an, already allocated, |EVP_MD_CTX|. This is the
- * same as setting the structure to zero. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_init initialises an, already allocated, |EVP_MD_CTX|. This is the
+// same as setting the structure to zero.
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_create allocates and initialises a fresh |EVP_MD_CTX| and returns
- * it, or NULL on allocation failure. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_create allocates and initialises a fresh |EVP_MD_CTX| and returns
+// it, or NULL on allocation failure.
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup frees any resources owned by |ctx| and resets it to a
- * freshly initialised state. It does not free |ctx| itself. It returns one. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup frees any resources owned by |ctx| and resets it to a
+// freshly initialised state. It does not free |ctx| itself. It returns one.
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_destroy calls |EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup| and then frees |ctx| itself. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_destroy calls |EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup| and then frees |ctx| itself.
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex sets |out|, which must already be initialised, to be a
- * copy of |in|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex sets |out|, which must already be initialised, to be a
+// copy of |in|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_MD_CTX_copy_ex(EVP_MD_CTX *out, const EVP_MD_CTX *in);
-/* Digest operations. */
+// Digest operations.
-/* EVP_DigestInit_ex configures |ctx|, which must already have been
- * initialised, for a fresh hashing operation using |type|. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. */
+// EVP_DigestInit_ex configures |ctx|, which must already have been
+// initialised, for a fresh hashing operation using |type|. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestInit_ex(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *type,
                                      ENGINE *engine);
-/* EVP_DigestInit acts like |EVP_DigestInit_ex| except that |ctx| is
- * initialised before use. */
+// EVP_DigestInit acts like |EVP_DigestInit_ex| except that |ctx| is
+// initialised before use.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestInit(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *type);
-/* EVP_DigestUpdate hashes |len| bytes from |data| into the hashing operation
- * in |ctx|. It returns one. */
+// EVP_DigestUpdate hashes |len| bytes from |data| into the hashing operation
+// in |ctx|. It returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestUpdate(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data,
                                     size_t len);
-/* EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE is the largest digest size supported, in bytes.
- * Functions that output a digest generally require the buffer have
- * at least this much space. */
-#define EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE 64 /* SHA-512 is the longest so far. */
+// EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE is the largest digest size supported, in bytes.
+// Functions that output a digest generally require the buffer have
+// at least this much space.
+#define EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE 64  // SHA-512 is the longest so far.
-/* EVP_MAX_MD_BLOCK_SIZE is the largest digest block size supported, in
- * bytes. */
-#define EVP_MAX_MD_BLOCK_SIZE 128 /* SHA-512 is the longest so far. */
+// EVP_MAX_MD_BLOCK_SIZE is the largest digest block size supported, in
+// bytes.
+#define EVP_MAX_MD_BLOCK_SIZE 128  // SHA-512 is the longest so far.
-/* EVP_DigestFinal_ex finishes the digest in |ctx| and writes the output to
- * |md_out|. |EVP_MD_CTX_size| bytes are written, which is at most
- * |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE|. If |out_size| is not NULL then |*out_size| is set to the
- * number of bytes written. It returns one. After this call, the hash cannot be
- * updated or finished again until |EVP_DigestInit_ex| is called to start
- * another hashing operation. */
+// EVP_DigestFinal_ex finishes the digest in |ctx| and writes the output to
+// |md_out|. |EVP_MD_CTX_size| bytes are written, which is at most
+// |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE|. If |out_size| is not NULL then |*out_size| is set to the
+// number of bytes written. It returns one. After this call, the hash cannot be
+// updated or finished again until |EVP_DigestInit_ex| is called to start
+// another hashing operation.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestFinal_ex(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *md_out,
                                       unsigned int *out_size);
-/* EVP_DigestFinal acts like |EVP_DigestFinal_ex| except that
- * |EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup| is called on |ctx| before returning. */
+// EVP_DigestFinal acts like |EVP_DigestFinal_ex| except that
+// |EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup| is called on |ctx| before returning.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestFinal(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *md_out,
                                    unsigned int *out_size);
-/* EVP_Digest performs a complete hashing operation in one call. It hashes |len|
- * bytes from |data| and writes the digest to |md_out|. |EVP_MD_CTX_size| bytes
- * are written, which is at most |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE|. If |out_size| is not NULL
- * then |*out_size| is set to the number of bytes written. It returns one on
- * success and zero otherwise. */
+// EVP_Digest performs a complete hashing operation in one call. It hashes |len|
+// bytes from |data| and writes the digest to |md_out|. |EVP_MD_CTX_size| bytes
+// are written, which is at most |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE|. If |out_size| is not NULL
+// then |*out_size| is set to the number of bytes written. It returns one on
+// success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_Digest(const void *data, size_t len, uint8_t *md_out,
                               unsigned int *md_out_size, const EVP_MD *type,
                               ENGINE *impl);
-/* Digest function accessors.
- *
- * These functions allow code to learn details about an abstract hash
- * function. */
+// Digest function accessors.
+// These functions allow code to learn details about an abstract hash
+// function.
-/* EVP_MD_type returns a NID identifying |md|. (For example, |NID_sha256|.) */
+// EVP_MD_type returns a NID identifying |md|. (For example, |NID_sha256|.)
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_MD_type(const EVP_MD *md);
-/* EVP_MD_flags returns the flags for |md|, which is a set of |EVP_MD_FLAG_*|
- * values, ORed together. */
+// EVP_MD_flags returns the flags for |md|, which is a set of |EVP_MD_FLAG_*|
+// values, ORed together.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t EVP_MD_flags(const EVP_MD *md);
-/* EVP_MD_size returns the digest size of |md|, in bytes. */
+// EVP_MD_size returns the digest size of |md|, in bytes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_MD_size(const EVP_MD *md);
-/* EVP_MD_block_size returns the native block-size of |md|, in bytes. */
+// EVP_MD_block_size returns the native block-size of |md|, in bytes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_MD_block_size(const EVP_MD *md);
-/* EVP_MD_FLAG_PKEY_DIGEST indicates the the digest function is used with a
- * specific public key in order to verify signatures. (For example,
- * EVP_dss1.) */
+// EVP_MD_FLAG_PKEY_DIGEST indicates the the digest function is used with a
+// specific public key in order to verify signatures. (For example,
+// EVP_dss1.)
-/* EVP_MD_FLAG_DIGALGID_ABSENT indicates that the parameter type in an X.509
- * DigestAlgorithmIdentifier representing this digest function should be
- * undefined rather than NULL. */
+// EVP_MD_FLAG_DIGALGID_ABSENT indicates that the parameter type in an X.509
+// DigestAlgorithmIdentifier representing this digest function should be
+// undefined rather than NULL.
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_copy sets |out|, which must /not/ be initialised, to be a copy of
- * |in|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_copy sets |out|, which must /not/ be initialised, to be a copy of
+// |in|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_MD_CTX_copy(EVP_MD_CTX *out, const EVP_MD_CTX *in);
-/* EVP_add_digest does nothing and returns one. It exists only for
- * compatibility with OpenSSL. */
+// EVP_add_digest does nothing and returns one. It exists only for
+// compatibility with OpenSSL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_add_digest(const EVP_MD *digest);
-/* EVP_get_digestbyname returns an |EVP_MD| given a human readable name in
- * |name|, or NULL if the name is unknown. */
+// EVP_get_digestbyname returns an |EVP_MD| given a human readable name in
+// |name|, or NULL if the name is unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_get_digestbyname(const char *);
-/* EVP_dss1 returns the value of EVP_sha1(). This was provided by OpenSSL to
- * specifiy the original DSA signatures, which were fixed to use SHA-1. Note,
- * however, that attempting to sign or verify DSA signatures with the EVP
- * interface will always fail. */
+// EVP_dss1 returns the value of EVP_sha1(). This was provided by OpenSSL to
+// specifiy the original DSA signatures, which were fixed to use SHA-1. Note,
+// however, that attempting to sign or verify DSA signatures with the EVP
+// interface will always fail.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_MD *EVP_dss1(void);
-/* Digest operation accessors. */
+// Digest operation accessors.
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_md returns the underlying digest function, or NULL if one has not
- * been set. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_md returns the underlying digest function, or NULL if one has not
+// been set.
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_size returns the digest size of |ctx|, in bytes. It
- * will crash if a digest hasn't been set on |ctx|. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_size returns the digest size of |ctx|, in bytes. It
+// will crash if a digest hasn't been set on |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_MD_CTX_size(const EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_block_size returns the block size of the digest function used by
- * |ctx|, in bytes. It will crash if a digest hasn't been set on |ctx|. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_block_size returns the block size of the digest function used by
+// |ctx|, in bytes. It will crash if a digest hasn't been set on |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EVP_MD_CTX_block_size(const EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_MD_CTX_type returns a NID describing the digest function used by |ctx|.
- * (For example, |NID_sha256|.) It will crash if a digest hasn't been set on
- * |ctx|. */
+// EVP_MD_CTX_type returns a NID describing the digest function used by |ctx|.
+// (For example, |NID_sha256|.) It will crash if a digest hasn't been set on
+// |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_MD_CTX_type(const EVP_MD_CTX *ctx);
 struct evp_md_pctx_ops;
 struct env_md_ctx_st {
-  /* digest is the underlying digest function, or NULL if not set. */
+  // digest is the underlying digest function, or NULL if not set.
   const EVP_MD *digest;
-  /* md_data points to a block of memory that contains the hash-specific
-   * context. */
+  // md_data points to a block of memory that contains the hash-specific
+  // context.
   void *md_data;
-  /* pctx is an opaque (at this layer) pointer to additional context that
-   * EVP_PKEY functions may store in this object. */
+  // pctx is an opaque (at this layer) pointer to additional context that
+  // EVP_PKEY functions may store in this object.
   EVP_PKEY_CTX *pctx;
-  /* pctx_ops, if not NULL, points to a vtable that contains functions to
-   * manipulate |pctx|. */
+  // pctx_ops, if not NULL, points to a vtable that contains functions to
+  // manipulate |pctx|.
   const struct evp_md_pctx_ops *pctx_ops;
 } /* EVP_MD_CTX */;
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
 extern "C++" {
@@ -286,4 +286,4 @@
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/dsa.h b/src/include/openssl/dsa.h
index f992b91..2b4c08b 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/dsa.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/dsa.h
@@ -71,228 +71,228 @@
-/* DSA contains functions for signing and verifying with the Digital Signature
- * Algorithm. */
+// DSA contains functions for signing and verifying with the Digital Signature
+// Algorithm.
-/* Allocation and destruction. */
+// Allocation and destruction.
-/* DSA_new returns a new, empty DSA object or NULL on error. */
+// DSA_new returns a new, empty DSA object or NULL on error.
-/* DSA_free decrements the reference count of |dsa| and frees it if the
- * reference count drops to zero. */
+// DSA_free decrements the reference count of |dsa| and frees it if the
+// reference count drops to zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DSA_free(DSA *dsa);
-/* DSA_up_ref increments the reference count of |dsa| and returns one. */
+// DSA_up_ref increments the reference count of |dsa| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_up_ref(DSA *dsa);
-/* Properties. */
+// Properties.
-/* DSA_get0_key sets |*out_pub_key| and |*out_priv_key|, if non-NULL, to |dsa|'s
- * public and private key, respectively. If |dsa| is a public key, the private
- * key will be set to NULL. */
+// DSA_get0_key sets |*out_pub_key| and |*out_priv_key|, if non-NULL, to |dsa|'s
+// public and private key, respectively. If |dsa| is a public key, the private
+// key will be set to NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DSA_get0_key(const DSA *dsa, const BIGNUM **out_pub_key,
                                  const BIGNUM **out_priv_key);
-/* DSA_get0_pqg sets |*out_p|, |*out_q|, and |*out_g|, if non-NULL, to |dsa|'s
- * p, q, and g parameters, respectively. */
+// DSA_get0_pqg sets |*out_p|, |*out_q|, and |*out_g|, if non-NULL, to |dsa|'s
+// p, q, and g parameters, respectively.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DSA_get0_pqg(const DSA *dsa, const BIGNUM **out_p,
                                  const BIGNUM **out_q, const BIGNUM **out_g);
-/* Parameter generation. */
+// Parameter generation.
-/* DSA_generate_parameters_ex generates a set of DSA parameters by following
- * the procedure given in FIPS 186-4, appendix A.
- * (http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf)
- *
- * The larger prime will have a length of |bits| (e.g. 2048). The |seed| value
- * allows others to generate and verify the same parameters and should be
- * random input which is kept for reference. If |out_counter| or |out_h| are
- * not NULL then the counter and h value used in the generation are written to
- * them.
- *
- * The |cb| argument is passed to |BN_generate_prime_ex| and is thus called
- * during the generation process in order to indicate progress. See the
- * comments for that function for details. In addition to the calls made by
- * |BN_generate_prime_ex|, |DSA_generate_parameters_ex| will call it with
- * |event| equal to 2 and 3 at different stages of the process.
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// DSA_generate_parameters_ex generates a set of DSA parameters by following
+// the procedure given in FIPS 186-4, appendix A.
+// (http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf)
+// The larger prime will have a length of |bits| (e.g. 2048). The |seed| value
+// allows others to generate and verify the same parameters and should be
+// random input which is kept for reference. If |out_counter| or |out_h| are
+// not NULL then the counter and h value used in the generation are written to
+// them.
+// The |cb| argument is passed to |BN_generate_prime_ex| and is thus called
+// during the generation process in order to indicate progress. See the
+// comments for that function for details. In addition to the calls made by
+// |BN_generate_prime_ex|, |DSA_generate_parameters_ex| will call it with
+// |event| equal to 2 and 3 at different stages of the process.
+// It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_generate_parameters_ex(DSA *dsa, unsigned bits,
                                               const uint8_t *seed,
                                               size_t seed_len, int *out_counter,
                                               unsigned long *out_h,
                                               BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* DSAparams_dup returns a freshly allocated |DSA| that contains a copy of the
- * parameters from |dsa|. It returns NULL on error. */
+// DSAparams_dup returns a freshly allocated |DSA| that contains a copy of the
+// parameters from |dsa|. It returns NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *DSAparams_dup(const DSA *dsa);
-/* Key generation. */
+// Key generation.
-/* DSA_generate_key generates a public/private key pair in |dsa|, which must
- * already have parameters setup. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error. */
+// DSA_generate_key generates a public/private key pair in |dsa|, which must
+// already have parameters setup. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_generate_key(DSA *dsa);
-/* Signatures. */
+// Signatures.
-/* DSA_SIG_st (aka |DSA_SIG|) contains a DSA signature as a pair of integers. */
+// DSA_SIG_st (aka |DSA_SIG|) contains a DSA signature as a pair of integers.
 struct DSA_SIG_st {
   BIGNUM *r, *s;
-/* DSA_SIG_new returns a freshly allocated, DIG_SIG structure or NULL on error.
- * Both |r| and |s| in the signature will be NULL. */
+// DSA_SIG_new returns a freshly allocated, DIG_SIG structure or NULL on error.
+// Both |r| and |s| in the signature will be NULL.
-/* DSA_SIG_free frees the contents of |sig| and then frees |sig| itself. */
+// DSA_SIG_free frees the contents of |sig| and then frees |sig| itself.
-/* DSA_do_sign returns a signature of the hash in |digest| by the key in |dsa|
- * and returns an allocated, DSA_SIG structure, or NULL on error. */
+// DSA_do_sign returns a signature of the hash in |digest| by the key in |dsa|
+// and returns an allocated, DSA_SIG structure, or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA_SIG *DSA_do_sign(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len,
                                     DSA *dsa);
-/* DSA_do_verify verifies that |sig| is a valid signature, by the public key in
- * |dsa|, of the hash in |digest|. It returns one if so, zero if invalid and -1
- * on error.
- *
- * WARNING: do not use. This function returns -1 for error, 0 for invalid and 1
- * for valid. However, this is dangerously different to the usual OpenSSL
- * convention and could be a disaster if a user did |if (DSA_do_verify(...))|.
- * Because of this, |DSA_check_signature| is a safer version of this.
- *
- * TODO(fork): deprecate. */
+// DSA_do_verify verifies that |sig| is a valid signature, by the public key in
+// |dsa|, of the hash in |digest|. It returns one if so, zero if invalid and -1
+// on error.
+// WARNING: do not use. This function returns -1 for error, 0 for invalid and 1
+// for valid. However, this is dangerously different to the usual OpenSSL
+// convention and could be a disaster if a user did |if (DSA_do_verify(...))|.
+// Because of this, |DSA_check_signature| is a safer version of this.
+// TODO(fork): deprecate.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_do_verify(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len,
                                  DSA_SIG *sig, const DSA *dsa);
-/* DSA_do_check_signature sets |*out_valid| to zero. Then it verifies that |sig|
- * is a valid signature, by the public key in |dsa| of the hash in |digest|
- * and, if so, it sets |*out_valid| to one.
- *
- * It returns one if it was able to verify the signature as valid or invalid,
- * and zero on error. */
+// DSA_do_check_signature sets |*out_valid| to zero. Then it verifies that |sig|
+// is a valid signature, by the public key in |dsa| of the hash in |digest|
+// and, if so, it sets |*out_valid| to one.
+// It returns one if it was able to verify the signature as valid or invalid,
+// and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_do_check_signature(int *out_valid, const uint8_t *digest,
                                           size_t digest_len, DSA_SIG *sig,
                                           const DSA *dsa);
-/* ASN.1 signatures.
- *
- * These functions also perform DSA signature operations, but deal with ASN.1
- * encoded signatures as opposed to raw |BIGNUM|s. If you don't know what
- * encoding a DSA signature is in, it's probably ASN.1. */
+// ASN.1 signatures.
+// These functions also perform DSA signature operations, but deal with ASN.1
+// encoded signatures as opposed to raw |BIGNUM|s. If you don't know what
+// encoding a DSA signature is in, it's probably ASN.1.
-/* DSA_sign signs |digest| with the key in |dsa| and writes the resulting
- * signature, in ASN.1 form, to |out_sig| and the length of the signature to
- * |*out_siglen|. There must be, at least, |DSA_size(dsa)| bytes of space in
- * |out_sig|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * (The |type| argument is ignored.) */
+// DSA_sign signs |digest| with the key in |dsa| and writes the resulting
+// signature, in ASN.1 form, to |out_sig| and the length of the signature to
+// |*out_siglen|. There must be, at least, |DSA_size(dsa)| bytes of space in
+// |out_sig|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
+// (The |type| argument is ignored.)
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_sign(int type, const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len,
                             uint8_t *out_sig, unsigned int *out_siglen,
                             DSA *dsa);
-/* DSA_verify verifies that |sig| is a valid, ASN.1 signature, by the public
- * key in |dsa|, of the hash in |digest|. It returns one if so, zero if invalid
- * and -1 on error.
- *
- * (The |type| argument is ignored.)
- *
- * WARNING: do not use. This function returns -1 for error, 0 for invalid and 1
- * for valid. However, this is dangerously different to the usual OpenSSL
- * convention and could be a disaster if a user did |if (DSA_do_verify(...))|.
- * Because of this, |DSA_check_signature| is a safer version of this.
- *
- * TODO(fork): deprecate. */
+// DSA_verify verifies that |sig| is a valid, ASN.1 signature, by the public
+// key in |dsa|, of the hash in |digest|. It returns one if so, zero if invalid
+// and -1 on error.
+// (The |type| argument is ignored.)
+// WARNING: do not use. This function returns -1 for error, 0 for invalid and 1
+// for valid. However, this is dangerously different to the usual OpenSSL
+// convention and could be a disaster if a user did |if (DSA_do_verify(...))|.
+// Because of this, |DSA_check_signature| is a safer version of this.
+// TODO(fork): deprecate.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_verify(int type, const uint8_t *digest,
                               size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *sig,
                               size_t sig_len, const DSA *dsa);
-/* DSA_check_signature sets |*out_valid| to zero. Then it verifies that |sig|
- * is a valid, ASN.1 signature, by the public key in |dsa|, of the hash in
- * |digest|. If so, it sets |*out_valid| to one.
- *
- * It returns one if it was able to verify the signature as valid or invalid,
- * and zero on error. */
+// DSA_check_signature sets |*out_valid| to zero. Then it verifies that |sig|
+// is a valid, ASN.1 signature, by the public key in |dsa|, of the hash in
+// |digest|. If so, it sets |*out_valid| to one.
+// It returns one if it was able to verify the signature as valid or invalid,
+// and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_check_signature(int *out_valid, const uint8_t *digest,
                                        size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *sig,
                                        size_t sig_len, const DSA *dsa);
-/* DSA_size returns the size, in bytes, of an ASN.1 encoded, DSA signature
- * generated by |dsa|. Parameters must already have been setup in |dsa|. */
+// DSA_size returns the size, in bytes, of an ASN.1 encoded, DSA signature
+// generated by |dsa|. Parameters must already have been setup in |dsa|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_size(const DSA *dsa);
-/* ASN.1 encoding. */
+// ASN.1 encoding.
-/* DSA_SIG_parse parses a DER-encoded DSA-Sig-Value structure from |cbs| and
- * advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DSA_SIG| or NULL on error. */
+// DSA_SIG_parse parses a DER-encoded DSA-Sig-Value structure from |cbs| and
+// advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DSA_SIG| or NULL on error.
-/* DSA_SIG_marshal marshals |sig| as a DER-encoded DSA-Sig-Value and appends the
- * result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// DSA_SIG_marshal marshals |sig| as a DER-encoded DSA-Sig-Value and appends the
+// result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_SIG_marshal(CBB *cbb, const DSA_SIG *sig);
-/* DSA_parse_public_key parses a DER-encoded DSA public key from |cbs| and
- * advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DSA| or NULL on error. */
+// DSA_parse_public_key parses a DER-encoded DSA public key from |cbs| and
+// advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DSA| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *DSA_parse_public_key(CBS *cbs);
-/* DSA_marshal_public_key marshals |dsa| as a DER-encoded DSA public key and
- * appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on
- * failure. */
+// DSA_marshal_public_key marshals |dsa| as a DER-encoded DSA public key and
+// appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_marshal_public_key(CBB *cbb, const DSA *dsa);
-/* DSA_parse_private_key parses a DER-encoded DSA private key from |cbs| and
- * advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DSA| or NULL on error. */
+// DSA_parse_private_key parses a DER-encoded DSA private key from |cbs| and
+// advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DSA| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *DSA_parse_private_key(CBS *cbs);
-/* DSA_marshal_private_key marshals |dsa| as a DER-encoded DSA private key and
- * appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on
- * failure. */
+// DSA_marshal_private_key marshals |dsa| as a DER-encoded DSA private key and
+// appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_marshal_private_key(CBB *cbb, const DSA *dsa);
-/* DSA_parse_parameters parses a DER-encoded Dss-Parms structure (RFC 3279)
- * from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DSA| or NULL on
- * error. */
+// DSA_parse_parameters parses a DER-encoded Dss-Parms structure (RFC 3279)
+// from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |DSA| or NULL on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *DSA_parse_parameters(CBS *cbs);
-/* DSA_marshal_parameters marshals |dsa| as a DER-encoded Dss-Parms structure
- * (RFC 3447) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and
- * zero on failure. */
+// DSA_marshal_parameters marshals |dsa| as a DER-encoded Dss-Parms structure
+// (RFC 3447) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and
+// zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_marshal_parameters(CBB *cbb, const DSA *dsa);
-/* Precomputation. */
+// Precomputation.
-/* DSA_sign_setup precomputes the message independent part of the DSA signature
- * and writes them to |*out_kinv| and |*out_r|. Returns one on success, zero on
- * error.
- *
- * TODO(fork): decide what to do with this. Since making DSA* opaque there's no
- * way for the user to install them. Also, it forces the DSA* not to be const
- * when passing to the signing function. */
+// DSA_sign_setup precomputes the message independent part of the DSA signature
+// and writes them to |*out_kinv| and |*out_r|. Returns one on success, zero on
+// error.
+// TODO(fork): decide what to do with this. Since making DSA* opaque there's no
+// way for the user to install them. Also, it forces the DSA* not to be const
+// when passing to the signing function.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_sign_setup(const DSA *dsa, BN_CTX *ctx,
                                   BIGNUM **out_kinv, BIGNUM **out_r);
-/* Conversion. */
+// Conversion.
-/* DSA_dup_DH returns a |DH| constructed from the parameters of |dsa|. This is
- * sometimes needed when Diffie-Hellman parameters are stored in the form of
- * DSA parameters. It returns an allocated |DH| on success or NULL on error. */
+// DSA_dup_DH returns a |DH| constructed from the parameters of |dsa|. This is
+// sometimes needed when Diffie-Hellman parameters are stored in the form of
+// DSA parameters. It returns an allocated |DH| on success or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DSA_dup_DH(const DSA *dsa);
-/* ex_data functions.
- *
- * See |ex_data.h| for details. */
+// ex_data functions.
+// See |ex_data.h| for details.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DSA_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
                                         CRYPTO_EX_unused *unused,
@@ -302,84 +302,84 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *DSA_get_ex_data(const DSA *dsa, int idx);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* d2i_DSA_SIG parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, DSA signature from |len| bytes at
- * |*inp|. If |out_sig| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is
- * in |*out_sig|. Note that, even if |*out_sig| is already non-NULL on entry, it
- * will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |DSA_SIG| is allocated and the
- * previous one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER
- * structure. It returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * Use |DSA_SIG_parse| instead. */
+// d2i_DSA_SIG parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, DSA signature from |len| bytes at
+// |*inp|. If |out_sig| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is
+// in |*out_sig|. Note that, even if |*out_sig| is already non-NULL on entry, it
+// will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |DSA_SIG| is allocated and the
+// previous one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER
+// structure. It returns the result or NULL on error.
+// Use |DSA_SIG_parse| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA_SIG *d2i_DSA_SIG(DSA_SIG **out_sig, const uint8_t **inp,
                                     long len);
-/* i2d_DSA_SIG marshals |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure. If |outp| is not NULL
- * then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past the
- * output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or not,
- * or a negative value on error.
- *
- * Use |DSA_SIG_marshal| instead. */
+// i2d_DSA_SIG marshals |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure. If |outp| is not NULL
+// then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past the
+// output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or not,
+// or a negative value on error.
+// Use |DSA_SIG_marshal| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_DSA_SIG(const DSA_SIG *in, uint8_t **outp);
-/* d2i_DSAPublicKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, DSA public key from |len|
- * bytes at |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
- * is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*ou| is already non-NULL on entry, it will
- * not be written to. Rather, a fresh |DSA| is allocated and the previous one is
- * freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
- * returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * Use |DSA_parse_public_key| instead. */
+// d2i_DSAPublicKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, DSA public key from |len|
+// bytes at |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
+// is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*ou| is already non-NULL on entry, it will
+// not be written to. Rather, a fresh |DSA| is allocated and the previous one is
+// freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
+// returns the result or NULL on error.
+// Use |DSA_parse_public_key| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *d2i_DSAPublicKey(DSA **out, const uint8_t **inp, long len);
-/* i2d_DSAPublicKey marshals a public key from |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure.
- * If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is
- * advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result,
- * whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * Use |DSA_marshal_public_key| instead. */
+// i2d_DSAPublicKey marshals a public key from |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure.
+// If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is
+// advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result,
+// whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
+// Use |DSA_marshal_public_key| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_DSAPublicKey(const DSA *in, uint8_t **outp);
-/* d2i_DSAPrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, DSA private key from |len|
- * bytes at |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
- * is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will
- * not be written to. Rather, a fresh |DSA| is allocated and the previous one is
- * freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
- * returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * Use |DSA_parse_private_key| instead. */
+// d2i_DSAPrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, DSA private key from |len|
+// bytes at |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
+// is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will
+// not be written to. Rather, a fresh |DSA| is allocated and the previous one is
+// freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
+// returns the result or NULL on error.
+// Use |DSA_parse_private_key| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *d2i_DSAPrivateKey(DSA **out, const uint8_t **inp, long len);
-/* i2d_DSAPrivateKey marshals a private key from |in| to an ASN.1, DER
- * structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
- * |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
- * the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * Use |DSA_marshal_private_key| instead. */
+// i2d_DSAPrivateKey marshals a private key from |in| to an ASN.1, DER
+// structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
+// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
+// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
+// Use |DSA_marshal_private_key| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_DSAPrivateKey(const DSA *in, uint8_t **outp);
-/* d2i_DSAparams parses ASN.1, DER-encoded, DSA parameters from |len| bytes at
- * |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is in
- * |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will not
- * be written to. Rather, a fresh |DSA| is allocated and the previous one is
- * freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
- * returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * Use |DSA_parse_parameters| instead. */
+// d2i_DSAparams parses ASN.1, DER-encoded, DSA parameters from |len| bytes at
+// |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is in
+// |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will not
+// be written to. Rather, a fresh |DSA| is allocated and the previous one is
+// freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
+// returns the result or NULL on error.
+// Use |DSA_parse_parameters| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *d2i_DSAparams(DSA **out, const uint8_t **inp, long len);
-/* i2d_DSAparams marshals DSA parameters from |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure.
- * If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is
- * advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result,
- * whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * Use |DSA_marshal_parameters| instead. */
+// i2d_DSAparams marshals DSA parameters from |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure.
+// If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is
+// advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result,
+// whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
+// Use |DSA_marshal_parameters| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_DSAparams(const DSA *in, uint8_t **outp);
-/* DSA_generate_parameters is a deprecated version of
- * |DSA_generate_parameters_ex| that creates and returns a |DSA*|. Don't use
- * it. */
+// DSA_generate_parameters is a deprecated version of
+// |DSA_generate_parameters_ex| that creates and returns a |DSA*|. Don't use
+// it.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *DSA_generate_parameters(int bits, unsigned char *seed,
                                             int seed_len, int *counter_ret,
                                             unsigned long *h_ret,
@@ -390,17 +390,17 @@
 struct dsa_st {
   long version;
   BIGNUM *p;
-  BIGNUM *q; /* == 20 */
+  BIGNUM *q;  // == 20
   BIGNUM *g;
-  BIGNUM *pub_key;  /* y public key */
-  BIGNUM *priv_key; /* x private key */
+  BIGNUM *pub_key;   // y public key
+  BIGNUM *priv_key;  // x private key
-  BIGNUM *kinv; /* Signing pre-calc */
-  BIGNUM *r;    /* Signing pre-calc */
+  BIGNUM *kinv;  // Signing pre-calc
+  BIGNUM *r;     // Signing pre-calc
   int flags;
-  /* Normally used to cache montgomery values */
+  // Normally used to cache montgomery values
   CRYPTO_MUTEX method_mont_lock;
   BN_MONT_CTX *method_mont_p;
   BN_MONT_CTX *method_mont_q;
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -433,4 +433,4 @@
 #define DSA_R_DECODE_ERROR 105
 #define DSA_R_ENCODE_ERROR 106
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_DSA_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ec.h b/src/include/openssl/ec.h
index 4f06cfb..4a08a9b 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ec.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ec.h
@@ -75,287 +75,287 @@
-/* Low-level operations on elliptic curves. */
+// Low-level operations on elliptic curves.
-/* point_conversion_form_t enumerates forms, as defined in X9.62 (ECDSA), for
- * the encoding of a elliptic curve point (x,y) */
+// point_conversion_form_t enumerates forms, as defined in X9.62 (ECDSA), for
+// the encoding of a elliptic curve point (x,y)
 typedef enum {
-  /* POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED indicates that the point is encoded as z||x,
-   * where the octet z specifies which solution of the quadratic equation y
-   * is. */
+  // POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED indicates that the point is encoded as z||x,
+  // where the octet z specifies which solution of the quadratic equation y
+  // is.
-  /* POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED indicates that the point is encoded as
-   * z||x||y, where z is the octet 0x04. */
+  // POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED indicates that the point is encoded as
+  // z||x||y, where z is the octet 0x04.
-  /* POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID indicates that the point is encoded as z||x||y,
-   * where z specifies which solution of the quadratic equation y is. This is
-   * not supported by the code and has never been observed in use.
-   *
-   * TODO(agl): remove once node.js no longer references this. */
+  // POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID indicates that the point is encoded as z||x||y,
+  // where z specifies which solution of the quadratic equation y is. This is
+  // not supported by the code and has never been observed in use.
+  //
+  // TODO(agl): remove once node.js no longer references this.
 } point_conversion_form_t;
-/* Elliptic curve groups. */
+// Elliptic curve groups.
-/* EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name returns a fresh EC_GROUP object for the elliptic
- * curve specified by |nid|, or NULL on error.
- *
- * The supported NIDs are:
- *   NID_secp224r1,
- *   NID_X9_62_prime256v1,
- *   NID_secp384r1,
- *   NID_secp521r1 */
+// EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name returns a fresh EC_GROUP object for the elliptic
+// curve specified by |nid|, or NULL on error.
+// The supported NIDs are:
+//   NID_secp224r1,
+//   NID_X9_62_prime256v1,
+//   NID_secp384r1,
+//   NID_secp521r1
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_GROUP *EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(int nid);
-/* EC_GROUP_free frees |group| and the data that it points to. */
+// EC_GROUP_free frees |group| and the data that it points to.
-/* EC_GROUP_dup returns a fresh |EC_GROUP| which is equal to |a| or NULL on
- * error. */
+// EC_GROUP_dup returns a fresh |EC_GROUP| which is equal to |a| or NULL on
+// error.
-/* EC_GROUP_cmp returns zero if |a| and |b| are the same group and non-zero
- * otherwise. */
+// EC_GROUP_cmp returns zero if |a| and |b| are the same group and non-zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_GROUP_cmp(const EC_GROUP *a, const EC_GROUP *b,
                                 BN_CTX *ignored);
-/* EC_GROUP_get0_generator returns a pointer to the internal |EC_POINT| object
- * in |group| that specifies the generator for the group. */
+// EC_GROUP_get0_generator returns a pointer to the internal |EC_POINT| object
+// in |group| that specifies the generator for the group.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EC_POINT *EC_GROUP_get0_generator(const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* EC_GROUP_get0_order returns a pointer to the internal |BIGNUM| object in
- * |group| that specifies the order of the group. */
+// EC_GROUP_get0_order returns a pointer to the internal |BIGNUM| object in
+// |group| that specifies the order of the group.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIGNUM *EC_GROUP_get0_order(const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* EC_GROUP_get_cofactor sets |*cofactor| to the cofactor of |group| using
- * |ctx|, if it's not NULL. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// EC_GROUP_get_cofactor sets |*cofactor| to the cofactor of |group| using
+// |ctx|, if it's not NULL. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_GROUP_get_cofactor(const EC_GROUP *group,
                                          BIGNUM *cofactor, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp gets various parameters about a group. It sets
- * |*out_p| to the order of the coordinate field and |*out_a| and |*out_b| to
- * the parameters of the curve when expressed as y² = x³ + ax + b. Any of the
- * output parameters can be NULL. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error. */
+// EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp gets various parameters about a group. It sets
+// |*out_p| to the order of the coordinate field and |*out_a| and |*out_b| to
+// the parameters of the curve when expressed as y² = x³ + ax + b. Any of the
+// output parameters can be NULL. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp(const EC_GROUP *group, BIGNUM *out_p,
                                           BIGNUM *out_a, BIGNUM *out_b,
                                           BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_GROUP_get_curve_name returns a NID that identifies |group|. */
+// EC_GROUP_get_curve_name returns a NID that identifies |group|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* EC_GROUP_get_degree returns the number of bits needed to represent an
- * element of the field underlying |group|. */
+// EC_GROUP_get_degree returns the number of bits needed to represent an
+// element of the field underlying |group|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned EC_GROUP_get_degree(const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* Points on elliptic curves. */
+// Points on elliptic curves.
-/* EC_POINT_new returns a fresh |EC_POINT| object in the given group, or NULL
- * on error. */
+// EC_POINT_new returns a fresh |EC_POINT| object in the given group, or NULL
+// on error.
-/* EC_POINT_free frees |point| and the data that it points to. */
+// EC_POINT_free frees |point| and the data that it points to.
-/* EC_POINT_clear_free clears the data that |point| points to, frees it and
- * then frees |point| itself. */
+// EC_POINT_clear_free clears the data that |point| points to, frees it and
+// then frees |point| itself.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EC_POINT_clear_free(EC_POINT *point);
-/* EC_POINT_copy sets |*dest| equal to |*src|. It returns one on success and
- * zero otherwise. */
+// EC_POINT_copy sets |*dest| equal to |*src|. It returns one on success and
+// zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_copy(EC_POINT *dest, const EC_POINT *src);
-/* EC_POINT_dup returns a fresh |EC_POINT| that contains the same values as
- * |src|, or NULL on error. */
+// EC_POINT_dup returns a fresh |EC_POINT| that contains the same values as
+// |src|, or NULL on error.
                                       const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* EC_POINT_set_to_infinity sets |point| to be the "point at infinity" for the
- * given group. */
+// EC_POINT_set_to_infinity sets |point| to be the "point at infinity" for the
+// given group.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_set_to_infinity(const EC_GROUP *group,
                                             EC_POINT *point);
-/* EC_POINT_is_at_infinity returns one iff |point| is the point at infinity and
- * zero otherwise. */
+// EC_POINT_is_at_infinity returns one iff |point| is the point at infinity and
+// zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(const EC_GROUP *group,
                                            const EC_POINT *point);
-/* EC_POINT_is_on_curve returns one if |point| is an element of |group| and
- * and zero otherwise or when an error occurs. This is different from OpenSSL,
- * which returns -1 on error. If |ctx| is non-NULL, it may be used. */
+// EC_POINT_is_on_curve returns one if |point| is an element of |group| and
+// and zero otherwise or when an error occurs. This is different from OpenSSL,
+// which returns -1 on error. If |ctx| is non-NULL, it may be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_is_on_curve(const EC_GROUP *group,
                                         const EC_POINT *point, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_cmp returns zero if |a| is equal to |b|, greater than zero if
- * not equal and -1 on error. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used. */
+// EC_POINT_cmp returns zero if |a| is equal to |b|, greater than zero if
+// not equal and -1 on error. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_cmp(const EC_GROUP *group, const EC_POINT *a,
                                 const EC_POINT *b, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_make_affine converts |point| to affine form, internally. It returns
- * one on success and zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used. */
+// EC_POINT_make_affine converts |point| to affine form, internally. It returns
+// one on success and zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_make_affine(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *point,
                                         BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINTs_make_affine converts |num| points from |points| to affine form,
- * internally. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not
- * NULL, it may be used. */
+// EC_POINTs_make_affine converts |num| points from |points| to affine form,
+// internally. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not
+// NULL, it may be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINTs_make_affine(const EC_GROUP *group, size_t num,
                                          EC_POINT *points[], BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* Point conversion. */
+// Point conversion.
-/* EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp sets |x| and |y| to the affine value of
- * |point| using |ctx|, if it's not NULL. It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp sets |x| and |y| to the affine value of
+// |point| using |ctx|, if it's not NULL. It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(const EC_GROUP *group,
                                                        const EC_POINT *point,
                                                        BIGNUM *x, BIGNUM *y,
                                                        BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp sets the value of |point| to be
- * (|x|, |y|). The |ctx| argument may be used if not NULL. It returns one
- * on success or zero on error. Note that, unlike with OpenSSL, it's
- * considered an error if the point is not on the curve. */
+// EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp sets the value of |point| to be
+// (|x|, |y|). The |ctx| argument may be used if not NULL. It returns one
+// on success or zero on error. Note that, unlike with OpenSSL, it's
+// considered an error if the point is not on the curve.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(const EC_GROUP *group,
                                                        EC_POINT *point,
                                                        const BIGNUM *x,
                                                        const BIGNUM *y,
                                                        BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_point2oct serialises |point| into the X9.62 form given by |form|
- * into, at most, |len| bytes at |buf|. It returns the number of bytes written
- * or zero on error if |buf| is non-NULL, else the number of bytes needed. The
- * |ctx| argument may be used if not NULL. */
+// EC_POINT_point2oct serialises |point| into the X9.62 form given by |form|
+// into, at most, |len| bytes at |buf|. It returns the number of bytes written
+// or zero on error if |buf| is non-NULL, else the number of bytes needed. The
+// |ctx| argument may be used if not NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EC_POINT_point2oct(const EC_GROUP *group,
                                          const EC_POINT *point,
                                          point_conversion_form_t form,
                                          uint8_t *buf, size_t len, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_point2cbb behaves like |EC_POINT_point2oct| but appends the
- * serialised point to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// EC_POINT_point2cbb behaves like |EC_POINT_point2oct| but appends the
+// serialised point to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_point2cbb(CBB *out, const EC_GROUP *group,
                                       const EC_POINT *point,
                                       point_conversion_form_t form,
                                       BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_oct2point sets |point| from |len| bytes of X9.62 format
- * serialisation in |buf|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The
- * |ctx| argument may be used if not NULL. */
+// EC_POINT_oct2point sets |point| from |len| bytes of X9.62 format
+// serialisation in |buf|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. The
+// |ctx| argument may be used if not NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_oct2point(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *point,
                                       const uint8_t *buf, size_t len,
                                       BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp sets |point| to equal the point with
- * the given |x| coordinate and the y coordinate specified by |y_bit| (see
- * X9.62). It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp sets |point| to equal the point with
+// the given |x| coordinate and the y coordinate specified by |y_bit| (see
+// X9.62). It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp(
     const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *point, const BIGNUM *x, int y_bit,
     BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* Group operations. */
+// Group operations.
-/* EC_POINT_add sets |r| equal to |a| plus |b|. It returns one on success and
- * zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used. */
+// EC_POINT_add sets |r| equal to |a| plus |b|. It returns one on success and
+// zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_add(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r,
                                 const EC_POINT *a, const EC_POINT *b,
                                 BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_dbl sets |r| equal to |a| plus |a|. It returns one on success and
- * zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used. */
+// EC_POINT_dbl sets |r| equal to |a| plus |a|. It returns one on success and
+// zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_dbl(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r,
                                 const EC_POINT *a, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_invert sets |a| equal to minus |a|. It returns one on success and
- * zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used. */
+// EC_POINT_invert sets |a| equal to minus |a|. It returns one on success and
+// zero otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_invert(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *a,
                                    BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_mul sets r = generator*n + q*m. It returns one on success and zero
- * otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used. */
+// EC_POINT_mul sets r = generator*n + q*m. It returns one on success and zero
+// otherwise. If |ctx| is not NULL, it may be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r,
                                 const BIGNUM *n, const EC_POINT *q,
                                 const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp creates a new, arbitrary elliptic curve group based
- * on the equation y² = x³ + a·x + b. It returns the new group or NULL on
- * error.
- *
- * This new group has no generator. It is an error to use a generator-less group
- * with any functions except for |EC_GROUP_free|, |EC_POINT_new|,
- * |EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp|, and |EC_GROUP_set_generator|.
- *
- * |EC_GROUP|s returned by this function will always compare as unequal via
- * |EC_GROUP_cmp| (even to themselves). |EC_GROUP_get_curve_name| will always
- * return |NID_undef|.
- *
- * Avoid using arbitrary curves and use |EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name| instead. */
+// EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp creates a new, arbitrary elliptic curve group based
+// on the equation y² = x³ + a·x + b. It returns the new group or NULL on
+// error.
+// This new group has no generator. It is an error to use a generator-less group
+// with any functions except for |EC_GROUP_free|, |EC_POINT_new|,
+// |EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp|, and |EC_GROUP_set_generator|.
+// |EC_GROUP|s returned by this function will always compare as unequal via
+// |EC_GROUP_cmp| (even to themselves). |EC_GROUP_get_curve_name| will always
+// return |NID_undef|.
+// Avoid using arbitrary curves and use |EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name| instead.
                                                 const BIGNUM *a,
                                                 const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_GROUP_set_generator sets the generator for |group| to |generator|, which
- * must have the given order and cofactor. It may only be used with |EC_GROUP|
- * objects returned by |EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp| and may only be used once on
- * each group. */
+// EC_GROUP_set_generator sets the generator for |group| to |generator|, which
+// must have the given order and cofactor. It may only be used with |EC_GROUP|
+// objects returned by |EC_GROUP_new_curve_GFp| and may only be used once on
+// each group.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_GROUP_set_generator(EC_GROUP *group,
                                           const EC_POINT *generator,
                                           const BIGNUM *order,
                                           const BIGNUM *cofactor);
-/* EC_GROUP_get_order sets |*order| to the order of |group|, if it's not
- * NULL. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. |ctx| is ignored. Use
- * |EC_GROUP_get0_order| instead. */
+// EC_GROUP_get_order sets |*order| to the order of |group|, if it's not
+// NULL. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. |ctx| is ignored. Use
+// |EC_GROUP_get0_order| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_GROUP_get_order(const EC_GROUP *group, BIGNUM *order,
                                       BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag does nothing. */
+// EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(EC_GROUP *group, int flag);
 typedef struct ec_method_st EC_METHOD;
-/* EC_GROUP_method_of returns NULL. */
+// EC_GROUP_method_of returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EC_METHOD *EC_GROUP_method_of(const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* EC_METHOD_get_field_type returns NID_X9_62_prime_field. */
+// EC_METHOD_get_field_type returns NID_X9_62_prime_field.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_METHOD_get_field_type(const EC_METHOD *meth);
-/* EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form aborts the process if |form| is not
- * |POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED| and otherwise does nothing. */
+// EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form aborts the process if |form| is not
+// |POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED| and otherwise does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EC_GROUP_set_point_conversion_form(
     EC_GROUP *group, point_conversion_form_t form);
-/* EC_builtin_curve describes a supported elliptic curve. */
+// EC_builtin_curve describes a supported elliptic curve.
 typedef struct {
   int nid;
   const char *comment;
 } EC_builtin_curve;
-/* EC_get_builtin_curves writes at most |max_num_curves| elements to
- * |out_curves| and returns the total number that it would have written, had
- * |max_num_curves| been large enough.
- *
- * The |EC_builtin_curve| items describe the supported elliptic curves. */
+// EC_get_builtin_curves writes at most |max_num_curves| elements to
+// |out_curves| and returns the total number that it would have written, had
+// |max_num_curves| been large enough.
+// The |EC_builtin_curve| items describe the supported elliptic curves.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t EC_get_builtin_curves(EC_builtin_curve *out_curves,
                                             size_t max_num_curves);
-/* Old code expects to get EC_KEY from ec.h. */
+// Old code expects to get EC_KEY from ec.h.
 #include <openssl/ec_key.h>
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -404,4 +404,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_EC_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ec_key.h b/src/include/openssl/ec_key.h
index 7c2957e..7ef1b14 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ec_key.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ec_key.h
@@ -79,147 +79,147 @@
-/* ec_key.h contains functions that handle elliptic-curve points that are
- * public/private keys. */
+// ec_key.h contains functions that handle elliptic-curve points that are
+// public/private keys.
-/* EC key objects. */
+// EC key objects.
-/* EC_KEY_new returns a fresh |EC_KEY| object or NULL on error. */
+// EC_KEY_new returns a fresh |EC_KEY| object or NULL on error.
-/* EC_KEY_new_method acts the same as |EC_KEY_new|, but takes an explicit
- * |ENGINE|. */
+// EC_KEY_new_method acts the same as |EC_KEY_new|, but takes an explicit
+// |ENGINE|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_KEY *EC_KEY_new_method(const ENGINE *engine);
-/* EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name returns a fresh EC_KEY for group specified by |nid|
- * or NULL on error. */
+// EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name returns a fresh EC_KEY for group specified by |nid|
+// or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_KEY *EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(int nid);
-/* EC_KEY_free frees all the data owned by |key| and |key| itself. */
+// EC_KEY_free frees all the data owned by |key| and |key| itself.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EC_KEY_free(EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_copy sets |dst| equal to |src| and returns |dst| or NULL on error. */
+// EC_KEY_copy sets |dst| equal to |src| and returns |dst| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_KEY *EC_KEY_copy(EC_KEY *dst, const EC_KEY *src);
-/* EC_KEY_dup returns a fresh copy of |src| or NULL on error. */
+// EC_KEY_dup returns a fresh copy of |src| or NULL on error.
-/* EC_KEY_up_ref increases the reference count of |key| and returns one. */
+// EC_KEY_up_ref increases the reference count of |key| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_up_ref(EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_is_opaque returns one if |key| is opaque and doesn't expose its key
- * material. Otherwise it return zero. */
+// EC_KEY_is_opaque returns one if |key| is opaque and doesn't expose its key
+// material. Otherwise it return zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_is_opaque(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_get0_group returns a pointer to the |EC_GROUP| object inside |key|. */
+// EC_KEY_get0_group returns a pointer to the |EC_GROUP| object inside |key|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EC_GROUP *EC_KEY_get0_group(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_set_group sets the |EC_GROUP| object that |key| will use to |group|.
- * It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// EC_KEY_set_group sets the |EC_GROUP| object that |key| will use to |group|.
+// It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_set_group(EC_KEY *key, const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* EC_KEY_get0_private_key returns a pointer to the private key inside |key|. */
+// EC_KEY_get0_private_key returns a pointer to the private key inside |key|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIGNUM *EC_KEY_get0_private_key(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_set_private_key sets the private key of |key| to |priv|. It returns
- * one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// EC_KEY_set_private_key sets the private key of |key| to |priv|. It returns
+// one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_set_private_key(EC_KEY *key, const BIGNUM *prv);
-/* EC_KEY_get0_public_key returns a pointer to the public key point inside
- * |key|. */
+// EC_KEY_get0_public_key returns a pointer to the public key point inside
+// |key|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EC_POINT *EC_KEY_get0_public_key(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_set_public_key sets the public key of |key| to |pub|, by copying it.
- * It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// EC_KEY_set_public_key sets the public key of |key| to |pub|, by copying it.
+// It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_set_public_key(EC_KEY *key, const EC_POINT *pub);
 #define EC_PKEY_NO_PARAMETERS 0x001
 #define EC_PKEY_NO_PUBKEY 0x002
-/* EC_KEY_get_enc_flags returns the encoding flags for |key|, which is a
- * bitwise-OR of |EC_PKEY_*| values. */
+// EC_KEY_get_enc_flags returns the encoding flags for |key|, which is a
+// bitwise-OR of |EC_PKEY_*| values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned EC_KEY_get_enc_flags(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_set_enc_flags sets the encoding flags for |key|, which is a
- * bitwise-OR of |EC_PKEY_*| values. */
+// EC_KEY_set_enc_flags sets the encoding flags for |key|, which is a
+// bitwise-OR of |EC_PKEY_*| values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EC_KEY_set_enc_flags(EC_KEY *key, unsigned flags);
-/* EC_KEY_get_conv_form returns the conversation form that will be used by
- * |key|. */
+// EC_KEY_get_conv_form returns the conversation form that will be used by
+// |key|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT point_conversion_form_t EC_KEY_get_conv_form(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_set_conv_form sets the conversion form to be used by |key|. */
+// EC_KEY_set_conv_form sets the conversion form to be used by |key|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EC_KEY_set_conv_form(EC_KEY *key,
                                          point_conversion_form_t cform);
-/* EC_KEY_check_key performs several checks on |key| (possibly including an
- * expensive check that the public key is in the primary subgroup). It returns
- * one if all checks pass and zero otherwise. If it returns zero then detail
- * about the problem can be found on the error stack. */
+// EC_KEY_check_key performs several checks on |key| (possibly including an
+// expensive check that the public key is in the primary subgroup). It returns
+// one if all checks pass and zero otherwise. If it returns zero then detail
+// about the problem can be found on the error stack.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_check_key(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_check_fips performs a signing pairwise consistency test (FIPS 140-2
- * 4.9.2). It returns one if it passes and zero otherwise. */
+// EC_KEY_check_fips performs a signing pairwise consistency test (FIPS 140-2
+// 4.9.2). It returns one if it passes and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_check_fips(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinates sets the public key in |key| to
- * (|x|, |y|). It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// EC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinates sets the public key in |key| to
+// (|x|, |y|). It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_set_public_key_affine_coordinates(EC_KEY *key,
                                                             BIGNUM *x,
                                                             BIGNUM *y);
-/* Key generation. */
+// Key generation.
-/* EC_KEY_generate_key generates a random, private key, calculates the
- * corresponding public key and stores both in |key|. It returns one on success
- * or zero otherwise. */
+// EC_KEY_generate_key generates a random, private key, calculates the
+// corresponding public key and stores both in |key|. It returns one on success
+// or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_generate_key(EC_KEY *key);
-/* EC_KEY_generate_key_fips behaves like |EC_KEY_generate_key| but performs
- * additional checks for FIPS compliance. */
+// EC_KEY_generate_key_fips behaves like |EC_KEY_generate_key| but performs
+// additional checks for FIPS compliance.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_generate_key_fips(EC_KEY *key);
-/* Serialisation. */
+// Serialisation.
-/* EC_KEY_parse_private_key parses a DER-encoded ECPrivateKey structure (RFC
- * 5915) from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |EC_KEY| or
- * NULL on error. If |group| is non-null, the parameters field of the
- * ECPrivateKey may be omitted (but must match |group| if present). Otherwise,
- * the parameters field is required. */
+// EC_KEY_parse_private_key parses a DER-encoded ECPrivateKey structure (RFC
+// 5915) from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |EC_KEY| or
+// NULL on error. If |group| is non-null, the parameters field of the
+// ECPrivateKey may be omitted (but must match |group| if present). Otherwise,
+// the parameters field is required.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_KEY *EC_KEY_parse_private_key(CBS *cbs,
                                                 const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* EC_KEY_marshal_private_key marshals |key| as a DER-encoded ECPrivateKey
- * structure (RFC 5915) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on failure. |enc_flags| is a combination of |EC_PKEY_*|
- * values and controls whether corresponding fields are omitted. */
+// EC_KEY_marshal_private_key marshals |key| as a DER-encoded ECPrivateKey
+// structure (RFC 5915) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on failure. |enc_flags| is a combination of |EC_PKEY_*|
+// values and controls whether corresponding fields are omitted.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_marshal_private_key(CBB *cbb, const EC_KEY *key,
                                               unsigned enc_flags);
-/* EC_KEY_parse_curve_name parses a DER-encoded OBJECT IDENTIFIER as a curve
- * name from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |EC_GROUP|
- * or NULL on error. */
+// EC_KEY_parse_curve_name parses a DER-encoded OBJECT IDENTIFIER as a curve
+// name from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |EC_GROUP|
+// or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_GROUP *EC_KEY_parse_curve_name(CBS *cbs);
-/* EC_KEY_marshal_curve_name marshals |group| as a DER-encoded OBJECT IDENTIFIER
- * and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on
- * failure. */
+// EC_KEY_marshal_curve_name marshals |group| as a DER-encoded OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+// and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_marshal_curve_name(CBB *cbb, const EC_GROUP *group);
-/* EC_KEY_parse_parameters parses a DER-encoded ECParameters structure (RFC
- * 5480) from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |EC_GROUP|
- * or NULL on error. It supports the namedCurve and specifiedCurve options, but
- * use of specifiedCurve is deprecated. Use |EC_KEY_parse_curve_name|
- * instead. */
+// EC_KEY_parse_parameters parses a DER-encoded ECParameters structure (RFC
+// 5480) from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |EC_GROUP|
+// or NULL on error. It supports the namedCurve and specifiedCurve options, but
+// use of specifiedCurve is deprecated. Use |EC_KEY_parse_curve_name|
+// instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_GROUP *EC_KEY_parse_parameters(CBS *cbs);
-/* ex_data functions.
- *
- * These functions are wrappers. See |ex_data.h| for details. */
+// ex_data functions.
+// These functions are wrappers. See |ex_data.h| for details.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_KEY_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
                                            CRYPTO_EX_unused *unused,
@@ -229,15 +229,15 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *EC_KEY_get_ex_data(const EC_KEY *r, int idx);
-/* ECDSA method. */
+// ECDSA method.
-/* ECDSA_FLAG_OPAQUE specifies that this ECDSA_METHOD does not expose its key
- * material. This may be set if, for instance, it is wrapping some other crypto
- * API, like a platform key store. */
+// ECDSA_FLAG_OPAQUE specifies that this ECDSA_METHOD does not expose its key
+// material. This may be set if, for instance, it is wrapping some other crypto
+// API, like a platform key store.
-/* ecdsa_method_st is a structure of function pointers for implementing ECDSA.
- * See engine.h. */
+// ecdsa_method_st is a structure of function pointers for implementing ECDSA.
+// See engine.h.
 struct ecdsa_method_st {
   struct openssl_method_common_st common;
@@ -246,12 +246,12 @@
   int (*init)(EC_KEY *key);
   int (*finish)(EC_KEY *key);
-  /* group_order_size returns the number of bytes needed to represent the order
-   * of the group. This is used to calculate the maximum size of an ECDSA
-   * signature in |ECDSA_size|. */
+  // group_order_size returns the number of bytes needed to represent the order
+  // of the group. This is used to calculate the maximum size of an ECDSA
+  // signature in |ECDSA_size|.
   size_t (*group_order_size)(const EC_KEY *key);
-  /* sign matches the arguments and behaviour of |ECDSA_sign|. */
+  // sign matches the arguments and behaviour of |ECDSA_sign|.
   int (*sign)(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len, uint8_t *sig,
               unsigned int *sig_len, EC_KEY *eckey);
@@ -259,72 +259,72 @@
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag does nothing. */
+// EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EC_KEY_set_asn1_flag(EC_KEY *key, int flag);
-/* d2i_ECPrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, private key from |len| bytes
- * at |*inp|. If |out_key| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
- * is in |*out_key|. Note that, even if |*out_key| is already non-NULL on entry,
- * it * will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |EC_KEY| is allocated and the
- * previous * one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER
- * structure. It returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * On input, if |*out_key| is non-NULL and has a group configured, the
- * parameters field may be omitted but must match that group if present.
- *
- * Use |EC_KEY_parse_private_key| instead. */
+// d2i_ECPrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, private key from |len| bytes
+// at |*inp|. If |out_key| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
+// is in |*out_key|. Note that, even if |*out_key| is already non-NULL on entry,
+// it * will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |EC_KEY| is allocated and the
+// previous * one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER
+// structure. It returns the result or NULL on error.
+// On input, if |*out_key| is non-NULL and has a group configured, the
+// parameters field may be omitted but must match that group if present.
+// Use |EC_KEY_parse_private_key| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_KEY *d2i_ECPrivateKey(EC_KEY **out_key, const uint8_t **inp,
                                         long len);
-/* i2d_ECPrivateKey marshals an EC private key from |key| to an ASN.1, DER
- * structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
- * |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
- * the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * Use |EC_KEY_marshal_private_key| instead. */
+// i2d_ECPrivateKey marshals an EC private key from |key| to an ASN.1, DER
+// structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
+// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
+// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
+// Use |EC_KEY_marshal_private_key| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_ECPrivateKey(const EC_KEY *key, uint8_t **outp);
-/* d2i_ECParameters parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, set of EC parameters from
- * |len| bytes at |*inp|. If |out_key| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to
- * the result is in |*out_key|. Note that, even if |*out_key| is already
- * non-NULL on entry, it will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |EC_KEY| is
- * allocated and the previous one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is
- * advanced past the DER structure. It returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * Use |EC_KEY_parse_parameters| or |EC_KEY_parse_curve_name| instead. */
+// d2i_ECParameters parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, set of EC parameters from
+// |len| bytes at |*inp|. If |out_key| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to
+// the result is in |*out_key|. Note that, even if |*out_key| is already
+// non-NULL on entry, it will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |EC_KEY| is
+// allocated and the previous one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is
+// advanced past the DER structure. It returns the result or NULL on error.
+// Use |EC_KEY_parse_parameters| or |EC_KEY_parse_curve_name| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_KEY *d2i_ECParameters(EC_KEY **out_key, const uint8_t **inp,
                                         long len);
-/* i2d_ECParameters marshals EC parameters from |key| to an ASN.1, DER
- * structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
- * |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
- * the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * Use |EC_KEY_marshal_curve_name| instead. */
+// i2d_ECParameters marshals EC parameters from |key| to an ASN.1, DER
+// structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
+// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
+// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
+// Use |EC_KEY_marshal_curve_name| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_ECParameters(const EC_KEY *key, uint8_t **outp);
-/* o2i_ECPublicKey parses an EC point from |len| bytes at |*inp| into
- * |*out_key|. Note that this differs from the d2i format in that |*out_key|
- * must be non-NULL with a group set. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced by
- * |len| bytes. It returns |*out_key| or NULL on error.
- *
- * Use |EC_POINT_oct2point| instead. */
+// o2i_ECPublicKey parses an EC point from |len| bytes at |*inp| into
+// |*out_key|. Note that this differs from the d2i format in that |*out_key|
+// must be non-NULL with a group set. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced by
+// |len| bytes. It returns |*out_key| or NULL on error.
+// Use |EC_POINT_oct2point| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EC_KEY *o2i_ECPublicKey(EC_KEY **out_key, const uint8_t **inp,
                                        long len);
-/* i2o_ECPublicKey marshals an EC point from |key|. If |outp| is not NULL then
- * the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past the
- * output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or
- * not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * Use |EC_POINT_point2cbb| instead. */
+// i2o_ECPublicKey marshals an EC point from |key|. If |outp| is not NULL then
+// the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past the
+// output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or
+// not, or a negative value on error.
+// Use |EC_POINT_point2cbb| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2o_ECPublicKey(const EC_KEY *key, unsigned char **outp);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_EC_KEY_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ecdh.h b/src/include/openssl/ecdh.h
index c167503..73e2140 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ecdh.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ecdh.h
@@ -76,26 +76,26 @@
-/* Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman. */
+// Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman.
-/* ECDH_compute_key calculates the shared key between |pub_key| and |priv_key|.
- * If |kdf| is not NULL, then it is called with the bytes of the shared key and
- * the parameter |out|. When |kdf| returns, the value of |*outlen| becomes the
- * return value. Otherwise, as many bytes of the shared key as will fit are
- * copied directly to, at most, |outlen| bytes at |out|. It returns the number
- * of bytes written to |out|, or -1 on error. */
+// ECDH_compute_key calculates the shared key between |pub_key| and |priv_key|.
+// If |kdf| is not NULL, then it is called with the bytes of the shared key and
+// the parameter |out|. When |kdf| returns, the value of |*outlen| becomes the
+// return value. Otherwise, as many bytes of the shared key as will fit are
+// copied directly to, at most, |outlen| bytes at |out|. It returns the number
+// of bytes written to |out|, or -1 on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDH_compute_key(
     void *out, size_t outlen, const EC_POINT *pub_key, const EC_KEY *priv_key,
     void *(*kdf)(const void *in, size_t inlen, void *out, size_t *outlen));
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #define ECDH_R_KDF_FAILED 100
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_ECDH_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ecdsa.h b/src/include/openssl/ecdsa.h
index 8a158b8..ff26fe4 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ecdsa.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ecdsa.h
@@ -62,138 +62,138 @@
-/* ECDSA contains functions for signing and verifying with the Digital Signature
- * Algorithm over elliptic curves. */
+// ECDSA contains functions for signing and verifying with the Digital Signature
+// Algorithm over elliptic curves.
-/* Signing and verifying. */
+// Signing and verifying.
-/* ECDSA_sign signs |digest_len| bytes from |digest| with |key| and writes the
- * resulting signature to |sig|, which must have |ECDSA_size(key)| bytes of
- * space. On successful exit, |*sig_len| is set to the actual number of bytes
- * written. The |type| argument should be zero. It returns one on success and
- * zero otherwise. */
+// ECDSA_sign signs |digest_len| bytes from |digest| with |key| and writes the
+// resulting signature to |sig|, which must have |ECDSA_size(key)| bytes of
+// space. On successful exit, |*sig_len| is set to the actual number of bytes
+// written. The |type| argument should be zero. It returns one on success and
+// zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_sign(int type, const uint8_t *digest,
                               size_t digest_len, uint8_t *sig,
                               unsigned int *sig_len, const EC_KEY *key);
-/* ECDSA_verify verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| constitute a valid
- * signature by |key| of |digest|. (The |type| argument should be zero.) It
- * returns one on success or zero if the signature is invalid or an error
- * occurred. */
+// ECDSA_verify verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| constitute a valid
+// signature by |key| of |digest|. (The |type| argument should be zero.) It
+// returns one on success or zero if the signature is invalid or an error
+// occurred.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_verify(int type, const uint8_t *digest,
                                 size_t digest_len, const uint8_t *sig,
                                 size_t sig_len, const EC_KEY *key);
-/* ECDSA_size returns the maximum size of an ECDSA signature using |key|. It
- * returns zero on error. */
+// ECDSA_size returns the maximum size of an ECDSA signature using |key|. It
+// returns zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t ECDSA_size(const EC_KEY *key);
-/* Low-level signing and verification.
- *
- * Low-level functions handle signatures as |ECDSA_SIG| structures which allow
- * the two values in an ECDSA signature to be handled separately. */
+// Low-level signing and verification.
+// Low-level functions handle signatures as |ECDSA_SIG| structures which allow
+// the two values in an ECDSA signature to be handled separately.
 struct ecdsa_sig_st {
   BIGNUM *r;
   BIGNUM *s;
-/* ECDSA_SIG_new returns a fresh |ECDSA_SIG| structure or NULL on error. */
+// ECDSA_SIG_new returns a fresh |ECDSA_SIG| structure or NULL on error.
-/* ECDSA_SIG_free frees |sig| its member |BIGNUM|s. */
+// ECDSA_SIG_free frees |sig| its member |BIGNUM|s.
-/* ECDSA_do_sign signs |digest_len| bytes from |digest| with |key| and returns
- * the resulting signature structure, or NULL on error. */
+// ECDSA_do_sign signs |digest_len| bytes from |digest| with |key| and returns
+// the resulting signature structure, or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT ECDSA_SIG *ECDSA_do_sign(const uint8_t *digest,
                                         size_t digest_len, const EC_KEY *key);
-/* ECDSA_do_verify verifies that |sig| constitutes a valid signature by |key|
- * of |digest|. It returns one on success or zero if the signature is invalid
- * or on error. */
+// ECDSA_do_verify verifies that |sig| constitutes a valid signature by |key|
+// of |digest|. It returns one on success or zero if the signature is invalid
+// or on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_do_verify(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len,
                                    const ECDSA_SIG *sig, const EC_KEY *key);
-/* Signing with precomputation.
- *
- * Parts of the ECDSA signature can be independent of the message to be signed
- * thus it's possible to precompute them and reduce the signing latency.
- *
- * TODO(fork): remove support for this as it cannot support safe-randomness. */
+// Signing with precomputation.
+// Parts of the ECDSA signature can be independent of the message to be signed
+// thus it's possible to precompute them and reduce the signing latency.
+// TODO(fork): remove support for this as it cannot support safe-randomness.
-/* ECDSA_sign_setup precomputes parts of an ECDSA signing operation. It sets
- * |*kinv| and |*rp| to the precomputed values and uses the |ctx| argument, if
- * not NULL. It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// ECDSA_sign_setup precomputes parts of an ECDSA signing operation. It sets
+// |*kinv| and |*rp| to the precomputed values and uses the |ctx| argument, if
+// not NULL. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_sign_setup(const EC_KEY *eckey, BN_CTX *ctx,
                                     BIGNUM **kinv, BIGNUM **rp);
-/* ECDSA_do_sign_ex is the same as |ECDSA_do_sign| but takes precomputed values
- * as generated by |ECDSA_sign_setup|. */
+// ECDSA_do_sign_ex is the same as |ECDSA_do_sign| but takes precomputed values
+// as generated by |ECDSA_sign_setup|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT ECDSA_SIG *ECDSA_do_sign_ex(const uint8_t *digest,
                                            size_t digest_len,
                                            const BIGNUM *kinv, const BIGNUM *rp,
                                            const EC_KEY *eckey);
-/* ECDSA_sign_ex is the same as |ECDSA_sign| but takes precomputed values as
- * generated by |ECDSA_sign_setup|. */
+// ECDSA_sign_ex is the same as |ECDSA_sign| but takes precomputed values as
+// generated by |ECDSA_sign_setup|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_sign_ex(int type, const uint8_t *digest,
                                  size_t digest_len, uint8_t *sig,
                                  unsigned int *sig_len, const BIGNUM *kinv,
                                  const BIGNUM *rp, const EC_KEY *eckey);
-/* ASN.1 functions. */
+// ASN.1 functions.
-/* ECDSA_SIG_parse parses a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value structure from |cbs| and
- * advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |ECDSA_SIG| or NULL on error. */
+// ECDSA_SIG_parse parses a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value structure from |cbs| and
+// advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |ECDSA_SIG| or NULL on error.
-/* ECDSA_SIG_from_bytes parses |in| as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value structure.
- * It returns a newly-allocated |ECDSA_SIG| structure or NULL on error. */
+// ECDSA_SIG_from_bytes parses |in| as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value structure.
+// It returns a newly-allocated |ECDSA_SIG| structure or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT ECDSA_SIG *ECDSA_SIG_from_bytes(const uint8_t *in,
                                                size_t in_len);
-/* ECDSA_SIG_marshal marshals |sig| as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value and appends
- * the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// ECDSA_SIG_marshal marshals |sig| as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value and appends
+// the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_SIG_marshal(CBB *cbb, const ECDSA_SIG *sig);
-/* ECDSA_SIG_to_bytes marshals |sig| as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value and, on
- * success, sets |*out_bytes| to a newly allocated buffer containing the result
- * and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. The result should be freed with
- * |OPENSSL_free|. */
+// ECDSA_SIG_to_bytes marshals |sig| as a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value and, on
+// success, sets |*out_bytes| to a newly allocated buffer containing the result
+// and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. The result should be freed with
+// |OPENSSL_free|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_SIG_to_bytes(uint8_t **out_bytes, size_t *out_len,
                                       const ECDSA_SIG *sig);
-/* ECDSA_SIG_max_len returns the maximum length of a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value
- * structure for a group whose order is represented in |order_len| bytes, or
- * zero on overflow. */
+// ECDSA_SIG_max_len returns the maximum length of a DER-encoded ECDSA-Sig-Value
+// structure for a group whose order is represented in |order_len| bytes, or
+// zero on overflow.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t ECDSA_SIG_max_len(size_t order_len);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* d2i_ECDSA_SIG parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, signature from |len| bytes at
- * |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is in
- * |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will not
- * be written to. Rather, a fresh |ECDSA_SIG| is allocated and the previous one
- * is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
- * returns the result or NULL on error. */
+// d2i_ECDSA_SIG parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, signature from |len| bytes at
+// |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is in
+// |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will not
+// be written to. Rather, a fresh |ECDSA_SIG| is allocated and the previous one
+// is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
+// returns the result or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT ECDSA_SIG *d2i_ECDSA_SIG(ECDSA_SIG **out, const uint8_t **inp,
                                         long len);
-/* i2d_ECDSA_SIG marshals a signature from |sig| to an ASN.1, DER
- * structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
- * |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
- * the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error. */
+// i2d_ECDSA_SIG marshals a signature from |sig| to an ASN.1, DER
+// structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
+// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
+// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_ECDSA_SIG(const ECDSA_SIG *sig, uint8_t **outp);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -214,4 +214,4 @@
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/engine.h b/src/include/openssl/engine.h
index b029ef9..595e53c 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/engine.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/engine.h
@@ -22,36 +22,36 @@
-/* Engines are collections of methods. Methods are tables of function pointers,
- * defined for certain algorithms, that allow operations on those algorithms to
- * be overridden via a callback. This can be used, for example, to implement an
- * RSA* that forwards operations to a hardware module.
- *
- * Methods are reference counted but |ENGINE|s are not. When creating a method,
- * you should zero the whole structure and fill in the function pointers that
- * you wish before setting it on an |ENGINE|. Any functions pointers that
- * are NULL indicate that the default behaviour should be used. */
+// Engines are collections of methods. Methods are tables of function pointers,
+// defined for certain algorithms, that allow operations on those algorithms to
+// be overridden via a callback. This can be used, for example, to implement an
+// RSA* that forwards operations to a hardware module.
+// Methods are reference counted but |ENGINE|s are not. When creating a method,
+// you should zero the whole structure and fill in the function pointers that
+// you wish before setting it on an |ENGINE|. Any functions pointers that
+// are NULL indicate that the default behaviour should be used.
-/* Allocation and destruction. */
+// Allocation and destruction.
-/* ENGINE_new returns an empty ENGINE that uses the default method for all
- * algorithms. */
+// ENGINE_new returns an empty ENGINE that uses the default method for all
+// algorithms.
-/* ENGINE_free decrements the reference counts for all methods linked from
- * |engine| and frees |engine| itself. */
+// ENGINE_free decrements the reference counts for all methods linked from
+// |engine| and frees |engine| itself.
-/* Method accessors.
- *
- * Method accessors take a method pointer and the size of the structure. The
- * size allows for ABI compatibility in the case that the method structure is
- * extended with extra elements at the end. Methods are always copied by the
- * set functions.
- *
- * Set functions return one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
+// Method accessors.
+// Method accessors take a method pointer and the size of the structure. The
+// size allows for ABI compatibility in the case that the method structure is
+// extended with extra elements at the end. Methods are always copied by the
+// set functions.
+// Set functions return one on success and zero on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ENGINE_set_RSA_method(ENGINE *engine,
                                          const RSA_METHOD *method,
@@ -64,33 +64,33 @@
-/* Generic method functions.
- *
- * These functions take a void* type but actually operate on all method
- * structures. */
+// Generic method functions.
+// These functions take a void* type but actually operate on all method
+// structures.
-/* METHOD_ref increments the reference count of |method|. This is a no-op for
- * now because all methods are currently static. */
+// METHOD_ref increments the reference count of |method|. This is a no-op for
+// now because all methods are currently static.
 void METHOD_ref(void *method);
-/* METHOD_unref decrements the reference count of |method| and frees it if the
- * reference count drops to zero. This is a no-op for now because all methods
- * are currently static. */
+// METHOD_unref decrements the reference count of |method| and frees it if the
+// reference count drops to zero. This is a no-op for now because all methods
+// are currently static.
 void METHOD_unref(void *method);
-/* Private functions. */
+// Private functions.
-/* openssl_method_common_st contains the common part of all method structures.
- * This must be the first member of all method structures. */
+// openssl_method_common_st contains the common part of all method structures.
+// This must be the first member of all method structures.
 struct openssl_method_common_st {
-  int references;  /* dummy – not used. */
+  int references;  // dummy – not used.
   char is_static;
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/err.h b/src/include/openssl/err.h
index 33a0bda..63e79d5 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/err.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/err.h
@@ -118,73 +118,73 @@
-/* Error queue handling functions.
- *
- * Errors in OpenSSL are generally signaled by the return value of a function.
- * When a function fails it may add an entry to a per-thread error queue,
- * which is managed by the functions in this header.
- *
- * Each error contains:
- *   1) The library (i.e. ec, pem, rsa) which created it.
- *   2) The file and line number of the call that added the error.
- *   3) A pointer to some error specific data, which may be NULL.
- *
- * The library identifier and reason code are packed in a uint32_t and there
- * exist various functions for unpacking it.
- *
- * The typical behaviour is that an error will occur deep in a call queue and
- * that code will push an error onto the error queue. As the error queue
- * unwinds, other functions will push their own errors. Thus, the "least
- * recent" error is the most specific and the other errors will provide a
- * backtrace of sorts. */
+// Error queue handling functions.
+// Errors in OpenSSL are generally signaled by the return value of a function.
+// When a function fails it may add an entry to a per-thread error queue,
+// which is managed by the functions in this header.
+// Each error contains:
+//   1) The library (i.e. ec, pem, rsa) which created it.
+//   2) The file and line number of the call that added the error.
+//   3) A pointer to some error specific data, which may be NULL.
+// The library identifier and reason code are packed in a uint32_t and there
+// exist various functions for unpacking it.
+// The typical behaviour is that an error will occur deep in a call queue and
+// that code will push an error onto the error queue. As the error queue
+// unwinds, other functions will push their own errors. Thus, the "least
+// recent" error is the most specific and the other errors will provide a
+// backtrace of sorts.
-/* Startup and shutdown. */
+// Startup and shutdown.
-/* ERR_load_BIO_strings does nothing.
- *
- * TODO(fork): remove. libjingle calls this. */
+// ERR_load_BIO_strings does nothing.
+// TODO(fork): remove. libjingle calls this.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_load_BIO_strings(void);
-/* ERR_load_ERR_strings does nothing. */
+// ERR_load_ERR_strings does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_load_ERR_strings(void);
-/* ERR_load_crypto_strings does nothing. */
+// ERR_load_crypto_strings does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_load_crypto_strings(void);
-/* ERR_free_strings does nothing. */
+// ERR_free_strings does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_free_strings(void);
-/* Reading and formatting errors. */
+// Reading and formatting errors.
-/* ERR_get_error gets the packed error code for the least recent error and
- * removes that error from the queue. If there are no errors in the queue then
- * it returns zero. */
+// ERR_get_error gets the packed error code for the least recent error and
+// removes that error from the queue. If there are no errors in the queue then
+// it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_get_error(void);
-/* ERR_get_error_line acts like |ERR_get_error|, except that the file and line
- * number of the call that added the error are also returned. */
+// ERR_get_error_line acts like |ERR_get_error|, except that the file and line
+// number of the call that added the error are also returned.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_get_error_line(const char **file, int *line);
-/* ERR_get_error_line_data acts like |ERR_get_error_line|, but also returns the
- * error-specific data pointer and flags. The flags are a bitwise-OR of
- * |ERR_FLAG_*| values. The error-specific data is owned by the error queue
- * and the pointer becomes invalid after the next call that affects the same
- * thread's error queue. If |*flags| contains |ERR_FLAG_STRING| then |*data| is
- * human-readable. */
+// ERR_get_error_line_data acts like |ERR_get_error_line|, but also returns the
+// error-specific data pointer and flags. The flags are a bitwise-OR of
+// |ERR_FLAG_*| values. The error-specific data is owned by the error queue
+// and the pointer becomes invalid after the next call that affects the same
+// thread's error queue. If |*flags| contains |ERR_FLAG_STRING| then |*data| is
+// human-readable.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_get_error_line_data(const char **file, int *line,
                                                 const char **data, int *flags);
-/* The "peek" functions act like the |ERR_get_error| functions, above, but they
- * do not remove the error from the queue. */
+// The "peek" functions act like the |ERR_get_error| functions, above, but they
+// do not remove the error from the queue.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_peek_error(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_peek_error_line(const char **file, int *line);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_peek_error_line_data(const char **file, int *line,
                                                  const char **data, int *flags);
-/* The "peek last" functions act like the "peek" functions, above, except that
- * they return the most recent error. */
+// The "peek last" functions act like the "peek" functions, above, except that
+// they return the most recent error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_peek_last_error(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_peek_last_error_line(const char **file, int *line);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_peek_last_error_line_data(const char **file,
@@ -192,196 +192,196 @@
                                                       const char **data,
                                                       int *flags);
-/* ERR_error_string_n generates a human-readable string representing
- * |packed_error| and places it at |buf|. It writes at most |len| bytes
- * (including the terminating NUL) and truncates the string if necessary. If
- * |len| is greater than zero then |buf| is always NUL terminated.
- *
- * The string will have the following format:
- *
- *   error:[error code]:[library name]:OPENSSL_internal:[reason string]
- *
- * error code is an 8 digit hexadecimal number; library name and reason string
- * are ASCII text. */
+// ERR_error_string_n generates a human-readable string representing
+// |packed_error| and places it at |buf|. It writes at most |len| bytes
+// (including the terminating NUL) and truncates the string if necessary. If
+// |len| is greater than zero then |buf| is always NUL terminated.
+// The string will have the following format:
+//   error:[error code]:[library name]:OPENSSL_internal:[reason string]
+// error code is an 8 digit hexadecimal number; library name and reason string
+// are ASCII text.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_error_string_n(uint32_t packed_error, char *buf,
                                        size_t len);
-/* ERR_lib_error_string returns a string representation of the library that
- * generated |packed_error|. */
+// ERR_lib_error_string returns a string representation of the library that
+// generated |packed_error|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *ERR_lib_error_string(uint32_t packed_error);
-/* ERR_reason_error_string returns a string representation of the reason for
- * |packed_error|. */
+// ERR_reason_error_string returns a string representation of the reason for
+// |packed_error|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *ERR_reason_error_string(uint32_t packed_error);
-/* ERR_print_errors_callback_t is the type of a function used by
- * |ERR_print_errors_cb|. It takes a pointer to a human readable string (and
- * its length) that describes an entry in the error queue. The |ctx| argument
- * is an opaque pointer given to |ERR_print_errors_cb|.
- *
- * It should return one on success or zero on error, which will stop the
- * iteration over the error queue. */
+// ERR_print_errors_callback_t is the type of a function used by
+// |ERR_print_errors_cb|. It takes a pointer to a human readable string (and
+// its length) that describes an entry in the error queue. The |ctx| argument
+// is an opaque pointer given to |ERR_print_errors_cb|.
+// It should return one on success or zero on error, which will stop the
+// iteration over the error queue.
 typedef int (*ERR_print_errors_callback_t)(const char *str, size_t len,
                                            void *ctx);
-/* ERR_print_errors_cb calls |callback| with a string representation of each
- * error in the current thread's error queue, from the least recent to the most
- * recent error.
- *
- * The string will have the following format (which differs from
- * |ERR_error_string|):
- *
- *   [thread id]:error:[error code]:[library name]:OPENSSL_internal:
- *   [reason string]:[file]:[line number]:[optional string data]
- *
- * (All in one line.)
- *
- * The callback can return one to continue the iteration or zero to stop it.
- * The |ctx| argument is an opaque value that is passed through to the
- * callback. */
+// ERR_print_errors_cb calls |callback| with a string representation of each
+// error in the current thread's error queue, from the least recent to the most
+// recent error.
+// The string will have the following format (which differs from
+// |ERR_error_string|):
+//   [thread id]:error:[error code]:[library name]:OPENSSL_internal:
+//   [reason string]:[file]:[line number]:[optional string data]
+// (All in one line.)
+// The callback can return one to continue the iteration or zero to stop it.
+// The |ctx| argument is an opaque value that is passed through to the
+// callback.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_print_errors_cb(ERR_print_errors_callback_t callback,
                                         void *ctx);
-/* ERR_print_errors_fp prints the current contents of the error stack to |file|
- * using human readable strings where possible. */
+// ERR_print_errors_fp prints the current contents of the error stack to |file|
+// using human readable strings where possible.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_print_errors_fp(FILE *file);
-/* Clearing errors. */
+// Clearing errors.
-/* ERR_clear_error clears the error queue for the current thread. */
+// ERR_clear_error clears the error queue for the current thread.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_clear_error(void);
-/* ERR_remove_thread_state clears the error queue for the current thread if
- * |tid| is NULL. Otherwise it calls |assert(0)|, because it's no longer
- * possible to delete the error queue for other threads.
- *
- * Error queues are thread-local data and are deleted automatically. You do not
- * need to call this function. Use |ERR_clear_error|. */
+// ERR_remove_thread_state clears the error queue for the current thread if
+// |tid| is NULL. Otherwise it calls |assert(0)|, because it's no longer
+// possible to delete the error queue for other threads.
+// Error queues are thread-local data and are deleted automatically. You do not
+// need to call this function. Use |ERR_clear_error|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_remove_thread_state(const CRYPTO_THREADID *tid);
-/* Custom errors. */
+// Custom errors.
-/* ERR_get_next_error_library returns a value suitable for passing as the
- * |library| argument to |ERR_put_error|. This is intended for code that wishes
- * to push its own, non-standard errors to the error queue. */
+// ERR_get_next_error_library returns a value suitable for passing as the
+// |library| argument to |ERR_put_error|. This is intended for code that wishes
+// to push its own, non-standard errors to the error queue.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ERR_get_next_error_library(void);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* ERR_remove_state calls |ERR_clear_error|. */
+// ERR_remove_state calls |ERR_clear_error|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_remove_state(unsigned long pid);
-/* ERR_func_error_string returns the string "OPENSSL_internal". */
+// ERR_func_error_string returns the string "OPENSSL_internal".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *ERR_func_error_string(uint32_t packed_error);
-/* ERR_error_string behaves like |ERR_error_string_n| but |len| is implicitly
- * |ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN| and it returns |buf|. If |buf| is NULL, the error
- * string is placed in a static buffer which is returned. (The static buffer may
- * be overridden by concurrent calls in other threads so this form should not be
- * used.)
- *
- * Use |ERR_error_string_n| instead.
- *
- * TODO(fork): remove this function. */
+// ERR_error_string behaves like |ERR_error_string_n| but |len| is implicitly
+// |ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN| and it returns |buf|. If |buf| is NULL, the error
+// string is placed in a static buffer which is returned. (The static buffer may
+// be overridden by concurrent calls in other threads so this form should not be
+// used.)
+// Use |ERR_error_string_n| instead.
+// TODO(fork): remove this function.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *ERR_error_string(uint32_t packed_error, char *buf);
-/* Private functions. */
+// Private functions.
-/* ERR_clear_system_error clears the system's error value (i.e. errno). */
+// ERR_clear_system_error clears the system's error value (i.e. errno).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_clear_system_error(void);
-/* OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR is used by OpenSSL code to add an error to the error
- * queue. */
+// OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR is used by OpenSSL code to add an error to the error
+// queue.
 #define OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(library, reason) \
   ERR_put_error(ERR_LIB_##library, 0, reason, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-/* OPENSSL_PUT_SYSTEM_ERROR is used by OpenSSL code to add an error from the
- * operating system to the error queue.
- * TODO(fork): include errno. */
+// OPENSSL_PUT_SYSTEM_ERROR is used by OpenSSL code to add an error from the
+// operating system to the error queue.
+// TODO(fork): include errno.
   ERR_put_error(ERR_LIB_SYS, 0, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-/* ERR_put_error adds an error to the error queue, dropping the least recent
- * error if necessary for space reasons. */
+// ERR_put_error adds an error to the error queue, dropping the least recent
+// error if necessary for space reasons.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_put_error(int library, int unused, int reason,
                                   const char *file, unsigned line);
-/* ERR_add_error_data takes a variable number (|count|) of const char*
- * pointers, concatenates them and sets the result as the data on the most
- * recent error. */
+// ERR_add_error_data takes a variable number (|count|) of const char*
+// pointers, concatenates them and sets the result as the data on the most
+// recent error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_add_error_data(unsigned count, ...);
-/* ERR_add_error_dataf takes a printf-style format and arguments, and sets the
- * result as the data on the most recent error. */
+// ERR_add_error_dataf takes a printf-style format and arguments, and sets the
+// result as the data on the most recent error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_add_error_dataf(const char *format, ...)
-/* ERR_set_mark "marks" the most recent error for use with |ERR_pop_to_mark|.
- * It returns one if an error was marked and zero if there are no errors. */
+// ERR_set_mark "marks" the most recent error for use with |ERR_pop_to_mark|.
+// It returns one if an error was marked and zero if there are no errors.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ERR_set_mark(void);
-/* ERR_pop_to_mark removes errors from the most recent to the least recent
- * until (and not including) a "marked" error. It returns zero if no marked
- * error was found (and thus all errors were removed) and one otherwise. Errors
- * are marked using |ERR_set_mark|. */
+// ERR_pop_to_mark removes errors from the most recent to the least recent
+// until (and not including) a "marked" error. It returns zero if no marked
+// error was found (and thus all errors were removed) and one otherwise. Errors
+// are marked using |ERR_set_mark|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ERR_pop_to_mark(void);
 struct err_error_st {
-  /* file contains the filename where the error occurred. */
+  // file contains the filename where the error occurred.
   const char *file;
-  /* data contains optional data. It must be freed with |OPENSSL_free| if
-   * |flags&ERR_FLAG_MALLOCED|. */
+  // data contains optional data. It must be freed with |OPENSSL_free| if
+  // |flags&ERR_FLAG_MALLOCED|.
   char *data;
-  /* packed contains the error library and reason, as packed by ERR_PACK. */
+  // packed contains the error library and reason, as packed by ERR_PACK.
   uint32_t packed;
-  /* line contains the line number where the error occurred. */
+  // line contains the line number where the error occurred.
   uint16_t line;
-  /* flags contains a bitwise-OR of ERR_FLAG_* values. */
+  // flags contains a bitwise-OR of ERR_FLAG_* values.
   uint8_t flags;
-/* ERR_FLAG_STRING means that the |data| member is a NUL-terminated string that
- * can be printed. */
+// ERR_FLAG_STRING means that the |data| member is a NUL-terminated string that
+// can be printed.
 #define ERR_FLAG_STRING 1
-/* ERR_TXT_STRING is provided for compatibility with code that assumes that
- * it's using OpenSSL. */
+// ERR_TXT_STRING is provided for compatibility with code that assumes that
+// it's using OpenSSL.
-/* ERR_FLAG_PUBLIC_MASK is applied to the flags field before it is returned
- * from functions like |ERR_get_error_line_data|. */
+// ERR_FLAG_PUBLIC_MASK is applied to the flags field before it is returned
+// from functions like |ERR_get_error_line_data|.
-/* The following flag values are internal and are masked when flags are
- * returned from functions like |ERR_get_error_line_data|. */
+// The following flag values are internal and are masked when flags are
+// returned from functions like |ERR_get_error_line_data|.
-/* ERR_FLAG_MALLOCED means the the |data| member must be freed when no longer
- * needed. */
+// ERR_FLAG_MALLOCED means the the |data| member must be freed when no longer
+// needed.
-/* ERR_FLAG_MARK is used to indicate a reversion point in the queue. See
- * |ERR_pop_to_mark|. */
+// ERR_FLAG_MARK is used to indicate a reversion point in the queue. See
+// |ERR_pop_to_mark|.
 #define ERR_FLAG_MARK 32
-/* ERR_NUM_ERRORS is the limit of the number of errors in the queue. */
+// ERR_NUM_ERRORS is the limit of the number of errors in the queue.
 #define ERR_NUM_ERRORS 16
-/* err_state_st (aka |ERR_STATE|) contains the per-thread, error queue. */
+// err_state_st (aka |ERR_STATE|) contains the per-thread, error queue.
 typedef struct err_state_st {
-  /* errors contains the ERR_NUM_ERRORS most recent errors, organised as a ring
-   * buffer. */
+  // errors contains the ERR_NUM_ERRORS most recent errors, organised as a ring
+  // buffer.
   struct err_error_st errors[ERR_NUM_ERRORS];
-  /* top contains the index one past the most recent error. If |top| equals
-   * |bottom| then the queue is empty. */
+  // top contains the index one past the most recent error. If |top| equals
+  // |bottom| then the queue is empty.
   unsigned top;
-  /* bottom contains the index of the last error in the queue. */
+  // bottom contains the index of the last error in the queue.
   unsigned bottom;
-  /* to_free, if not NULL, contains a pointer owned by this structure that was
-   * previously a |data| pointer of one of the elements of |errors|. */
+  // to_free, if not NULL, contains a pointer owned by this structure that was
+  // previously a |data| pointer of one of the elements of |errors|.
   void *to_free;
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
-/* Global reasons. */
+// Global reasons.
 #define ERR_R_FATAL 64
@@ -474,16 +474,16 @@
 #define ERR_GET_FUNC(packed_error) 0
 #define ERR_GET_REASON(packed_error) ((int)((packed_error) & 0xfff))
-/* OPENSSL_DECLARE_ERROR_REASON is used by util/make_errors.h (which generates
- * the error defines) to recognise that an additional reason value is needed.
- * This is needed when the reason value is used outside of an
- * |OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR| macro. The resulting define will be
- * ${lib}_R_${reason}. */
+// OPENSSL_DECLARE_ERROR_REASON is used by util/make_errors.h (which generates
+// the error defines) to recognise that an additional reason value is needed.
+// This is needed when the reason value is used outside of an
+// |OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR| macro. The resulting define will be
+// ${lib}_R_${reason}.
 #define OPENSSL_DECLARE_ERROR_REASON(lib, reason)
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-} /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif /* OPENSSL_HEADER_ERR_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/evp.h b/src/include/openssl/evp.h
index 37c965a..274b73a 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/evp.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/evp.h
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
 #include <openssl/thread.h>
-/* OpenSSL included digest and cipher functions in this header so we include
- * them for users that still expect that.
- *
- * TODO(fork): clean up callers so that they include what they use. */
+// OpenSSL included digest and cipher functions in this header so we include
+// them for users that still expect that.
+// TODO(fork): clean up callers so that they include what they use.
 #include <openssl/aead.h>
 #include <openssl/base64.h>
 #include <openssl/cipher.h>
@@ -76,71 +76,71 @@
-/* EVP abstracts over public/private key algorithms. */
+// EVP abstracts over public/private key algorithms.
-/* Public key objects. */
+// Public key objects.
-/* EVP_PKEY_new creates a new, empty public-key object and returns it or NULL
- * on allocation failure. */
+// EVP_PKEY_new creates a new, empty public-key object and returns it or NULL
+// on allocation failure.
-/* EVP_PKEY_free frees all data referenced by |pkey| and then frees |pkey|
- * itself. */
+// EVP_PKEY_free frees all data referenced by |pkey| and then frees |pkey|
+// itself.
-/* EVP_PKEY_up_ref increments the reference count of |pkey| and returns one. */
+// EVP_PKEY_up_ref increments the reference count of |pkey| and returns one.
-/* EVP_PKEY_is_opaque returns one if |pkey| is opaque. Opaque keys are backed by
- * custom implementations which do not expose key material and parameters. It is
- * an error to attempt to duplicate, export, or compare an opaque key. */
+// EVP_PKEY_is_opaque returns one if |pkey| is opaque. Opaque keys are backed by
+// custom implementations which do not expose key material and parameters. It is
+// an error to attempt to duplicate, export, or compare an opaque key.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_is_opaque(const EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* EVP_PKEY_cmp compares |a| and |b| and returns one if they are equal, zero if
- * not and a negative number on error.
- *
- * WARNING: this differs from the traditional return value of a "cmp"
- * function. */
+// EVP_PKEY_cmp compares |a| and |b| and returns one if they are equal, zero if
+// not and a negative number on error.
+// WARNING: this differs from the traditional return value of a "cmp"
+// function.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_cmp(const EVP_PKEY *a, const EVP_PKEY *b);
-/* EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters sets the parameters of |to| to equal the parameters
- * of |from|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters sets the parameters of |to| to equal the parameters
+// of |from|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters(EVP_PKEY *to, const EVP_PKEY *from);
-/* EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters returns one if |pkey| is missing needed
- * parameters or zero if not, or if the algorithm doesn't take parameters. */
+// EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters returns one if |pkey| is missing needed
+// parameters or zero if not, or if the algorithm doesn't take parameters.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters(const EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* EVP_PKEY_size returns the maximum size, in bytes, of a signature signed by
- * |pkey|. For an RSA key, this returns the number of bytes needed to represent
- * the modulus. For an EC key, this returns the maximum size of a DER-encoded
- * ECDSA signature. */
+// EVP_PKEY_size returns the maximum size, in bytes, of a signature signed by
+// |pkey|. For an RSA key, this returns the number of bytes needed to represent
+// the modulus. For an EC key, this returns the maximum size of a DER-encoded
+// ECDSA signature.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_size(const EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* EVP_PKEY_bits returns the "size", in bits, of |pkey|. For an RSA key, this
- * returns the bit length of the modulus. For an EC key, this returns the bit
- * length of the group order. */
+// EVP_PKEY_bits returns the "size", in bits, of |pkey|. For an RSA key, this
+// returns the bit length of the modulus. For an EC key, this returns the bit
+// length of the group order.
-/* EVP_PKEY_id returns the type of |pkey|, which is one of the |EVP_PKEY_*|
- * values. */
+// EVP_PKEY_id returns the type of |pkey|, which is one of the |EVP_PKEY_*|
+// values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_id(const EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* EVP_PKEY_type returns |nid| if |nid| is a known key type and |NID_undef|
- * otherwise. */
+// EVP_PKEY_type returns |nid| if |nid| is a known key type and |NID_undef|
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_type(int nid);
-/* Getting and setting concrete public key types.
- *
- * The following functions get and set the underlying public key in an
- * |EVP_PKEY| object. The |set1| functions take an additional reference to the
- * underlying key and return one on success or zero on error. The |assign|
- * functions adopt the caller's reference. The |get1| functions return a fresh
- * reference to the underlying object or NULL if |pkey| is not of the correct
- * type. The |get0| functions behave the same but return a non-owning
- * pointer. */
+// Getting and setting concrete public key types.
+// The following functions get and set the underlying public key in an
+// |EVP_PKEY| object. The |set1| functions take an additional reference to the
+// underlying key and return one on success or zero on error. The |assign|
+// functions adopt the caller's reference. The |get1| functions return a fresh
+// reference to the underlying object or NULL if |pkey| is not of the correct
+// type. The |get0| functions behave the same but return a non-owning
+// pointer.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(EVP_PKEY *pkey, RSA *key);
@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@
-/* EVP_PKEY_new_ed25519_public returns a newly allocated |EVP_PKEY| wrapping an
- * Ed25519 public key, or NULL on allocation error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_new_ed25519_public returns a newly allocated |EVP_PKEY| wrapping an
+// Ed25519 public key, or NULL on allocation error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *EVP_PKEY_new_ed25519_public(
     const uint8_t public_key[32]);
-/* EVP_PKEY_new_ed25519_private returns a newly allocated |EVP_PKEY| wrapping an
- * Ed25519 private key, or NULL on allocation error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_new_ed25519_private returns a newly allocated |EVP_PKEY| wrapping an
+// Ed25519 private key, or NULL on allocation error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *EVP_PKEY_new_ed25519_private(
     const uint8_t private_key[64]);
@@ -173,274 +173,274 @@
 #define EVP_PKEY_EC NID_X9_62_id_ecPublicKey
 #define EVP_PKEY_ED25519 NID_ED25519
-/* EVP_PKEY_assign sets the underlying key of |pkey| to |key|, which must be of
- * the given type. The |type| argument should be one of the |EVP_PKEY_*|
- * values. */
+// EVP_PKEY_assign sets the underlying key of |pkey| to |key|, which must be of
+// the given type. The |type| argument should be one of the |EVP_PKEY_*|
+// values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_assign(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int type, void *key);
-/* EVP_PKEY_set_type sets the type of |pkey| to |type|, which should be one of
- * the |EVP_PKEY_*| values. It returns one if successful or zero otherwise. If
- * |pkey| is NULL, it simply reports whether the type is known. */
+// EVP_PKEY_set_type sets the type of |pkey| to |type|, which should be one of
+// the |EVP_PKEY_*| values. It returns one if successful or zero otherwise. If
+// |pkey| is NULL, it simply reports whether the type is known.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_set_type(EVP_PKEY *pkey, int type);
-/* EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters compares the parameters of |a| and |b|. It returns
- * one if they match, zero if not, or a negative number of on error.
- *
- * WARNING: the return value differs from the usual return value convention. */
+// EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters compares the parameters of |a| and |b|. It returns
+// one if they match, zero if not, or a negative number of on error.
+// WARNING: the return value differs from the usual return value convention.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters(const EVP_PKEY *a,
                                            const EVP_PKEY *b);
-/* ASN.1 functions */
+// ASN.1 functions
-/* EVP_parse_public_key decodes a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure
- * (RFC 5280) from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated
- * |EVP_PKEY| or NULL on error.
- *
- * The caller must check the type of the parsed public key to ensure it is
- * suitable and validate other desired key properties such as RSA modulus size
- * or EC curve. */
+// EVP_parse_public_key decodes a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure
+// (RFC 5280) from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated
+// |EVP_PKEY| or NULL on error.
+// The caller must check the type of the parsed public key to ensure it is
+// suitable and validate other desired key properties such as RSA modulus size
+// or EC curve.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *EVP_parse_public_key(CBS *cbs);
-/* EVP_marshal_public_key marshals |key| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- * structure (RFC 5280) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_marshal_public_key marshals |key| as a DER-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo
+// structure (RFC 5280) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_marshal_public_key(CBB *cbb, const EVP_PKEY *key);
-/* EVP_parse_private_key decodes a DER-encoded PrivateKeyInfo structure (RFC
- * 5208) from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |EVP_PKEY|
- * or NULL on error.
- *
- * The caller must check the type of the parsed private key to ensure it is
- * suitable and validate other desired key properties such as RSA modulus size
- * or EC curve.
- *
- * A PrivateKeyInfo ends with an optional set of attributes. These are not
- * processed and so this function will silently ignore any trailing data in the
- * structure. */
+// EVP_parse_private_key decodes a DER-encoded PrivateKeyInfo structure (RFC
+// 5208) from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |EVP_PKEY|
+// or NULL on error.
+// The caller must check the type of the parsed private key to ensure it is
+// suitable and validate other desired key properties such as RSA modulus size
+// or EC curve.
+// A PrivateKeyInfo ends with an optional set of attributes. These are not
+// processed and so this function will silently ignore any trailing data in the
+// structure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *EVP_parse_private_key(CBS *cbs);
-/* EVP_marshal_private_key marshals |key| as a DER-encoded PrivateKeyInfo
- * structure (RFC 5208) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_marshal_private_key marshals |key| as a DER-encoded PrivateKeyInfo
+// structure (RFC 5208) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_marshal_private_key(CBB *cbb, const EVP_PKEY *key);
-/* EVP_set_buggy_rsa_parser configures whether |RSA_parse_public_key_buggy| is
- * used by |EVP_parse_public_key|. By default, it is used. */
+// EVP_set_buggy_rsa_parser configures whether |RSA_parse_public_key_buggy| is
+// used by |EVP_parse_public_key|. By default, it is used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EVP_set_buggy_rsa_parser(int buggy);
-/* Signing */
+// Signing
-/* EVP_DigestSignInit sets up |ctx| for a signing operation with |type| and
- * |pkey|. The |ctx| argument must have been initialised with
- * |EVP_MD_CTX_init|. If |pctx| is not NULL, the |EVP_PKEY_CTX| of the signing
- * operation will be written to |*pctx|; this can be used to set alternative
- * signing options.
- *
- * For single-shot signing algorithms which do not use a pre-hash, such as
- * Ed25519, |type| should be NULL. The |EVP_MD_CTX| itself is unused but is
- * present so the API is uniform. See |EVP_DigestSign|.
- *
- * It returns one on success, or zero on error. */
+// EVP_DigestSignInit sets up |ctx| for a signing operation with |type| and
+// |pkey|. The |ctx| argument must have been initialised with
+// |EVP_MD_CTX_init|. If |pctx| is not NULL, the |EVP_PKEY_CTX| of the signing
+// operation will be written to |*pctx|; this can be used to set alternative
+// signing options.
+// For single-shot signing algorithms which do not use a pre-hash, such as
+// Ed25519, |type| should be NULL. The |EVP_MD_CTX| itself is unused but is
+// present so the API is uniform. See |EVP_DigestSign|.
+// It returns one on success, or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestSignInit(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTX **pctx,
                                       const EVP_MD *type, ENGINE *e,
                                       EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* EVP_DigestSignUpdate appends |len| bytes from |data| to the data which will
- * be signed in |EVP_DigestSignFinal|. It returns one.
- *
- * This function performs a streaming signing operation and will fail for
- * signature algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_DigestSign| for a
- * single-shot operation. */
+// EVP_DigestSignUpdate appends |len| bytes from |data| to the data which will
+// be signed in |EVP_DigestSignFinal|. It returns one.
+// This function performs a streaming signing operation and will fail for
+// signature algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_DigestSign| for a
+// single-shot operation.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestSignUpdate(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data,
                                         size_t len);
-/* EVP_DigestSignFinal signs the data that has been included by one or more
- * calls to |EVP_DigestSignUpdate|. If |out_sig| is NULL then |*out_sig_len| is
- * set to the maximum number of output bytes. Otherwise, on entry,
- * |*out_sig_len| must contain the length of the |out_sig| buffer. If the call
- * is successful, the signature is written to |out_sig| and |*out_sig_len| is
- * set to its length.
- *
- * This function performs a streaming signing operation and will fail for
- * signature algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_DigestSign| for a
- * single-shot operation.
- *
- * It returns one on success, or zero on error. */
+// EVP_DigestSignFinal signs the data that has been included by one or more
+// calls to |EVP_DigestSignUpdate|. If |out_sig| is NULL then |*out_sig_len| is
+// set to the maximum number of output bytes. Otherwise, on entry,
+// |*out_sig_len| must contain the length of the |out_sig| buffer. If the call
+// is successful, the signature is written to |out_sig| and |*out_sig_len| is
+// set to its length.
+// This function performs a streaming signing operation and will fail for
+// signature algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_DigestSign| for a
+// single-shot operation.
+// It returns one on success, or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestSignFinal(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out_sig,
                                        size_t *out_sig_len);
-/* EVP_DigestSign signs |data_len| bytes from |data| using |ctx|. If |out_sig|
- * is NULL then |*out_sig_len| is set to the maximum number of output
- * bytes. Otherwise, on entry, |*out_sig_len| must contain the length of the
- * |out_sig| buffer. If the call is successful, the signature is written to
- * |out_sig| and |*out_sig_len| is set to its length.
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_DigestSign signs |data_len| bytes from |data| using |ctx|. If |out_sig|
+// is NULL then |*out_sig_len| is set to the maximum number of output
+// bytes. Otherwise, on entry, |*out_sig_len| must contain the length of the
+// |out_sig| buffer. If the call is successful, the signature is written to
+// |out_sig| and |*out_sig_len| is set to its length.
+// It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestSign(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out_sig,
                                   size_t *out_sig_len, const uint8_t *data,
                                   size_t data_len);
-/* Verifying */
+// Verifying
-/* EVP_DigestVerifyInit sets up |ctx| for a signature verification operation
- * with |type| and |pkey|. The |ctx| argument must have been initialised with
- * |EVP_MD_CTX_init|. If |pctx| is not NULL, the |EVP_PKEY_CTX| of the signing
- * operation will be written to |*pctx|; this can be used to set alternative
- * signing options.
- *
- * For single-shot signing algorithms which do not use a pre-hash, such as
- * Ed25519, |type| should be NULL. The |EVP_MD_CTX| itself is unused but is
- * present so the API is uniform. See |EVP_DigestVerify|.
- *
- * It returns one on success, or zero on error. */
+// EVP_DigestVerifyInit sets up |ctx| for a signature verification operation
+// with |type| and |pkey|. The |ctx| argument must have been initialised with
+// |EVP_MD_CTX_init|. If |pctx| is not NULL, the |EVP_PKEY_CTX| of the signing
+// operation will be written to |*pctx|; this can be used to set alternative
+// signing options.
+// For single-shot signing algorithms which do not use a pre-hash, such as
+// Ed25519, |type| should be NULL. The |EVP_MD_CTX| itself is unused but is
+// present so the API is uniform. See |EVP_DigestVerify|.
+// It returns one on success, or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestVerifyInit(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY_CTX **pctx,
                                         const EVP_MD *type, ENGINE *e,
                                         EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate appends |len| bytes from |data| to the data which
- * will be verified by |EVP_DigestVerifyFinal|. It returns one.
- *
- * This function performs streaming signature verification and will fail for
- * signature algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_PKEY_verify_message|
- * for a single-shot verification. */
+// EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate appends |len| bytes from |data| to the data which
+// will be verified by |EVP_DigestVerifyFinal|. It returns one.
+// This function performs streaming signature verification and will fail for
+// signature algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_PKEY_verify_message|
+// for a single-shot verification.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data,
                                           size_t len);
-/* EVP_DigestVerifyFinal verifies that |sig_len| bytes of |sig| are a valid
- * signature for the data that has been included by one or more calls to
- * |EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * This function performs streaming signature verification and will fail for
- * signature algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_PKEY_verify_message|
- * for a single-shot verification. */
+// EVP_DigestVerifyFinal verifies that |sig_len| bytes of |sig| are a valid
+// signature for the data that has been included by one or more calls to
+// |EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
+// This function performs streaming signature verification and will fail for
+// signature algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_PKEY_verify_message|
+// for a single-shot verification.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *sig,
                                          size_t sig_len);
-/* EVP_DigestVerify verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| are a valid
- * signature for |data|. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_DigestVerify verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| are a valid
+// signature for |data|. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_DigestVerify(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *sig,
                                     size_t sig_len, const uint8_t *data,
                                     size_t len);
-/* Signing (old functions) */
+// Signing (old functions)
-/* EVP_SignInit_ex configures |ctx|, which must already have been initialised,
- * for a fresh signing operation using the hash function |type|. It returns one
- * on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * (In order to initialise |ctx|, either obtain it initialised with
- * |EVP_MD_CTX_create|, or use |EVP_MD_CTX_init|.) */
+// EVP_SignInit_ex configures |ctx|, which must already have been initialised,
+// for a fresh signing operation using the hash function |type|. It returns one
+// on success and zero otherwise.
+// (In order to initialise |ctx|, either obtain it initialised with
+// |EVP_MD_CTX_create|, or use |EVP_MD_CTX_init|.)
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_SignInit_ex(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *type,
                                    ENGINE *impl);
-/* EVP_SignInit is a deprecated version of |EVP_SignInit_ex|.
- *
- * TODO(fork): remove. */
+// EVP_SignInit is a deprecated version of |EVP_SignInit_ex|.
+// TODO(fork): remove.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_SignInit(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *type);
-/* EVP_SignUpdate appends |len| bytes from |data| to the data which will be
- * signed in |EVP_SignFinal|. */
+// EVP_SignUpdate appends |len| bytes from |data| to the data which will be
+// signed in |EVP_SignFinal|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_SignUpdate(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data,
                                   size_t len);
-/* EVP_SignFinal signs the data that has been included by one or more calls to
- * |EVP_SignUpdate|, using the key |pkey|, and writes it to |sig|. On entry,
- * |sig| must point to at least |EVP_PKEY_size(pkey)| bytes of space. The
- * actual size of the signature is written to |*out_sig_len|.
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * It does not modify |ctx|, thus it's possible to continue to use |ctx| in
- * order to sign a longer message. */
+// EVP_SignFinal signs the data that has been included by one or more calls to
+// |EVP_SignUpdate|, using the key |pkey|, and writes it to |sig|. On entry,
+// |sig| must point to at least |EVP_PKEY_size(pkey)| bytes of space. The
+// actual size of the signature is written to |*out_sig_len|.
+// It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
+// It does not modify |ctx|, thus it's possible to continue to use |ctx| in
+// order to sign a longer message.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_SignFinal(const EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *sig,
                                  unsigned int *out_sig_len, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* Verifying (old functions) */
+// Verifying (old functions)
-/* EVP_VerifyInit_ex configures |ctx|, which must already have been
- * initialised, for a fresh signature verification operation using the hash
- * function |type|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * (In order to initialise |ctx|, either obtain it initialised with
- * |EVP_MD_CTX_create|, or use |EVP_MD_CTX_init|.) */
+// EVP_VerifyInit_ex configures |ctx|, which must already have been
+// initialised, for a fresh signature verification operation using the hash
+// function |type|. It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
+// (In order to initialise |ctx|, either obtain it initialised with
+// |EVP_MD_CTX_create|, or use |EVP_MD_CTX_init|.)
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_VerifyInit_ex(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *type,
                                      ENGINE *impl);
-/* EVP_VerifyInit is a deprecated version of |EVP_VerifyInit_ex|.
- *
- * TODO(fork): remove. */
+// EVP_VerifyInit is a deprecated version of |EVP_VerifyInit_ex|.
+// TODO(fork): remove.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_VerifyInit(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const EVP_MD *type);
-/* EVP_VerifyUpdate appends |len| bytes from |data| to the data which will be
- * signed in |EVP_VerifyFinal|. */
+// EVP_VerifyUpdate appends |len| bytes from |data| to the data which will be
+// signed in |EVP_VerifyFinal|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_VerifyUpdate(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data,
                                     size_t len);
-/* EVP_VerifyFinal verifies that |sig_len| bytes of |sig| are a valid
- * signature, by |pkey|, for the data that has been included by one or more
- * calls to |EVP_VerifyUpdate|.
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
- *
- * It does not modify |ctx|, thus it's possible to continue to use |ctx| in
- * order to sign a longer message. */
+// EVP_VerifyFinal verifies that |sig_len| bytes of |sig| are a valid
+// signature, by |pkey|, for the data that has been included by one or more
+// calls to |EVP_VerifyUpdate|.
+// It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
+// It does not modify |ctx|, thus it's possible to continue to use |ctx| in
+// order to sign a longer message.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_VerifyFinal(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *sig,
                                    size_t sig_len, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* Printing */
+// Printing
-/* EVP_PKEY_print_public prints a textual representation of the public key in
- * |pkey| to |out|. Returns one on success or zero otherwise. */
+// EVP_PKEY_print_public prints a textual representation of the public key in
+// |pkey| to |out|. Returns one on success or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_print_public(BIO *out, const EVP_PKEY *pkey,
                                          int indent, ASN1_PCTX *pctx);
-/* EVP_PKEY_print_private prints a textual representation of the private key in
- * |pkey| to |out|. Returns one on success or zero otherwise. */
+// EVP_PKEY_print_private prints a textual representation of the private key in
+// |pkey| to |out|. Returns one on success or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_print_private(BIO *out, const EVP_PKEY *pkey,
                                           int indent, ASN1_PCTX *pctx);
-/* EVP_PKEY_print_params prints a textual representation of the parameters in
- * |pkey| to |out|. Returns one on success or zero otherwise. */
+// EVP_PKEY_print_params prints a textual representation of the parameters in
+// |pkey| to |out|. Returns one on success or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_print_params(BIO *out, const EVP_PKEY *pkey,
                                          int indent, ASN1_PCTX *pctx);
-/* Password stretching.
- *
- * Password stretching functions take a low-entropy password and apply a slow
- * function that results in a key suitable for use in symmetric
- * cryptography. */
+// Password stretching.
+// Password stretching functions take a low-entropy password and apply a slow
+// function that results in a key suitable for use in symmetric
+// cryptography.
-/* PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC computes |iterations| iterations of PBKDF2 of |password|
- * and |salt|, using |digest|, and outputs |key_len| bytes to |out_key|. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC computes |iterations| iterations of PBKDF2 of |password|
+// and |salt|, using |digest|, and outputs |key_len| bytes to |out_key|. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(const char *password, size_t password_len,
                                      const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len,
                                      unsigned iterations, const EVP_MD *digest,
                                      size_t key_len, uint8_t *out_key);
-/* PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1 is the same as PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC, but with |digest|
- * fixed to |EVP_sha1|. */
+// PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1 is the same as PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC, but with |digest|
+// fixed to |EVP_sha1|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1(const char *password,
                                           size_t password_len,
                                           const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len,
                                           unsigned iterations, size_t key_len,
                                           uint8_t *out_key);
-/* EVP_PBE_scrypt expands |password| into a secret key of length |key_len| using
- * scrypt, as described in RFC 7914, and writes the result to |out_key|. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error.
- *
- * |N|, |r|, and |p| are as described in RFC 7914 section 6. They determine the
- * cost of the operation. If the memory required exceeds |max_mem|, the
- * operation will fail instead. If |max_mem| is zero, a defult limit of 32MiB
- * will be used. */
+// EVP_PBE_scrypt expands |password| into a secret key of length |key_len| using
+// scrypt, as described in RFC 7914, and writes the result to |out_key|. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
+// |N|, |r|, and |p| are as described in RFC 7914 section 6. They determine the
+// cost of the operation. If the memory required exceeds |max_mem|, the
+// operation will fail instead. If |max_mem| is zero, a defult limit of 32MiB
+// will be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PBE_scrypt(const char *password, size_t password_len,
                                   const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len,
                                   uint64_t N, uint64_t r, uint64_t p,
@@ -448,298 +448,298 @@
                                   size_t key_len);
-/* Public key contexts.
- *
- * |EVP_PKEY_CTX| objects hold the context of an operation (e.g. signing or
- * encrypting) that uses a public key. */
+// Public key contexts.
+// |EVP_PKEY_CTX| objects hold the context of an operation (e.g. signing or
+// encrypting) that uses a public key.
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_new allocates a fresh |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for use with |pkey|. It
- * returns the context or NULL on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_new allocates a fresh |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for use with |pkey|. It
+// returns the context or NULL on error.
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id allocates a fresh |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a key of type |id|
- * (e.g. |EVP_PKEY_HMAC|). This can be used for key generation where
- * |EVP_PKEY_CTX_new| can't be used because there isn't an |EVP_PKEY| to pass
- * it. It returns the context or NULL on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id allocates a fresh |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a key of type |id|
+// (e.g. |EVP_PKEY_HMAC|). This can be used for key generation where
+// |EVP_PKEY_CTX_new| can't be used because there isn't an |EVP_PKEY| to pass
+// it. It returns the context or NULL on error.
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_free frees |ctx| and the data it owns. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_free frees |ctx| and the data it owns.
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_dup allocates a fresh |EVP_PKEY_CTX| and sets it equal to the
- * state of |ctx|. It returns the fresh |EVP_PKEY_CTX| or NULL on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_dup allocates a fresh |EVP_PKEY_CTX| and sets it equal to the
+// state of |ctx|. It returns the fresh |EVP_PKEY_CTX| or NULL on error.
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey returns the |EVP_PKEY| associated with |ctx|. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_pkey returns the |EVP_PKEY| associated with |ctx|.
-/* EVP_PKEY_sign_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a signing operation. It
- * should be called before |EVP_PKEY_sign|.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_sign_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a signing operation. It
+// should be called before |EVP_PKEY_sign|.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
-/* EVP_PKEY_sign signs |digest_len| bytes from |digest| using |ctx|. If |sig| is
- * NULL, the maximum size of the signature is written to
- * |out_sig_len|. Otherwise, |*sig_len| must contain the number of bytes of
- * space available at |sig|. If sufficient, the signature will be written to
- * |sig| and |*sig_len| updated with the true length.
- *
- * This function expects a pre-hashed input and will fail for signature
- * algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_DigestSignInit| to sign an
- * unhashed input.
- *
- * WARNING: Setting |sig| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the
- * signature. The actual signature may be smaller.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. (Note: this differs from
- * OpenSSL, which can also return negative values to indicate an error. ) */
+// EVP_PKEY_sign signs |digest_len| bytes from |digest| using |ctx|. If |sig| is
+// NULL, the maximum size of the signature is written to
+// |out_sig_len|. Otherwise, |*sig_len| must contain the number of bytes of
+// space available at |sig|. If sufficient, the signature will be written to
+// |sig| and |*sig_len| updated with the true length.
+// This function expects a pre-hashed input and will fail for signature
+// algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_DigestSignInit| to sign an
+// unhashed input.
+// WARNING: Setting |sig| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the
+// signature. The actual signature may be smaller.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error. (Note: this differs from
+// OpenSSL, which can also return negative values to indicate an error. )
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_sign(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *sig,
                                  size_t *sig_len, const uint8_t *digest,
                                  size_t digest_len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_verify_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a signature
- * verification operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_verify|.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_verify_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a signature
+// verification operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_verify|.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_verify_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_PKEY_verify verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| are a valid
- * signature for |digest|.
- *
- * This function expects a pre-hashed input and will fail for signature
- * algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_DigestVerifyInit| to verify a
- * signature given the unhashed input.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_verify verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| are a valid
+// signature for |digest|.
+// This function expects a pre-hashed input and will fail for signature
+// algorithms which do not support this. Use |EVP_DigestVerifyInit| to verify a
+// signature given the unhashed input.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_verify(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *sig,
                                    size_t sig_len, const uint8_t *digest,
                                    size_t digest_len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_encrypt_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for an encryption
- * operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_encrypt|.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_encrypt_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for an encryption
+// operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_encrypt|.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_encrypt_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_PKEY_encrypt encrypts |in_len| bytes from |in|. If |out| is NULL, the
- * maximum size of the ciphertext is written to |out_len|. Otherwise, |*out_len|
- * must contain the number of bytes of space available at |out|. If sufficient,
- * the ciphertext will be written to |out| and |*out_len| updated with the true
- * length.
- *
- * WARNING: Setting |out| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the
- * ciphertext. The actual ciphertext may be smaller.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_encrypt encrypts |in_len| bytes from |in|. If |out| is NULL, the
+// maximum size of the ciphertext is written to |out_len|. Otherwise, |*out_len|
+// must contain the number of bytes of space available at |out|. If sufficient,
+// the ciphertext will be written to |out| and |*out_len| updated with the true
+// length.
+// WARNING: Setting |out| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the
+// ciphertext. The actual ciphertext may be smaller.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_encrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                     size_t *out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                     size_t in_len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_decrypt_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a decryption
- * operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_decrypt|.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_decrypt_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a decryption
+// operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_decrypt|.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_decrypt_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_PKEY_decrypt decrypts |in_len| bytes from |in|. If |out| is NULL, the
- * maximum size of the plaintext is written to |out_len|. Otherwise, |*out_len|
- * must contain the number of bytes of space available at |out|. If sufficient,
- * the ciphertext will be written to |out| and |*out_len| updated with the true
- * length.
- *
- * WARNING: Setting |out| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the
- * plaintext. The actual plaintext may be smaller.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_decrypt decrypts |in_len| bytes from |in|. If |out| is NULL, the
+// maximum size of the plaintext is written to |out_len|. Otherwise, |*out_len|
+// must contain the number of bytes of space available at |out|. If sufficient,
+// the ciphertext will be written to |out| and |*out_len| updated with the true
+// length.
+// WARNING: Setting |out| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the
+// plaintext. The actual plaintext may be smaller.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_decrypt(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                     size_t *out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                     size_t in_len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a public-key
- * decryption operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_verify_recover|.
- *
- * Public-key decryption is a very obscure operation that is only implemented
- * by RSA keys. It is effectively a signature verification operation that
- * returns the signed message directly. It is almost certainly not what you
- * want.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a public-key
+// decryption operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_verify_recover|.
+// Public-key decryption is a very obscure operation that is only implemented
+// by RSA keys. It is effectively a signature verification operation that
+// returns the signed message directly. It is almost certainly not what you
+// want.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_PKEY_verify_recover decrypts |sig_len| bytes from |sig|. If |out| is
- * NULL, the maximum size of the plaintext is written to |out_len|. Otherwise,
- * |*out_len| must contain the number of bytes of space available at |out|. If
- * sufficient, the ciphertext will be written to |out| and |*out_len| updated
- * with the true length.
- *
- * WARNING: Setting |out| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the
- * plaintext. The actual plaintext may be smaller.
- *
- * See the warning about this operation in |EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init|. It
- * is probably not what you want.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_verify_recover decrypts |sig_len| bytes from |sig|. If |out| is
+// NULL, the maximum size of the plaintext is written to |out_len|. Otherwise,
+// |*out_len| must contain the number of bytes of space available at |out|. If
+// sufficient, the ciphertext will be written to |out| and |*out_len| updated
+// with the true length.
+// WARNING: Setting |out| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the
+// plaintext. The actual plaintext may be smaller.
+// See the warning about this operation in |EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init|. It
+// is probably not what you want.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_verify_recover(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                                            size_t *out_len, const uint8_t *sig,
                                            size_t siglen);
-/* EVP_PKEY_derive_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a key derivation
- * operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer| and
- * |EVP_PKEY_derive|.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_derive_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a key derivation
+// operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer| and
+// |EVP_PKEY_derive|.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_derive_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer sets the peer's key to be used for key derivation
- * by |ctx| to |peer|. It should be called after |EVP_PKEY_derive_init|. (For
- * example, this is used to set the peer's key in (EC)DH.) It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer sets the peer's key to be used for key derivation
+// by |ctx| to |peer|. It should be called after |EVP_PKEY_derive_init|. (For
+// example, this is used to set the peer's key in (EC)DH.) It returns one on
+// success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_derive_set_peer(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *peer);
-/* EVP_PKEY_derive derives a shared key between the two keys configured in
- * |ctx|. If |key| is non-NULL then, on entry, |out_key_len| must contain the
- * amount of space at |key|. If sufficient then the shared key will be written
- * to |key| and |*out_key_len| will be set to the length. If |key| is NULL then
- * |out_key_len| will be set to the maximum length.
- *
- * WARNING: Setting |out| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the key. The
- * actual key may be smaller.
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_derive derives a shared key between the two keys configured in
+// |ctx|. If |key| is non-NULL then, on entry, |out_key_len| must contain the
+// amount of space at |key|. If sufficient then the shared key will be written
+// to |key| and |*out_key_len| will be set to the length. If |key| is NULL then
+// |out_key_len| will be set to the maximum length.
+// WARNING: Setting |out| to NULL only gives the maximum size of the key. The
+// actual key may be smaller.
+// It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_derive(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *key,
                                    size_t *out_key_len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_keygen_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a key generation
- * operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_keygen|.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_keygen_init initialises an |EVP_PKEY_CTX| for a key generation
+// operation. It should be called before |EVP_PKEY_keygen|.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx);
-/* EVP_PKEY_keygen performs a key generation operation using the values from
- * |ctx| and sets |*ppkey| to a fresh |EVP_PKEY| containing the resulting key.
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_keygen performs a key generation operation using the values from
+// |ctx| and sets |*ppkey| to a fresh |EVP_PKEY| containing the resulting key.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
-/* Generic control functions. */
+// Generic control functions.
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md sets |md| as the digest to be used in a
- * signature operation. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md sets |md| as the digest to be used in a
+// signature operation. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_signature_md(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                  const EVP_MD *md);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_signature_md sets |*out_md| to the digest to be used in a
- * signature operation. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_signature_md sets |*out_md| to the digest to be used in a
+// signature operation. It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_signature_md(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                  const EVP_MD **out_md);
-/* RSA specific control functions. */
+// RSA specific control functions.
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_padding sets the padding type to use. It should be one
- * of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_padding sets the padding type to use. It should be one
+// of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_padding(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx, int padding);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_padding sets |*out_padding| to the current padding
- * value, which is one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. Returns one on success or
- * zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_padding sets |*out_padding| to the current padding
+// value, which is one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. Returns one on success or
+// zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_padding(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                 int *out_padding);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_saltlen sets the length of the salt in a PSS-padded
- * signature. A value of -1 cause the salt to be the same length as the digest
- * in the signature. A value of -2 causes the salt to be the maximum length
- * that will fit when signing and recovered from the signature when verifying.
- * Otherwise the value gives the size of the salt in bytes.
- *
- * If unsure, use -1.
- *
- * Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_saltlen sets the length of the salt in a PSS-padded
+// signature. A value of -1 cause the salt to be the same length as the digest
+// in the signature. A value of -2 causes the salt to be the maximum length
+// that will fit when signing and recovered from the signature when verifying.
+// Otherwise the value gives the size of the salt in bytes.
+// If unsure, use -1.
+// Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_saltlen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                     int salt_len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_pss_saltlen sets |*out_salt_len| to the salt length of
- * a PSS-padded signature. See the documentation for
- * |EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_saltlen| for details of the special values that it
- * can take.
- *
- * Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_pss_saltlen sets |*out_salt_len| to the salt length of
+// a PSS-padded signature. See the documentation for
+// |EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_saltlen| for details of the special values that it
+// can take.
+// Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_pss_saltlen(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                     int *out_salt_len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits sets the size of the desired RSA modulus,
- * in bits, for key generation. Returns one on success or zero on
- * error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits sets the size of the desired RSA modulus,
+// in bits, for key generation. Returns one on success or zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_bits(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                     int bits);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_pubexp sets |e| as the public exponent for key
- * generation. Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_pubexp sets |e| as the public exponent for key
+// generation. Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_keygen_pubexp(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                       BIGNUM *e);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_oaep_md sets |md| as the digest used in OAEP padding.
- * Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_oaep_md sets |md| as the digest used in OAEP padding.
+// Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_oaep_md(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                 const EVP_MD *md);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_oaep_md sets |*out_md| to the digest function used in
- * OAEP padding. Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_oaep_md sets |*out_md| to the digest function used in
+// OAEP padding. Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_oaep_md(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                 const EVP_MD **out_md);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_mgf1_md sets |md| as the digest used in MGF1. Returns
- * one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_mgf1_md sets |md| as the digest used in MGF1. Returns
+// one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_mgf1_md(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                 const EVP_MD *md);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_mgf1_md sets |*out_md| to the digest function used in
- * MGF1. Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_mgf1_md sets |*out_md| to the digest function used in
+// MGF1. Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_rsa_mgf1_md(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                 const EVP_MD **out_md);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_set0_rsa_oaep_label sets |label_len| bytes from |label| as the
- * label used in OAEP. DANGER: On success, this call takes ownership of |label|
- * and will call |OPENSSL_free| on it when |ctx| is destroyed.
- *
- * Returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_set0_rsa_oaep_label sets |label_len| bytes from |label| as the
+// label used in OAEP. DANGER: On success, this call takes ownership of |label|
+// and will call |OPENSSL_free| on it when |ctx| is destroyed.
+// Returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_set0_rsa_oaep_label(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                     uint8_t *label,
                                                     size_t label_len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_rsa_oaep_label sets |*out_label| to point to the internal
- * buffer containing the OAEP label (which may be NULL) and returns the length
- * of the label or a negative value on error.
- *
- * WARNING: the return value differs from the usual return value convention. */
+// EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_rsa_oaep_label sets |*out_label| to point to the internal
+// buffer containing the OAEP label (which may be NULL) and returns the length
+// of the label or a negative value on error.
+// WARNING: the return value differs from the usual return value convention.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_rsa_oaep_label(EVP_PKEY_CTX *ctx,
                                                     const uint8_t **out_label);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* EVP_PKEY_DH is defined for compatibility, but it is impossible to create an
- * |EVP_PKEY| of that type. */
+// EVP_PKEY_DH is defined for compatibility, but it is impossible to create an
+// |EVP_PKEY| of that type.
 #define EVP_PKEY_DH NID_dhKeyAgreement
-/* EVP_PKEY_RSA2 was historically an alternate form for RSA public keys (OID
- *, but is no longer accepted. */
+// EVP_PKEY_RSA2 was historically an alternate form for RSA public keys (OID
+//, but is no longer accepted.
 #define EVP_PKEY_RSA2 NID_rsa
-/* OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms does nothing. */
+// OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(void);
-/* OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf does nothing. */
+// OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf(void);
-/* OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers does nothing. */
+// OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers(void);
-/* OpenSSL_add_all_digests does nothing. */
+// OpenSSL_add_all_digests does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OpenSSL_add_all_digests(void);
-/* EVP_cleanup does nothing. */
+// EVP_cleanup does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EVP_cleanup(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void EVP_CIPHER_do_all_sorted(
@@ -753,61 +753,61 @@
                                                           void *arg),
                                          void *arg);
-/* i2d_PrivateKey marshals a private key from |key| to an ASN.1, DER
- * structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
- * |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
- * the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * RSA keys are serialized as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 3447) structure.
- * EC keys are serialized as a DER-encoded ECPrivateKey (RFC 5915) structure.
- *
- * Use |RSA_marshal_private_key| or |EC_marshal_private_key| instead. */
+// i2d_PrivateKey marshals a private key from |key| to an ASN.1, DER
+// structure. If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
+// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
+// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
+// RSA keys are serialized as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 3447) structure.
+// EC keys are serialized as a DER-encoded ECPrivateKey (RFC 5915) structure.
+// Use |RSA_marshal_private_key| or |EC_marshal_private_key| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_PrivateKey(const EVP_PKEY *key, uint8_t **outp);
-/* i2d_PublicKey marshals a public key from |key| to a type-specific format.
- * If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
- * |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
- * the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
- *
- * RSA keys are serialized as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 3447) structure.
- * EC keys are serialized as an EC point per SEC 1.
- *
- * Use |RSA_marshal_public_key| or |EC_POINT_point2cbb| instead. */
+// i2d_PublicKey marshals a public key from |key| to a type-specific format.
+// If |outp| is not NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and
+// |*outp| is advanced just past the output. It returns the number of bytes in
+// the result, whether written or not, or a negative value on error.
+// RSA keys are serialized as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey (RFC 3447) structure.
+// EC keys are serialized as an EC point per SEC 1.
+// Use |RSA_marshal_public_key| or |EC_POINT_point2cbb| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_PublicKey(EVP_PKEY *key, uint8_t **outp);
-/* d2i_PrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, private key from |len| bytes at
- * |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is in
- * |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will not
- * be written to. Rather, a fresh |EVP_PKEY| is allocated and the previous one
- * is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
- * returns the result or NULL on error.
- *
- * This function tries to detect one of several formats. Instead, use
- * |EVP_parse_private_key| for a PrivateKeyInfo, |RSA_parse_private_key| for an
- * RSAPrivateKey, and |EC_parse_private_key| for an ECPrivateKey. */
+// d2i_PrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, private key from |len| bytes at
+// |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result is in
+// |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it will not
+// be written to. Rather, a fresh |EVP_PKEY| is allocated and the previous one
+// is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure. It
+// returns the result or NULL on error.
+// This function tries to detect one of several formats. Instead, use
+// |EVP_parse_private_key| for a PrivateKeyInfo, |RSA_parse_private_key| for an
+// RSAPrivateKey, and |EC_parse_private_key| for an ECPrivateKey.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *d2i_PrivateKey(int type, EVP_PKEY **out,
                                         const uint8_t **inp, long len);
-/* d2i_AutoPrivateKey acts the same as |d2i_PrivateKey|, but detects the type
- * of the private key.
- *
- * This function tries to detect one of several formats. Instead, use
- * |EVP_parse_private_key| for a PrivateKeyInfo, |RSA_parse_private_key| for an
- * RSAPrivateKey, and |EC_parse_private_key| for an ECPrivateKey. */
+// d2i_AutoPrivateKey acts the same as |d2i_PrivateKey|, but detects the type
+// of the private key.
+// This function tries to detect one of several formats. Instead, use
+// |EVP_parse_private_key| for a PrivateKeyInfo, |RSA_parse_private_key| for an
+// RSAPrivateKey, and |EC_parse_private_key| for an ECPrivateKey.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *d2i_AutoPrivateKey(EVP_PKEY **out, const uint8_t **inp,
                                             long len);
-/* EVP_PKEY_get0_DH returns NULL. */
+// EVP_PKEY_get0_DH returns NULL.
-/* Private structures. */
+// Private structures.
 struct evp_pkey_st {
   CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
-  /* type contains one of the EVP_PKEY_* values or NID_undef and determines
-   * which element (if any) of the |pkey| union is valid. */
+  // type contains one of the EVP_PKEY_* values or NID_undef and determines
+  // which element (if any) of the |pkey| union is valid.
   int type;
   union {
@@ -818,14 +818,14 @@
     EC_KEY *ec;
   } pkey;
-  /* ameth contains a pointer to a method table that contains many ASN.1
-   * methods for the key type. */
+  // ameth contains a pointer to a method table that contains many ASN.1
+  // methods for the key type.
   const EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD *ameth;
 } /* EVP_PKEY */;
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
 namespace bssl {
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -874,4 +874,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_EVP_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ex_data.h b/src/include/openssl/ex_data.h
index 5d1a45c..102f8a8 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ex_data.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ex_data.h
@@ -118,77 +118,77 @@
-/* ex_data is a mechanism for associating arbitrary extra data with objects.
- * For each type of object that supports ex_data, different users can be
- * assigned indexes in which to store their data. Each index has callback
- * functions that are called when an object of that type is freed or
- * duplicated. */
+// ex_data is a mechanism for associating arbitrary extra data with objects.
+// For each type of object that supports ex_data, different users can be
+// assigned indexes in which to store their data. Each index has callback
+// functions that are called when an object of that type is freed or
+// duplicated.
 typedef struct crypto_ex_data_st CRYPTO_EX_DATA;
-/* Type-specific functions.
- *
- * Each type that supports ex_data provides three functions: */
+// Type-specific functions.
+// Each type that supports ex_data provides three functions:
-#if 0 /* Sample */
+#if 0  // Sample
-/* TYPE_get_ex_new_index allocates a new index for |TYPE|. An optional
- * |free_func| argument may be provided which is called when the owning object
- * is destroyed. See |CRYPTO_EX_free| for details. The |argl| and |argp|
- * arguments are opaque values that are passed to the callback. It returns the
- * new index or a negative number on error. */
+// TYPE_get_ex_new_index allocates a new index for |TYPE|. An optional
+// |free_func| argument may be provided which is called when the owning object
+// is destroyed. See |CRYPTO_EX_free| for details. The |argl| and |argp|
+// arguments are opaque values that are passed to the callback. It returns the
+// new index or a negative number on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int TYPE_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
                                          CRYPTO_EX_unused *unused,
                                          CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_unused,
                                          CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
-/* TYPE_set_ex_data sets an extra data pointer on |t|. The |index| argument
- * should have been returned from a previous call to |TYPE_get_ex_new_index|. */
+// TYPE_set_ex_data sets an extra data pointer on |t|. The |index| argument
+// should have been returned from a previous call to |TYPE_get_ex_new_index|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int TYPE_set_ex_data(TYPE *t, int index, void *arg);
-/* TYPE_get_ex_data returns an extra data pointer for |t|, or NULL if no such
- * pointer exists. The |index| argument should have been returned from a
- * previous call to |TYPE_get_ex_new_index|. */
+// TYPE_get_ex_data returns an extra data pointer for |t|, or NULL if no such
+// pointer exists. The |index| argument should have been returned from a
+// previous call to |TYPE_get_ex_new_index|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *TYPE_get_ex_data(const TYPE *t, int index);
-#endif /* Sample */
+#endif  // Sample
-/* Callback types. */
+// Callback types.
-/* CRYPTO_EX_free is a callback function that is called when an object of the
- * class with extra data pointers is being destroyed. For example, if this
- * callback has been passed to |SSL_get_ex_new_index| then it may be called each
- * time an |SSL*| is destroyed.
- *
- * The callback is passed the new object (i.e. the |SSL*|) in |parent|. The
- * arguments |argl| and |argp| contain opaque values that were given to
- * |CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index|. The callback should return one on success, but
- * the value is ignored.
- *
- * This callback may be called with a NULL value for |ptr| if |parent| has no
- * value set for this index. However, the callbacks may also be skipped entirely
- * if no extra data pointers are set on |parent| at all. */
+// CRYPTO_EX_free is a callback function that is called when an object of the
+// class with extra data pointers is being destroyed. For example, if this
+// callback has been passed to |SSL_get_ex_new_index| then it may be called each
+// time an |SSL*| is destroyed.
+// The callback is passed the new object (i.e. the |SSL*|) in |parent|. The
+// arguments |argl| and |argp| contain opaque values that were given to
+// |CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index|. The callback should return one on success, but
+// the value is ignored.
+// This callback may be called with a NULL value for |ptr| if |parent| has no
+// value set for this index. However, the callbacks may also be skipped entirely
+// if no extra data pointers are set on |parent| at all.
 typedef void CRYPTO_EX_free(void *parent, void *ptr, CRYPTO_EX_DATA *ad,
                             int index, long argl, void *argp);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(void);
-/* CRYPTO_EX_dup is a legacy callback function type which is ignored. */
+// CRYPTO_EX_dup is a legacy callback function type which is ignored.
 typedef int CRYPTO_EX_dup(CRYPTO_EX_DATA *to, const CRYPTO_EX_DATA *from,
                           void **from_d, int index, long argl, void *argp);
-/* Private structures. */
+// Private structures.
-/* CRYPTO_EX_unused is a placeholder for an unused callback. It is aliased to
- * int to ensure non-NULL callers fail to compile rather than fail silently. */
+// CRYPTO_EX_unused is a placeholder for an unused callback. It is aliased to
+// int to ensure non-NULL callers fail to compile rather than fail silently.
 typedef int CRYPTO_EX_unused;
 struct crypto_ex_data_st {
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/hkdf.h b/src/include/openssl/hkdf.h
index bffb01e..59aaa49 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/hkdf.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/hkdf.h
@@ -22,33 +22,33 @@
-/* HKDF. */
+// HKDF.
-/* HKDF computes HKDF (as specified by RFC 5869) of initial keying material
- * |secret| with |salt| and |info| using |digest|, and outputs |out_len| bytes
- * to |out_key|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
- *
- * HKDF is an Extract-and-Expand algorithm. It does not do any key stretching,
- * and as such, is not suited to be used alone to generate a key from a
- * password. */
+// HKDF computes HKDF (as specified by RFC 5869) of initial keying material
+// |secret| with |salt| and |info| using |digest|, and outputs |out_len| bytes
+// to |out_key|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
+// HKDF is an Extract-and-Expand algorithm. It does not do any key stretching,
+// and as such, is not suited to be used alone to generate a key from a
+// password.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HKDF(uint8_t *out_key, size_t out_len, const EVP_MD *digest,
                         const uint8_t *secret, size_t secret_len,
                         const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len,
                         const uint8_t *info, size_t info_len);
-/* HKDF_extract computes a HKDF PRK (as specified by RFC 5869) from initial
- * keying material |secret| and salt |salt| using |digest|, and outputs
- * |out_len| bytes to |out_key|. The maximum output size is |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE|.
- * It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// HKDF_extract computes a HKDF PRK (as specified by RFC 5869) from initial
+// keying material |secret| and salt |salt| using |digest|, and outputs
+// |out_len| bytes to |out_key|. The maximum output size is |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE|.
+// It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HKDF_extract(uint8_t *out_key, size_t *out_len,
                                 const EVP_MD *digest, const uint8_t *secret,
                                 size_t secret_len, const uint8_t *salt,
                                 size_t salt_len);
-/* HKDF_expand computes a HKDF OKM (as specified by RFC 5869) of length
- * |out_len| from the PRK |prk| and info |info| using |digest|, and outputs
- * the result to |out_key|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// HKDF_expand computes a HKDF OKM (as specified by RFC 5869) of length
+// |out_len| from the PRK |prk| and info |info| using |digest|, and outputs
+// the result to |out_key|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HKDF_expand(uint8_t *out_key, size_t out_len,
                                const EVP_MD *digest, const uint8_t *prk,
                                size_t prk_len, const uint8_t *info,
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_HKDF_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/hmac.h b/src/include/openssl/hmac.h
index e4cc04e..1754d7f 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/hmac.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/hmac.h
@@ -66,84 +66,84 @@
-/* HMAC contains functions for constructing PRFs from Merkle–Damgård hash
- * functions using HMAC. */
+// HMAC contains functions for constructing PRFs from Merkle–Damgård hash
+// functions using HMAC.
-/* One-shot operation. */
+// One-shot operation.
-/* HMAC calculates the HMAC of |data_len| bytes of |data|, using the given key
- * and hash function, and writes the result to |out|. On entry, |out| must
- * contain at least |EVP_MD_size| bytes of space. The actual length of the
- * result is written to |*out_len|. An output size of |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE| will
- * always be large enough. It returns |out| or NULL on error. */
+// HMAC calculates the HMAC of |data_len| bytes of |data|, using the given key
+// and hash function, and writes the result to |out|. On entry, |out| must
+// contain at least |EVP_MD_size| bytes of space. The actual length of the
+// result is written to |*out_len|. An output size of |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE| will
+// always be large enough. It returns |out| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *HMAC(const EVP_MD *evp_md, const void *key,
                              size_t key_len, const uint8_t *data,
                              size_t data_len, uint8_t *out,
                              unsigned int *out_len);
-/* Incremental operation. */
+// Incremental operation.
-/* HMAC_CTX_init initialises |ctx| for use in an HMAC operation. It's assumed
- * that HMAC_CTX objects will be allocated on the stack thus no allocation
- * function is provided. If needed, allocate |sizeof(HMAC_CTX)| and call
- * |HMAC_CTX_init| on it. */
+// HMAC_CTX_init initialises |ctx| for use in an HMAC operation. It's assumed
+// that HMAC_CTX objects will be allocated on the stack thus no allocation
+// function is provided. If needed, allocate |sizeof(HMAC_CTX)| and call
+// |HMAC_CTX_init| on it.
-/* HMAC_CTX_cleanup frees data owned by |ctx|. */
+// HMAC_CTX_cleanup frees data owned by |ctx|.
-/* HMAC_Init_ex sets up an initialised |HMAC_CTX| to use |md| as the hash
- * function and |key| as the key. For a non-initial call, |md| may be NULL, in
- * which case the previous hash function will be used. If the hash function has
- * not changed and |key| is NULL, |ctx| reuses the previous key. It returns one
- * on success or zero otherwise.
- *
- * WARNING: NULL and empty keys are ambiguous on non-initial calls. Passing NULL
- * |key| but repeating the previous |md| reuses the previous key rather than the
- * empty key. */
+// HMAC_Init_ex sets up an initialised |HMAC_CTX| to use |md| as the hash
+// function and |key| as the key. For a non-initial call, |md| may be NULL, in
+// which case the previous hash function will be used. If the hash function has
+// not changed and |key| is NULL, |ctx| reuses the previous key. It returns one
+// on success or zero otherwise.
+// WARNING: NULL and empty keys are ambiguous on non-initial calls. Passing NULL
+// |key| but repeating the previous |md| reuses the previous key rather than the
+// empty key.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HMAC_Init_ex(HMAC_CTX *ctx, const void *key, size_t key_len,
                                 const EVP_MD *md, ENGINE *impl);
-/* HMAC_Update hashes |data_len| bytes from |data| into the current HMAC
- * operation in |ctx|. It returns one. */
+// HMAC_Update hashes |data_len| bytes from |data| into the current HMAC
+// operation in |ctx|. It returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HMAC_Update(HMAC_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *data,
                                size_t data_len);
-/* HMAC_Final completes the HMAC operation in |ctx| and writes the result to
- * |out| and the sets |*out_len| to the length of the result. On entry, |out|
- * must contain at least |HMAC_size| bytes of space. An output size of
- * |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE| will always be large enough. It returns one on success or
- * zero on error. */
+// HMAC_Final completes the HMAC operation in |ctx| and writes the result to
+// |out| and the sets |*out_len| to the length of the result. On entry, |out|
+// must contain at least |HMAC_size| bytes of space. An output size of
+// |EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE| will always be large enough. It returns one on success or
+// zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HMAC_Final(HMAC_CTX *ctx, uint8_t *out,
                               unsigned int *out_len);
-/* Utility functions. */
+// Utility functions.
-/* HMAC_size returns the size, in bytes, of the HMAC that will be produced by
- * |ctx|. On entry, |ctx| must have been setup with |HMAC_Init_ex|. */
+// HMAC_size returns the size, in bytes, of the HMAC that will be produced by
+// |ctx|. On entry, |ctx| must have been setup with |HMAC_Init_ex|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t HMAC_size(const HMAC_CTX *ctx);
-/* HMAC_CTX_copy_ex sets |dest| equal to |src|. On entry, |dest| must have been
- * initialised by calling |HMAC_CTX_init|. It returns one on success and zero
- * on error. */
+// HMAC_CTX_copy_ex sets |dest| equal to |src|. On entry, |dest| must have been
+// initialised by calling |HMAC_CTX_init|. It returns one on success and zero
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HMAC_CTX_copy_ex(HMAC_CTX *dest, const HMAC_CTX *src);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HMAC_Init(HMAC_CTX *ctx, const void *key, int key_len,
                              const EVP_MD *md);
-/* HMAC_CTX_copy calls |HMAC_CTX_init| on |dest| and then sets it equal to
- * |src|. On entry, |dest| must /not/ be initialised for an operation with
- * |HMAC_Init_ex|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// HMAC_CTX_copy calls |HMAC_CTX_init| on |dest| and then sets it equal to
+// |src|. On entry, |dest| must /not/ be initialised for an operation with
+// |HMAC_Init_ex|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int HMAC_CTX_copy(HMAC_CTX *dest, const HMAC_CTX *src);
-/* Private functions */
+// Private functions
 struct hmac_ctx_st {
   const EVP_MD *md;
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
 extern "C++" {
@@ -171,4 +171,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_HMAC_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/is_boringssl.h b/src/include/openssl/is_boringssl.h
index def6e82..302cbe2 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/is_boringssl.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/is_boringssl.h
@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@
-/* This header is provided in order to catch include path errors in consuming
- * BoringSSL. */
+// This header is provided in order to catch include path errors in consuming
+// BoringSSL.
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/lhash.h b/src/include/openssl/lhash.h
index b95d4f2..7525c08 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/lhash.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/lhash.h
@@ -65,24 +65,24 @@
-/* lhash is a traditional, chaining hash table that automatically expands and
- * contracts as needed. One should not use the lh_* functions directly, rather
- * use the type-safe macro wrappers:
- *
- * A hash table of a specific type of object has type |LHASH_OF(type)|. This
- * can be defined (once) with |DEFINE_LHASH_OF(type)| and declared where needed
- * with |DECLARE_LHASH_OF(type)|. For example:
- *
- *   struct foo {
- *     int bar;
- *   };
- *
- *   DEFINE_LHASH_OF(struct foo);
- *
- * Although note that the hash table will contain /pointers/ to |foo|.
- *
- * A macro will be defined for each of the lh_* functions below. For
- * LHASH_OF(foo), the macros would be lh_foo_new, lh_foo_num_items etc. */
+// lhash is a traditional, chaining hash table that automatically expands and
+// contracts as needed. One should not use the lh_* functions directly, rather
+// use the type-safe macro wrappers:
+// A hash table of a specific type of object has type |LHASH_OF(type)|. This
+// can be defined (once) with |DEFINE_LHASH_OF(type)| and declared where needed
+// with |DECLARE_LHASH_OF(type)|. For example:
+//   struct foo {
+//     int bar;
+//   };
+//   DEFINE_LHASH_OF(struct foo);
+// Although note that the hash table will contain /pointers/ to |foo|.
+// A macro will be defined for each of the lh_* functions below. For
+// LHASH_OF(foo), the macros would be lh_foo_new, lh_foo_num_items etc.
 #define LHASH_OF(type) struct lhash_st_##type
@@ -91,101 +91,101 @@
 #define DECLARE_LHASH_OF(type) LHASH_OF(type);
-/* The make_macros.sh script in this directory parses the following lines and
- * generates the lhash_macros.h file that contains macros for the following
- * types of stacks:
- *
+// The make_macros.sh script in this directory parses the following lines and
+// generates the lhash_macros.h file that contains macros for the following
+// types of stacks:
 #define IN_LHASH_H
 #include <openssl/lhash_macros.h>
 #undef IN_LHASH_H
-/* lhash_item_st is an element of a hash chain. It points to the opaque data
- * for this element and to the next item in the chain. The linked-list is NULL
- * terminated. */
+// lhash_item_st is an element of a hash chain. It points to the opaque data
+// for this element and to the next item in the chain. The linked-list is NULL
+// terminated.
 typedef struct lhash_item_st {
   void *data;
   struct lhash_item_st *next;
-  /* hash contains the cached, hash value of |data|. */
+  // hash contains the cached, hash value of |data|.
   uint32_t hash;
-/* lhash_cmp_func is a comparison function that returns a value equal, or not
- * equal, to zero depending on whether |*a| is equal, or not equal to |*b|,
- * respectively. Note the difference between this and |stack_cmp_func| in that
- * this takes pointers to the objects directly. */
+// lhash_cmp_func is a comparison function that returns a value equal, or not
+// equal, to zero depending on whether |*a| is equal, or not equal to |*b|,
+// respectively. Note the difference between this and |stack_cmp_func| in that
+// this takes pointers to the objects directly.
 typedef int (*lhash_cmp_func)(const void *a, const void *b);
-/* lhash_hash_func is a function that maps an object to a uniformly distributed
- * uint32_t. */
+// lhash_hash_func is a function that maps an object to a uniformly distributed
+// uint32_t.
 typedef uint32_t (*lhash_hash_func)(const void *a);
 typedef struct lhash_st {
-  /* num_items contains the total number of items in the hash table. */
+  // num_items contains the total number of items in the hash table.
   size_t num_items;
-  /* buckets is an array of |num_buckets| pointers. Each points to the head of
-   * a chain of LHASH_ITEM objects that have the same hash value, mod
-   * |num_buckets|. */
+  // buckets is an array of |num_buckets| pointers. Each points to the head of
+  // a chain of LHASH_ITEM objects that have the same hash value, mod
+  // |num_buckets|.
   LHASH_ITEM **buckets;
-  /* num_buckets contains the length of |buckets|. This value is always >=
-   * kMinNumBuckets. */
+  // num_buckets contains the length of |buckets|. This value is always >=
+  // kMinNumBuckets.
   size_t num_buckets;
-  /* callback_depth contains the current depth of |lh_doall| or |lh_doall_arg|
-   * calls. If non-zero then this suppresses resizing of the |buckets| array,
-   * which would otherwise disrupt the iteration. */
+  // callback_depth contains the current depth of |lh_doall| or |lh_doall_arg|
+  // calls. If non-zero then this suppresses resizing of the |buckets| array,
+  // which would otherwise disrupt the iteration.
   unsigned callback_depth;
   lhash_cmp_func comp;
   lhash_hash_func hash;
 } _LHASH;
-/* lh_new returns a new, empty hash table or NULL on error. */
+// lh_new returns a new, empty hash table or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT _LHASH *lh_new(lhash_hash_func hash, lhash_cmp_func comp);
-/* lh_free frees the hash table itself but none of the elements. See
- * |lh_doall|. */
+// lh_free frees the hash table itself but none of the elements. See
+// |lh_doall|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void lh_free(_LHASH *lh);
-/* lh_num_items returns the number of items in |lh|. */
+// lh_num_items returns the number of items in |lh|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t lh_num_items(const _LHASH *lh);
-/* lh_retrieve finds an element equal to |data| in the hash table and returns
- * it. If no such element exists, it returns NULL. */
+// lh_retrieve finds an element equal to |data| in the hash table and returns
+// it. If no such element exists, it returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *lh_retrieve(const _LHASH *lh, const void *data);
-/* lh_insert inserts |data| into the hash table. If an existing element is
- * equal to |data| (with respect to the comparison function) then |*old_data|
- * will be set to that value and it will be replaced. Otherwise, or in the
- * event of an error, |*old_data| will be set to NULL. It returns one on
- * success or zero in the case of an allocation error. */
+// lh_insert inserts |data| into the hash table. If an existing element is
+// equal to |data| (with respect to the comparison function) then |*old_data|
+// will be set to that value and it will be replaced. Otherwise, or in the
+// event of an error, |*old_data| will be set to NULL. It returns one on
+// success or zero in the case of an allocation error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int lh_insert(_LHASH *lh, void **old_data, void *data);
-/* lh_delete removes an element equal to |data| from the hash table and returns
- * it. If no such element is found, it returns NULL. */
+// lh_delete removes an element equal to |data| from the hash table and returns
+// it. If no such element is found, it returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *lh_delete(_LHASH *lh, const void *data);
-/* lh_doall calls |func| on each element of the hash table.
- * TODO(fork): rename this */
+// lh_doall calls |func| on each element of the hash table.
+// TODO(fork): rename this
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void lh_doall(_LHASH *lh, void (*func)(void *));
-/* lh_doall_arg calls |func| on each element of the hash table and also passes
- * |arg| as the second argument.
- * TODO(fork): rename this */
+// lh_doall_arg calls |func| on each element of the hash table and also passes
+// |arg| as the second argument.
+// TODO(fork): rename this
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void lh_doall_arg(_LHASH *lh, void (*func)(void *, void *),
                                  void *arg);
-/* lh_strhash is the default hash function which processes NUL-terminated
- * strings. */
+// lh_strhash is the default hash function which processes NUL-terminated
+// strings.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t lh_strhash(const char *c);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-} /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/lhash_macros.h b/src/include/openssl/lhash_macros.h
index ca349a9..378c839 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/lhash_macros.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/lhash_macros.h
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 #error "Don't include this file directly. Include lhash.h"
-/* ASN1_OBJECT */
 #define lh_ASN1_OBJECT_new(hash, comp)                                       \
   ((LHASH_OF(ASN1_OBJECT) *)lh_new(                                          \
       CHECKED_CAST(lhash_hash_func, uint32_t(*)(const ASN1_OBJECT *), hash), \
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 #define lh_CONF_VALUE_new(hash, comp)                                       \
   ((LHASH_OF(CONF_VALUE) *)lh_new(                                          \
       CHECKED_CAST(lhash_hash_func, uint32_t(*)(const CONF_VALUE *), hash), \
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 #define lh_CRYPTO_BUFFER_new(hash, comp)                                       \
   ((LHASH_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER) *)lh_new(                                          \
       CHECKED_CAST(lhash_hash_func, uint32_t(*)(const CRYPTO_BUFFER *), hash), \
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 #define lh_SSL_SESSION_new(hash, comp)                                       \
   ((LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION) *)lh_new(                                          \
       CHECKED_CAST(lhash_hash_func, uint32_t(*)(const SSL_SESSION *), hash), \
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/md4.h b/src/include/openssl/md4.h
index b66fcb0..52b88ca 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/md4.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/md4.h
@@ -64,31 +64,31 @@
-/* MD4. */
+// MD4.
-/* MD4_CBLOCK is the block size of MD4. */
+// MD4_CBLOCK is the block size of MD4.
 #define MD4_CBLOCK 64
-/* MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of an MD4 digest. */
+// MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of an MD4 digest.
 #define MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH 16
-/* MD4_Init initialises |md4| and returns one. */
+// MD4_Init initialises |md4| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int MD4_Init(MD4_CTX *md4);
-/* MD4_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |md4| and returns one. */
+// MD4_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |md4| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int MD4_Update(MD4_CTX *md4, const void *data, size_t len);
-/* MD4_Final adds the final padding to |md4| and writes the resulting digest to
- * |md|, which must have at least |MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
- * returns one. */
+// MD4_Final adds the final padding to |md4| and writes the resulting digest to
+// |md|, which must have at least |MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
+// returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int MD4_Final(uint8_t *md, MD4_CTX *md4);
-/* MD4 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns |out|.
- * There must be at least |MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in |out|. */
+// MD4 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns |out|.
+// There must be at least |MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *MD4(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t *out);
-/* MD4_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, MD4 block
- * transformation using the state from |md4| and 64 bytes from |block|. */
+// MD4_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, MD4 block
+// transformation using the state from |md4| and 64 bytes from |block|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void MD4_Transform(MD4_CTX *md4, const uint8_t *block);
 struct md4_state_st {
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_MD4_H */
+#endif  // OPENSSL_HEADER_MD4_H
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/md5.h b/src/include/openssl/md5.h
index 55162f0..de6027f 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/md5.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/md5.h
@@ -64,32 +64,32 @@
-/* MD5. */
+// MD5.
-/* MD5_CBLOCK is the block size of MD5. */
+// MD5_CBLOCK is the block size of MD5.
 #define MD5_CBLOCK 64
-/* MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of an MD5 digest. */
+// MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of an MD5 digest.
 #define MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH 16
-/* MD5_Init initialises |md5| and returns one. */
+// MD5_Init initialises |md5| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int MD5_Init(MD5_CTX *md5);
-/* MD5_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |md5| and returns one. */
+// MD5_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |md5| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int MD5_Update(MD5_CTX *md5, const void *data, size_t len);
-/* MD5_Final adds the final padding to |md5| and writes the resulting digest to
- * |md|, which must have at least |MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
- * returns one. */
+// MD5_Final adds the final padding to |md5| and writes the resulting digest to
+// |md|, which must have at least |MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
+// returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int MD5_Final(uint8_t *md, MD5_CTX *md5);
-/* MD5 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns |out|.
- * There must be at least |MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in |out|. */
+// MD5 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns |out|.
+// There must be at least |MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *MD5(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t *out);
-/* MD5_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, MD5 block
- * transformation using the state from |md5| and 64 bytes from |block|. */
+// MD5_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, MD5 block
+// transformation using the state from |md5| and 64 bytes from |block|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void MD5_Transform(MD5_CTX *md5, const uint8_t *block);
 struct md5_state_st {
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_MD5_H */
+#endif  // OPENSSL_HEADER_MD5_H
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/mem.h b/src/include/openssl/mem.h
index c43a16a..92cbb0d 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/mem.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/mem.h
@@ -67,67 +67,67 @@
-/* Memory and string functions, see also buf.h.
- *
- * OpenSSL has, historically, had a complex set of malloc debugging options.
- * However, that was written in a time before Valgrind and ASAN. Since we now
- * have those tools, the OpenSSL allocation functions are simply macros around
- * the standard memory functions. */
+// Memory and string functions, see also buf.h.
+// OpenSSL has, historically, had a complex set of malloc debugging options.
+// However, that was written in a time before Valgrind and ASAN. Since we now
+// have those tools, the OpenSSL allocation functions are simply macros around
+// the standard memory functions.
 #define OPENSSL_malloc malloc
 #define OPENSSL_realloc realloc
 #define OPENSSL_free free
-/* OPENSSL_realloc_clean acts like |realloc|, but clears the previous memory
- * buffer.  Because this is implemented as a wrapper around |malloc|, it needs
- * to be given the size of the buffer pointed to by |ptr|. */
+// OPENSSL_realloc_clean acts like |realloc|, but clears the previous memory
+// buffer.  Because this is implemented as a wrapper around |malloc|, it needs
+// to be given the size of the buffer pointed to by |ptr|.
 void *OPENSSL_realloc_clean(void *ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size);
-/* OPENSSL_cleanse zeros out |len| bytes of memory at |ptr|. This is similar to
- * |memset_s| from C11. */
+// OPENSSL_cleanse zeros out |len| bytes of memory at |ptr|. This is similar to
+// |memset_s| from C11.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OPENSSL_cleanse(void *ptr, size_t len);
-/* CRYPTO_memcmp returns zero iff the |len| bytes at |a| and |b| are equal. It
- * takes an amount of time dependent on |len|, but independent of the contents
- * of |a| and |b|. Unlike memcmp, it cannot be used to put elements into a
- * defined order as the return value when a != b is undefined, other than to be
- * non-zero. */
+// CRYPTO_memcmp returns zero iff the |len| bytes at |a| and |b| are equal. It
+// takes an amount of time dependent on |len|, but independent of the contents
+// of |a| and |b|. Unlike memcmp, it cannot be used to put elements into a
+// defined order as the return value when a != b is undefined, other than to be
+// non-zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CRYPTO_memcmp(const void *a, const void *b, size_t len);
-/* OPENSSL_hash32 implements the 32 bit, FNV-1a hash. */
+// OPENSSL_hash32 implements the 32 bit, FNV-1a hash.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t OPENSSL_hash32(const void *ptr, size_t len);
-/* OPENSSL_strdup has the same behaviour as strdup(3). */
+// OPENSSL_strdup has the same behaviour as strdup(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *OPENSSL_strdup(const char *s);
-/* OPENSSL_strnlen has the same behaviour as strnlen(3). */
+// OPENSSL_strnlen has the same behaviour as strnlen(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t OPENSSL_strnlen(const char *s, size_t len);
-/* OPENSSL_tolower is a locale-independent version of tolower(3). */
+// OPENSSL_tolower is a locale-independent version of tolower(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OPENSSL_tolower(int c);
-/* OPENSSL_strcasecmp is a locale-independent version of strcasecmp(3). */
+// OPENSSL_strcasecmp is a locale-independent version of strcasecmp(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OPENSSL_strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b);
-/* OPENSSL_strncasecmp is a locale-independent version of strncasecmp(3). */
+// OPENSSL_strncasecmp is a locale-independent version of strncasecmp(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OPENSSL_strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, size_t n);
-/* DECIMAL_SIZE returns an upper bound for the length of the decimal
- * representation of the given type. */
+// DECIMAL_SIZE returns an upper bound for the length of the decimal
+// representation of the given type.
 #define DECIMAL_SIZE(type)	((sizeof(type)*8+2)/3+1)
-/* BIO_snprintf has the same behavior as snprintf(3). */
+// BIO_snprintf has the same behavior as snprintf(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_snprintf(char *buf, size_t n, const char *format, ...)
-/* BIO_vsnprintf has the same behavior as vsnprintf(3). */
+// BIO_vsnprintf has the same behavior as vsnprintf(3).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BIO_vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t n, const char *format,
                                  va_list args)
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
 #define CRYPTO_malloc OPENSSL_malloc
 #define CRYPTO_realloc OPENSSL_realloc
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_MEM_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/obj.h b/src/include/openssl/obj.h
index 63cf866..ae1a4ec 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/obj.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/obj.h
@@ -67,129 +67,129 @@
-/* The objects library deals with the registration and indexing of ASN.1 object
- * identifiers. These values are often written as a dotted sequence of numbers,
- * e.g. 1.2.840.113549.
- *
- * Internally, OpenSSL likes to deal with these values by numbering them with
- * numbers called "nids". OpenSSL has a large, built-in database of common
- * object identifiers and also has both short and long names for them.
- *
- * This library provides functions for translating between object identifiers,
- * nids, short names and long names.
- *
- * The nid values should not be used outside of a single process: they are not
- * stable identifiers. */
+// The objects library deals with the registration and indexing of ASN.1 object
+// identifiers. These values are often written as a dotted sequence of numbers,
+// e.g. 1.2.840.113549.
+// Internally, OpenSSL likes to deal with these values by numbering them with
+// numbers called "nids". OpenSSL has a large, built-in database of common
+// object identifiers and also has both short and long names for them.
+// This library provides functions for translating between object identifiers,
+// nids, short names and long names.
+// The nid values should not be used outside of a single process: they are not
+// stable identifiers.
-/* Basic operations. */
+// Basic operations.
-/* OBJ_dup returns a duplicate copy of |obj| or NULL on allocation failure. */
+// OBJ_dup returns a duplicate copy of |obj| or NULL on allocation failure.
-/* OBJ_cmp returns a value less than, equal to or greater than zero if |a| is
- * less than, equal to or greater than |b|, respectively. */
+// OBJ_cmp returns a value less than, equal to or greater than zero if |a| is
+// less than, equal to or greater than |b|, respectively.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_cmp(const ASN1_OBJECT *a, const ASN1_OBJECT *b);
-/* Looking up nids. */
+// Looking up nids.
-/* OBJ_obj2nid returns the nid corresponding to |obj|, or |NID_undef| if no
- * such object is known. */
+// OBJ_obj2nid returns the nid corresponding to |obj|, or |NID_undef| if no
+// such object is known.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_obj2nid(const ASN1_OBJECT *obj);
-/* OBJ_cbs2nid returns the nid corresponding to the DER data in |cbs|, or
- * |NID_undef| if no such object is known. */
+// OBJ_cbs2nid returns the nid corresponding to the DER data in |cbs|, or
+// |NID_undef| if no such object is known.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_cbs2nid(const CBS *cbs);
-/* OBJ_sn2nid returns the nid corresponding to |short_name|, or |NID_undef| if
- * no such short name is known. */
+// OBJ_sn2nid returns the nid corresponding to |short_name|, or |NID_undef| if
+// no such short name is known.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_sn2nid(const char *short_name);
-/* OBJ_ln2nid returns the nid corresponding to |long_name|, or |NID_undef| if
- * no such long name is known. */
+// OBJ_ln2nid returns the nid corresponding to |long_name|, or |NID_undef| if
+// no such long name is known.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_ln2nid(const char *long_name);
-/* OBJ_txt2nid returns the nid corresponding to |s|, which may be a short name,
- * long name, or an ASCII string containing a dotted sequence of numbers. It
- * returns the nid or NID_undef if unknown. */
+// OBJ_txt2nid returns the nid corresponding to |s|, which may be a short name,
+// long name, or an ASCII string containing a dotted sequence of numbers. It
+// returns the nid or NID_undef if unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_txt2nid(const char *s);
-/* Getting information about nids. */
+// Getting information about nids.
-/* OBJ_nid2obj returns the ASN1_OBJECT corresponding to |nid|, or NULL if |nid|
- * is unknown. */
+// OBJ_nid2obj returns the ASN1_OBJECT corresponding to |nid|, or NULL if |nid|
+// is unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const ASN1_OBJECT *OBJ_nid2obj(int nid);
-/* OBJ_nid2sn returns the short name for |nid|, or NULL if |nid| is unknown. */
+// OBJ_nid2sn returns the short name for |nid|, or NULL if |nid| is unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *OBJ_nid2sn(int nid);
-/* OBJ_nid2ln returns the long name for |nid|, or NULL if |nid| is unknown. */
+// OBJ_nid2ln returns the long name for |nid|, or NULL if |nid| is unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *OBJ_nid2ln(int nid);
-/* OBJ_nid2cbb writes |nid| as an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER to |out|. It returns
- * one on success or zero otherwise. */
+// OBJ_nid2cbb writes |nid| as an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER to |out|. It returns
+// one on success or zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_nid2cbb(CBB *out, int nid);
-/* Dealing with textual representations of object identifiers. */
+// Dealing with textual representations of object identifiers.
-/* OBJ_txt2obj returns an ASN1_OBJECT for the textual representation in |s|.
- * If |dont_search_names| is zero, then |s| will be matched against the long
- * and short names of a known objects to find a match. Otherwise |s| must
- * contain an ASCII string with a dotted sequence of numbers. The resulting
- * object need not be previously known. It returns a freshly allocated
- * |ASN1_OBJECT| or NULL on error. */
+// OBJ_txt2obj returns an ASN1_OBJECT for the textual representation in |s|.
+// If |dont_search_names| is zero, then |s| will be matched against the long
+// and short names of a known objects to find a match. Otherwise |s| must
+// contain an ASCII string with a dotted sequence of numbers. The resulting
+// object need not be previously known. It returns a freshly allocated
+// |ASN1_OBJECT| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT ASN1_OBJECT *OBJ_txt2obj(const char *s, int dont_search_names);
-/* OBJ_obj2txt converts |obj| to a textual representation. If
- * |always_return_oid| is zero then |obj| will be matched against known objects
- * and the long (preferably) or short name will be used if found. Otherwise
- * |obj| will be converted into a dotted sequence of integers. If |out| is not
- * NULL, then at most |out_len| bytes of the textual form will be written
- * there. If |out_len| is at least one, then string written to |out| will
- * always be NUL terminated. It returns the number of characters that could
- * have been written, not including the final NUL, or -1 on error. */
+// OBJ_obj2txt converts |obj| to a textual representation. If
+// |always_return_oid| is zero then |obj| will be matched against known objects
+// and the long (preferably) or short name will be used if found. Otherwise
+// |obj| will be converted into a dotted sequence of integers. If |out| is not
+// NULL, then at most |out_len| bytes of the textual form will be written
+// there. If |out_len| is at least one, then string written to |out| will
+// always be NUL terminated. It returns the number of characters that could
+// have been written, not including the final NUL, or -1 on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_obj2txt(char *out, int out_len, const ASN1_OBJECT *obj,
                                int always_return_oid);
-/* Adding objects at runtime. */
+// Adding objects at runtime.
-/* OBJ_create adds a known object and returns the nid of the new object, or
- * NID_undef on error. */
+// OBJ_create adds a known object and returns the nid of the new object, or
+// NID_undef on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_create(const char *oid, const char *short_name,
                               const char *long_name);
-/* Handling signature algorithm identifiers.
- *
- * Some NIDs (e.g. sha256WithRSAEncryption) specify both a digest algorithm and
- * a public key algorithm. The following functions map between pairs of digest
- * and public-key algorithms and the NIDs that specify their combination.
- *
- * Sometimes the combination NID leaves the digest unspecified (e.g.
- * rsassaPss). In these cases, the digest NID is |NID_undef|. */
+// Handling signature algorithm identifiers.
+// Some NIDs (e.g. sha256WithRSAEncryption) specify both a digest algorithm and
+// a public key algorithm. The following functions map between pairs of digest
+// and public-key algorithms and the NIDs that specify their combination.
+// Sometimes the combination NID leaves the digest unspecified (e.g.
+// rsassaPss). In these cases, the digest NID is |NID_undef|.
-/* OBJ_find_sigid_algs finds the digest and public-key NIDs that correspond to
- * the signing algorithm |sign_nid|. If successful, it sets |*out_digest_nid|
- * and |*out_pkey_nid| and returns one. Otherwise it returns zero. Any of
- * |out_digest_nid| or |out_pkey_nid| can be NULL if the caller doesn't need
- * that output value. */
+// OBJ_find_sigid_algs finds the digest and public-key NIDs that correspond to
+// the signing algorithm |sign_nid|. If successful, it sets |*out_digest_nid|
+// and |*out_pkey_nid| and returns one. Otherwise it returns zero. Any of
+// |out_digest_nid| or |out_pkey_nid| can be NULL if the caller doesn't need
+// that output value.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_find_sigid_algs(int sign_nid, int *out_digest_nid,
                                        int *out_pkey_nid);
-/* OBJ_find_sigid_by_algs finds the signature NID that corresponds to the
- * combination of |digest_nid| and |pkey_nid|. If success, it sets
- * |*out_sign_nid| and returns one. Otherwise it returns zero. The
- * |out_sign_nid| argument can be NULL if the caller only wishes to learn
- * whether the combination is valid. */
+// OBJ_find_sigid_by_algs finds the signature NID that corresponds to the
+// combination of |digest_nid| and |pkey_nid|. If success, it sets
+// |*out_sign_nid| and returns one. Otherwise it returns zero. The
+// |out_sign_nid| argument can be NULL if the caller only wishes to learn
+// whether the combination is valid.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int OBJ_find_sigid_by_algs(int *out_sign_nid, int digest_nid,
                                           int pkey_nid);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
 typedef struct obj_name_st {
   int type;
@@ -201,26 +201,26 @@
-/* OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted calls |callback| zero or more times, each time with
- * the name of a different primitive. If |type| is |OBJ_NAME_TYPE_MD_METH| then
- * the primitives will be hash functions, alternatively if |type| is
- * |OBJ_NAME_TYPE_CIPHER_METH| then the primitives will be ciphers or cipher
- * modes.
- *
- * This function is ill-specified and should never be used. */
+// OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted calls |callback| zero or more times, each time with
+// the name of a different primitive. If |type| is |OBJ_NAME_TYPE_MD_METH| then
+// the primitives will be hash functions, alternatively if |type| is
+// |OBJ_NAME_TYPE_CIPHER_METH| then the primitives will be ciphers or cipher
+// modes.
+// This function is ill-specified and should never be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted(
     int type, void (*callback)(const OBJ_NAME *, void *arg), void *arg);
-/* OBJ_NAME_do_all calls |OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted|. */
+// OBJ_NAME_do_all calls |OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void OBJ_NAME_do_all(int type, void (*callback)(const OBJ_NAME *,
                                                                void *arg),
                                     void *arg);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #define OBJ_R_UNKNOWN_NID 100
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_OBJ_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/opensslconf.h b/src/include/openssl/opensslconf.h
index deff101..db409d9 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/opensslconf.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/opensslconf.h
@@ -59,4 +59,4 @@
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/pkcs7.h b/src/include/openssl/pkcs7.h
index eaba29e..d708141 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/pkcs7.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/pkcs7.h
@@ -24,54 +24,54 @@
-/* PKCS#7.
- *
- * This library contains functions for extracting information from PKCS#7
- * structures (RFC 2315). */
+// PKCS#7.
+// This library contains functions for extracting information from PKCS#7
+// structures (RFC 2315).
-/* PKCS7_get_raw_certificates parses a PKCS#7, SignedData structure from |cbs|
- * and appends the included certificates to |out_certs|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS7_get_raw_certificates parses a PKCS#7, SignedData structure from |cbs|
+// and appends the included certificates to |out_certs|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS7_get_raw_certificates(
     STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER) *out_certs, CBS *cbs, CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool);
-/* PKCS7_get_certificates behaves like |PKCS7_get_raw_certificates| but parses
- * them into |X509| objects. */
+// PKCS7_get_certificates behaves like |PKCS7_get_raw_certificates| but parses
+// them into |X509| objects.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS7_get_certificates(STACK_OF(X509) *out_certs, CBS *cbs);
-/* PKCS7_bundle_certificates appends a PKCS#7, SignedData structure containing
- * |certs| to |out|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS7_bundle_certificates appends a PKCS#7, SignedData structure containing
+// |certs| to |out|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS7_bundle_certificates(
     CBB *out, const STACK_OF(X509) *certs);
-/* PKCS7_get_CRLs parses a PKCS#7, SignedData structure from |cbs| and appends
- * the included CRLs to |out_crls|. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error. */
+// PKCS7_get_CRLs parses a PKCS#7, SignedData structure from |cbs| and appends
+// the included CRLs to |out_crls|. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS7_get_CRLs(STACK_OF(X509_CRL) *out_crls, CBS *cbs);
-/* PKCS7_bundle_CRLs appends a PKCS#7, SignedData structure containing
- * |crls| to |out|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS7_bundle_CRLs appends a PKCS#7, SignedData structure containing
+// |crls| to |out|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS7_bundle_CRLs(CBB *out, const STACK_OF(X509_CRL) *crls);
-/* PKCS7_get_PEM_certificates reads a PEM-encoded, PKCS#7, SignedData structure
- * from |pem_bio| and appends the included certificates to |out_certs|. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS7_get_PEM_certificates reads a PEM-encoded, PKCS#7, SignedData structure
+// from |pem_bio| and appends the included certificates to |out_certs|. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS7_get_PEM_certificates(STACK_OF(X509) *out_certs,
                                               BIO *pem_bio);
-/* PKCS7_get_PEM_CRLs reads a PEM-encoded, PKCS#7, SignedData structure from
- * |pem_bio| and appends the included CRLs to |out_crls|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS7_get_PEM_CRLs reads a PEM-encoded, PKCS#7, SignedData structure from
+// |pem_bio| and appends the included CRLs to |out_crls|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS7_get_PEM_CRLs(STACK_OF(X509_CRL) *out_crls,
                                       BIO *pem_bio);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #define PKCS7_R_BAD_PKCS7_VERSION 100
@@ -79,4 +79,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_PKCS7_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/pkcs8.h b/src/include/openssl/pkcs8.h
index d30ea8e..f865c76 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/pkcs8.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/pkcs8.h
@@ -66,121 +66,121 @@
-/* PKCS8_encrypt serializes and encrypts a PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO with PBES1 or
- * PBES2 as defined in PKCS #5. Only pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4,
- * pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC and pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2, defined in PKCS
- * #12, and PBES2, are supported.  PBES2 is selected by setting |cipher| and
- * passing -1 for |pbe_nid|.  Otherwise, PBES1 is used and |cipher| is ignored.
- *
- * |pass| is used as the password. If a PBES1 scheme from PKCS #12 is used, this
- * will be converted to a raw byte string as specified in B.1 of PKCS #12. If
- * |pass| is NULL, it will be encoded as the empty byte string rather than two
- * zero bytes, the PKCS #12 encoding of the empty string.
- *
- * If |salt| is NULL, a random salt of |salt_len| bytes is generated. If
- * |salt_len| is zero, a default salt length is used instead.
- *
- * The resulting structure is stored in an |X509_SIG| which must be freed by the
- * caller. */
+// PKCS8_encrypt serializes and encrypts a PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO with PBES1 or
+// PBES2 as defined in PKCS #5. Only pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4,
+// pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC and pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2, defined in PKCS
+// #12, and PBES2, are supported.  PBES2 is selected by setting |cipher| and
+// passing -1 for |pbe_nid|.  Otherwise, PBES1 is used and |cipher| is ignored.
+// |pass| is used as the password. If a PBES1 scheme from PKCS #12 is used, this
+// will be converted to a raw byte string as specified in B.1 of PKCS #12. If
+// |pass| is NULL, it will be encoded as the empty byte string rather than two
+// zero bytes, the PKCS #12 encoding of the empty string.
+// If |salt| is NULL, a random salt of |salt_len| bytes is generated. If
+// |salt_len| is zero, a default salt length is used instead.
+// The resulting structure is stored in an |X509_SIG| which must be freed by the
+// caller.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_SIG *PKCS8_encrypt(int pbe_nid, const EVP_CIPHER *cipher,
                                        const char *pass, int pass_len,
                                        const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len,
                                        int iterations,
                                        PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO *p8inf);
-/* PKCS8_marshal_encrypted_private_key behaves like |PKCS8_encrypt| but encrypts
- * an |EVP_PKEY| and writes the serialized EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo to |out|. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS8_marshal_encrypted_private_key behaves like |PKCS8_encrypt| but encrypts
+// an |EVP_PKEY| and writes the serialized EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo to |out|. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS8_marshal_encrypted_private_key(
     CBB *out, int pbe_nid, const EVP_CIPHER *cipher, const char *pass,
     size_t pass_len, const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len, int iterations,
     const EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* PKCS8_decrypt decrypts and decodes a PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO with PBES1 or PBES2
- * as defined in PKCS #5. Only pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4,
- * pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC and pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2, and PBES2,
- * defined in PKCS #12, are supported.
- *
- * |pass| is used as the password. If a PBES1 scheme from PKCS #12 is used, this
- * will be converted to a raw byte string as specified in B.1 of PKCS #12. If
- * |pass| is NULL, it will be encoded as the empty byte string rather than two
- * zero bytes, the PKCS #12 encoding of the empty string.
- *
- * The resulting structure must be freed by the caller. */
+// PKCS8_decrypt decrypts and decodes a PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO with PBES1 or PBES2
+// as defined in PKCS #5. Only pbeWithSHAAnd128BitRC4,
+// pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC and pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2, and PBES2,
+// defined in PKCS #12, are supported.
+// |pass| is used as the password. If a PBES1 scheme from PKCS #12 is used, this
+// will be converted to a raw byte string as specified in B.1 of PKCS #12. If
+// |pass| is NULL, it will be encoded as the empty byte string rather than two
+// zero bytes, the PKCS #12 encoding of the empty string.
+// The resulting structure must be freed by the caller.
                                                   const char *pass,
                                                   int pass_len);
-/* PKCS8_parse_encrypted_private_key behaves like |PKCS8_decrypt| but it parses
- * the EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo structure from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It
- * returns a newly-allocated |EVP_PKEY| on success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS8_parse_encrypted_private_key behaves like |PKCS8_decrypt| but it parses
+// the EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo structure from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It
+// returns a newly-allocated |EVP_PKEY| on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *PKCS8_parse_encrypted_private_key(CBS *cbs,
                                                            const char *pass,
                                                            size_t pass_len);
-/* PKCS12_get_key_and_certs parses a PKCS#12 structure from |in|, authenticates
- * and decrypts it using |password|, sets |*out_key| to the included private
- * key and appends the included certificates to |out_certs|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. The caller takes ownership of the outputs. */
+// PKCS12_get_key_and_certs parses a PKCS#12 structure from |in|, authenticates
+// and decrypts it using |password|, sets |*out_key| to the included private
+// key and appends the included certificates to |out_certs|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error. The caller takes ownership of the outputs.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS12_get_key_and_certs(EVP_PKEY **out_key,
                                             STACK_OF(X509) *out_certs,
                                             CBS *in, const char *password);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* PKCS12_PBE_add does nothing. It exists for compatibility with OpenSSL. */
+// PKCS12_PBE_add does nothing. It exists for compatibility with OpenSSL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void PKCS12_PBE_add(void);
-/* d2i_PKCS12 is a dummy function that copies |*ber_bytes| into a
- * |PKCS12| structure. The |out_p12| argument should be NULL(✝). On exit,
- * |*ber_bytes| will be advanced by |ber_len|. It returns a fresh |PKCS12|
- * structure or NULL on error.
- *
- * Note: unlike other d2i functions, |d2i_PKCS12| will always consume |ber_len|
- * bytes.
- *
- * (✝) If |out_p12| is not NULL and the function is successful, |*out_p12| will
- * be freed if not NULL itself and the result will be written to |*out_p12|.
- * New code should not depend on this. */
+// d2i_PKCS12 is a dummy function that copies |*ber_bytes| into a
+// |PKCS12| structure. The |out_p12| argument should be NULL(✝). On exit,
+// |*ber_bytes| will be advanced by |ber_len|. It returns a fresh |PKCS12|
+// structure or NULL on error.
+// Note: unlike other d2i functions, |d2i_PKCS12| will always consume |ber_len|
+// bytes.
+// (✝) If |out_p12| is not NULL and the function is successful, |*out_p12| will
+// be freed if not NULL itself and the result will be written to |*out_p12|.
+// New code should not depend on this.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT PKCS12 *d2i_PKCS12(PKCS12 **out_p12, const uint8_t **ber_bytes,
                                   size_t ber_len);
-/* d2i_PKCS12_bio acts like |d2i_PKCS12| but reads from a |BIO|. */
+// d2i_PKCS12_bio acts like |d2i_PKCS12| but reads from a |BIO|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT PKCS12* d2i_PKCS12_bio(BIO *bio, PKCS12 **out_p12);
-/* d2i_PKCS12_fp acts like |d2i_PKCS12| but reads from a |FILE|. */
+// d2i_PKCS12_fp acts like |d2i_PKCS12| but reads from a |FILE|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT PKCS12* d2i_PKCS12_fp(FILE *fp, PKCS12 **out_p12);
-/* PKCS12_parse calls |PKCS12_get_key_and_certs| on the ASN.1 data stored in
- * |p12|. The |out_pkey| and |out_cert| arguments must not be NULL and, on
- * successful exit, the private key and first certificate will be stored in
- * them. The |out_ca_certs| argument may be NULL but, if not, then any extra
- * certificates will be appended to |*out_ca_certs|. If |*out_ca_certs| is NULL
- * then it will be set to a freshly allocated stack containing the extra certs.
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// PKCS12_parse calls |PKCS12_get_key_and_certs| on the ASN.1 data stored in
+// |p12|. The |out_pkey| and |out_cert| arguments must not be NULL and, on
+// successful exit, the private key and first certificate will be stored in
+// them. The |out_ca_certs| argument may be NULL but, if not, then any extra
+// certificates will be appended to |*out_ca_certs|. If |*out_ca_certs| is NULL
+// then it will be set to a freshly allocated stack containing the extra certs.
+// It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS12_parse(const PKCS12 *p12, const char *password,
                                 EVP_PKEY **out_pkey, X509 **out_cert,
                                 STACK_OF(X509) **out_ca_certs);
-/* PKCS12_verify_mac returns one if |password| is a valid password for |p12|
- * and zero otherwise. Since |PKCS12_parse| doesn't take a length parameter,
- * it's not actually possible to use a non-NUL-terminated password to actually
- * get anything from a |PKCS12|. Thus |password| and |password_len| may be
- * |NULL| and zero, respectively, or else |password_len| may be -1, or else
- * |password[password_len]| must be zero and no other NUL bytes may appear in
- * |password|. If the |password_len| checks fail, zero is returned
- * immediately. */
+// PKCS12_verify_mac returns one if |password| is a valid password for |p12|
+// and zero otherwise. Since |PKCS12_parse| doesn't take a length parameter,
+// it's not actually possible to use a non-NUL-terminated password to actually
+// get anything from a |PKCS12|. Thus |password| and |password_len| may be
+// |NULL| and zero, respectively, or else |password_len| may be -1, or else
+// |password[password_len]| must be zero and no other NUL bytes may appear in
+// |password|. If the |password_len| checks fail, zero is returned
+// immediately.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int PKCS12_verify_mac(const PKCS12 *p12, const char *password,
                                      int password_len);
-/* PKCS12_free frees |p12| and its contents. */
+// PKCS12_free frees |p12| and its contents.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void PKCS12_free(PKCS12 *p12);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -227,4 +227,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_PKCS8_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/poly1305.h b/src/include/openssl/poly1305.h
index b4e23e2..cefe2b1 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/poly1305.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/poly1305.h
@@ -24,28 +24,28 @@
 typedef uint8_t poly1305_state[512];
-/* CRYPTO_poly1305_init sets up |state| so that it can be used to calculate an
- * authentication tag with the one-time key |key|. Note that |key| is a
- * one-time key and therefore there is no `reset' method because that would
- * enable several messages to be authenticated with the same key. */
+// CRYPTO_poly1305_init sets up |state| so that it can be used to calculate an
+// authentication tag with the one-time key |key|. Note that |key| is a
+// one-time key and therefore there is no `reset' method because that would
+// enable several messages to be authenticated with the same key.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_poly1305_init(poly1305_state* state,
                                          const uint8_t key[32]);
-/* CRYPTO_poly1305_update processes |in_len| bytes from |in|. It can be called
- * zero or more times after poly1305_init. */
+// CRYPTO_poly1305_update processes |in_len| bytes from |in|. It can be called
+// zero or more times after poly1305_init.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_poly1305_update(poly1305_state* state,
                                            const uint8_t* in,
                                            size_t in_len);
-/* CRYPTO_poly1305_finish completes the poly1305 calculation and writes a 16
- * byte authentication tag to |mac|. The |mac| address must be 16-byte
- * aligned. */
+// CRYPTO_poly1305_finish completes the poly1305 calculation and writes a 16
+// byte authentication tag to |mac|. The |mac| address must be 16-byte
+// aligned.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_poly1305_finish(poly1305_state* state,
                                            uint8_t mac[16]);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_POLY1305_H */
+#endif  // OPENSSL_HEADER_POLY1305_H
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/pool.h b/src/include/openssl/pool.h
index 8a07af5..373952f 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/pool.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/pool.h
@@ -24,56 +24,56 @@
-/* Buffers and buffer pools.
- *
- * |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s are simply reference-counted blobs. A |CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL|
- * is an intern table for |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s. This allows for a single copy of a
- * given blob to be kept in memory and referenced from multiple places. */
+// Buffers and buffer pools.
+// |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s are simply reference-counted blobs. A |CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL|
+// is an intern table for |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s. This allows for a single copy of a
+// given blob to be kept in memory and referenced from multiple places.
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL_new returns a freshly allocated |CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL| or
- * NULL on error. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL_new returns a freshly allocated |CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL| or
+// NULL on error.
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL_free frees |pool|, which must be empty. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL_free frees |pool|, which must be empty.
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_new returns a |CRYPTO_BUFFER| containing a copy of |data|, or
- * else NULL on error. If |pool| is not NULL then the returned value may be a
- * reference to a previously existing |CRYPTO_BUFFER| that contained the same
- * data. Otherwise, the returned, fresh |CRYPTO_BUFFER| will be added to the
- * pool. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_new returns a |CRYPTO_BUFFER| containing a copy of |data|, or
+// else NULL on error. If |pool| is not NULL then the returned value may be a
+// reference to a previously existing |CRYPTO_BUFFER| that contained the same
+// data. Otherwise, the returned, fresh |CRYPTO_BUFFER| will be added to the
+// pool.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT CRYPTO_BUFFER *CRYPTO_BUFFER_new(const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
                                                 CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool);
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_new_from_CBS acts the same as |CRYPTO_BUFFER_new|. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_new_from_CBS acts the same as |CRYPTO_BUFFER_new|.
     CBS *cbs, CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool);
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_free decrements the reference count of |buf|. If there are no
- * other references, or if the only remaining reference is from a pool, then
- * |buf| will be freed. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_free decrements the reference count of |buf|. If there are no
+// other references, or if the only remaining reference is from a pool, then
+// |buf| will be freed.
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_up_ref increments the reference count of |buf| and returns
- * one. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_up_ref increments the reference count of |buf| and returns
+// one.
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_data returns a pointer to the data contained in |buf|. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_data returns a pointer to the data contained in |buf|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const uint8_t *CRYPTO_BUFFER_data(const CRYPTO_BUFFER *buf);
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_len returns the length, in bytes, of the data contained in
- * |buf|. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_len returns the length, in bytes, of the data contained in
+// |buf|.
-/* CRYPTO_BUFFER_init_CBS initialises |out| to point at the data from |buf|. */
+// CRYPTO_BUFFER_init_CBS initialises |out| to point at the data from |buf|.
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/rand.h b/src/include/openssl/rand.h
index a535fbd..5d02e12 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/rand.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/rand.h
@@ -22,83 +22,83 @@
-/* Random number generation. */
+// Random number generation.
-/* RAND_bytes writes |len| bytes of random data to |buf| and returns one. */
+// RAND_bytes writes |len| bytes of random data to |buf| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RAND_bytes(uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
-/* RAND_cleanup frees any resources used by the RNG. This is not safe if other
- * threads might still be calling |RAND_bytes|. */
+// RAND_cleanup frees any resources used by the RNG. This is not safe if other
+// threads might still be calling |RAND_bytes|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RAND_cleanup(void);
-/* Obscure functions. */
+// Obscure functions.
 #if !defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
-/* RAND_set_urandom_fd causes the module to use a copy of |fd| for system
- * randomness rather opening /dev/urandom internally. The caller retains
- * ownership of |fd| and is at liberty to close it at any time. This is useful
- * if, due to a sandbox, /dev/urandom isn't available. If used, it must be
- * called before the first call to |RAND_bytes|, and it is mutually exclusive
- * with |RAND_enable_fork_unsafe_buffering|.
- *
- * |RAND_set_urandom_fd| does not buffer any entropy, so it is safe to call
- * |fork| at any time after calling |RAND_set_urandom_fd|. */
+// RAND_set_urandom_fd causes the module to use a copy of |fd| for system
+// randomness rather opening /dev/urandom internally. The caller retains
+// ownership of |fd| and is at liberty to close it at any time. This is useful
+// if, due to a sandbox, /dev/urandom isn't available. If used, it must be
+// called before the first call to |RAND_bytes|, and it is mutually exclusive
+// with |RAND_enable_fork_unsafe_buffering|.
+// |RAND_set_urandom_fd| does not buffer any entropy, so it is safe to call
+// |fork| at any time after calling |RAND_set_urandom_fd|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RAND_set_urandom_fd(int fd);
-/* RAND_enable_fork_unsafe_buffering enables efficient buffered reading of
- * /dev/urandom. It adds an overhead of a few KB of memory per thread. It must
- * be called before the first call to |RAND_bytes| and it is mutually exclusive
- * with calls to |RAND_set_urandom_fd|.
- *
- * If |fd| is non-negative then a copy of |fd| will be used rather than opening
- * /dev/urandom internally. Like |RAND_set_urandom_fd|, the caller retains
- * ownership of |fd|. If |fd| is negative then /dev/urandom will be opened and
- * any error from open(2) crashes the address space.
- *
- * It has an unusual name because the buffer is unsafe across calls to |fork|.
- * Hence, this function should never be called by libraries. */
+// RAND_enable_fork_unsafe_buffering enables efficient buffered reading of
+// /dev/urandom. It adds an overhead of a few KB of memory per thread. It must
+// be called before the first call to |RAND_bytes| and it is mutually exclusive
+// with calls to |RAND_set_urandom_fd|.
+// If |fd| is non-negative then a copy of |fd| will be used rather than opening
+// /dev/urandom internally. Like |RAND_set_urandom_fd|, the caller retains
+// ownership of |fd|. If |fd| is negative then /dev/urandom will be opened and
+// any error from open(2) crashes the address space.
+// It has an unusual name because the buffer is unsafe across calls to |fork|.
+// Hence, this function should never be called by libraries.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RAND_enable_fork_unsafe_buffering(int fd);
-/* RAND_reset_for_fuzzing resets the fuzzer-only deterministic RNG. This
- * function is only defined in the fuzzer-only build configuration. */
+// RAND_reset_for_fuzzing resets the fuzzer-only deterministic RNG. This
+// function is only defined in the fuzzer-only build configuration.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RAND_reset_for_fuzzing(void);
-/* Deprecated functions */
+// Deprecated functions
-/* RAND_pseudo_bytes is a wrapper around |RAND_bytes|. */
+// RAND_pseudo_bytes is a wrapper around |RAND_bytes|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RAND_pseudo_bytes(uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
-/* RAND_seed reads a single byte of random data to ensure that any file
- * descriptors etc are opened. */
+// RAND_seed reads a single byte of random data to ensure that any file
+// descriptors etc are opened.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RAND_seed(const void *buf, int num);
-/* RAND_load_file returns a nonnegative number. */
+// RAND_load_file returns a nonnegative number.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RAND_load_file(const char *path, long num);
-/* RAND_file_name returns NULL. */
+// RAND_file_name returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *RAND_file_name(char *buf, size_t num);
-/* RAND_add does nothing. */
+// RAND_add does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RAND_add(const void *buf, int num, double entropy);
-/* RAND_egd returns 255. */
+// RAND_egd returns 255.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RAND_egd(const char *);
-/* RAND_poll returns one. */
+// RAND_poll returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RAND_poll(void);
-/* RAND_status returns one. */
+// RAND_status returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RAND_status(void);
-/* rand_meth_st is typedefed to |RAND_METHOD| in base.h. It isn't used; it
- * exists only to be the return type of |RAND_SSLeay|. It's
- * external so that variables of this type can be initialized. */
+// rand_meth_st is typedefed to |RAND_METHOD| in base.h. It isn't used; it
+// exists only to be the return type of |RAND_SSLeay|. It's
+// external so that variables of this type can be initialized.
 struct rand_meth_st {
   void (*seed) (const void *buf, int num);
   int (*bytes) (uint8_t *buf, size_t num);
@@ -108,18 +108,18 @@
   int (*status) (void);
-/* RAND_SSLeay returns a pointer to a dummy |RAND_METHOD|. */
+// RAND_SSLeay returns a pointer to a dummy |RAND_METHOD|.
-/* RAND_get_rand_method returns |RAND_SSLeay()|. */
+// RAND_get_rand_method returns |RAND_SSLeay()|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const RAND_METHOD *RAND_get_rand_method(void);
-/* RAND_set_rand_method does nothing. */
+// RAND_set_rand_method does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RAND_set_rand_method(const RAND_METHOD *);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_RAND_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/rc4.h b/src/include/openssl/rc4.h
index 68af878..acf56ae 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/rc4.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/rc4.h
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
-/* RC4. */
+// RC4.
 struct rc4_key_st {
@@ -72,25 +72,25 @@
   uint32_t data[256];
 } /* RC4_KEY */;
-/* RC4_set_key performs an RC4 key schedule and initialises |rc4key| with |len|
- * bytes of key material from |key|. */
+// RC4_set_key performs an RC4 key schedule and initialises |rc4key| with |len|
+// bytes of key material from |key|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RC4_set_key(RC4_KEY *rc4key, unsigned len,
                                 const uint8_t *key);
-/* RC4 encrypts (or decrypts, it's the same with RC4) |len| bytes from |in| to
- * |out|. */
+// RC4 encrypts (or decrypts, it's the same with RC4) |len| bytes from |in| to
+// |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RC4(RC4_KEY *key, size_t len, const uint8_t *in,
                         uint8_t *out);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* RC4_options returns the string "rc4(ptr,int)". */
+// RC4_options returns the string "rc4(ptr,int)".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *RC4_options(void);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_RC4_H */
+#endif  // OPENSSL_HEADER_RC4_H
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ripemd.h b/src/include/openssl/ripemd.h
index cf1e49e..fb0b50c 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ripemd.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ripemd.h
@@ -75,33 +75,33 @@
   unsigned num;
-/* RIPEMD160_Init initialises |ctx| and returns one. */
+// RIPEMD160_Init initialises |ctx| and returns one.
-/* RIPEMD160_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |ctx| and returns one. */
+// RIPEMD160_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |ctx| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RIPEMD160_Update(RIPEMD160_CTX *ctx, const void *data,
                                    size_t len);
-/* RIPEMD160_Final adds the final padding to |ctx| and writes the resulting
- * digest to |md|, which must have at least |RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of
- * space. It returns one. */
+// RIPEMD160_Final adds the final padding to |ctx| and writes the resulting
+// digest to |md|, which must have at least |RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of
+// space. It returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RIPEMD160_Final(uint8_t *md, RIPEMD160_CTX *ctx);
-/* RIPEMD160 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
- * |out|. There must be at least |RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
- * |out|. */
+// RIPEMD160 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
+// |out|. There must be at least |RIPEMD160_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
+// |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *RIPEMD160(const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
                                   uint8_t *out);
-/* RIPEMD160_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single,
- * RIPEMD160 block transformation using the state from |ctx| and 64 bytes from
- * |block|. */
+// RIPEMD160_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single,
+// RIPEMD160 block transformation using the state from |ctx| and 64 bytes from
+// |block|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RIPEMD160_Transform(RIPEMD160_CTX *ctx,
                                         const uint8_t *block);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/rsa.h b/src/include/openssl/rsa.h
index ed2c0be..d977277 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/rsa.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/rsa.h
@@ -68,389 +68,389 @@
-/* rsa.h contains functions for handling encryption and signature using RSA. */
+// rsa.h contains functions for handling encryption and signature using RSA.
-/* Allocation and destruction. */
+// Allocation and destruction.
-/* RSA_new returns a new, empty RSA object or NULL on error. */
+// RSA_new returns a new, empty RSA object or NULL on error.
-/* RSA_new_method acts the same as |RSA_new| but takes an explicit |ENGINE|. */
+// RSA_new_method acts the same as |RSA_new| but takes an explicit |ENGINE|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSA_new_method(const ENGINE *engine);
-/* RSA_free decrements the reference count of |rsa| and frees it if the
- * reference count drops to zero. */
+// RSA_free decrements the reference count of |rsa| and frees it if the
+// reference count drops to zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RSA_free(RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_up_ref increments the reference count of |rsa| and returns one. */
+// RSA_up_ref increments the reference count of |rsa| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_up_ref(RSA *rsa);
-/* Properties. */
+// Properties.
-/* RSA_get0_key sets |*out_n|, |*out_e|, and |*out_d|, if non-NULL, to |rsa|'s
- * modulus, public exponent, and private exponent, respectively. If |rsa| is a
- * public key, the private exponent will be set to NULL. */
+// RSA_get0_key sets |*out_n|, |*out_e|, and |*out_d|, if non-NULL, to |rsa|'s
+// modulus, public exponent, and private exponent, respectively. If |rsa| is a
+// public key, the private exponent will be set to NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RSA_get0_key(const RSA *rsa, const BIGNUM **out_n,
                                  const BIGNUM **out_e, const BIGNUM **out_d);
-/* RSA_get0_factors sets |*out_p| and |*out_q|, if non-NULL, to |rsa|'s prime
- * factors. If |rsa| is a public key, they will be set to NULL. */
+// RSA_get0_factors sets |*out_p| and |*out_q|, if non-NULL, to |rsa|'s prime
+// factors. If |rsa| is a public key, they will be set to NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RSA_get0_factors(const RSA *rsa, const BIGNUM **out_p,
                                      const BIGNUM **out_q);
-/* RSA_get0_crt_params sets |*out_dmp1|, |*out_dmq1|, and |*out_iqmp|, if
- * non-NULL, to |rsa|'s CRT parameters. These are d (mod p-1), d (mod q-1) and
- * q^-1 (mod p), respectively. If |rsa| is a public key, each parameter will be
- * set to NULL. */
+// RSA_get0_crt_params sets |*out_dmp1|, |*out_dmq1|, and |*out_iqmp|, if
+// non-NULL, to |rsa|'s CRT parameters. These are d (mod p-1), d (mod q-1) and
+// q^-1 (mod p), respectively. If |rsa| is a public key, each parameter will be
+// set to NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void RSA_get0_crt_params(const RSA *rsa, const BIGNUM **out_dmp1,
                                         const BIGNUM **out_dmq1,
                                         const BIGNUM **out_iqmp);
-/* Key generation. */
+// Key generation.
-/* RSA_generate_key_ex generates a new RSA key where the modulus has size
- * |bits| and the public exponent is |e|. If unsure, |RSA_F4| is a good value
- * for |e|. If |cb| is not NULL then it is called during the key generation
- * process. In addition to the calls documented for |BN_generate_prime_ex|, it
- * is called with event=2 when the n'th prime is rejected as unsuitable and
- * with event=3 when a suitable value for |p| is found.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// RSA_generate_key_ex generates a new RSA key where the modulus has size
+// |bits| and the public exponent is |e|. If unsure, |RSA_F4| is a good value
+// for |e|. If |cb| is not NULL then it is called during the key generation
+// process. In addition to the calls documented for |BN_generate_prime_ex|, it
+// is called with event=2 when the n'th prime is rejected as unsuitable and
+// with event=3 when a suitable value for |p| is found.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_generate_key_ex(RSA *rsa, int bits, BIGNUM *e,
                                        BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* RSA_generate_key_fips behaves like |RSA_generate_key_ex| but performs
- * additional checks for FIPS compliance. The public exponent is always 65537
- * and |bits| must be either 2048 or 3072. */
+// RSA_generate_key_fips behaves like |RSA_generate_key_ex| but performs
+// additional checks for FIPS compliance. The public exponent is always 65537
+// and |bits| must be either 2048 or 3072.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_generate_key_fips(RSA *rsa, int bits, BN_GENCB *cb);
-/* Encryption / Decryption */
+// Encryption / Decryption
-/* Padding types for encryption. */
+// Padding types for encryption.
 #define RSA_PKCS1_PADDING 1
 #define RSA_NO_PADDING 3
-/* RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING can only be used via the EVP interface. */
+// RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING can only be used via the EVP interface.
-/* RSA_encrypt encrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| to the public key from |rsa|
- * and writes, at most, |max_out| bytes of encrypted data to |out|. The
- * |max_out| argument must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to ensure success.
- *
- * It returns 1 on success or zero on error.
- *
- * The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in
- * doubt, use |RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING| for new protocols but
- * |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is most common. */
+// RSA_encrypt encrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| to the public key from |rsa|
+// and writes, at most, |max_out| bytes of encrypted data to |out|. The
+// |max_out| argument must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to ensure success.
+// It returns 1 on success or zero on error.
+// The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in
+// doubt, use |RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING| for new protocols but
+// |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is most common.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_encrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
                                size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
                                int padding);
-/* RSA_decrypt decrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| with the private key from
- * |rsa| and writes, at most, |max_out| bytes of plaintext to |out|. The
- * |max_out| argument must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to ensure success.
- *
- * It returns 1 on success or zero on error.
- *
- * The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in
- * doubt, use |RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING| for new protocols.
- *
- * Passing |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| into this function is deprecated and insecure. If
- * implementing a protocol using RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5, use |RSA_NO_PADDING| and then
- * check padding in constant-time combined with a swap to a random session key
- * or other mitigation. See "Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Against Protocols Based
- * on the RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1", Daniel Bleichenbacher, Advances in
- * Cryptology (Crypto '98). */
+// RSA_decrypt decrypts |in_len| bytes from |in| with the private key from
+// |rsa| and writes, at most, |max_out| bytes of plaintext to |out|. The
+// |max_out| argument must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to ensure success.
+// It returns 1 on success or zero on error.
+// The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in
+// doubt, use |RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING| for new protocols.
+// Passing |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| into this function is deprecated and insecure. If
+// implementing a protocol using RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5, use |RSA_NO_PADDING| and then
+// check padding in constant-time combined with a swap to a random session key
+// or other mitigation. See "Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Against Protocols Based
+// on the RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1", Daniel Bleichenbacher, Advances in
+// Cryptology (Crypto '98).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_decrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
                                size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
                                int padding);
-/* RSA_public_encrypt encrypts |flen| bytes from |from| to the public key in
- * |rsa| and writes the encrypted data to |to|. The |to| buffer must have at
- * least |RSA_size| bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes written, or
- * -1 on error. The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING|
- * values. If in doubt, use |RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING| for new protocols but
- * |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is most common.
- *
- * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
- * convention. Use |RSA_encrypt| instead. */
+// RSA_public_encrypt encrypts |flen| bytes from |from| to the public key in
+// |rsa| and writes the encrypted data to |to|. The |to| buffer must have at
+// least |RSA_size| bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes written, or
+// -1 on error. The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING|
+// values. If in doubt, use |RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING| for new protocols but
+// |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is most common.
+// WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
+// convention. Use |RSA_encrypt| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_public_encrypt(size_t flen, const uint8_t *from,
                                       uint8_t *to, RSA *rsa, int padding);
-/* RSA_private_decrypt decrypts |flen| bytes from |from| with the public key in
- * |rsa| and writes the plaintext to |to|. The |to| buffer must have at least
- * |RSA_size| bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes written, or -1 on
- * error. The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If
- * in doubt, use |RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING| for new protocols. Passing
- * |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| into this function is deprecated and insecure. See
- * |RSA_decrypt|.
- *
- * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
- * convention. Use |RSA_decrypt| instead. */
+// RSA_private_decrypt decrypts |flen| bytes from |from| with the public key in
+// |rsa| and writes the plaintext to |to|. The |to| buffer must have at least
+// |RSA_size| bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes written, or -1 on
+// error. The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If
+// in doubt, use |RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING| for new protocols. Passing
+// |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| into this function is deprecated and insecure. See
+// |RSA_decrypt|.
+// WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
+// convention. Use |RSA_decrypt| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_private_decrypt(size_t flen, const uint8_t *from,
                                        uint8_t *to, RSA *rsa, int padding);
-/* Signing / Verification */
+// Signing / Verification
-/* RSA_sign signs |in_len| bytes of digest from |in| with |rsa| using
- * RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5. It writes, at most, |RSA_size(rsa)| bytes to |out|. On
- * successful return, the actual number of bytes written is written to
- * |*out_len|.
- *
- * The |hash_nid| argument identifies the hash function used to calculate |in|
- * and is embedded in the resulting signature. For example, it might be
- * |NID_sha256|.
- *
- * It returns 1 on success and zero on error. */
+// RSA_sign signs |in_len| bytes of digest from |in| with |rsa| using
+// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5. It writes, at most, |RSA_size(rsa)| bytes to |out|. On
+// successful return, the actual number of bytes written is written to
+// |*out_len|.
+// The |hash_nid| argument identifies the hash function used to calculate |in|
+// and is embedded in the resulting signature. For example, it might be
+// |NID_sha256|.
+// It returns 1 on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_sign(int hash_nid, const uint8_t *in,
                             unsigned int in_len, uint8_t *out,
                             unsigned int *out_len, RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_sign_pss_mgf1 signs |in_len| bytes from |in| with the public key from
- * |rsa| using RSASSA-PSS with MGF1 as the mask generation function. It writes,
- * at most, |max_out| bytes of signature data to |out|. The |max_out| argument
- * must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to ensure success. It returns 1 on
- * success or zero on error.
- *
- * The |md| and |mgf1_md| arguments identify the hash used to calculate |msg|
- * and the MGF1 hash, respectively. If |mgf1_md| is NULL, |md| is
- * used.
- *
- * |salt_len| specifies the expected salt length in bytes. If |salt_len| is -1,
- * then the salt length is the same as the hash length. If -2, then the salt
- * length is maximal given the size of |rsa|. If unsure, use -1. */
+// RSA_sign_pss_mgf1 signs |in_len| bytes from |in| with the public key from
+// |rsa| using RSASSA-PSS with MGF1 as the mask generation function. It writes,
+// at most, |max_out| bytes of signature data to |out|. The |max_out| argument
+// must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to ensure success. It returns 1 on
+// success or zero on error.
+// The |md| and |mgf1_md| arguments identify the hash used to calculate |msg|
+// and the MGF1 hash, respectively. If |mgf1_md| is NULL, |md| is
+// used.
+// |salt_len| specifies the expected salt length in bytes. If |salt_len| is -1,
+// then the salt length is the same as the hash length. If -2, then the salt
+// length is maximal given the size of |rsa|. If unsure, use -1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_sign_pss_mgf1(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
                                      size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in,
                                      size_t in_len, const EVP_MD *md,
                                      const EVP_MD *mgf1_md, int salt_len);
-/* RSA_sign_raw signs |in_len| bytes from |in| with the public key from |rsa|
- * and writes, at most, |max_out| bytes of signature data to |out|. The
- * |max_out| argument must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to ensure success.
- *
- * It returns 1 on success or zero on error.
- *
- * The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in
- * doubt, |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is the most common but |RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING|
- * (via the |EVP_PKEY| interface) is preferred for new protocols. */
+// RSA_sign_raw signs |in_len| bytes from |in| with the public key from |rsa|
+// and writes, at most, |max_out| bytes of signature data to |out|. The
+// |max_out| argument must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to ensure success.
+// It returns 1 on success or zero on error.
+// The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in
+// doubt, |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is the most common but |RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING|
+// (via the |EVP_PKEY| interface) is preferred for new protocols.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_sign_raw(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
                                 size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in,
                                 size_t in_len, int padding);
-/* RSA_verify verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| are a valid,
- * RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature of |msg_len| bytes at |msg| by |rsa|.
- *
- * The |hash_nid| argument identifies the hash function used to calculate |msg|
- * and is embedded in the resulting signature in order to prevent hash
- * confusion attacks. For example, it might be |NID_sha256|.
- *
- * It returns one if the signature is valid and zero otherwise.
- *
- * WARNING: this differs from the original, OpenSSL function which additionally
- * returned -1 on error. */
+// RSA_verify verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| are a valid,
+// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature of |msg_len| bytes at |msg| by |rsa|.
+// The |hash_nid| argument identifies the hash function used to calculate |msg|
+// and is embedded in the resulting signature in order to prevent hash
+// confusion attacks. For example, it might be |NID_sha256|.
+// It returns one if the signature is valid and zero otherwise.
+// WARNING: this differs from the original, OpenSSL function which additionally
+// returned -1 on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_verify(int hash_nid, const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len,
                               const uint8_t *sig, size_t sig_len, RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_verify_pss_mgf1 verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| are a valid,
- * RSASSA-PSS signature of |msg_len| bytes at |msg| by |rsa|. It returns one if
- * the signature is valid and zero otherwise. MGF1 is used as the mask
- * generation function.
- *
- * The |md| and |mgf1_md| arguments identify the hash used to calculate |msg|
- * and the MGF1 hash, respectively. If |mgf1_md| is NULL, |md| is
- * used. |salt_len| specifies the expected salt length in bytes.
- *
- * If |salt_len| is -1, then the salt length is the same as the hash length. If
- * -2, then the salt length is recovered and all values accepted. If unsure, use
- * -1. */
+// RSA_verify_pss_mgf1 verifies that |sig_len| bytes from |sig| are a valid,
+// RSASSA-PSS signature of |msg_len| bytes at |msg| by |rsa|. It returns one if
+// the signature is valid and zero otherwise. MGF1 is used as the mask
+// generation function.
+// The |md| and |mgf1_md| arguments identify the hash used to calculate |msg|
+// and the MGF1 hash, respectively. If |mgf1_md| is NULL, |md| is
+// used. |salt_len| specifies the expected salt length in bytes.
+// If |salt_len| is -1, then the salt length is the same as the hash length. If
+// -2, then the salt length is recovered and all values accepted. If unsure, use
+// -1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_verify_pss_mgf1(RSA *rsa, const uint8_t *msg,
                                        size_t msg_len, const EVP_MD *md,
                                        const EVP_MD *mgf1_md, int salt_len,
                                        const uint8_t *sig, size_t sig_len);
-/* RSA_verify_raw verifies |in_len| bytes of signature from |in| using the
- * public key from |rsa| and writes, at most, |max_out| bytes of plaintext to
- * |out|. The |max_out| argument must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to
- * ensure success.
- *
- * It returns 1 on success or zero on error.
- *
- * The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in
- * doubt, |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is the most common but |RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING|
- * (via the |EVP_PKEY| interface) is preferred for new protocols. */
+// RSA_verify_raw verifies |in_len| bytes of signature from |in| using the
+// public key from |rsa| and writes, at most, |max_out| bytes of plaintext to
+// |out|. The |max_out| argument must be, at least, |RSA_size| in order to
+// ensure success.
+// It returns 1 on success or zero on error.
+// The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in
+// doubt, |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is the most common but |RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING|
+// (via the |EVP_PKEY| interface) is preferred for new protocols.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_verify_raw(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
                                   size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in,
                                   size_t in_len, int padding);
-/* RSA_private_encrypt encrypts |flen| bytes from |from| with the private key in
- * |rsa| and writes the encrypted data to |to|. The |to| buffer must have at
- * least |RSA_size| bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes written, or
- * -1 on error. The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING|
- * values. If in doubt, |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is the most common but
- * |RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING| (via the |EVP_PKEY| interface) is preferred for new
- * protocols.
- *
- * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
- * convention. Use |RSA_sign_raw| instead. */
+// RSA_private_encrypt encrypts |flen| bytes from |from| with the private key in
+// |rsa| and writes the encrypted data to |to|. The |to| buffer must have at
+// least |RSA_size| bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes written, or
+// -1 on error. The |padding| argument must be one of the |RSA_*_PADDING|
+// values. If in doubt, |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is the most common but
+// |RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING| (via the |EVP_PKEY| interface) is preferred for new
+// protocols.
+// WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
+// convention. Use |RSA_sign_raw| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_private_encrypt(size_t flen, const uint8_t *from,
                                        uint8_t *to, RSA *rsa, int padding);
-/* RSA_public_decrypt verifies |flen| bytes of signature from |from| using the
- * public key in |rsa| and writes the plaintext to |to|. The |to| buffer must
- * have at least |RSA_size| bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes
- * written, or -1 on error. The |padding| argument must be one of the
- * |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in doubt, |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is the most common
- * but |RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING| (via the |EVP_PKEY| interface) is preferred for
- * new protocols.
- *
- * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
- * convention. Use |RSA_verify_raw| instead. */
+// RSA_public_decrypt verifies |flen| bytes of signature from |from| using the
+// public key in |rsa| and writes the plaintext to |to|. The |to| buffer must
+// have at least |RSA_size| bytes of space. It returns the number of bytes
+// written, or -1 on error. The |padding| argument must be one of the
+// |RSA_*_PADDING| values. If in doubt, |RSA_PKCS1_PADDING| is the most common
+// but |RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING| (via the |EVP_PKEY| interface) is preferred for
+// new protocols.
+// WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
+// convention. Use |RSA_verify_raw| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_public_decrypt(size_t flen, const uint8_t *from,
                                       uint8_t *to, RSA *rsa, int padding);
-/* Utility functions. */
+// Utility functions.
-/* RSA_size returns the number of bytes in the modulus, which is also the size
- * of a signature or encrypted value using |rsa|. */
+// RSA_size returns the number of bytes in the modulus, which is also the size
+// of a signature or encrypted value using |rsa|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned RSA_size(const RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_is_opaque returns one if |rsa| is opaque and doesn't expose its key
- * material. Otherwise it returns zero. */
+// RSA_is_opaque returns one if |rsa| is opaque and doesn't expose its key
+// material. Otherwise it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_is_opaque(const RSA *rsa);
-/* RSAPublicKey_dup allocates a fresh |RSA| and copies the public key from
- * |rsa| into it. It returns the fresh |RSA| object, or NULL on error. */
+// RSAPublicKey_dup allocates a fresh |RSA| and copies the public key from
+// |rsa| into it. It returns the fresh |RSA| object, or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSAPublicKey_dup(const RSA *rsa);
-/* RSAPrivateKey_dup allocates a fresh |RSA| and copies the private key from
- * |rsa| into it. It returns the fresh |RSA| object, or NULL on error. */
+// RSAPrivateKey_dup allocates a fresh |RSA| and copies the private key from
+// |rsa| into it. It returns the fresh |RSA| object, or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSAPrivateKey_dup(const RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_check_key performs basic validity tests on |rsa|. It returns one if
- * they pass and zero otherwise. Opaque keys and public keys always pass. If it
- * returns zero then a more detailed error is available on the error queue. */
+// RSA_check_key performs basic validity tests on |rsa|. It returns one if
+// they pass and zero otherwise. Opaque keys and public keys always pass. If it
+// returns zero then a more detailed error is available on the error queue.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_check_key(const RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_check_fips performs public key validity tests on |key|. It returns one
- * if they pass and zero otherwise. Opaque keys always fail. */
+// RSA_check_fips performs public key validity tests on |key|. It returns one
+// if they pass and zero otherwise. Opaque keys always fail.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_check_fips(RSA *key);
-/* RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1 verifies that |EM| is a correct PSS padding of
- * |mHash|, where |mHash| is a digest produced by |Hash|. |EM| must point to
- * exactly |RSA_size(rsa)| bytes of data. The |mgf1Hash| argument specifies the
- * hash function for generating the mask. If NULL, |Hash| is used. The |sLen|
- * argument specifies the expected salt length in bytes. If |sLen| is -1 then
- * the salt length is the same as the hash length. If -2, then the salt length
- * is recovered and all values accepted.
- *
- * If unsure, use -1.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error.
- *
- * This function implements only the low-level padding logic. Use
- * |RSA_verify_pss_mgf1| instead. */
+// RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1 verifies that |EM| is a correct PSS padding of
+// |mHash|, where |mHash| is a digest produced by |Hash|. |EM| must point to
+// exactly |RSA_size(rsa)| bytes of data. The |mgf1Hash| argument specifies the
+// hash function for generating the mask. If NULL, |Hash| is used. The |sLen|
+// argument specifies the expected salt length in bytes. If |sLen| is -1 then
+// the salt length is the same as the hash length. If -2, then the salt length
+// is recovered and all values accepted.
+// If unsure, use -1.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
+// This function implements only the low-level padding logic. Use
+// |RSA_verify_pss_mgf1| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1(RSA *rsa, const uint8_t *mHash,
                                              const EVP_MD *Hash,
                                              const EVP_MD *mgf1Hash,
                                              const uint8_t *EM, int sLen);
-/* RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1 writes a PSS padding of |mHash| to |EM|,
- * where |mHash| is a digest produced by |Hash|. |RSA_size(rsa)| bytes of
- * output will be written to |EM|. The |mgf1Hash| argument specifies the hash
- * function for generating the mask. If NULL, |Hash| is used. The |sLen|
- * argument specifies the expected salt length in bytes. If |sLen| is -1 then
- * the salt length is the same as the hash length. If -2, then the salt length
- * is maximal given the space in |EM|.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error.
- *
- * This function implements only the low-level padding logic. Use
- * |RSA_sign_pss_mgf1| instead. */
+// RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1 writes a PSS padding of |mHash| to |EM|,
+// where |mHash| is a digest produced by |Hash|. |RSA_size(rsa)| bytes of
+// output will be written to |EM|. The |mgf1Hash| argument specifies the hash
+// function for generating the mask. If NULL, |Hash| is used. The |sLen|
+// argument specifies the expected salt length in bytes. If |sLen| is -1 then
+// the salt length is the same as the hash length. If -2, then the salt length
+// is maximal given the space in |EM|.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
+// This function implements only the low-level padding logic. Use
+// |RSA_sign_pss_mgf1| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1(RSA *rsa, uint8_t *EM,
                                                   const uint8_t *mHash,
                                                   const EVP_MD *Hash,
                                                   const EVP_MD *mgf1Hash,
                                                   int sLen);
-/* RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1 writes an OAEP padding of |from| to |to|
- * with the given parameters and hash functions. If |md| is NULL then SHA-1 is
- * used. If |mgf1md| is NULL then the value of |md| is used (which means SHA-1
- * if that, in turn, is NULL).
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1 writes an OAEP padding of |from| to |to|
+// with the given parameters and hash functions. If |md| is NULL then SHA-1 is
+// used. If |mgf1md| is NULL then the value of |md| is used (which means SHA-1
+// if that, in turn, is NULL).
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1(
     uint8_t *to, size_t to_len, const uint8_t *from, size_t from_len,
     const uint8_t *param, size_t param_len, const EVP_MD *md,
     const EVP_MD *mgf1md);
-/* RSA_add_pkcs1_prefix builds a version of |msg| prefixed with the DigestInfo
- * header for the given hash function and sets |out_msg| to point to it. On
- * successful return, |*out_msg| may be allocated memory and, if so,
- * |*is_alloced| will be 1. */
+// RSA_add_pkcs1_prefix builds a version of |msg| prefixed with the DigestInfo
+// header for the given hash function and sets |out_msg| to point to it. On
+// successful return, |*out_msg| may be allocated memory and, if so,
+// |*is_alloced| will be 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_add_pkcs1_prefix(uint8_t **out_msg, size_t *out_msg_len,
                                         int *is_alloced, int hash_nid,
                                         const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len);
-/* ASN.1 functions. */
+// ASN.1 functions.
-/* RSA_parse_public_key parses a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey structure (RFC 3447)
- * from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |RSA| or NULL on
- * error. */
+// RSA_parse_public_key parses a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey structure (RFC 3447)
+// from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |RSA| or NULL on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSA_parse_public_key(CBS *cbs);
-/* RSA_parse_public_key_buggy behaves like |RSA_parse_public_key|, but it
- * tolerates some invalid encodings. Do not use this function. */
+// RSA_parse_public_key_buggy behaves like |RSA_parse_public_key|, but it
+// tolerates some invalid encodings. Do not use this function.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSA_parse_public_key_buggy(CBS *cbs);
-/* RSA_public_key_from_bytes parses |in| as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey structure
- * (RFC 3447). It returns a newly-allocated |RSA| or NULL on error. */
+// RSA_public_key_from_bytes parses |in| as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey structure
+// (RFC 3447). It returns a newly-allocated |RSA| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSA_public_key_from_bytes(const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
-/* RSA_marshal_public_key marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey structure
- * (RFC 3447) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and
- * zero on failure. */
+// RSA_marshal_public_key marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey structure
+// (RFC 3447) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on success and
+// zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_marshal_public_key(CBB *cbb, const RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_public_key_to_bytes marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey
- * structure (RFC 3447) and, on success, sets |*out_bytes| to a newly allocated
- * buffer containing the result and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. The
- * result should be freed with |OPENSSL_free|. */
+// RSA_public_key_to_bytes marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded RSAPublicKey
+// structure (RFC 3447) and, on success, sets |*out_bytes| to a newly allocated
+// buffer containing the result and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. The
+// result should be freed with |OPENSSL_free|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_public_key_to_bytes(uint8_t **out_bytes, size_t *out_len,
                                            const RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_parse_private_key parses a DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey structure (RFC 3447)
- * from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |RSA| or NULL on
- * error. */
+// RSA_parse_private_key parses a DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey structure (RFC 3447)
+// from |cbs| and advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |RSA| or NULL on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSA_parse_private_key(CBS *cbs);
-/* RSA_private_key_from_bytes parses |in| as a DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey
- * structure (RFC 3447). It returns a newly-allocated |RSA| or NULL on error. */
+// RSA_private_key_from_bytes parses |in| as a DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey
+// structure (RFC 3447). It returns a newly-allocated |RSA| or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSA_private_key_from_bytes(const uint8_t *in,
                                                size_t in_len);
-/* RSA_marshal_private_key marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey
- * structure (RFC 3447) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on failure. */
+// RSA_marshal_private_key marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey
+// structure (RFC 3447) and appends the result to |cbb|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_marshal_private_key(CBB *cbb, const RSA *rsa);
-/* RSA_private_key_to_bytes marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey
- * structure (RFC 3447) and, on success, sets |*out_bytes| to a newly allocated
- * buffer containing the result and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. The
- * result should be freed with |OPENSSL_free|. */
+// RSA_private_key_to_bytes marshals |rsa| as a DER-encoded RSAPrivateKey
+// structure (RFC 3447) and, on success, sets |*out_bytes| to a newly allocated
+// buffer containing the result and returns one. Otherwise, it returns zero. The
+// result should be freed with |OPENSSL_free|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_private_key_to_bytes(uint8_t **out_bytes,
                                             size_t *out_len, const RSA *rsa);
-/* ex_data functions.
- *
- * See |ex_data.h| for details. */
+// ex_data functions.
+// See |ex_data.h| for details.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp,
                                         CRYPTO_EX_unused *unused,
@@ -460,102 +460,102 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *RSA_get_ex_data(const RSA *rsa, int idx);
-/* Flags. */
+// Flags.
-/* RSA_FLAG_OPAQUE specifies that this RSA_METHOD does not expose its key
- * material. This may be set if, for instance, it is wrapping some other crypto
- * API, like a platform key store. */
+// RSA_FLAG_OPAQUE specifies that this RSA_METHOD does not expose its key
+// material. This may be set if, for instance, it is wrapping some other crypto
+// API, like a platform key store.
 #define RSA_FLAG_OPAQUE 1
-/* Deprecated and ignored. */
+// Deprecated and ignored.
-/* Deprecated and ignored. */
+// Deprecated and ignored.
-/* RSA_FLAG_NO_BLINDING disables blinding of private operations, which is a
- * dangerous thing to do. It is deprecated and should not be used. It will
- * be ignored whenever possible.
- *
- * This flag must be used if a key without the public exponent |e| is used for
- * private key operations; avoid using such keys whenever possible. */
+// RSA_FLAG_NO_BLINDING disables blinding of private operations, which is a
+// dangerous thing to do. It is deprecated and should not be used. It will
+// be ignored whenever possible.
+// This flag must be used if a key without the public exponent |e| is used for
+// private key operations; avoid using such keys whenever possible.
-/* RSA_FLAG_EXT_PKEY is deprecated and ignored. */
+// RSA_FLAG_EXT_PKEY is deprecated and ignored.
 #define RSA_FLAG_EXT_PKEY 0x20
-/* RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER causes the |sign| and |verify| functions of |rsa_meth_st|
- * to be called when set. */
+// RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER causes the |sign| and |verify| functions of |rsa_meth_st|
+// to be called when set.
 #define RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER 0x40
-/* RSA public exponent values. */
+// RSA public exponent values.
 #define RSA_3 0x3
 #define RSA_F4 0x10001
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* RSA_blinding_on returns one. */
+// RSA_blinding_on returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_blinding_on(RSA *rsa, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* RSA_generate_key behaves like |RSA_generate_key_ex|, which is what you
- * should use instead. It returns NULL on error, or a newly-allocated |RSA| on
- * success. This function is provided for compatibility only. The |callback|
- * and |cb_arg| parameters must be NULL. */
+// RSA_generate_key behaves like |RSA_generate_key_ex|, which is what you
+// should use instead. It returns NULL on error, or a newly-allocated |RSA| on
+// success. This function is provided for compatibility only. The |callback|
+// and |cb_arg| parameters must be NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *RSA_generate_key(int bits, unsigned long e, void *callback,
                                      void *cb_arg);
-/* d2i_RSAPublicKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, RSA public key from |len|
- * bytes at |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
- * is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it
- * will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |RSA| is allocated and the previous
- * one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure.
- * It returns the result or NULL on error. */
+// d2i_RSAPublicKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, RSA public key from |len|
+// bytes at |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
+// is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it
+// will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |RSA| is allocated and the previous
+// one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure.
+// It returns the result or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *d2i_RSAPublicKey(RSA **out, const uint8_t **inp, long len);
-/* i2d_RSAPublicKey marshals |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure. If |outp| is not
- * NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past
- * the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or
- * not, or a negative value on error. */
+// i2d_RSAPublicKey marshals |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure. If |outp| is not
+// NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past
+// the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or
+// not, or a negative value on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_RSAPublicKey(const RSA *in, uint8_t **outp);
-/* d2i_RSAPrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, RSA private key from |len|
- * bytes at |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
- * is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it
- * will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |RSA| is allocated and the previous
- * one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure.
- * It returns the result or NULL on error. */
+// d2i_RSAPrivateKey parses an ASN.1, DER-encoded, RSA private key from |len|
+// bytes at |*inp|. If |out| is not NULL then, on exit, a pointer to the result
+// is in |*out|. Note that, even if |*out| is already non-NULL on entry, it
+// will not be written to. Rather, a fresh |RSA| is allocated and the previous
+// one is freed. On successful exit, |*inp| is advanced past the DER structure.
+// It returns the result or NULL on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT RSA *d2i_RSAPrivateKey(RSA **out, const uint8_t **inp, long len);
-/* i2d_RSAPrivateKey marshals |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure. If |outp| is not
- * NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past
- * the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or
- * not, or a negative value on error. */
+// i2d_RSAPrivateKey marshals |in| to an ASN.1, DER structure. If |outp| is not
+// NULL then the result is written to |*outp| and |*outp| is advanced just past
+// the output. It returns the number of bytes in the result, whether written or
+// not, or a negative value on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_RSAPrivateKey(const RSA *in, uint8_t **outp);
-/* RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS acts like |RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1| but the
- * |mgf1Hash| parameter of the latter is implicitly set to |Hash|.
- *
- * This function implements only the low-level padding logic. Use
- * |RSA_sign_pss_mgf1| instead. */
+// RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS acts like |RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1| but the
+// |mgf1Hash| parameter of the latter is implicitly set to |Hash|.
+// This function implements only the low-level padding logic. Use
+// |RSA_sign_pss_mgf1| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_PSS(RSA *rsa, uint8_t *EM,
                                              const uint8_t *mHash,
                                              const EVP_MD *Hash, int sLen);
-/* RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS acts like |RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1| but the
- * |mgf1Hash| parameter of the latter is implicitly set to |Hash|.
- *
- * This function implements only the low-level padding logic. Use
- * |RSA_verify_pss_mgf1| instead. */
+// RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS acts like |RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS_mgf1| but the
+// |mgf1Hash| parameter of the latter is implicitly set to |Hash|.
+// This function implements only the low-level padding logic. Use
+// |RSA_verify_pss_mgf1| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_verify_PKCS1_PSS(RSA *rsa, const uint8_t *mHash,
                                         const EVP_MD *Hash, const uint8_t *EM,
                                         int sLen);
-/* RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP acts like |RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1| but
- * the |md| and |mgf1md| parameters of the latter are implicitly set to NULL,
- * which means SHA-1. */
+// RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP acts like |RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1| but
+// the |md| and |mgf1md| parameters of the latter are implicitly set to NULL,
+// which means SHA-1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_OAEP(uint8_t *to, size_t to_len,
                                               const uint8_t *from,
                                               size_t from_len,
@@ -571,37 +571,37 @@
   int (*init)(RSA *rsa);
   int (*finish)(RSA *rsa);
-  /* size returns the size of the RSA modulus in bytes. */
+  // size returns the size of the RSA modulus in bytes.
   size_t (*size)(const RSA *rsa);
   int (*sign)(int type, const uint8_t *m, unsigned int m_length,
               uint8_t *sigret, unsigned int *siglen, const RSA *rsa);
-  /* Ignored. Set this to NULL.
-   * TODO(davidben): Remove this when
-   * https://github.com/google/conscrypt/commit/bb0571e358e95e1c70ac7a6984fc4d7236cac72f
-   * is in all BoringSSL consumers. */
+  // Ignored. Set this to NULL.
+  // TODO(davidben): Remove this when
+  // https://github.com/google/conscrypt/commit/bb0571e358e95e1c70ac7a6984fc4d7236cac72f
+  // is in all BoringSSL consumers.
   int (*encrypt)(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
                  const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding);
-  /* These functions mirror the |RSA_*| functions of the same name. */
+  // These functions mirror the |RSA_*| functions of the same name.
   int (*sign_raw)(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
                   const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding);
   int (*decrypt)(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
                  const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding);
-  /* private_transform takes a big-endian integer from |in|, calculates the
-   * d'th power of it, modulo the RSA modulus and writes the result as a
-   * big-endian integer to |out|. Both |in| and |out| are |len| bytes long and
-   * |len| is always equal to |RSA_size(rsa)|. If the result of the transform
-   * can be represented in fewer than |len| bytes, then |out| must be zero
-   * padded on the left.
-   *
-   * It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
-   *
-   * RSA decrypt and sign operations will call this, thus an ENGINE might wish
-   * to override it in order to avoid having to implement the padding
-   * functionality demanded by those, higher level, operations. */
+  // private_transform takes a big-endian integer from |in|, calculates the
+  // d'th power of it, modulo the RSA modulus and writes the result as a
+  // big-endian integer to |out|. Both |in| and |out| are |len| bytes long and
+  // |len| is always equal to |RSA_size(rsa)|. If the result of the transform
+  // can be represented in fewer than |len| bytes, then |out| must be zero
+  // padded on the left.
+  //
+  // It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
+  //
+  // RSA decrypt and sign operations will call this, thus an ENGINE might wish
+  // to override it in order to avoid having to implement the padding
+  // functionality demanded by those, higher level, operations.
   int (*private_transform)(RSA *rsa, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in,
                            size_t len);
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
-/* Private functions. */
+// Private functions.
 typedef struct bn_blinding_st BN_BLINDING;
@@ -625,33 +625,33 @@
   BIGNUM *dmq1;
   BIGNUM *iqmp;
-  /* be careful using this if the RSA structure is shared */
+  // be careful using this if the RSA structure is shared
   CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;
   CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
   int flags;
-  /* Used to cache montgomery values. The creation of these values is protected
-   * by |lock|. */
+  // Used to cache montgomery values. The creation of these values is protected
+  // by |lock|.
   BN_MONT_CTX *mont_n;
   BN_MONT_CTX *mont_p;
   BN_MONT_CTX *mont_q;
-  /* num_blindings contains the size of the |blindings| and |blindings_inuse|
-   * arrays. This member and the |blindings_inuse| array are protected by
-   * |lock|. */
+  // num_blindings contains the size of the |blindings| and |blindings_inuse|
+  // arrays. This member and the |blindings_inuse| array are protected by
+  // |lock|.
   unsigned num_blindings;
-  /* blindings is an array of BN_BLINDING structures that can be reserved by a
-   * thread by locking |lock| and changing the corresponding element in
-   * |blindings_inuse| from 0 to 1. */
+  // blindings is an array of BN_BLINDING structures that can be reserved by a
+  // thread by locking |lock| and changing the corresponding element in
+  // |blindings_inuse| from 0 to 1.
   BN_BLINDING **blindings;
   unsigned char *blindings_inuse;
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 extern "C++" {
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
@@ -713,4 +713,4 @@
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_RSA_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/sha.h b/src/include/openssl/sha.h
index 7c31097..fc4644b 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/sha.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/sha.h
@@ -64,42 +64,42 @@
-/* The SHA family of hash functions (SHA-1 and SHA-2). */
+// The SHA family of hash functions (SHA-1 and SHA-2).
-/* SHA_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-1. */
+// SHA_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-1.
 #define SHA_CBLOCK 64
-/* SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-1 digest. */
+// SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-1 digest.
-/* SHA1_Init initialises |sha| and returns one. */
+// SHA1_Init initialises |sha| and returns one.
-/* SHA1_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns one. */
+// SHA1_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA1_Update(SHA_CTX *sha, const void *data, size_t len);
-/* SHA1_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
- * to |md|, which must have at least |SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
- * returns one. */
+// SHA1_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
+// to |md|, which must have at least |SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
+// returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA1_Final(uint8_t *md, SHA_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA1 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
- * |out|. There must be at least |SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
- * |out|. */
+// SHA1 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
+// |out|. There must be at least |SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
+// |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *SHA1(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t *out);
-/* SHA1_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, SHA-1 block
- * transformation using the state from |sha| and |SHA_CBLOCK| bytes from
- * |block|. */
+// SHA1_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, SHA-1 block
+// transformation using the state from |sha| and |SHA_CBLOCK| bytes from
+// |block|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SHA1_Transform(SHA_CTX *sha, const uint8_t *block);
 struct sha_state_st {
 #if defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
   uint32_t h[5];
-  /* wpa_supplicant accesses |h0|..|h4| so we must support those names
-   * for compatibility with it until it can be updated. */
+  // wpa_supplicant accesses |h0|..|h4| so we must support those names
+  // for compatibility with it until it can be updated.
   union {
     uint32_t h[5];
     struct {
@@ -117,58 +117,58 @@
-/* SHA-224. */
+// SHA-224.
-/* SHA224_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-224. */
+// SHA224_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-224.
 #define SHA224_CBLOCK 64
-/* SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-224 digest. */
+// SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-224 digest.
 #define SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH 28
-/* SHA224_Init initialises |sha| and returns 1. */
+// SHA224_Init initialises |sha| and returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA224_Init(SHA256_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA224_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns 1. */
+// SHA224_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA224_Update(SHA256_CTX *sha, const void *data, size_t len);
-/* SHA224_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
- * to |md|, which must have at least |SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
- * returns one on success and zero on programmer error. */
+// SHA224_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
+// to |md|, which must have at least |SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
+// returns one on success and zero on programmer error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA224_Final(uint8_t *md, SHA256_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA224 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
- * |out|. There must be at least |SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
- * |out|. */
+// SHA224 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
+// |out|. There must be at least |SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
+// |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *SHA224(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t *out);
-/* SHA-256. */
+// SHA-256.
-/* SHA256_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-256. */
+// SHA256_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-256.
 #define SHA256_CBLOCK 64
-/* SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-256 digest. */
+// SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-256 digest.
 #define SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH 32
-/* SHA256_Init initialises |sha| and returns 1. */
+// SHA256_Init initialises |sha| and returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA256_Init(SHA256_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA256_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns 1. */
+// SHA256_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA256_Update(SHA256_CTX *sha, const void *data, size_t len);
-/* SHA256_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
- * to |md|, which must have at least |SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
- * returns one on success and zero on programmer error. */
+// SHA256_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
+// to |md|, which must have at least |SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
+// returns one on success and zero on programmer error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA256_Final(uint8_t *md, SHA256_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA256 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
- * |out|. There must be at least |SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
- * |out|. */
+// SHA256 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
+// |out|. There must be at least |SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
+// |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *SHA256(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t *out);
-/* SHA256_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, SHA-256
- * block transformation using the state from |sha| and |SHA256_CBLOCK| bytes
- * from |block|. */
+// SHA256_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, SHA-256
+// block transformation using the state from |sha| and |SHA256_CBLOCK| bytes
+// from |block|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SHA256_Transform(SHA256_CTX *sha, const uint8_t *block);
 struct sha256_state_st {
@@ -179,63 +179,63 @@
-/* SHA-384. */
+// SHA-384.
-/* SHA384_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-384. */
+// SHA384_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-384.
 #define SHA384_CBLOCK 128
-/* SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-384 digest. */
+// SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-384 digest.
 #define SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH 48
-/* SHA384_Init initialises |sha| and returns 1. */
+// SHA384_Init initialises |sha| and returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA384_Init(SHA512_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA384_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns 1. */
+// SHA384_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA384_Update(SHA512_CTX *sha, const void *data, size_t len);
-/* SHA384_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
- * to |md|, which must have at least |SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
- * returns one on success and zero on programmer error. */
+// SHA384_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
+// to |md|, which must have at least |SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
+// returns one on success and zero on programmer error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA384_Final(uint8_t *md, SHA512_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA384 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
- * |out|. There must be at least |SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
- * |out|. */
+// SHA384 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
+// |out|. There must be at least |SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
+// |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *SHA384(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t *out);
-/* SHA384_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, SHA-384
- * block transformation using the state from |sha| and |SHA384_CBLOCK| bytes
- * from |block|. */
+// SHA384_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, SHA-384
+// block transformation using the state from |sha| and |SHA384_CBLOCK| bytes
+// from |block|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SHA384_Transform(SHA512_CTX *sha, const uint8_t *block);
-/* SHA-512. */
+// SHA-512.
-/* SHA512_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-512. */
+// SHA512_CBLOCK is the block size of SHA-512.
 #define SHA512_CBLOCK 128
-/* SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-512 digest. */
+// SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH is the length of a SHA-512 digest.
 #define SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH 64
-/* SHA512_Init initialises |sha| and returns 1. */
+// SHA512_Init initialises |sha| and returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA512_Init(SHA512_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA512_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns 1. */
+// SHA512_Update adds |len| bytes from |data| to |sha| and returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA512_Update(SHA512_CTX *sha, const void *data, size_t len);
-/* SHA512_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
- * to |md|, which must have at least |SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
- * returns one on success and zero on programmer error. */
+// SHA512_Final adds the final padding to |sha| and writes the resulting digest
+// to |md|, which must have at least |SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space. It
+// returns one on success and zero on programmer error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SHA512_Final(uint8_t *md, SHA512_CTX *sha);
-/* SHA512 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
- * |out|. There must be at least |SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
- * |out|. */
+// SHA512 writes the digest of |len| bytes from |data| to |out| and returns
+// |out|. There must be at least |SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH| bytes of space in
+// |out|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t *SHA512(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t *out);
-/* SHA512_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, SHA-512
- * block transformation using the state from |sha| and |SHA512_CBLOCK| bytes
- * from |block|. */
+// SHA512_Transform is a low-level function that performs a single, SHA-512
+// block transformation using the state from |sha| and |SHA512_CBLOCK| bytes
+// from |block|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SHA512_Transform(SHA512_CTX *sha, const uint8_t *block);
 struct sha512_state_st {
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_SHA_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/span.h b/src/include/openssl/span.h
index 4c09159..08c4518 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/span.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/span.h
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@
 namespace internal {
 template <typename T>
 class SpanBase {
-  /* Put comparison operator implementations into a base class with const T, so
-   * they can be used with any type that implicitly converts into a Span. */
+  // Put comparison operator implementations into a base class with const T, so
+  // they can be used with any type that implicitly converts into a Span.
                 "Span<T> must be derived from SpanBase<const T>");
   friend bool operator==(Span<T> lhs, Span<T> rhs) {
-    /* MSVC issues warning C4996 because std::equal is unsafe. The pragma to
-     * suppress the warning mysteriously has no effect, hence this
-     * implementation. See
-     * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa985974.aspx. */
+    // MSVC issues warning C4996 because std::equal is unsafe. The pragma to
+    // suppress the warning mysteriously has no effect, hence this
+    // implementation. See
+    // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa985974.aspx.
     if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) {
       return false;
@@ -58,37 +58,37 @@
 }  // namespace internal
-/* A Span<T> is a non-owning reference to a contiguous array of objects of type
- * |T|. Conceptually, a Span is a simple a pointer to |T| and a count of
- * elements accessible via that pointer. The elements referenced by the Span can
- * be mutated if |T| is mutable.
- *
- * A Span can be constructed from container types implementing |data()| and
- * |size()| methods. If |T| is constant, construction from a container type is
- * implicit. This allows writing methods that accept data from some unspecified
- * container type:
- *
- * // Foo views data referenced by v.
- * void Foo(bssl::Span<const uint8_t> v) { ... }
- *
- * std::vector<uint8_t> vec;
- * Foo(vec);
- *
- * For mutable Spans, conversion is explicit:
- *
- * // FooMutate mutates data referenced by v.
- * void FooMutate(bssl::Span<uint8_t> v) { ... }
- *
- * FooMutate(bssl::Span<uint8_t>(vec));
- *
- * You can also use the |MakeSpan| and |MakeConstSpan| factory methods to
- * construct Spans in order to deduce the type of the Span automatically.
- *
- * FooMutate(bssl::MakeSpan(vec));
- *
- * Note that Spans have value type sematics. They are cheap to construct and
- * copy, and should be passed by value whenever a method would otherwise accept
- * a reference or pointer to a container or array. */
+// A Span<T> is a non-owning reference to a contiguous array of objects of type
+// |T|. Conceptually, a Span is a simple a pointer to |T| and a count of
+// elements accessible via that pointer. The elements referenced by the Span can
+// be mutated if |T| is mutable.
+// A Span can be constructed from container types implementing |data()| and
+// |size()| methods. If |T| is constant, construction from a container type is
+// implicit. This allows writing methods that accept data from some unspecified
+// container type:
+// // Foo views data referenced by v.
+// void Foo(bssl::Span<const uint8_t> v) { ... }
+// std::vector<uint8_t> vec;
+// Foo(vec);
+// For mutable Spans, conversion is explicit:
+// // FooMutate mutates data referenced by v.
+// void FooMutate(bssl::Span<uint8_t> v) { ... }
+// FooMutate(bssl::Span<uint8_t>(vec));
+// You can also use the |MakeSpan| and |MakeConstSpan| factory methods to
+// construct Spans in order to deduce the type of the Span automatically.
+// FooMutate(bssl::MakeSpan(vec));
+// Note that Spans have value type sematics. They are cheap to construct and
+// copy, and should be passed by value whenever a method would otherwise accept
+// a reference or pointer to a container or array.
 template <typename T>
 class Span : private internal::SpanBase<const T> {
@@ -160,4 +160,4 @@
 #endif  // !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ssl.h b/src/include/openssl/ssl.h
index 63651b5..016c83c 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ssl.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ssl.h
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@
 #include <sys/time.h>
-/* Forward-declare struct timeval. On Windows, it is defined in winsock2.h and
- * Windows headers define too many macros to be included in public headers.
- * However, only a forward declaration is needed. */
+// Forward-declare struct timeval. On Windows, it is defined in winsock2.h and
+// Windows headers define too many macros to be included in public headers.
+// However, only a forward declaration is needed.
 struct timeval;
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
@@ -169,412 +169,412 @@
-/* SSL implementation. */
+// SSL implementation.
-/* SSL contexts.
- *
- * |SSL_CTX| objects manage shared state and configuration between multiple TLS
- * or DTLS connections. Whether the connections are TLS or DTLS is selected by
- * an |SSL_METHOD| on creation.
- *
- * |SSL_CTX| are reference-counted and may be shared by connections across
- * multiple threads. Once shared, functions which change the |SSL_CTX|'s
- * configuration may not be used. */
+// SSL contexts.
+// |SSL_CTX| objects manage shared state and configuration between multiple TLS
+// or DTLS connections. Whether the connections are TLS or DTLS is selected by
+// an |SSL_METHOD| on creation.
+// |SSL_CTX| are reference-counted and may be shared by connections across
+// multiple threads. Once shared, functions which change the |SSL_CTX|'s
+// configuration may not be used.
-/* TLS_method is the |SSL_METHOD| used for TLS (and SSLv3) connections. */
+// TLS_method is the |SSL_METHOD| used for TLS (and SSLv3) connections.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLS_method(void);
-/* DTLS_method is the |SSL_METHOD| used for DTLS connections. */
+// DTLS_method is the |SSL_METHOD| used for DTLS connections.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLS_method(void);
-/* TLS_with_buffers_method is like |TLS_method|, but avoids all use of
- * crypto/x509. */
+// TLS_with_buffers_method is like |TLS_method|, but avoids all use of
+// crypto/x509.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLS_with_buffers_method(void);
-/* DTLS_with_buffers_method is like |DTLS_method|, but avoids all use of
- * crypto/x509. */
+// DTLS_with_buffers_method is like |DTLS_method|, but avoids all use of
+// crypto/x509.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLS_with_buffers_method(void);
-/* SSL_CTX_new returns a newly-allocated |SSL_CTX| with default settings or NULL
- * on error. */
+// SSL_CTX_new returns a newly-allocated |SSL_CTX| with default settings or NULL
+// on error.
-/* SSL_CTX_up_ref increments the reference count of |ctx|. It returns one. */
+// SSL_CTX_up_ref increments the reference count of |ctx|. It returns one.
-/* SSL_CTX_free releases memory associated with |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_free releases memory associated with |ctx|.
-/* SSL connections.
- *
- * An |SSL| object represents a single TLS or DTLS connection. Although the
- * shared |SSL_CTX| is thread-safe, an |SSL| is not thread-safe and may only be
- * used on one thread at a time. */
+// SSL connections.
+// An |SSL| object represents a single TLS or DTLS connection. Although the
+// shared |SSL_CTX| is thread-safe, an |SSL| is not thread-safe and may only be
+// used on one thread at a time.
-/* SSL_new returns a newly-allocated |SSL| using |ctx| or NULL on error. The new
- * connection inherits settings from |ctx| at the time of creation. Settings may
- * also be individually configured on the connection.
- *
- * On creation, an |SSL| is not configured to be either a client or server. Call
- * |SSL_set_connect_state| or |SSL_set_accept_state| to set this. */
+// SSL_new returns a newly-allocated |SSL| using |ctx| or NULL on error. The new
+// connection inherits settings from |ctx| at the time of creation. Settings may
+// also be individually configured on the connection.
+// On creation, an |SSL| is not configured to be either a client or server. Call
+// |SSL_set_connect_state| or |SSL_set_accept_state| to set this.
-/* SSL_free releases memory associated with |ssl|. */
+// SSL_free releases memory associated with |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_free(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_SSL_CTX returns the |SSL_CTX| associated with |ssl|. If
- * |SSL_set_SSL_CTX| is called, it returns the new |SSL_CTX|, not the initial
- * one. */
+// SSL_get_SSL_CTX returns the |SSL_CTX| associated with |ssl|. If
+// |SSL_set_SSL_CTX| is called, it returns the new |SSL_CTX|, not the initial
+// one.
-/* SSL_set_connect_state configures |ssl| to be a client. */
+// SSL_set_connect_state configures |ssl| to be a client.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_connect_state(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_accept_state configures |ssl| to be a server. */
+// SSL_set_accept_state configures |ssl| to be a server.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_accept_state(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_is_server returns one if |ssl| is configured as a server and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// SSL_is_server returns one if |ssl| is configured as a server and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_is_server(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_is_dtls returns one if |ssl| is a DTLS connection and zero otherwise. */
+// SSL_is_dtls returns one if |ssl| is a DTLS connection and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_is_dtls(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_bio configures |ssl| to read from |rbio| and write to |wbio|. |ssl|
- * takes ownership of the two |BIO|s. If |rbio| and |wbio| are the same, |ssl|
- * only takes ownership of one reference.
- *
- * In DTLS, |rbio| must be non-blocking to properly handle timeouts and
- * retransmits.
- *
- * If |rbio| is the same as the currently configured |BIO| for reading, that
- * side is left untouched and is not freed.
- *
- * If |wbio| is the same as the currently configured |BIO| for writing AND |ssl|
- * is not currently configured to read from and write to the same |BIO|, that
- * side is left untouched and is not freed. This asymmetry is present for
- * historical reasons.
- *
- * Due to the very complex historical behavior of this function, calling this
- * function if |ssl| already has |BIO|s configured is deprecated. Prefer
- * |SSL_set0_rbio| and |SSL_set0_wbio| instead. */
+// SSL_set_bio configures |ssl| to read from |rbio| and write to |wbio|. |ssl|
+// takes ownership of the two |BIO|s. If |rbio| and |wbio| are the same, |ssl|
+// only takes ownership of one reference.
+// In DTLS, |rbio| must be non-blocking to properly handle timeouts and
+// retransmits.
+// If |rbio| is the same as the currently configured |BIO| for reading, that
+// side is left untouched and is not freed.
+// If |wbio| is the same as the currently configured |BIO| for writing AND |ssl|
+// is not currently configured to read from and write to the same |BIO|, that
+// side is left untouched and is not freed. This asymmetry is present for
+// historical reasons.
+// Due to the very complex historical behavior of this function, calling this
+// function if |ssl| already has |BIO|s configured is deprecated. Prefer
+// |SSL_set0_rbio| and |SSL_set0_wbio| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_bio(SSL *ssl, BIO *rbio, BIO *wbio);
-/* SSL_set0_rbio configures |ssl| to write to |rbio|. It takes ownership of
- * |rbio|.
- *
- * Note that, although this function and |SSL_set0_wbio| may be called on the
- * same |BIO|, each call takes a reference. Use |BIO_up_ref| to balance this. */
+// SSL_set0_rbio configures |ssl| to write to |rbio|. It takes ownership of
+// |rbio|.
+// Note that, although this function and |SSL_set0_wbio| may be called on the
+// same |BIO|, each call takes a reference. Use |BIO_up_ref| to balance this.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set0_rbio(SSL *ssl, BIO *rbio);
-/* SSL_set0_wbio configures |ssl| to write to |wbio|. It takes ownership of
- * |wbio|.
- *
- * Note that, although this function and |SSL_set0_rbio| may be called on the
- * same |BIO|, each call takes a reference. Use |BIO_up_ref| to balance this. */
+// SSL_set0_wbio configures |ssl| to write to |wbio|. It takes ownership of
+// |wbio|.
+// Note that, although this function and |SSL_set0_rbio| may be called on the
+// same |BIO|, each call takes a reference. Use |BIO_up_ref| to balance this.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set0_wbio(SSL *ssl, BIO *wbio);
-/* SSL_get_rbio returns the |BIO| that |ssl| reads from. */
+// SSL_get_rbio returns the |BIO| that |ssl| reads from.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *SSL_get_rbio(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_wbio returns the |BIO| that |ssl| writes to. */
+// SSL_get_wbio returns the |BIO| that |ssl| writes to.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT BIO *SSL_get_wbio(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_fd calls |SSL_get_rfd|. */
+// SSL_get_fd calls |SSL_get_rfd|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_fd(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_rfd returns the file descriptor that |ssl| is configured to read
- * from. If |ssl|'s read |BIO| is not configured or doesn't wrap a file
- * descriptor then it returns -1.
- *
- * Note: On Windows, this may return either a file descriptor or a socket (cast
- * to int), depending on whether |ssl| was configured with a file descriptor or
- * socket |BIO|. */
+// SSL_get_rfd returns the file descriptor that |ssl| is configured to read
+// from. If |ssl|'s read |BIO| is not configured or doesn't wrap a file
+// descriptor then it returns -1.
+// Note: On Windows, this may return either a file descriptor or a socket (cast
+// to int), depending on whether |ssl| was configured with a file descriptor or
+// socket |BIO|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_rfd(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_wfd returns the file descriptor that |ssl| is configured to write
- * to. If |ssl|'s write |BIO| is not configured or doesn't wrap a file
- * descriptor then it returns -1.
- *
- * Note: On Windows, this may return either a file descriptor or a socket (cast
- * to int), depending on whether |ssl| was configured with a file descriptor or
- * socket |BIO|. */
+// SSL_get_wfd returns the file descriptor that |ssl| is configured to write
+// to. If |ssl|'s write |BIO| is not configured or doesn't wrap a file
+// descriptor then it returns -1.
+// Note: On Windows, this may return either a file descriptor or a socket (cast
+// to int), depending on whether |ssl| was configured with a file descriptor or
+// socket |BIO|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_wfd(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_fd configures |ssl| to read from and write to |fd|. It returns one
- * on success and zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of
- * |fd|.
- *
- * On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs. */
+// SSL_set_fd configures |ssl| to read from and write to |fd|. It returns one
+// on success and zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of
+// |fd|.
+// On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_fd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
-/* SSL_set_rfd configures |ssl| to read from |fd|. It returns one on success and
- * zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of |fd|.
- *
- * On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs. */
+// SSL_set_rfd configures |ssl| to read from |fd|. It returns one on success and
+// zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of |fd|.
+// On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_rfd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
-/* SSL_set_wfd configures |ssl| to write to |fd|. It returns one on success and
- * zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of |fd|.
- *
- * On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs. */
+// SSL_set_wfd configures |ssl| to write to |fd|. It returns one on success and
+// zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of |fd|.
+// On Windows, |fd| is cast to a |SOCKET| and used with Winsock APIs.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_wfd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
-/* SSL_do_handshake continues the current handshake. If there is none or the
- * handshake has completed or False Started, it returns one. Otherwise, it
- * returns <= 0. The caller should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to
- * determine how to proceed.
- *
- * In DTLS, the caller must drive retransmissions. Whenever |SSL_get_error|
- * signals |SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ|, use |DTLSv1_get_timeout| to determine the
- * current timeout. If it expires before the next retry, call
- * |DTLSv1_handle_timeout|. Note that DTLS handshake retransmissions use fresh
- * sequence numbers, so it is not sufficient to replay packets at the transport.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
- * https://crbug.com/466303. */
+// SSL_do_handshake continues the current handshake. If there is none or the
+// handshake has completed or False Started, it returns one. Otherwise, it
+// returns <= 0. The caller should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to
+// determine how to proceed.
+// In DTLS, the caller must drive retransmissions. Whenever |SSL_get_error|
+// signals |SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ|, use |DTLSv1_get_timeout| to determine the
+// current timeout. If it expires before the next retry, call
+// |DTLSv1_handle_timeout|. Note that DTLS handshake retransmissions use fresh
+// sequence numbers, so it is not sufficient to replay packets at the transport.
+// TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
+// https://crbug.com/466303.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_do_handshake(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_connect configures |ssl| as a client, if unconfigured, and calls
- * |SSL_do_handshake|. */
+// SSL_connect configures |ssl| as a client, if unconfigured, and calls
+// |SSL_do_handshake|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_connect(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_accept configures |ssl| as a server, if unconfigured, and calls
- * |SSL_do_handshake|. */
+// SSL_accept configures |ssl| as a server, if unconfigured, and calls
+// |SSL_do_handshake|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_accept(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_read reads up to |num| bytes from |ssl| into |buf|. It implicitly runs
- * any pending handshakes, including renegotiations when enabled. On success, it
- * returns the number of bytes read. Otherwise, it returns <= 0. The caller
- * should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
- * https://crbug.com/466303. */
+// SSL_read reads up to |num| bytes from |ssl| into |buf|. It implicitly runs
+// any pending handshakes, including renegotiations when enabled. On success, it
+// returns the number of bytes read. Otherwise, it returns <= 0. The caller
+// should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed.
+// TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
+// https://crbug.com/466303.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_read(SSL *ssl, void *buf, int num);
-/* SSL_peek behaves like |SSL_read| but does not consume any bytes returned. */
+// SSL_peek behaves like |SSL_read| but does not consume any bytes returned.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_peek(SSL *ssl, void *buf, int num);
-/* SSL_pending returns the number of bytes available in |ssl|. It does not read
- * from the transport. */
+// SSL_pending returns the number of bytes available in |ssl|. It does not read
+// from the transport.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_pending(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_write writes up to |num| bytes from |buf| into |ssl|. It implicitly runs
- * any pending handshakes, including renegotiations when enabled. On success, it
- * returns the number of bytes written. Otherwise, it returns <= 0. The caller
- * should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed.
- *
- * In TLS, a non-blocking |SSL_write| differs from non-blocking |write| in that
- * a failed |SSL_write| still commits to the data passed in. When retrying, the
- * caller must supply the original write buffer (or a larger one containing the
- * original as a prefix). By default, retries will fail if they also do not
- * reuse the same |buf| pointer. This may be relaxed with
- * |SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER|, but the buffer contents still must be
- * unchanged.
- *
- * By default, in TLS, |SSL_write| will not return success until all |num| bytes
- * are written. This may be relaxed with |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE|. It
- * allows |SSL_write| to complete with a partial result when only part of the
- * input was written in a single record.
- *
- * |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE| do anything. The caller may retry with a
- * different buffer freely. A single call to |SSL_write| only ever writes a
- * single record in a single packet, so |num| must be at most
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
- * https://crbug.com/466303. */
+// SSL_write writes up to |num| bytes from |buf| into |ssl|. It implicitly runs
+// any pending handshakes, including renegotiations when enabled. On success, it
+// returns the number of bytes written. Otherwise, it returns <= 0. The caller
+// should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed.
+// In TLS, a non-blocking |SSL_write| differs from non-blocking |write| in that
+// a failed |SSL_write| still commits to the data passed in. When retrying, the
+// caller must supply the original write buffer (or a larger one containing the
+// original as a prefix). By default, retries will fail if they also do not
+// reuse the same |buf| pointer. This may be relaxed with
+// |SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER|, but the buffer contents still must be
+// unchanged.
+// By default, in TLS, |SSL_write| will not return success until all |num| bytes
+// are written. This may be relaxed with |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE|. It
+// allows |SSL_write| to complete with a partial result when only part of the
+// input was written in a single record.
+// |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE| do anything. The caller may retry with a
+// different buffer freely. A single call to |SSL_write| only ever writes a
+// single record in a single packet, so |num| must be at most
+// TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
+// https://crbug.com/466303.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_write(SSL *ssl, const void *buf, int num);
-/* SSL_shutdown shuts down |ssl|. On success, it completes in two stages. First,
- * it returns 0 if |ssl| completed uni-directional shutdown; close_notify has
- * been sent, but the peer's close_notify has not been received. Most callers
- * may stop at this point. For bi-directional shutdown, call |SSL_shutdown|
- * again. It returns 1 if close_notify has been both sent and received.
- *
- * If the peer's close_notify arrived first, the first stage is skipped.
- * |SSL_shutdown| will return 1 once close_notify is sent and skip 0. Callers
- * only interested in uni-directional shutdown must therefore allow for the
- * first stage returning either 0 or 1.
- *
- * |SSL_shutdown| returns -1 on failure. The caller should pass the return value
- * into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed. If the underlying |BIO| is
- * non-blocking, both stages may require retry. */
+// SSL_shutdown shuts down |ssl|. On success, it completes in two stages. First,
+// it returns 0 if |ssl| completed uni-directional shutdown; close_notify has
+// been sent, but the peer's close_notify has not been received. Most callers
+// may stop at this point. For bi-directional shutdown, call |SSL_shutdown|
+// again. It returns 1 if close_notify has been both sent and received.
+// If the peer's close_notify arrived first, the first stage is skipped.
+// |SSL_shutdown| will return 1 once close_notify is sent and skip 0. Callers
+// only interested in uni-directional shutdown must therefore allow for the
+// first stage returning either 0 or 1.
+// |SSL_shutdown| returns -1 on failure. The caller should pass the return value
+// into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed. If the underlying |BIO| is
+// non-blocking, both stages may require retry.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_shutdown(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown sets quiet shutdown on |ctx| to |mode|. If
- * enabled, |SSL_shutdown| will not send a close_notify alert or wait for one
- * from the peer. It will instead synchronously return one. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown sets quiet shutdown on |ctx| to |mode|. If
+// enabled, |SSL_shutdown| will not send a close_notify alert or wait for one
+// from the peer. It will instead synchronously return one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown returns whether quiet shutdown is enabled for
- * |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown returns whether quiet shutdown is enabled for
+// |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_set_quiet_shutdown sets quiet shutdown on |ssl| to |mode|. If enabled,
- * |SSL_shutdown| will not send a close_notify alert or wait for one from the
- * peer. It will instead synchronously return one. */
+// SSL_set_quiet_shutdown sets quiet shutdown on |ssl| to |mode|. If enabled,
+// |SSL_shutdown| will not send a close_notify alert or wait for one from the
+// peer. It will instead synchronously return one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_quiet_shutdown(SSL *ssl, int mode);
-/* SSL_get_quiet_shutdown returns whether quiet shutdown is enabled for
- * |ssl|. */
+// SSL_get_quiet_shutdown returns whether quiet shutdown is enabled for
+// |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_quiet_shutdown(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_error returns a |SSL_ERROR_*| value for the most recent operation on
- * |ssl|. It should be called after an operation failed to determine whether the
- * error was fatal and, if not, when to retry. */
+// SSL_get_error returns a |SSL_ERROR_*| value for the most recent operation on
+// |ssl|. It should be called after an operation failed to determine whether the
+// error was fatal and, if not, when to retry.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_error(const SSL *ssl, int ret_code);
-/* SSL_ERROR_NONE indicates the operation succeeded. */
+// SSL_ERROR_NONE indicates the operation succeeded.
 #define SSL_ERROR_NONE 0
-/* SSL_ERROR_SSL indicates the operation failed within the library. The caller
- * may inspect the error queue for more information. */
+// SSL_ERROR_SSL indicates the operation failed within the library. The caller
+// may inspect the error queue for more information.
 #define SSL_ERROR_SSL 1
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ indicates the operation failed attempting to read from
- * the transport. The caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready
- * for reading.
- *
- * If signaled by a DTLS handshake, the caller must also call
- * |DTLSv1_get_timeout| and |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| as appropriate. See
- * |SSL_do_handshake|. */
+// SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ indicates the operation failed attempting to read from
+// the transport. The caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready
+// for reading.
+// If signaled by a DTLS handshake, the caller must also call
+// |DTLSv1_get_timeout| and |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| as appropriate. See
+// |SSL_do_handshake|.
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE indicates the operation failed attempting to write to
- * the transport. The caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready
- * for writing. */
+// SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE indicates the operation failed attempting to write to
+// the transport. The caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready
+// for writing.
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP indicates the operation failed in calling the
- * |cert_cb| or |client_cert_cb|. The caller may retry the operation when the
- * callback is ready to return a certificate or one has been configured
- * externally.
- *
- * See also |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb|. */
+// SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP indicates the operation failed in calling the
+// |cert_cb| or |client_cert_cb|. The caller may retry the operation when the
+// callback is ready to return a certificate or one has been configured
+// externally.
+// See also |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb|.
-/* SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL indicates the operation failed externally to the library.
- * The caller should consult the system-specific error mechanism. This is
- * typically |errno| but may be something custom if using a custom |BIO|. It
- * may also be signaled if the transport returned EOF, in which case the
- * operation's return value will be zero. */
+// SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL indicates the operation failed externally to the library.
+// The caller should consult the system-specific error mechanism. This is
+// typically |errno| but may be something custom if using a custom |BIO|. It
+// may also be signaled if the transport returned EOF, in which case the
+// operation's return value will be zero.
-/* SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN indicates the operation failed because the connection
- * was cleanly shut down with a close_notify alert. */
+// SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN indicates the operation failed because the connection
+// was cleanly shut down with a close_notify alert.
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT indicates the operation failed attempting to connect
- * the transport (the |BIO| signaled |BIO_RR_CONNECT|). The caller may retry the
- * operation when the transport is ready. */
+// SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT indicates the operation failed attempting to connect
+// the transport (the |BIO| signaled |BIO_RR_CONNECT|). The caller may retry the
+// operation when the transport is ready.
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT indicates the operation failed attempting to accept a
- * connection from the transport (the |BIO| signaled |BIO_RR_ACCEPT|). The
- * caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Remove this. It's used by accept BIOs which are bizarre. */
+// SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT indicates the operation failed attempting to accept a
+// connection from the transport (the |BIO| signaled |BIO_RR_ACCEPT|). The
+// caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready.
+// TODO(davidben): Remove this. It's used by accept BIOs which are bizarre.
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_CHANNEL_ID_LOOKUP indicates the operation failed looking up
- * the Channel ID key. The caller may retry the operation when |channel_id_cb|
- * is ready to return a key or one has been configured with
- * |SSL_set1_tls_channel_id|.
- *
- * See also |SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb|. */
+// SSL_ERROR_WANT_CHANNEL_ID_LOOKUP indicates the operation failed looking up
+// the Channel ID key. The caller may retry the operation when |channel_id_cb|
+// is ready to return a key or one has been configured with
+// |SSL_set1_tls_channel_id|.
+// See also |SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb|.
-/* SSL_ERROR_PENDING_SESSION indicates the operation failed because the session
- * lookup callback indicated the session was unavailable. The caller may retry
- * the operation when lookup has completed.
- *
- * See also |SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb| and |SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr|. */
+// SSL_ERROR_PENDING_SESSION indicates the operation failed because the session
+// lookup callback indicated the session was unavailable. The caller may retry
+// the operation when lookup has completed.
+// See also |SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb| and |SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr|.
-/* SSL_ERROR_PENDING_CERTIFICATE indicates the operation failed because the
- * early callback indicated certificate lookup was incomplete. The caller may
- * retry the operation when lookup has completed.
- *
- * See also |SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb|. */
+// SSL_ERROR_PENDING_CERTIFICATE indicates the operation failed because the
+// early callback indicated certificate lookup was incomplete. The caller may
+// retry the operation when lookup has completed.
+// See also |SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb|.
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_PRIVATE_KEY_OPERATION indicates the operation failed because
- * a private key operation was unfinished. The caller may retry the operation
- * when the private key operation is complete.
- *
- * See also |SSL_set_private_key_method| and
- * |SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method|. */
+// SSL_ERROR_WANT_PRIVATE_KEY_OPERATION indicates the operation failed because
+// a private key operation was unfinished. The caller may retry the operation
+// when the private key operation is complete.
+// See also |SSL_set_private_key_method| and
+// |SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method|.
-/* SSL_ERROR_PENDING_TICKET indicates that a ticket decryption is pending. The
- * caller may retry the operation when the decryption is ready.
- *
- * See also |SSL_CTX_set_ticket_aead_method|. */
+// SSL_ERROR_PENDING_TICKET indicates that a ticket decryption is pending. The
+// caller may retry the operation when the decryption is ready.
+// See also |SSL_CTX_set_ticket_aead_method|.
-/* SSL_ERROR_EARLY_DATA_REJECTED indicates that early data was rejected. The
- * caller should treat this as a connection failure and retry any operations
- * associated with the rejected early data. |SSL_reset_early_data_reject| may be
- * used to reuse the underlying connection for the retry. */
+// SSL_ERROR_EARLY_DATA_REJECTED indicates that early data was rejected. The
+// caller should treat this as a connection failure and retry any operations
+// associated with the rejected early data. |SSL_reset_early_data_reject| may be
+// used to reuse the underlying connection for the retry.
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY indicates the operation failed because
- * certificate verification was incomplete. The caller may retry the operation
- * when certificate verification is complete.
- *
- * See also |SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify|. */
+// SSL_ERROR_WANT_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY indicates the operation failed because
+// certificate verification was incomplete. The caller may retry the operation
+// when certificate verification is complete.
+// See also |SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify|.
-/* SSL_set_mtu sets the |ssl|'s MTU in DTLS to |mtu|. It returns one on success
- * and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_set_mtu sets the |ssl|'s MTU in DTLS to |mtu|. It returns one on success
+// and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_mtu(SSL *ssl, unsigned mtu);
-/* DTLSv1_set_initial_timeout_duration sets the initial duration for a DTLS
- * handshake timeout.
- *
- * This duration overrides the default of 1 second, which is the strong
- * recommendation of RFC 6347 (see section However, there may exist
- * situations where a shorter timeout would be beneficial, such as for
- * time-sensitive applications. */
+// DTLSv1_set_initial_timeout_duration sets the initial duration for a DTLS
+// handshake timeout.
+// This duration overrides the default of 1 second, which is the strong
+// recommendation of RFC 6347 (see section However, there may exist
+// situations where a shorter timeout would be beneficial, such as for
+// time-sensitive applications.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DTLSv1_set_initial_timeout_duration(SSL *ssl,
                                                         unsigned duration_ms);
-/* DTLSv1_get_timeout queries the next DTLS handshake timeout. If there is a
- * timeout in progress, it sets |*out| to the time remaining and returns one.
- * Otherwise, it returns zero.
- *
- * When the timeout expires, call |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| to handle the
- * retransmit behavior.
- *
- * NOTE: This function must be queried again whenever the handshake state
- * machine changes, including when |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| is called. */
+// DTLSv1_get_timeout queries the next DTLS handshake timeout. If there is a
+// timeout in progress, it sets |*out| to the time remaining and returns one.
+// Otherwise, it returns zero.
+// When the timeout expires, call |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| to handle the
+// retransmit behavior.
+// NOTE: This function must be queried again whenever the handshake state
+// machine changes, including when |DTLSv1_handle_timeout| is called.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DTLSv1_get_timeout(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out);
-/* DTLSv1_handle_timeout is called when a DTLS handshake timeout expires. If no
- * timeout had expired, it returns 0. Otherwise, it retransmits the previous
- * flight of handshake messages and returns 1. If too many timeouts had expired
- * without progress or an error occurs, it returns -1.
- *
- * The caller's external timer should be compatible with the one |ssl| queries
- * within some fudge factor. Otherwise, the call will be a no-op, but
- * |DTLSv1_get_timeout| will return an updated timeout.
- *
- * If the function returns -1, checking if |SSL_get_error| returns
- * |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE| may be used to determine if the retransmit failed due
- * to a non-fatal error at the write |BIO|. However, the operation may not be
- * retried until the next timeout fires.
- *
- * WARNING: This function breaks the usual return value convention.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): This |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE| behavior is kind of bizarre. */
+// DTLSv1_handle_timeout is called when a DTLS handshake timeout expires. If no
+// timeout had expired, it returns 0. Otherwise, it retransmits the previous
+// flight of handshake messages and returns 1. If too many timeouts had expired
+// without progress or an error occurs, it returns -1.
+// The caller's external timer should be compatible with the one |ssl| queries
+// within some fudge factor. Otherwise, the call will be a no-op, but
+// |DTLSv1_get_timeout| will return an updated timeout.
+// If the function returns -1, checking if |SSL_get_error| returns
+// |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE| may be used to determine if the retransmit failed due
+// to a non-fatal error at the write |BIO|. However, the operation may not be
+// retried until the next timeout fires.
+// WARNING: This function breaks the usual return value convention.
+// TODO(davidben): This |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE| behavior is kind of bizarre.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DTLSv1_handle_timeout(SSL *ssl);
-/* Protocol versions. */
+// Protocol versions.
 #define DTLS1_VERSION_MAJOR 0xfe
 #define SSL3_VERSION_MAJOR 0x03
@@ -592,53 +592,53 @@
 #define TLS1_3_EXPERIMENT_VERSION 0x7e01
-/* SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version sets the minimum protocol version for |ctx| to
- * |version|. If |version| is zero, the default minimum version is used. It
- * returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version sets the minimum protocol version for |ctx| to
+// |version|. If |version| is zero, the default minimum version is used. It
+// returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                  uint16_t version);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version sets the maximum protocol version for |ctx| to
- * |version|. If |version| is zero, the default maximum version is used. It
- * returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version sets the maximum protocol version for |ctx| to
+// |version|. If |version| is zero, the default maximum version is used. It
+// returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                  uint16_t version);
-/* SSL_set_min_proto_version sets the minimum protocol version for |ssl| to
- * |version|. If |version| is zero, the default minimum version is used. It
- * returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid. */
+// SSL_set_min_proto_version sets the minimum protocol version for |ssl| to
+// |version|. If |version| is zero, the default minimum version is used. It
+// returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_min_proto_version(SSL *ssl, uint16_t version);
-/* SSL_set_max_proto_version sets the maximum protocol version for |ssl| to
- * |version|. If |version| is zero, the default maximum version is used. It
- * returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid. */
+// SSL_set_max_proto_version sets the maximum protocol version for |ssl| to
+// |version|. If |version| is zero, the default maximum version is used. It
+// returns one on success and zero if |version| is invalid.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_max_proto_version(SSL *ssl, uint16_t version);
-/* SSL_version returns the TLS or DTLS protocol version used by |ssl|, which is
- * one of the |*_VERSION| values. (E.g. |TLS1_2_VERSION|.) Before the version
- * is negotiated, the result is undefined. */
+// SSL_version returns the TLS or DTLS protocol version used by |ssl|, which is
+// one of the |*_VERSION| values. (E.g. |TLS1_2_VERSION|.) Before the version
+// is negotiated, the result is undefined.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_version(const SSL *ssl);
-/* Options.
- *
- * Options configure protocol behavior. */
+// Options.
+// Options configure protocol behavior.
-/* SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU, in DTLS, disables querying the MTU from the underlying
- * |BIO|. Instead, the MTU is configured with |SSL_set_mtu|. */
+// SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU, in DTLS, disables querying the MTU from the underlying
+// |BIO|. Instead, the MTU is configured with |SSL_set_mtu|.
 #define SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU 0x00001000L
-/* SSL_OP_NO_TICKET disables session ticket support (RFC 5077). */
+// SSL_OP_NO_TICKET disables session ticket support (RFC 5077).
 #define SSL_OP_NO_TICKET 0x00004000L
-/* SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE configures servers to select ciphers and
- * ECDHE curves according to the server's preferences instead of the
- * client's. */
+// SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE configures servers to select ciphers and
+// ECDHE curves according to the server's preferences instead of the
+// client's.
-/* The following flags toggle individual protocol versions. This is deprecated.
- * Use |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version| and |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version|
- * instead. */
+// The following flags toggle individual protocol versions. This is deprecated.
+// Use |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version| and |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version|
+// instead.
 #define SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 0x02000000L
 #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 0x04000000L
 #define SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 0x08000000L
@@ -647,314 +647,314 @@
 #define SSL_OP_NO_DTLSv1_2 SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2
-/* SSL_CTX_set_options enables all options set in |options| (which should be one
- * or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
- * bitmask representing the resulting enabled options. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_options enables all options set in |options| (which should be one
+// or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
+// bitmask representing the resulting enabled options.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_set_options(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t options);
-/* SSL_CTX_clear_options disables all options set in |options| (which should be
- * one or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
- * bitmask representing the resulting enabled options. */
+// SSL_CTX_clear_options disables all options set in |options| (which should be
+// one or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
+// bitmask representing the resulting enabled options.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_clear_options(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t options);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_options returns a bitmask of |SSL_OP_*| values that represent all
- * the options enabled for |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_options returns a bitmask of |SSL_OP_*| values that represent all
+// the options enabled for |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_get_options(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_set_options enables all options set in |options| (which should be one or
- * more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
- * representing the resulting enabled options. */
+// SSL_set_options enables all options set in |options| (which should be one or
+// more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
+// representing the resulting enabled options.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_set_options(SSL *ssl, uint32_t options);
-/* SSL_clear_options disables all options set in |options| (which should be one
- * or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a
- * bitmask representing the resulting enabled options. */
+// SSL_clear_options disables all options set in |options| (which should be one
+// or more of the |SSL_OP_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a
+// bitmask representing the resulting enabled options.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_clear_options(SSL *ssl, uint32_t options);
-/* SSL_get_options returns a bitmask of |SSL_OP_*| values that represent all the
- * options enabled for |ssl|. */
+// SSL_get_options returns a bitmask of |SSL_OP_*| values that represent all the
+// options enabled for |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_get_options(const SSL *ssl);
-/* Modes.
- *
- * Modes configure API behavior. */
+// Modes.
+// Modes configure API behavior.
-/* SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE, in TLS, allows |SSL_write| to complete with a
- * partial result when the only part of the input was written in a single
- * record. In DTLS, it does nothing. */
+// SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE, in TLS, allows |SSL_write| to complete with a
+// partial result when the only part of the input was written in a single
+// record. In DTLS, it does nothing.
-/* SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER, in TLS, allows retrying an incomplete
- * |SSL_write| with a different buffer. However, |SSL_write| still assumes the
- * buffer contents are unchanged. This is not the default to avoid the
- * misconception that non-blocking |SSL_write| behaves like non-blocking
- * |write|. In DTLS, it does nothing. */
+// SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER, in TLS, allows retrying an incomplete
+// |SSL_write| with a different buffer. However, |SSL_write| still assumes the
+// buffer contents are unchanged. This is not the default to avoid the
+// misconception that non-blocking |SSL_write| behaves like non-blocking
+// |write|. In DTLS, it does nothing.
-/* SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN disables automatically building a certificate chain
- * before sending certificates to the peer. This flag is set (and the feature
- * disabled) by default.
- * TODO(davidben): Remove this behavior. https://crbug.com/boringssl/42. */
+// SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN disables automatically building a certificate chain
+// before sending certificates to the peer. This flag is set (and the feature
+// disabled) by default.
+// TODO(davidben): Remove this behavior. https://crbug.com/boringssl/42.
 #define SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN 0x00000008L
-/* SSL_MODE_ENABLE_FALSE_START allows clients to send application data before
- * receipt of ChangeCipherSpec and Finished. This mode enables full handshakes
- * to 'complete' in one RTT. See RFC 7918.
- *
- * When False Start is enabled, |SSL_do_handshake| may succeed before the
- * handshake has completely finished. |SSL_write| will function at this point,
- * and |SSL_read| will transparently wait for the final handshake leg before
- * returning application data. To determine if False Start occurred or when the
- * handshake is completely finished, see |SSL_in_false_start|, |SSL_in_init|,
- * and |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE| from |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|. */
+// SSL_MODE_ENABLE_FALSE_START allows clients to send application data before
+// receipt of ChangeCipherSpec and Finished. This mode enables full handshakes
+// to 'complete' in one RTT. See RFC 7918.
+// When False Start is enabled, |SSL_do_handshake| may succeed before the
+// handshake has completely finished. |SSL_write| will function at this point,
+// and |SSL_read| will transparently wait for the final handshake leg before
+// returning application data. To determine if False Start occurred or when the
+// handshake is completely finished, see |SSL_in_false_start|, |SSL_in_init|,
+// and |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE| from |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|.
 #define SSL_MODE_ENABLE_FALSE_START 0x00000080L
-/* SSL_MODE_CBC_RECORD_SPLITTING causes multi-byte CBC records in SSL 3.0 and
- * TLS 1.0 to be split in two: the first record will contain a single byte and
- * the second will contain the remainder. This effectively randomises the IV and
- * prevents BEAST attacks. */
+// SSL_MODE_CBC_RECORD_SPLITTING causes multi-byte CBC records in SSL 3.0 and
+// TLS 1.0 to be split in two: the first record will contain a single byte and
+// the second will contain the remainder. This effectively randomises the IV and
+// prevents BEAST attacks.
-/* SSL_MODE_NO_SESSION_CREATION will cause any attempts to create a session to
- * fail with SSL_R_SESSION_MAY_NOT_BE_CREATED. This can be used to enforce that
- * session resumption is used for a given SSL*. */
+// SSL_MODE_NO_SESSION_CREATION will cause any attempts to create a session to
+// fail with SSL_R_SESSION_MAY_NOT_BE_CREATED. This can be used to enforce that
+// session resumption is used for a given SSL*.
- * To be set only by applications that reconnect with a downgraded protocol
- * version; see RFC 7507 for details.
- *
- * DO NOT ENABLE THIS if your application attempts a normal handshake. Only use
- * this in explicit fallback retries, following the guidance in RFC 7507. */
+// To be set only by applications that reconnect with a downgraded protocol
+// version; see RFC 7507 for details.
+// DO NOT ENABLE THIS if your application attempts a normal handshake. Only use
+// this in explicit fallback retries, following the guidance in RFC 7507.
 #define SSL_MODE_SEND_FALLBACK_SCSV 0x00000400L
-/* SSL_CTX_set_mode enables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more
- * of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a bitmask
- * representing the resulting enabled modes. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_mode enables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more
+// of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a bitmask
+// representing the resulting enabled modes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_set_mode(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t mode);
-/* SSL_CTX_clear_mode disables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or
- * more of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
- * bitmask representing the resulting enabled modes. */
+// SSL_CTX_clear_mode disables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or
+// more of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ctx|. It returns a
+// bitmask representing the resulting enabled modes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_clear_mode(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t mode);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_mode returns a bitmask of |SSL_MODE_*| values that represent all
- * the modes enabled for |ssl|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_mode returns a bitmask of |SSL_MODE_*| values that represent all
+// the modes enabled for |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_get_mode(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_set_mode enables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more of
- * the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
- * representing the resulting enabled modes. */
+// SSL_set_mode enables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more of
+// the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
+// representing the resulting enabled modes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_set_mode(SSL *ssl, uint32_t mode);
-/* SSL_clear_mode disables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more
- * of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
- * representing the resulting enabled modes. */
+// SSL_clear_mode disables all modes set in |mode| (which should be one or more
+// of the |SSL_MODE_*| values, ORed together) in |ssl|. It returns a bitmask
+// representing the resulting enabled modes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_clear_mode(SSL *ssl, uint32_t mode);
-/* SSL_get_mode returns a bitmask of |SSL_MODE_*| values that represent all the
- * modes enabled for |ssl|. */
+// SSL_get_mode returns a bitmask of |SSL_MODE_*| values that represent all the
+// modes enabled for |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_get_mode(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_set0_buffer_pool sets a |CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL| that will be used to
- * store certificates. This can allow multiple connections to share
- * certificates and thus save memory.
- *
- * The SSL_CTX does not take ownership of |pool| and the caller must ensure
- * that |pool| outlives |ctx| and all objects linked to it, including |SSL|,
- * |X509| and |SSL_SESSION| objects. Basically, don't ever free |pool|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set0_buffer_pool sets a |CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL| that will be used to
+// store certificates. This can allow multiple connections to share
+// certificates and thus save memory.
+// The SSL_CTX does not take ownership of |pool| and the caller must ensure
+// that |pool| outlives |ctx| and all objects linked to it, including |SSL|,
+// |X509| and |SSL_SESSION| objects. Basically, don't ever free |pool|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set0_buffer_pool(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                              CRYPTO_BUFFER_POOL *pool);
-/* Configuring certificates and private keys.
- *
- * These functions configure the connection's leaf certificate, private key, and
- * certificate chain. The certificate chain is ordered leaf to root (as sent on
- * the wire) but does not include the leaf. Both client and server certificates
- * use these functions.
- *
- * Certificates and keys may be configured before the handshake or dynamically
- * in the early callback and certificate callback. */
+// Configuring certificates and private keys.
+// These functions configure the connection's leaf certificate, private key, and
+// certificate chain. The certificate chain is ordered leaf to root (as sent on
+// the wire) but does not include the leaf. Both client and server certificates
+// use these functions.
+// Certificates and keys may be configured before the handshake or dynamically
+// in the early callback and certificate callback.
-/* SSL_CTX_use_certificate sets |ctx|'s leaf certificate to |x509|. It returns
- * one on success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_CTX_use_certificate sets |ctx|'s leaf certificate to |x509|. It returns
+// one on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_certificate(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_use_certificate sets |ssl|'s leaf certificate to |x509|. It returns one
- * on success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_use_certificate sets |ssl|'s leaf certificate to |x509|. It returns one
+// on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_certificate(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |pkey|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |pkey|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(SSL_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* SSL_use_PrivateKey sets |ssl|'s private key to |pkey|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_use_PrivateKey sets |ssl|'s private key to |pkey|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_PrivateKey(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-/* SSL_CTX_set0_chain sets |ctx|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
- * |chain|. On success, it returns one and takes ownership of |chain|.
- * Otherwise, it returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_set0_chain sets |ctx|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
+// |chain|. On success, it returns one and takes ownership of |chain|.
+// Otherwise, it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set0_chain(SSL_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
-/* SSL_CTX_set1_chain sets |ctx|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
- * |chain|. It returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains
- * ownership of |chain| and may release it freely. */
+// SSL_CTX_set1_chain sets |ctx|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
+// |chain|. It returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains
+// ownership of |chain| and may release it freely.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_chain(SSL_CTX *ctx, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
-/* SSL_set0_chain sets |ssl|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
- * |chain|. On success, it returns one and takes ownership of |chain|.
- * Otherwise, it returns zero. */
+// SSL_set0_chain sets |ssl|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
+// |chain|. On success, it returns one and takes ownership of |chain|.
+// Otherwise, it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set0_chain(SSL *ssl, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
-/* SSL_set1_chain sets |ssl|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
- * |chain|. It returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains
- * ownership of |chain| and may release it freely. */
+// SSL_set1_chain sets |ssl|'s certificate chain, excluding the leaf, to
+// |chain|. It returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains
+// ownership of |chain| and may release it freely.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_chain(SSL *ssl, STACK_OF(X509) *chain);
-/* SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. On
- * success, it returns one and takes ownership of |x509|. Otherwise, it returns
- * zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. On
+// success, it returns one and takes ownership of |x509|. Otherwise, it returns
+// zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. It
- * returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of
- * |x509| and may release it freely. */
+// SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. It
+// returns one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of
+// |x509| and may release it freely.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add1_chain_cert(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_add0_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. On success,
- * it returns one and takes ownership of |x509|. Otherwise, it returns zero. */
+// SSL_add0_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. On success,
+// it returns one and takes ownership of |x509|. Otherwise, it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add0_chain_cert(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert calls |SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert|. */
+// SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert calls |SSL_CTX_add0_chain_cert|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_add1_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. It returns
- * one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |x509|
- * and may release it freely. */
+// SSL_add1_chain_cert appends |x509| to |ctx|'s certificate chain. It returns
+// one on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |x509|
+// and may release it freely.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add1_chain_cert(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs clears |ctx|'s certificate chain and returns
- * one. */
+// SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs clears |ctx|'s certificate chain and returns
+// one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs calls |SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs|. */
+// SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs calls |SSL_CTX_clear_chain_certs|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_clear_extra_chain_certs(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_clear_chain_certs clears |ssl|'s certificate chain and returns one. */
+// SSL_clear_chain_certs clears |ssl|'s certificate chain and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_clear_chain_certs(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb sets a callback that is called to select a certificate.
- * The callback returns one on success, zero on internal error, and a negative
- * number on failure or to pause the handshake. If the handshake is paused,
- * |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP|.
- *
- * On the client, the callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
- * |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate
- * request.
- *
- * On the server, the callback will be called on non-resumption handshakes,
- * after extensions have been processed. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb sets a callback that is called to select a certificate.
+// The callback returns one on success, zero on internal error, and a negative
+// number on failure or to pause the handshake. If the handshake is paused,
+// |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP|.
+// On the client, the callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
+// |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate
+// request.
+// On the server, the callback will be called on non-resumption handshakes,
+// after extensions have been processed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                         int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, void *arg),
                                         void *arg);
-/* SSL_set_cert_cb sets a callback that is called to select a certificate. The
- * callback returns one on success, zero on internal error, and a negative
- * number on failure or to pause the handshake. If the handshake is paused,
- * |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP|.
- *
- * On the client, the callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
- * |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate
- * request. */
+// SSL_set_cert_cb sets a callback that is called to select a certificate. The
+// callback returns one on success, zero on internal error, and a negative
+// number on failure or to pause the handshake. If the handshake is paused,
+// |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP|.
+// On the client, the callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
+// |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate
+// request.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_cert_cb(SSL *ssl, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, void *arg),
                                     void *arg);
-/* SSL_get0_certificate_types, for a client, sets |*out_types| to an array
- * containing the client certificate types requested by a server. It returns the
- * length of the array.
- *
- * The behavior of this function is undefined except during the callbacks set by
- * by |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb| or when the
- * handshake is paused because of them. */
+// SSL_get0_certificate_types, for a client, sets |*out_types| to an array
+// containing the client certificate types requested by a server. It returns the
+// length of the array.
+// The behavior of this function is undefined except during the callbacks set by
+// by |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb| or when the
+// handshake is paused because of them.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get0_certificate_types(SSL *ssl,
                                                  const uint8_t **out_types);
-/* SSL_certs_clear resets the private key, leaf certificate, and certificate
- * chain of |ssl|. */
+// SSL_certs_clear resets the private key, leaf certificate, and certificate
+// chain of |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_certs_clear(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_check_private_key returns one if the certificate and private key
- * configured in |ctx| are consistent and zero otherwise. */
+// SSL_CTX_check_private_key returns one if the certificate and private key
+// configured in |ctx| are consistent and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_check_private_key(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_check_private_key returns one if the certificate and private key
- * configured in |ssl| are consistent and zero otherwise. */
+// SSL_check_private_key returns one if the certificate and private key
+// configured in |ssl| are consistent and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_check_private_key(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_get0_certificate returns |ctx|'s leaf certificate. */
+// SSL_CTX_get0_certificate returns |ctx|'s leaf certificate.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT X509 *SSL_CTX_get0_certificate(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_get_certificate returns |ssl|'s leaf certificate. */
+// SSL_get_certificate returns |ssl|'s leaf certificate.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT X509 *SSL_get_certificate(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_get0_privatekey returns |ctx|'s private key. */
+// SSL_CTX_get0_privatekey returns |ctx|'s private key.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *SSL_CTX_get0_privatekey(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_get_privatekey returns |ssl|'s private key. */
+// SSL_get_privatekey returns |ssl|'s private key.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT EVP_PKEY *SSL_get_privatekey(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs sets |*out_chain| to |ctx|'s certificate chain and
- * returns one. */
+// SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs sets |*out_chain| to |ctx|'s certificate chain and
+// returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs(const SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                             STACK_OF(X509) **out_chain);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_extra_chain_certs calls |SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_extra_chain_certs calls |SSL_CTX_get0_chain_certs|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_extra_chain_certs(const SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                  STACK_OF(X509) **out_chain);
-/* SSL_get0_chain_certs sets |*out_chain| to |ssl|'s certificate chain and
- * returns one. */
+// SSL_get0_chain_certs sets |*out_chain| to |ssl|'s certificate chain and
+// returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get0_chain_certs(const SSL *ssl,
                                         STACK_OF(X509) **out_chain);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list sets the list of signed certificate
- * timestamps that is sent to clients that request it. The |list| argument must
- * contain one or more SCT structures serialised as a SignedCertificateTimestamp
- * List (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962#section-3.3) – i.e. each SCT
- * is prefixed by a big-endian, uint16 length and the concatenation of one or
- * more such prefixed SCTs are themselves also prefixed by a uint16 length. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. The caller retains ownership of
- * |list|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list sets the list of signed certificate
+// timestamps that is sent to clients that request it. The |list| argument must
+// contain one or more SCT structures serialised as a SignedCertificateTimestamp
+// List (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962#section-3.3) – i.e. each SCT
+// is prefixed by a big-endian, uint16 length and the concatenation of one or
+// more such prefixed SCTs are themselves also prefixed by a uint16 length. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error. The caller retains ownership of
+// |list|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                           const uint8_t *list,
                                                           size_t list_len);
-/* SSL_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list sets the list of signed certificate
- * timestamps that is sent to clients that request is. The same format as the
- * one used for |SSL_CTX_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list| applies. The caller
- * retains ownership of |list|. */
+// SSL_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list sets the list of signed certificate
+// timestamps that is sent to clients that request is. The same format as the
+// one used for |SSL_CTX_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list| applies. The caller
+// retains ownership of |list|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_signed_cert_timestamp_list(SSL *ctx,
                                                       const uint8_t *list,
                                                       size_t list_len);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_ocsp_response sets the OCSP response that is sent to clients
- * which request it. It returns one on success and zero on error. The caller
- * retains ownership of |response|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_ocsp_response sets the OCSP response that is sent to clients
+// which request it. It returns one on success and zero on error. The caller
+// retains ownership of |response|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_ocsp_response(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                              const uint8_t *response,
                                              size_t response_len);
-/* SSL_set_ocsp_response sets the OCSP response that is sent to clients which
- * request it. It returns one on success and zero on error. The caller retains
- * ownership of |response|. */
+// SSL_set_ocsp_response sets the OCSP response that is sent to clients which
+// request it. It returns one on success and zero on error. The caller retains
+// ownership of |response|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_ocsp_response(SSL *ssl,
                                          const uint8_t *response,
                                          size_t response_len);
-/* SSL_SIGN_* are signature algorithm values as defined in TLS 1.3. */
+// SSL_SIGN_* are signature algorithm values as defined in TLS 1.3.
 #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA1 0x0201
 #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA256 0x0401
 #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_SHA384 0x0501
@@ -968,57 +968,57 @@
 #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PSS_SHA512 0x0806
 #define SSL_SIGN_ED25519 0x0807
-/* SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1 is an internal signature algorithm used to
- * specify raw RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with an MD5/SHA-1 concatenation, as used in TLS
- * before TLS 1.2. */
+// SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1 is an internal signature algorithm used to
+// specify raw RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with an MD5/SHA-1 concatenation, as used in TLS
+// before TLS 1.2.
 #define SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1 0xff01
-/* SSL_CTX_set_signing_algorithm_prefs configures |ctx| to use |prefs| as the
- * preference list when signing with |ctx|'s private key. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. |prefs| should not include the internal-only value
+// SSL_CTX_set_signing_algorithm_prefs configures |ctx| to use |prefs| as the
+// preference list when signing with |ctx|'s private key. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error. |prefs| should not include the internal-only value
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_signing_algorithm_prefs(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                        const uint16_t *prefs,
                                                        size_t num_prefs);
-/* SSL_set_signing_algorithm_prefs configures |ssl| to use |prefs| as the
- * preference list when signing with |ssl|'s private key. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. |prefs| should not include the internal-only value
+// SSL_set_signing_algorithm_prefs configures |ssl| to use |prefs| as the
+// preference list when signing with |ssl|'s private key. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error. |prefs| should not include the internal-only value
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_signing_algorithm_prefs(SSL *ssl,
                                                    const uint16_t *prefs,
                                                    size_t num_prefs);
-/* Certificate and private key convenience functions. */
+// Certificate and private key convenience functions.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_chain_and_key sets the certificate chain and private key for a
- * TLS client or server. References to the given |CRYPTO_BUFFER| and |EVP_PKEY|
- * objects are added as needed. Exactly one of |privkey| or |privkey_method|
- * may be non-NULL. Returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_chain_and_key sets the certificate chain and private key for a
+// TLS client or server. References to the given |CRYPTO_BUFFER| and |EVP_PKEY|
+// objects are added as needed. Exactly one of |privkey| or |privkey_method|
+// may be non-NULL. Returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_chain_and_key(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, CRYPTO_BUFFER *const *certs, size_t num_certs,
     EVP_PKEY *privkey, const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *privkey_method);
-/* SSL_set_chain_and_key sets the certificate chain and private key for a TLS
- * client or server. References to the given |CRYPTO_BUFFER| and |EVP_PKEY|
- * objects are added as needed. Exactly one of |privkey| or |privkey_method|
- * may be non-NULL. Returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_set_chain_and_key sets the certificate chain and private key for a TLS
+// client or server. References to the given |CRYPTO_BUFFER| and |EVP_PKEY|
+// objects are added as needed. Exactly one of |privkey| or |privkey_method|
+// may be non-NULL. Returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_chain_and_key(
     SSL *ssl, CRYPTO_BUFFER *const *certs, size_t num_certs, EVP_PKEY *privkey,
     const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *privkey_method);
-/* SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |rsa|. It returns one
- * on success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |rsa|. It returns one
+// on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey(SSL_CTX *ctx, RSA *rsa);
-/* SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |rsa|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey sets |ctx|'s private key to |rsa|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey(SSL *ssl, RSA *rsa);
-/* The following functions configure certificates or private keys but take as
- * input DER-encoded structures. They return one on success and zero on
- * failure. */
+// The following functions configure certificates or private keys but take as
+// input DER-encoded structures. They return one on success and zero on
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_ASN1(SSL_CTX *ctx, size_t der_len,
                                                 const uint8_t *der);
@@ -1037,10 +1037,10 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *der,
                                               size_t der_len);
-/* The following functions configure certificates or private keys but take as
- * input files to read from. They return one on success and zero on failure. The
- * |type| parameter is one of the |SSL_FILETYPE_*| values and determines whether
- * the file's contents are read as PEM or DER. */
+// The following functions configure certificates or private keys but take as
+// input files to read from. They return one on success and zero on failure. The
+// |type| parameter is one of the |SSL_FILETYPE_*| values and determines whether
+// the file's contents are read as PEM or DER.
@@ -1061,25 +1061,25 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_PrivateKey_file(SSL *ssl, const char *file,
                                            int type);
-/* SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file configures certificates for |ctx|. It
- * reads the contents of |file| as a PEM-encoded leaf certificate followed
- * optionally by the certificate chain to send to the peer. It returns one on
- * success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file configures certificates for |ctx|. It
+// reads the contents of |file| as a PEM-encoded leaf certificate followed
+// optionally by the certificate chain to send to the peer. It returns one on
+// success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                       const char *file);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb sets the password callback for PEM-based
- * convenience functions called on |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb sets the password callback for PEM-based
+// convenience functions called on |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                   pem_password_cb *cb);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata sets the userdata parameter for
- * |ctx|'s password callback. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata sets the userdata parameter for
+// |ctx|'s password callback.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                            void *data);
-/* Custom private keys. */
+// Custom private keys.
 enum ssl_private_key_result_t {
@@ -1087,1114 +1087,1118 @@
-/* ssl_private_key_method_st (aka |SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD|) describes private
- * key hooks. This is used to off-load signing operations to a custom,
- * potentially asynchronous, backend. Metadata about the key such as the type
- * and size are parsed out of the certificate.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): This API has a number of legacy hooks. Remove the last
- * consumer of |sign_digest| and trim it. */
+// ssl_private_key_method_st (aka |SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD|) describes private
+// key hooks. This is used to off-load signing operations to a custom,
+// potentially asynchronous, backend. Metadata about the key such as the type
+// and size are parsed out of the certificate.
+// TODO(davidben): This API has a number of legacy hooks. Remove the last
+// consumer of |sign_digest| and trim it.
 struct ssl_private_key_method_st {
-  /* type is ignored and should be NULL. */
+  // type is ignored and should be NULL.
   int (*type)(SSL *ssl);
-  /* max_signature_len is ignored and should be NULL. */
+  // max_signature_len is ignored and should be NULL.
   size_t (*max_signature_len)(SSL *ssl);
-  /* sign signs the message |in| in using the specified signature algorithm. On
-   * success, it returns |ssl_private_key_success| and writes at most |max_out|
-   * bytes of signature data to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes
-   * written. On failure, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the operation
-   * has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. |sign| should
-   * arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
-   * operation is completed. This will result in a call to |complete|.
-   *
-   * |signature_algorithm| is one of the |SSL_SIGN_*| values, as defined in TLS
-   * 1.3. Note that, in TLS 1.2, ECDSA algorithms do not require that curve
-   * sizes match hash sizes, so the curve portion of |SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_*| values
-   * must be ignored. BoringSSL will internally handle the curve matching logic
-   * where appropriate.
-   *
-   * It is an error to call |sign| while another private key operation is in
-   * progress on |ssl|. */
+  // sign signs the message |in| in using the specified signature algorithm. On
+  // success, it returns |ssl_private_key_success| and writes at most |max_out|
+  // bytes of signature data to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes
+  // written. On failure, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the operation
+  // has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. |sign| should
+  // arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
+  // operation is completed. This will result in a call to |complete|.
+  //
+  // |signature_algorithm| is one of the |SSL_SIGN_*| values, as defined in TLS
+  // 1.3. Note that, in TLS 1.2, ECDSA algorithms do not require that curve
+  // sizes match hash sizes, so the curve portion of |SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_*| values
+  // must be ignored. BoringSSL will internally handle the curve matching logic
+  // where appropriate.
+  //
+  // It is an error to call |sign| while another private key operation is in
+  // progress on |ssl|.
   enum ssl_private_key_result_t (*sign)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len,
                                         size_t max_out,
                                         uint16_t signature_algorithm,
                                         const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
-  /* sign_digest signs |in_len| bytes of digest from |in|. |md| is the hash
-   * function used to calculate |in|. On success, it returns
-   * |ssl_private_key_success| and writes at most |max_out| bytes of signature
-   * data to |out|. On failure, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the
-   * operation has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. |sign|
-   * should arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
-   * operation is completed. This will result in a call to |complete|.
-   *
-   * If the key is an RSA key, implementations must use PKCS#1 padding. |in| is
-   * the digest itself, so the DigestInfo prefix, if any, must be prepended by
-   * |sign|. If |md| is |EVP_md5_sha1|, there is no prefix.
-   *
-   * It is an error to call |sign_digest| while another private key operation is
-   * in progress on |ssl|.
-   *
-   * This function is deprecated. Implement |sign| instead.
-   *
-   * TODO(davidben): Remove this function. */
+  // sign_digest signs |in_len| bytes of digest from |in|. |md| is the hash
+  // function used to calculate |in|. On success, it returns
+  // |ssl_private_key_success| and writes at most |max_out| bytes of signature
+  // data to |out|. On failure, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the
+  // operation has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. |sign|
+  // should arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
+  // operation is completed. This will result in a call to |complete|.
+  //
+  // If the key is an RSA key, implementations must use PKCS#1 padding. |in| is
+  // the digest itself, so the DigestInfo prefix, if any, must be prepended by
+  // |sign|. If |md| is |EVP_md5_sha1|, there is no prefix.
+  //
+  // It is an error to call |sign_digest| while another private key operation is
+  // in progress on |ssl|.
+  //
+  // This function is deprecated. Implement |sign| instead.
+  //
+  // TODO(davidben): Remove this function.
   enum ssl_private_key_result_t (*sign_digest)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
                                                size_t *out_len, size_t max_out,
                                                const EVP_MD *md,
                                                const uint8_t *in,
                                                size_t in_len);
-  /* decrypt decrypts |in_len| bytes of encrypted data from |in|. On success it
-   * returns |ssl_private_key_success|, writes at most |max_out| bytes of
-   * decrypted data to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the actual number of bytes
-   * written. On failure it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the operation
-   * has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. The caller should
-   * arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
-   * operation is completed, which will result in a call to |complete|. This
-   * function only works with RSA keys and should perform a raw RSA decryption
-   * operation with no padding.
-   *
-   * It is an error to call |decrypt| while another private key operation is in
-   * progress on |ssl|. */
+  // decrypt decrypts |in_len| bytes of encrypted data from |in|. On success it
+  // returns |ssl_private_key_success|, writes at most |max_out| bytes of
+  // decrypted data to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the actual number of bytes
+  // written. On failure it returns |ssl_private_key_failure|. If the operation
+  // has not completed, it returns |ssl_private_key_retry|. The caller should
+  // arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
+  // operation is completed, which will result in a call to |complete|. This
+  // function only works with RSA keys and should perform a raw RSA decryption
+  // operation with no padding.
+  //
+  // It is an error to call |decrypt| while another private key operation is in
+  // progress on |ssl|.
   enum ssl_private_key_result_t (*decrypt)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
                                            size_t *out_len, size_t max_out,
                                            const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
-  /* complete completes a pending operation. If the operation has completed, it
-   * returns |ssl_private_key_success| and writes the result to |out| as in
-   * |sign|. Otherwise, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure| on failure and
-   * |ssl_private_key_retry| if the operation is still in progress.
-   *
-   * |complete| may be called arbitrarily many times before completion, but it
-   * is an error to call |complete| if there is no pending operation in progress
-   * on |ssl|. */
+  // complete completes a pending operation. If the operation has completed, it
+  // returns |ssl_private_key_success| and writes the result to |out| as in
+  // |sign|. Otherwise, it returns |ssl_private_key_failure| on failure and
+  // |ssl_private_key_retry| if the operation is still in progress.
+  //
+  // |complete| may be called arbitrarily many times before completion, but it
+  // is an error to call |complete| if there is no pending operation in progress
+  // on |ssl|.
   enum ssl_private_key_result_t (*complete)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
                                             size_t *out_len, size_t max_out);
-/* SSL_set_private_key_method configures a custom private key on |ssl|.
- * |key_method| must remain valid for the lifetime of |ssl|. */
+// SSL_set_private_key_method configures a custom private key on |ssl|.
+// |key_method| must remain valid for the lifetime of |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_private_key_method(
     SSL *ssl, const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *key_method);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method configures a custom private key on |ctx|.
- * |key_method| must remain valid for the lifetime of |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method configures a custom private key on |ctx|.
+// |key_method| must remain valid for the lifetime of |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *key_method);
-/* Cipher suites.
- *
- * |SSL_CIPHER| objects represent cipher suites. */
+// Cipher suites.
+// |SSL_CIPHER| objects represent cipher suites.
-/* SSL_get_cipher_by_value returns the structure representing a TLS cipher
- * suite based on its assigned number, or NULL if unknown. See
- * https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-4. */
+// SSL_get_cipher_by_value returns the structure representing a TLS cipher
+// suite based on its assigned number, or NULL if unknown. See
+// https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-4.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_CIPHER *SSL_get_cipher_by_value(uint16_t value);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_id returns |cipher|'s id. It may be cast to a |uint16_t| to
- * get the cipher suite value. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_id returns |cipher|'s id. It may be cast to a |uint16_t| to
+// get the cipher suite value.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CIPHER_get_id(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_aead returns one if |cipher| uses an AEAD cipher. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_aead returns one if |cipher| uses an AEAD cipher.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_aead(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_block_cipher returns one if |cipher| is a block cipher. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_block_cipher returns one if |cipher| is a block cipher.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_block_cipher(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid returns the NID for |cipher|'s bulk
- * cipher. Possible values are |NID_aes_128_gcm|, |NID_aes_256_gcm|,
- * |NID_chacha20_poly1305|, |NID_aes_128_cbc|, |NID_aes_256_cbc|, and
- * |NID_des_ede3_cbc|. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid returns the NID for |cipher|'s bulk
+// cipher. Possible values are |NID_aes_128_gcm|, |NID_aes_256_gcm|,
+// |NID_chacha20_poly1305|, |NID_aes_128_cbc|, |NID_aes_256_cbc|, and
+// |NID_des_ede3_cbc|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid returns the NID for |cipher|'s HMAC if it is a
- * legacy cipher suite. For modern AEAD-based ciphers (see
- * |SSL_CIPHER_is_aead|), it returns |NID_undef|.
- *
- * Note this function only returns the legacy HMAC digest, not the PRF hash. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid returns the NID for |cipher|'s HMAC if it is a
+// legacy cipher suite. For modern AEAD-based ciphers (see
+// |SSL_CIPHER_is_aead|), it returns |NID_undef|.
+// Note this function only returns the legacy HMAC digest, not the PRF hash.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_nid returns the NID for |cipher|'s key exchange. This may
- * be |NID_kx_rsa|, |NID_kx_ecdhe|, or |NID_kx_psk| for TLS 1.2. In TLS 1.3,
- * cipher suites do not specify the key exchange, so this function returns
- * |NID_kx_any|. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_nid returns the NID for |cipher|'s key exchange. This may
+// be |NID_kx_rsa|, |NID_kx_ecdhe|, or |NID_kx_psk| for TLS 1.2. In TLS 1.3,
+// cipher suites do not specify the key exchange, so this function returns
+// |NID_kx_any|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_nid(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_auth_nid returns the NID for |cipher|'s authentication
- * type. This may be |NID_auth_rsa|, |NID_auth_ecdsa|, or |NID_auth_psk| for TLS
- * 1.2. In TLS 1.3, cipher suites do not specify authentication, so this
- * function returns |NID_auth_any|. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_auth_nid returns the NID for |cipher|'s authentication
+// type. This may be |NID_auth_rsa|, |NID_auth_ecdsa|, or |NID_auth_psk| for TLS
+// 1.2. In TLS 1.3, cipher suites do not specify authentication, so this
+// function returns |NID_auth_any|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_get_auth_nid(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version returns the minimum protocol version required
- * for |cipher|. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version returns the minimum protocol version required
+// for |cipher|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_max_version returns the maximum protocol version that
- * supports |cipher|. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_max_version returns the maximum protocol version that
+// supports |cipher|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_CIPHER_get_max_version(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_standard_name returns the standard IETF name for |cipher|. For
- * example, "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256". */
+// SSL_CIPHER_standard_name returns the standard IETF name for |cipher|. For
+// example, "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_standard_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_name returns the OpenSSL name of |cipher|. For example,
- * "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256". */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_name returns the OpenSSL name of |cipher|. For example,
+// "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_get_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_name returns a string that describes the key-exchange
- * method used by |cipher|. For example, "ECDHE_ECDSA". TLS 1.3 AEAD-only
- * ciphers return the string "GENERIC". */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_name returns a string that describes the key-exchange
+// method used by |cipher|. For example, "ECDHE_ECDSA". TLS 1.3 AEAD-only
+// ciphers return the string "GENERIC".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_bits returns the strength, in bits, of |cipher|. If
- * |out_alg_bits| is not NULL, it writes the number of bits consumed by the
- * symmetric algorithm to |*out_alg_bits|. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_bits returns the strength, in bits, of |cipher|. If
+// |out_alg_bits| is not NULL, it writes the number of bits consumed by the
+// symmetric algorithm to |*out_alg_bits|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher,
                                        int *out_alg_bits);
-/* Cipher suite configuration.
- *
- * OpenSSL uses a mini-language to configure cipher suites. The language
- * maintains an ordered list of enabled ciphers, along with an ordered list of
- * disabled but available ciphers. Initially, all ciphers are disabled with a
- * default ordering. The cipher string is then interpreted as a sequence of
- * directives, separated by colons, each of which modifies this state.
- *
- * Most directives consist of a one character or empty opcode followed by a
- * selector which matches a subset of available ciphers.
- *
- * Available opcodes are:
- *
- *   The empty opcode enables and appends all matching disabled ciphers to the
- *   end of the enabled list. The newly appended ciphers are ordered relative to
- *   each other matching their order in the disabled list.
- *
- *   |-| disables all matching enabled ciphers and prepends them to the disabled
- *   list, with relative order from the enabled list preserved. This means the
- *   most recently disabled ciphers get highest preference relative to other
- *   disabled ciphers if re-enabled.
- *
- *   |+| moves all matching enabled ciphers to the end of the enabled list, with
- *   relative order preserved.
- *
- *   |!| deletes all matching ciphers, enabled or not, from either list. Deleted
- *   ciphers will not matched by future operations.
- *
- * A selector may be a specific cipher (using either the standard or OpenSSL
- * name for the cipher) or one or more rules separated by |+|. The final
- * selector matches the intersection of each rule. For instance, |AESGCM+aECDSA|
- * matches ECDSA-authenticated AES-GCM ciphers.
- *
- * Available cipher rules are:
- *
- *   |ALL| matches all ciphers.
- *
- *   |kRSA|, |kDHE|, |kECDHE|, and |kPSK| match ciphers using plain RSA, DHE,
- *   ECDHE, and plain PSK key exchanges, respectively. Note that ECDHE_PSK is
- *   matched by |kECDHE| and not |kPSK|.
- *
- *   |aRSA|, |aECDSA|, and |aPSK| match ciphers authenticated by RSA, ECDSA, and
- *   a pre-shared key, respectively.
- *
- *   |RSA|, |DHE|, |ECDHE|, |PSK|, |ECDSA|, and |PSK| are aliases for the
- *   corresponding |k*| or |a*| cipher rule. |RSA| is an alias for |kRSA|, not
- *   |aRSA|.
- *
- *   |3DES|, |AES128|, |AES256|, |AES|, |AESGCM|, |CHACHA20| match ciphers
- *   whose bulk cipher use the corresponding encryption scheme. Note that
- *   |AES|, |AES128|, and |AES256| match both CBC and GCM ciphers.
- *
- *   |SHA1|, |SHA256|, and |SHA384| match legacy cipher suites using the
- *   corresponding hash function in their MAC. AEADs are matched by none of
- *   these.
- *
- *   |SHA| is an alias for |SHA1|.
- *
- * Although implemented, authentication-only ciphers match no rules and must be
- * explicitly selected by name.
- *
- * Deprecated cipher rules:
- *
- *   |kEDH|, |EDH|, |kEECDH|, and |EECDH| are legacy aliases for |kDHE|, |DHE|,
- *   |kECDHE|, and |ECDHE|, respectively.
- *
- *   |HIGH| is an alias for |ALL|.
- *
- *   |FIPS| is an alias for |HIGH|.
- *
- *   |SSLv3| and |TLSv1| match ciphers available in TLS 1.1 or earlier.
- *   |TLSv1_2| matches ciphers new in TLS 1.2. This is confusing and should not
- *   be used.
- *
- * Unknown rules are silently ignored by legacy APIs, and rejected by APIs with
- * "strict" in the name, which should be preferred. Cipher lists can be long
- * and it's easy to commit typos. Strict functions will also reject the use of
- * spaces, semi-colons and commas as alternative separators.
- *
- * The special |@STRENGTH| directive will sort all enabled ciphers by strength.
- *
- * The |DEFAULT| directive, when appearing at the front of the string, expands
- * to the default ordering of available ciphers.
- *
- * If configuring a server, one may also configure equal-preference groups to
- * partially respect the client's preferences when
- * |SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE| is enabled. Ciphers in an equal-preference
- * group have equal priority and use the client order. This may be used to
- * enforce that AEADs are preferred but select AES-GCM vs. ChaCha20-Poly1305
- * based on client preferences. An equal-preference is specified with square
- * brackets, combining multiple selectors separated by |. For example:
- *
- *
- * Once an equal-preference group is used, future directives must be
- * opcode-less. Inside an equal-preference group, spaces are not allowed.
- *
- * TLS 1.3 ciphers do not participate in this mechanism and instead have a
- * built-in preference order. Functions to set cipher lists do not affect TLS
- * 1.3, and functions to query the cipher list do not include TLS 1.3
- * ciphers. */
+// Cipher suite configuration.
+// OpenSSL uses a mini-language to configure cipher suites. The language
+// maintains an ordered list of enabled ciphers, along with an ordered list of
+// disabled but available ciphers. Initially, all ciphers are disabled with a
+// default ordering. The cipher string is then interpreted as a sequence of
+// directives, separated by colons, each of which modifies this state.
+// Most directives consist of a one character or empty opcode followed by a
+// selector which matches a subset of available ciphers.
+// Available opcodes are:
+//   The empty opcode enables and appends all matching disabled ciphers to the
+//   end of the enabled list. The newly appended ciphers are ordered relative to
+//   each other matching their order in the disabled list.
+//   |-| disables all matching enabled ciphers and prepends them to the disabled
+//   list, with relative order from the enabled list preserved. This means the
+//   most recently disabled ciphers get highest preference relative to other
+//   disabled ciphers if re-enabled.
+//   |+| moves all matching enabled ciphers to the end of the enabled list, with
+//   relative order preserved.
+//   |!| deletes all matching ciphers, enabled or not, from either list. Deleted
+//   ciphers will not matched by future operations.
+// A selector may be a specific cipher (using either the standard or OpenSSL
+// name for the cipher) or one or more rules separated by |+|. The final
+// selector matches the intersection of each rule. For instance, |AESGCM+aECDSA|
+// matches ECDSA-authenticated AES-GCM ciphers.
+// Available cipher rules are:
+//   |ALL| matches all ciphers.
+//   |kRSA|, |kDHE|, |kECDHE|, and |kPSK| match ciphers using plain RSA, DHE,
+//   ECDHE, and plain PSK key exchanges, respectively. Note that ECDHE_PSK is
+//   matched by |kECDHE| and not |kPSK|.
+//   |aRSA|, |aECDSA|, and |aPSK| match ciphers authenticated by RSA, ECDSA, and
+//   a pre-shared key, respectively.
+//   |RSA|, |DHE|, |ECDHE|, |PSK|, |ECDSA|, and |PSK| are aliases for the
+//   corresponding |k*| or |a*| cipher rule. |RSA| is an alias for |kRSA|, not
+//   |aRSA|.
+//   |3DES|, |AES128|, |AES256|, |AES|, |AESGCM|, |CHACHA20| match ciphers
+//   whose bulk cipher use the corresponding encryption scheme. Note that
+//   |AES|, |AES128|, and |AES256| match both CBC and GCM ciphers.
+//   |SHA1|, |SHA256|, and |SHA384| match legacy cipher suites using the
+//   corresponding hash function in their MAC. AEADs are matched by none of
+//   these.
+//   |SHA| is an alias for |SHA1|.
+// Although implemented, authentication-only ciphers match no rules and must be
+// explicitly selected by name.
+// Deprecated cipher rules:
+//   |kEDH|, |EDH|, |kEECDH|, and |EECDH| are legacy aliases for |kDHE|, |DHE|,
+//   |kECDHE|, and |ECDHE|, respectively.
+//   |HIGH| is an alias for |ALL|.
+//   |FIPS| is an alias for |HIGH|.
+//   |SSLv3| and |TLSv1| match ciphers available in TLS 1.1 or earlier.
+//   |TLSv1_2| matches ciphers new in TLS 1.2. This is confusing and should not
+//   be used.
+// Unknown rules are silently ignored by legacy APIs, and rejected by APIs with
+// "strict" in the name, which should be preferred. Cipher lists can be long
+// and it's easy to commit typos. Strict functions will also reject the use of
+// spaces, semi-colons and commas as alternative separators.
+// The special |@STRENGTH| directive will sort all enabled ciphers by strength.
+// The |DEFAULT| directive, when appearing at the front of the string, expands
+// to the default ordering of available ciphers.
+// If configuring a server, one may also configure equal-preference groups to
+// partially respect the client's preferences when
+// |SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE| is enabled. Ciphers in an equal-preference
+// group have equal priority and use the client order. This may be used to
+// enforce that AEADs are preferred but select AES-GCM vs. ChaCha20-Poly1305
+// based on client preferences. An equal-preference is specified with square
+// brackets, combining multiple selectors separated by |. For example:
+// Once an equal-preference group is used, future directives must be
+// opcode-less. Inside an equal-preference group, spaces are not allowed.
+// TLS 1.3 ciphers do not participate in this mechanism and instead have a
+// built-in preference order. Functions to set cipher lists do not affect TLS
+// 1.3, and functions to query the cipher list do not include TLS 1.3
+// ciphers.
-/* SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST is the default cipher suite configuration. It is
- * substituted when a cipher string starts with 'DEFAULT'. */
+// SSL_DEFAULT_CIPHER_LIST is the default cipher suite configuration. It is
+// substituted when a cipher string starts with 'DEFAULT'.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_strict_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ctx|,
- * evaluating |str| as a cipher string and returning error if |str| contains
- * anything meaningless. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_strict_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ctx|,
+// evaluating |str| as a cipher string and returning error if |str| contains
+// anything meaningless. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_strict_cipher_list(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                   const char *str);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ctx|, evaluating
- * |str| as a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
- *
- * Prefer to use |SSL_CTX_set_strict_cipher_list|. This function tolerates
- * garbage inputs, unless an empty cipher list results. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ctx|, evaluating
+// |str| as a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
+// Prefer to use |SSL_CTX_set_strict_cipher_list|. This function tolerates
+// garbage inputs, unless an empty cipher list results.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *str);
-/* SSL_set_strict_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ssl|, evaluating
- * |str| as a cipher string and returning error if |str| contains anything
- * meaningless. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_set_strict_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ssl|, evaluating
+// |str| as a cipher string and returning error if |str| contains anything
+// meaningless. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_strict_cipher_list(SSL *ssl, const char *str);
-/* SSL_set_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ssl|, evaluating |str| as
- * a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
- *
- * Prefer to use |SSL_set_strict_cipher_list|. This function tolerates garbage
- * inputs, unless an empty cipher list results. */
+// SSL_set_cipher_list configures the cipher list for |ssl|, evaluating |str| as
+// a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
+// Prefer to use |SSL_set_strict_cipher_list|. This function tolerates garbage
+// inputs, unless an empty cipher list results.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_cipher_list(SSL *ssl, const char *str);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_ciphers returns the cipher list for |ctx|, in order of
- * preference. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_ciphers returns the cipher list for |ctx|, in order of
+// preference.
-/* SSL_CTX_cipher_in_group returns one if the |i|th cipher (see
- * |SSL_CTX_get_ciphers|) is in the same equipreference group as the one
- * following it and zero otherwise. */
+// SSL_CTX_cipher_in_group returns one if the |i|th cipher (see
+// |SSL_CTX_get_ciphers|) is in the same equipreference group as the one
+// following it and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_cipher_in_group(const SSL_CTX *ctx, size_t i);
-/* SSL_get_ciphers returns the cipher list for |ssl|, in order of preference. */
+// SSL_get_ciphers returns the cipher list for |ssl|, in order of preference.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *SSL_get_ciphers(const SSL *ssl);
-/* Connection information. */
+// Connection information.
-/* SSL_is_init_finished returns one if |ssl| has completed its initial handshake
- * and has no pending handshake. It returns zero otherwise. */
+// SSL_is_init_finished returns one if |ssl| has completed its initial handshake
+// and has no pending handshake. It returns zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_is_init_finished(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_in_init returns one if |ssl| has a pending handshake and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// SSL_in_init returns one if |ssl| has a pending handshake and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_in_init(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_in_false_start returns one if |ssl| has a pending handshake that is in
- * False Start. |SSL_write| may be called at this point without waiting for the
- * peer, but |SSL_read| will complete the handshake before accepting application
- * data.
- *
+// SSL_in_false_start returns one if |ssl| has a pending handshake that is in
+// False Start. |SSL_write| may be called at this point without waiting for the
+// peer, but |SSL_read| will complete the handshake before accepting application
+// data.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_in_false_start(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_peer_certificate returns the peer's leaf certificate or NULL if the
- * peer did not use certificates. The caller must call |X509_free| on the
- * result to release it. */
+// SSL_get_peer_certificate returns the peer's leaf certificate or NULL if the
+// peer did not use certificates. The caller must call |X509_free| on the
+// result to release it.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT X509 *SSL_get_peer_certificate(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_peer_cert_chain returns the peer's certificate chain or NULL if
- * unavailable or the peer did not use certificates. This is the unverified list
- * of certificates as sent by the peer, not the final chain built during
- * verification. The caller does not take ownership of the result.
- *
- * WARNING: This function behaves differently between client and server. If
- * |ssl| is a server, the returned chain does not include the leaf certificate.
- * If a client, it does. */
+// SSL_get_peer_cert_chain returns the peer's certificate chain or NULL if
+// unavailable or the peer did not use certificates. This is the unverified list
+// of certificates as sent by the peer, not the final chain built during
+// verification. The caller does not take ownership of the result.
+// WARNING: This function behaves differently between client and server. If
+// |ssl| is a server, the returned chain does not include the leaf certificate.
+// If a client, it does.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509) *SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_peer_full_cert_chain returns the peer's certificate chain, or NULL if
- * unavailable or the peer did not use certificates. This is the unverified list
- * of certificates as sent by the peer, not the final chain built during
- * verification. The caller does not take ownership of the result.
- *
- * This is the same as |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| except that this function
- * always returns the full chain, i.e. the first element of the return value
- * (if any) will be the leaf certificate. In constrast,
- * |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| returns only the intermediate certificates if the
- * |ssl| is a server. */
+// SSL_get_peer_full_cert_chain returns the peer's certificate chain, or NULL if
+// unavailable or the peer did not use certificates. This is the unverified list
+// of certificates as sent by the peer, not the final chain built during
+// verification. The caller does not take ownership of the result.
+// This is the same as |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| except that this function
+// always returns the full chain, i.e. the first element of the return value
+// (if any) will be the leaf certificate. In constrast,
+// |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| returns only the intermediate certificates if the
+// |ssl| is a server.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509) *SSL_get_peer_full_cert_chain(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get0_peer_certificates returns the peer's certificate chain, or NULL if
- * unavailable or the peer did not use certificates. This is the unverified list
- * of certificates as sent by the peer, not the final chain built during
- * verification. The caller does not take ownership of the result.
- *
- * This is the |CRYPTO_BUFFER| variant of |SSL_get_peer_full_cert_chain|. */
+// SSL_get0_peer_certificates returns the peer's certificate chain, or NULL if
+// unavailable or the peer did not use certificates. This is the unverified list
+// of certificates as sent by the peer, not the final chain built during
+// verification. The caller does not take ownership of the result.
+// This is the |CRYPTO_BUFFER| variant of |SSL_get_peer_full_cert_chain|.
     SSL_get0_peer_certificates(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list sets |*out| and |*out_len| to point to
- * |*out_len| bytes of SCT information from the server. This is only valid if
- * |ssl| is a client. The SCT information is a SignedCertificateTimestampList
- * (including the two leading length bytes).
- * See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962#section-3.3
- * If no SCT was received then |*out_len| will be zero on return.
- *
- * WARNING: the returned data is not guaranteed to be well formed. */
+// SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list sets |*out| and |*out_len| to point to
+// |*out_len| bytes of SCT information from the server. This is only valid if
+// |ssl| is a client. The SCT information is a SignedCertificateTimestampList
+// (including the two leading length bytes).
+// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962#section-3.3
+// If no SCT was received then |*out_len| will be zero on return.
+// WARNING: the returned data is not guaranteed to be well formed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list(const SSL *ssl,
                                                         const uint8_t **out,
                                                         size_t *out_len);
-/* SSL_get0_ocsp_response sets |*out| and |*out_len| to point to |*out_len|
- * bytes of an OCSP response from the server. This is the DER encoding of an
- * OCSPResponse type as defined in RFC 2560.
- *
- * WARNING: the returned data is not guaranteed to be well formed. */
+// SSL_get0_ocsp_response sets |*out| and |*out_len| to point to |*out_len|
+// bytes of an OCSP response from the server. This is the DER encoding of an
+// OCSPResponse type as defined in RFC 2560.
+// WARNING: the returned data is not guaranteed to be well formed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get0_ocsp_response(const SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out,
                                            size_t *out_len);
-/* SSL_get_tls_unique writes at most |max_out| bytes of the tls-unique value
- * for |ssl| to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. It
- * returns one on success or zero on error. In general |max_out| should be at
- * least 12.
- *
- * This function will always fail if the initial handshake has not completed.
- * The tls-unique value will change after a renegotiation but, since
- * renegotiations can be initiated by the server at any point, the higher-level
- * protocol must either leave them disabled or define states in which the
- * tls-unique value can be read.
- *
- * The tls-unique value is defined by
- * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5929#section-3.1. Due to a weakness in the
- * TLS protocol, tls-unique is broken for resumed connections unless the
- * Extended Master Secret extension is negotiated. Thus this function will
- * return zero if |ssl| performed session resumption unless EMS was used when
- * negotiating the original session. */
+// SSL_get_tls_unique writes at most |max_out| bytes of the tls-unique value
+// for |ssl| to |out| and sets |*out_len| to the number of bytes written. It
+// returns one on success or zero on error. In general |max_out| should be at
+// least 12.
+// This function will always fail if the initial handshake has not completed.
+// The tls-unique value will change after a renegotiation but, since
+// renegotiations can be initiated by the server at any point, the higher-level
+// protocol must either leave them disabled or define states in which the
+// tls-unique value can be read.
+// The tls-unique value is defined by
+// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5929#section-3.1. Due to a weakness in the
+// TLS protocol, tls-unique is broken for resumed connections unless the
+// Extended Master Secret extension is negotiated. Thus this function will
+// return zero if |ssl| performed session resumption unless EMS was used when
+// negotiating the original session.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_tls_unique(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
                                       size_t *out_len, size_t max_out);
-/* SSL_get_extms_support returns one if the Extended Master Secret extension or
- * TLS 1.3 was negotiated. Otherwise, it returns zero. */
+// SSL_get_extms_support returns one if the Extended Master Secret extension or
+// TLS 1.3 was negotiated. Otherwise, it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_extms_support(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_current_cipher returns the cipher used in the current outgoing
- * connection state, or NULL if the null cipher is active. */
+// SSL_get_current_cipher returns the cipher used in the current outgoing
+// connection state, or NULL if the null cipher is active.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_CIPHER *SSL_get_current_cipher(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_session_reused returns one if |ssl| performed an abbreviated handshake
- * and zero otherwise.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Hammer down the semantics of this API while a handshake,
- * initial or renego, is in progress. */
+// SSL_session_reused returns one if |ssl| performed an abbreviated handshake
+// and zero otherwise.
+// TODO(davidben): Hammer down the semantics of this API while a handshake,
+// initial or renego, is in progress.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_session_reused(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support returns one if the peer supports secure
- * renegotiation (RFC 5746) or TLS 1.3. Otherwise, it returns zero. */
+// SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support returns one if the peer supports secure
+// renegotiation (RFC 5746) or TLS 1.3. Otherwise, it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_secure_renegotiation_support(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_export_keying_material exports a value derived from the master secret, as
- * specified in RFC 5705. It writes |out_len| bytes to |out| given a label and
- * optional context. (Since a zero length context is allowed, the |use_context|
- * flag controls whether a context is included.)
- *
- * It returns one on success and zero otherwise. */
+// SSL_export_keying_material exports a value derived from the master secret, as
+// specified in RFC 5705. It writes |out_len| bytes to |out| given a label and
+// optional context. (Since a zero length context is allowed, the |use_context|
+// flag controls whether a context is included.)
+// It returns one on success and zero otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_export_keying_material(
     SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t out_len, const char *label, size_t label_len,
     const uint8_t *context, size_t context_len, int use_context);
-/* Custom extensions.
- *
- * The custom extension functions allow TLS extensions to be added to
- * ClientHello and ServerHello messages. */
+// Custom extensions.
+// The custom extension functions allow TLS extensions to be added to
+// ClientHello and ServerHello messages.
-/* SSL_custom_ext_add_cb is a callback function that is called when the
- * ClientHello (for clients) or ServerHello (for servers) is constructed. In
- * the case of a server, this callback will only be called for a given
- * extension if the ClientHello contained that extension – it's not possible to
- * inject extensions into a ServerHello that the client didn't request.
- *
- * When called, |extension_value| will contain the extension number that is
- * being considered for addition (so that a single callback can handle multiple
- * extensions). If the callback wishes to include the extension, it must set
- * |*out| to point to |*out_len| bytes of extension contents and return one. In
- * this case, the corresponding |SSL_custom_ext_free_cb| callback will later be
- * called with the value of |*out| once that data has been copied.
- *
- * If the callback does not wish to add an extension it must return zero.
- *
- * Alternatively, the callback can abort the connection by setting
- * |*out_alert_value| to a TLS alert number and returning -1. */
+// SSL_custom_ext_add_cb is a callback function that is called when the
+// ClientHello (for clients) or ServerHello (for servers) is constructed. In
+// the case of a server, this callback will only be called for a given
+// extension if the ClientHello contained that extension – it's not possible to
+// inject extensions into a ServerHello that the client didn't request.
+// When called, |extension_value| will contain the extension number that is
+// being considered for addition (so that a single callback can handle multiple
+// extensions). If the callback wishes to include the extension, it must set
+// |*out| to point to |*out_len| bytes of extension contents and return one. In
+// this case, the corresponding |SSL_custom_ext_free_cb| callback will later be
+// called with the value of |*out| once that data has been copied.
+// If the callback does not wish to add an extension it must return zero.
+// Alternatively, the callback can abort the connection by setting
+// |*out_alert_value| to a TLS alert number and returning -1.
 typedef int (*SSL_custom_ext_add_cb)(SSL *ssl, unsigned extension_value,
                                      const uint8_t **out, size_t *out_len,
                                      int *out_alert_value, void *add_arg);
-/* SSL_custom_ext_free_cb is a callback function that is called by OpenSSL iff
- * an |SSL_custom_ext_add_cb| callback previously returned one. In that case,
- * this callback is called and passed the |out| pointer that was returned by
- * the add callback. This is to free any dynamically allocated data created by
- * the add callback. */
+// SSL_custom_ext_free_cb is a callback function that is called by OpenSSL iff
+// an |SSL_custom_ext_add_cb| callback previously returned one. In that case,
+// this callback is called and passed the |out| pointer that was returned by
+// the add callback. This is to free any dynamically allocated data created by
+// the add callback.
 typedef void (*SSL_custom_ext_free_cb)(SSL *ssl, unsigned extension_value,
                                        const uint8_t *out, void *add_arg);
-/* SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb is a callback function that is called by OpenSSL to
- * parse an extension from the peer: that is from the ServerHello for a client
- * and from the ClientHello for a server.
- *
- * When called, |extension_value| will contain the extension number and the
- * contents of the extension are |contents_len| bytes at |contents|.
- *
- * The callback must return one to continue the handshake. Otherwise, if it
- * returns zero, a fatal alert with value |*out_alert_value| is sent and the
- * handshake is aborted. */
+// SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb is a callback function that is called by OpenSSL to
+// parse an extension from the peer: that is from the ServerHello for a client
+// and from the ClientHello for a server.
+// When called, |extension_value| will contain the extension number and the
+// contents of the extension are |contents_len| bytes at |contents|.
+// The callback must return one to continue the handshake. Otherwise, if it
+// returns zero, a fatal alert with value |*out_alert_value| is sent and the
+// handshake is aborted.
 typedef int (*SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb)(SSL *ssl, unsigned extension_value,
                                        const uint8_t *contents,
                                        size_t contents_len,
                                        int *out_alert_value, void *parse_arg);
-/* SSL_extension_supported returns one iff OpenSSL internally handles
- * extensions of type |extension_value|. This can be used to avoid registering
- * custom extension handlers for extensions that a future version of OpenSSL
- * may handle internally. */
+// SSL_extension_supported returns one iff OpenSSL internally handles
+// extensions of type |extension_value|. This can be used to avoid registering
+// custom extension handlers for extensions that a future version of OpenSSL
+// may handle internally.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_extension_supported(unsigned extension_value);
-/* SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext registers callback functions for handling
- * custom TLS extensions for client connections.
- *
- * If |add_cb| is NULL then an empty extension will be added in each
- * ClientHello. Otherwise, see the comment for |SSL_custom_ext_add_cb| about
- * this callback.
- *
- * The |free_cb| may be NULL if |add_cb| doesn't dynamically allocate data that
- * needs to be freed.
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. It's always an error to register
- * callbacks for the same extension twice, or to register callbacks for an
- * extension that OpenSSL handles internally. See |SSL_extension_supported| to
- * discover, at runtime, which extensions OpenSSL handles internally. */
+// SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext registers callback functions for handling
+// custom TLS extensions for client connections.
+// If |add_cb| is NULL then an empty extension will be added in each
+// ClientHello. Otherwise, see the comment for |SSL_custom_ext_add_cb| about
+// this callback.
+// The |free_cb| may be NULL if |add_cb| doesn't dynamically allocate data that
+// needs to be freed.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error. It's always an error to register
+// callbacks for the same extension twice, or to register callbacks for an
+// extension that OpenSSL handles internally. See |SSL_extension_supported| to
+// discover, at runtime, which extensions OpenSSL handles internally.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned extension_value, SSL_custom_ext_add_cb add_cb,
     SSL_custom_ext_free_cb free_cb, void *add_arg,
     SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb parse_cb, void *parse_arg);
-/* SSL_CTX_add_server_custom_ext is the same as
- * |SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext|, but for server connections.
- *
- * Unlike on the client side, if |add_cb| is NULL no extension will be added.
- * The |add_cb|, if any, will only be called if the ClientHello contained a
- * matching extension. */
+// SSL_CTX_add_server_custom_ext is the same as
+// |SSL_CTX_add_client_custom_ext|, but for server connections.
+// Unlike on the client side, if |add_cb| is NULL no extension will be added.
+// The |add_cb|, if any, will only be called if the ClientHello contained a
+// matching extension.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_server_custom_ext(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned extension_value, SSL_custom_ext_add_cb add_cb,
     SSL_custom_ext_free_cb free_cb, void *add_arg,
     SSL_custom_ext_parse_cb parse_cb, void *parse_arg);
-/* Sessions.
- *
- * An |SSL_SESSION| represents an SSL session that may be resumed in an
- * abbreviated handshake. It is reference-counted and immutable. Once
- * established, an |SSL_SESSION| may be shared by multiple |SSL| objects on
- * different threads and must not be modified. */
+// Sessions.
+// An |SSL_SESSION| represents an SSL session that may be resumed in an
+// abbreviated handshake. It is reference-counted and immutable. Once
+// established, an |SSL_SESSION| may be shared by multiple |SSL| objects on
+// different threads and must not be modified.
-/* SSL_SESSION_new returns a newly-allocated blank |SSL_SESSION| or NULL on
- * error. This may be useful when writing tests but should otherwise not be
- * used. */
+// SSL_SESSION_new returns a newly-allocated blank |SSL_SESSION| or NULL on
+// error. This may be useful when writing tests but should otherwise not be
+// used.
-/* SSL_SESSION_up_ref increments the reference count of |session| and returns
- * one. */
+// SSL_SESSION_up_ref increments the reference count of |session| and returns
+// one.
-/* SSL_SESSION_free decrements the reference count of |session|. If it reaches
- * zero, all data referenced by |session| and |session| itself are released. */
+// SSL_SESSION_free decrements the reference count of |session|. If it reaches
+// zero, all data referenced by |session| and |session| itself are released.
-/* SSL_SESSION_to_bytes serializes |in| into a newly allocated buffer and sets
- * |*out_data| to that buffer and |*out_len| to its length. The caller takes
- * ownership of the buffer and must call |OPENSSL_free| when done. It returns
- * one on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_SESSION_to_bytes serializes |in| into a newly allocated buffer and sets
+// |*out_data| to that buffer and |*out_len| to its length. The caller takes
+// ownership of the buffer and must call |OPENSSL_free| when done. It returns
+// one on success and zero on error.
                                         uint8_t **out_data, size_t *out_len);
-/* SSL_SESSION_to_bytes_for_ticket serializes |in|, but excludes the session
- * identification information, namely the session ID and ticket. */
+// SSL_SESSION_to_bytes_for_ticket serializes |in|, but excludes the session
+// identification information, namely the session ID and ticket.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_to_bytes_for_ticket(const SSL_SESSION *in,
                                                    uint8_t **out_data,
                                                    size_t *out_len);
-/* SSL_SESSION_from_bytes parses |in_len| bytes from |in| as an SSL_SESSION. It
- * returns a newly-allocated |SSL_SESSION| on success or NULL on error. */
+// SSL_SESSION_from_bytes parses |in_len| bytes from |in| as an SSL_SESSION. It
+// returns a newly-allocated |SSL_SESSION| on success or NULL on error.
     const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_SESSION_get_version returns a string describing the TLS version |session|
- * was established at. For example, "TLSv1.2" or "SSLv3". */
+// SSL_SESSION_get_version returns a string describing the TLS version |session|
+// was established at. For example, "TLSv1.2" or "SSLv3".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_SESSION_get_version(const SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_SESSION_get_id returns a pointer to a buffer containing |session|'s
- * session ID and sets |*out_len| to its length. */
+// SSL_SESSION_get_id returns a pointer to a buffer containing |session|'s
+// session ID and sets |*out_len| to its length.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const uint8_t *SSL_SESSION_get_id(const SSL_SESSION *session,
                                                  unsigned *out_len);
-/* SSL_SESSION_get_time returns the time at which |session| was established in
- * seconds since the UNIX epoch. */
+// SSL_SESSION_get_time returns the time at which |session| was established in
+// seconds since the UNIX epoch.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint64_t SSL_SESSION_get_time(const SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_SESSION_get_timeout returns the lifetime of |session| in seconds. */
+// SSL_SESSION_get_timeout returns the lifetime of |session| in seconds.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_SESSION_get_timeout(const SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_SESSION_get0_peer returns the peer leaf certificate stored in
- * |session|.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): This should return a const X509 *. */
+// SSL_SESSION_get0_peer returns the peer leaf certificate stored in
+// |session|.
+// TODO(davidben): This should return a const X509 *.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT X509 *SSL_SESSION_get0_peer(const SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_SESSION_get_master_key writes up to |max_out| bytes of |session|'s master
- * secret to |out| and returns the number of bytes written. If |max_out| is
- * zero, it returns the size of the master secret. */
+// SSL_SESSION_get_master_key writes up to |max_out| bytes of |session|'s master
+// secret to |out| and returns the number of bytes written. If |max_out| is
+// zero, it returns the size of the master secret.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_SESSION_get_master_key(const SSL_SESSION *session,
                                                  uint8_t *out, size_t max_out);
-/* SSL_SESSION_set_time sets |session|'s creation time to |time| and returns
- * |time|. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise should not
- * be used. */
+// SSL_SESSION_set_time sets |session|'s creation time to |time| and returns
+// |time|. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise should not
+// be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint64_t SSL_SESSION_set_time(SSL_SESSION *session,
                                              uint64_t time);
-/* SSL_SESSION_set_timeout sets |session|'s timeout to |timeout| and returns
- * one. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise should not
- * be used. */
+// SSL_SESSION_set_timeout sets |session|'s timeout to |timeout| and returns
+// one. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise should not
+// be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_SESSION_set_timeout(SSL_SESSION *session,
                                                 uint32_t timeout);
-/* SSL_SESSION_set1_id_context sets |session|'s session ID context (see
- * |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context|) to |sid_ctx|. It returns one on success and
- * zero on error. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise
- * should not be used. */
+// SSL_SESSION_set1_id_context sets |session|'s session ID context (see
+// |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context|) to |sid_ctx|. It returns one on success and
+// zero on error. This function may be useful in writing tests but otherwise
+// should not be used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_SESSION_set1_id_context(SSL_SESSION *session,
                                                const uint8_t *sid_ctx,
                                                size_t sid_ctx_len);
-/* Session caching.
- *
- * Session caching allows connections to be established more efficiently based
- * on saved parameters from a previous connection, called a session (see
- * |SSL_SESSION|). The client offers a saved session, using an opaque identifier
- * from a previous connection. The server may accept the session, if it has the
- * parameters available. Otherwise, it will decline and continue with a full
- * handshake.
- *
- * This requires both the client and the server to retain session state. A
- * client does so with a stateful session cache. A server may do the same or, if
- * supported by both sides, statelessly using session tickets. For more
- * information on the latter, see the next section.
- *
- * For a server, the library implements a built-in internal session cache as an
- * in-memory hash table. Servers may also use |SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb| and
- * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb| to implement a custom external session cache. In
- * particular, this may be used to share a session cache between multiple
- * servers in a large deployment. An external cache may be used in addition to
- * or instead of the internal one. Use |SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode| to
- * toggle the internal cache.
- *
- * For a client, the only option is an external session cache. Clients may use
- * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb| to register a callback for when new sessions are
- * available. These may be cached and, in subsequent compatible connections,
- * configured with |SSL_set_session|.
- *
- * Note that offering or accepting a session short-circuits certificate
- * verification and most parameter negotiation. Resuming sessions across
- * different contexts may result in security failures and surprising
- * behavior. For a typical client, this means sessions for different hosts must
- * be cached under different keys. A client that connects to the same host with,
- * e.g., different cipher suite settings or client certificates should also use
- * separate session caches between those contexts. Servers should also partition
- * session caches between SNI hosts with |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context|.  */
+// Session caching.
+// Session caching allows connections to be established more efficiently based
+// on saved parameters from a previous connection, called a session (see
+// |SSL_SESSION|). The client offers a saved session, using an opaque identifier
+// from a previous connection. The server may accept the session, if it has the
+// parameters available. Otherwise, it will decline and continue with a full
+// handshake.
+// This requires both the client and the server to retain session state. A
+// client does so with a stateful session cache. A server may do the same or, if
+// supported by both sides, statelessly using session tickets. For more
+// information on the latter, see the next section.
+// For a server, the library implements a built-in internal session cache as an
+// in-memory hash table. Servers may also use |SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb| and
+// |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb| to implement a custom external session cache. In
+// particular, this may be used to share a session cache between multiple
+// servers in a large deployment. An external cache may be used in addition to
+// or instead of the internal one. Use |SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode| to
+// toggle the internal cache.
+// For a client, the only option is an external session cache. Clients may use
+// |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb| to register a callback for when new sessions are
+// available. These may be cached and, in subsequent compatible connections,
+// configured with |SSL_set_session|.
+// Note that offering or accepting a session short-circuits certificate
+// verification and most parameter negotiation. Resuming sessions across
+// different contexts may result in security failures and surprising
+// behavior. For a typical client, this means sessions for different hosts must
+// be cached under different keys. A client that connects to the same host with,
+// e.g., different cipher suite settings or client certificates should also use
+// separate session caches between those contexts. Servers should also partition
+// session caches between SNI hosts with |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context|.
-/* SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF disables all session caching. */
+// SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF disables all session caching.
 #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF 0x0000
-/* SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT enables session caching for a client. The internal
- * cache is never used on a client, so this only enables the callbacks. */
+// SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT enables session caching for a client. The internal
+// cache is never used on a client, so this only enables the callbacks.
 #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT 0x0001
-/* SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER enables session caching for a server. */
+// SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER enables session caching for a server.
 #define SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER 0x0002
-/* SSL_SESS_CACHE_BOTH enables session caching for both client and server. */
+// SSL_SESS_CACHE_BOTH enables session caching for both client and server.
-/* SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR disables automatically calling
- * |SSL_CTX_flush_sessions| every 255 connections. */
+// SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_AUTO_CLEAR disables automatically calling
+// |SSL_CTX_flush_sessions| every 255 connections.
-/* SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_LOOKUP, on a server, disables looking up a session
- * from the internal session cache. */
+// SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_LOOKUP, on a server, disables looking up a session
+// from the internal session cache.
-/* SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_STORE, on a server, disables storing sessions in
- * the internal session cache. */
+// SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL_STORE, on a server, disables storing sessions in
+// the internal session cache.
-/* SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL, on a server, disables the internal session
- * cache. */
+// SSL_SESS_CACHE_NO_INTERNAL, on a server, disables the internal session
+// cache.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode sets the session cache mode bits for |ctx| to
- * |mode|. It returns the previous value. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode sets the session cache mode bits for |ctx| to
+// |mode|. It returns the previous value.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode returns the session cache mode bits for
- * |ctx| */
+// SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode returns the session cache mode bits for
+// |ctx|
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_set_session, for a client, configures |ssl| to offer to resume |session|
- * in the initial handshake and returns one. The caller retains ownership of
- * |session|.
- *
- * It is an error to call this function after the handshake has begun. */
+// SSL_set_session, for a client, configures |ssl| to offer to resume |session|
+// in the initial handshake and returns one. The caller retains ownership of
+// |session|.
+// It is an error to call this function after the handshake has begun.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_session(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT is the default lifetime, in seconds, of a
- * session in TLS 1.2 or earlier. This is how long we are willing to use the
- * secret to encrypt traffic without fresh key material. */
+// SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT is the default lifetime, in seconds, of a
+// session in TLS 1.2 or earlier. This is how long we are willing to use the
+// secret to encrypt traffic without fresh key material.
 #define SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT (2 * 60 * 60)
-/* SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_PSK_DHE_TIMEOUT is the default lifetime, in seconds, of a
- * session for TLS 1.3 psk_dhe_ke. This is how long we are willing to use the
- * secret as an authenticator. */
+// SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_PSK_DHE_TIMEOUT is the default lifetime, in seconds, of a
+// session for TLS 1.3 psk_dhe_ke. This is how long we are willing to use the
+// secret as an authenticator.
 #define SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_PSK_DHE_TIMEOUT (2 * 24 * 60 * 60)
-/* SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_AUTH_TIMEOUT is the default non-renewable lifetime, in
- * seconds, of a TLS 1.3 session. This is how long we are willing to trust the
- * signature in the initial handshake. */
+// SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_AUTH_TIMEOUT is the default non-renewable lifetime, in
+// seconds, of a TLS 1.3 session. This is how long we are willing to trust the
+// signature in the initial handshake.
 #define SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_AUTH_TIMEOUT (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
-/* SSL_CTX_set_timeout sets the lifetime, in seconds, of TLS 1.2 (or earlier)
- * sessions created in |ctx| to |timeout|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_timeout sets the lifetime, in seconds, of TLS 1.2 (or earlier)
+// sessions created in |ctx| to |timeout|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_set_timeout(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint32_t timeout);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_session_psk_dhe_timeout sets the lifetime, in seconds, of TLS 1.3
- * sessions created in |ctx| to |timeout|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_session_psk_dhe_timeout sets the lifetime, in seconds, of TLS 1.3
+// sessions created in |ctx| to |timeout|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_session_psk_dhe_timeout(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                         uint32_t timeout);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_timeout returns the lifetime, in seconds, of TLS 1.2 (or earlier)
- * sessions created in |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_timeout returns the lifetime, in seconds, of TLS 1.2 (or earlier)
+// sessions created in |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t SSL_CTX_get_timeout(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context sets |ctx|'s session ID context to |sid_ctx|.
- * It returns one on success and zero on error. The session ID context is an
- * application-defined opaque byte string. A session will not be used in a
- * connection without a matching session ID context.
- *
- * For a server, if |SSL_VERIFY_PEER| is enabled, it is an error to not set a
- * session ID context. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context sets |ctx|'s session ID context to |sid_ctx|.
+// It returns one on success and zero on error. The session ID context is an
+// application-defined opaque byte string. A session will not be used in a
+// connection without a matching session ID context.
+// For a server, if |SSL_VERIFY_PEER| is enabled, it is an error to not set a
+// session ID context.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                   const uint8_t *sid_ctx,
                                                   size_t sid_ctx_len);
-/* SSL_set_session_id_context sets |ssl|'s session ID context to |sid_ctx|. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error. See also
- * |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context|. */
+// SSL_set_session_id_context sets |ssl|'s session ID context to |sid_ctx|. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error. See also
+// |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_session_id_context(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *sid_ctx,
                                               size_t sid_ctx_len);
-/* SSL_get0_session_id_context returns a pointer to |ssl|'s session ID context
- * and sets |*out_len| to its length. */
+// SSL_get0_session_id_context returns a pointer to |ssl|'s session ID context
+// and sets |*out_len| to its length.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const uint8_t *SSL_get0_session_id_context(const SSL *ssl,
                                                           size_t *out_len);
-/* SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT is the default maximum size of a session
- * cache. */
+// SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT is the default maximum size of a session
+// cache.
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size sets the maximum size of |ctx|'s internal session
- * cache to |size|. It returns the previous value. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size sets the maximum size of |ctx|'s internal session
+// cache to |size|. It returns the previous value.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned long SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                          unsigned long size);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size returns the maximum size of |ctx|'s internal
- * session cache. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size returns the maximum size of |ctx|'s internal
+// session cache.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned long SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sessions returns |ctx|'s internal session cache. */
+// SSL_CTX_sessions returns |ctx|'s internal session cache.
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_number returns the number of sessions in |ctx|'s internal
- * session cache. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_number returns the number of sessions in |ctx|'s internal
+// session cache.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_CTX_sess_number(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_add_session inserts |session| into |ctx|'s internal session cache. It
- * returns one on success and zero on error or if |session| is already in the
- * cache. The caller retains its reference to |session|. */
+// SSL_CTX_add_session inserts |session| into |ctx|'s internal session cache. It
+// returns one on success and zero on error or if |session| is already in the
+// cache. The caller retains its reference to |session|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_session(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_CTX_remove_session removes |session| from |ctx|'s internal session cache.
- * It returns one on success and zero if |session| was not in the cache. */
+// SSL_CTX_remove_session removes |session| from |ctx|'s internal session cache.
+// It returns one on success and zero if |session| was not in the cache.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_remove_session(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_CTX_flush_sessions removes all sessions from |ctx| which have expired as
- * of time |time|. If |time| is zero, all sessions are removed. */
+// SSL_CTX_flush_sessions removes all sessions from |ctx| which have expired as
+// of time |time|. If |time| is zero, all sessions are removed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(SSL_CTX *ctx, uint64_t time);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb sets the callback to be called when a new session is
- * established and ready to be cached. If the session cache is disabled (the
- * appropriate one of |SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT| or |SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER| is
- * unset), the callback is not called.
- *
- * The callback is passed a reference to |session|. It returns one if it takes
- * ownership (and then calls |SSL_SESSION_free| when done) and zero otherwise. A
- * consumer which places |session| into an in-memory cache will likely return
- * one, with the cache calling |SSL_SESSION_free|. A consumer which serializes
- * |session| with |SSL_SESSION_to_bytes| may not need to retain |session| and
- * will likely return zero. Returning one is equivalent to calling
- * |SSL_SESSION_up_ref| and then returning zero.
- *
- * Note: For a client, the callback may be called on abbreviated handshakes if a
- * ticket is renewed. Further, it may not be called until some time after
- * |SSL_do_handshake| or |SSL_connect| completes if False Start is enabled. Thus
- * it's recommended to use this callback over calling |SSL_get_session| on
- * handshake completion. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb sets the callback to be called when a new session is
+// established and ready to be cached. If the session cache is disabled (the
+// appropriate one of |SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT| or |SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER| is
+// unset), the callback is not called.
+// The callback is passed a reference to |session|. It returns one if it takes
+// ownership (and then calls |SSL_SESSION_free| when done) and zero otherwise. A
+// consumer which places |session| into an in-memory cache will likely return
+// one, with the cache calling |SSL_SESSION_free|. A consumer which serializes
+// |session| with |SSL_SESSION_to_bytes| may not need to retain |session| and
+// will likely return zero. Returning one is equivalent to calling
+// |SSL_SESSION_up_ref| and then returning zero.
+// Note: For a client, the callback may be called on abbreviated handshakes if a
+// ticket is renewed. Further, it may not be called until some time after
+// |SSL_do_handshake| or |SSL_connect| completes if False Start is enabled. Thus
+// it's recommended to use this callback over calling |SSL_get_session| on
+// handshake completion.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*new_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session));
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb returns the callback set by
- * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb|. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb returns the callback set by
+// |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int (*SSL_CTX_sess_get_new_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(
     SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb sets a callback which is called when a session is
- * removed from the internal session cache.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): What is the point of this callback? It seems useless since it
- * only fires on sessions in the internal cache. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb sets a callback which is called when a session is
+// removed from the internal session cache.
+// TODO(davidben): What is the point of this callback? It seems useless since it
+// only fires on sessions in the internal cache.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx,
     void (*remove_session_cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session));
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb returns the callback set by
- * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb|. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb returns the callback set by
+// |SSL_CTX_sess_set_remove_cb|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_CTX_sess_get_remove_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb sets a callback to look up a session by ID for a
- * server. The callback is passed the session ID and should return a matching
- * |SSL_SESSION| or NULL if not found. It should set |*out_copy| to zero and
- * return a new reference to the session. This callback is not used for a
- * client.
- *
- * For historical reasons, if |*out_copy| is set to one (default), the SSL
- * library will take a new reference to the returned |SSL_SESSION|, expecting
- * the callback to return a non-owning pointer. This is not recommended. If
- * |ctx| and thus the callback is used on multiple threads, the session may be
- * removed and invalidated before the SSL library calls |SSL_SESSION_up_ref|,
- * whereas the callback may synchronize internally.
- *
- * To look up a session asynchronously, the callback may return
- * |SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr|. See the documentation for that function and
- *
- * If the internal session cache is enabled, the callback is only consulted if
- * the internal cache does not return a match.
- *
- * The callback's |id| parameter is not const for historical reasons, but the
- * contents may not be modified. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb sets a callback to look up a session by ID for a
+// server. The callback is passed the session ID and should return a matching
+// |SSL_SESSION| or NULL if not found. It should set |*out_copy| to zero and
+// return a new reference to the session. This callback is not used for a
+// client.
+// For historical reasons, if |*out_copy| is set to one (default), the SSL
+// library will take a new reference to the returned |SSL_SESSION|, expecting
+// the callback to return a non-owning pointer. This is not recommended. If
+// |ctx| and thus the callback is used on multiple threads, the session may be
+// removed and invalidated before the SSL library calls |SSL_SESSION_up_ref|,
+// whereas the callback may synchronize internally.
+// To look up a session asynchronously, the callback may return
+// |SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr|. See the documentation for that function and
+// If the internal session cache is enabled, the callback is only consulted if
+// the internal cache does not return a match.
+// The callback's |id| parameter is not const for historical reasons, but the
+// contents may not be modified.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx,
     SSL_SESSION *(*get_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *id, int id_len,
                                    int *out_copy));
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb returns the callback set by
- * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb|. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb returns the callback set by
+// |SSL_CTX_sess_set_get_cb|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *(*SSL_CTX_sess_get_get_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(
     SSL *ssl, uint8_t *id, int id_len, int *out_copy);
-/* SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr returns a magic |SSL_SESSION|* which indicates
- * that the session isn't currently unavailable. |SSL_get_error| will then
- * return |SSL_ERROR_PENDING_SESSION| and the handshake can be retried later
- * when the lookup has completed. */
+// SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr returns a magic |SSL_SESSION|* which indicates
+// that the session isn't currently unavailable. |SSL_get_error| will then
+// return |SSL_ERROR_PENDING_SESSION| and the handshake can be retried later
+// when the lookup has completed.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *SSL_magic_pending_session_ptr(void);
-/* Session tickets.
- *
- * Session tickets, from RFC 5077, allow session resumption without server-side
- * state. The server maintains a secret ticket key and sends the client opaque
- * encrypted session parameters, called a ticket. When offering the session, the
- * client sends the ticket which the server decrypts to recover session state.
- * Session tickets are enabled by default but may be disabled with
- *
- * On the client, ticket-based sessions use the same APIs as ID-based tickets.
- * Callers do not need to handle them differently.
- *
- * On the server, tickets are encrypted and authenticated with a secret key. By
- * default, an |SSL_CTX| generates a key on creation and uses it for the
- * lifetime of the |SSL_CTX|. Tickets are minted and processed
- * transparently. The following functions may be used to configure a persistent
- * key or implement more custom behavior, including key rotation and sharing
- * keys between multiple servers in a large deployment. There are three levels
- * of customisation possible:
- *
- * 1) One can simply set the keys with |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys|.
- * 2) One can configure an |EVP_CIPHER_CTX| and |HMAC_CTX| directly for
- *    encryption and authentication.
- * 3) One can configure an |SSL_TICKET_ENCRYPTION_METHOD| to have more control
- *    and the option of asynchronous decryption.
- *
- * An attacker that compromises a server's session ticket key can impersonate
- * the server and, prior to TLS 1.3, retroactively decrypt all application
- * traffic from sessions using that ticket key. Thus ticket keys must be
- * regularly rotated for forward secrecy. Note the default key is currently not
- * rotated.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): This is silly. Rotate the default key automatically. */
+// Session tickets.
+// Session tickets, from RFC 5077, allow session resumption without server-side
+// state. The server maintains a secret ticket key and sends the client opaque
+// encrypted session parameters, called a ticket. When offering the session, the
+// client sends the ticket which the server decrypts to recover session state.
+// Session tickets are enabled by default but may be disabled with
+// On the client, ticket-based sessions use the same APIs as ID-based tickets.
+// Callers do not need to handle them differently.
+// On the server, tickets are encrypted and authenticated with a secret key. By
+// default, an |SSL_CTX| generates a key on creation and uses it for the
+// lifetime of the |SSL_CTX|. Tickets are minted and processed
+// transparently. The following functions may be used to configure a persistent
+// key or implement more custom behavior, including key rotation and sharing
+// keys between multiple servers in a large deployment. There are three levels
+// of customisation possible:
+// 1) One can simply set the keys with |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys|.
+// 2) One can configure an |EVP_CIPHER_CTX| and |HMAC_CTX| directly for
+//    encryption and authentication.
+// 3) One can configure an |SSL_TICKET_ENCRYPTION_METHOD| to have more control
+//    and the option of asynchronous decryption.
+// An attacker that compromises a server's session ticket key can impersonate
+// the server and, prior to TLS 1.3, retroactively decrypt all application
+// traffic from sessions using that ticket key. Thus ticket keys must be
+// regularly rotated for forward secrecy. Note the default key is rotated
+// automatically once every 48 hours but manually configured keys are not.
-/* SSL_CTX_get_tlsext_ticket_keys writes |ctx|'s session ticket key material to
- * |len| bytes of |out|. It returns one on success and zero if |len| is not
- * 48. If |out| is NULL, it returns 48 instead. */
+// SSL_DEFAULT_TICKET_KEY_ROTATION_INTERVAL is the interval with which the
+// default session ticket encryption key is rotated, if in use. If any
+// non-default ticket encryption mechanism is configured, automatic rotation is
+// disabled.
+// SSL_CTX_get_tlsext_ticket_keys writes |ctx|'s session ticket key material to
+// |len| bytes of |out|. It returns one on success and zero if |len| is not
+// 48. If |out| is NULL, it returns 48 instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_tlsext_ticket_keys(SSL_CTX *ctx, void *out,
                                                   size_t len);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys sets |ctx|'s session ticket key material to
- * |len| bytes of |in|. It returns one on success and zero if |len| is not
- * 48. If |in| is NULL, it returns 48 instead. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys sets |ctx|'s session ticket key material to
+// |len| bytes of |in|. It returns one on success and zero if |len| is not
+// 48. If |in| is NULL, it returns 48 instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_keys(SSL_CTX *ctx, const void *in,
                                                   size_t len);
-/* SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN is the length of the key name prefix of a session
- * ticket. */
+// SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN is the length of the key name prefix of a session
+// ticket.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb sets the ticket callback to |callback| and
- * returns one. |callback| will be called when encrypting a new ticket and when
- * decrypting a ticket from the client.
- *
- * In both modes, |ctx| and |hmac_ctx| will already have been initialized with
- * |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init| and |HMAC_CTX_init|, respectively. |callback|
- * configures |hmac_ctx| with an HMAC digest and key, and configures |ctx|
- * for encryption or decryption, based on the mode.
- *
- * When encrypting a new ticket, |encrypt| will be one. It writes a public
- * 16-byte key name to |key_name| and a fresh IV to |iv|. The output IV length
- * must match |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length| of the cipher selected. In this mode,
- * |callback| returns 1 on success and -1 on error.
- *
- * When decrypting a ticket, |encrypt| will be zero. |key_name| will point to a
- * 16-byte key name and |iv| points to an IV. The length of the IV consumed must
- * match |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length| of the cipher selected. In this mode,
- * |callback| returns -1 to abort the handshake, 0 if decrypting the ticket
- * failed, and 1 or 2 on success. If it returns 2, the ticket will be renewed.
- * This may be used to re-key the ticket.
- *
- * WARNING: |callback| wildly breaks the usual return value convention and is
- * called in two different modes. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb sets the ticket callback to |callback| and
+// returns one. |callback| will be called when encrypting a new ticket and when
+// decrypting a ticket from the client.
+// In both modes, |ctx| and |hmac_ctx| will already have been initialized with
+// |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init| and |HMAC_CTX_init|, respectively. |callback|
+// configures |hmac_ctx| with an HMAC digest and key, and configures |ctx|
+// for encryption or decryption, based on the mode.
+// When encrypting a new ticket, |encrypt| will be one. It writes a public
+// 16-byte key name to |key_name| and a fresh IV to |iv|. The output IV length
+// must match |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length| of the cipher selected. In this mode,
+// |callback| returns 1 on success and -1 on error.
+// When decrypting a ticket, |encrypt| will be zero. |key_name| will point to a
+// 16-byte key name and |iv| points to an IV. The length of the IV consumed must
+// match |EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length| of the cipher selected. In this mode,
+// |callback| returns -1 to abort the handshake, 0 if decrypting the ticket
+// failed, and 1 or 2 on success. If it returns 2, the ticket will be renewed.
+// This may be used to re-key the ticket.
+// WARNING: |callback| wildly breaks the usual return value convention and is
+// called in two different modes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*callback)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *key_name, uint8_t *iv,
                                   EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, HMAC_CTX *hmac_ctx,
                                   int encrypt));
-/* ssl_ticket_aead_result_t enumerates the possible results from decrypting a
- * ticket with an |SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD|. */
+// ssl_ticket_aead_result_t enumerates the possible results from decrypting a
+// ticket with an |SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD|.
 enum ssl_ticket_aead_result_t {
-  /* ssl_ticket_aead_success indicates that the ticket was successfully
-   * decrypted. */
+  // ssl_ticket_aead_success indicates that the ticket was successfully
+  // decrypted.
-  /* ssl_ticket_aead_retry indicates that the operation could not be
-   * immediately completed and must be reattempted, via |open|, at a later
-   * point. */
+  // ssl_ticket_aead_retry indicates that the operation could not be
+  // immediately completed and must be reattempted, via |open|, at a later
+  // point.
-  /* ssl_ticket_aead_ignore_ticket indicates that the ticket should be ignored
-   * (i.e. is corrupt or otherwise undecryptable). */
+  // ssl_ticket_aead_ignore_ticket indicates that the ticket should be ignored
+  // (i.e. is corrupt or otherwise undecryptable).
-  /* ssl_ticket_aead_error indicates that a fatal error occured and the
-   * handshake should be terminated. */
+  // ssl_ticket_aead_error indicates that a fatal error occured and the
+  // handshake should be terminated.
-/* ssl_ticket_aead_method_st (aka |SSL_TICKET_ENCRYPTION_METHOD|) contains
- * methods for encrypting and decrypting session tickets. */
+// ssl_ticket_aead_method_st (aka |SSL_TICKET_ENCRYPTION_METHOD|) contains
+// methods for encrypting and decrypting session tickets.
 struct ssl_ticket_aead_method_st {
-  /* max_overhead returns the maximum number of bytes of overhead that |seal|
-   * may add. */
+  // max_overhead returns the maximum number of bytes of overhead that |seal|
+  // may add.
   size_t (*max_overhead)(SSL *ssl);
-  /* seal encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in|, writes, at most,
-   * |max_out_len| bytes to |out|, and puts the number of bytes written in
-   * |*out_len|. The |in| and |out| buffers may be equal but will not otherwise
-   * alias. It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+  // seal encrypts and authenticates |in_len| bytes from |in|, writes, at most,
+  // |max_out_len| bytes to |out|, and puts the number of bytes written in
+  // |*out_len|. The |in| and |out| buffers may be equal but will not otherwise
+  // alias. It returns one on success or zero on error.
   int (*seal)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len, size_t max_out_len,
               const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len);
-  /* open authenticates and decrypts |in_len| bytes from |in|, writes, at most,
-   * |max_out_len| bytes of plaintext to |out|, and puts the number of bytes
-   * written in |*out_len|. The |in| and |out| buffers may be equal but will
-   * not otherwise alias. See |ssl_ticket_aead_result_t| for details of the
-   * return values. In the case that a retry is indicated, the caller should
-   * arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
-   * operation is completed, which will result in another call to |open|. */
+  // open authenticates and decrypts |in_len| bytes from |in|, writes, at most,
+  // |max_out_len| bytes of plaintext to |out|, and puts the number of bytes
+  // written in |*out_len|. The |in| and |out| buffers may be equal but will
+  // not otherwise alias. See |ssl_ticket_aead_result_t| for details of the
+  // return values. In the case that a retry is indicated, the caller should
+  // arrange for the high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried when the
+  // operation is completed, which will result in another call to |open|.
   enum ssl_ticket_aead_result_t (*open)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t *out_len,
                                         size_t max_out_len, const uint8_t *in,
                                         size_t in_len);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_ticket_aead_method configures a custom ticket AEAD method table
- * on |ctx|. |aead_method| must remain valid for the lifetime of |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_ticket_aead_method configures a custom ticket AEAD method table
+// on |ctx|. |aead_method| must remain valid for the lifetime of |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_ticket_aead_method(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, const SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD *aead_method);
-/* Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman.
- *
- * Cipher suites using an ECDHE key exchange perform Diffie-Hellman over an
- * elliptic curve negotiated by both endpoints. See RFC 4492. Only named curves
- * are supported. ECDHE is always enabled, but the curve preferences may be
- * configured with these functions.
- *
- * Note that TLS 1.3 renames these from curves to groups. For consistency, we
- * currently use the TLS 1.2 name in the API. */
+// Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman.
+// Cipher suites using an ECDHE key exchange perform Diffie-Hellman over an
+// elliptic curve negotiated by both endpoints. See RFC 4492. Only named curves
+// are supported. ECDHE is always enabled, but the curve preferences may be
+// configured with these functions.
+// Note that TLS 1.3 renames these from curves to groups. For consistency, we
+// currently use the TLS 1.2 name in the API.
-/* SSL_CTX_set1_curves sets the preferred curves for |ctx| to be |curves|. Each
- * element of |curves| should be a curve nid. It returns one on success and
- * zero on failure.
- *
- * Note that this API uses nid values from nid.h and not the |SSL_CURVE_*|
- * values defined below. */
+// SSL_CTX_set1_curves sets the preferred curves for |ctx| to be |curves|. Each
+// element of |curves| should be a curve nid. It returns one on success and
+// zero on failure.
+// Note that this API uses nid values from nid.h and not the |SSL_CURVE_*|
+// values defined below.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_curves(SSL_CTX *ctx, const int *curves,
                                        size_t curves_len);
-/* SSL_set1_curves sets the preferred curves for |ssl| to be |curves|. Each
- * element of |curves| should be a curve nid. It returns one on success and
- * zero on failure.
- *
- * Note that this API uses nid values from nid.h and not the |SSL_CURVE_*|
- * values defined below. */
+// SSL_set1_curves sets the preferred curves for |ssl| to be |curves|. Each
+// element of |curves| should be a curve nid. It returns one on success and
+// zero on failure.
+// Note that this API uses nid values from nid.h and not the |SSL_CURVE_*|
+// values defined below.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_curves(SSL *ssl, const int *curves,
                                    size_t curves_len);
-/* SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list sets the preferred curves for |ctx| to be the
- * colon-separated list |curves|. Each element of |curves| should be a curve
- * name (e.g. P-256, X25519, ...). It returns one on success and zero on
- * failure. */
+// SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list sets the preferred curves for |ctx| to be the
+// colon-separated list |curves|. Each element of |curves| should be a curve
+// name (e.g. P-256, X25519, ...). It returns one on success and zero on
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *curves);
-/* SSL_set1_curves_list sets the preferred curves for |ssl| to be the
- * colon-separated list |curves|. Each element of |curves| should be a curve
- * name (e.g. P-256, X25519, ...). It returns one on success and zero on
- * failure. */
+// SSL_set1_curves_list sets the preferred curves for |ssl| to be the
+// colon-separated list |curves|. Each element of |curves| should be a curve
+// name (e.g. P-256, X25519, ...). It returns one on success and zero on
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_curves_list(SSL *ssl, const char *curves);
-/* SSL_CURVE_* define TLS curve IDs. */
+// SSL_CURVE_* define TLS curve IDs.
 #define SSL_CURVE_SECP224R1 21
 #define SSL_CURVE_SECP256R1 23
 #define SSL_CURVE_SECP384R1 24
 #define SSL_CURVE_SECP521R1 25
 #define SSL_CURVE_X25519 29
-/* SSL_get_curve_id returns the ID of the curve used by |ssl|'s most recently
- * completed handshake or 0 if not applicable.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): This API currently does not work correctly if there is a
- * renegotiation in progress. Fix this. */
+// SSL_get_curve_id returns the ID of the curve used by |ssl|'s most recently
+// completed handshake or 0 if not applicable.
+// TODO(davidben): This API currently does not work correctly if there is a
+// renegotiation in progress. Fix this.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_get_curve_id(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_curve_name returns a human-readable name for the curve specified by
- * the given TLS curve id, or NULL if the curve is unknown. */
+// SSL_get_curve_name returns a human-readable name for the curve specified by
+// the given TLS curve id, or NULL if the curve is unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_curve_name(uint16_t curve_id);
-/* Certificate verification.
- *
- * SSL may authenticate either endpoint with an X.509 certificate. Typically
- * this is used to authenticate the server to the client. These functions
- * configure certificate verification.
- *
- * WARNING: By default, certificate verification errors on a client are not
- * fatal. See |SSL_VERIFY_NONE| This may be configured with
- * |SSL_CTX_set_verify|.
- *
- * By default clients are anonymous but a server may request a certificate from
- * the client by setting |SSL_VERIFY_PEER|.
- *
- * Many of these functions use OpenSSL's legacy X.509 stack which is
- * underdocumented and deprecated, but the replacement isn't ready yet. For
- * now, consumers may use the existing stack or bypass it by performing
- * certificate verification externally. This may be done with
- * |SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback| or by extracting the chain with
- * |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| after the handshake. In the future, functions will
- * be added to use the SSL stack without dependency on any part of the legacy
- * X.509 and ASN.1 stack.
- *
- * To augment certificate verification, a client may also enable OCSP stapling
- * (RFC 6066) and Certificate Transparency (RFC 6962) extensions. */
+// Certificate verification.
+// SSL may authenticate either endpoint with an X.509 certificate. Typically
+// this is used to authenticate the server to the client. These functions
+// configure certificate verification.
+// WARNING: By default, certificate verification errors on a client are not
+// fatal. See |SSL_VERIFY_NONE| This may be configured with
+// |SSL_CTX_set_verify|.
+// By default clients are anonymous but a server may request a certificate from
+// the client by setting |SSL_VERIFY_PEER|.
+// Many of these functions use OpenSSL's legacy X.509 stack which is
+// underdocumented and deprecated, but the replacement isn't ready yet. For
+// now, consumers may use the existing stack or bypass it by performing
+// certificate verification externally. This may be done with
+// |SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback| or by extracting the chain with
+// |SSL_get_peer_cert_chain| after the handshake. In the future, functions will
+// be added to use the SSL stack without dependency on any part of the legacy
+// X.509 and ASN.1 stack.
+// To augment certificate verification, a client may also enable OCSP stapling
+// (RFC 6066) and Certificate Transparency (RFC 6962) extensions.
-/* SSL_VERIFY_NONE, on a client, verifies the server certificate but does not
- * make errors fatal. The result may be checked with |SSL_get_verify_result|. On
- * a server it does not request a client certificate. This is the default. */
+// SSL_VERIFY_NONE, on a client, verifies the server certificate but does not
+// make errors fatal. The result may be checked with |SSL_get_verify_result|. On
+// a server it does not request a client certificate. This is the default.
 #define SSL_VERIFY_NONE 0x00
-/* SSL_VERIFY_PEER, on a client, makes server certificate errors fatal. On a
- * server it requests a client certificate and makes errors fatal. However,
- * anonymous clients are still allowed. See
+// SSL_VERIFY_PEER, on a client, makes server certificate errors fatal. On a
+// server it requests a client certificate and makes errors fatal. However,
+// anonymous clients are still allowed. See
 #define SSL_VERIFY_PEER 0x01
-/* SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT configures a server to reject connections if
- * the client declines to send a certificate. This flag must be used together
- * with |SSL_VERIFY_PEER|, otherwise it won't work. */
+// SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT configures a server to reject connections if
+// the client declines to send a certificate. This flag must be used together
+// with |SSL_VERIFY_PEER|, otherwise it won't work.
-/* SSL_VERIFY_PEER_IF_NO_OBC configures a server to request a client certificate
- * if and only if Channel ID is not negotiated. */
+// SSL_VERIFY_PEER_IF_NO_OBC configures a server to request a client certificate
+// if and only if Channel ID is not negotiated.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_verify configures certificate verification behavior. |mode| is
- * one of the |SSL_VERIFY_*| values defined above. |callback|, if not NULL, is
- * used to customize certificate verification. See the behavior of
- * |X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb|.
- *
- * The callback may use |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| with
- * |X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data| to look up the |SSL| from |store_ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_verify configures certificate verification behavior. |mode| is
+// one of the |SSL_VERIFY_*| values defined above. |callback|, if not NULL, is
+// used to customize certificate verification. See the behavior of
+// |X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb|.
+// The callback may use |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| with
+// |X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data| to look up the |SSL| from |store_ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_verify(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode, int (*callback)(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx));
-/* SSL_set_verify configures certificate verification behavior. |mode| is one of
- * the |SSL_VERIFY_*| values defined above. |callback|, if not NULL, is used to
- * customize certificate verification. See the behavior of
- * |X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb|.
- *
- * The callback may use |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| with
- * |X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data| to look up the |SSL| from |store_ctx|. */
+// SSL_set_verify configures certificate verification behavior. |mode| is one of
+// the |SSL_VERIFY_*| values defined above. |callback|, if not NULL, is used to
+// customize certificate verification. See the behavior of
+// |X509_STORE_CTX_set_verify_cb|.
+// The callback may use |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| with
+// |X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data| to look up the |SSL| from |store_ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_verify(SSL *ssl, int mode,
                                    int (*callback)(int ok,
                                                    X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx));
@@ -2205,479 +2209,479 @@
-/* SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify configures certificate verification. |mode| is one
- * of the |SSL_VERIFY_*| values defined above. |callback| performs the
- * certificate verification.
- *
- * The callback may call |SSL_get0_peer_certificates| for the certificate chain
- * to validate. The callback should return |ssl_verify_ok| if the certificate is
- * valid. If the certificate is invalid, the callback should return
- * |ssl_verify_invalid| and optionally set |*out_alert| to an alert to send to
- * the peer. Some useful alerts include |SSL_AD_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED|,
- * section 7.2.2 for their precise meanings. If unspecified,
- * |SSL_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN| will be sent by default.
- *
- * To verify a certificate asynchronously, the callback may return
- * |ssl_verify_retry|. The handshake will then pause with |SSL_get_error|
+// SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify configures certificate verification. |mode| is one
+// of the |SSL_VERIFY_*| values defined above. |callback| performs the
+// certificate verification.
+// The callback may call |SSL_get0_peer_certificates| for the certificate chain
+// to validate. The callback should return |ssl_verify_ok| if the certificate is
+// valid. If the certificate is invalid, the callback should return
+// |ssl_verify_invalid| and optionally set |*out_alert| to an alert to send to
+// the peer. Some useful alerts include |SSL_AD_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED|,
+// section 7.2.2 for their precise meanings. If unspecified,
+// |SSL_AD_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN| will be sent by default.
+// To verify a certificate asynchronously, the callback may return
+// |ssl_verify_retry|. The handshake will then pause with |SSL_get_error|
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode,
     enum ssl_verify_result_t (*callback)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_alert));
-/* SSL_set_custom_verify behaves like |SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify| but configures
- * an individual |SSL|. */
+// SSL_set_custom_verify behaves like |SSL_CTX_set_custom_verify| but configures
+// an individual |SSL|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_custom_verify(
     SSL *ssl, int mode,
     enum ssl_verify_result_t (*callback)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out_alert));
-/* SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode returns |ctx|'s verify mode, set by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_verify|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode returns |ctx|'s verify mode, set by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_verify|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_verify_mode(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_get_verify_mode returns |ssl|'s verify mode, set by |SSL_CTX_set_verify|
- * or |SSL_set_verify|. */
+// SSL_get_verify_mode returns |ssl|'s verify mode, set by |SSL_CTX_set_verify|
+// or |SSL_set_verify|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_verify_mode(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback returns the callback set by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_verify|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback returns the callback set by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_verify|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int (*SSL_CTX_get_verify_callback(const SSL_CTX *ctx))(
     int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx);
-/* SSL_get_verify_callback returns the callback set by |SSL_CTX_set_verify| or
- * |SSL_set_verify|. */
+// SSL_get_verify_callback returns the callback set by |SSL_CTX_set_verify| or
+// |SSL_set_verify|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int (*SSL_get_verify_callback(const SSL *ssl))(
     int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth sets the maximum depth of a certificate chain
- * accepted in verification. This number does not include the leaf, so a depth
- * of 1 allows the leaf and one CA certificate. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth sets the maximum depth of a certificate chain
+// accepted in verification. This number does not include the leaf, so a depth
+// of 1 allows the leaf and one CA certificate.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(SSL_CTX *ctx, int depth);
-/* SSL_set_verify_depth sets the maximum depth of a certificate chain accepted
- * in verification. This number does not include the leaf, so a depth of 1
- * allows the leaf and one CA certificate. */
+// SSL_set_verify_depth sets the maximum depth of a certificate chain accepted
+// in verification. This number does not include the leaf, so a depth of 1
+// allows the leaf and one CA certificate.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_verify_depth(SSL *ssl, int depth);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth returns the maximum depth of a certificate accepted
- * in verification. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth returns the maximum depth of a certificate accepted
+// in verification.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_verify_depth(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_get_verify_depth returns the maximum depth of a certificate accepted in
- * verification. */
+// SSL_get_verify_depth returns the maximum depth of a certificate accepted in
+// verification.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_verify_depth(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_set1_param sets verification parameters from |param|. It returns one
- * on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |param|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set1_param sets verification parameters from |param|. It returns one
+// on success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |param|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_param(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                       const X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param);
-/* SSL_set1_param sets verification parameters from |param|. It returns one on
- * success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |param|. */
+// SSL_set1_param sets verification parameters from |param|. It returns one on
+// success and zero on failure. The caller retains ownership of |param|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_param(SSL *ssl,
                                   const X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param);
-/* SSL_CTX_get0_param returns |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM| for certificate
- * verification. The caller must not release the returned pointer but may call
- * functions on it to configure it. */
+// SSL_CTX_get0_param returns |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM| for certificate
+// verification. The caller must not release the returned pointer but may call
+// functions on it to configure it.
-/* SSL_get0_param returns |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM| for certificate
- * verification. The caller must not release the returned pointer but may call
- * functions on it to configure it. */
+// SSL_get0_param returns |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM| for certificate
+// verification. The caller must not release the returned pointer but may call
+// functions on it to configure it.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_purpose sets |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'purpose' parameter to
- * |purpose|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_purpose sets |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'purpose' parameter to
+// |purpose|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_purpose(SSL_CTX *ctx, int purpose);
-/* SSL_set_purpose sets |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'purpose' parameter to
- * |purpose|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_set_purpose sets |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'purpose' parameter to
+// |purpose|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_purpose(SSL *ssl, int purpose);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_trust sets |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'trust' parameter to
- * |trust|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_trust sets |ctx|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'trust' parameter to
+// |trust|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_trust(SSL_CTX *ctx, int trust);
-/* SSL_set_trust sets |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'trust' parameter to
- * |trust|. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_set_trust sets |ssl|'s |X509_VERIFY_PARAM|'s 'trust' parameter to
+// |trust|. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_trust(SSL *ssl, int trust);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_cert_store sets |ctx|'s certificate store to |store|. It takes
- * ownership of |store|. The store is used for certificate verification.
- *
- * The store is also used for the auto-chaining feature, but this is deprecated.
- * See also |SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_cert_store sets |ctx|'s certificate store to |store|. It takes
+// ownership of |store|. The store is used for certificate verification.
+// The store is also used for the auto-chaining feature, but this is deprecated.
+// See also |SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_cert_store(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509_STORE *store);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_cert_store returns |ctx|'s certificate store. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_cert_store returns |ctx|'s certificate store.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT X509_STORE *SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths loads the OpenSSL system-default trust
- * anchors into |ctx|'s store. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths loads the OpenSSL system-default trust
+// anchors into |ctx|'s store. It returns one on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations loads trust anchors into |ctx|'s store from
- * |ca_file| and |ca_dir|, either of which may be NULL. If |ca_file| is passed,
- * it is opened and PEM-encoded CA certificates are read. If |ca_dir| is passed,
- * it is treated as a directory in OpenSSL's hashed directory format. It returns
- * one on success and zero on failure.
- *
- * See
- * https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/ssl/SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations.html
- * for documentation on the directory format. */
+// SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations loads trust anchors into |ctx|'s store from
+// |ca_file| and |ca_dir|, either of which may be NULL. If |ca_file| is passed,
+// it is opened and PEM-encoded CA certificates are read. If |ca_dir| is passed,
+// it is treated as a directory in OpenSSL's hashed directory format. It returns
+// one on success and zero on failure.
+// See
+// https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/ssl/SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations.html
+// for documentation on the directory format.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                  const char *ca_file,
                                                  const char *ca_dir);
-/* SSL_get_verify_result returns the result of certificate verification. It is
- * either |X509_V_OK| or a |X509_V_ERR_*| value. */
+// SSL_get_verify_result returns the result of certificate verification. It is
+// either |X509_V_OK| or a |X509_V_ERR_*| value.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_get_verify_result(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx returns the ex_data index used to look up
- * the |SSL| associated with an |X509_STORE_CTX| in the verify callback. */
+// SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx returns the ex_data index used to look up
+// the |SSL| associated with an |X509_STORE_CTX| in the verify callback.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx(void);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback sets a custom callback to be called on
- * certificate verification rather than |X509_verify_cert|. |store_ctx| contains
- * the verification parameters. The callback should return one on success and
- * zero on fatal error. It may use |X509_STORE_CTX_set_error| to set a
- * verification result.
- *
- * The callback may use |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| to recover the
- * |SSL| object from |store_ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback sets a custom callback to be called on
+// certificate verification rather than |X509_verify_cert|. |store_ctx| contains
+// the verification parameters. The callback should return one on success and
+// zero on fatal error. It may use |X509_STORE_CTX_set_error| to set a
+// verification result.
+// The callback may use |SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx| to recover the
+// |SSL| object from |store_ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*callback)(X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx, void *arg),
     void *arg);
-/* SSL_enable_signed_cert_timestamps causes |ssl| (which must be the client end
- * of a connection) to request SCTs from the server. See
- * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962.
- *
- * Call |SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list| to recover the SCT after the
- * handshake. */
+// SSL_enable_signed_cert_timestamps causes |ssl| (which must be the client end
+// of a connection) to request SCTs from the server. See
+// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6962.
+// Call |SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list| to recover the SCT after the
+// handshake.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_enable_signed_cert_timestamps(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_enable_signed_cert_timestamps enables SCT requests on all client SSL
- * objects created from |ctx|.
- *
- * Call |SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list| to recover the SCT after the
- * handshake. */
+// SSL_CTX_enable_signed_cert_timestamps enables SCT requests on all client SSL
+// objects created from |ctx|.
+// Call |SSL_get0_signed_cert_timestamp_list| to recover the SCT after the
+// handshake.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_enable_signed_cert_timestamps(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_enable_ocsp_stapling causes |ssl| (which must be the client end of a
- * connection) to request a stapled OCSP response from the server.
- *
- * Call |SSL_get0_ocsp_response| to recover the OCSP response after the
- * handshake. */
+// SSL_enable_ocsp_stapling causes |ssl| (which must be the client end of a
+// connection) to request a stapled OCSP response from the server.
+// Call |SSL_get0_ocsp_response| to recover the OCSP response after the
+// handshake.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_enable_ocsp_stapling(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_enable_ocsp_stapling enables OCSP stapling on all client SSL objects
- * created from |ctx|.
- *
- * Call |SSL_get0_ocsp_response| to recover the OCSP response after the
- * handshake. */
+// SSL_CTX_enable_ocsp_stapling enables OCSP stapling on all client SSL objects
+// created from |ctx|.
+// Call |SSL_get0_ocsp_response| to recover the OCSP response after the
+// handshake.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_enable_ocsp_stapling(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_set0_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
- * exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. Ownership of
- * |store| is transferred to the |SSL_CTX|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set0_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
+// exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. Ownership of
+// |store| is transferred to the |SSL_CTX|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set0_verify_cert_store(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                   X509_STORE *store);
-/* SSL_CTX_set1_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
- * exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. An additional
- * reference to |store| will be taken. */
+// SSL_CTX_set1_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
+// exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. An additional
+// reference to |store| will be taken.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_verify_cert_store(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                   X509_STORE *store);
-/* SSL_set0_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
- * exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. Ownership of
- * |store| is transferred to the |SSL|. */
+// SSL_set0_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
+// exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. Ownership of
+// |store| is transferred to the |SSL|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set0_verify_cert_store(SSL *ssl, X509_STORE *store);
-/* SSL_set1_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
- * exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. An additional
- * reference to |store| will be taken. */
+// SSL_set1_verify_cert_store sets an |X509_STORE| that will be used
+// exclusively for certificate verification and returns one. An additional
+// reference to |store| will be taken.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_verify_cert_store(SSL *ssl, X509_STORE *store);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_ed25519_enabled configures whether |ctx| advertises support for
- * the Ed25519 signature algorithm when using the default preference list. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_ed25519_enabled configures whether |ctx| advertises support for
+// the Ed25519 signature algorithm when using the default preference list.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_ed25519_enabled(SSL_CTX *ctx, int enabled);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_verify_algorithm_prefs confingures |ctx| to use |prefs| as the
- * preference list when verifying signature's from the peer's long-term key. It
- * returns one on zero on error. |prefs| should not include the internal-only
- * value |SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_verify_algorithm_prefs confingures |ctx| to use |prefs| as the
+// preference list when verifying signature's from the peer's long-term key. It
+// returns one on zero on error. |prefs| should not include the internal-only
+// value |SSL_SIGN_RSA_PKCS1_MD5_SHA1|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_verify_algorithm_prefs(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                       const uint16_t *prefs,
                                                       size_t num_prefs);
-/* Client certificate CA list.
- *
- * When requesting a client certificate, a server may advertise a list of
- * certificate authorities which are accepted. These functions may be used to
- * configure this list. */
+// Client certificate CA list.
+// When requesting a client certificate, a server may advertise a list of
+// certificate authorities which are accepted. These functions may be used to
+// configure this list.
-/* SSL_set_client_CA_list sets |ssl|'s client certificate CA list to
- * |name_list|. It takes ownership of |name_list|. */
+// SSL_set_client_CA_list sets |ssl|'s client certificate CA list to
+// |name_list|. It takes ownership of |name_list|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_client_CA_list(SSL *ssl,
                                            STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *name_list);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list sets |ctx|'s client certificate CA list to
- * |name_list|. It takes ownership of |name_list|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list sets |ctx|'s client certificate CA list to
+// |name_list|. It takes ownership of |name_list|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *name_list);
-/* SSL_set0_client_CAs sets |ssl|'s client certificate CA list to |name_list|,
- * which should contain DER-encoded distinguished names (RFC 5280). It takes
- * ownership of |name_list|. */
+// SSL_set0_client_CAs sets |ssl|'s client certificate CA list to |name_list|,
+// which should contain DER-encoded distinguished names (RFC 5280). It takes
+// ownership of |name_list|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set0_client_CAs(SSL *ssl,
                                         STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER) *name_list);
-/* SSL_CTX_set0_client_CAs sets |ctx|'s client certificate CA list to
- * |name_list|, which should contain DER-encoded distinguished names (RFC 5280).
- * It takes ownership of |name_list|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set0_client_CAs sets |ctx|'s client certificate CA list to
+// |name_list|, which should contain DER-encoded distinguished names (RFC 5280).
+// It takes ownership of |name_list|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set0_client_CAs(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                             STACK_OF(CRYPTO_BUFFER) *name_list);
-/* SSL_get_client_CA_list returns |ssl|'s client certificate CA list. If |ssl|
- * has not been configured as a client, this is the list configured by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list|.
- *
- * If configured as a client, it returns the client certificate CA list sent by
- * the server. In this mode, the behavior is undefined except during the
- * callbacks set by |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb| or
- * when the handshake is paused because of them. */
+// SSL_get_client_CA_list returns |ssl|'s client certificate CA list. If |ssl|
+// has not been configured as a client, this is the list configured by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list|.
+// If configured as a client, it returns the client certificate CA list sent by
+// the server. In this mode, the behavior is undefined except during the
+// callbacks set by |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| and |SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb| or
+// when the handshake is paused because of them.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *SSL_get_client_CA_list(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get0_server_requested_CAs returns the CAs sent by a server to guide a
- * client in certificate selection. They are a series of DER-encoded X.509
- * names. This function may only be called during a callback set by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| or when the handshake is paused because of it.
- *
- * The returned stack is owned by |ssl|, as are its contents. It should not be
- * used past the point where the handshake is restarted after the callback. */
+// SSL_get0_server_requested_CAs returns the CAs sent by a server to guide a
+// client in certificate selection. They are a series of DER-encoded X.509
+// names. This function may only be called during a callback set by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| or when the handshake is paused because of it.
+// The returned stack is owned by |ssl|, as are its contents. It should not be
+// used past the point where the handshake is restarted after the callback.
     const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list returns |ctx|'s client certificate CA list. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list returns |ctx|'s client certificate CA list.
     SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_add_client_CA appends |x509|'s subject to the client certificate CA list.
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. The caller retains ownership of
- * |x509|. */
+// SSL_add_client_CA appends |x509|'s subject to the client certificate CA list.
+// It returns one on success or zero on error. The caller retains ownership of
+// |x509|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add_client_CA(SSL *ssl, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_CTX_add_client_CA appends |x509|'s subject to the client certificate CA
- * list. It returns one on success or zero on error. The caller retains
- * ownership of |x509|. */
+// SSL_CTX_add_client_CA appends |x509|'s subject to the client certificate CA
+// list. It returns one on success or zero on error. The caller retains
+// ownership of |x509|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_add_client_CA(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509);
-/* SSL_load_client_CA_file opens |file| and reads PEM-encoded certificates from
- * it. It returns a newly-allocated stack of the certificate subjects or NULL
- * on error. */
+// SSL_load_client_CA_file opens |file| and reads PEM-encoded certificates from
+// it. It returns a newly-allocated stack of the certificate subjects or NULL
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *SSL_load_client_CA_file(const char *file);
-/* SSL_dup_CA_list makes a deep copy of |list|. It returns the new list on
- * success or NULL on allocation error. */
+// SSL_dup_CA_list makes a deep copy of |list|. It returns the new list on
+// success or NULL on allocation error.
-/* SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack behaves like |SSL_load_client_CA_file|
- * but appends the result to |out|. It returns one on success or zero on
- * error. */
+// SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack behaves like |SSL_load_client_CA_file|
+// but appends the result to |out|. It returns one on success or zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack(STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *out,
                                                        const char *file);
-/* Server name indication.
- *
- * The server_name extension (RFC 3546) allows the client to advertise the name
- * of the server it is connecting to. This is used in virtual hosting
- * deployments to select one of a several certificates on a single IP. Only the
- * host_name name type is supported. */
+// Server name indication.
+// The server_name extension (RFC 3546) allows the client to advertise the name
+// of the server it is connecting to. This is used in virtual hosting
+// deployments to select one of a several certificates on a single IP. Only the
+// host_name name type is supported.
 #define TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name 0
-/* SSL_set_tlsext_host_name, for a client, configures |ssl| to advertise |name|
- * in the server_name extension. It returns one on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_set_tlsext_host_name, for a client, configures |ssl| to advertise |name|
+// in the server_name extension. It returns one on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(SSL *ssl, const char *name);
-/* SSL_get_servername, for a server, returns the hostname supplied by the
- * client or NULL if there was none. The |type| argument must be
- * |TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name|. Note that the returned pointer points inside
- * |ssl| and is only valid until the next operation on |ssl|. */
+// SSL_get_servername, for a server, returns the hostname supplied by the
+// client or NULL if there was none. The |type| argument must be
+// |TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name|. Note that the returned pointer points inside
+// |ssl| and is only valid until the next operation on |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_servername(const SSL *ssl, const int type);
-/* SSL_get_servername_type, for a server, returns |TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name|
- * if the client sent a hostname and -1 otherwise. */
+// SSL_get_servername_type, for a server, returns |TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name|
+// if the client sent a hostname and -1 otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_servername_type(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback configures |callback| to be called on
- * the server after ClientHello extensions have been parsed and returns one.
- * The callback may use |SSL_get_servername| to examine the server_name
- * extension and returns a |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_*| value. The value of |arg| may be
- * set by calling |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg|.
- *
- * If the callback returns |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|, the server_name extension is
- * not acknowledged in the ServerHello. If the return value is
- * |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL|, then |*out_alert| is the alert to send,
- * ignored and treated as |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback configures |callback| to be called on
+// the server after ClientHello extensions have been parsed and returns one.
+// The callback may use |SSL_get_servername| to examine the server_name
+// extension and returns a |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_*| value. The value of |arg| may be
+// set by calling |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg|.
+// If the callback returns |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|, the server_name extension is
+// not acknowledged in the ServerHello. If the return value is
+// |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_ALERT_FATAL|, then |*out_alert| is the alert to send,
+// ignored and treated as |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*callback)(SSL *ssl, int *out_alert, void *arg));
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg sets the argument to the servername
- * callback and returns one. See |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg sets the argument to the servername
+// callback and returns one. See |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_arg(SSL_CTX *ctx, void *arg);
-/* SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_* are values returned by some extension-related callbacks. */
+// SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_* are values returned by some extension-related callbacks.
 #define SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK 0
-/* SSL_set_SSL_CTX changes |ssl|'s |SSL_CTX|. |ssl| will use the
- * certificate-related settings from |ctx|, and |SSL_get_SSL_CTX| will report
- * |ctx|. This function may be used during the callbacks registered by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb|,
- * |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback|, and |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| or when
- * the handshake is paused from them. It is typically used to switch
- * certificates based on SNI.
- *
- * Note the session cache and related settings will continue to use the initial
- * |SSL_CTX|. Callers should use |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context| to partition
- * the session cache between different domains.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Should other settings change after this call? */
+// SSL_set_SSL_CTX changes |ssl|'s |SSL_CTX|. |ssl| will use the
+// certificate-related settings from |ctx|, and |SSL_get_SSL_CTX| will report
+// |ctx|. This function may be used during the callbacks registered by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb|,
+// |SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_servername_callback|, and |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| or when
+// the handshake is paused from them. It is typically used to switch
+// certificates based on SNI.
+// Note the session cache and related settings will continue to use the initial
+// |SSL_CTX|. Callers should use |SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context| to partition
+// the session cache between different domains.
+// TODO(davidben): Should other settings change after this call?
-/* Application-layer protocol negotiation.
- *
- * The ALPN extension (RFC 7301) allows negotiating different application-layer
- * protocols over a single port. This is used, for example, to negotiate
- * HTTP/2. */
+// Application-layer protocol negotiation.
+// The ALPN extension (RFC 7301) allows negotiating different application-layer
+// protocols over a single port. This is used, for example, to negotiate
+// HTTP/2.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos sets the client ALPN protocol list on |ctx| to
- * |protos|. |protos| must be in wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
- * length-prefixed strings). It returns zero on success and one on failure.
- * Configuring this list enables ALPN on a client.
- *
- * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
- * convention. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos sets the client ALPN protocol list on |ctx| to
+// |protos|. |protos| must be in wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
+// length-prefixed strings). It returns zero on success and one on failure.
+// Configuring this list enables ALPN on a client.
+// WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
+// convention.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos(SSL_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *protos,
                                            unsigned protos_len);
-/* SSL_set_alpn_protos sets the client ALPN protocol list on |ssl| to |protos|.
- * |protos| must be in wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
- * length-prefixed strings). It returns zero on success and one on failure.
- * Configuring this list enables ALPN on a client.
- *
- * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
- * convention. */
+// SSL_set_alpn_protos sets the client ALPN protocol list on |ssl| to |protos|.
+// |protos| must be in wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
+// length-prefixed strings). It returns zero on success and one on failure.
+// Configuring this list enables ALPN on a client.
+// WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
+// convention.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_alpn_protos(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t *protos,
                                        unsigned protos_len);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb sets a callback function on |ctx| that is called
- * during ClientHello processing in order to select an ALPN protocol from the
- * client's list of offered protocols. Configuring this callback enables ALPN on
- * a server.
- *
- * The callback is passed a wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
- * length-prefixed strings) ALPN protocol list in |in|. It should set |*out| and
- * |*out_len| to the selected protocol and return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK| on
- * success. It does not pass ownership of the buffer. Otherwise, it should
- * return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|. Other |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_*| values are
- * unimplemented and will be treated as |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|.
- *
- * The cipher suite is selected before negotiating ALPN. The callback may use
- * |SSL_get_pending_cipher| to query the cipher suite. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb sets a callback function on |ctx| that is called
+// during ClientHello processing in order to select an ALPN protocol from the
+// client's list of offered protocols. Configuring this callback enables ALPN on
+// a server.
+// The callback is passed a wire-format (i.e. a series of non-empty, 8-bit
+// length-prefixed strings) ALPN protocol list in |in|. It should set |*out| and
+// |*out_len| to the selected protocol and return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK| on
+// success. It does not pass ownership of the buffer. Otherwise, it should
+// return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|. Other |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_*| values are
+// unimplemented and will be treated as |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK|.
+// The cipher suite is selected before negotiating ALPN. The callback may use
+// |SSL_get_pending_cipher| to query the cipher suite.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
                             const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len, void *arg),
     void *arg);
-/* SSL_get0_alpn_selected gets the selected ALPN protocol (if any) from |ssl|.
- * On return it sets |*out_data| to point to |*out_len| bytes of protocol name
- * (not including the leading length-prefix byte). If the server didn't respond
- * with a negotiated protocol then |*out_len| will be zero. */
+// SSL_get0_alpn_selected gets the selected ALPN protocol (if any) from |ssl|.
+// On return it sets |*out_data| to point to |*out_len| bytes of protocol name
+// (not including the leading length-prefix byte). If the server didn't respond
+// with a negotiated protocol then |*out_len| will be zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get0_alpn_selected(const SSL *ssl,
                                            const uint8_t **out_data,
                                            unsigned *out_len);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_allow_unknown_alpn_protos configures client connections on |ctx|
- * to allow unknown ALPN protocols from the server. Otherwise, by default, the
- * client will require that the protocol be advertised in
- * |SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_allow_unknown_alpn_protos configures client connections on |ctx|
+// to allow unknown ALPN protocols from the server. Otherwise, by default, the
+// client will require that the protocol be advertised in
+// |SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_allow_unknown_alpn_protos(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                           int enabled);
-/* Next protocol negotiation.
- *
- * The NPN extension (draft-agl-tls-nextprotoneg-03) is the predecessor to ALPN
- * and deprecated in favor of it. */
+// Next protocol negotiation.
+// The NPN extension (draft-agl-tls-nextprotoneg-03) is the predecessor to ALPN
+// and deprecated in favor of it.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_next_protos_advertised_cb sets a callback that is called when a
- * TLS server needs a list of supported protocols for Next Protocol
- * Negotiation. The returned list must be in wire format. The list is returned
- * by setting |*out| to point to it and |*out_len| to its length. This memory
- * will not be modified, but one should assume that |ssl| keeps a reference to
- * it.
- *
- * The callback should return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK| if it wishes to advertise.
- * Otherwise, no such extension will be included in the ServerHello. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_next_protos_advertised_cb sets a callback that is called when a
+// TLS server needs a list of supported protocols for Next Protocol
+// Negotiation. The returned list must be in wire format. The list is returned
+// by setting |*out| to point to it and |*out_len| to its length. This memory
+// will not be modified, but one should assume that |ssl| keeps a reference to
+// it.
+// The callback should return |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK| if it wishes to advertise.
+// Otherwise, no such extension will be included in the ServerHello.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_next_protos_advertised_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx,
     int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out, unsigned *out_len, void *arg),
     void *arg);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb sets a callback that is called when a client
- * needs to select a protocol from the server's provided list. |*out| must be
- * set to point to the selected protocol (which may be within |in|). The length
- * of the protocol name must be written into |*out_len|. The server's advertised
- * protocols are provided in |in| and |in_len|. The callback can assume that
- * |in| is syntactically valid.
- *
- * The client must select a protocol. It is fatal to the connection if this
- * callback returns a value other than |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK|.
- *
- * Configuring this callback enables NPN on a client. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb sets a callback that is called when a client
+// needs to select a protocol from the server's provided list. |*out| must be
+// set to point to the selected protocol (which may be within |in|). The length
+// of the protocol name must be written into |*out_len|. The server's advertised
+// protocols are provided in |in| and |in_len|. The callback can assume that
+// |in| is syntactically valid.
+// The client must select a protocol. It is fatal to the connection if this
+// callback returns a value other than |SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK|.
+// Configuring this callback enables NPN on a client.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
                             const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len, void *arg),
     void *arg);
-/* SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated sets |*out_data| and |*out_len| to point to
- * the client's requested protocol for this connection. If the client didn't
- * request any protocol, then |*out_data| is set to NULL.
- *
- * Note that the client can request any protocol it chooses. The value returned
- * from this function need not be a member of the list of supported protocols
- * provided by the server. */
+// SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated sets |*out_data| and |*out_len| to point to
+// the client's requested protocol for this connection. If the client didn't
+// request any protocol, then |*out_data| is set to NULL.
+// Note that the client can request any protocol it chooses. The value returned
+// from this function need not be a member of the list of supported protocols
+// provided by the server.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated(const SSL *ssl,
                                                    const uint8_t **out_data,
                                                    unsigned *out_len);
-/* SSL_select_next_proto implements the standard protocol selection. It is
- * expected that this function is called from the callback set by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb|.
- *
- * |peer| and |supported| must be vectors of 8-bit, length-prefixed byte strings
- * containing the peer and locally-configured protocols, respectively. The
- * length byte itself is not included in the length. A byte string of length 0
- * is invalid. No byte string may be truncated. |supported| is assumed to be
- * non-empty.
- *
- * This function finds the first protocol in |peer| which is also in
- * |supported|. If one was found, it sets |*out| and |*out_len| to point to it
- * and returns |OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED|. Otherwise, it returns
- * |OPENSSL_NPN_NO_OVERLAP| and sets |*out| and |*out_len| to the first
- * supported protocol. */
+// SSL_select_next_proto implements the standard protocol selection. It is
+// expected that this function is called from the callback set by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb|.
+// |peer| and |supported| must be vectors of 8-bit, length-prefixed byte strings
+// containing the peer and locally-configured protocols, respectively. The
+// length byte itself is not included in the length. A byte string of length 0
+// is invalid. No byte string may be truncated. |supported| is assumed to be
+// non-empty.
+// This function finds the first protocol in |peer| which is also in
+// |supported|. If one was found, it sets |*out| and |*out_len| to point to it
+// and returns |OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED|. Otherwise, it returns
+// |OPENSSL_NPN_NO_OVERLAP| and sets |*out| and |*out_len| to the first
+// supported protocol.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_select_next_proto(uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
                                          const uint8_t *peer, unsigned peer_len,
                                          const uint8_t *supported,
@@ -2688,59 +2692,59 @@
-/* Channel ID.
- *
- * See draft-balfanz-tls-channelid-01. */
+// Channel ID.
+// See draft-balfanz-tls-channelid-01.
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tls_channel_id_enabled configures whether connections associated
- * with |ctx| should enable Channel ID. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tls_channel_id_enabled configures whether connections associated
+// with |ctx| should enable Channel ID.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_tls_channel_id_enabled(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                        int enabled);
-/* SSL_set_tls_channel_id_enabled configures whether |ssl| should enable Channel
- * ID. */
+// SSL_set_tls_channel_id_enabled configures whether |ssl| should enable Channel
+// ID.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_tls_channel_id_enabled(SSL *ssl, int enabled);
-/* SSL_CTX_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID
- * to compatible servers. |private_key| must be a P-256 EC key. It returns one
- * on success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_CTX_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID
+// to compatible servers. |private_key| must be a P-256 EC key. It returns one
+// on success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set1_tls_channel_id(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                EVP_PKEY *private_key);
-/* SSL_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID to
- * compatible servers. |private_key| must be a P-256 EC key. It returns one on
- * success and zero on error. */
+// SSL_set1_tls_channel_id configures a TLS client to send a TLS Channel ID to
+// compatible servers. |private_key| must be a P-256 EC key. It returns one on
+// success and zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set1_tls_channel_id(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY *private_key);
-/* SSL_get_tls_channel_id gets the client's TLS Channel ID from a server |SSL*|
- * and copies up to the first |max_out| bytes into |out|. The Channel ID
- * consists of the client's P-256 public key as an (x,y) pair where each is a
- * 32-byte, big-endian field element. It returns 0 if the client didn't offer a
- * Channel ID and the length of the complete Channel ID otherwise. */
+// SSL_get_tls_channel_id gets the client's TLS Channel ID from a server |SSL*|
+// and copies up to the first |max_out| bytes into |out|. The Channel ID
+// consists of the client's P-256 public key as an (x,y) pair where each is a
+// 32-byte, big-endian field element. It returns 0 if the client didn't offer a
+// Channel ID and the length of the complete Channel ID otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_tls_channel_id(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
                                              size_t max_out);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb sets a callback to be called when a TLS Channel ID
- * is requested. The callback may set |*out_pkey| to a key, passing a reference
- * to the caller. If none is returned, the handshake will pause and
- * |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_CHANNEL_ID_LOOKUP|.
- *
+// SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb sets a callback to be called when a TLS Channel ID
+// is requested. The callback may set |*out_pkey| to a key, passing a reference
+// to the caller. If none is returned, the handshake will pause and
+// |SSL_get_error| will return |SSL_ERROR_WANT_CHANNEL_ID_LOOKUP|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*channel_id_cb)(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey));
-/* SSL_CTX_get_channel_id_cb returns the callback set by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_channel_id_cb returns the callback set by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_channel_id_cb|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_CTX_get_channel_id_cb(SSL_CTX *ctx))(
     SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey);
- *
- * See RFC 5764. */
+// See RFC 5764.
-/* srtp_protection_profile_st (aka |SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE|) is an SRTP
- * profile for use with the use_srtp extension. */
+// srtp_protection_profile_st (aka |SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE|) is an SRTP
+// profile for use with the use_srtp extension.
 struct srtp_protection_profile_st {
   const char *name;
   unsigned long id;
@@ -2748,7 +2752,7 @@
-/* SRTP_* define constants for SRTP profiles. */
+// SRTP_* define constants for SRTP profiles.
 #define SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_80 0x0001
 #define SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32 0x0002
 #define SRTP_AES128_F8_SHA1_80 0x0003
@@ -2758,207 +2762,207 @@
 #define SRTP_AEAD_AES_128_GCM  0x0007
 #define SRTP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM  0x0008
-/* SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles enables SRTP for all SSL objects created from
- * |ctx|. |profile| contains a colon-separated list of profile names. It returns
- * one on success and zero on failure. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles enables SRTP for all SSL objects created from
+// |ctx|. |profile| contains a colon-separated list of profile names. It returns
+// one on success and zero on failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                              const char *profiles);
-/* SSL_set_srtp_profiles enables SRTP for |ssl|.  |profile| contains a
- * colon-separated list of profile names. It returns one on success and zero on
- * failure. */
+// SSL_set_srtp_profiles enables SRTP for |ssl|.  |profile| contains a
+// colon-separated list of profile names. It returns one on success and zero on
+// failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_srtp_profiles(SSL *ssl, const char *profiles);
-/* SSL_get_srtp_profiles returns the SRTP profiles supported by |ssl|. */
+// SSL_get_srtp_profiles returns the SRTP profiles supported by |ssl|.
     SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_selected_srtp_profile returns the selected SRTP profile, or NULL if
- * SRTP was not negotiated. */
+// SSL_get_selected_srtp_profile returns the selected SRTP profile, or NULL if
+// SRTP was not negotiated.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE *SSL_get_selected_srtp_profile(
     SSL *ssl);
-/* Pre-shared keys.
- *
- * Connections may be configured with PSK (Pre-Shared Key) cipher suites. These
- * authenticate using out-of-band pre-shared keys rather than certificates. See
- * RFC 4279.
- *
- * This implementation uses NUL-terminated C strings for identities and identity
- * hints, so values with a NUL character are not supported. (RFC 4279 does not
- * specify the format of an identity.) */
+// Pre-shared keys.
+// Connections may be configured with PSK (Pre-Shared Key) cipher suites. These
+// authenticate using out-of-band pre-shared keys rather than certificates. See
+// RFC 4279.
+// This implementation uses NUL-terminated C strings for identities and identity
+// hints, so values with a NUL character are not supported. (RFC 4279 does not
+// specify the format of an identity.)
-/* PSK_MAX_IDENTITY_LEN is the maximum supported length of a PSK identity,
- * excluding the NUL terminator. */
+// PSK_MAX_IDENTITY_LEN is the maximum supported length of a PSK identity,
+// excluding the NUL terminator.
-/* PSK_MAX_PSK_LEN is the maximum supported length of a pre-shared key. */
+// PSK_MAX_PSK_LEN is the maximum supported length of a pre-shared key.
 #define PSK_MAX_PSK_LEN 256
-/* SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
- * negotiated on the client. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
- * suites on the client.
- *
- * The callback is passed the identity hint in |hint| or NULL if none was
- * provided. It should select a PSK identity and write the identity and the
- * corresponding PSK to |identity| and |psk|, respectively. The identity is
- * written as a NUL-terminated C string of length (excluding the NUL terminator)
- * at most |max_identity_len|. The PSK's length must be at most |max_psk_len|.
- * The callback returns the length of the PSK or 0 if no suitable identity was
- * found. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
+// negotiated on the client. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
+// suites on the client.
+// The callback is passed the identity hint in |hint| or NULL if none was
+// provided. It should select a PSK identity and write the identity and the
+// corresponding PSK to |identity| and |psk|, respectively. The identity is
+// written as a NUL-terminated C string of length (excluding the NUL terminator)
+// at most |max_identity_len|. The PSK's length must be at most |max_psk_len|.
+// The callback returns the length of the PSK or 0 if no suitable identity was
+// found.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned (*cb)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity,
                                  unsigned max_identity_len, uint8_t *psk,
                                  unsigned max_psk_len));
-/* SSL_set_psk_client_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
- * negotiated on the client. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
- * suites on the client. See also |SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback|. */
+// SSL_set_psk_client_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
+// negotiated on the client. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
+// suites on the client. See also |SSL_CTX_set_psk_client_callback|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_psk_client_callback(
     SSL *ssl, unsigned (*cb)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint, char *identity,
                              unsigned max_identity_len, uint8_t *psk,
                              unsigned max_psk_len));
-/* SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
- * negotiated on the server. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
- * suites on the server.
- *
- * The callback is passed the identity in |identity|. It should write a PSK of
- * length at most |max_psk_len| to |psk| and return the number of bytes written
- * or zero if the PSK identity is unknown. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
+// negotiated on the server. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
+// suites on the server.
+// The callback is passed the identity in |identity|. It should write a PSK of
+// length at most |max_psk_len| to |psk| and return the number of bytes written
+// or zero if the PSK identity is unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned (*cb)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity, uint8_t *psk,
                                  unsigned max_psk_len));
-/* SSL_set_psk_server_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
- * negotiated on the server. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
- * suites on the server. See also |SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback|. */
+// SSL_set_psk_server_callback sets the callback to be called when PSK is
+// negotiated on the server. This callback must be set to enable PSK cipher
+// suites on the server. See also |SSL_CTX_set_psk_server_callback|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_psk_server_callback(
     SSL *ssl, unsigned (*cb)(SSL *ssl, const char *identity, uint8_t *psk,
                              unsigned max_psk_len));
-/* SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint configures server connections to advertise an
- * identity hint of |identity_hint|. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error. */
+// SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint configures server connections to advertise an
+// identity hint of |identity_hint|. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_use_psk_identity_hint(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                  const char *identity_hint);
-/* SSL_use_psk_identity_hint configures server connections to advertise an
- * identity hint of |identity_hint|. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error. */
+// SSL_use_psk_identity_hint configures server connections to advertise an
+// identity hint of |identity_hint|. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_use_psk_identity_hint(SSL *ssl,
                                              const char *identity_hint);
-/* SSL_get_psk_identity_hint returns the PSK identity hint advertised for |ssl|
- * or NULL if there is none. */
+// SSL_get_psk_identity_hint returns the PSK identity hint advertised for |ssl|
+// or NULL if there is none.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_psk_identity_hint(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_psk_identity, after the handshake completes, returns the PSK identity
- * that was negotiated by |ssl| or NULL if PSK was not used. */
+// SSL_get_psk_identity, after the handshake completes, returns the PSK identity
+// that was negotiated by |ssl| or NULL if PSK was not used.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_psk_identity(const SSL *ssl);
-/* Early data.
- *
- * WARNING: 0-RTT support in BoringSSL is currently experimental and not fully
- * implemented. It may cause interoperability or security failures when used.
- *
- * Early data, or 0-RTT, is a feature in TLS 1.3 which allows clients to send
- * data on the first flight during a resumption handshake. This can save a
- * round-trip in some application protocols.
- *
- * WARNING: A 0-RTT handshake has different security properties from normal
- * handshake, so it is off by default unless opted in. In particular, early data
- * is replayable by a network attacker. Callers must account for this when
- * sending or processing data before the handshake is confirmed. See
- * draft-ietf-tls-tls13-18 for more information.
- *
- * As a server, if early data is accepted, |SSL_do_handshake| will complete as
- * soon as the ClientHello is processed and server flight sent. |SSL_write| may
- * be used to send half-RTT data. |SSL_read| will consume early data and
- * transition to 1-RTT data as appropriate. Prior to the transition,
- * |SSL_in_init| will report the handshake is still in progress. Callers may use
- * it or |SSL_in_early_data| to defer or reject requests as needed.
- *
- * Early data as a client is more complex. If the offered session (see
- * |SSL_set_session|) is 0-RTT-capable, the handshake will return after sending
- * the ClientHello. The predicted peer certificates and ALPN protocol will be
- * available via the usual APIs. |SSL_write| will write early data, up to the
- * session's limit. Writes past this limit and |SSL_read| will complete the
- * handshake before continuing. Callers may also call |SSL_do_handshake| again
- * to complete the handshake sooner.
- *
- * If the server accepts early data, the handshake will succeed. |SSL_read| and
- * |SSL_write| will then act as in a 1-RTT handshake. The peer certificates and
- * ALPN protocol will be as predicted and need not be re-queried.
- *
- * If the server rejects early data, |SSL_do_handshake| (and thus |SSL_read| and
- * |SSL_write|) will then fail with |SSL_get_error| returning
- * |SSL_ERROR_EARLY_DATA_REJECTED|. The caller should treat this as a connection
- * error and most likely perform a high-level retry. Note the server may still
- * have processed the early data due to attacker replays.
- *
- * To then continue the handshake on the original connection, use
- * |SSL_reset_early_data_reject|. The connection will then behave as one which
- * had not yet completed the handshake. This allows a faster retry than making a
- * fresh connection. |SSL_do_handshake| will complete the full handshake,
- * possibly resulting in different peer certificates, ALPN protocol, and other
- * properties. The caller must disregard any values from before the reset and
- * query again.
- *
- * Finally, to implement the fallback described in draft-ietf-tls-tls13-18
- * appendix C.3, retry on a fresh connection without 0-RTT if the handshake
- * fails with |SSL_R_WRONG_VERSION_ON_EARLY_DATA|. */
+// Early data.
+// WARNING: 0-RTT support in BoringSSL is currently experimental and not fully
+// implemented. It may cause interoperability or security failures when used.
+// Early data, or 0-RTT, is a feature in TLS 1.3 which allows clients to send
+// data on the first flight during a resumption handshake. This can save a
+// round-trip in some application protocols.
+// WARNING: A 0-RTT handshake has different security properties from normal
+// handshake, so it is off by default unless opted in. In particular, early data
+// is replayable by a network attacker. Callers must account for this when
+// sending or processing data before the handshake is confirmed. See
+// draft-ietf-tls-tls13-18 for more information.
+// As a server, if early data is accepted, |SSL_do_handshake| will complete as
+// soon as the ClientHello is processed and server flight sent. |SSL_write| may
+// be used to send half-RTT data. |SSL_read| will consume early data and
+// transition to 1-RTT data as appropriate. Prior to the transition,
+// |SSL_in_init| will report the handshake is still in progress. Callers may use
+// it or |SSL_in_early_data| to defer or reject requests as needed.
+// Early data as a client is more complex. If the offered session (see
+// |SSL_set_session|) is 0-RTT-capable, the handshake will return after sending
+// the ClientHello. The predicted peer certificates and ALPN protocol will be
+// available via the usual APIs. |SSL_write| will write early data, up to the
+// session's limit. Writes past this limit and |SSL_read| will complete the
+// handshake before continuing. Callers may also call |SSL_do_handshake| again
+// to complete the handshake sooner.
+// If the server accepts early data, the handshake will succeed. |SSL_read| and
+// |SSL_write| will then act as in a 1-RTT handshake. The peer certificates and
+// ALPN protocol will be as predicted and need not be re-queried.
+// If the server rejects early data, |SSL_do_handshake| (and thus |SSL_read| and
+// |SSL_write|) will then fail with |SSL_get_error| returning
+// |SSL_ERROR_EARLY_DATA_REJECTED|. The caller should treat this as a connection
+// error and most likely perform a high-level retry. Note the server may still
+// have processed the early data due to attacker replays.
+// To then continue the handshake on the original connection, use
+// |SSL_reset_early_data_reject|. The connection will then behave as one which
+// had not yet completed the handshake. This allows a faster retry than making a
+// fresh connection. |SSL_do_handshake| will complete the full handshake,
+// possibly resulting in different peer certificates, ALPN protocol, and other
+// properties. The caller must disregard any values from before the reset and
+// query again.
+// Finally, to implement the fallback described in draft-ietf-tls-tls13-18
+// appendix C.3, retry on a fresh connection without 0-RTT if the handshake
-/* SSL_CTX_set_early_data_enabled sets whether early data is allowed to be used
- * with resumptions using |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_early_data_enabled sets whether early data is allowed to be used
+// with resumptions using |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_early_data_enabled(SSL_CTX *ctx, int enabled);
-/* SSL_set_early_data_enabled sets whether early data is allowed to be used
- * with resumptions using |ssl|. See |SSL_CTX_set_early_data_enabled| for more
- * information. */
+// SSL_set_early_data_enabled sets whether early data is allowed to be used
+// with resumptions using |ssl|. See |SSL_CTX_set_early_data_enabled| for more
+// information.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_early_data_enabled(SSL *ssl, int enabled);
-/* SSL_in_early_data returns one if |ssl| has a pending handshake that has
- * progressed enough to send or receive early data. Clients may call |SSL_write|
- * to send early data, but |SSL_read| will complete the handshake before
- * accepting application data. Servers may call |SSL_read| to read early data
- * and |SSL_write| to send half-RTT data. */
+// SSL_in_early_data returns one if |ssl| has a pending handshake that has
+// progressed enough to send or receive early data. Clients may call |SSL_write|
+// to send early data, but |SSL_read| will complete the handshake before
+// accepting application data. Servers may call |SSL_read| to read early data
+// and |SSL_write| to send half-RTT data.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_in_early_data(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_early_data_accepted returns whether early data was accepted on the
- * handshake performed by |ssl|. */
+// SSL_early_data_accepted returns whether early data was accepted on the
+// handshake performed by |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_early_data_accepted(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_reset_early_data_reject resets |ssl| after an early data reject. All
- * 0-RTT state is discarded, including any pending |SSL_write| calls. The caller
- * should treat |ssl| as a logically fresh connection, usually by driving the
- * handshake to completion using |SSL_do_handshake|.
- *
- * It is an error to call this function on an |SSL| object that is not signaling
+// SSL_reset_early_data_reject resets |ssl| after an early data reject. All
+// 0-RTT state is discarded, including any pending |SSL_write| calls. The caller
+// should treat |ssl| as a logically fresh connection, usually by driving the
+// handshake to completion using |SSL_do_handshake|.
+// It is an error to call this function on an |SSL| object that is not signaling
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_reset_early_data_reject(SSL *ssl);
-/* Alerts.
- *
- * TLS and SSL 3.0 use alerts to signal error conditions. Alerts have a type
- * (warning or fatal) and description. OpenSSL internally handles fatal alerts
- * with dedicated error codes (see |SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET|). Except for
- * close_notify, warning alerts are silently ignored and may only be surfaced
- * with |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|. */
+// Alerts.
+// TLS and SSL 3.0 use alerts to signal error conditions. Alerts have a type
+// (warning or fatal) and description. OpenSSL internally handles fatal alerts
+// with dedicated error codes (see |SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET|). Except for
+// close_notify, warning alerts are silently ignored and may only be surfaced
+// with |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|.
-/* SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET is the offset between error reasons and |SSL_AD_*|
- * values. Any error code under |ERR_LIB_SSL| with an error reason above this
- * value corresponds to an alert description. Consumers may add or subtract
- * |SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET| to convert between them.
- *
- * make_errors.go reserves error codes above 1000 for manually-assigned errors.
- * This value must be kept in sync with reservedReasonCode in make_errors.h */
+// SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET is the offset between error reasons and |SSL_AD_*|
+// values. Any error code under |ERR_LIB_SSL| with an error reason above this
+// value corresponds to an alert description. Consumers may add or subtract
+// |SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET| to convert between them.
+// make_errors.go reserves error codes above 1000 for manually-assigned errors.
+// This value must be kept in sync with reservedReasonCode in make_errors.h
 #define SSL_AD_REASON_OFFSET 1000
-/* SSL_AD_* are alert descriptions for SSL 3.0 and TLS. */
+// SSL_AD_* are alert descriptions for SSL 3.0 and TLS.
@@ -2966,7 +2970,7 @@
@@ -2994,28 +2998,28 @@
-/* SSL_alert_type_string_long returns a string description of |value| as an
- * alert type (warning or fatal). */
+// SSL_alert_type_string_long returns a string description of |value| as an
+// alert type (warning or fatal).
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_alert_type_string_long(int value);
-/* SSL_alert_desc_string_long returns a string description of |value| as an
- * alert description or "unknown" if unknown. */
+// SSL_alert_desc_string_long returns a string description of |value| as an
+// alert description or "unknown" if unknown.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_alert_desc_string_long(int value);
-/* SSL_send_fatal_alert sends a fatal alert over |ssl| of the specified type,
- * which should be one of the |SSL_AD_*| constants. It returns one on success
- * and <= 0 on error. The caller should pass the return value into
- * |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed. Once this function has been
- * called, future calls to |SSL_write| will fail.
- *
- * If retrying a failed operation due to |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE|, subsequent
- * calls must use the same |alert| parameter. */
+// SSL_send_fatal_alert sends a fatal alert over |ssl| of the specified type,
+// which should be one of the |SSL_AD_*| constants. It returns one on success
+// and <= 0 on error. The caller should pass the return value into
+// |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed. Once this function has been
+// called, future calls to |SSL_write| will fail.
+// If retrying a failed operation due to |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE|, subsequent
+// calls must use the same |alert| parameter.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_send_fatal_alert(SSL *ssl, uint8_t alert);
-/* ex_data functions.
- *
- * See |ex_data.h| for details. */
+// ex_data functions.
+// See |ex_data.h| for details.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_ex_data(SSL *ssl, int idx, void *data);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *SSL_get_ex_data(const SSL *ssl, int idx);
@@ -3041,100 +3045,100 @@
                                             CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func);
-/* Low-level record-layer state. */
+// Low-level record-layer state.
-/* SSL_get_ivs sets |*out_iv_len| to the length of the IVs for the ciphers
- * underlying |ssl| and sets |*out_read_iv| and |*out_write_iv| to point to the
- * current IVs for the read and write directions. This is only meaningful for
- * connections with implicit IVs (i.e. CBC mode with SSLv3 or TLS 1.0).
- *
- * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+// SSL_get_ivs sets |*out_iv_len| to the length of the IVs for the ciphers
+// underlying |ssl| and sets |*out_read_iv| and |*out_write_iv| to point to the
+// current IVs for the read and write directions. This is only meaningful for
+// connections with implicit IVs (i.e. CBC mode with SSLv3 or TLS 1.0).
+// It returns one on success or zero on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_ivs(const SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out_read_iv,
                                const uint8_t **out_write_iv,
                                size_t *out_iv_len);
-/* SSL_get_key_block_len returns the length of |ssl|'s key block. */
+// SSL_get_key_block_len returns the length of |ssl|'s key block.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_key_block_len(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_generate_key_block generates |out_len| bytes of key material for |ssl|'s
- * current connection state. */
+// SSL_generate_key_block generates |out_len| bytes of key material for |ssl|'s
+// current connection state.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_generate_key_block(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
                                           size_t out_len);
-/* SSL_get_read_sequence returns, in TLS, the expected sequence number of the
- * next incoming record in the current epoch. In DTLS, it returns the maximum
- * sequence number received in the current epoch and includes the epoch number
- * in the two most significant bytes. */
+// SSL_get_read_sequence returns, in TLS, the expected sequence number of the
+// next incoming record in the current epoch. In DTLS, it returns the maximum
+// sequence number received in the current epoch and includes the epoch number
+// in the two most significant bytes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint64_t SSL_get_read_sequence(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_write_sequence returns the sequence number of the next outgoing
- * record in the current epoch. In DTLS, it includes the epoch number in the
- * two most significant bytes. */
+// SSL_get_write_sequence returns the sequence number of the next outgoing
+// record in the current epoch. In DTLS, it includes the epoch number in the
+// two most significant bytes.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint64_t SSL_get_write_sequence(const SSL *ssl);
-/* Obscure functions. */
+// Obscure functions.
-/* SSL_get_structure_sizes returns the sizes of the SSL, SSL_CTX and
- * SSL_SESSION structures so that a test can ensure that outside code agrees on
- * these values. */
+// SSL_get_structure_sizes returns the sizes of the SSL, SSL_CTX and
+// SSL_SESSION structures so that a test can ensure that outside code agrees on
+// these values.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_get_structure_sizes(size_t *ssl_size,
                                             size_t *ssl_ctx_size,
                                             size_t *ssl_session_size);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback installs |cb| as the message callback for |ctx|.
- * This callback will be called when sending or receiving low-level record
- * headers, complete handshake messages, ChangeCipherSpec, and alerts.
- * |write_p| is one for outgoing messages and zero for incoming messages.
- *
- * For each record header, |cb| is called with |version| = 0 and |content_type|
- * = |SSL3_RT_HEADER|. The |len| bytes from |buf| contain the header. Note that
- * this does not include the record body. If the record is sealed, the length
- * in the header is the length of the ciphertext.
- *
- * For each handshake message, ChangeCipherSpec, and alert, |version| is the
- * protocol version and |content_type| is the corresponding record type. The
- * |len| bytes from |buf| contain the handshake message, one-byte
- * ChangeCipherSpec body, and two-byte alert, respectively.
- *
- * For a V2ClientHello, |version| is |SSL2_VERSION|, |content_type| is zero, and
- * the |len| bytes from |buf| contain the V2ClientHello structure. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback installs |cb| as the message callback for |ctx|.
+// This callback will be called when sending or receiving low-level record
+// headers, complete handshake messages, ChangeCipherSpec, and alerts.
+// |write_p| is one for outgoing messages and zero for incoming messages.
+// For each record header, |cb| is called with |version| = 0 and |content_type|
+// = |SSL3_RT_HEADER|. The |len| bytes from |buf| contain the header. Note that
+// this does not include the record body. If the record is sealed, the length
+// in the header is the length of the ciphertext.
+// For each handshake message, ChangeCipherSpec, and alert, |version| is the
+// protocol version and |content_type| is the corresponding record type. The
+// |len| bytes from |buf| contain the handshake message, one-byte
+// ChangeCipherSpec body, and two-byte alert, respectively.
+// For a V2ClientHello, |version| is |SSL2_VERSION|, |content_type| is zero, and
+// the |len| bytes from |buf| contain the V2ClientHello structure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
                              const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg));
-/* SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg sets the |arg| parameter of the message
- * callback. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg sets the |arg| parameter of the message
+// callback.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback_arg(SSL_CTX *ctx, void *arg);
-/* SSL_set_msg_callback installs |cb| as the message callback of |ssl|. See
- * |SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback| for when this callback is called. */
+// SSL_set_msg_callback installs |cb| as the message callback of |ssl|. See
+// |SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback| for when this callback is called.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_msg_callback(
     SSL *ssl, void (*cb)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
                          const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg));
-/* SSL_set_msg_callback_arg sets the |arg| parameter of the message callback. */
+// SSL_set_msg_callback_arg sets the |arg| parameter of the message callback.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_msg_callback_arg(SSL *ssl, void *arg);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback configures a callback to log key material. This
- * is intended for debugging use with tools like Wireshark. The |cb| function
- * should log |line| followed by a newline, synchronizing with any concurrent
- * access to the log.
- *
- * The format is described in
- * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/NSS/Key_Log_Format. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback configures a callback to log key material. This
+// is intended for debugging use with tools like Wireshark. The |cb| function
+// should log |line| followed by a newline, synchronizing with any concurrent
+// access to the log.
+// The format is described in
+// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Projects/NSS/Key_Log_Format.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(const SSL *ssl, const char *line));
-/* SSL_CTX_get_keylog_callback returns the callback configured by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_keylog_callback returns the callback configured by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_CTX_get_keylog_callback(const SSL_CTX *ctx))(
     const SSL *ssl, const char *line);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb configures a callback to retrieve the current
- * time, which should be set in |*out_clock|. This can be used for testing
- * purposes; for example, a callback can be configured that returns a time
- * set explicitly by the test. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb configures a callback to retrieve the current
+// time, which should be set in |*out_clock|. This can be used for testing
+// purposes; for example, a callback can be configured that returns a time
+// set explicitly by the test. The |ssl| pointer passed to |cb| is always null.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out_clock));
@@ -3145,28 +3149,28 @@
-/* SSL_set_renegotiate_mode configures how |ssl|, a client, reacts to
- * renegotiation attempts by a server. If |ssl| is a server, peer-initiated
- * renegotiations are *always* rejected and this function does nothing.
- *
- * The renegotiation mode defaults to |ssl_renegotiate_never|, but may be set
- * at any point in a connection's lifetime. Set it to |ssl_renegotiate_once| to
- * allow one renegotiation, |ssl_renegotiate_freely| to allow all
- * renegotiations or |ssl_renegotiate_ignore| to ignore HelloRequest messages.
- * Note that ignoring HelloRequest messages may cause the connection to stall
- * if the server waits for the renegotiation to complete.
- *
- * There is no support in BoringSSL for initiating renegotiations as a client
- * or server. */
+// SSL_set_renegotiate_mode configures how |ssl|, a client, reacts to
+// renegotiation attempts by a server. If |ssl| is a server, peer-initiated
+// renegotiations are *always* rejected and this function does nothing.
+// The renegotiation mode defaults to |ssl_renegotiate_never|, but may be set
+// at any point in a connection's lifetime. Set it to |ssl_renegotiate_once| to
+// allow one renegotiation, |ssl_renegotiate_freely| to allow all
+// renegotiations or |ssl_renegotiate_ignore| to ignore HelloRequest messages.
+// Note that ignoring HelloRequest messages may cause the connection to stall
+// if the server waits for the renegotiation to complete.
+// There is no support in BoringSSL for initiating renegotiations as a client
+// or server.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_renegotiate_mode(SSL *ssl,
                                              enum ssl_renegotiate_mode_t mode);
-/* SSL_renegotiate_pending returns one if |ssl| is in the middle of a
- * renegotiation. */
+// SSL_renegotiate_pending returns one if |ssl| is in the middle of a
+// renegotiation.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_renegotiate_pending(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_total_renegotiations returns the total number of renegotiation handshakes
- * performed by |ssl|. This includes the pending renegotiation, if any. */
+// SSL_total_renegotiations returns the total number of renegotiation handshakes
+// performed by |ssl|. This includes the pending renegotiation, if any.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_total_renegotiations(const SSL *ssl);
 enum tls13_variant_t {
@@ -3176,59 +3180,59 @@
   tls13_no_session_id_experiment = 3,
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tls13_variant sets which variant of TLS 1.3 we negotiate. On the
- * server, if |variant| is not |tls13_default|, all variants are enabled. On the
- * client, only the configured variant is enabled. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tls13_variant sets which variant of TLS 1.3 we negotiate. On the
+// server, if |variant| is not |tls13_default|, all variants are enabled. On the
+// client, only the configured variant is enabled.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_tls13_variant(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                               enum tls13_variant_t variant);
-/* SSL_set_tls13_variant sets which variant of TLS 1.3 we negotiate. On the
- * server, if |variant| is not |tls13_default|, all variants are enabled. On the
- * client, only the configured variant is enabled. */
+// SSL_set_tls13_variant sets which variant of TLS 1.3 we negotiate. On the
+// server, if |variant| is not |tls13_default|, all variants are enabled. On the
+// client, only the configured variant is enabled.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_tls13_variant(SSL *ssl,
                                           enum tls13_variant_t variant);
-/* SSL_MAX_CERT_LIST_DEFAULT is the default maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
- * certificate chain. */
+// SSL_MAX_CERT_LIST_DEFAULT is the default maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
+// certificate chain.
 #define SSL_MAX_CERT_LIST_DEFAULT (1024 * 100)
-/* SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
- * certificate chain accepted by |ctx|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
+// certificate chain accepted by |ctx|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_CTX_get_max_cert_list(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list sets the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
- * certificate chain to |max_cert_list|. This affects how much memory may be
- * consumed during the handshake. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list sets the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
+// certificate chain to |max_cert_list|. This affects how much memory may be
+// consumed during the handshake.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_max_cert_list(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                               size_t max_cert_list);
-/* SSL_get_max_cert_list returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
- * certificate chain accepted by |ssl|. */
+// SSL_get_max_cert_list returns the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
+// certificate chain accepted by |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_max_cert_list(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_max_cert_list sets the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
- * certificate chain to |max_cert_list|. This affects how much memory may be
- * consumed during the handshake. */
+// SSL_set_max_cert_list sets the maximum length, in bytes, of a peer
+// certificate chain to |max_cert_list|. This affects how much memory may be
+// consumed during the handshake.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_max_cert_list(SSL *ssl, size_t max_cert_list);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_max_send_fragment sets the maximum length, in bytes, of records
- * sent by |ctx|. Beyond this length, handshake messages and application data
- * will be split into multiple records. It returns one on success or zero on
- * error. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_max_send_fragment sets the maximum length, in bytes, of records
+// sent by |ctx|. Beyond this length, handshake messages and application data
+// will be split into multiple records. It returns one on success or zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_max_send_fragment(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                  size_t max_send_fragment);
-/* SSL_set_max_send_fragment sets the maximum length, in bytes, of records sent
- * by |ssl|. Beyond this length, handshake messages and application data will
- * be split into multiple records. It returns one on success or zero on
- * error. */
+// SSL_set_max_send_fragment sets the maximum length, in bytes, of records sent
+// by |ssl|. Beyond this length, handshake messages and application data will
+// be split into multiple records. It returns one on success or zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_max_send_fragment(SSL *ssl,
                                              size_t max_send_fragment);
-/* ssl_early_callback_ctx (aka |SSL_CLIENT_HELLO|) is passed to certain
- * callbacks that are called very early on during the server handshake. At this
- * point, much of the SSL* hasn't been filled out and only the ClientHello can
- * be depended on. */
+// ssl_early_callback_ctx (aka |SSL_CLIENT_HELLO|) is passed to certain
+// callbacks that are called very early on during the server handshake. At this
+// point, much of the SSL* hasn't been filled out and only the ClientHello can
+// be depended on.
 typedef struct ssl_early_callback_ctx {
   SSL *ssl;
   const uint8_t *client_hello;
@@ -3246,53 +3250,53 @@
   size_t extensions_len;
-/* ssl_select_cert_result_t enumerates the possible results from selecting a
- * certificate with |select_certificate_cb|. */
+// ssl_select_cert_result_t enumerates the possible results from selecting a
+// certificate with |select_certificate_cb|.
 enum ssl_select_cert_result_t {
-  /* ssl_select_cert_success indicates that the certificate selection was
-   * successful. */
+  // ssl_select_cert_success indicates that the certificate selection was
+  // successful.
   ssl_select_cert_success = 1,
-  /* ssl_select_cert_retry indicates that the operation could not be
-   * immediately completed and must be reattempted at a later point. */
+  // ssl_select_cert_retry indicates that the operation could not be
+  // immediately completed and must be reattempted at a later point.
   ssl_select_cert_retry = 0,
-  /* ssl_select_cert_error indicates that a fatal error occured and the
-   * handshake should be terminated. */
+  // ssl_select_cert_error indicates that a fatal error occured and the
+  // handshake should be terminated.
   ssl_select_cert_error = -1,
-/* SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get searches the extensions in
- * |client_hello| for an extension of the given type. If not found, it returns
- * zero. Otherwise it sets |out_data| to point to the extension contents (not
- * including the type and length bytes), sets |out_len| to the length of the
- * extension contents and returns one. */
+// SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get searches the extensions in
+// |client_hello| for an extension of the given type. If not found, it returns
+// zero. Otherwise it sets |out_data| to point to the extension contents (not
+// including the type and length bytes), sets |out_len| to the length of the
+// extension contents and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get(
     const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *client_hello, uint16_t extension_type,
     const uint8_t **out_data, size_t *out_len);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb sets a callback that is called before most
- * ClientHello processing and before the decision whether to resume a session
- * is made. The callback may inspect the ClientHello and configure the
- * connection. See |ssl_select_cert_result_t| for details of the return values.
- *
- * In the case that a retry is indicated, |SSL_get_error| will return
- * |SSL_ERROR_PENDING_CERTIFICATE| and the caller should arrange for the
- * high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried at a later time, which will
- * result in another call to |cb|.
- *
- * Note: The |SSL_CLIENT_HELLO| is only valid for the duration of the callback
- * and is not valid while the handshake is paused. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb sets a callback that is called before most
+// ClientHello processing and before the decision whether to resume a session
+// is made. The callback may inspect the ClientHello and configure the
+// connection. See |ssl_select_cert_result_t| for details of the return values.
+// In the case that a retry is indicated, |SSL_get_error| will return
+// |SSL_ERROR_PENDING_CERTIFICATE| and the caller should arrange for the
+// high-level operation on |ssl| to be retried at a later time, which will
+// result in another call to |cb|.
+// Note: The |SSL_CLIENT_HELLO| is only valid for the duration of the callback
+// and is not valid while the handshake is paused.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx,
     enum ssl_select_cert_result_t (*cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *));
-/* SSL_CTX_set_dos_protection_cb sets a callback that is called once the
- * resumption decision for a ClientHello has been made. It can return one to
- * allow the handshake to continue or zero to cause the handshake to abort. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_dos_protection_cb sets a callback that is called once the
+// resumption decision for a ClientHello has been made. It can return one to
+// allow the handshake to continue or zero to cause the handshake to abort.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_dos_protection_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *));
-/* SSL_ST_* are possible values for |SSL_state| and the bitmasks that make them
- * up. */
+// SSL_ST_* are possible values for |SSL_state| and the bitmasks that make them
+// up.
 #define SSL_ST_CONNECT 0x1000
 #define SSL_ST_ACCEPT 0x2000
 #define SSL_ST_MASK 0x0FFF
@@ -3301,8 +3305,8 @@
 #define SSL_ST_TLS13 (0x05 | SSL_ST_INIT)
-/* SSL_CB_* are possible values for the |type| parameter in the info
- * callback and the bitmasks that make them up. */
+// SSL_CB_* are possible values for the |type| parameter in the info
+// callback and the bitmasks that make them up.
 #define SSL_CB_LOOP 0x01
 #define SSL_CB_EXIT 0x02
 #define SSL_CB_READ 0x04
@@ -3317,176 +3321,176 @@
-/* SSL_CTX_set_info_callback configures a callback to be run when various
- * events occur during a connection's lifetime. The |type| argument determines
- * the type of event and the meaning of the |value| argument. Callbacks must
- * ignore unexpected |type| values.
- *
- * |SSL_CB_READ_ALERT| is signaled for each alert received, warning or fatal.
- * The |value| argument is a 16-bit value where the alert level (either
- * |SSL3_AL_WARNING| or |SSL3_AL_FATAL|) is in the most-significant eight bits
- * and the alert type (one of |SSL_AD_*|) is in the least-significant eight.
- *
- * |SSL_CB_WRITE_ALERT| is signaled for each alert sent. The |value| argument
- * is constructed as with |SSL_CB_READ_ALERT|.
- *
- * |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START| is signaled when a handshake begins. The |value|
- * argument is always one.
- *
- * |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE| is signaled when a handshake completes successfully.
- * The |value| argument is always one. If a handshake False Starts, this event
- * may be used to determine when the Finished message is received.
- *
- * The following event types expose implementation details of the handshake
- * state machine. Consuming them is deprecated.
- *
- * |SSL_CB_ACCEPT_LOOP| (respectively, |SSL_CB_CONNECT_LOOP|) is signaled when
- * a server (respectively, client) handshake progresses. The |value| argument
- * is always one.
- *
- * |SSL_CB_ACCEPT_EXIT| (respectively, |SSL_CB_CONNECT_EXIT|) is signaled when
- * a server (respectively, client) handshake completes, fails, or is paused.
- * The |value| argument is one if the handshake succeeded and <= 0
- * otherwise. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_info_callback configures a callback to be run when various
+// events occur during a connection's lifetime. The |type| argument determines
+// the type of event and the meaning of the |value| argument. Callbacks must
+// ignore unexpected |type| values.
+// |SSL_CB_READ_ALERT| is signaled for each alert received, warning or fatal.
+// The |value| argument is a 16-bit value where the alert level (either
+// |SSL3_AL_WARNING| or |SSL3_AL_FATAL|) is in the most-significant eight bits
+// and the alert type (one of |SSL_AD_*|) is in the least-significant eight.
+// |SSL_CB_WRITE_ALERT| is signaled for each alert sent. The |value| argument
+// is constructed as with |SSL_CB_READ_ALERT|.
+// |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START| is signaled when a handshake begins. The |value|
+// argument is always one.
+// |SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE| is signaled when a handshake completes successfully.
+// The |value| argument is always one. If a handshake False Starts, this event
+// may be used to determine when the Finished message is received.
+// The following event types expose implementation details of the handshake
+// state machine. Consuming them is deprecated.
+// |SSL_CB_ACCEPT_LOOP| (respectively, |SSL_CB_CONNECT_LOOP|) is signaled when
+// a server (respectively, client) handshake progresses. The |value| argument
+// is always one.
+// |SSL_CB_ACCEPT_EXIT| (respectively, |SSL_CB_CONNECT_EXIT|) is signaled when
+// a server (respectively, client) handshake completes, fails, or is paused.
+// The |value| argument is one if the handshake succeeded and <= 0
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_info_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value));
-/* SSL_CTX_get_info_callback returns the callback set by
- * |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_info_callback returns the callback set by
+// |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_CTX_get_info_callback(SSL_CTX *ctx))(const SSL *ssl,
                                                                int type,
                                                                int value);
-/* SSL_set_info_callback configures a callback to be run at various events
- * during a connection's lifetime. See |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|. */
+// SSL_set_info_callback configures a callback to be run at various events
+// during a connection's lifetime. See |SSL_CTX_set_info_callback|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_info_callback(
     SSL *ssl, void (*cb)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value));
-/* SSL_get_info_callback returns the callback set by |SSL_set_info_callback|. */
+// SSL_get_info_callback returns the callback set by |SSL_set_info_callback|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*SSL_get_info_callback(const SSL *ssl))(const SSL *ssl,
                                                              int type,
                                                              int value);
-/* SSL_state_string_long returns the current state of the handshake state
- * machine as a string. This may be useful for debugging and logging. */
+// SSL_state_string_long returns the current state of the handshake state
+// machine as a string. This may be useful for debugging and logging.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_state_string_long(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_shutdown returns a bitmask with a subset of |SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN| and
- * |SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN| to query whether close_notify was sent or received,
- * respectively. */
+// SSL_get_shutdown returns a bitmask with a subset of |SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN| and
+// |SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN| to query whether close_notify was sent or received,
+// respectively.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_shutdown(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_peer_signature_algorithm returns the signature algorithm used by the
- * peer. If not applicable, it returns zero. */
+// SSL_get_peer_signature_algorithm returns the signature algorithm used by the
+// peer. If not applicable, it returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_get_peer_signature_algorithm(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_client_random writes up to |max_out| bytes of the most recent
- * handshake's client_random to |out| and returns the number of bytes written.
- * If |max_out| is zero, it returns the size of the client_random. */
+// SSL_get_client_random writes up to |max_out| bytes of the most recent
+// handshake's client_random to |out| and returns the number of bytes written.
+// If |max_out| is zero, it returns the size of the client_random.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_client_random(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
                                             size_t max_out);
-/* SSL_get_server_random writes up to |max_out| bytes of the most recent
- * handshake's server_random to |out| and returns the number of bytes written.
- * If |max_out| is zero, it returns the size of the server_random. */
+// SSL_get_server_random writes up to |max_out| bytes of the most recent
+// handshake's server_random to |out| and returns the number of bytes written.
+// If |max_out| is zero, it returns the size of the server_random.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_server_random(const SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out,
                                             size_t max_out);
-/* SSL_get_pending_cipher returns the cipher suite for the current handshake or
- * NULL if one has not been negotiated yet or there is no pending handshake. */
+// SSL_get_pending_cipher returns the cipher suite for the current handshake or
+// NULL if one has not been negotiated yet or there is no pending handshake.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_CIPHER *SSL_get_pending_cipher(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs, on a server, sets whether only
- * the SHA-256 hash of peer's certificate should be saved in memory and in the
- * session. This can save memory, ticket size and session cache space. If
- * enabled, |SSL_get_peer_certificate| will return NULL after the handshake
- * completes. See the |peer_sha256| field of |SSL_SESSION| for the hash. */
+// SSL_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs, on a server, sets whether only
+// the SHA-256 hash of peer's certificate should be saved in memory and in the
+// session. This can save memory, ticket size and session cache space. If
+// enabled, |SSL_get_peer_certificate| will return NULL after the handshake
+// completes. See the |peer_sha256| field of |SSL_SESSION| for the hash.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs(SSL *ssl,
                                                                int enable);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs, on a server, sets whether
- * only the SHA-256 hash of peer's certificate should be saved in memory and in
- * the session. This can save memory, ticket size and session cache space. If
- * enabled, |SSL_get_peer_certificate| will return NULL after the handshake
- * completes. See the |peer_sha256| field of |SSL_SESSION| for the hash. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs, on a server, sets whether
+// only the SHA-256 hash of peer's certificate should be saved in memory and in
+// the session. This can save memory, ticket size and session cache space. If
+// enabled, |SSL_get_peer_certificate| will return NULL after the handshake
+// completes. See the |peer_sha256| field of |SSL_SESSION| for the hash.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                                    int enable);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_grease_enabled configures whether sockets on |ctx| should enable
- * GREASE. See draft-davidben-tls-grease-01. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_grease_enabled configures whether sockets on |ctx| should enable
+// GREASE. See draft-davidben-tls-grease-01.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_grease_enabled(SSL_CTX *ctx, int enabled);
-/* SSL_max_seal_overhead returns the maximum overhead, in bytes, of sealing a
- * record with |ssl|. */
+// SSL_max_seal_overhead returns the maximum overhead, in bytes, of sealing a
+// record with |ssl|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_max_seal_overhead(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_ticket_age_skew returns the difference, in seconds, between the
- * client-sent ticket age and the server-computed value in TLS 1.3 server
- * connections which resumed a session. */
+// SSL_get_ticket_age_skew returns the difference, in seconds, between the
+// client-sent ticket age and the server-computed value in TLS 1.3 server
+// connections which resumed a session.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int32_t SSL_get_ticket_age_skew(const SSL *ssl);
-/* Deprecated functions. */
+// Deprecated functions.
-/* SSL_library_init calls |CRYPTO_library_init| and returns one. */
+// SSL_library_init calls |CRYPTO_library_init| and returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_library_init(void);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_description writes a description of |cipher| into |buf| and
- * returns |buf|. If |buf| is NULL, it returns a newly allocated string, to be
- * freed with |OPENSSL_free|, or NULL on error.
- *
- * The description includes a trailing newline and has the form:
- * AES128-SHA              Kx=RSA      Au=RSA  Enc=AES(128)  Mac=SHA1
- *
- * Consider |SSL_CIPHER_standard_name| or |SSL_CIPHER_get_name| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_description writes a description of |cipher| into |buf| and
+// returns |buf|. If |buf| is NULL, it returns a newly allocated string, to be
+// freed with |OPENSSL_free|, or NULL on error.
+// The description includes a trailing newline and has the form:
+// AES128-SHA              Kx=RSA      Au=RSA  Enc=AES(128)  Mac=SHA1
+// Consider |SSL_CIPHER_standard_name| or |SSL_CIPHER_get_name| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_description(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher,
                                                   char *buf, int len);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_version returns the string "TLSv1/SSLv3". */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_version returns the string "TLSv1/SSLv3".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_get_version(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* SSL_CIPHER_get_rfc_name returns a newly-allocated string containing the
- * result of |SSL_CIPHER_standard_name| or NULL on error. The caller is
- * responsible for calling |OPENSSL_free| on the result.
- *
- * Use |SSL_CIPHER_standard_name| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_get_rfc_name returns a newly-allocated string containing the
+// result of |SSL_CIPHER_standard_name| or NULL on error. The caller is
+// responsible for calling |OPENSSL_free| on the result.
+// Use |SSL_CIPHER_standard_name| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *SSL_CIPHER_get_rfc_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
 typedef void COMP_METHOD;
-/* SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods returns NULL. */
+// SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT STACK_OF(SSL_COMP) *SSL_COMP_get_compression_methods(void);
-/* SSL_COMP_add_compression_method returns one. */
+// SSL_COMP_add_compression_method returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_COMP_add_compression_method(int id, COMP_METHOD *cm);
-/* SSL_COMP_get_name returns NULL. */
+// SSL_COMP_get_name returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_COMP_get_name(const COMP_METHOD *comp);
-/* SSL_COMP_free_compression_methods does nothing. */
+// SSL_COMP_free_compression_methods does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_COMP_free_compression_methods(void);
-/* SSLv23_method calls |TLS_method|. */
+// SSLv23_method calls |TLS_method|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_method(void);
-/* These version-specific methods behave exactly like |TLS_method| and
- * |DTLS_method| except they also call |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version| and
- * |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version| to lock connections to that protocol
- * version. */
+// These version-specific methods behave exactly like |TLS_method| and
+// |DTLS_method| except they also call |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version| and
+// |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version| to lock connections to that protocol
+// version.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_1_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_2_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_2_method(void);
-/* SSLv3_method returns an |SSL_METHOD| with no versions enabled. */
+// SSLv3_method returns an |SSL_METHOD| with no versions enabled.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv3_method(void);
-/* These client- and server-specific methods call their corresponding generic
- * methods. */
+// These client- and server-specific methods call their corresponding generic
+// methods.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLS_server_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLS_client_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_server_method(void);
@@ -3506,167 +3510,167 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_2_server_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_2_client_method(void);
-/* SSL_clear resets |ssl| to allow another connection and returns one on success
- * or zero on failure. It returns most configuration state but releases memory
- * associated with the current connection.
- *
- * Free |ssl| and create a new one instead. */
+// SSL_clear resets |ssl| to allow another connection and returns one on success
+// or zero on failure. It returns most configuration state but releases memory
+// associated with the current connection.
+// Free |ssl| and create a new one instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_clear(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback does nothing. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, RSA *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, int is_export, int keylength));
-/* SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback does nothing. */
+// SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback(SSL *ssl,
                                              RSA *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, int is_export,
                                                         int keylength));
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_connect returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_connect returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_connect(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_accept returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_accept returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_accept(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_hits returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_hits returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_hits(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_misses returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_misses returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_misses(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_cutthrough_complete calls |SSL_in_false_start|. */
+// SSL_cutthrough_complete calls |SSL_in_false_start|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_cutthrough_complete(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_num_renegotiations calls |SSL_total_renegotiations|. */
+// SSL_num_renegotiations calls |SSL_total_renegotiations|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_num_renegotiations(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_need_tmp_RSA returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_need_tmp_RSA returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_need_tmp_RSA(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_need_tmp_RSA returns zero. */
+// SSL_need_tmp_RSA returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_need_tmp_RSA(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa returns one. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa(SSL_CTX *ctx, const RSA *rsa);
-/* SSL_set_tmp_rsa returns one. */
+// SSL_set_tmp_rsa returns one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tmp_rsa(SSL *ssl, const RSA *rsa);
-/* SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead returns zero. */
+// SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead(const SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead does nothing. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(SSL_CTX *ctx, int yes);
-/* SSL_get_read_ahead returns zero. */
+// SSL_get_read_ahead returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_read_ahead(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_read_ahead does nothing. */
+// SSL_set_read_ahead does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_read_ahead(SSL *ssl, int yes);
-/* SSL_renegotiate put an error on the error queue and returns zero. */
+// SSL_renegotiate put an error on the error queue and returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_renegotiate(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_state does nothing. */
+// SSL_set_state does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_state(SSL *ssl, int state);
-/* SSL_get_shared_ciphers writes an empty string to |buf| and returns a
- * pointer to |buf|, or NULL if |len| is less than or equal to zero. */
+// SSL_get_shared_ciphers writes an empty string to |buf| and returns a
+// pointer to |buf|, or NULL if |len| is less than or equal to zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT char *SSL_get_shared_ciphers(const SSL *ssl, char *buf, int len);
-/* i2d_SSL_SESSION serializes |in| to the bytes pointed to by |*pp|. On success,
- * it returns the number of bytes written and advances |*pp| by that many bytes.
- * On failure, it returns -1. If |pp| is NULL, no bytes are written and only the
- * length is returned.
- *
- * Use |SSL_SESSION_to_bytes| instead. */
+// i2d_SSL_SESSION serializes |in| to the bytes pointed to by |*pp|. On success,
+// it returns the number of bytes written and advances |*pp| by that many bytes.
+// On failure, it returns -1. If |pp| is NULL, no bytes are written and only the
+// length is returned.
+// Use |SSL_SESSION_to_bytes| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_SSL_SESSION(SSL_SESSION *in, uint8_t **pp);
-/* d2i_SSL_SESSION parses a serialized session from the |length| bytes pointed
- * to by |*pp|. It returns the new |SSL_SESSION| and advances |*pp| by the
- * number of bytes consumed on success and NULL on failure. The caller takes
- * ownership of the new session and must call |SSL_SESSION_free| when done.
- *
- * If |a| is non-NULL, |*a| is released and set the new |SSL_SESSION|.
- *
- * Use |SSL_SESSION_from_bytes| instead. */
+// d2i_SSL_SESSION parses a serialized session from the |length| bytes pointed
+// to by |*pp|. It returns the new |SSL_SESSION| and advances |*pp| by the
+// number of bytes consumed on success and NULL on failure. The caller takes
+// ownership of the new session and must call |SSL_SESSION_free| when done.
+// If |a| is non-NULL, |*a| is released and set the new |SSL_SESSION|.
+// Use |SSL_SESSION_from_bytes| instead.
                                             long length);
-/* i2d_SSL_SESSION_bio serializes |session| and writes the result to |bio|. It
- * returns the number of bytes written on success and <= 0 on error. */
+// i2d_SSL_SESSION_bio serializes |session| and writes the result to |bio|. It
+// returns the number of bytes written on success and <= 0 on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int i2d_SSL_SESSION_bio(BIO *bio, const SSL_SESSION *session);
-/* d2i_SSL_SESSION_bio reads a serialized |SSL_SESSION| from |bio| and returns a
- * newly-allocated |SSL_SESSION| or NULL on error. If |out| is not NULL, it also
- * frees |*out| and sets |*out| to the new |SSL_SESSION|.  */
+// d2i_SSL_SESSION_bio reads a serialized |SSL_SESSION| from |bio| and returns a
+// newly-allocated |SSL_SESSION| or NULL on error. If |out| is not NULL, it also
+// frees |*out| and sets |*out| to the new |SSL_SESSION|.
-/* ERR_load_SSL_strings does nothing. */
+// ERR_load_SSL_strings does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_load_SSL_strings(void);
-/* SSL_load_error_strings does nothing. */
+// SSL_load_error_strings does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_load_error_strings(void);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp calls |SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles|. It returns
- * zero on success and one on failure.
- *
- * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
- * convention. Use |SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles| instead. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp calls |SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles|. It returns
+// zero on success and one on failure.
+// WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
+// convention. Use |SSL_CTX_set_srtp_profiles| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp(SSL_CTX *ctx,
                                                const char *profiles);
-/* SSL_set_tlsext_use_srtp calls |SSL_set_srtp_profiles|. It returns zero on
- * success and one on failure.
- *
- * WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
- * convention. Use |SSL_set_srtp_profiles| instead. */
+// SSL_set_tlsext_use_srtp calls |SSL_set_srtp_profiles|. It returns zero on
+// success and one on failure.
+// WARNING: this function is dangerous because it breaks the usual return value
+// convention. Use |SSL_set_srtp_profiles| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tlsext_use_srtp(SSL *ssl, const char *profiles);
-/* SSL_get_current_compression returns NULL. */
+// SSL_get_current_compression returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const COMP_METHOD *SSL_get_current_compression(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_current_expansion returns NULL. */
+// SSL_get_current_expansion returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const COMP_METHOD *SSL_get_current_expansion(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_server_tmp_key returns zero. */
+// SSL_get_server_tmp_key returns zero.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int *SSL_get_server_tmp_key(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_key);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh returns 1. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(SSL_CTX *ctx, const DH *dh);
-/* SSL_set_tmp_dh returns 1. */
+// SSL_set_tmp_dh returns 1.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tmp_dh(SSL *ssl, const DH *dh);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback does nothing. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, DH *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, int is_export, int keylength));
-/* SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback does nothing. */
+// SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback(SSL *ssl,
                                             DH *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, int is_export,
                                                       int keylength));
@@ -3707,8 +3711,8 @@
-/* The following flags do nothing and are included only to make it easier to
- * compile code with BoringSSL. */
+// The following flags do nothing and are included only to make it easier to
+// compile code with BoringSSL.
@@ -3739,34 +3743,34 @@
-/* SSL_cache_hit calls |SSL_session_reused|. */
+// SSL_cache_hit calls |SSL_session_reused|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_cache_hit(SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_default_timeout returns |SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT|. */
+// SSL_get_default_timeout returns |SSL_DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT long SSL_get_default_timeout(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_version returns a string describing the TLS version used by |ssl|.
- * For example, "TLSv1.2" or "SSLv3". */
+// SSL_get_version returns a string describing the TLS version used by |ssl|.
+// For example, "TLSv1.2" or "SSLv3".
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_version(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get_cipher_list returns the name of the |n|th cipher in the output of
- * |SSL_get_ciphers| or NULL if out of range. Use |SSL_get_ciphers| instead. */
+// SSL_get_cipher_list returns the name of the |n|th cipher in the output of
+// |SSL_get_ciphers| or NULL if out of range. Use |SSL_get_ciphers| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_get_cipher_list(const SSL *ssl, int n);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb sets a callback which is called on the client if
- * the server requests a client certificate and none is configured. On success,
- * the callback should return one and set |*out_x509| to |*out_pkey| to a leaf
- * certificate and private key, respectively, passing ownership. It should
- * return zero to send no certificate and -1 to fail or pause the handshake. If
- * the handshake is paused, |SSL_get_error| will return
- *
- * The callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
- * |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate request.
- *
- * Use |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| instead. Configuring intermediate certificates with
- * this function is confusing. This callback may not be registered concurrently
- * with |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| or |SSL_set_cert_cb|. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb sets a callback which is called on the client if
+// the server requests a client certificate and none is configured. On success,
+// the callback should return one and set |*out_x509| to |*out_pkey| to a leaf
+// certificate and private key, respectively, passing ownership. It should
+// return zero to send no certificate and -1 to fail or pause the handshake. If
+// the handshake is paused, |SSL_get_error| will return
+// The callback may call |SSL_get0_certificate_types| and
+// |SSL_get_client_CA_list| for information on the server's certificate request.
+// Use |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| instead. Configuring intermediate certificates with
+// this function is confusing. This callback may not be registered concurrently
+// with |SSL_CTX_set_cert_cb| or |SSL_set_cert_cb|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_CTX_set_client_cert_cb(
     SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, X509 **out_x509, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey));
@@ -3782,38 +3786,38 @@
-/* SSL_want returns one of the above values to determine what the most recent
- * operation on |ssl| was blocked on. Use |SSL_get_error| instead. */
+// SSL_want returns one of the above values to determine what the most recent
+// operation on |ssl| was blocked on. Use |SSL_get_error| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_want(const SSL *ssl);
 #define SSL_want_read(ssl) (SSL_want(ssl) == SSL_READING)
 #define SSL_want_write(ssl) (SSL_want(ssl) == SSL_WRITING)
- /* SSL_get_finished writes up to |count| bytes of the Finished message sent by
-  * |ssl| to |buf|. It returns the total untruncated length or zero if none has
-  * been sent yet. At SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.3 and later, it returns zero.
-  *
-  * Use |SSL_get_tls_unique| instead. */
+ // SSL_get_finished writes up to |count| bytes of the Finished message sent by
+ // |ssl| to |buf|. It returns the total untruncated length or zero if none has
+ // been sent yet. At SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.3 and later, it returns zero.
+ //
+ // Use |SSL_get_tls_unique| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_finished(const SSL *ssl, void *buf, size_t count);
- /* SSL_get_peer_finished writes up to |count| bytes of the Finished message
-  * received from |ssl|'s peer to |buf|. It returns the total untruncated length
-  * or zero if none has been received yet. At SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.3 and later, it
-  * returns zero.
-  *
-  * Use |SSL_get_tls_unique| instead. */
+ // SSL_get_peer_finished writes up to |count| bytes of the Finished message
+ // received from |ssl|'s peer to |buf|. It returns the total untruncated length
+ // or zero if none has been received yet. At SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.3 and later, it
+ // returns zero.
+ //
+ // Use |SSL_get_tls_unique| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SSL_get_peer_finished(const SSL *ssl, void *buf,
                                             size_t count);
-/* SSL_alert_type_string returns "!". Use |SSL_alert_type_string_long|
- * instead. */
+// SSL_alert_type_string returns "!". Use |SSL_alert_type_string_long|
+// instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_alert_type_string(int value);
-/* SSL_alert_desc_string returns "!!". Use |SSL_alert_desc_string_long|
- * instead. */
+// SSL_alert_desc_string returns "!!". Use |SSL_alert_desc_string_long|
+// instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_alert_desc_string(int value);
-/* SSL_TXT_* expand to strings. */
+// SSL_TXT_* expand to strings.
 #define SSL_TXT_HIGH "HIGH"
 #define SSL_TXT_FIPS "FIPS"
@@ -3857,192 +3861,192 @@
 typedef struct ssl_conf_ctx_st SSL_CONF_CTX;
-/* SSL_state returns |SSL_ST_INIT| if a handshake is in progress and |SSL_ST_OK|
- * otherwise.
- *
- * Use |SSL_is_init| instead. */
+// SSL_state returns |SSL_ST_INIT| if a handshake is in progress and |SSL_ST_OK|
+// otherwise.
+// Use |SSL_is_init| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_state(const SSL *ssl);
 #define SSL_get_state(ssl) SSL_state(ssl)
-/* SSL_state_string returns the current state of the handshake state machine as
- * a six-letter string. Use |SSL_state_string_long| for a more intelligible
- * string. */
+// SSL_state_string returns the current state of the handshake state machine as
+// a six-letter string. Use |SSL_state_string_long| for a more intelligible
+// string.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_state_string(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_shutdown causes |ssl| to behave as if the shutdown bitmask (see
- * |SSL_get_shutdown|) were |mode|. This may be used to skip sending or
- * receiving close_notify in |SSL_shutdown| by causing the implementation to
- * believe the events already happened.
- *
- * It is an error to use |SSL_set_shutdown| to unset a bit that has already been
- * set. Doing so will trigger an |assert| in debug builds and otherwise be
- * ignored.
- *
- * Use |SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown| instead. */
+// SSL_set_shutdown causes |ssl| to behave as if the shutdown bitmask (see
+// |SSL_get_shutdown|) were |mode|. This may be used to skip sending or
+// receiving close_notify in |SSL_shutdown| by causing the implementation to
+// believe the events already happened.
+// It is an error to use |SSL_set_shutdown| to unset a bit that has already been
+// set. Doing so will trigger an |assert| in debug builds and otherwise be
+// ignored.
+// Use |SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_shutdown(SSL *ssl, int mode);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh calls |SSL_CTX_set1_curves| with a one-element list
- * containing |ec_key|'s curve. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh calls |SSL_CTX_set1_curves| with a one-element list
+// containing |ec_key|'s curve.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(SSL_CTX *ctx, const EC_KEY *ec_key);
-/* SSL_set_tmp_ecdh calls |SSL_set1_curves| with a one-element list containing
- * |ec_key|'s curve. */
+// SSL_set_tmp_ecdh calls |SSL_set1_curves| with a one-element list containing
+// |ec_key|'s curve.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_tmp_ecdh(SSL *ssl, const EC_KEY *ec_key);
-/* SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack lists files in directory |dir|. It calls
- * |SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack| on each file and returns one on success
- * or zero on error. This function is only available from the libdecrepit
- * library. */
+// SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack lists files in directory |dir|. It calls
+// |SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack| on each file and returns one on success
+// or zero on error. This function is only available from the libdecrepit
+// library.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_add_dir_cert_subjects_to_stack(STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *out,
                                                       const char *dir);
-/* SSL_set_private_key_digest_prefs copies |num_digests| NIDs from |digest_nids|
- * into |ssl|. These digests will be used, in decreasing order of preference,
- * when signing with |ssl|'s private key. It returns one on success and zero on
- * error.
- *
- * Use |SSL_set_signing_algorithm_prefs| instead.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Remove this API when callers have been updated. */
+// SSL_set_private_key_digest_prefs copies |num_digests| NIDs from |digest_nids|
+// into |ssl|. These digests will be used, in decreasing order of preference,
+// when signing with |ssl|'s private key. It returns one on success and zero on
+// error.
+// Use |SSL_set_signing_algorithm_prefs| instead.
+// TODO(davidben): Remove this API when callers have been updated.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_private_key_digest_prefs(SSL *ssl,
                                                     const int *digest_nids,
                                                     size_t num_digests);
-/* SSL_set_verify_result calls |abort| unless |result| is |X509_V_OK|.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): Remove this function once it has been removed from
- * netty-tcnative. */
+// SSL_set_verify_result calls |abort| unless |result| is |X509_V_OK|.
+// TODO(davidben): Remove this function once it has been removed from
+// netty-tcnative.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SSL_set_verify_result(SSL *ssl, long result);
-/* SSL_CTX_enable_tls_channel_id calls |SSL_CTX_set_tls_channel_id_enabled|. */
+// SSL_CTX_enable_tls_channel_id calls |SSL_CTX_set_tls_channel_id_enabled|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_enable_tls_channel_id(SSL_CTX *ctx);
-/* SSL_enable_tls_channel_id calls |SSL_set_tls_channel_id_enabled|. */
+// SSL_enable_tls_channel_id calls |SSL_set_tls_channel_id_enabled|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_enable_tls_channel_id(SSL *ssl);
-/* BIO_f_ssl returns a |BIO_METHOD| that can wrap an |SSL*| in a |BIO*|. Note
- * that this has quite different behaviour from the version in OpenSSL (notably
- * that it doesn't try to auto renegotiate).
- *
- * IMPORTANT: if you are not curl, don't use this. */
+// BIO_f_ssl returns a |BIO_METHOD| that can wrap an |SSL*| in a |BIO*|. Note
+// that this has quite different behaviour from the version in OpenSSL (notably
+// that it doesn't try to auto renegotiate).
+// IMPORTANT: if you are not curl, don't use this.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_ssl(void);
-/* BIO_set_ssl sets |ssl| as the underlying connection for |bio|, which must
- * have been created using |BIO_f_ssl|. If |take_owership| is true, |bio| will
- * call |SSL_free| on |ssl| when closed. It returns one on success or something
- * other than one on error. */
+// BIO_set_ssl sets |ssl| as the underlying connection for |bio|, which must
+// have been created using |BIO_f_ssl|. If |take_owership| is true, |bio| will
+// call |SSL_free| on |ssl| when closed. It returns one on success or something
+// other than one on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT long BIO_set_ssl(BIO *bio, SSL *ssl, int take_owership);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto returns one. */
+// SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto returns one.
 #define SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(ctx, onoff) 1
-/* SSL_set_ecdh_auto returns one. */
+// SSL_set_ecdh_auto returns one.
 #define SSL_set_ecdh_auto(ssl, onoff) 1
-/* SSL_get_session returns a non-owning pointer to |ssl|'s session. For
- * historical reasons, which session it returns depends on |ssl|'s state.
- *
- * Prior to the start of the initial handshake, it returns the session the
- * caller set with |SSL_set_session|. After the initial handshake has finished
- * and if no additional handshakes are in progress, it returns the currently
- * active session. Its behavior is undefined while a handshake is in progress.
- *
- * If trying to add new sessions to an external session cache, use
- * |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb| instead. In particular, using the callback is
- * required as of TLS 1.3. For compatibility, this function will return an
- * unresumable session which may be cached, but will never be resumed.
- *
- * If querying properties of the connection, use APIs on the |SSL| object. */
+// SSL_get_session returns a non-owning pointer to |ssl|'s session. For
+// historical reasons, which session it returns depends on |ssl|'s state.
+// Prior to the start of the initial handshake, it returns the session the
+// caller set with |SSL_set_session|. After the initial handshake has finished
+// and if no additional handshakes are in progress, it returns the currently
+// active session. Its behavior is undefined while a handshake is in progress.
+// If trying to add new sessions to an external session cache, use
+// |SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb| instead. In particular, using the callback is
+// required as of TLS 1.3. For compatibility, this function will return an
+// unresumable session which may be cached, but will never be resumed.
+// If querying properties of the connection, use APIs on the |SSL| object.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT SSL_SESSION *SSL_get_session(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_get0_session is an alias for |SSL_get_session|. */
+// SSL_get0_session is an alias for |SSL_get_session|.
 #define SSL_get0_session SSL_get_session
-/* SSL_get1_session acts like |SSL_get_session| but returns a new reference to
- * the session. */
+// SSL_get1_session acts like |SSL_get_session| but returns a new reference to
+// the session.
-/* TODO(davidben): Convert all the callers of these old |SSL_CIPHER| functions
- * and remove them. */
+// TODO(davidben): Convert all the callers of these old |SSL_CIPHER| functions
+// and remove them.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_AEAD calls |SSL_CIPHER_is_aead|. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_AEAD calls |SSL_CIPHER_is_aead|.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES returns one if |cipher| uses AES (either GCM or CBC
- * mode). Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_AES returns one if |cipher| uses AES (either GCM or CBC
+// mode). Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA1_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA1. Use
- * |SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA1_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA1. Use
+// |SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA256_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA256. Use
- * |SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA256_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA256. Use
+// |SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA384_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA384. Use
- * |SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA384_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA384. Use
+// |SSL_CIPHER_get_digest_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_AESGCM returns one if |cipher| uses AES-GCM. Use
- * |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_AESGCM returns one if |cipher| uses AES-GCM. Use
+// |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128GCM returns one if |cipher| uses 128-bit AES-GCM. Use
- * |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128GCM returns one if |cipher| uses 128-bit AES-GCM. Use
+// |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128CBC returns one if |cipher| uses 128-bit AES in CBC
- * mode. Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128CBC returns one if |cipher| uses 128-bit AES in CBC
+// mode. Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES256CBC returns one if |cipher| uses 256-bit AES in CBC
- * mode. Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_AES256CBC returns one if |cipher| uses 256-bit AES in CBC
+// mode. Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_CHACHA20POLY1305 returns one if |cipher| uses
- * CHACHA20_POLY1305. Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_CHACHA20POLY1305 returns one if |cipher| uses
+// CHACHA20_POLY1305. Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_NULL returns one if |cipher| does not encrypt. Use
- * |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_NULL returns one if |cipher| does not encrypt. Use
+// |SSL_CIPHER_get_cipher_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDSA returns one if |cipher| uses ECDSA. Use
- * |SSL_CIPHER_get_auth_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDSA returns one if |cipher| uses ECDSA. Use
+// |SSL_CIPHER_get_auth_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDHE returns one if |cipher| uses ECDHE. Use
- * |SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDHE returns one if |cipher| uses ECDHE. Use
+// |SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_nid| instead.
-/* SSL_CIPHER_is_static_RSA returns one if |cipher| uses the static RSA key
- * exchange. Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_nid| instead. */
+// SSL_CIPHER_is_static_RSA returns one if |cipher| uses the static RSA key
+// exchange. Use |SSL_CIPHER_get_kx_nid| instead.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_static_RSA(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
-/* Private structures.
- *
- * This structures are exposed for historical reasons, but access to them is
- * deprecated. */
+// Private structures.
+// This structures are exposed for historical reasons, but access to them is
+// deprecated.
-/* TODO(davidben): Opaquify most or all of |SSL_CTX| and |SSL_SESSION| so these
- * forward declarations are not needed. */
+// TODO(davidben): Opaquify most or all of |SSL_CTX| and |SSL_SESSION| so these
+// forward declarations are not needed.
 typedef struct ssl_protocol_method_st SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD;
 typedef struct ssl_x509_method_st SSL_X509_METHOD;
 struct ssl_cipher_st {
-  /* name is the OpenSSL name for the cipher. */
+  // name is the OpenSSL name for the cipher.
   const char *name;
-  /* standard_name is the IETF name for the cipher. */
+  // standard_name is the IETF name for the cipher.
   const char *standard_name;
-  /* id is the cipher suite value bitwise OR-d with 0x03000000. */
+  // id is the cipher suite value bitwise OR-d with 0x03000000.
   uint32_t id;
-  /* algorithm_* are internal fields. See ssl/internal.h for their values. */
+  // algorithm_* are internal fields. See ssl/internal.h for their values.
   uint32_t algorithm_mkey;
   uint32_t algorithm_auth;
   uint32_t algorithm_enc;
@@ -4056,226 +4060,234 @@
 struct ssl_session_st {
   CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
-  int ssl_version; /* what ssl version session info is being kept in here? */
+  int ssl_version;  // what ssl version session info is being kept in here?
-  /* group_id is the ID of the ECDH group used to establish this session or zero
-   * if not applicable or unknown. */
+  // group_id is the ID of the ECDH group used to establish this session or zero
+  // if not applicable or unknown.
   uint16_t group_id;
-  /* peer_signature_algorithm is the signature algorithm used to authenticate
-   * the peer, or zero if not applicable or unknown. */
+  // peer_signature_algorithm is the signature algorithm used to authenticate
+  // the peer, or zero if not applicable or unknown.
   uint16_t peer_signature_algorithm;
-  /* master_key, in TLS 1.2 and below, is the master secret associated with the
-   * session. In TLS 1.3 and up, it is the resumption secret. */
+  // master_key, in TLS 1.2 and below, is the master secret associated with the
+  // session. In TLS 1.3 and up, it is the resumption secret.
   int master_key_length;
   uint8_t master_key[SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH];
-  /* session_id - valid? */
+  // session_id - valid?
   unsigned int session_id_length;
   uint8_t session_id[SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH];
-  /* this is used to determine whether the session is being reused in
-   * the appropriate context. It is up to the application to set this,
-   * via SSL_new */
+  // this is used to determine whether the session is being reused in
+  // the appropriate context. It is up to the application to set this,
+  // via SSL_new
   uint8_t sid_ctx_length;
   uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH];
   char *psk_identity;
-  /* certs contains the certificate chain from the peer, starting with the leaf
-   * certificate. */
+  // certs contains the certificate chain from the peer, starting with the leaf
+  // certificate.
   const SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method;
-  /* x509_peer is the peer's certificate. */
+  // x509_peer is the peer's certificate.
   X509 *x509_peer;
-  /* x509_chain is the certificate chain sent by the peer. NOTE: for historical
-   * reasons, when a client (so the peer is a server), the chain includes
-   * |peer|, but when a server it does not. */
+  // x509_chain is the certificate chain sent by the peer. NOTE: for historical
+  // reasons, when a client (so the peer is a server), the chain includes
+  // |peer|, but when a server it does not.
   STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain;
-  /* x509_chain_without_leaf is a lazily constructed copy of |x509_chain| that
-   * omits the leaf certificate. This exists because OpenSSL, historically,
-   * didn't include the leaf certificate in the chain for a server, but did for
-   * a client. The |x509_chain| always includes it and, if an API call requires
-   * a chain without, it is stored here. */
+  // x509_chain_without_leaf is a lazily constructed copy of |x509_chain| that
+  // omits the leaf certificate. This exists because OpenSSL, historically,
+  // didn't include the leaf certificate in the chain for a server, but did for
+  // a client. The |x509_chain| always includes it and, if an API call requires
+  // a chain without, it is stored here.
   STACK_OF(X509) *x509_chain_without_leaf;
-  /* verify_result is the result of certificate verification in the case of
-   * non-fatal certificate errors. */
+  // verify_result is the result of certificate verification in the case of
+  // non-fatal certificate errors.
   long verify_result;
-  /* timeout is the lifetime of the session in seconds, measured from |time|.
-   * This is renewable up to |auth_timeout|. */
+  // timeout is the lifetime of the session in seconds, measured from |time|.
+  // This is renewable up to |auth_timeout|.
   uint32_t timeout;
-  /* auth_timeout is the non-renewable lifetime of the session in seconds,
-   * measured from |time|. */
+  // auth_timeout is the non-renewable lifetime of the session in seconds,
+  // measured from |time|.
   uint32_t auth_timeout;
-  /* time is the time the session was issued, measured in seconds from the UNIX
-   * epoch. */
+  // time is the time the session was issued, measured in seconds from the UNIX
+  // epoch.
   uint64_t time;
   const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
-  CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data; /* application specific data */
+  CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;  // application specific data
-  /* These are used to make removal of session-ids more efficient and to
-   * implement a maximum cache size. */
+  // These are used to make removal of session-ids more efficient and to
+  // implement a maximum cache size.
   SSL_SESSION *prev, *next;
   char *tlsext_hostname;
-  /* RFC4507 info */
-  uint8_t *tlsext_tick;               /* Session ticket */
-  size_t tlsext_ticklen;              /* Session ticket length */
+  // RFC4507 info
+  uint8_t *tlsext_tick;               // Session ticket
+  size_t tlsext_ticklen;              // Session ticket length
-  size_t tlsext_signed_cert_timestamp_list_length;
-  uint8_t *tlsext_signed_cert_timestamp_list; /* Server's list. */
+  CRYPTO_BUFFER *signed_cert_timestamp_list;
-  /* The OCSP response that came with the session. */
-  size_t ocsp_response_length;
-  uint8_t *ocsp_response;
+  // The OCSP response that came with the session.
+  CRYPTO_BUFFER *ocsp_response;
-  /* peer_sha256 contains the SHA-256 hash of the peer's certificate if
-   * |peer_sha256_valid| is true. */
+  // peer_sha256 contains the SHA-256 hash of the peer's certificate if
+  // |peer_sha256_valid| is true.
   uint8_t peer_sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-  /* original_handshake_hash contains the handshake hash (either SHA-1+MD5 or
-   * SHA-2, depending on TLS version) for the original, full handshake that
-   * created a session. This is used by Channel IDs during resumption. */
+  // original_handshake_hash contains the handshake hash (either SHA-1+MD5 or
+  // SHA-2, depending on TLS version) for the original, full handshake that
+  // created a session. This is used by Channel IDs during resumption.
   uint8_t original_handshake_hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
   uint8_t original_handshake_hash_len;
-  uint32_t tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint; /* Session lifetime hint in seconds */
+  uint32_t tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint;  // Session lifetime hint in seconds
   uint32_t ticket_age_add;
-  /* ticket_max_early_data is the maximum amount of data allowed to be sent as
-   * early data. If zero, 0-RTT is disallowed. */
+  // ticket_max_early_data is the maximum amount of data allowed to be sent as
+  // early data. If zero, 0-RTT is disallowed.
   uint32_t ticket_max_early_data;
-  /* early_alpn is the ALPN protocol from the initial handshake. This is only
-   * stored for TLS 1.3 and above in order to enforce ALPN matching for 0-RTT
-   * resumptions. */
+  // early_alpn is the ALPN protocol from the initial handshake. This is only
+  // stored for TLS 1.3 and above in order to enforce ALPN matching for 0-RTT
+  // resumptions.
   uint8_t *early_alpn;
   size_t early_alpn_len;
-  /* extended_master_secret is true if the master secret in this session was
-   * generated using EMS and thus isn't vulnerable to the Triple Handshake
-   * attack. */
+  // extended_master_secret is true if the master secret in this session was
+  // generated using EMS and thus isn't vulnerable to the Triple Handshake
+  // attack.
   unsigned extended_master_secret:1;
-  /* peer_sha256_valid is non-zero if |peer_sha256| is valid. */
-  unsigned peer_sha256_valid:1; /* Non-zero if peer_sha256 is valid */
+  // peer_sha256_valid is non-zero if |peer_sha256| is valid.
+  unsigned peer_sha256_valid:1;  // Non-zero if peer_sha256 is valid
-  /* not_resumable is used to indicate that session resumption is disallowed. */
+  // not_resumable is used to indicate that session resumption is disallowed.
   unsigned not_resumable:1;
-  /* ticket_age_add_valid is non-zero if |ticket_age_add| is valid. */
+  // ticket_age_add_valid is non-zero if |ticket_age_add| is valid.
   unsigned ticket_age_add_valid:1;
-  /* is_server is true if this session was created by a server. */
+  // is_server is true if this session was created by a server.
   unsigned is_server:1;
-/* ssl_cipher_preference_list_st contains a list of SSL_CIPHERs with
- * equal-preference groups. For TLS clients, the groups are moot because the
- * server picks the cipher and groups cannot be expressed on the wire. However,
- * for servers, the equal-preference groups allow the client's preferences to
- * be partially respected. (This only has an effect with
- *
- * The equal-preference groups are expressed by grouping SSL_CIPHERs together.
- * All elements of a group have the same priority: no ordering is expressed
- * within a group.
- *
- * The values in |ciphers| are in one-to-one correspondence with
- * |in_group_flags|. (That is, sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(ciphers) is the number of
- * bytes in |in_group_flags|.) The bytes in |in_group_flags| are either 1, to
- * indicate that the corresponding SSL_CIPHER is not the last element of a
- * group, or 0 to indicate that it is.
- *
- * For example, if |in_group_flags| contains all zeros then that indicates a
- * traditional, fully-ordered preference. Every SSL_CIPHER is the last element
- * of the group (i.e. they are all in a one-element group).
- *
- * For a more complex example, consider:
- *   ciphers:        A  B  C  D  E  F
- *   in_group_flags: 1  1  0  0  1  0
- *
- * That would express the following, order:
- *
- *    A         E
- *    B -> D -> F
- *    C
- */
+// ssl_cipher_preference_list_st contains a list of SSL_CIPHERs with
+// equal-preference groups. For TLS clients, the groups are moot because the
+// server picks the cipher and groups cannot be expressed on the wire. However,
+// for servers, the equal-preference groups allow the client's preferences to
+// be partially respected. (This only has an effect with
+// The equal-preference groups are expressed by grouping SSL_CIPHERs together.
+// All elements of a group have the same priority: no ordering is expressed
+// within a group.
+// The values in |ciphers| are in one-to-one correspondence with
+// |in_group_flags|. (That is, sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(ciphers) is the number of
+// bytes in |in_group_flags|.) The bytes in |in_group_flags| are either 1, to
+// indicate that the corresponding SSL_CIPHER is not the last element of a
+// group, or 0 to indicate that it is.
+// For example, if |in_group_flags| contains all zeros then that indicates a
+// traditional, fully-ordered preference. Every SSL_CIPHER is the last element
+// of the group (i.e. they are all in a one-element group).
+// For a more complex example, consider:
+//   ciphers:        A  B  C  D  E  F
+//   in_group_flags: 1  1  0  0  1  0
+// That would express the following, order:
+//    A         E
+//    B -> D -> F
+//    C
 struct ssl_cipher_preference_list_st {
   STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *ciphers;
   uint8_t *in_group_flags;
-/* ssl_ctx_st (aka |SSL_CTX|) contains configuration common to several SSL
- * connections. */
+struct tlsext_ticket_key {
+  uint8_t name[SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN];
+  uint8_t hmac_key[16];
+  uint8_t aes_key[16];
+  // next_rotation_tv_sec is the time (in seconds from the epoch) when the
+  // current key should be superseded by a new key, or the time when a previous
+  // key should be dropped. If zero, then the key should not be automatically
+  // rotated.
+  uint64_t next_rotation_tv_sec;
+// ssl_ctx_st (aka |SSL_CTX|) contains configuration common to several SSL
+// connections.
 struct ssl_ctx_st {
   const SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method;
   const SSL_X509_METHOD *x509_method;
-  /* lock is used to protect various operations on this object. */
+  // lock is used to protect various operations on this object.
-  /* conf_max_version is the maximum acceptable protocol version configured by
-   * |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version|. Note this version is normalized in DTLS
-   * and is further constrainted by |SSL_OP_NO_*|. */
+  // conf_max_version is the maximum acceptable protocol version configured by
+  // |SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version|. Note this version is normalized in DTLS
+  // and is further constrainted by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
   uint16_t conf_max_version;
-  /* conf_min_version is the minimum acceptable protocol version configured by
-   * |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version|. Note this version is normalized in DTLS
-   * and is further constrainted by |SSL_OP_NO_*|. */
+  // conf_min_version is the minimum acceptable protocol version configured by
+  // |SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version|. Note this version is normalized in DTLS
+  // and is further constrainted by |SSL_OP_NO_*|.
   uint16_t conf_min_version;
-  /* tls13_variant is the variant of TLS 1.3 we are using for this
-   * configuration. */
+  // tls13_variant is the variant of TLS 1.3 we are using for this
+  // configuration.
   enum tls13_variant_t tls13_variant;
   struct ssl_cipher_preference_list_st *cipher_list;
   X509_STORE *cert_store;
   LHASH_OF(SSL_SESSION) *sessions;
-  /* Most session-ids that will be cached, default is
-   * SSL_SESSION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE_DEFAULT. 0 is unlimited. */
+  // Most session-ids that will be cached, default is
   unsigned long session_cache_size;
   SSL_SESSION *session_cache_head;
   SSL_SESSION *session_cache_tail;
-  /* handshakes_since_cache_flush is the number of successful handshakes since
-   * the last cache flush. */
+  // handshakes_since_cache_flush is the number of successful handshakes since
+  // the last cache flush.
   int handshakes_since_cache_flush;
-  /* This can have one of 2 values, ored together,
-   * Default is SSL_SESSION_CACHE_SERVER, which means only
-   * SSL_accept which cache SSL_SESSIONS. */
+  // This can have one of 2 values, ored together,
+  // Default is SSL_SESSION_CACHE_SERVER, which means only
+  // SSL_accept which cache SSL_SESSIONS.
   int session_cache_mode;
-  /* session_timeout is the default lifetime for new sessions in TLS 1.2 and
-   * earlier, in seconds. */
+  // session_timeout is the default lifetime for new sessions in TLS 1.2 and
+  // earlier, in seconds.
   uint32_t session_timeout;
-  /* session_psk_dhe_timeout is the default lifetime for new sessions in TLS
-   * 1.3, in seconds. */
+  // session_psk_dhe_timeout is the default lifetime for new sessions in TLS
+  // 1.3, in seconds.
   uint32_t session_psk_dhe_timeout;
-  /* If this callback is not null, it will be called each time a session id is
-   * added to the cache.  If this function returns 1, it means that the
-   * callback will do a SSL_SESSION_free() when it has finished using it.
-   * Otherwise, on 0, it means the callback has finished with it. If
-   * remove_session_cb is not null, it will be called when a session-id is
-   * removed from the cache.  After the call, OpenSSL will SSL_SESSION_free()
-   * it. */
+  // If this callback is not null, it will be called each time a session id is
+  // added to the cache.  If this function returns 1, it means that the
+  // callback will do a SSL_SESSION_free() when it has finished using it.
+  // Otherwise, on 0, it means the callback has finished with it. If
+  // remove_session_cb is not null, it will be called when a session-id is
+  // removed from the cache.  After the call, OpenSSL will SSL_SESSION_free()
+  // it.
   int (*new_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *sess);
   void (*remove_session_cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *sess);
   SSL_SESSION *(*get_session_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *data, int len,
@@ -4283,46 +4295,46 @@
   CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
-  /* if defined, these override the X509_verify_cert() calls */
+  // if defined, these override the X509_verify_cert() calls
   int (*app_verify_callback)(X509_STORE_CTX *store_ctx, void *arg);
   void *app_verify_arg;
   enum ssl_verify_result_t (*custom_verify_callback)(SSL *ssl,
                                                      uint8_t *out_alert);
-  /* Default password callback. */
+  // Default password callback.
   pem_password_cb *default_passwd_callback;
-  /* Default password callback user data. */
+  // Default password callback user data.
   void *default_passwd_callback_userdata;
-  /* get client cert callback */
+  // get client cert callback
   int (*client_cert_cb)(SSL *ssl, X509 **out_x509, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey);
-  /* get channel id callback */
+  // get channel id callback
   void (*channel_id_cb)(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY **out_pkey);
   CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;
-  /* custom_*_extensions stores any callback sets for custom extensions. Note
-   * that these pointers will be NULL if the stack would otherwise be empty. */
+  // custom_*_extensions stores any callback sets for custom extensions. Note
+  // that these pointers will be NULL if the stack would otherwise be empty.
   STACK_OF(SSL_CUSTOM_EXTENSION) *client_custom_extensions;
   STACK_OF(SSL_CUSTOM_EXTENSION) *server_custom_extensions;
-  /* Default values used when no per-SSL value is defined follow */
+  // Default values used when no per-SSL value is defined follow
   void (*info_callback)(const SSL *ssl, int type, int value);
-  /* what we put in client cert requests */
+  // what we put in client cert requests
-  /* cached_x509_client_CA is a cache of parsed versions of the elements of
-   * |client_CA|. */
+  // cached_x509_client_CA is a cache of parsed versions of the elements of
+  // |client_CA|.
   STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *cached_x509_client_CA;
-  /* Default values to use in SSL structures follow (these are copied by
-   * SSL_new) */
+  // Default values to use in SSL structures follow (these are copied by
+  // SSL_new)
   uint32_t options;
   uint32_t mode;
@@ -4330,45 +4342,49 @@
   struct cert_st *cert;
-  /* callback that allows applications to peek at protocol messages */
+  // callback that allows applications to peek at protocol messages
   void (*msg_callback)(int write_p, int version, int content_type,
                        const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg);
   void *msg_callback_arg;
   int verify_mode;
   int (*default_verify_callback)(
-      int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx); /* called 'verify_callback' in the SSL */
+      int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx);  // called 'verify_callback' in the SSL
   X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param;
-  /* select_certificate_cb is called before most ClientHello processing and
-   * before the decision whether to resume a session is made. See
-   * |ssl_select_cert_result_t| for details of the return values. */
+  // select_certificate_cb is called before most ClientHello processing and
+  // before the decision whether to resume a session is made. See
+  // |ssl_select_cert_result_t| for details of the return values.
   enum ssl_select_cert_result_t (*select_certificate_cb)(
       const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *);
-  /* dos_protection_cb is called once the resumption decision for a ClientHello
-   * has been made. It returns one to continue the handshake or zero to
-   * abort. */
+  // dos_protection_cb is called once the resumption decision for a ClientHello
+  // has been made. It returns one to continue the handshake or zero to
+  // abort.
   int (*dos_protection_cb) (const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO *);
-  /* Maximum amount of data to send in one fragment. actual record size can be
-   * more than this due to padding and MAC overheads. */
+  // Maximum amount of data to send in one fragment. actual record size can be
+  // more than this due to padding and MAC overheads.
   uint16_t max_send_fragment;
-  /* TLS extensions servername callback */
+  // TLS extensions servername callback
   int (*tlsext_servername_callback)(SSL *, int *, void *);
   void *tlsext_servername_arg;
-  /* RFC 4507 session ticket keys */
-  uint8_t tlsext_tick_key_name[SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN];
-  uint8_t tlsext_tick_hmac_key[16];
-  uint8_t tlsext_tick_aes_key[16];
-  /* Callback to support customisation of ticket key setting */
+  // RFC 4507 session ticket keys. |tlsext_ticket_key_current| may be NULL
+  // before the first handshake and |tlsext_ticket_key_prev| may be NULL at any
+  // time. Automatically generated ticket keys are rotated as needed at
+  // handshake time. Hence, all access must be synchronized through |lock|.
+  struct tlsext_ticket_key *tlsext_ticket_key_current;
+  struct tlsext_ticket_key *tlsext_ticket_key_prev;
+  // Callback to support customisation of ticket key setting
   int (*tlsext_ticket_key_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *name, uint8_t *iv,
                               EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ectx, HMAC_CTX *hctx, int enc);
-  /* Server-only: psk_identity_hint is the default identity hint to send in
-   * PSK-based key exchanges. */
+  // Server-only: psk_identity_hint is the default identity hint to send in
+  // PSK-based key exchanges.
   char *psk_identity_hint;
   unsigned int (*psk_client_callback)(SSL *ssl, const char *hint,
@@ -4379,128 +4395,127 @@
                                       uint8_t *psk, unsigned int max_psk_len);
-  /* retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs is true if we should compute the SHA256
-   * hash of the peer's certificate and then discard it to save memory and
-   * session space. Only effective on the server side. */
+  // retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs is true if we should compute the SHA256
+  // hash of the peer's certificate and then discard it to save memory and
+  // session space. Only effective on the server side.
   char retain_only_sha256_of_client_certs;
-  /* Next protocol negotiation information */
-  /* (for experimental NPN extension). */
+  // Next protocol negotiation information
+  // (for experimental NPN extension).
-  /* For a server, this contains a callback function by which the set of
-   * advertised protocols can be provided. */
+  // For a server, this contains a callback function by which the set of
+  // advertised protocols can be provided.
   int (*next_protos_advertised_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out,
                                    unsigned *out_len, void *arg);
   void *next_protos_advertised_cb_arg;
-  /* For a client, this contains a callback function that selects the
-   * next protocol from the list provided by the server. */
+  // For a client, this contains a callback function that selects the
+  // next protocol from the list provided by the server.
   int (*next_proto_select_cb)(SSL *ssl, uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
                               const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len, void *arg);
   void *next_proto_select_cb_arg;
-  /* ALPN information
-   * (we are in the process of transitioning from NPN to ALPN.) */
+  // ALPN information
+  // (we are in the process of transitioning from NPN to ALPN.)
-  /* For a server, this contains a callback function that allows the
-   * server to select the protocol for the connection.
-   *   out: on successful return, this must point to the raw protocol
-   *        name (without the length prefix).
-   *   outlen: on successful return, this contains the length of |*out|.
-   *   in: points to the client's list of supported protocols in
-   *       wire-format.
-   *   inlen: the length of |in|. */
+  // For a server, this contains a callback function that allows the
+  // server to select the protocol for the connection.
+  //   out: on successful return, this must point to the raw protocol
+  //        name (without the length prefix).
+  //   outlen: on successful return, this contains the length of |*out|.
+  //   in: points to the client's list of supported protocols in
+  //       wire-format.
+  //   inlen: the length of |in|.
   int (*alpn_select_cb)(SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out, uint8_t *out_len,
                         const uint8_t *in, unsigned in_len, void *arg);
   void *alpn_select_cb_arg;
-  /* For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
-   * format. */
+  // For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
+  // format.
   uint8_t *alpn_client_proto_list;
   unsigned alpn_client_proto_list_len;
-  /* SRTP profiles we are willing to do from RFC 5764 */
+  // SRTP profiles we are willing to do from RFC 5764
-  /* Supported group values inherited by SSL structure */
+  // Supported group values inherited by SSL structure
   size_t supported_group_list_len;
   uint16_t *supported_group_list;
-  /* The client's Channel ID private key. */
+  // The client's Channel ID private key.
   EVP_PKEY *tlsext_channel_id_private;
-  /* keylog_callback, if not NULL, is the key logging callback. See
-   * |SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback|. */
+  // keylog_callback, if not NULL, is the key logging callback. See
+  // |SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback|.
   void (*keylog_callback)(const SSL *ssl, const char *line);
-  /* current_time_cb, if not NULL, is the function to use to get the current
-   * time. It sets |*out_clock| to the current time. See
-   * |SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb|. */
+  // current_time_cb, if not NULL, is the function to use to get the current
+  // time. It sets |*out_clock| to the current time. The |ssl| argument is
+  // always NULL. See |SSL_CTX_set_current_time_cb|.
   void (*current_time_cb)(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out_clock);
-  /* pool is used for all |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s in case we wish to share certificate
-   * memory. */
+  // pool is used for all |CRYPTO_BUFFER|s in case we wish to share certificate
+  // memory.
-  /* ticket_aead_method contains function pointers for opening and sealing
-   * session tickets. */
+  // ticket_aead_method contains function pointers for opening and sealing
+  // session tickets.
   const SSL_TICKET_AEAD_METHOD *ticket_aead_method;
-  /* verify_sigalgs, if not empty, is the set of signature algorithms
-   * accepted from the peer in decreasing order of preference. */
+  // verify_sigalgs, if not empty, is the set of signature algorithms
+  // accepted from the peer in decreasing order of preference.
   uint16_t *verify_sigalgs;
   size_t num_verify_sigalgs;
-  /* quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
-   * shutdown. */
+  // quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
+  // shutdown.
   unsigned quiet_shutdown:1;
-  /* ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
-   * whether OCSP stapling will be requested. */
+  // ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
+  // whether OCSP stapling will be requested.
   unsigned ocsp_stapling_enabled:1;
-  /* If true, a client will request certificate timestamps. */
+  // If true, a client will request certificate timestamps.
   unsigned signed_cert_timestamps_enabled:1;
-  /* tlsext_channel_id_enabled is one if Channel ID is enabled and zero
-   * otherwise. For a server, means that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients.
-   * For a client, means that we'll advertise support. */
+  // tlsext_channel_id_enabled is one if Channel ID is enabled and zero
+  // otherwise. For a server, means that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients.
+  // For a client, means that we'll advertise support.
   unsigned tlsext_channel_id_enabled:1;
-  /* grease_enabled is one if draft-davidben-tls-grease-01 is enabled and zero
-   * otherwise. */
+  // grease_enabled is one if draft-davidben-tls-grease-01 is enabled and zero
+  // otherwise.
   unsigned grease_enabled:1;
-  /* allow_unknown_alpn_protos is one if the client allows unsolicited ALPN
-   * protocols from the peer. */
+  // allow_unknown_alpn_protos is one if the client allows unsolicited ALPN
+  // protocols from the peer.
   unsigned allow_unknown_alpn_protos:1;
-  /* ed25519_enabled is one if Ed25519 is advertised in the handshake. */
+  // ed25519_enabled is one if Ed25519 is advertised in the handshake.
   unsigned ed25519_enabled:1;
-/* Nodejs compatibility section (hidden).
- *
- * These defines exist for node.js, with the hope that we can eliminate the
- * need for them over time. */
+// Nodejs compatibility section (hidden).
+// These defines exist for node.js, with the hope that we can eliminate the
+// need for them over time.
 #define SSLerr(function, reason) \
   ERR_put_error(ERR_LIB_SSL, 0, reason, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-/* Preprocessor compatibility section (hidden).
- *
- * Historically, a number of APIs were implemented in OpenSSL as macros and
- * constants to 'ctrl' functions. To avoid breaking #ifdefs in consumers, this
- * section defines a number of legacy macros.
- *
- * Although using either the CTRL values or their wrapper macros in #ifdefs is
- * still supported, the CTRL values may not be passed to |SSL_ctrl| and
- * |SSL_CTX_ctrl|. Call the functions (previously wrapper macros) instead.
- *
- * See PORTING.md in the BoringSSL source tree for a table of corresponding
- * functions.
- * https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/+/master/PORTING.md#Replacements-for-values
- */
+// Preprocessor compatibility section (hidden).
+// Historically, a number of APIs were implemented in OpenSSL as macros and
+// constants to 'ctrl' functions. To avoid breaking #ifdefs in consumers, this
+// section defines a number of legacy macros.
+// Although using either the CTRL values or their wrapper macros in #ifdefs is
+// still supported, the CTRL values may not be passed to |SSL_ctrl| and
+// |SSL_CTX_ctrl|. Call the functions (previously wrapper macros) instead.
+// See PORTING.md in the BoringSSL source tree for a table of corresponding
+// functions.
+// https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/+/master/PORTING.md#Replacements-for-values
 #define DTLS_CTRL_GET_TIMEOUT doesnt_exist
 #define DTLS_CTRL_HANDLE_TIMEOUT doesnt_exist
@@ -4622,7 +4637,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-} /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
@@ -4633,6 +4648,7 @@
+BORINGSSL_MAKE_DELETER(tlsext_ticket_key, OPENSSL_free);
 enum class OpenRecordResult {
@@ -4643,19 +4659,19 @@
- *
- * OpenRecord decrypts the first complete SSL record from |in| in-place, sets
- * |out| to the decrypted application data, and |out_record_len| to the length
- * of the encrypted record. Returns:
- * - kOK if an application-data record was successfully decrypted and verified.
- * - kDiscard if a record was sucessfully processed, but should be discarded.
- * - kIncompleteRecord if |in| did not contain a complete record.
- * - kAlertCloseNotify if a record was successfully processed but is a
- *   close_notify alert.
- * - kAlertFatal if a record was successfully processed but is a fatal alert.
- * - kError if an error occurred or the record is invalid. |*out_alert| will be
- *   set to an alert to emit. */
+// OpenRecord decrypts the first complete SSL record from |in| in-place, sets
+// |out| to the decrypted application data, and |out_record_len| to the length
+// of the encrypted record. Returns:
+// - kOK if an application-data record was successfully decrypted and verified.
+// - kDiscard if a record was sucessfully processed, but should be discarded.
+// - kIncompleteRecord if |in| did not contain a complete record.
+// - kAlertCloseNotify if a record was successfully processed but is a
+//   close_notify alert.
+// - kAlertFatal if a record was successfully processed but is a fatal alert.
+// - kError if an error occurred or the record is invalid. |*out_alert| will be
+//   set to an alert to emit.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT OpenRecordResult OpenRecord(SSL *ssl, Span<uint8_t> *out,
                                            size_t *out_record_len,
                                            uint8_t *out_alert,
@@ -4663,38 +4679,38 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SealRecordPrefixLen(const SSL *ssl, size_t plaintext_len);
-/* SealRecordSuffixLen returns the length of the suffix written by |SealRecord|.
- *
- * |plaintext_len| must be equal to the size of the plaintext passed to
- * |SealRecord|.
- *
- * |plaintext_len| must not exceed |SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAINTEXT_LENGTH|. The returned
- * suffix length will not exceed |SSL3_RT_MAX_ENCRYPTED_OVERHEAD|. */
+// SealRecordSuffixLen returns the length of the suffix written by |SealRecord|.
+// |plaintext_len| must be equal to the size of the plaintext passed to
+// |SealRecord|.
+// |plaintext_len| must not exceed |SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAINTEXT_LENGTH|. The returned
+// suffix length will not exceed |SSL3_RT_MAX_ENCRYPTED_OVERHEAD|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t SealRecordSuffixLen(const SSL *ssl, size_t plaintext_len);
- *
- * SealRecord encrypts the cleartext of |in| and scatters the resulting TLS
- * application data record between |out_prefix|, |out|, and |out_suffix|. It
- * returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
- *
- * The length of |out_prefix| must equal |SealRecordPrefixLen|. The length of
- * |out| must equal the length of |in|, which must not exceed
- * |SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAINTEXT_LENGTH|. The length of |out_suffix| must equal
- * |SealRecordSuffixLen|.
- *
- * If enabled, |SealRecord| may perform TLS 1.0 CBC 1/n-1 record splitting.
- * |SealRecordPrefixLen| accounts for the required overhead if that is the case.
- *
- * |out| may equal |in| to encrypt in-place but may not otherwise alias.
- * |out_prefix| and |out_suffix| may not alias anything. */
+// SealRecord encrypts the cleartext of |in| and scatters the resulting TLS
+// application data record between |out_prefix|, |out|, and |out_suffix|. It
+// returns true on success or false if an error occurred.
+// The length of |out_prefix| must equal |SealRecordPrefixLen|. The length of
+// |out| must equal the length of |in|, which must not exceed
+// |SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAINTEXT_LENGTH|. The length of |out_suffix| must equal
+// |SealRecordSuffixLen|.
+// If enabled, |SealRecord| may perform TLS 1.0 CBC 1/n-1 record splitting.
+// |SealRecordPrefixLen| accounts for the required overhead if that is the case.
+// |out| may equal |in| to encrypt in-place but may not otherwise alias.
+// |out_prefix| and |out_suffix| may not alias anything.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT bool SealRecord(SSL *ssl, Span<uint8_t> out_prefix,
                                Span<uint8_t> out, Span<uint8_t> out_suffix,
                                Span<const uint8_t> in);
 }  // namespace bssl
-}  /* extern C++ */
+}  // extern C++
 #endif  // !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
@@ -4878,7 +4894,7 @@
@@ -4915,4 +4931,4 @@
-#endif /* OPENSSL_HEADER_SSL_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ssl3.h b/src/include/openssl/ssl3.h
index f213dba..60eb7fc 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ssl3.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ssl3.h
@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@
-/* These are kept to support clients that negotiates higher protocol versions
- * using SSLv2 client hello records. */
+// These are kept to support clients that negotiates higher protocol versions
+// using SSLv2 client hello records.
 #define SSL2_VERSION 0x0002
-/* Signalling cipher suite value from RFC 5746. */
+// Signalling cipher suite value from RFC 5746.
 #define SSL3_CK_SCSV 0x030000FF
-/* Fallback signalling cipher suite value from RFC 7507. */
+// Fallback signalling cipher suite value from RFC 7507.
 #define SSL3_CK_FALLBACK_SCSV 0x03005600
 #define SSL3_CK_RSA_NULL_MD5 0x03000001
@@ -208,11 +208,11 @@
-/* Some will argue that this increases memory footprint, but it's not actually
- * true. Point is that malloc has to return at least 64-bit aligned pointers,
- * meaning that allocating 5 bytes wastes 3 bytes in either case. Suggested
- * pre-gaping simply moves these wasted bytes from the end of allocated region
- * to its front, but makes data payload aligned, which improves performance. */
+// Some will argue that this increases memory footprint, but it's not actually
+// true. Point is that malloc has to return at least 64-bit aligned pointers,
+// meaning that allocating 5 bytes wastes 3 bytes in either case. Suggested
+// pre-gaping simply moves these wasted bytes from the end of allocated region
+// to its front, but makes data payload aligned, which improves performance.
@@ -221,33 +221,33 @@
-/* This is the maximum MAC (digest) size used by the SSL library. Currently
- * maximum of 20 is used by SHA1, but we reserve for future extension for
- * 512-bit hashes. */
+// This is the maximum MAC (digest) size used by the SSL library. Currently
+// maximum of 20 is used by SHA1, but we reserve for future extension for
+// 512-bit hashes.
 #define SSL3_RT_MAX_MD_SIZE 64
-/* Maximum block size used in all ciphersuites. Currently 16 for AES. */
+// Maximum block size used in all ciphersuites. Currently 16 for AES.
-/* Maximum plaintext length: defined by SSL/TLS standards */
+// Maximum plaintext length: defined by SSL/TLS standards
 #define SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH 16384
-/* Maximum compression overhead: defined by SSL/TLS standards */
+// Maximum compression overhead: defined by SSL/TLS standards
-/* The standards give a maximum encryption overhead of 1024 bytes. In practice
- * the value is lower than this. The overhead is the maximum number of padding
- * bytes (256) plus the mac size.
- *
- * TODO(davidben): This derivation doesn't take AEADs into account, or TLS 1.1
- * explicit nonces. It happens to work because |SSL3_RT_MAX_MD_SIZE| is larger
- * than necessary and no true AEAD has variable overhead in TLS 1.2. */
+// The standards give a maximum encryption overhead of 1024 bytes. In practice
+// the value is lower than this. The overhead is the maximum number of padding
+// bytes (256) plus the mac size.
+// TODO(davidben): This derivation doesn't take AEADs into account, or TLS 1.1
+// explicit nonces. It happens to work because |SSL3_RT_MAX_MD_SIZE| is larger
+// than necessary and no true AEAD has variable overhead in TLS 1.2.
-/* SSL3_RT_SEND_MAX_ENCRYPTED_OVERHEAD is the maximum overhead in encrypting a
- * record. This does not include the record header. Some ciphers use explicit
- * nonces, so it includes both the AEAD overhead as well as the nonce. */
+// SSL3_RT_SEND_MAX_ENCRYPTED_OVERHEAD is the maximum overhead in encrypting a
+// record. This does not include the record header. Some ciphers use explicit
+// nonces, so it includes both the AEAD overhead as well as the nonce.
@@ -255,9 +255,9 @@
-/* SSL3_RT_MAX_COMPRESSED_LENGTH is an alias for
- * |SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH|. Compression is gone, so don't include the
- * compression overhead. */
+// SSL3_RT_MAX_COMPRESSED_LENGTH is an alias for
+// |SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH|. Compression is gone, so don't include the
+// compression overhead.
@@ -274,46 +274,46 @@
-/* Pseudo content type for SSL/TLS header info */
+// Pseudo content type for SSL/TLS header info
 #define SSL3_RT_HEADER 0x100
 #define SSL3_AL_WARNING 1
 #define SSL3_AL_FATAL 2
-#define SSL3_AD_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE 10    /* fatal */
-#define SSL3_AD_BAD_RECORD_MAC 20        /* fatal */
-#define SSL3_AD_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE 30 /* fatal */
-#define SSL3_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 40     /* fatal */
+#define SSL3_AD_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE 10     // fatal
+#define SSL3_AD_BAD_RECORD_MAC 20         // fatal
+#define SSL3_AD_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE 30  // fatal
+#define SSL3_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE 40      // fatal
-#define SSL3_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER 47      /* fatal */
-#define SSL3_AD_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK 86 /* fatal */
+#define SSL3_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER 47       // fatal
+#define SSL3_AD_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK 86  // fatal
 #define SSL3_CT_RSA_SIGN 1
-/* SSLv3 */
-/* client */
-/* extra state */
+// SSLv3
+// client
+// extra state
 #define SSL3_ST_CW_FLUSH (0x100 | SSL_ST_CONNECT)
-/* write to server */
+// write to server
-/* read from server */
+// read from server
 #define SSL3_ST_CR_CERT_A (0x130 | SSL_ST_CONNECT)
 #define SSL3_ST_CR_KEY_EXCH_A (0x140 | SSL_ST_CONNECT)
 #define SSL3_ST_CR_CERT_REQ_A (0x150 | SSL_ST_CONNECT)
 #define SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_DONE_A (0x160 | SSL_ST_CONNECT)
-/* write to server */
+// write to server
 #define SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_A (0x170 | SSL_ST_CONNECT)
 #define SSL3_ST_CW_KEY_EXCH_A (0x180 | SSL_ST_CONNECT)
 #define SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_VRFY_A (0x190 | SSL_ST_CONNECT)
@@ -321,30 +321,30 @@
-/* read from server */
+// read from server
-/* SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_B is a legacy alias for |SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_A| used
- * by some consumers which check |SSL_state|. */
+// SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_B is a legacy alias for |SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_A| used
+// by some consumers which check |SSL_state|.
-/* server */
-/* extra state */
+// server
+// extra state
 #define SSL3_ST_SW_FLUSH (0x100 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
-/* read from client */
+// read from client
 #define SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_A (0x110 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
 #define SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_B (0x111 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
 #define SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_C (0x112 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
-/* write to client */
+// write to client
 #define SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_HELLO_A (0x130 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
 #define SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_A (0x140 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
 #define SSL3_ST_SW_KEY_EXCH_A (0x150 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
 #define SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_DONE_A (0x170 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
-/* read from client */
+// read from client
 #define SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_A (0x180 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
 #define SSL3_ST_SR_KEY_EXCH_A (0x190 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
 #define SSL3_ST_SR_CHANNEL_ID_A (0x230 | SSL_ST_ACCEPT)
-/* write to client */
+// write to client
@@ -376,15 +376,15 @@
 #define SSL3_MT_CHANNEL_ID 203
-/* The following are legacy aliases for consumers which use
- * |SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback|. */
+// The following are legacy aliases for consumers which use
+// |SSL_CTX_set_msg_callback|.
 #define SSL3_MT_CCS 1
-/* These are used when changing over to a new cipher */
+// These are used when changing over to a new cipher
 #define SSL3_CC_READ 0x01
 #define SSL3_CC_WRITE 0x02
 #define SSL3_CC_CLIENT 0x10
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
 #ifdef  __cplusplus
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_SSL3_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/stack.h b/src/include/openssl/stack.h
index 3626fb0..1a0347e 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/stack.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/stack.h
@@ -66,45 +66,45 @@
-/* A stack, in OpenSSL, is an array of pointers. They are the most commonly
- * used collection object.
- *
- * This file defines macros for type safe use of the stack functions. A stack
- * of a specific type of object has type |STACK_OF(type)|. This can be defined
- * (once) with |DEFINE_STACK_OF(type)| and declared where needed with
- * |DECLARE_STACK_OF(type)|. For example:
- *
- *   typedef struct foo_st {
- *     int bar;
- *   } FOO;
- *
- *
- * Although note that the stack will contain /pointers/ to |FOO|.
- *
- * A macro will be defined for each of the sk_* functions below. For
- * STACK_OF(FOO), the macros would be sk_FOO_new, sk_FOO_pop etc. */
+// A stack, in OpenSSL, is an array of pointers. They are the most commonly
+// used collection object.
+// This file defines macros for type safe use of the stack functions. A stack
+// of a specific type of object has type |STACK_OF(type)|. This can be defined
+// (once) with |DEFINE_STACK_OF(type)| and declared where needed with
+// |DECLARE_STACK_OF(type)|. For example:
+//   typedef struct foo_st {
+//     int bar;
+//   } FOO;
+// Although note that the stack will contain /pointers/ to |FOO|.
+// A macro will be defined for each of the sk_* functions below. For
+// STACK_OF(FOO), the macros would be sk_FOO_new, sk_FOO_pop etc.
-/* stack_cmp_func is a comparison function that returns a value < 0, 0 or > 0
- * if |*a| is less than, equal to or greater than |*b|, respectively.  Note the
- * extra indirection - the function is given a pointer to a pointer to the
- * element. This differs from the usual qsort/bsearch comparison function. */
+// stack_cmp_func is a comparison function that returns a value < 0, 0 or > 0
+// if |*a| is less than, equal to or greater than |*b|, respectively.  Note the
+// extra indirection - the function is given a pointer to a pointer to the
+// element. This differs from the usual qsort/bsearch comparison function.
 typedef int (*stack_cmp_func)(const void **a, const void **b);
-/* stack_st contains an array of pointers. It is not designed to be used
- * directly, rather the wrapper macros should be used. */
+// stack_st contains an array of pointers. It is not designed to be used
+// directly, rather the wrapper macros should be used.
 typedef struct stack_st {
-  /* num contains the number of valid pointers in |data|. */
+  // num contains the number of valid pointers in |data|.
   size_t num;
   void **data;
-  /* sorted is non-zero if the values pointed to by |data| are in ascending
-   * order, based on |comp|. */
+  // sorted is non-zero if the values pointed to by |data| are in ascending
+  // order, based on |comp|.
   int sorted;
-  /* num_alloc contains the number of pointers allocated in the buffer pointed
-   * to by |data|, which may be larger than |num|. */
+  // num_alloc contains the number of pointers allocated in the buffer pointed
+  // to by |data|, which may be larger than |num|.
   size_t num_alloc;
-  /* comp is an optional comparison function. */
+  // comp is an optional comparison function.
   stack_cmp_func comp;
 } _STACK;
@@ -113,104 +113,104 @@
 #define DECLARE_STACK_OF(type) STACK_OF(type);
-/* These are the raw stack functions, you shouldn't be using them. Rather you
- * should be using the type stack macros implemented above. */
+// These are the raw stack functions, you shouldn't be using them. Rather you
+// should be using the type stack macros implemented above.
-/* sk_new creates a new, empty stack with the given comparison function, which
- * may be zero. It returns the new stack or NULL on allocation failure. */
+// sk_new creates a new, empty stack with the given comparison function, which
+// may be zero. It returns the new stack or NULL on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT _STACK *sk_new(stack_cmp_func comp);
-/* sk_new_null creates a new, empty stack. It returns the new stack or NULL on
- * allocation failure. */
+// sk_new_null creates a new, empty stack. It returns the new stack or NULL on
+// allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT _STACK *sk_new_null(void);
-/* sk_num returns the number of elements in |s|. */
+// sk_num returns the number of elements in |s|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t sk_num(const _STACK *sk);
-/* sk_zero resets |sk| to the empty state but does nothing to free the
- * individual elements themselves. */
+// sk_zero resets |sk| to the empty state but does nothing to free the
+// individual elements themselves.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void sk_zero(_STACK *sk);
-/* sk_value returns the |i|th pointer in |sk|, or NULL if |i| is out of
- * range. */
+// sk_value returns the |i|th pointer in |sk|, or NULL if |i| is out of
+// range.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *sk_value(const _STACK *sk, size_t i);
-/* sk_set sets the |i|th pointer in |sk| to |p| and returns |p|. If |i| is out
- * of range, it returns NULL. */
+// sk_set sets the |i|th pointer in |sk| to |p| and returns |p|. If |i| is out
+// of range, it returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *sk_set(_STACK *sk, size_t i, void *p);
-/* sk_free frees the given stack and array of pointers, but does nothing to
- * free the individual elements. Also see |sk_pop_free|. */
+// sk_free frees the given stack and array of pointers, but does nothing to
+// free the individual elements. Also see |sk_pop_free|.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void sk_free(_STACK *sk);
-/* sk_pop_free calls |free_func| on each element in the stack and then frees
- * the stack itself. */
+// sk_pop_free calls |free_func| on each element in the stack and then frees
+// the stack itself.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void sk_pop_free(_STACK *sk, void (*free_func)(void *));
-/* sk_insert inserts |p| into the stack at index |where|, moving existing
- * elements if needed. It returns the length of the new stack, or zero on
- * error. */
+// sk_insert inserts |p| into the stack at index |where|, moving existing
+// elements if needed. It returns the length of the new stack, or zero on
+// error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t sk_insert(_STACK *sk, void *p, size_t where);
-/* sk_delete removes the pointer at index |where|, moving other elements down
- * if needed. It returns the removed pointer, or NULL if |where| is out of
- * range. */
+// sk_delete removes the pointer at index |where|, moving other elements down
+// if needed. It returns the removed pointer, or NULL if |where| is out of
+// range.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *sk_delete(_STACK *sk, size_t where);
-/* sk_delete_ptr removes, at most, one instance of |p| from the stack based on
- * pointer equality. If an instance of |p| is found then |p| is returned,
- * otherwise it returns NULL. */
+// sk_delete_ptr removes, at most, one instance of |p| from the stack based on
+// pointer equality. If an instance of |p| is found then |p| is returned,
+// otherwise it returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *sk_delete_ptr(_STACK *sk, void *p);
-/* sk_find returns the first value in the stack equal to |p|. If a comparison
- * function has been set on the stack, then equality is defined by it and the
- * stack will be sorted if need be so that a binary search can be used.
- * Otherwise pointer equality is used. If a matching element is found, its
- * index is written to |*out_index| (if |out_index| is not NULL) and one is
- * returned. Otherwise zero is returned. */
+// sk_find returns the first value in the stack equal to |p|. If a comparison
+// function has been set on the stack, then equality is defined by it and the
+// stack will be sorted if need be so that a binary search can be used.
+// Otherwise pointer equality is used. If a matching element is found, its
+// index is written to |*out_index| (if |out_index| is not NULL) and one is
+// returned. Otherwise zero is returned.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int sk_find(_STACK *sk, size_t *out_index, void *p);
-/* sk_shift removes and returns the first element in the stack, or returns NULL
- * if the stack is empty. */
+// sk_shift removes and returns the first element in the stack, or returns NULL
+// if the stack is empty.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *sk_shift(_STACK *sk);
-/* sk_push appends |p| to the stack and returns the length of the new stack, or
- * 0 on allocation failure. */
+// sk_push appends |p| to the stack and returns the length of the new stack, or
+// 0 on allocation failure.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t sk_push(_STACK *sk, void *p);
-/* sk_pop returns and removes the last element on the stack, or NULL if the
- * stack is empty. */
+// sk_pop returns and removes the last element on the stack, or NULL if the
+// stack is empty.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *sk_pop(_STACK *sk);
-/* sk_dup performs a shallow copy of a stack and returns the new stack, or NULL
- * on error. */
+// sk_dup performs a shallow copy of a stack and returns the new stack, or NULL
+// on error.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT _STACK *sk_dup(const _STACK *sk);
-/* sk_sort sorts the elements of |sk| into ascending order based on the
- * comparison function. The stack maintains a |sorted| flag and sorting an
- * already sorted stack is a no-op. */
+// sk_sort sorts the elements of |sk| into ascending order based on the
+// comparison function. The stack maintains a |sorted| flag and sorting an
+// already sorted stack is a no-op.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void sk_sort(_STACK *sk);
-/* sk_is_sorted returns one if |sk| is known to be sorted and zero
- * otherwise. */
+// sk_is_sorted returns one if |sk| is known to be sorted and zero
+// otherwise.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int sk_is_sorted(const _STACK *sk);
-/* sk_set_cmp_func sets the comparison function to be used by |sk| and returns
- * the previous one. */
+// sk_set_cmp_func sets the comparison function to be used by |sk| and returns
+// the previous one.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT stack_cmp_func sk_set_cmp_func(_STACK *sk, stack_cmp_func comp);
-/* sk_deep_copy performs a copy of |sk| and of each of the non-NULL elements in
- * |sk| by using |copy_func|. If an error occurs, |free_func| is used to free
- * any copies already made and NULL is returned. */
+// sk_deep_copy performs a copy of |sk| and of each of the non-NULL elements in
+// |sk| by using |copy_func|. If an error occurs, |free_func| is used to free
+// any copies already made and NULL is returned.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT _STACK *sk_deep_copy(const _STACK *sk,
                                     void *(*copy_func)(void *),
                                     void (*free_func)(void *));
-/* Defining stack types.
- *
- * This set of macros is used to emit the typed functions that act on a
- * |STACK_OF(T)|. */
+// Defining stack types.
+// This set of macros is used to emit the typed functions that act on a
+// |STACK_OF(T)|.
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
 extern "C++" {
@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@
 #define BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_TRAITS(name, type, is_const)
-/* Stack functions must be tagged unused to support file-local stack types.
- * Clang's -Wunused-function only allows unused static inline functions if they
- * are defined in a header. */
+// Stack functions must be tagged unused to support file-local stack types.
+// Clang's -Wunused-function only allows unused static inline functions if they
+// are defined in a header.
 #define BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_OF_IMPL(name, ptrtype, constptrtype)            \
   DECLARE_STACK_OF(name);                                                      \
@@ -349,20 +349,20 @@
                                           (void (*)(void *))free_func);        \
-/* DEFINE_STACK_OF defines |STACK_OF(type)| to be a stack whose elements are
- * |type| *. */
+// DEFINE_STACK_OF defines |STACK_OF(type)| to be a stack whose elements are
+// |type| *.
 #define DEFINE_STACK_OF(type)                                \
   BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_OF_IMPL(type, type *, const type *) \
-/* DEFINE_CONST_STACK_OF defines |STACK_OF(type)| to be a stack whose elements
- * are const |type| *. */
+// DEFINE_CONST_STACK_OF defines |STACK_OF(type)| to be a stack whose elements
+// are const |type| *.
 #define DEFINE_CONST_STACK_OF(type)                                \
   BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_OF_IMPL(type, const type *, const type *) \
   BORINGSSL_DEFINE_STACK_TRAITS(type, const type, true)
-/* DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF defines |STACK_OF(type)| to be a stack whose elements
- * are |type|, where |type| must be a typedef for a pointer. */
+// DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF defines |STACK_OF(type)| to be a stack whose elements
+// are |type|, where |type| must be a typedef for a pointer.
 #define DEFINE_SPECIAL_STACK_OF(type)                          \
   OPENSSL_COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(type) == sizeof(void *),       \
                          special_stack_of_non_pointer_##type); \
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
 #if !defined(BORINGSSL_NO_CXX)
@@ -482,4 +482,4 @@
 }  // extern C++
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/thread.h b/src/include/openssl/thread.h
index 8151484..98073b0 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/thread.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/thread.h
@@ -68,88 +68,88 @@
 #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_THREADS)
 typedef struct crypto_mutex_st {
-  char padding;  /* Empty structs have different sizes in C and C++. */
+  char padding;  // Empty structs have different sizes in C and C++.
 #elif defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
-/* CRYPTO_MUTEX can appear in public header files so we really don't want to
- * pull in windows.h. It's statically asserted that this structure is large
- * enough to contain a Windows SRWLOCK by thread_win.c. */
+// CRYPTO_MUTEX can appear in public header files so we really don't want to
+// pull in windows.h. It's statically asserted that this structure is large
+// enough to contain a Windows SRWLOCK by thread_win.c.
 typedef union crypto_mutex_st {
   void *handle;
 #elif defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
 typedef pthread_rwlock_t CRYPTO_MUTEX;
-/* It is reasonable to include pthread.h on non-Windows systems, however the
- * |pthread_rwlock_t| that we need is hidden under feature flags, and we can't
- * ensure that we'll be able to get it. It's statically asserted that this
- * structure is large enough to contain a |pthread_rwlock_t| by
- * thread_pthread.c. */
+// It is reasonable to include pthread.h on non-Windows systems, however the
+// |pthread_rwlock_t| that we need is hidden under feature flags, and we can't
+// ensure that we'll be able to get it. It's statically asserted that this
+// structure is large enough to contain a |pthread_rwlock_t| by
+// thread_pthread.c.
 typedef union crypto_mutex_st {
   double alignment;
   uint8_t padding[3*sizeof(int) + 5*sizeof(unsigned) + 16 + 8];
-/* CRYPTO_refcount_t is the type of a reference count.
- *
- * Since some platforms use C11 atomics to access this, it should have the
- * _Atomic qualifier. However, this header is included by C++ programs as well
- * as C code that might not set -std=c11. So, in practice, it's not possible to
- * do that. Instead we statically assert that the size and native alignment of
- * a plain uint32_t and an _Atomic uint32_t are equal in refcount_c11.c. */
+// CRYPTO_refcount_t is the type of a reference count.
+// Since some platforms use C11 atomics to access this, it should have the
+// _Atomic qualifier. However, this header is included by C++ programs as well
+// as C code that might not set -std=c11. So, in practice, it's not possible to
+// do that. Instead we statically assert that the size and native alignment of
+// a plain uint32_t and an _Atomic uint32_t are equal in refcount_c11.c.
 typedef uint32_t CRYPTO_refcount_t;
-/* Deprecated functions.
- *
- * Historically, OpenSSL required callers to provide locking callbacks.
- * BoringSSL is thread-safe by default, but some old code calls these functions
- * and so no-op implementations are provided. */
+// Deprecated functions.
+// Historically, OpenSSL required callers to provide locking callbacks.
+// BoringSSL is thread-safe by default, but some old code calls these functions
+// and so no-op implementations are provided.
-/* These defines do nothing but are provided to make old code easier to
- * compile. */
+// These defines do nothing but are provided to make old code easier to
+// compile.
 #define CRYPTO_LOCK 1
 #define CRYPTO_UNLOCK 2
 #define CRYPTO_READ 4
 #define CRYPTO_WRITE 8
-/* CRYPTO_num_locks returns one. (This is non-zero that callers who allocate
- * sizeof(lock) times this value don't get zero and then fail because malloc(0)
- * returned NULL.) */
+// CRYPTO_num_locks returns one. (This is non-zero that callers who allocate
+// sizeof(lock) times this value don't get zero and then fail because malloc(0)
+// returned NULL.)
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int CRYPTO_num_locks(void);
-/* CRYPTO_set_locking_callback does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_set_locking_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_set_locking_callback(
     void (*func)(int mode, int lock_num, const char *file, int line));
-/* CRYPTO_set_add_lock_callback does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_set_add_lock_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_set_add_lock_callback(int (*func)(
     int *num, int amount, int lock_num, const char *file, int line));
-/* CRYPTO_get_locking_callback returns NULL. */
+// CRYPTO_get_locking_callback returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*CRYPTO_get_locking_callback(void))(int mode, int lock_num,
                                                          const char *file,
                                                          int line);
-/* CRYPTO_get_lock_name returns a fixed, dummy string. */
+// CRYPTO_get_lock_name returns a fixed, dummy string.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *CRYPTO_get_lock_name(int lock_num);
-/* CRYPTO_THREADID_set_callback returns one. */
+// CRYPTO_THREADID_set_callback returns one.
     void (*threadid_func)(CRYPTO_THREADID *threadid));
-/* CRYPTO_THREADID_set_numeric does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_THREADID_set_numeric does nothing.
                                                 unsigned long val);
-/* CRYPTO_THREADID_set_pointer does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_THREADID_set_pointer does nothing.
-/* CRYPTO_THREADID_current does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_THREADID_current does nothing.
-/* CRYPTO_set_id_callback does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_set_id_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_set_id_callback(unsigned long (*func)(void));
 typedef struct {
@@ -157,35 +157,35 @@
   struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *data;
 } CRYPTO_dynlock;
-/* CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_set_dynlock_create_callback(
     struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *(*dyn_create_function)(const char *file,
                                                         int line));
-/* CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_set_dynlock_lock_callback(void (*dyn_lock_function)(
     int mode, struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *l, const char *file, int line));
-/* CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback does nothing. */
+// CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback does nothing.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void CRYPTO_set_dynlock_destroy_callback(
     void (*dyn_destroy_function)(struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *l,
                                  const char *file, int line));
-/* CRYPTO_get_dynlock_create_callback returns NULL. */
+// CRYPTO_get_dynlock_create_callback returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *(
     *CRYPTO_get_dynlock_create_callback(void))(const char *file, int line);
-/* CRYPTO_get_dynlock_lock_callback returns NULL. */
+// CRYPTO_get_dynlock_lock_callback returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*CRYPTO_get_dynlock_lock_callback(void))(
     int mode, struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *l, const char *file, int line);
-/* CRYPTO_get_dynlock_destroy_callback returns NULL. */
+// CRYPTO_get_dynlock_destroy_callback returns NULL.
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void (*CRYPTO_get_dynlock_destroy_callback(void))(
     struct CRYPTO_dynlock_value *l, const char *file, int line);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/tls1.h b/src/include/openssl/tls1.h
index 1842ee5..8eafe4c 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/tls1.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/tls1.h
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
-/* codes 110-114 are from RFC3546 */
+// codes 110-114 are from RFC3546
@@ -180,32 +180,32 @@
-/* ExtensionType values from RFC6066 */
+// ExtensionType values from RFC6066
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_server_name 0
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_status_request 5
-/* ExtensionType values from RFC4492 */
+// ExtensionType values from RFC4492
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_ec_point_formats 11
-/* ExtensionType values from RFC5246 */
+// ExtensionType values from RFC5246
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_signature_algorithms 13
-/* ExtensionType value from RFC5764 */
+// ExtensionType value from RFC5764
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_srtp 14
-/* ExtensionType value from RFC7301 */
+// ExtensionType value from RFC7301
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_application_layer_protocol_negotiation 16
-/* ExtensionType value from RFC7685 */
+// ExtensionType value from RFC7685
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_padding 21
-/* ExtensionType value from RFC7627 */
+// ExtensionType value from RFC7627
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_extended_master_secret 23
-/* ExtensionType value from RFC4507 */
+// ExtensionType value from RFC4507
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_session_ticket 35
-/* ExtensionType values from draft-ietf-tls-tls13-18 */
+// ExtensionType values from draft-ietf-tls-tls13-18
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_supported_groups 10
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_key_share 40
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_pre_shared_key 41
@@ -215,26 +215,26 @@
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_psk_key_exchange_modes 45
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_ticket_early_data_info 46
-/* ExtensionType value from RFC5746 */
+// ExtensionType value from RFC5746
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_renegotiate 0xff01
-/* ExtensionType value from RFC6962 */
+// ExtensionType value from RFC6962
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_certificate_timestamp 18
-/* This is not an IANA defined extension number */
+// This is not an IANA defined extension number
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_next_proto_neg 13172
-/* This is not an IANA defined extension number */
+// This is not an IANA defined extension number
 #define TLSEXT_TYPE_channel_id 30032
-/* status request value from RFC 3546 */
+// status request value from RFC 3546
 #define TLSEXT_STATUSTYPE_ocsp 1
-/* ECPointFormat values from RFC 4492 */
+// ECPointFormat values from RFC 4492
 #define TLSEXT_ECPOINTFORMAT_uncompressed 0
 #define TLSEXT_ECPOINTFORMAT_ansiX962_compressed_prime 1
-/* Signature and hash algorithms from RFC 5246 */
+// Signature and hash algorithms from RFC 5246
 #define TLSEXT_signature_anonymous 0
 #define TLSEXT_signature_rsa 1
@@ -251,30 +251,30 @@
 #define TLSEXT_MAXLEN_host_name 255
-/* PSK ciphersuites from 4279 */
+// PSK ciphersuites from 4279
 #define TLS1_CK_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA                    0x0300008A
 #define TLS1_CK_PSK_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA               0x0300008B
 #define TLS1_CK_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA                0x0300008C
 #define TLS1_CK_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA                0x0300008D
-/* PSK ciphersuites from RFC 5489 */
+// PSK ciphersuites from RFC 5489
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA          0x0300C035
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA          0x0300C036
-/* Additional TLS ciphersuites from expired Internet Draft
- * draft-ietf-tls-56-bit-ciphersuites-01.txt
- * (available if TLS1_ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_CIPHERSUITES is defined, see
- * s3_lib.c).  We actually treat them like SSL 3.0 ciphers, which we probably
- * shouldn't.  Note that the first two are actually not in the IDs. */
-#define TLS1_CK_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC4_56_MD5 0x03000060     /* not in ID */
-#define TLS1_CK_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC2_CBC_56_MD5 0x03000061 /* not in ID */
+// Additional TLS ciphersuites from expired Internet Draft
+// draft-ietf-tls-56-bit-ciphersuites-01.txt
+// (available if TLS1_ALLOW_EXPERIMENTAL_CIPHERSUITES is defined, see
+// s3_lib.c).  We actually treat them like SSL 3.0 ciphers, which we probably
+// shouldn't.  Note that the first two are actually not in the IDs.
+#define TLS1_CK_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC4_56_MD5 0x03000060      // not in ID
+#define TLS1_CK_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC2_CBC_56_MD5 0x03000061  // not in ID
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA 0x03000062
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_DSS_EXPORT1024_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA 0x03000063
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC4_56_SHA 0x03000064
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_DSS_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC4_56_SHA 0x03000065
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_DSS_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 0x03000066
-/* AES ciphersuites from RFC3268 */
+// AES ciphersuites from RFC3268
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA 0x0300002F
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_SHA 0x03000030
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_SHA 0x03000039
 #define TLS1_CK_ADH_WITH_AES_256_SHA 0x0300003A
-/* TLS v1.2 ciphersuites */
+// TLS v1.2 ciphersuites
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 0x0300003B
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 0x0300003C
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_AES_256_SHA256 0x0300003D
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 0x0300003F
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 0x03000040
-/* Camellia ciphersuites from RFC4132 */
+// Camellia ciphersuites from RFC4132
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA 0x03000041
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA 0x03000042
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA 0x03000043
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA 0x03000045
 #define TLS1_CK_ADH_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA 0x03000046
-/* TLS v1.2 ciphersuites */
+// TLS v1.2 ciphersuites
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 0x03000067
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_SHA256 0x03000068
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_SHA256 0x03000069
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_ADH_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 0x0300006C
 #define TLS1_CK_ADH_WITH_AES_256_SHA256 0x0300006D
-/* Camellia ciphersuites from RFC4132 */
+// Camellia ciphersuites from RFC4132
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA 0x03000084
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA 0x03000085
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA 0x03000086
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA 0x03000088
 #define TLS1_CK_ADH_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA 0x03000089
-/* SEED ciphersuites from RFC4162 */
+// SEED ciphersuites from RFC4162
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_SEED_SHA 0x03000096
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_DSS_WITH_SEED_SHA 0x03000097
 #define TLS1_CK_DH_RSA_WITH_SEED_SHA 0x03000098
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_RSA_WITH_SEED_SHA 0x0300009A
 #define TLS1_CK_ADH_WITH_SEED_SHA 0x0300009B
-/* TLS v1.2 GCM ciphersuites from RFC5288 */
+// TLS v1.2 GCM ciphersuites from RFC5288
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x0300009C
 #define TLS1_CK_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x0300009D
 #define TLS1_CK_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x0300009E
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_ADH_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x030000A6
 #define TLS1_CK_ADH_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x030000A7
-/* ECC ciphersuites from RFC4492 */
+// ECC ciphersuites from RFC4492
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_NULL_SHA 0x0300C001
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA 0x0300C002
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_DES_192_CBC3_SHA 0x0300C003
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 0x0300C018
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x0300C019
-/* SRP ciphersuites from RFC 5054 */
+// SRP ciphersuites from RFC 5054
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_SRP_SHA_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x0300C021
 #define TLS1_CK_SRP_SHA_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 0x0300C022
-/* ECDH HMAC based ciphersuites from RFC5289 */
+// ECDH HMAC based ciphersuites from RFC5289
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 0x0300C023
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_SHA384 0x0300C024
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 0x0300C029
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_SHA384 0x0300C02A
-/* ECDH GCM based ciphersuites from RFC5289 */
+// ECDH GCM based ciphersuites from RFC5289
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x0300C02B
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x0300C02C
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x0300C02D
@@ -408,23 +408,23 @@
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x0300C031
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x0300C032
-/* ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suites from RFC 7905. */
+// ChaCha20-Poly1305 cipher suites from RFC 7905.
 #define TLS1_CK_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 0x0300CCA8
-/* TLS 1.3 ciphersuites from draft-ietf-tls-tls13-16 */
+// TLS 1.3 ciphersuites from draft-ietf-tls-tls13-16
 #define TLS1_CK_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 0x03001301
 #define TLS1_CK_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 0x03001302
 #define TLS1_CK_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 0x03001303
-/* XXX
- * Inconsistency alert:
- * The OpenSSL names of ciphers with ephemeral DH here include the string
- * "DHE", while elsewhere it has always been "EDH".
- * (The alias for the list of all such ciphers also is "EDH".)
- * The specifications speak of "EDH"; maybe we should allow both forms
- * for everything. */
+// XXX
+// Inconsistency alert:
+// The OpenSSL names of ciphers with ephemeral DH here include the string
+// "DHE", while elsewhere it has always been "EDH".
+// (The alias for the list of all such ciphers also is "EDH".)
+// The specifications speak of "EDH"; maybe we should allow both forms
+// for everything.
 #define TLS1_TXT_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC4_56_MD5 "EXP1024-RC4-MD5"
 #define TLS1_TXT_RSA_EXPORT1024_WITH_RC2_CBC_56_MD5 "EXP1024-RC2-CBC-MD5"
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
-/* AES ciphersuites from RFC3268 */
+// AES ciphersuites from RFC3268
 #define TLS1_TXT_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA "AES128-SHA"
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
-/* ECC ciphersuites from RFC4492 */
+// ECC ciphersuites from RFC4492
@@ -480,17 +480,17 @@
-/* PSK ciphersuites from RFC 4279 */
+// PSK ciphersuites from RFC 4279
 #define TLS1_TXT_PSK_WITH_RC4_128_SHA "PSK-RC4-SHA"
-/* PSK ciphersuites from RFC 5489 */
+// PSK ciphersuites from RFC 5489
-/* SRP ciphersuite from RFC 5054 */
+// SRP ciphersuite from RFC 5054
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@
-/* Camellia ciphersuites from RFC4132 */
+// Camellia ciphersuites from RFC4132
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
-/* SEED ciphersuites from RFC4162 */
+// SEED ciphersuites from RFC4162
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@
-/* TLS v1.2 ciphersuites */
+// TLS v1.2 ciphersuites
 #define TLS1_TXT_RSA_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 "AES128-SHA256"
 #define TLS1_TXT_RSA_WITH_AES_256_SHA256 "AES256-SHA256"
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@
 #define TLS1_TXT_ADH_WITH_AES_128_SHA256 "ADH-AES128-SHA256"
 #define TLS1_TXT_ADH_WITH_AES_256_SHA256 "ADH-AES256-SHA256"
-/* TLS v1.2 GCM ciphersuites from RFC5288 */
+// TLS v1.2 GCM ciphersuites from RFC5288
 #define TLS1_TXT_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 "AES128-GCM-SHA256"
 #define TLS1_TXT_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 "AES256-GCM-SHA384"
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
 #define TLS1_TXT_ADH_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 "ADH-AES128-GCM-SHA256"
 #define TLS1_TXT_ADH_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 "ADH-AES256-GCM-SHA384"
-/* ECDH HMAC based ciphersuites from RFC5289 */
+// ECDH HMAC based ciphersuites from RFC5289
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@
-/* ECDH GCM based ciphersuites from RFC5289 */
+// ECDH GCM based ciphersuites from RFC5289
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
-/* TLS 1.3 ciphersuites from draft-ietf-tls-tls13-16 */
+// TLS 1.3 ciphersuites from draft-ietf-tls-tls13-16
 #define TLS1_TXT_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 "AEAD-AES128-GCM-SHA256"
 #define TLS1_TXT_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 "AEAD-AES256-GCM-SHA384"
 #define TLS1_TXT_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 "AEAD-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256"
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
 #ifdef  __cplusplus
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C
-#endif  /* OPENSSL_HEADER_TLS1_H */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/type_check.h b/src/include/openssl/type_check.h
index a6f8284..da78d70 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/type_check.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/type_check.h
@@ -64,16 +64,16 @@
-/* This header file contains some common macros for enforcing type checking.
- * Several, common OpenSSL structures (i.e. stack and lhash) operate on void
- * pointers, but we wish to have type checking when they are used with a
- * specific type. */
+// This header file contains some common macros for enforcing type checking.
+// Several, common OpenSSL structures (i.e. stack and lhash) operate on void
+// pointers, but we wish to have type checking when they are used with a
+// specific type.
-/* CHECKED_CAST casts |p| from type |from| to type |to|. */
+// CHECKED_CAST casts |p| from type |from| to type |to|.
 #define CHECKED_CAST(to, from, p) ((to) (1 ? (p) : (from)0))
-/* CHECKED_PTR_OF casts a given pointer to void* and statically checks that it
- * was a pointer to |type|. */
+// CHECKED_PTR_OF casts a given pointer to void* and statically checks that it
+// was a pointer to |type|.
 #define CHECKED_PTR_OF(type, p) CHECKED_CAST(void*, type*, (p))
 #if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
-}  /* extern C */
+}  // extern C