external/boringssl: update from upstream


7104cc9 Update and fix fuzzing instructions.
9a4beb8 Add four, basic fuzz tests.
4ab2540 Add AArch64 Montgomery assembly.
ad38dc7 Enable Montgomery optimisations on ARM.
2e64f1b Check PKCS#8 pkey field is valid before cleansing.
f606f98 bssl pkcs12 shouldn't crash on missing key.
e348ff4 Fix build.
6e80765 Add SSL_get_server_key_exchange_hash.
788be4a Remove the hard-coded SHA-1 exception for sigalgs.
5d5e39f Remove non-ASM version of |bn_mul_mont| in bn/generic.c.
59b0fcc Define BORINGSSL_201510.
e6d1e5a Use typedef names, not struct names.
16285ea Rewrite DTLS handshake message sending logic.
c81ee8b Add missing state to DTLS state machine.
2e24b9b Allow SHA-512 unaligned data access in |OPENSSL_NO_ASM| mode.
e82e6f6 Constify more BN_MONT_CTX parameters.
c7817d8 Add SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version and tidy up SSL_TLSV1_2 logic.
9d94d5e Remove untested, unnecessary big-endian SHA-1/SHA-256 optimizations.
38feb99 Require that EC points are on the curve.
ef793f4 Add various functions for SSL_CIPHER.
f93995b Test that the client doesn't offer TLS 1.2 ciphers when it shouldn't.
5f88999 Fix up several comments and detect problems in the future.
e57a192 Add missing newline in aead.h.
c2d3280 Add SSL_get_ivs.
a97b737 Separate CCS and handshake writing in DTLS.
ac9404c Improve crypto/digest/md32_common.h mechanism.
8fb0f52 Free BN_MONT_CTX in generic code.
bb87535 Fix ASan bot.
d93831d Make it possible for a static linker to discard unused RSA functions.
e8f783a Unwind DH_METHOD and DSA_METHOD.
3fc138e Don't bother sampling __func__.
165248c Fix several MSVC warnings.
8f7ecb8 (Hopefully) fix a warning on Windows.
466b989 Initialise variable before jump.
1895493 Add Intel's P-256
27a0d08 Add ssl_renegotiate_ignore.
fa9eb56 Correct the spelling of "primitive".
f1c1cf8 Revert "Improve crypto/digest/md32_common.h mechanism."
00461cf Improve crypto/digest/md32_common.h mechanism.
ecc2591 Update link to Google style guide.
efb42fb Make BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime take a const context.
eb8be01 Add ciphers option to bssl.
09d68c9 Expand a comment.
2e0901b Don't use ssl3_write_pending in DTLS.
13e81fc Fix DTLS asynchronous write handling.
ebda9b3 Make recordingconn emit more useful things for DTLS.
069bedf Fix documentation typo.
ce51469 Fix a missing initializer that only Clang warns about.
d9e8173 Fix several warnings that arise in Android.
bb85f3d Reorganise |SSL_SESSION| and |SSL| to save a little memory.
dff504d Make the instructions for downloading the ARM compiler easier to copy and paste.

Change-Id: I5ef2238f77f2bcab239919c8c50c3705b4577f09
index ee868fd..a4cd7f9 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/UPDATING b/UPDATING
index 17af66d..c7019e4 100644
@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
 git show -s --pretty=%H > ../BORINGSSL_REVISION
 cd ..
 rm -Rf src/.git
+rm -Rf src/fuzz
 rm -Rf linux-aarch64/ linux-arm/ linux-x86/ linux-x86_64/ mac-x86/ mac-x86_64/ win-x86_64/ win-x86/
 python src/util/generate_build_files.py android
diff --git a/linux-aarch64/crypto/bn/armv8-mont.S b/linux-aarch64/crypto/bn/armv8-mont.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9355ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-aarch64/crypto/bn/armv8-mont.S
@@ -0,0 +1,1406 @@
+#if defined(__aarch64__)
+.globl	bn_mul_mont
+.type	bn_mul_mont,%function
+.align	5
+	tst	x5,#7
+	b.eq	__bn_sqr8x_mont
+	tst	x5,#3
+	b.eq	__bn_mul4x_mont
+	stp	x29,x30,[sp,#-64]!
+	add	x29,sp,#0
+	stp	x19,x20,[sp,#16]
+	stp	x21,x22,[sp,#32]
+	stp	x23,x24,[sp,#48]
+	ldr	x9,[x2],#8		// bp[0]
+	sub	x22,sp,x5,lsl#3
+	ldp	x7,x8,[x1],#16	// ap[0..1]
+	lsl	x5,x5,#3
+	ldr	x4,[x4]		// *n0
+	and	x22,x22,#-16		// ABI says so
+	ldp	x13,x14,[x3],#16	// np[0..1]
+	mul	x6,x7,x9		// ap[0]*bp[0]
+	sub	x21,x5,#16		// j=num-2
+	umulh	x7,x7,x9
+	mul	x10,x8,x9		// ap[1]*bp[0]
+	umulh	x11,x8,x9
+	mul	x15,x6,x4		// "tp[0]"*n0
+	mov	sp,x22			// alloca
+	// (*)	mul	x12,x13,x15	// np[0]*m1
+	umulh	x13,x13,x15
+	mul	x16,x14,x15		// np[1]*m1
+	// (*)	adds	x12,x12,x6	// discarded
+	// (*)	As for removal of first multiplication and addition
+	//	instructions. The outcome of first addition is
+	//	guaranteed to be zero, which leaves two computationally
+	//	significant outcomes: it either carries or not. Then
+	//	question is when does it carry? Is there alternative
+	//	way to deduce it? If you follow operations, you can
+	//	observe that condition for carry is quite simple:
+	//	x6 being non-zero. So that carry can be calculated
+	//	by adding -1 to x6. That's what next instruction does.
+	subs	xzr,x6,#1		// (*)
+	umulh	x17,x14,x15
+	adc	x13,x13,xzr
+	cbz	x21,.L1st_skip
+	ldr	x8,[x1],#8
+	adds	x6,x10,x7
+	sub	x21,x21,#8		// j--
+	adc	x7,x11,xzr
+	ldr	x14,[x3],#8
+	adds	x12,x16,x13
+	mul	x10,x8,x9		// ap[j]*bp[0]
+	adc	x13,x17,xzr
+	umulh	x11,x8,x9
+	adds	x12,x12,x6
+	mul	x16,x14,x15		// np[j]*m1
+	adc	x13,x13,xzr
+	umulh	x17,x14,x15
+	str	x12,[x22],#8		// tp[j-1]
+	cbnz	x21,.L1st
+	adds	x6,x10,x7
+	sub	x1,x1,x5		// rewind x1
+	adc	x7,x11,xzr
+	adds	x12,x16,x13
+	sub	x3,x3,x5		// rewind x3
+	adc	x13,x17,xzr
+	adds	x12,x12,x6
+	sub	x20,x5,#8		// i=num-1
+	adcs	x13,x13,x7
+	adc	x19,xzr,xzr		// upmost overflow bit
+	stp	x12,x13,[x22]
+	ldr	x9,[x2],#8		// bp[i]
+	ldp	x7,x8,[x1],#16
+	ldr	x23,[sp]		// tp[0]
+	add	x22,sp,#8
+	mul	x6,x7,x9		// ap[0]*bp[i]
+	sub	x21,x5,#16		// j=num-2
+	umulh	x7,x7,x9
+	ldp	x13,x14,[x3],#16
+	mul	x10,x8,x9		// ap[1]*bp[i]
+	adds	x6,x6,x23
+	umulh	x11,x8,x9
+	adc	x7,x7,xzr
+	mul	x15,x6,x4
+	sub	x20,x20,#8		// i--
+	// (*)	mul	x12,x13,x15	// np[0]*m1
+	umulh	x13,x13,x15
+	mul	x16,x14,x15		// np[1]*m1
+	// (*)	adds	x12,x12,x6
+	subs	xzr,x6,#1		// (*)
+	umulh	x17,x14,x15
+	cbz	x21,.Linner_skip
+	ldr	x8,[x1],#8
+	adc	x13,x13,xzr
+	ldr	x23,[x22],#8		// tp[j]
+	adds	x6,x10,x7
+	sub	x21,x21,#8		// j--
+	adc	x7,x11,xzr
+	adds	x12,x16,x13
+	ldr	x14,[x3],#8
+	adc	x13,x17,xzr
+	mul	x10,x8,x9		// ap[j]*bp[i]
+	adds	x6,x6,x23
+	umulh	x11,x8,x9
+	adc	x7,x7,xzr
+	mul	x16,x14,x15		// np[j]*m1
+	adds	x12,x12,x6
+	umulh	x17,x14,x15
+	str	x12,[x22,#-16]		// tp[j-1]
+	cbnz	x21,.Linner
+	ldr	x23,[x22],#8		// tp[j]
+	adc	x13,x13,xzr
+	adds	x6,x10,x7
+	sub	x1,x1,x5		// rewind x1
+	adc	x7,x11,xzr
+	adds	x12,x16,x13
+	sub	x3,x3,x5		// rewind x3
+	adcs	x13,x17,x19
+	adc	x19,xzr,xzr
+	adds	x6,x6,x23
+	adc	x7,x7,xzr
+	adds	x12,x12,x6
+	adcs	x13,x13,x7
+	adc	x19,x19,xzr		// upmost overflow bit
+	stp	x12,x13,[x22,#-16]
+	cbnz	x20,.Louter
+	// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
+	// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
+	// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
+	// and conditionally copy original value.
+	ldr	x23,[sp]		// tp[0]
+	add	x22,sp,#8
+	ldr	x14,[x3],#8		// np[0]
+	subs	x21,x5,#8		// j=num-1 and clear borrow
+	mov	x1,x0
+	sbcs	x8,x23,x14		// tp[j]-np[j]
+	ldr	x23,[x22],#8
+	sub	x21,x21,#8		// j--
+	ldr	x14,[x3],#8
+	str	x8,[x1],#8		// rp[j]=tp[j]-np[j]
+	cbnz	x21,.Lsub
+	sbcs	x8,x23,x14
+	sbcs	x19,x19,xzr		// did it borrow?
+	str	x8,[x1],#8		// rp[num-1]
+	ldr	x23,[sp]		// tp[0]
+	add	x22,sp,#8
+	ldr	x8,[x0],#8		// rp[0]
+	sub	x5,x5,#8		// num--
+	nop
+	sub	x5,x5,#8		// num--
+	csel	x14,x23,x8,lo		// did it borrow?
+	ldr	x23,[x22],#8
+	ldr	x8,[x0],#8
+	str	xzr,[x22,#-16]		// wipe tp
+	str	x14,[x0,#-16]
+	cbnz	x5,.Lcond_copy
+	csel	x14,x23,x8,lo
+	str	xzr,[x22,#-8]		// wipe tp
+	str	x14,[x0,#-8]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x29,#16]
+	mov	sp,x29
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x29,#32]
+	mov	x0,#1
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x29,#48]
+	ldr	x29,[sp],#64
+	ret
+.size	bn_mul_mont,.-bn_mul_mont
+.type	__bn_sqr8x_mont,%function
+.align	5
+	cmp	x1,x2
+	b.ne	__bn_mul4x_mont
+	stp	x29,x30,[sp,#-128]!
+	add	x29,sp,#0
+	stp	x19,x20,[sp,#16]
+	stp	x21,x22,[sp,#32]
+	stp	x23,x24,[sp,#48]
+	stp	x25,x26,[sp,#64]
+	stp	x27,x28,[sp,#80]
+	stp	x0,x3,[sp,#96]	// offload rp and np
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x1,#8*4]
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x1,#8*6]
+	sub	x2,sp,x5,lsl#4
+	lsl	x5,x5,#3
+	ldr	x4,[x4]		// *n0
+	mov	sp,x2			// alloca
+	sub	x27,x5,#8*8
+	b	.Lsqr8x_zero_start
+	sub	x27,x27,#8*8
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*0]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*2]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*4]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*6]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*8]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*10]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*12]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*14]
+	add	x2,x2,#8*16
+	cbnz	x27,.Lsqr8x_zero
+	add	x3,x1,x5
+	add	x1,x1,#8*8
+	mov	x19,xzr
+	mov	x20,xzr
+	mov	x21,xzr
+	mov	x22,xzr
+	mov	x23,xzr
+	mov	x24,xzr
+	mov	x25,xzr
+	mov	x26,xzr
+	mov	x2,sp
+	str	x4,[x29,#112]		// offload n0
+	// Multiply everything but a[i]*a[i]
+.align	4
+        //                                                 a[1]a[0]	(i)
+        //                                             a[2]a[0]
+        //                                         a[3]a[0]
+        //                                     a[4]a[0]
+        //                                 a[5]a[0]
+        //                             a[6]a[0]
+        //                         a[7]a[0]
+        //                                         a[2]a[1]		(ii)
+        //                                     a[3]a[1]
+        //                                 a[4]a[1]
+        //                             a[5]a[1]
+        //                         a[6]a[1]
+        //                     a[7]a[1]
+        //                                 a[3]a[2]			(iii)
+        //                             a[4]a[2]
+        //                         a[5]a[2]
+        //                     a[6]a[2]
+        //                 a[7]a[2]
+        //                         a[4]a[3]				(iv)
+        //                     a[5]a[3]
+        //                 a[6]a[3]
+        //             a[7]a[3]
+        //                 a[5]a[4]					(v)
+        //             a[6]a[4]
+        //         a[7]a[4]
+        //         a[6]a[5]						(vi)
+        //     a[7]a[5]
+        // a[7]a[6]							(vii)
+	mul	x14,x7,x6		// lo(a[1..7]*a[0])		(i)
+	mul	x15,x8,x6
+	mul	x16,x9,x6
+	mul	x17,x10,x6
+	adds	x20,x20,x14		// t[1]+lo(a[1]*a[0])
+	mul	x14,x11,x6
+	adcs	x21,x21,x15
+	mul	x15,x12,x6
+	adcs	x22,x22,x16
+	mul	x16,x13,x6
+	adcs	x23,x23,x17
+	umulh	x17,x7,x6		// hi(a[1..7]*a[0])
+	adcs	x24,x24,x14
+	umulh	x14,x8,x6
+	adcs	x25,x25,x15
+	umulh	x15,x9,x6
+	adcs	x26,x26,x16
+	umulh	x16,x10,x6
+	stp	x19,x20,[x2],#8*2	// t[0..1]
+	adc	x19,xzr,xzr		// t[8]
+	adds	x21,x21,x17		// t[2]+lo(a[1]*a[0])
+	umulh	x17,x11,x6
+	adcs	x22,x22,x14
+	umulh	x14,x12,x6
+	adcs	x23,x23,x15
+	umulh	x15,x13,x6
+	adcs	x24,x24,x16
+	mul	x16,x8,x7		// lo(a[2..7]*a[1])		(ii)
+	adcs	x25,x25,x17
+	mul	x17,x9,x7
+	adcs	x26,x26,x14
+	mul	x14,x10,x7
+	adc	x19,x19,x15
+	mul	x15,x11,x7
+	adds	x22,x22,x16
+	mul	x16,x12,x7
+	adcs	x23,x23,x17
+	mul	x17,x13,x7
+	adcs	x24,x24,x14
+	umulh	x14,x8,x7		// hi(a[2..7]*a[1])
+	adcs	x25,x25,x15
+	umulh	x15,x9,x7
+	adcs	x26,x26,x16
+	umulh	x16,x10,x7
+	adcs	x19,x19,x17
+	umulh	x17,x11,x7
+	stp	x21,x22,[x2],#8*2	// t[2..3]
+	adc	x20,xzr,xzr		// t[9]
+	adds	x23,x23,x14
+	umulh	x14,x12,x7
+	adcs	x24,x24,x15
+	umulh	x15,x13,x7
+	adcs	x25,x25,x16
+	mul	x16,x9,x8		// lo(a[3..7]*a[2])		(iii)
+	adcs	x26,x26,x17
+	mul	x17,x10,x8
+	adcs	x19,x19,x14
+	mul	x14,x11,x8
+	adc	x20,x20,x15
+	mul	x15,x12,x8
+	adds	x24,x24,x16
+	mul	x16,x13,x8
+	adcs	x25,x25,x17
+	umulh	x17,x9,x8		// hi(a[3..7]*a[2])
+	adcs	x26,x26,x14
+	umulh	x14,x10,x8
+	adcs	x19,x19,x15
+	umulh	x15,x11,x8
+	adcs	x20,x20,x16
+	umulh	x16,x12,x8
+	stp	x23,x24,[x2],#8*2	// t[4..5]
+	adc	x21,xzr,xzr		// t[10]
+	adds	x25,x25,x17
+	umulh	x17,x13,x8
+	adcs	x26,x26,x14
+	mul	x14,x10,x9		// lo(a[4..7]*a[3])		(iv)
+	adcs	x19,x19,x15
+	mul	x15,x11,x9
+	adcs	x20,x20,x16
+	mul	x16,x12,x9
+	adc	x21,x21,x17
+	mul	x17,x13,x9
+	adds	x26,x26,x14
+	umulh	x14,x10,x9		// hi(a[4..7]*a[3])
+	adcs	x19,x19,x15
+	umulh	x15,x11,x9
+	adcs	x20,x20,x16
+	umulh	x16,x12,x9
+	adcs	x21,x21,x17
+	umulh	x17,x13,x9
+	stp	x25,x26,[x2],#8*2	// t[6..7]
+	adc	x22,xzr,xzr		// t[11]
+	adds	x19,x19,x14
+	mul	x14,x11,x10		// lo(a[5..7]*a[4])		(v)
+	adcs	x20,x20,x15
+	mul	x15,x12,x10
+	adcs	x21,x21,x16
+	mul	x16,x13,x10
+	adc	x22,x22,x17
+	umulh	x17,x11,x10		// hi(a[5..7]*a[4])
+	adds	x20,x20,x14
+	umulh	x14,x12,x10
+	adcs	x21,x21,x15
+	umulh	x15,x13,x10
+	adcs	x22,x22,x16
+	mul	x16,x12,x11		// lo(a[6..7]*a[5])		(vi)
+	adc	x23,xzr,xzr		// t[12]
+	adds	x21,x21,x17
+	mul	x17,x13,x11
+	adcs	x22,x22,x14
+	umulh	x14,x12,x11		// hi(a[6..7]*a[5])
+	adc	x23,x23,x15
+	umulh	x15,x13,x11
+	adds	x22,x22,x16
+	mul	x16,x13,x12		// lo(a[7]*a[6])		(vii)
+	adcs	x23,x23,x17
+	umulh	x17,x13,x12		// hi(a[7]*a[6])
+	adc	x24,xzr,xzr		// t[13]
+	adds	x23,x23,x14
+	sub	x27,x3,x1	// done yet?
+	adc	x24,x24,x15
+	adds	x24,x24,x16
+	sub	x14,x3,x5	// rewinded ap
+	adc	x25,xzr,xzr		// t[14]
+	add	x25,x25,x17
+	cbz	x27,.Lsqr8x_outer_break
+	mov	x4,x6
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x2,#8*0]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x2,#8*2]
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x2,#8*4]
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x2,#8*6]
+	adds	x19,x19,x6
+	adcs	x20,x20,x7
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	adcs	x21,x21,x8
+	adcs	x22,x22,x9
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	adcs	x23,x23,x10
+	adcs	x24,x24,x11
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x1,#8*4]
+	adcs	x25,x25,x12
+	mov	x0,x1
+	adcs	x26,xzr,x13
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x1,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*8
+	//adc	x28,xzr,xzr		// moved below
+	mov	x27,#-8*8
+	//                                                         a[8]a[0]
+	//                                                     a[9]a[0]
+	//                                                 a[a]a[0]
+	//                                             a[b]a[0]
+	//                                         a[c]a[0]
+	//                                     a[d]a[0]
+	//                                 a[e]a[0]
+	//                             a[f]a[0]
+	//                                                     a[8]a[1]
+	//                         a[f]a[1]........................
+	//                                                 a[8]a[2]
+	//                     a[f]a[2]........................
+	//                                             a[8]a[3]
+	//                 a[f]a[3]........................
+	//                                         a[8]a[4]
+	//             a[f]a[4]........................
+	//                                     a[8]a[5]
+	//         a[f]a[5]........................
+	//                                 a[8]a[6]
+	//     a[f]a[6]........................
+	//                             a[8]a[7]
+	// a[f]a[7]........................
+	mul	x14,x6,x4
+	adc	x28,xzr,xzr		// carry bit, modulo-scheduled
+	mul	x15,x7,x4
+	add	x27,x27,#8
+	mul	x16,x8,x4
+	mul	x17,x9,x4
+	adds	x19,x19,x14
+	mul	x14,x10,x4
+	adcs	x20,x20,x15
+	mul	x15,x11,x4
+	adcs	x21,x21,x16
+	mul	x16,x12,x4
+	adcs	x22,x22,x17
+	mul	x17,x13,x4
+	adcs	x23,x23,x14
+	umulh	x14,x6,x4
+	adcs	x24,x24,x15
+	umulh	x15,x7,x4
+	adcs	x25,x25,x16
+	umulh	x16,x8,x4
+	adcs	x26,x26,x17
+	umulh	x17,x9,x4
+	adc	x28,x28,xzr
+	str	x19,[x2],#8
+	adds	x19,x20,x14
+	umulh	x14,x10,x4
+	adcs	x20,x21,x15
+	umulh	x15,x11,x4
+	adcs	x21,x22,x16
+	umulh	x16,x12,x4
+	adcs	x22,x23,x17
+	umulh	x17,x13,x4
+	ldr	x4,[x0,x27]
+	adcs	x23,x24,x14
+	adcs	x24,x25,x15
+	adcs	x25,x26,x16
+	adcs	x26,x28,x17
+	//adc	x28,xzr,xzr		// moved above
+	cbnz	x27,.Lsqr8x_mul
+					// note that carry flag is guaranteed
+					// to be zero at this point
+	cmp	x1,x3		// done yet?
+	b.eq	.Lsqr8x_break
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x2,#8*0]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x2,#8*2]
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x2,#8*4]
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x2,#8*6]
+	adds	x19,x19,x6
+	ldr	x4,[x0,#-8*8]
+	adcs	x20,x20,x7
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	adcs	x21,x21,x8
+	adcs	x22,x22,x9
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	adcs	x23,x23,x10
+	adcs	x24,x24,x11
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x1,#8*4]
+	adcs	x25,x25,x12
+	mov	x27,#-8*8
+	adcs	x26,x26,x13
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x1,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*8
+	//adc	x28,xzr,xzr		// moved above
+	b	.Lsqr8x_mul
+.align	4
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x0,#8*0]
+	add	x1,x0,#8*8
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x0,#8*2]
+	sub	x14,x3,x1		// is it last iteration?
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x0,#8*4]
+	sub	x15,x2,x14
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x0,#8*6]
+	cbz	x14,.Lsqr8x_outer_loop
+	stp	x19,x20,[x2,#8*0]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x15,#8*0]
+	stp	x21,x22,[x2,#8*2]
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x15,#8*2]
+	stp	x23,x24,[x2,#8*4]
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x15,#8*4]
+	stp	x25,x26,[x2,#8*6]
+	mov	x2,x15
+	ldp	x25,x26,[x15,#8*6]
+	b	.Lsqr8x_outer_loop
+.align	4
+	// Now multiply above result by 2 and add a[n-1]*a[n-1]|...|a[0]*a[0]
+	ldp	x7,x9,[x14,#8*0]	// recall that x14 is &a[0]
+	ldp	x15,x16,[sp,#8*1]
+	ldp	x11,x13,[x14,#8*2]
+	add	x1,x14,#8*4
+	ldp	x17,x14,[sp,#8*3]
+	stp	x19,x20,[x2,#8*0]
+	mul	x19,x7,x7
+	stp	x21,x22,[x2,#8*2]
+	umulh	x7,x7,x7
+	stp	x23,x24,[x2,#8*4]
+	mul	x8,x9,x9
+	stp	x25,x26,[x2,#8*6]
+	mov	x2,sp
+	umulh	x9,x9,x9
+	adds	x20,x7,x15,lsl#1
+	extr	x15,x16,x15,#63
+	sub	x27,x5,#8*4
+	adcs	x21,x8,x15
+	extr	x16,x17,x16,#63
+	sub	x27,x27,#8*4
+	adcs	x22,x9,x16
+	ldp	x15,x16,[x2,#8*5]
+	mul	x10,x11,x11
+	ldp	x7,x9,[x1],#8*2
+	umulh	x11,x11,x11
+	mul	x12,x13,x13
+	umulh	x13,x13,x13
+	extr	x17,x14,x17,#63
+	stp	x19,x20,[x2,#8*0]
+	adcs	x23,x10,x17
+	extr	x14,x15,x14,#63
+	stp	x21,x22,[x2,#8*2]
+	adcs	x24,x11,x14
+	ldp	x17,x14,[x2,#8*7]
+	extr	x15,x16,x15,#63
+	adcs	x25,x12,x15
+	extr	x16,x17,x16,#63
+	adcs	x26,x13,x16
+	ldp	x15,x16,[x2,#8*9]
+	mul	x6,x7,x7
+	ldp	x11,x13,[x1],#8*2
+	umulh	x7,x7,x7
+	mul	x8,x9,x9
+	umulh	x9,x9,x9
+	stp	x23,x24,[x2,#8*4]
+	extr	x17,x14,x17,#63
+	stp	x25,x26,[x2,#8*6]
+	add	x2,x2,#8*8
+	adcs	x19,x6,x17
+	extr	x14,x15,x14,#63
+	adcs	x20,x7,x14
+	ldp	x17,x14,[x2,#8*3]
+	extr	x15,x16,x15,#63
+	cbnz	x27,.Lsqr4x_shift_n_add
+	ldp	x1,x4,[x29,#104]	// pull np and n0
+	adcs	x21,x8,x15
+	extr	x16,x17,x16,#63
+	adcs	x22,x9,x16
+	ldp	x15,x16,[x2,#8*5]
+	mul	x10,x11,x11
+	umulh	x11,x11,x11
+	stp	x19,x20,[x2,#8*0]
+	mul	x12,x13,x13
+	umulh	x13,x13,x13
+	stp	x21,x22,[x2,#8*2]
+	extr	x17,x14,x17,#63
+	adcs	x23,x10,x17
+	extr	x14,x15,x14,#63
+	ldp	x19,x20,[sp,#8*0]
+	adcs	x24,x11,x14
+	extr	x15,x16,x15,#63
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	adcs	x25,x12,x15
+	extr	x16,xzr,x16,#63
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	adc	x26,x13,x16
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x1,#8*4]
+	// Reduce by 512 bits per iteration
+	mul	x28,x4,x19		// t[0]*n0
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x1,#8*6]
+	add	x3,x1,x5
+	ldp	x21,x22,[sp,#8*2]
+	stp	x23,x24,[x2,#8*4]
+	ldp	x23,x24,[sp,#8*4]
+	stp	x25,x26,[x2,#8*6]
+	ldp	x25,x26,[sp,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*8
+	mov	x30,xzr		// initial top-most carry
+	mov	x2,sp
+	mov	x27,#8
+	// (*)	mul	x14,x6,x28	// lo(n[0-7])*lo(t[0]*n0)
+	mul	x15,x7,x28
+	sub	x27,x27,#1
+	mul	x16,x8,x28
+	str	x28,[x2],#8		// put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
+	mul	x17,x9,x28
+	// (*)	adds	xzr,x19,x14
+	subs	xzr,x19,#1		// (*)
+	mul	x14,x10,x28
+	adcs	x19,x20,x15
+	mul	x15,x11,x28
+	adcs	x20,x21,x16
+	mul	x16,x12,x28
+	adcs	x21,x22,x17
+	mul	x17,x13,x28
+	adcs	x22,x23,x14
+	umulh	x14,x6,x28		// hi(n[0-7])*lo(t[0]*n0)
+	adcs	x23,x24,x15
+	umulh	x15,x7,x28
+	adcs	x24,x25,x16
+	umulh	x16,x8,x28
+	adcs	x25,x26,x17
+	umulh	x17,x9,x28
+	adc	x26,xzr,xzr
+	adds	x19,x19,x14
+	umulh	x14,x10,x28
+	adcs	x20,x20,x15
+	umulh	x15,x11,x28
+	adcs	x21,x21,x16
+	umulh	x16,x12,x28
+	adcs	x22,x22,x17
+	umulh	x17,x13,x28
+	mul	x28,x4,x19		// next t[0]*n0
+	adcs	x23,x23,x14
+	adcs	x24,x24,x15
+	adcs	x25,x25,x16
+	adc	x26,x26,x17
+	cbnz	x27,.Lsqr8x_reduction
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x2,#8*0]
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x2,#8*2]
+	mov	x0,x2
+	sub	x27,x3,x1	// done yet?
+	adds	x19,x19,x14
+	adcs	x20,x20,x15
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x2,#8*4]
+	adcs	x21,x21,x16
+	adcs	x22,x22,x17
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x2,#8*6]
+	adcs	x23,x23,x14
+	adcs	x24,x24,x15
+	adcs	x25,x25,x16
+	adcs	x26,x26,x17
+	//adc	x28,xzr,xzr		// moved below
+	cbz	x27,.Lsqr8x8_post_condition
+	ldr	x4,[x2,#-8*8]
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x1,#8*4]
+	mov	x27,#-8*8
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x1,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*8
+	mul	x14,x6,x4
+	adc	x28,xzr,xzr		// carry bit, modulo-scheduled
+	mul	x15,x7,x4
+	add	x27,x27,#8
+	mul	x16,x8,x4
+	mul	x17,x9,x4
+	adds	x19,x19,x14
+	mul	x14,x10,x4
+	adcs	x20,x20,x15
+	mul	x15,x11,x4
+	adcs	x21,x21,x16
+	mul	x16,x12,x4
+	adcs	x22,x22,x17
+	mul	x17,x13,x4
+	adcs	x23,x23,x14
+	umulh	x14,x6,x4
+	adcs	x24,x24,x15
+	umulh	x15,x7,x4
+	adcs	x25,x25,x16
+	umulh	x16,x8,x4
+	adcs	x26,x26,x17
+	umulh	x17,x9,x4
+	adc	x28,x28,xzr
+	str	x19,[x2],#8
+	adds	x19,x20,x14
+	umulh	x14,x10,x4
+	adcs	x20,x21,x15
+	umulh	x15,x11,x4
+	adcs	x21,x22,x16
+	umulh	x16,x12,x4
+	adcs	x22,x23,x17
+	umulh	x17,x13,x4
+	ldr	x4,[x0,x27]
+	adcs	x23,x24,x14
+	adcs	x24,x25,x15
+	adcs	x25,x26,x16
+	adcs	x26,x28,x17
+	//adc	x28,xzr,xzr		// moved above
+	cbnz	x27,.Lsqr8x_tail
+					// note that carry flag is guaranteed
+					// to be zero at this point
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x2,#8*0]
+	sub	x27,x3,x1	// done yet?
+	sub	x16,x3,x5	// rewinded np
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x2,#8*2]
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x2,#8*4]
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x2,#8*6]
+	cbz	x27,.Lsqr8x_tail_break
+	ldr	x4,[x0,#-8*8]
+	adds	x19,x19,x6
+	adcs	x20,x20,x7
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	adcs	x21,x21,x8
+	adcs	x22,x22,x9
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	adcs	x23,x23,x10
+	adcs	x24,x24,x11
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x1,#8*4]
+	adcs	x25,x25,x12
+	mov	x27,#-8*8
+	adcs	x26,x26,x13
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x1,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*8
+	//adc	x28,xzr,xzr		// moved above
+	b	.Lsqr8x_tail
+.align	4
+	ldr	x4,[x29,#112]		// pull n0
+	add	x27,x2,#8*8		// end of current t[num] window
+	subs	xzr,x30,#1		// "move" top-most carry to carry bit
+	adcs	x14,x19,x6
+	adcs	x15,x20,x7
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x0,#8*0]
+	adcs	x21,x21,x8
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x16,#8*0]	// recall that x16 is &n[0]
+	adcs	x22,x22,x9
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x16,#8*2]
+	adcs	x23,x23,x10
+	adcs	x24,x24,x11
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x16,#8*4]
+	adcs	x25,x25,x12
+	adcs	x26,x26,x13
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x16,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x16,#8*8
+	adc	x30,xzr,xzr	// top-most carry
+	mul	x28,x4,x19
+	stp	x14,x15,[x2,#8*0]
+	stp	x21,x22,[x2,#8*2]
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x0,#8*2]
+	stp	x23,x24,[x2,#8*4]
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x0,#8*4]
+	cmp	x27,x29		// did we hit the bottom?
+	stp	x25,x26,[x2,#8*6]
+	mov	x2,x0			// slide the window
+	ldp	x25,x26,[x0,#8*6]
+	mov	x27,#8
+	b.ne	.Lsqr8x_reduction
+	// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
+	// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
+	// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
+	// and conditionally copy original value.
+	ldr	x0,[x29,#96]		// pull rp
+	add	x2,x2,#8*8
+	subs	x14,x19,x6
+	sbcs	x15,x20,x7
+	sub	x27,x5,#8*8
+	mov	x3,x0		// x0 copy
+	sbcs	x16,x21,x8
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x17,x22,x9
+	stp	x14,x15,[x0,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x14,x23,x10
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	sbcs	x15,x24,x11
+	stp	x16,x17,[x0,#8*2]
+	sbcs	x16,x25,x12
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x1,#8*4]
+	sbcs	x17,x26,x13
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x1,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*8
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x2,#8*0]
+	sub	x27,x27,#8*8
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x2,#8*2]
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x2,#8*4]
+	ldp	x25,x26,[x2,#8*6]
+	add	x2,x2,#8*8
+	stp	x14,x15,[x0,#8*4]
+	sbcs	x14,x19,x6
+	stp	x16,x17,[x0,#8*6]
+	add	x0,x0,#8*8
+	sbcs	x15,x20,x7
+	cbnz	x27,.Lsqr8x_sub
+	sbcs	x16,x21,x8
+	mov	x2,sp
+	add	x1,sp,x5
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x3,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x17,x22,x9
+	stp	x14,x15,[x0,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x14,x23,x10
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x3,#8*2]
+	sbcs	x15,x24,x11
+	stp	x16,x17,[x0,#8*2]
+	sbcs	x16,x25,x12
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x1,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x17,x26,x13
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x1,#8*2]
+	sbcs	xzr,x30,xzr	// did it borrow?
+	ldr	x30,[x29,#8]		// pull return address
+	stp	x14,x15,[x0,#8*4]
+	stp	x16,x17,[x0,#8*6]
+	sub	x27,x5,#8*4
+	sub	x27,x27,#8*4
+	csel	x14,x19,x6,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*0]
+	csel	x15,x20,x7,lo
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x3,#8*4]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x1,#8*4]
+	csel	x16,x21,x8,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*2]
+	add	x2,x2,#8*4
+	csel	x17,x22,x9,lo
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x3,#8*6]
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x1,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*4
+	stp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]
+	stp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	add	x3,x3,#8*4
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x1,#8*0]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x1,#8*2]
+	cbnz	x27,.Lsqr4x_cond_copy
+	csel	x14,x19,x6,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*0]
+	csel	x15,x20,x7,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x2,#8*2]
+	csel	x16,x21,x8,lo
+	csel	x17,x22,x9,lo
+	stp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]
+	stp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	b	.Lsqr8x_done
+.align	4
+	adc	x28,xzr,xzr
+	ldr	x30,[x29,#8]		// pull return address
+	// x19-7,x28 hold result, x6-7 hold modulus
+	subs	x6,x19,x6
+	ldr	x1,[x29,#96]		// pull rp
+	sbcs	x7,x20,x7
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x8,x21,x8
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*2]
+	sbcs	x9,x22,x9
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*4]
+	sbcs	x10,x23,x10
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*6]
+	sbcs	x11,x24,x11
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*8]
+	sbcs	x12,x25,x12
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*10]
+	sbcs	x13,x26,x13
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*12]
+	sbcs	x28,x28,xzr	// did it borrow?
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*14]
+	// x6-7 hold result-modulus
+	csel	x6,x19,x6,lo
+	csel	x7,x20,x7,lo
+	csel	x8,x21,x8,lo
+	csel	x9,x22,x9,lo
+	stp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	csel	x10,x23,x10,lo
+	csel	x11,x24,x11,lo
+	stp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	csel	x12,x25,x12,lo
+	csel	x13,x26,x13,lo
+	stp	x10,x11,[x1,#8*4]
+	stp	x12,x13,[x1,#8*6]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x29,#16]
+	mov	sp,x29
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x29,#32]
+	mov	x0,#1
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x29,#48]
+	ldp	x25,x26,[x29,#64]
+	ldp	x27,x28,[x29,#80]
+	ldr	x29,[sp],#128
+	ret
+.size	__bn_sqr8x_mont,.-__bn_sqr8x_mont
+.type	__bn_mul4x_mont,%function
+.align	5
+	stp	x29,x30,[sp,#-128]!
+	add	x29,sp,#0
+	stp	x19,x20,[sp,#16]
+	stp	x21,x22,[sp,#32]
+	stp	x23,x24,[sp,#48]
+	stp	x25,x26,[sp,#64]
+	stp	x27,x28,[sp,#80]
+	sub	x26,sp,x5,lsl#3
+	lsl	x5,x5,#3
+	ldr	x4,[x4]		// *n0
+	sub	sp,x26,#8*4		// alloca
+	add	x10,x2,x5
+	add	x27,x1,x5
+	stp	x0,x10,[x29,#96]	// offload rp and &b[num]
+	ldr	x24,[x2,#8*0]		// b[0]
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]	// a[0..3]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*4
+	mov	x19,xzr
+	mov	x20,xzr
+	mov	x21,xzr
+	mov	x22,xzr
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]	// n[0..3]
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	adds	x3,x3,#8*4		// clear carry bit
+	mov	x0,xzr
+	mov	x28,#0
+	mov	x26,sp
+	mul	x10,x6,x24		// lo(a[0..3]*b[0])
+	adc	x0,x0,xzr	// modulo-scheduled
+	mul	x11,x7,x24
+	add	x28,x28,#8
+	mul	x12,x8,x24
+	and	x28,x28,#31
+	mul	x13,x9,x24
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	umulh	x10,x6,x24		// hi(a[0..3]*b[0])
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	mul	x25,x19,x4		// t[0]*n0
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	umulh	x11,x7,x24
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	umulh	x12,x8,x24
+	adc	x23,xzr,xzr
+	umulh	x13,x9,x24
+	ldr	x24,[x2,x28]		// next b[i] (or b[0])
+	adds	x20,x20,x10
+	// (*)	mul	x10,x14,x25	// lo(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0)
+	str	x25,[x26],#8		// put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
+	adcs	x21,x21,x11
+	mul	x11,x15,x25
+	adcs	x22,x22,x12
+	mul	x12,x16,x25
+	adc	x23,x23,x13		// can't overflow
+	mul	x13,x17,x25
+	// (*)	adds	xzr,x19,x10
+	subs	xzr,x19,#1		// (*)
+	umulh	x10,x14,x25		// hi(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0)
+	adcs	x19,x20,x11
+	umulh	x11,x15,x25
+	adcs	x20,x21,x12
+	umulh	x12,x16,x25
+	adcs	x21,x22,x13
+	umulh	x13,x17,x25
+	adcs	x22,x23,x0
+	adc	x0,xzr,xzr
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	sub	x10,x27,x1
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	//adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	cbnz	x28,.Loop_mul4x_1st_reduction
+	cbz	x10,.Lmul4x4_post_condition
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]	// a[4..7]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*4
+	ldr	x25,[sp]		// a[0]*n0
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]	// n[4..7]
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	add	x3,x3,#8*4
+	mul	x10,x6,x24		// lo(a[4..7]*b[i])
+	adc	x0,x0,xzr	// modulo-scheduled
+	mul	x11,x7,x24
+	add	x28,x28,#8
+	mul	x12,x8,x24
+	and	x28,x28,#31
+	mul	x13,x9,x24
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	umulh	x10,x6,x24		// hi(a[4..7]*b[i])
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	umulh	x11,x7,x24
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	umulh	x12,x8,x24
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	umulh	x13,x9,x24
+	adc	x23,xzr,xzr
+	ldr	x24,[x2,x28]		// next b[i] (or b[0])
+	adds	x20,x20,x10
+	mul	x10,x14,x25		// lo(n[4..7]*a[0]*n0)
+	adcs	x21,x21,x11
+	mul	x11,x15,x25
+	adcs	x22,x22,x12
+	mul	x12,x16,x25
+	adc	x23,x23,x13		// can't overflow
+	mul	x13,x17,x25
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	umulh	x10,x14,x25		// hi(n[4..7]*a[0]*n0)
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	umulh	x11,x15,x25
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	umulh	x12,x16,x25
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	adcs	x23,x23,x0
+	umulh	x13,x17,x25
+	adc	x0,xzr,xzr
+	ldr	x25,[sp,x28]		// next t[0]*n0
+	str	x19,[x26],#8		// result!!!
+	adds	x19,x20,x10
+	sub	x10,x27,x1		// done yet?
+	adcs	x20,x21,x11
+	adcs	x21,x22,x12
+	adcs	x22,x23,x13
+	//adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	cbnz	x28,.Loop_mul4x_1st_tail
+	sub	x11,x27,x5	// rewinded x1
+	cbz	x10,.Lmul4x_proceed
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*4
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	add	x3,x3,#8*4
+	b	.Loop_mul4x_1st_tail
+.align	5
+	ldr	x24,[x2,#8*4]!		// *++b
+	adc	x30,x0,xzr
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x11,#8*0]	// a[0..3]
+	sub	x3,x3,x5		// rewind np
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x11,#8*2]
+	add	x1,x11,#8*4
+	stp	x19,x20,[x26,#8*0]	// result!!!
+	ldp	x19,x20,[sp,#8*4]	// t[0..3]
+	stp	x21,x22,[x26,#8*2]	// result!!!
+	ldp	x21,x22,[sp,#8*6]
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]	// n[0..3]
+	mov	x26,sp
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	adds	x3,x3,#8*4		// clear carry bit
+	mov	x0,xzr
+.align	4
+	mul	x10,x6,x24		// lo(a[0..3]*b[4])
+	adc	x0,x0,xzr	// modulo-scheduled
+	mul	x11,x7,x24
+	add	x28,x28,#8
+	mul	x12,x8,x24
+	and	x28,x28,#31
+	mul	x13,x9,x24
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	umulh	x10,x6,x24		// hi(a[0..3]*b[4])
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	mul	x25,x19,x4		// t[0]*n0
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	umulh	x11,x7,x24
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	umulh	x12,x8,x24
+	adc	x23,xzr,xzr
+	umulh	x13,x9,x24
+	ldr	x24,[x2,x28]		// next b[i]
+	adds	x20,x20,x10
+	// (*)	mul	x10,x14,x25
+	str	x25,[x26],#8		// put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
+	adcs	x21,x21,x11
+	mul	x11,x15,x25		// lo(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0
+	adcs	x22,x22,x12
+	mul	x12,x16,x25
+	adc	x23,x23,x13		// can't overflow
+	mul	x13,x17,x25
+	// (*)	adds	xzr,x19,x10
+	subs	xzr,x19,#1		// (*)
+	umulh	x10,x14,x25		// hi(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0
+	adcs	x19,x20,x11
+	umulh	x11,x15,x25
+	adcs	x20,x21,x12
+	umulh	x12,x16,x25
+	adcs	x21,x22,x13
+	umulh	x13,x17,x25
+	adcs	x22,x23,x0
+	adc	x0,xzr,xzr
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	//adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	cbnz	x28,.Loop_mul4x_reduction
+	adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x26,#8*4]	// t[4..7]
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x26,#8*6]
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]	// a[4..7]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*4
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	//adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	ldr	x25,[sp]		// t[0]*n0
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]	// n[4..7]
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	add	x3,x3,#8*4
+.align	4
+	mul	x10,x6,x24		// lo(a[4..7]*b[4])
+	adc	x0,x0,xzr	// modulo-scheduled
+	mul	x11,x7,x24
+	add	x28,x28,#8
+	mul	x12,x8,x24
+	and	x28,x28,#31
+	mul	x13,x9,x24
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	umulh	x10,x6,x24		// hi(a[4..7]*b[4])
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	umulh	x11,x7,x24
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	umulh	x12,x8,x24
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	umulh	x13,x9,x24
+	adc	x23,xzr,xzr
+	ldr	x24,[x2,x28]		// next b[i]
+	adds	x20,x20,x10
+	mul	x10,x14,x25		// lo(n[4..7]*t[0]*n0)
+	adcs	x21,x21,x11
+	mul	x11,x15,x25
+	adcs	x22,x22,x12
+	mul	x12,x16,x25
+	adc	x23,x23,x13		// can't overflow
+	mul	x13,x17,x25
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	umulh	x10,x14,x25		// hi(n[4..7]*t[0]*n0)
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	umulh	x11,x15,x25
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	umulh	x12,x16,x25
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	umulh	x13,x17,x25
+	adcs	x23,x23,x0
+	ldr	x25,[sp,x28]		// next a[0]*n0
+	adc	x0,xzr,xzr
+	str	x19,[x26],#8		// result!!!
+	adds	x19,x20,x10
+	sub	x10,x27,x1		// done yet?
+	adcs	x20,x21,x11
+	adcs	x21,x22,x12
+	adcs	x22,x23,x13
+	//adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	cbnz	x28,.Loop_mul4x_tail
+	sub	x11,x3,x5		// rewinded np?
+	adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	cbz	x10,.Loop_mul4x_break
+	ldp	x10,x11,[x26,#8*4]
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x26,#8*6]
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*4
+	adds	x19,x19,x10
+	adcs	x20,x20,x11
+	adcs	x21,x21,x12
+	adcs	x22,x22,x13
+	//adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	add	x3,x3,#8*4
+	b	.Loop_mul4x_tail
+.align	4
+	ldp	x12,x13,[x29,#96]	// pull rp and &b[num]
+	adds	x19,x19,x30
+	add	x2,x2,#8*4		// bp++
+	adcs	x20,x20,xzr
+	sub	x1,x1,x5		// rewind ap
+	adcs	x21,x21,xzr
+	stp	x19,x20,[x26,#8*0]	// result!!!
+	adcs	x22,x22,xzr
+	ldp	x19,x20,[sp,#8*4]	// t[0..3]
+	adc	x30,x0,xzr
+	stp	x21,x22,[x26,#8*2]	// result!!!
+	cmp	x2,x13			// done yet?
+	ldp	x21,x22,[sp,#8*6]
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x11,#8*0]	// n[0..3]
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x11,#8*2]
+	add	x3,x11,#8*4
+	b.eq	.Lmul4x_post
+	ldr	x24,[x2]
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]	// a[0..3]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	adds	x1,x1,#8*4		// clear carry bit
+	mov	x0,xzr
+	mov	x26,sp
+	b	.Loop_mul4x_reduction
+.align	4
+	// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
+	// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
+	// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
+	// and conditionally copy original value.
+	mov	x0,x12
+	mov	x27,x12		// x0 copy
+	subs	x10,x19,x14
+	add	x26,sp,#8*8
+	sbcs	x11,x20,x15
+	sub	x28,x5,#8*4
+	sbcs	x12,x21,x16
+	ldp	x14,x15,[x3,#8*0]
+	sub	x28,x28,#8*4
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x26,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x13,x22,x17
+	ldp	x16,x17,[x3,#8*2]
+	add	x3,x3,#8*4
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x26,#8*2]
+	add	x26,x26,#8*4
+	stp	x10,x11,[x0,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x10,x19,x14
+	stp	x12,x13,[x0,#8*2]
+	add	x0,x0,#8*4
+	sbcs	x11,x20,x15
+	cbnz	x28,.Lmul4x_sub
+	sbcs	x12,x21,x16
+	mov	x26,sp
+	add	x1,sp,#8*4
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x27,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x13,x22,x17
+	stp	x10,x11,[x0,#8*0]
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x27,#8*2]
+	stp	x12,x13,[x0,#8*2]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x1,#8*0]
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x1,#8*2]
+	sbcs	xzr,x30,xzr	// did it borrow?
+	ldr	x30,[x29,#8]		// pull return address
+	sub	x28,x5,#8*4
+	sub	x28,x28,#8*4
+	csel	x10,x19,x6,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x26,#8*0]
+	csel	x11,x20,x7,lo
+	ldp	x6,x7,[x27,#8*4]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x1,#8*4]
+	csel	x12,x21,x8,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x26,#8*2]
+	add	x26,x26,#8*4
+	csel	x13,x22,x9,lo
+	ldp	x8,x9,[x27,#8*6]
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x1,#8*6]
+	add	x1,x1,#8*4
+	stp	x10,x11,[x27,#8*0]
+	stp	x12,x13,[x27,#8*2]
+	add	x27,x27,#8*4
+	cbnz	x28,.Lmul4x_cond_copy
+	csel	x10,x19,x6,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x26,#8*0]
+	csel	x11,x20,x7,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x26,#8*2]
+	csel	x12,x21,x8,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x26,#8*3]
+	csel	x13,x22,x9,lo
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[x26,#8*4]
+	stp	x10,x11,[x27,#8*0]
+	stp	x12,x13,[x27,#8*2]
+	b	.Lmul4x_done
+.align	4
+	adc	x0,x0,xzr
+	ldr	x1,[x29,#96]		// pull rp
+	// x19-3,x0 hold result, x14-7 hold modulus
+	subs	x6,x19,x14
+	ldr	x30,[x29,#8]		// pull return address
+	sbcs	x7,x20,x15
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*0]
+	sbcs	x8,x21,x16
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*2]
+	sbcs	x9,x22,x17
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*4]
+	sbcs	xzr,x0,xzr		// did it borrow?
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*6]
+	// x6-3 hold result-modulus
+	csel	x6,x19,x6,lo
+	csel	x7,x20,x7,lo
+	csel	x8,x21,x8,lo
+	csel	x9,x22,x9,lo
+	stp	x6,x7,[x1,#8*0]
+	stp	x8,x9,[x1,#8*2]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x29,#16]
+	mov	sp,x29
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x29,#32]
+	mov	x0,#1
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x29,#48]
+	ldp	x25,x26,[x29,#64]
+	ldp	x27,x28,[x29,#80]
+	ldr	x29,[sp],#128
+	ret
+.size	__bn_mul4x_mont,.-__bn_mul4x_mont
+.byte	77,111,110,116,103,111,109,101,114,121,32,77,117,108,116,105,112,108,105,99,97,116,105,111,110,32,102,111,114,32,65,82,77,118,56,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121,32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46,111,114,103,62,0
+.align	2
+.align	4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/linux-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.S b/linux-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db00544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linux-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2021 @@
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+.extern	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P
+.hidden OPENSSL_ia32cap_P
+.align	64
+.quad	0xffffffffffffffff, 0x00000000ffffffff, 0x0000000000000000, 0xffffffff00000001
+.quad	0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffffbffffffff, 0xfffffffffffffffe, 0x00000004fffffffd
+.long	1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+.long	2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+.long	3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
+.quad	0x0000000000000001, 0xffffffff00000000, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x00000000fffffffe
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2
+.type	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2,@function
+.align	64
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	addq	%r8,%r8
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	.Lpoly(%rip),%rsi
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	%r10,%r10
+	adcq	%r11,%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	sbbq	%r13,%r13
+	subq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	sbbq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	sbbq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	sbbq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2,.-ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_div_by_2
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_div_by_2
+.type	ecp_nistz256_div_by_2,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	.Lpoly(%rip),%rsi
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	addq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	adcq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	adcq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	adcq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	xorq	%rsi,%rsi
+	testq	$1,%rax
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rsi,%r13
+	movq	%r9,%rax
+	shrq	$1,%r8
+	shlq	$63,%rax
+	movq	%r10,%rdx
+	shrq	$1,%r9
+	orq	%rax,%r8
+	shlq	$63,%rdx
+	movq	%r11,%rcx
+	shrq	$1,%r10
+	orq	%rdx,%r9
+	shlq	$63,%rcx
+	shrq	$1,%r11
+	shlq	$63,%r13
+	orq	%rcx,%r10
+	orq	%r13,%r11
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_div_by_2,.-ecp_nistz256_div_by_2
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3
+.type	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	addq	%r8,%r8
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	%r10,%r10
+	adcq	%r11,%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	subq	$-1,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	sbbq	.Lpoly+8(%rip),%r9
+	sbbq	$0,%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	sbbq	.Lpoly+24(%rip),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	addq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	adcq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	adcq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	subq	$-1,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	sbbq	.Lpoly+8(%rip),%r9
+	sbbq	$0,%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	sbbq	.Lpoly+24(%rip),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3,.-ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_add
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_add
+.type	ecp_nistz256_add,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	.Lpoly(%rip),%rsi
+	addq	0(%rdx),%r8
+	adcq	8(%rdx),%r9
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	16(%rdx),%r10
+	adcq	24(%rdx),%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	subq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	sbbq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	sbbq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	sbbq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_add,.-ecp_nistz256_add
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_sub
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_sub
+.type	ecp_nistz256_sub,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	.Lpoly(%rip),%rsi
+	subq	0(%rdx),%r8
+	sbbq	8(%rdx),%r9
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	sbbq	16(%rdx),%r10
+	sbbq	24(%rdx),%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	sbbq	$0,%r13
+	addq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	adcq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	adcq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	adcq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_sub,.-ecp_nistz256_sub
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_neg
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_neg
+.type	ecp_nistz256_neg,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	xorq	%r8,%r8
+	xorq	%r9,%r9
+	xorq	%r10,%r10
+	xorq	%r11,%r11
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	subq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	sbbq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	sbbq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	sbbq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	.Lpoly(%rip),%rsi
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	sbbq	$0,%r13
+	addq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	adcq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	adcq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	adcq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_neg,.-ecp_nistz256_neg
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_to_mont
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_to_mont
+.type	ecp_nistz256_to_mont,@function
+.align	32
+	leaq	.LRR(%rip),%rdx
+	jmp	.Lmul_mont
+.size	ecp_nistz256_to_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_to_mont
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
+.type	ecp_nistz256_mul_mont,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	movq	%rdx,%rbx
+	movq	0(%rdx),%rax
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r11
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r12
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_mul_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq,@function
+.align	32
+	movq	%rax,%rbp
+	mulq	%r9
+	movq	.Lpoly+8(%rip),%r14
+	movq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	movq	%rdx,%r9
+	mulq	%r10
+	movq	.Lpoly+24(%rip),%r15
+	addq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%r10
+	mulq	%r11
+	addq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%r11
+	mulq	%r12
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	%rdx,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rbp
+	shlq	$32,%r8
+	mulq	%r15
+	shrq	$32,%rbp
+	addq	%r8,%r9
+	adcq	%rbp,%r10
+	adcq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	8(%rbx),%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r12
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	xorq	%r8,%r8
+	movq	%rax,%rbp
+	mulq	0(%rsi)
+	addq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	8(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r10
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	16(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	24(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r12
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	%r9,%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%rbp
+	shlq	$32,%r9
+	mulq	%r15
+	shrq	$32,%rbp
+	addq	%r9,%r10
+	adcq	%rbp,%r11
+	adcq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	16(%rbx),%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%r8
+	xorq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%rax,%rbp
+	mulq	0(%rsi)
+	addq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	8(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	16(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r12
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	24(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r13
+	movq	%r10,%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r8
+	adcq	$0,%r9
+	movq	%r10,%rbp
+	shlq	$32,%r10
+	mulq	%r15
+	shrq	$32,%rbp
+	addq	%r10,%r11
+	adcq	%rbp,%r12
+	adcq	%rax,%r13
+	movq	24(%rbx),%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r8
+	adcq	$0,%r9
+	xorq	%r10,%r10
+	movq	%rax,%rbp
+	mulq	0(%rsi)
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	8(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r12
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	16(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r13
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	24(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r8
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	%r11,%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r9
+	adcq	$0,%r10
+	movq	%r11,%rbp
+	shlq	$32,%r11
+	mulq	%r15
+	shrq	$32,%rbp
+	addq	%r11,%r12
+	adcq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rcx
+	adcq	%rax,%r8
+	adcq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	adcq	$0,%r10
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rbx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	sbbq	$0,%r10
+	cmovcq	%rcx,%r12
+	cmovcq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovcq	%rbx,%r8
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovcq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq,.-__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont
+.type	ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r14
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r15
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r8
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq,@function
+.align	32
+	movq	%rax,%r13
+	mulq	%r14
+	movq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%r15,%rax
+	movq	%rdx,%r10
+	mulq	%r13
+	addq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%r11
+	mulq	%r13
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r15,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%r12
+	mulq	%r14
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rbp
+	mulq	%r14
+	addq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rbp,%r12
+	movq	%rdx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	mulq	%r15
+	xorq	%r15,%r15
+	addq	%rax,%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	%rdx,%r14
+	adcq	$0,%r14
+	addq	%r9,%r9
+	adcq	%r10,%r10
+	adcq	%r11,%r11
+	adcq	%r12,%r12
+	adcq	%r13,%r13
+	adcq	%r14,%r14
+	adcq	$0,%r15
+	mulq	%rax
+	movq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	8(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	%rax
+	addq	%rcx,%r9
+	adcq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	16(%rsi),%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	%rax
+	addq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	24(%rsi),%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	%rax
+	addq	%rcx,%r13
+	adcq	%rax,%r14
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r15
+	movq	.Lpoly+8(%rip),%rsi
+	movq	.Lpoly+24(%rip),%rbp
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r8
+	mulq	%rbp
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r8,%r9
+	adcq	%rcx,%r10
+	adcq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r9,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r9
+	movq	%rdx,%r8
+	mulq	%rbp
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r9,%r10
+	adcq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r10
+	movq	%rdx,%r9
+	mulq	%rbp
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r10,%r11
+	adcq	%rcx,%r8
+	adcq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%r11,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r11,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r11
+	movq	%rdx,%r10
+	mulq	%rbp
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r11,%r8
+	adcq	%rcx,%r9
+	adcq	%rax,%r10
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	xorq	%r11,%r11
+	addq	%r8,%r12
+	adcq	%r9,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%r8
+	adcq	%r10,%r14
+	adcq	%rdx,%r15
+	movq	%r13,%r9
+	adcq	$0,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r14,%r10
+	sbbq	%rsi,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r14
+	movq	%r15,%rcx
+	sbbq	%rbp,%r15
+	sbbq	$0,%r11
+	cmovcq	%r8,%r12
+	cmovcq	%r9,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovcq	%r10,%r14
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovcq	%rcx,%r15
+	movq	%r14,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r15,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq,.-__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_from_mont
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_from_mont
+.type	ecp_nistz256_from_mont,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	.Lpoly+24(%rip),%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	movq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	.Lpoly+8(%rip),%r12
+	movq	%rax,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r8
+	mulq	%r13
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r8,%r9
+	adcq	%rcx,%r10
+	adcq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r9,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r9
+	movq	%rdx,%r8
+	mulq	%r13
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r9,%r10
+	adcq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r10
+	movq	%rdx,%r9
+	mulq	%r13
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r10,%r11
+	adcq	%rcx,%r8
+	adcq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%r11,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r11,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r11
+	movq	%rdx,%r10
+	mulq	%r13
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r11,%r8
+	adcq	%rcx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	adcq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%r9,%rsi
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	subq	$-1,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rax
+	sbbq	%r12,%r9
+	sbbq	$0,%r10
+	movq	%rdx,%r11
+	sbbq	%r13,%rdx
+	sbbq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovnzq	%rcx,%r8
+	cmovnzq	%rsi,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovnzq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_from_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_from_mont
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_select_w5
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_select_w5
+.type	ecp_nistz256_select_w5,@function
+.align	32
+	movdqa	.LOne(%rip),%xmm0
+	movd	%edx,%xmm1
+	pxor	%xmm2,%xmm2
+	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm3
+	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm5,%xmm5
+	pxor	%xmm6,%xmm6
+	pxor	%xmm7,%xmm7
+	movdqa	%xmm0,%xmm8
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm1,%xmm1
+	movq	$16,%rax
+	movdqa	%xmm8,%xmm15
+	paddd	%xmm0,%xmm8
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm1,%xmm15
+	movdqa	0(%rsi),%xmm9
+	movdqa	16(%rsi),%xmm10
+	movdqa	32(%rsi),%xmm11
+	movdqa	48(%rsi),%xmm12
+	movdqa	64(%rsi),%xmm13
+	movdqa	80(%rsi),%xmm14
+	leaq	96(%rsi),%rsi
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm9
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm10
+	por	%xmm9,%xmm2
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm11
+	por	%xmm10,%xmm3
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm12
+	por	%xmm11,%xmm4
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm13
+	por	%xmm12,%xmm5
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm14
+	por	%xmm13,%xmm6
+	por	%xmm14,%xmm7
+	decq	%rax
+	jnz	.Lselect_loop_sse_w5
+	movdqu	%xmm2,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,16(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm4,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm5,48(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm6,64(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm7,80(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_select_w5,.-ecp_nistz256_select_w5
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_select_w7
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_select_w7
+.type	ecp_nistz256_select_w7,@function
+.align	32
+	movdqa	.LOne(%rip),%xmm8
+	movd	%edx,%xmm1
+	pxor	%xmm2,%xmm2
+	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm3
+	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm5,%xmm5
+	movdqa	%xmm8,%xmm0
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm1,%xmm1
+	movq	$64,%rax
+	movdqa	%xmm8,%xmm15
+	paddd	%xmm0,%xmm8
+	movdqa	0(%rsi),%xmm9
+	movdqa	16(%rsi),%xmm10
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm1,%xmm15
+	movdqa	32(%rsi),%xmm11
+	movdqa	48(%rsi),%xmm12
+	leaq	64(%rsi),%rsi
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm9
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm10
+	por	%xmm9,%xmm2
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm11
+	por	%xmm10,%xmm3
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm12
+	por	%xmm11,%xmm4
+	prefetcht0	255(%rsi)
+	por	%xmm12,%xmm5
+	decq	%rax
+	jnz	.Lselect_loop_sse_w7
+	movdqu	%xmm2,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,16(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm4,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm5,48(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_select_w7,.-ecp_nistz256_select_w7
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+.type	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7,@function
+.align	32
+.byte	0x0f,0x0b
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq,@function
+.align	32
+	addq	0(%rbx),%r12
+	adcq	8(%rbx),%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	adcq	16(%rbx),%r8
+	adcq	24(%rbx),%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq,.-__ecp_nistz256_add_toq
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq,@function
+.align	32
+	subq	0(%rbx),%r12
+	sbbq	8(%rbx),%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	sbbq	16(%rbx),%r8
+	sbbq	24(%rbx),%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	addq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	adcq	%r14,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	adcq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq,.-__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_subq,@function
+.align	32
+	subq	%r12,%rax
+	sbbq	%r13,%rbp
+	movq	%rax,%r12
+	sbbq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r9,%r10
+	movq	%rbp,%r13
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	addq	$-1,%rax
+	movq	%rcx,%r8
+	adcq	%r14,%rbp
+	adcq	$0,%rcx
+	movq	%r10,%r9
+	adcq	%r15,%r10
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovnzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovnzq	%rbp,%r13
+	cmovnzq	%rcx,%r8
+	cmovnzq	%r10,%r9
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_subq,.-__ecp_nistz256_subq
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q,@function
+.align	32
+	addq	%r12,%r12
+	adcq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	adcq	%r8,%r8
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q,.-__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_point_double
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_point_double
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_double,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	subq	$160+8,%rsp
+	movdqu	0(%rsi),%xmm0
+	movq	%rsi,%rbx
+	movdqu	16(%rsi),%xmm1
+	movq	32+0(%rsi),%r12
+	movq	32+8(%rsi),%r13
+	movq	32+16(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	32+24(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	.Lpoly+8(%rip),%r14
+	movq	.Lpoly+24(%rip),%r15
+	movdqa	%xmm0,96(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1,96+16(%rsp)
+	leaq	32(%rdi),%r10
+	leaq	64(%rdi),%r11
+.byte	102,72,15,110,199
+.byte	102,73,15,110,202
+.byte	102,73,15,110,211
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	movq	64+0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	64+8(%rsi),%r14
+	movq	64+16(%rsi),%r15
+	movq	64+24(%rsi),%r8
+	leaq	64-0(%rsi),%rsi
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	32(%rbx),%rax
+	movq	64+0(%rbx),%r9
+	movq	64+8(%rbx),%r10
+	movq	64+16(%rbx),%r11
+	movq	64+24(%rbx),%r12
+	leaq	64-0(%rbx),%rsi
+	leaq	32(%rbx),%rbx
+.byte	102,72,15,126,215
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	movq	96+0(%rsp),%r12
+	movq	96+8(%rsp),%r13
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	96+16(%rsp),%r8
+	movq	96+24(%rsp),%r9
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq
+	movq	96+0(%rsp),%r12
+	movq	96+8(%rsp),%r13
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	96+16(%rsp),%r8
+	movq	96+24(%rsp),%r9
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r8
+.byte	102,72,15,126,207
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	xorq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	addq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r13,%r10
+	adcq	%rsi,%r13
+	movq	%r14,%rcx
+	adcq	$0,%r14
+	movq	%r15,%r8
+	adcq	%rbp,%r15
+	adcq	$0,%r9
+	xorq	%rsi,%rsi
+	testq	$1,%rax
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r14
+	cmovzq	%r8,%r15
+	cmovzq	%rsi,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rax
+	shrq	$1,%r12
+	shlq	$63,%rax
+	movq	%r14,%r10
+	shrq	$1,%r13
+	orq	%rax,%r12
+	shlq	$63,%r10
+	movq	%r15,%rcx
+	shrq	$1,%r14
+	orq	%r10,%r13
+	shlq	$63,%rcx
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	shrq	$1,%r15
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	shlq	$63,%r9
+	orq	%rcx,%r14
+	orq	%r9,%r15
+	movq	%r14,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r15,24(%rdi)
+	movq	64(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq
+	movq	96(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r8
+.byte	102,72,15,126,199
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	%r14,%r8
+	movq	%r15,%r9
+	movq	%rsi,%r14
+	movq	%rbp,%r15
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	0+8(%rsp),%rbp
+	movq	0+16(%rsp),%rcx
+	movq	0+24(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	movq	32(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	%r12,%r14
+	xorl	%ecx,%ecx
+	movq	%r12,0+0(%rsp)
+	movq	%r13,%r10
+	movq	%r13,0+8(%rsp)
+	cmovzq	%r8,%r11
+	movq	%r8,0+16(%rsp)
+	leaq	0-0(%rsp),%rsi
+	cmovzq	%r9,%r12
+	movq	%r9,0+24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r14,%r9
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+.byte	102,72,15,126,203
+.byte	102,72,15,126,207
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	addq	$160+8,%rsp
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_point_double,.-ecp_nistz256_point_double
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_point_add
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_point_add
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_add,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	subq	$576+8,%rsp
+	movdqu	0(%rsi),%xmm0
+	movdqu	16(%rsi),%xmm1
+	movdqu	32(%rsi),%xmm2
+	movdqu	48(%rsi),%xmm3
+	movdqu	64(%rsi),%xmm4
+	movdqu	80(%rsi),%xmm5
+	movq	%rsi,%rbx
+	movq	%rdx,%rsi
+	movdqa	%xmm0,384(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1,384+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm2,416(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3,416+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,448(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,448+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	0(%rsi),%xmm0
+	pshufd	$177,%xmm3,%xmm5
+	movdqu	16(%rsi),%xmm1
+	movdqu	32(%rsi),%xmm2
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm5
+	movdqu	48(%rsi),%xmm3
+	movq	64+0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	64+8(%rsi),%r14
+	movq	64+16(%rsi),%r15
+	movq	64+24(%rsi),%r8
+	movdqa	%xmm0,480(%rsp)
+	pshufd	$30,%xmm5,%xmm4
+	movdqa	%xmm1,480+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm1
+.byte	102,72,15,110,199
+	movdqa	%xmm2,512(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3,512+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2,%xmm3
+	por	%xmm4,%xmm5
+	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	leaq	64-0(%rsi),%rsi
+	movq	%rax,544+0(%rsp)
+	movq	%r14,544+8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r15,544+16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r8,544+24(%rsp)
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm4,%xmm5
+	pshufd	$177,%xmm3,%xmm4
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm5,%xmm5
+	pshufd	$30,%xmm4,%xmm3
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm4,%xmm4
+	movq	64+0(%rbx),%rax
+	movq	64+8(%rbx),%r14
+	movq	64+16(%rbx),%r15
+	movq	64+24(%rbx),%r8
+	leaq	64-0(%rbx),%rsi
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	544(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	544(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+96(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+96(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+96(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+96(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+96(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	224(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	448(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	448(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	416(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	416(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+224(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+224(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+224(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+224(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+224(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	224(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	512(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	512(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+256(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+256(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+256(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+256(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+256(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	224(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	orq	%r13,%r12
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	orq	%r8,%r12
+	orq	%r9,%r12
+	por	%xmm5,%xmm2
+.byte	102,73,15,110,220
+	movq	384(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	384(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+96(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+96(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+96(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+96(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+96(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	480(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	480(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	192(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	orq	%r13,%r12
+	orq	%r8,%r12
+	orq	%r9,%r12
+.byte	0x3e
+	jnz	.Ladd_proceedq
+.byte	102,73,15,126,208
+.byte	102,73,15,126,217
+	testq	%r8,%r8
+	jnz	.Ladd_proceedq
+	testq	%r9,%r9
+	jz	.Ladd_proceedq
+.byte	102,72,15,126,199
+	pxor	%xmm0,%xmm0
+	movdqu	%xmm0,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,16(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,48(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,64(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,80(%rdi)
+	jmp	.Ladd_doneq
+.align	32
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	448(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	448(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	352(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	544(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	544(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+352(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+352(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+352(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+352(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+352(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	352(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	0(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	160(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	192(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	addq	%r12,%r12
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rsi
+	adcq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	adcq	%r8,%r8
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%rbp
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	16(%rsi),%rcx
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r10
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	288(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	192+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	192+8(%rsp),%rbp
+	movq	192+16(%rsp),%rcx
+	movq	192+24(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	movq	128(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+224(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+224(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+224(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+224(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+224(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	320(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+.byte	102,72,15,126,199
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	352(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	352+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	544(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	544+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	448(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	448+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,64(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,80(%rdi)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	288(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	288+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	480(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	480+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	384(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	384+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,16(%rdi)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	320(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	320+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	512(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	512+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	416(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	416+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,48(%rdi)
+	addq	$576+8,%rsp
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_point_add,.-ecp_nistz256_point_add
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine
+.hidden ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine,@function
+.align	32
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	subq	$480+8,%rsp
+	movdqu	0(%rsi),%xmm0
+	movq	%rdx,%rbx
+	movdqu	16(%rsi),%xmm1
+	movdqu	32(%rsi),%xmm2
+	movdqu	48(%rsi),%xmm3
+	movdqu	64(%rsi),%xmm4
+	movdqu	80(%rsi),%xmm5
+	movq	64+0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	64+8(%rsi),%r14
+	movq	64+16(%rsi),%r15
+	movq	64+24(%rsi),%r8
+	movdqa	%xmm0,320(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1,320+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm2,352(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3,352+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,384(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,384+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	0(%rbx),%xmm0
+	pshufd	$177,%xmm3,%xmm5
+	movdqu	16(%rbx),%xmm1
+	movdqu	32(%rbx),%xmm2
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm5
+	movdqu	48(%rbx),%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm0,416(%rsp)
+	pshufd	$30,%xmm5,%xmm4
+	movdqa	%xmm1,416+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm1
+.byte	102,72,15,110,199
+	movdqa	%xmm2,448(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3,448+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2,%xmm3
+	por	%xmm4,%xmm5
+	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	leaq	64-0(%rsi),%rsi
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm4,%xmm5
+	pshufd	$177,%xmm3,%xmm4
+	movq	0(%rbx),%rax
+	movq	%r12,%r9
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm5,%xmm5
+	pshufd	$30,%xmm4,%xmm3
+	movq	%r13,%r10
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm3
+	movq	%r14,%r11
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm4,%xmm4
+	leaq	32-0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	%r15,%r12
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	384(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	384(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	384(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	384(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	288(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	448(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	448(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	352(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	0+96(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+96(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+96(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+96(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+96(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	192(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	128(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	320(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+128(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+128(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+128(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+128(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+128(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	addq	%r12,%r12
+	leaq	192(%rsp),%rsi
+	adcq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	adcq	%r8,%r8
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%rbp
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	16(%rsi),%rcx
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r10
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	224(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	0+8(%rsp),%rbp
+	movq	0+16(%rsp),%rcx
+	movq	0+24(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	movq	352(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	352(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+160(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+160(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+160(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+160(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+160(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	96(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+.byte	102,72,15,126,199
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	288(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	288+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	.LONE_mont(%rip),%xmm2
+	pand	.LONE_mont+16(%rip),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	384(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	384+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,64(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,80(%rdi)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	224(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	224+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	416(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	416+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	320(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	320+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,16(%rdi)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	256(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	256+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	448(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	448+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	352(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	352+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,48(%rdi)
+	addq	$480+8,%rsp
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.size	ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine,.-ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine
diff --git a/mac-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.S b/mac-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43f7dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mac-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2020 @@
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+.p2align	6
+.quad	0xffffffffffffffff, 0x00000000ffffffff, 0x0000000000000000, 0xffffffff00000001
+.quad	0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffffbffffffff, 0xfffffffffffffffe, 0x00000004fffffffd
+.long	1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+.long	2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+.long	3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
+.quad	0x0000000000000001, 0xffffffff00000000, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x00000000fffffffe
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2
+.p2align	6
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	addq	%r8,%r8
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	L$poly(%rip),%rsi
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	%r10,%r10
+	adcq	%r11,%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	sbbq	%r13,%r13
+	subq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	sbbq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	sbbq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	sbbq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_div_by_2
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_div_by_2
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	L$poly(%rip),%rsi
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	addq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	adcq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	adcq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	adcq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	xorq	%rsi,%rsi
+	testq	$1,%rax
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rsi,%r13
+	movq	%r9,%rax
+	shrq	$1,%r8
+	shlq	$63,%rax
+	movq	%r10,%rdx
+	shrq	$1,%r9
+	orq	%rax,%r8
+	shlq	$63,%rdx
+	movq	%r11,%rcx
+	shrq	$1,%r10
+	orq	%rdx,%r9
+	shlq	$63,%rcx
+	shrq	$1,%r11
+	shlq	$63,%r13
+	orq	%rcx,%r10
+	orq	%r13,%r11
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	addq	%r8,%r8
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	%r10,%r10
+	adcq	%r11,%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	subq	$-1,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	sbbq	L$poly+8(%rip),%r9
+	sbbq	$0,%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	sbbq	L$poly+24(%rip),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	addq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	adcq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	adcq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	subq	$-1,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	sbbq	L$poly+8(%rip),%r9
+	sbbq	$0,%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	sbbq	L$poly+24(%rip),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_add
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_add
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	L$poly(%rip),%rsi
+	addq	0(%rdx),%r8
+	adcq	8(%rdx),%r9
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	16(%rdx),%r10
+	adcq	24(%rdx),%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	subq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	sbbq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	sbbq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	sbbq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_sub
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_sub
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	L$poly(%rip),%rsi
+	subq	0(%rdx),%r8
+	sbbq	8(%rdx),%r9
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	sbbq	16(%rdx),%r10
+	sbbq	24(%rdx),%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	sbbq	$0,%r13
+	addq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	adcq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	adcq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	adcq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_neg
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_neg
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	xorq	%r8,%r8
+	xorq	%r9,%r9
+	xorq	%r10,%r10
+	xorq	%r11,%r11
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	subq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	sbbq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	sbbq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	sbbq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	leaq	L$poly(%rip),%rsi
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	sbbq	$0,%r13
+	addq	0(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	adcq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	adcq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	%r11,%r12
+	adcq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	testq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r8
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r12,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_to_mont
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_to_mont
+.p2align	5
+	leaq	L$RR(%rip),%rdx
+	jmp	L$mul_mont
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	movq	%rdx,%rbx
+	movq	0(%rdx),%rax
+	movq	0(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r11
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r12
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.p2align	5
+	movq	%rax,%rbp
+	mulq	%r9
+	movq	L$poly+8(%rip),%r14
+	movq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	movq	%rdx,%r9
+	mulq	%r10
+	movq	L$poly+24(%rip),%r15
+	addq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%r10
+	mulq	%r11
+	addq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%r11
+	mulq	%r12
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	xorq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	%rdx,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rbp
+	shlq	$32,%r8
+	mulq	%r15
+	shrq	$32,%rbp
+	addq	%r8,%r9
+	adcq	%rbp,%r10
+	adcq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	8(%rbx),%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r12
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	xorq	%r8,%r8
+	movq	%rax,%rbp
+	mulq	0(%rsi)
+	addq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	8(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r10
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	16(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	24(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r12
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	%r9,%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%rbp
+	shlq	$32,%r9
+	mulq	%r15
+	shrq	$32,%rbp
+	addq	%r9,%r10
+	adcq	%rbp,%r11
+	adcq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	16(%rbx),%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%r8
+	xorq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%rax,%rbp
+	mulq	0(%rsi)
+	addq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	8(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	16(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r12
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	24(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r13
+	movq	%r10,%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r8
+	adcq	$0,%r9
+	movq	%r10,%rbp
+	shlq	$32,%r10
+	mulq	%r15
+	shrq	$32,%rbp
+	addq	%r10,%r11
+	adcq	%rbp,%r12
+	adcq	%rax,%r13
+	movq	24(%rbx),%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r8
+	adcq	$0,%r9
+	xorq	%r10,%r10
+	movq	%rax,%rbp
+	mulq	0(%rsi)
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	8(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r12
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	16(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r13
+	movq	%rbp,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	24(%rsi)
+	addq	%rcx,%r8
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	%r11,%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r9
+	adcq	$0,%r10
+	movq	%r11,%rbp
+	shlq	$32,%r11
+	mulq	%r15
+	shrq	$32,%rbp
+	addq	%r11,%r12
+	adcq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rcx
+	adcq	%rax,%r8
+	adcq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	adcq	$0,%r10
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rbx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%rdx
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	sbbq	$0,%r10
+	cmovcq	%rcx,%r12
+	cmovcq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovcq	%rbx,%r8
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovcq	%rdx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r14
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r15
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r8
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.p2align	5
+	movq	%rax,%r13
+	mulq	%r14
+	movq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%r15,%rax
+	movq	%rdx,%r10
+	mulq	%r13
+	addq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%r11
+	mulq	%r13
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r15,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%r12
+	mulq	%r14
+	addq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rbp
+	mulq	%r14
+	addq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	addq	%rbp,%r12
+	movq	%rdx,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%r13
+	mulq	%r15
+	xorq	%r15,%r15
+	addq	%rax,%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	%rdx,%r14
+	adcq	$0,%r14
+	addq	%r9,%r9
+	adcq	%r10,%r10
+	adcq	%r11,%r11
+	adcq	%r12,%r12
+	adcq	%r13,%r13
+	adcq	%r14,%r14
+	adcq	$0,%r15
+	mulq	%rax
+	movq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	8(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	%rax
+	addq	%rcx,%r9
+	adcq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	16(%rsi),%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	%rax
+	addq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	24(%rsi),%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%rdx,%rcx
+	mulq	%rax
+	addq	%rcx,%r13
+	adcq	%rax,%r14
+	movq	%r8,%rax
+	adcq	%rdx,%r15
+	movq	L$poly+8(%rip),%rsi
+	movq	L$poly+24(%rip),%rbp
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r8
+	mulq	%rbp
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r8,%r9
+	adcq	%rcx,%r10
+	adcq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r9,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r9
+	movq	%rdx,%r8
+	mulq	%rbp
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r9,%r10
+	adcq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r10
+	movq	%rdx,%r9
+	mulq	%rbp
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r10,%r11
+	adcq	%rcx,%r8
+	adcq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%r11,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r11,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r11
+	movq	%rdx,%r10
+	mulq	%rbp
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r11,%r8
+	adcq	%rcx,%r9
+	adcq	%rax,%r10
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	xorq	%r11,%r11
+	addq	%r8,%r12
+	adcq	%r9,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%r8
+	adcq	%r10,%r14
+	adcq	%rdx,%r15
+	movq	%r13,%r9
+	adcq	$0,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r14,%r10
+	sbbq	%rsi,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r14
+	movq	%r15,%rcx
+	sbbq	%rbp,%r15
+	sbbq	$0,%r11
+	cmovcq	%r8,%r12
+	cmovcq	%r9,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovcq	%r10,%r14
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovcq	%rcx,%r15
+	movq	%r14,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r15,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_from_mont
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_from_mont
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	L$poly+24(%rip),%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	16(%rsi),%r10
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r11
+	movq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	L$poly+8(%rip),%r12
+	movq	%rax,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r8
+	mulq	%r13
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r8,%r9
+	adcq	%rcx,%r10
+	adcq	%rax,%r11
+	movq	%r9,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r9,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r9
+	movq	%rdx,%r8
+	mulq	%r13
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r9,%r10
+	adcq	%rcx,%r11
+	adcq	%rax,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r10,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r10
+	movq	%rdx,%r9
+	mulq	%r13
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r10,%r11
+	adcq	%rcx,%r8
+	adcq	%rax,%r9
+	movq	%r11,%rax
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	movq	%r11,%rcx
+	shlq	$32,%r11
+	movq	%rdx,%r10
+	mulq	%r13
+	shrq	$32,%rcx
+	addq	%r11,%r8
+	adcq	%rcx,%r9
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	adcq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%r9,%rsi
+	adcq	$0,%rdx
+	subq	$-1,%r8
+	movq	%r10,%rax
+	sbbq	%r12,%r9
+	sbbq	$0,%r10
+	movq	%rdx,%r11
+	sbbq	%r13,%rdx
+	sbbq	%r13,%r13
+	cmovnzq	%rcx,%r8
+	cmovnzq	%rsi,%r9
+	movq	%r8,0(%rdi)
+	cmovnzq	%rax,%r10
+	movq	%r9,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rdx,%r11
+	movq	%r10,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r11,24(%rdi)
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_select_w5
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_select_w5
+.p2align	5
+	movdqa	L$One(%rip),%xmm0
+	movd	%edx,%xmm1
+	pxor	%xmm2,%xmm2
+	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm3
+	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm5,%xmm5
+	pxor	%xmm6,%xmm6
+	pxor	%xmm7,%xmm7
+	movdqa	%xmm0,%xmm8
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm1,%xmm1
+	movq	$16,%rax
+	movdqa	%xmm8,%xmm15
+	paddd	%xmm0,%xmm8
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm1,%xmm15
+	movdqa	0(%rsi),%xmm9
+	movdqa	16(%rsi),%xmm10
+	movdqa	32(%rsi),%xmm11
+	movdqa	48(%rsi),%xmm12
+	movdqa	64(%rsi),%xmm13
+	movdqa	80(%rsi),%xmm14
+	leaq	96(%rsi),%rsi
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm9
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm10
+	por	%xmm9,%xmm2
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm11
+	por	%xmm10,%xmm3
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm12
+	por	%xmm11,%xmm4
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm13
+	por	%xmm12,%xmm5
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm14
+	por	%xmm13,%xmm6
+	por	%xmm14,%xmm7
+	decq	%rax
+	jnz	L$select_loop_sse_w5
+	movdqu	%xmm2,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,16(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm4,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm5,48(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm6,64(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm7,80(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_select_w7
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_select_w7
+.p2align	5
+	movdqa	L$One(%rip),%xmm8
+	movd	%edx,%xmm1
+	pxor	%xmm2,%xmm2
+	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm3
+	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm5,%xmm5
+	movdqa	%xmm8,%xmm0
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm1,%xmm1
+	movq	$64,%rax
+	movdqa	%xmm8,%xmm15
+	paddd	%xmm0,%xmm8
+	movdqa	0(%rsi),%xmm9
+	movdqa	16(%rsi),%xmm10
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm1,%xmm15
+	movdqa	32(%rsi),%xmm11
+	movdqa	48(%rsi),%xmm12
+	leaq	64(%rsi),%rsi
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm9
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm10
+	por	%xmm9,%xmm2
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm11
+	por	%xmm10,%xmm3
+	pand	%xmm15,%xmm12
+	por	%xmm11,%xmm4
+	prefetcht0	255(%rsi)
+	por	%xmm12,%xmm5
+	decq	%rax
+	jnz	L$select_loop_sse_w7
+	movdqu	%xmm2,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,16(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm4,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm5,48(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+.p2align	5
+.byte	0x0f,0x0b
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.p2align	5
+	addq	0(%rbx),%r12
+	adcq	8(%rbx),%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	adcq	16(%rbx),%r8
+	adcq	24(%rbx),%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.p2align	5
+	subq	0(%rbx),%r12
+	sbbq	8(%rbx),%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	sbbq	16(%rbx),%r8
+	sbbq	24(%rbx),%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	addq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	adcq	%r14,%r13
+	adcq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	adcq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.p2align	5
+	subq	%r12,%rax
+	sbbq	%r13,%rbp
+	movq	%rax,%r12
+	sbbq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r9,%r10
+	movq	%rbp,%r13
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	addq	$-1,%rax
+	movq	%rcx,%r8
+	adcq	%r14,%rbp
+	adcq	$0,%rcx
+	movq	%r10,%r9
+	adcq	%r15,%r10
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovnzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovnzq	%rbp,%r13
+	cmovnzq	%rcx,%r8
+	cmovnzq	%r10,%r9
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.p2align	5
+	addq	%r12,%r12
+	adcq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	adcq	%r8,%r8
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_point_double
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_point_double
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	subq	$160+8,%rsp
+	movdqu	0(%rsi),%xmm0
+	movq	%rsi,%rbx
+	movdqu	16(%rsi),%xmm1
+	movq	32+0(%rsi),%r12
+	movq	32+8(%rsi),%r13
+	movq	32+16(%rsi),%r8
+	movq	32+24(%rsi),%r9
+	movq	L$poly+8(%rip),%r14
+	movq	L$poly+24(%rip),%r15
+	movdqa	%xmm0,96(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1,96+16(%rsp)
+	leaq	32(%rdi),%r10
+	leaq	64(%rdi),%r11
+.byte	102,72,15,110,199
+.byte	102,73,15,110,202
+.byte	102,73,15,110,211
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	movq	64+0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	64+8(%rsi),%r14
+	movq	64+16(%rsi),%r15
+	movq	64+24(%rsi),%r8
+	leaq	64-0(%rsi),%rsi
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	32(%rbx),%rax
+	movq	64+0(%rbx),%r9
+	movq	64+8(%rbx),%r10
+	movq	64+16(%rbx),%r11
+	movq	64+24(%rbx),%r12
+	leaq	64-0(%rbx),%rsi
+	leaq	32(%rbx),%rbx
+.byte	102,72,15,126,215
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	movq	96+0(%rsp),%r12
+	movq	96+8(%rsp),%r13
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	96+16(%rsp),%r8
+	movq	96+24(%rsp),%r9
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq
+	movq	96+0(%rsp),%r12
+	movq	96+8(%rsp),%r13
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	96+16(%rsp),%r8
+	movq	96+24(%rsp),%r9
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r8
+.byte	102,72,15,126,207
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	xorq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	addq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r13,%r10
+	adcq	%rsi,%r13
+	movq	%r14,%rcx
+	adcq	$0,%r14
+	movq	%r15,%r8
+	adcq	%rbp,%r15
+	adcq	$0,%r9
+	xorq	%rsi,%rsi
+	testq	$1,%rax
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r13
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r14
+	cmovzq	%r8,%r15
+	cmovzq	%rsi,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rax
+	shrq	$1,%r12
+	shlq	$63,%rax
+	movq	%r14,%r10
+	shrq	$1,%r13
+	orq	%rax,%r12
+	shlq	$63,%r10
+	movq	%r15,%rcx
+	shrq	$1,%r14
+	orq	%r10,%r13
+	shlq	$63,%rcx
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	shrq	$1,%r15
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	shlq	$63,%r9
+	orq	%rcx,%r14
+	orq	%r9,%r15
+	movq	%r14,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r15,24(%rdi)
+	movq	64(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq
+	movq	96(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r8
+.byte	102,72,15,126,199
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	%r14,%r8
+	movq	%r15,%r9
+	movq	%rsi,%r14
+	movq	%rbp,%r15
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	0+8(%rsp),%rbp
+	movq	0+16(%rsp),%rcx
+	movq	0+24(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	movq	32(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	%r12,%r14
+	xorl	%ecx,%ecx
+	movq	%r12,0+0(%rsp)
+	movq	%r13,%r10
+	movq	%r13,0+8(%rsp)
+	cmovzq	%r8,%r11
+	movq	%r8,0+16(%rsp)
+	leaq	0-0(%rsp),%rsi
+	cmovzq	%r9,%r12
+	movq	%r9,0+24(%rsp)
+	movq	%r14,%r9
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+.byte	102,72,15,126,203
+.byte	102,72,15,126,207
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	addq	$160+8,%rsp
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_point_add
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_point_add
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	subq	$576+8,%rsp
+	movdqu	0(%rsi),%xmm0
+	movdqu	16(%rsi),%xmm1
+	movdqu	32(%rsi),%xmm2
+	movdqu	48(%rsi),%xmm3
+	movdqu	64(%rsi),%xmm4
+	movdqu	80(%rsi),%xmm5
+	movq	%rsi,%rbx
+	movq	%rdx,%rsi
+	movdqa	%xmm0,384(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1,384+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm2,416(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3,416+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,448(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,448+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	0(%rsi),%xmm0
+	pshufd	$177,%xmm3,%xmm5
+	movdqu	16(%rsi),%xmm1
+	movdqu	32(%rsi),%xmm2
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm5
+	movdqu	48(%rsi),%xmm3
+	movq	64+0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	64+8(%rsi),%r14
+	movq	64+16(%rsi),%r15
+	movq	64+24(%rsi),%r8
+	movdqa	%xmm0,480(%rsp)
+	pshufd	$30,%xmm5,%xmm4
+	movdqa	%xmm1,480+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm1
+.byte	102,72,15,110,199
+	movdqa	%xmm2,512(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3,512+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2,%xmm3
+	por	%xmm4,%xmm5
+	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	leaq	64-0(%rsi),%rsi
+	movq	%rax,544+0(%rsp)
+	movq	%r14,544+8(%rsp)
+	movq	%r15,544+16(%rsp)
+	movq	%r8,544+24(%rsp)
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm4,%xmm5
+	pshufd	$177,%xmm3,%xmm4
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm5,%xmm5
+	pshufd	$30,%xmm4,%xmm3
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm4,%xmm4
+	movq	64+0(%rbx),%rax
+	movq	64+8(%rbx),%r14
+	movq	64+16(%rbx),%r15
+	movq	64+24(%rbx),%r8
+	leaq	64-0(%rbx),%rsi
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	544(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	544(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+96(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+96(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+96(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+96(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+96(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	224(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	448(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	448(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	416(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	416(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+224(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+224(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+224(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+224(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+224(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	224(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	512(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	512(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+256(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+256(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+256(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+256(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+256(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	224(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	orq	%r13,%r12
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	orq	%r8,%r12
+	orq	%r9,%r12
+	por	%xmm5,%xmm2
+.byte	102,73,15,110,220
+	movq	384(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	384(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+96(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+96(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+96(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+96(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+96(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	480(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	480(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	192(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	orq	%r13,%r12
+	orq	%r8,%r12
+	orq	%r9,%r12
+.byte	0x3e
+	jnz	L$add_proceedq
+.byte	102,73,15,126,208
+.byte	102,73,15,126,217
+	testq	%r8,%r8
+	jnz	L$add_proceedq
+	testq	%r9,%r9
+	jz	L$add_proceedq
+.byte	102,72,15,126,199
+	pxor	%xmm0,%xmm0
+	movdqu	%xmm0,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,16(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,48(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,64(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm0,80(%rdi)
+	jmp	L$add_doneq
+.p2align	5
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	448(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	448(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	352(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+0(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+0(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+0(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	544(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	544(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+352(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+352(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+352(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+352(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+352(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	352(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	0(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	160(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	192(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	addq	%r12,%r12
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rsi
+	adcq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	adcq	%r8,%r8
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%rbp
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	16(%rsi),%rcx
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r10
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	288(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	192+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	192+8(%rsp),%rbp
+	movq	192+16(%rsp),%rcx
+	movq	192+24(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	movq	128(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+224(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+224(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+224(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+224(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+224(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	320(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+.byte	102,72,15,126,199
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	352(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	352+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	544(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	544+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	448(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	448+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,64(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,80(%rdi)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	288(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	288+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	480(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	480+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	384(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	384+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,16(%rdi)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	320(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	320+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	512(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	512+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	416(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	416+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,48(%rdi)
+	addq	$576+8,%rsp
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
+.globl	_ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine
+.private_extern _ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine
+.p2align	5
+	pushq	%rbp
+	pushq	%rbx
+	pushq	%r12
+	pushq	%r13
+	pushq	%r14
+	pushq	%r15
+	subq	$480+8,%rsp
+	movdqu	0(%rsi),%xmm0
+	movq	%rdx,%rbx
+	movdqu	16(%rsi),%xmm1
+	movdqu	32(%rsi),%xmm2
+	movdqu	48(%rsi),%xmm3
+	movdqu	64(%rsi),%xmm4
+	movdqu	80(%rsi),%xmm5
+	movq	64+0(%rsi),%rax
+	movq	64+8(%rsi),%r14
+	movq	64+16(%rsi),%r15
+	movq	64+24(%rsi),%r8
+	movdqa	%xmm0,320(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1,320+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm2,352(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3,352+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,384(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,384+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	0(%rbx),%xmm0
+	pshufd	$177,%xmm3,%xmm5
+	movdqu	16(%rbx),%xmm1
+	movdqu	32(%rbx),%xmm2
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm5
+	movdqu	48(%rbx),%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm0,416(%rsp)
+	pshufd	$30,%xmm5,%xmm4
+	movdqa	%xmm1,416+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm1
+.byte	102,72,15,110,199
+	movdqa	%xmm2,448(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3,448+16(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2,%xmm3
+	por	%xmm4,%xmm5
+	pxor	%xmm4,%xmm4
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	leaq	64-0(%rsi),%rsi
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm4,%xmm5
+	pshufd	$177,%xmm3,%xmm4
+	movq	0(%rbx),%rax
+	movq	%r12,%r9
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm5,%xmm5
+	pshufd	$30,%xmm4,%xmm3
+	movq	%r13,%r10
+	por	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm3,%xmm3
+	movq	%r14,%r11
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm3,%xmm4
+	pshufd	$0,%xmm4,%xmm4
+	leaq	32-0(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	%r15,%r12
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	384(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	384(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	384(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	384(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	288(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	448(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	448(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+32(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+32(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+32(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+32(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+32(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	352(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	0+96(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	8+96(%rsp),%r14
+	leaq	0+96(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+96(%rsp),%r15
+	movq	24+96(%rsp),%r8
+	leaq	192(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	movq	128(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	128(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	320(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	320(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+128(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+128(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+128(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+128(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+128(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	0(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	addq	%r12,%r12
+	leaq	192(%rsp),%rsi
+	adcq	%r13,%r13
+	movq	%r12,%rax
+	adcq	%r8,%r8
+	adcq	%r9,%r9
+	movq	%r13,%rbp
+	sbbq	%r11,%r11
+	subq	$-1,%r12
+	movq	%r8,%rcx
+	sbbq	%r14,%r13
+	sbbq	$0,%r8
+	movq	%r9,%r10
+	sbbq	%r15,%r9
+	testq	%r11,%r11
+	cmovzq	%rax,%r12
+	movq	0(%rsi),%rax
+	cmovzq	%rbp,%r13
+	movq	8(%rsi),%rbp
+	cmovzq	%rcx,%r8
+	movq	16(%rsi),%rcx
+	cmovzq	%r10,%r9
+	movq	24(%rsi),%r10
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	leaq	160(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	224(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	movq	0+0(%rsp),%rax
+	movq	0+8(%rsp),%rbp
+	movq	0+16(%rsp),%rcx
+	movq	0+24(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	movq	%r12,0(%rdi)
+	movq	%r13,8(%rdi)
+	movq	%r8,16(%rdi)
+	movq	%r9,24(%rdi)
+	movq	352(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	352(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+160(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+160(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+160(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+160(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+160(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	movq	96(%rsp),%rax
+	leaq	96(%rsp),%rbx
+	movq	0+64(%rsp),%r9
+	movq	8+64(%rsp),%r10
+	leaq	0+64(%rsp),%rsi
+	movq	16+64(%rsp),%r11
+	movq	24+64(%rsp),%r12
+	leaq	64(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	leaq	32(%rsp),%rbx
+	leaq	256(%rsp),%rdi
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+.byte	102,72,15,126,199
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	288(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	288+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	L$ONE_mont(%rip),%xmm2
+	pand	L$ONE_mont+16(%rip),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	384(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	384+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,64(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,80(%rdi)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	224(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	224+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	416(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	416+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	320(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	320+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,0(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,16(%rdi)
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm1
+	pandn	256(%rsp),%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm2
+	pandn	256+16(%rsp),%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5,%xmm3
+	pand	448(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	448+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2,%xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3,%xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4,%xmm3
+	pand	352(%rsp),%xmm2
+	pand	352+16(%rsp),%xmm3
+	por	%xmm0,%xmm2
+	por	%xmm1,%xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2,32(%rdi)
+	movdqu	%xmm3,48(%rdi)
+	addq	$480+8,%rsp
+	popq	%r15
+	popq	%r14
+	popq	%r13
+	popq	%r12
+	popq	%rbx
+	popq	%rbp
+	.byte	0xf3,0xc3
diff --git a/sources.mk b/sources.mk
index 386a21b..3674f3c 100644
--- a/sources.mk
+++ b/sources.mk
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@
-  src/crypto/dh/dh_impl.c\
@@ -121,7 +120,6 @@
-  src/crypto/dsa/dsa_impl.c\
@@ -129,6 +127,7 @@
+  src/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64.c\
@@ -314,6 +313,7 @@
 tool_sources := \
+  src/tool/ciphers.cc\
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@
 linux_aarch64_sources := \
+  linux-aarch64/crypto/bn/armv8-mont.S\
@@ -369,6 +370,7 @@
+  linux-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.S\
@@ -402,6 +404,7 @@
+  mac-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.S\
@@ -435,6 +438,7 @@
+  win-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.asm\
diff --git a/src/BUILDING.md b/src/BUILDING.md
index 7d4eac4..02f8f11 100644
--- a/src/BUILDING.md
+++ b/src/BUILDING.md
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@
   * [Go](https://golang.org/dl/) is required. If not found by CMake, the go
     executable may be configured explicitly by setting `GO_EXECUTABLE`.
-  * If you change crypto/chacha/chacha_vec.c, you will need the
+  * If you change crypto/chacha/chacha\_vec.c, you will need the
     arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc compiler:
-    $ wget https://releases.linaro.org/14.11/components/toolchain/binaries/arm-linux-gnueabihf/gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
-    $ echo bc4ca2ced084d2dc12424815a4442e19cb1422db87068830305d90075feb1a3b  gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz | sha256sum -c
-    $ tar xf gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
-    $ sudo mv gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf /opt/
+    wget https://releases.linaro.org/14.11/components/toolchain/binaries/arm-linux-gnueabihf/gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz && \
+    echo bc4ca2ced084d2dc12424815a4442e19cb1422db87068830305d90075feb1a3b  gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz | sha256sum -c && \
+    tar xf gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz && \
+    sudo mv gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf /opt/
 ## Building
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 5b5c088..e07be54 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
-  set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Werror -Wsign-compare -ggdb -fvisibility=hidden")
-  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Werror -Wsign-compare -ggdb -std=c++0x -fvisibility=hidden")
+  set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -Werror -Wsign-compare -Wmissing-field-initializers -ggdb -fvisibility=hidden")
+  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Werror -Wsign-compare -Wmissing-field-initializers -ggdb -std=c++0x -fvisibility=hidden")
       "C4100" # 'exarg' : unreferenced formal parameter
@@ -80,6 +80,17 @@
  set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=c11 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700")
+    message("You need to build with Clang for fuzzing to work")
+  endif()
+  set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address -fsanitize-coverage=edge,indirect-calls")
+  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address -fsanitize-coverage=edge,indirect-calls")
+  set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address")
+  link_directories(.)
@@ -147,6 +158,10 @@
+  add_subdirectory(fuzz)
   # USES_TERMINAL is only available in CMake 3.2 or later.
diff --git a/src/FUZZING.md b/src/FUZZING.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bd15a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FUZZING.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Fuzz testing
+Modern fuzz testers are very effective and we wish to use them to ensure that no silly bugs creep into BoringSSL.
+We primarily use Clang's [libFuzzer](http://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html) for fuzz testing and there are a number of fuzz testing functions in `fuzz/`. They are not built by default because they require libFuzzer at build time.
+In order to build the fuzz tests you will need at least Clang 3.7. Pass `-DFUZZ=1` on the CMake command line to enable building BoringSSL with coverage and AddressSanitizer, and to build the fuzz test binaries. You'll probably need to set the `CC` and `CXX` environment variables too, like this:
+CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -GNinja -DFUZZ=1 ..
+In order for the fuzz tests to link, the linker needs to find libFuzzer. This is not commonly provided and you may need to download the [Clang source code](http://llvm.org/releases/download.html) and do the following:
+cd llvm-3.7.0.src/lib
+clang -c -g -O2 -std=c++11 Fuzzer/*.cpp -IFuzzer
+ar q libFuzzer.a *.o
+Then copy `libFuzzer.a` to the top-level of your BoringSSL source directory.
+From the `build/` directory, you can then run the fuzzers. For example:
+./fuzz/cert -max_len=4000 -jobs=32 -workers=32 ../fuzz/cert_corpus/
+The `max_len` argument is often important because, without it, libFuzzer defaults to limiting all test cases to 64 bytes, which is often insufficient for the formats that we wish to fuzz. The arguments to `jobs` and `workers` should be the number of cores that you wish to dedicate to fuzzing.
+There are directories in `fuzz/` for each of the fuzzing tests which contain seed files for fuzzing. Some of the seed files were generated manually but many of them are “interesting” results generated by the fuzzing itself. (Where “interesting” means that it triggered a previously unknown path in the code.)
+Here are the recommended values of `max_len` for each test.
+| Test      | `max_len` value |
+| `privkey` | 2048            |
+| `cert`    | 3072            |
+| `server`  | 1024            |
+| `client`  | 4096            |
diff --git a/src/README.md b/src/README.md
index 142fc0a..d8a65c2 100644
--- a/src/README.md
+++ b/src/README.md
@@ -27,3 +27,4 @@
   * [BUILDING.md](/BUILDING.md): how to build BoringSSL
   * [STYLE.md](/STYLE.md): rules and guidelines for coding style.
   * include/openssl: public headers with API documentation in comments. Also [available online](https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-boringssl-docs/headers.html).
+  * [FUZZING.md](/FUZZING.md): information about fuzzing BoringSSL.
diff --git a/src/STYLE.md b/src/STYLE.md
index d51de78..4d2c5de 100644
--- a/src/STYLE.md
+++ b/src/STYLE.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # BoringSSL Style Guide
 BoringSSL usually follows the
-[Google C++ style guide](https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.html).
+[Google C++ style guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html),
 The rest of this document describes differences and clarifications on
 top of the base guide.
diff --git a/src/crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c b/src/crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c
index f8c62fd..5867c4f 100644
--- a/src/crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c
+++ b/src/crypto/asn1/x_bignum.c
@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@
-	bn_i2c
+	bn_i2c,
+	NULL /* prim_print */,
diff --git a/src/crypto/bio/connect.c b/src/crypto/bio/connect.c
index 0b34d7f..0b0bf13 100644
--- a/src/crypto/bio/connect.c
+++ b/src/crypto/bio/connect.c
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
         ret = setsockopt(bio->num, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&i,
         if (ret < 0) {
-          OPENSSL_PUT_SYSTEM_ERROR(setsockopt);
           ERR_add_error_data(4, "host=", c->param_hostname, ":", c->param_port);
           goto exit_loop;
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
             c->state = BIO_CONN_S_BLOCKED_CONNECT;
             bio->retry_reason = BIO_RR_CONNECT;
           } else {
-            OPENSSL_PUT_SYSTEM_ERROR(connect);
             ERR_add_error_data(4, "host=", c->param_hostname, ":",
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
             ret = -1;
           } else {
-            OPENSSL_PUT_SYSTEM_ERROR(connect);
             ERR_add_error_data(4, "host=", c->param_hostname, ":", c->param_port);
             ret = 0;
diff --git a/src/crypto/bio/file.c b/src/crypto/bio/file.c
index 2d3ccfe..9e29b43 100644
--- a/src/crypto/bio/file.c
+++ b/src/crypto/bio/file.c
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
   file = open_file(filename, mode);
   if (file == NULL) {
     ERR_add_error_data(5, "fopen('", filename, "','", mode, "')");
     if (errno == ENOENT) {
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
   size_t ret = fread(out, 1, outl, (FILE *)b->ptr);
   if (ret == 0 && ferror((FILE *)b->ptr)) {
     return -1;
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
       fp = open_file(ptr, p);
       if (fp == NULL) {
         ERR_add_error_data(5, "fopen('", ptr, "','", p, "')");
         ret = 0;
diff --git a/src/crypto/bio/socket_helper.c b/src/crypto/bio/socket_helper.c
index 01f635e..4ddc094 100644
--- a/src/crypto/bio/socket_helper.c
+++ b/src/crypto/bio/socket_helper.c
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
   ret = 0;
   for (cur = result; cur; cur = cur->ai_next) {
-    if (cur->ai_addrlen > sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)) {
+    if ((size_t) cur->ai_addrlen > sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage)) {
     memset(out_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage));
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
     *out_sock = socket(cur->ai_family, cur->ai_socktype, cur->ai_protocol);
     if (*out_sock < 0) {
       goto out;
diff --git a/src/crypto/bn/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crypto/bn/CMakeLists.txt
index b7130d7..b9875d6 100644
--- a/src/crypto/bn/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crypto/bn/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -31,6 +31,14 @@
+if (${ARCH} STREQUAL "aarch64")
+  set(
+    armv8-mont.${ASM_EXT}
+  )
@@ -66,6 +74,7 @@
 perlasm(co-586.${ASM_EXT} asm/co-586.pl)
 perlasm(x86-mont.${ASM_EXT} asm/x86-mont.pl)
 perlasm(armv4-mont.${ASM_EXT} asm/armv4-mont.pl)
+perlasm(armv8-mont.${ASM_EXT} asm/armv8-mont.pl)
diff --git a/src/crypto/bn/asm/armv8-mont.pl b/src/crypto/bn/asm/armv8-mont.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f04aab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crypto/bn/asm/armv8-mont.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1503 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# ====================================================================
+# Written by Andy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org> for the OpenSSL
+# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
+# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
+# details see http://www.openssl.org/~appro/cryptogams/.
+# ====================================================================
+# March 2015
+# "Teaser" Montgomery multiplication module for ARMv8. Needs more
+# work. While it does improve RSA sign performance by 20-30% (less for
+# longer keys) on most processors, for some reason RSA2048 is not
+# faster and RSA4096 goes 15-20% slower on Cortex-A57. Multiplication
+# instruction issue rate is limited on processor in question, meaning
+# that dedicated squaring procedure is a must. Well, actually all
+# contemporary AArch64 processors seem to have limited multiplication
+# issue rate, i.e. they can't issue multiplication every cycle, which
+# explains moderate improvement coefficients in comparison to
+# compiler-generated code. Recall that compiler is instructed to use
+# umulh and therefore uses same amount of multiplication instructions
+# to do the job. Assembly's edge is to minimize number of "collateral"
+# instructions and of course instruction scheduling.
+# April 2015
+# Squaring procedure that handles lengths divisible by 8 improves
+# RSA/DSA performance by 25-40-60% depending on processor and key
+# length. Overall improvement coefficients are always positive in
+# comparison to compiler-generated code. On Cortex-A57 improvement
+# is still modest on longest key lengths, while others exhibit e.g.
+# 50-70% improvement for RSA4096 sign. RSA2048 sign is ~25% faster
+# on Cortex-A57 and ~60-100% faster on others.
+$flavour = shift;
+$output  = shift;
+$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
+( $xlate="${dir}arm-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
+( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/arm-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
+die "can't locate arm-xlate.pl";
+open OUT,"| \"$^X\" $xlate $flavour $output";
+ $lo1,$hi1,$nj,$m1,$nlo,$nhi,
+ $ovf, $i,$j,$tp,$tj) = map("x$_",6..17,19..24);
+# int bn_mul_mont(
+$rp="x0";	# BN_ULONG *rp,
+$ap="x1";	# const BN_ULONG *ap,
+$bp="x2";	# const BN_ULONG *bp,
+$np="x3";	# const BN_ULONG *np,
+$n0="x4";	# const BN_ULONG *n0,
+$num="x5";	# int num);
+.globl	bn_mul_mont
+.type	bn_mul_mont,%function
+.align	5
+	tst	$num,#7
+	b.eq	__bn_sqr8x_mont
+	tst	$num,#3
+	b.eq	__bn_mul4x_mont
+	stp	x29,x30,[sp,#-64]!
+	add	x29,sp,#0
+	stp	x19,x20,[sp,#16]
+	stp	x21,x22,[sp,#32]
+	stp	x23,x24,[sp,#48]
+	ldr	$m0,[$bp],#8		// bp[0]
+	sub	$tp,sp,$num,lsl#3
+	ldp	$hi0,$aj,[$ap],#16	// ap[0..1]
+	lsl	$num,$num,#3
+	ldr	$n0,[$n0]		// *n0
+	and	$tp,$tp,#-16		// ABI says so
+	ldp	$hi1,$nj,[$np],#16	// np[0..1]
+	mul	$lo0,$hi0,$m0		// ap[0]*bp[0]
+	sub	$j,$num,#16		// j=num-2
+	umulh	$hi0,$hi0,$m0
+	mul	$alo,$aj,$m0		// ap[1]*bp[0]
+	umulh	$ahi,$aj,$m0
+	mul	$m1,$lo0,$n0		// "tp[0]"*n0
+	mov	sp,$tp			// alloca
+	// (*)	mul	$lo1,$hi1,$m1	// np[0]*m1
+	umulh	$hi1,$hi1,$m1
+	mul	$nlo,$nj,$m1		// np[1]*m1
+	// (*)	adds	$lo1,$lo1,$lo0	// discarded
+	// (*)	As for removal of first multiplication and addition
+	//	instructions. The outcome of first addition is
+	//	guaranteed to be zero, which leaves two computationally
+	//	significant outcomes: it either carries or not. Then
+	//	question is when does it carry? Is there alternative
+	//	way to deduce it? If you follow operations, you can
+	//	observe that condition for carry is quite simple:
+	//	$lo0 being non-zero. So that carry can be calculated
+	//	by adding -1 to $lo0. That's what next instruction does.
+	subs	xzr,$lo0,#1		// (*)
+	umulh	$nhi,$nj,$m1
+	adc	$hi1,$hi1,xzr
+	cbz	$j,.L1st_skip
+	ldr	$aj,[$ap],#8
+	adds	$lo0,$alo,$hi0
+	sub	$j,$j,#8		// j--
+	adc	$hi0,$ahi,xzr
+	ldr	$nj,[$np],#8
+	adds	$lo1,$nlo,$hi1
+	mul	$alo,$aj,$m0		// ap[j]*bp[0]
+	adc	$hi1,$nhi,xzr
+	umulh	$ahi,$aj,$m0
+	adds	$lo1,$lo1,$lo0
+	mul	$nlo,$nj,$m1		// np[j]*m1
+	adc	$hi1,$hi1,xzr
+	umulh	$nhi,$nj,$m1
+	str	$lo1,[$tp],#8		// tp[j-1]
+	cbnz	$j,.L1st
+	adds	$lo0,$alo,$hi0
+	sub	$ap,$ap,$num		// rewind $ap
+	adc	$hi0,$ahi,xzr
+	adds	$lo1,$nlo,$hi1
+	sub	$np,$np,$num		// rewind $np
+	adc	$hi1,$nhi,xzr
+	adds	$lo1,$lo1,$lo0
+	sub	$i,$num,#8		// i=num-1
+	adcs	$hi1,$hi1,$hi0
+	adc	$ovf,xzr,xzr		// upmost overflow bit
+	stp	$lo1,$hi1,[$tp]
+	ldr	$m0,[$bp],#8		// bp[i]
+	ldp	$hi0,$aj,[$ap],#16
+	ldr	$tj,[sp]		// tp[0]
+	add	$tp,sp,#8
+	mul	$lo0,$hi0,$m0		// ap[0]*bp[i]
+	sub	$j,$num,#16		// j=num-2
+	umulh	$hi0,$hi0,$m0
+	ldp	$hi1,$nj,[$np],#16
+	mul	$alo,$aj,$m0		// ap[1]*bp[i]
+	adds	$lo0,$lo0,$tj
+	umulh	$ahi,$aj,$m0
+	adc	$hi0,$hi0,xzr
+	mul	$m1,$lo0,$n0
+	sub	$i,$i,#8		// i--
+	// (*)	mul	$lo1,$hi1,$m1	// np[0]*m1
+	umulh	$hi1,$hi1,$m1
+	mul	$nlo,$nj,$m1		// np[1]*m1
+	// (*)	adds	$lo1,$lo1,$lo0
+	subs	xzr,$lo0,#1		// (*)
+	umulh	$nhi,$nj,$m1
+	cbz	$j,.Linner_skip
+	ldr	$aj,[$ap],#8
+	adc	$hi1,$hi1,xzr
+	ldr	$tj,[$tp],#8		// tp[j]
+	adds	$lo0,$alo,$hi0
+	sub	$j,$j,#8		// j--
+	adc	$hi0,$ahi,xzr
+	adds	$lo1,$nlo,$hi1
+	ldr	$nj,[$np],#8
+	adc	$hi1,$nhi,xzr
+	mul	$alo,$aj,$m0		// ap[j]*bp[i]
+	adds	$lo0,$lo0,$tj
+	umulh	$ahi,$aj,$m0
+	adc	$hi0,$hi0,xzr
+	mul	$nlo,$nj,$m1		// np[j]*m1
+	adds	$lo1,$lo1,$lo0
+	umulh	$nhi,$nj,$m1
+	str	$lo1,[$tp,#-16]		// tp[j-1]
+	cbnz	$j,.Linner
+	ldr	$tj,[$tp],#8		// tp[j]
+	adc	$hi1,$hi1,xzr
+	adds	$lo0,$alo,$hi0
+	sub	$ap,$ap,$num		// rewind $ap
+	adc	$hi0,$ahi,xzr
+	adds	$lo1,$nlo,$hi1
+	sub	$np,$np,$num		// rewind $np
+	adcs	$hi1,$nhi,$ovf
+	adc	$ovf,xzr,xzr
+	adds	$lo0,$lo0,$tj
+	adc	$hi0,$hi0,xzr
+	adds	$lo1,$lo1,$lo0
+	adcs	$hi1,$hi1,$hi0
+	adc	$ovf,$ovf,xzr		// upmost overflow bit
+	stp	$lo1,$hi1,[$tp,#-16]
+	cbnz	$i,.Louter
+	// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
+	// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
+	// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
+	// and conditionally copy original value.
+	ldr	$tj,[sp]		// tp[0]
+	add	$tp,sp,#8
+	ldr	$nj,[$np],#8		// np[0]
+	subs	$j,$num,#8		// j=num-1 and clear borrow
+	mov	$ap,$rp
+	sbcs	$aj,$tj,$nj		// tp[j]-np[j]
+	ldr	$tj,[$tp],#8
+	sub	$j,$j,#8		// j--
+	ldr	$nj,[$np],#8
+	str	$aj,[$ap],#8		// rp[j]=tp[j]-np[j]
+	cbnz	$j,.Lsub
+	sbcs	$aj,$tj,$nj
+	sbcs	$ovf,$ovf,xzr		// did it borrow?
+	str	$aj,[$ap],#8		// rp[num-1]
+	ldr	$tj,[sp]		// tp[0]
+	add	$tp,sp,#8
+	ldr	$aj,[$rp],#8		// rp[0]
+	sub	$num,$num,#8		// num--
+	nop
+	sub	$num,$num,#8		// num--
+	csel	$nj,$tj,$aj,lo		// did it borrow?
+	ldr	$tj,[$tp],#8
+	ldr	$aj,[$rp],#8
+	str	xzr,[$tp,#-16]		// wipe tp
+	str	$nj,[$rp,#-16]
+	cbnz	$num,.Lcond_copy
+	csel	$nj,$tj,$aj,lo
+	str	xzr,[$tp,#-8]		// wipe tp
+	str	$nj,[$rp,#-8]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x29,#16]
+	mov	sp,x29
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x29,#32]
+	mov	x0,#1
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x29,#48]
+	ldr	x29,[sp],#64
+	ret
+.size	bn_mul_mont,.-bn_mul_mont
+# Following is ARMv8 adaptation of sqrx8x_mont from x86_64-mont5 module.
+my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7)=map("x$_",(6..13));
+my ($t0,$t1,$t2,$t3)=map("x$_",(14..17));
+my ($acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3,$acc4,$acc5,$acc6,$acc7)=map("x$_",(19..26));
+my ($cnt,$carry,$topmost)=("x27","x28","x30");
+my ($tp,$ap_end,$na0)=($bp,$np,$carry);
+.type	__bn_sqr8x_mont,%function
+.align	5
+	cmp	$ap,$bp
+	b.ne	__bn_mul4x_mont
+	stp	x29,x30,[sp,#-128]!
+	add	x29,sp,#0
+	stp	x19,x20,[sp,#16]
+	stp	x21,x22,[sp,#32]
+	stp	x23,x24,[sp,#48]
+	stp	x25,x26,[sp,#64]
+	stp	x27,x28,[sp,#80]
+	stp	$rp,$np,[sp,#96]	// offload rp and np
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$ap,#8*4]
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$ap,#8*6]
+	sub	$tp,sp,$num,lsl#4
+	lsl	$num,$num,#3
+	ldr	$n0,[$n0]		// *n0
+	mov	sp,$tp			// alloca
+	sub	$cnt,$num,#8*8
+	b	.Lsqr8x_zero_start
+	sub	$cnt,$cnt,#8*8
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*4]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*6]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*8]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*10]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*12]
+	stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*14]
+	add	$tp,$tp,#8*16
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lsqr8x_zero
+	add	$ap_end,$ap,$num
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*8
+	mov	$acc0,xzr
+	mov	$acc1,xzr
+	mov	$acc2,xzr
+	mov	$acc3,xzr
+	mov	$acc4,xzr
+	mov	$acc5,xzr
+	mov	$acc6,xzr
+	mov	$acc7,xzr
+	mov	$tp,sp
+	str	$n0,[x29,#112]		// offload n0
+	// Multiply everything but a[i]*a[i]
+.align	4
+        //                                                 a[1]a[0]	(i)
+        //                                             a[2]a[0]
+        //                                         a[3]a[0]
+        //                                     a[4]a[0]
+        //                                 a[5]a[0]
+        //                             a[6]a[0]
+        //                         a[7]a[0]
+        //                                         a[2]a[1]		(ii)
+        //                                     a[3]a[1]
+        //                                 a[4]a[1]
+        //                             a[5]a[1]
+        //                         a[6]a[1]
+        //                     a[7]a[1]
+        //                                 a[3]a[2]			(iii)
+        //                             a[4]a[2]
+        //                         a[5]a[2]
+        //                     a[6]a[2]
+        //                 a[7]a[2]
+        //                         a[4]a[3]				(iv)
+        //                     a[5]a[3]
+        //                 a[6]a[3]
+        //             a[7]a[3]
+        //                 a[5]a[4]					(v)
+        //             a[6]a[4]
+        //         a[7]a[4]
+        //         a[6]a[5]						(vi)
+        //     a[7]a[5]
+        // a[7]a[6]							(vii)
+	mul	$t0,$a1,$a0		// lo(a[1..7]*a[0])		(i)
+	mul	$t1,$a2,$a0
+	mul	$t2,$a3,$a0
+	mul	$t3,$a4,$a0
+	adds	$acc1,$acc1,$t0		// t[1]+lo(a[1]*a[0])
+	mul	$t0,$a5,$a0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$a6,$a0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$a7,$a0
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a1,$a0		// hi(a[1..7]*a[0])
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a2,$a0
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a3,$a0
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a4,$a0
+	stp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp],#8*2	// t[0..1]
+	adc	$acc0,xzr,xzr		// t[8]
+	adds	$acc2,$acc2,$t3		// t[2]+lo(a[1]*a[0])
+	umulh	$t3,$a5,$a0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a6,$a0
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a7,$a0
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$t2
+	 mul	$t2,$a2,$a1		// lo(a[2..7]*a[1])		(ii)
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t3
+	 mul	$t3,$a3,$a1
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t0
+	 mul	$t0,$a4,$a1
+	adc	$acc0,$acc0,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$a5,$a1
+	adds	$acc3,$acc3,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$a6,$a1
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$t3
+	mul	$t3,$a7,$a1
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a2,$a1		// hi(a[2..7]*a[1])
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a3,$a1
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a4,$a1
+	adcs	$acc0,$acc0,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a5,$a1
+	stp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp],#8*2	// t[2..3]
+	adc	$acc1,xzr,xzr		// t[9]
+	adds	$acc4,$acc4,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a6,$a1
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a7,$a1
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t2
+	 mul	$t2,$a3,$a2		// lo(a[3..7]*a[2])		(iii)
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t3
+	 mul	$t3,$a4,$a2
+	adcs	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	 mul	$t0,$a5,$a2
+	adc	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$a6,$a2
+	adds	$acc5,$acc5,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$a7,$a2
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a3,$a2		// hi(a[3..7]*a[2])
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a4,$a2
+	adcs	$acc0,$acc0,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a5,$a2
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a6,$a2
+	stp	$acc4,$acc5,[$tp],#8*2	// t[4..5]
+	adc	$acc2,xzr,xzr		// t[10]
+	adds	$acc6,$acc6,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a7,$a2
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t0
+	 mul	$t0,$a4,$a3		// lo(a[4..7]*a[3])		(iv)
+	adcs	$acc0,$acc0,$t1
+	 mul	$t1,$a5,$a3
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t2
+	 mul	$t2,$a6,$a3
+	adc	$acc2,$acc2,$t3
+	mul	$t3,$a7,$a3
+	adds	$acc7,$acc7,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a4,$a3		// hi(a[4..7]*a[3])
+	adcs	$acc0,$acc0,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a5,$a3
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a6,$a3
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a7,$a3
+	stp	$acc6,$acc7,[$tp],#8*2	// t[6..7]
+	adc	$acc3,xzr,xzr		// t[11]
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	 mul	$t0,$a5,$a4		// lo(a[5..7]*a[4])		(v)
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	 mul	$t1,$a6,$a4
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	 mul	$t2,$a7,$a4
+	adc	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a5,$a4		// hi(a[5..7]*a[4])
+	adds	$acc1,$acc1,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a6,$a4
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a7,$a4
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t2
+	 mul	$t2,$a6,$a5		// lo(a[6..7]*a[5])		(vi)
+	adc	$acc4,xzr,xzr		// t[12]
+	adds	$acc2,$acc2,$t3
+	 mul	$t3,$a7,$a5
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t0
+	 umulh	$t0,$a6,$a5		// hi(a[6..7]*a[5])
+	adc	$acc4,$acc4,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a7,$a5
+	adds	$acc3,$acc3,$t2
+	 mul	$t2,$a7,$a6		// lo(a[7]*a[6])		(vii)
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$t3
+	 umulh	$t3,$a7,$a6		// hi(a[7]*a[6])
+	adc	$acc5,xzr,xzr		// t[13]
+	adds	$acc4,$acc4,$t0
+	sub	$cnt,$ap_end,$ap	// done yet?
+	adc	$acc5,$acc5,$t1
+	adds	$acc5,$acc5,$t2
+	sub	$t0,$ap_end,$num	// rewinded ap
+	adc	$acc6,xzr,xzr		// t[14]
+	add	$acc6,$acc6,$t3
+	cbz	$cnt,.Lsqr8x_outer_break
+	mov	$n0,$a0
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$a0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$a1
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$a2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$a3
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$a4
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$a5
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$ap,#8*4]
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$a6
+	mov	$rp,$ap
+	adcs	$acc7,xzr,$a7
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$ap,#8*6]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*8
+	//adc	$carry,xzr,xzr		// moved below
+	mov	$cnt,#-8*8
+	//                                                         a[8]a[0]
+	//                                                     a[9]a[0]
+	//                                                 a[a]a[0]
+	//                                             a[b]a[0]
+	//                                         a[c]a[0]
+	//                                     a[d]a[0]
+	//                                 a[e]a[0]
+	//                             a[f]a[0]
+	//                                                     a[8]a[1]
+	//                         a[f]a[1]........................
+	//                                                 a[8]a[2]
+	//                     a[f]a[2]........................
+	//                                             a[8]a[3]
+	//                 a[f]a[3]........................
+	//                                         a[8]a[4]
+	//             a[f]a[4]........................
+	//                                     a[8]a[5]
+	//         a[f]a[5]........................
+	//                                 a[8]a[6]
+	//     a[f]a[6]........................
+	//                             a[8]a[7]
+	// a[f]a[7]........................
+	mul	$t0,$a0,$n0
+	adc	$carry,xzr,xzr		// carry bit, modulo-scheduled
+	mul	$t1,$a1,$n0
+	add	$cnt,$cnt,#8
+	mul	$t2,$a2,$n0
+	mul	$t3,$a3,$n0
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	mul	$t0,$a4,$n0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$a5,$n0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$a6,$n0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	mul	$t3,$a7,$n0
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a0,$n0
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a1,$n0
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a2,$n0
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a3,$n0
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	str	$acc0,[$tp],#8
+	adds	$acc0,$acc1,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a4,$n0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc2,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a5,$n0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc3,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a6,$n0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc4,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a7,$n0
+	ldr	$n0,[$rp,$cnt]
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc5,$t0
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc6,$t1
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc7,$t2
+	adcs	$acc7,$carry,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,xzr,xzr		// moved above
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lsqr8x_mul
+					// note that carry flag is guaranteed
+					// to be zero at this point
+	cmp	$ap,$ap_end		// done yet?
+	b.eq	.Lsqr8x_break
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$a0
+	ldr	$n0,[$rp,#-8*8]
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$a1
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$a2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$a3
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$a4
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$a5
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$ap,#8*4]
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$a6
+	mov	$cnt,#-8*8
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$a7
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$ap,#8*6]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*8
+	//adc	$carry,xzr,xzr		// moved above
+	b	.Lsqr8x_mul
+.align	4
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$rp,#8*0]
+	add	$ap,$rp,#8*8
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$rp,#8*2]
+	sub	$t0,$ap_end,$ap		// is it last iteration?
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$rp,#8*4]
+	sub	$t1,$tp,$t0
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$rp,#8*6]
+	cbz	$t0,.Lsqr8x_outer_loop
+	stp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[$t1,#8*0]
+	stp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[$t1,#8*2]
+	stp	$acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	ldp	$acc4,$acc5,[$t1,#8*4]
+	stp	$acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	mov	$tp,$t1
+	ldp	$acc6,$acc7,[$t1,#8*6]
+	b	.Lsqr8x_outer_loop
+.align	4
+	// Now multiply above result by 2 and add a[n-1]*a[n-1]|...|a[0]*a[0]
+	ldp	$a1,$a3,[$t0,#8*0]	// recall that $t0 is &a[0]
+	ldp	$t1,$t2,[sp,#8*1]
+	ldp	$a5,$a7,[$t0,#8*2]
+	add	$ap,$t0,#8*4
+	ldp	$t3,$t0,[sp,#8*3]
+	stp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	mul	$acc0,$a1,$a1
+	stp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	umulh	$a1,$a1,$a1
+	stp	$acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	mul	$a2,$a3,$a3
+	stp	$acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	mov	$tp,sp
+	umulh	$a3,$a3,$a3
+	adds	$acc1,$a1,$t1,lsl#1
+	extr	$t1,$t2,$t1,#63
+	sub	$cnt,$num,#8*4
+	adcs	$acc2,$a2,$t1
+	extr	$t2,$t3,$t2,#63
+	sub	$cnt,$cnt,#8*4
+	adcs	$acc3,$a3,$t2
+	ldp	$t1,$t2,[$tp,#8*5]
+	mul	$a4,$a5,$a5
+	ldp	$a1,$a3,[$ap],#8*2
+	umulh	$a5,$a5,$a5
+	mul	$a6,$a7,$a7
+	umulh	$a7,$a7,$a7
+	extr	$t3,$t0,$t3,#63
+	stp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	adcs	$acc4,$a4,$t3
+	extr	$t0,$t1,$t0,#63
+	stp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	adcs	$acc5,$a5,$t0
+	ldp	$t3,$t0,[$tp,#8*7]
+	extr	$t1,$t2,$t1,#63
+	adcs	$acc6,$a6,$t1
+	extr	$t2,$t3,$t2,#63
+	adcs	$acc7,$a7,$t2
+	ldp	$t1,$t2,[$tp,#8*9]
+	mul	$a0,$a1,$a1
+	ldp	$a5,$a7,[$ap],#8*2
+	umulh	$a1,$a1,$a1
+	mul	$a2,$a3,$a3
+	umulh	$a3,$a3,$a3
+	stp	$acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	extr	$t3,$t0,$t3,#63
+	stp	$acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	add	$tp,$tp,#8*8
+	adcs	$acc0,$a0,$t3
+	extr	$t0,$t1,$t0,#63
+	adcs	$acc1,$a1,$t0
+	ldp	$t3,$t0,[$tp,#8*3]
+	extr	$t1,$t2,$t1,#63
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lsqr4x_shift_n_add
+my ($np,$np_end)=($ap,$ap_end);
+	 ldp	$np,$n0,[x29,#104]	// pull np and n0
+	adcs	$acc2,$a2,$t1
+	extr	$t2,$t3,$t2,#63
+	adcs	$acc3,$a3,$t2
+	ldp	$t1,$t2,[$tp,#8*5]
+	mul	$a4,$a5,$a5
+	umulh	$a5,$a5,$a5
+	stp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	mul	$a6,$a7,$a7
+	umulh	$a7,$a7,$a7
+	stp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	extr	$t3,$t0,$t3,#63
+	adcs	$acc4,$a4,$t3
+	extr	$t0,$t1,$t0,#63
+	 ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[sp,#8*0]
+	adcs	$acc5,$a5,$t0
+	extr	$t1,$t2,$t1,#63
+	 ldp	$a0,$a1,[$np,#8*0]
+	adcs	$acc6,$a6,$t1
+	extr	$t2,xzr,$t2,#63
+	 ldp	$a2,$a3,[$np,#8*2]
+	adc	$acc7,$a7,$t2
+	 ldp	$a4,$a5,[$np,#8*4]
+	// Reduce by 512 bits per iteration
+	mul	$na0,$n0,$acc0		// t[0]*n0
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$np,#8*6]
+	add	$np_end,$np,$num
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[sp,#8*2]
+	stp	$acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	ldp	$acc4,$acc5,[sp,#8*4]
+	stp	$acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	ldp	$acc6,$acc7,[sp,#8*6]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*8
+	mov	$topmost,xzr		// initial top-most carry
+	mov	$tp,sp
+	mov	$cnt,#8
+	// (*)	mul	$t0,$a0,$na0	// lo(n[0-7])*lo(t[0]*n0)
+	mul	$t1,$a1,$na0
+	sub	$cnt,$cnt,#1
+	mul	$t2,$a2,$na0
+	str	$na0,[$tp],#8		// put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
+	mul	$t3,$a3,$na0
+	// (*)	adds	xzr,$acc0,$t0
+	subs	xzr,$acc0,#1		// (*)
+	mul	$t0,$a4,$na0
+	adcs	$acc0,$acc1,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$a5,$na0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc2,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$a6,$na0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc3,$t3
+	mul	$t3,$a7,$na0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc4,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a0,$na0		// hi(n[0-7])*lo(t[0]*n0)
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc5,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a1,$na0
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc6,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a2,$na0
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc7,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a3,$na0
+	adc	$acc7,xzr,xzr
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a4,$na0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a5,$na0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a6,$na0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a7,$na0
+	mul	$na0,$n0,$acc0		// next t[0]*n0
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$t0
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$t1
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t2
+	adc	$acc7,$acc7,$t3
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lsqr8x_reduction
+	ldp	$t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	ldp	$t2,$t3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	mov	$rp,$tp
+	sub	$cnt,$np_end,$np	// done yet?
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	ldp	$t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*4]
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	ldp	$t2,$t3,[$tp,#8*6]
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$t0
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$t1
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t2
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,xzr,xzr		// moved below
+	cbz	$cnt,.Lsqr8x8_post_condition
+	ldr	$n0,[$tp,#-8*8]
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$np,#8*0]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$np,#8*2]
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$np,#8*4]
+	mov	$cnt,#-8*8
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$np,#8*6]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*8
+	mul	$t0,$a0,$n0
+	adc	$carry,xzr,xzr		// carry bit, modulo-scheduled
+	mul	$t1,$a1,$n0
+	add	$cnt,$cnt,#8
+	mul	$t2,$a2,$n0
+	mul	$t3,$a3,$n0
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	mul	$t0,$a4,$n0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$a5,$n0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$a6,$n0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	mul	$t3,$a7,$n0
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a0,$n0
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a1,$n0
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a2,$n0
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a3,$n0
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	str	$acc0,[$tp],#8
+	adds	$acc0,$acc1,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a4,$n0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc2,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a5,$n0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc3,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a6,$n0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc4,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a7,$n0
+	ldr	$n0,[$rp,$cnt]
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc5,$t0
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc6,$t1
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc7,$t2
+	adcs	$acc7,$carry,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,xzr,xzr		// moved above
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lsqr8x_tail
+					// note that carry flag is guaranteed
+					// to be zero at this point
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	sub	$cnt,$np_end,$np	// done yet?
+	sub	$t2,$np_end,$num	// rewinded np
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	cbz	$cnt,.Lsqr8x_tail_break
+	ldr	$n0,[$rp,#-8*8]
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$a0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$a1
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$np,#8*0]
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$a2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$a3
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$np,#8*2]
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$a4
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$a5
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$np,#8*4]
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$a6
+	mov	$cnt,#-8*8
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$a7
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$np,#8*6]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*8
+	//adc	$carry,xzr,xzr		// moved above
+	b	.Lsqr8x_tail
+.align	4
+	ldr	$n0,[x29,#112]		// pull n0
+	add	$cnt,$tp,#8*8		// end of current t[num] window
+	subs	xzr,$topmost,#1		// "move" top-most carry to carry bit
+	adcs	$t0,$acc0,$a0
+	adcs	$t1,$acc1,$a1
+	ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[$rp,#8*0]
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$a2
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$t2,#8*0]	// recall that $t2 is &n[0]
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$a3
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$t2,#8*2]
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$a4
+	adcs	$acc5,$acc5,$a5
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$t2,#8*4]
+	adcs	$acc6,$acc6,$a6
+	adcs	$acc7,$acc7,$a7
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$t2,#8*6]
+	add	$np,$t2,#8*8
+	adc	$topmost,xzr,xzr	// top-most carry
+	mul	$na0,$n0,$acc0
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	stp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[$rp,#8*2]
+	stp	$acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	ldp	$acc4,$acc5,[$rp,#8*4]
+	cmp	$cnt,x29		// did we hit the bottom?
+	stp	$acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	mov	$tp,$rp			// slide the window
+	ldp	$acc6,$acc7,[$rp,#8*6]
+	mov	$cnt,#8
+	b.ne	.Lsqr8x_reduction
+	// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
+	// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
+	// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
+	// and conditionally copy original value.
+	ldr	$rp,[x29,#96]		// pull rp
+	add	$tp,$tp,#8*8
+	subs	$t0,$acc0,$a0
+	sbcs	$t1,$acc1,$a1
+	sub	$cnt,$num,#8*8
+	mov	$ap_end,$rp		// $rp copy
+	sbcs	$t2,$acc2,$a2
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$np,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$t3,$acc3,$a3
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$t0,$acc4,$a4
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$np,#8*2]
+	sbcs	$t1,$acc5,$a5
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*2]
+	sbcs	$t2,$acc6,$a6
+	ldp	$a4,$a5,[$np,#8*4]
+	sbcs	$t3,$acc7,$a7
+	ldp	$a6,$a7,[$np,#8*6]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*8
+	ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	sub	$cnt,$cnt,#8*8
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	ldp	$acc4,$acc5,[$tp,#8*4]
+	ldp	$acc6,$acc7,[$tp,#8*6]
+	add	$tp,$tp,#8*8
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*4]
+	sbcs	$t0,$acc0,$a0
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*6]
+	add	$rp,$rp,#8*8
+	sbcs	$t1,$acc1,$a1
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lsqr8x_sub
+	sbcs	$t2,$acc2,$a2
+	 mov	$tp,sp
+	 add	$ap,sp,$num
+	 ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$t3,$acc3,$a3
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$t0,$acc4,$a4
+	 ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
+	sbcs	$t1,$acc5,$a5
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*2]
+	sbcs	$t2,$acc6,$a6
+	 ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$t3,$acc7,$a7
+	 ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	sbcs	xzr,$topmost,xzr	// did it borrow?
+	ldr	x30,[x29,#8]		// pull return address
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*4]
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*6]
+	sub	$cnt,$num,#8*4
+	sub	$cnt,$cnt,#8*4
+	csel	$t0,$acc0,$a0,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
+	csel	$t1,$acc1,$a1,lo
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap_end,#8*4]
+	ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[$ap,#8*4]
+	csel	$t2,$acc2,$a2,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
+	 add	$tp,$tp,#8*4
+	csel	$t3,$acc3,$a3,lo
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap_end,#8*6]
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[$ap,#8*6]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*4
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
+	add	$ap_end,$ap_end,#8*4
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$ap,#8*0]
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$ap,#8*2]
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lsqr4x_cond_copy
+	csel	$t0,$acc0,$a0,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
+	csel	$t1,$acc1,$a1,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
+	csel	$t2,$acc2,$a2,lo
+	csel	$t3,$acc3,$a3,lo
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
+	b	.Lsqr8x_done
+.align	4
+	adc	$carry,xzr,xzr
+	ldr	x30,[x29,#8]		// pull return address
+	// $acc0-7,$carry hold result, $a0-7 hold modulus
+	subs	$a0,$acc0,$a0
+	ldr	$ap,[x29,#96]		// pull rp
+	sbcs	$a1,$acc1,$a1
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$a2,$acc2,$a2
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*2]
+	sbcs	$a3,$acc3,$a3
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*4]
+	sbcs	$a4,$acc4,$a4
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*6]
+	sbcs	$a5,$acc5,$a5
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*8]
+	sbcs	$a6,$acc6,$a6
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*10]
+	sbcs	$a7,$acc7,$a7
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*12]
+	sbcs	$carry,$carry,xzr	// did it borrow?
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*14]
+	// $a0-7 hold result-modulus
+	csel	$a0,$acc0,$a0,lo
+	csel	$a1,$acc1,$a1,lo
+	csel	$a2,$acc2,$a2,lo
+	csel	$a3,$acc3,$a3,lo
+	stp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	csel	$a4,$acc4,$a4,lo
+	csel	$a5,$acc5,$a5,lo
+	stp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	csel	$a6,$acc6,$a6,lo
+	csel	$a7,$acc7,$a7,lo
+	stp	$a4,$a5,[$ap,#8*4]
+	stp	$a6,$a7,[$ap,#8*6]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x29,#16]
+	mov	sp,x29
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x29,#32]
+	mov	x0,#1
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x29,#48]
+	ldp	x25,x26,[x29,#64]
+	ldp	x27,x28,[x29,#80]
+	ldr	x29,[sp],#128
+	ret
+.size	__bn_sqr8x_mont,.-__bn_sqr8x_mont
+# Even though this might look as ARMv8 adaptation of mulx4x_mont from
+# x86_64-mont5 module, it's different in sense that it performs
+# reduction 256 bits at a time.
+my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,
+    $t0,$t1,$t2,$t3,
+    $m0,$m1,$m2,$m3,
+    $acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3,$acc4,
+    $bi,$mi,$tp,$ap_end,$cnt) = map("x$_",(6..17,19..28));
+my  $bp_end=$rp;
+my  ($carry,$topmost) = ($rp,"x30");
+.type	__bn_mul4x_mont,%function
+.align	5
+	stp	x29,x30,[sp,#-128]!
+	add	x29,sp,#0
+	stp	x19,x20,[sp,#16]
+	stp	x21,x22,[sp,#32]
+	stp	x23,x24,[sp,#48]
+	stp	x25,x26,[sp,#64]
+	stp	x27,x28,[sp,#80]
+	sub	$tp,sp,$num,lsl#3
+	lsl	$num,$num,#3
+	ldr	$n0,[$n0]		// *n0
+	sub	sp,$tp,#8*4		// alloca
+	add	$t0,$bp,$num
+	add	$ap_end,$ap,$num
+	stp	$rp,$t0,[x29,#96]	// offload rp and &b[num]
+	ldr	$bi,[$bp,#8*0]		// b[0]
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]	// a[0..3]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*4
+	mov	$acc0,xzr
+	mov	$acc1,xzr
+	mov	$acc2,xzr
+	mov	$acc3,xzr
+	ldp	$m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]	// n[0..3]
+	ldp	$m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
+	adds	$np,$np,#8*4		// clear carry bit
+	mov	$carry,xzr
+	mov	$cnt,#0
+	mov	$tp,sp
+	mul	$t0,$a0,$bi		// lo(a[0..3]*b[0])
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr	// modulo-scheduled
+	mul	$t1,$a1,$bi
+	add	$cnt,$cnt,#8
+	mul	$t2,$a2,$bi
+	and	$cnt,$cnt,#31
+	mul	$t3,$a3,$bi
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a0,$bi		// hi(a[0..3]*b[0])
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	mul	$mi,$acc0,$n0		// t[0]*n0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t1,$a1,$bi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t2,$a2,$bi
+	adc	$acc4,xzr,xzr
+	umulh	$t3,$a3,$bi
+	ldr	$bi,[$bp,$cnt]		// next b[i] (or b[0])
+	adds	$acc1,$acc1,$t0
+	// (*)	mul	$t0,$m0,$mi	// lo(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0)
+	str	$mi,[$tp],#8		// put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$m1,$mi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$m2,$mi
+	adc	$acc4,$acc4,$t3		// can't overflow
+	mul	$t3,$m3,$mi
+	// (*)	adds	xzr,$acc0,$t0
+	subs	xzr,$acc0,#1		// (*)
+	umulh	$t0,$m0,$mi		// hi(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0)
+	adcs	$acc0,$acc1,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$m1,$mi
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$m2,$mi
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$m3,$mi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc4,$carry
+	adc	$carry,xzr,xzr
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	sub	$t0,$ap_end,$ap
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Loop_mul4x_1st_reduction
+	cbz	$t0,.Lmul4x4_post_condition
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]	// a[4..7]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*4
+	ldr	$mi,[sp]		// a[0]*n0
+	ldp	$m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]	// n[4..7]
+	ldp	$m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*4
+	mul	$t0,$a0,$bi		// lo(a[4..7]*b[i])
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr	// modulo-scheduled
+	mul	$t1,$a1,$bi
+	add	$cnt,$cnt,#8
+	mul	$t2,$a2,$bi
+	and	$cnt,$cnt,#31
+	mul	$t3,$a3,$bi
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a0,$bi		// hi(a[4..7]*b[i])
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a1,$bi
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a2,$bi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a3,$bi
+	adc	$acc4,xzr,xzr
+	ldr	$bi,[$bp,$cnt]		// next b[i] (or b[0])
+	adds	$acc1,$acc1,$t0
+	mul	$t0,$m0,$mi		// lo(n[4..7]*a[0]*n0)
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$m1,$mi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$m2,$mi
+	adc	$acc4,$acc4,$t3		// can't overflow
+	mul	$t3,$m3,$mi
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$m0,$mi		// hi(n[4..7]*a[0]*n0)
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$m1,$mi
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$m2,$mi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$carry
+	umulh	$t3,$m3,$mi
+	adc	$carry,xzr,xzr
+	ldr	$mi,[sp,$cnt]		// next t[0]*n0
+	str	$acc0,[$tp],#8		// result!!!
+	adds	$acc0,$acc1,$t0
+	sub	$t0,$ap_end,$ap		// done yet?
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc2,$t1
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc3,$t2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc4,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Loop_mul4x_1st_tail
+	sub	$t1,$ap_end,$num	// rewinded $ap
+	cbz	$t0,.Lmul4x_proceed
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*4
+	ldp	$m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]
+	ldp	$m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*4
+	b	.Loop_mul4x_1st_tail
+.align	5
+	ldr	$bi,[$bp,#8*4]!		// *++b
+	adc	$topmost,$carry,xzr
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$t1,#8*0]	// a[0..3]
+	sub	$np,$np,$num		// rewind np
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$t1,#8*2]
+	add	$ap,$t1,#8*4
+	stp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]	// result!!!
+	ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[sp,#8*4]	// t[0..3]
+	stp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]	// result!!!
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[sp,#8*6]
+	ldp	$m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]	// n[0..3]
+	mov	$tp,sp
+	ldp	$m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
+	adds	$np,$np,#8*4		// clear carry bit
+	mov	$carry,xzr
+.align	4
+	mul	$t0,$a0,$bi		// lo(a[0..3]*b[4])
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr	// modulo-scheduled
+	mul	$t1,$a1,$bi
+	add	$cnt,$cnt,#8
+	mul	$t2,$a2,$bi
+	and	$cnt,$cnt,#31
+	mul	$t3,$a3,$bi
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a0,$bi		// hi(a[0..3]*b[4])
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	mul	$mi,$acc0,$n0		// t[0]*n0
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t1,$a1,$bi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t2,$a2,$bi
+	adc	$acc4,xzr,xzr
+	umulh	$t3,$a3,$bi
+	ldr	$bi,[$bp,$cnt]		// next b[i]
+	adds	$acc1,$acc1,$t0
+	// (*)	mul	$t0,$m0,$mi
+	str	$mi,[$tp],#8		// put aside t[0]*n0 for tail processing
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$m1,$mi		// lo(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$m2,$mi
+	adc	$acc4,$acc4,$t3		// can't overflow
+	mul	$t3,$m3,$mi
+	// (*)	adds	xzr,$acc0,$t0
+	subs	xzr,$acc0,#1		// (*)
+	umulh	$t0,$m0,$mi		// hi(n[0..3]*t[0]*n0
+	adcs	$acc0,$acc1,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$m1,$mi
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$m2,$mi
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$m3,$mi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc4,$carry
+	adc	$carry,xzr,xzr
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Loop_mul4x_reduction
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	ldp	$t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*4]	// t[4..7]
+	ldp	$t2,$t3,[$tp,#8*6]
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]	// a[4..7]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*4
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	ldr	$mi,[sp]		// t[0]*n0
+	ldp	$m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]	// n[4..7]
+	ldp	$m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*4
+.align	4
+	mul	$t0,$a0,$bi		// lo(a[4..7]*b[4])
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr	// modulo-scheduled
+	mul	$t1,$a1,$bi
+	add	$cnt,$cnt,#8
+	mul	$t2,$a2,$bi
+	and	$cnt,$cnt,#31
+	mul	$t3,$a3,$bi
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$a0,$bi		// hi(a[4..7]*b[4])
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$a1,$bi
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$a2,$bi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$a3,$bi
+	adc	$acc4,xzr,xzr
+	ldr	$bi,[$bp,$cnt]		// next b[i]
+	adds	$acc1,$acc1,$t0
+	mul	$t0,$m0,$mi		// lo(n[4..7]*t[0]*n0)
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t1
+	mul	$t1,$m1,$mi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t2
+	mul	$t2,$m2,$mi
+	adc	$acc4,$acc4,$t3		// can't overflow
+	mul	$t3,$m3,$mi
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	umulh	$t0,$m0,$mi		// hi(n[4..7]*t[0]*n0)
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	umulh	$t1,$m1,$mi
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	umulh	$t2,$m2,$mi
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	umulh	$t3,$m3,$mi
+	adcs	$acc4,$acc4,$carry
+	ldr	$mi,[sp,$cnt]		// next a[0]*n0
+	adc	$carry,xzr,xzr
+	str	$acc0,[$tp],#8		// result!!!
+	adds	$acc0,$acc1,$t0
+	sub	$t0,$ap_end,$ap		// done yet?
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc2,$t1
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc3,$t2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc4,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Loop_mul4x_tail
+	sub	$t1,$np,$num		// rewinded np?
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	cbz	$t0,.Loop_mul4x_break
+	ldp	$t0,$t1,[$tp,#8*4]
+	ldp	$t2,$t3,[$tp,#8*6]
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*4
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$t0
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,$t1
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,$t2
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,$t3
+	//adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	ldp	$m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]
+	ldp	$m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*4
+	b	.Loop_mul4x_tail
+.align	4
+	ldp	$t2,$t3,[x29,#96]	// pull rp and &b[num]
+	adds	$acc0,$acc0,$topmost
+	add	$bp,$bp,#8*4		// bp++
+	adcs	$acc1,$acc1,xzr
+	sub	$ap,$ap,$num		// rewind ap
+	adcs	$acc2,$acc2,xzr
+	stp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]	// result!!!
+	adcs	$acc3,$acc3,xzr
+	ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[sp,#8*4]	// t[0..3]
+	adc	$topmost,$carry,xzr
+	stp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]	// result!!!
+	cmp	$bp,$t3			// done yet?
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[sp,#8*6]
+	ldp	$m0,$m1,[$t1,#8*0]	// n[0..3]
+	ldp	$m2,$m3,[$t1,#8*2]
+	add	$np,$t1,#8*4
+	b.eq	.Lmul4x_post
+	ldr	$bi,[$bp]
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]	// a[0..3]
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	adds	$ap,$ap,#8*4		// clear carry bit
+	mov	$carry,xzr
+	mov	$tp,sp
+	b	.Loop_mul4x_reduction
+.align	4
+	// Final step. We see if result is larger than modulus, and
+	// if it is, subtract the modulus. But comparison implies
+	// subtraction. So we subtract modulus, see if it borrowed,
+	// and conditionally copy original value.
+	mov	$rp,$t2
+	mov	$ap_end,$t2		// $rp copy
+	subs	$t0,$acc0,$m0
+	add	$tp,sp,#8*8
+	sbcs	$t1,$acc1,$m1
+	sub	$cnt,$num,#8*4
+	sbcs	$t2,$acc2,$m2
+	ldp	$m0,$m1,[$np,#8*0]
+	sub	$cnt,$cnt,#8*4
+	ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[$tp,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$t3,$acc3,$m3
+	ldp	$m2,$m3,[$np,#8*2]
+	add	$np,$np,#8*4
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[$tp,#8*2]
+	add	$tp,$tp,#8*4
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$t0,$acc0,$m0
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*2]
+	add	$rp,$rp,#8*4
+	sbcs	$t1,$acc1,$m1
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lmul4x_sub
+	sbcs	$t2,$acc2,$m2
+	 mov	$tp,sp
+	 add	$ap,sp,#8*4
+	 ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$t3,$acc3,$m3
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$rp,#8*0]
+	 ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$rp,#8*2]
+	 ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	 ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	sbcs	xzr,$topmost,xzr	// did it borrow?
+	ldr	x30,[x29,#8]		// pull return address
+	sub	$cnt,$num,#8*4
+	sub	$cnt,$cnt,#8*4
+	csel	$t0,$acc0,$a0,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
+	csel	$t1,$acc1,$a1,lo
+	ldp	$a0,$a1,[$ap_end,#8*4]
+	ldp	$acc0,$acc1,[$ap,#8*4]
+	csel	$t2,$acc2,$a2,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
+	 add	$tp,$tp,#8*4
+	csel	$t3,$acc3,$a3,lo
+	ldp	$a2,$a3,[$ap_end,#8*6]
+	ldp	$acc2,$acc3,[$ap,#8*6]
+	add	$ap,$ap,#8*4
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
+	add	$ap_end,$ap_end,#8*4
+	cbnz	$cnt,.Lmul4x_cond_copy
+	csel	$t0,$acc0,$a0,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*0]
+	csel	$t1,$acc1,$a1,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*2]
+	csel	$t2,$acc2,$a2,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*3]
+	csel	$t3,$acc3,$a3,lo
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[$tp,#8*4]
+	stp	$t0,$t1,[$ap_end,#8*0]
+	stp	$t2,$t3,[$ap_end,#8*2]
+	b	.Lmul4x_done
+.align	4
+	adc	$carry,$carry,xzr
+	ldr	$ap,[x29,#96]		// pull rp
+	// $acc0-3,$carry hold result, $m0-7 hold modulus
+	subs	$a0,$acc0,$m0
+	ldr	x30,[x29,#8]		// pull return address
+	sbcs	$a1,$acc1,$m1
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*0]
+	sbcs	$a2,$acc2,$m2
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*2]
+	sbcs	$a3,$acc3,$m3
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*4]
+	sbcs	xzr,$carry,xzr		// did it borrow?
+	 stp	xzr,xzr,[sp,#8*6]
+	// $a0-3 hold result-modulus
+	csel	$a0,$acc0,$a0,lo
+	csel	$a1,$acc1,$a1,lo
+	csel	$a2,$acc2,$a2,lo
+	csel	$a3,$acc3,$a3,lo
+	stp	$a0,$a1,[$ap,#8*0]
+	stp	$a2,$a3,[$ap,#8*2]
+	ldp	x19,x20,[x29,#16]
+	mov	sp,x29
+	ldp	x21,x22,[x29,#32]
+	mov	x0,#1
+	ldp	x23,x24,[x29,#48]
+	ldp	x25,x26,[x29,#64]
+	ldp	x27,x28,[x29,#80]
+	ldr	x29,[sp],#128
+	ret
+.size	__bn_mul4x_mont,.-__bn_mul4x_mont
+.asciz	"Montgomery Multiplication for ARMv8, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\@openssl.org>"
+.align	4
+print $code;
+close STDOUT;
diff --git a/src/crypto/bn/exponentiation.c b/src/crypto/bn/exponentiation.c
index 9cefa62..c580248 100644
--- a/src/crypto/bn/exponentiation.c
+++ b/src/crypto/bn/exponentiation.c
@@ -613,17 +613,17 @@
 int BN_mod_exp_mont(BIGNUM *rr, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
-                    const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont) {
+                    const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, const BN_MONT_CTX *mont) {
   int i, j, bits, ret = 0, wstart, window;
   int start = 1;
   BIGNUM *d, *r;
   const BIGNUM *aa;
   /* Table of variables obtained from 'ctx' */
-  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *new_mont = NULL;
   if (BN_get_flags(p, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME) != 0) {
-    return BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(rr, a, p, m, ctx, in_mont);
+    return BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(rr, a, p, m, ctx, mont);
   if (!BN_is_odd(m)) {
@@ -644,18 +644,13 @@
     goto err;
-  /* If this is not done, things will break in the montgomery part */
-  if (in_mont != NULL) {
-    mont = in_mont;
-  } else {
-    mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
-    if (mont == NULL) {
+  /* Allocate a montgomery context if it was not supplied by the caller. */
+  if (mont == NULL) {
+    new_mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
+    if (new_mont == NULL || !BN_MONT_CTX_set(new_mont, m, ctx)) {
       goto err;
-    if (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
+    mont = new_mont;
   if (a->neg || BN_ucmp(a, m) >= 0) {
@@ -774,9 +769,7 @@
   ret = 1;
-  if (in_mont == NULL) {
-    BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);
-  }
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(new_mont);
   return ret;
@@ -862,10 +855,10 @@
 int BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(BIGNUM *rr, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
                               const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,
-                              BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont) {
+                              const BN_MONT_CTX *mont) {
   int i, bits, ret = 0, window, wvalue;
   int top;
-  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *new_mont = NULL;
   int numPowers;
   unsigned char *powerbufFree = NULL;
@@ -888,15 +881,13 @@
-  /* Allocate a montgomery context if it was not supplied by the caller.
-   * If this is not done, things will break in the montgomery part. */
-  if (in_mont != NULL) {
-    mont = in_mont;
-  } else {
-    mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
-    if (mont == NULL || !BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx)) {
+  /* Allocate a montgomery context if it was not supplied by the caller. */
+  if (mont == NULL) {
+    new_mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
+    if (new_mont == NULL || !BN_MONT_CTX_set(new_mont, m, ctx)) {
       goto err;
+    mont = new_mont;
@@ -1005,7 +996,7 @@
   /* Dedicated window==4 case improves 512-bit RSA sign by ~15%, but as
    * 512-bit RSA is hardly relevant, we omit it to spare size... */
   if (window == 5 && top > 1) {
-    BN_ULONG *np = mont->N.d, *n0 = mont->n0, *np2;
+    const BN_ULONG *np = mont->N.d, *n0 = mont->n0, *np2;
     /* BN_to_montgomery can contaminate words above .top
      * [in BN_DEBUG[_DEBUG] build]... */
@@ -1019,9 +1010,11 @@
     if (top & 7) {
       np2 = np;
     } else {
-      for (np2 = am.d + top, i = 0; i < top; i++) {
-        np2[2 * i] = np[i];
+      BN_ULONG *np_double = am.d + top;
+      for (i = 0; i < top; i++) {
+        np_double[2 * i] = np[i];
+      np2 = np_double;
     bn_scatter5(tmp.d, top, powerbuf, 0);
@@ -1186,10 +1179,9 @@
     goto err;
   ret = 1;
-  if (in_mont == NULL) {
-    BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);
-  }
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(new_mont);
   if (powerbuf != NULL) {
     OPENSSL_cleanse(powerbuf, powerbufLen);
@@ -1199,8 +1191,9 @@
 int BN_mod_exp_mont_word(BIGNUM *rr, BN_ULONG a, const BIGNUM *p,
-                         const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont) {
-  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
+                         const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,
+                         const BN_MONT_CTX *mont) {
+  BN_MONT_CTX *new_mont = NULL;
   int b, bits, ret = 0;
   int r_is_one;
   BN_ULONG w, next_w;
@@ -1258,13 +1251,13 @@
     goto err;
-  if (in_mont != NULL) {
-    mont = in_mont;
-  } else {
-    mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
-    if (mont == NULL || !BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx)) {
+  /* Allocate a montgomery context if it was not supplied by the caller. */
+  if (mont == NULL) {
+    new_mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
+    if (new_mont == NULL || !BN_MONT_CTX_set(new_mont, m, ctx)) {
       goto err;
+    mont = new_mont;
   r_is_one = 1; /* except for Montgomery factor */
@@ -1346,9 +1339,7 @@
   ret = 1;
-  if (in_mont == NULL) {
-    BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);
-  }
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(new_mont);
   return ret;
@@ -1357,7 +1348,7 @@
 int BN_mod_exp2_mont(BIGNUM *rr, const BIGNUM *a1, const BIGNUM *p1,
                      const BIGNUM *a2, const BIGNUM *p2, const BIGNUM *m,
-                     BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont) {
+                     BN_CTX *ctx, const BN_MONT_CTX *mont) {
   int i, j, bits, b, bits1, bits2, ret = 0, wpos1, wpos2, window1, window2,
                                    wvalue1, wvalue2;
   int r_is_one = 1;
@@ -1365,7 +1356,7 @@
   const BIGNUM *a_mod_m;
   /* Tables of variables obtained from 'ctx' */
-  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *new_mont = NULL;
   if (!(m->d[0] & 1)) {
@@ -1389,16 +1380,13 @@
     goto err;
-  if (in_mont != NULL) {
-    mont = in_mont;
-  } else {
-    mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
-    if (mont == NULL) {
+  /* Allocate a montgomery context if it was not supplied by the caller. */
+  if (mont == NULL) {
+    new_mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
+    if (new_mont == NULL || !BN_MONT_CTX_set(new_mont, m, ctx)) {
       goto err;
-    if (!BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, m, ctx)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
+    mont = new_mont;
   window1 = BN_window_bits_for_exponent_size(bits1);
@@ -1550,9 +1538,7 @@
   ret = 1;
-  if (in_mont == NULL) {
-    BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);
-  }
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(new_mont);
   return ret;
diff --git a/src/crypto/bn/generic.c b/src/crypto/bn/generic.c
index c240a54..7fd4819 100644
--- a/src/crypto/bn/generic.c
+++ b/src/crypto/bn/generic.c
@@ -1022,110 +1022,4 @@
   r[7] = c2;
-#if defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) || (!defined(OPENSSL_ARM) && !defined(OPENSSL_X86_64))
-/* This is essentially reference implementation, which may or may not
- * result in performance improvement. E.g. on IA-32 this routine was
- * observed to give 40% faster rsa1024 private key operations and 10%
- * faster rsa4096 ones, while on AMD64 it improves rsa1024 sign only
- * by 10% and *worsens* rsa4096 sign by 15%. Once again, it's a
- * reference implementation, one to be used as starting point for
- * platform-specific assembler. Mentioned numbers apply to compiler
- * generated code compiled with and without -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT and
- * can vary not only from platform to platform, but even for compiler
- * versions. Assembler vs. assembler improvement coefficients can
- * [and are known to] differ and are to be documented elsewhere. */
-int bn_mul_mont(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, const BN_ULONG *bp,
-                const BN_ULONG *np, const BN_ULONG *n0p, int num) {
-  BN_ULONG c0, c1, ml, *tp, n0;
-#ifdef mul64
-  BN_ULONG mh;
-  volatile BN_ULONG *vp;
-  int i = 0, j;
-#if 0 /* template for platform-specific implementation */
-	if (ap==bp)	return bn_sqr_mont(rp,ap,np,n0p,num);
-  vp = tp = alloca((num + 2) * sizeof(BN_ULONG));
-  n0 = *n0p;
-  c0 = 0;
-  ml = bp[0];
-#ifdef mul64
-  mh = HBITS(ml);
-  ml = LBITS(ml);
-  for (j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
-    mul(tp[j], ap[j], ml, mh, c0);
-  }
-  for (j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
-    mul(tp[j], ap[j], ml, c0);
-  }
-  tp[num] = c0;
-  tp[num + 1] = 0;
-  goto enter;
-  for (; i < num; i++) {
-    c0 = 0;
-    ml = bp[i];
-#ifdef mul64
-    mh = HBITS(ml);
-    ml = LBITS(ml);
-    for (j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
-      mul_add(tp[j], ap[j], ml, mh, c0);
-    }
-    for (j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
-      mul_add(tp[j], ap[j], ml, c0);
-    }
-    c1 = (tp[num] + c0) & BN_MASK2;
-    tp[num] = c1;
-    tp[num + 1] = (c1 < c0 ? 1 : 0);
-  enter:
-    c1 = tp[0];
-    ml = (c1 * n0) & BN_MASK2;
-    c0 = 0;
-#ifdef mul64
-    mh = HBITS(ml);
-    ml = LBITS(ml);
-    mul_add(c1, np[0], ml, mh, c0);
-    mul_add(c1, ml, np[0], c0);
-    for (j = 1; j < num; j++) {
-      c1 = tp[j];
-#ifdef mul64
-      mul_add(c1, np[j], ml, mh, c0);
-      mul_add(c1, ml, np[j], c0);
-      tp[j - 1] = c1 & BN_MASK2;
-    }
-    c1 = (tp[num] + c0) & BN_MASK2;
-    tp[num - 1] = c1;
-    tp[num] = tp[num + 1] + (c1 < c0 ? 1 : 0);
-  }
-  if (tp[num] != 0 || tp[num - 1] >= np[num - 1]) {
-    c0 = bn_sub_words(rp, tp, np, num);
-    if (tp[num] != 0 || c0 == 0) {
-      for (i = 0; i < num + 2; i++) {
-        vp[i] = 0;
-      }
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-    rp[i] = tp[i], vp[i] = 0;
-  }
-  vp[num] = 0;
-  vp[num + 1] = 0;
-  return 1;
diff --git a/src/crypto/bn/montgomery.c b/src/crypto/bn/montgomery.c
index 3fec7e3..11edcbf 100644
--- a/src/crypto/bn/montgomery.c
+++ b/src/crypto/bn/montgomery.c
@@ -118,8 +118,9 @@
 #include "../internal.h"
-#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && \
-    (defined(OPENSSL_X86) || defined(OPENSSL_X86_64))
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) &&                         \
+    (defined(OPENSSL_X86) || defined(OPENSSL_X86_64) || \
+     defined(OPENSSL_ARM) || defined(OPENSSL_AARCH64))
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@
+BN_MONT_CTX *BN_MONT_CTX_copy(BN_MONT_CTX *to, const BN_MONT_CTX *from) {
   if (to == from) {
     return to;
diff --git a/src/crypto/bytestring/ber.c b/src/crypto/bytestring/ber.c
index e3b150c..9e8daaa 100644
--- a/src/crypto/bytestring/ber.c
+++ b/src/crypto/bytestring/ber.c
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
         char squash_child_headers = is_primitive_type(tag);
         /* This is a hack, but it sufficies to handle NSS's output. If we find
-         * an indefinite length, context-specific tag with a definite, primtive
+         * an indefinite length, context-specific tag with a definite, primitive
          * tag inside it, then we assume that the context-specific tag is
          * implicit and the tags within are fragments of a primitive type that
          * need to be concatenated. */
diff --git a/src/crypto/cipher/aead.c b/src/crypto/cipher/aead.c
index 7e747f8..b1db83d 100644
--- a/src/crypto/cipher/aead.c
+++ b/src/crypto/cipher/aead.c
@@ -156,3 +156,12 @@
   return ctx->aead->get_rc4_state(ctx, out_key);
+int EVP_AEAD_CTX_get_iv(const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t **out_iv,
+                        size_t *out_len) {
+  if (ctx->aead->get_iv == NULL) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return ctx->aead->get_iv(ctx, out_iv, out_len);
diff --git a/src/crypto/cipher/e_aes.c b/src/crypto/cipher/e_aes.c
index 442d1ed..b46fed4 100644
--- a/src/crypto/cipher/e_aes.c
+++ b/src/crypto/cipher/e_aes.c
@@ -1203,6 +1203,7 @@
     NULL,                     /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                     /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_256_gcm = {
@@ -1216,6 +1217,7 @@
     NULL,                     /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                     /* get_iv */
 const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm(void) { return &aead_aes_128_gcm; }
@@ -1462,7 +1464,8 @@
-    NULL,  /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL, /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL, /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_256_key_wrap = {
@@ -1475,7 +1478,8 @@
-    NULL,  /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL, /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL, /* get_iv */
 const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_key_wrap(void) { return &aead_aes_128_key_wrap; }
@@ -1726,6 +1730,7 @@
     NULL /* get_rc4_state */,
+    NULL /* get_iv */,
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_256_ctr_hmac_sha256 = {
@@ -1740,6 +1745,7 @@
     NULL /* get_rc4_state */,
+    NULL /* get_iv */,
 const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256(void) {
diff --git a/src/crypto/cipher/e_chacha20poly1305.c b/src/crypto/cipher/e_chacha20poly1305.c
index 3bf7834..c3ba457 100644
--- a/src/crypto/cipher/e_chacha20poly1305.c
+++ b/src/crypto/cipher/e_chacha20poly1305.c
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@
     NULL,               /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,               /* get_iv */
 const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_chacha20_poly1305_rfc7539(void) {
@@ -296,6 +297,7 @@
     NULL,               /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,               /* get_iv */
 const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_chacha20_poly1305_old(void) {
diff --git a/src/crypto/cipher/e_rc4.c b/src/crypto/cipher/e_rc4.c
index e05b9fd..86d9395 100644
--- a/src/crypto/cipher/e_rc4.c
+++ b/src/crypto/cipher/e_rc4.c
@@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
+    NULL, /* get_iv */
 const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_rc4_md5_tls(void) { return &aead_rc4_md5_tls; }
diff --git a/src/crypto/cipher/e_ssl3.c b/src/crypto/cipher/e_ssl3.c
index 389c52f..7dddf24 100644
--- a/src/crypto/cipher/e_ssl3.c
+++ b/src/crypto/cipher/e_ssl3.c
@@ -307,6 +307,19 @@
   return 1;
+static int aead_ssl3_get_iv(const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t **out_iv,
+                            size_t *out_iv_len) {
+  AEAD_SSL3_CTX *ssl3_ctx = (AEAD_SSL3_CTX *)ctx->aead_state;
+  const size_t iv_len = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(&ssl3_ctx->cipher_ctx);
+  if (iv_len <= 1) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  *out_iv = ssl3_ctx->cipher_ctx.iv;
+  *out_iv_len = iv_len;
+  return 1;
 static int aead_rc4_md5_ssl3_init(EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *key,
                                   size_t key_len, size_t tag_len,
                                   enum evp_aead_direction_t dir) {
@@ -358,6 +371,7 @@
+    NULL, /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_rc4_sha1_ssl3 = {
@@ -371,6 +385,7 @@
+    NULL, /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_128_cbc_sha1_ssl3 = {
@@ -384,6 +399,7 @@
     NULL,                        /* get_rc4_state */
+    aead_ssl3_get_iv,
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_256_cbc_sha1_ssl3 = {
@@ -397,6 +413,7 @@
     NULL,                        /* get_rc4_state */
+    aead_ssl3_get_iv,
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_des_ede3_cbc_sha1_ssl3 = {
@@ -410,6 +427,7 @@
     NULL,                        /* get_rc4_state */
+    aead_ssl3_get_iv,
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_null_sha1_ssl3 = {
@@ -423,6 +441,7 @@
     NULL,                       /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                       /* get_iv */
 const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_rc4_md5_ssl3(void) { return &aead_rc4_md5_ssl3; }
diff --git a/src/crypto/cipher/e_tls.c b/src/crypto/cipher/e_tls.c
index c3ddbde..d781da1 100644
--- a/src/crypto/cipher/e_tls.c
+++ b/src/crypto/cipher/e_tls.c
@@ -444,6 +444,19 @@
   return 1;
+static int aead_tls_get_iv(const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t **out_iv,
+                           size_t *out_iv_len) {
+  const AEAD_TLS_CTX *tls_ctx = (AEAD_TLS_CTX*) ctx->aead_state;
+  const size_t iv_len = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length(&tls_ctx->cipher_ctx);
+  if (iv_len <= 1) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  *out_iv = tls_ctx->cipher_ctx.iv;
+  *out_iv_len = iv_len;
+  return 1;
 static int aead_null_sha1_tls_init(EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t *key,
                                    size_t key_len, size_t tag_len,
                                    enum evp_aead_direction_t dir) {
@@ -462,6 +475,7 @@
     aead_rc4_sha1_tls_get_rc4_state, /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                            /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_128_cbc_sha1_tls = {
@@ -475,6 +489,7 @@
     NULL,                   /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                   /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_128_cbc_sha1_tls_implicit_iv = {
@@ -488,6 +503,7 @@
     NULL,                        /* get_rc4_state */
+    aead_tls_get_iv,             /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_128_cbc_sha256_tls = {
@@ -501,6 +517,7 @@
     NULL,                      /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                      /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_256_cbc_sha1_tls = {
@@ -514,6 +531,7 @@
     NULL,                   /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                   /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_256_cbc_sha1_tls_implicit_iv = {
@@ -527,6 +545,7 @@
     NULL,                        /* get_rc4_state */
+    aead_tls_get_iv,             /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_256_cbc_sha256_tls = {
@@ -540,6 +559,7 @@
     NULL,                      /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                      /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_aes_256_cbc_sha384_tls = {
@@ -553,6 +573,7 @@
     NULL,                      /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                      /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_des_ede3_cbc_sha1_tls = {
@@ -566,6 +587,7 @@
     NULL,                   /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                   /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_des_ede3_cbc_sha1_tls_implicit_iv = {
@@ -579,6 +601,7 @@
     NULL,                       /* get_rc4_state */
+    aead_tls_get_iv,            /* get_iv */
 static const EVP_AEAD aead_null_sha1_tls = {
@@ -592,6 +615,7 @@
     NULL,                       /* get_rc4_state */
+    NULL,                       /* get_iv */
 const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_rc4_sha1_tls(void) { return &aead_rc4_sha1_tls; }
diff --git a/src/crypto/cipher/internal.h b/src/crypto/cipher/internal.h
index b2a94f4..72ac118 100644
--- a/src/crypto/cipher/internal.h
+++ b/src/crypto/cipher/internal.h
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@
               size_t ad_len);
   int (*get_rc4_state)(const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, const RC4_KEY **out_key);
+  int (*get_iv)(const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx, const uint8_t **out_iv,
+                size_t *out_len);
diff --git a/src/crypto/cipher/tls_cbc.c b/src/crypto/cipher/tls_cbc.c
index 8bca2f3..c541db3 100644
--- a/src/crypto/cipher/tls_cbc.c
+++ b/src/crypto/cipher/tls_cbc.c
@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@
  * typically does. */
 static void tls1_sha1_final_raw(void *ctx, uint8_t *md_out) {
   SHA_CTX *sha1 = ctx;
-  u32toBE(sha1->h0, md_out);
-  u32toBE(sha1->h1, md_out);
-  u32toBE(sha1->h2, md_out);
-  u32toBE(sha1->h3, md_out);
-  u32toBE(sha1->h4, md_out);
+  u32toBE(sha1->h[0], md_out);
+  u32toBE(sha1->h[1], md_out);
+  u32toBE(sha1->h[2], md_out);
+  u32toBE(sha1->h[3], md_out);
+  u32toBE(sha1->h[4], md_out);
diff --git a/src/crypto/dh/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crypto/dh/CMakeLists.txt
index 8ddf03d..f1e8616 100644
--- a/src/crypto/dh/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crypto/dh/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
-  dh_impl.c
diff --git a/src/crypto/dh/dh.c b/src/crypto/dh/dh.c
index ee6c9a0..a88520d 100644
--- a/src/crypto/dh/dh.c
+++ b/src/crypto/dh/dh.c
@@ -69,13 +69,11 @@
 #include "../internal.h"
-extern const DH_METHOD DH_default_method;
-DH *DH_new(void) { return DH_new_method(NULL); }
-DH *DH_new_method(const ENGINE *engine) {
+DH *DH_new(void) {
   DH *dh = (DH *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(DH));
   if (dh == NULL) {
@@ -84,15 +82,6 @@
   memset(dh, 0, sizeof(DH));
-  if (engine) {
-    dh->meth = ENGINE_get_DH_method(engine);
-  }
-  if (dh->meth == NULL) {
-    dh->meth = (DH_METHOD*) &DH_default_method;
-  }
-  METHOD_ref(dh->meth);
   dh->references = 1;
@@ -102,14 +91,6 @@
     return NULL;
-  if (dh->meth->init && !dh->meth->init(dh)) {
-    CRYPTO_free_ex_data(&g_ex_data_class, dh, &dh->ex_data);
-    CRYPTO_MUTEX_cleanup(&dh->method_mont_p_lock);
-    METHOD_unref(dh->meth);
-    OPENSSL_free(dh);
-    return NULL;
-  }
   return dh;
@@ -122,11 +103,6 @@
-  if (dh->meth->finish) {
-    dh->meth->finish(dh);
-  }
-  METHOD_unref(dh->meth);
   CRYPTO_free_ex_data(&g_ex_data_class, dh, &dh->ex_data);
@@ -144,24 +120,256 @@
 int DH_generate_parameters_ex(DH *dh, int prime_bits, int generator, BN_GENCB *cb) {
-  if (dh->meth->generate_parameters) {
-    return dh->meth->generate_parameters(dh, prime_bits, generator, cb);
+  /* We generate DH parameters as follows
+   * find a prime q which is prime_bits/2 bits long.
+   * p=(2*q)+1 or (p-1)/2 = q
+   * For this case, g is a generator if
+   * g^((p-1)/q) mod p != 1 for values of q which are the factors of p-1.
+   * Since the factors of p-1 are q and 2, we just need to check
+   * g^2 mod p != 1 and g^q mod p != 1.
+   *
+   * Having said all that,
+   * there is another special case method for the generators 2, 3 and 5.
+   * for 2, p mod 24 == 11
+   * for 3, p mod 12 == 5  <<<<< does not work for safe primes.
+   * for 5, p mod 10 == 3 or 7
+   *
+   * Thanks to Phil Karn <karn@qualcomm.com> for the pointers about the
+   * special generators and for answering some of my questions.
+   *
+   * I've implemented the second simple method :-).
+   * Since DH should be using a safe prime (both p and q are prime),
+   * this generator function can take a very very long time to run.
+   */
+  /* Actually there is no reason to insist that 'generator' be a generator.
+   * It's just as OK (and in some sense better) to use a generator of the
+   * order-q subgroup.
+   */
+  BIGNUM *t1, *t2;
+  int g, ok = 0;
+  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
+  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
+    goto err;
-  return DH_default_method.generate_parameters(dh, prime_bits, generator, cb);
+  BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+  t1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  t2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  if (t1 == NULL || t2 == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Make sure |dh| has the necessary elements */
+  if (dh->p == NULL) {
+    dh->p = BN_new();
+    if (dh->p == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  }
+  if (dh->g == NULL) {
+    dh->g = BN_new();
+    if (dh->g == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  }
+  if (generator <= 1) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (generator == DH_GENERATOR_2) {
+    if (!BN_set_word(t1, 24)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    if (!BN_set_word(t2, 11)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    g = 2;
+  } else if (generator == DH_GENERATOR_5) {
+    if (!BN_set_word(t1, 10)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    if (!BN_set_word(t2, 3)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    /* BN_set_word(t3,7); just have to miss
+     * out on these ones :-( */
+    g = 5;
+  } else {
+    /* in the general case, don't worry if 'generator' is a
+     * generator or not: since we are using safe primes,
+     * it will generate either an order-q or an order-2q group,
+     * which both is OK */
+    if (!BN_set_word(t1, 2)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    if (!BN_set_word(t2, 1)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    g = generator;
+  }
+  if (!BN_generate_prime_ex(dh->p, prime_bits, 1, t1, t2, cb)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 0)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (!BN_set_word(dh->g, g)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  ok = 1;
+  if (!ok) {
+  }
+  if (ctx != NULL) {
+    BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+  }
+  return ok;
 int DH_generate_key(DH *dh) {
-  if (dh->meth->generate_key) {
-    return dh->meth->generate_key(dh);
+  int ok = 0;
+  int generate_new_key = 0;
+  unsigned l;
+  BN_CTX *ctx;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
+  BIGNUM *pub_key = NULL, *priv_key = NULL;
+  BIGNUM local_priv;
+  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
+    goto err;
-  return DH_default_method.generate_key(dh);
+  if (dh->priv_key == NULL) {
+    priv_key = BN_new();
+    if (priv_key == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    generate_new_key = 1;
+  } else {
+    priv_key = dh->priv_key;
+  }
+  if (dh->pub_key == NULL) {
+    pub_key = BN_new();
+    if (pub_key == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  } else {
+    pub_key = dh->pub_key;
+  }
+  mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&dh->method_mont_p, &dh->method_mont_p_lock,
+                                dh->p, ctx);
+  if (!mont) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (generate_new_key) {
+    if (dh->q) {
+      do {
+        if (!BN_rand_range(priv_key, dh->q)) {
+          goto err;
+        }
+      } while (BN_is_zero(priv_key) || BN_is_one(priv_key));
+    } else {
+      /* secret exponent length */
+      DH_check_standard_parameters(dh);
+      l = dh->priv_length ? dh->priv_length : BN_num_bits(dh->p) - 1;
+      if (!BN_rand(priv_key, l, 0, 0)) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  BN_with_flags(&local_priv, priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+  if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(pub_key, dh->g, &local_priv, dh->p, ctx, mont)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  dh->pub_key = pub_key;
+  dh->priv_key = priv_key;
+  ok = 1;
+  if (ok != 1) {
+  }
+  if (dh->pub_key == NULL) {
+    BN_free(pub_key);
+  }
+  if (dh->priv_key == NULL) {
+    BN_free(priv_key);
+  }
+  BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+  return ok;
 int DH_compute_key(unsigned char *out, const BIGNUM *peers_key, DH *dh) {
-  if (dh->meth->compute_key) {
-    return dh->meth->compute_key(dh, out, peers_key);
+  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
+  BIGNUM *shared_key;
+  int ret = -1;
+  int check_result;
+  BIGNUM local_priv;
+  if (BN_num_bits(dh->p) > OPENSSL_DH_MAX_MODULUS_BITS) {
+    goto err;
-  return DH_default_method.compute_key(dh, out, peers_key);
+  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+  shared_key = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  if (shared_key == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (dh->priv_key == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&dh->method_mont_p, &dh->method_mont_p_lock,
+                                dh->p, ctx);
+  if (!mont) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (!DH_check_pub_key(dh, peers_key, &check_result) || check_result) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  BN_with_flags(&local_priv, dh->priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+  if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(shared_key, peers_key, &local_priv, dh->p, ctx,
+                       mont)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  ret = BN_bn2bin(shared_key, out);
+  if (ctx != NULL) {
+    BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+  }
+  return ret;
 int DH_size(const DH *dh) { return BN_num_bytes(dh->p); }
@@ -246,9 +454,9 @@
 int DH_set_ex_data(DH *d, int idx, void *arg) {
-  return (CRYPTO_set_ex_data(&d->ex_data, idx, arg));
+  return CRYPTO_set_ex_data(&d->ex_data, idx, arg);
 void *DH_get_ex_data(DH *d, int idx) {
-  return (CRYPTO_get_ex_data(&d->ex_data, idx));
+  return CRYPTO_get_ex_data(&d->ex_data, idx);
diff --git a/src/crypto/dh/dh_impl.c b/src/crypto/dh/dh_impl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cf0abb..0000000
--- a/src/crypto/dh/dh_impl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This package is an SSL implementation written
- * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
- * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
- *
- * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as
- * the following conditions are aheared to.  The following conditions
- * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,
- * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code.  The SSL documentation
- * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms
- * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
- *
- * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in
- * the code are not to be removed.
- * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution
- * as the author of the parts of the library used.
- * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or
- * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- *    must display the following acknowledgement:
- *    "This product includes cryptographic software written by
- *     Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"
- *    The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library
- *    being used are not cryptographic related :-).
- * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from
- *    the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
- *    "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)"
- *
- *
- * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
- * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
- * copied and put under another distribution licence
- * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */
-#include <openssl/dh.h>
-#include <openssl/bn.h>
-#include <openssl/err.h>
-#include <openssl/thread.h>
-#include "internal.h"
-static int generate_parameters(DH *ret, int prime_bits, int generator, BN_GENCB *cb) {
-  /* We generate DH parameters as follows
-   * find a prime q which is prime_bits/2 bits long.
-   * p=(2*q)+1 or (p-1)/2 = q
-   * For this case, g is a generator if
-   * g^((p-1)/q) mod p != 1 for values of q which are the factors of p-1.
-   * Since the factors of p-1 are q and 2, we just need to check
-   * g^2 mod p != 1 and g^q mod p != 1.
-   *
-   * Having said all that,
-   * there is another special case method for the generators 2, 3 and 5.
-   * for 2, p mod 24 == 11
-   * for 3, p mod 12 == 5  <<<<< does not work for safe primes.
-   * for 5, p mod 10 == 3 or 7
-   *
-   * Thanks to Phil Karn <karn@qualcomm.com> for the pointers about the
-   * special generators and for answering some of my questions.
-   *
-   * I've implemented the second simple method :-).
-   * Since DH should be using a safe prime (both p and q are prime),
-   * this generator function can take a very very long time to run.
-   */
-  /* Actually there is no reason to insist that 'generator' be a generator.
-   * It's just as OK (and in some sense better) to use a generator of the
-   * order-q subgroup.
-   */
-  BIGNUM *t1, *t2;
-  int g, ok = 0;
-  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
-  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-  if (ctx == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-  t1 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  t2 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  if (t1 == NULL || t2 == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* Make sure 'ret' has the necessary elements */
-  if (!ret->p && ((ret->p = BN_new()) == NULL)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (!ret->g && ((ret->g = BN_new()) == NULL)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (generator <= 1) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (generator == DH_GENERATOR_2) {
-    if (!BN_set_word(t1, 24)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    if (!BN_set_word(t2, 11)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    g = 2;
-  } else if (generator == DH_GENERATOR_5) {
-    if (!BN_set_word(t1, 10)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    if (!BN_set_word(t2, 3)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    /* BN_set_word(t3,7); just have to miss
-     * out on these ones :-( */
-    g = 5;
-  } else {
-    /* in the general case, don't worry if 'generator' is a
-     * generator or not: since we are using safe primes,
-     * it will generate either an order-q or an order-2q group,
-     * which both is OK */
-    if (!BN_set_word(t1, 2)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    if (!BN_set_word(t2, 1)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    g = generator;
-  }
-  if (!BN_generate_prime_ex(ret->p, prime_bits, 1, t1, t2, cb)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 0)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (!BN_set_word(ret->g, g)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  ok = 1;
-  if (!ok) {
-  }
-  if (ctx != NULL) {
-    BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-  }
-  return ok;
-static int generate_key(DH *dh) {
-  int ok = 0;
-  int generate_new_key = 0;
-  unsigned l;
-  BN_CTX *ctx;
-  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
-  BIGNUM *pub_key = NULL, *priv_key = NULL;
-  BIGNUM local_priv;
-  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-  if (ctx == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (dh->priv_key == NULL) {
-    priv_key = BN_new();
-    if (priv_key == NULL) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    generate_new_key = 1;
-  } else {
-    priv_key = dh->priv_key;
-  }
-  if (dh->pub_key == NULL) {
-    pub_key = BN_new();
-    if (pub_key == NULL) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-  } else {
-    pub_key = dh->pub_key;
-  }
-  mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&dh->method_mont_p, &dh->method_mont_p_lock,
-                                dh->p, ctx);
-  if (!mont) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (generate_new_key) {
-    if (dh->q) {
-      do {
-        if (!BN_rand_range(priv_key, dh->q)) {
-          goto err;
-        }
-      } while (BN_is_zero(priv_key) || BN_is_one(priv_key));
-    } else {
-      /* secret exponent length */
-      DH_check_standard_parameters(dh);
-      l = dh->priv_length ? dh->priv_length : BN_num_bits(dh->p) - 1;
-      if (!BN_rand(priv_key, l, 0, 0)) {
-        goto err;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  BN_with_flags(&local_priv, priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
-  if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(pub_key, dh->g, &local_priv, dh->p, ctx, mont)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  dh->pub_key = pub_key;
-  dh->priv_key = priv_key;
-  ok = 1;
-  if (ok != 1) {
-  }
-  if (dh->pub_key == NULL) {
-    BN_free(pub_key);
-  }
-  if (dh->priv_key == NULL) {
-    BN_free(priv_key);
-  }
-  BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-  return ok;
-static int compute_key(DH *dh, unsigned char *out, const BIGNUM *pub_key) {
-  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
-  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
-  BIGNUM *shared_key;
-  int ret = -1;
-  int check_result;
-  BIGNUM local_priv;
-  if (BN_num_bits(dh->p) > OPENSSL_DH_MAX_MODULUS_BITS) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-  if (ctx == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-  shared_key = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  if (shared_key == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (dh->priv_key == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&dh->method_mont_p, &dh->method_mont_p_lock,
-                                dh->p, ctx);
-  if (!mont) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (!DH_check_pub_key(dh, pub_key, &check_result) || check_result) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  BN_with_flags(&local_priv, dh->priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
-  if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(shared_key, pub_key, &local_priv, dh->p, ctx,
-                       mont)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  ret = BN_bn2bin(shared_key, out);
-  if (ctx != NULL) {
-    BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-  }
-  return ret;
-const struct dh_method DH_default_method = {
-  {
-    0 /* references */,
-    1 /* is_static */,
-  },
-  NULL /* app_data */,
-  NULL /* init */,
-  NULL /* finish */,
-  generate_parameters,
-  generate_key,
-  compute_key,
diff --git a/src/crypto/dh/params.c b/src/crypto/dh/params.c
index 2bfccb8..6b30036 100644
--- a/src/crypto/dh/params.c
+++ b/src/crypto/dh/params.c
@@ -264,9 +264,7 @@
 static DH *get_standard_parameters(const struct standard_parameters *params,
                                    const ENGINE *engine) {
-  DH *dh;
-  dh = DH_new_method(engine);
+  DH *dh = DH_new();
   if (!dh) {
     return NULL;
diff --git a/src/crypto/digest/md32_common.h b/src/crypto/digest/md32_common.h
index 14607fb..d213476 100644
--- a/src/crypto/digest/md32_common.h
+++ b/src/crypto/digest/md32_common.h
@@ -58,49 +58,54 @@
 #define asm __asm__
-/* This is a generic 32 bit "collector" for message digest algorithms.
- * Whenever needed it collects input character stream into chunks of
- * 32 bit values and invokes a block function that performs actual hash
- * calculations.
+/* This is a generic 32-bit "collector" for message digest algorithms. It
+ * collects input character stream into chunks of 32-bit values and invokes the
+ * block function that performs the actual hash calculations. To make use of
+ * this mechanism, the following macros must be defined before including
+ * md32_common.h.
- * Porting guide.
+ * defined to specify the byte order of the input stream.
- * Obligatory macros:
+ * |HASH_CBLOCK| must be defined as the integer block size, in bytes.
- *	this macro defines byte order of input stream.
- *	size of a unit chunk HASH_BLOCK operates on.
- *	has to be at least 32 bit wide.
- *	context structure that at least contains following
- *	members:
- *		typedef struct {
- *			...
- *			HASH_LONG	Nl,Nh;
- *			either {
- *			unsigned char	data[HASH_CBLOCK];
- *			};
- *			unsigned int	num;
- *			...
- *			} HASH_CTX;
- *	data[] vector is expected to be zeroed upon first call to
- *	name of "Update" function, implemented here.
- *	name of "Transform" function, implemented here.
- *	name of "Final" function, implemented here.
- *	name of "block" function capable of treating *unaligned* input
- *	message in original (data) byte order, implemented externally.
- *	macro convering context variables to an ASCII hash string.
+ * |HASH_CTX| must be defined as the name of the context structure, which must
+ * have at least the following members:
- *					<appro@fy.chalmers.se>
+ *     typedef struct <name>_state_st {
+ *       uint32_t h[<chaining length> / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+ *       uint32_t Nl,Nh;
+ *       uint32_t data[HASH_CBLOCK / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+ *       unsigned int num
+ *       ...
+ *     } <NAME>_CTX;
+ *
+ * <chaining length> is the output length of the hash in bytes, before
+ * any truncation (e.g. 64 for SHA-224 and SHA-256, 128 for SHA-384 and SHA-512).
+ *
+ * |HASH_UPDATE| must be defined as the name of the "Update" function to
+ * generate.
+ *
+ * |HASH_TRANSFORM| must be defined as the  the name of the "Transform"
+ * function to generate.
+ *
+ * |HASH_FINAL| must be defined as the name of "Final" function to generate.
+ *
+ * |HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER| must be defined as the name of the "Block" function.
+ * That function must be implemented manually. It must be capable of operating
+ * on *unaligned* input data in its original (data) byte order. It must have
+ * this signature:
+ *
+ *     void HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *data,
+ *                                size_t num);
+ *
+ * It must update the hash state |state| with |num| blocks of data from |data|,
+ * where each block is |HASH_CBLOCK| bytes; i.e. |data| points to a array of
+ * |HASH_CBLOCK * num| bytes. |state| points to the |h| member of a |HASH_CTX|,
+ * and so will have |<chaining length> / sizeof(uint32_t)| elements.
+ *
+ * |HASH_MAKE_STRING(c, s)| must be defined as a block statement that converts
+ * the hash state |c->h| into the output byte order, storing the result in |s|.
@@ -110,9 +115,6 @@
 #ifndef HASH_CBLOCK
 #error "HASH_CBLOCK must be defined!"
-#ifndef HASH_LONG
-#error "HASH_LONG must be defined!"
 #ifndef HASH_CTX
 #error "HASH_CTX must be defined!"
@@ -243,17 +245,17 @@
 	const uint8_t *data=data_;
 	uint8_t *p;
+	uint32_t l;
 	size_t n;
 	if (len==0) return 1;
-	l=(c->Nl+(((HASH_LONG)len)<<3))&0xffffffffUL;
+	l=(c->Nl+(((uint32_t)len)<<3))&0xffffffffUL;
 	/* 95-05-24 eay Fixed a bug with the overflow handling, thanks to
 	 * Wei Dai <weidai@eskimo.com> for pointing it out. */
 	if (l < c->Nl) /* overflow */
-	c->Nh+=(HASH_LONG)(len>>29);	/* might cause compiler warning on 16-bit */
+	c->Nh+=(uint32_t)(len>>29);	/* might cause compiler warning on 16-bit */
 	n = c->num;
@@ -264,7 +266,7 @@
 		if (len >= HASH_CBLOCK || len+n >= HASH_CBLOCK)
 			memcpy (p+n,data,HASH_CBLOCK-n);
+			HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER (c->h,p,1);
 			n      = HASH_CBLOCK-n;
 			data  += n;
 			len   -= n;
@@ -282,7 +284,7 @@
 	n = len/HASH_CBLOCK;
 	if (n > 0)
-		HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER (c,data,n);
+		HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER (c->h,data,n);
 		n    *= HASH_CBLOCK;
 		data += n;
 		len  -= n;
@@ -300,7 +302,7 @@
 void HASH_TRANSFORM (HASH_CTX *c, const uint8_t *data)
+	HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER (c->h,data,1);
@@ -316,7 +318,7 @@
 		memset (p+n,0,HASH_CBLOCK-n);
+		HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER (c->h,p,1);
 	memset (p+n,0,HASH_CBLOCK-8-n);
@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@
 	memset (p,0,HASH_CBLOCK);
diff --git a/src/crypto/dsa/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crypto/dsa/CMakeLists.txt
index 654f18c..de36565 100644
--- a/src/crypto/dsa/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crypto/dsa/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
-  dsa_impl.c
diff --git a/src/crypto/dsa/dsa.c b/src/crypto/dsa/dsa.c
index eb8e61f..ceffd1a 100644
--- a/src/crypto/dsa/dsa.c
+++ b/src/crypto/dsa/dsa.c
@@ -62,24 +62,30 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <openssl/asn1.h>
+#include <openssl/bn.h>
 #include <openssl/dh.h>
+#include <openssl/digest.h>
 #include <openssl/engine.h>
 #include <openssl/err.h>
 #include <openssl/ex_data.h>
 #include <openssl/mem.h>
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include <openssl/sha.h>
 #include <openssl/thread.h>
 #include "internal.h"
 #include "../internal.h"
-extern const DSA_METHOD DSA_default_method;
+/* Primality test according to FIPS PUB 186[-1], Appendix 2.1: 50 rounds of
+ * Rabin-Miller */
+#define DSS_prime_checks 50
-DSA *DSA_new(void) { return DSA_new_method(NULL); }
-DSA *DSA_new_method(const ENGINE *engine) {
+DSA *DSA_new(void) {
   DSA *dsa = (DSA *)OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(DSA));
   if (dsa == NULL) {
@@ -88,15 +94,6 @@
   memset(dsa, 0, sizeof(DSA));
-  if (engine) {
-    dsa->meth = ENGINE_get_DSA_method(engine);
-  }
-  if (dsa->meth == NULL) {
-    dsa->meth = (DSA_METHOD*) &DSA_default_method;
-  }
-  METHOD_ref(dsa->meth);
   dsa->write_params = 1;
   dsa->references = 1;
@@ -104,15 +101,6 @@
   if (!CRYPTO_new_ex_data(&g_ex_data_class, dsa, &dsa->ex_data)) {
-    METHOD_unref(dsa->meth);
-    OPENSSL_free(dsa);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (dsa->meth->init && !dsa->meth->init(dsa)) {
-    CRYPTO_free_ex_data(&g_ex_data_class, dsa, &dsa->ex_data);
-    CRYPTO_MUTEX_cleanup(&dsa->method_mont_p_lock);
-    METHOD_unref(dsa->meth);
     return NULL;
@@ -129,11 +117,6 @@
-  if (dsa->meth->finish) {
-    dsa->meth->finish(dsa);
-  }
-  METHOD_unref(dsa->meth);
   CRYPTO_free_ex_data(&g_ex_data_class, dsa, &dsa->ex_data);
@@ -143,6 +126,7 @@
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(dsa->method_mont_p);
@@ -155,19 +139,319 @@
 int DSA_generate_parameters_ex(DSA *dsa, unsigned bits, const uint8_t *seed_in,
                                size_t seed_len, int *out_counter,
                                unsigned long *out_h, BN_GENCB *cb) {
-  if (dsa->meth->generate_parameters) {
-    return dsa->meth->generate_parameters(dsa, bits, seed_in, seed_len,
-                                          out_counter, out_h, cb);
+  int ok = 0;
+  unsigned char seed[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+  unsigned char md[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+  unsigned char buf[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH], buf2[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+  BIGNUM *r0, *W, *X, *c, *test;
+  BIGNUM *g = NULL, *q = NULL, *p = NULL;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
+  int k, n = 0, m = 0;
+  unsigned i;
+  int counter = 0;
+  int r = 0;
+  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
+  unsigned int h = 2;
+  unsigned qsize;
+  const EVP_MD *evpmd;
+  evpmd = (bits >= 2048) ? EVP_sha256() : EVP_sha1();
+  qsize = EVP_MD_size(evpmd);
+  if (bits < 512) {
+    bits = 512;
-  return DSA_default_method.generate_parameters(dsa, bits, seed_in, seed_len,
-                                                out_counter, out_h, cb);
+  bits = (bits + 63) / 64 * 64;
+  if (seed_in != NULL) {
+    if (seed_len < (size_t)qsize) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    if (seed_len > (size_t)qsize) {
+      /* Only consume as much seed as is expected. */
+      seed_len = qsize;
+    }
+    memcpy(seed, seed_in, seed_len);
+  }
+  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  BN_CTX_start(ctx);
+  mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
+  if (mont == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  r0 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  g = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  W = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  q = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  c = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  p = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  test = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+  if (test == NULL || !BN_lshift(test, BN_value_one(), bits - 1)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  for (;;) {
+    /* Find q. */
+    for (;;) {
+      /* step 1 */
+      if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 0, m++)) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      int use_random_seed = (seed_in == NULL);
+      if (use_random_seed) {
+        if (!RAND_bytes(seed, qsize)) {
+          goto err;
+        }
+      } else {
+        /* If we come back through, use random seed next time. */
+        seed_in = NULL;
+      }
+      memcpy(buf, seed, qsize);
+      memcpy(buf2, seed, qsize);
+      /* precompute "SEED + 1" for step 7: */
+      for (i = qsize - 1; i < qsize; i--) {
+        buf[i]++;
+        if (buf[i] != 0) {
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      /* step 2 */
+      if (!EVP_Digest(seed, qsize, md, NULL, evpmd, NULL) ||
+          !EVP_Digest(buf, qsize, buf2, NULL, evpmd, NULL)) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      for (i = 0; i < qsize; i++) {
+        md[i] ^= buf2[i];
+      }
+      /* step 3 */
+      md[0] |= 0x80;
+      md[qsize - 1] |= 0x01;
+      if (!BN_bin2bn(md, qsize, q)) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      /* step 4 */
+      r = BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(q, DSS_prime_checks, ctx, use_random_seed, cb);
+      if (r > 0) {
+        break;
+      }
+      if (r != 0) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      /* do a callback call */
+      /* step 5 */
+    }
+    if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 2, 0) || !BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 0)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    /* step 6 */
+    counter = 0;
+    /* "offset = 2" */
+    n = (bits - 1) / 160;
+    for (;;) {
+      if ((counter != 0) && !BN_GENCB_call(cb, 0, counter)) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      /* step 7 */
+      BN_zero(W);
+      /* now 'buf' contains "SEED + offset - 1" */
+      for (k = 0; k <= n; k++) {
+        /* obtain "SEED + offset + k" by incrementing: */
+        for (i = qsize - 1; i < qsize; i--) {
+          buf[i]++;
+          if (buf[i] != 0) {
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if (!EVP_Digest(buf, qsize, md, NULL, evpmd, NULL)) {
+          goto err;
+        }
+        /* step 8 */
+        if (!BN_bin2bn(md, qsize, r0) ||
+            !BN_lshift(r0, r0, (qsize << 3) * k) ||
+            !BN_add(W, W, r0)) {
+          goto err;
+        }
+      }
+      /* more of step 8 */
+      if (!BN_mask_bits(W, bits - 1) ||
+          !BN_copy(X, W) ||
+          !BN_add(X, X, test)) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      /* step 9 */
+      if (!BN_lshift1(r0, q) ||
+          !BN_mod(c, X, r0, ctx) ||
+          !BN_sub(r0, c, BN_value_one()) ||
+          !BN_sub(p, X, r0)) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      /* step 10 */
+      if (BN_cmp(p, test) >= 0) {
+        /* step 11 */
+        r = BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(p, DSS_prime_checks, ctx, 1, cb);
+        if (r > 0) {
+          goto end; /* found it */
+        }
+        if (r != 0) {
+          goto err;
+        }
+      }
+      /* step 13 */
+      counter++;
+      /* "offset = offset + n + 1" */
+      /* step 14 */
+      if (counter >= 4096) {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 2, 1)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* We now need to generate g */
+  /* Set r0=(p-1)/q */
+  if (!BN_sub(test, p, BN_value_one()) ||
+      !BN_div(r0, NULL, test, q, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (!BN_set_word(test, h) ||
+      !BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, p, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  for (;;) {
+    /* g=test^r0%p */
+    if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(g, test, r0, p, ctx, mont)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    if (!BN_is_one(g)) {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (!BN_add(test, test, BN_value_one())) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    h++;
+  }
+  if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 1)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  ok = 1;
+  if (ok) {
+    BN_free(dsa->p);
+    BN_free(dsa->q);
+    BN_free(dsa->g);
+    dsa->p = BN_dup(p);
+    dsa->q = BN_dup(q);
+    dsa->g = BN_dup(g);
+    if (dsa->p == NULL || dsa->q == NULL || dsa->g == NULL) {
+      ok = 0;
+      goto err;
+    }
+    if (out_counter != NULL) {
+      *out_counter = counter;
+    }
+    if (out_h != NULL) {
+      *out_h = h;
+    }
+  }
+  if (ctx) {
+    BN_CTX_end(ctx);
+    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+  }
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);
+  return ok;
 int DSA_generate_key(DSA *dsa) {
-  if (dsa->meth->keygen) {
-    return dsa->meth->keygen(dsa);
+  int ok = 0;
+  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
+  BIGNUM *pub_key = NULL, *priv_key = NULL;
+  BIGNUM prk;
+  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
+    goto err;
-  return DSA_default_method.keygen(dsa);
+  priv_key = dsa->priv_key;
+  if (priv_key == NULL) {
+    priv_key = BN_new();
+    if (priv_key == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  }
+  do {
+    if (!BN_rand_range(priv_key, dsa->q)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  } while (BN_is_zero(priv_key));
+  pub_key = dsa->pub_key;
+  if (pub_key == NULL) {
+    pub_key = BN_new();
+    if (pub_key == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  }
+  BN_init(&prk);
+  BN_with_flags(&prk, priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+  if (!BN_mod_exp(pub_key, dsa->g, &prk, dsa->p, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  dsa->priv_key = priv_key;
+  dsa->pub_key = pub_key;
+  ok = 1;
+  if (dsa->pub_key == NULL) {
+    BN_free(pub_key);
+  }
+  if (dsa->priv_key == NULL) {
+    BN_free(priv_key);
+  }
+  BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+  return ok;
 DSA_SIG *DSA_SIG_new(void) {
@@ -192,10 +476,99 @@
 DSA_SIG *DSA_do_sign(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len, DSA *dsa) {
-  if (dsa->meth->sign) {
-    return dsa->meth->sign(digest, digest_len, dsa);
+  BIGNUM *kinv = NULL, *r = NULL, *s = NULL;
+  BIGNUM m;
+  BIGNUM xr;
+  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
+  int reason = ERR_R_BN_LIB;
+  DSA_SIG *ret = NULL;
+  int noredo = 0;
+  BN_init(&m);
+  BN_init(&xr);
+  if (!dsa->p || !dsa->q || !dsa->g) {
+    goto err;
-  return DSA_default_method.sign(digest, digest_len, dsa);
+  s = BN_new();
+  if (s == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (dsa->kinv == NULL || dsa->r == NULL) {
+    if (!DSA_sign_setup(dsa, ctx, &kinv, &r)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  } else {
+    kinv = dsa->kinv;
+    dsa->kinv = NULL;
+    r = dsa->r;
+    dsa->r = NULL;
+    noredo = 1;
+  }
+  if (digest_len > BN_num_bytes(dsa->q)) {
+    /* if the digest length is greater than the size of q use the
+     * BN_num_bits(dsa->q) leftmost bits of the digest, see
+     * fips 186-3, 4.2 */
+    digest_len = BN_num_bytes(dsa->q);
+  }
+  if (BN_bin2bn(digest, digest_len, &m) == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Compute  s = inv(k) (m + xr) mod q */
+  if (!BN_mod_mul(&xr, dsa->priv_key, r, dsa->q, ctx)) {
+    goto err; /* s = xr */
+  }
+  if (!BN_add(s, &xr, &m)) {
+    goto err; /* s = m + xr */
+  }
+  if (BN_cmp(s, dsa->q) > 0) {
+    if (!BN_sub(s, s, dsa->q)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!BN_mod_mul(s, s, kinv, dsa->q, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  ret = DSA_SIG_new();
+  if (ret == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Redo if r or s is zero as required by FIPS 186-3: this is
+   * very unlikely. */
+  if (BN_is_zero(r) || BN_is_zero(s)) {
+    if (noredo) {
+      reason = DSA_R_NEED_NEW_SETUP_VALUES;
+      goto err;
+    }
+    goto redo;
+  }
+  ret->r = r;
+  ret->s = s;
+  if (!ret) {
+    OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(DSA, reason);
+    BN_free(r);
+    BN_free(s);
+  }
+  BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+  BN_clear_free(&m);
+  BN_clear_free(&xr);
+  BN_clear_free(kinv);
+  return ret;
 int DSA_do_verify(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len, DSA_SIG *sig,
@@ -209,11 +582,112 @@
 int DSA_do_check_signature(int *out_valid, const uint8_t *digest,
                            size_t digest_len, DSA_SIG *sig, const DSA *dsa) {
-  if (dsa->meth->verify) {
-    return dsa->meth->verify(out_valid, digest, digest_len, sig, dsa);
+  BN_CTX *ctx;
+  BIGNUM u1, u2, t1;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
+  int ret = 0;
+  unsigned i;
+  *out_valid = 0;
+  if (!dsa->p || !dsa->q || !dsa->g) {
+    return 0;
-  return DSA_default_method.verify(out_valid, digest, digest_len, sig, dsa);
+  i = BN_num_bits(dsa->q);
+  /* fips 186-3 allows only different sizes for q */
+  if (i != 160 && i != 224 && i != 256) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (BN_num_bits(dsa->p) > OPENSSL_DSA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  BN_init(&u1);
+  BN_init(&u2);
+  BN_init(&t1);
+  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (BN_is_zero(sig->r) || BN_is_negative(sig->r) ||
+      BN_ucmp(sig->r, dsa->q) >= 0) {
+    ret = 1;
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (BN_is_zero(sig->s) || BN_is_negative(sig->s) ||
+      BN_ucmp(sig->s, dsa->q) >= 0) {
+    ret = 1;
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Calculate W = inv(S) mod Q
+   * save W in u2 */
+  if (BN_mod_inverse(&u2, sig->s, dsa->q, ctx) == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* save M in u1 */
+  if (digest_len > (i >> 3)) {
+    /* if the digest length is greater than the size of q use the
+     * BN_num_bits(dsa->q) leftmost bits of the digest, see
+     * fips 186-3, 4.2 */
+    digest_len = (i >> 3);
+  }
+  if (BN_bin2bn(digest, digest_len, &u1) == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* u1 = M * w mod q */
+  if (!BN_mod_mul(&u1, &u1, &u2, dsa->q, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* u2 = r * w mod q */
+  if (!BN_mod_mul(&u2, sig->r, &u2, dsa->q, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked((BN_MONT_CTX **)&dsa->method_mont_p,
+                                (CRYPTO_MUTEX *)&dsa->method_mont_p_lock,
+                                dsa->p, ctx);
+  if (!mont) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (!BN_mod_exp2_mont(&t1, dsa->g, &u1, dsa->pub_key, &u2, dsa->p, ctx,
+                        mont)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* BN_copy(&u1,&t1); */
+  /* let u1 = u1 mod q */
+  if (!BN_mod(&u1, &t1, dsa->q, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* V is now in u1.  If the signature is correct, it will be
+   * equal to R. */
+  *out_valid = BN_ucmp(&u1, sig->r) == 0;
+  ret = 1;
+  if (ret != 1) {
+  }
+  BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+  BN_free(&u1);
+  BN_free(&u2);
+  BN_free(&t1);
+  return ret;
 int DSA_sign(int type, const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len,
@@ -292,13 +766,102 @@
   return ret;
-int DSA_sign_setup(const DSA *dsa, BN_CTX *ctx, BIGNUM **out_kinv,
+int DSA_sign_setup(const DSA *dsa, BN_CTX *ctx_in, BIGNUM **out_kinv,
                    BIGNUM **out_r) {
-  if (dsa->meth->sign_setup) {
-    return dsa->meth->sign_setup(dsa, ctx, out_kinv, out_r, NULL, 0);
+  BN_CTX *ctx;
+  BIGNUM k, kq, *K, *kinv = NULL, *r = NULL;
+  int ret = 0;
+  if (!dsa->p || !dsa->q || !dsa->g) {
+    return 0;
-  return DSA_default_method.sign_setup(dsa, ctx, out_kinv, out_r, NULL, 0);
+  BN_init(&k);
+  BN_init(&kq);
+  ctx = ctx_in;
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
+    ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+    if (ctx == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  }
+  r = BN_new();
+  if (r == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Get random k */
+  do {
+    if (!BN_rand_range(&k, dsa->q)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  } while (BN_is_zero(&k));
+  BN_set_flags(&k, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+  if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked((BN_MONT_CTX **)&dsa->method_mont_p,
+                             (CRYPTO_MUTEX *)&dsa->method_mont_p_lock, dsa->p,
+                             ctx) == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Compute r = (g^k mod p) mod q */
+  if (!BN_copy(&kq, &k)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* We do not want timing information to leak the length of k,
+   * so we compute g^k using an equivalent exponent of fixed length.
+   *
+   * (This is a kludge that we need because the BN_mod_exp_mont()
+   * does not let us specify the desired timing behaviour.) */
+  if (!BN_add(&kq, &kq, dsa->q)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (BN_num_bits(&kq) <= BN_num_bits(dsa->q) && !BN_add(&kq, &kq, dsa->q)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  K = &kq;
+  if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(r, dsa->g, K, dsa->p, ctx, dsa->method_mont_p)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if (!BN_mod(r, r, dsa->q, ctx)) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Compute  part of 's = inv(k) (m + xr) mod q' */
+  kinv = BN_mod_inverse(NULL, &k, dsa->q, ctx);
+  if (kinv == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  BN_clear_free(*out_kinv);
+  *out_kinv = kinv;
+  kinv = NULL;
+  BN_clear_free(*out_r);
+  *out_r = r;
+  ret = 1;
+  if (!ret) {
+    if (r != NULL) {
+      BN_clear_free(r);
+    }
+  }
+  if (ctx_in == NULL) {
+    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+  }
+  BN_clear_free(&k);
+  BN_clear_free(&kq);
+  return ret;
 int DSA_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp, CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func,
diff --git a/src/crypto/dsa/dsa_impl.c b/src/crypto/dsa/dsa_impl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e046f9c..0000000
--- a/src/crypto/dsa/dsa_impl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This package is an SSL implementation written
- * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
- * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
- *
- * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as
- * the following conditions are aheared to.  The following conditions
- * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,
- * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code.  The SSL documentation
- * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms
- * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
- *
- * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in
- * the code are not to be removed.
- * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution
- * as the author of the parts of the library used.
- * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or
- * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- *    must display the following acknowledgement:
- *    "This product includes cryptographic software written by
- *     Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"
- *    The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library
- *    being used are not cryptographic related :-).
- * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from
- *    the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
- *    "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)"
- *
- *
- * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
- * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
- * copied and put under another distribution licence
- * [including the GNU Public Licence.]
- *
- * The DSS routines are based on patches supplied by
- * Steven Schoch <schoch@sheba.arc.nasa.gov>. */
-#include <openssl/dsa.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <openssl/bn.h>
-#include <openssl/digest.h>
-#include <openssl/err.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-#include <openssl/sha.h>
-#include <openssl/thread.h>
-#include "internal.h"
-/* Primality test according to FIPS PUB 186[-1], Appendix 2.1: 50 rounds of
- * Rabin-Miller */
-#define DSS_prime_checks 50
-static int sign_setup(const DSA *dsa, BN_CTX *ctx_in, BIGNUM **kinvp,
-                      BIGNUM **rp, const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len) {
-  BN_CTX *ctx;
-  BIGNUM k, kq, *K, *kinv = NULL, *r = NULL;
-  int ret = 0;
-  if (!dsa->p || !dsa->q || !dsa->g) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  BN_init(&k);
-  BN_init(&kq);
-  ctx = ctx_in;
-  if (ctx == NULL) {
-    ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-    if (ctx == NULL) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-  }
-  r = BN_new();
-  if (r == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* Get random k */
-  do {
-    /* If possible, we'll include the private key and message digest in the k
-     * generation. The |digest| argument is only empty if |DSA_sign_setup| is
-     * being used. */
-    int ok;
-    if (digest_len > 0) {
-      ok = BN_generate_dsa_nonce(&k, dsa->q, dsa->priv_key, digest, digest_len,
-                                 ctx);
-    } else {
-      ok = BN_rand_range(&k, dsa->q);
-    }
-    if (!ok) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-  } while (BN_is_zero(&k));
-  BN_set_flags(&k, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
-  if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked((BN_MONT_CTX **)&dsa->method_mont_p,
-                             (CRYPTO_MUTEX *)&dsa->method_mont_p_lock, dsa->p,
-                             ctx) == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* Compute r = (g^k mod p) mod q */
-  if (!BN_copy(&kq, &k)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* We do not want timing information to leak the length of k,
-   * so we compute g^k using an equivalent exponent of fixed length.
-   *
-   * (This is a kludge that we need because the BN_mod_exp_mont()
-   * does not let us specify the desired timing behaviour.) */
-  if (!BN_add(&kq, &kq, dsa->q)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (BN_num_bits(&kq) <= BN_num_bits(dsa->q) && !BN_add(&kq, &kq, dsa->q)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  K = &kq;
-  if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(r, dsa->g, K, dsa->p, ctx, dsa->method_mont_p)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (!BN_mod(r, r, dsa->q, ctx)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* Compute  part of 's = inv(k) (m + xr) mod q' */
-  kinv = BN_mod_inverse(NULL, &k, dsa->q, ctx);
-  if (kinv == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  BN_clear_free(*kinvp);
-  *kinvp = kinv;
-  kinv = NULL;
-  BN_clear_free(*rp);
-  *rp = r;
-  ret = 1;
-  if (!ret) {
-    if (r != NULL) {
-      BN_clear_free(r);
-    }
-  }
-  if (ctx_in == NULL) {
-    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-  }
-  BN_clear_free(&k);
-  BN_clear_free(&kq);
-  return ret;
-static DSA_SIG *sign(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len, DSA *dsa) {
-  BIGNUM *kinv = NULL, *r = NULL, *s = NULL;
-  BIGNUM m;
-  BIGNUM xr;
-  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
-  int reason = ERR_R_BN_LIB;
-  DSA_SIG *ret = NULL;
-  int noredo = 0;
-  BN_init(&m);
-  BN_init(&xr);
-  if (!dsa->p || !dsa->q || !dsa->g) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  s = BN_new();
-  if (s == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-  if (ctx == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (dsa->kinv == NULL || dsa->r == NULL) {
-    if (!DSA_sign_setup(dsa, ctx, &kinv, &r)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-  } else {
-    kinv = dsa->kinv;
-    dsa->kinv = NULL;
-    r = dsa->r;
-    dsa->r = NULL;
-    noredo = 1;
-  }
-  if (digest_len > BN_num_bytes(dsa->q)) {
-    /* if the digest length is greater than the size of q use the
-     * BN_num_bits(dsa->q) leftmost bits of the digest, see
-     * fips 186-3, 4.2 */
-    digest_len = BN_num_bytes(dsa->q);
-  }
-  if (BN_bin2bn(digest, digest_len, &m) == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* Compute  s = inv(k) (m + xr) mod q */
-  if (!BN_mod_mul(&xr, dsa->priv_key, r, dsa->q, ctx)) {
-    goto err; /* s = xr */
-  }
-  if (!BN_add(s, &xr, &m)) {
-    goto err; /* s = m + xr */
-  }
-  if (BN_cmp(s, dsa->q) > 0) {
-    if (!BN_sub(s, s, dsa->q)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!BN_mod_mul(s, s, kinv, dsa->q, ctx)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  ret = DSA_SIG_new();
-  if (ret == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* Redo if r or s is zero as required by FIPS 186-3: this is
-   * very unlikely. */
-  if (BN_is_zero(r) || BN_is_zero(s)) {
-    if (noredo) {
-      reason = DSA_R_NEED_NEW_SETUP_VALUES;
-      goto err;
-    }
-    goto redo;
-  }
-  ret->r = r;
-  ret->s = s;
-  if (!ret) {
-    OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(DSA, reason);
-    BN_free(r);
-    BN_free(s);
-  }
-  BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-  BN_clear_free(&m);
-  BN_clear_free(&xr);
-  BN_clear_free(kinv);
-  return ret;
-static int verify(int *out_valid, const uint8_t *dgst, size_t digest_len,
-                  DSA_SIG *sig, const DSA *dsa) {
-  BN_CTX *ctx;
-  BIGNUM u1, u2, t1;
-  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
-  int ret = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  *out_valid = 0;
-  if (!dsa->p || !dsa->q || !dsa->g) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  i = BN_num_bits(dsa->q);
-  /* fips 186-3 allows only different sizes for q */
-  if (i != 160 && i != 224 && i != 256) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (BN_num_bits(dsa->p) > OPENSSL_DSA_MAX_MODULUS_BITS) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  BN_init(&u1);
-  BN_init(&u2);
-  BN_init(&t1);
-  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-  if (ctx == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (BN_is_zero(sig->r) || BN_is_negative(sig->r) ||
-      BN_ucmp(sig->r, dsa->q) >= 0) {
-    ret = 1;
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (BN_is_zero(sig->s) || BN_is_negative(sig->s) ||
-      BN_ucmp(sig->s, dsa->q) >= 0) {
-    ret = 1;
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* Calculate W = inv(S) mod Q
-   * save W in u2 */
-  if (BN_mod_inverse(&u2, sig->s, dsa->q, ctx) == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* save M in u1 */
-  if (digest_len > (i >> 3)) {
-    /* if the digest length is greater than the size of q use the
-     * BN_num_bits(dsa->q) leftmost bits of the digest, see
-     * fips 186-3, 4.2 */
-    digest_len = (i >> 3);
-  }
-  if (BN_bin2bn(dgst, digest_len, &u1) == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* u1 = M * w mod q */
-  if (!BN_mod_mul(&u1, &u1, &u2, dsa->q, ctx)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* u2 = r * w mod q */
-  if (!BN_mod_mul(&u2, sig->r, &u2, dsa->q, ctx)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  mont = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked((BN_MONT_CTX **)&dsa->method_mont_p,
-                                (CRYPTO_MUTEX *)&dsa->method_mont_p_lock,
-                                dsa->p, ctx);
-  if (!mont) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (!BN_mod_exp2_mont(&t1, dsa->g, &u1, dsa->pub_key, &u2, dsa->p, ctx,
-                        mont)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* BN_copy(&u1,&t1); */
-  /* let u1 = u1 mod q */
-  if (!BN_mod(&u1, &t1, dsa->q, ctx)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* V is now in u1.  If the signature is correct, it will be
-   * equal to R. */
-  *out_valid = BN_ucmp(&u1, sig->r) == 0;
-  ret = 1;
-  if (ret != 1) {
-  }
-  BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-  BN_free(&u1);
-  BN_free(&u2);
-  BN_free(&t1);
-  return ret;
-static int keygen(DSA *dsa) {
-  int ok = 0;
-  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
-  BIGNUM *pub_key = NULL, *priv_key = NULL;
-  BIGNUM prk;
-  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-  if (ctx == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  priv_key = dsa->priv_key;
-  if (priv_key == NULL) {
-    priv_key = BN_new();
-    if (priv_key == NULL) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-  }
-  do {
-    if (!BN_rand_range(priv_key, dsa->q)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-  } while (BN_is_zero(priv_key));
-  pub_key = dsa->pub_key;
-  if (pub_key == NULL) {
-    pub_key = BN_new();
-    if (pub_key == NULL) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-  }
-  BN_init(&prk);
-  BN_with_flags(&prk, priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
-  if (!BN_mod_exp(pub_key, dsa->g, &prk, dsa->p, ctx)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  dsa->priv_key = priv_key;
-  dsa->pub_key = pub_key;
-  ok = 1;
-  if (dsa->pub_key == NULL) {
-    BN_free(pub_key);
-  }
-  if (dsa->priv_key == NULL) {
-    BN_free(priv_key);
-  }
-  BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-  return ok;
-static int paramgen(DSA *ret, unsigned bits, const uint8_t *seed_in,
-                    size_t seed_len, int *counter_ret, unsigned long *h_ret,
-                    BN_GENCB *cb) {
-  int ok = 0;
-  unsigned char seed[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-  unsigned char md[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-  unsigned char buf[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH], buf2[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-  BIGNUM *r0, *W, *X, *c, *test;
-  BIGNUM *g = NULL, *q = NULL, *p = NULL;
-  BN_MONT_CTX *mont = NULL;
-  int k, n = 0, m = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  int counter = 0;
-  int r = 0;
-  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
-  unsigned int h = 2;
-  unsigned qsize;
-  const EVP_MD *evpmd;
-  evpmd = (bits >= 2048) ? EVP_sha256() : EVP_sha1();
-  qsize = EVP_MD_size(evpmd);
-  if (bits < 512) {
-    bits = 512;
-  }
-  bits = (bits + 63) / 64 * 64;
-  if (seed_in != NULL) {
-    if (seed_len < (size_t)qsize) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    if (seed_len > (size_t)qsize) {
-      /* Only consume as much seed as is expected. */
-      seed_len = qsize;
-    }
-    memcpy(seed, seed_in, seed_len);
-  }
-  ctx = BN_CTX_new();
-  if (ctx == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  BN_CTX_start(ctx);
-  mont = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
-  if (mont == NULL) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  r0 = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  g = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  W = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  q = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  X = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  c = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  p = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  test = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
-  if (test == NULL || !BN_lshift(test, BN_value_one(), bits - 1)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  for (;;) {
-    /* Find q. */
-    for (;;) {
-      /* step 1 */
-      if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 0, m++)) {
-        goto err;
-      }
-      int use_random_seed = (seed_in == NULL);
-      if (use_random_seed) {
-        if (!RAND_bytes(seed, qsize)) {
-          goto err;
-        }
-      } else {
-        /* If we come back through, use random seed next time. */
-        seed_in = NULL;
-      }
-      memcpy(buf, seed, qsize);
-      memcpy(buf2, seed, qsize);
-      /* precompute "SEED + 1" for step 7: */
-      for (i = qsize - 1; i < qsize; i--) {
-        buf[i]++;
-        if (buf[i] != 0) {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      /* step 2 */
-      if (!EVP_Digest(seed, qsize, md, NULL, evpmd, NULL) ||
-          !EVP_Digest(buf, qsize, buf2, NULL, evpmd, NULL)) {
-        goto err;
-      }
-      for (i = 0; i < qsize; i++) {
-        md[i] ^= buf2[i];
-      }
-      /* step 3 */
-      md[0] |= 0x80;
-      md[qsize - 1] |= 0x01;
-      if (!BN_bin2bn(md, qsize, q)) {
-        goto err;
-      }
-      /* step 4 */
-      r = BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(q, DSS_prime_checks, ctx, use_random_seed, cb);
-      if (r > 0) {
-        break;
-      }
-      if (r != 0) {
-        goto err;
-      }
-      /* do a callback call */
-      /* step 5 */
-    }
-    if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 2, 0) || !BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 0)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    /* step 6 */
-    counter = 0;
-    /* "offset = 2" */
-    n = (bits - 1) / 160;
-    for (;;) {
-      if ((counter != 0) && !BN_GENCB_call(cb, 0, counter)) {
-        goto err;
-      }
-      /* step 7 */
-      BN_zero(W);
-      /* now 'buf' contains "SEED + offset - 1" */
-      for (k = 0; k <= n; k++) {
-        /* obtain "SEED + offset + k" by incrementing: */
-        for (i = qsize - 1; i < qsize; i--) {
-          buf[i]++;
-          if (buf[i] != 0) {
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (!EVP_Digest(buf, qsize, md, NULL, evpmd, NULL)) {
-          goto err;
-        }
-        /* step 8 */
-        if (!BN_bin2bn(md, qsize, r0) ||
-            !BN_lshift(r0, r0, (qsize << 3) * k) ||
-            !BN_add(W, W, r0)) {
-          goto err;
-        }
-      }
-      /* more of step 8 */
-      if (!BN_mask_bits(W, bits - 1) ||
-          !BN_copy(X, W) ||
-          !BN_add(X, X, test)) {
-        goto err;
-      }
-      /* step 9 */
-      if (!BN_lshift1(r0, q) ||
-          !BN_mod(c, X, r0, ctx) ||
-          !BN_sub(r0, c, BN_value_one()) ||
-          !BN_sub(p, X, r0)) {
-        goto err;
-      }
-      /* step 10 */
-      if (BN_cmp(p, test) >= 0) {
-        /* step 11 */
-        r = BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(p, DSS_prime_checks, ctx, 1, cb);
-        if (r > 0) {
-          goto end; /* found it */
-        }
-        if (r != 0) {
-          goto err;
-        }
-      }
-      /* step 13 */
-      counter++;
-      /* "offset = offset + n + 1" */
-      /* step 14 */
-      if (counter >= 4096) {
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 2, 1)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  /* We now need to generate g */
-  /* Set r0=(p-1)/q */
-  if (!BN_sub(test, p, BN_value_one()) ||
-      !BN_div(r0, NULL, test, q, ctx)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  if (!BN_set_word(test, h) ||
-      !BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont, p, ctx)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  for (;;) {
-    /* g=test^r0%p */
-    if (!BN_mod_exp_mont(g, test, r0, p, ctx, mont)) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    if (!BN_is_one(g)) {
-      break;
-    }
-    if (!BN_add(test, test, BN_value_one())) {
-      goto err;
-    }
-    h++;
-  }
-  if (!BN_GENCB_call(cb, 3, 1)) {
-    goto err;
-  }
-  ok = 1;
-  if (ok) {
-    BN_free(ret->p);
-    BN_free(ret->q);
-    BN_free(ret->g);
-    ret->p = BN_dup(p);
-    ret->q = BN_dup(q);
-    ret->g = BN_dup(g);
-    if (ret->p == NULL || ret->q == NULL || ret->g == NULL) {
-      ok = 0;
-      goto err;
-    }
-    if (counter_ret != NULL) {
-      *counter_ret = counter;
-    }
-    if (h_ret != NULL) {
-      *h_ret = h;
-    }
-  }
-  if (ctx) {
-    BN_CTX_end(ctx);
-    BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-  }
-  BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);
-  return ok;
-static int finish(DSA *dsa) {
-  BN_MONT_CTX_free(dsa->method_mont_p);
-  dsa->method_mont_p = NULL;
-  return 1;
-const struct dsa_method DSA_default_method = {
-  {
-    0 /* references */,
-    1 /* is_static */,
-  },
-  NULL /* app_data */,
-  NULL /* init */,
-  finish /* finish */,
-  sign,
-  sign_setup,
-  verify,
-  paramgen,
-  keygen,
diff --git a/src/crypto/ec/CMakeLists.txt b/src/crypto/ec/CMakeLists.txt
index 9808cd5..4749484 100644
--- a/src/crypto/ec/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/crypto/ec/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
+if (${ARCH} STREQUAL "x86_64")
+  set(
+    p256-x86_64-asm.${ASM_EXT}
+  )
@@ -12,11 +20,16 @@
-  util-64.c
+  p256-x86_64.c
+  util-64.c
+perlasm(p256-x86_64-asm.${ASM_EXT} asm/p256-x86_64-asm.pl)
diff --git a/src/crypto/ec/asm/p256-x86_64-asm.pl b/src/crypto/ec/asm/p256-x86_64-asm.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e203d46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crypto/ec/asm/p256-x86_64-asm.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2966 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation.
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+# Developers and authors:
+# Shay Gueron (1, 2), and Vlad Krasnov (1)
+# (1) Intel Corporation, Israel Development Center
+# (2) University of Haifa
+#  Reference:
+#  S.Gueron and V.Krasnov, "Fast Prime Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography with
+#                           256 Bit Primes"
+# Further optimization by <appro@openssl.org>:
+#		this/original
+# Opteron	+12-49%
+# Bulldozer	+14-45%
+# P4		+18-46%
+# Westmere	+12-34%
+# Sandy Bridge	+9-35%
+# Ivy Bridge	+9-35%
+# Haswell	+8-37%
+# Broadwell	+18-58%
+# Atom		+15-50%
+# VIA Nano	+43-160%
+# Ranges denote minimum and maximum improvement coefficients depending
+# on benchmark.
+$flavour = shift;
+$output  = shift;
+if ($flavour =~ /\./) { $output = $flavour; undef $flavour; }
+$win64=0; $win64=1 if ($flavour =~ /[nm]asm|mingw64/ || $output =~ /\.asm$/);
+$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
+( $xlate="${dir}x86_64-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
+( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/x86_64-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
+die "can't locate x86_64-xlate.pl";
+open OUT,"| \"$^X\" $xlate $flavour $output";
+# TODO: enable these after testing. $avx goes to two and $addx to one.
+.extern	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P
+# The polynomial
+.align 64
+.quad 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x00000000ffffffff, 0x0000000000000000, 0xffffffff00000001
+# 2^512 mod P precomputed for NIST P256 polynomial
+.quad 0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffffbffffffff, 0xfffffffffffffffe, 0x00000004fffffffd
+.long 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+.long 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+.long 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
+.quad 0x0000000000000001, 0xffffffff00000000, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x00000000fffffffe
+# void ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2(uint64_t res[4], uint64_t a[4]);
+my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3)=map("%r$_",(8..11));
+my ($t0,$t1,$t2,$t3,$t4)=("%rax","%rdx","%rcx","%r12","%r13");
+my ($r_ptr,$a_ptr,$b_ptr)=("%rdi","%rsi","%rdx");
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2
+.type	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2,\@function,2
+.align	64
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	add	$a0, $a0		# a0:a3+a0:a3
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	adc	$a1, $a1
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	lea	.Lpoly(%rip), $a_ptr
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	adc	$a2, $a2
+	adc	$a3, $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	sbb	$t4, $t4
+	sub	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	sbb	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	sbb	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	pop	%r13
+	pop	%r12
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2,.-ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2
+# void ecp_nistz256_div_by_2(uint64_t res[4], uint64_t a[4]);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_div_by_2
+.type	ecp_nistz256_div_by_2,\@function,2
+.align	32
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	lea	.Lpoly(%rip), $a_ptr
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	add	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	adc	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	adc	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	adc	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	adc	\$0, $t4
+	xor	$a_ptr, $a_ptr		# borrow $a_ptr
+	test	\$1, $t0
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	cmovz	$a_ptr, $t4
+	mov	$a1, $t0		# a0:a3>>1
+	shr	\$1, $a0
+	shl	\$63, $t0
+	mov	$a2, $t1
+	shr	\$1, $a1
+	or	$t0, $a0
+	shl	\$63, $t1
+	mov	$a3, $t2
+	shr	\$1, $a2
+	or	$t1, $a1
+	shl	\$63, $t2
+	shr	\$1, $a3
+	shl	\$63, $t4
+	or	$t2, $a2
+	or	$t4, $a3
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	pop	%r13
+	pop	%r12
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_div_by_2,.-ecp_nistz256_div_by_2
+# void ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3(uint64_t res[4], uint64_t a[4]);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3
+.type	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3,\@function,2
+.align	32
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	add	$a0, $a0		# a0:a3+a0:a3
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	adc	$a1, $a1
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	adc	$a2, $a2
+	adc	$a3, $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	adc	\$0, $t4
+	sub	\$-1, $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	.Lpoly+8*1(%rip), $a1
+	sbb	\$0, $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	sbb	.Lpoly+8*3(%rip), $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	add	8*0($a_ptr), $a0	# a0:a3+=a_ptr[0:3]
+	adc	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	adc	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	adc	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	adc	\$0, $t4
+	sub	\$-1, $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	.Lpoly+8*1(%rip), $a1
+	sbb	\$0, $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	sbb	.Lpoly+8*3(%rip), $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	pop %r13
+	pop %r12
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3,.-ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3
+# void ecp_nistz256_add(uint64_t res[4], uint64_t a[4], uint64_t b[4]);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_add
+.type	ecp_nistz256_add,\@function,3
+.align	32
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	lea	.Lpoly(%rip), $a_ptr
+	add	8*0($b_ptr), $a0
+	adc	8*1($b_ptr), $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	adc	8*2($b_ptr), $a2
+	adc	8*3($b_ptr), $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	adc	\$0, $t4
+	sub	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	sbb	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	sbb	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	pop %r13
+	pop %r12
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_add,.-ecp_nistz256_add
+# void ecp_nistz256_sub(uint64_t res[4], uint64_t a[4], uint64_t b[4]);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_sub
+.type	ecp_nistz256_sub,\@function,3
+.align	32
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	lea	.Lpoly(%rip), $a_ptr
+	sub	8*0($b_ptr), $a0
+	sbb	8*1($b_ptr), $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	sbb	8*2($b_ptr), $a2
+	sbb	8*3($b_ptr), $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	sbb	\$0, $t4
+	add	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	adc	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	adc	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	adc	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	pop %r13
+	pop %r12
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_sub,.-ecp_nistz256_sub
+# void ecp_nistz256_neg(uint64_t res[4], uint64_t a[4]);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_neg
+.type	ecp_nistz256_neg,\@function,2
+.align	32
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	xor	$a0, $a0
+	xor	$a1, $a1
+	xor	$a2, $a2
+	xor	$a3, $a3
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	sub	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	sbb	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	sbb	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	sbb	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	lea	.Lpoly(%rip), $a_ptr
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	sbb	\$0, $t4
+	add	8*0($a_ptr), $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	adc	8*1($a_ptr), $a1
+	adc	8*2($a_ptr), $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	adc	8*3($a_ptr), $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	pop %r13
+	pop %r12
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_neg,.-ecp_nistz256_neg
+my ($r_ptr,$a_ptr,$b_org,$b_ptr)=("%rdi","%rsi","%rdx","%rbx");
+my ($acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3,$acc4,$acc5,$acc6,$acc7)=map("%r$_",(8..15));
+my ($t0,$t1,$t2,$t3,$t4)=("%rcx","%rbp","%rbx","%rdx","%rax");
+my ($poly1,$poly3)=($acc6,$acc7);
+# void ecp_nistz256_to_mont(
+#   uint64_t res[4],
+#   uint64_t in[4]);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_to_mont
+.type	ecp_nistz256_to_mont,\@function,2
+.align	32
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	mov	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	and	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip), %ecx
+	lea	.LRR(%rip), $b_org
+	jmp	.Lmul_mont
+.size	ecp_nistz256_to_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_to_mont
+# void ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(
+#   uint64_t res[4],
+#   uint64_t a[4],
+#   uint64_t b[4]);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
+.type	ecp_nistz256_mul_mont,\@function,3
+.align	32
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	mov	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	and	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip), %ecx
+	push	%rbp
+	push	%rbx
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	push	%r14
+	push	%r15
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	cmp	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	je	.Lmul_montx
+	mov	$b_org, $b_ptr
+	mov	8*0($b_org), %rax
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $acc1
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $acc2
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $acc3
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $acc4
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	jmp	.Lmul_mont_done
+.align	32
+	mov	$b_org, $b_ptr
+	mov	8*0($b_org), %rdx
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $acc1
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $acc2
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $acc3
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $acc4
+	lea	-128($a_ptr), $a_ptr	# control u-op density
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montx
+	pop	%r15
+	pop	%r14
+	pop	%r13
+	pop	%r12
+	pop	%rbx
+	pop	%rbp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_mul_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	########################################################################
+	# Multiply a by b[0]
+	mov	%rax, $t1
+	mulq	$acc1
+	mov	.Lpoly+8*1(%rip),$poly1
+	mov	%rax, $acc0
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	mov	%rdx, $acc1
+	mulq	$acc2
+	mov	.Lpoly+8*3(%rip),$poly3
+	add	%rax, $acc1
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $acc2
+	mulq	$acc3
+	add	%rax, $acc2
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $acc3
+	mulq	$acc4
+	add	%rax, $acc3
+	 mov	$acc0, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	xor	$acc5, $acc5
+	mov	%rdx, $acc4
+	########################################################################
+	# First reduction step
+	# Basically now we want to multiply acc[0] by p256,
+	# and add the result to the acc.
+	# Due to the special form of p256 we do some optimizations
+	#
+	# acc[0] x p256[0..1] = acc[0] x 2^96 - acc[0]
+	# then we add acc[0] and get acc[0] x 2^96
+	mov	$acc0, $t1
+	shl	\$32, $acc0
+	mulq	$poly3
+	shr	\$32, $t1
+	add	$acc0, $acc1		# +=acc[0]<<96
+	adc	$t1, $acc2
+	adc	%rax, $acc3
+	 mov	8*1($b_ptr), %rax
+	adc	%rdx, $acc4
+	adc	\$0, $acc5
+	xor	$acc0, $acc0
+	########################################################################
+	# Multiply by b[1]
+	mov	%rax, $t1
+	mulq	8*0($a_ptr)
+	add	%rax, $acc1
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*1($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc2
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc2
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*2($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc3
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc3
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*3($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc4
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc4
+	 mov	$acc1, %rax
+	adc	%rdx, $acc5
+	adc	\$0, $acc0
+	########################################################################
+	# Second reduction step
+	mov	$acc1, $t1
+	shl	\$32, $acc1
+	mulq	$poly3
+	shr	\$32, $t1
+	add	$acc1, $acc2
+	adc	$t1, $acc3
+	adc	%rax, $acc4
+	 mov	8*2($b_ptr), %rax
+	adc	%rdx, $acc5
+	adc	\$0, $acc0
+	xor	$acc1, $acc1
+	########################################################################
+	# Multiply by b[2]
+	mov	%rax, $t1
+	mulq	8*0($a_ptr)
+	add	%rax, $acc2
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*1($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc3
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc3
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*2($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc4
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc4
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*3($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc5
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc5
+	 mov	$acc2, %rax
+	adc	%rdx, $acc0
+	adc	\$0, $acc1
+	########################################################################
+	# Third reduction step
+	mov	$acc2, $t1
+	shl	\$32, $acc2
+	mulq	$poly3
+	shr	\$32, $t1
+	add	$acc2, $acc3
+	adc	$t1, $acc4
+	adc	%rax, $acc5
+	 mov	8*3($b_ptr), %rax
+	adc	%rdx, $acc0
+	adc	\$0, $acc1
+	xor	$acc2, $acc2
+	########################################################################
+	# Multiply by b[3]
+	mov	%rax, $t1
+	mulq	8*0($a_ptr)
+	add	%rax, $acc3
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*1($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc4
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc4
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*2($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc5
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc5
+	mov	$t1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	8*3($a_ptr)
+	add	$t0, $acc0
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	%rax, $acc0
+	 mov	$acc3, %rax
+	adc	%rdx, $acc1
+	adc	\$0, $acc2
+	########################################################################
+	# Final reduction step
+	mov	$acc3, $t1
+	shl	\$32, $acc3
+	mulq	$poly3
+	shr	\$32, $t1
+	add	$acc3, $acc4
+	adc	$t1, $acc5
+	 mov	$acc4, $t0
+	adc	%rax, $acc0
+	adc	%rdx, $acc1
+	 mov	$acc5, $t1
+	adc	\$0, $acc2
+	########################################################################
+	# Branch-less conditional subtraction of P
+	sub	\$-1, $acc4		# .Lpoly[0]
+	 mov	$acc0, $t2
+	sbb	$poly1, $acc5		# .Lpoly[1]
+	sbb	\$0, $acc0		# .Lpoly[2]
+	 mov	$acc1, $t3
+	sbb	$poly3, $acc1		# .Lpoly[3]
+	sbb	\$0, $acc2
+	cmovc	$t0, $acc4
+	cmovc	$t1, $acc5
+	mov	$acc4, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovc	$t2, $acc0
+	mov	$acc5, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovc	$t3, $acc1
+	mov	$acc0, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$acc1, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq,.-__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+# void ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(
+#   uint64_t res[4],
+#   uint64_t a[4]);
+# we optimize the square according to S.Gueron and V.Krasnov,
+# "Speeding up Big-Number Squaring"
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont
+.type	ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont,\@function,2
+.align	32
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	mov	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	and	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip), %ecx
+	push	%rbp
+	push	%rbx
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	push	%r14
+	push	%r15
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	cmp	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	je	.Lsqr_montx
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), %rax
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $acc6
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $acc7
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $acc0
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	jmp	.Lsqr_mont_done
+.align	32
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), %rdx
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $acc6
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $acc7
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $acc0
+	lea	-128($a_ptr), $a_ptr	# control u-op density
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montx
+	pop	%r15
+	pop	%r14
+	pop	%r13
+	pop	%r12
+	pop	%rbx
+	pop	%rbp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	mov	%rax, $acc5
+	mulq	$acc6			# a[1]*a[0]
+	mov	%rax, $acc1
+	mov	$acc7, %rax
+	mov	%rdx, $acc2
+	mulq	$acc5			# a[0]*a[2]
+	add	%rax, $acc2
+	mov	$acc0, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $acc3
+	mulq	$acc5			# a[0]*a[3]
+	add	%rax, $acc3
+	 mov	$acc7, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $acc4
+	#################################
+	mulq	$acc6			# a[1]*a[2]
+	add	%rax, $acc3
+	mov	$acc0, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t1
+	mulq	$acc6			# a[1]*a[3]
+	add	%rax, $acc4
+	 mov	$acc0, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	add	$t1, $acc4
+	mov	%rdx, $acc5
+	adc	\$0, $acc5
+	#################################
+	mulq	$acc7			# a[2]*a[3]
+	xor	$acc7, $acc7
+	add	%rax, $acc5
+	 mov	8*0($a_ptr), %rax
+	mov	%rdx, $acc6
+	adc	\$0, $acc6
+	add	$acc1, $acc1		# acc1:6<<1
+	adc	$acc2, $acc2
+	adc	$acc3, $acc3
+	adc	$acc4, $acc4
+	adc	$acc5, $acc5
+	adc	$acc6, $acc6
+	adc	\$0, $acc7
+	mulq	%rax
+	mov	%rax, $acc0
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), %rax
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	%rax
+	add	$t0, $acc1
+	adc	%rax, $acc2
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	%rax
+	add	$t0, $acc3
+	adc	%rax, $acc4
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	mov	%rdx, $t0
+	mulq	%rax
+	add	$t0, $acc5
+	adc	%rax, $acc6
+	 mov	$acc0, %rax
+	adc	%rdx, $acc7
+	mov	.Lpoly+8*1(%rip), $a_ptr
+	mov	.Lpoly+8*3(%rip), $t1
+	##########################################
+	# Now the reduction
+	# First iteration
+	mov	$acc0, $t0
+	shl	\$32, $acc0
+	mulq	$t1
+	shr	\$32, $t0
+	add	$acc0, $acc1		# +=acc[0]<<96
+	adc	$t0, $acc2
+	adc	%rax, $acc3
+	 mov	$acc1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	##########################################
+	# Second iteration
+	mov	$acc1, $t0
+	shl	\$32, $acc1
+	mov	%rdx, $acc0
+	mulq	$t1
+	shr	\$32, $t0
+	add	$acc1, $acc2
+	adc	$t0, $acc3
+	adc	%rax, $acc0
+	 mov	$acc2, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	##########################################
+	# Third iteration
+	mov	$acc2, $t0
+	shl	\$32, $acc2
+	mov	%rdx, $acc1
+	mulq	$t1
+	shr	\$32, $t0
+	add	$acc2, $acc3
+	adc	$t0, $acc0
+	adc	%rax, $acc1
+	 mov	$acc3, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	###########################################
+	# Last iteration
+	mov	$acc3, $t0
+	shl	\$32, $acc3
+	mov	%rdx, $acc2
+	mulq	$t1
+	shr	\$32, $t0
+	add	$acc3, $acc0
+	adc	$t0, $acc1
+	adc	%rax, $acc2
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	xor	$acc3, $acc3
+	############################################
+	# Add the rest of the acc
+	add	$acc0, $acc4
+	adc	$acc1, $acc5
+	 mov	$acc4, $acc0
+	adc	$acc2, $acc6
+	adc	%rdx, $acc7
+	 mov	$acc5, $acc1
+	adc	\$0, $acc3
+	sub	\$-1, $acc4		# .Lpoly[0]
+	 mov	$acc6, $acc2
+	sbb	$a_ptr, $acc5		# .Lpoly[1]
+	sbb	\$0, $acc6		# .Lpoly[2]
+	 mov	$acc7, $t0
+	sbb	$t1, $acc7		# .Lpoly[3]
+	sbb	\$0, $acc3
+	cmovc	$acc0, $acc4
+	cmovc	$acc1, $acc5
+	mov	$acc4, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovc	$acc2, $acc6
+	mov	$acc5, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovc	$t0, $acc7
+	mov	$acc6, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$acc7, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq,.-__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+if ($addx) {
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montx,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	########################################################################
+	# Multiply by b[0]
+	mulx	$acc1, $acc0, $acc1
+	mulx	$acc2, $t0, $acc2
+	mov	\$32, $poly1
+	xor	$acc5, $acc5		# cf=0
+	mulx	$acc3, $t1, $acc3
+	mov	.Lpoly+8*3(%rip), $poly3
+	adc	$t0, $acc1
+	mulx	$acc4, $t0, $acc4
+	 mov	$acc0, %rdx
+	adc	$t1, $acc2
+	 shlx	$poly1,$acc0,$t1
+	adc	$t0, $acc3
+	 shrx	$poly1,$acc0,$t0
+	adc	\$0, $acc4
+	########################################################################
+	# First reduction step
+	add	$t1, $acc1
+	adc	$t0, $acc2
+	mulx	$poly3, $t0, $t1
+	 mov	8*1($b_ptr), %rdx
+	adc	$t0, $acc3
+	adc	$t1, $acc4
+	adc	\$0, $acc5
+	xor	$acc0, $acc0		# $acc0=0,cf=0,of=0
+	########################################################################
+	# Multiply by b[1]
+	mulx	8*0+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc1
+	adox	$t1, $acc2
+	mulx	8*1+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc2
+	adox	$t1, $acc3
+	mulx	8*2+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc3
+	adox	$t1, $acc4
+	mulx	8*3+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	 mov	$acc1, %rdx
+	adcx	$t0, $acc4
+	 shlx	$poly1, $acc1, $t0
+	adox	$t1, $acc5
+	 shrx	$poly1, $acc1, $t1
+	adcx	$acc0, $acc5
+	adox	$acc0, $acc0
+	adc	\$0, $acc0
+	########################################################################
+	# Second reduction step
+	add	$t0, $acc2
+	adc	$t1, $acc3
+	mulx	$poly3, $t0, $t1
+	 mov	8*2($b_ptr), %rdx
+	adc	$t0, $acc4
+	adc	$t1, $acc5
+	adc	\$0, $acc0
+	xor	$acc1 ,$acc1		# $acc1=0,cf=0,of=0
+	########################################################################
+	# Multiply by b[2]
+	mulx	8*0+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc2
+	adox	$t1, $acc3
+	mulx	8*1+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc3
+	adox	$t1, $acc4
+	mulx	8*2+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc4
+	adox	$t1, $acc5
+	mulx	8*3+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	 mov	$acc2, %rdx
+	adcx	$t0, $acc5
+	 shlx	$poly1, $acc2, $t0
+	adox	$t1, $acc0
+	 shrx	$poly1, $acc2, $t1
+	adcx	$acc1, $acc0
+	adox	$acc1, $acc1
+	adc	\$0, $acc1
+	########################################################################
+	# Third reduction step
+	add	$t0, $acc3
+	adc	$t1, $acc4
+	mulx	$poly3, $t0, $t1
+	 mov	8*3($b_ptr), %rdx
+	adc	$t0, $acc5
+	adc	$t1, $acc0
+	adc	\$0, $acc1
+	xor	$acc2, $acc2		# $acc2=0,cf=0,of=0
+	########################################################################
+	# Multiply by b[3]
+	mulx	8*0+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc3
+	adox	$t1, $acc4
+	mulx	8*1+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc4
+	adox	$t1, $acc5
+	mulx	8*2+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	adcx	$t0, $acc5
+	adox	$t1, $acc0
+	mulx	8*3+128($a_ptr), $t0, $t1
+	 mov	$acc3, %rdx
+	adcx	$t0, $acc0
+	 shlx	$poly1, $acc3, $t0
+	adox	$t1, $acc1
+	 shrx	$poly1, $acc3, $t1
+	adcx	$acc2, $acc1
+	adox	$acc2, $acc2
+	adc	\$0, $acc2
+	########################################################################
+	# Fourth reduction step
+	add	$t0, $acc4
+	adc	$t1, $acc5
+	mulx	$poly3, $t0, $t1
+	 mov	$acc4, $t2
+	mov	.Lpoly+8*1(%rip), $poly1
+	adc	$t0, $acc0
+	 mov	$acc5, $t3
+	adc	$t1, $acc1
+	adc	\$0, $acc2
+	########################################################################
+	# Branch-less conditional subtraction of P
+	xor	%eax, %eax
+	 mov	$acc0, $t0
+	sbb	\$-1, $acc4		# .Lpoly[0]
+	sbb	$poly1, $acc5		# .Lpoly[1]
+	sbb	\$0, $acc0		# .Lpoly[2]
+	 mov	$acc1, $t1
+	sbb	$poly3, $acc1		# .Lpoly[3]
+	sbb	\$0, $acc2
+	cmovc	$t2, $acc4
+	cmovc	$t3, $acc5
+	mov	$acc4, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovc	$t0, $acc0
+	mov	$acc5, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovc	$t1, $acc1
+	mov	$acc0, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$acc1, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montx,.-__ecp_nistz256_mul_montx
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montx,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	mulx	$acc6, $acc1, $acc2	# a[0]*a[1]
+	mulx	$acc7, $t0, $acc3	# a[0]*a[2]
+	xor	%eax, %eax
+	adc	$t0, $acc2
+	mulx	$acc0, $t1, $acc4	# a[0]*a[3]
+	 mov	$acc6, %rdx
+	adc	$t1, $acc3
+	adc	\$0, $acc4
+	xor	$acc5, $acc5		# $acc5=0,cf=0,of=0
+	#################################
+	mulx	$acc7, $t0, $t1		# a[1]*a[2]
+	adcx	$t0, $acc3
+	adox	$t1, $acc4
+	mulx	$acc0, $t0, $t1		# a[1]*a[3]
+	 mov	$acc7, %rdx
+	adcx	$t0, $acc4
+	adox	$t1, $acc5
+	adc	\$0, $acc5
+	#################################
+	mulx	$acc0, $t0, $acc6	# a[2]*a[3]
+	 mov	8*0+128($a_ptr), %rdx
+	xor	$acc7, $acc7		# $acc7=0,cf=0,of=0
+	 adcx	$acc1, $acc1		# acc1:6<<1
+	adox	$t0, $acc5
+	 adcx	$acc2, $acc2
+	adox	$acc7, $acc6		# of=0
+	mulx	%rdx, $acc0, $t1
+	mov	8*1+128($a_ptr), %rdx
+	 adcx	$acc3, $acc3
+	adox	$t1, $acc1
+	 adcx	$acc4, $acc4
+	mulx	%rdx, $t0, $t4
+	mov	8*2+128($a_ptr), %rdx
+	 adcx	$acc5, $acc5
+	adox	$t0, $acc2
+	 adcx	$acc6, $acc6
+	.byte	0x67
+	mulx	%rdx, $t0, $t1
+	mov	8*3+128($a_ptr), %rdx
+	adox	$t4, $acc3
+	 adcx	$acc7, $acc7
+	adox	$t0, $acc4
+	 mov	\$32, $a_ptr
+	adox	$t1, $acc5
+	.byte	0x67,0x67
+	mulx	%rdx, $t0, $t4
+	 mov	$acc0, %rdx
+	adox	$t0, $acc6
+	 shlx	$a_ptr, $acc0, $t0
+	adox	$t4, $acc7
+	 shrx	$a_ptr, $acc0, $t4
+	 mov	.Lpoly+8*3(%rip), $t1
+	# reduction step 1
+	add	$t0, $acc1
+	adc	$t4, $acc2
+	mulx	$t1, $t0, $acc0
+	 mov	$acc1, %rdx
+	adc	$t0, $acc3
+	 shlx	$a_ptr, $acc1, $t0
+	adc	\$0, $acc0
+	 shrx	$a_ptr, $acc1, $t4
+	# reduction step 2
+	add	$t0, $acc2
+	adc	$t4, $acc3
+	mulx	$t1, $t0, $acc1
+	 mov	$acc2, %rdx
+	adc	$t0, $acc0
+	 shlx	$a_ptr, $acc2, $t0
+	adc	\$0, $acc1
+	 shrx	$a_ptr, $acc2, $t4
+	# reduction step 3
+	add	$t0, $acc3
+	adc	$t4, $acc0
+	mulx	$t1, $t0, $acc2
+	 mov	$acc3, %rdx
+	adc	$t0, $acc1
+	 shlx	$a_ptr, $acc3, $t0
+	adc	\$0, $acc2
+	 shrx	$a_ptr, $acc3, $t4
+	# reduction step 4
+	add	$t0, $acc0
+	adc	$t4, $acc1
+	mulx	$t1, $t0, $acc3
+	adc	$t0, $acc2
+	adc	\$0, $acc3
+	xor	$t3, $t3		# cf=0
+	adc	$acc0, $acc4		# accumulate upper half
+	 mov	.Lpoly+8*1(%rip), $a_ptr
+	adc	$acc1, $acc5
+	 mov	$acc4, $acc0
+	adc	$acc2, $acc6
+	adc	$acc3, $acc7
+	 mov	$acc5, $acc1
+	adc	\$0, $t3
+	xor	%eax, %eax		# cf=0
+	sbb	\$-1, $acc4		# .Lpoly[0]
+	 mov	$acc6, $acc2
+	sbb	$a_ptr, $acc5		# .Lpoly[1]
+	sbb	\$0, $acc6		# .Lpoly[2]
+	 mov	$acc7, $acc3
+	sbb	$t1, $acc7		# .Lpoly[3]
+	sbb	\$0, $t3
+	cmovc	$acc0, $acc4
+	cmovc	$acc1, $acc5
+	mov	$acc4, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovc	$acc2, $acc6
+	mov	$acc5, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovc	$acc3, $acc7
+	mov	$acc6, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$acc7, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montx,.-__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montx
+my ($r_ptr,$in_ptr)=("%rdi","%rsi");
+my ($acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3)=map("%r$_",(8..11));
+my ($t0,$t1,$t2)=("%rcx","%r12","%r13");
+# void ecp_nistz256_from_mont(
+#   uint64_t res[4],
+#   uint64_t in[4]);
+# This one performs Montgomery multiplication by 1, so we only need the reduction
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_from_mont
+.type	ecp_nistz256_from_mont,\@function,2
+.align	32
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	mov	8*0($in_ptr), %rax
+	mov	.Lpoly+8*3(%rip), $t2
+	mov	8*1($in_ptr), $acc1
+	mov	8*2($in_ptr), $acc2
+	mov	8*3($in_ptr), $acc3
+	mov	%rax, $acc0
+	mov	.Lpoly+8*1(%rip), $t1
+	#########################################
+	# First iteration
+	mov	%rax, $t0
+	shl	\$32, $acc0
+	mulq	$t2
+	shr	\$32, $t0
+	add	$acc0, $acc1
+	adc	$t0, $acc2
+	adc	%rax, $acc3
+	 mov	$acc1, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	#########################################
+	# Second iteration
+	mov	$acc1, $t0
+	shl	\$32, $acc1
+	mov	%rdx, $acc0
+	mulq	$t2
+	shr	\$32, $t0
+	add	$acc1, $acc2
+	adc	$t0, $acc3
+	adc	%rax, $acc0
+	 mov	$acc2, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	##########################################
+	# Third iteration
+	mov	$acc2, $t0
+	shl	\$32, $acc2
+	mov	%rdx, $acc1
+	mulq	$t2
+	shr	\$32, $t0
+	add	$acc2, $acc3
+	adc	$t0, $acc0
+	adc	%rax, $acc1
+	 mov	$acc3, %rax
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	###########################################
+	# Last iteration
+	mov	$acc3, $t0
+	shl	\$32, $acc3
+	mov	%rdx, $acc2
+	mulq	$t2
+	shr	\$32, $t0
+	add	$acc3, $acc0
+	adc	$t0, $acc1
+	 mov	$acc0, $t0
+	adc	%rax, $acc2
+	 mov	$acc1, $in_ptr
+	adc	\$0, %rdx
+	sub	\$-1, $acc0
+	 mov	$acc2, %rax
+	sbb	$t1, $acc1
+	sbb	\$0, $acc2
+	 mov	%rdx, $acc3
+	sbb	$t2, %rdx
+	sbb	$t2, $t2
+	cmovnz	$t0, $acc0
+	cmovnz	$in_ptr, $acc1
+	mov	$acc0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovnz	%rax, $acc2
+	mov	$acc1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	%rdx, $acc3
+	mov	$acc2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$acc3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	pop	%r13
+	pop	%r12
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_from_mont,.-ecp_nistz256_from_mont
+my ($val,$in_t,$index)=$win64?("%rcx","%rdx","%r8d"):("%rdi","%rsi","%edx");
+my ($ONE,$INDEX,$Ra,$Rb,$Rc,$Rd,$Re,$Rf)=map("%xmm$_",(0..7));
+my ($M0,$T0a,$T0b,$T0c,$T0d,$T0e,$T0f,$TMP0)=map("%xmm$_",(8..15));
+my ($M1,$T2a,$T2b,$TMP2,$M2,$T2a,$T2b,$TMP2)=map("%xmm$_",(8..15));
+# void ecp_nistz256_select_w5(uint64_t *val, uint64_t *in_t, int index);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_select_w5
+.type	ecp_nistz256_select_w5,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+$code.=<<___	if ($avx>1);
+	mov	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip), %eax
+	test	\$`1<<5`, %eax
+	jnz	.Lavx2_select_w5
+$code.=<<___	if ($win64);
+	lea	-0x88(%rsp), %rax
+	.byte	0x48,0x8d,0x60,0xe0		#lea	-0x20(%rax), %rsp
+	.byte	0x0f,0x29,0x70,0xe0		#movaps	%xmm6, -0x20(%rax)
+	.byte	0x0f,0x29,0x78,0xf0		#movaps	%xmm7, -0x10(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x00		#movaps	%xmm8, 0(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x48,0x10	#movaps	%xmm9, 0x10(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x50,0x20	#movaps	%xmm10, 0x20(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x58,0x30	#movaps	%xmm11, 0x30(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x60,0x40	#movaps	%xmm12, 0x40(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x68,0x50	#movaps	%xmm13, 0x50(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x70,0x60	#movaps	%xmm14, 0x60(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x78,0x70	#movaps	%xmm15, 0x70(%rax)
+	movdqa	.LOne(%rip), $ONE
+	movd	$index, $INDEX
+	pxor	$Ra, $Ra
+	pxor	$Rb, $Rb
+	pxor	$Rc, $Rc
+	pxor	$Rd, $Rd
+	pxor	$Re, $Re
+	pxor	$Rf, $Rf
+	movdqa	$ONE, $M0
+	pshufd	\$0, $INDEX, $INDEX
+	mov	\$16, %rax
+	movdqa	$M0, $TMP0
+	paddd	$ONE, $M0
+	pcmpeqd $INDEX, $TMP0
+	movdqa	16*0($in_t), $T0a
+	movdqa	16*1($in_t), $T0b
+	movdqa	16*2($in_t), $T0c
+	movdqa	16*3($in_t), $T0d
+	movdqa	16*4($in_t), $T0e
+	movdqa	16*5($in_t), $T0f
+	lea 16*6($in_t), $in_t
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0a
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0b
+	por	$T0a, $Ra
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0c
+	por	$T0b, $Rb
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0d
+	por	$T0c, $Rc
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0e
+	por	$T0d, $Rd
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0f
+	por	$T0e, $Re
+	por	$T0f, $Rf
+	dec	%rax
+	jnz	.Lselect_loop_sse_w5
+	movdqu	$Ra, 16*0($val)
+	movdqu	$Rb, 16*1($val)
+	movdqu	$Rc, 16*2($val)
+	movdqu	$Rd, 16*3($val)
+	movdqu	$Re, 16*4($val)
+	movdqu	$Rf, 16*5($val)
+$code.=<<___	if ($win64);
+	movaps	(%rsp), %xmm6
+	movaps	0x10(%rsp), %xmm7
+	movaps	0x20(%rsp), %xmm8
+	movaps	0x30(%rsp), %xmm9
+	movaps	0x40(%rsp), %xmm10
+	movaps	0x50(%rsp), %xmm11
+	movaps	0x60(%rsp), %xmm12
+	movaps	0x70(%rsp), %xmm13
+	movaps	0x80(%rsp), %xmm14
+	movaps	0x90(%rsp), %xmm15
+	lea	0xa8(%rsp), %rsp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_select_w5,.-ecp_nistz256_select_w5
+# void ecp_nistz256_select_w7(uint64_t *val, uint64_t *in_t, int index);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_select_w7
+.type	ecp_nistz256_select_w7,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+$code.=<<___	if ($avx>1);
+	mov	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip), %eax
+	test	\$`1<<5`, %eax
+	jnz	.Lavx2_select_w7
+$code.=<<___	if ($win64);
+	lea	-0x88(%rsp), %rax
+	.byte	0x48,0x8d,0x60,0xe0		#lea	-0x20(%rax), %rsp
+	.byte	0x0f,0x29,0x70,0xe0		#movaps	%xmm6, -0x20(%rax)
+	.byte	0x0f,0x29,0x78,0xf0		#movaps	%xmm7, -0x10(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x00		#movaps	%xmm8, 0(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x48,0x10	#movaps	%xmm9, 0x10(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x50,0x20	#movaps	%xmm10, 0x20(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x58,0x30	#movaps	%xmm11, 0x30(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x60,0x40	#movaps	%xmm12, 0x40(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x68,0x50	#movaps	%xmm13, 0x50(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x70,0x60	#movaps	%xmm14, 0x60(%rax)
+	.byte	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x78,0x70	#movaps	%xmm15, 0x70(%rax)
+	movdqa	.LOne(%rip), $M0
+	movd	$index, $INDEX
+	pxor	$Ra, $Ra
+	pxor	$Rb, $Rb
+	pxor	$Rc, $Rc
+	pxor	$Rd, $Rd
+	movdqa	$M0, $ONE
+	pshufd	\$0, $INDEX, $INDEX
+	mov	\$64, %rax
+	movdqa	$M0, $TMP0
+	paddd	$ONE, $M0
+	movdqa	16*0($in_t), $T0a
+	movdqa	16*1($in_t), $T0b
+	pcmpeqd	$INDEX, $TMP0
+	movdqa	16*2($in_t), $T0c
+	movdqa	16*3($in_t), $T0d
+	lea	16*4($in_t), $in_t
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0a
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0b
+	por	$T0a, $Ra
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0c
+	por	$T0b, $Rb
+	pand	$TMP0, $T0d
+	por	$T0c, $Rc
+	prefetcht0	255($in_t)
+	por	$T0d, $Rd
+	dec	%rax
+	jnz	.Lselect_loop_sse_w7
+	movdqu	$Ra, 16*0($val)
+	movdqu	$Rb, 16*1($val)
+	movdqu	$Rc, 16*2($val)
+	movdqu	$Rd, 16*3($val)
+$code.=<<___	if ($win64);
+	movaps	(%rsp), %xmm6
+	movaps	0x10(%rsp), %xmm7
+	movaps	0x20(%rsp), %xmm8
+	movaps	0x30(%rsp), %xmm9
+	movaps	0x40(%rsp), %xmm10
+	movaps	0x50(%rsp), %xmm11
+	movaps	0x60(%rsp), %xmm12
+	movaps	0x70(%rsp), %xmm13
+	movaps	0x80(%rsp), %xmm14
+	movaps	0x90(%rsp), %xmm15
+	lea	0xa8(%rsp), %rsp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_select_w7,.-ecp_nistz256_select_w7
+if ($avx>1) {
+my ($val,$in_t,$index)=$win64?("%rcx","%rdx","%r8d"):("%rdi","%rsi","%edx");
+my ($TWO,$INDEX,$Ra,$Rb,$Rc)=map("%ymm$_",(0..4));
+my ($M0,$T0a,$T0b,$T0c,$TMP0)=map("%ymm$_",(5..9));
+my ($M1,$T1a,$T1b,$T1c,$TMP1)=map("%ymm$_",(10..14));
+# void ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w5(uint64_t *val, uint64_t *in_t, int index);
+.type	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w5,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	vzeroupper
+$code.=<<___	if ($win64);
+	lea	-0x88(%rsp), %rax
+	.byte	0x48,0x8d,0x60,0xe0		#lea	-0x20(%rax), %rsp
+	.byte	0xc5,0xf8,0x29,0x70,0xe0	#vmovaps %xmm6, -0x20(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0xf8,0x29,0x78,0xf0	#vmovaps %xmm7, -0x10(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x40,0x00	#vmovaps %xmm8, 8(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x48,0x10	#vmovaps %xmm9, 0x10(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x50,0x20	#vmovaps %xmm10, 0x20(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x58,0x30	#vmovaps %xmm11, 0x30(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x60,0x40	#vmovaps %xmm12, 0x40(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x68,0x50	#vmovaps %xmm13, 0x50(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x70,0x60	#vmovaps %xmm14, 0x60(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x78,0x70	#vmovaps %xmm15, 0x70(%rax)
+	vmovdqa	.LTwo(%rip), $TWO
+	vpxor	$Ra, $Ra, $Ra
+	vpxor	$Rb, $Rb, $Rb
+	vpxor	$Rc, $Rc, $Rc
+	vmovdqa .LOne(%rip), $M0
+	vmovdqa .LTwo(%rip), $M1
+	vmovd	$index, %xmm1
+	vpermd	$INDEX, $Ra, $INDEX
+	mov	\$8, %rax
+	vmovdqa	32*0($in_t), $T0a
+	vmovdqa	32*1($in_t), $T0b
+	vmovdqa	32*2($in_t), $T0c
+	vmovdqa	32*3($in_t), $T1a
+	vmovdqa	32*4($in_t), $T1b
+	vmovdqa	32*5($in_t), $T1c
+	vpcmpeqd	$INDEX, $M0, $TMP0
+	vpcmpeqd	$INDEX, $M1, $TMP1
+	vpaddd	$TWO, $M0, $M0
+	vpaddd	$TWO, $M1, $M1
+	lea	32*6($in_t), $in_t
+	vpand	$TMP0, $T0a, $T0a
+	vpand	$TMP0, $T0b, $T0b
+	vpand	$TMP0, $T0c, $T0c
+	vpand	$TMP1, $T1a, $T1a
+	vpand	$TMP1, $T1b, $T1b
+	vpand	$TMP1, $T1c, $T1c
+	vpxor	$T0a, $Ra, $Ra
+	vpxor	$T0b, $Rb, $Rb
+	vpxor	$T0c, $Rc, $Rc
+	vpxor	$T1a, $Ra, $Ra
+	vpxor	$T1b, $Rb, $Rb
+	vpxor	$T1c, $Rc, $Rc
+	dec %rax
+	jnz .Lselect_loop_avx2_w5
+	vmovdqu $Ra, 32*0($val)
+	vmovdqu $Rb, 32*1($val)
+	vmovdqu $Rc, 32*2($val)
+	vzeroupper
+$code.=<<___	if ($win64);
+	movaps	(%rsp), %xmm6
+	movaps	0x10(%rsp), %xmm7
+	movaps	0x20(%rsp), %xmm8
+	movaps	0x30(%rsp), %xmm9
+	movaps	0x40(%rsp), %xmm10
+	movaps	0x50(%rsp), %xmm11
+	movaps	0x60(%rsp), %xmm12
+	movaps	0x70(%rsp), %xmm13
+	movaps	0x80(%rsp), %xmm14
+	movaps	0x90(%rsp), %xmm15
+	lea	0xa8(%rsp), %rsp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w5,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w5
+if ($avx>1) {
+my ($val,$in_t,$index)=$win64?("%rcx","%rdx","%r8d"):("%rdi","%rsi","%edx");
+my ($THREE,$INDEX,$Ra,$Rb)=map("%ymm$_",(0..3));
+my ($M0,$T0a,$T0b,$TMP0)=map("%ymm$_",(4..7));
+my ($M1,$T1a,$T1b,$TMP1)=map("%ymm$_",(8..11));
+my ($M2,$T2a,$T2b,$TMP2)=map("%ymm$_",(12..15));
+# void ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7(uint64_t *val, uint64_t *in_t, int index);
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+.type	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	vzeroupper
+$code.=<<___	if ($win64);
+	lea	-0x88(%rsp), %rax
+	.byte	0x48,0x8d,0x60,0xe0		#lea	-0x20(%rax), %rsp
+	.byte	0xc5,0xf8,0x29,0x70,0xe0	#vmovaps %xmm6, -0x20(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0xf8,0x29,0x78,0xf0	#vmovaps %xmm7, -0x10(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x40,0x00	#vmovaps %xmm8, 8(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x48,0x10	#vmovaps %xmm9, 0x10(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x50,0x20	#vmovaps %xmm10, 0x20(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x58,0x30	#vmovaps %xmm11, 0x30(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x60,0x40	#vmovaps %xmm12, 0x40(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x68,0x50	#vmovaps %xmm13, 0x50(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x70,0x60	#vmovaps %xmm14, 0x60(%rax)
+	.byte	0xc5,0x78,0x29,0x78,0x70	#vmovaps %xmm15, 0x70(%rax)
+	vmovdqa	.LThree(%rip), $THREE
+	vpxor	$Ra, $Ra, $Ra
+	vpxor	$Rb, $Rb, $Rb
+	vmovdqa .LOne(%rip), $M0
+	vmovdqa .LTwo(%rip), $M1
+	vmovdqa .LThree(%rip), $M2
+	vmovd	$index, %xmm1
+	vpermd	$INDEX, $Ra, $INDEX
+	# Skip index = 0, because it is implicitly the point at infinity
+	mov	\$21, %rax
+	vmovdqa	32*0($in_t), $T0a
+	vmovdqa	32*1($in_t), $T0b
+	vmovdqa	32*2($in_t), $T1a
+	vmovdqa	32*3($in_t), $T1b
+	vmovdqa	32*4($in_t), $T2a
+	vmovdqa	32*5($in_t), $T2b
+	vpcmpeqd	$INDEX, $M0, $TMP0
+	vpcmpeqd	$INDEX, $M1, $TMP1
+	vpcmpeqd	$INDEX, $M2, $TMP2
+	vpaddd	$THREE, $M0, $M0
+	vpaddd	$THREE, $M1, $M1
+	vpaddd	$THREE, $M2, $M2
+	lea	32*6($in_t), $in_t
+	vpand	$TMP0, $T0a, $T0a
+	vpand	$TMP0, $T0b, $T0b
+	vpand	$TMP1, $T1a, $T1a
+	vpand	$TMP1, $T1b, $T1b
+	vpand	$TMP2, $T2a, $T2a
+	vpand	$TMP2, $T2b, $T2b
+	vpxor	$T0a, $Ra, $Ra
+	vpxor	$T0b, $Rb, $Rb
+	vpxor	$T1a, $Ra, $Ra
+	vpxor	$T1b, $Rb, $Rb
+	vpxor	$T2a, $Ra, $Ra
+	vpxor	$T2b, $Rb, $Rb
+	dec %rax
+	jnz .Lselect_loop_avx2_w7
+	vmovdqa	32*0($in_t), $T0a
+	vmovdqa	32*1($in_t), $T0b
+	vpcmpeqd	$INDEX, $M0, $TMP0
+	vpand	$TMP0, $T0a, $T0a
+	vpand	$TMP0, $T0b, $T0b
+	vpxor	$T0a, $Ra, $Ra
+	vpxor	$T0b, $Rb, $Rb
+	vmovdqu $Ra, 32*0($val)
+	vmovdqu $Rb, 32*1($val)
+	vzeroupper
+$code.=<<___	if ($win64);
+	movaps	(%rsp), %xmm6
+	movaps	0x10(%rsp), %xmm7
+	movaps	0x20(%rsp), %xmm8
+	movaps	0x30(%rsp), %xmm9
+	movaps	0x40(%rsp), %xmm10
+	movaps	0x50(%rsp), %xmm11
+	movaps	0x60(%rsp), %xmm12
+	movaps	0x70(%rsp), %xmm13
+	movaps	0x80(%rsp), %xmm14
+	movaps	0x90(%rsp), %xmm15
+	lea	0xa8(%rsp), %rsp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+} else {
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+.type	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7,\@function,3
+.align	32
+	.byte	0x0f,0x0b	# ud2
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7,.-ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+# This block implements higher level point_double, point_add and
+# point_add_affine. The key to performance in this case is to allow
+# out-of-order execution logic to overlap computations from next step
+# with tail processing from current step. By using tailored calling
+# sequence we minimize inter-step overhead to give processor better
+# shot at overlapping operations...
+# You will notice that input data is copied to stack. Trouble is that
+# there are no registers to spare for holding original pointers and
+# reloading them, pointers, would create undesired dependencies on
+# effective addresses calculation paths. In other words it's too done
+# to favour out-of-order execution logic.
+#						<appro@openssl.org>
+my ($r_ptr,$a_ptr,$b_org,$b_ptr)=("%rdi","%rsi","%rdx","%rbx");
+my ($acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3,$acc4,$acc5,$acc6,$acc7)=map("%r$_",(8..15));
+my ($t0,$t1,$t2,$t3,$t4)=("%rax","%rbp","%rcx",$acc4,$acc4);
+my ($poly1,$poly3)=($acc6,$acc7);
+sub load_for_mul () {
+my ($a,$b,$src0) = @_;
+my $bias = $src0 eq "%rax" ? 0 : -128;
+"	mov	$b, $src0
+	lea	$b, $b_ptr
+	mov	8*0+$a, $acc1
+	mov	8*1+$a, $acc2
+	lea	$bias+$a, $a_ptr
+	mov	8*2+$a, $acc3
+	mov	8*3+$a, $acc4"
+sub load_for_sqr () {
+my ($a,$src0) = @_;
+my $bias = $src0 eq "%rax" ? 0 : -128;
+"	mov	8*0+$a, $src0
+	mov	8*1+$a, $acc6
+	lea	$bias+$a, $a_ptr
+	mov	8*2+$a, $acc7
+	mov	8*3+$a, $acc0"
+									{
+# operate in 4-5-0-1 "name space" that matches multiplication output
+my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,$t3,$t4)=($acc4,$acc5,$acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3);
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	add	8*0($b_ptr), $a0
+	adc	8*1($b_ptr), $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	adc	8*2($b_ptr), $a2
+	adc	8*3($b_ptr), $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	sbb	$t4, $t4
+	sub	\$-1, $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	$poly1, $a1
+	sbb	\$0, $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	sbb	$poly3, $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq,.-__ecp_nistz256_add_toq
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	sub	8*0($b_ptr), $a0
+	sbb	8*1($b_ptr), $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	sbb	8*2($b_ptr), $a2
+	sbb	8*3($b_ptr), $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	sbb	$t4, $t4
+	add	\$-1, $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	adc	$poly1, $a1
+	adc	\$0, $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	adc	$poly3, $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq,.-__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_subq,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	sub	$a0, $t0
+	sbb	$a1, $t1
+	 mov	$t0, $a0
+	sbb	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	$a3, $t3
+	 mov	$t1, $a1
+	sbb	$t4, $t4
+	add	\$-1, $t0
+	 mov	$t2, $a2
+	adc	$poly1, $t1
+	adc	\$0, $t2
+	 mov	$t3, $a3
+	adc	$poly3, $t3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovnz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovnz	$t1, $a1
+	cmovnz	$t2, $a2
+	cmovnz	$t3, $a3
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_subq,.-__ecp_nistz256_subq
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	add	$a0, $a0		# a0:a3+a0:a3
+	adc	$a1, $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	adc	$a2, $a2
+	adc	$a3, $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	sbb	$t4, $t4
+	sub	\$-1, $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	$poly1, $a1
+	sbb	\$0, $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	sbb	$poly3, $a3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q,.-__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+									}
+sub gen_double () {
+    my $x = shift;
+    my ($src0,$sfx,$bias);
+    my ($S,$M,$Zsqr,$in_x,$tmp0)=map(32*$_,(0..4));
+    if ($x ne "x") {
+	$src0 = "%rax";
+	$sfx  = "";
+	$bias = 0;
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_point_double
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_double,\@function,2
+.align	32
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	mov	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	and	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip), %ecx
+	cmp	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	je	.Lpoint_doublex
+    } else {
+	$src0 = "%rdx";
+	$sfx  = "x";
+	$bias = 128;
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_doublex,\@function,2
+.align	32
+    }
+	push	%rbp
+	push	%rbx
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	push	%r14
+	push	%r15
+	sub	\$32*5+8, %rsp
+	movdqu	0x00($a_ptr), %xmm0		# copy	*(P256_POINT *)$a_ptr.x
+	mov	$a_ptr, $b_ptr			# backup copy
+	movdqu	0x10($a_ptr), %xmm1
+	 mov	0x20+8*0($a_ptr), $acc4		# load in_y in "5-4-0-1" order
+	 mov	0x20+8*1($a_ptr), $acc5
+	 mov	0x20+8*2($a_ptr), $acc0
+	 mov	0x20+8*3($a_ptr), $acc1
+	 mov	.Lpoly+8*1(%rip), $poly1
+	 mov	.Lpoly+8*3(%rip), $poly3
+	movdqa	%xmm0, $in_x(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1, $in_x+0x10(%rsp)
+	lea	0x20($r_ptr), $acc2
+	lea	0x40($r_ptr), $acc3
+	movq	$r_ptr, %xmm0
+	movq	$acc2, %xmm1
+	movq	$acc3, %xmm2
+	lea	$S(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2$x	# p256_mul_by_2(S, in_y);
+	mov	0x40+8*0($a_ptr), $src0
+	mov	0x40+8*1($a_ptr), $acc6
+	mov	0x40+8*2($a_ptr), $acc7
+	mov	0x40+8*3($a_ptr), $acc0
+	lea	0x40-$bias($a_ptr), $a_ptr
+	lea	$Zsqr(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(Zsqr, in_z);
+	`&load_for_sqr("$S(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(S, S);
+	mov	0x20($b_ptr), $src0		# $b_ptr is still valid
+	mov	0x40+8*0($b_ptr), $acc1
+	mov	0x40+8*1($b_ptr), $acc2
+	mov	0x40+8*2($b_ptr), $acc3
+	mov	0x40+8*3($b_ptr), $acc4
+	lea	0x40-$bias($b_ptr), $a_ptr
+	lea	0x20($b_ptr), $b_ptr
+	movq	%xmm2, $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(res_z, in_z, in_y);
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2$x	# p256_mul_by_2(res_z, res_z);
+	mov	$in_x+8*0(%rsp), $acc4		# "5-4-0-1" order
+	mov	$in_x+8*1(%rsp), $acc5
+	lea	$Zsqr(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	mov	$in_x+8*2(%rsp), $acc0
+	mov	$in_x+8*3(%rsp), $acc1
+	lea	$M(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_add_to$x		# p256_add(M, in_x, Zsqr);
+	mov	$in_x+8*0(%rsp), $acc4		# "5-4-0-1" order
+	mov	$in_x+8*1(%rsp), $acc5
+	lea	$Zsqr(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	mov	$in_x+8*2(%rsp), $acc0
+	mov	$in_x+8*3(%rsp), $acc1
+	lea	$Zsqr(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(Zsqr, in_x, Zsqr);
+	`&load_for_sqr("$S(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	movq	%xmm1, $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(res_y, S);
+######## ecp_nistz256_div_by_2(res_y, res_y); ##########################
+# operate in 4-5-6-7 "name space" that matches squaring output
+my ($poly1,$poly3)=($a_ptr,$t1);
+my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,$t3,$t4,$t1)=($acc4,$acc5,$acc6,$acc7,$acc0,$acc1,$acc2);
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	mov	$a0, $t0
+	add	\$-1, $a0
+	mov	$a1, $t1
+	adc	$poly1, $a1
+	mov	$a2, $t2
+	adc	\$0, $a2
+	mov	$a3, $t3
+	adc	$poly3, $a3
+	adc	\$0, $t4
+	xor	$a_ptr, $a_ptr		# borrow $a_ptr
+	test	\$1, $t0
+	cmovz	$t0, $a0
+	cmovz	$t1, $a1
+	cmovz	$t2, $a2
+	cmovz	$t3, $a3
+	cmovz	$a_ptr, $t4
+	mov	$a1, $t0		# a0:a3>>1
+	shr	\$1, $a0
+	shl	\$63, $t0
+	mov	$a2, $t1
+	shr	\$1, $a1
+	or	$t0, $a0
+	shl	\$63, $t1
+	mov	$a3, $t2
+	shr	\$1, $a2
+	or	$t1, $a1
+	shl	\$63, $t2
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	shr	\$1, $a3
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	shl	\$63, $t4
+	or	$t2, $a2
+	or	$t4, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	`&load_for_mul("$M(%rsp)", "$Zsqr(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$M(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(M, M, Zsqr);
+	lea	$tmp0(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2$x
+	lea	$M(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$M(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_add_to$x		# p256_mul_by_3(M, M);
+	`&load_for_mul("$S(%rsp)", "$in_x(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S, S, in_x);
+	lea	$tmp0(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2$x	# p256_mul_by_2(tmp0, S);
+	`&load_for_sqr("$M(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	movq	%xmm0, $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(res_x, M);
+	lea	$tmp0(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	mov	$acc6, $acc0			# harmonize sqr output and sub input
+	mov	$acc7, $acc1
+	mov	$a_ptr, $poly1
+	mov	$t1, $poly3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(res_x, res_x, tmp0);
+	mov	$S+8*0(%rsp), $t0
+	mov	$S+8*1(%rsp), $t1
+	mov	$S+8*2(%rsp), $t2
+	mov	$S+8*3(%rsp), $acc2		# "4-5-0-1" order
+	lea	$S(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub$x		# p256_sub(S, S, res_x);
+	mov	$M(%rsp), $src0
+	lea	$M(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	mov	$acc4, $acc6			# harmonize sub output and mul input
+	xor	%ecx, %ecx
+	mov	$acc4, $S+8*0(%rsp)		# have to save:-(
+	mov	$acc5, $acc2
+	mov	$acc5, $S+8*1(%rsp)
+	cmovz	$acc0, $acc3
+	mov	$acc0, $S+8*2(%rsp)
+	lea	$S-$bias(%rsp), $a_ptr
+	cmovz	$acc1, $acc4
+	mov	$acc1, $S+8*3(%rsp)
+	mov	$acc6, $acc1
+	lea	$S(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S, S, M);
+	movq	%xmm1, $b_ptr
+	movq	%xmm1, $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(res_y, S, res_y);
+	add	\$32*5+8, %rsp
+	pop	%r15
+	pop	%r14
+	pop	%r13
+	pop	%r12
+	pop	%rbx
+	pop	%rbp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_point_double$sfx,.-ecp_nistz256_point_double$sfx
+sub gen_add () {
+    my $x = shift;
+    my ($src0,$sfx,$bias);
+    my ($H,$Hsqr,$R,$Rsqr,$Hcub,
+	$U1,$U2,$S1,$S2,
+	$res_x,$res_y,$res_z,
+	$in1_x,$in1_y,$in1_z,
+	$in2_x,$in2_y,$in2_z)=map(32*$_,(0..17));
+    my ($Z1sqr, $Z2sqr) = ($Hsqr, $Rsqr);
+    if ($x ne "x") {
+	$src0 = "%rax";
+	$sfx  = "";
+	$bias = 0;
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_point_add
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_add,\@function,3
+.align	32
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	mov	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	and	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip), %ecx
+	cmp	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	je	.Lpoint_addx
+    } else {
+	$src0 = "%rdx";
+	$sfx  = "x";
+	$bias = 128;
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_addx,\@function,3
+.align	32
+    }
+	push	%rbp
+	push	%rbx
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	push	%r14
+	push	%r15
+	sub	\$32*18+8, %rsp
+	movdqu	0x00($a_ptr), %xmm0		# copy	*(P256_POINT *)$a_ptr
+	movdqu	0x10($a_ptr), %xmm1
+	movdqu	0x20($a_ptr), %xmm2
+	movdqu	0x30($a_ptr), %xmm3
+	movdqu	0x40($a_ptr), %xmm4
+	movdqu	0x50($a_ptr), %xmm5
+	mov	$a_ptr, $b_ptr			# reassign
+	mov	$b_org, $a_ptr			# reassign
+	movdqa	%xmm0, $in1_x(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1, $in1_x+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm2, $in1_y(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3, $in1_y+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2, %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4, $in1_z(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm5, $in1_z+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqu	0x00($a_ptr), %xmm0		# copy	*(P256_POINT *)$b_ptr
+	 pshufd	\$0xb1, %xmm3, %xmm5
+	movdqu	0x10($a_ptr), %xmm1
+	movdqu	0x20($a_ptr), %xmm2
+	 por	%xmm3, %xmm5
+	movdqu	0x30($a_ptr), %xmm3
+	 mov	0x40+8*0($a_ptr), $src0		# load original in2_z
+	 mov	0x40+8*1($a_ptr), $acc6
+	 mov	0x40+8*2($a_ptr), $acc7
+	 mov	0x40+8*3($a_ptr), $acc0
+	movdqa	%xmm0, $in2_x(%rsp)
+	 pshufd	\$0x1e, %xmm5, %xmm4
+	movdqa	%xmm1, $in2_x+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm1
+	 movq	$r_ptr, %xmm0			# save $r_ptr
+	movdqa	%xmm2, $in2_y(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3, $in2_y+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2, %xmm3
+	 por	%xmm4, %xmm5
+	 pxor	%xmm4, %xmm4
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	lea	0x40-$bias($a_ptr), $a_ptr	# $a_ptr is still valid
+	 mov	$src0, $in2_z+8*0(%rsp)		# make in2_z copy
+	 mov	$acc6, $in2_z+8*1(%rsp)
+	 mov	$acc7, $in2_z+8*2(%rsp)
+	 mov	$acc0, $in2_z+8*3(%rsp)
+	lea	$Z2sqr(%rsp), $r_ptr		# Z2^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(Z2sqr, in2_z);
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm4, %xmm5
+	pshufd	\$0xb1, %xmm3, %xmm4
+	por	%xmm3, %xmm4
+	pshufd	\$0, %xmm5, %xmm5		# in1infty
+	pshufd	\$0x1e, %xmm4, %xmm3
+	por	%xmm3, %xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm3, %xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm3, %xmm4
+	pshufd	\$0, %xmm4, %xmm4		# in2infty
+	 mov	0x40+8*0($b_ptr), $src0		# load original in1_z
+	 mov	0x40+8*1($b_ptr), $acc6
+	 mov	0x40+8*2($b_ptr), $acc7
+	 mov	0x40+8*3($b_ptr), $acc0
+	lea	0x40-$bias($b_ptr), $a_ptr
+	lea	$Z1sqr(%rsp), $r_ptr		# Z1^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(Z1sqr, in1_z);
+	`&load_for_mul("$Z2sqr(%rsp)", "$in2_z(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S1(%rsp), $r_ptr		# S1 = Z2^3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S1, Z2sqr, in2_z);
+	`&load_for_mul("$Z1sqr(%rsp)", "$in1_z(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S2(%rsp), $r_ptr		# S2 = Z1^3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S2, Z1sqr, in1_z);
+	`&load_for_mul("$S1(%rsp)", "$in1_y(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S1(%rsp), $r_ptr		# S1 = Y1*Z2^3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S1, S1, in1_y);
+	`&load_for_mul("$S2(%rsp)", "$in2_y(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S2(%rsp), $r_ptr		# S2 = Y2*Z1^3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S2, S2, in2_y);
+	lea	$S1(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$R(%rsp), $r_ptr		# R = S2 - S1
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(R, S2, S1);
+	or	$acc5, $acc4			# see if result is zero
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm2
+	or	$acc0, $acc4
+	or	$acc1, $acc4
+	por	%xmm5, %xmm2			# in1infty || in2infty
+	movq	$acc4, %xmm3
+	`&load_for_mul("$Z2sqr(%rsp)", "$in1_x(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$U1(%rsp), $r_ptr		# U1 = X1*Z2^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(U1, in1_x, Z2sqr);
+	`&load_for_mul("$Z1sqr(%rsp)", "$in2_x(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$U2(%rsp), $r_ptr		# U2 = X2*Z1^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(U2, in2_x, Z1sqr);
+	lea	$U1(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$H(%rsp), $r_ptr		# H = U2 - U1
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(H, U2, U1);
+	or	$acc5, $acc4			# see if result is zero
+	or	$acc0, $acc4
+	or	$acc1, $acc4
+	.byte	0x3e				# predict taken
+	jnz	.Ladd_proceed$x			# is_equal(U1,U2)?
+	movq	%xmm2, $acc0
+	movq	%xmm3, $acc1
+	test	$acc0, $acc0
+	jnz	.Ladd_proceed$x			# (in1infty || in2infty)?
+	test	$acc1, $acc1
+	jz	.Ladd_proceed$x			# is_equal(S1,S2)?
+	movq	%xmm0, $r_ptr			# restore $r_ptr
+	pxor	%xmm0, %xmm0
+	movdqu	%xmm0, 0x00($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm0, 0x10($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm0, 0x20($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm0, 0x30($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm0, 0x40($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm0, 0x50($r_ptr)
+	jmp	.Ladd_done$x
+.align	32
+	`&load_for_sqr("$R(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$Rsqr(%rsp), $r_ptr		# R^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(Rsqr, R);
+	`&load_for_mul("$H(%rsp)", "$in1_z(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$res_z(%rsp), $r_ptr		# Z3 = H*Z1*Z2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(res_z, H, in1_z);
+	`&load_for_sqr("$H(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$Hsqr(%rsp), $r_ptr		# H^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(Hsqr, H);
+	`&load_for_mul("$res_z(%rsp)", "$in2_z(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$res_z(%rsp), $r_ptr		# Z3 = H*Z1*Z2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(res_z, res_z, in2_z);
+	`&load_for_mul("$Hsqr(%rsp)", "$H(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$Hcub(%rsp), $r_ptr		# H^3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(Hcub, Hsqr, H);
+	`&load_for_mul("$Hsqr(%rsp)", "$U1(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$U2(%rsp), $r_ptr		# U1*H^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(U2, U1, Hsqr);
+# operate in 4-5-0-1 "name space" that matches multiplication output
+my ($acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3,$t3,$t4)=($acc4,$acc5,$acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3);
+my ($poly1, $poly3)=($acc6,$acc7);
+	#lea	$U2(%rsp), $a_ptr
+	#lea	$Hsqr(%rsp), $r_ptr	# 2*U1*H^2
+	#call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2	# ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2(Hsqr, U2);
+	add	$acc0, $acc0		# a0:a3+a0:a3
+	lea	$Rsqr(%rsp), $a_ptr
+	adc	$acc1, $acc1
+	 mov	$acc0, $t0
+	adc	$acc2, $acc2
+	adc	$acc3, $acc3
+	 mov	$acc1, $t1
+	sbb	$t4, $t4
+	sub	\$-1, $acc0
+	 mov	$acc2, $t2
+	sbb	$poly1, $acc1
+	sbb	\$0, $acc2
+	 mov	$acc3, $t3
+	sbb	$poly3, $acc3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $acc0
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $t0
+	cmovz	$t1, $acc1
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $t1
+	cmovz	$t2, $acc2
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $t2
+	cmovz	$t3, $acc3
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $t3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub$x		# p256_sub(res_x, Rsqr, Hsqr);
+	lea	$Hcub(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$res_x(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(res_x, res_x, Hcub);
+	mov	$U2+8*0(%rsp), $t0
+	mov	$U2+8*1(%rsp), $t1
+	mov	$U2+8*2(%rsp), $t2
+	mov	$U2+8*3(%rsp), $t3
+	lea	$res_y(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub$x		# p256_sub(res_y, U2, res_x);
+	mov	$acc0, 8*0($r_ptr)		# save the result, as
+	mov	$acc1, 8*1($r_ptr)		# __ecp_nistz256_sub doesn't
+	mov	$acc2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$acc3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	`&load_for_mul("$S1(%rsp)", "$Hcub(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S2(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S2, S1, Hcub);
+	`&load_for_mul("$R(%rsp)", "$res_y(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$res_y(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(res_y, R, res_y);
+	lea	$S2(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$res_y(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(res_y, res_y, S2);
+	movq	%xmm0, $r_ptr		# restore $r_ptr
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_z, in2_z, in1infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm1
+	pandn	$res_z(%rsp), %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm2
+	pandn	$res_z+0x10(%rsp), %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm3
+	pand	$in2_z(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in2_z+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_z, in1_z, in2infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2, %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3, %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm3
+	pand	$in1_z(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in1_z+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2, 0x40($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm3, 0x50($r_ptr)
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_x, in2_x, in1infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm1
+	pandn	$res_x(%rsp), %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm2
+	pandn	$res_x+0x10(%rsp), %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm3
+	pand	$in2_x(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in2_x+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_x, in1_x, in2infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2, %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3, %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm3
+	pand	$in1_x(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in1_x+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2, 0x00($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm3, 0x10($r_ptr)
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_y, in2_y, in1infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm1
+	pandn	$res_y(%rsp), %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm2
+	pandn	$res_y+0x10(%rsp), %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm3
+	pand	$in2_y(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in2_y+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_y, in1_y, in2infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2, %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3, %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm3
+	pand	$in1_y(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in1_y+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2, 0x20($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm3, 0x30($r_ptr)
+	add	\$32*18+8, %rsp
+	pop	%r15
+	pop	%r14
+	pop	%r13
+	pop	%r12
+	pop	%rbx
+	pop	%rbp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_point_add$sfx,.-ecp_nistz256_point_add$sfx
+sub gen_add_affine () {
+    my $x = shift;
+    my ($src0,$sfx,$bias);
+    my ($U2,$S2,$H,$R,$Hsqr,$Hcub,$Rsqr,
+	$res_x,$res_y,$res_z,
+	$in1_x,$in1_y,$in1_z,
+	$in2_x,$in2_y)=map(32*$_,(0..14));
+    my $Z1sqr = $S2;
+    if ($x ne "x") {
+	$src0 = "%rax";
+	$sfx  = "";
+	$bias = 0;
+.globl	ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine,\@function,3
+.align	32
+$code.=<<___	if ($addx);
+	mov	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	and	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P+8(%rip), %ecx
+	cmp	\$0x80100, %ecx
+	je	.Lpoint_add_affinex
+    } else {
+	$src0 = "%rdx";
+	$sfx  = "x";
+	$bias = 128;
+.type	ecp_nistz256_point_add_affinex,\@function,3
+.align	32
+    }
+	push	%rbp
+	push	%rbx
+	push	%r12
+	push	%r13
+	push	%r14
+	push	%r15
+	sub	\$32*15+8, %rsp
+	movdqu	0x00($a_ptr), %xmm0	# copy	*(P256_POINT *)$a_ptr
+	mov	$b_org, $b_ptr		# reassign
+	movdqu	0x10($a_ptr), %xmm1
+	movdqu	0x20($a_ptr), %xmm2
+	movdqu	0x30($a_ptr), %xmm3
+	movdqu	0x40($a_ptr), %xmm4
+	movdqu	0x50($a_ptr), %xmm5
+	 mov	0x40+8*0($a_ptr), $src0	# load original in1_z
+	 mov	0x40+8*1($a_ptr), $acc6
+	 mov	0x40+8*2($a_ptr), $acc7
+	 mov	0x40+8*3($a_ptr), $acc0
+	movdqa	%xmm0, $in1_x(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm1, $in1_x+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm2, $in1_y(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3, $in1_y+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2, %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4, $in1_z(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm5, $in1_z+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqu	0x00($b_ptr), %xmm0	# copy	*(P256_POINT_AFFINE *)$b_ptr
+	 pshufd	\$0xb1, %xmm3, %xmm5
+	movdqu	0x10($b_ptr), %xmm1
+	movdqu	0x20($b_ptr), %xmm2
+	 por	%xmm3, %xmm5
+	movdqu	0x30($b_ptr), %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm0, $in2_x(%rsp)
+	 pshufd	\$0x1e, %xmm5, %xmm4
+	movdqa	%xmm1, $in2_x+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm1
+	 movq	$r_ptr, %xmm0		# save $r_ptr
+	movdqa	%xmm2, $in2_y(%rsp)
+	movdqa	%xmm3, $in2_y+0x10(%rsp)
+	por	%xmm2, %xmm3
+	 por	%xmm4, %xmm5
+	 pxor	%xmm4, %xmm4
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	lea	0x40-$bias($a_ptr), $a_ptr	# $a_ptr is still valid
+	lea	$Z1sqr(%rsp), $r_ptr		# Z1^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(Z1sqr, in1_z);
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm4, %xmm5
+	pshufd	\$0xb1, %xmm3, %xmm4
+	 mov	0x00($b_ptr), $src0		# $b_ptr is still valid
+	 #lea	0x00($b_ptr), $b_ptr
+	 mov	$acc4, $acc1			# harmonize sqr output and mul input
+	por	%xmm3, %xmm4
+	pshufd	\$0, %xmm5, %xmm5		# in1infty
+	pshufd	\$0x1e, %xmm4, %xmm3
+	 mov	$acc5, $acc2
+	por	%xmm3, %xmm4
+	pxor	%xmm3, %xmm3
+	 mov	$acc6, $acc3
+	pcmpeqd	%xmm3, %xmm4
+	pshufd	\$0, %xmm4, %xmm4		# in2infty
+	lea	$Z1sqr-$bias(%rsp), $a_ptr
+	mov	$acc7, $acc4
+	lea	$U2(%rsp), $r_ptr		# U2 = X2*Z1^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(U2, Z1sqr, in2_x);
+	lea	$in1_x(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$H(%rsp), $r_ptr		# H = U2 - U1
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(H, U2, in1_x);
+	`&load_for_mul("$Z1sqr(%rsp)", "$in1_z(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S2(%rsp), $r_ptr		# S2 = Z1^3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S2, Z1sqr, in1_z);
+	`&load_for_mul("$H(%rsp)", "$in1_z(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$res_z(%rsp), $r_ptr		# Z3 = H*Z1*Z2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(res_z, H, in1_z);
+	`&load_for_mul("$S2(%rsp)", "$in2_y(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S2(%rsp), $r_ptr		# S2 = Y2*Z1^3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S2, S2, in2_y);
+	lea	$in1_y(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$R(%rsp), $r_ptr		# R = S2 - S1
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(R, S2, in1_y);
+	`&load_for_sqr("$H(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$Hsqr(%rsp), $r_ptr		# H^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(Hsqr, H);
+	`&load_for_sqr("$R(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$Rsqr(%rsp), $r_ptr		# R^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont$x	# p256_sqr_mont(Rsqr, R);
+	`&load_for_mul("$H(%rsp)", "$Hsqr(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$Hcub(%rsp), $r_ptr		# H^3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(Hcub, Hsqr, H);
+	`&load_for_mul("$Hsqr(%rsp)", "$in1_x(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$U2(%rsp), $r_ptr		# U1*H^2
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(U2, in1_x, Hsqr);
+# operate in 4-5-0-1 "name space" that matches multiplication output
+my ($acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3,$t3,$t4)=($acc4,$acc5,$acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3);
+my ($poly1, $poly3)=($acc6,$acc7);
+	#lea	$U2(%rsp), $a_ptr
+	#lea	$Hsqr(%rsp), $r_ptr	# 2*U1*H^2
+	#call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2	# ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2(Hsqr, U2);
+	add	$acc0, $acc0		# a0:a3+a0:a3
+	lea	$Rsqr(%rsp), $a_ptr
+	adc	$acc1, $acc1
+	 mov	$acc0, $t0
+	adc	$acc2, $acc2
+	adc	$acc3, $acc3
+	 mov	$acc1, $t1
+	sbb	$t4, $t4
+	sub	\$-1, $acc0
+	 mov	$acc2, $t2
+	sbb	$poly1, $acc1
+	sbb	\$0, $acc2
+	 mov	$acc3, $t3
+	sbb	$poly3, $acc3
+	test	$t4, $t4
+	cmovz	$t0, $acc0
+	mov	8*0($a_ptr), $t0
+	cmovz	$t1, $acc1
+	mov	8*1($a_ptr), $t1
+	cmovz	$t2, $acc2
+	mov	8*2($a_ptr), $t2
+	cmovz	$t3, $acc3
+	mov	8*3($a_ptr), $t3
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub$x		# p256_sub(res_x, Rsqr, Hsqr);
+	lea	$Hcub(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$res_x(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(res_x, res_x, Hcub);
+	mov	$U2+8*0(%rsp), $t0
+	mov	$U2+8*1(%rsp), $t1
+	mov	$U2+8*2(%rsp), $t2
+	mov	$U2+8*3(%rsp), $t3
+	lea	$H(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub$x		# p256_sub(H, U2, res_x);
+	mov	$acc0, 8*0($r_ptr)		# save the result, as
+	mov	$acc1, 8*1($r_ptr)		# __ecp_nistz256_sub doesn't
+	mov	$acc2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$acc3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	`&load_for_mul("$Hcub(%rsp)", "$in1_y(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$S2(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(S2, Hcub, in1_y);
+	`&load_for_mul("$H(%rsp)", "$R(%rsp)", "$src0")`
+	lea	$H(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_mont$x	# p256_mul_mont(H, H, R);
+	lea	$S2(%rsp), $b_ptr
+	lea	$res_y(%rsp), $r_ptr
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_from$x	# p256_sub(res_y, H, S2);
+	movq	%xmm0, $r_ptr		# restore $r_ptr
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_z, ONE, in1infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm1
+	pandn	$res_z(%rsp), %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm2
+	pandn	$res_z+0x10(%rsp), %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm3
+	pand	.LONE_mont(%rip), %xmm2
+	pand	.LONE_mont+0x10(%rip), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_z, in1_z, in2infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2, %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3, %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm3
+	pand	$in1_z(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in1_z+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2, 0x40($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm3, 0x50($r_ptr)
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_x, in2_x, in1infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm1
+	pandn	$res_x(%rsp), %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm2
+	pandn	$res_x+0x10(%rsp), %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm3
+	pand	$in2_x(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in2_x+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_x, in1_x, in2infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2, %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3, %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm3
+	pand	$in1_x(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in1_x+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2, 0x00($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm3, 0x10($r_ptr)
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_y, in2_y, in1infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm1
+	pandn	$res_y(%rsp), %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm2
+	pandn	$res_y+0x10(%rsp), %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm5, %xmm3
+	pand	$in2_y(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in2_y+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm0		# copy_conditional(res_y, in1_y, in2infty);
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm1
+	pandn	%xmm2, %xmm0
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm2
+	pandn	%xmm3, %xmm1
+	movdqa	%xmm4, %xmm3
+	pand	$in1_y(%rsp), %xmm2
+	pand	$in1_y+0x10(%rsp), %xmm3
+	por	%xmm0, %xmm2
+	por	%xmm1, %xmm3
+	movdqu	%xmm2, 0x20($r_ptr)
+	movdqu	%xmm3, 0x30($r_ptr)
+	add	\$32*15+8, %rsp
+	pop	%r15
+	pop	%r14
+	pop	%r13
+	pop	%r12
+	pop	%rbx
+	pop	%rbp
+	ret
+.size	ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine$sfx,.-ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine$sfx
+# AD*X magic
+if ($addx) {								{
+# operate in 4-5-0-1 "name space" that matches multiplication output
+my ($a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,$t3,$t4)=($acc4,$acc5,$acc0,$acc1,$acc2,$acc3);
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_add_tox,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	adc	8*0($b_ptr), $a0
+	adc	8*1($b_ptr), $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	adc	8*2($b_ptr), $a2
+	adc	8*3($b_ptr), $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	adc	\$0, $t4
+	xor	$t3, $t3
+	sbb	\$-1, $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	$poly1, $a1
+	sbb	\$0, $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	sbb	$poly3, $a3
+	bt	\$0, $t4
+	cmovnc	$t0, $a0
+	cmovnc	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovnc	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovnc	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_add_tox,.-__ecp_nistz256_add_tox
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromx,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	sbb	8*0($b_ptr), $a0
+	sbb	8*1($b_ptr), $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	sbb	8*2($b_ptr), $a2
+	sbb	8*3($b_ptr), $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	sbb	\$0, $t4
+	xor	$t3, $t3
+	adc	\$-1, $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	adc	$poly1, $a1
+	adc	\$0, $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	adc	$poly3, $a3
+	bt	\$0, $t4
+	cmovnc	$t0, $a0
+	cmovnc	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovnc	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovnc	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromx,.-__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromx
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_subx,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	sbb	$a0, $t0
+	sbb	$a1, $t1
+	 mov	$t0, $a0
+	sbb	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	$a3, $t3
+	 mov	$t1, $a1
+	sbb	\$0, $t4
+	xor	$a3 ,$a3
+	adc	\$-1, $t0
+	 mov	$t2, $a2
+	adc	$poly1, $t1
+	adc	\$0, $t2
+	 mov	$t3, $a3
+	adc	$poly3, $t3
+	bt	\$0, $t4
+	cmovc	$t0, $a0
+	cmovc	$t1, $a1
+	cmovc	$t2, $a2
+	cmovc	$t3, $a3
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_subx,.-__ecp_nistz256_subx
+.type	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2x,\@abi-omnipotent
+.align	32
+	xor	$t4, $t4
+	adc	$a0, $a0		# a0:a3+a0:a3
+	adc	$a1, $a1
+	 mov	$a0, $t0
+	adc	$a2, $a2
+	adc	$a3, $a3
+	 mov	$a1, $t1
+	adc	\$0, $t4
+	xor	$t3, $t3
+	sbb	\$-1, $a0
+	 mov	$a2, $t2
+	sbb	$poly1, $a1
+	sbb	\$0, $a2
+	 mov	$a3, $t3
+	sbb	$poly3, $a3
+	bt	\$0, $t4
+	cmovnc	$t0, $a0
+	cmovnc	$t1, $a1
+	mov	$a0, 8*0($r_ptr)
+	cmovnc	$t2, $a2
+	mov	$a1, 8*1($r_ptr)
+	cmovnc	$t3, $a3
+	mov	$a2, 8*2($r_ptr)
+	mov	$a3, 8*3($r_ptr)
+	ret
+.size	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2x,.-__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2x
+									}
+$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval $1/gem;
+print $code;
+close STDOUT;
diff --git a/src/crypto/ec/ec.c b/src/crypto/ec/ec.c
index ec01766..4891daa 100644
--- a/src/crypto/ec/ec.c
+++ b/src/crypto/ec/ec.c
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 #include <openssl/ec.h>
+#include <assert.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <openssl/bn.h>
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@
 #include <openssl/obj.h>
 #include "internal.h"
+#include "../internal.h"
 static const struct curve_data P224 = {
@@ -226,6 +228,21 @@
 const struct built_in_curve OPENSSL_built_in_curves[] = {
+    {NID_secp521r1, &P521, 0},
+    {NID_secp384r1, &P384, 0},
+    {
+        NID_X9_62_prime256v1, &P256,
+#if defined(BORINGSSL_USE_INT128_CODE)
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && defined(OPENSSL_X86_64) && \
+    !defined(OPENSSL_SMALL)
+        EC_GFp_nistz256_method,
+        EC_GFp_nistp256_method,
+        0,
+    },
         NID_secp224r1, &P224,
 #if defined(BORINGSSL_USE_INT128_CODE) && !defined(OPENSSL_SMALL)
@@ -234,19 +251,73 @@
-    {
-        NID_X9_62_prime256v1, &P256,
-#if defined(BORINGSSL_USE_INT128_CODE)
-        EC_GFp_nistp256_method,
-        0,
-    },
-    {NID_secp384r1, &P384, 0},
-    {NID_secp521r1, &P521, 0},
     {NID_undef, 0, 0},
+/* built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts contains Montgomery contexts for
+ * performing inversions in the scalar fields of each of the built-in
+ * curves. It's protected by |built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts_once|. */
+static const BN_MONT_CTX **built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts;
+static CRYPTO_once_t built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts_once;
+static void built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts_init(void) {
+  unsigned num_built_in_curves;
+  for (num_built_in_curves = 0;; num_built_in_curves++) {
+    if (OPENSSL_built_in_curves[num_built_in_curves].nid == NID_undef) {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  assert(0 < num_built_in_curves);
+  built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts =
+      OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(BN_MONT_CTX *) * num_built_in_curves);
+  if (built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  BIGNUM *order = BN_new();
+  BN_CTX *bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont_ctx = NULL;
+  if (bn_ctx == NULL ||
+      order == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  unsigned i;
+  for (i = 0; i < num_built_in_curves; i++) {
+    const struct curve_data *curve = OPENSSL_built_in_curves[i].data;
+    const unsigned param_len = curve->param_len;
+    const uint8_t *params = curve->data;
+    mont_ctx = BN_MONT_CTX_new();
+    if (mont_ctx == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    if (!BN_bin2bn(params + 5 * param_len, param_len, order) ||
+        !BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont_ctx, order, bn_ctx)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts[i] = mont_ctx;
+    mont_ctx = NULL;
+  }
+  goto out;
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont_ctx);
+  OPENSSL_free((BN_MONT_CTX**) built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts);
+  built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts = NULL;
+  BN_free(order);
+  BN_CTX_free(bn_ctx);
 EC_GROUP *ec_group_new(const EC_METHOD *meth) {
   EC_GROUP *ret;
@@ -338,25 +409,23 @@
   return 1;
-static EC_GROUP *ec_group_new_from_data(const struct built_in_curve *curve) {
+static EC_GROUP *ec_group_new_from_data(unsigned built_in_index) {
+  const struct built_in_curve *curve = &OPENSSL_built_in_curves[built_in_index];
   EC_GROUP *group = NULL;
-  BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
   BIGNUM *p = NULL, *a = NULL, *b = NULL, *x = NULL, *y = NULL;
-  int ok = 0;
-  unsigned param_len;
   const EC_METHOD *meth;
-  const struct curve_data *data;
-  const uint8_t *params;
+  int ok = 0;
-  if ((ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL) {
+  BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+  if (ctx == NULL) {
     goto err;
-  data = curve->data;
-  param_len = data->param_len;
-  params = data->data;
+  const struct curve_data *data = curve->data;
+  const unsigned param_len = data->param_len;
+  const uint8_t *params = data->data;
   if (!(p = BN_bin2bn(params + 0 * param_len, param_len, NULL)) ||
       !(a = BN_bin2bn(params + 1 * param_len, param_len, NULL)) ||
@@ -400,6 +469,12 @@
     goto err;
+  CRYPTO_once(&built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts_once,
+              built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts_init);
+  if (built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts != NULL) {
+    group->mont_data = built_in_curve_scalar_field_monts[built_in_index];
+  }
   group->generator = P;
   P = NULL;
   ok = 1;
@@ -427,7 +502,7 @@
   for (i = 0; OPENSSL_built_in_curves[i].nid != NID_undef; i++) {
     curve = &OPENSSL_built_in_curves[i];
     if (curve->nid == nid) {
-      ret = ec_group_new_from_data(curve);
+      ret = ec_group_new_from_data(i);
@@ -474,6 +549,7 @@
   dest->pre_comp = ec_pre_comp_dup(src->pre_comp);
+  dest->mont_data = src->mont_data;
   if (src->generator != NULL) {
     if (dest->generator == NULL) {
@@ -486,11 +562,8 @@
       return 0;
   } else {
-    /* src->generator == NULL */
-    if (dest->generator != NULL) {
-      EC_POINT_clear_free(dest->generator);
-      dest->generator = NULL;
-    }
+    EC_POINT_clear_free(dest->generator);
+    dest->generator = NULL;
   if (!BN_copy(&dest->order, &src->order) ||
@@ -503,6 +576,10 @@
   return dest->meth->group_copy(dest, src);
+const BN_MONT_CTX *ec_group_get_mont_data(const EC_GROUP *group) {
+  return group->mont_data;
 EC_GROUP *EC_GROUP_dup(const EC_GROUP *a) {
   EC_GROUP *t = NULL;
   int ok = 0;
@@ -737,7 +814,16 @@
     return 0;
-  return ec_GFp_simple_point_set_affine_coordinates(group, point, x, y, ctx);
+  if (!ec_GFp_simple_point_set_affine_coordinates(group, point, x, y, ctx)) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (!EC_POINT_is_on_curve(group, point, ctx)) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
 int EC_POINT_add(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const EC_POINT *a,
@@ -786,6 +872,11 @@
 int EC_POINTs_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const BIGNUM *scalar,
                   size_t num, const EC_POINT *points[], const BIGNUM *scalars[],
                   BN_CTX *ctx) {
+  if (group->meth != r->meth) {
+    return 0;
+  }
   size_t i;
   for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
     if (points[i]->meth != r->meth) {
diff --git a/src/crypto/ec/ec_test.cc b/src/crypto/ec/ec_test.cc
index 5af42d5..3f45bd0 100644
--- a/src/crypto/ec/ec_test.cc
+++ b/src/crypto/ec/ec_test.cc
@@ -173,12 +173,84 @@
   return true;
+bool TestSetAffine(const int nid) {
+  ScopedEC_KEY key(EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(nid));
+  if (!key) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  const EC_GROUP *const group = EC_KEY_get0_group(key.get());
+  if (!EC_KEY_generate_key(key.get())) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "EC_KEY_generate_key failed with nid %d\n", nid);
+    ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!EC_POINT_is_on_curve(group, EC_KEY_get0_public_key(key.get()),
+                            nullptr)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "generated point is not on curve with nid %d", nid);
+    ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+    return false;
+  }
+  ScopedBIGNUM x(BN_new());
+  ScopedBIGNUM y(BN_new());
+  if (!EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(group,
+                                           EC_KEY_get0_public_key(key.get()),
+                                           x.get(), y.get(), nullptr)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp failed with nid %d\n",
+            nid);
+    ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+    return false;
+  }
+  ScopedEC_POINT point(EC_POINT_new(group));
+  if (!point) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, point.get(), x.get(), y.get(),
+                                           nullptr)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp failed with nid %d\n",
+            nid);
+    ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Subtract one from |y| to make the point no longer on the curve.
+  if (!BN_sub(y.get(), y.get(), BN_value_one())) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  ScopedEC_POINT invalid_point(EC_POINT_new(group));
+  if (!invalid_point) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(group, invalid_point.get(), x.get(),
+                                          y.get(), nullptr)) {
+    fprintf(stderr,
+            "EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp succeeded with invalid "
+            "coordinates with nid %d\n",
+            nid);
+    ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
 int main(void) {
   if (!Testd2i_ECPrivateKey() ||
-      !TestZeroPadding()) {
+      !TestZeroPadding() ||
+      !TestSetAffine(NID_secp224r1) ||
+      !TestSetAffine(NID_X9_62_prime256v1) ||
+      !TestSetAffine(NID_secp384r1) ||
+      !TestSetAffine(NID_secp521r1)) {
     fprintf(stderr, "failed\n");
     return 1;
diff --git a/src/crypto/ec/internal.h b/src/crypto/ec/internal.h
index 459bab5..b6b5d52 100644
--- a/src/crypto/ec/internal.h
+++ b/src/crypto/ec/internal.h
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
   int curve_name; /* optional NID for named curve */
   struct ec_pre_comp_st *pre_comp;
+  const BN_MONT_CTX *mont_data; /* data for ECDSA inverse */
   /* The following members are handled by the method functions,
    * even if they appear generic */
@@ -164,6 +165,11 @@
 EC_GROUP *ec_group_new(const EC_METHOD *meth);
 int ec_group_copy(EC_GROUP *dest, const EC_GROUP *src);
+/* ec_group_get_mont_data returns a Montgomery context for operations in the
+ * scalar field of |group|. It may return NULL in the case that |group| is not
+ * a built-in group. */
+const BN_MONT_CTX *ec_group_get_mont_data(const EC_GROUP *group);
 int ec_wNAF_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const BIGNUM *scalar,
                 size_t num, const EC_POINT *points[], const BIGNUM *scalars[],
                 BN_CTX *);
@@ -255,6 +261,10 @@
 const EC_METHOD *EC_GFp_nistp224_method(void);
 const EC_METHOD *EC_GFp_nistp256_method(void);
+/* Returns GFp methods using montgomery multiplication, with x86-64
+ * optimized P256. See http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/816. */
+const EC_METHOD *EC_GFp_nistz256_method(void);
 struct ec_key_st {
   int version;
diff --git a/src/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-table.h b/src/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-table.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b3254c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-table.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9548 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+/* This is the precomputed constant time access table for the code in
+ * p256-x86_64.c, for the default generator. The table consists of 37
+ * subtables, each subtable contains 64 affine points. The affine points are
+ * encoded as eight uint64's, four for the x coordinate and four for the y.
+ * Both values are in little-endian order. There are 37 tables because a
+ * signed, 6-bit wNAF form of the scalar is used and ceil(256/(6 + 1)) = 37.
+ * Within each table there are 64 values because the 6-bit wNAF value can take
+ * 64 values, ignoring the sign bit, which is implemented by performing a
+ * negation of the affine point when required. We would like to align it to 2MB
+ * in order to increase the chances of using a large page but that appears to
+ * lead to invalid ELF files being produced. */
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+static const BN_ULONG
+    ecp_nistz256_precomputed[37][64 * sizeof(P256_POINT_AFFINE) /
+                                 sizeof(BN_ULONG)] = {
+        {TOBN(0x79e730d4, 0x18a9143c), TOBN(0x75ba95fc, 0x5fedb601),
+         TOBN(0x79fb732b, 0x77622510), TOBN(0x18905f76, 0xa53755c6),
+         TOBN(0xddf25357, 0xce95560a), TOBN(0x8b4ab8e4, 0xba19e45c),
+         TOBN(0xd2e88688, 0xdd21f325), TOBN(0x8571ff18, 0x25885d85),
+         TOBN(0x850046d4, 0x10ddd64d), TOBN(0xaa6ae3c1, 0xa433827d),
+         TOBN(0x73220503, 0x8d1490d9), TOBN(0xf6bb32e4, 0x3dcf3a3b),
+         TOBN(0x2f3648d3, 0x61bee1a5), TOBN(0x152cd7cb, 0xeb236ff8),
+         TOBN(0x19a8fb0e, 0x92042dbe), TOBN(0x78c57751, 0x0a5b8a3b),
+         TOBN(0xffac3f90, 0x4eebc127), TOBN(0xb027f84a, 0x087d81fb),
+         TOBN(0x66ad77dd, 0x87cbbc98), TOBN(0x26936a3f, 0xb6ff747e),
+         TOBN(0xb04c5c1f, 0xc983a7eb), TOBN(0x583e47ad, 0x0861fe1a),
+         TOBN(0x78820831, 0x1a2ee98e), TOBN(0xd5f06a29, 0xe587cc07),
+         TOBN(0x74b0b50d, 0x46918dcc), TOBN(0x4650a6ed, 0xc623c173),
+         TOBN(0x0cdaacac, 0xe8100af2), TOBN(0x577362f5, 0x41b0176b),
+         TOBN(0x2d96f24c, 0xe4cbaba6), TOBN(0x17628471, 0xfad6f447),
+         TOBN(0x6b6c36de, 0xe5ddd22e), TOBN(0x84b14c39, 0x4c5ab863),
+         TOBN(0xbe1b8aae, 0xc45c61f5), TOBN(0x90ec649a, 0x94b9537d),
+         TOBN(0x941cb5aa, 0xd076c20c), TOBN(0xc9079605, 0x890523c8),
+         TOBN(0xeb309b4a, 0xe7ba4f10), TOBN(0x73c568ef, 0xe5eb882b),
+         TOBN(0x3540a987, 0x7e7a1f68), TOBN(0x73a076bb, 0x2dd1e916),
+         TOBN(0x40394737, 0x3e77664a), TOBN(0x55ae744f, 0x346cee3e),
+         TOBN(0xd50a961a, 0x5b17a3ad), TOBN(0x13074b59, 0x54213673),
+         TOBN(0x93d36220, 0xd377e44b), TOBN(0x299c2b53, 0xadff14b5),
+         TOBN(0xf424d44c, 0xef639f11), TOBN(0xa4c9916d, 0x4a07f75f),
+         TOBN(0x0746354e, 0xa0173b4f), TOBN(0x2bd20213, 0xd23c00f7),
+         TOBN(0xf43eaab5, 0x0c23bb08), TOBN(0x13ba5119, 0xc3123e03),
+         TOBN(0x2847d030, 0x3f5b9d4d), TOBN(0x6742f2f2, 0x5da67bdd),
+         TOBN(0xef933bdc, 0x77c94195), TOBN(0xeaedd915, 0x6e240867),
+         TOBN(0x27f14cd1, 0x9499a78f), TOBN(0x462ab5c5, 0x6f9b3455),
+         TOBN(0x8f90f02a, 0xf02cfc6b), TOBN(0xb763891e, 0xb265230d),
+         TOBN(0xf59da3a9, 0x532d4977), TOBN(0x21e3327d, 0xcf9eba15),
+         TOBN(0x123c7b84, 0xbe60bbf0), TOBN(0x56ec12f2, 0x7706df76),
+         TOBN(0x75c96e8f, 0x264e20e8), TOBN(0xabe6bfed, 0x59a7a841),
+         TOBN(0x2cc09c04, 0x44c8eb00), TOBN(0xe05b3080, 0xf0c4e16b),
+         TOBN(0x1eb7777a, 0xa45f3314), TOBN(0x56af7bed, 0xce5d45e3),
+         TOBN(0x2b6e019a, 0x88b12f1a), TOBN(0x086659cd, 0xfd835f9b),
+         TOBN(0x2c18dbd1, 0x9dc21ec8), TOBN(0x98f9868a, 0x0fcf8139),
+         TOBN(0x737d2cd6, 0x48250b49), TOBN(0xcc61c947, 0x24b3428f),
+         TOBN(0x0c2b4078, 0x80dd9e76), TOBN(0xc43a8991, 0x383fbe08),
+         TOBN(0x5f7d2d65, 0x779be5d2), TOBN(0x78719a54, 0xeb3b4ab5),
+         TOBN(0xea7d260a, 0x6245e404), TOBN(0x9de40795, 0x6e7fdfe0),
+         TOBN(0x1ff3a415, 0x8dac1ab5), TOBN(0x3e7090f1, 0x649c9073),
+         TOBN(0x1a768561, 0x2b944e88), TOBN(0x250f939e, 0xe57f61c8),
+         TOBN(0x0c0daa89, 0x1ead643d), TOBN(0x68930023, 0xe125b88e),
+         TOBN(0x04b71aa7, 0xd2697768), TOBN(0xabdedef5, 0xca345a33),
+         TOBN(0x2409d29d, 0xee37385e), TOBN(0x4ee1df77, 0xcb83e156),
+         TOBN(0x0cac12d9, 0x1cbb5b43), TOBN(0x170ed2f6, 0xca895637),
+         TOBN(0x28228cfa, 0x8ade6d66), TOBN(0x7ff57c95, 0x53238aca),
+         TOBN(0xccc42563, 0x4b2ed709), TOBN(0x0e356769, 0x856fd30d),
+         TOBN(0xbcbcd43f, 0x559e9811), TOBN(0x738477ac, 0x5395b759),
+         TOBN(0x35752b90, 0xc00ee17f), TOBN(0x68748390, 0x742ed2e3),
+         TOBN(0x7cd06422, 0xbd1f5bc1), TOBN(0xfbc08769, 0xc9e7b797),
+         TOBN(0xa242a35b, 0xb0cf664a), TOBN(0x126e48f7, 0x7f9707e3),
+         TOBN(0x1717bf54, 0xc6832660), TOBN(0xfaae7332, 0xfd12c72e),
+         TOBN(0x27b52db7, 0x995d586b), TOBN(0xbe29569e, 0x832237c2),
+         TOBN(0xe8e4193e, 0x2a65e7db), TOBN(0x152706dc, 0x2eaa1bbb),
+         TOBN(0x72bcd8b7, 0xbc60055b), TOBN(0x03cc23ee, 0x56e27e4b),
+         TOBN(0xee337424, 0xe4819370), TOBN(0xe2aa0e43, 0x0ad3da09),
+         TOBN(0x40b8524f, 0x6383c45d), TOBN(0xd7663554, 0x42a41b25),
+         TOBN(0x64efa6de, 0x778a4797), TOBN(0x2042170a, 0x7079adf4),
+         TOBN(0x808b0b65, 0x0bc6fb80), TOBN(0x5882e075, 0x3ffe2e6b),
+         TOBN(0xd5ef2f7c, 0x2c83f549), TOBN(0x54d63c80, 0x9103b723),
+         TOBN(0xf2f11bd6, 0x52a23f9b), TOBN(0x3670c319, 0x4b0b6587),
+         TOBN(0x55c4623b, 0xb1580e9e), TOBN(0x64edf7b2, 0x01efe220),
+         TOBN(0x97091dcb, 0xd53c5c9d), TOBN(0xf17624b6, 0xac0a177b),
+         TOBN(0xb0f13975, 0x2cfe2dff), TOBN(0xc1a35c0a, 0x6c7a574e),
+         TOBN(0x227d3146, 0x93e79987), TOBN(0x0575bf30, 0xe89cb80e),
+         TOBN(0x2f4e247f, 0x0d1883bb), TOBN(0xebd51226, 0x3274c3d0),
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+         TOBN(0xa6f247ab, 0x412e2979), TOBN(0x675abd1b, 0x6f80ebda),
+         TOBN(0x66a2bd72, 0x5e485a1d), TOBN(0x4b2a5caf, 0x8f4f0b3c),
+         TOBN(0x2626927f, 0x1b847bba), TOBN(0x6c6fc7d9, 0x0502394d),
+         TOBN(0xfea912ba, 0xa5659ae8), TOBN(0x68363aba, 0x25e1a16e),
+         TOBN(0xb8842277, 0x752c41ac), TOBN(0xfe545c28, 0x2897c3fc),
+         TOBN(0x2d36e9e7, 0xdc4c696b), TOBN(0x5806244a, 0xfba977c5),
+         TOBN(0x85665e9b, 0xe39508c1), TOBN(0xf720ee25, 0x6d12597b),
+         TOBN(0x8a979129, 0xd2337a31), TOBN(0x5916868f, 0x0f862bdc),
+         TOBN(0x048099d9, 0x5dd283ba), TOBN(0xe2d1eeb6, 0xfe5bfb4e),
+         TOBN(0x82ef1c41, 0x7884005d), TOBN(0xa2d4ec17, 0xffffcbae),
+         TOBN(0x9161c53f, 0x8aa95e66), TOBN(0x5ee104e1, 0xc5fee0d0),
+         TOBN(0x562e4cec, 0xc135b208), TOBN(0x74e1b265, 0x4783f47d),
+         TOBN(0x6d2a506c, 0x5a3f3b30), TOBN(0xecead9f4, 0xc16762fc),
+         TOBN(0xf29dd4b2, 0xe286e5b9), TOBN(0x1b0fadc0, 0x83bb3c61),
+         TOBN(0x7a75023e, 0x7fac29a4), TOBN(0xc086d5f1, 0xc9477fa3),
+         TOBN(0x0fc61135, 0x2f6f3076), TOBN(0xc99ffa23, 0xe3912a9a),
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+         TOBN(0x94a787bb, 0x35415f04), TOBN(0x640c2d6a, 0x4d23fea4),
+         TOBN(0x9de917da, 0x153a35b5), TOBN(0x793e8d07, 0x5d5cd074),
+         TOBN(0xf4f87653, 0x2de45068), TOBN(0x37c7a7e8, 0x9e2e1f6e),
+         TOBN(0xd0825fa2, 0xa3584069), TOBN(0xaf2cea7c, 0x1727bf42),
+         TOBN(0x0360a4fb, 0x9e4785a9), TOBN(0xe5fda49c, 0x27299f4a),
+         TOBN(0x48068e13, 0x71ac2f71), TOBN(0x83d0687b, 0x9077666f),
+         TOBN(0x6d3883b2, 0x15d02819), TOBN(0x6d0d7550, 0x40dd9a35),
+         TOBN(0x61d7cbf9, 0x1d2b469f), TOBN(0xf97b232f, 0x2efc3115),
+         TOBN(0xa551d750, 0xb24bcbc7), TOBN(0x11ea4949, 0x88a1e356),
+         TOBN(0x7669f031, 0x93cb7501), TOBN(0x595dc55e, 0xca737b8a),
+         TOBN(0xa4a319ac, 0xd837879f), TOBN(0x6fc1b49e, 0xed6b67b0),
+         TOBN(0xe3959933, 0x32f1f3af), TOBN(0x966742eb, 0x65432a2e),
+         TOBN(0x4b8dc9fe, 0xb4966228), TOBN(0x96cc6312, 0x43f43950),
+         TOBN(0x12068859, 0xc9b731ee), TOBN(0x7b948dc3, 0x56f79968),
+         TOBN(0x61e4ad32, 0xed1f8008), TOBN(0xe6c9267a, 0xd8b17538),
+         TOBN(0x1ac7c5eb, 0x857ff6fb), TOBN(0x994baaa8, 0x55f2fb10),
+         TOBN(0x84cf14e1, 0x1d248018), TOBN(0x5a39898b, 0x628ac508),
+         TOBN(0x14fde97b, 0x5fa944f5), TOBN(0xed178030, 0xd12e5ac7),
+         TOBN(0x042c2af4, 0x97e2feb4), TOBN(0xd36a42d7, 0xaebf7313),
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+         TOBN(0x9200b7ba, 0x09895e70), TOBN(0x3bd0c66f, 0xddb7fb58),
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+         TOBN(0x4b523eb7, 0x172ccd1f), TOBN(0x7323cb28, 0x30a6a892),
+         TOBN(0x97082ec0, 0xcfe153eb), TOBN(0xe97f6b6a, 0xf2aadb97),
+         TOBN(0x1d3d393e, 0xd1a83da1), TOBN(0xa6a7f9c7, 0x804b2a68),
+         TOBN(0x4a688b48, 0x2d0cb71e), TOBN(0xa9b4cc5f, 0x40585278),
+         TOBN(0x5e5db46a, 0xcb66e132), TOBN(0xf1be963a, 0x0d925880),
+         TOBN(0x944a7027, 0x0317b9e2), TOBN(0xe266f959, 0x48603d48),
+         TOBN(0x98db6673, 0x5c208899), TOBN(0x90472447, 0xa2fb18a3),
+         TOBN(0x8a966939, 0x777c619f), TOBN(0x3798142a, 0x2a3be21b),
+         TOBN(0xb4241cb1, 0x3298b343), TOBN(0xa3a14e49, 0xb44f65a1),
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+         TOBN(0xe2f73c69, 0x6755ff89), TOBN(0xdd3cf7e7, 0x473017e6),
+         TOBN(0x8ef5689d, 0x3cf7600d), TOBN(0x948dc4f8, 0xb1fc87b4),
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+         TOBN(0x09e23e6d, 0xdbef42f5), TOBN(0x7e449b64, 0x480a9908),
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+         TOBN(0x5b0673a3, 0x75678d94), TOBN(0xc982ddd4, 0xdd303e64),
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+         TOBN(0xc77332a3, 0x3c569426), TOBN(0xa159100c, 0x570d74f8),
+         TOBN(0xfd16847f, 0xdec67ef5), TOBN(0x742ee464, 0x233e76b7),
+         TOBN(0x0b8e4134, 0xefc2b4c8), TOBN(0xca640b86, 0x42a3e521),
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+         TOBN(0x24e4ab12, 0x6b237af7), TOBN(0x2ba90162, 0x8bb47af8),
+         TOBN(0x3d5e58d6, 0xa8219bb7), TOBN(0xc691d0bd, 0x1b06c57f),
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+         TOBN(0xe5ebaebd, 0x94cda03a), TOBN(0x934e82d3, 0x162bfe13),
+         TOBN(0x450ac0ba, 0xe251a0c6), TOBN(0x480b9e11, 0xdd6da526),
+         TOBN(0x00467bc5, 0x8cce08b5), TOBN(0xb636458c, 0x7f178d55),
+         TOBN(0xc5748bae, 0xa677d806), TOBN(0x2763a387, 0xdfa394eb),
+         TOBN(0xa12b448a, 0x7d3cebb6), TOBN(0xe7adda3e, 0x6f20d850),
+         TOBN(0xf63ebce5, 0x1558462c), TOBN(0x58b36143, 0x620088a8),
+         TOBN(0x8a2cc3ca, 0x4d63c0ee), TOBN(0x51233117, 0x0fe948ce),
+         TOBN(0x7463fd85, 0x222ef33b), TOBN(0xadf0c7dc, 0x7c603d6c),
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+         TOBN(0xbdaa84d6, 0x8e59319c), TOBN(0xd9a4c280, 0x9c80c34d),
+         TOBN(0xa9d89488, 0xa059c142), TOBN(0x6f5ae714, 0xff0b9346),
+         TOBN(0x068f237d, 0x16fb3664), TOBN(0x5853e4c4, 0x363186ac),
+         TOBN(0xe2d87d23, 0x63c52f98), TOBN(0x2ec4a766, 0x81828876),
+         TOBN(0x47b864fa, 0xe14e7b1c), TOBN(0x0c0bc0e5, 0x69192408),
+         TOBN(0xe4d7681d, 0xb82e9f3e), TOBN(0x83200f0b, 0xdf25e13c),
+         TOBN(0x8909984c, 0x66f27280), TOBN(0x462d7b00, 0x75f73227),
+         TOBN(0xd90ba188, 0xf2651798), TOBN(0x74c6e18c, 0x36ab1c34),
+         TOBN(0xab256ea3, 0x5ef54359), TOBN(0x03466612, 0xd1aa702f),
+         TOBN(0x624d6049, 0x2ed22e91), TOBN(0x6fdfe0b5, 0x6f072822),
+         TOBN(0xeeca1115, 0x39ce2271), TOBN(0x98100a4f, 0xdb01614f),
+         TOBN(0xb6b0daa2, 0xa35c628f), TOBN(0xb6f94d2e, 0xc87e9a47),
+         TOBN(0xc6773259, 0x1d57d9ce), TOBN(0xf70bfeec, 0x03884a7b),
+         TOBN(0x5fb35ccf, 0xed2bad01), TOBN(0xa155cbe3, 0x1da6a5c7),
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+         TOBN(0xd158667d, 0xe9ff257a), TOBN(0x9b359611, 0xf32c50ae),
+         TOBN(0x4b00b20b, 0x906014cf), TOBN(0xf3a8cfe3, 0x89bc7d3d),
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+         TOBN(0xba41b062, 0x61a6966c), TOBN(0x4d82d052, 0xeadce5a8),
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+         TOBN(0x42ab62c9, 0xc1586e63), TOBN(0x45431d66, 0x5ab43f2b),
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+         TOBN(0x6b20afec, 0x715af2c7), TOBN(0x4b969974, 0xeba78bfd),
+         TOBN(0x220755cc, 0xd921d60e), TOBN(0x9b944e10, 0x7baeca13),
+         TOBN(0x04819d51, 0x5ded93d4), TOBN(0x9bbff86e, 0x6dddfd27),
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+         TOBN(0xff4cd0b2, 0x28766127), TOBN(0xabdbe608, 0x4fb7db2b),
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+         TOBN(0xb155bcd2, 0xdcafe197), TOBN(0xfba1da59, 0x43465283),
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+         TOBN(0x068212e3, 0xfd1eaf38), TOBN(0xc1329830, 0x6acf8ccc),
+         TOBN(0xb909f2db, 0x2aac9e59), TOBN(0x5748060d, 0xb661782a),
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+         TOBN(0xc40a04bd, 0x4f51ad96), TOBN(0x04820109, 0xbbe4e832),
+         TOBN(0x3667eb1a, 0x7f4c04cc), TOBN(0x59556621, 0xa9404f84),
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+         TOBN(0x92bf7c8f, 0x91230de0), TOBN(0x90876a01, 0x40959b70),
+         TOBN(0xdb6d96f3, 0x05968b80), TOBN(0x380a0913, 0x089f73b9),
+         TOBN(0x7da70b83, 0xc2c61e01), TOBN(0x95fb8394, 0x569b38c7),
+         TOBN(0x9a3c6512, 0x80edfe2f), TOBN(0x8f726bb9, 0x8faeaf82),
+         TOBN(0x8010a4a0, 0x78424bf8), TOBN(0x29672044, 0x0e844970)},
+        {TOBN(0x63c5cb81, 0x7a2ad62a), TOBN(0x7ef2b6b9, 0xac62ff54),
+         TOBN(0x3749bba4, 0xb3ad9db5), TOBN(0xad311f2c, 0x46d5a617),
+         TOBN(0xb77a8087, 0xc2ff3b6d), TOBN(0xb46feaf3, 0x367834ff),
+         TOBN(0xf8aa266d, 0x75d6b138), TOBN(0xfa38d320, 0xec008188),
+         TOBN(0x486d8ffa, 0x696946fc), TOBN(0x50fbc6d8, 0xb9cba56d),
+         TOBN(0x7e3d423e, 0x90f35a15), TOBN(0x7c3da195, 0xc0dd962c),
+         TOBN(0xe673fdb0, 0x3cfd5d8b), TOBN(0x0704b7c2, 0x889dfca5),
+         TOBN(0xf6ce581f, 0xf52305aa), TOBN(0x399d49eb, 0x914d5e53),
+         TOBN(0x380a496d, 0x6ec293cd), TOBN(0x733dbda7, 0x8e7051f5),
+         TOBN(0x037e388d, 0xb849140a), TOBN(0xee4b32b0, 0x5946dbf6),
+         TOBN(0xb1c4fda9, 0xcae368d1), TOBN(0x5001a7b0, 0xfdb0b2f3),
+         TOBN(0x6df59374, 0x2e3ac46e), TOBN(0x4af675f2, 0x39b3e656),
+         TOBN(0x44e38110, 0x39949296), TOBN(0x5b63827b, 0x361db1b5),
+         TOBN(0x3e5323ed, 0x206eaff5), TOBN(0x942370d2, 0xc21f4290),
+         TOBN(0xf2caaf2e, 0xe0d985a1), TOBN(0x192cc64b, 0x7239846d),
+         TOBN(0x7c0b8f47, 0xae6312f8), TOBN(0x7dc61f91, 0x96620108),
+         TOBN(0xb830fb5b, 0xc2da7de9), TOBN(0xd0e643df, 0x0ff8d3be),
+         TOBN(0x31ee77ba, 0x188a9641), TOBN(0x4e8aa3aa, 0xbcf6d502),
+         TOBN(0xf9fb6532, 0x9a49110f), TOBN(0xd18317f6, 0x2dd6b220),
+         TOBN(0x7e3ced41, 0x52c3ea5a), TOBN(0x0d296a14, 0x7d579c4a),
+         TOBN(0x35d6a53e, 0xed4c3717), TOBN(0x9f8240cf, 0x3d0ed2a3),
+         TOBN(0x8c0d4d05, 0xe5543aa5), TOBN(0x45d5bbfb, 0xdd33b4b4),
+         TOBN(0xfa04cc73, 0x137fd28e), TOBN(0x862ac6ef, 0xc73b3ffd),
+         TOBN(0x403ff9f5, 0x31f51ef2), TOBN(0x34d5e0fc, 0xbc73f5a2),
+         TOBN(0xf2526820, 0x08913f4f), TOBN(0xea20ed61, 0xeac93d95),
+         TOBN(0x51ed38b4, 0x6ca6b26c), TOBN(0x8662dcbc, 0xea4327b0),
+         TOBN(0x6daf295c, 0x725d2aaa), TOBN(0xbad2752f, 0x8e52dcda),
+         TOBN(0x2210e721, 0x0b17dacc), TOBN(0xa37f7912, 0xd51e8232),
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+         TOBN(0x89890b6c, 0x0edd6472), TOBN(0xada26e1a, 0x3ed17863),
+         TOBN(0x276f2715, 0x63483caa), TOBN(0xe6924cd9, 0x2f6077fd),
+         TOBN(0x05a7fe98, 0x0a466e3c), TOBN(0xf1c794b0, 0xb1902d1f),
+         TOBN(0xe5213688, 0x82a8042c), TOBN(0xd931cfaf, 0xcd278298),
+         TOBN(0x069a0ae0, 0xf597a740), TOBN(0x0adbb3f3, 0xeb59107c),
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+         TOBN(0x33b2385c, 0x08369a90), TOBN(0x2990c59b, 0x190eb4f8),
+         TOBN(0x819a6145, 0xc68eac80), TOBN(0x7a786d62, 0x2ec4a014),
+         TOBN(0x33faadbe, 0x20ac3a8d), TOBN(0x31a21781, 0x5aba2d30),
+         TOBN(0x209d2742, 0xdba4f565), TOBN(0xdb2ce9e3, 0x55aa0fbb),
+         TOBN(0x8cef334b, 0x168984df), TOBN(0xe81dce17, 0x33879638),
+         TOBN(0xf6e6949c, 0x263720f0), TOBN(0x5c56feaf, 0xf593cbec),
+         TOBN(0x8bff5601, 0xfde58c84), TOBN(0x74e24117, 0x2eccb314),
+         TOBN(0xbcf01b61, 0x4c9a8a78), TOBN(0xa233e35e, 0x544c9868),
+         TOBN(0xb3156bf3, 0x8bd7aff1), TOBN(0x1b5ee4cb, 0x1d81b146),
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+         TOBN(0x07669e04, 0xf1788ee3), TOBN(0xc14f27af, 0xa86938a2),
+         TOBN(0x8b47a334, 0xe93a01c0), TOBN(0xff627438, 0xd9366808),
+         TOBN(0x7a0985d8, 0xca2a5965), TOBN(0x3d9a5542, 0xd6e9b9b3),
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+         TOBN(0x57e2662e, 0xb214a040), TOBN(0xe8c48e98, 0x37e10347),
+         TOBN(0x87742862, 0x80ac748a), TOBN(0xf1c24022, 0x186b06f2),
+         TOBN(0xac2dd4c3, 0x5f74040a), TOBN(0x409aeb71, 0xfceac957),
+         TOBN(0x4fbad782, 0x55c4ec23), TOBN(0xb359ed61, 0x8a7b76ec),
+         TOBN(0x12744926, 0xed6f4a60), TOBN(0xe21e8d7f, 0x4b912de3),
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+         TOBN(0x735c67ec, 0x6063540c), TOBN(0x50b259c2, 0xe5f9cb8f),
+         TOBN(0xb8734f9a, 0x3f99c6ab), TOBN(0xf8cc13d5, 0xa3a7bc85),
+         TOBN(0x80c1b305, 0xc5217659), TOBN(0xfe5364d4, 0x4ec12a54),
+         TOBN(0xbd87045e, 0x681345fe), TOBN(0x7f8efeb1, 0x582f897f),
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+         TOBN(0x0c5b34cf, 0x49859b98), TOBN(0x5e583c56, 0xa4403cc6),
+         TOBN(0x11fc1a2d, 0xd48185b7), TOBN(0xc93fbc7e, 0x6e521787),
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+         TOBN(0x2821f4e0, 0x4e09e61c), TOBN(0x414dc3a1, 0xa0c7cddc),
+         TOBN(0xd5379437, 0x54945fcd), TOBN(0x151b6eef, 0xb3555ff1),
+         TOBN(0xb31bd613, 0x6339c083), TOBN(0x39ff8155, 0xdfb64701),
+         TOBN(0x7c3388d2, 0xe29604ab), TOBN(0x1e19084b, 0xa6b10442),
+         TOBN(0x17cf54c0, 0xeccd47ef), TOBN(0x89693385, 0x4a5dfb30),
+         TOBN(0x69d023fb, 0x47daf9f6), TOBN(0x9222840b, 0x7d91d959),
+         TOBN(0x439108f5, 0x803bac62), TOBN(0x0b7dd91d, 0x379bd45f),
+         TOBN(0xd651e827, 0xca63c581), TOBN(0x5c5d75f6, 0x509c104f),
+         TOBN(0x7d5fc738, 0x1f2dc308), TOBN(0x20faa7bf, 0xd98454be),
+         TOBN(0x95374bee, 0xa517b031), TOBN(0xf036b9b1, 0x642692ac),
+         TOBN(0xc5106109, 0x39842194), TOBN(0xb7e2353e, 0x49d05295),
+         TOBN(0xfc8c1d5c, 0xefb42ee0), TOBN(0xe04884eb, 0x08ce811c),
+         TOBN(0xf1f75d81, 0x7419f40e), TOBN(0x5b0ac162, 0xa995c241),
+         TOBN(0x120921bb, 0xc4c55646), TOBN(0x713520c2, 0x8d33cf97),
+         TOBN(0xb4a65a5c, 0xe98c5100), TOBN(0x6cec871d, 0x2ddd0f5a),
+         TOBN(0x251f0b7f, 0x9ba2e78b), TOBN(0x224a8434, 0xce3a2a5f),
+         TOBN(0x26827f61, 0x25f5c46f), TOBN(0x6a22bedc, 0x48545ec0),
+         TOBN(0x25ae5fa0, 0xb1bb5cdc), TOBN(0xd693682f, 0xfcb9b98f),
+         TOBN(0x32027fe8, 0x91e5d7d3), TOBN(0xf14b7d17, 0x73a07678),
+         TOBN(0xf88497b3, 0xc0dfdd61), TOBN(0xf7c2eec0, 0x2a8c4f48),
+         TOBN(0xaa5573f4, 0x3756e621), TOBN(0xc013a240, 0x1825b948),
+         TOBN(0x1c03b345, 0x63878572), TOBN(0xa0472bea, 0x653a4184),
+         TOBN(0xf4222e27, 0x0ac69a80), TOBN(0x34096d25, 0xf51e54f6),
+         TOBN(0x00a648cb, 0x8fffa591), TOBN(0x4e87acdc, 0x69b6527f),
+         TOBN(0x0575e037, 0xe285ccb4), TOBN(0x188089e4, 0x50ddcf52),
+         TOBN(0xaa96c9a8, 0x870ff719), TOBN(0x74a56cd8, 0x1fc7e369),
+         TOBN(0x41d04ee2, 0x1726931a), TOBN(0x0bbbb2c8, 0x3660ecfd),
+         TOBN(0xa6ef6de5, 0x24818e18), TOBN(0xe421cc51, 0xe7d57887),
+         TOBN(0xf127d208, 0xbea87be6), TOBN(0x16a475d3, 0xb1cdd682),
+         TOBN(0x9db1b684, 0x439b63f7), TOBN(0x5359b3db, 0xf0f113b6),
+         TOBN(0xdfccf1de, 0x8bf06e31), TOBN(0x1fdf8f44, 0xdd383901),
+         TOBN(0x10775cad, 0x5017e7d2), TOBN(0xdfc3a597, 0x58d11eef),
+         TOBN(0x6ec9c8a0, 0xb1ecff10), TOBN(0xee6ed6cc, 0x28400549),
+         TOBN(0xb5ad7bae, 0x1b4f8d73), TOBN(0x61b4f11d, 0xe00aaab9),
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+         TOBN(0x159461b4, 0x37a1e723), TOBN(0x1f3d4789, 0x570aae8c),
+         TOBN(0x869118c0, 0x7f9871da), TOBN(0x35fbda78, 0xf635e278),
+         TOBN(0x738f3641, 0xe1541dac), TOBN(0x6794b13a, 0xc0dae45f),
+         TOBN(0x065064ac, 0x09cc0917), TOBN(0x27c53729, 0xc68540fd),
+         TOBN(0x0d2d4c8e, 0xef227671), TOBN(0xd23a9f80, 0xa1785a04),
+         TOBN(0x98c59528, 0x52650359), TOBN(0xfa09ad01, 0x74a1acad),
+         TOBN(0x082d5a29, 0x0b55bf5c), TOBN(0xa40f1c67, 0x419b8084),
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+         TOBN(0xe7bf620a, 0x2646d19a), TOBN(0x56cb44ec, 0x03c83ffd),
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+         TOBN(0xb87072f2, 0xa672c5c7), TOBN(0xeacb11c8, 0x0d53c5e2),
+         TOBN(0x22dac29d, 0xff435932), TOBN(0x37bdb99d, 0x4408693c),
+         TOBN(0xf6e62fb6, 0x2899c20f), TOBN(0x3535d512, 0x447ece24),
+         TOBN(0xfbdc6b88, 0xff577ce3), TOBN(0x726693bd, 0x190575f2),
+         TOBN(0x6772b0e5, 0xab4b35a2), TOBN(0x1d8b6001, 0xf5eeaacf),
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+         TOBN(0xa5dfc269, 0x0212e985), TOBN(0x666f7ffa, 0x160f9a09),
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+         TOBN(0xfc48437c, 0x6e6d57f3), TOBN(0x5bd71587, 0xcfeaa91a),
+         TOBN(0xa4ed0408, 0xc1bc5225), TOBN(0xd0b946db, 0x2719226d),
+         TOBN(0x109ecd62, 0x758d2d43), TOBN(0x75c8485a, 0x2751759b),
+         TOBN(0xb0b75f49, 0x9ce4177a), TOBN(0x4fa61a1e, 0x79c10c3d),
+         TOBN(0xc062d300, 0xa167fcd7), TOBN(0x4df3874c, 0x750f0fa8),
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+         TOBN(0x83053ecf, 0x69769bb7), TOBN(0xc55eb856, 0xc479ab82),
+         TOBN(0x5ef7791c, 0x21b0f4b2), TOBN(0xaa5956ba, 0x3d491525),
+         TOBN(0x407a96c2, 0x9fe20eba), TOBN(0xf27168bb, 0xe52a5ad3),
+         TOBN(0x43b60ab3, 0xbf1d9d89), TOBN(0xe45c51ef, 0x710e727a),
+         TOBN(0xdfca5276, 0x099b4221), TOBN(0x8dc6407c, 0x2557a159),
+         TOBN(0x0ead8335, 0x91035895), TOBN(0x0a9db957, 0x9c55dc32),
+         TOBN(0xe40736d3, 0xdf61bc76), TOBN(0x13a619c0, 0x3f778cdb),
+         TOBN(0x6dd921a4, 0xc56ea28f), TOBN(0x76a52433, 0x2fa647b4),
+         TOBN(0x23591891, 0xac5bdc5d), TOBN(0xff4a1a72, 0xbac7dc01),
+         TOBN(0x9905e261, 0x62df8453), TOBN(0x3ac045df, 0xe63b265f),
+         TOBN(0x8a3f341b, 0xad53dba7), TOBN(0x8ec269cc, 0x837b625a),
+         TOBN(0xd71a2782, 0x3ae31189), TOBN(0x8fb4f9a3, 0x55e96120),
+         TOBN(0x804af823, 0xff9875cf), TOBN(0x23224f57, 0x5d442a9b),
+         TOBN(0x1c4d3b9e, 0xecc62679), TOBN(0x91da22fb, 0xa0e7ddb1),
+         TOBN(0xa370324d, 0x6c04a661), TOBN(0x9710d3b6, 0x5e376d17),
+         TOBN(0xed8c98f0, 0x3044e357), TOBN(0xc364ebbe, 0x6422701c),
+         TOBN(0x347f5d51, 0x7733d61c), TOBN(0xd55644b9, 0xcea826c3),
+         TOBN(0x80c6e0ad, 0x55a25548), TOBN(0x0aa7641d, 0x844220a7),
+         TOBN(0x1438ec81, 0x31810660), TOBN(0x9dfa6507, 0xde4b4043),
+         TOBN(0x10b515d8, 0xcc3e0273), TOBN(0x1b6066dd, 0x28d8cfb2),
+         TOBN(0xd3b04591, 0x9c9efebd), TOBN(0x425d4bdf, 0xa21c1ff4),
+         TOBN(0x5fe5af19, 0xd57607d3), TOBN(0xbbf773f7, 0x54481084),
+         TOBN(0x8435bd69, 0x94b03ed1), TOBN(0xd9ad1de3, 0x634cc546),
+         TOBN(0x2cf423fc, 0x00e420ca), TOBN(0xeed26d80, 0xa03096dd),
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+         TOBN(0x26398403, 0x0dd50942), TOBN(0xe4b7839c, 0x4716a663),
+         TOBN(0xd5f1f794, 0xe7de6dc0), TOBN(0x5cd0f4d4, 0x622aa7ce),
+         TOBN(0x5295f3f1, 0x59acfeec), TOBN(0x8d933552, 0x953e0607),
+         TOBN(0xc7db8ec5, 0x776c5722), TOBN(0xdc467e62, 0x2b5f290c),
+         TOBN(0xd4297e70, 0x4ff425a9), TOBN(0x4be924c1, 0x0cf7bb72),
+         TOBN(0x0d5dc5ae, 0xa1892131), TOBN(0x8bf8a8e3, 0xa705c992),
+         TOBN(0x73a0b064, 0x7a305ac5), TOBN(0x00c9ca4e, 0x9a8c77a8),
+         TOBN(0x5dfee80f, 0x83774bdd), TOBN(0x63131602, 0x85734485),
+         TOBN(0xa1b524ae, 0x914a69a9), TOBN(0xebc2ffaf, 0xd4e300d7),
+         TOBN(0x52c93db7, 0x7cfa46a5), TOBN(0x71e6161f, 0x21653b50),
+         TOBN(0x3574fc57, 0xa4bc580a), TOBN(0xc09015dd, 0xe1bc1253),
+         TOBN(0x4b7b47b2, 0xd174d7aa), TOBN(0x4072d8e8, 0xf3a15d04),
+         TOBN(0xeeb7d47f, 0xd6fa07ed), TOBN(0x6f2b9ff9, 0xedbdafb1),
+         TOBN(0x18c51615, 0x3760fe8a), TOBN(0x7a96e6bf, 0xf06c6c13),
+         TOBN(0x4d7a0410, 0x0ea2d071), TOBN(0xa1914e9b, 0x0be2a5ce),
+         TOBN(0x5726e357, 0xd8a3c5cf), TOBN(0x1197ecc3, 0x2abb2b13),
+         TOBN(0x6c0d7f7f, 0x31ae88dd), TOBN(0x15b20d1a, 0xfdbb3efe),
+         TOBN(0xcd06aa26, 0x70584039), TOBN(0x2277c969, 0xa7dc9747),
+         TOBN(0xbca69587, 0x7855d815), TOBN(0x899ea238, 0x5188b32a),
+         TOBN(0x37d9228b, 0x760c1c9d), TOBN(0xc7efbb11, 0x9b5c18da),
+         TOBN(0x7f0d1bc8, 0x19f6dbc5), TOBN(0x4875384b, 0x07e6905b),
+         TOBN(0xc7c50baa, 0x3ba8cd86), TOBN(0xb0ce40fb, 0xc2905de0),
+         TOBN(0x70840673, 0x7a231952), TOBN(0xa912a262, 0xcf43de26),
+         TOBN(0x9c38ddcc, 0xeb5b76c1), TOBN(0x746f5285, 0x26fc0ab4),
+         TOBN(0x52a63a50, 0xd62c269f), TOBN(0x60049c55, 0x99458621),
+         TOBN(0xe7f48f82, 0x3c2f7c9e), TOBN(0x6bd99043, 0x917d5cf3),
+         TOBN(0xeb1317a8, 0x8701f469), TOBN(0xbd3fe2ed, 0x9a449fe0),
+         TOBN(0x421e79ca, 0x12ef3d36), TOBN(0x9ee3c36c, 0x3e7ea5de),
+         TOBN(0xe48198b5, 0xcdff36f7), TOBN(0xaff4f967, 0xc6b82228),
+         TOBN(0x15e19dd0, 0xc47adb7e), TOBN(0x45699b23, 0x032e7dfa),
+         TOBN(0x40680c8b, 0x1fae026a), TOBN(0x5a347a48, 0x550dbf4d),
+         TOBN(0xe652533b, 0x3cef0d7d), TOBN(0xd94f7b18, 0x2bbb4381),
+         TOBN(0x838752be, 0x0e80f500), TOBN(0x8e6e2488, 0x9e9c9bfb),
+         TOBN(0xc9751697, 0x16caca6a), TOBN(0x866c49d8, 0x38531ad9),
+         TOBN(0xc917e239, 0x7151ade1), TOBN(0x2d016ec1, 0x6037c407),
+         TOBN(0xa407ccc9, 0x00eac3f9), TOBN(0x835f6280, 0xe2ed4748),
+         TOBN(0xcc54c347, 0x1cc98e0d), TOBN(0x0e969937, 0xdcb572eb),
+         TOBN(0x1b16c8e8, 0x8f30c9cb), TOBN(0xa606ae75, 0x373c4661),
+         TOBN(0x47aa689b, 0x35502cab), TOBN(0xf89014ae, 0x4d9bb64f),
+         TOBN(0x202f6a9c, 0x31c71f7b), TOBN(0x01f95aa3, 0x296ffe5c),
+         TOBN(0x5fc06014, 0x53cec3a3), TOBN(0xeb991237, 0x5f498a45),
+         TOBN(0xae9a935e, 0x5d91ba87), TOBN(0xc6ac6281, 0x0b564a19),
+         TOBN(0x8a8fe81c, 0x3bd44e69), TOBN(0x7c8b467f, 0x9dd11d45),
+         TOBN(0xf772251f, 0xea5b8e69), TOBN(0xaeecb3bd, 0xc5b75fbc),
+         TOBN(0x1aca3331, 0x887ff0e5), TOBN(0xbe5d49ff, 0x19f0a131),
+         TOBN(0x582c13aa, 0xe5c8646f), TOBN(0xdbaa12e8, 0x20e19980),
+         TOBN(0x8f40f31a, 0xf7abbd94), TOBN(0x1f13f5a8, 0x1dfc7663),
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+         TOBN(0x4b67d6d7, 0x751370c8), TOBN(0x2608b698, 0x03e80589),
+         TOBN(0xcfc0d2fc, 0x05268301), TOBN(0xa6943d39, 0x40309212),
+         TOBN(0x192a90c2, 0x1fd0e1c2), TOBN(0xb209f113, 0x37f1dc76),
+         TOBN(0xefcc5e06, 0x97bf1298), TOBN(0xcbdb6730, 0x219d639e),
+         TOBN(0xd009c116, 0xb81e8c6f), TOBN(0xa3ffdde3, 0x1a7ce2e5),
+         TOBN(0xc53fbaaa, 0xa914d3ba), TOBN(0x836d500f, 0x88df85ee),
+         TOBN(0xd98dc71b, 0x66ee0751), TOBN(0x5a3d7005, 0x714516fd),
+         TOBN(0x21d3634d, 0x39eedbba), TOBN(0x35cd2e68, 0x0455a46d),
+         TOBN(0xc8cafe65, 0xf9d7eb0c), TOBN(0xbda3ce9e, 0x00cefb3e),
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+         TOBN(0xa92b2b01, 0x8c7548df), TOBN(0x732fd309, 0xa84600e3),
+         TOBN(0xe22109c7, 0x16543a40), TOBN(0x9acafd36, 0xfede3c6c),
+         TOBN(0xfb206852, 0x6824e614), TOBN(0x2a4544a9, 0xda25dca0),
+         TOBN(0x25985262, 0x91d60b06), TOBN(0x281b7be9, 0x28753545),
+         TOBN(0xec667b1a, 0x90f13b27), TOBN(0x33a83aff, 0x940e2eb4),
+         TOBN(0x80009862, 0xd5d721d5), TOBN(0x0c3357a3, 0x5bd3a182),
+         TOBN(0x27f3a83b, 0x7aa2cda4), TOBN(0xb58ae74e, 0xf6f83085),
+         TOBN(0x2a911a81, 0x2e6dad6b), TOBN(0xde286051, 0xf43d6c5b),
+         TOBN(0x4bdccc41, 0xf996c4d8), TOBN(0xe7312ec0, 0x0ae1e24e)},
+        {TOBN(0xf8d112e7, 0x6e6485b3), TOBN(0x4d3e24db, 0x771c52f8),
+         TOBN(0x48e3ee41, 0x684a2f6d), TOBN(0x7161957d, 0x21d95551),
+         TOBN(0x19631283, 0xcdb12a6c), TOBN(0xbf3fa882, 0x2e50e164),
+         TOBN(0xf6254b63, 0x3166cc73), TOBN(0x3aefa7ae, 0xaee8cc38),
+         TOBN(0x79b0fe62, 0x3b36f9fd), TOBN(0x26543b23, 0xfde19fc0),
+         TOBN(0x136e64a0, 0x958482ef), TOBN(0x23f63771, 0x9b095825),
+         TOBN(0x14cfd596, 0xb6a1142e), TOBN(0x5ea6aac6, 0x335aac0b),
+         TOBN(0x86a0e8bd, 0xf3081dd5), TOBN(0x5fb89d79, 0x003dc12a),
+         TOBN(0xf615c33a, 0xf72e34d4), TOBN(0x0bd9ea40, 0x110eec35),
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+         TOBN(0x9e94a4ae, 0xf2737f89), TOBN(0xf57594c6, 0x371c78b6),
+         TOBN(0x0f0165fc, 0xe3779ee3), TOBN(0xe00e7f9d, 0xbd495d9e),
+         TOBN(0x1fa4efa2, 0x20284e7a), TOBN(0x4564bade, 0x47ac6219),
+         TOBN(0x90e6312a, 0xc4708e8e), TOBN(0x4f5725fb, 0xa71e9adf),
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+         TOBN(0x7322851b, 0x8d946581), TOBN(0xf0d13133, 0xbdf4a012),
+         TOBN(0xa3510f69, 0x6584dae0), TOBN(0x03a7c171, 0x3c9f6c6d),
+         TOBN(0x5be97f38, 0xe475381a), TOBN(0xca1ba422, 0x85823334),
+         TOBN(0xf83cc5c7, 0x0be17dda), TOBN(0x158b1494, 0x0b918c0f),
+         TOBN(0xda3a77e5, 0x522e6b69), TOBN(0x69c908c3, 0xbbcd6c18),
+         TOBN(0x1f1b9e48, 0xd924fd56), TOBN(0x37c64e36, 0xaa4bb3f7),
+         TOBN(0x5a4fdbdf, 0xee478d7d), TOBN(0xba75c8bc, 0x0193f7a0),
+         TOBN(0x84bc1e84, 0x56cd16df), TOBN(0x1fb08f08, 0x46fad151),
+         TOBN(0x8a7cabf9, 0x842e9f30), TOBN(0xa331d4bf, 0x5eab83af),
+         TOBN(0xd272cfba, 0x017f2a6a), TOBN(0x27560abc, 0x83aba0e3),
+         TOBN(0x94b83387, 0x0e3a6b75), TOBN(0x25c6aea2, 0x6b9f50f5),
+         TOBN(0x803d691d, 0xb5fdf6d0), TOBN(0x03b77509, 0xe6333514),
+         TOBN(0x36178903, 0x61a341c1), TOBN(0x3604dc60, 0x0cfd6142),
+         TOBN(0x022295eb, 0x8533316c), TOBN(0x3dbde4ac, 0x44af2922),
+         TOBN(0x898afc5d, 0x1c7eef69), TOBN(0x58896805, 0xd14f4fa1),
+         TOBN(0x05002160, 0x203c21ca), TOBN(0x6f0d1f30, 0x40ef730b),
+         TOBN(0x8e8c44d4, 0x196224f8), TOBN(0x75a4ab95, 0x374d079d),
+         TOBN(0x79085ecc, 0x7d48f123), TOBN(0x56f04d31, 0x1bf65ad8),
+         TOBN(0xe220bf1c, 0xbda602b2), TOBN(0x73ee1742, 0xf9612c69),
+         TOBN(0x76008fc8, 0x084fd06b), TOBN(0x4000ef9f, 0xf11380d1),
+         TOBN(0x48201b4b, 0x12cfe297), TOBN(0x3eee129c, 0x292f74e5),
+         TOBN(0xe1fe114e, 0xc9e874e8), TOBN(0x899b055c, 0x92c5fc41),
+         TOBN(0x4e477a64, 0x3a39c8cf), TOBN(0x82f09efe, 0x78963cc9),
+         TOBN(0x6fd3fd8f, 0xd333f863), TOBN(0x85132b2a, 0xdc949c63),
+         TOBN(0x7e06a3ab, 0x516eb17b), TOBN(0x73bec06f, 0xd2c7372b),
+         TOBN(0xe4f74f55, 0xba896da6), TOBN(0xbb4afef8, 0x8e9eb40f),
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+         TOBN(0x8bbaa8de, 0x026baa5a), TOBN(0xff54befd, 0xa07f4440),
+         TOBN(0xbd9b8b1d, 0xbe7a2af3), TOBN(0xec51caa9, 0x4fb74a72),
+         TOBN(0xb9937a4b, 0x63879697), TOBN(0x7c9a9d20, 0xec2687d5),
+         TOBN(0x1773e44f, 0x6ef5f014), TOBN(0x8abcf412, 0xe90c6900),
+         TOBN(0x387bd022, 0x8142161e), TOBN(0x50393755, 0xfcb6ff2a),
+         TOBN(0x9813fd56, 0xed6def63), TOBN(0x53cf6482, 0x7d53106c),
+         TOBN(0x991a35bd, 0x431f7ac1), TOBN(0xf1e274dd, 0x63e65faf),
+         TOBN(0xf63ffa3c, 0x44cc7880), TOBN(0x411a426b, 0x7c256981),
+         TOBN(0xb698b9fd, 0x93a420e0), TOBN(0x89fdddc0, 0xae53f8fe),
+         TOBN(0x766e0722, 0x32398baa), TOBN(0x205fee42, 0x5cfca031),
+         TOBN(0xa49f5341, 0x7a029cf2), TOBN(0xa88c68b8, 0x4023890d),
+         TOBN(0xbc275041, 0x7337aaa8), TOBN(0x9ed364ad, 0x0eb384f4),
+         TOBN(0xe0816f85, 0x29aba92f), TOBN(0x2e9e1941, 0x04e38a88),
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+         TOBN(0x67071bc7, 0x88aaa691), TOBN(0x2dea57a9, 0xafe6cb03),
+         TOBN(0xdfe11bb4, 0x3d78ac01), TOBN(0x7286418c, 0x7fd7aa51),
+         TOBN(0xfabf7709, 0x77f7195a), TOBN(0x8ec86167, 0xadeb838f),
+         TOBN(0xea1285a8, 0xbb4f012d), TOBN(0xd6883503, 0x9a3eab3f),
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+         TOBN(0x518c7564, 0xa053a3bc), TOBN(0x088254b7, 0x1a86caef),
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+         TOBN(0xecace1dd, 0xa1887395), TOBN(0x40960f36, 0x932a65de),
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+         TOBN(0xc7605e04, 0x9cd95662), TOBN(0x0dd036ee, 0xa33ecf82),
+         TOBN(0xa50171ac, 0xc33156b3), TOBN(0xf09d24ea, 0x4a80172e),
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+         TOBN(0x82d11be3, 0x2d8a52a0), TOBN(0xf6877b27, 0x97a1c590),
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+         TOBN(0xe59134cb, 0x5e9aac9a), TOBN(0x11bb0934, 0xf0045d71),
+         TOBN(0x53e5d9b5, 0xdbcb1d4e), TOBN(0x8d97a905, 0x92defc91),
+         TOBN(0xfe289327, 0x7946d3f9), TOBN(0xe132bd24, 0x07472273),
+         TOBN(0xeeeb510c, 0x1eb6ae86), TOBN(0x777708c5, 0xf0595067),
+         TOBN(0x18e2c8cd, 0x1297029e), TOBN(0x2c61095c, 0xbbf9305e),
+         TOBN(0xe466c258, 0x6b85d6d9), TOBN(0x8ac06c36, 0xda1ea530),
+         TOBN(0xa365dc39, 0xa1304668), TOBN(0xe4a9c885, 0x07f89606),
+         TOBN(0x65a4898f, 0xacc7228d), TOBN(0x3e2347ff, 0x84ca8303),
+         TOBN(0xa5f6fb77, 0xea7d23a3), TOBN(0x2fac257d, 0x672a71cd),
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+         TOBN(0x275353e8, 0xbc36742c), TOBN(0x898f427e, 0xeea0ed90),
+         TOBN(0x26f4947e, 0x3e477b00), TOBN(0x8ad8848a, 0x308741e3),
+         TOBN(0x6c703c38, 0xd74a2a46), TOBN(0x5e3e05a9, 0x9ba17ba2),
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+         TOBN(0x871239ad, 0x653ae326), TOBN(0x14bcf72a, 0xa74cbb43),
+         TOBN(0x8737650e, 0x20d4c083), TOBN(0x3df86536, 0x110ed4af),
+         TOBN(0xd2d86fe7, 0xb53ca555), TOBN(0x688cb00d, 0xabd5d538),
+         TOBN(0xcf81bda3, 0x1ad38468), TOBN(0x7ccfe3cc, 0xf01167b6),
+         TOBN(0xcf4f47e0, 0x6c4c1fe6), TOBN(0x557e1f1a, 0x298bbb79),
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+         TOBN(0x7a003b30, 0xc51fbf53), TOBN(0xd8940991, 0xee68b225),
+         TOBN(0x5b0aa7b7, 0x1c0f4173), TOBN(0x975797c9, 0xa20a7153),
+         TOBN(0x26e08c07, 0xe3533d77), TOBN(0xd7222e6a, 0x2e341c99),
+         TOBN(0x9d60ec3d, 0x8d2dc4ed), TOBN(0xbdfe0d8f, 0x7c476cf8),
+         TOBN(0x1fe59ab6, 0x1d056605), TOBN(0xa9ea9df6, 0x86a8551f),
+         TOBN(0x8489941e, 0x47fb8d8c), TOBN(0xfeb874eb, 0x4a7f1b10),
+         TOBN(0xfe5fea86, 0x7ee0d98f), TOBN(0x201ad34b, 0xdbf61864),
+         TOBN(0x45d8fe47, 0x37c031d4), TOBN(0xd5f49fae, 0x795f0822),
+         TOBN(0xdb0fb291, 0xc7f4a40c), TOBN(0x2e69d9c1, 0x730ddd92),
+         TOBN(0x754e1054, 0x49d76987), TOBN(0x8a24911d, 0x7662db87),
+         TOBN(0x61fc1810, 0x60a71676), TOBN(0xe852d1a8, 0xf66a8ad1),
+         TOBN(0x172bbd65, 0x6417231e), TOBN(0x0d6de7bd, 0x3babb11f),
+         TOBN(0x6fde6f88, 0xc8e347f8), TOBN(0x1c587547, 0x9bd99cc3),
+         TOBN(0x78e54ed0, 0x34076950), TOBN(0x97f0f334, 0x796e83ba),
+         TOBN(0xe4dbe1ce, 0x4924867a), TOBN(0xbd5f51b0, 0x60b84917),
+         TOBN(0x37530040, 0x3cb09a79), TOBN(0xdb3fe0f8, 0xff1743d8),
+         TOBN(0xed7894d8, 0x556fa9db), TOBN(0xfa262169, 0x23412fbf),
+         TOBN(0x563be0db, 0xba7b9291), TOBN(0x6ca8b8c0, 0x0c9fb234),
+         TOBN(0xed406aa9, 0xbd763802), TOBN(0xc21486a0, 0x65303da1),
+         TOBN(0x61ae291e, 0xc7e62ec4), TOBN(0x622a0492, 0xdf99333e),
+         TOBN(0x7fd80c9d, 0xbb7a8ee0), TOBN(0xdc2ed3bc, 0x6c01aedb),
+         TOBN(0x35c35a12, 0x08be74ec), TOBN(0xd540cb1a, 0x469f671f),
+         TOBN(0xd16ced4e, 0xcf84f6c7), TOBN(0x8561fb9c, 0x2d090f43),
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+         TOBN(0x07b4d929, 0x2c1950ee), TOBN(0xda177543, 0x56dc11b3),
+         TOBN(0xa5dfbbaa, 0x7a6a878e), TOBN(0x1c70cb29, 0x4decb08a),
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+         TOBN(0x5ff8e89a, 0x36b78642), TOBN(0x070c1c8e, 0xf6873adf),
+         TOBN(0xbbd3c371, 0x6484d2e4), TOBN(0xfb78318f, 0x0d414129),
+         TOBN(0x2621a39c, 0x6ad93b0b), TOBN(0x979d74c2, 0xa9e917f7),
+         TOBN(0xfc195647, 0x61fb0428), TOBN(0x4d78954a, 0xbee624d4),
+         TOBN(0xb94896e0, 0xb8ae86fd), TOBN(0x6667ac0c, 0xc91c8b13),
+         TOBN(0x9f180512, 0x43bcf832), TOBN(0xfbadf8b7, 0xa0010137),
+         TOBN(0xc69b4089, 0xb3ba8aa7), TOBN(0xfac4bacd, 0xe687ce85),
+         TOBN(0x9164088d, 0x977eab40), TOBN(0x51f4c5b6, 0x2760b390),
+         TOBN(0xd238238f, 0x340dd553), TOBN(0x358566c3, 0xdb1d31c9),
+         TOBN(0x3a5ad69e, 0x5068f5ff), TOBN(0xf31435fc, 0xdaff6b06),
+         TOBN(0xae549a5b, 0xd6debff0), TOBN(0x59e5f0b7, 0x75e01331),
+         TOBN(0x5d492fb8, 0x98559acf), TOBN(0x96018c2e, 0x4db79b50),
+         TOBN(0x55f4a48f, 0x609f66aa), TOBN(0x1943b3af, 0x4900a14f),
+         TOBN(0xc22496df, 0x15a40d39), TOBN(0xb2a44684, 0x4c20f7c5),
+         TOBN(0x76a35afa, 0x3b98404c), TOBN(0xbec75725, 0xff5d1b77),
+         TOBN(0xb67aa163, 0xbea06444), TOBN(0x27e95bb2, 0xf724b6f2),
+         TOBN(0x3c20e3e9, 0xd238c8ab), TOBN(0x1213754e, 0xddd6ae17),
+         TOBN(0x8c431020, 0x716e0f74), TOBN(0x6679c82e, 0xffc095c2),
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+         TOBN(0x70c71f2f, 0x740f0e66), TOBN(0x545c616b, 0x2b6b23cc),
+         TOBN(0x4528cfcb, 0xb40a8bd7), TOBN(0xff839633, 0x2ab27722),
+         TOBN(0x049127d9, 0x025ac99a), TOBN(0xd314d4a0, 0x2b63e33b),
+         TOBN(0xc8c310e7, 0x28d84519), TOBN(0x0fcb8983, 0xb3bc84ba),
+         TOBN(0x2cc52261, 0x38634818), TOBN(0x501814f4, 0xb44c2e0b),
+         TOBN(0xf7e181aa, 0x54dfdba3), TOBN(0xcfd58ff0, 0xe759718c),
+         TOBN(0xf90cdb14, 0xd3b507a8), TOBN(0x57bd478e, 0xc50bdad8),
+         TOBN(0x29c197e2, 0x50e5f9aa), TOBN(0x4db6eef8, 0xe40bc855),
+         TOBN(0x2cc8f21a, 0xd1fc0654), TOBN(0xc71cc963, 0x81269d73),
+         TOBN(0xecfbb204, 0x077f49f9), TOBN(0xdde92571, 0xca56b793),
+         TOBN(0x9abed6a3, 0xf97ad8f7), TOBN(0xe6c19d3f, 0x924de3bd),
+         TOBN(0x8dce92f4, 0xa140a800), TOBN(0x85f44d1e, 0x1337af07),
+         TOBN(0x5953c08b, 0x09d64c52), TOBN(0xa1b5e49f, 0xf5df9749),
+         TOBN(0x336a8fb8, 0x52735f7d), TOBN(0xb332b6db, 0x9add676b),
+         TOBN(0x558b88a0, 0xb4511aa4), TOBN(0x09788752, 0xdbd5cc55),
+         TOBN(0x16b43b9c, 0xd8cd52bd), TOBN(0x7f0bc5a0, 0xc2a2696b),
+         TOBN(0x146e12d4, 0xc11f61ef), TOBN(0x9ce10754, 0x3a83e79e),
+         TOBN(0x08ec73d9, 0x6cbfca15), TOBN(0x09ff29ad, 0x5b49653f),
+         TOBN(0xe31b72bd, 0xe7da946e), TOBN(0xebf9eb3b, 0xee80a4f2),
+         TOBN(0xd1aabd08, 0x17598ce4), TOBN(0x18b5fef4, 0x53f37e80),
+         TOBN(0xd5d5cdd3, 0x5958cd79), TOBN(0x3580a1b5, 0x1d373114),
+         TOBN(0xa36e4c91, 0xfa935726), TOBN(0xa38c534d, 0xef20d760),
+         TOBN(0x7088e40a, 0x2ff5845b), TOBN(0xe5bb40bd, 0xbd78177f),
+         TOBN(0x4f06a7a8, 0x857f9920), TOBN(0xe3cc3e50, 0xe968f05d),
+         TOBN(0x1d68b7fe, 0xe5682d26), TOBN(0x5206f76f, 0xaec7f87c),
+         TOBN(0x41110530, 0x041951ab), TOBN(0x58ec52c1, 0xd4b5a71a),
+         TOBN(0xf3488f99, 0x0f75cf9a), TOBN(0xf411951f, 0xba82d0d5),
+         TOBN(0x27ee75be, 0x618895ab), TOBN(0xeae060d4, 0x6d8aab14),
+         TOBN(0x9ae1df73, 0x7fb54dc2), TOBN(0x1f3e391b, 0x25963649),
+         TOBN(0x242ec32a, 0xfe055081), TOBN(0x5bd450ef, 0x8491c9bd),
+         TOBN(0x367efc67, 0x981eb389), TOBN(0xed7e1928, 0x3a0550d5),
+         TOBN(0x362e776b, 0xab3ce75c), TOBN(0xe890e308, 0x1f24c523),
+         TOBN(0xb961b682, 0xfeccef76), TOBN(0x8b8e11f5, 0x8bba6d92),
+         TOBN(0x8f2ccc4c, 0x2b2375c4), TOBN(0x0d7f7a52, 0xe2f86cfa),
+         TOBN(0xfd94d30a, 0x9efe5633), TOBN(0x2d8d246b, 0x5451f934),
+         TOBN(0x2234c6e3, 0x244e6a00), TOBN(0xde2b5b0d, 0xddec8c50),
+         TOBN(0x2ce53c5a, 0xbf776f5b), TOBN(0x6f724071, 0x60357b05),
+         TOBN(0xb2593717, 0x71bf3f7a), TOBN(0x87d2501c, 0x440c4a9f),
+         TOBN(0x440552e1, 0x87b05340), TOBN(0xb7bf7cc8, 0x21624c32),
+         TOBN(0x4155a6ce, 0x22facddb), TOBN(0x5a4228cb, 0x889837ef),
+         TOBN(0xef87d6d6, 0xfd4fd671), TOBN(0xa233687e, 0xc2daa10e),
+         TOBN(0x75622244, 0x03c0eb96), TOBN(0x7632d184, 0x8bf19be6),
+         TOBN(0x05d0f8e9, 0x40735ff4), TOBN(0x3a3e6e13, 0xc00931f1),
+         TOBN(0x31ccde6a, 0xdafe3f18), TOBN(0xf381366a, 0xcfe51207),
+         TOBN(0x24c222a9, 0x60167d92), TOBN(0x62f9d6f8, 0x7529f18c),
+         TOBN(0x412397c0, 0x0353b114), TOBN(0x334d89dc, 0xef808043),
+         TOBN(0xd9ec63ba, 0x2a4383ce), TOBN(0xcec8e937, 0x5cf92ba0),
+         TOBN(0xfb8b4288, 0xc8be74c0), TOBN(0x67d6912f, 0x105d4391),
+         TOBN(0x7b996c46, 0x1b913149), TOBN(0x36aae2ef, 0x3a4e02da),
+         TOBN(0xb68aa003, 0x972de594), TOBN(0x284ec70d, 0x4ec6d545),
+         TOBN(0xf3d2b2d0, 0x61391d54), TOBN(0x69c5d5d6, 0xfe114e92),
+         TOBN(0xbe0f00b5, 0xb4482dff), TOBN(0xe1596fa5, 0xf5bf33c5),
+         TOBN(0x10595b56, 0x96a71cba), TOBN(0x944938b2, 0xfdcadeb7),
+         TOBN(0xa282da4c, 0xfccd8471), TOBN(0x98ec05f3, 0x0d37bfe1),
+         TOBN(0xe171ce1b, 0x0698304a), TOBN(0x2d691444, 0x21bdf79b),
+         TOBN(0xd0cd3b74, 0x1b21dec1), TOBN(0x712ecd8b, 0x16a15f71),
+         TOBN(0x8d4c00a7, 0x00fd56e1), TOBN(0x02ec9692, 0xf9527c18),
+         TOBN(0x21c44937, 0x4a3e42e1), TOBN(0x9176fbab, 0x1392ae0a),
+         TOBN(0x8726f1ba, 0x44b7b618), TOBN(0xb4d7aae9, 0xf1de491c),
+         TOBN(0xf91df7b9, 0x07b582c0), TOBN(0x7e116c30, 0xef60aa3a),
+         TOBN(0x99270f81, 0x466265d7), TOBN(0xb15b6fe2, 0x4df7adf0),
+         TOBN(0xfe33b2d3, 0xf9738f7f), TOBN(0x48553ab9, 0xd6d70f95),
+         TOBN(0x2cc72ac8, 0xc21e94db), TOBN(0x795ac38d, 0xbdc0bbee),
+         TOBN(0x0a1be449, 0x2e40478f), TOBN(0x81bd3394, 0x052bde55),
+         TOBN(0x63c8dbe9, 0x56b3c4f2), TOBN(0x017a99cf, 0x904177cc),
+         TOBN(0x947bbddb, 0x4d010fc1), TOBN(0xacf9b00b, 0xbb2c9b21),
+         TOBN(0x2970bc8d, 0x47173611), TOBN(0x1a4cbe08, 0xac7d756f),
+         TOBN(0x06d9f4aa, 0x67d541a2), TOBN(0xa3e8b689, 0x59c2cf44),
+         TOBN(0xaad066da, 0x4d88f1dd), TOBN(0xc604f165, 0x7ad35dea),
+         TOBN(0x7edc0720, 0x4478ca67), TOBN(0xa10dfae0, 0xba02ce06),
+         TOBN(0xeceb1c76, 0xaf36f4e4), TOBN(0x994b2292, 0xaf3f8f48),
+         TOBN(0xbf9ed77b, 0x77c8a68c), TOBN(0x74f544ea, 0x51744c9d),
+         TOBN(0x82d05bb9, 0x8113a757), TOBN(0x4ef2d2b4, 0x8a9885e4),
+         TOBN(0x1e332be5, 0x1aa7865f), TOBN(0x22b76b18, 0x290d1a52),
+         TOBN(0x308a2310, 0x44351683), TOBN(0x9d861896, 0xa3f22840),
+         TOBN(0x5959ddcd, 0x841ed947), TOBN(0x0def0c94, 0x154b73bf),
+         TOBN(0xf0105417, 0x4c7c15e0), TOBN(0x539bfb02, 0x3a277c32),
+         TOBN(0xe699268e, 0xf9dccf5f), TOBN(0x9f5796a5, 0x0247a3bd),
+         TOBN(0x8b839de8, 0x4f157269), TOBN(0xc825c1e5, 0x7a30196b),
+         TOBN(0x6ef0aabc, 0xdc8a5a91), TOBN(0xf4a8ce6c, 0x498b7fe6),
+         TOBN(0x1cce35a7, 0x70cbac78), TOBN(0x83488e9b, 0xf6b23958),
+         TOBN(0x0341a070, 0xd76cb011), TOBN(0xda6c9d06, 0xae1b2658),
+         TOBN(0xb701fb30, 0xdd648c52), TOBN(0x994ca02c, 0x52fb9fd1),
+         TOBN(0x06933117, 0x6f563086), TOBN(0x3d2b8100, 0x17856bab),
+         TOBN(0xe89f48c8, 0x5963a46e), TOBN(0x658ab875, 0xa99e61c7),
+         TOBN(0x6e296f87, 0x4b8517b4), TOBN(0x36c4fcdc, 0xfc1bc656),
+         TOBN(0xde5227a1, 0xa3906def), TOBN(0x9fe95f57, 0x62418945),
+         TOBN(0x20c91e81, 0xfdd96cde), TOBN(0x5adbe47e, 0xda4480de),
+         TOBN(0xa009370f, 0x396de2b6), TOBN(0x98583d4b, 0xf0ecc7bd),
+         TOBN(0xf44f6b57, 0xe51d0672), TOBN(0x03d6b078, 0x556b1984),
+         TOBN(0x27dbdd93, 0xb0b64912), TOBN(0x9b3a3434, 0x15687b09),
+         TOBN(0x0dba6461, 0x51ec20a9), TOBN(0xec93db7f, 0xff28187c),
+         TOBN(0x00ff8c24, 0x66e48bdd), TOBN(0x2514f2f9, 0x11ccd78e),
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+         TOBN(0xa4e58df4, 0xb283e4c6), TOBN(0x78c29859, 0x8b39783f),
+         TOBN(0x5235aee2, 0xa5259809), TOBN(0xc16284b5, 0x0e0227dd),
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+         TOBN(0x236ea68a, 0xf9c546f8), TOBN(0xc1d36873, 0xfa608d36),
+         TOBN(0xcd76e495, 0x8d436d13), TOBN(0xd4d9c221, 0x8fb080af),
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+         TOBN(0x593a15cf, 0xb9548c9b), TOBN(0x5e6e2135, 0x4bd012f3),
+         TOBN(0xdf31cc6a, 0x8c8f936e), TOBN(0x8af84d04, 0xb5c241dc),
+         TOBN(0x63990a6f, 0x345efb86), TOBN(0x6fef4e61, 0xb9b962cb)},
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+         TOBN(0xd81cd5ec, 0x6532f5d5), TOBN(0xa672303a, 0xcf82e15f),
+         TOBN(0x376aafa8, 0x719c0563), TOBN(0xcd8ad2dc, 0xbc5fc79f),
+         TOBN(0x303fdb9f, 0xcb750cd3), TOBN(0x14ff052f, 0x4418b08e),
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+         TOBN(0x92bf3cda, 0xda430c0b), TOBN(0x4702850e, 0x3a96dac6),
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+         TOBN(0xb01bad09, 0xe265c17c), TOBN(0x24e45464, 0x087b3881),
+         TOBN(0xd43e583c, 0xe1fac5ca), TOBN(0xe17cb318, 0x6ead97a6),
+         TOBN(0x6cc39243, 0x74dcec46), TOBN(0x33cfc02d, 0x54c2b73f),
+         TOBN(0x82917844, 0xf26cd99c), TOBN(0x8819dd95, 0xd1773f89),
+         TOBN(0x09572aa6, 0x0871f427), TOBN(0x8e0cf365, 0xf6f01c34),
+         TOBN(0x7fa52988, 0xbff1f5af), TOBN(0x4eb357ea, 0xe75e8e50),
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+         TOBN(0xb0a32cca, 0x523db280), TOBN(0x5c889f8a, 0x50d43783),
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+         TOBN(0x6ab91cf0, 0x179c8e74), TOBN(0xd8874e52, 0x48211d60),
+         TOBN(0xf948d4d5, 0xea851200), TOBN(0x4076d41e, 0xe6f9840a),
+         TOBN(0xc20e263c, 0x47b517ea), TOBN(0x79a448fd, 0x30685e5e),
+         TOBN(0xe55f6f78, 0xf90631a0), TOBN(0x88a790b1, 0xa79e6346),
+         TOBN(0x62160c7d, 0x80969fe8), TOBN(0x54f92fd4, 0x41491bb9),
+         TOBN(0xa6645c23, 0x5c957526), TOBN(0xf44cc5ae, 0xbea3ce7b),
+         TOBN(0xf7628327, 0x8b1e68b7), TOBN(0xc731ad7a, 0x303f29d3),
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+         TOBN(0xc4669fe7, 0x9b4f7f24), TOBN(0xfdd781d8, 0x3d9967ef),
+         TOBN(0x7892c7c3, 0x5d2c208d), TOBN(0x8bf64f7c, 0xae545cb3),
+         TOBN(0xc01f862c, 0x467be912), TOBN(0xf4c85ee9, 0xc73d30cc),
+         TOBN(0x1fa6f4be, 0x6ab83ec7), TOBN(0xa07a3c1c, 0x4e3e3cf9),
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+         TOBN(0x1aa00b94, 0xfe08bf5b), TOBN(0x32c133aa, 0x9224ef52),
+         TOBN(0x38df16bb, 0x32e5685d), TOBN(0x68a9e069, 0x58e6f544),
+         TOBN(0x495aaff7, 0xcdc5ebc6), TOBN(0xf894a645, 0x378b135f),
+         TOBN(0xf316350a, 0x09e27ecf), TOBN(0xeced201e, 0x58f7179d),
+         TOBN(0x2eec273c, 0xe97861ba), TOBN(0x47ec2cae, 0xd693be2e),
+         TOBN(0xfa4c97c4, 0xf68367ce), TOBN(0xe4f47d0b, 0xbe5a5755),
+         TOBN(0x17de815d, 0xb298a979), TOBN(0xd7eca659, 0xc177dc7d),
+         TOBN(0x20fdbb71, 0x49ded0a3), TOBN(0x4cb2aad4, 0xfb34d3c5),
+         TOBN(0x2cf31d28, 0x60858a33), TOBN(0x3b6873ef, 0xa24aa40f),
+         TOBN(0x540234b2, 0x2c11bb37), TOBN(0x2d0366dd, 0xed4c74a3),
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+         TOBN(0x07cd6d2c, 0x68d7b6d4), TOBN(0xa8f74f09, 0x0c842942),
+         TOBN(0xe2751404, 0x7768b1ee), TOBN(0x4b5f7e89, 0xfe62aee4),
+         TOBN(0xc6a77177, 0x89070d26), TOBN(0xa1f28e4e, 0xdd1c8bc7),
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+         TOBN(0xcc5bdb91, 0xbde5ae35), TOBN(0xb42c485e, 0x12ff1864),
+         TOBN(0xa1113e13, 0xdbab98aa), TOBN(0xde9d469b, 0xa17b1024),
+         TOBN(0x23f48b37, 0xc0462d3a), TOBN(0x3752e537, 0x7c5c078d),
+         TOBN(0xe3a86add, 0x15544eb9), TOBN(0xf013aea7, 0x80fba279),
+         TOBN(0x8b5bb76c, 0xf22001b5), TOBN(0xe617ba14, 0xf02891ab),
+         TOBN(0xd39182a6, 0x936219d3), TOBN(0x5ce1f194, 0xae51cb19),
+         TOBN(0xc78f8598, 0xbf07a74c), TOBN(0x6d7158f2, 0x22cbf1bc),
+         TOBN(0x3b846b21, 0xe300ce18), TOBN(0x35fba630, 0x2d11275d),
+         TOBN(0x5fe25c36, 0xa0239b9b), TOBN(0xd8beb35d, 0xdf05d940),
+         TOBN(0x4db02bb0, 0x1f7e320d), TOBN(0x0641c364, 0x6da320ea),
+         TOBN(0x6d95fa5d, 0x821389a3), TOBN(0x92699748, 0x8fcd8e3d),
+         TOBN(0x316fef17, 0xceb6c143), TOBN(0x67fcb841, 0xd933762b),
+         TOBN(0xbb837e35, 0x118b17f8), TOBN(0x4b92552f, 0x9fd24821),
+         TOBN(0xae6bc70e, 0x46aca793), TOBN(0x1cf0b0e4, 0xe579311b),
+         TOBN(0x8dc631be, 0x5802f716), TOBN(0x099bdc6f, 0xbddbee4d),
+         TOBN(0xcc352bb2, 0x0caf8b05), TOBN(0xf74d505a, 0x72d63df2),
+         TOBN(0xb9876d4b, 0x91c4f408), TOBN(0x1ce18473, 0x9e229b2d),
+         TOBN(0x49507597, 0x83abdb4a), TOBN(0x850fbcb6, 0xdee84b18),
+         TOBN(0x6325236e, 0x609e67dc), TOBN(0x04d831d9, 0x9336c6d8),
+         TOBN(0x8deaae3b, 0xfa12d45d), TOBN(0xe425f8ce, 0x4746e246),
+         TOBN(0x8004c175, 0x24f5f31e), TOBN(0xaca16d8f, 0xad62c3b7),
+         TOBN(0x0dc15a6a, 0x9152f934), TOBN(0xf1235e5d, 0xed0e12c1),
+         TOBN(0xc33c06ec, 0xda477dac), TOBN(0x76be8732, 0xb2ea0006),
+         TOBN(0xcf3f7831, 0x0c0cd313), TOBN(0x3c524553, 0xa614260d),
+         TOBN(0x31a756f8, 0xcab22d15), TOBN(0x03ee10d1, 0x77827a20),
+         TOBN(0xd1e059b2, 0x1994ef20), TOBN(0x2a653b69, 0x638ae318),
+         TOBN(0x70d5eb58, 0x2f699010), TOBN(0x279739f7, 0x09f5f84a),
+         TOBN(0x5da4663c, 0x8b799336), TOBN(0xfdfdf14d, 0x203c37eb),
+         TOBN(0x32d8a9dc, 0xa1dbfb2d), TOBN(0xab40cff0, 0x77d48f9b),
+         TOBN(0xc018b383, 0xd20b42d5), TOBN(0xf9a810ef, 0x9f78845f),
+         TOBN(0x40af3753, 0xbdba9df0), TOBN(0xb90bdcfc, 0x131dfdf9),
+         TOBN(0x18720591, 0xf01ab782), TOBN(0xc823f211, 0x6af12a88),
+         TOBN(0xa51b80f3, 0x0dc14401), TOBN(0xde248f77, 0xfb2dfbe3),
+         TOBN(0xef5a44e5, 0x0cafe751), TOBN(0x73997c9c, 0xd4dcd221),
+         TOBN(0x32fd86d1, 0xde854024), TOBN(0xd5b53adc, 0xa09b84bb),
+         TOBN(0x008d7a11, 0xdcedd8d1), TOBN(0x406bd1c8, 0x74b32c84),
+         TOBN(0x5d4472ff, 0x05dde8b1), TOBN(0x2e25f2cd, 0xfce2b32f),
+         TOBN(0xbec0dd5e, 0x29dfc254), TOBN(0x4455fcf6, 0x2b98b267),
+         TOBN(0x0b4d43a5, 0xc72df2ad), TOBN(0xea70e6be, 0x48a75397),
+         TOBN(0x2aad6169, 0x5820f3bf), TOBN(0xf410d2dd, 0x9e37f68f),
+         TOBN(0x70fb7dba, 0x7be5ac83), TOBN(0x636bb645, 0x36ec3eec),
+         TOBN(0x27104ea3, 0x9754e21c), TOBN(0xbc87a3e6, 0x8d63c373),
+         TOBN(0x483351d7, 0x4109db9a), TOBN(0x0fa724e3, 0x60134da7),
+         TOBN(0x9ff44c29, 0xb0720b16), TOBN(0x2dd0cf13, 0x06aceead),
+         TOBN(0x5942758c, 0xe26929a6), TOBN(0x96c5db92, 0xb766a92b),
+         TOBN(0xcec7d4c0, 0x5f18395e), TOBN(0xd3f22744, 0x1f80d032),
+         TOBN(0x7a68b37a, 0xcb86075b), TOBN(0x074764dd, 0xafef92db),
+         TOBN(0xded1e950, 0x7bc7f389), TOBN(0xc580c850, 0xb9756460),
+         TOBN(0xaeeec2a4, 0x7da48157), TOBN(0x3f0b4e7f, 0x82c587b3),
+         TOBN(0x231c6de8, 0xa9f19c53), TOBN(0x5717bd73, 0x6974e34e),
+         TOBN(0xd9e1d216, 0xf1508fa9), TOBN(0x9f112361, 0xdadaa124),
+         TOBN(0x80145e31, 0x823b7348), TOBN(0x4dd8f0d5, 0xac634069),
+         TOBN(0xe3d82fc7, 0x2297c258), TOBN(0x276fcfee, 0x9cee7431),
+         TOBN(0x8eb61b5e, 0x2bc0aea9), TOBN(0x4f668fd5, 0xde329431),
+         TOBN(0x03a32ab1, 0x38e4b87e), TOBN(0xe1374517, 0x73d0ef0b),
+         TOBN(0x1a46f7e6, 0x853ac983), TOBN(0xc3bdf42e, 0x68e78a57),
+         TOBN(0xacf20785, 0x2ea96dd1), TOBN(0xa10649b9, 0xf1638460),
+         TOBN(0xf2369f0b, 0x879fbbed), TOBN(0x0ff0ae86, 0xda9d1869),
+         TOBN(0x5251d759, 0x56766f45), TOBN(0x4984d8c0, 0x2be8d0fc),
+         TOBN(0x7ecc95a6, 0xd21008f0), TOBN(0x29bd54a0, 0x3a1a1c49),
+         TOBN(0xab9828c5, 0xd26c50f3), TOBN(0x32c0087c, 0x51d0d251),
+         TOBN(0x9bac3ce6, 0x0c1cdb26), TOBN(0xcd94d947, 0x557ca205),
+         TOBN(0x1b1bd598, 0x9db1fdcd), TOBN(0x0eda0108, 0xa3d8b149),
+         TOBN(0x95066610, 0x56152fcc), TOBN(0xc2f037e6, 0xe7192b33),
+         TOBN(0xdeffb41a, 0xc92e05a4), TOBN(0x1105f6c2, 0xc2f6c62e),
+         TOBN(0x68e73500, 0x8733913c), TOBN(0xcce86163, 0x3f3adc40),
+         TOBN(0xf407a942, 0x38a278e9), TOBN(0xd13c1b9d, 0x2ab21292),
+         TOBN(0x93ed7ec7, 0x1c74cf5c), TOBN(0x8887dc48, 0xf1a4c1b4),
+         TOBN(0x3830ff30, 0x4b3a11f1), TOBN(0x358c5a3c, 0x58937cb6),
+         TOBN(0x027dc404, 0x89022829), TOBN(0x40e93977, 0x3b798f79),
+         TOBN(0x90ad3337, 0x38be6ead), TOBN(0x9c23f6bc, 0xf34c0a5d),
+         TOBN(0xd1711a35, 0xfbffd8bb), TOBN(0x60fcfb49, 0x1949d3dd),
+         TOBN(0x09c8ef4b, 0x7825d93a), TOBN(0x24233cff, 0xa0a8c968),
+         TOBN(0x67ade46c, 0xe6d982af), TOBN(0xebb6bf3e, 0xe7544d7c),
+         TOBN(0xd6b9ba76, 0x3d8bd087), TOBN(0x46fe382d, 0x4dc61280),
+         TOBN(0xbd39a7e8, 0xb5bdbd75), TOBN(0xab381331, 0xb8f228fe),
+         TOBN(0x0709a77c, 0xce1c4300), TOBN(0x6a247e56, 0xf337ceac),
+         TOBN(0x8f34f21b, 0x636288be), TOBN(0x9dfdca74, 0xc8a7c305),
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+         TOBN(0xe607df44, 0xd0f8a67e), TOBN(0xd985df4b, 0x0b58d010),
+         TOBN(0x57f834c5, 0x0c24f8f4), TOBN(0xe976ef56, 0xa0bf01ae),
+         TOBN(0x536395ac, 0xa1c32373), TOBN(0x351027aa, 0x734c0a13),
+         TOBN(0xd2f1b5d6, 0x5e6bd5bc), TOBN(0x2b539e24, 0x223debed),
+         TOBN(0xd4994cec, 0x0eaa1d71), TOBN(0x2a83381d, 0x661dcf65),
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+         TOBN(0xfc500e2e, 0x383b7d2a), TOBN(0x7aad621c, 0x5b775257),
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+         TOBN(0xbf9531b9, 0x499758ee), TOBN(0x73e95ca5, 0x6ee0cc2d),
+         TOBN(0xf61790ab, 0xfbaf50a5), TOBN(0xdf55e76b, 0x684e0750),
+         TOBN(0xec516da7, 0xf176b005), TOBN(0x575553bb, 0x7a2dddc7),
+         TOBN(0x37c87ca3, 0x553afa73), TOBN(0x315f3ffc, 0x4d55c251),
+         TOBN(0xe846442a, 0xaf3e5d35), TOBN(0x61b91149, 0x6495ff28),
+         TOBN(0x23cc95d3, 0xfa326dc3), TOBN(0x1df4da1f, 0x18fc2cea),
+         TOBN(0x24bf9adc, 0xd0a37d59), TOBN(0xb6710053, 0x320d6e1e),
+         TOBN(0x96f9667e, 0x618344d1), TOBN(0xcc7ce042, 0xa06445af),
+         TOBN(0xa02d8514, 0xd68dbc3a), TOBN(0x4ea109e4, 0x280b5a5b),
+         TOBN(0x5741a7ac, 0xb40961bf), TOBN(0x4ada5937, 0x6aa56bfa),
+         TOBN(0x7feb9145, 0x02b765d1), TOBN(0x561e97be, 0xe6ad1582),
+         TOBN(0xbbc4a5b6, 0xda3982f5), TOBN(0x0c2659ed, 0xb546f468),
+         TOBN(0xb8e7e6aa, 0x59612d20), TOBN(0xd83dfe20, 0xac19e8e0),
+         TOBN(0x8530c45f, 0xb835398c), TOBN(0x6106a8bf, 0xb38a41c2),
+         TOBN(0x21e8f9a6, 0x35f5dcdb), TOBN(0x39707137, 0xcae498ed),
+         TOBN(0x70c23834, 0xd8249f00), TOBN(0x9f14b58f, 0xab2537a0),
+         TOBN(0xd043c365, 0x5f61c0c2), TOBN(0xdc5926d6, 0x09a194a7),
+         TOBN(0xddec0339, 0x8e77738a), TOBN(0xd07a63ef, 0xfba46426),
+         TOBN(0x2e58e79c, 0xee7f6e86), TOBN(0xe59b0459, 0xff32d241),
+         TOBN(0xc5ec84e5, 0x20fa0338), TOBN(0x97939ac8, 0xeaff5ace),
+         TOBN(0x0310a4e3, 0xb4a38313), TOBN(0x9115fba2, 0x8f9d9885),
+         TOBN(0x8dd710c2, 0x5fadf8c3), TOBN(0x66be38a2, 0xce19c0e2),
+         TOBN(0xd42a279c, 0x4cfe5022), TOBN(0x597bb530, 0x0e24e1b8),
+         TOBN(0x3cde86b7, 0xc153ca7f), TOBN(0xa8d30fb3, 0x707d63bd),
+         TOBN(0xac905f92, 0xbd60d21e), TOBN(0x98e7ffb6, 0x7b9a54ab),
+         TOBN(0xd7147df8, 0xe9726a30), TOBN(0xb5e216ff, 0xafce3533),
+         TOBN(0xb550b799, 0x2ff1ec40), TOBN(0x6b613b87, 0xa1e953fd),
+         TOBN(0x87b88dba, 0x792d5610), TOBN(0x2ee1270a, 0xa190fbe1),
+         TOBN(0x02f4e2dc, 0x2ef581da), TOBN(0x016530e4, 0xeff82a95),
+         TOBN(0xcbb93dfd, 0x8fd6ee89), TOBN(0x16d3d986, 0x46848fff),
+         TOBN(0x600eff24, 0x1da47adf), TOBN(0x1b9754a0, 0x0ad47a71),
+         TOBN(0x8f9266df, 0x70c33b98), TOBN(0xaadc87ae, 0xdf34186e),
+         TOBN(0x0d2ce8e1, 0x4ad24132), TOBN(0x8a47cbfc, 0x19946eba),
+         TOBN(0x47feeb66, 0x62b5f3af), TOBN(0xcefab561, 0x0abb3734),
+         TOBN(0x449de60e, 0x19f35cb1), TOBN(0x39f8db14, 0x157f0eb9),
+         TOBN(0xffaecc5b, 0x3c61bfd6), TOBN(0xa5a4d41d, 0x41216703),
+         TOBN(0x7f8fabed, 0x224e1cc2), TOBN(0x0d5a8186, 0x871ad953),
+         TOBN(0xf10774f7, 0xd22da9a9), TOBN(0x45b8a678, 0xcc8a9b0d),
+         TOBN(0xd9c2e722, 0xbdc32cff), TOBN(0xbf71b5f5, 0x337202a5),
+         TOBN(0x95c57f2f, 0x69fc4db9), TOBN(0xb6dad34c, 0x765d01e1),
+         TOBN(0x7e0bd13f, 0xcb904635), TOBN(0x61751253, 0x763a588c),
+         TOBN(0xd85c2997, 0x81af2c2d), TOBN(0xc0f7d9c4, 0x81b9d7da),
+         TOBN(0x838a34ae, 0x08533e8d), TOBN(0x15c4cb08, 0x311d8311),
+         TOBN(0x97f83285, 0x8e121e14), TOBN(0xeea7dc1e, 0x85000a5f),
+         TOBN(0x0c6059b6, 0x5d256274), TOBN(0xec9beace, 0xb95075c0),
+         TOBN(0x173daad7, 0x1df97828), TOBN(0xbf851cb5, 0xa8937877),
+         TOBN(0xb083c594, 0x01646f3c), TOBN(0x3bad30cf, 0x50c6d352),
+         TOBN(0xfeb2b202, 0x496bbcea), TOBN(0x3cf9fd4f, 0x18a1e8ba),
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+         TOBN(0x95499c6c, 0x5f5406d3), TOBN(0x71fdda39, 0x5ba8e23f),
+         TOBN(0xcfeb320e, 0xd5096ece), TOBN(0xbe7ba92b, 0xca66dd16),
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+         TOBN(0x46bf2074, 0xde316551), TOBN(0x3b866e7b, 0x1f756c8f),
+         TOBN(0x727727d8, 0x1495ed6b), TOBN(0xb2394243, 0xb682dce7),
+         TOBN(0x8ab8454e, 0x758610f3), TOBN(0xc243ce84, 0x857d72a4),
+         TOBN(0x7b320d71, 0xdbbf370f), TOBN(0xff9afa37, 0x78e0f7ca),
+         TOBN(0x0119d1e0, 0xea7b523f), TOBN(0xb997f8cb, 0x058c7d42),
+         TOBN(0x285bcd2a, 0x37bbb184), TOBN(0x51dcec49, 0xa45d1fa6),
+         TOBN(0x6ade3b64, 0xe29634cb), TOBN(0x080c94a7, 0x26b86ef1),
+         TOBN(0xba583db1, 0x2283fbe3), TOBN(0x902bddc8, 0x5a9315ed),
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+         TOBN(0x4bdf3a49, 0x56f90823), TOBN(0xba0f5080, 0x741d777b),
+         TOBN(0x091d71c3, 0xf38bf760), TOBN(0x9633d50f, 0x9b625b02),
+         TOBN(0x03ecb743, 0xb8c9de61), TOBN(0xb4751254, 0x5de74720),
+         TOBN(0x9f9defc9, 0x74ce1cb2), TOBN(0x774a4f6a, 0x00bd32ef),
+         TOBN(0xaca385f7, 0x73848f22), TOBN(0x53dad716, 0xf3f8558e),
+         TOBN(0xab7b34b0, 0x93c471f9), TOBN(0xf530e069, 0x19644bc7),
+         TOBN(0x3d9fb1ff, 0xdd59d31a), TOBN(0x4382e0df, 0x08daa795),
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+         TOBN(0x94203c67, 0x648024ee), TOBN(0x188763f2, 0x8c2fabcd),
+         TOBN(0xa80f87ac, 0xbbaec835), TOBN(0x632c96e0, 0xf29d8d54),
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+         TOBN(0xd35688d8, 0x3d84e58c), TOBN(0x2af5094c, 0x958571db),
+         TOBN(0x4fff7e19, 0x760682a6), TOBN(0x4cb27077, 0xe39a407c),
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+         TOBN(0x2bff1096, 0x52bc1ba7), TOBN(0xa25423b7, 0x83583544),
+         TOBN(0x5d55d5d5, 0x0ac8b782), TOBN(0xff6622ec, 0x2db3c892),
+         TOBN(0x48fce741, 0x6b8bb642), TOBN(0x31d6998c, 0x69d7e3dc),
+         TOBN(0xdbaf8004, 0xcadcaed0), TOBN(0x801b0142, 0xd81d053c),
+         TOBN(0x94b189fc, 0x59630ec6), TOBN(0x120e9934, 0xaf762c8e),
+         TOBN(0x53a29aa4, 0xfdc6a404), TOBN(0x19d8e01e, 0xa1909948),
+         TOBN(0x3cfcabf1, 0xd7e89681), TOBN(0x3321a50d, 0x4e132d37),
+         TOBN(0xd0496863, 0xe9a86111), TOBN(0x8c0cde61, 0x06a3bc65),
+         TOBN(0xaf866c49, 0xfc9f8eef), TOBN(0x2066350e, 0xff7f5141),
+         TOBN(0x4f8a4689, 0xe56ddfbd), TOBN(0xea1b0c07, 0xfe32983a),
+         TOBN(0x2b317462, 0x873cb8cb), TOBN(0x658deddc, 0x2d93229f),
+         TOBN(0x65efaf4d, 0x0f64ef58), TOBN(0xfe43287d, 0x730cc7a8),
+         TOBN(0xaebc0c72, 0x3d047d70), TOBN(0x92efa539, 0xd92d26c9),
+         TOBN(0x06e78457, 0x94b56526), TOBN(0x415cb80f, 0x0961002d),
+         TOBN(0x89e5c565, 0x76dcb10f), TOBN(0x8bbb6982, 0xff9259fe),
+         TOBN(0x4fe8795b, 0x9abc2668), TOBN(0xb5d4f534, 0x1e678fb1),
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+         TOBN(0x190d8ea6, 0x01799a52), TOBN(0xa20cec41, 0xb86d2952),
+         TOBN(0x3062ffb2, 0x7fff2a7c), TOBN(0x741b32e5, 0x79f19d37),
+         TOBN(0xf80d8181, 0x4eb57d47), TOBN(0x7a2d0ed4, 0x16aef06b),
+         TOBN(0x09735fb0, 0x1cecb588), TOBN(0x1641caaa, 0xc6061f5b)},
+        {TOBN(0x7f99824f, 0x20151427), TOBN(0x206828b6, 0x92430206),
+         TOBN(0xaa9097d7, 0xe1112357), TOBN(0xacf9a2f2, 0x09e414ec),
+         TOBN(0xdbdac9da, 0x27915356), TOBN(0x7e0734b7, 0x001efee3),
+         TOBN(0x54fab5bb, 0xd2b288e2), TOBN(0x4c630fc4, 0xf62dd09c),
+         TOBN(0x8537107a, 0x1ac2703b), TOBN(0xb49258d8, 0x6bc857b5),
+         TOBN(0x57df14de, 0xbcdaccd1), TOBN(0x24ab68d7, 0xc4ae8529),
+         TOBN(0x7ed8b5d4, 0x734e59d0), TOBN(0x5f8740c8, 0xc495cc80),
+         TOBN(0x84aedd5a, 0x291db9b3), TOBN(0x80b360f8, 0x4fb995be),
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+         TOBN(0xbd3656d6, 0xa48edaac), TOBN(0xdac1e3e4, 0xfc1d7436),
+         TOBN(0x674ff869, 0xd81fbb26), TOBN(0x449ed3ec, 0xb26c33d4),
+         TOBN(0x85138705, 0xd94203e8), TOBN(0xccde538b, 0xbeeb6f4a),
+         TOBN(0x55d5c68d, 0xa61a76fa), TOBN(0x598b441d, 0xca1554dc),
+         TOBN(0xd39923b9, 0x773b279c), TOBN(0x33331d3c, 0x36bf9efc),
+         TOBN(0x2d4c848e, 0x298de399), TOBN(0xcfdb8e77, 0xa1a27f56),
+         TOBN(0x94c855ea, 0x57b8ab70), TOBN(0xdcdb9dae, 0x6f7879ba),
+         TOBN(0x7bdff8c2, 0x019f2a59), TOBN(0xb3ce5bb3, 0xcb4fbc74),
+         TOBN(0xea907f68, 0x8a9173dd), TOBN(0x6cd3d0d3, 0x95a75439),
+         TOBN(0x92ecc4d6, 0xefed021c), TOBN(0x09a9f9b0, 0x6a77339a),
+         TOBN(0x87ca6b15, 0x7188c64a), TOBN(0x10c29968, 0x44899158),
+         TOBN(0x5859a229, 0xed6e82ef), TOBN(0x16f338e3, 0x65ebaf4e),
+         TOBN(0x0cd31387, 0x5ead67ae), TOBN(0x1c73d228, 0x54ef0bb4),
+         TOBN(0x4cb55131, 0x74a5c8c7), TOBN(0x01cd2970, 0x7f69ad6a),
+         TOBN(0xa04d00dd, 0xe966f87e), TOBN(0xd96fe447, 0x0b7b0321),
+         TOBN(0x342ac06e, 0x88fbd381), TOBN(0x02cd4a84, 0x5c35a493),
+         TOBN(0xe8fa89de, 0x54f1bbcd), TOBN(0x341d6367, 0x2575ed4c),
+         TOBN(0xebe357fb, 0xd238202b), TOBN(0x600b4d1a, 0xa984ead9),
+         TOBN(0xc35c9f44, 0x52436ea0), TOBN(0x96fe0a39, 0xa370751b),
+         TOBN(0x4c4f0736, 0x7f636a38), TOBN(0x9f943fb7, 0x0e76d5cb),
+         TOBN(0xb03510ba, 0xa8b68b8b), TOBN(0xc246780a, 0x9ed07a1f),
+         TOBN(0x3c051415, 0x6d549fc2), TOBN(0xc2953f31, 0x607781ca),
+         TOBN(0x955e2c69, 0xd8d95413), TOBN(0xb300fadc, 0x7bd282e3),
+         TOBN(0x81fe7b50, 0x87e9189f), TOBN(0xdb17375c, 0xf42dda27),
+         TOBN(0x22f7d896, 0xcf0a5904), TOBN(0xa0e57c5a, 0xebe348e6),
+         TOBN(0xa61011d3, 0xf40e3c80), TOBN(0xb1189321, 0x8db705c5),
+         TOBN(0x4ed9309e, 0x50fedec3), TOBN(0xdcf14a10, 0x4d6d5c1d),
+         TOBN(0x056c265b, 0x55691342), TOBN(0xe8e08504, 0x91049dc7),
+         TOBN(0x131329f5, 0xc9bae20a), TOBN(0x96c8b3e8, 0xd9dccdb4),
+         TOBN(0x8c5ff838, 0xfb4ee6b4), TOBN(0xfc5a9aeb, 0x41e8ccf0),
+         TOBN(0x7417b764, 0xfae050c6), TOBN(0x0953c3d7, 0x00452080),
+         TOBN(0x21372682, 0x38dfe7e8), TOBN(0xea417e15, 0x2bb79d4b),
+         TOBN(0x59641f1c, 0x76e7cf2d), TOBN(0x271e3059, 0xea0bcfcc),
+         TOBN(0x624c7dfd, 0x7253ecbd), TOBN(0x2f552e25, 0x4fca6186),
+         TOBN(0xcbf84ecd, 0x4d866e9c), TOBN(0x73967709, 0xf68d4610),
+         TOBN(0xa14b1163, 0xc27901b4), TOBN(0xfd9236e0, 0x899b8bf3),
+         TOBN(0x42b091ec, 0xcbc6da0a), TOBN(0xbb1dac6f, 0x5ad1d297),
+         TOBN(0x80e61d53, 0xa91cf76e), TOBN(0x4110a412, 0xd31f1ee7),
+         TOBN(0x2d87c3ba, 0x13efcf77), TOBN(0x1f374bb4, 0xdf450d76),
+         TOBN(0x5e78e2f2, 0x0d188dab), TOBN(0xe3968ed0, 0xf4b885ef),
+         TOBN(0x46c0568e, 0x7314570f), TOBN(0x31616338, 0x01170521),
+         TOBN(0x18e1e7e2, 0x4f0c8afe), TOBN(0x4caa75ff, 0xdeea78da),
+         TOBN(0x82db67f2, 0x7c5d8a51), TOBN(0x36a44d86, 0x6f505370),
+         TOBN(0xd72c5bda, 0x0333974f), TOBN(0x5db516ae, 0x27a70146),
+         TOBN(0x34705281, 0x210ef921), TOBN(0xbff17a8f, 0x0c9c38e5),
+         TOBN(0x78f4814e, 0x12476da1), TOBN(0xc1e16613, 0x33c16980),
+         TOBN(0x9e5b386f, 0x424d4bca), TOBN(0x4c274e87, 0xc85740de),
+         TOBN(0xb6a9b88d, 0x6c2f5226), TOBN(0x14d1b944, 0x550d7ca8),
+         TOBN(0x580c85fc, 0x1fc41709), TOBN(0xc1da368b, 0x54c6d519),
+         TOBN(0x2b0785ce, 0xd5113cf7), TOBN(0x0670f633, 0x5a34708f),
+         TOBN(0x46e23767, 0x15cc3f88), TOBN(0x1b480cfa, 0x50c72c8f),
+         TOBN(0x20288602, 0x4147519a), TOBN(0xd0981eac, 0x26b372f0),
+         TOBN(0xa9d4a7ca, 0xa785ebc8), TOBN(0xd953c50d, 0xdbdf58e9),
+         TOBN(0x9d6361cc, 0xfd590f8f), TOBN(0x72e9626b, 0x44e6c917),
+         TOBN(0x7fd96110, 0x22eb64cf), TOBN(0x863ebb7e, 0x9eb288f3),
+         TOBN(0x6e6ab761, 0x6aca8ee7), TOBN(0x97d10b39, 0xd7b40358),
+         TOBN(0x1687d377, 0x1e5feb0d), TOBN(0xc83e50e4, 0x8265a27a),
+         TOBN(0x8f75a9fe, 0xc954b313), TOBN(0xcc2e8f47, 0x310d1f61),
+         TOBN(0xf5ba81c5, 0x6557d0e0), TOBN(0x25f9680c, 0x3eaf6207),
+         TOBN(0xf95c6609, 0x4354080b), TOBN(0x5225bfa5, 0x7bf2fe1c),
+         TOBN(0xc5c004e2, 0x5c7d98fa), TOBN(0x3561bf1c, 0x019aaf60),
+         TOBN(0x5e6f9f17, 0xba151474), TOBN(0xdec2f934, 0xb04f6eca),
+         TOBN(0x64e368a1, 0x269acb1e), TOBN(0x1332d9e4, 0x0cdda493),
+         TOBN(0x60d6cf69, 0xdf23de05), TOBN(0x66d17da2, 0x009339a0),
+         TOBN(0x9fcac985, 0x0a693923), TOBN(0xbcf057fc, 0xed7c6a6d),
+         TOBN(0xc3c5c8c5, 0xf0b5662c), TOBN(0x25318dd8, 0xdcba4f24),
+         TOBN(0x60e8cb75, 0x082b69ff), TOBN(0x7c23b3ee, 0x1e728c01),
+         TOBN(0x15e10a0a, 0x097e4403), TOBN(0xcb3d0a86, 0x19854665),
+         TOBN(0x88d8e211, 0xd67d4826), TOBN(0xb39af66e, 0x0b9d2839),
+         TOBN(0xa5f94588, 0xbd475ca8), TOBN(0xe06b7966, 0xc077b80b),
+         TOBN(0xfedb1485, 0xda27c26c), TOBN(0xd290d33a, 0xfe0fd5e0),
+         TOBN(0xa40bcc47, 0xf34fb0fa), TOBN(0xb4760cc8, 0x1fb1ab09),
+         TOBN(0x8fca0993, 0xa273bfe3), TOBN(0x13e4fe07, 0xf70b213c),
+         TOBN(0x3bcdb992, 0xfdb05163), TOBN(0x8c484b11, 0x0c2b19b6),
+         TOBN(0x1acb815f, 0xaaf2e3e2), TOBN(0xc6905935, 0xb89ff1b4),
+         TOBN(0xb2ad6f9d, 0x586e74e1), TOBN(0x488883ad, 0x67b80484),
+         TOBN(0x758aa2c7, 0x369c3ddb), TOBN(0x8ab74e69, 0x9f9afd31),
+         TOBN(0x10fc2d28, 0x5e21beb1), TOBN(0x3484518a, 0x318c42f9),
+         TOBN(0x377427dc, 0x53cf40c3), TOBN(0x9de0781a, 0x391bc1d9),
+         TOBN(0x8faee858, 0x693807e1), TOBN(0xa3865327, 0x4e81ccc7),
+         TOBN(0x02c30ff2, 0x6f835b84), TOBN(0xb604437b, 0x0d3d38d4),
+         TOBN(0xb3fc8a98, 0x5ca1823d), TOBN(0xb82f7ec9, 0x03be0324),
+         TOBN(0xee36d761, 0xcf684a33), TOBN(0x5a01df0e, 0x9f29bf7d),
+         TOBN(0x686202f3, 0x1306583d), TOBN(0x05b10da0, 0x437c622e),
+         TOBN(0xbf9aaa0f, 0x076a7bc8), TOBN(0x25e94efb, 0x8f8f4e43),
+         TOBN(0x8a35c9b7, 0xfa3dc26d), TOBN(0xe0e5fb93, 0x96ff03c5),
+         TOBN(0xa77e3843, 0xebc394ce), TOBN(0xcede6595, 0x8361de60),
+         TOBN(0xd27c22f6, 0xa1993545), TOBN(0xab01cc36, 0x24d671ba),
+         TOBN(0x63fa2877, 0xa169c28e), TOBN(0x925ef904, 0x2eb08376),
+         TOBN(0x3b2fa3cf, 0x53aa0b32), TOBN(0xb27beb5b, 0x71c49d7a),
+         TOBN(0xb60e1834, 0xd105e27f), TOBN(0xd6089788, 0x4f68570d),
+         TOBN(0x23094ce0, 0xd6fbc2ac), TOBN(0x738037a1, 0x815ff551),
+         TOBN(0xda73b1bb, 0x6bef119c), TOBN(0xdcf6c430, 0xeef506ba),
+         TOBN(0x00e4fe7b, 0xe3ef104a), TOBN(0xebdd9a2c, 0x0a065628),
+         TOBN(0x853a81c3, 0x8792043e), TOBN(0x22ad6ece, 0xb3b59108),
+         TOBN(0x9fb813c0, 0x39cd297d), TOBN(0x8ec7e16e, 0x05bda5d9),
+         TOBN(0x2834797c, 0x0d104b96), TOBN(0xcc11a2e7, 0x7c511510),
+         TOBN(0x96ca5a53, 0x96ee6380), TOBN(0x054c8655, 0xcea38742),
+         TOBN(0xb5946852, 0xd54dfa7d), TOBN(0x97c422e7, 0x1f4ab207),
+         TOBN(0xbf907509, 0x0c22b540), TOBN(0x2cde42aa, 0xb7c267d4),
+         TOBN(0xba18f9ed, 0x5ab0d693), TOBN(0x3ba62aa6, 0x6e4660d9),
+         TOBN(0xb24bf97b, 0xab9ea96a), TOBN(0x5d039642, 0xe3b60e32),
+         TOBN(0x4e6a4506, 0x7c4d9bd5), TOBN(0x666c5b9e, 0x7ed4a6a4),
+         TOBN(0xfa3fdcd9, 0x8edbd7cc), TOBN(0x4660bb87, 0xc6ccd753),
+         TOBN(0x9ae90820, 0x21e6b64f), TOBN(0x8a56a713, 0xb36bfb3f),
+         TOBN(0xabfce096, 0x5726d47f), TOBN(0x9eed01b2, 0x0b1a9a7f),
+         TOBN(0x30e9cad4, 0x4eb74a37), TOBN(0x7b2524cc, 0x53e9666d),
+         TOBN(0x6a29683b, 0x8f4b002f), TOBN(0xc2200d7a, 0x41f4fc20),
+         TOBN(0xcf3af47a, 0x3a338acc), TOBN(0x6539a4fb, 0xe7128975),
+         TOBN(0xcec31c14, 0xc33c7fcf), TOBN(0x7eb6799b, 0xc7be322b),
+         TOBN(0x119ef4e9, 0x6646f623), TOBN(0x7b7a26a5, 0x54d7299b),
+         TOBN(0xcb37f08d, 0x403f46f2), TOBN(0x94b8fc43, 0x1a0ec0c7),
+         TOBN(0xbb8514e3, 0xc332142f), TOBN(0xf3ed2c33, 0xe80d2a7a),
+         TOBN(0x8d2080af, 0xb639126c), TOBN(0xf7b6be60, 0xe3553ade),
+         TOBN(0x3950aa9f, 0x1c7e2b09), TOBN(0x847ff958, 0x6410f02b),
+         TOBN(0x877b7cf5, 0x678a31b0), TOBN(0xd50301ae, 0x3998b620),
+         TOBN(0x734257c5, 0xc00fb396), TOBN(0xf9fb18a0, 0x04e672a6),
+         TOBN(0xff8bd8eb, 0xe8758851), TOBN(0x1e64e4c6, 0x5d99ba44),
+         TOBN(0x4b8eaedf, 0x7dfd93b7), TOBN(0xba2f2a98, 0x04e76b8c),
+         TOBN(0x7d790cba, 0xe8053433), TOBN(0xc8e725a0, 0x3d2c9585),
+         TOBN(0x58c5c476, 0xcdd8f5ed), TOBN(0xd106b952, 0xefa9fe1d),
+         TOBN(0x3c5c775b, 0x0eff13a9), TOBN(0x242442ba, 0xe057b930),
+         TOBN(0xe9f458d4, 0xc9b70cbd), TOBN(0x69b71448, 0xa3cdb89a),
+         TOBN(0x41ee46f6, 0x0e2ed742), TOBN(0x573f1045, 0x40067493),
+         TOBN(0xb1e154ff, 0x9d54c304), TOBN(0x2ad0436a, 0x8d3a7502),
+         TOBN(0xee4aaa2d, 0x431a8121), TOBN(0xcd38b3ab, 0x886f11ed),
+         TOBN(0x57d49ea6, 0x034a0eb7), TOBN(0xd2b773bd, 0xf7e85e58),
+         TOBN(0x4a559ac4, 0x9b5c1f14), TOBN(0xc444be1a, 0x3e54df2b),
+         TOBN(0x13aad704, 0xeda41891), TOBN(0xcd927bec, 0x5eb5c788),
+         TOBN(0xeb3c8516, 0xe48c8a34), TOBN(0x1b7ac812, 0x4b546669),
+         TOBN(0x1815f896, 0x594df8ec), TOBN(0x87c6a79c, 0x79227865),
+         TOBN(0xae02a2f0, 0x9b56ddbd), TOBN(0x1339b5ac, 0x8a2f1cf3),
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+         TOBN(0x4ff8ca41, 0x77bb064e), TOBN(0x145a2812, 0xfd249f63),
+         TOBN(0x3ab7beac, 0xf86f689a), TOBN(0x9bafec27, 0x01d35f5e),
+         TOBN(0x28054c65, 0x4265aa91), TOBN(0xa4b18304, 0x035efe42),
+         TOBN(0x6887b0e6, 0x9639dec7), TOBN(0xf4b8f6ad, 0x3d52aea5),
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+         TOBN(0x4feff589, 0x30b75c3e), TOBN(0x0bb82fe2, 0x94491c93),
+         TOBN(0xd8ac377a, 0x89af62bb), TOBN(0xd7b51490, 0x9685e49f),
+         TOBN(0xabca9a7b, 0x04497f19), TOBN(0x1b35ed0a, 0x1a7ad13f),
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+         TOBN(0x9e28507b, 0xd7ab27e1), TOBN(0x7c19a555, 0x63945b7b),
+         TOBN(0x6b43f0a1, 0xaafc9827), TOBN(0x443b4fbd, 0x3aa55b91),
+         TOBN(0x962b2e65, 0x6962c88f), TOBN(0x139da8d4, 0xce0db0ca),
+         TOBN(0xb93f05dd, 0x1b8d6c4f), TOBN(0x779cdff7, 0x180b9824),
+         TOBN(0xbba23fdd, 0xae57c7b7), TOBN(0x345342f2, 0x1b932522),
+         TOBN(0xfd9c80fe, 0x556d4aa3), TOBN(0xa03907ba, 0x6525bb61),
+         TOBN(0x38b010e1, 0xff218933), TOBN(0xc066b654, 0xaa52117b),
+         TOBN(0x8e141920, 0x94f2e6ea), TOBN(0x66a27dca, 0x0d32f2b2),
+         TOBN(0x69c7f993, 0x048b3717), TOBN(0xbf5a989a, 0xb178ae1c),
+         TOBN(0x49fa9058, 0x564f1d6b), TOBN(0x27ec6e15, 0xd31fde4e),
+         TOBN(0x4cce0373, 0x7276e7fc), TOBN(0x64086d79, 0x89d6bf02),
+         TOBN(0x5a72f046, 0x4ccdd979), TOBN(0x909c3566, 0x47775631),
+         TOBN(0x1c07bc6b, 0x75dd7125), TOBN(0xb4c6bc97, 0x87a0428d),
+         TOBN(0x507ece52, 0xfdeb6b9d), TOBN(0xfca56512, 0xb2c95432),
+         TOBN(0x15d97181, 0xd0e8bd06), TOBN(0x384dd317, 0xc6bb46ea),
+         TOBN(0x5441ea20, 0x3952b624), TOBN(0xbcf70dee, 0x4e7dc2fb),
+         TOBN(0x372b016e, 0x6628e8c3), TOBN(0x07a0d667, 0xb60a7522),
+         TOBN(0xcf05751b, 0x0a344ee2), TOBN(0x0ec09a48, 0x118bdeec),
+         TOBN(0x6e4b3d4e, 0xd83dce46), TOBN(0x43a6316d, 0x99d2fc6e),
+         TOBN(0xa99d8989, 0x56cf044c), TOBN(0x7c7f4454, 0xae3e5fb7),
+         TOBN(0xb2e6b121, 0xfbabbe92), TOBN(0x281850fb, 0xe1330076),
+         TOBN(0x093581ec, 0x97890015), TOBN(0x69b1dded, 0x75ff77f5),
+         TOBN(0x7cf0b18f, 0xab105105), TOBN(0x953ced31, 0xa89ccfef),
+         TOBN(0x3151f85f, 0xeb914009), TOBN(0x3c9f1b87, 0x88ed48ad),
+         TOBN(0xc9aba1a1, 0x4a7eadcb), TOBN(0x928e7501, 0x522e71cf),
+         TOBN(0xeaede727, 0x3a2e4f83), TOBN(0x467e10d1, 0x1ce3bbd3),
+         TOBN(0xf3442ac3, 0xb955dcf0), TOBN(0xba96307d, 0xd3d5e527),
+         TOBN(0xf763a10e, 0xfd77f474), TOBN(0x5d744bd0, 0x6a6e1ff0),
+         TOBN(0xd287282a, 0xa777899e), TOBN(0xe20eda8f, 0xd03f3cde),
+         TOBN(0x6a7e75bb, 0x50b07d31), TOBN(0x0b7e2a94, 0x6f379de4),
+         TOBN(0x31cb64ad, 0x19f593cf), TOBN(0x7b1a9e4f, 0x1e76ef1d),
+         TOBN(0xe18c9c9d, 0xb62d609c), TOBN(0x439bad6d, 0xe779a650),
+         TOBN(0x219d9066, 0xe032f144), TOBN(0x1db632b8, 0xe8b2ec6a),
+         TOBN(0xff0d0fd4, 0xfda12f78), TOBN(0x56fb4c2d, 0x2a25d265),
+         TOBN(0x5f4e2ee1, 0x255a03f1), TOBN(0x61cd6af2, 0xe96af176),
+         TOBN(0xe0317ba8, 0xd068bc97), TOBN(0x927d6bab, 0x264b988e),
+         TOBN(0xa18f07e0, 0xe90fb21e), TOBN(0x00fd2b80, 0xbba7fca1),
+         TOBN(0x20387f27, 0x95cd67b5), TOBN(0x5b89a4e7, 0xd39707f7),
+         TOBN(0x8f83ad3f, 0x894407ce), TOBN(0xa0025b94, 0x6c226132),
+         TOBN(0xc79563c7, 0xf906c13b), TOBN(0x5f548f31, 0x4e7bb025),
+         TOBN(0x2b4c6b8f, 0xeac6d113), TOBN(0xa67e3f9c, 0x0e813c76),
+         TOBN(0x3982717c, 0x3fe1f4b9), TOBN(0x58865819, 0x26d8050e),
+         TOBN(0x99f3640c, 0xf7f06f20), TOBN(0xdc610216, 0x2a66ebc2),
+         TOBN(0x52f2c175, 0x767a1e08), TOBN(0x05660e1a, 0x5999871b),
+         TOBN(0x6b0f1762, 0x6d3c4693), TOBN(0xf0e7d627, 0x37ed7bea),
+         TOBN(0xc51758c7, 0xb75b226d), TOBN(0x40a88628, 0x1f91613b),
+         TOBN(0x889dbaa7, 0xbbb38ce0), TOBN(0xe0404b65, 0xbddcad81),
+         TOBN(0xfebccd3a, 0x8bc9671f), TOBN(0xfbf9a357, 0xee1f5375),
+         TOBN(0x5dc169b0, 0x28f33398), TOBN(0xb07ec11d, 0x72e90f65),
+         TOBN(0xae7f3b4a, 0xfaab1eb1), TOBN(0xd970195e, 0x5f17538a),
+         TOBN(0x52b05cbe, 0x0181e640), TOBN(0xf5debd62, 0x2643313d),
+         TOBN(0x76148154, 0x5df31f82), TOBN(0x23e03b33, 0x3a9e13c5),
+         TOBN(0xff758949, 0x4fde0c1f), TOBN(0xbf8a1abe, 0xe5b6ec20),
+         TOBN(0x702278fb, 0x87e1db6c), TOBN(0xc447ad7a, 0x35ed658f),
+         TOBN(0x48d4aa38, 0x03d0ccf2), TOBN(0x80acb338, 0x819a7c03),
+         TOBN(0x9bc7c89e, 0x6e17cecc), TOBN(0x46736b8b, 0x03be1d82),
+         TOBN(0xd65d7b60, 0xc0432f96), TOBN(0xddebe7a3, 0xdeb5442f),
+         TOBN(0x79a25307, 0x7dff69a2), TOBN(0x37a56d94, 0x02cf3122),
+         TOBN(0x8bab8aed, 0xf2350d0a), TOBN(0x13c3f276, 0x037b0d9a),
+         TOBN(0xc664957c, 0x44c65cae), TOBN(0x88b44089, 0xc2e71a88),
+         TOBN(0xdb88e5a3, 0x5cb02664), TOBN(0x5d4c0bf1, 0x8686c72e),
+         TOBN(0xea3d9b62, 0xa682d53e), TOBN(0x9b605ef4, 0x0b2ad431),
+         TOBN(0x71bac202, 0xc69645d0), TOBN(0xa115f03a, 0x6a1b66e7),
+         TOBN(0xfe2c563a, 0x158f4dc4), TOBN(0xf715b3a0, 0x4d12a78c),
+         TOBN(0x8f7f0a48, 0xd413213a), TOBN(0x2035806d, 0xc04becdb),
+         TOBN(0xecd34a99, 0x5d8587f5), TOBN(0x4d8c3079, 0x9f6d3a71),
+         TOBN(0x1b2a2a67, 0x8d95a8f6), TOBN(0xc58c9d7d, 0xf2110d0d),
+         TOBN(0xdeee81d5, 0xcf8fba3f), TOBN(0xa42be3c0, 0x0c7cdf68),
+         TOBN(0x2126f742, 0xd43b5eaa), TOBN(0x054a0766, 0xdfa59b85),
+         TOBN(0x9d0d5e36, 0x126bfd45), TOBN(0xa1f8fbd7, 0x384f8a8f),
+         TOBN(0x317680f5, 0xd563fccc), TOBN(0x48ca5055, 0xf280a928),
+         TOBN(0xe00b81b2, 0x27b578cf), TOBN(0x10aad918, 0x2994a514),
+         TOBN(0xd9e07b62, 0xb7bdc953), TOBN(0x9f0f6ff2, 0x5bc086dd),
+         TOBN(0x09d1ccff, 0x655eee77), TOBN(0x45475f79, 0x5bef7df1),
+         TOBN(0x3faa28fa, 0x86f702cc), TOBN(0x92e60905, 0x0f021f07),
+         TOBN(0xe9e62968, 0x7f8fa8c6), TOBN(0xbd71419a, 0xf036ea2c),
+         TOBN(0x171ee1cc, 0x6028da9a), TOBN(0x5352fe1a, 0xc251f573),
+         TOBN(0xf8ff236e, 0x3fa997f4), TOBN(0xd831b6c9, 0xa5749d5f),
+         TOBN(0x7c872e1d, 0xe350e2c2), TOBN(0xc56240d9, 0x1e0ce403),
+         TOBN(0xf9deb077, 0x6974f5cb), TOBN(0x7d50ba87, 0x961c3728),
+         TOBN(0xd6f89426, 0x5a3a2518), TOBN(0xcf817799, 0xc6303d43),
+         TOBN(0x510a0471, 0x619e5696), TOBN(0xab049ff6, 0x3a5e307b),
+         TOBN(0xe4cdf9b0, 0xfeb13ec7), TOBN(0xd5e97117, 0x9d8ff90c),
+         TOBN(0xf6f64d06, 0x9afa96af), TOBN(0x00d0bf5e, 0x9d2012a2),
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+         TOBN(0x1f689e2f, 0x4f43d43a), TOBN(0x4d542a16, 0x90920904),
+         TOBN(0xaea293d5, 0x9ca0a707), TOBN(0xd061fe45, 0x8ac68065),
+         TOBN(0x1033bf1b, 0x0090008c), TOBN(0x29749558, 0xc08a6db6),
+         TOBN(0x74b5fc59, 0xc1d5d034), TOBN(0xf712e9f6, 0x67e215e0),
+         TOBN(0xfd520cbd, 0x860200e6), TOBN(0x0229acb4, 0x3ea22588),
+         TOBN(0x9cd1e14c, 0xfff0c82e), TOBN(0x87684b62, 0x59c69e73),
+         TOBN(0xda85e61c, 0x96ccb989), TOBN(0x2d5dbb02, 0xa3d06493),
+         TOBN(0xf22ad33a, 0xe86b173c), TOBN(0xe8e41ea5, 0xa79ff0e3),
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+         TOBN(0xef658dbd, 0xbefc6115), TOBN(0xa5cd6ee5, 0xb3ab5314),
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+         TOBN(0xd517d8ff, 0x58389e08), TOBN(0x4fa20dee, 0x9f847288),
+         TOBN(0xeba072d8, 0xd797770a), TOBN(0x7360c91d, 0xbf429e26),
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+         TOBN(0x0ee6d3a7, 0xc35d8794), TOBN(0x042e6558, 0x0356bae5),
+         TOBN(0x9f59698d, 0x643322fd), TOBN(0x9379ae15, 0x50a61967),
+         TOBN(0x64b9ae62, 0xfcc9981e), TOBN(0xaed3d631, 0x6d2934c6),
+         TOBN(0x2454b302, 0x5e4e65eb), TOBN(0xab09f647, 0xf9950428)},
+        {TOBN(0xb2083a12, 0x22248acc), TOBN(0x1f6ec0ef, 0x3264e366),
+         TOBN(0x5659b704, 0x5afdee28), TOBN(0x7a823a40, 0xe6430bb5),
+         TOBN(0x24592a04, 0xe1900a79), TOBN(0xcde09d4a, 0xc9ee6576),
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+         TOBN(0x602d37f3, 0xdac740e3), TOBN(0x140deabe, 0x1566e4ae),
+         TOBN(0x4481d067, 0xafd32acf), TOBN(0xd8f0fcca, 0xe1f71ccf),
+         TOBN(0xd208dd0c, 0xb596f2da), TOBN(0xd049d730, 0x9aad93f9),
+         TOBN(0xc79f263d, 0x42ab580e), TOBN(0x09411bb1, 0x23f707b4),
+         TOBN(0x8cfde1ff, 0x835e0eda), TOBN(0x72707490, 0x90f03402),
+         TOBN(0xeaee6126, 0xc49a861e), TOBN(0x024f3b65, 0xe14f0d06),
+         TOBN(0x51a3f1e8, 0xc69bfc17), TOBN(0xc3c3a8e9, 0xa7686381),
+         TOBN(0x3400752c, 0xb103d4c8), TOBN(0x02bc4613, 0x9218b36b),
+         TOBN(0xc67f75eb, 0x7651504a), TOBN(0xd6848b56, 0xd02aebfa),
+         TOBN(0xbd9802e6, 0xc30fa92b), TOBN(0x5a70d96d, 0x9a552784),
+         TOBN(0x9085c4ea, 0x3f83169b), TOBN(0xfa9423bb, 0x06908228),
+         TOBN(0x2ffebe12, 0xfe97a5b9), TOBN(0x85da6049, 0x71b99118),
+         TOBN(0x9cbc2f7f, 0x63178846), TOBN(0xfd96bc70, 0x9153218e),
+         TOBN(0x958381db, 0x1782269b), TOBN(0xae34bf79, 0x2597e550),
+         TOBN(0xbb5c6064, 0x5f385153), TOBN(0x6f0e96af, 0xe3088048),
+         TOBN(0xbf6a0215, 0x77884456), TOBN(0xb3b5688c, 0x69310ea7),
+         TOBN(0x17c94295, 0x04fad2de), TOBN(0xe020f0e5, 0x17896d4d),
+         TOBN(0x730ba0ab, 0x0976505f), TOBN(0x567f6813, 0x095e2ec5),
+         TOBN(0x47062010, 0x6331ab71), TOBN(0x72cfa977, 0x41d22b9f),
+         TOBN(0x33e55ead, 0x8a2373da), TOBN(0xa8d0d5f4, 0x7ba45a68),
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+         TOBN(0xcca4428d, 0xbbe5a1a9), TOBN(0x8187fd5f, 0x3126bd67),
+         TOBN(0x0036973a, 0x48105826), TOBN(0xa39b6663, 0xb8bd61a0),
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+         TOBN(0xf611ee47, 0xdd5d564c), TOBN(0x7b2f3a49, 0xd2873077),
+         TOBN(0x94157d45, 0x300eb294), TOBN(0x2b2a656e, 0x169c1494),
+         TOBN(0xc000dd76, 0xd3a47aa9), TOBN(0xa2864e4f, 0xa6243ea4),
+         TOBN(0x82716c47, 0xdb89842e), TOBN(0x12dfd7d7, 0x61479fb7),
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+         TOBN(0xf32e5c03, 0x18d79e19), TOBN(0x8b8888ba, 0xa84117f8),
+         TOBN(0x8f3c37dc, 0xc0722677), TOBN(0x10d21be9, 0x1c1c0f27),
+         TOBN(0xd47c8468, 0xe0f7a0c6), TOBN(0x9bf02213, 0xadecc0e0),
+         TOBN(0x0baa7d12, 0x42b48b99), TOBN(0x1bcb665d, 0x48424096),
+         TOBN(0x8b847cd6, 0xebfb5cfb), TOBN(0x87c2ae56, 0x9ad4d10d),
+         TOBN(0xf1cbb122, 0x0de36726), TOBN(0xe7043c68, 0x3fdfbd21),
+         TOBN(0x4bd0826a, 0x4e79d460), TOBN(0x11f5e598, 0x4bd1a2cb),
+         TOBN(0x97554160, 0xb7fe7b6e), TOBN(0x7d16189a, 0x400a3fb2),
+         TOBN(0xd73e9bea, 0xe328ca1e), TOBN(0x0dd04b97, 0xe793d8cc),
+         TOBN(0xa9c83c9b, 0x506db8cc), TOBN(0x5cd47aae, 0xcf38814c),
+         TOBN(0x26fc430d, 0xb64b45e6), TOBN(0x079b5499, 0xd818ea84),
+         TOBN(0xebb01102, 0xc1c24a3b), TOBN(0xca24e568, 0x1c161c1a),
+         TOBN(0x103eea69, 0x36f00a4a), TOBN(0x9ad76ee8, 0x76176c7b),
+         TOBN(0x97451fc2, 0x538e0ff7), TOBN(0x94f89809, 0x6604b3b0),
+         TOBN(0x6311436e, 0x3249cfd7), TOBN(0x27b4a7bd, 0x41224f69),
+         TOBN(0x03b5d21a, 0xe0ac2941), TOBN(0x279b0254, 0xc2d31937),
+         TOBN(0x3307c052, 0xcac992d0), TOBN(0x6aa7cb92, 0xefa8b1f3),
+         TOBN(0x5a182580, 0x0d37c7a5), TOBN(0x13380c37, 0x342d5422),
+         TOBN(0x92ac2d66, 0xd5d2ef92), TOBN(0x035a70c9, 0x030c63c6),
+         TOBN(0xc16025dd, 0x4ce4f152), TOBN(0x1f419a71, 0xf9df7c06),
+         TOBN(0x6d5b2214, 0x91e4bb14), TOBN(0xfc43c6cc, 0x839fb4ce),
+         TOBN(0x49f06591, 0x925d6b2d), TOBN(0x4b37d9d3, 0x62186598),
+         TOBN(0x8c54a971, 0xd01b1629), TOBN(0xe1a9c29f, 0x51d50e05),
+         TOBN(0x5109b785, 0x71ba1861), TOBN(0x48b22d5c, 0xd0c8f93d),
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+         TOBN(0xc82115d6, 0xc5a3ef16), TOBN(0x993eff9d, 0xba079221),
+         TOBN(0xe4da2c5e, 0x4b5da81c), TOBN(0x9a89dbdb, 0x8033fd85),
+         TOBN(0x60819ebf, 0x2b892891), TOBN(0x53902b21, 0x5d14a4d5),
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+         TOBN(0x14eba133, 0xf74cff17), TOBN(0x240aaa03, 0xecb813f2),
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+         TOBN(0x009d5d16, 0xd081f6a6), TOBN(0x35304fe8, 0xeef82c90),
+         TOBN(0xf20346d5, 0xaa9eaa22), TOBN(0x0ada9f07, 0xac1c91e3),
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+         TOBN(0x352018db, 0x473133ea), TOBN(0x674ce719, 0x04fd30fc),
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+         TOBN(0x39db1cb5, 0x9e7ef8ea), TOBN(0x78aa8296, 0x64105f30),
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+         TOBN(0x67608e71, 0xbd3502ba), TOBN(0x4ef41f24, 0xb4de75a0),
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+         TOBN(0x6cde738d, 0xc6c01120), TOBN(0x71db0813, 0xae70e0db),
+         TOBN(0x95fc0644, 0x74afe18c), TOBN(0x34619053, 0x129e2be7),
+         TOBN(0x80615cea, 0xdb2a3b15), TOBN(0x0a49a19e, 0xdb4c7073),
+         TOBN(0x0e1b84c8, 0x8fd2d367), TOBN(0xd74bf462, 0x033fb8aa),
+         TOBN(0x889f6d65, 0x533ef217), TOBN(0x7158c7e4, 0xc3ca2e87),
+         TOBN(0xfb670dfb, 0xdc2b4167), TOBN(0x75910a01, 0x844c257f),
+         TOBN(0xf336bf07, 0xcf88577d), TOBN(0x22245250, 0xe45e2ace),
+         TOBN(0x2ed92e8d, 0x7ca23d85), TOBN(0x29f8be4c, 0x2b812f58),
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+         TOBN(0xc6706f8e, 0xec986416), TOBN(0x9e56dec1, 0x9a9fc225),
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+         TOBN(0x4bee3271, 0x9a5103f1), TOBN(0x5243efc6, 0xf50eac06),
+         TOBN(0xb8e122cb, 0x6adcc119), TOBN(0x1b7faa84, 0xc0b80a08),
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+         TOBN(0x5f8aa610, 0x0ea90cd9), TOBN(0xc8892c68, 0x16d5830d),
+         TOBN(0xeb4befc0, 0xef514ca5), TOBN(0x478eb679, 0xe72c9ee6),
+         TOBN(0x9bca20da, 0xdbc40d5f), TOBN(0xf015de21, 0xdde4f64a),
+         TOBN(0xaa6a4de0, 0xeaf4b8a5), TOBN(0x68cfd9ca, 0x4bc60e32),
+         TOBN(0x668a4b01, 0x7fd15e70), TOBN(0xd9f0694a, 0xf27dc09d),
+         TOBN(0xf6c3cad5, 0xba708bcd), TOBN(0x5cd2ba69, 0x5bb95c2a),
+         TOBN(0xaa28c1d3, 0x33c0a58f), TOBN(0x23e274e3, 0xabc77870),
+         TOBN(0x44c3692d, 0xdfd20a4a), TOBN(0x091c5fd3, 0x81a66653),
+         TOBN(0x6c0bb691, 0x09a0757d), TOBN(0x9072e8b9, 0x667343ea),
+         TOBN(0x31d40eb0, 0x80848bec), TOBN(0x95bd480a, 0x79fd36cc),
+         TOBN(0x01a77c61, 0x65ed43f5), TOBN(0xafccd127, 0x2e0d40bf),
+         TOBN(0xeccfc82d, 0x1cc1884b), TOBN(0xc85ac201, 0x5d4753b4),
+         TOBN(0xc7a6caac, 0x658e099f), TOBN(0xcf46369e, 0x04b27390),
+         TOBN(0xe2e7d049, 0x506467ea), TOBN(0x481b63a2, 0x37cdeccc),
+         TOBN(0x4029abd8, 0xed80143a), TOBN(0x28bfe3c7, 0xbcb00b88),
+         TOBN(0x3bec1009, 0x0643d84a), TOBN(0x885f3668, 0xabd11041),
+         TOBN(0xdb02432c, 0xf83a34d6), TOBN(0x32f7b360, 0x719ceebe),
+         TOBN(0xf06c7837, 0xdad1fe7a), TOBN(0x60a157a9, 0x5441a0b0),
+         TOBN(0x704970e9, 0xe2d47550), TOBN(0xcd2bd553, 0x271b9020),
+         TOBN(0xff57f82f, 0x33e24a0b), TOBN(0x9cbee23f, 0xf2565079),
+         TOBN(0x16353427, 0xeb5f5825), TOBN(0x276feec4, 0xe948d662),
+         TOBN(0xd1b62bc6, 0xda10032b), TOBN(0x718351dd, 0xf0e72a53),
+         TOBN(0x93452076, 0x2420e7ba), TOBN(0x96368fff, 0x3a00118d),
+         TOBN(0x00ce2d26, 0x150a49e4), TOBN(0x0c28b636, 0x3f04706b),
+         TOBN(0xbad65a46, 0x58b196d0), TOBN(0x6c8455fc, 0xec9f8b7c),
+         TOBN(0xe90c895f, 0x2d71867e), TOBN(0x5c0be31b, 0xedf9f38c),
+         TOBN(0x2a37a15e, 0xd8f6ec04), TOBN(0x239639e7, 0x8cd85251),
+         TOBN(0xd8975315, 0x9c7c4c6b), TOBN(0x603aa3c0, 0xd7409af7),
+         TOBN(0xb8d53d0c, 0x007132fb), TOBN(0x68d12af7, 0xa6849238),
+         TOBN(0xbe0607e7, 0xbf5d9279), TOBN(0x9aa50055, 0xaada74ce),
+         TOBN(0xe81079cb, 0xba7e8ccb), TOBN(0x610c71d1, 0xa5f4ff5e),
+         TOBN(0x9e2ee1a7, 0x5aa07093), TOBN(0xca84004b, 0xa75da47c),
+         TOBN(0x074d3951, 0x3de75401), TOBN(0xf938f756, 0xbb311592),
+         TOBN(0x96197618, 0x00a43421), TOBN(0x39a25362, 0x07bc78c8),
+         TOBN(0x278f710a, 0x0a171276), TOBN(0xb28446ea, 0x8d1a8f08),
+         TOBN(0x184781bf, 0xe3b6a661), TOBN(0x7751cb1d, 0xe6d279f7),
+         TOBN(0xf8ff95d6, 0xc59eb662), TOBN(0x186d90b7, 0x58d3dea7),
+         TOBN(0x0e4bb6c1, 0xdfb4f754), TOBN(0x5c5cf56b, 0x2b2801dc),
+         TOBN(0xc561e452, 0x1f54564d), TOBN(0xb4fb8c60, 0xf0dd7f13),
+         TOBN(0xf8849630, 0x33ff98c7), TOBN(0x9619fffa, 0xcf17769c),
+         TOBN(0xf8090bf6, 0x1bfdd80a), TOBN(0x14d9a149, 0x422cfe63),
+         TOBN(0xb354c360, 0x6f6df9ea), TOBN(0xdbcf770d, 0x218f17ea),
+         TOBN(0x207db7c8, 0x79eb3480), TOBN(0x213dbda8, 0x559b6a26),
+         TOBN(0xac4c200b, 0x29fc81b3), TOBN(0xebc3e09f, 0x171d87c1),
+         TOBN(0x91799530, 0x1481aa9e), TOBN(0x051b92e1, 0x92e114fa),
+         TOBN(0xdf8f92e9, 0xecb5537f), TOBN(0x44b1b2cc, 0x290c7483),
+         TOBN(0xa711455a, 0x2adeb016), TOBN(0x964b6856, 0x81a10c2c),
+         TOBN(0x4f159d99, 0xcec03623), TOBN(0x05532225, 0xef3271ea),
+         TOBN(0xb231bea3, 0xc5ee4849), TOBN(0x57a54f50, 0x7094f103),
+         TOBN(0x3e2d421d, 0x9598b352), TOBN(0xe865a49c, 0x67412ab4),
+         TOBN(0xd2998a25, 0x1cc3a912), TOBN(0x5d092808, 0x0c74d65d),
+         TOBN(0x73f45908, 0x4088567a), TOBN(0xeb6b280e, 0x1f214a61),
+         TOBN(0x8c9adc34, 0xcaf0c13d), TOBN(0x39d12938, 0xf561fb80),
+         TOBN(0xb2dc3a5e, 0xbc6edfb4), TOBN(0x7485b1b1, 0xfe4d210e),
+         TOBN(0x062e0400, 0xe186ae72), TOBN(0x91e32d5c, 0x6eeb3b88),
+         TOBN(0x6df574d7, 0x4be59224), TOBN(0xebc88ccc, 0x716d55f3),
+         TOBN(0x26c2e6d0, 0xcad6ed33), TOBN(0xc6e21e7d, 0x0d3e8b10),
+         TOBN(0x2cc5840e, 0x5bcc36bb), TOBN(0x9292445e, 0x7da74f69),
+         TOBN(0x8be8d321, 0x4e5193a8), TOBN(0x3ec23629, 0x8df06413),
+         TOBN(0xc7e9ae85, 0xb134defa), TOBN(0x6073b1d0, 0x1bb2d475),
+         TOBN(0xb9ad615e, 0x2863c00d), TOBN(0x9e29493d, 0x525f4ac4),
+         TOBN(0xc32b1dea, 0x4e9acf4f), TOBN(0x3e1f01c8, 0xa50db88d),
+         TOBN(0xb05d70ea, 0x04da916c), TOBN(0x714b0d0a, 0xd865803e),
+         TOBN(0x4bd493fc, 0x9920cb5e), TOBN(0x5b44b1f7, 0x92c7a3ac),
+         TOBN(0xa2a77293, 0xbcec9235), TOBN(0x5ee06e87, 0xcd378553),
+         TOBN(0xceff8173, 0xda621607), TOBN(0x2bb03e4c, 0x99f5d290),
+         TOBN(0x2945106a, 0xa6f734ac), TOBN(0xb5056604, 0xd25c4732),
+         TOBN(0x5945920c, 0xe079afee), TOBN(0x686e17a0, 0x6789831f),
+         TOBN(0x5966bee8, 0xb74a5ae5), TOBN(0x38a673a2, 0x1e258d46),
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+         TOBN(0xcd3aa896, 0x74e5fc78), TOBN(0x415ec10c, 0x2482fa7a),
+         TOBN(0x15234419, 0x80503380), TOBN(0x513d917a, 0xd314b392),
+         TOBN(0xb0b52f4e, 0x63caecae), TOBN(0x07bf22ad, 0x2dc7780b),
+         TOBN(0xe761e8a1, 0xe4306839), TOBN(0x1b3be962, 0x5dd7feaa),
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+         TOBN(0x85205a31, 0x6ec3f510), TOBN(0x2c7e4a14, 0xd2980475),
+         TOBN(0xde3c19c0, 0x6f30ebfd), TOBN(0xdb1c1f38, 0xd4b7e644),
+         TOBN(0xfe291a75, 0x5dce364a), TOBN(0xb7b22a3c, 0x058f5be3),
+         TOBN(0x2cd2c302, 0x37fea38c), TOBN(0x2930967a, 0x2e17be17),
+         TOBN(0x87f009de, 0x0c061c65), TOBN(0xcb014aac, 0xedc6ed44),
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+         TOBN(0xd8da2055, 0x4c20cea5), TOBN(0xcac2776e, 0x14c4d69a),
+         TOBN(0xcccb22c1, 0x622d599b), TOBN(0xa4ddb653, 0x68a9bb50),
+         TOBN(0x2c4ff151, 0x1b4941b4), TOBN(0xe1ff19b4, 0x6efba588),
+         TOBN(0x35034363, 0xc48345e0), TOBN(0x45542e3d, 0x1e29dfc4),
+         TOBN(0xf197cb91, 0x349f7aed), TOBN(0x3b2b5a00, 0x8fca8420),
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+         TOBN(0xc7c43673, 0x99807db5), TOBN(0x77a54455, 0x9cd55bcd),
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+         TOBN(0xfbb9b245, 0x2133ffd9), TOBN(0x39a8b2f1, 0x830f1a20),
+         TOBN(0x484bc97d, 0xd5a1f52a), TOBN(0xd6aebf56, 0xa40eddf8),
+         TOBN(0x32257acb, 0x76ccdac6), TOBN(0xaf4d36ec, 0x1586ff27),
+         TOBN(0x8eaa8863, 0xf8de7dd1), TOBN(0x0045d5cf, 0x88647c16)},
+        {TOBN(0xa6f3d574, 0xc005979d), TOBN(0xc2072b42, 0x6a40e350),
+         TOBN(0xfca5c156, 0x8de2ecf9), TOBN(0xa8c8bf5b, 0xa515344e),
+         TOBN(0x97aee555, 0x114df14a), TOBN(0xd4374a4d, 0xfdc5ec6b),
+         TOBN(0x754cc28f, 0x2ca85418), TOBN(0x71cb9e27, 0xd3c41f78),
+         TOBN(0x89105079, 0x03605c39), TOBN(0xf0843d9e, 0xa142c96c),
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+         TOBN(0x39cd818e, 0xa6eda3ac), TOBN(0xe2e94239, 0x9e2b2e07),
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+         TOBN(0x28be2b24, 0xb1af8483), TOBN(0xb2278163, 0xf5531614),
+         TOBN(0x8df27545, 0x5922ac1c), TOBN(0xa7b3ef5c, 0xa52b3f63),
+         TOBN(0x8e77b214, 0x71de57c4), TOBN(0x31682c10, 0x834c008b),
+         TOBN(0xc76824f0, 0x4bd55d31), TOBN(0xb6d1c086, 0x17b61c71),
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+         TOBN(0x49690939, 0xc620ff46), TOBN(0x182dd27d, 0x8717e91c),
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+         TOBN(0x10e265ac, 0xd872db61), TOBN(0x6982812e, 0xae9fce69),
+         TOBN(0x29be11c6, 0xce800998), TOBN(0x72bb1752, 0xb90360d9),
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+         TOBN(0x94f06965, 0xb493c465), TOBN(0x638b9a1c, 0x7635c030),
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+         TOBN(0xca2eb690, 0x768fccfc), TOBN(0xf402d37d, 0xb835b362),
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+         TOBN(0x2af12b72, 0xd1669a8b), TOBN(0x33c536bc, 0x5774ccbd),
+         TOBN(0x30b21909, 0xfb34870e), TOBN(0xc38fa2f7, 0x7df25aca),
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+         TOBN(0x94bc9e5b, 0xc016e4ea), TOBN(0xd3916839, 0x11d43d2b),
+         TOBN(0x886c5ad7, 0x73701155), TOBN(0xe0377626, 0x20b00715),
+         TOBN(0x7f01c9ec, 0xaa80ba59), TOBN(0x3083411a, 0x68538e51),
+         TOBN(0x970370f1, 0xe88128af), TOBN(0x625cc3db, 0x91dec14b),
+         TOBN(0xfef9666c, 0x01ac3107), TOBN(0xb2a8d577, 0xd5057ac3),
+         TOBN(0xb0f26299, 0x92be5df7), TOBN(0xf579c8e5, 0x00353924),
+         TOBN(0xb8fa3d93, 0x1341ed7a), TOBN(0x4223272c, 0xa7b59d49),
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+         TOBN(0xf6902fe6, 0x25aa96ca), TOBN(0xb73540e4, 0xe5aae47d),
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+         TOBN(0xa6ef9dd3, 0xeb7958f2), TOBN(0xa7226dfc, 0x300879b1),
+         TOBN(0x6cd0b362, 0x7edf0636), TOBN(0x4efbce6c, 0x7bc37eed),
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+         TOBN(0x378ca5f1, 0x761ad23a), TOBN(0x650d86fc, 0x1465a8ac),
+         TOBN(0x7a4ed457, 0x842ba251), TOBN(0x6b65e3e6, 0x42234933),
+         TOBN(0xaf1543b7, 0x31aad657), TOBN(0xa4cefe98, 0xcbfec369),
+         TOBN(0xb587da90, 0x9f47befb), TOBN(0x6562e9fb, 0x41312d13),
+         TOBN(0xa691ea59, 0xeff1cefe), TOBN(0xcc30477a, 0x05fc4cf6),
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+         TOBN(0xe1ca5807, 0x6db476cb), TOBN(0xfde15d62, 0x5f37a31e),
+         TOBN(0xf49af520, 0xf41af416), TOBN(0x96c5c5b1, 0x7d342db5),
+         TOBN(0x155c43b7, 0xeb4ceb9b), TOBN(0x2e993010, 0x4e77371a),
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+         TOBN(0x96894b7b, 0x9342f6b2), TOBN(0x201eadf2, 0x7c8e71f0),
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+         TOBN(0xeafd44b6, 0xb3eba40c), TOBN(0xf9739f29, 0xc1c1e0d0),
+         TOBN(0x0091471a, 0x619d505e), TOBN(0xc15f9c96, 0x9d7c263e),
+         TOBN(0x5be47285, 0x83afbe33), TOBN(0xa3b6d6af, 0x04f1e092),
+         TOBN(0xe76526b9, 0x751a9d11), TOBN(0x2ec5b26d, 0x9a4ae4d2),
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+         TOBN(0xcc50ef6c, 0x872b4a60), TOBN(0xab2a34a4, 0x4613521b),
+         TOBN(0x39c5c190, 0x983e15d1), TOBN(0x61dde5df, 0x59905512),
+         TOBN(0xe417f621, 0x9f2275f3), TOBN(0x0750c8b6, 0x451d894b),
+         TOBN(0x75b04ab9, 0x78b0bdaa), TOBN(0x3bfd9fd4, 0x458589bd),
+         TOBN(0xf1013e30, 0xee9120b6), TOBN(0x2b51af93, 0x23a4743e),
+         TOBN(0xea96ffae, 0x48d14d9e), TOBN(0x71dc0dbe, 0x698a1d32),
+         TOBN(0x914962d2, 0x0180cca4), TOBN(0x1ae60677, 0xc3568963),
+         TOBN(0x8cf227b1, 0x437bc444), TOBN(0xc650c83b, 0xc9962c7a),
+         TOBN(0x23c2c7dd, 0xfe7ccfc4), TOBN(0xf925c89d, 0x1b929d48),
+         TOBN(0x4460f74b, 0x06783c33), TOBN(0xac2c8d49, 0xa590475a),
+         TOBN(0xfb40b407, 0xb807bba0), TOBN(0x9d1e362d, 0x69ff8f3a),
+         TOBN(0xa33e9681, 0xcbef64a4), TOBN(0x67ece5fa, 0x332fb4b2),
+         TOBN(0x6900a99b, 0x739f10e3), TOBN(0xc3341ca9, 0xff525925),
+         TOBN(0xee18a626, 0xa9e2d041), TOBN(0xa5a83685, 0x29580ddd),
+         TOBN(0xf3470c81, 0x9d7de3cd), TOBN(0xedf02586, 0x2062cf9c),
+         TOBN(0xf43522fa, 0xc010edb0), TOBN(0x30314135, 0x13a4b1ae),
+         TOBN(0xc792e02a, 0xdb22b94b), TOBN(0x993d8ae9, 0xa1eaa45b),
+         TOBN(0x8aad6cd3, 0xcd1e1c63), TOBN(0x89529ca7, 0xc5ce688a),
+         TOBN(0x2ccee3aa, 0xe572a253), TOBN(0xe02b6438, 0x02a21efb),
+         TOBN(0xa7091b6e, 0xc9430358), TOBN(0x06d1b1fa, 0x9d7db504),
+         TOBN(0x58846d32, 0xc4744733), TOBN(0x40517c71, 0x379f9e34),
+         TOBN(0x2f65655f, 0x130ef6ca), TOBN(0x526e4488, 0xf1f3503f),
+         TOBN(0x8467bd17, 0x7ee4a976), TOBN(0x1d9dc913, 0x921363d1),
+         TOBN(0xd8d24c33, 0xb069e041), TOBN(0x5eb5da0a, 0x2cdf7f51),
+         TOBN(0x1c0f3cb1, 0x197b994f), TOBN(0x3c95a6c5, 0x2843eae9),
+         TOBN(0x7766ffc9, 0xa6097ea5), TOBN(0x7bea4093, 0xd723b867),
+         TOBN(0xb48e1f73, 0x4db378f9), TOBN(0x70025b00, 0xe37b77ac),
+         TOBN(0x943dc8e7, 0xaf24ad46), TOBN(0xb98a15ac, 0x16d00a85),
+         TOBN(0x3adc38ba, 0x2743b004), TOBN(0xb1c7f4f7, 0x334415ee),
+         TOBN(0xea43df8f, 0x1e62d05a), TOBN(0x32618905, 0x9d76a3b6),
+         TOBN(0x2fbd0bb5, 0xa23a0f46), TOBN(0x5bc971db, 0x6a01918c),
+         TOBN(0x7801d94a, 0xb4743f94), TOBN(0xb94df65e, 0x676ae22b),
+         TOBN(0xaafcbfab, 0xaf95894c), TOBN(0x7b9bdc07, 0x276b2241),
+         TOBN(0xeaf98362, 0x5bdda48b), TOBN(0x5977faf2, 0xa3fcb4df),
+         TOBN(0xbed042ef, 0x052c4b5b), TOBN(0x9fe87f71, 0x067591f0),
+         TOBN(0xc89c73ca, 0x22f24ec7), TOBN(0x7d37fa9e, 0xe64a9f1b),
+         TOBN(0x2710841a, 0x15562627), TOBN(0x2c01a613, 0xc243b034),
+         TOBN(0x1d135c56, 0x2bc68609), TOBN(0xc2ca1715, 0x8b03f1f6),
+         TOBN(0xc9966c2d, 0x3eb81d82), TOBN(0xc02abf4a, 0x8f6df13e),
+         TOBN(0x77b34bd7, 0x8f72b43b), TOBN(0xaff6218f, 0x360c82b0),
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+         TOBN(0x9097549c, 0xefb9e72a), TOBN(0x16755712, 0x9dfb3111),
+         TOBN(0xdd8bf984, 0xf26847f9), TOBN(0xbcb8e387, 0xdfb30cb7),
+         TOBN(0xc1fd32a7, 0x5171ef9c), TOBN(0x977f3fc7, 0x389b363f),
+         TOBN(0x116eaf2b, 0xf4babda0), TOBN(0xfeab68bd, 0xf7113c8e),
+         TOBN(0xd1e3f064, 0xb7def526), TOBN(0x1ac30885, 0xe0b3fa02),
+         TOBN(0x1c5a6e7b, 0x40142d9d), TOBN(0x839b5603, 0x30921c0b),
+         TOBN(0x48f301fa, 0x36a116a3), TOBN(0x380e1107, 0xcfd9ee6d),
+         TOBN(0x7945ead8, 0x58854be1), TOBN(0x4111c12e, 0xcbd4d49d),
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+         TOBN(0x6c32117a, 0x0f8fdde4), TOBN(0x9abe5cc5, 0xa26a9bbc),
+         TOBN(0xcff560fb, 0x9723f671), TOBN(0x21b2a12d, 0x7f3d593c),
+         TOBN(0xe4cb18da, 0x24ba0696), TOBN(0x186e2220, 0xc3543384),
+         TOBN(0x722f64e0, 0x88312c29), TOBN(0x94282a99, 0x17dc7752),
+         TOBN(0x62467bbf, 0x5a85ee89), TOBN(0xf435c650, 0xf10076a0),
+         TOBN(0xc9ff1539, 0x43b3a50b), TOBN(0x7132130c, 0x1a53efbc),
+         TOBN(0x31bfe063, 0xf7b0c5b7), TOBN(0xb0179a7d, 0x4ea994cc),
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+         TOBN(0xbd781480, 0x45ee2f40), TOBN(0x75e354af, 0x416b60cf),
+         TOBN(0xde0b58a1, 0x8d49a8c4), TOBN(0xe40e94e2, 0xfa359536),
+         TOBN(0xbd4fa59f, 0x62accd76), TOBN(0x05cf466a, 0x8c762837),
+         TOBN(0xb5abda99, 0x448c277b), TOBN(0x5a9e01bf, 0x48b13740),
+         TOBN(0x9d457798, 0x326aad8d), TOBN(0xbdef4954, 0xc396f7e7),
+         TOBN(0x6fb274a2, 0xc253e292), TOBN(0x2800bf0a, 0x1cfe53e7),
+         TOBN(0x22426d31, 0x44438fd4), TOBN(0xef233923, 0x5e259f9a),
+         TOBN(0x4188503c, 0x03f66264), TOBN(0x9e5e7f13, 0x7f9fdfab),
+         TOBN(0x565eb76c, 0x5fcc1aba), TOBN(0xea632548, 0x59b5bff8),
+         TOBN(0x5587c087, 0xaab6d3fa), TOBN(0x92b639ea, 0x6ce39c1b),
+         TOBN(0x0706e782, 0x953b135c), TOBN(0x7308912e, 0x425268ef),
+         TOBN(0x599e92c7, 0x090e7469), TOBN(0x83b90f52, 0x9bc35e75),
+         TOBN(0x4750b3d0, 0x244975b3), TOBN(0xf3a44358, 0x11965d72),
+         TOBN(0x179c6774, 0x9c8dc751), TOBN(0xff18cdfe, 0xd23d9ff0),
+         TOBN(0xc4013833, 0x2028e247), TOBN(0x96e280e2, 0xf3bfbc79),
+         TOBN(0xf60417bd, 0xd0880a84), TOBN(0x263c9f3d, 0x2a568151),
+         TOBN(0x36be15b3, 0x2d2ce811), TOBN(0x846dc0c2, 0xf8291d21),
+         TOBN(0x5cfa0ecb, 0x789fcfdb), TOBN(0x45a0beed, 0xd7535b9a),
+         TOBN(0xec8e9f07, 0x96d69af1), TOBN(0x31a7c5b8, 0x599ab6dc),
+         TOBN(0xd36d45ef, 0xf9e2e09f), TOBN(0x3cf49ef1, 0xdcee954b),
+         TOBN(0x6be34cf3, 0x086cff9b), TOBN(0x88dbd491, 0x39a3360f),
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+         TOBN(0x0547b214, 0x28819d98), TOBN(0xc770dd9c, 0x7aea9dcb),
+         TOBN(0xaef0d4c7, 0x041d68c8), TOBN(0xcc2b9818, 0x13cb9ba8),
+         TOBN(0x7fc7bc76, 0xfe86c607), TOBN(0x6b7b9337, 0x502a9a95),
+         TOBN(0x1948dc27, 0xd14dab63), TOBN(0x249dd198, 0xdae047be),
+         TOBN(0xe8356584, 0xa981a202), TOBN(0x3531dd18, 0x3a893387),
+         TOBN(0x1be11f90, 0xc85c7209), TOBN(0x93d2fe1e, 0xe2a52b5a),
+         TOBN(0x8225bfe2, 0xec6d6b97), TOBN(0x9cf6d6f4, 0xbd0aa5de),
+         TOBN(0x911459cb, 0x54779f5f), TOBN(0x5649cddb, 0x86aeb1f3),
+         TOBN(0x32133579, 0x3f26ce5a), TOBN(0xc289a102, 0x550f431e),
+         TOBN(0x559dcfda, 0x73b84c6f), TOBN(0x84973819, 0xee3ac4d7),
+         TOBN(0xb51e55e6, 0xf2606a82), TOBN(0xe25f7061, 0x90f2fb57),
+         TOBN(0xacef6c2a, 0xb1a4e37c), TOBN(0x864e359d, 0x5dcf2706),
+         TOBN(0x479e6b18, 0x7ce57316), TOBN(0x2cab2500, 0x3a96b23d),
+         TOBN(0xed489862, 0x8ef16df7), TOBN(0x2056538c, 0xef3758b5),
+         TOBN(0xa7df865e, 0xf15d3101), TOBN(0x80c5533a, 0x61b553d7),
+         TOBN(0x366e1997, 0x4ed14294), TOBN(0x6620741f, 0xb3c0bcd6),
+         TOBN(0x21d1d9c4, 0xedc45418), TOBN(0x005b859e, 0xc1cc4a9d),
+         TOBN(0xdf01f630, 0xa1c462f0), TOBN(0x15d06cf3, 0xf26820c7),
+         TOBN(0x9f7f24ee, 0x3484be47), TOBN(0x2ff33e96, 0x4a0c902f),
+         TOBN(0x00bdf457, 0x5a0bc453), TOBN(0x2378dfaf, 0x1aa238db),
+         TOBN(0x272420ec, 0x856720f2), TOBN(0x2ad9d95b, 0x96797291),
+         TOBN(0xd1242cc6, 0x768a1558), TOBN(0x2e287f8b, 0x5cc86aa8),
+         TOBN(0x796873d0, 0x990cecaa), TOBN(0xade55f81, 0x675d4080),
+         TOBN(0x2645eea3, 0x21f0cd84), TOBN(0x7a1efa0f, 0xb4e17d02),
+         TOBN(0xf6858420, 0x037cc061), TOBN(0x682e05f0, 0xd5d43e12),
+         TOBN(0x59c36994, 0x27218710), TOBN(0x85cbba4d, 0x3f7cd2fc),
+         TOBN(0x726f9729, 0x7a3cd22a), TOBN(0x9f8cd5dc, 0x4a628397),
+         TOBN(0x17b93ab9, 0xc23165ed), TOBN(0xff5f5dbf, 0x122823d4),
+         TOBN(0xc1e4e4b5, 0x654a446d), TOBN(0xd1a9496f, 0x677257ba),
+         TOBN(0x6387ba94, 0xde766a56), TOBN(0x23608bc8, 0x521ec74a),
+         TOBN(0x16a522d7, 0x6688c4d4), TOBN(0x9d6b4282, 0x07373abd),
+         TOBN(0xa62f07ac, 0xb42efaa3), TOBN(0xf73e00f7, 0xe3b90180),
+         TOBN(0x36175fec, 0x49421c3e), TOBN(0xc4e44f9b, 0x3dcf2678),
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+         TOBN(0xbab89d57, 0x446139cc), TOBN(0x0a0a6e02, 0x5fe0208f),
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+         TOBN(0x37893913, 0xf7fc0586), TOBN(0x385315f7, 0x66bf4719),
+         TOBN(0x72c56293, 0xb31855dc), TOBN(0xd1416d4e, 0x849061fe),
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+         TOBN(0xb9255f96, 0xe22db218), TOBN(0x8cc6d9eb, 0x08a34c44),
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+         TOBN(0x885b2434, 0xd722df94), TOBN(0x6a444f65, 0xe6fc6b7c)},
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+         TOBN(0xc7a99ccd, 0xe526cdc7), TOBN(0x8e537fdc, 0x22292b81),
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+         TOBN(0x56c2e05b, 0x1cb76219), TOBN(0x0ec0bf91, 0x71567e7e),
+         TOBN(0xe7076f86, 0x61c4c910), TOBN(0xd67b085b, 0xbabc04d9),
+         TOBN(0x9fb90459, 0x5e93a96a), TOBN(0x7526c1ea, 0xfbdc249a),
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+         TOBN(0xe7667cd1, 0x2fe5325c), TOBN(0x1fa297b5, 0x21974e3b),
+         TOBN(0xfa4081e7, 0xdb083d76), TOBN(0x31993be6, 0xf206bd15),
+         TOBN(0x8949269b, 0x14c19f8c), TOBN(0x21468d72, 0xa9d92357),
+         TOBN(0x2ccbc583, 0xa4c506ec), TOBN(0x957ed188, 0xd1acfe97),
+         TOBN(0x8baed833, 0x12f1aea2), TOBN(0xef2a6cb4, 0x8325362d),
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+         TOBN(0xd9f090b9, 0x10a5a8bd), TOBN(0xca91d249, 0x096864da),
+         TOBN(0x8e6a93be, 0x3f67dbc1), TOBN(0xacae6fba, 0xf5f4764c),
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+         TOBN(0x4768a8dd, 0x87880e61), TOBN(0x15543815, 0xe508e4d5),
+         TOBN(0x09d7e772, 0xb1b65e15), TOBN(0x63439dd6, 0xac302fa0),
+         TOBN(0xb93f802f, 0xc14e35c2), TOBN(0x71735b7c, 0x4341333c),
+         TOBN(0x03a25104, 0x16d4f362), TOBN(0x3f4d069b, 0xbf433c8e),
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+         TOBN(0xc74f8906, 0x76e10f83), TOBN(0x7d080966, 0x9ddaf8e1),
+         TOBN(0xb11df8e1, 0x698e04cc), TOBN(0x877be203, 0x169005c8),
+         TOBN(0x32749e8c, 0x4f3c6179), TOBN(0x2dbc9d0a, 0x7853fc05),
+         TOBN(0x187d4f93, 0x9454d937), TOBN(0xe682ce9d, 0xb4800e1b),
+         TOBN(0xa9129ad8, 0x165e68e8), TOBN(0x0fe29735, 0xbe7f785b),
+         TOBN(0x5303f40c, 0x5b9e02b7), TOBN(0xa37c9692, 0x35ee04e8),
+         TOBN(0x5f46cc20, 0x34d6632b), TOBN(0x55ef72b2, 0x96ac545b),
+         TOBN(0xabec5c1f, 0x7b91b062), TOBN(0x0a79e1c7, 0xbb33e821),
+         TOBN(0xbb04b428, 0x3a9f4117), TOBN(0x0de1f28f, 0xfd2a475a),
+         TOBN(0x31019ccf, 0x3a4434b4), TOBN(0xa3458111, 0x1a7954dc),
+         TOBN(0xa9dac80d, 0xe34972a7), TOBN(0xb043d054, 0x74f6b8dd),
+         TOBN(0x021c319e, 0x11137b1a), TOBN(0x00a754ce, 0xed5cc03f),
+         TOBN(0x0aa2c794, 0xcbea5ad4), TOBN(0x093e67f4, 0x70c015b6),
+         TOBN(0x72cdfee9, 0xc97e3f6b), TOBN(0xc10bcab4, 0xb6da7461),
+         TOBN(0x3b02d2fc, 0xb59806b9), TOBN(0x85185e89, 0xa1de6f47),
+         TOBN(0x39e6931f, 0x0eb6c4d4), TOBN(0x4d4440bd, 0xd4fa5b04),
+         TOBN(0x5418786e, 0x34be7eb8), TOBN(0x6380e521, 0x9d7259bc),
+         TOBN(0x20ac0351, 0xd598d710), TOBN(0x272c4166, 0xcb3a4da4),
+         TOBN(0xdb82fe1a, 0xca71de1f), TOBN(0x746e79f2, 0xd8f54b0f),
+         TOBN(0x6e7fc736, 0x4b573e9b), TOBN(0x75d03f46, 0xfd4b5040),
+         TOBN(0x5c1cc36d, 0x0b98d87b), TOBN(0x513ba3f1, 0x1f472da1),
+         TOBN(0x79d0af26, 0xabb177dd), TOBN(0xf82ab568, 0x7891d564),
+         TOBN(0x2b6768a9, 0x72232173), TOBN(0xefbb3bb0, 0x8c1f6619),
+         TOBN(0xb29c11db, 0xa6d18358), TOBN(0x519e2797, 0xb0916d3a),
+         TOBN(0xd4dc18f0, 0x9188e290), TOBN(0x648e86e3, 0x98b0ca7f),
+         TOBN(0x859d3145, 0x983c38b5), TOBN(0xb14f176c, 0x637abc8b),
+         TOBN(0x2793fb9d, 0xcaff7be6), TOBN(0xebe5a55f, 0x35a66a5a),
+         TOBN(0x7cec1dcd, 0x9f87dc59), TOBN(0x7c595cd3, 0xfbdbf560),
+         TOBN(0x5b543b22, 0x26eb3257), TOBN(0x69080646, 0xc4c935fd),
+         TOBN(0x7f2e4403, 0x81e9ede3), TOBN(0x243c3894, 0xcaf6df0a),
+         TOBN(0x7c605bb1, 0x1c073b11), TOBN(0xcd06a541, 0xba6a4a62),
+         TOBN(0x29168949, 0x49d4e2e5), TOBN(0x33649d07, 0x4af66880),
+         TOBN(0xbfc0c885, 0xe9a85035), TOBN(0xb4e52113, 0xfc410f4b),
+         TOBN(0xdca3b706, 0x78a6513b), TOBN(0x92ea4a2a, 0x9edb1943),
+         TOBN(0x02642216, 0xdb6e2dd8), TOBN(0x9b45d0b4, 0x9fd57894),
+         TOBN(0x114e70db, 0xc69d11ae), TOBN(0x1477dd19, 0x4c57595f),
+         TOBN(0xbc2208b4, 0xec77c272), TOBN(0x95c5b4d7, 0xdb68f59c),
+         TOBN(0xb8c4fc63, 0x42e532b7), TOBN(0x386ba422, 0x9ae35290),
+         TOBN(0xfb5dda42, 0xd201ecbc), TOBN(0x2353dc8b, 0xa0e38fd6),
+         TOBN(0x9a0b85ea, 0x68f7e978), TOBN(0x96ec5682, 0x2ad6d11f),
+         TOBN(0x5e279d6c, 0xe5f6886d), TOBN(0xd3fe03cd, 0x3cb1914d),
+         TOBN(0xfe541fa4, 0x7ea67c77), TOBN(0x952bd2af, 0xe3ea810c),
+         TOBN(0x791fef56, 0x8d01d374), TOBN(0xa3a1c621, 0x0f11336e),
+         TOBN(0x5ad0d5a9, 0xc7ec6d79), TOBN(0xff7038af, 0x3225c342),
+         TOBN(0x003c6689, 0xbc69601b), TOBN(0x25059bc7, 0x45e8747d),
+         TOBN(0xfa4965b2, 0xf2086fbf), TOBN(0xf6840ea6, 0x86916078),
+         TOBN(0xd7ac7620, 0x70081d6c), TOBN(0xe600da31, 0xb5328645),
+         TOBN(0x01916f63, 0x529b8a80), TOBN(0xe80e4858, 0x2d7d6f3e),
+         TOBN(0x29eb0fe8, 0xd664ca7c), TOBN(0xf017637b, 0xe7b43b0c),
+         TOBN(0x9a75c806, 0x76cb2566), TOBN(0x8f76acb1, 0xb24892d9),
+         TOBN(0x7ae7b9cc, 0x1f08fe45), TOBN(0x19ef7329, 0x6a4907d8),
+         TOBN(0x2db4ab71, 0x5f228bf0), TOBN(0xf3cdea39, 0x817032d7),
+         TOBN(0x0b1f482e, 0xdcabe3c0), TOBN(0x3baf76b4, 0xbb86325c),
+         TOBN(0xd49065e0, 0x10089465), TOBN(0x3bab5d29, 0x8e77c596),
+         TOBN(0x7636c3a6, 0x193dbd95), TOBN(0xdef5d294, 0xb246e499),
+         TOBN(0xb22c58b9, 0x286b2475), TOBN(0xa0b93939, 0xcd80862b),
+         TOBN(0x3002c83a, 0xf0992388), TOBN(0x6de01f9b, 0xeacbe14c),
+         TOBN(0x6aac688e, 0xadd70482), TOBN(0x708de92a, 0x7b4a4e8a),
+         TOBN(0x75b6dd73, 0x758a6eef), TOBN(0xea4bf352, 0x725b3c43),
+         TOBN(0x10041f2c, 0x87912868), TOBN(0xb1b1be95, 0xef09297a),
+         TOBN(0x19ae23c5, 0xa9f3860a), TOBN(0xc4f0f839, 0x515dcf4b),
+         TOBN(0x3c7ecca3, 0x97f6306a), TOBN(0x744c44ae, 0x68a3a4b0),
+         TOBN(0x69cd13a0, 0xb3a1d8a2), TOBN(0x7cad0a1e, 0x5256b578),
+         TOBN(0xea653fcd, 0x33791d9e), TOBN(0x9cc2a05d, 0x74b2e05f),
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+         TOBN(0xc71e27bf, 0x8538a5c6), TOBN(0x195c63dd, 0x89abff17),
+         TOBN(0xfd315285, 0x1b71e3da), TOBN(0x9cbdfda7, 0xfa680fa0),
+         TOBN(0x9db876ca, 0x849d7eab), TOBN(0xebe2764b, 0x3c273271),
+         TOBN(0x663357e3, 0xf208dcea), TOBN(0x8c5bd833, 0x565b1b70),
+         TOBN(0xccc3b4f5, 0x9837fc0d), TOBN(0x9b641ba8, 0xa79cf00f),
+         TOBN(0x7428243d, 0xdfdf3990), TOBN(0x83a594c4, 0x020786b1),
+         TOBN(0xb712451a, 0x526c4502), TOBN(0x9d39438e, 0x6adb3f93),
+         TOBN(0xfdb261e3, 0xe9ff0ccd), TOBN(0x80344e3c, 0xe07af4c3),
+         TOBN(0x75900d7c, 0x2fa4f126), TOBN(0x08a3b865, 0x5c99a232),
+         TOBN(0x2478b6bf, 0xdb25e0c3), TOBN(0x482cc2c2, 0x71db2edf),
+         TOBN(0x37df7e64, 0x5f321bb8), TOBN(0x8a93821b, 0x9a8005b4),
+         TOBN(0x3fa2f10c, 0xcc8c1958), TOBN(0x0d332218, 0x2c269d0a),
+         TOBN(0x20ab8119, 0xe246b0e6), TOBN(0xb39781e4, 0xd349fd17),
+         TOBN(0xd293231e, 0xb31aa100), TOBN(0x4b779c97, 0xbb032168),
+         TOBN(0x4b3f19e1, 0xc8470500), TOBN(0x45b7efe9, 0x0c4c869d),
+         TOBN(0xdb84f38a, 0xa1a6bbcc), TOBN(0x3b59cb15, 0xb2fddbc1),
+         TOBN(0xba5514df, 0x3fd165e8), TOBN(0x499fd6a9, 0x061f8811),
+         TOBN(0x72cd1fe0, 0xbfef9f00), TOBN(0x120a4bb9, 0x79ad7e8a),
+         TOBN(0xf2ffd095, 0x5f4a5ac5), TOBN(0xcfd174f1, 0x95a7a2f0),
+         TOBN(0xd42301ba, 0x9d17baf1), TOBN(0xd2fa487a, 0x77f22089),
+         TOBN(0x9cb09efe, 0xb1dc77e1), TOBN(0xe9566939, 0x21c99682),
+         TOBN(0x8c546901, 0x6c6067bb), TOBN(0xfd378574, 0x61c24456),
+         TOBN(0x2b6a6cbe, 0x81796b33), TOBN(0x62d550f6, 0x58e87f8b),
+         TOBN(0x1b763e1c, 0x7f1b01b4), TOBN(0x4b93cfea, 0x1b1b5e12),
+         TOBN(0xb9345238, 0x1d531696), TOBN(0x57201c00, 0x88cdde69),
+         TOBN(0xdde92251, 0x9a86afc7), TOBN(0xe3043895, 0xbd35cea8),
+         TOBN(0x7608c1e1, 0x8555970d), TOBN(0x8267dfa9, 0x2535935e),
+         TOBN(0xd4c60a57, 0x322ea38b), TOBN(0xe0bf7977, 0x804ef8b5),
+         TOBN(0x1a0dab28, 0xc06fece4), TOBN(0xd405991e, 0x94e7b49d),
+         TOBN(0xc542b6d2, 0x706dab28), TOBN(0xcb228da3, 0xa91618fb),
+         TOBN(0x224e4164, 0x107d1cea), TOBN(0xeb9fdab3, 0xd0f5d8f1),
+         TOBN(0xc02ba386, 0x0d6e41cd), TOBN(0x676a72c5, 0x9b1f7146),
+         TOBN(0xffd6dd98, 0x4d6cb00b), TOBN(0xcef9c5ca, 0xde2e8d7c),
+         TOBN(0xa1bbf5d7, 0x641c7936), TOBN(0x1b95b230, 0xee8f772e),
+         TOBN(0xf765a92e, 0xe8ac25b1), TOBN(0xceb04cfc, 0x3a18b7c6),
+         TOBN(0x27944cef, 0x0acc8966), TOBN(0xcbb3c957, 0x434c1004),
+         TOBN(0x9c9971a1, 0xa43ff93c), TOBN(0x5bc2db17, 0xa1e358a9),
+         TOBN(0x45b4862e, 0xa8d9bc82), TOBN(0x70ebfbfb, 0x2201e052),
+         TOBN(0xafdf64c7, 0x92871591), TOBN(0xea5bcae6, 0xb42d0219),
+         TOBN(0xde536c55, 0x2ad8f03c), TOBN(0xcd6c3f4d, 0xa76aa33c),
+         TOBN(0xbeb5f623, 0x0bca6de3), TOBN(0xdd20dd99, 0xb1e706fd),
+         TOBN(0x90b3ff9d, 0xac9059d4), TOBN(0x2d7b2902, 0x7ccccc4e),
+         TOBN(0x8a090a59, 0xce98840f), TOBN(0xa5d947e0, 0x8410680a),
+         TOBN(0x49ae346a, 0x923379a5), TOBN(0x7dbc84f9, 0xb28a3156),
+         TOBN(0xfd40d916, 0x54a1aff2), TOBN(0xabf318ba, 0x3a78fb9b),
+         TOBN(0x50152ed8, 0x3029f95e), TOBN(0x9fc1dd77, 0xc58ad7fa),
+         TOBN(0x5fa57915, 0x13595c17), TOBN(0xb9504668, 0x8f62b3a9),
+         TOBN(0x907b5b24, 0xff3055b0), TOBN(0x2e995e35, 0x9a84f125),
+         TOBN(0x87dacf69, 0x7e9bbcfb), TOBN(0x95d0c1d6, 0xe86d96e3),
+         TOBN(0x65726e3c, 0x2d95a75c), TOBN(0x2c3c9001, 0xacd27f21),
+         TOBN(0x1deab561, 0x6c973f57), TOBN(0x108b7e2c, 0xa5221643),
+         TOBN(0x5fee9859, 0xc4ef79d4), TOBN(0xbd62b88a, 0x40d4b8c6),
+         TOBN(0xb4dd29c4, 0x197c75d6), TOBN(0x266a6df2, 0xb7076feb),
+         TOBN(0x9512d0ea, 0x4bf2df11), TOBN(0x1320c24f, 0x6b0cc9ec),
+         TOBN(0x6bb1e0e1, 0x01a59596), TOBN(0x8317c5bb, 0xeff9aaac),
+         TOBN(0x65bb405e, 0x385aa6c9), TOBN(0x613439c1, 0x8f07988f),
+         TOBN(0xd730049f, 0x16a66e91), TOBN(0xe97f2820, 0xfa1b0e0d),
+         TOBN(0x4131e003, 0x304c28ea), TOBN(0x820ab732, 0x526bac62),
+         TOBN(0xb2ac9ef9, 0x28714423), TOBN(0x54ecfffa, 0xadb10cb2),
+         TOBN(0x8781476e, 0xf886a4cc), TOBN(0x4b2c87b5, 0xdb2f8d49),
+         TOBN(0xe857cd20, 0x0a44295d), TOBN(0x707d7d21, 0x58c6b044),
+         TOBN(0xae8521f9, 0xf596757c), TOBN(0x87448f03, 0x67b2b714),
+         TOBN(0x13a9bc45, 0x5ebcd58d), TOBN(0x79bcced9, 0x9122d3c1),
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+         TOBN(0x5e61aee4, 0x71d444b6), TOBN(0x211236bf, 0xc5084a1d),
+         TOBN(0x7e15bc9a, 0x4fd3eaf6), TOBN(0x68df2c34, 0xab622bf5),
+         TOBN(0x9e674f0f, 0x59bf4f36), TOBN(0xf883669b, 0xd7f34d73),
+         TOBN(0xc48ac1b8, 0x31497b1d), TOBN(0x323b925d, 0x5106703b),
+         TOBN(0x22156f42, 0x74082008), TOBN(0xeffc521a, 0xc8482bcb),
+         TOBN(0x5c6831bf, 0x12173479), TOBN(0xcaa2528f, 0xc4739490),
+         TOBN(0x84d2102a, 0x8f1b3c4d), TOBN(0xcf64dfc1, 0x2d9bec0d),
+         TOBN(0x433febad, 0x78a546ef), TOBN(0x1f621ec3, 0x7b73cef1),
+         TOBN(0x6aecd627, 0x37338615), TOBN(0x162082ab, 0x01d8edf6),
+         TOBN(0x833a8119, 0x19e86b66), TOBN(0x6023a251, 0xd299b5db),
+         TOBN(0xf5bb0c3a, 0xbbf04b89), TOBN(0x6735eb69, 0xae749a44),
+         TOBN(0xd0e058c5, 0x4713de3b), TOBN(0xfdf2593e, 0x2c3d4ccd),
+         TOBN(0x1b8f414e, 0xfdd23667), TOBN(0xdd52aaca, 0xfa2015ee),
+         TOBN(0x3e31b517, 0xbd9625ff), TOBN(0x5ec9322d, 0x8db5918c),
+         TOBN(0xbc73ac85, 0xa96f5294), TOBN(0x82aa5bf3, 0x61a0666a),
+         TOBN(0x49755810, 0xbf08ac42), TOBN(0xd21cdfd5, 0x891cedfc),
+         TOBN(0x918cb57b, 0x67f8be10), TOBN(0x365d1a7c, 0x56ffa726),
+         TOBN(0x2435c504, 0x6532de93), TOBN(0xc0fc5e10, 0x2674cd02),
+         TOBN(0x6e51fcf8, 0x9cbbb142), TOBN(0x1d436e5a, 0xafc50692),
+         TOBN(0x766bffff, 0x3fbcae22), TOBN(0x3148c2fd, 0xfd55d3b8),
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+         TOBN(0x3cd6db99, 0x25254977), TOBN(0x2e85a161, 0x1cf12ca7),
+         TOBN(0xadd2547c, 0xdc810bc9), TOBN(0xea3f458f, 0x9d257c22),
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+         TOBN(0x02c936af, 0x708c1b49), TOBN(0x60f30fee, 0x2b4bfaff),
+         TOBN(0x6637ad06, 0x858e6a61), TOBN(0xce4c7767, 0x3fd374d0),
+         TOBN(0x39d54b2d, 0x7188defb), TOBN(0xa8c9d250, 0xf56a6b66),
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+         TOBN(0xa90d588b, 0x33650705), TOBN(0xde5b62c5, 0xaf2ec729),
+         TOBN(0x5c72cfae, 0xd3c2b36e), TOBN(0x868c19d5, 0x034435da),
+         TOBN(0x88605f93, 0xe17ee145), TOBN(0xaa60c4ee, 0x77a5d5b1),
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+         TOBN(0x373f44fc, 0xe13895c9), TOBN(0xf29b382f, 0x0cbc9822),
+         TOBN(0x1bfcb853, 0x73efaef6), TOBN(0xcf56ac9c, 0xa8c96f40),
+         TOBN(0xd7adf109, 0x7a191e24), TOBN(0x98035f44, 0xbf8a8dc2),
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+         TOBN(0x49a0e79c, 0x6fbc19c1), TOBN(0x6b0f5889, 0xa48ebdb8),
+         TOBN(0x5d3fd084, 0xa07c4e9f), TOBN(0xc3830111, 0xab27de14),
+         TOBN(0x0e4929fe, 0x33e08dcc), TOBN(0xf4a5ad24, 0x40bb73a3),
+         TOBN(0xde86c2bf, 0x490f97ca), TOBN(0x288f09c6, 0x67a1ce18),
+         TOBN(0x364bb886, 0x1844478d), TOBN(0x7840fa42, 0xceedb040),
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+         TOBN(0xfc0c2e17, 0x481c6266), TOBN(0x85e16ea2, 0x3daa5fa7),
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+         TOBN(0xb0e29be7, 0xbf2f12ee), TOBN(0xf0a22002, 0x66bad988),
+         TOBN(0x27f87e03, 0x9123c1d7), TOBN(0x21669c55, 0x328a8c98),
+         TOBN(0x186b9803, 0x92f14529), TOBN(0xd3d056cc, 0x63954df3),
+         TOBN(0x2f03fd58, 0x175a46f6), TOBN(0x63e34ebe, 0x11558558),
+         TOBN(0xe13fedee, 0x5b80cfa5), TOBN(0xe872a120, 0xd401dbd1),
+         TOBN(0x52657616, 0xe8a9d667), TOBN(0xbc8da4b6, 0xe08d6693),
+         TOBN(0x370fb9bb, 0x1b703e75), TOBN(0x6773b186, 0xd4338363),
+         TOBN(0x18dad378, 0xecef7bff), TOBN(0xaac787ed, 0x995677da),
+         TOBN(0x4801ea8b, 0x0437164b), TOBN(0xf430ad20, 0x73fe795e),
+         TOBN(0xb164154d, 0x8ee5eb73), TOBN(0x0884ecd8, 0x108f7c0e),
+         TOBN(0x0e6ec096, 0x5f520698), TOBN(0x640631fe, 0x44f7b8d9),
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+         TOBN(0x949454bf, 0x80b6783d), TOBN(0x80e701fe, 0x3a320a10),
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+         TOBN(0xd083179a, 0x66a72f12), TOBN(0x2fc77d5d, 0xcdcc73cd),
+         TOBN(0x22b88a80, 0x5616ee30), TOBN(0xfb09548f, 0xe7ab1083),
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+         TOBN(0xa0f7bf72, 0x90aecb08), TOBN(0x849f87c9, 0x0df784a4),
+         TOBN(0x27c79c15, 0xcfaf1d03), TOBN(0xbbf9f675, 0xc463face),
+         TOBN(0x91502c65, 0x765ba543), TOBN(0x18ce3cac, 0x42ea60dd),
+         TOBN(0xe5cee6ac, 0x6e43ecb3), TOBN(0x63e4e910, 0x68f2aeeb),
+         TOBN(0x26234fa3, 0xc85932ee), TOBN(0x96883e8b, 0x4c90c44d),
+         TOBN(0x29b9e738, 0xa18a50f6), TOBN(0xbfc62b2a, 0x3f0420df),
+         TOBN(0xd22a7d90, 0x6d3e1fa9), TOBN(0x17115618, 0xfe05b8a3),
+         TOBN(0x2a0c9926, 0xbb2b9c01), TOBN(0xc739fcc6, 0xe07e76a2),
+         TOBN(0x540e9157, 0x165e439a), TOBN(0x06353a62, 0x6a9063d8),
+         TOBN(0x84d95594, 0x61e927a3), TOBN(0x013b9b26, 0xe2e0be7f),
+         TOBN(0x4feaec3b, 0x973497f1), TOBN(0x15c0f94e, 0x093ebc2d),
+         TOBN(0x6af5f227, 0x33af0583), TOBN(0x0c2af206, 0xc61f3340),
+         TOBN(0xd25dbdf1, 0x4457397c), TOBN(0x2e8ed017, 0xcabcbae0),
+         TOBN(0xe3010938, 0xc2815306), TOBN(0xbaa99337, 0xe8c6cd68),
+         TOBN(0x08513182, 0x3b0ec7de), TOBN(0x1e1b822b, 0x58df05df),
+         TOBN(0x5c14842f, 0xa5c3b683), TOBN(0x98fe977e, 0x3eba34ce),
+         TOBN(0xfd2316c2, 0x0d5e8873), TOBN(0xe48d839a, 0xbd0d427d),
+         TOBN(0x495b2218, 0x623fc961), TOBN(0x24ee56e7, 0xb46fba5e),
+         TOBN(0x9184a55b, 0x91e4de58), TOBN(0xa7488ca5, 0xdfdea288),
+         TOBN(0xa723862e, 0xa8dcc943), TOBN(0x92d762b2, 0x849dc0fc),
+         TOBN(0x3c444a12, 0x091ff4a9), TOBN(0x581113fa, 0x0cada274),
+         TOBN(0xb9de0a45, 0x30d8eae2), TOBN(0x5e0fcd85, 0xdf6b41ea),
+         TOBN(0x6233ea68, 0xc094dbb5), TOBN(0xb77d062e, 0xd968d410),
+         TOBN(0x3e719bbc, 0x58b3002d), TOBN(0x68e7dd3d, 0x3dc49d58),
+         TOBN(0x8d825740, 0x013a5e58), TOBN(0x21311747, 0x3c9e3c1b),
+         TOBN(0x0cb0a2a7, 0x7c99b6ab), TOBN(0x5c48a3b3, 0xc2f888f2)},
+        {TOBN(0xc7913e91, 0x991724f3), TOBN(0x5eda799c, 0x39cbd686),
+         TOBN(0xddb595c7, 0x63d4fc1e), TOBN(0x6b63b80b, 0xac4fed54),
+         TOBN(0x6ea0fc69, 0x7e5fb516), TOBN(0x737708ba, 0xd0f1c964),
+         TOBN(0x9628745f, 0x11a92ca5), TOBN(0x61f37958, 0x9a86967a),
+         TOBN(0x9af39b2c, 0xaa665072), TOBN(0x78322fa4, 0xefd324ef),
+         TOBN(0x3d153394, 0xc327bd31), TOBN(0x81d5f271, 0x3129dab0),
+         TOBN(0xc72e0c42, 0xf48027f5), TOBN(0xaa40cdbc, 0x8536e717),
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+         TOBN(0xf10230b9, 0x8ba81675), TOBN(0x32c6f30c, 0x112b33d4),
+         TOBN(0x7559129d, 0xd8fffb62), TOBN(0x6a281b47, 0xb459bf05),
+         TOBN(0x77c1bd3a, 0xfa3b6776), TOBN(0x0709b380, 0x7829973a),
+         TOBN(0x8c26b232, 0xa3326505), TOBN(0x38d69272, 0xee1d41bf),
+         TOBN(0x0459453e, 0xffe32afa), TOBN(0xce8143ad, 0x7cb3ea87),
+         TOBN(0x932ec1fa, 0x7e6ab666), TOBN(0x6cd2d230, 0x22286264),
+         TOBN(0x459a46fe, 0x6736f8ed), TOBN(0x50bf0d00, 0x9eca85bb),
+         TOBN(0x0b825852, 0x877a21ec), TOBN(0x300414a7, 0x0f537a94),
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+         TOBN(0xa0dbfcec, 0xf83cba5d), TOBN(0xf9538148, 0x93b4f3c0),
+         TOBN(0x61744162, 0x48f24dd7), TOBN(0x5322d64d, 0xe4fb09dd),
+         TOBN(0x57447384, 0x3d9325f3), TOBN(0xa9bef2d0, 0xf371cb84),
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+         TOBN(0xa337c447, 0xf1f0ced1), TOBN(0x800cc793, 0x9492dd2b),
+         TOBN(0x4b93151d, 0xbea08efa), TOBN(0x820cf3f8, 0xde0a741e),
+         TOBN(0xff1982dc, 0x1c0f7d13), TOBN(0xef921960, 0x84dde6ca),
+         TOBN(0x1ad7d972, 0x45f96ee3), TOBN(0x319c8dbe, 0x29dea0c7),
+         TOBN(0xd3ea3871, 0x7b82b99b), TOBN(0x75922d4d, 0x470eb624),
+         TOBN(0x8f66ec54, 0x3b95d466), TOBN(0x66e673cc, 0xbee1e346),
+         TOBN(0x6afe67c4, 0xb5f2b89a), TOBN(0x3de9c1e6, 0x290e5cd3),
+         TOBN(0x8c278bb6, 0x310a2ada), TOBN(0x420fa384, 0x0bdb323b),
+         TOBN(0x0ae1d63b, 0x0eb919b0), TOBN(0xd74ee51d, 0xa74b9620),
+         TOBN(0x395458d0, 0xa674290c), TOBN(0x324c930f, 0x4620a510),
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+         TOBN(0x3420f2c9, 0xfaf1fc63), TOBN(0x616d333a, 0x328c8bb4),
+         TOBN(0x7d65364c, 0x57f1fe4a), TOBN(0x9343e877, 0x55e5c73a),
+         TOBN(0x5795176b, 0xe970e78c), TOBN(0xa36ccebf, 0x60533627),
+         TOBN(0xfc7c7380, 0x09cdfc1b), TOBN(0xb39a2afe, 0xb3fec326),
+         TOBN(0xb7ff1ba1, 0x6224408a), TOBN(0xcc856e92, 0x247cfc5e),
+         TOBN(0x01f102e7, 0xc18bc493), TOBN(0x4613ab74, 0x2091c727),
+         TOBN(0xaa25e89c, 0xc420bf2b), TOBN(0x00a53176, 0x90337ec2),
+         TOBN(0xd2be9f43, 0x7d025fc7), TOBN(0x3316fb85, 0x6e6fe3dc),
+         TOBN(0x27520af5, 0x9ac50814), TOBN(0xfdf95e78, 0x9a8e4223),
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+         TOBN(0x93eeeab1, 0xcac1fe8f), TOBN(0x8040188c, 0x37451168),
+         TOBN(0x7ee8aa8a, 0xd967dce6), TOBN(0xfa0e79e7, 0x3abc9299),
+         TOBN(0x67332cfc, 0x2064cfd1), TOBN(0x339c31de, 0xb0651934),
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+         TOBN(0xbb5bb990, 0x640bfd9e), TOBN(0xd226e277, 0x82f62108),
+         TOBN(0x4bf00985, 0x02ffdd56), TOBN(0x7756758a, 0x2ca1b1b5),
+         TOBN(0xc32b62a3, 0x5285fe91), TOBN(0xedbc546a, 0x8c9cd140),
+         TOBN(0x1e47a013, 0xaf5cb008), TOBN(0xbca7e720, 0x073ce8f2),
+         TOBN(0xe10b2ab8, 0x17a91cae), TOBN(0xb89aab65, 0x08e27f63),
+         TOBN(0x7b3074a7, 0xdba3ddf9), TOBN(0x1c20ce09, 0x330c2972),
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+         TOBN(0x18fc2215, 0x5c633d19), TOBN(0xad1adb3c, 0xc7485474),
+         TOBN(0x646f9679, 0x6424c49b), TOBN(0xf888dfe8, 0x67c241c9),
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+         TOBN(0xa7f8b5bf, 0x074a30ce), TOBN(0xd7f52107, 0x005a32e6),
+         TOBN(0x6f9e0907, 0x50237ed4), TOBN(0x2f21da47, 0x8096fa2b),
+         TOBN(0xf3e19cb4, 0xeec863a0), TOBN(0xd18f77fd, 0x9527620a),
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+         TOBN(0x7e3389e5, 0xc247d44d), TOBN(0x12507141, 0x3f4f3d80),
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+         TOBN(0xded059a6, 0x75944370), TOBN(0xd6123d90, 0x3b2c0bdd),
+         TOBN(0xa56b717b, 0x51c108e3), TOBN(0x9bb7940e, 0x070623e9),
+         TOBN(0x794e2d59, 0x84ac066c), TOBN(0xf5954a92, 0xe68c69a0),
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+         TOBN(0xc2e60125, 0x7de79248), TOBN(0xe9ef6404, 0xf12fc6d7),
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+         TOBN(0xac02331b, 0x13fb70b6), TOBN(0x037b44c1, 0x95599b27),
+         TOBN(0x1a860fc4, 0x60bd082c), TOBN(0xa2e25745, 0xc980cd01),
+         TOBN(0xee3387a8, 0x1da0263e), TOBN(0x931bfb95, 0x2d10f3d6),
+         TOBN(0x5b687270, 0xa1f24a32), TOBN(0xf140e65d, 0xca494b86),
+         TOBN(0x4f4ddf91, 0xb2f1ac7a), TOBN(0xf99eaabb, 0x760fee27),
+         TOBN(0x57f4008a, 0x49c228e5), TOBN(0x090be440, 0x1cf713bb),
+         TOBN(0xac91fbe4, 0x5004f022), TOBN(0xd838c2c2, 0x569e1af6),
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+         TOBN(0x0938a422, 0x59558a78), TOBN(0x5343c669, 0x8435da2f),
+         TOBN(0x96f67b18, 0x034410dc), TOBN(0x7cc1e424, 0x84510804),
+         TOBN(0x86a1543f, 0x16dfbb7d), TOBN(0x921fa942, 0x5b5bd592),
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+         TOBN(0x43c01b87, 0x459afccd), TOBN(0x6bd45143, 0xb7432652),
+         TOBN(0x84734530, 0x55b5d78e), TOBN(0x81088fdb, 0x1554ba7d),
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+         TOBN(0x9819e8a3, 0x7ddb795e), TOBN(0xfecb8ef5, 0xdad100b2),
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+         TOBN(0x784b26e8, 0x8670ced7), TOBN(0xe3dfe41f, 0xc31bd3b4),
+         TOBN(0x9e353a06, 0xbcc85cbc), TOBN(0x302e2909, 0x60178a9d),
+         TOBN(0x860abf11, 0xa6eac16e), TOBN(0x76447000, 0xaa2b3aac),
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+         TOBN(0xc444de8a, 0x24389ca0), TOBN(0xcc6f9863, 0x706da0cb),
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+         TOBN(0x30358f58, 0x32f7ea19), TOBN(0xe01d3c34, 0x91d53551),
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+         TOBN(0xf8eea460, 0xd1ac1635), TOBN(0x84cbb3fb, 0x20a2c0df),
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+         TOBN(0x2a17747f, 0xa6d74081), TOBN(0x60ea4c05, 0x55a26214),
+         TOBN(0x53514bb4, 0x1f88c5fe), TOBN(0xedd64567, 0x7e83426c),
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+         TOBN(0xc5bc3ed2, 0x697840ea), TOBN(0x969876a8, 0xa6331e31),
+         TOBN(0x60c36217, 0x472ff580), TOBN(0xf4229705, 0x4ad41393),
+         TOBN(0x4bd99ef0, 0xa03b8b92), TOBN(0x501c7317, 0xc144f4f6),
+         TOBN(0x159009b3, 0x18464945), TOBN(0x6d5e594c, 0x74c5c6be),
+         TOBN(0x2d587011, 0x321a3660), TOBN(0xd1e184b1, 0x3898d022),
+         TOBN(0x5ba04752, 0x4c6a7e04), TOBN(0x47fa1e2b, 0x45550b65),
+         TOBN(0x9419daf0, 0x48c0a9a5), TOBN(0x66362953, 0x7c243236),
+         TOBN(0xcd0744b1, 0x5cb12a88), TOBN(0x561b6f9a, 0x2b646188),
+         TOBN(0x599415a5, 0x66c2c0c0), TOBN(0xbe3f0859, 0x0f83f09a),
+         TOBN(0x9141c5be, 0xb92041b8), TOBN(0x01ae38c7, 0x26477d0d),
+         TOBN(0xca8b71f3, 0xd12c7a94), TOBN(0xfab5b31f, 0x765c70db),
+         TOBN(0x76ae7492, 0x487443e9), TOBN(0x8595a310, 0x990d1349),
+         TOBN(0xf8dbeda8, 0x7d460a37), TOBN(0x7f7ad082, 0x1e45a38f),
+         TOBN(0xed1d4db6, 0x1059705a), TOBN(0xa3dd492a, 0xe6b9c697),
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+         TOBN(0x7fc4fe89, 0x6e70ee82), TOBN(0xeff2c56e, 0x13e6b7e3),
+         TOBN(0x9b18959e, 0x34d26fca), TOBN(0x2517ab66, 0x889d6b45),
+         TOBN(0xf167b4e0, 0xbdefdd4f), TOBN(0x69958465, 0xf366e401),
+         TOBN(0x5aa368ab, 0xa73bbec0), TOBN(0x12148709, 0x7b240c21),
+         TOBN(0x378c3233, 0x18969006), TOBN(0xcb4d73ce, 0xe1fe53d1),
+         TOBN(0x5f50a80e, 0x130c4361), TOBN(0xd67f5951, 0x7ef5212b),
+         TOBN(0xf145e21e, 0x9e70c72e), TOBN(0xb2e52e29, 0x5566d2fb),
+         TOBN(0x44eaba4a, 0x032397f5), TOBN(0x5e56937b, 0x7e31a7de),
+         TOBN(0x68dcf517, 0x456c61e1), TOBN(0xbc2e954a, 0xa8b0a388),
+         TOBN(0xe3552fa7, 0x60a8b755), TOBN(0x03442dae, 0x73ad0cde),
+         TOBN(0x37ffe747, 0xceb26210), TOBN(0x983545e8, 0x787baef9),
+         TOBN(0x8b8c8535, 0x86a3de31), TOBN(0xc621dbcb, 0xfacd46db),
+         TOBN(0x82e442e9, 0x59266fbb), TOBN(0xa3514c37, 0x339d471c),
+         TOBN(0x3a11b771, 0x62cdad96), TOBN(0xf0cb3b3c, 0xecf9bdf0),
+         TOBN(0x3fcbdbce, 0x478e2135), TOBN(0x7547b5cf, 0xbda35342),
+         TOBN(0xa97e81f1, 0x8a677af6), TOBN(0xc8c2bf83, 0x28817987),
+         TOBN(0xdf07eaaf, 0x45580985), TOBN(0xc68d1f05, 0xc93b45cb),
+         TOBN(0x106aa2fe, 0xc77b4cac), TOBN(0x4c1d8afc, 0x04a7ae86),
+         TOBN(0xdb41c3fd, 0x9eb45ab2), TOBN(0x5b234b5b, 0xd4b22e74),
+         TOBN(0xda253dec, 0xf215958a), TOBN(0x67e0606e, 0xa04edfa0),
+         TOBN(0xabbbf070, 0xef751b11), TOBN(0xf352f175, 0xf6f06dce),
+         TOBN(0xdfc4b6af, 0x6839f6b4), TOBN(0x53ddf9a8, 0x9959848e),
+         TOBN(0xda49c379, 0xc21520b0), TOBN(0x90864ff0, 0xdbd5d1b6),
+         TOBN(0x2f055d23, 0x5f49c7f7), TOBN(0xe51e4e6a, 0xa796b2d8),
+         TOBN(0xc361a67f, 0x5c9dc340), TOBN(0x5ad53c37, 0xbca7c620),
+         TOBN(0xda1d6588, 0x32c756d0), TOBN(0xad60d911, 0x8bb67e13),
+         TOBN(0xd6c47bdf, 0x0eeec8c6), TOBN(0x4a27fec1, 0x078a1821),
+         TOBN(0x081f7415, 0xc3099524), TOBN(0x8effdf0b, 0x82cd8060),
+         TOBN(0xdb70ec1c, 0x65842df8), TOBN(0x8821b358, 0xd319a901),
+         TOBN(0x72ee56ee, 0xde42b529), TOBN(0x5bb39592, 0x236e4286),
+         TOBN(0xd1183316, 0xfd6f7140), TOBN(0xf9fadb5b, 0xbd8e81f7),
+         TOBN(0x701d5e0c, 0x5a02d962), TOBN(0xfdee4dbf, 0x1b601324),
+         TOBN(0xbed17407, 0x35d7620e), TOBN(0x04e3c2c3, 0xf48c0012),
+         TOBN(0x9ee29da7, 0x3455449a), TOBN(0x562cdef4, 0x91a836c4),
+         TOBN(0x8f682a5f, 0x47701097), TOBN(0x617125d8, 0xff88d0c2),
+         TOBN(0x948fda24, 0x57bb86dd), TOBN(0x348abb8f, 0x289f7286),
+         TOBN(0xeb10eab5, 0x99d94bbd), TOBN(0xd51ba28e, 0x4684d160),
+         TOBN(0xabe0e51c, 0x30c8f41a), TOBN(0x66588b45, 0x13254f4a),
+         TOBN(0x147ebf01, 0xfad097a5), TOBN(0x49883ea8, 0x610e815d),
+         TOBN(0xe44d60ba, 0x8a11de56), TOBN(0xa970de6e, 0x827a7a6d),
+         TOBN(0x2be41424, 0x5e17fc19), TOBN(0xd833c657, 0x01214057),
+         TOBN(0x1375813b, 0x363e723f), TOBN(0x6820bb88, 0xe6a52e9b),
+         TOBN(0x7e7f6970, 0xd875d56a), TOBN(0xd6a0a9ac, 0x51fbf6bf),
+         TOBN(0x54ba8790, 0xa3083c12), TOBN(0xebaeb23d, 0x6ae7eb64),
+         TOBN(0xa8685c3a, 0xb99a907a), TOBN(0xf1e74550, 0x026bf40b),
+         TOBN(0x7b73a027, 0xc802cd9e), TOBN(0x9a8a927c, 0x4fef4635),
+         TOBN(0xe1b6f60c, 0x08191224), TOBN(0xc4126ebb, 0xde4ec091),
+         TOBN(0xe1dff4dc, 0x4ae38d84), TOBN(0xde3f57db, 0x4f2ef985),
+         TOBN(0x34964337, 0xd446a1dd), TOBN(0x7bf217a0, 0x859e77f6),
+         TOBN(0x8ff10527, 0x8e1d13f5), TOBN(0xa304ef03, 0x74eeae27),
+         TOBN(0xfc6f5e47, 0xd19dfa5a), TOBN(0xdb007de3, 0x7fad982b),
+         TOBN(0x28205ad1, 0x613715f5), TOBN(0x251e6729, 0x7889529e),
+         TOBN(0x72705184, 0x1ae98e78), TOBN(0xf818537d, 0x271cac32),
+         TOBN(0xc8a15b7e, 0xb7f410f5), TOBN(0xc474356f, 0x81f62393),
+         TOBN(0x92dbdc5a, 0xc242316b), TOBN(0xabe060ac, 0xdbf4aff5),
+         TOBN(0x6e8c38fe, 0x909a8ec6), TOBN(0x43e514e5, 0x6116cb94),
+         TOBN(0x2078fa38, 0x07d784f9), TOBN(0x1161a880, 0xf4b5b357),
+         TOBN(0x5283ce79, 0x13adea3d), TOBN(0x0756c3e6, 0xcc6a910b),
+         TOBN(0x60bcfe01, 0xaaa79697), TOBN(0x04a73b29, 0x56391db1),
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+         TOBN(0x34e2c5ca, 0xb2676937), TOBN(0xe7050b06, 0xbf669f21),
+         TOBN(0xfbe948b6, 0x1ede9046), TOBN(0xa0530051, 0x97662659),
+         TOBN(0x58cbd4ed, 0xf10124c5), TOBN(0xde2646e4, 0xdd6c06c8),
+         TOBN(0x332f8108, 0x8cad38c0), TOBN(0x471b7e90, 0x6bd68ae2),
+         TOBN(0x56ac3fb2, 0x0d8e27a3), TOBN(0xb54660db, 0x136b4b0d),
+         TOBN(0x123a1e11, 0xa6fd8de4), TOBN(0x44dbffea, 0xa37799ef),
+         TOBN(0x4540b977, 0xce6ac17c), TOBN(0x495173a8, 0xaf60acef)},
+        {TOBN(0x9ebb284d, 0x391c2a82), TOBN(0xbcdd4863, 0x158308e8),
+         TOBN(0x006f16ec, 0x83f1edca), TOBN(0xa13e2c37, 0x695dc6c8),
+         TOBN(0x2ab756f0, 0x4a057a87), TOBN(0xa8765500, 0xa6b48f98),
+         TOBN(0x4252face, 0x68651c44), TOBN(0xa52b540b, 0xe1765e02),
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+         TOBN(0xac6b435e, 0xdc55ae5f), TOBN(0xa527f56c, 0xc0117411),
+         TOBN(0x94d5045e, 0xfd24342c), TOBN(0x2c4c0a35, 0x70b67c0d),
+         TOBN(0x027cc8b8, 0xfac61d9a), TOBN(0x7d25e062, 0xe3c6fe8a),
+         TOBN(0xe08805bf, 0xe5bff503), TOBN(0x13271e6c, 0x6ff632f7),
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+         TOBN(0xee728bcb, 0xa10a5178), TOBN(0x5ea60411, 0xb62c5173),
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+         TOBN(0x6265c5ae, 0xfcc48626), TOBN(0xe60cf82e, 0xbb3e9102),
+         TOBN(0x57adf797, 0xd4df5531), TOBN(0x235b59a1, 0x8deeefe2),
+         TOBN(0x60adcf58, 0x3f306eb1), TOBN(0x105c2753, 0x3d09492d),
+         TOBN(0x4090914b, 0xb5def996), TOBN(0x1cb69c83, 0x233dd1e7),
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+         TOBN(0x6e984240, 0xeb5fe290), TOBN(0xd66c038d, 0x248088ae),
+         TOBN(0x804d264a, 0xf94d70cf), TOBN(0xbdb802ef, 0x7314bf7e),
+         TOBN(0x8fb54de2, 0x4333ed02), TOBN(0x740461e0, 0x285635d9),
+         TOBN(0x4113b2c8, 0x365e9383), TOBN(0xea762c83, 0x3fdef652),
+         TOBN(0x4eec6e2e, 0x47b956c1), TOBN(0xa3d814be, 0x65620fa4),
+         TOBN(0x9ad5462b, 0xb4d8bc50), TOBN(0x181c0b16, 0xa9195770),
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+         TOBN(0xa348c0d5, 0xb5ec995a), TOBN(0xbf4b9d55, 0x14289a54),
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+         TOBN(0xd4992b30, 0x614c0900), TOBN(0xda98d121, 0xbd00c24b),
+         TOBN(0x7f534dc8, 0x7ec4bfa1), TOBN(0x4a5ff674, 0x37dc34bc),
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+         TOBN(0x42484710, 0xdfab3b87), TOBN(0xcd7ee537, 0x9b670fd0),
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+         TOBN(0xb5346630, 0x8d2d3605), TOBN(0x83387891, 0xd34d8433),
+         TOBN(0xd973b30f, 0xadd9419a), TOBN(0xbcca1099, 0xafe3fce8),
+         TOBN(0x08178315, 0x0809aac6), TOBN(0x01b7f21a, 0x540f0f11),
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+         TOBN(0x72855540, 0x805d7bc4), TOBN(0xda389396, 0xed11fdfd),
+         TOBN(0xa9d5bd36, 0x74660876), TOBN(0x11d67c54, 0xb45dff35),
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+         TOBN(0x8c33345c, 0xdc2ae9cb), TOBN(0xcecf1276, 0x01cc8403),
+         TOBN(0x687c012e, 0x1b39b80f), TOBN(0xfd90d0ad, 0x35c33ba4),
+         TOBN(0xa3ef5a67, 0x5c9661c2), TOBN(0x368fc88e, 0xe017429e),
+         TOBN(0xd30c6761, 0x196a2fa2), TOBN(0x931b9817, 0xbd5b312e),
+         TOBN(0xba01000c, 0x72f54a31), TOBN(0xa203d2c8, 0x66eaa541),
+         TOBN(0xf2abdee0, 0x98939db3), TOBN(0xe37d6c2c, 0x3e606c02),
+         TOBN(0xf2921574, 0x521ff643), TOBN(0x2781b3c4, 0xd7e2fca3),
+         TOBN(0x664300b0, 0x7850ec06), TOBN(0xac5a38b9, 0x7d3a10cf),
+         TOBN(0x9233188d, 0xe34ab39d), TOBN(0xe77057e4, 0x5072cbb9),
+         TOBN(0xbcf0c042, 0xb59e78df), TOBN(0x4cfc91e8, 0x1d97de52),
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+         TOBN(0x4b44d4aa, 0x049f842c), TOBN(0xceabc5d5, 0x1540e82b),
+         TOBN(0x306710fd, 0x15c6f156), TOBN(0xbe5ae52b, 0x63db1d72),
+         TOBN(0x06f1e7e6, 0x334957f1), TOBN(0x57e388f0, 0x31144a70),
+         TOBN(0xfb69bb2f, 0xdf96447b), TOBN(0x0f78ebd3, 0x73e38a12),
+         TOBN(0xb8222605, 0x2b7ce542), TOBN(0xe6d4ce99, 0x7472bde1),
+         TOBN(0x53e16ebe, 0x09d2f4da), TOBN(0x180ff42e, 0x53b92b2e),
+         TOBN(0xc59bcc02, 0x2c34a1c6), TOBN(0x3803d6f9, 0x422c46c2),
+         TOBN(0x18aff74f, 0x5c14a8a2), TOBN(0x55aebf80, 0x10a08b28),
+         TOBN(0x66097d58, 0x7135593f), TOBN(0x32e6eff7, 0x2be570cd),
+         TOBN(0x584e6a10, 0x2a8c860d), TOBN(0xcd185890, 0xa2eb4163),
+         TOBN(0x7ceae99d, 0x6d97e134), TOBN(0xd42c6b70, 0xdd8447ce),
+         TOBN(0x59ddbb4a, 0xb8c50273), TOBN(0x03c612df, 0x3cf34e1e),
+         TOBN(0x84b9ca15, 0x04b6c5a0), TOBN(0x35216f39, 0x18f0e3a3),
+         TOBN(0x3ec2d2bc, 0xbd986c00), TOBN(0x8bf546d9, 0xd19228fe),
+         TOBN(0xd1c655a4, 0x4cd623c3), TOBN(0x366ce718, 0x502b8e5a),
+         TOBN(0x2cfc84b4, 0xeea0bfe7), TOBN(0xe01d5cee, 0xcf443e8e),
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+         TOBN(0x180b32db, 0xf8a5a0ac), TOBN(0x547972a5, 0xeb699700),
+         TOBN(0xa3765801, 0xca26bca0), TOBN(0x57e09d0e, 0xa647f25a),
+         TOBN(0xb956970e, 0x2fdd23cc), TOBN(0xb80288bc, 0x5682e971),
+         TOBN(0xe6e6d91e, 0x9ae86ebc), TOBN(0x0564c83f, 0x8c9f1939),
+         TOBN(0x551932a2, 0x39560368), TOBN(0xe893752b, 0x049c28e2),
+         TOBN(0x0b03cee5, 0xa6a158c3), TOBN(0xe12d656b, 0x04964263),
+         TOBN(0x4b47554e, 0x63e3bc1d), TOBN(0xc719b6a2, 0x45044ff7),
+         TOBN(0x4f24d30a, 0xe48daa07), TOBN(0xa3f37556, 0xc8c1edc3),
+         TOBN(0x9a47bf76, 0x0700d360), TOBN(0xbb1a1824, 0x822ae4e2),
+         TOBN(0x22e275a3, 0x89f1fb4c), TOBN(0x72b1aa23, 0x9968c5f5),
+         TOBN(0xa75feaca, 0xbe063f64), TOBN(0x9b392f43, 0xbce47a09),
+         TOBN(0xd4241509, 0x1ad07aca), TOBN(0x4b0c591b, 0x8d26cd0f),
+         TOBN(0x2d42ddfd, 0x92f1169a), TOBN(0x63aeb1ac, 0x4cbf2392),
+         TOBN(0x1de9e877, 0x0691a2af), TOBN(0xebe79af7, 0xd98021da),
+         TOBN(0xcfdf2a4e, 0x40e50acf), TOBN(0xf0a98ad7, 0xaf01d665),
+         TOBN(0xefb640bf, 0x1831be1f), TOBN(0x6fe8bd2f, 0x80e9ada0),
+         TOBN(0x94c103a1, 0x6cafbc91), TOBN(0x170f8759, 0x8308e08c),
+         TOBN(0x5de2d2ab, 0x9780ff4f), TOBN(0x666466bc, 0x45b201f2),
+         TOBN(0x58af2010, 0xf5b343bc), TOBN(0x0f2e400a, 0xf2f142fe),
+         TOBN(0x3483bfde, 0xa85f4bdf), TOBN(0xf0b1d093, 0x03bfeaa9),
+         TOBN(0x2ea01b95, 0xc7081603), TOBN(0xe943e4c9, 0x3dba1097),
+         TOBN(0x47be92ad, 0xb438f3a6), TOBN(0x00bb7742, 0xe5bf6636),
+         TOBN(0x136b7083, 0x824297b4), TOBN(0x9d0e5580, 0x5584455f),
+         TOBN(0xab48cedc, 0xf1c7d69e), TOBN(0x53a9e481, 0x2a256e76),
+         TOBN(0x0402b0e0, 0x65eb2413), TOBN(0xdadbbb84, 0x8fc407a7),
+         TOBN(0xa65cd5a4, 0x8d7f5492), TOBN(0x21d44293, 0x74bae294),
+         TOBN(0x66917ce6, 0x3b5f1cc4), TOBN(0x37ae52ea, 0xce872e62),
+         TOBN(0xbb087b72, 0x2905f244), TOBN(0x12077086, 0x1e6af74f),
+         TOBN(0x4b644e49, 0x1058edea), TOBN(0x827510e3, 0xb638ca1d),
+         TOBN(0x8cf2b704, 0x6038591c), TOBN(0xffc8b47a, 0xfe635063),
+         TOBN(0x3ae220e6, 0x1b4d5e63), TOBN(0xbd864742, 0x9d961b4b),
+         TOBN(0x610c107e, 0x9bd16bed), TOBN(0x4270352a, 0x1127147b),
+         TOBN(0x7d17ffe6, 0x64cfc50e), TOBN(0x50dee01a, 0x1e36cb42),
+         TOBN(0x068a7622, 0x35dc5f9a), TOBN(0x9a08d536, 0xdf53f62c),
+         TOBN(0x4ed71457, 0x6be5f7de), TOBN(0xd93006f8, 0xc2263c9e),
+         TOBN(0xe073694c, 0xcacacb36), TOBN(0x2ff7a5b4, 0x3ae118ab),
+         TOBN(0x3cce53f1, 0xcd871236), TOBN(0xf156a39d, 0xc2aa6d52),
+         TOBN(0x9cc5f271, 0xb198d76d), TOBN(0xbc615b6f, 0x81383d39),
+         TOBN(0xa54538e8, 0xde3eee6b), TOBN(0x58c77538, 0xab910d91),
+         TOBN(0x31e5bdbc, 0x58d278bd), TOBN(0x3cde4adf, 0xb963acae),
+         TOBN(0xb1881fd2, 0x5302169c), TOBN(0x8ca60fa0, 0xa989ed8b),
+         TOBN(0xa1999458, 0xff96a0ee), TOBN(0xc1141f03, 0xac6c283d),
+         TOBN(0x7677408d, 0x6dfafed3), TOBN(0x33a01653, 0x39661588),
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+         TOBN(0xcc51674a, 0x1e207ce8), TOBN(0x1e293b24, 0xc83b1ef9),
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+         TOBN(0xe7980e34, 0x6de6f922), TOBN(0x873554cb, 0xf4dd9a22),
+         TOBN(0x0316c627, 0xcbf18a51), TOBN(0x4d93651b, 0x3032c081),
+         TOBN(0x207f2771, 0x3946834d), TOBN(0x2c08d7b4, 0x30cdbf80),
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+         TOBN(0xb2e460e2, 0x7bd042ff), TOBN(0xb7f5e2fa, 0x5f62f5ec),
+         TOBN(0x7aa6ec6b, 0xcc2423b7), TOBN(0x75ce0a7f, 0xba63eea7),
+         TOBN(0x67a45fb1, 0xf250a6e1), TOBN(0x93bc919c, 0xe53cdc9f),
+         TOBN(0x9271f56f, 0x871942df), TOBN(0x2372ff6f, 0x7859ad66),
+         TOBN(0x5f4c2b96, 0x33cb1a78), TOBN(0xe3e29101, 0x5838aa83),
+         TOBN(0xa7ed1611, 0xe4e8110c), TOBN(0x2a2d70d5, 0x330198ce),
+         TOBN(0xbdf132e8, 0x6720efe0), TOBN(0xe61a8962, 0x66a471bf),
+         TOBN(0x796d3a85, 0x825808bd), TOBN(0x51dc3cb7, 0x3fd6e902),
+         TOBN(0x643c768a, 0x916219d1), TOBN(0x36cd7685, 0xa2ad7d32),
+         TOBN(0xe3db9d05, 0xb22922a4), TOBN(0x6494c87e, 0xdba29660),
+         TOBN(0xf0ac91df, 0xbcd2ebc7), TOBN(0x4deb57a0, 0x45107f8d),
+         TOBN(0x42271f59, 0xc3d12a73), TOBN(0x5f71687c, 0xa5c2c51d),
+         TOBN(0xcb1f50c6, 0x05797bcb), TOBN(0x29ed0ed9, 0xd6d34eb0),
+         TOBN(0xe5fe5b47, 0x4683c2eb), TOBN(0x4956eeb5, 0x97447c46),
+         TOBN(0x5b163a43, 0x71207167), TOBN(0x93fa2fed, 0x0248c5ef),
+         TOBN(0x67930af2, 0x31f63950), TOBN(0xa77797c1, 0x14caa2c9),
+         TOBN(0x526e80ee, 0x27ac7e62), TOBN(0xe1e6e626, 0x58b28aec),
+         TOBN(0x636178b0, 0xb3c9fef0), TOBN(0xaf7752e0, 0x6d5f90be),
+         TOBN(0x94ecaf18, 0xeece51cf), TOBN(0x2864d0ed, 0xca806e1f),
+         TOBN(0x6de2e383, 0x97c69134), TOBN(0x5a42c316, 0xeb291293),
+         TOBN(0xc7779219, 0x6a60bae0), TOBN(0xa24de346, 0x6b7599d1),
+         TOBN(0x49d374aa, 0xb75d4941), TOBN(0x98900586, 0x2d501ff0),
+         TOBN(0x9f16d40e, 0xeb7974cf), TOBN(0x1033860b, 0xcdd8c115),
+         TOBN(0xb6c69ac8, 0x2094cec3), TOBN(0x9976fb88, 0x403b770c),
+         TOBN(0x1dea026c, 0x4859590d), TOBN(0xb6acbb46, 0x8562d1fd),
+         TOBN(0x7cd6c461, 0x44569d85), TOBN(0xc3190a36, 0x97f0891d),
+         TOBN(0xc6f53195, 0x48d5a17d), TOBN(0x7d919966, 0xd749abc8),
+         TOBN(0x65104837, 0xdd1c8a20), TOBN(0x7e5410c8, 0x2f683419),
+         TOBN(0x958c3ca8, 0xbe94022e), TOBN(0x605c3197, 0x6145dac2),
+         TOBN(0x3fc07501, 0x01683d54), TOBN(0x1d7127c5, 0x595b1234),
+         TOBN(0x10b8f87c, 0x9481277f), TOBN(0x677db2a8, 0xe65a1adb),
+         TOBN(0xec2fccaa, 0xddce3345), TOBN(0x2a6811b7, 0x012a4350),
+         TOBN(0x96760ff1, 0xac598bdc), TOBN(0x054d652a, 0xd1bf4128),
+         TOBN(0x0a1151d4, 0x92a21005), TOBN(0xad7f3971, 0x33110fdf),
+         TOBN(0x8c95928c, 0x1960100f), TOBN(0x6c91c825, 0x7bf03362),
+         TOBN(0xc8c8b2a2, 0xce309f06), TOBN(0xfdb27b59, 0xca27204b),
+         TOBN(0xd223eaa5, 0x0848e32e), TOBN(0xb93e4b2e, 0xe7bfaf1e),
+         TOBN(0xc5308ae6, 0x44aa3ded), TOBN(0x317a666a, 0xc015d573),
+         TOBN(0xc888ce23, 0x1a979707), TOBN(0xf141c1e6, 0x0d5c4958),
+         TOBN(0xb53b7de5, 0x61906373), TOBN(0x858dbade, 0xeb999595),
+         TOBN(0x8cbb47b2, 0xa59e5c36), TOBN(0x660318b3, 0xdcf4e842),
+         TOBN(0xbd161ccd, 0x12ba4b7a), TOBN(0xf399daab, 0xf8c8282a),
+         TOBN(0x1587633a, 0xeeb2130d), TOBN(0xa465311a, 0xda38dd7d),
+         TOBN(0x5f75eec8, 0x64d3779b), TOBN(0x3c5d0476, 0xad64c171),
+         TOBN(0x87410371, 0x2a914428), TOBN(0x8096a891, 0x90e2fc29),
+         TOBN(0xd3d2ae9d, 0x23b3ebc2), TOBN(0x90bdd6db, 0xa580cfd6),
+         TOBN(0x52dbb7f3, 0xc5b01f6c), TOBN(0xe68eded4, 0xe102a2dc),
+         TOBN(0x17785b77, 0x99eb6df0), TOBN(0x26c3cc51, 0x7386b779),
+         TOBN(0x345ed988, 0x6417a48e), TOBN(0xe990b4e4, 0x07d6ef31),
+         TOBN(0x0f456b7e, 0x2586abba), TOBN(0x239ca6a5, 0x59c96e9a),
+         TOBN(0xe327459c, 0xe2eb4206), TOBN(0x3a4c3313, 0xa002b90a),
+         TOBN(0x2a114806, 0xf6a3f6fb), TOBN(0xad5cad2f, 0x85c251dd),
+         TOBN(0x92c1f613, 0xf5a784d3), TOBN(0xec7bfacf, 0x349766d5),
+         TOBN(0x04b3cd33, 0x3e23cb3b), TOBN(0x3979fe84, 0xc5a64b2d),
+         TOBN(0x192e2720, 0x7e589106), TOBN(0xa60c43d1, 0xa15b527f),
+         TOBN(0x2dae9082, 0xbe7cf3a6), TOBN(0xcc86ba92, 0xbc967274),
+         TOBN(0xf28a2ce8, 0xaea0a8a9), TOBN(0x404ca6d9, 0x6ee988b3),
+         TOBN(0xfd7e9c5d, 0x005921b8), TOBN(0xf56297f1, 0x44e79bf9),
+         TOBN(0xa163b460, 0x0d75ddc2), TOBN(0x30b23616, 0xa1f2be87),
+         TOBN(0x4b070d21, 0xbfe50e2b), TOBN(0x7ef8cfd0, 0xe1bfede1),
+         TOBN(0xadba0011, 0x2aac4ae0), TOBN(0x2a3e7d01, 0xb9ebd033),
+         TOBN(0x995277ec, 0xe38d9d1c), TOBN(0xb500249e, 0x9c5d2de3),
+         TOBN(0x8912b820, 0xf13ca8c9), TOBN(0xc8798114, 0x877793af),
+         TOBN(0x19e6125d, 0xec3f1dec), TOBN(0x07b1f040, 0x911178da),
+         TOBN(0xd93ededa, 0x904a6738), TOBN(0x55187a5a, 0x0bebedcd),
+         TOBN(0xf7d04722, 0xeb329d41), TOBN(0xf449099e, 0xf170b391),
+         TOBN(0xfd317a69, 0xca99f828), TOBN(0x50c3db2b, 0x34a4976d),
+         TOBN(0xe9ba7784, 0x3757b392), TOBN(0x326caefd, 0xaa3ca05a),
+         TOBN(0x78e5293b, 0xf1e593d4), TOBN(0x7842a937, 0x0d98fd13),
+         TOBN(0xe694bf96, 0x5f96b10d), TOBN(0x373a9df6, 0x06a8cd05),
+         TOBN(0x997d1e51, 0xe8f0c7fc), TOBN(0x1d019790, 0x63fd972e),
+         TOBN(0x0064d858, 0x5499fb32), TOBN(0x7b67bad9, 0x77a8aeb7),
+         TOBN(0x1d3eb977, 0x2d08eec5), TOBN(0x5fc047a6, 0xcbabae1d),
+         TOBN(0x0577d159, 0xe54a64bb), TOBN(0x8862201b, 0xc43497e4),
+         TOBN(0xad6b4e28, 0x2ce0608d), TOBN(0x8b687b7d, 0x0b167aac),
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+         TOBN(0xa1862e10, 0x3fe5c42b), TOBN(0x1ca73dca, 0xd5732a9f),
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+         TOBN(0x4f2bde7e, 0xb0fd90cd), TOBN(0x6efc172e, 0xa7fdf092),
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+         TOBN(0x6789f69c, 0xa85217ee), TOBN(0x5f232b5e, 0xe3dc85ac),
+         TOBN(0x660e3ec5, 0x48e9e516), TOBN(0x124b4e47, 0x3197eb31),
+         TOBN(0x10a0cb13, 0xaafcca23), TOBN(0x7bd63ba4, 0x8213224f),
+         TOBN(0xaffad7cc, 0x290a7f4f), TOBN(0x6b409c9e, 0x0286b461),
+         TOBN(0x58ab809f, 0xffa407af), TOBN(0xc3122eed, 0xc68ac073),
+         TOBN(0x17bf9e50, 0x4ef24d7e), TOBN(0x5d929794, 0x3e2a5811),
+         TOBN(0x519bc867, 0x02902e01), TOBN(0x76bba5da, 0x39c8a851),
+         TOBN(0xe9f9669c, 0xda94951e), TOBN(0x4b6af58d, 0x66b8d418),
+         TOBN(0xfa321074, 0x17d426a4), TOBN(0xc78e66a9, 0x9dde6027),
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+         TOBN(0x061b2821, 0xc48c867d), TOBN(0x69c15b35, 0x513b30ea),
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+         TOBN(0x4c4e8774, 0xbd70437a), TOBN(0x5fb32891, 0xba0bda6a),
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+         TOBN(0xf598a318, 0xf0062841), TOBN(0xbfe0602f, 0x89f356f4),
+         TOBN(0x7ae3637e, 0x30177a0c), TOBN(0x34097747, 0x61136537),
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+         TOBN(0xfd4aa0d2, 0xe398a084), TOBN(0x815bfe3a, 0x104f49de),
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+         TOBN(0xbd00b154, 0xe4d4e604), TOBN(0xd0b35e6a, 0xe5e173ff),
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+         TOBN(0x4d60f5a1, 0x93c4be32), TOBN(0x83ebd5c8, 0xd071c6e1),
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+         TOBN(0xb3868d61, 0x79743fb3), TOBN(0xcfd169fc, 0xfdb462fa),
+         TOBN(0xd3b499d7, 0x9ce0a6af), TOBN(0x55dc1cf1, 0xe42d3ff8),
+         TOBN(0x04fb9e6c, 0xc6c3e1b2), TOBN(0x47e6961d, 0x6f69a474),
+         TOBN(0x54eb3acc, 0xe548b37b), TOBN(0xb38e7542, 0x84d40549),
+         TOBN(0x8c3daa51, 0x7b341b4f), TOBN(0x2f6928ec, 0x690bf7fa),
+         TOBN(0x0496b323, 0x86ce6c41), TOBN(0x01be1c55, 0x10adadcd),
+         TOBN(0xc04e67e7, 0x4bb5faf9), TOBN(0x3cbaf678, 0xe15c9985),
+         TOBN(0x8cd12145, 0x50ca4247), TOBN(0xba1aa47a, 0xe7dd30aa),
+         TOBN(0x2f81ddf1, 0xe58fee24), TOBN(0x03452936, 0xeec9b0e8),
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+         TOBN(0x9ea640ec, 0x10948361), TOBN(0x5ac86d5b, 0x6e0bcccf),
+         TOBN(0xf892d918, 0xc36cf440), TOBN(0xaed3e837, 0xc939719c),
+         TOBN(0xb07b08d2, 0xc0218b64), TOBN(0x6f1bcbba, 0xce9790dd),
+         TOBN(0x4a84d6ed, 0x60919b8e), TOBN(0xd8900791, 0x8ac1f9eb),
+         TOBN(0xf84941aa, 0x0dd5daef), TOBN(0xb22fe40a, 0x67fd62c5),
+         TOBN(0x97e15ba2, 0x157f2db3), TOBN(0xbda2fc8f, 0x8e28ca9c),
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+         TOBN(0xe9b5eba2, 0xfb5ee997), TOBN(0x01648ca2, 0xe11538ca),
+         TOBN(0x32bb76f6, 0xf6327974), TOBN(0x338f14b8, 0xff3f4bb7),
+         TOBN(0x524d226a, 0xd7ab9a2d), TOBN(0x9c00090d, 0x7dfae958),
+         TOBN(0x0ba5f539, 0x8751d8c2), TOBN(0x8afcbcdd, 0x3ab8262d),
+         TOBN(0x57392729, 0xe99d043b), TOBN(0xef51263b, 0xaebc943a),
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+         TOBN(0x5234d313, 0x15e97fec), TOBN(0xb6a8e2b1, 0x292f1c0a),
+         TOBN(0xa7f53aa8, 0x327720c1), TOBN(0x956ca322, 0xba092cc8),
+         TOBN(0x8f03d64a, 0x28746c4d), TOBN(0x51fe1782, 0x66d0d392),
+         TOBN(0xd19b34db, 0x3c832c80), TOBN(0x60dccc5c, 0x6da2e3b4),
+         TOBN(0x245dd62e, 0x0a104ccc), TOBN(0xa7ab1de1, 0x620b21fd),
+         TOBN(0xb293ae0b, 0x3893d123), TOBN(0xf7b75783, 0xb15ee71c),
+         TOBN(0x5aa3c614, 0x42a9468b), TOBN(0xd686123c, 0xdb15d744),
+         TOBN(0x8c616891, 0xa7ab4116), TOBN(0x6fcd72c8, 0xa4e6a459),
+         TOBN(0xac219110, 0x77e5fad7), TOBN(0xfb6a20e7, 0x704fa46b),
+         TOBN(0xe839be7d, 0x341d81dc), TOBN(0xcddb6889, 0x32148379),
+         TOBN(0xda6211a1, 0xf7026ead), TOBN(0xf3b2575f, 0xf4d1cc5e),
+         TOBN(0x40cfc8f6, 0xa7a73ae6), TOBN(0x83879a5e, 0x61d5b483),
+         TOBN(0xc5acb1ed, 0x41a50ebc), TOBN(0x59a60cc8, 0x3c07d8fa),
+         TOBN(0x1b73bdce, 0xb1876262), TOBN(0x2b0d79f0, 0x12af4ee9),
+         TOBN(0x8bcf3b0b, 0xd46e1d07), TOBN(0x17d6af9d, 0xe45d152f),
+         TOBN(0x73520461, 0x6d736451), TOBN(0x43cbbd97, 0x56b0bf5a),
+         TOBN(0xb0833a5b, 0xd5999b9d), TOBN(0x702614f0, 0xeb72e398),
+         TOBN(0x0aadf01a, 0x59c3e9f8), TOBN(0x40200e77, 0xce6b3d16),
+         TOBN(0xda22bdd3, 0xdeddafad), TOBN(0x76dedaf4, 0x310d72e1),
+         TOBN(0x49ef807c, 0x4bc2e88f), TOBN(0x6ba81291, 0x146dd5a5),
+         TOBN(0xa1a4077a, 0x7d8d59e9), TOBN(0x87b6a2e7, 0x802db349),
+         TOBN(0xd5679997, 0x1b4e598e), TOBN(0xf499ef1f, 0x06fe4b1d),
+         TOBN(0x3978d3ae, 0xfcb267c5), TOBN(0xb582b557, 0x235786d0),
+         TOBN(0x32b3b2ca, 0x1715cb07), TOBN(0x4c3de6a2, 0x8480241d),
+         TOBN(0x63b5ffed, 0xcb571ecd), TOBN(0xeaf53900, 0xed2fe9a9),
+         TOBN(0xdec98d4a, 0xc3b81990), TOBN(0x1cb83722, 0x9e0cc8fe),
+         TOBN(0xfe0b0491, 0xd2b427b9), TOBN(0x0f2386ac, 0xe983a66c),
+         TOBN(0x930c4d1e, 0xb3291213), TOBN(0xa2f82b2e, 0x59a62ae4),
+         TOBN(0x77233853, 0xf93e89e3), TOBN(0x7f8063ac, 0x11777c7f),
+         TOBN(0xff0eb567, 0x59ad2877), TOBN(0x6f454642, 0x9865c754),
+         TOBN(0xe6fe701a, 0x236e9a84), TOBN(0xc586ef16, 0x06e40fc3),
+         TOBN(0x3f62b6e0, 0x24bafad9), TOBN(0xc8b42bd2, 0x64da906a),
+         TOBN(0xc98e1eb4, 0xda3276a0), TOBN(0x30d0e5fc, 0x06cbf852),
+         TOBN(0x1b6b2ae1, 0xe8b4dfd4), TOBN(0xd754d5c7, 0x8301cbac),
+         TOBN(0x66097629, 0x112a39ac), TOBN(0xf86b5999, 0x93ba4ab9),
+         TOBN(0x26c9dea7, 0x99f9d581), TOBN(0x0473b1a8, 0xc2fafeaa),
+         TOBN(0x1469af55, 0x3b2505a5), TOBN(0x227d16d7, 0xd6a43323),
+         TOBN(0x3316f73c, 0xad3d97f9), TOBN(0x52bf3bb5, 0x1f137455),
+         TOBN(0x953eafeb, 0x09954e7c), TOBN(0xa721dfed, 0xdd732411),
+         TOBN(0xb4929821, 0x141d4579), TOBN(0x3411321c, 0xaa3bd435),
+         TOBN(0xafb355aa, 0x17fa6015), TOBN(0xb4e7ef4a, 0x18e42f0e),
+         TOBN(0x604ac97c, 0x59371000), TOBN(0xe1c48c70, 0x7f759c18),
+         TOBN(0x3f62ecc5, 0xa5db6b65), TOBN(0x0a78b173, 0x38a21495),
+         TOBN(0x6be1819d, 0xbcc8ad94), TOBN(0x70dc04f6, 0xd89c3400),
+         TOBN(0x462557b4, 0xa6b4840a), TOBN(0x544c6ade, 0x60bd21c0),
+         TOBN(0x6a00f24e, 0x907a544b), TOBN(0xa7520dcb, 0x313da210),
+         TOBN(0xfe939b75, 0x11e4994b), TOBN(0x918b6ba6, 0xbc275d70),
+         TOBN(0xd3e5e0fc, 0x644be892), TOBN(0x707a9816, 0xfdaf6c42),
+         TOBN(0x60145567, 0xf15c13fe), TOBN(0x4818ebaa, 0xe130a54a),
+         TOBN(0x28aad3ad, 0x58d2f767), TOBN(0xdc5267fd, 0xd7e7c773),
+         TOBN(0x4919cc88, 0xc3afcc98), TOBN(0xaa2e6ab0, 0x2db8cd4b),
+         TOBN(0xd46fec04, 0xd0c63eaa), TOBN(0xa1cb92c5, 0x19ffa832),
+         TOBN(0x678dd178, 0xe43a631f), TOBN(0xfb5ae1cd, 0x3dc788b3),
+         TOBN(0x68b4fb90, 0x6e77de04), TOBN(0x7992bcf0, 0xf06dbb97),
+         TOBN(0x896e6a13, 0xc417c01d), TOBN(0x8d96332c, 0xb956be01),
+         TOBN(0x902fc93a, 0x413aa2b9), TOBN(0x99a4d915, 0xfc98c8a5),
+         TOBN(0x52c29407, 0x565f1137), TOBN(0x4072690f, 0x21e4f281),
+         TOBN(0x36e607cf, 0x02ff6072), TOBN(0xa47d2ca9, 0x8ad98cdc),
+         TOBN(0xbf471d1e, 0xf5f56609), TOBN(0xbcf86623, 0xf264ada0),
+         TOBN(0xb70c0687, 0xaa9e5cb6), TOBN(0xc98124f2, 0x17401c6c),
+         TOBN(0x8189635f, 0xd4a61435), TOBN(0xd28fb8af, 0xa9d98ea6),
+         TOBN(0xb9a67c2a, 0x40c251f8), TOBN(0x88cd5d87, 0xa2da44be),
+         TOBN(0x437deb96, 0xe09b5423), TOBN(0x150467db, 0x64287dc1),
+         TOBN(0xe161debb, 0xcdabb839), TOBN(0xa79e9742, 0xf1839a3e),
+         TOBN(0xbb8dd3c2, 0x652d202b), TOBN(0x7b3e67f7, 0xe9f97d96),
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+         TOBN(0x369295dd, 0x2ba5bf95), TOBN(0xd68bd1f8, 0x39aff05e),
+         TOBN(0xaf0d86f9, 0x26d783f2), TOBN(0x543a59b3, 0xfc3aafc1),
+         TOBN(0x3fcf81d2, 0x7b7da97c), TOBN(0xc990a056, 0xd25dee46),
+         TOBN(0x3e6775b8, 0x519cce2c), TOBN(0xfc9af71f, 0xae13d863),
+         TOBN(0x774a4a6f, 0x47c1605c), TOBN(0x46ba4245, 0x2fd205e8),
+         TOBN(0xa06feea4, 0xd3fd524d), TOBN(0x1e724641, 0x6de1acc2),
+         TOBN(0xf53816f1, 0x334e2b42), TOBN(0x49e5918e, 0x922f0024),
+         TOBN(0x439530b6, 0x65c7322d), TOBN(0xcf12cc01, 0xb3c1b3fb),
+         TOBN(0xc70b0186, 0x0172f685), TOBN(0xb915ee22, 0x1b58391d),
+         TOBN(0x9afdf03b, 0xa317db24), TOBN(0x87dec659, 0x17b8ffc4),
+         TOBN(0x7f46597b, 0xe4d3d050), TOBN(0x80a1c1ed, 0x006500e7),
+         TOBN(0x84902a96, 0x78bf030e), TOBN(0xfb5e9c9a, 0x50560148),
+         TOBN(0x6dae0a92, 0x63362426), TOBN(0xdcaeecf4, 0xa9e30c40),
+         TOBN(0xc0d887bb, 0x518d0c6b), TOBN(0x99181152, 0xcb985b9d),
+         TOBN(0xad186898, 0xef7bc381), TOBN(0x18168ffb, 0x9ee46201),
+         TOBN(0x9a04cdaa, 0x2502753c), TOBN(0xbb279e26, 0x51407c41),
+         TOBN(0xeacb03aa, 0xf23564e5), TOBN(0x18336582, 0x71e61016),
+         TOBN(0x8684b8c4, 0xeb809877), TOBN(0xb336e18d, 0xea0e672e),
+         TOBN(0xefb601f0, 0x34ee5867), TOBN(0x2733edbe, 0x1341cfd1),
+         TOBN(0xb15e809a, 0x26025c3c), TOBN(0xe6e981a6, 0x9350df88),
+         TOBN(0x92376237, 0x8502fd8e), TOBN(0x4791f216, 0x0c12be9b),
+         TOBN(0xb7256789, 0x25f02425), TOBN(0xec863194, 0x7a974443),
+         TOBN(0x7c0ce882, 0xfb41cc52), TOBN(0xc266ff7e, 0xf25c07f2),
+         TOBN(0x3d4da8c3, 0x017025f3), TOBN(0xefcf628c, 0xfb9579b4),
+         TOBN(0x5c4d0016, 0x1f3716ec), TOBN(0x9c27ebc4, 0x6801116e),
+         TOBN(0x5eba0ea1, 0x1da1767e), TOBN(0xfe151452, 0x47004c57),
+         TOBN(0x3ace6df6, 0x8c2373b7), TOBN(0x75c3dffe, 0x5dbc37ac),
+         TOBN(0x3dc32a73, 0xddc925fc), TOBN(0xb679c841, 0x2f65ee0b),
+         TOBN(0x715a3295, 0x451cbfeb), TOBN(0xd9889768, 0xf76e9a29),
+         TOBN(0xec20ce7f, 0xb28ad247), TOBN(0xe99146c4, 0x00894d79),
+         TOBN(0x71457d7c, 0x9f5e3ea7), TOBN(0x097b2662, 0x38030031),
+         TOBN(0xdb7f6ae6, 0xcf9f82a8), TOBN(0x319decb9, 0x438f473a),
+         TOBN(0xa63ab386, 0x283856c3), TOBN(0x13e3172f, 0xb06a361b),
+         TOBN(0x2959f8dc, 0x7d5a006c), TOBN(0x2dbc27c6, 0x75fba752),
+         TOBN(0xc1227ab2, 0x87c22c9e), TOBN(0x06f61f75, 0x71a268b2),
+         TOBN(0x1b6bb971, 0x04779ce2), TOBN(0xaca83812, 0x0aadcb1d),
+         TOBN(0x297ae0bc, 0xaeaab2d5), TOBN(0xa5c14ee7, 0x5bfb9f13),
+         TOBN(0xaa00c583, 0xf17a62c7), TOBN(0x39eb962c, 0x173759f6),
+         TOBN(0x1eeba1d4, 0x86c9a88f), TOBN(0x0ab6c37a, 0xdf016c5e),
+         TOBN(0xa2a147db, 0xa28a0749), TOBN(0x246c20d6, 0xee519165),
+         TOBN(0x5068d1b1, 0xd3810715), TOBN(0xb1e7018c, 0x748160b9),
+         TOBN(0x03f5b1fa, 0xf380ff62), TOBN(0xef7fb1dd, 0xf3cb2c1e),
+         TOBN(0xeab539a8, 0xfc91a7da), TOBN(0x83ddb707, 0xf3f9b561),
+         TOBN(0xc550e211, 0xfe7df7a4), TOBN(0xa7cd07f2, 0x063f6f40),
+         TOBN(0xb0de3635, 0x2976879c), TOBN(0xb5f83f85, 0xe55741da),
+         TOBN(0x4ea9d25e, 0xf3d8ac3d), TOBN(0x6fe2066f, 0x62819f02),
+         TOBN(0x4ab2b9c2, 0xcef4a564), TOBN(0x1e155d96, 0x5ffa2de3),
+         TOBN(0x0eb0a19b, 0xc3a72d00), TOBN(0x4037665b, 0x8513c31b),
+         TOBN(0x2fb2b6bf, 0x04c64637), TOBN(0x45c34d6e, 0x08cdc639),
+         TOBN(0x56f1e10f, 0xf01fd796), TOBN(0x4dfb8101, 0xfe3667b8),
+         TOBN(0xe0eda253, 0x9021d0c0), TOBN(0x7a94e9ff, 0x8a06c6ab),
+         TOBN(0x2d3bb0d9, 0xbb9aa882), TOBN(0xea20e4e5, 0xec05fd10),
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+         TOBN(0xb577e3cf, 0x3aa91121), TOBN(0x8c6bd5ea, 0x3a34079b),
+         TOBN(0xd7e5ba39, 0x60e02fc0), TOBN(0xf16dd2c3, 0x90141bf8),
+         TOBN(0xb57276d9, 0x80101b98), TOBN(0x760883fd, 0xb82f0f66),
+         TOBN(0x89d7de75, 0x4bc3eff3), TOBN(0x03b60643, 0x5dc2ab40),
+         TOBN(0xcd6e53df, 0xe05beeac), TOBN(0xf2f1e862, 0xbc3325cd),
+         TOBN(0xdd0f7921, 0x774f03c3), TOBN(0x97ca7221, 0x4552cc1b),
+         TOBN(0x5a0d6afe, 0x1cd19f72), TOBN(0xa20915dc, 0xf183fbeb),
+         TOBN(0x9fda4b40, 0x832c403c), TOBN(0x32738edd, 0xbe425442),
+         TOBN(0x469a1df6, 0xb5eccf1a), TOBN(0x4b5aff42, 0x28bbe1f0),
+         TOBN(0x31359d7f, 0x570dfc93), TOBN(0xa18be235, 0xf0088628),
+         TOBN(0xa5b30fba, 0xb00ed3a9), TOBN(0x34c61374, 0x73cdf8be),
+         TOBN(0x2c5c5f46, 0xabc56797), TOBN(0x5cecf93d, 0xb82a8ae2),
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+         TOBN(0xf28f69a0, 0xc087a9c7), TOBN(0xc2d75471, 0x474471ca),
+         TOBN(0x36ec9f4a, 0x4eb732ec), TOBN(0x6c943bbd, 0xb1ca6bed),
+         TOBN(0xd64535e1, 0xf2457892), TOBN(0x8b84a8ea, 0xf7e2ac06),
+         TOBN(0xe0936cd3, 0x2499dd5f), TOBN(0x12053d7e, 0x0ed04e57),
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+         TOBN(0x2669dda3, 0xc33a655d), TOBN(0x5d503c2e, 0x88514aa3),
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+         TOBN(0xbf185677, 0x496125bd), TOBN(0xfb0023c8, 0x3775006c),
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+         TOBN(0xc365de15, 0xa377b14e), TOBN(0x6bf5463b, 0x8e39f60c),
+         TOBN(0x62030d2d, 0x2ce68148), TOBN(0xd95867ef, 0xe6f843a8),
+         TOBN(0xd39a0244, 0xef5ab017), TOBN(0x0bd2d8c1, 0x4ab55d12),
+         TOBN(0xc9503db3, 0x41639169), TOBN(0x2d4e25b0, 0xf7660c8a),
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+         TOBN(0x9fbca113, 0x8d142552), TOBN(0x1ab18bf1, 0x7669ebf5),
+         TOBN(0x55e6f53e, 0x9bdf25dd), TOBN(0x04cc0bf3, 0xcb6cd154),
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+         TOBN(0x62ed8c35, 0xb351bd4b), TOBN(0x4150ff36, 0x0c0e19a7),
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+         TOBN(0x68fddaee, 0x93e976d5), TOBN(0x696241d1, 0x46610d63),
+         TOBN(0xb204e7c3, 0x893dda88), TOBN(0x8bccfa65, 0x6a3a6946),
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+         TOBN(0xe3e56bca, 0x4784cf93), TOBN(0x27de5f15, 0x8fe68d60),
+         TOBN(0x4ab9cfce, 0xf8d53f19), TOBN(0xddb10311, 0xa40a730d),
+         TOBN(0x6fa73cd1, 0x4eee0a8a), TOBN(0xfd548748, 0x5249719d),
+         TOBN(0x49d66316, 0xa8123ef0), TOBN(0x73c32db4, 0xe7f95438),
+         TOBN(0x2e2ed209, 0x0d9e7854), TOBN(0xf98a9329, 0x9d9f0507),
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+         TOBN(0x7e3202cb, 0x774a7307), TOBN(0x64ed4bc4, 0xe8c42dbd),
+         TOBN(0xc20f1a06, 0xd4caed0d), TOBN(0xb8021407, 0x171d22b3),
+         TOBN(0xd426ca04, 0xd13268d7), TOBN(0x92377007, 0x25f4d126),
+         TOBN(0x4204cbc3, 0x71f21a85), TOBN(0x18461b7a, 0xf82369ba),
+         TOBN(0xc0c07d31, 0x3fc858f9), TOBN(0x5deb5a50, 0xe2bab569),
+         TOBN(0xd5959d46, 0xd5eea89e), TOBN(0xfdff8424, 0x08437f4b),
+         TOBN(0xf21071e4, 0x3cfe254f), TOBN(0x72417696, 0x95468321),
+         TOBN(0x5d8288b9, 0x102cae3e), TOBN(0x2d143e3d, 0xf1965dff),
+         TOBN(0x00c9a376, 0xa078d847), TOBN(0x6fc0da31, 0x26028731),
+         TOBN(0xa2baeadf, 0xe45083a2), TOBN(0x66bc7218, 0x5e5b4bcd),
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+         TOBN(0xa403a8ec, 0xc73884ad), TOBN(0x7fb17de2, 0x9bb39041),
+         TOBN(0x694b64c5, 0xabb020e8), TOBN(0x3d18c184, 0x19c4eec7),
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+         TOBN(0x0d56eeaf, 0x55a205c9), TOBN(0xbfe115ba, 0x4b8e028b),
+         TOBN(0x97e60849, 0x3927f4fe), TOBN(0xf91fbf94, 0x759aa7c5),
+         TOBN(0x985af769, 0x6be90a51), TOBN(0xc1277b78, 0x78ccb823),
+         TOBN(0x395b656e, 0xe7a75952), TOBN(0x00df7de0, 0x928da5f5),
+         TOBN(0x09c23175, 0x4ca4454f), TOBN(0x4ec971f4, 0x7aa2d3c1),
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+         TOBN(0x38131dda, 0x9b12e174), TOBN(0x25d84aa3, 0x8a03752a),
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+         TOBN(0x5e3295a6, 0x4e969285), TOBN(0x22aabc59, 0xa6a45670),
+         TOBN(0xb929714c, 0x5f5942bc), TOBN(0x9a6168bd, 0xfa3182ed),
+         TOBN(0x2216a665, 0x104152ba), TOBN(0x46908d03, 0xb6926368)},
+        {
+            TOBN(0xa9f5d874, 0x5a1251fb), TOBN(0x967747a8, 0xc72725c7),
+            TOBN(0x195c33e5, 0x31ffe89e), TOBN(0x609d210f, 0xe964935e),
+            TOBN(0xcafd6ca8, 0x2fe12227), TOBN(0xaf9b5b96, 0x0426469d),
+            TOBN(0x2e9ee04c, 0x5693183c), TOBN(0x1084a333, 0xc8146fef),
+            TOBN(0x96649933, 0xaed1d1f7), TOBN(0x566eaff3, 0x50563090),
+            TOBN(0x345057f0, 0xad2e39cf), TOBN(0x148ff65b, 0x1f832124),
+            TOBN(0x042e89d4, 0xcf94cf0d), TOBN(0x319bec84, 0x520c58b3),
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+            TOBN(0xb99315bc, 0x846f7779), TOBN(0xcf31d816, 0xef9ea505),
+            TOBN(0x2391fe6a, 0x15d7dc85), TOBN(0x2f132b04, 0xb4016b33),
+            TOBN(0x29547fe3, 0x181cb4c7), TOBN(0xdb66d8a6, 0x650155a1),
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+            TOBN(0x65f24550, 0xcc1b7435), TOBN(0xce231393, 0xb4b9a5ec),
+            TOBN(0x234a22d4, 0xdb067df9), TOBN(0x98dda095, 0xcaff9b00),
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+            TOBN(0xfea1f3af, 0x03fde375), TOBN(0x5e11a1d8, 0x75881dfc),
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+            TOBN(0x22453204, 0x97713885), TOBN(0x468d834b, 0xa8a440fe),
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+            TOBN(0xfa2bf581, 0x355a5752), TOBN(0x562f96a8, 0x00946674),
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+            TOBN(0xa76f49f4, 0xcd941534), TOBN(0x0d37406b, 0xe3c71c0e),
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+            TOBN(0xe5dc978f, 0x2fb061f5), TOBN(0xc9a1904a, 0x28c815ad),
+            TOBN(0xd3af538d, 0x470c56a4), TOBN(0x159abc5f, 0x193d8ced),
+            TOBN(0x2a37245f, 0x20108ef3), TOBN(0xfa17081e, 0x223f7178),
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+            TOBN(0x594564df, 0x8ac3bfa7), TOBN(0x98102033, 0x509dad96),
+            TOBN(0x6989643f, 0xf1d18a13), TOBN(0x35eebd91, 0xd7fc5af0),
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+            TOBN(0xb853dbc8, 0x1c86682b), TOBN(0xb78d2727, 0xb8d02b2a),
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+            TOBN(0xa61bd343, 0xf10088b5), TOBN(0x6aa76076, 0xe2e28686),
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+            TOBN(0xa36c936b, 0xb57c6477), TOBN(0x871f8b64, 0xe94dbcc6),
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+            TOBN(0x0f71a602, 0xb194560e), TOBN(0x8b2d7405, 0x324bd6e1),
+            TOBN(0x8481939e, 0x3738be71), TOBN(0xb5090b1a, 0x1a4d97a9),
+            TOBN(0x116c65a3, 0xf05ba915), TOBN(0x21863ad3, 0xaae448aa),
+            TOBN(0xd24e2679, 0xa7aae5d3), TOBN(0x7076013d, 0x0de5c1c4),
+            TOBN(0x2d50f8ba, 0xbb05b629), TOBN(0x73c1abe2, 0x6e66efbb),
+            TOBN(0xefd4b422, 0xf2488af7), TOBN(0xe4105d02, 0x663ba575),
+            TOBN(0x7eb60a8b, 0x53a69457), TOBN(0x62210008, 0xc945973b),
+            TOBN(0xfb255478, 0x77a50ec6), TOBN(0xbf0392f7, 0x0a37a72c),
+            TOBN(0xa0a7a19c, 0x4be18e7a), TOBN(0x90d8ea16, 0x25b1e0af),
+            TOBN(0x7582a293, 0xef953f57), TOBN(0x90a64d05, 0xbdc5465a),
+            TOBN(0xca79c497, 0xe2510717), TOBN(0x560dbb7c, 0x18cb641f),
+            TOBN(0x1d8e3286, 0x4b66abfb), TOBN(0xd26f52e5, 0x59030900),
+            TOBN(0x1ee3f643, 0x5584941a), TOBN(0x6d3b3730, 0x569f5958),
+            TOBN(0x9ff2a62f, 0x4789dba5), TOBN(0x91fcb815, 0x72b5c9b7),
+            TOBN(0xf446cb7d, 0x6c8f9a0e), TOBN(0x48f625c1, 0x39b7ecb5),
+            TOBN(0xbabae801, 0x1c6219b8), TOBN(0xe7a562d9, 0x28ac2f23),
+            TOBN(0xe1b48732, 0x26e20588), TOBN(0x06ee1cad, 0x775af051),
+            TOBN(0xda29ae43, 0xfaff79f7), TOBN(0xc141a412, 0x652ee9e0),
+            TOBN(0x1e127f6f, 0x195f4bd0), TOBN(0x29c6ab4f, 0x072f34f8),
+            TOBN(0x7b7c1477, 0x30448112), TOBN(0x82b51af1, 0xe4a38656),
+            TOBN(0x2bf2028a, 0x2f315010), TOBN(0xc9a4a01f, 0x6ea88cd4),
+            TOBN(0xf63e95d8, 0x257e5818), TOBN(0xdd8efa10, 0xb4519b16),
+            TOBN(0xed8973e0, 0x0da910bf), TOBN(0xed49d077, 0x5c0fe4a9),
+            TOBN(0xac3aac5e, 0xb7caee1e), TOBN(0x1033898d, 0xa7f4da57),
+            TOBN(0x42145c0e, 0x5c6669b9), TOBN(0x42daa688, 0xc1aa2aa0),
+            TOBN(0x629cc15c, 0x1a1d885a), TOBN(0x25572ec0, 0xf4b76817),
+            TOBN(0x8312e435, 0x9c8f8f28), TOBN(0x8107f8cd, 0x81965490),
+            TOBN(0x516ff3a3, 0x6fa6110c), TOBN(0x74fb1eb1, 0xfb93561f),
+            TOBN(0x6c0c9047, 0x8457522b), TOBN(0xcfd32104, 0x6bb8bdc6),
+            TOBN(0x2d6884a2, 0xcc80ad57), TOBN(0x7c27fc35, 0x86a9b637),
+            TOBN(0x3461baed, 0xadf4e8cd), TOBN(0x1d56251a, 0x617242f0),
+            TOBN(0x0b80d209, 0xc955bef4), TOBN(0xdf02cad2, 0x06adb047),
+            TOBN(0xf0d7cb91, 0x5ec74fee), TOBN(0xd2503375, 0x1111ba44),
+            TOBN(0x9671755e, 0xdf53cb36), TOBN(0x54dcb612, 0x3368551b),
+            TOBN(0x66d69aac, 0xc8a025a4), TOBN(0x6be946c6, 0xe77ef445),
+            TOBN(0x719946d1, 0xa995e094), TOBN(0x65e848f6, 0xe51e04d8),
+            TOBN(0xe62f3300, 0x6a1e3113), TOBN(0x1541c7c1, 0x501de503),
+            TOBN(0x4daac9fa, 0xf4acfade), TOBN(0x0e585897, 0x44cd0b71),
+            TOBN(0x544fd869, 0x0a51cd77), TOBN(0x60fc20ed, 0x0031016d),
+            TOBN(0x58b404ec, 0xa4276867), TOBN(0x46f6c3cc, 0x34f34993),
+            TOBN(0x477ca007, 0xc636e5bd), TOBN(0x8018f5e5, 0x7c458b47),
+            TOBN(0xa1202270, 0xe47b668f), TOBN(0xcef48ccd, 0xee14f203),
+            TOBN(0x23f98bae, 0x62ff9b4d), TOBN(0x55acc035, 0xc589eddd),
+            TOBN(0x3fe712af, 0x64db4444), TOBN(0x19e9d634, 0xbecdd480),
+            TOBN(0xe08bc047, 0xa930978a), TOBN(0x2dbf24ec, 0xa1280733),
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+            TOBN(0xe5f9897d, 0x594881dc), TOBN(0x6b5efad8, 0xcfb820c1),
+            TOBN(0xb2179093, 0xd55018de), TOBN(0x39ad7d32, 0x0bac56ce),
+            TOBN(0xb55122e0, 0x2cfc0e81), TOBN(0x117c4661, 0xf6d89daa),
+            TOBN(0x362d01e1, 0xcb64fa09), TOBN(0x6a309b4e, 0x3e9c4ddd),
+            TOBN(0xfa979fb7, 0xabea49b1), TOBN(0xb4b1d27d, 0x10e2c6c5),
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+            TOBN(0x8c27a032, 0xc309914c), TOBN(0xcea5d68a, 0xcaede3d8),
+            TOBN(0x3668f665, 0x3a0a3f95), TOBN(0x89369416, 0x7ceba27b),
+            TOBN(0x89981fad, 0xe4728fe9), TOBN(0x7102c8a0, 0x8a093562),
+            TOBN(0xbb80310e, 0x235d21c8), TOBN(0x505e55d1, 0xbefb7f7b),
+            TOBN(0xa0a90811, 0x12958a67), TOBN(0xd67e106a, 0x4d851fef),
+            TOBN(0xb84011a9, 0x431dd80e), TOBN(0xeb7c7cca, 0x73306cd9),
+            TOBN(0x20fadd29, 0xd1b3b730), TOBN(0x83858b5b, 0xfe37b3d3),
+            TOBN(0xbf4cd193, 0xb6251d5c), TOBN(0x1cca1fd3, 0x1352d952),
+            TOBN(0xc66157a4, 0x90fbc051), TOBN(0x7990a638, 0x89b98636),
+        },
+        {TOBN(0xe5aa692a, 0x87dec0e1), TOBN(0x010ded8d, 0xf7b39d00),
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+         TOBN(0x1a09eea9, 0x53479fc6), TOBN(0x82ae9891, 0xf499e742),
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+         TOBN(0x89ae4447, 0xcceac0bc), TOBN(0x919c667c, 0x7bf56af5),
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+         TOBN(0x652a3bfd, 0xf27f9ce7), TOBN(0xb6bdb65c, 0x3b3d739f),
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+         TOBN(0xdee95d8e, 0x69445d52), TOBN(0x1b6c2d46, 0x09e27620),
+         TOBN(0x32621c31, 0x8129d716), TOBN(0xb03909f1, 0x0958c1aa),
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+         TOBN(0x571623ab, 0xb245db96), TOBN(0xc507db09, 0x3fd79999),
+         TOBN(0x4e2ef652, 0xaf036c32), TOBN(0x86f0cc78, 0x05018e5c),
+         TOBN(0xc10a73d4, 0xab8be350), TOBN(0x6519b397, 0x7e826327),
+         TOBN(0xe8cb5eef, 0x9c053df7), TOBN(0x8de25b37, 0xb300ea6f),
+         TOBN(0xdb03fa92, 0xc849cffb), TOBN(0x242e43a7, 0xe84169bb),
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+         TOBN(0xe6e72a50, 0xe90d8949), TOBN(0xc66648e3, 0x2b1f6390),
+         TOBN(0xb2ab1957, 0x173e460c), TOBN(0x1bbbce75, 0x30704590),
+         TOBN(0xc0a90dbd, 0xdb1c7162), TOBN(0x505e399e, 0x15cdd65d),
+         TOBN(0x68434dcb, 0x57797ab7), TOBN(0x60ad35ba, 0x6a2ca8e8),
+         TOBN(0x4bfdb1e0, 0xde3336c1), TOBN(0xbbef99eb, 0xd8b39015),
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+         TOBN(0xb99774d3, 0x57b4411f), TOBN(0x87c8bdf4, 0x15b65bb6),
+         TOBN(0xda3a89e3, 0xc2eef12d), TOBN(0xde95bb9b, 0x3c7471f3),
+         TOBN(0x600f225b, 0xd812c594), TOBN(0x54907c5d, 0x2b75a56b),
+         TOBN(0xa93cc5f0, 0x8db60e35), TOBN(0x743e3cd6, 0xfa833319),
+         TOBN(0x7dad5c41, 0xf81683c9), TOBN(0x70c1e7d9, 0x9c34107e),
+         TOBN(0x0edc4a39, 0xa6be0907), TOBN(0x36d47035, 0x86d0b7d3),
+         TOBN(0x8c76da03, 0x272bfa60), TOBN(0x0b4a07ea, 0x0f08a414),
+         TOBN(0x699e4d29, 0x45c1dd53), TOBN(0xcadc5898, 0x231debb5),
+         TOBN(0xdf49fcc7, 0xa77f00e0), TOBN(0x93057bbf, 0xa73e5a0e),
+         TOBN(0x2f8b7ecd, 0x027a4cd1), TOBN(0x114734b3, 0xc614011a),
+         TOBN(0xe7a01db7, 0x67677c68), TOBN(0x89d9be5e, 0x7e273f4f),
+         TOBN(0xd225cb2e, 0x089808ef), TOBN(0xf1f7a27d, 0xd59e4107),
+         TOBN(0x53afc761, 0x8211b9c9), TOBN(0x0361bc67, 0xe6819159),
+         TOBN(0x2a865d0b, 0x7f071426), TOBN(0x6a3c1810, 0xe7072567),
+         TOBN(0x3e3bca1e, 0x0d6bcabd), TOBN(0xa1b02bc1, 0x408591bc),
+         TOBN(0xe0deee59, 0x31fba239), TOBN(0xf47424d3, 0x98bd91d1),
+         TOBN(0x0f8886f4, 0x071a3c1d), TOBN(0x3f7d41e8, 0xa819233b),
+         TOBN(0x708623c2, 0xcf6eb998), TOBN(0x86bb49af, 0x609a287f),
+         TOBN(0x942bb249, 0x63c90762), TOBN(0x0ef6eea5, 0x55a9654b),
+         TOBN(0x5f6d2d72, 0x36f5defe), TOBN(0xfa9922dc, 0x56f99176),
+         TOBN(0x6c8c5ece, 0xf78ce0c7), TOBN(0x7b44589d, 0xbe09b55e),
+         TOBN(0xe11b3bca, 0x9ea83770), TOBN(0xd7fa2c7f, 0x2ab71547),
+         TOBN(0x2a3dd6fa, 0x2a1ddcc0), TOBN(0x09acb430, 0x5a7b7707),
+         TOBN(0x4add4a2e, 0x649d4e57), TOBN(0xcd53a2b0, 0x1917526e),
+         TOBN(0xc5262330, 0x20b44ac4), TOBN(0x4028746a, 0xbaa2c31d),
+         TOBN(0x51318390, 0x64291d4c), TOBN(0xbf48f151, 0xee5ad909),
+         TOBN(0xcce57f59, 0x7b185681), TOBN(0x7c3ac1b0, 0x4854d442),
+         TOBN(0x65587dc3, 0xc093c171), TOBN(0xae7acb24, 0x24f42b65),
+         TOBN(0x5a338adb, 0x955996cb), TOBN(0xc8e65675, 0x6051f91b),
+         TOBN(0x66711fba, 0x28b8d0b1), TOBN(0x15d74137, 0xb6c10a90),
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+         TOBN(0xa80d1db6, 0xf79588c0), TOBN(0xfa52fc69, 0xb55768cc),
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+         TOBN(0x9f047d55, 0x382e4e16), TOBN(0xc9b5b7e0, 0x2f6e0c98),
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+         TOBN(0xc19972d0, 0xb611c24b), TOBN(0x1d468e65, 0x60a8f351),
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+         TOBN(0xe6eeaa69, 0x67e9c50a), TOBN(0x27ced284, 0x62e628c7),
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+         TOBN(0x364a24eb, 0x38bd9923), TOBN(0x1df18da0, 0xe5177422),
+         TOBN(0x174e8f82, 0xd8d38a9b), TOBN(0x2e97c600, 0xe7de1391),
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+         TOBN(0x80e1aee8, 0x3854ec42), TOBN(0x2a7dbf44, 0x17689dc7),
+         TOBN(0xc004fc0e, 0x3faf4078), TOBN(0xb2f02e9e, 0xdf11862c),
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+         TOBN(0x98575618, 0x0e9c2674), TOBN(0xbe79d046, 0x1847092e),
+         TOBN(0xaf1e480a, 0x78bd01e0), TOBN(0x6dd359e4, 0x72a51db9),
+         TOBN(0x62ce3821, 0xe3afbab6), TOBN(0xc5cee5b6, 0x17733199),
+         TOBN(0xe08b30d4, 0x6ffd9fbb), TOBN(0x6e5bc699, 0x36c610b7),
+         TOBN(0xf343cff2, 0x9ce262cf), TOBN(0xca2e4e35, 0x68b914c1),
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+         TOBN(0x671ed8fc, 0x3b922bf8), TOBN(0xe4d8c0a0, 0x4c29b133),
+         TOBN(0x87eb1239, 0x3b6e99c4), TOBN(0xaff3974c, 0x8793beba),
+         TOBN(0x03749405, 0x2c18df9b), TOBN(0xc5c3a293, 0x91007139),
+         TOBN(0x6a77234f, 0xe37a0b95), TOBN(0x02c29a21, 0xb661c96b),
+         TOBN(0xc3aaf1d6, 0x141ecf61), TOBN(0x9195509e, 0x3bb22f53),
+         TOBN(0x29597404, 0x22d51357), TOBN(0x1b083822, 0x537bed60),
+         TOBN(0xcd7d6e35, 0xe07289f0), TOBN(0x1f94c48c, 0x6dd86eff),
+         TOBN(0xc8bb1f82, 0xeb0f9cfa), TOBN(0x9ee0b7e6, 0x1b2eb97d),
+         TOBN(0x5a52fe2e, 0x34d74e31), TOBN(0xa352c310, 0x3bf79ab6),
+         TOBN(0x97ff6c5a, 0xabfeeb8f), TOBN(0xbfbe8fef, 0xf5c97305),
+         TOBN(0xd6081ce6, 0xa7904608), TOBN(0x1f812f3a, 0xc4fca249),
+         TOBN(0x9b24bc9a, 0xb9e5e200), TOBN(0x91022c67, 0x38012ee8),
+         TOBN(0xe83d9c5d, 0x30a713a1), TOBN(0x4876e3f0, 0x84ef0f93),
+         TOBN(0xc9777029, 0xc1fbf928), TOBN(0xef7a6bb3, 0xbce7d2a4),
+         TOBN(0xb8067228, 0xdfa2a659), TOBN(0xd5cd3398, 0xd877a48f),
+         TOBN(0xbea4fd8f, 0x025d0f3f), TOBN(0xd67d2e35, 0x2eae7c2b),
+         TOBN(0x184de7d7, 0xcc5f4394), TOBN(0xb5551b5c, 0x4536e142),
+         TOBN(0x2e89b212, 0xd34aa60a), TOBN(0x14a96fea, 0xf50051d5),
+         TOBN(0x4e21ef74, 0x0d12bb0b), TOBN(0xc522f020, 0x60b9677e),
+         TOBN(0x8b12e467, 0x2df7731d), TOBN(0x39f80382, 0x7b326d31),
+         TOBN(0xdfb8630c, 0x39024a94), TOBN(0xaacb96a8, 0x97319452),
+         TOBN(0xd68a3961, 0xeda3867c), TOBN(0x0c58e2b0, 0x77c4ffca),
+         TOBN(0x3d545d63, 0x4da919fa), TOBN(0xef79b69a, 0xf15e2289),
+         TOBN(0x54bc3d3d, 0x808bab10), TOBN(0xc8ab3007, 0x45f82c37),
+         TOBN(0xc12738b6, 0x7c4a658a), TOBN(0xb3c47639, 0x40e72182),
+         TOBN(0x3b77be46, 0x8798e44f), TOBN(0xdc047df2, 0x17a7f85f),
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+         TOBN(0x433f665c, 0x3263c949), TOBN(0xa6a76dd6, 0xa1f21409),
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+         TOBN(0x2a7e711b, 0xfbefaf5a), TOBN(0xc7393278, 0x3fef2bbf),
+         TOBN(0xe29fa244, 0x0df6f9be), TOBN(0x9092757b, 0x71efd215),
+         TOBN(0xee60e311, 0x4f3d6fd9), TOBN(0x338542d4, 0x0acfb78b),
+         TOBN(0x44a23f08, 0x38961a0f), TOBN(0x1426eade, 0x986987ca),
+         TOBN(0x36e6ee2e, 0x4a863cc6), TOBN(0x48059420, 0x628b8b79),
+         TOBN(0x30303ad8, 0x7396e1de), TOBN(0x5c8bdc48, 0x38c5aad1),
+         TOBN(0x3e40e11f, 0x5c8f5066), TOBN(0xabd6e768, 0x8d246bbd),
+         TOBN(0x68aa40bb, 0x23330a01), TOBN(0xd23f5ee4, 0xc34eafa0),
+         TOBN(0x3bbee315, 0x5de02c21), TOBN(0x18dd4397, 0xd1d8dd06),
+         TOBN(0x3ba1939a, 0x122d7b44), TOBN(0xe6d3b40a, 0xa33870d6),
+         TOBN(0x8e620f70, 0x1c4fe3f8), TOBN(0xf6bba1a5, 0xd3a50cbf),
+         TOBN(0x4a78bde5, 0xcfc0aee0), TOBN(0x847edc46, 0xc08c50bd),
+         TOBN(0xbaa2439c, 0xad63c9b2), TOBN(0xceb4a728, 0x10fc2acb),
+         TOBN(0xa419e40e, 0x26da033d), TOBN(0x6cc3889d, 0x03e02683),
+         TOBN(0x1cd28559, 0xfdccf725), TOBN(0x0fd7e0f1, 0x8d13d208),
+         TOBN(0x01b9733b, 0x1f0df9d4), TOBN(0x8cc2c5f3, 0xa2b5e4f3),
+         TOBN(0x43053bfa, 0x3a304fd4), TOBN(0x8e87665c, 0x0a9f1aa7),
+         TOBN(0x087f29ec, 0xd73dc965), TOBN(0x15ace455, 0x3e9023db),
+         TOBN(0x2370e309, 0x2bce28b4), TOBN(0xf9723442, 0xb6b1e84a),
+         TOBN(0xbeee662e, 0xb72d9f26), TOBN(0xb19396de, 0xf0e47109),
+         TOBN(0x85b1fa73, 0xe13289d0), TOBN(0x436cf77e, 0x54e58e32),
+         TOBN(0x0ec833b3, 0xe990ef77), TOBN(0x7373e3ed, 0x1b11fc25),
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+         TOBN(0xf85ff785, 0x7e977ca0), TOBN(0xb66ee8da, 0xdfdd5d2b),
+         TOBN(0xf5e37950, 0x905af461), TOBN(0x587b9090, 0x966d487c),
+         TOBN(0x6a198a1b, 0x32ba0127), TOBN(0xa7720e07, 0x141615ac),
+         TOBN(0xa23f3499, 0x996ef2f2), TOBN(0xef5f64b4, 0x470bcb3d),
+         TOBN(0xa526a962, 0x92b8c559), TOBN(0x0c14aac0, 0x69740a0f),
+         TOBN(0x0d41a9e3, 0xa6bdc0a5), TOBN(0x97d52106, 0x9c48aef4),
+         TOBN(0xcf16bd30, 0x3e7c253b), TOBN(0xcc834b1a, 0x47fdedc1),
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+         TOBN(0x7a46d9c0, 0x66d41870), TOBN(0xa50c20b1, 0x4787ba09),
+         TOBN(0x185e7e51, 0xe3d44635), TOBN(0xb3b3e080, 0x31e2d8dc),
+         TOBN(0xbed1e558, 0xa179e9d9), TOBN(0x2daa3f79, 0x74a76781),
+         TOBN(0x4372baf2, 0x3a40864f), TOBN(0x46900c54, 0x4fe75cb5),
+         TOBN(0xb95f171e, 0xf76765d0), TOBN(0x4ad726d2, 0x95c87502),
+         TOBN(0x2ec769da, 0x4d7c99bd), TOBN(0x5e2ddd19, 0xc36cdfa8),
+         TOBN(0xc22117fc, 0xa93e6dea), TOBN(0xe8a2583b, 0x93771123),
+         TOBN(0xbe2f6089, 0xfa08a3a2), TOBN(0x4809d5ed, 0x8f0e1112),
+         TOBN(0x3b414aa3, 0xda7a095e), TOBN(0x9049acf1, 0x26f5aadd),
+         TOBN(0x78d46a4d, 0x6be8b84a), TOBN(0xd66b1963, 0xb732b9b3),
+         TOBN(0x5c2ac2a0, 0xde6e9555), TOBN(0xcf52d098, 0xb5bd8770),
+         TOBN(0x15a15fa6, 0x0fd28921), TOBN(0x56ccb81e, 0x8b27536d),
+         TOBN(0x0f0d8ab8, 0x9f4ccbb8), TOBN(0xed5f44d2, 0xdb221729),
+         TOBN(0x43141988, 0x00bed10c), TOBN(0xc94348a4, 0x1d735b8b),
+         TOBN(0x79f3e9c4, 0x29ef8479), TOBN(0x4c13a4e3, 0x614c693f),
+         TOBN(0x32c9af56, 0x8e143a14), TOBN(0xbc517799, 0xe29ac5c4),
+         TOBN(0x05e17992, 0x2774856f), TOBN(0x6e52fb05, 0x6c1bf55f),
+         TOBN(0xaeda4225, 0xe4f19e16), TOBN(0x70f4728a, 0xaf5ccb26),
+         TOBN(0x5d2118d1, 0xb2947f22), TOBN(0xc827ea16, 0x281d6fb9),
+         TOBN(0x8412328d, 0x8cf0eabd), TOBN(0x45ee9fb2, 0x03ef9dcf),
+         TOBN(0x8e700421, 0xbb937d63), TOBN(0xdf8ff2d5, 0xcc4b37a6),
+         TOBN(0xa4c0d5b2, 0x5ced7b68), TOBN(0x6537c1ef, 0xc7308f59),
+         TOBN(0x25ce6a26, 0x3b37f8e8), TOBN(0x170e9a9b, 0xdeebc6ce),
+         TOBN(0xdd037952, 0x8728d72c), TOBN(0x445b0e55, 0x850154bc),
+         TOBN(0x4b7d0e06, 0x83a7337b), TOBN(0x1e3416d4, 0xffecf249),
+         TOBN(0x24840eff, 0x66a2b71f), TOBN(0xd0d9a50a, 0xb37cc26d),
+         TOBN(0xe2198150, 0x6fe28ef7), TOBN(0x3cc5ef16, 0x23324c7f),
+         TOBN(0x220f3455, 0x769b5263), TOBN(0xe2ade2f1, 0xa10bf475),
+         TOBN(0x28cd20fa, 0x458d3671), TOBN(0x1549722c, 0x2dc4847b),
+         TOBN(0x6dd01e55, 0x591941e3), TOBN(0x0e6fbcea, 0x27128ccb),
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+         TOBN(0x7539c0a8, 0x72c052ec), TOBN(0xd7b27369, 0x5a3490e9),
+         TOBN(0x143fe1f1, 0x71684349), TOBN(0x36b4722e, 0x32e19b97),
+         TOBN(0xdc059227, 0x90980aff), TOBN(0x175c9c88, 0x9e13d674),
+         TOBN(0xa7de5b22, 0x6e6bfdb1), TOBN(0x5ea5b7b2, 0xbedb4b46),
+         TOBN(0xd5570191, 0xd34a6e44), TOBN(0xfcf60d2e, 0xa24ff7e6),
+         TOBN(0x614a392d, 0x677819e1), TOBN(0x7be74c7e, 0xaa5a29e8),
+         TOBN(0xab50fece, 0x63c85f3f), TOBN(0xaca2e2a9, 0x46cab337),
+         TOBN(0x7f700388, 0x122a6fe3), TOBN(0xdb69f703, 0x882a04a8),
+         TOBN(0x9a77935d, 0xcf7aed57), TOBN(0xdf16207c, 0x8d91c86f),
+         TOBN(0x2fca49ab, 0x63ed9998), TOBN(0xa3125c44, 0xa77ddf96),
+         TOBN(0x05dd8a86, 0x24344072), TOBN(0xa023dda2, 0xfec3fb56),
+         TOBN(0x421b41fc, 0x0c743032), TOBN(0x4f2120c1, 0x5e438639),
+         TOBN(0xfb7cae51, 0xc83c1b07), TOBN(0xb2370caa, 0xcac2171a),
+         TOBN(0x2eb2d962, 0x6cc820fb), TOBN(0x59feee5c, 0xb85a44bf),
+         TOBN(0x94620fca, 0x5b6598f0), TOBN(0x6b922cae, 0x7e314051),
+         TOBN(0xff8745ad, 0x106bed4e), TOBN(0x546e71f5, 0xdfa1e9ab),
+         TOBN(0x935c1e48, 0x1ec29487), TOBN(0x9509216c, 0x4d936530),
+         TOBN(0xc7ca3067, 0x85c9a2db), TOBN(0xd6ae5152, 0x6be8606f),
+         TOBN(0x09dbcae6, 0xe14c651d), TOBN(0xc9536e23, 0x9bc32f96),
+         TOBN(0xa90535a9, 0x34521b03), TOBN(0xf39c526c, 0x878756ff),
+         TOBN(0x383172ec, 0x8aedf03c), TOBN(0x20a8075e, 0xefe0c034),
+         TOBN(0xf22f9c62, 0x64026422), TOBN(0x8dd10780, 0x24b9d076),
+         TOBN(0x944c742a, 0x3bef2950), TOBN(0x55b9502e, 0x88a2b00b),
+         TOBN(0xa59e14b4, 0x86a09817), TOBN(0xa39dd3ac, 0x47bb4071),
+         TOBN(0x55137f66, 0x3be0592f), TOBN(0x07fcafd4, 0xc9e63f5b),
+         TOBN(0x963652ee, 0x346eb226), TOBN(0x7dfab085, 0xec2facb7),
+         TOBN(0x273bf2b8, 0x691add26), TOBN(0x30d74540, 0xf2b46c44),
+         TOBN(0x05e8e73e, 0xf2c2d065), TOBN(0xff9b8a00, 0xd42eeac9),
+         TOBN(0x2fcbd205, 0x97209d22), TOBN(0xeb740ffa, 0xde14ea2c),
+         TOBN(0xc71ff913, 0xa8aef518), TOBN(0x7bfc74bb, 0xfff4cfa2),
+         TOBN(0x1716680c, 0xb6b36048), TOBN(0x121b2cce, 0x9ef79af1),
+         TOBN(0xbff3c836, 0xa01eb3d3), TOBN(0x50eb1c6a, 0x5f79077b),
+         TOBN(0xa48c32d6, 0xa004bbcf), TOBN(0x47a59316, 0x7d64f61d),
+         TOBN(0x6068147f, 0x93102016), TOBN(0x12c5f654, 0x94d12576),
+         TOBN(0xefb071a7, 0xc9bc6b91), TOBN(0x7c2da0c5, 0x6e23ea95),
+         TOBN(0xf4fd45b6, 0xd4a1dd5d), TOBN(0x3e7ad9b6, 0x9122b13c),
+         TOBN(0x342ca118, 0xe6f57a48), TOBN(0x1c2e94a7, 0x06f8288f),
+         TOBN(0x99e68f07, 0x5a97d231), TOBN(0x7c80de97, 0x4d838758),
+         TOBN(0xbce0f5d0, 0x05872727), TOBN(0xbe5d95c2, 0x19c4d016),
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+         TOBN(0x4c84dcd1, 0x32f988d3), TOBN(0xde26d61f, 0xa17b8e85),
+         TOBN(0xc466dcb6, 0x137c7408), TOBN(0x9a38d7b6, 0x36a266da),
+         TOBN(0x7ef5cb06, 0x83bebf1b), TOBN(0xe5cdcbbf, 0x0fd014e3),
+         TOBN(0x30aa376d, 0xf65965a0), TOBN(0x60fe88c2, 0xebb3e95e),
+         TOBN(0x33fd0b61, 0x66ee6f20), TOBN(0x8827dcdb, 0x3f41f0a0),
+         TOBN(0xbf8a9d24, 0x0c56c690), TOBN(0x40265dad, 0xddb7641d),
+         TOBN(0x522b05bf, 0x3a6b662b), TOBN(0x466d1dfe, 0xb1478c9b),
+         TOBN(0xaa616962, 0x1484469b), TOBN(0x0db60549, 0x02df8f9f),
+         TOBN(0xc37bca02, 0x3cb8bf51), TOBN(0x5effe346, 0x21371ce8),
+         TOBN(0xe8f65264, 0xff112c32), TOBN(0x8a9c736d, 0x7b971fb2),
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+         TOBN(0x96fb6260, 0x41dc61bd), TOBN(0xf74e8a9d, 0x27ee2f8a),
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+         TOBN(0x9894344f, 0x3a29467a), TOBN(0xde81e949, 0xc51eba6d),
+         TOBN(0xdaea066b, 0xa5e5c2f2), TOBN(0x3fc8a614, 0x08c8c7b3),
+         TOBN(0x7adff88f, 0x06d0de9f), TOBN(0xbbc11cf5, 0x3b75ce0a),
+         TOBN(0x9fbb7acc, 0xfbbc87d5), TOBN(0xa1458e26, 0x7badfde2)},
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+            TOBN(0xc0be21aa, 0xde744b1f), TOBN(0xa7d222b0, 0x60f8056b),
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+            TOBN(0x8f11d634, 0x992fb7e8), TOBN(0x0169a7aa, 0xa2a44347),
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+            TOBN(0xb6e33878, 0xa4d32282), TOBN(0xe36e029d, 0x48020ae7),
+            TOBN(0xe05847fb, 0x37a9b750), TOBN(0xf876812c, 0xb29e3819),
+            TOBN(0x84ad138e, 0xd23a17f0), TOBN(0x6d7b4480, 0xf0b3950e),
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+            TOBN(0x2101a522, 0xb99a72cb), TOBN(0x06de6e67, 0x87618016),
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+            TOBN(0xe17be47d, 0x62dd61ad), TOBN(0x781a961c, 0x6be01371),
+            TOBN(0x1063bfd3, 0xdae3cbba), TOBN(0x35647406, 0x7f73c9ba),
+            TOBN(0xf50e957b, 0x2736a129), TOBN(0xa6313702, 0xed13f256),
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+            TOBN(0x43324577, 0xa49fead4), TOBN(0x61a1b884, 0x2aa7a711),
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+            TOBN(0xb99b7d6e, 0x250c74f4), TOBN(0x097f2f73, 0x20324e45),
+            TOBN(0x994b37d8, 0xaffa8208), TOBN(0xc3c31b0b, 0xdc29aafc),
+            TOBN(0x3da74651, 0x7a3a607f), TOBN(0xd8e1b8c1, 0xfe6955d6),
+            TOBN(0x716e1815, 0xc8418682), TOBN(0x541d487f, 0x7dc91d97),
+            TOBN(0x48a04669, 0xc6996982), TOBN(0xf39cab15, 0x83a6502e),
+            TOBN(0x025801a0, 0xe68db055), TOBN(0xf3569758, 0xba3338d5),
+            TOBN(0xb0c8c0aa, 0xee2afa84), TOBN(0x4f6985d3, 0xfb6562d1),
+            TOBN(0x351f1f15, 0x132ed17a), TOBN(0x510ed0b4, 0xc04365fe),
+            TOBN(0xa3f98138, 0xe5b1f066), TOBN(0xbc9d95d6, 0x32df03dc),
+            TOBN(0xa83ccf6e, 0x19abd09e), TOBN(0x0b4097c1, 0x4ff17edb),
+            TOBN(0x58a5c478, 0xd64a06ce), TOBN(0x2ddcc3fd, 0x544a58fd),
+            TOBN(0xd449503d, 0x9e8153b8), TOBN(0x3324fd02, 0x7774179b),
+            TOBN(0xaf5d47c8, 0xdbd9120c), TOBN(0xeb860162, 0x34fa94db),
+            TOBN(0x5817bdd1, 0x972f07f4), TOBN(0xe5579e2e, 0xd27bbceb),
+            TOBN(0x86847a1f, 0x5f11e5a6), TOBN(0xb39ed255, 0x7c3cf048),
+            TOBN(0xe1076417, 0xa2f62e55), TOBN(0x6b9ab38f, 0x1bcf82a2),
+            TOBN(0x4bb7c319, 0x7aeb29f9), TOBN(0xf6d17da3, 0x17227a46),
+            TOBN(0xab53ddbd, 0x0f968c00), TOBN(0xa03da7ec, 0x000c880b),
+            TOBN(0x7b239624, 0x6a9ad24d), TOBN(0x612c0401, 0x01ec60d0),
+            TOBN(0x70d10493, 0x109f5df1), TOBN(0xfbda4030, 0x80af7550),
+            TOBN(0x30b93f95, 0xc6b9a9b3), TOBN(0x0c74ec71, 0x007d9418),
+            TOBN(0x94175564, 0x6edb951f), TOBN(0x5f4a9d78, 0x7f22c282),
+            TOBN(0xb7870895, 0xb38d1196), TOBN(0xbc593df3, 0xa228ce7c),
+            TOBN(0xc78c5bd4, 0x6af3641a), TOBN(0x7802200b, 0x3d9b3dcc),
+            TOBN(0x0dc73f32, 0x8be33304), TOBN(0x847ed87d, 0x61ffb79a),
+            TOBN(0xf85c974e, 0x6d671192), TOBN(0x1e14100a, 0xde16f60f),
+            TOBN(0x45cb0d5a, 0x95c38797), TOBN(0x18923bba, 0x9b022da4),
+            TOBN(0xef2be899, 0xbbe7e86e), TOBN(0x4a1510ee, 0x216067bf),
+            TOBN(0xd98c8154, 0x84d5ce3e), TOBN(0x1af777f0, 0xf92a2b90),
+            TOBN(0x9fbcb400, 0x4ef65724), TOBN(0x3e04a4c9, 0x3c0ca6fe),
+            TOBN(0xfb3e2cb5, 0x55002994), TOBN(0x1f3a93c5, 0x5363ecab),
+            TOBN(0x1fe00efe, 0x3923555b), TOBN(0x744bedd9, 0x1e1751ea),
+            TOBN(0x3fb2db59, 0x6ab69357), TOBN(0x8dbd7365, 0xf5e6618b),
+            TOBN(0x99d53099, 0xdf1ea40e), TOBN(0xb3f24a0b, 0x57d61e64),
+            TOBN(0xd088a198, 0x596eb812), TOBN(0x22c8361b, 0x5762940b),
+            TOBN(0x66f01f97, 0xf9c0d95c), TOBN(0x88461172, 0x8e43cdae),
+            TOBN(0x11599a7f, 0xb72b15c3), TOBN(0x135a7536, 0x420d95cc),
+            TOBN(0x2dcdf0f7, 0x5f7ae2f6), TOBN(0x15fc6e1d, 0xd7fa6da2),
+            TOBN(0x81ca829a, 0xd1d441b6), TOBN(0x84c10cf8, 0x04a106b6),
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+            TOBN(0x48b45937, 0x1e25a043), TOBN(0xf8a74fca, 0x036f3dfe),
+            TOBN(0x1ed46585, 0xc9f84296), TOBN(0x7fbaa8fb, 0x3bc278b0),
+            TOBN(0xa8e96cd4, 0x6c4fcbd0), TOBN(0x940a1202, 0x73b60a5f),
+            TOBN(0x34aae120, 0x55a4aec8), TOBN(0x550e9a74, 0xdbd742f0),
+            TOBN(0x794456d7, 0x228c68ab), TOBN(0x492f8868, 0xa4e25ec6),
+            TOBN(0x682915ad, 0xb2d8f398), TOBN(0xf13b51cc, 0x5b84c953),
+            TOBN(0xcda90ab8, 0x5bb917d6), TOBN(0x4b615560, 0x4ea3dee1),
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+            TOBN(0x60c14f3c, 0xaa0bb3c6), TOBN(0x220f448a, 0xb8216094),
+            TOBN(0x4fe7ee31, 0xb0e63d34), TOBN(0xf4600572, 0xa9e54fab),
+            TOBN(0xc0493334, 0xd5e7b5a4), TOBN(0x8589fb92, 0x06d54831),
+            TOBN(0xaa70f5cc, 0x6583553a), TOBN(0x0879094a, 0xe25649e5),
+            TOBN(0xcc904507, 0x10044652), TOBN(0xebb0696d, 0x02541c4f),
+            TOBN(0x5a171fde, 0xb9718710), TOBN(0x38f1bed8, 0xf374a9f5),
+            TOBN(0xc8c582e1, 0xba39bdc1), TOBN(0xfc457b0a, 0x908cc0ce),
+            TOBN(0x9a187fd4, 0x883841e2), TOBN(0x8ec25b39, 0x38725381),
+            TOBN(0x2553ed05, 0x96f84395), TOBN(0x095c7661, 0x6f6c6897),
+            TOBN(0x917ac85c, 0x4bdc5610), TOBN(0xb2885fe4, 0x179eb301),
+            TOBN(0x5fc65547, 0x8b78bdcc), TOBN(0x4a9fc893, 0xe59e4699),
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+            TOBN(0x80291373, 0x9b128eb4), TOBN(0x7801214e, 0xd448af4a),
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+            TOBN(0x5d032269, 0xb31f6094), TOBN(0x07753ef5, 0x83ec37aa),
+            TOBN(0x03485aed, 0x9c0bea78), TOBN(0x41bb3989, 0xbc3f4524),
+            TOBN(0x09403761, 0x697f726d), TOBN(0x6109beb3, 0xdf394820),
+            TOBN(0x804111ea, 0x3b6d1145), TOBN(0xb6271ea9, 0xa8582654),
+            TOBN(0x619615e6, 0x24e66562), TOBN(0xa2554945, 0xd7b6ad9c),
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+            TOBN(0x7c327013, 0x92881832), TOBN(0x8777d45f, 0x286b26d1),
+            TOBN(0x9bbeda22, 0xd847999d), TOBN(0x03aa33b6, 0xc3525d32),
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+            TOBN(0xaeb5d3ce, 0x6961f247), TOBN(0x20aa85af, 0x02f93d3f),
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+            TOBN(0xb1b40e86, 0x7469cead), TOBN(0x1904c524, 0x309fca48),
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+            TOBN(0xbe5e0790, 0xbd98764b), TOBN(0xa0f45f17, 0xa26e299e),
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+            TOBN(0x328c6623, 0xc8173822), TOBN(0x7ee1767d, 0xa496be55),
+            TOBN(0x89f13259, 0x648945af), TOBN(0x9e45a5fd, 0x25c8009c),
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+            TOBN(0x87792348, 0xf2142e79), TOBN(0x17d89259, 0xc6e6238a),
+            TOBN(0x7536d2f6, 0x4a839d9b), TOBN(0x1f428fce, 0x76a1fbdc),
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+            TOBN(0x66deae32, 0xec3f700d), TOBN(0x4e43c42c, 0xaa1181e0),
+            TOBN(0xa1d72a31, 0xd1a4aa2a), TOBN(0x440d4668, 0xc004f3ce),
+            TOBN(0x0d6a2d3b, 0x45fe8a7a), TOBN(0x820e52e2, 0xfb128365),
+            TOBN(0x29ac5fcf, 0x25e51b09), TOBN(0x180cd2bf, 0x2023d159),
+            TOBN(0xa9892171, 0xa1ebf90e), TOBN(0xf97c4c87, 0x7c132181),
+            TOBN(0x9f1dc724, 0xc03dbb7e), TOBN(0xae043765, 0x018cbbe4),
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+            TOBN(0x172a5247, 0xd95ea168), TOBN(0x1758fada, 0x2970764a),
+            TOBN(0xac803a51, 0x1d978169), TOBN(0x299cfe2e, 0xde77e01b),
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+            TOBN(0x32305401, 0xda776bcf), TOBN(0xb8cdcef6, 0x725f209e),
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+            TOBN(0x92beb98e, 0xda3542cf), TOBN(0xa2d4d14a, 0xd5849538),
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+         TOBN(0xc0602345, 0xf5f9a052), TOBN(0x1a8b0f89, 0x139a42f9),
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+         TOBN(0x8fc70838, 0x84149d91), TOBN(0x5c04346f, 0x2f461ecc),
+         TOBN(0xebe9fdf2, 0x614650a9), TOBN(0x5e35b537, 0xc1f666ac),
+         TOBN(0x645613d1, 0x88babc83), TOBN(0x88cace3a, 0xc5e1c93e),
+         TOBN(0x209ca375, 0x3de92e23), TOBN(0xccb03cc8, 0x5fbbb6e3),
+         TOBN(0xccb90f03, 0xd7b1487e), TOBN(0xfa9c2a38, 0xc710941f),
+         TOBN(0x756c3823, 0x6724ceed), TOBN(0x3a902258, 0x192d0323),
+         TOBN(0xb150e519, 0xea5e038e), TOBN(0xdcba2865, 0xc7427591),
+         TOBN(0xe549237f, 0x78890732), TOBN(0xc443bef9, 0x53fcb4d9),
+         TOBN(0x9884d8a6, 0xeb3480d6), TOBN(0x8a35b6a1, 0x3048b186),
+         TOBN(0xb4e44716, 0x65e9a90a), TOBN(0x45bf380d, 0x653006c0),
+         TOBN(0x8f3f820d, 0x4fe9ae3b), TOBN(0x244a35a0, 0x979a3b71),
+         TOBN(0xa1010e9d, 0x74cd06ff), TOBN(0x9c17c7df, 0xaca3eeac),
+         TOBN(0x74c86cd3, 0x8063aa2b), TOBN(0x8595c4b3, 0x734614ff),
+         TOBN(0xa3de00ca, 0x990f62cc), TOBN(0xd9bed213, 0xca0c3be5),
+         TOBN(0x7886078a, 0xdf8ce9f5), TOBN(0xddb27ce3, 0x5cd44444),
+         TOBN(0xed374a66, 0x58926ddd), TOBN(0x138b2d49, 0x908015b8),
+         TOBN(0x886c6579, 0xde1f7ab8), TOBN(0x888b9aa0, 0xc3020b7a),
+         TOBN(0xd3ec034e, 0x3a96e355), TOBN(0xba65b0b8, 0xf30fbe9a),
+         TOBN(0x064c8e50, 0xff21367a), TOBN(0x1f508ea4, 0x0b04b46e),
+         TOBN(0x98561a49, 0x747c866c), TOBN(0xbbb1e5fe, 0x0518a062),
+         TOBN(0x20ff4e8b, 0xecdc3608), TOBN(0x7f55cded, 0x20184027),
+         TOBN(0x8d73ec95, 0xf38c85f0), TOBN(0x5b589fdf, 0x8bc3b8c3),
+         TOBN(0xbe95dd98, 0x0f12b66f), TOBN(0xf5bd1a09, 0x0e338e01),
+         TOBN(0x65163ae5, 0x5e915918), TOBN(0x6158d6d9, 0x86f8a46b),
+         TOBN(0x8466b538, 0xeeebf99c), TOBN(0xca8761f6, 0xbca477ef),
+         TOBN(0xaf3449c2, 0x9ebbc601), TOBN(0xef3b0f41, 0xe0c3ae2f),
+         TOBN(0xaa6c577d, 0x5de63752), TOBN(0xe9166601, 0x64682a51),
+         TOBN(0x5a3097be, 0xfc15aa1e), TOBN(0x40d12548, 0xb54b0745),
+         TOBN(0x5bad4706, 0x519a5f12), TOBN(0xed03f717, 0xa439dee6),
+         TOBN(0x0794bb6c, 0x4a02c499), TOBN(0xf725083d, 0xcffe71d2),
+         TOBN(0x2cad7519, 0x0f3adcaf), TOBN(0x7f68ea1c, 0x43729310),
+         TOBN(0xe747c8c7, 0xb7ffd977), TOBN(0xec104c35, 0x80761a22),
+         TOBN(0x8395ebaf, 0x5a3ffb83), TOBN(0xfb3261f4, 0xe4b63db7),
+         TOBN(0x53544960, 0xd883e544), TOBN(0x13520d70, 0x8cc2eeb8),
+         TOBN(0x08f6337b, 0xd3d65f99), TOBN(0x83997db2, 0x781cf95b),
+         TOBN(0xce6ff106, 0x0dbd2c01), TOBN(0x4f8eea6b, 0x1f9ce934),
+         TOBN(0x546f7c4b, 0x0e993921), TOBN(0x6236a324, 0x5e753fc7),
+         TOBN(0x65a41f84, 0xa16022e9), TOBN(0x0c18d878, 0x43d1dbb2),
+         TOBN(0x73c55640, 0x2d4cef9c), TOBN(0xa0428108, 0x70444c74),
+         TOBN(0x68e4f15e, 0x9afdfb3c), TOBN(0x49a56143, 0x5bdfb6df),
+         TOBN(0xa9bc1bd4, 0x5f823d97), TOBN(0xbceb5970, 0xea111c2a),
+         TOBN(0x366b455f, 0xb269bbc4), TOBN(0x7cd85e1e, 0xe9bc5d62),
+         TOBN(0xc743c41c, 0x4f18b086), TOBN(0xa4b40990, 0x95294fb9),
+         TOBN(0x9c7c581d, 0x26ee8382), TOBN(0xcf17dcc5, 0x359d638e),
+         TOBN(0xee8273ab, 0xb728ae3d), TOBN(0x1d112926, 0xf821f047),
+         TOBN(0x11498477, 0x50491a74), TOBN(0x687fa761, 0xfde0dfb9),
+         TOBN(0x2c258022, 0x7ea435ab), TOBN(0x6b8bdb94, 0x91ce7e3f),
+         TOBN(0x4c5b5dc9, 0x3bf834aa), TOBN(0x04371819, 0x4f6c7e4b),
+         TOBN(0xc284e00a, 0x3736bcad), TOBN(0x0d881118, 0x21ae8f8d),
+         TOBN(0xf9cf0f82, 0xf48c8e33), TOBN(0xa11fd075, 0xa1bf40db),
+         TOBN(0xdceab0de, 0xdc2733e5), TOBN(0xc560a8b5, 0x8e986bd7),
+         TOBN(0x48dd1fe2, 0x3929d097), TOBN(0x3885b290, 0x92f188f1),
+         TOBN(0x0f2ae613, 0xda6fcdac), TOBN(0x9054303e, 0xb662a46c),
+         TOBN(0xb6871e44, 0x0738042a), TOBN(0x98e6a977, 0xbdaf6449),
+         TOBN(0xd8bc0650, 0xd1c9df1b), TOBN(0xef3d6451, 0x36e098f9),
+         TOBN(0x03fbae82, 0xb6d72d28), TOBN(0x77ca9db1, 0xf5d84080),
+         TOBN(0x8a112cff, 0xa58efc1c), TOBN(0x518d761c, 0xc564cb4a),
+         TOBN(0x69b5740e, 0xf0d1b5ce), TOBN(0x717039cc, 0xe9eb1785),
+         TOBN(0x3fe29f90, 0x22f53382), TOBN(0x8e54ba56, 0x6bc7c95c),
+         TOBN(0x9c806d8a, 0xf7f91d0f), TOBN(0x3b61b0f1, 0xa82a5728),
+         TOBN(0x4640032d, 0x94d76754), TOBN(0x273eb5de, 0x47d834c6),
+         TOBN(0x2988abf7, 0x7b4e4d53), TOBN(0xb7ce66bf, 0xde401777),
+         TOBN(0x9fba6b32, 0x715071b3), TOBN(0x82413c24, 0xad3a1a98),
+         TOBN(0x5b7fc8c4, 0xe0e8ad93), TOBN(0xb5679aee, 0x5fab868d),
+         TOBN(0xb1f9d2fa, 0x2b3946f3), TOBN(0x458897dc, 0x5685b50a),
+         TOBN(0x1e98c930, 0x89d0caf3), TOBN(0x39564c5f, 0x78642e92),
+         TOBN(0x1b77729a, 0x0dbdaf18), TOBN(0xf9170722, 0x579e82e6),
+         TOBN(0x680c0317, 0xe4515fa5), TOBN(0xf85cff84, 0xfb0c790f),
+         TOBN(0xc7a82aab, 0x6d2e0765), TOBN(0x7446bca9, 0x35c82b32),
+         TOBN(0x5de607aa, 0x6d63184f), TOBN(0x7c1a46a8, 0x262803a6),
+         TOBN(0xd218313d, 0xaebe8035), TOBN(0x92113ffd, 0xc73c51f8),
+         TOBN(0x4b38e083, 0x12e7e46c), TOBN(0x69d0a37a, 0x56126bd5),
+         TOBN(0xfb3f324b, 0x73c07e04), TOBN(0xa0c22f67, 0x8fda7267),
+         TOBN(0x8f2c0051, 0x4d2c7d8f), TOBN(0xbc45ced3, 0xcbe2cae5),
+         TOBN(0xe1c6cf07, 0xa8f0f277), TOBN(0xbc392312, 0x1eb99a98),
+         TOBN(0x75537b7e, 0x3cc8ac85), TOBN(0x8d725f57, 0xdd02753b),
+         TOBN(0xfd05ff64, 0xb737df2f), TOBN(0x55fe8712, 0xf6d2531d),
+         TOBN(0x57ce04a9, 0x6ab6b01c), TOBN(0x69a02a89, 0x7cd93724),
+         TOBN(0x4f82ac35, 0xcf86699b), TOBN(0x8242d3ad, 0x9cb4b232),
+         TOBN(0x713d0f65, 0xd62105e5), TOBN(0xbb222bfa, 0x2d29be61),
+         TOBN(0xf2f9a79e, 0x6cfbef09), TOBN(0xfc24d8d3, 0xd5d6782f),
+         TOBN(0x5db77085, 0xd4129967), TOBN(0xdb81c3cc, 0xdc3c2a43),
+         TOBN(0x9d655fc0, 0x05d8d9a3), TOBN(0x3f5d057a, 0x54298026),
+         TOBN(0x1157f56d, 0x88c54694), TOBN(0xb26baba5, 0x9b09573e),
+         TOBN(0x2cab03b0, 0x22adffd1), TOBN(0x60a412c8, 0xdd69f383),
+         TOBN(0xed76e98b, 0x54b25039), TOBN(0xd4ee67d3, 0x687e714d),
+         TOBN(0x87739648, 0x7b00b594), TOBN(0xce419775, 0xc9ef709b),
+         TOBN(0x40f76f85, 0x1c203a40), TOBN(0x30d352d6, 0xeafd8f91),
+         TOBN(0xaf196d3d, 0x95578dd2), TOBN(0xea4bb3d7, 0x77cc3f3d),
+         TOBN(0x42a5bd03, 0xb98e782b), TOBN(0xac958c40, 0x0624920d),
+         TOBN(0xb838134c, 0xfc56fcc8), TOBN(0x86ec4ccf, 0x89572e5e),
+         TOBN(0x69c43526, 0x9be47be0), TOBN(0x323b7dd8, 0xcb28fea1),
+         TOBN(0xfa5538ba, 0x3a6c67e5), TOBN(0xef921d70, 0x1d378e46),
+         TOBN(0xf92961fc, 0x3c4b880e), TOBN(0x3f6f914e, 0x98940a67),
+         TOBN(0xa990eb0a, 0xfef0ff39), TOBN(0xa6c2920f, 0xf0eeff9c),
+         TOBN(0xca804166, 0x51b8d9a3), TOBN(0x42531bc9, 0x0ffb0db1),
+         TOBN(0x72ce4718, 0xaa82e7ce), TOBN(0x6e199913, 0xdf574741),
+         TOBN(0xd5f1b13d, 0xd5d36946), TOBN(0x8255dc65, 0xf68f0194),
+         TOBN(0xdc9df4cd, 0x8710d230), TOBN(0x3453c20f, 0x138c1988),
+         TOBN(0x9af98dc0, 0x89a6ef01), TOBN(0x4dbcc3f0, 0x9857df85),
+         TOBN(0x34805601, 0x5c1ad924), TOBN(0x40448da5, 0xd0493046),
+         TOBN(0xf629926d, 0x4ee343e2), TOBN(0x6343f1bd, 0x90e8a301),
+         TOBN(0xefc93491, 0x40815b3f), TOBN(0xf882a423, 0xde8f66fb),
+         TOBN(0x3a12d5f4, 0xe7db9f57), TOBN(0x7dfba38a, 0x3c384c27),
+         TOBN(0x7a904bfd, 0x6fc660b1), TOBN(0xeb6c5db3, 0x2773b21c),
+         TOBN(0xc350ee66, 0x1cdfe049), TOBN(0x9baac0ce, 0x44540f29),
+         TOBN(0xbc57b6ab, 0xa5ec6aad), TOBN(0x167ce8c3, 0x0a7c1baa),
+         TOBN(0xb23a03a5, 0x53fb2b56), TOBN(0x6ce141e7, 0x4e057f78),
+         TOBN(0x796525c3, 0x89e490d9), TOBN(0x0bc95725, 0xa31a7e75),
+         TOBN(0x1ec56791, 0x1220fd06), TOBN(0x716e3a3c, 0x408b0bd6),
+         TOBN(0x31cd6bf7, 0xe8ebeba9), TOBN(0xa7326ca6, 0xbee6b670),
+         TOBN(0x3d9f851c, 0xcd090c43), TOBN(0x561e8f13, 0xf12c3988),
+         TOBN(0x50490b6a, 0x904b7be4), TOBN(0x61690ce1, 0x0410737b),
+         TOBN(0x299e9a37, 0x0f009052), TOBN(0x258758f0, 0xf026092e),
+         TOBN(0x9fa255f3, 0xfdfcdc0f), TOBN(0xdbc9fb1f, 0xc0e1bcd2),
+         TOBN(0x35f9dd6e, 0x24651840), TOBN(0xdca45a84, 0xa5c59abc),
+         TOBN(0x103d396f, 0xecca4938), TOBN(0x4532da0a, 0xb97b3f29),
+         TOBN(0xc4135ea5, 0x1999a6bf), TOBN(0x3aa9505a, 0x5e6bf2ee),
+         TOBN(0xf77cef06, 0x3f5be093), TOBN(0x97d1a0f8, 0xa943152e),
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+         TOBN(0xc6e17321, 0xb300101f), TOBN(0x4422b0e9, 0xd0d79a89),
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+         TOBN(0x84d35577, 0xdb2926b8), TOBN(0xca349d39, 0x356e8ec2),
+         TOBN(0x70b63d32, 0x343bf1a9), TOBN(0x8fd3bd28, 0x37d1a6b1),
+         TOBN(0x0454879c, 0x316865b4), TOBN(0xee959ff6, 0xc458efa2),
+         TOBN(0x0461dcf8, 0x9706dc3f), TOBN(0x737db0e2, 0x164e4b2e),
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+         TOBN(0x359473fa, 0xa29e24af), TOBN(0xfcc3c454, 0x70aa87a1),
+         TOBN(0xfd2c4bf5, 0x00573ace), TOBN(0xb65b514e, 0x28dd1965),
+         TOBN(0xe46ae7cf, 0x2193e393), TOBN(0x60e9a4e1, 0xf5444d97),
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+         TOBN(0x8b6db141, 0xee398a21), TOBN(0xb88a56ae, 0xe3bcc5be),
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+         TOBN(0xfb54999d, 0x65bf0384), TOBN(0x71a14d24, 0x5d5a180e),
+         TOBN(0xbc44db7b, 0x21737b04), TOBN(0xd84fcb18, 0x01dd8e92),
+         TOBN(0x80de937b, 0xfa44b479), TOBN(0x53505499, 0x5c98fd4f),
+         TOBN(0x1edb12ab, 0x28f08727), TOBN(0x4c58b582, 0xa5f3ef53),
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+         TOBN(0xecd96c59, 0xb96024f2), TOBN(0xfc293a53, 0x7f4e0433),
+         TOBN(0x5341352b, 0x5acf6e10), TOBN(0xc50343fd, 0xafe652c3),
+         TOBN(0x4af3792d, 0x18577a7f), TOBN(0xe1a4c617, 0xaf16823d),
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+         TOBN(0x2a792f33, 0x706bb20b), TOBN(0x31219614, 0x98111055),
+         TOBN(0x864ec064, 0x87f5d28b), TOBN(0x11392d91, 0x962277fd),
+         TOBN(0xb5aa7942, 0xbb6aed5f), TOBN(0x080094dc, 0x47e799d9),
+         TOBN(0x4afa588c, 0x208ba19b), TOBN(0xd3e7570f, 0x8512f284),
+         TOBN(0xcbae64e6, 0x02f5799a), TOBN(0xdeebe7ef, 0x514b9492),
+         TOBN(0x30300f98, 0xe5c298ff), TOBN(0x17f561be, 0x3678361f),
+         TOBN(0xf52ff312, 0x98cb9a16), TOBN(0x6233c3bc, 0x5562d490),
+         TOBN(0x7bfa15a1, 0x92e3a2cb), TOBN(0x961bcfd1, 0xe6365119),
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+         TOBN(0x7dacfb58, 0x7e7b754b), TOBN(0x23360791, 0xa806c9b9),
+         TOBN(0xe7eb88c9, 0x23504452), TOBN(0x2983e996, 0x852c1783),
+         TOBN(0xdd4ae529, 0x958d881d), TOBN(0x026bae03, 0x262c7b3c),
+         TOBN(0x3a6f9193, 0x960b52d1), TOBN(0xd0980f90, 0x92696cfb),
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+         TOBN(0xe925d4ce, 0xf21496e4), TOBN(0xf951d198, 0xec696331),
+         TOBN(0x9810e2de, 0x3e8d812f), TOBN(0xd0a47259, 0x389294ab),
+         TOBN(0x513ba2b5, 0x0e3bab66), TOBN(0x462caff5, 0xabad306f),
+         TOBN(0xe2dc6d59, 0xaf04c49e), TOBN(0x1aeb8750, 0xe0b84b0b),
+         TOBN(0xc034f12f, 0x2f7d0ca2), TOBN(0x6d2e8128, 0xe06acf2f),
+         TOBN(0x801f4f83, 0x21facc2f), TOBN(0xa1170c03, 0xf40ef607),
+         TOBN(0xfe0a1d4f, 0x7805a99c), TOBN(0xbde56a36, 0xcc26aba5),
+         TOBN(0x5b1629d0, 0x35531f40), TOBN(0xac212c2b, 0x9afa6108),
+         TOBN(0x30a06bf3, 0x15697be5), TOBN(0x6f0545dc, 0x2c63c7c1),
+         TOBN(0x5d8cb842, 0x7ccdadaf), TOBN(0xd52e379b, 0xac7015bb),
+         TOBN(0xc4f56147, 0xf462c23e), TOBN(0xd44a4298, 0x46bc24b0),
+         TOBN(0xbc73d23a, 0xe2856d4f), TOBN(0x61cedd8c, 0x0832bcdf),
+         TOBN(0x60953556, 0x99f241d7), TOBN(0xee4adbd7, 0x001a349d),
+         TOBN(0x0b35bf6a, 0xaa89e491), TOBN(0x7f0076f4, 0x136f7546),
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+         TOBN(0xcdba941f, 0x8761c971), TOBN(0x1550518b, 0xa3be4a5d),
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+         TOBN(0x814670f0, 0x44416aec), TOBN(0x424db6c3, 0x30775061),
+         TOBN(0xd96039d1, 0x16213fd1), TOBN(0xc61e7fa5, 0x18a3478f),
+         TOBN(0xa805bdcc, 0xcb0c5021), TOBN(0xbdd6f3a8, 0x0cc616dd),
+         TOBN(0x06009667, 0x5d97f7e2), TOBN(0x31db0fc1, 0xaf0bf4b6),
+         TOBN(0x23680ed4, 0x5491627a), TOBN(0xb99a3c66, 0x7d741fb1),
+         TOBN(0xe9bb5f55, 0x36b1ff92), TOBN(0x29738577, 0x512b388d),
+         TOBN(0xdb8a2ce7, 0x50fcf263), TOBN(0x385346d4, 0x6c4f7b47),
+         TOBN(0xbe86c5ef, 0x31631f9e), TOBN(0xbf91da21, 0x03a57a29),
+         TOBN(0xc3b1f796, 0x7b23f821), TOBN(0x0f7d00d2, 0x770db354),
+         TOBN(0x8ffc6c3b, 0xd8fe79da), TOBN(0xcc5e8c40, 0xd525c996),
+         TOBN(0x4640991d, 0xcfff632a), TOBN(0x64d97e8c, 0x67112528),
+         TOBN(0xc232d973, 0x02f1cd1e), TOBN(0xce87eacb, 0x1dd212a4),
+         TOBN(0x6e4c8c73, 0xe69802f7), TOBN(0x12ef0290, 0x1fffddbd),
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+         TOBN(0xad40f279, 0xf8a7a838), TOBN(0x11aea631, 0x05615660),
+         TOBN(0xbf52e6f1, 0xa01f6fa1), TOBN(0xef046995, 0x3dc2aec9),
+         TOBN(0x785dbec9, 0xd8080711), TOBN(0xe1aec60a, 0x9fdedf76),
+         TOBN(0xece797b5, 0xfa21c126), TOBN(0xc66e898f, 0x05e52732),
+         TOBN(0x39bb69c4, 0x08811fdb), TOBN(0x8bfe1ef8, 0x2fc7f082),
+         TOBN(0xc8e7a393, 0x174f4138), TOBN(0xfba8ad1d, 0xd58d1f98),
+         TOBN(0xbc21d0ce, 0xbfd2fd5b), TOBN(0x0b839a82, 0x6ee60d61),
+         TOBN(0xaacf7658, 0xafd22253), TOBN(0xb526bed8, 0xaae396b3),
+         TOBN(0xccc1bbc2, 0x38564464), TOBN(0x9e3ff947, 0x8c45bc73),
+         TOBN(0xcde9bca3, 0x58188a78), TOBN(0x138b8ee0, 0xd73bf8f7),
+         TOBN(0x5c7e234c, 0x4123c489), TOBN(0x66e69368, 0xfa643297),
+         TOBN(0x0629eeee, 0x39a15fa3), TOBN(0x95fab881, 0xa9e2a927),
+         TOBN(0xb2497007, 0xeafbb1e1), TOBN(0xd75c9ce6, 0xe75b7a93),
+         TOBN(0x3558352d, 0xefb68d78), TOBN(0xa2f26699, 0x223f6396),
+         TOBN(0xeb911ecf, 0xe469b17a), TOBN(0x62545779, 0xe72d3ec2),
+         TOBN(0x8ea47de7, 0x82cb113f), TOBN(0xebe4b086, 0x4e1fa98d),
+         TOBN(0xec2d5ed7, 0x8cdfedb1), TOBN(0xa535c077, 0xfe211a74),
+         TOBN(0x9678109b, 0x11d244c5), TOBN(0xf17c8bfb, 0xbe299a76),
+         TOBN(0xb651412e, 0xfb11fbc4), TOBN(0xea0b5482, 0x94ab3f65),
+         TOBN(0xd8dffd95, 0x0cf78243), TOBN(0x2e719e57, 0xce0361d4),
+         TOBN(0x9007f085, 0x304ddc5b), TOBN(0x095e8c6d, 0x4daba2ea),
+         TOBN(0x5a33cdb4, 0x3f9d28a9), TOBN(0x85b95cd8, 0xe2283003),
+         TOBN(0xbcd6c819, 0xb9744733), TOBN(0x29c5f538, 0xfc7f5783),
+         TOBN(0x6c49b2fa, 0xd59038e4), TOBN(0x68349cc1, 0x3bbe1018),
+         TOBN(0xcc490c1d, 0x21830ee5), TOBN(0x36f9c4ee, 0xe9bfa297),
+         TOBN(0x58fd7294, 0x48de1a94), TOBN(0xaadb13a8, 0x4e8f2cdc),
+         TOBN(0x515eaaa0, 0x81313dba), TOBN(0xc76bb468, 0xc2152dd8),
+         TOBN(0x357f8d75, 0xa653dbf8), TOBN(0xe4d8c4d1, 0xb14ac143),
+         TOBN(0xbdb8e675, 0xb055cb40), TOBN(0x898f8e7b, 0x977b5167),
+         TOBN(0xecc65651, 0xb82fb863), TOBN(0x56544814, 0x6d88f01f),
+         TOBN(0xb0928e95, 0x263a75a9), TOBN(0xcfb6836f, 0x1a22fcda),
+         TOBN(0x651d14db, 0x3f3bd37c), TOBN(0x1d3837fb, 0xb6ad4664),
+         TOBN(0x7c5fb538, 0xff4f94ab), TOBN(0x7243c712, 0x6d7fb8f2),
+         TOBN(0xef13d60c, 0xa85c5287), TOBN(0x18cfb7c7, 0x4bb8dd1b),
+         TOBN(0x82f9bfe6, 0x72908219), TOBN(0x35c4592b, 0x9d5144ab),
+         TOBN(0x52734f37, 0x9cf4b42f), TOBN(0x6bac55e7, 0x8c60ddc4),
+         TOBN(0xb5cd811e, 0x94dea0f6), TOBN(0x259ecae4, 0xe18cc1a3),
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+         TOBN(0x8721b8cb, 0x7e1026fd), TOBN(0x9e73b50b, 0x63261942),
+         TOBN(0xb8c70974, 0x77f01da3), TOBN(0x1839e6a6, 0x8268f57f),
+         TOBN(0x571b9415, 0x5150b805), TOBN(0x1892389e, 0xf92c7097),
+         TOBN(0x8d69c18e, 0x4a084b95), TOBN(0x7014c512, 0xbe5b495c),
+         TOBN(0x4780db36, 0x1b07523c), TOBN(0x2f6219ce, 0x2c1c64fa),
+         TOBN(0xc38b81b0, 0x602c105a), TOBN(0xab4f4f20, 0x5dc8e360),
+         TOBN(0x20d3c982, 0xcf7d62d2), TOBN(0x1f36e29d, 0x23ba8150),
+         TOBN(0x48ae0bf0, 0x92763f9e), TOBN(0x7a527e6b, 0x1d3a7007),
+         TOBN(0xb4a89097, 0x581a85e3), TOBN(0x1f1a520f, 0xdc158be5),
+         TOBN(0xf98db37d, 0x167d726e), TOBN(0x8802786e, 0x1113e862)},
+        {TOBN(0xefb2149e, 0x36f09ab0), TOBN(0x03f163ca, 0x4a10bb5b),
+         TOBN(0xd0297045, 0x06e20998), TOBN(0x56f0af00, 0x1b5a3bab),
+         TOBN(0x7af4cfec, 0x70880e0d), TOBN(0x7332a66f, 0xbe3d913f),
+         TOBN(0x32e6c84a, 0x7eceb4bd), TOBN(0xedc4a79a, 0x9c228f55),
+         TOBN(0xc37c7dd0, 0xc55c4496), TOBN(0xa6a96357, 0x25bbabd2),
+         TOBN(0x5b7e63f2, 0xadd7f363), TOBN(0x9dce3782, 0x2e73f1df),
+         TOBN(0xe1e5a16a, 0xb2b91f71), TOBN(0xe4489823, 0x5ba0163c),
+         TOBN(0xf2759c32, 0xf6e515ad), TOBN(0xa5e2f1f8, 0x8615eecf),
+         TOBN(0x74519be7, 0xabded551), TOBN(0x03d358b8, 0xc8b74410),
+         TOBN(0x4d00b10b, 0x0e10d9a9), TOBN(0x6392b0b1, 0x28da52b7),
+         TOBN(0x6744a298, 0x0b75c904), TOBN(0xc305b0ae, 0xa8f7f96c),
+         TOBN(0x042e421d, 0x182cf932), TOBN(0xf6fc5d50, 0x9e4636ca),
+         TOBN(0x795847c9, 0xd64cc78c), TOBN(0x6c50621b, 0x9b6cb27b),
+         TOBN(0x07099bf8, 0xdf8022ab), TOBN(0x48f862eb, 0xc04eda1d),
+         TOBN(0xd12732ed, 0xe1603c16), TOBN(0x19a80e0f, 0x5c9a9450),
+         TOBN(0xe2257f54, 0xb429b4fc), TOBN(0x66d3b2c6, 0x45460515),
+         TOBN(0x6ca4f87e, 0x822e37be), TOBN(0x73f237b4, 0x253bda4e),
+         TOBN(0xf747f3a2, 0x41190aeb), TOBN(0xf06fa36f, 0x804cf284),
+         TOBN(0x0a6bbb6e, 0xfc621c12), TOBN(0x5d624b64, 0x40b80ec6),
+         TOBN(0x4b072425, 0x7ba556f3), TOBN(0x7fa0c354, 0x3e2d20a8),
+         TOBN(0xe921fa31, 0xe3229d41), TOBN(0xa929c652, 0x94531bd4),
+         TOBN(0x84156027, 0xa6d38209), TOBN(0xf3d69f73, 0x6bdb97bd),
+         TOBN(0x8906d19a, 0x16833631), TOBN(0x68a34c2e, 0x03d51be3),
+         TOBN(0xcb59583b, 0x0e511cd8), TOBN(0x99ce6bfd, 0xfdc132a8),
+         TOBN(0x3facdaaa, 0xffcdb463), TOBN(0x658bbc1a, 0x34a38b08),
+         TOBN(0x12a801f8, 0xf1a9078d), TOBN(0x1567bcf9, 0x6ab855de),
+         TOBN(0xe08498e0, 0x3572359b), TOBN(0xcf0353e5, 0x8659e68b),
+         TOBN(0xbb86e9c8, 0x7d23807c), TOBN(0xbc08728d, 0x2198e8a2),
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+         TOBN(0xbcd86e47, 0xa6abd3af), TOBN(0x911cac12, 0x8502effb),
+         TOBN(0x2d550242, 0xec965469), TOBN(0x0e9f7692, 0x29e0017e),
+         TOBN(0x633f078f, 0x65979885), TOBN(0xfb87d449, 0x4cf751ef),
+         TOBN(0xe1790e4b, 0xfc25419a), TOBN(0x36467203, 0x4bff3cfd),
+         TOBN(0xc8db6386, 0x25b6e83f), TOBN(0x6cc69f23, 0x6cad6fd2),
+         TOBN(0x0219e45a, 0x6bc68bb9), TOBN(0xe43d79b6, 0x297f7334),
+         TOBN(0x7d445368, 0x465dc97c), TOBN(0x4b9eea32, 0x2a0b949a),
+         TOBN(0x1b96c6ba, 0x6102d021), TOBN(0xeaafac78, 0x2f4461ea),
+         TOBN(0xd4b85c41, 0xc49f19a8), TOBN(0x275c28e4, 0xcf538875),
+         TOBN(0x35451a9d, 0xdd2e54e0), TOBN(0x6991adb5, 0x0605618b),
+         TOBN(0x5b8b4bcd, 0x7b36cd24), TOBN(0x372a4f8c, 0x56f37216),
+         TOBN(0xc890bd73, 0xa6a5da60), TOBN(0x6f083da0, 0xdc4c9ff0),
+         TOBN(0xf4e14d94, 0xf0536e57), TOBN(0xf9ee1eda, 0xaaec8243),
+         TOBN(0x571241ec, 0x8bdcf8e7), TOBN(0xa5db8271, 0x0b041e26),
+         TOBN(0x9a0b9a99, 0xe3fff040), TOBN(0xcaaf21dd, 0x7c271202),
+         TOBN(0xb4e2b2e1, 0x4f0dd2e8), TOBN(0xe77e7c4f, 0x0a377ac7),
+         TOBN(0x69202c3f, 0x0d7a2198), TOBN(0xf759b7ff, 0x28200eb8),
+         TOBN(0xc87526ed, 0xdcfe314e), TOBN(0xeb84c524, 0x53d5cf99),
+         TOBN(0xb1b52ace, 0x515138b6), TOBN(0x5aa7ff8c, 0x23fca3f4),
+         TOBN(0xff0b13c3, 0xb9791a26), TOBN(0x960022da, 0xcdd58b16),
+         TOBN(0xdbd55c92, 0x57aad2de), TOBN(0x3baaaaa3, 0xf30fe619),
+         TOBN(0x9a4b2346, 0x0d881efd), TOBN(0x506416c0, 0x46325e2a),
+         TOBN(0x91381e76, 0x035c18d4), TOBN(0xb3bb68be, 0xf27817b0),
+         TOBN(0x15bfb8bf, 0x5116f937), TOBN(0x7c64a586, 0xc1268943),
+         TOBN(0x71e25cc3, 0x8419a2c8), TOBN(0x9fd6b0c4, 0x8335f463),
+         TOBN(0x4bf0ba3c, 0xe8ee0e0e), TOBN(0x6f6fba60, 0x298c21fa),
+         TOBN(0x57d57b39, 0xae66bee0), TOBN(0x292d5130, 0x22672544),
+         TOBN(0xf451105d, 0xbab093b3), TOBN(0x012f59b9, 0x02839986),
+         TOBN(0x8a915802, 0x3474a89c), TOBN(0x048c919c, 0x2de03e97),
+         TOBN(0xc476a2b5, 0x91071cd5), TOBN(0x791ed89a, 0x034970a5),
+         TOBN(0x89bd9042, 0xe1b7994b), TOBN(0x8eaf5179, 0xa1057ffd),
+         TOBN(0x6066e2a2, 0xd551ee10), TOBN(0x87a8f1d8, 0x727e09a6),
+         TOBN(0x00d08bab, 0x2c01148d), TOBN(0x6da8e4f1, 0x424f33fe),
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+         TOBN(0xdccf97d8, 0xd062ecc0), TOBN(0x80c0d9af, 0x81d80ac4),
+         TOBN(0xe87771d8, 0x033f2876), TOBN(0xb0186ec6, 0x7d5cc3db),
+         TOBN(0x58e8bb80, 0x3bc9bc1d), TOBN(0x4d1395cc, 0x6f6ef60e),
+         TOBN(0xa73c62d6, 0x186244a0), TOBN(0x918e5f23, 0x110a5b53),
+         TOBN(0xed4878ca, 0x741b7eab), TOBN(0x3038d71a, 0xdbe03e51),
+         TOBN(0x840204b7, 0xa93c3246), TOBN(0x21ab6069, 0xa0b9b4cd),
+         TOBN(0xf5fa6e2b, 0xb1d64218), TOBN(0x1de6ad0e, 0xf3d56191),
+         TOBN(0x570aaa88, 0xff1929c7), TOBN(0xc6df4c6b, 0x640e87b5),
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+         TOBN(0xaa6778fc, 0xe7560b90), TOBN(0xb4073e61, 0xa7e824ce),
+         TOBN(0xff0d693c, 0xd642eba8), TOBN(0x7ce2e57a, 0x5dccef38),
+         TOBN(0x89c2c789, 0x1df1ad46), TOBN(0x83a06922, 0x098346fd),
+         TOBN(0x2d715d72, 0xda2fc177), TOBN(0x7b6dd71d, 0x85b6cf1d),
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+         TOBN(0xc380ddd0, 0x832c8c82), TOBN(0xd182d410, 0xa2a0bf50),
+         TOBN(0x7d9d7438, 0xd9a528db), TOBN(0xe8b1a0e9, 0xcaf53994),
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+         TOBN(0x53703a32, 0x8300129f), TOBN(0x1f637662, 0x68c43bfd),
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+         TOBN(0x511f8bb9, 0x97aee317), TOBN(0x812a4096, 0xe81536a8),
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+         TOBN(0xc82eaec2, 0x6fff9d33), TOBN(0xfb753512, 0x1d4d2b62),
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+         TOBN(0x47e7c7ba, 0x33db72cd), TOBN(0x017cbc09, 0xfa7c74b2),
+         TOBN(0x3c931590, 0xf50a503c), TOBN(0xcac54f60, 0x616baa42),
+         TOBN(0x9b6cd380, 0xb2369f0f), TOBN(0x97d3a70d, 0x23c76151),
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+         TOBN(0xb03d6883, 0x62fce490), TOBN(0x62f2497a, 0xb37e36e9),
+         TOBN(0x04b005b6, 0xc6458293), TOBN(0x36bb5276, 0xe8d10af7),
+         TOBN(0xacf2dc13, 0x8ee617b8), TOBN(0x470d2d35, 0xb004b3d4),
+         TOBN(0x06790832, 0xfeeb1b77), TOBN(0x2bb75c39, 0x85657f9c),
+         TOBN(0xd70bd4ed, 0xc0f60004), TOBN(0xfe797ecc, 0x219b018b),
+         TOBN(0x9b5bec2a, 0x753aebcc), TOBN(0xdaf9f3dc, 0xc939eca5),
+         TOBN(0xd6bc6833, 0xd095ad09), TOBN(0x98abdd51, 0xdaa4d2fc),
+         TOBN(0xd9840a31, 0x8d168be5), TOBN(0xcf7c10e0, 0x2325a23c),
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+         TOBN(0x72039752, 0x596f2cd3), TOBN(0x5d3eea67, 0xa0cf3d8d),
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+         TOBN(0xc5262dea, 0x521d0378), TOBN(0x802b8e0e, 0x05011c6f),
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+         TOBN(0xa7eed31b, 0x3efd0baa), TOBN(0x6e7c824e, 0x1d154e65),
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+         TOBN(0x2d44462d, 0x2d90aad4), TOBN(0xf44dd195, 0xdf277ad5),
+         TOBN(0x8d6471f1, 0xbb46b6a1), TOBN(0x1e65d313, 0xfd885090),
+         TOBN(0x33a800f5, 0x13a977b4), TOBN(0xaca9d721, 0x0797e1ef),
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+         TOBN(0x98857ceb, 0x1bf4581c), TOBN(0xe635e186, 0xaca7b166),
+         TOBN(0x278ddd22, 0x659722ac), TOBN(0xa0903c4c, 0x1db68007),
+         TOBN(0x366e4589, 0x48f21402), TOBN(0x31b49c14, 0xb96abda2),
+         TOBN(0x329c4b09, 0xe0403190), TOBN(0x97197ca3, 0xd29f43fe),
+         TOBN(0x8073dd1e, 0x274983d8), TOBN(0xda1a3bde, 0x55717c8f),
+         TOBN(0xfd3d4da2, 0x0361f9d1), TOBN(0x1332d081, 0x4c7de1ce),
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+         TOBN(0xaf3dffae, 0x4cd35567), TOBN(0xaaa2f406, 0xe56f4e71),
+         TOBN(0x8966759e, 0x7ace3fc7), TOBN(0x9594eacf, 0x45a8d8c6),
+         TOBN(0x8de3bd8b, 0x91834e0e), TOBN(0xafe4ca53, 0x548c0421),
+         TOBN(0xfdd7e856, 0xe6ee81c6), TOBN(0x8f671beb, 0x6b891a3a),
+         TOBN(0xf7a58f2b, 0xfae63829), TOBN(0x9ab186fb, 0x9c11ac9f),
+         TOBN(0x8d6eb369, 0x10b5be76), TOBN(0x046b7739, 0xfb040bcd),
+         TOBN(0xccb4529f, 0xcb73de88), TOBN(0x1df0fefc, 0xcf26be03),
+         TOBN(0xad7757a6, 0xbcfcd027), TOBN(0xa8786c75, 0xbb3165ca),
+         TOBN(0xe9db1e34, 0x7e99a4d9), TOBN(0x99ee86df, 0xb06c504b),
+         TOBN(0x5b7c2ddd, 0xc15c9f0a), TOBN(0xdf87a734, 0x4295989e),
+         TOBN(0x59ece47c, 0x03d08fda), TOBN(0xb074d3dd, 0xad5fc702),
+         TOBN(0x20407903, 0x51a03776), TOBN(0x2bb1f77b, 0x2a608007),
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+         TOBN(0x9d751200, 0xa73a294e), TOBN(0x5f88434a, 0x9dc20172),
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+         TOBN(0x5a2cd060, 0x25b15ca6), TOBN(0x4b3c83e1, 0x6e474446),
+         TOBN(0x1aac7578, 0xee1e5134), TOBN(0xa418f5d6, 0xc91e2f41),
+         TOBN(0x6936fc8a, 0x213ed68b), TOBN(0x860ae7ed, 0x510a5224),
+         TOBN(0x63660335, 0xdef09b53), TOBN(0x641b2897, 0xcd79c98d),
+         TOBN(0x29bd38e1, 0x01110f35), TOBN(0x79c26f42, 0x648b1937),
+         TOBN(0x64dae519, 0x9d9164f4), TOBN(0xd85a2310, 0x0265c273),
+         TOBN(0x7173dd5d, 0x4b07e2b1), TOBN(0xd144c4cb, 0x8d9ea221),
+         TOBN(0xe8b04ea4, 0x1105ab14), TOBN(0x92dda542, 0xfe80d8f1),
+         TOBN(0xe9982fa8, 0xcf03dce6), TOBN(0x8b5ea965, 0x1a22cffc),
+         TOBN(0xf7f4ea7f, 0x3fad88c4), TOBN(0x62db773e, 0x6a5ba95c),
+         TOBN(0xd20f02fb, 0x93f24567), TOBN(0xfd46c69a, 0x315257ca),
+         TOBN(0x0ac74cc7, 0x8bcab987), TOBN(0x46f31c01, 0x5ceca2f5),
+         TOBN(0x40aedb59, 0x888b219e), TOBN(0xe50ecc37, 0xe1fccd02),
+         TOBN(0x1bcd9dad, 0x911f816c), TOBN(0x583cc1ec, 0x8db9b00c),
+         TOBN(0xf3cd2e66, 0xa483bf11), TOBN(0xfa08a6f5, 0xb1b2c169),
+         TOBN(0xf375e245, 0x4be9fa28), TOBN(0x99a7ffec, 0x5b6d011f),
+         TOBN(0x6a3ebddb, 0xc4ae62da), TOBN(0x6cea00ae, 0x374aef5d),
+         TOBN(0xab5fb98d, 0x9d4d05bc), TOBN(0x7cba1423, 0xd560f252),
+         TOBN(0x49b2cc21, 0x208490de), TOBN(0x1ca66ec3, 0xbcfb2879),
+         TOBN(0x7f1166b7, 0x1b6fb16f), TOBN(0xfff63e08, 0x65fe5db3),
+         TOBN(0xb8345abe, 0x8b2610be), TOBN(0xb732ed80, 0x39de3df4),
+         TOBN(0x0e24ed50, 0x211c32b4), TOBN(0xd10d8a69, 0x848ff27d),
+         TOBN(0xc1074398, 0xed4de248), TOBN(0xd7cedace, 0x10488927),
+         TOBN(0xa4aa6bf8, 0x85673e13), TOBN(0xb46bae91, 0x6daf30af),
+         TOBN(0x07088472, 0xfcef7ad8), TOBN(0x61151608, 0xd4b35e97),
+         TOBN(0xbcfe8f26, 0xdde29986), TOBN(0xeb84c4c7, 0xd5a34c79),
+         TOBN(0xc1eec55c, 0x164e1214), TOBN(0x891be86d, 0xa147bb03),
+         TOBN(0x9fab4d10, 0x0ba96835), TOBN(0xbf01e9b8, 0xa5c1ae9f),
+         TOBN(0x6b4de139, 0xb186ebc0), TOBN(0xd5c74c26, 0x85b91bca),
+         TOBN(0x5086a99c, 0xc2d93854), TOBN(0xeed62a7b, 0xa7a9dfbc),
+         TOBN(0x8778ed6f, 0x76b7618a), TOBN(0xbff750a5, 0x03b66062),
+         TOBN(0x4cb7be22, 0xb65186db), TOBN(0x369dfbf0, 0xcc3a6d13),
+         TOBN(0xc7dab26c, 0x7191a321), TOBN(0x9edac3f9, 0x40ed718e),
+         TOBN(0xbc142b36, 0xd0cfd183), TOBN(0xc8af82f6, 0x7c991693),
+         TOBN(0xb3d1e4d8, 0x97ce0b2a), TOBN(0xe6d7c87f, 0xc3a55cdf),
+         TOBN(0x35846b95, 0x68b81afe), TOBN(0x018d12af, 0xd3c239d8),
+         TOBN(0x2b2c6208, 0x01206e15), TOBN(0xe0e42453, 0xa3b882c6),
+         TOBN(0x854470a3, 0xa50162d5), TOBN(0x08157478, 0x7017a62a),
+         TOBN(0x18bd3fb4, 0x820357c7), TOBN(0x992039ae, 0x6f1458ad),
+         TOBN(0x9a1df3c5, 0x25b44aa1), TOBN(0x2d780357, 0xed3d5281),
+         TOBN(0x58cf7e4d, 0xc77ad4d4), TOBN(0xd49a7998, 0xf9df4fc4),
+         TOBN(0x4465a8b5, 0x1d71205e), TOBN(0xa0ee0ea6, 0x649254aa),
+         TOBN(0x4b5eeecf, 0xab7bd771), TOBN(0x6c873073, 0x35c262b9),
+         TOBN(0xdc5bd648, 0x3c9d61e7), TOBN(0x233d6d54, 0x321460d2),
+         TOBN(0xd20c5626, 0xfc195bcc), TOBN(0x25445958, 0x04d78b63),
+         TOBN(0xe03fcb3d, 0x17ec8ef3), TOBN(0x54b690d1, 0x46b8f781),
+         TOBN(0x82fa2c8a, 0x21230646), TOBN(0xf51aabb9, 0x084f418c),
+         TOBN(0xff4fbec1, 0x1a30ba43), TOBN(0x6a5acf73, 0x743c9df7),
+         TOBN(0x1da2b357, 0xd635b4d5), TOBN(0xc3de68dd, 0xecd5c1da),
+         TOBN(0xa689080b, 0xd61af0dd), TOBN(0xdea5938a, 0xd665bf99),
+         TOBN(0x0231d71a, 0xfe637294), TOBN(0x01968aa6, 0xa5a81cd8),
+         TOBN(0x11252d50, 0x048e63b5), TOBN(0xc446bc52, 0x6ca007e9),
+         TOBN(0xef8c50a6, 0x96d6134b), TOBN(0x9361fbf5, 0x9e09a05c),
+         TOBN(0xf17f85a6, 0xdca3291a), TOBN(0xb178d548, 0xff251a21),
+         TOBN(0x87f6374b, 0xa4df3915), TOBN(0x566ce1bf, 0x2fd5d608),
+         TOBN(0x425cba4d, 0x7de35102), TOBN(0x6b745f8f, 0x58c5d5e2),
+         TOBN(0x88402af6, 0x63122edf), TOBN(0x3190f9ed, 0x3b989a89),
+         TOBN(0x4ad3d387, 0xebba3156), TOBN(0xef385ad9, 0xc7c469a5),
+         TOBN(0xb08281de, 0x3f642c29), TOBN(0x20be0888, 0x910ffb88),
+         TOBN(0xf353dd4a, 0xd5292546), TOBN(0x3f1627de, 0x8377a262),
+         TOBN(0xa5faa013, 0xeefcd638), TOBN(0x8f3bf626, 0x74cc77c3),
+         TOBN(0x32618f65, 0xa348f55e), TOBN(0x5787c0dc, 0x9fefeb9e),
+         TOBN(0xf1673aa2, 0xd9a23e44), TOBN(0x88dfa993, 0x4e10690d),
+         TOBN(0x1ced1b36, 0x2bf91108), TOBN(0x9193ceca, 0x3af48649),
+         TOBN(0xfb34327d, 0x2d738fc5), TOBN(0x6697b037, 0x975fee6c),
+         TOBN(0x2f485da0, 0xc04079a5), TOBN(0x2cdf5735, 0x2feaa1ac),
+         TOBN(0x76944420, 0xbd55659e), TOBN(0x7973e32b, 0x4376090c),
+         TOBN(0x86bb4fe1, 0x163b591a), TOBN(0x10441aed, 0xc196f0ca),
+         TOBN(0x3b431f4a, 0x045ad915), TOBN(0x6c11b437, 0xa4afacb1),
+         TOBN(0x30b0c7db, 0x71fdbbd8), TOBN(0xb642931f, 0xeda65acd),
+         TOBN(0x4baae6e8, 0x9c92b235), TOBN(0xa73bbd0e, 0x6b3993a1),
+         TOBN(0xd06d60ec, 0x693dd031), TOBN(0x03cab91b, 0x7156881c),
+         TOBN(0xd615862f, 0x1db3574b), TOBN(0x485b0185, 0x64bb061a),
+         TOBN(0x27434988, 0xa0181e06), TOBN(0x2cd61ad4, 0xc1c0c757),
+         TOBN(0x3effed5a, 0x2ff9f403), TOBN(0x8dc98d8b, 0x62239029),
+         TOBN(0x2206021e, 0x1f17b70d), TOBN(0xafbec0ca, 0xbf510015),
+         TOBN(0x9fed7164, 0x80130dfa), TOBN(0x306dc2b5, 0x8a02dcf5),
+         TOBN(0x48f06620, 0xfeb10fc0), TOBN(0x78d1e1d5, 0x5a57cf51),
+         TOBN(0xadef8c5a, 0x192ef710), TOBN(0x88afbd4b, 0x3b7431f9),
+         TOBN(0x7e1f7407, 0x64250c9e), TOBN(0x6e31318d, 0xb58bec07),
+         TOBN(0xfd4fc4b8, 0x24f89b4e), TOBN(0x65a5dd88, 0x48c36a2a),
+         TOBN(0x4f1eccff, 0xf024baa7), TOBN(0x22a21cf2, 0xcba94650),
+         TOBN(0x95d29dee, 0x42a554f7), TOBN(0x828983a5, 0x002ec4ba),
+         TOBN(0x8112a1f7, 0x8badb73d), TOBN(0x79ea8897, 0xa27c1839),
+         TOBN(0x8969a5a7, 0xd065fd83), TOBN(0xf49af791, 0xb262a0bc),
+         TOBN(0xfcdea8b6, 0xaf2b5127), TOBN(0x10e913e1, 0x564c2dbc),
+         TOBN(0x51239d14, 0xbc21ef51), TOBN(0xe51c3ceb, 0x4ce57292),
+         TOBN(0x795ff068, 0x47bbcc3b), TOBN(0x86b46e1e, 0xbd7e11e6),
+         TOBN(0x0ea6ba23, 0x80041ef4), TOBN(0xd72fe505, 0x6262342e),
+         TOBN(0x8abc6dfd, 0x31d294d4), TOBN(0xbbe017a2, 0x1278c2c9),
+         TOBN(0xb1fcfa09, 0xb389328a), TOBN(0x322fbc62, 0xd01771b5),
+         TOBN(0x04c0d063, 0x60b045bf), TOBN(0xdb652edc, 0x10e52d01),
+         TOBN(0x50ef932c, 0x03ec6627), TOBN(0xde1b3b2d, 0xc1ee50e3),
+         TOBN(0x5ab7bdc5, 0xdc37a90d), TOBN(0xfea67213, 0x31e33a96),
+         TOBN(0x6482b5cb, 0x4f2999aa), TOBN(0x38476cc6, 0xb8cbf0dd),
+         TOBN(0x93ebfacb, 0x173405bb), TOBN(0x15cdafe7, 0xe52369ec),
+         TOBN(0xd42d5ba4, 0xd935b7db), TOBN(0x648b6004, 0x1c99a4cd),
+         TOBN(0x785101bd, 0xa3b5545b), TOBN(0x4bf2c38a, 0x9dd67faf),
+         TOBN(0xb1aadc63, 0x4442449c), TOBN(0xe0e9921a, 0x33ad4fb8),
+         TOBN(0x5c552313, 0xaa686d82), TOBN(0xdee635fa, 0x465d866c),
+         TOBN(0xbc3c224a, 0x18ee6e8a), TOBN(0xeed748a6, 0xed42e02f),
+         TOBN(0xe70f930a, 0xd474cd08), TOBN(0x774ea6ec, 0xfff24adf),
+         TOBN(0x03e2de1c, 0xf3480d4a), TOBN(0xf0d8edc7, 0xbc8acf1a),
+         TOBN(0xf23e3303, 0x68295a9c), TOBN(0xfadd5f68, 0xc546a97d),
+         TOBN(0x895597ad, 0x96f8acb1), TOBN(0xbddd49d5, 0x671bdae2),
+         TOBN(0x16fcd528, 0x21dd43f4), TOBN(0xa5a45412, 0x6619141a)},
+        {TOBN(0x8ce9b6bf, 0xc360e25a), TOBN(0xe6425195, 0x075a1a78),
+         TOBN(0x9dc756a8, 0x481732f4), TOBN(0x83c0440f, 0x5432b57a),
+         TOBN(0xc670b3f1, 0xd720281f), TOBN(0x2205910e, 0xd135e051),
+         TOBN(0xded14b0e, 0xdb052be7), TOBN(0x697b3d27, 0xc568ea39),
+         TOBN(0x2e599b9a, 0xfb3ff9ed), TOBN(0x28c2e0ab, 0x17f6515c),
+         TOBN(0x1cbee4fd, 0x474da449), TOBN(0x071279a4, 0x4f364452),
+         TOBN(0x97abff66, 0x01fbe855), TOBN(0x3ee394e8, 0x5fda51c4),
+         TOBN(0x190385f6, 0x67597c0b), TOBN(0x6e9fccc6, 0xa27ee34b),
+         TOBN(0x0b89de93, 0x14092ebb), TOBN(0xf17256bd, 0x428e240c),
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+         TOBN(0x4ee14405, 0xe708d855), TOBN(0x856aae72, 0x03f1c3d0),
+         TOBN(0xc8e5424f, 0xbdd7eed5), TOBN(0x3333e4ef, 0x73ab4270),
+         TOBN(0x3bc77ade, 0xdda492f8), TOBN(0xc11a3aea, 0x78297205),
+         TOBN(0x5e89a3e7, 0x34931b4c), TOBN(0x17512e2e, 0x9f5694bb),
+         TOBN(0x5dc349f3, 0x177bf8b6), TOBN(0x232ea4ba, 0x08c7ff3e),
+         TOBN(0x9c4f9d16, 0xf511145d), TOBN(0xccf109a3, 0x33b379c3),
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+         TOBN(0xe3e10773, 0x08f3ed5c), TOBN(0x208a54ec, 0x0a892dfb),
+         TOBN(0xbe826e19, 0x78660710), TOBN(0x0cf70a97, 0x237df2c8),
+         TOBN(0x418a7340, 0xed704da5), TOBN(0xa3eeb9a9, 0x08ca33fd),
+         TOBN(0x49d96233, 0x169bca96), TOBN(0x04d286d4, 0x2da6aafb),
+         TOBN(0xc09606ec, 0xa0c2fa94), TOBN(0x8869d0d5, 0x23ff0fb3),
+         TOBN(0xa99937e5, 0xd0150d65), TOBN(0xa92e2503, 0x240c14c9),
+         TOBN(0x656bf945, 0x108e2d49), TOBN(0x152a733a, 0xa2f59e2b),
+         TOBN(0xb4323d58, 0x8434a920), TOBN(0xc0af8e93, 0x622103c5),
+         TOBN(0x667518ef, 0x938dbf9a), TOBN(0xa1843073, 0x83a9cdf2),
+         TOBN(0x350a94aa, 0x5447ab80), TOBN(0xe5e5a325, 0xc75a3d61),
+         TOBN(0x74ba507f, 0x68411a9e), TOBN(0x10581fc1, 0x594f70c5),
+         TOBN(0x60e28570, 0x80eb24a9), TOBN(0x7bedfb4d, 0x488e0cfd),
+         TOBN(0x721ebbd7, 0xc259cdb8), TOBN(0x0b0da855, 0xbc6390a9),
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+         TOBN(0x33833eab, 0xb162fc9e), TOBN(0x9939b48b, 0xb0dd3ab7),
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+         TOBN(0x5364d275, 0xd4b6d45a), TOBN(0xd363f3ad, 0x62ec8996),
+         TOBN(0xb5d21239, 0x4391c65b), TOBN(0x84564765, 0xebb41b47),
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+         TOBN(0x5b6ac4f2, 0x7338af55), TOBN(0x06145e62, 0x7bee5a36),
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+         TOBN(0xf7055123, 0xaa3a5bbc), TOBN(0x954ff225, 0x7bbb8e74),
+         TOBN(0xc42b8ab1, 0x97c3dfb9), TOBN(0x55a549b0, 0xcf168154),
+         TOBN(0xad6748e7, 0xc1b50692), TOBN(0x2775780f, 0x6fc5cbcb),
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+         TOBN(0x4e23ca44, 0x6d3fea55), TOBN(0xb4ae9c86, 0xf4810568),
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+         TOBN(0xa892d894, 0x7de6c34c), TOBN(0x4ee68259, 0x4494587d),
+         TOBN(0x914ee14e, 0x1a3f8a5b), TOBN(0xbb113eaa, 0x28700385),
+         TOBN(0x81ca03b9, 0x2115b4c9), TOBN(0x7c163d38, 0x8908cad1),
+         TOBN(0xc912a118, 0xaa18179a), TOBN(0xe09ed750, 0x886e3081),
+         TOBN(0xa676e3fa, 0x26f516ca), TOBN(0x753cacf7, 0x8e732f91),
+         TOBN(0x51592aea, 0x833da8b4), TOBN(0xc626f42f, 0x4cbea8aa),
+         TOBN(0xef9dc899, 0xa7b56eaf), TOBN(0x00c0e52c, 0x34ef7316),
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+         TOBN(0x22eb932d, 0x3ed68974), TOBN(0xe44bbc08, 0x7c4e87c4),
+         TOBN(0x4121086e, 0x0dde9aef), TOBN(0x8e6b9cff, 0x134f4345),
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+         TOBN(0xace26309, 0xa20792db), TOBN(0xec8ac9b3, 0x0684e126),
+         TOBN(0x486ad8b6, 0xb40a2447), TOBN(0x60121fc1, 0x9fe3fb24),
+         TOBN(0x5626fccf, 0x1a8e3b3f), TOBN(0x4e568622, 0x6ad1f394),
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+         TOBN(0x451465d9, 0x26b318b7), TOBN(0xc29b6e55, 0x7ab136e9),
+         TOBN(0x2c2ab48b, 0x71148463), TOBN(0xb5738de3, 0x64454a76),
+         TOBN(0x54ccf9a0, 0x5a03abe4), TOBN(0x377c0296, 0x0427d58e),
+         TOBN(0x73f5f0b9, 0x2bb39c1f), TOBN(0x14373f2c, 0xe608d8c5),
+         TOBN(0xdcbfd314, 0x00fbb805), TOBN(0xdf18fb20, 0x83afdcfb),
+         TOBN(0x81a57f42, 0x42b3523f), TOBN(0xe958532d, 0x87f650fb),
+         TOBN(0xaa8dc8b6, 0x8b0a7d7c), TOBN(0x1b75dfb7, 0x150166be),
+         TOBN(0x90e4f7c9, 0x2d7d1413), TOBN(0x67e2d6b5, 0x9834f597),
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+         TOBN(0x25ab5fdc, 0x84687cee), TOBN(0xc5ded6b1, 0xa5b26c09),
+         TOBN(0x8e4a5aec, 0xc8ea7650), TOBN(0x23b73e5c, 0x14cc417f),
+         TOBN(0x2bfb4318, 0x3037bf52), TOBN(0xb61e6db5, 0x78c725d7),
+         TOBN(0x8efd4060, 0xbbb3e5d7), TOBN(0x2e014701, 0xdbac488e),
+         TOBN(0xac75cf9a, 0x360aa449), TOBN(0xb70cfd05, 0x79634d08),
+         TOBN(0xa591536d, 0xfffb15ef), TOBN(0xb2c37582, 0xd07c106c),
+         TOBN(0xb4293fdc, 0xf50225f9), TOBN(0xc52e175c, 0xb0e12b03),
+         TOBN(0xf649c3ba, 0xd0a8bf64), TOBN(0x745a8fef, 0xeb8ae3c6),
+         TOBN(0x30d7e5a3, 0x58321bc3), TOBN(0xb1732be7, 0x0bc4df48),
+         TOBN(0x1f217993, 0xe9ea5058), TOBN(0xf7a71cde, 0x3e4fd745),
+         TOBN(0x86cc533e, 0x894c5bbb), TOBN(0x6915c7d9, 0x69d83082),
+         TOBN(0xa6aa2d05, 0x5815c244), TOBN(0xaeeee592, 0x49b22ce5),
+         TOBN(0x89e39d13, 0x78135486), TOBN(0x3a275c1f, 0x16b76f2f),
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+         TOBN(0xa188b250, 0x2d0f39aa), TOBN(0x622118bb, 0x15a85947),
+         TOBN(0x2ebf520f, 0xfde0f4fa), TOBN(0xa40e9f29, 0x4860e539),
+         TOBN(0x7b6a51eb, 0x22b57f0f), TOBN(0x849a33b9, 0x7e80644a),
+         TOBN(0x50e5d16f, 0x1cf095fe), TOBN(0xd754b54e, 0xec55f002),
+         TOBN(0x5cfbbb22, 0x236f4a98), TOBN(0x0b0c59e9, 0x066800bb),
+         TOBN(0x4ac69a8f, 0x5a9a7774), TOBN(0x2b33f804, 0xd6bec948),
+         TOBN(0xb3729295, 0x32e6c466), TOBN(0x68956d0f, 0x4e599c73),
+         TOBN(0xa47a249f, 0x155c31cc), TOBN(0x24d80f0d, 0xe1ce284e),
+         TOBN(0xcd821dfb, 0x988baf01), TOBN(0xe6331a7d, 0xdbb16647),
+         TOBN(0x1eb8ad33, 0x094cb960), TOBN(0x593cca38, 0xc91bbca5),
+         TOBN(0x384aac8d, 0x26567456), TOBN(0x40fa0309, 0xc04b6490),
+         TOBN(0x97834cd6, 0xdab6c8f6), TOBN(0x68a7318d, 0x3f91e55f),
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+         TOBN(0x342b5df0, 0x0ebd4f08), TOBN(0x3e5168cd, 0x0e82938e),
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+         TOBN(0x8695e71e, 0x9066193a), TOBN(0x2eb50097, 0x06ffac7e),
+         TOBN(0x0654a9c0, 0x4a7d2caa), TOBN(0x6f3fb3d1, 0xa5aaa290),
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+         TOBN(0x02d5df43, 0x4a7bd989), TOBN(0x505385cc, 0xa5431095),
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+         TOBN(0xb391dad5, 0x1ec69977), TOBN(0xae243fb9, 0x307f6726),
+         TOBN(0xc88ac87b, 0xe8ca160c), TOBN(0x5174cced, 0x4ce355f4),
+         TOBN(0x98a35966, 0xe58ba37d), TOBN(0xfdcc8da2, 0x7817335d),
+         TOBN(0x5b752830, 0x83fbc7bf), TOBN(0x68e419d4, 0xd9c96984),
+         TOBN(0x409a39f4, 0x02a40380), TOBN(0x88940faf, 0x1fe977bc),
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+         TOBN(0xc67497c8, 0x837cb363), TOBN(0x06fb438a, 0x105a2bf2),
+         TOBN(0x30357ec4, 0x500d8e20), TOBN(0x1ad9095d, 0x0670db10),
+         TOBN(0x7f589a05, 0xc73b7cfd), TOBN(0xf544607d, 0x880d6d28),
+         TOBN(0x17ba93b1, 0xa20ef103), TOBN(0xad859130, 0x6ba6577b),
+         TOBN(0x65c91cf6, 0x6fa214a0), TOBN(0xd7d49c6c, 0x27990da5),
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+         TOBN(0xd4f9497d, 0x53a4f566), TOBN(0x89734664, 0x97b56810),
+         TOBN(0xf8e1da74, 0x0494a621), TOBN(0x82546a93, 0x8d011c68),
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+         TOBN(0x15356523, 0xb4b7ea43), TOBN(0x5a16ad61, 0xae608125),
+         TOBN(0xb0bcb87f, 0x4faed184), TOBN(0x5f236b1d, 0x5029f45f),
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+         TOBN(0x8e191d59, 0x5c5d8446), TOBN(0xc0208077, 0x13ae1979),
+         TOBN(0xadcaee55, 0x3ba59cc7), TOBN(0x20ed6d6b, 0xa2cb81ba),
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+         TOBN(0xa52f984c, 0x05d98d0c), TOBN(0x2ae57d73, 0x5ef6974c),
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+            TOBN(0x510b404d, 0x736fbf48), TOBN(0x7fa003d0, 0xe784bd7d),
+            TOBN(0x25f7614f, 0x17fd9596), TOBN(0x49e0e0a1, 0x35cb98db),
+            TOBN(0x2c65957b, 0x2e83a76a), TOBN(0x5d40da8d, 0xcddbe0f8),
+            TOBN(0xf2b8c405, 0x050bad24), TOBN(0x8918426d, 0xc2aa4823),
+            TOBN(0x2aeab3dd, 0xa38365a7), TOBN(0x72031717, 0x7c91b690),
+            TOBN(0x8b00d699, 0x60a94120), TOBN(0x478a255d, 0xe99eaeec),
+            TOBN(0xbf656a5f, 0x6f60aafd), TOBN(0xdfd7cb75, 0x5dee77b3),
+            TOBN(0x37f68bb4, 0xa595939d), TOBN(0x03556479, 0x28740217),
+            TOBN(0x8e740e7c, 0x84ad7612), TOBN(0xd89bc843, 0x9044695f),
+            TOBN(0xf7f3da5d, 0x85a9184d), TOBN(0x562563bb, 0x9fc0b074),
+            TOBN(0x06d2e6aa, 0xf88a888e), TOBN(0x612d8643, 0x161fbe7c),
+            TOBN(0x465edba7, 0xf64085e7), TOBN(0xb230f304, 0x29aa8511),
+            TOBN(0x53388426, 0xcda2d188), TOBN(0x90885735, 0x4b666649),
+            TOBN(0x6f02ff9a, 0x652f54f6), TOBN(0x65c82294, 0x5fae2bf0),
+            TOBN(0x7816ade0, 0x62f5eee3), TOBN(0xdcdbdf43, 0xfcc56d70),
+            TOBN(0x9fb3bba3, 0x54530bb2), TOBN(0xbde3ef77, 0xcb0869ea),
+            TOBN(0x89bc9046, 0x0b431163), TOBN(0x4d03d7d2, 0xe4819a35),
+            TOBN(0x33ae4f9e, 0x43b6a782), TOBN(0x216db307, 0x9c88a686),
+            TOBN(0x91dd88e0, 0x00ffedd9), TOBN(0xb280da9f, 0x12bd4840),
+            TOBN(0x32a7cb8a, 0x1635e741), TOBN(0xfe14008a, 0x78be02a7),
+            TOBN(0x3fafb334, 0x1b7ae030), TOBN(0x7fd508e7, 0x5add0ce9),
+            TOBN(0x72c83219, 0xd607ad51), TOBN(0x0f229c0a, 0x8d40964a),
+            TOBN(0x1be2c336, 0x1c878da2), TOBN(0xe0c96742, 0xeab2ab86),
+            TOBN(0x458f8691, 0x3e538cd7), TOBN(0xa7001f6c, 0x8e08ad53),
+            TOBN(0x52b8c6e6, 0xbf5d15ff), TOBN(0x548234a4, 0x011215dd),
+            TOBN(0xff5a9d2d, 0x3d5b4045), TOBN(0xb0ffeeb6, 0x4a904190),
+            TOBN(0x55a3aca4, 0x48607f8b), TOBN(0x8cbd665c, 0x30a0672a),
+            TOBN(0x87f834e0, 0x42583068), TOBN(0x02da2aeb, 0xf3f6e683),
+            TOBN(0x6b763e5d, 0x05c12248), TOBN(0x7230378f, 0x65a8aefc),
+            TOBN(0x93bd80b5, 0x71e8e5ca), TOBN(0x53ab041c, 0xb3b62524),
+            TOBN(0x1b860513, 0x6c9c552e), TOBN(0xe84d402c, 0xd5524e66),
+            TOBN(0xa37f3573, 0xf37f5937), TOBN(0xeb0f6c7d, 0xd1e4fca5),
+            TOBN(0x2965a554, 0xac8ab0fc), TOBN(0x17fbf56c, 0x274676ac),
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+            TOBN(0x517a14b3, 0x85d53bef), TOBN(0xdae327a5, 0x7d76a7d1),
+            TOBN(0x6ad0a065, 0xc4818267), TOBN(0x33aa189b, 0x37c1bbc1),
+            TOBN(0x64970b52, 0x27392a92), TOBN(0x21699a1c, 0x2d1535ea),
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+            TOBN(0x9b69440b, 0x72c0b8c7), TOBN(0xa81497d7, 0x7b9e0e4d),
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+            TOBN(0xa8da81e3, 0x11a35330), TOBN(0xe44990c4, 0x4b18be1b),
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+            TOBN(0x250a29b4, 0x88172d01), TOBN(0x8b20bd65, 0xcaff9e02),
+            TOBN(0xb8a7661e, 0xe8a6329a), TOBN(0x4520304d, 0xd3fce920),
+            TOBN(0xae45da1f, 0x2b47f7ef), TOBN(0xe07f5288, 0x5bffc540),
+            TOBN(0xf7997009, 0x3464f874), TOBN(0x2244c2cd, 0xa6fa1f38),
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+            TOBN(0x542b8b53, 0xfc5e8920), TOBN(0x363bf9a8, 0x9a9cee08),
+            TOBN(0x02375f10, 0xc3486e08), TOBN(0x2037543b, 0x8c5e70d2),
+            TOBN(0x7109bccc, 0x625640b4), TOBN(0xcbc1051e, 0x8bc62c3b),
+            TOBN(0xf8455fed, 0x803f26ea), TOBN(0x6badceab, 0xeb372424),
+            TOBN(0xa2a9ce7c, 0x6b53f5f9), TOBN(0x64246595, 0x1b176d99),
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+            TOBN(0x841aea31, 0x0811b3b2), TOBN(0x6144d41d, 0x0cce43ea),
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+            TOBN(0xc676d7f2, 0xb1f3390b), TOBN(0x9f7a1b8c, 0xa5b61272),
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+            TOBN(0x7f09771c, 0x4711230f), TOBN(0x058eb37c, 0x020f09c1),
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+            TOBN(0x586f47ca, 0xa8226200), TOBN(0x02c868ad, 0x1ac07369),
+            TOBN(0x4ef2b845, 0xc613acbe), TOBN(0x43d7563e, 0x0386054c),
+            TOBN(0x54da9dc7, 0xab952578), TOBN(0xb5423df2, 0x26e84d0b),
+            TOBN(0xa8b64eeb, 0x9b872042), TOBN(0xac205782, 0x5990f6df),
+            TOBN(0x4ff696eb, 0x21f4c77a), TOBN(0x1a79c3e4, 0xaab273af),
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+            TOBN(0x82acea3d, 0x778f22a0), TOBN(0xfb10b2e8, 0x5b5e7469),
+            TOBN(0xc0b16980, 0x2818ee7d), TOBN(0x011afff4, 0xc91c1a2f),
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+            TOBN(0x36bb283a, 0xf2f4db75), TOBN(0xd115540f, 0x7acef462),
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+            TOBN(0x915fd5c5, 0xcaddb0a9), TOBN(0xbd41f016, 0x78614555),
+            TOBN(0x346f4434, 0x426ffb58), TOBN(0x80559436, 0x14dbc204),
+            TOBN(0xf3dd20fe, 0x5a969b7f), TOBN(0x9d59e956, 0xe899a39a),
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+            TOBN(0xf071ac3c, 0x65340ba4), TOBN(0x408d0596, 0xb27fd758),
+            TOBN(0xe7c78ea4, 0x98c364b0), TOBN(0xa4aac4a5, 0x051e8ab5),
+            TOBN(0xb9e1d560, 0x485d9002), TOBN(0x9acd518a, 0x88844455),
+            TOBN(0xe4ca688f, 0xd06f56c0), TOBN(0xa48af70d, 0xdf027972),
+            TOBN(0x691f0f04, 0x5e9a609d), TOBN(0xa9dd82cd, 0xee61270e),
+            TOBN(0x8903ca63, 0xa0ef18d3), TOBN(0x9fb7ee35, 0x3d6ca3bd),
+            TOBN(0xa7b4a09c, 0xabf47d03), TOBN(0x4cdada01, 0x1c67de8e),
+            TOBN(0x52003749, 0x9355a244), TOBN(0xe77fd2b6, 0x4f2151a9),
+            TOBN(0x695d6cf6, 0x66b4efcb), TOBN(0xc5a0cacf, 0xda2cfe25),
+            TOBN(0x104efe5c, 0xef811865), TOBN(0xf52813e8, 0x9ea5cc3d),
+            TOBN(0x855683dc, 0x40b58dbc), TOBN(0x0338ecde, 0x175fcb11),
+            TOBN(0xf9a05637, 0x74921592), TOBN(0xb4f1261d, 0xb9bb9d31),
+            TOBN(0x551429b7, 0x4e9c5459), TOBN(0xbe182e6f, 0x6ea71f53),
+            TOBN(0xd3a3b07c, 0xdfc50573), TOBN(0x9ba1afda, 0x62be8d44),
+            TOBN(0x9bcfd2cb, 0x52ab65d3), TOBN(0xdf11d547, 0xa9571802),
+            TOBN(0x099403ee, 0x02a2404a), TOBN(0x497406f4, 0x21088a71),
+            TOBN(0x99479409, 0x5004ae71), TOBN(0xbdb42078, 0xa812c362),
+            TOBN(0x2b72a30f, 0xd8828442), TOBN(0x283add27, 0xfcb5ed1c),
+            TOBN(0xf7c0e200, 0x66a40015), TOBN(0x3e3be641, 0x08b295ef),
+            TOBN(0xac127dc1, 0xe038a675), TOBN(0x729deff3, 0x8c5c6320),
+            TOBN(0xb7df8fd4, 0xa90d2c53), TOBN(0x9b74b0ec, 0x681e7cd3),
+            TOBN(0x5cb5a623, 0xdab407e5), TOBN(0xcdbd3615, 0x76b340c6),
+            TOBN(0xa184415a, 0x7d28392c), TOBN(0xc184c1d8, 0xe96f7830),
+            TOBN(0xc3204f19, 0x81d3a80f), TOBN(0xfde0c841, 0xc8e02432),
+            TOBN(0x78203b3e, 0x8149e0c1), TOBN(0x5904bdbb, 0x08053a73),
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+            TOBN(0xb189b684, 0x5e43fc61), TOBN(0xf3282375, 0xe0d3ab57),
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+            TOBN(0x9b178de1, 0xad990676), TOBN(0xd51de67b, 0x56d54065),
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+            TOBN(0xd3cfa409, 0xf7bb7fd7), TOBN(0x70f8781e, 0x462d18f6),
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+            TOBN(0xab21e1d4, 0xa5013af9), TOBN(0xe3283f78, 0xc2c28acb),
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+            TOBN(0x61673a15, 0xb20c162d), TOBN(0xc101dc75, 0xb04fbdbe),
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+            TOBN(0xd8a9201f, 0xf9e6ed35), TOBN(0xb7b5ee45, 0x6736925a),
+            TOBN(0x0a83fbbc, 0x99581af7), TOBN(0x3076bc40, 0x64eeb051),
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+            TOBN(0xb12ec10e, 0xcfe57bbd), TOBN(0x82c7b656, 0x35a0c2b5),
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+            TOBN(0x7aba9444, 0xd11a5529), TOBN(0xe964ed02, 0x2427fa1a),
+            TOBN(0x1528392d, 0x24a1770a), TOBN(0xa152ce2c, 0x12c72fcd),
+            TOBN(0x714553a4, 0x8ec07649), TOBN(0x18b4c290, 0x459dd453),
+            TOBN(0xea32b714, 0x7b64b110), TOBN(0xb871bfa5, 0x2e6f07a2),
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+            TOBN(0x47df0f32, 0x08114345), TOBN(0x56facb07, 0xbb9792b1),
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+            TOBN(0xf95872fc, 0xa4108537), TOBN(0x8750cc3b, 0x932a3e5a),
+            TOBN(0xb61cc69d, 0xb7275d7d), TOBN(0xffa0168b, 0x2e59b2e9),
+            TOBN(0xca032abc, 0x6ecbb493), TOBN(0x1d86dbd3, 0x2c9082d8),
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+            TOBN(0xcd9fea58, 0x101c1d45), TOBN(0x6651788e, 0x18880452),
+            TOBN(0xa9972635, 0x1f8dd446), TOBN(0x44bed022, 0xe37281d0),
+            TOBN(0x094b2b2d, 0x33da525d), TOBN(0xf193678e, 0x13144fd8),
+            TOBN(0xb8ab5ba4, 0xf4c1061d), TOBN(0x4343b5fa, 0xdccbe0f4),
+            TOBN(0xa8702371, 0x63812713), TOBN(0x47bf6d2d, 0xf7611d93),
+            TOBN(0x46729b8c, 0xbd21e1d7), TOBN(0x7484d4e0, 0xd629e77d),
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+            TOBN(0x106ef9fa, 0xb12177b4), TOBN(0xf79bf464, 0x534d5d9c),
+            TOBN(0x2537a349, 0xa6ab360b), TOBN(0xc7c54253, 0xa00c744f),
+            TOBN(0xb3c7a047, 0xe5911a76), TOBN(0x61ffa5c8, 0x647f1ee7),
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+            TOBN(0x68f469f5, 0xcc30d357), TOBN(0xbe9adf81, 0x6b72be96),
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+            TOBN(0xf0f82de5, 0xfacf69d4), TOBN(0x363b7e76, 0x4775344c),
+            TOBN(0x6894f312, 0xb2e36d04), TOBN(0x3c6cb4fe, 0x11d1c9a5),
+            TOBN(0x85d9c339, 0x4008e1f2), TOBN(0x5e9a85ea, 0x249f326c),
+            TOBN(0xdc35c60a, 0x678c5e06), TOBN(0xc08b944f, 0x9f86fba9),
+            TOBN(0xde40c02c, 0x89f71f0f), TOBN(0xad8f3e31, 0xff3da3c0),
+            TOBN(0x3ea5096b, 0x42125ded), TOBN(0x13879cbf, 0xa7379183),
+            TOBN(0x6f4714a5, 0x6b306a0b), TOBN(0x359c2ea6, 0x67646c5e),
+            TOBN(0xfacf8943, 0x07726368), TOBN(0x07a58935, 0x65ff431e),
+            TOBN(0x24d661d1, 0x68754ab0), TOBN(0x801fce1d, 0x6f429a76),
+            TOBN(0xc068a85f, 0xa58ce769), TOBN(0xedc35c54, 0x5d5eca2b),
+            TOBN(0xea31276f, 0xa3f660d1), TOBN(0xa0184ebe, 0xb8fc7167),
+            TOBN(0x0f20f21a, 0x1d8db0ae), TOBN(0xd96d095f, 0x56c35e12),
+            TOBN(0xedf402b5, 0xf8c2a25b), TOBN(0x1bb772b9, 0x059204b6),
+            TOBN(0x50cbeae2, 0x19b4e34c), TOBN(0x93109d80, 0x3fa0845a),
+            TOBN(0x54f7ccf7, 0x8ef59fb5), TOBN(0x3b438fe2, 0x88070963),
+            TOBN(0x9e28c659, 0x31f3ba9b), TOBN(0x9cc31b46, 0xead9da92),
+            TOBN(0x3c2f0ba9, 0xb733aa5f), TOBN(0xdece47cb, 0xf05af235),
+            TOBN(0xf8e3f715, 0xa2ac82a5), TOBN(0xc97ba641, 0x2203f18a),
+            TOBN(0xc3af5504, 0x09c11060), TOBN(0x56ea2c05, 0x46af512d),
+            TOBN(0xfac28daf, 0xf3f28146), TOBN(0x87fab43a, 0x959ef494),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0x09891641, 0xd4c5105f), TOBN(0x1ae80f8e, 0x6d7fbd65),
+            TOBN(0x9d67225f, 0xbee6bdb0), TOBN(0x3b433b59, 0x7fc4d860),
+            TOBN(0x44e66db6, 0x93e85638), TOBN(0xf7b59252, 0xe3e9862f),
+            TOBN(0xdb785157, 0x665c32ec), TOBN(0x702fefd7, 0xae362f50),
+            TOBN(0x3754475d, 0x0fefb0c3), TOBN(0xd48fb56b, 0x46d7c35d),
+            TOBN(0xa070b633, 0x363798a4), TOBN(0xae89f3d2, 0x8fdb98e6),
+            TOBN(0x970b89c8, 0x6363d14c), TOBN(0x89817521, 0x67abd27d),
+            TOBN(0x9bf7d474, 0x44d5a021), TOBN(0xb3083baf, 0xcac72aee),
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+            TOBN(0x54e48a90, 0x41fbab17), TOBN(0xda8e0b28, 0x576bdba2),
+            TOBN(0xe807eebc, 0xc72afddc), TOBN(0x07d3336d, 0xf42577bf),
+            TOBN(0x62a8c244, 0xbfe20925), TOBN(0x91c19ac3, 0x8fdce867),
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+            TOBN(0xe87673a2, 0xa37173ea), TOBN(0x23848008, 0x53778b65),
+            TOBN(0x10f8441e, 0x05bab43e), TOBN(0xfa11fe12, 0x4621efbe),
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+            TOBN(0x87b14898, 0x583b526b), TOBN(0x00b732a6, 0xbbadd3d1),
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+            TOBN(0x23f949fe, 0xb8a24a20), TOBN(0x17ebfed1, 0xf52ca53f),
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+            TOBN(0x4206482f, 0x695d67df), TOBN(0xb967ce0e, 0xee27c011),
+            TOBN(0x65db3751, 0x21c80b5d), TOBN(0x2e7a563c, 0xa31ecca0),
+            TOBN(0xe56ffc4e, 0x5238a07e), TOBN(0x3d6c2966, 0x32ced854),
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+            TOBN(0xf8b517a8, 0x5fe4e314), TOBN(0xe60234d0, 0xfcb8906f),
+            TOBN(0xffe542ac, 0xf2061b23), TOBN(0x287e191f, 0x6b4cb59c),
+            TOBN(0x21857ddc, 0x09d877d8), TOBN(0x1c23478c, 0x14678941),
+            TOBN(0xbbf0c056, 0xb6e05ea4), TOBN(0x82da4b53, 0xb01594fe),
+            TOBN(0xf7526791, 0xfadb8608), TOBN(0x049e832d, 0x7b74cdf6),
+            TOBN(0xa43581cc, 0xc2b90a34), TOBN(0x73639eb8, 0x9360b10c),
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+            TOBN(0xc0f734a3, 0xb2335834), TOBN(0x9526205a, 0x90ef6860),
+            TOBN(0xcb8be717, 0x04e2bb0d), TOBN(0x2418871e, 0x02f383fa),
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+            TOBN(0xd7ec7749, 0x93be56ca), TOBN(0x10899785, 0xcbb33615),
+            TOBN(0xb8a092fd, 0x02eee3ad), TOBN(0xa86b3d35, 0x30145270),
+            TOBN(0x323d98c6, 0x8512b675), TOBN(0x4b8bc785, 0x62ebb40f),
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+            TOBN(0xb36acff8, 0xb612ca7c), TOBN(0xb88fe5ef, 0xd3d9c73a),
+            TOBN(0xbe2a6bc6, 0xedea4eb3), TOBN(0x43b93133, 0x488eec77),
+            TOBN(0xf41ff566, 0xb17106e1), TOBN(0x469e9172, 0x654efa32),
+            TOBN(0xb4480f04, 0x41c23fa3), TOBN(0xb4712eb0, 0xc1989a2e),
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+            TOBN(0x1701147f, 0xa8e67fc3), TOBN(0x9e2e0b8b, 0xab2085be),
+            TOBN(0xd5651824, 0xac284e57), TOBN(0x890d4325, 0x74893664),
+            TOBN(0x8a7c5e6e, 0xc55e68a3), TOBN(0xbf12e90b, 0x4339c85a),
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+            TOBN(0x9c796096, 0xea68e672), TOBN(0x853db5fb, 0xfb3c77fb),
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+            TOBN(0x4ed81432, 0xc11d2303), TOBN(0x7da66912, 0x1f03769f),
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+            TOBN(0xb66142a1, 0x2695a11c), TOBN(0x60ac583a, 0xeb19ea70),
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+            TOBN(0x1384978c, 0x5bc504c4), TOBN(0x37640487, 0x864a6a77),
+            TOBN(0x05991bc6, 0x222a77da), TOBN(0x62260a57, 0x5e47eb11),
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+            TOBN(0x4d59ebaa, 0xd846bd83), TOBN(0x8775a9dc, 0xa9202849),
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+            TOBN(0x00284d51, 0x662cc565), TOBN(0x82353a6b, 0x0db4138d),
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+            TOBN(0xea6e4508, 0xf78b0b6f), TOBN(0x176f5dd2, 0x678c143c),
+            TOBN(0x08148418, 0x4be21e65), TOBN(0x27f7525c, 0xe7df38c4),
+            TOBN(0x1fb70e09, 0x748ab1a4), TOBN(0x9cba50a0, 0x5efe4433),
+            TOBN(0x7846c7a6, 0x15f75af2), TOBN(0x2a7c2c57, 0x5ee73ea8),
+            TOBN(0x42e566a4, 0x3f0a449a), TOBN(0x45474c3b, 0xad90fc3d),
+            TOBN(0x7447be3d, 0x8b61d057), TOBN(0x3e9d1cf1, 0x3a4ec092),
+            TOBN(0x1603e453, 0xf380a6e6), TOBN(0x0b86e431, 0x9b1437c2),
+            TOBN(0x7a4173f2, 0xef29610a), TOBN(0x8fa729a7, 0xf03d57f7),
+            TOBN(0x3e186f6e, 0x6c9c217e), TOBN(0xbe1d3079, 0x91919524),
+            TOBN(0x92a62a70, 0x153d4fb1), TOBN(0x32ed3e34, 0xd68c2f71),
+            TOBN(0xd785027f, 0x9eb1a8b7), TOBN(0xbc37eb77, 0xc5b22fe8),
+            TOBN(0x466b34f0, 0xb9d6a191), TOBN(0x008a89af, 0x9a05f816),
+            TOBN(0x19b028fb, 0x7d42c10a), TOBN(0x7fe8c92f, 0x49b3f6b8),
+            TOBN(0x58907cc0, 0xa5a0ade3), TOBN(0xb3154f51, 0x559d1a7c),
+            TOBN(0x5066efb6, 0xd9790ed6), TOBN(0xa77a0cbc, 0xa6aa793b),
+            TOBN(0x1a915f3c, 0x223e042e), TOBN(0x1c5def04, 0x69c5874b),
+            TOBN(0x0e830078, 0x73b6c1da), TOBN(0x55cf85d2, 0xfcd8557a),
+            TOBN(0x0f7c7c76, 0x0460f3b1), TOBN(0x87052acb, 0x46e58063),
+            TOBN(0x09212b80, 0x907eae66), TOBN(0x3cb068e0, 0x4d721c89),
+            TOBN(0xa87941ae, 0xdd45ac1c), TOBN(0xde8d5c0d, 0x0daa0dbb),
+            TOBN(0xda421fdc, 0xe3502e6e), TOBN(0xc8944201, 0x4d89a084),
+            TOBN(0x7307ba5e, 0xf0c24bfb), TOBN(0xda212beb, 0x20bde0ef),
+            TOBN(0xea2da24b, 0xf82ce682), TOBN(0x058d3816, 0x07f71fe4),
+            TOBN(0x35a02462, 0x5ffad8de), TOBN(0xcd7b05dc, 0xaadcefab),
+            TOBN(0xd442f8ed, 0x1d9f54ec), TOBN(0x8be3d618, 0xb2d3b5ca),
+            TOBN(0xe2220ed0, 0xe06b2ce2), TOBN(0x82699a5f, 0x1b0da4c0),
+            TOBN(0x3ff106f5, 0x71c0c3a7), TOBN(0x8f580f5a, 0x0d34180c),
+            TOBN(0x4ebb120e, 0x22d7d375), TOBN(0x5e5782cc, 0xe9513675),
+            TOBN(0x2275580c, 0x99c82a70), TOBN(0xe8359fbf, 0x15ea8c4c),
+            TOBN(0x53b48db8, 0x7b415e70), TOBN(0xaacf2240, 0x100c6014),
+            TOBN(0x9faaccf5, 0xe4652f1d), TOBN(0xbd6fdd2a, 0xd56157b2),
+            TOBN(0xa4f4fb1f, 0x6261ec50), TOBN(0x244e55ad, 0x476bcd52),
+            TOBN(0x881c9305, 0x047d320b), TOBN(0x1ca983d5, 0x6181263f),
+            TOBN(0x354e9a44, 0x278fb8ee), TOBN(0xad2dbc0f, 0x396e4964),
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+            TOBN(0x794866aa, 0x6cf44252), TOBN(0x0b59f3e3, 0x01af87ed),
+            TOBN(0xe234e5ff, 0x7f4a6c51), TOBN(0xa8768fd2, 0x61dc2f7e),
+            TOBN(0xdafc7332, 0x0a94d81f), TOBN(0xd7f84282, 0x06938ce1),
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+            TOBN(0xd5d7a2c9, 0x369ac400), TOBN(0xa5978d09, 0xae67d10c),
+            TOBN(0x290f211e, 0x4f85eaac), TOBN(0xe61e2ad1, 0xfacac681),
+            TOBN(0xae125225, 0x388384cd), TOBN(0xa7fb68e9, 0xccfde30f),
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+            TOBN(0x062ebc60, 0x70985182), TOBN(0xa6db5b0e, 0x33310895),
+            TOBN(0x64a12175, 0xe329c2f5), TOBN(0xc5f25bd2, 0x90ea237e),
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+            TOBN(0x369a9116, 0xc09e2c92), TOBN(0x0c527f92, 0xcf182cf8),
+            TOBN(0x9e591938, 0x2aede0ac), TOBN(0xb2922208, 0x6cc34939),
+            TOBN(0x3c9d8962, 0x99a34361), TOBN(0x3c81836d, 0xc1905fe6),
+            TOBN(0x4bfeb57f, 0xa001ec5a), TOBN(0xe993f5bb, 0xa0dc5dba),
+            TOBN(0x47884109, 0x724a1380), TOBN(0x8a0369ab, 0x32fe9a04),
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+            TOBN(0x698b71e7, 0xed77ee8b), TOBN(0xbddf7bd0, 0xf309d5c7),
+            TOBN(0x6201c22c, 0x34e780ca), TOBN(0xab04f7d8, 0x4c295ef4),
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+            TOBN(0x89738f80, 0xd0a7a97a), TOBN(0xec088c88, 0xa580fd5b),
+            TOBN(0x612b1ecc, 0x42ce9e51), TOBN(0x8f9840fd, 0xb25fdd2a),
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+            TOBN(0x271719a9, 0x80d30916), TOBN(0x45497107, 0x584c20c4),
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+            TOBN(0xfce01767, 0x88a2ffe4), TOBN(0xdc506a35, 0x28e169a5),
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+            TOBN(0x96eaaa92, 0xa3d694e7), TOBN(0xc0f43b4d, 0xef50bc74),
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+            TOBN(0x23d16655, 0xafbfecdf), TOBN(0x80f3271f, 0x085cac4a),
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+            TOBN(0xa2498663, 0x1b82a0e2), TOBN(0x844ed736, 0x3518152d),
+            TOBN(0x282f476f, 0xd86e27c7), TOBN(0xa04edaca, 0x04afefdc),
+            TOBN(0x8b256ebc, 0x6119e34d), TOBN(0x56a413e9, 0x0787d78b),
+        },
+        {
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+            TOBN(0x715c9f97, 0x3112795f), TOBN(0xe8244437, 0x984e6ee1),
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+            TOBN(0xe33bd394, 0xaf267bae), TOBN(0xaa86cc25, 0xbe2e15ae),
+            TOBN(0x4f0bf67d, 0x6a8ec500), TOBN(0x5846aa44, 0xf9630658),
+            TOBN(0xfeb09740, 0xe2c2bf15), TOBN(0x627a2205, 0xa9e99704),
+            TOBN(0xec8d73d0, 0xc2fbc565), TOBN(0x223eed8f, 0xc20c8de8),
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+            TOBN(0x60514983, 0x064417ee), TOBN(0x1459b23c, 0xad6bdf2b),
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+            TOBN(0x294f901f, 0xab192c18), TOBN(0xec5fcbfe, 0x7030164f),
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+            TOBN(0xa6755e52, 0xf024e924), TOBN(0xe0fa07a4, 0x9db4afca),
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+            TOBN(0xf23cc02e, 0x1116dfba), TOBN(0x76cd563f, 0xd87d7776),
+            TOBN(0xe2a37598, 0xa9d82abf), TOBN(0x5f188ccb, 0xe6c170f5),
+            TOBN(0x81682200, 0x5066b087), TOBN(0xda22c212, 0xc7155ada),
+            TOBN(0x151e5d3a, 0xfbddb479), TOBN(0x4b606b84, 0x6d715b99),
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+            TOBN(0x5ea02489, 0x8fea73ea), TOBN(0x8247b364, 0xa035afb2),
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+            TOBN(0x76d48f86, 0xd36e3062), TOBN(0x626c5277, 0xa143ff02),
+            TOBN(0x538174de, 0xaf76f42e), TOBN(0x2267aa86, 0x6407ceac),
+            TOBN(0xfad76351, 0x72e572d5), TOBN(0xab861af7, 0xba7330eb),
+            TOBN(0xa0a1c8c7, 0x418d8657), TOBN(0x988821cb, 0x20289a52),
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+            TOBN(0x68206634, 0xa9964375), TOBN(0x356a2fa3, 0x699cd0ff),
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+            TOBN(0xd3b9913a, 0x5c04e4ea), TOBN(0xd549dcfe, 0xd6f11513),
+            TOBN(0xee227bf5, 0x79fd1d94), TOBN(0x9f35afee, 0xb43f2c67),
+            TOBN(0xd2638d24, 0xf1314f53), TOBN(0x62baf948, 0xcabcd822),
+            TOBN(0x5542de29, 0x4ef48db0), TOBN(0xb3eb6a04, 0xfc5f6bb2),
+            TOBN(0x23c110ae, 0x1208e16a), TOBN(0x1a4d15b5, 0xf8363e24),
+            TOBN(0x30716844, 0x164be00b), TOBN(0xa8e24824, 0xf6f4690d),
+            TOBN(0x548773a2, 0x90b170cf), TOBN(0xa1bef331, 0x42f191f4),
+            TOBN(0x70f418d0, 0x9247aa97), TOBN(0xea06028e, 0x48be9147),
+            TOBN(0xe13122f3, 0xdbfb894e), TOBN(0xbe9b79f6, 0xce274b18),
+            TOBN(0x85a49de5, 0xca58aadf), TOBN(0x24957758, 0x11487351),
+            TOBN(0x111def61, 0xbb939099), TOBN(0x1d6a974a, 0x26d13694),
+            TOBN(0x4474b4ce, 0xd3fc253b), TOBN(0x3a1485e6, 0x4c5db15e),
+            TOBN(0xe79667b4, 0x147c15b4), TOBN(0xe34f553b, 0x7bc61301),
+            TOBN(0x032b80f8, 0x17094381), TOBN(0x55d8bafd, 0x723eaa21),
+            TOBN(0x5a987995, 0xf1c0e74e), TOBN(0x5a9b292e, 0xebba289c),
+            TOBN(0x413cd4b2, 0xeb4c8251), TOBN(0x98b5d243, 0xd162db0a),
+            TOBN(0xbb47bf66, 0x68342520), TOBN(0x08d68949, 0xbaa862d1),
+            TOBN(0x11f349c7, 0xe906abcd), TOBN(0x454ce985, 0xed7bf00e),
+            TOBN(0xacab5c9e, 0xb55b803b), TOBN(0xb03468ea, 0x31e3c16d),
+            TOBN(0x5c24213d, 0xd273bf12), TOBN(0x211538eb, 0x71587887),
+            TOBN(0x198e4a2f, 0x731dea2d), TOBN(0xd5856cf2, 0x74ed7b2a),
+            TOBN(0x86a632eb, 0x13a664fe), TOBN(0x932cd909, 0xbda41291),
+            TOBN(0x850e95d4, 0xc0c4ddc0), TOBN(0xc0f422f8, 0x347fc2c9),
+            TOBN(0xe68cbec4, 0x86076bcb), TOBN(0xf9e7c0c0, 0xcd6cd286),
+            TOBN(0x65994ddb, 0x0f5f27ca), TOBN(0xe85461fb, 0xa80d59ff),
+            TOBN(0xff05481a, 0x66601023), TOBN(0xc665427a, 0xfc9ebbfb),
+            TOBN(0xb0571a69, 0x7587fd52), TOBN(0x935289f8, 0x8d49efce),
+            TOBN(0x61becc60, 0xea420688), TOBN(0xb22639d9, 0x13a786af),
+            TOBN(0x1a8e6220, 0x361ecf90), TOBN(0x001f23e0, 0x25506463),
+            TOBN(0xe4ae9b5d, 0x0a5c2b79), TOBN(0xebc9cdad, 0xd8149db5),
+            TOBN(0xb33164a1, 0x934aa728), TOBN(0x750eb00e, 0xae9b60f3),
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+            TOBN(0xb462c4a5, 0xbf5151df), TOBN(0x21adcc41, 0xb07118f2),
+            TOBN(0xd60c545b, 0x043fa42c), TOBN(0xfc21aa54, 0xe96be1ab),
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+            TOBN(0xc448f311, 0x6875092b), TOBN(0xb5afe3de, 0x9f976033),
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+            TOBN(0xf0947430, 0x418042ae), TOBN(0x71f9adda, 0xcdddc4cb),
+            TOBN(0x7090c016, 0xc52dd907), TOBN(0xd9bdf44d, 0x29e2047f),
+            TOBN(0xe6f1fe80, 0x1b1011a6), TOBN(0xb63accbc, 0xd9acdc78),
+            TOBN(0xcfc7e235, 0x1272a95b), TOBN(0x0c667717, 0xa6276ac8),
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+            TOBN(0x363ad32d, 0x14ea5d65), TOBN(0xf8e01f06, 0x8d7dd506),
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+            TOBN(0x439d79b5, 0xe9d3a7c3), TOBN(0x8e0ee5a6, 0x81b7f34b),
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+            TOBN(0xa8e67112, 0x7747ae83), TOBN(0x31f43160, 0x197d6b40),
+            TOBN(0x0521ccee, 0xcd961400), TOBN(0x67246f11, 0xf6535768),
+            TOBN(0x702fcc5a, 0xef0c3133), TOBN(0x247cc45d, 0x7e16693b),
+            TOBN(0xfd484e49, 0xc729b749), TOBN(0x522cef7d, 0xb218320f),
+            TOBN(0xe56ef405, 0x59ab93b3), TOBN(0x225fba11, 0x9f181071),
+            TOBN(0x33bd6595, 0x15330ed0), TOBN(0xc4be69d5, 0x1ddb32f7),
+            TOBN(0x264c7668, 0x0448087c), TOBN(0xac30903f, 0x71432dae),
+            TOBN(0x3851b266, 0x00f9bf47), TOBN(0x400ed311, 0x6cdd6d03),
+            TOBN(0x045e79fe, 0xf8fd2424), TOBN(0xfdfd974a, 0xfa6da98b),
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+            TOBN(0x1adaebb5, 0x2a601753), TOBN(0xb286514c, 0xc57c2d49),
+            TOBN(0xd8769670, 0x1e0bfd24), TOBN(0x950c547e, 0x04478922),
+            TOBN(0xd1d41969, 0xe5d32bfe), TOBN(0x30bc1472, 0x750d6c3e),
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+            TOBN(0x2fe59937, 0x633dfb1f), TOBN(0xea82c395, 0x977f2547),
+            TOBN(0xcbdfdf1a, 0x661ea646), TOBN(0xc7ccc591, 0xb9085451),
+            TOBN(0x82177962, 0x81761e13), TOBN(0xda57596f, 0x9196885c),
+            TOBN(0xbc17e849, 0x28ffbd70), TOBN(0x1e6e0a41, 0x2671d36f),
+            TOBN(0x61ae872c, 0x4152fcf5), TOBN(0x441c87b0, 0x9e77e754),
+            TOBN(0xd0799dd5, 0xa34dff09), TOBN(0x766b4e44, 0x88a6b171),
+            TOBN(0xdc06a512, 0x11f1c792), TOBN(0xea02ae93, 0x4be35c3e),
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+            TOBN(0x59811c89, 0xe1332156), TOBN(0xc89cf1fe, 0x8c11b2d7),
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+            TOBN(0x634ff82c, 0x48528118), TOBN(0x7c6fe085, 0xcd285911),
+            TOBN(0x7f2830c0, 0x99358f28), TOBN(0x2e60a95e, 0x665e6c09),
+            TOBN(0x08407d3d, 0x9b785dbf), TOBN(0x530889ab, 0xa759bce7),
+            TOBN(0xf228e0e6, 0x52f61239), TOBN(0x2b6d1461, 0x6879be3c),
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+            TOBN(0x66d9317a, 0x98bc6da0), TOBN(0xf4f877f3, 0xcb596ac0),
+            TOBN(0xb05ff62d, 0x4c44f119), TOBN(0x4555f536, 0xe9b77416),
+            TOBN(0xc7c0d059, 0x8caed63b), TOBN(0x0cd2b7ce, 0xc358b2a9),
+            TOBN(0x3f33287b, 0x46945fa3), TOBN(0xf8785b20, 0xd67c8791),
+            TOBN(0xc54a7a61, 0x9637bd08), TOBN(0x54d4598c, 0x18be79d7),
+            TOBN(0x889e5acb, 0xc46d7ce1), TOBN(0x9a515bb7, 0x8b085877),
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+            TOBN(0x61c4d451, 0x33016376), TOBN(0xd9fd2c80, 0x5ad59090),
+            TOBN(0xe5a83738, 0xb2b836a1), TOBN(0x855b41a0, 0x7c0d6622),
+            TOBN(0x186fe317, 0x7cc19af1), TOBN(0x6465c1ff, 0xfdd99acb),
+            TOBN(0x46e5c23f, 0x6974b99e), TOBN(0x75a7cf8b, 0xa2717cbe),
+            TOBN(0x4d2ebc3f, 0x062be658), TOBN(0x094b4447, 0x5f209c98),
+            TOBN(0x4af285ed, 0xb940cb5a), TOBN(0x6706d792, 0x7cc82f10),
+            TOBN(0xc8c8776c, 0x030526fa), TOBN(0xfa8e6f76, 0xa0da9140),
+            TOBN(0x77ea9d34, 0x591ee4f0), TOBN(0x5f46e337, 0x40274166),
+            TOBN(0x1bdf98bb, 0xea671457), TOBN(0xd7c08b46, 0x862a1fe2),
+            TOBN(0x46cc303c, 0x1c08ad63), TOBN(0x99543440, 0x4c845e7b),
+            TOBN(0x1b8fbdb5, 0x48f36bf7), TOBN(0x5b82c392, 0x8c8273a7),
+            TOBN(0x08f712c4, 0x928435d5), TOBN(0x071cf0f1, 0x79330380),
+            TOBN(0xc74c2d24, 0xa8da054a), TOBN(0xcb0e7201, 0x43c46b5c),
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+            TOBN(0x6b8d5048, 0xe7073969), TOBN(0x392d2a29, 0xc33cb3d2),
+            TOBN(0xee4f727c, 0x4ecaa20f), TOBN(0xa068c99e, 0x2ccde707),
+            TOBN(0xfcd5651f, 0xb87a2913), TOBN(0xea3e3c15, 0x3cc252f0),
+            TOBN(0x777d92df, 0x3b6cd3e4), TOBN(0x7a414143, 0xc5a732e7),
+            TOBN(0xa895951a, 0xa71ff493), TOBN(0xfe980c92, 0xbbd37cf6),
+            TOBN(0x45bd5e64, 0xdecfeeff), TOBN(0x910dc2a9, 0xa44c43e9),
+            TOBN(0xcb403f26, 0xcca9f54d), TOBN(0x928bbdfb, 0x9303f6db),
+            TOBN(0x3c37951e, 0xa9eee67c), TOBN(0x3bd61a52, 0xf79961c3),
+            TOBN(0x09a238e6, 0x395c9a79), TOBN(0x6940ca2d, 0x61eb352d),
+            TOBN(0x7d1e5c5e, 0xc1875631), TOBN(0x1e19742c, 0x1e1b20d1),
+            TOBN(0x4633d908, 0x23fc2e6e), TOBN(0xa76e29a9, 0x08959149),
+            TOBN(0x61069d9c, 0x84ed7da5), TOBN(0x0baa11cf, 0x5dbcad51),
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+            TOBN(0x567dd54b, 0xadb9b5b7), TOBN(0x73fac1a1, 0xc45a524b),
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+            TOBN(0xb0571794, 0xc486094f), TOBN(0x869254a3, 0x8bf3a8d6),
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+            TOBN(0x878f20e8, 0x6dcf2fad), TOBN(0x3516497c, 0x615f5699),
+        },
+        {
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+            TOBN(0x501d070c, 0xb98fe684), TOBN(0xd60fbe9a, 0x124a1458),
+            TOBN(0xa45761c8, 0x92bc6b3f), TOBN(0xf5384858, 0xfe6f27cb),
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+            TOBN(0xa88b97cf, 0x744aff76), TOBN(0xd1359afd, 0xfe8e3d24),
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+            TOBN(0x33707327, 0xa37fddab), TOBN(0x65d6f2ab, 0xfaafa973),
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+            TOBN(0x6dcbb556, 0x358ae884), TOBN(0x0af61472, 0xe19e3873),
+            TOBN(0x72334372, 0xa5f696be), TOBN(0xc65e57ea, 0x6f22fb70),
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+            TOBN(0x2b7bdbb9, 0x9fe4fc88), TOBN(0x09418e28, 0xcc97bbb5),
+            TOBN(0xd8274fb4, 0xa12321ae), TOBN(0xb137007d, 0x5c87b64e),
+            TOBN(0x80531fe1, 0xc63c4962), TOBN(0x50541e89, 0x981fdb25),
+            TOBN(0xdc1291a1, 0xfd4c2b6b), TOBN(0xc0693a17, 0xa6df4fca),
+            TOBN(0xb2c4604e, 0x0117f203), TOBN(0x245f1963, 0x0a99b8d0),
+            TOBN(0xaedc20aa, 0xc6212c44), TOBN(0xb1ed4e56, 0x520f52a8),
+            TOBN(0xfe48f575, 0xf8547be3), TOBN(0x0a7033cd, 0xa9e45f98),
+            TOBN(0x4b45d3a9, 0x18c50100), TOBN(0xb2a6cd6a, 0xa61d41da),
+            TOBN(0x60bbb4f5, 0x57933c6b), TOBN(0xa7538ebd, 0x2b0d7ffc),
+            TOBN(0x9ea3ab8d, 0x8cd626b6), TOBN(0x8273a484, 0x3601625a),
+            TOBN(0x88859845, 0x0168e508), TOBN(0x8cbc9bb2, 0x99a94abd),
+            TOBN(0x713ac792, 0xfab0a671), TOBN(0xa3995b19, 0x6c9ebffc),
+            TOBN(0xe711668e, 0x1239e152), TOBN(0x56892558, 0xbbb8dff4),
+            TOBN(0x8bfc7dab, 0xdbf17963), TOBN(0x5b59fe5a, 0xb3de1253),
+            TOBN(0x7e3320eb, 0x34a9f7ae), TOBN(0xe5e8cf72, 0xd751efe4),
+            TOBN(0x7ea003bc, 0xd9be2f37), TOBN(0xc0f551a0, 0xb6c08ef7),
+            TOBN(0x56606268, 0x038f6725), TOBN(0x1dd38e35, 0x6d92d3b6),
+            TOBN(0x07dfce7c, 0xc3cbd686), TOBN(0x4e549e04, 0x651c5da8),
+            TOBN(0x4058f93b, 0x08b19340), TOBN(0xc2fae6f4, 0xcac6d89d),
+            TOBN(0x4bad8a8c, 0x8f159cc7), TOBN(0x0ddba4b3, 0xcb0b601c),
+            TOBN(0xda4fc7b5, 0x1dd95f8c), TOBN(0x1d163cd7, 0xcea5c255),
+            TOBN(0x30707d06, 0x274a8c4c), TOBN(0x79d9e008, 0x2802e9ce),
+            TOBN(0x02a29ebf, 0xe6ddd505), TOBN(0x37064e74, 0xb50bed1a),
+            TOBN(0x3f6bae65, 0xa7327d57), TOBN(0x3846f5f1, 0xf83920bc),
+            TOBN(0x87c37491, 0x60df1b9b), TOBN(0x4cfb2895, 0x2d1da29f),
+            TOBN(0x10a478ca, 0x4ed1743c), TOBN(0x390c6030, 0x3edd47c6),
+            TOBN(0x8f3e5312, 0x8c0a78de), TOBN(0xccd02bda, 0x1e85df70),
+            TOBN(0xd6c75c03, 0xa61b6582), TOBN(0x0762921c, 0xfc0eebd1),
+            TOBN(0xd34d0823, 0xd85010c0), TOBN(0xd73aaacb, 0x0044cf1f),
+            TOBN(0xfb4159bb, 0xa3b5e78a), TOBN(0x2287c7f7, 0xe5826f3f),
+            TOBN(0x4aeaf742, 0x580b1a01), TOBN(0xf080415d, 0x60423b79),
+            TOBN(0xe12622cd, 0xa7dea144), TOBN(0x49ea4996, 0x59d62472),
+            TOBN(0xb42991ef, 0x571f3913), TOBN(0x0610f214, 0xf5b25a8a),
+            TOBN(0x47adc585, 0x30b79e8f), TOBN(0xf90e3df6, 0x07a065a2),
+            TOBN(0x5d0a5deb, 0x43e2e034), TOBN(0x53fb5a34, 0x444024aa),
+            TOBN(0xa8628c68, 0x6b0c9f7f), TOBN(0x9c69c29c, 0xac563656),
+            TOBN(0x5a231feb, 0xbace47b6), TOBN(0xbdce0289, 0x9ea5a2ec),
+            TOBN(0x05da1fac, 0x9463853e), TOBN(0x96812c52, 0x509e78aa),
+            TOBN(0xd3fb5771, 0x57151692), TOBN(0xeb2721f8, 0xd98e1c44),
+            TOBN(0xc0506087, 0x32399be1), TOBN(0xda5a5511, 0xd979d8b8),
+            TOBN(0x737ed55d, 0xc6f56780), TOBN(0xe20d3004, 0x0dc7a7f4),
+            TOBN(0x02ce7301, 0xf5941a03), TOBN(0x91ef5215, 0xed30f83a),
+            TOBN(0x28727fc1, 0x4092d85f), TOBN(0x72d223c6, 0x5c49e41a),
+            TOBN(0xa7cf30a2, 0xba6a4d81), TOBN(0x7c086209, 0xb030d87d),
+            TOBN(0x04844c7d, 0xfc588b09), TOBN(0x728cd499, 0x5874bbb0),
+            TOBN(0xcc1281ee, 0xe84c0495), TOBN(0x0769b5ba, 0xec31958f),
+            TOBN(0x665c228b, 0xf99c2471), TOBN(0xf2d8a11b, 0x191eb110),
+            TOBN(0x4594f494, 0xd36d7024), TOBN(0x482ded8b, 0xcdcb25a1),
+            TOBN(0xc958a9d8, 0xdadd4885), TOBN(0x7004477e, 0xf1d2b547),
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+            TOBN(0x75cdaf27, 0x786f08a9), TOBN(0x8700bb26, 0x42c2737f),
+            TOBN(0x855a7141, 0x1c4e2670), TOBN(0x810188c1, 0x15076fef),
+            TOBN(0xc251d0c9, 0xabcd3297), TOBN(0xae4c8967, 0xf48108eb),
+            TOBN(0xbd146de7, 0x18ceed30), TOBN(0xf9d4f07a, 0xc986bced),
+            TOBN(0x5ad98ed5, 0x83fa1e08), TOBN(0x7780d33e, 0xbeabd1fb),
+            TOBN(0xe330513c, 0x903b1196), TOBN(0xba11de9e, 0xa47bc8c4),
+            TOBN(0x684334da, 0x02c2d064), TOBN(0x7ecf360d, 0xa48de23b),
+            TOBN(0x57a1b474, 0x0a9089d8), TOBN(0xf28fa439, 0xff36734c),
+            TOBN(0xf2a482cb, 0xea4570b3), TOBN(0xee65d68b, 0xa5ebcee9),
+            TOBN(0x988d0036, 0xb9694cd5), TOBN(0x53edd0e9, 0x37885d32),
+            TOBN(0xe37e3307, 0xbeb9bc6d), TOBN(0xe9abb907, 0x9f5c6768),
+            TOBN(0x4396ccd5, 0x51f2160f), TOBN(0x2500888c, 0x47336da6),
+            TOBN(0x383f9ed9, 0x926fce43), TOBN(0x809dd1c7, 0x04da2930),
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+            TOBN(0x1825ea33, 0xab64a065), TOBN(0xaab9b735, 0x1338df80),
+            TOBN(0x1516100d, 0x9b63f57f), TOBN(0x2574395a, 0x27a6a634),
+            TOBN(0xb5560fb6, 0x700a1acd), TOBN(0xe823fd73, 0xfd999681),
+            TOBN(0xda915d1f, 0x6cb4e1ba), TOBN(0x0d030118, 0x6ebe00a3),
+            TOBN(0x744fb0c9, 0x89fca8cd), TOBN(0x970d01db, 0xf9da0e0b),
+            TOBN(0x0ad8c564, 0x7931d76f), TOBN(0xb15737bf, 0xf659b96a),
+            TOBN(0xdc9933e8, 0xa8b484e7), TOBN(0xb2fdbdf9, 0x7a26dec7),
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+            TOBN(0x7a544d91, 0xb24ff1b6), TOBN(0x3e12a5eb, 0xfe16cd8c),
+            TOBN(0x543574e9, 0xa56b872f), TOBN(0xa1ad550c, 0xfcf68ea2),
+            TOBN(0x689e37d2, 0x3f560ef7), TOBN(0x8c54b9ca, 0xc9d47a8b),
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+            TOBN(0xa89237c6, 0xc8cb6b42), TOBN(0x1326fc93, 0xb96ef381),
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+            TOBN(0x3120daf2, 0xbd2e21df), TOBN(0x55298d2d, 0x02470a99),
+            TOBN(0x0b78af6c, 0xa05db32e), TOBN(0x5c76a331, 0x601f5636),
+            TOBN(0xaae861ff, 0xf8a4f29c), TOBN(0x70dc9240, 0xd68f8d49),
+            TOBN(0x960e649f, 0x81b1321c), TOBN(0x3d2c801b, 0x8792e4ce),
+            TOBN(0xf479f772, 0x42521876), TOBN(0x0bed93bc, 0x416c79b1),
+            TOBN(0xa67fbc05, 0x263e5bc9), TOBN(0x01e8e630, 0x521db049),
+            TOBN(0x76f26738, 0xc6f3431e), TOBN(0xe609cb02, 0xe3267541),
+            TOBN(0xb10cff2d, 0x818c877c), TOBN(0x1f0e75ce, 0x786a13cb),
+            TOBN(0xf4fdca64, 0x1158544d), TOBN(0x5d777e89, 0x6cb71ed0),
+            TOBN(0x3c233737, 0xa9aa4755), TOBN(0x7b453192, 0xe527ab40),
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+            TOBN(0xcce3450c, 0xee292d1b), TOBN(0xaa448a12, 0x61ccd086),
+            TOBN(0xabce91b3, 0xf7914967), TOBN(0x4537f09b, 0x1908a5ed),
+            TOBN(0xa812421e, 0xf51042e7), TOBN(0xfaf5cebc, 0xec0b3a34),
+            TOBN(0x730ffd87, 0x4ca6b39a), TOBN(0x70fb72ed, 0x02efd342),
+            TOBN(0xeb4735f9, 0xd75c8edb), TOBN(0xc11f2157, 0xc278aa51),
+            TOBN(0xc459f635, 0xbf3bfebf), TOBN(0x3a1ff0b4, 0x6bd9601f),
+            TOBN(0xc9d12823, 0xc420cb73), TOBN(0x3e9af3e2, 0x3c2915a3),
+            TOBN(0xe0c82c72, 0xb41c3440), TOBN(0x175239e5, 0xe3039a5f),
+            TOBN(0xe1084b8a, 0x558795a3), TOBN(0x328d0a1d, 0xd01e5c60),
+            TOBN(0x0a495f2e, 0xd3788a04), TOBN(0x25d8ff16, 0x66c11a9f),
+            TOBN(0xf5155f05, 0x9ed692d6), TOBN(0x954fa107, 0x4f425fe4),
+            TOBN(0xd16aabf2, 0xe98aaa99), TOBN(0x90cd8ba0, 0x96b0f88a),
+            TOBN(0x957f4782, 0xc154026a), TOBN(0x54ee0734, 0x52af56d2),
+            TOBN(0xbcf89e54, 0x45b4147a), TOBN(0x3d102f21, 0x9a52816c),
+            TOBN(0x6808517e, 0x39b62e77), TOBN(0x92e25421, 0x69169ad8),
+            TOBN(0xd721d871, 0xbb608558), TOBN(0x60e4ebae, 0xf6d4ff9b),
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+            TOBN(0x66d172ec, 0x2bfd7a5f), TOBN(0x528a8f2f, 0x74d0b12d),
+            TOBN(0xe17f1e38, 0xdabe70dc), TOBN(0x1d5d7316, 0x9f93983c),
+            TOBN(0x51b2184a, 0xdf423e31), TOBN(0xcb417291, 0xaedb1a10),
+            TOBN(0x2054ca93, 0x625bcab9), TOBN(0x54396860, 0xa98998f0),
+            TOBN(0x4e53f6c4, 0xa54ae57e), TOBN(0x0ffeb590, 0xee648e9d),
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+            TOBN(0x209f1d44, 0xd2359ed9), TOBN(0xac68dd03, 0xf3544ce2),
+            TOBN(0xf378da47, 0xfd51e569), TOBN(0xe1abd860, 0x2cc80097),
+            TOBN(0x23ca18d9, 0x343b6e3a), TOBN(0x480797e8, 0xb40a1bae),
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+            TOBN(0x25ecedcf, 0x8bdce214), TOBN(0xb5622f72, 0x86af7361),
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+            TOBN(0xf57e7e87, 0xc607c3d3), TOBN(0x043afaf8, 0x5252f332),
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+            TOBN(0x5bed8344, 0xd795fb45), TOBN(0x57326e7d, 0xb79f55a5),
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+            TOBN(0x7906eb93, 0xa13df4c8), TOBN(0xa73e51f6, 0x97cbe46f),
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+            TOBN(0x9a16e30a, 0xc7088c7d), TOBN(0x5ab65710, 0x3207389f),
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+            TOBN(0x17f1eff1, 0x918e5868), TOBN(0xe3b5b635, 0x586f4204),
+            TOBN(0x146ef980, 0x3fbc4341), TOBN(0x359f2c80, 0x5b5eed4e),
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+            TOBN(0x9161a6fe, 0x91fc50ae), TOBN(0x89ccc66b, 0xc613fa7c),
+            TOBN(0x89268b14, 0xc732f15a), TOBN(0x7cd6f4e2, 0xb467ed03),
+            TOBN(0xfbf79869, 0xce56b40e), TOBN(0xf93e094c, 0xc02dde98),
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+            TOBN(0x81a7fd56, 0x08241aed), TOBN(0x95ab7ad8, 0x00b1afe8),
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+            TOBN(0xc8f85c91, 0xd11a8594), TOBN(0x2e74d258, 0x31cf6db8),
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+            TOBN(0xd01b6405, 0x941768d8), TOBN(0x45103995, 0x03bf825d),
+            TOBN(0xcc4ee166, 0x56cd17e2), TOBN(0xbea3c283, 0xba037e79),
+            TOBN(0x4e1ac06e, 0xd9a47520), TOBN(0xfbfe18aa, 0xaf852404),
+            TOBN(0x5615f8e2, 0x8087648a), TOBN(0x7301e47e, 0xb9d150d9),
+            TOBN(0x79f9f9dd, 0xb299b977), TOBN(0x76697a7b, 0xa5b78314),
+            TOBN(0x10d67468, 0x7d7c90e7), TOBN(0x7afffe03, 0x937210b5),
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+            TOBN(0xd297fe37, 0xb24b4b6f), TOBN(0xfe58afe8, 0x522d1f0d),
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+            TOBN(0xa12b384e, 0xce53c2d0), TOBN(0x779d897d, 0x5e4606da),
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+            TOBN(0x69fe09f2, 0xcafe37b6), TOBN(0x273d1ebf, 0xecce2e17),
+            TOBN(0x8ac1d538, 0x3cf607fd), TOBN(0x8035f7ff, 0x12e10c25),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0x854d34c7, 0x7e6c5520), TOBN(0xc27df9ef, 0xdcb9ea58),
+            TOBN(0x405f2369, 0xd686666d), TOBN(0x29d1febf, 0x0417aa85),
+            TOBN(0x9846819e, 0x93470afe), TOBN(0x3e6a9669, 0xe2a27f9e),
+            TOBN(0x24d008a2, 0xe31e6504), TOBN(0xdba7cecf, 0x9cb7680a),
+            TOBN(0xecaff541, 0x338d6e43), TOBN(0x56f7dd73, 0x4541d5cc),
+            TOBN(0xb5d426de, 0x96bc88ca), TOBN(0x48d94f6b, 0x9ed3a2c3),
+            TOBN(0x6354a3bb, 0x2ef8279c), TOBN(0xd575465b, 0x0b1867f2),
+            TOBN(0xef99b0ff, 0x95225151), TOBN(0xf3e19d88, 0xf94500d8),
+            TOBN(0x92a83268, 0xe32dd620), TOBN(0x913ec99f, 0x627849a2),
+            TOBN(0xedd8fdfa, 0x2c378882), TOBN(0xaf96f33e, 0xee6f8cfe),
+            TOBN(0xc06737e5, 0xdc3fa8a5), TOBN(0x236bb531, 0xb0b03a1d),
+            TOBN(0x33e59f29, 0x89f037b0), TOBN(0x13f9b5a7, 0xd9a12a53),
+            TOBN(0x0d0df6ce, 0x51efb310), TOBN(0xcb5b2eb4, 0x958df5be),
+            TOBN(0xd6459e29, 0x36158e59), TOBN(0x82aae2b9, 0x1466e336),
+            TOBN(0xfb658a39, 0x411aa636), TOBN(0x7152ecc5, 0xd4c0a933),
+            TOBN(0xf10c758a, 0x49f026b7), TOBN(0xf4837f97, 0xcb09311f),
+            TOBN(0xddfb02c4, 0xc753c45f), TOBN(0x18ca81b6, 0xf9c840fe),
+            TOBN(0x846fd09a, 0xb0f8a3e6), TOBN(0xb1162add, 0xe7733dbc),
+            TOBN(0x7070ad20, 0x236e3ab6), TOBN(0xf88cdaf5, 0xb2a56326),
+            TOBN(0x05fc8719, 0x997cbc7a), TOBN(0x442cd452, 0x4b665272),
+            TOBN(0x7807f364, 0xb71698f5), TOBN(0x6ba418d2, 0x9f7b605e),
+            TOBN(0xfd20b00f, 0xa03b2cbb), TOBN(0x883eca37, 0xda54386f),
+            TOBN(0xff0be43f, 0xf3437f24), TOBN(0xe910b432, 0xa48bb33c),
+            TOBN(0x4963a128, 0x329df765), TOBN(0xac1dd556, 0xbe2fe6f7),
+            TOBN(0x557610f9, 0x24a0a3fc), TOBN(0x38e17bf4, 0xe881c3f9),
+            TOBN(0x6ba84faf, 0xed0dac99), TOBN(0xd4a222c3, 0x59eeb918),
+            TOBN(0xc79c1dbe, 0x13f542b6), TOBN(0x1fc65e0d, 0xe425d457),
+            TOBN(0xeffb754f, 0x1debb779), TOBN(0x638d8fd0, 0x9e08af60),
+            TOBN(0x994f523a, 0x626332d5), TOBN(0x7bc38833, 0x5561bb44),
+            TOBN(0x005ed4b0, 0x3d845ea2), TOBN(0xd39d3ee1, 0xc2a1f08a),
+            TOBN(0x6561fdd3, 0xe7676b0d), TOBN(0x620e35ff, 0xfb706017),
+            TOBN(0x36ce424f, 0xf264f9a8), TOBN(0xc4c3419f, 0xda2681f7),
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+            TOBN(0xe791a971, 0x636933fc), TOBN(0x50e7c2be, 0x7aeee947),
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+            TOBN(0x17633a64, 0x397b056d), TOBN(0x93a21f33, 0x105012aa),
+            TOBN(0x663c370b, 0xabb88643), TOBN(0x91df36d7, 0x22e21599),
+            TOBN(0x183ba835, 0x8b761671), TOBN(0x381eea1d, 0x728f3bf1),
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+            TOBN(0x857c1f22, 0x369b87ad), TOBN(0x3c00e5d9, 0x32fca556),
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+            TOBN(0x7435e198, 0x6d9bd5f5), TOBN(0x2dcc7e38, 0x59c3463f),
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+            TOBN(0x658a8435, 0xd186d6ba), TOBN(0x1b7d34d2, 0x159d1195),
+            TOBN(0x5936e460, 0x22caf46b), TOBN(0x6a45dd8f, 0x9a96fe4f),
+            TOBN(0xf7925434, 0xb98f474e), TOBN(0x41410412, 0x0053ef15),
+            TOBN(0x71cf8d12, 0x41de97bf), TOBN(0xb8547b61, 0xbd80bef4),
+            TOBN(0xb47d3970, 0xc4db0037), TOBN(0xf1bcd328, 0xfef20dff),
+            TOBN(0x31a92e09, 0x10caad67), TOBN(0x1f591960, 0x5531a1e1),
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+            TOBN(0x00f83176, 0x9bb81648), TOBN(0xd69eb485, 0x653120d0),
+            TOBN(0xd17d75f4, 0x4ccabc62), TOBN(0x34a07f82, 0xb749fcb1),
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+            TOBN(0x5722889f, 0xa19213a0), TOBN(0x162b085e, 0xdcf3c7b4),
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+            TOBN(0x474807d4, 0x7845ae4f), TOBN(0xfec7dd92, 0xce5972e0),
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+            TOBN(0xd981b888, 0xbdbcf0ca), TOBN(0xd75f5da6, 0xdf279e9f),
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+            TOBN(0xeb38636f, 0x87fedb73), TOBN(0x5e32f847, 0x0135a613),
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+            TOBN(0xfb19ddf3, 0x3035b41c), TOBN(0xd336343f, 0x99c45895),
+            TOBN(0x61fe4938, 0x54c857e5), TOBN(0xc4d506be, 0xae4e57d5),
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+            TOBN(0x083f4ea6, 0xf11a2823), TOBN(0x8895041e, 0x9fba2e33),
+            TOBN(0xfcdfea49, 0x9c438edf), TOBN(0x7678dcc3, 0x91edba44),
+            TOBN(0xf07b3b87, 0xe2ba50f0), TOBN(0xc13888ef, 0x43948c1b),
+            TOBN(0xc2135ad4, 0x1140af42), TOBN(0x8e5104f3, 0x926ed1a7),
+            TOBN(0xf24430cb, 0x88f6695f), TOBN(0x0ce0637b, 0x6d73c120),
+            TOBN(0xb2db01e6, 0xfe631e8f), TOBN(0x1c5563d7, 0xd7bdd24b),
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+            TOBN(0x20952763, 0x0498c622), TOBN(0x76d17634, 0x773aa504),
+            TOBN(0x36d90dda, 0xeb300f7a), TOBN(0x9dcf7dfc, 0xedb5e801),
+            TOBN(0x645cb268, 0x74d5244c), TOBN(0xa127ee79, 0x348e3aa2),
+            TOBN(0x488acc53, 0x575f1dbb), TOBN(0x95037e85, 0x80e6161e),
+            TOBN(0x57e59283, 0x292650d0), TOBN(0xabe67d99, 0x14938216),
+            TOBN(0x3c7f944b, 0x3f8e1065), TOBN(0xed908cb6, 0x330e8924),
+            TOBN(0x08ee8fd5, 0x6f530136), TOBN(0x2227b7d5, 0xd7ffc169),
+            TOBN(0x4f55c893, 0xb5cd6dd5), TOBN(0x82225e11, 0xa62796e8),
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+            TOBN(0x9347871f, 0x3e69264c), TOBN(0xbea9dd3c, 0xb4f4f0cd),
+            TOBN(0xbda5d067, 0x3eadd3e7), TOBN(0x0033c1b8, 0x0573bcd8),
+            TOBN(0x25589379, 0x5da2486c), TOBN(0xcb89ee5b, 0x86abbee7),
+            TOBN(0x8fe0a8f3, 0x22532e5d), TOBN(0xb6410ff0, 0x727dfc4c),
+            TOBN(0x619b9d58, 0x226726db), TOBN(0x5ec25669, 0x7a2b2dc7),
+            TOBN(0xaf4d2e06, 0x4c3beb01), TOBN(0x852123d0, 0x7acea556),
+            TOBN(0x0e9470fa, 0xf783487a), TOBN(0x75a7ea04, 0x5664b3eb),
+            TOBN(0x4ad78f35, 0x6798e4ba), TOBN(0x9214e6e5, 0xc7d0e091),
+            TOBN(0xc420b488, 0xb1290403), TOBN(0x64049e0a, 0xfc295749),
+            TOBN(0x03ef5af1, 0x3ae9841f), TOBN(0xdbe4ca19, 0xb0b662a6),
+            TOBN(0x46845c5f, 0xfa453458), TOBN(0xf8dabf19, 0x10b66722),
+            TOBN(0xb650f0aa, 0xcce2793b), TOBN(0x71db851e, 0xc5ec47c1),
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+            TOBN(0x05427121, 0x774eadbd), TOBN(0x25367faf, 0xce323863),
+            TOBN(0x7541b5c9, 0xcd086976), TOBN(0x4ff069e2, 0xdc507ad1),
+            TOBN(0x74145256, 0x8776e667), TOBN(0x6e76142c, 0xb23c6bb5),
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+            TOBN(0x5741450e, 0xb7366d80), TOBN(0xe4ee14ca, 0x4837dbdf),
+            TOBN(0xa765eb9b, 0x69d4316f), TOBN(0x04548dca, 0x8ef43825),
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+            TOBN(0xc892109e, 0x48661ae1), TOBN(0x8d17e7eb, 0xea2b2674),
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+            TOBN(0xc902a9df, 0x4ca19881), TOBN(0x0fc96822, 0xdb2401a6),
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+            TOBN(0xf036ee2f, 0xb0d1ea67), TOBN(0xae779a6a, 0x74c56230),
+            TOBN(0x59bff8c8, 0xab838ae6), TOBN(0xcd83ca99, 0x9b38e6f0),
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+            TOBN(0xe4feb909, 0xe6e861dc), TOBN(0x90a247a4, 0x53f5f801),
+            TOBN(0x01c50acb, 0x27346e57), TOBN(0xce29242e, 0x461acc1b),
+            TOBN(0x04dd214a, 0x2f998a91), TOBN(0x271ee9b1, 0xd4baf27b),
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+            TOBN(0x086f242c, 0x7501779c), TOBN(0xf0061407, 0xfa0e8009),
+            TOBN(0xf23ce477, 0x60187129), TOBN(0x05bbdedb, 0x0fde9bd0),
+            TOBN(0x682f4832, 0x25d98473), TOBN(0xf207fe85, 0x5c658427),
+            TOBN(0xb6fdd7ba, 0x4166ffa1), TOBN(0x0c314056, 0x9eed799d),
+            TOBN(0x0db8048f, 0x4107e28f), TOBN(0x74ed3871, 0x41216840),
+            TOBN(0x74489f8f, 0x56a3c06e), TOBN(0x1e1c005b, 0x12777134),
+            TOBN(0xdb332a73, 0xf37ec3c3), TOBN(0xc65259bd, 0xdd59eba0),
+            TOBN(0x2291709c, 0xdb4d3257), TOBN(0x9a793b25, 0xbd389390),
+            TOBN(0xf39fe34b, 0xe43756f0), TOBN(0x2f76bdce, 0x9afb56c9),
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+            TOBN(0x16620252, 0x72637a76), TOBN(0xaee1c791, 0x22b8d1bb),
+            TOBN(0xf0f798fd, 0x21a843b2), TOBN(0x56e4ed4d, 0x8d005cb1),
+            TOBN(0x355f7780, 0x1f0d8abe), TOBN(0x197b04cf, 0x34522326),
+            TOBN(0x41f9b31f, 0xfd42c13f), TOBN(0x5ef7feb2, 0xb40f933d),
+            TOBN(0x27326f42, 0x5d60bad4), TOBN(0x027ecdb2, 0x8c92cf89),
+            TOBN(0x04aae4d1, 0x4e3352fe), TOBN(0x08414d2f, 0x73591b90),
+            TOBN(0x5ed6124e, 0xb7da7d60), TOBN(0xb985b931, 0x4d13d4ec),
+            TOBN(0xa592d3ab, 0x96bf36f9), TOBN(0x012dbed5, 0xbbdf51df),
+            TOBN(0xa57963c0, 0xdf6c177d), TOBN(0x010ec869, 0x87ca29cf),
+            TOBN(0xba1700f6, 0xbf926dff), TOBN(0x7c9fdbd1, 0xf4bf6bc2),
+            TOBN(0xdc18dc8f, 0x64da11f5), TOBN(0xa6074b7a, 0xd938ae75),
+            TOBN(0x14270066, 0xe84f44a4), TOBN(0x99998d38, 0xd27b954e),
+            TOBN(0xc1be8ab2, 0xb4f38e9a), TOBN(0x8bb55bbf, 0x15c01016),
+            TOBN(0xf73472b4, 0x0ea2ab30), TOBN(0xd365a340, 0xf73d68dd),
+            TOBN(0xc01a7168, 0x19c2e1eb), TOBN(0x32f49e37, 0x34061719),
+            TOBN(0xb73c57f1, 0x01d8b4d6), TOBN(0x03c8423c, 0x26b47700),
+            TOBN(0x321d0bc8, 0xa4d8826a), TOBN(0x6004213c, 0x4bc0e638),
+            TOBN(0xf78c64a1, 0xc1c06681), TOBN(0x16e0a16f, 0xef018e50),
+            TOBN(0x31cbdf91, 0xdb42b2b3), TOBN(0xf8f4ffce, 0xe0d36f58),
+            TOBN(0xcdcc71cd, 0x4cc5e3e0), TOBN(0xd55c7cfa, 0xa129e3e0),
+            TOBN(0xccdb6ba0, 0x0fb2cbf1), TOBN(0x6aba0005, 0xc4bce3cb),
+            TOBN(0x501cdb30, 0xd232cfc4), TOBN(0x9ddcf12e, 0xd58a3cef),
+            TOBN(0x02d2cf9c, 0x87e09149), TOBN(0xdc5d7ec7, 0x2c976257),
+            TOBN(0x6447986e, 0x0b50d7dd), TOBN(0x88fdbaf7, 0x807f112a),
+            TOBN(0x58c9822a, 0xb00ae9f6), TOBN(0x6abfb950, 0x6d3d27e0),
+            TOBN(0xd0a74487, 0x8a429f4f), TOBN(0x0649712b, 0xdb516609),
+            TOBN(0xb826ba57, 0xe769b5df), TOBN(0x82335df2, 0x1fc7aaf2),
+            TOBN(0x2389f067, 0x5c93d995), TOBN(0x59ac367a, 0x68677be6),
+            TOBN(0xa77985ff, 0x21d9951b), TOBN(0x038956fb, 0x85011cce),
+            TOBN(0x608e48cb, 0xbb734e37), TOBN(0xc08c0bf2, 0x2be5b26f),
+            TOBN(0x17bbdd3b, 0xf9b1a0d9), TOBN(0xeac7d898, 0x10483319),
+            TOBN(0xc95c4baf, 0xbc1a6dea), TOBN(0xfdd0e2bf, 0x172aafdb),
+            TOBN(0x40373cbc, 0x8235c41a), TOBN(0x14303f21, 0xfb6f41d5),
+            TOBN(0xba063621, 0x0408f237), TOBN(0xcad3b09a, 0xecd2d1ed),
+            TOBN(0x4667855a, 0x52abb6a2), TOBN(0xba9157dc, 0xaa8b417b),
+            TOBN(0xfe7f3507, 0x4f013efb), TOBN(0x1b112c4b, 0xaa38c4a2),
+            TOBN(0xa1406a60, 0x9ba64345), TOBN(0xe53cba33, 0x6993c80b),
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+            TOBN(0xff818d99, 0x451d1b71), TOBN(0x80e82643, 0x8f79cf79),
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+            TOBN(0x9774711b, 0x08417221), TOBN(0x0a5546b3, 0x52545a57),
+            TOBN(0x80624c41, 0x1150582d), TOBN(0x9ec5c418, 0xfbc555bc),
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+            TOBN(0x97b7851a, 0xaaca5e9b), TOBN(0x518aa521, 0x56713b97),
+            TOBN(0x3357e8c7, 0x150a61f6), TOBN(0x7842e7e2, 0xec2c2b69),
+            TOBN(0x8dffaf65, 0x6868a548), TOBN(0xd963bd82, 0xe068fc81),
+            TOBN(0x64da5c8b, 0x65917733), TOBN(0x927090ff, 0x7b247328),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0x214bc9a7, 0xd298c241), TOBN(0xe3b697ba, 0x56807cfd),
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+            TOBN(0x71207325, 0xd15363a0), TOBN(0xe82aa265, 0xbeb252c2),
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+            TOBN(0xfc68764a, 0x8dc79623), TOBN(0x5b86995d, 0xb440fbb2),
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+            TOBN(0x04d15276, 0xa5177900), TOBN(0x4e1dbb47, 0xf6858752),
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+            TOBN(0x778280a0, 0x88a1f17c), TOBN(0xc4968949, 0x2329512c),
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+            TOBN(0xf880d316, 0x223cc62a), TOBN(0x0d402c7e, 0x2b32eb5d),
+            TOBN(0xa40bc039, 0x306a5a3b), TOBN(0x4e0a41fd, 0x96783a1b),
+            TOBN(0xa1e8d39a, 0x0253cdd4), TOBN(0x6480be26, 0xc7388638),
+            TOBN(0xee365e1d, 0x2285f382), TOBN(0x188d8d8f, 0xec0b5c36),
+            TOBN(0x34ef1a48, 0x1f0f4d82), TOBN(0x1a8f43e1, 0xa487d29a),
+            TOBN(0x8168226d, 0x77aefb3a), TOBN(0xf69a751e, 0x1e72c253),
+            TOBN(0x8e04359a, 0xe9594df1), TOBN(0x475ffd7d, 0xd14c0467),
+            TOBN(0xb5a2c2b1, 0x3844e95c), TOBN(0x85caf647, 0xdd12ef94),
+            TOBN(0x1ecd2a9f, 0xf1063d00), TOBN(0x1dd2e229, 0x23843311),
+            TOBN(0x38f0e09d, 0x73d17244), TOBN(0x3ede7746, 0x8fc653f1),
+            TOBN(0xae4459f5, 0xdc20e21c), TOBN(0x00db2ffa, 0x6a8599ea),
+            TOBN(0x11682c39, 0x30cfd905), TOBN(0x4934d074, 0xa5c112a6),
+            TOBN(0xbdf063c5, 0x568bfe95), TOBN(0x779a440a, 0x016c441a),
+            TOBN(0x0c23f218, 0x97d6fbdc), TOBN(0xd3a5cd87, 0xe0776aac),
+            TOBN(0xcee37f72, 0xd712e8db), TOBN(0xfb28c70d, 0x26f74e8d),
+            TOBN(0xffe0c728, 0xb61301a0), TOBN(0xa6282168, 0xd3724354),
+            TOBN(0x7ff4cb00, 0x768ffedc), TOBN(0xc51b3088, 0x03b02de9),
+            TOBN(0xa5a8147c, 0x3902dda5), TOBN(0x35d2f706, 0xfe6973b4),
+            TOBN(0x5ac2efcf, 0xc257457e), TOBN(0x933f48d4, 0x8700611b),
+            TOBN(0xc365af88, 0x4912beb2), TOBN(0x7f5a4de6, 0x162edf94),
+            TOBN(0xc646ba7c, 0x0c32f34b), TOBN(0x632c6af3, 0xb2091074),
+            TOBN(0x58d4f2e3, 0x753e43a9), TOBN(0x70e1d217, 0x24d4e23f),
+            TOBN(0xb24bf729, 0xafede6a6), TOBN(0x7f4a94d8, 0x710c8b60),
+            TOBN(0xaad90a96, 0x8d4faa6a), TOBN(0xd9ed0b32, 0xb066b690),
+            TOBN(0x52fcd37b, 0x78b6dbfd), TOBN(0x0b64615e, 0x8bd2b431),
+            TOBN(0x228e2048, 0xcfb9fad5), TOBN(0xbeaa386d, 0x240b76bd),
+            TOBN(0x2d6681c8, 0x90dad7bc), TOBN(0x3e553fc3, 0x06d38f5e),
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+            TOBN(0x190795af, 0x5247c39b), TOBN(0x547831eb, 0xbddd6828),
+            TOBN(0xf327a227, 0x4a82f424), TOBN(0x36919c78, 0x7e47f89d),
+            TOBN(0xe4783919, 0x43c7392c), TOBN(0xf101b9aa, 0x2316fefe),
+            TOBN(0xbcdc9e9c, 0x1c5009d2), TOBN(0xfb55ea13, 0x9cd18345),
+            TOBN(0xf5b5e231, 0xa3ce77c7), TOBN(0xde6b4527, 0xd2f2cb3d),
+            TOBN(0x10f6a333, 0x9bb26f5f), TOBN(0x1e85db8e, 0x044d85b6),
+            TOBN(0xc3697a08, 0x94197e54), TOBN(0x65e18cc0, 0xa7cb4ea8),
+            TOBN(0xa38c4f50, 0xa471fe6e), TOBN(0xf031747a, 0x2f13439c),
+            TOBN(0x53c4a6ba, 0xc007318b), TOBN(0xa8da3ee5, 0x1deccb3d),
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+            TOBN(0x9b669f4d, 0xfe8eed3c), TOBN(0x70398ec8, 0xe0fac126),
+            TOBN(0xa96a449e, 0xf701b235), TOBN(0x0ceecdb3, 0xeb94f395),
+            TOBN(0x285fc368, 0xd0cb7431), TOBN(0x0d37bb52, 0x16a18c64),
+            TOBN(0x05110d38, 0xb880d2dd), TOBN(0xa60f177b, 0x65930d57),
+            TOBN(0x7da34a67, 0xf36235f5), TOBN(0x47f5e17c, 0x183816b9),
+            TOBN(0xc7664b57, 0xdb394af4), TOBN(0x39ba215d, 0x7036f789),
+            TOBN(0x46d2ca0e, 0x2f27b472), TOBN(0xc42647ee, 0xf73a84b7),
+            TOBN(0x44bc7545, 0x64488f1d), TOBN(0xaa922708, 0xf4cf85d5),
+            TOBN(0x721a01d5, 0x53e4df63), TOBN(0x649c0c51, 0x5db46ced),
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+            TOBN(0x75044558, 0xbcc194a0), TOBN(0x16ae3372, 0x6afdc554),
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+            TOBN(0x166a3df5, 0x6f6e55fb), TOBN(0x1ca44a24, 0x20176f88),
+            TOBN(0x936afd88, 0xdfb7b5ff), TOBN(0xe34c2437, 0x8611d4a0),
+            TOBN(0x7effbb75, 0x86142103), TOBN(0x6704ba1b, 0x1f34fc4d),
+            TOBN(0x7c2a468f, 0x10c1b122), TOBN(0x36b3a610, 0x8c6aace9),
+            TOBN(0xabfcc0a7, 0x75a0d050), TOBN(0x066f9197, 0x3ce33e32),
+            TOBN(0xce905ef4, 0x29fe09be), TOBN(0x89ee25ba, 0xa8376351),
+            TOBN(0x2a3ede22, 0xfd29dc76), TOBN(0x7fd32ed9, 0x36f17260),
+            TOBN(0x0cadcf68, 0x284b4126), TOBN(0x63422f08, 0xa7951fc8),
+            TOBN(0x562b24f4, 0x0807e199), TOBN(0xfe9ce5d1, 0x22ad4490),
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+            TOBN(0xbd2c4a05, 0x2680813b), TOBN(0x527aa55d, 0x561b08d6),
+            TOBN(0xa9f8a40e, 0xa7205558), TOBN(0xe3eea56f, 0x243d0bec),
+            TOBN(0x7b853817, 0xa0ff58b3), TOBN(0xb67d3f65, 0x1a69e627),
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+            TOBN(0x5f24416d, 0x3e554892), TOBN(0x8413b53d, 0x430e2a45),
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+            TOBN(0xa40f9c59, 0xba9e5d35), TOBN(0xcb1771c1, 0xf6247577),
+            TOBN(0x542a47ca, 0xe9a6312b), TOBN(0xa34b3560, 0x552dd8c5),
+            TOBN(0xfdf94de0, 0x0d794716), TOBN(0xd46124a9, 0x9c623094),
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+            TOBN(0x951a9842, 0xc03b0c05), TOBN(0x8b1b3bb3, 0x7921bc96),
+            TOBN(0xa573b346, 0x2b202e0a), TOBN(0x77e4665d, 0x47254d56),
+            TOBN(0x08b70dfc, 0xd23e3984), TOBN(0xab86e8bc, 0xebd14236),
+            TOBN(0xaa3e07f8, 0x57114ba7), TOBN(0x5ac71689, 0xab0ef4f2),
+            TOBN(0x88fca384, 0x0139d9af), TOBN(0x72733f88, 0x76644af0),
+            TOBN(0xf122f72a, 0x65d74f4a), TOBN(0x13931577, 0xa5626c7a),
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+            TOBN(0x31e88b86, 0x0c1c0b32), TOBN(0xd1f568c4, 0x173edbaa),
+            TOBN(0x1592fc83, 0x5459df02), TOBN(0x2beac0fb, 0x0fcd9a7e),
+            TOBN(0xb0a6fdb8, 0x1b473b0a), TOBN(0xe3224c6f, 0x0fe8fc48),
+            TOBN(0x680bd00e, 0xe87edf5b), TOBN(0x30385f02, 0x20e77cf5),
+            TOBN(0xe9ab98c0, 0x4d42d1b2), TOBN(0x72d191d2, 0xd3816d77),
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+            TOBN(0xa209aa8d, 0x7fbb3896), TOBN(0x5564f3b9, 0xbe6ac98e),
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+            TOBN(0x61e01708, 0x6d4973a0), TOBN(0x83da3500, 0x46e6d32a),
+            TOBN(0x6a3dfca4, 0x68ae0118), TOBN(0xa1b9a4c9, 0xd02da069),
+            TOBN(0x0b2ff9c7, 0xebab8302), TOBN(0x98af07c3, 0x944ba436),
+            TOBN(0x85997326, 0x995f0f9f), TOBN(0x467fade0, 0x71b58bc6),
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+            TOBN(0x97bf738e, 0x2161f583), TOBN(0x15ee2fa7, 0x565e8cc9),
+            TOBN(0xa1a5c845, 0x5777e189), TOBN(0xcc10bee0, 0x456f2829),
+            TOBN(0x8ad95c56, 0xda762bd5), TOBN(0x152e2214, 0xe9d91da8),
+            TOBN(0x975b0e72, 0x7cb23c74), TOBN(0xfd5d7670, 0xa90c66df),
+            TOBN(0xb5b5b8ad, 0x225ffc53), TOBN(0xab6dff73, 0xfaded2ae),
+            TOBN(0xebd56781, 0x6f4cbe9d), TOBN(0x0ed8b249, 0x6a574bd7),
+            TOBN(0x41c246fe, 0x81a881fa), TOBN(0x91564805, 0xc3db9c70),
+            TOBN(0xd7c12b08, 0x5b862809), TOBN(0x1facd1f1, 0x55858d7b),
+            TOBN(0x7693747c, 0xaf09e92a), TOBN(0x3b69dcba, 0x189a425f),
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+            TOBN(0xb49a4dec, 0x1099cc4d), TOBN(0x325c377f, 0x69f069c6),
+            TOBN(0xe12458ce, 0x476cc9ff), TOBN(0x580e0b6c, 0xc6d4cb63),
+            TOBN(0xd561c8b7, 0x9072289b), TOBN(0x0377f264, 0xa619e6da),
+            TOBN(0x26685362, 0x88e591a5), TOBN(0xa453a7bd, 0x7523ca2b),
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+            TOBN(0x695bfdac, 0xce11fcb4), TOBN(0x810ee252, 0xaf7c9860),
+            TOBN(0x65450fe1, 0x7159bb2c), TOBN(0xf7dfbebe, 0x758b357b),
+            TOBN(0x2b057e74, 0xd69fea72), TOBN(0xd485717a, 0x92731745),
+        },
+        {
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+            TOBN(0x03197573, 0x03955317), TOBN(0x0b4b02a9, 0xf03b4995),
+            TOBN(0x076bf559, 0x70274600), TOBN(0x32c5cc53, 0xaaf57508),
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+            TOBN(0x626c630f, 0xb36eed93), TOBN(0x55230cd7, 0x3bf56803),
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+            TOBN(0xce2fd61a, 0x247c9569), TOBN(0x59a50973, 0xd152beca),
+            TOBN(0x6c835a11, 0x63a716d4), TOBN(0xc26455ed, 0x187dedcf),
+            TOBN(0x27f536e0, 0x49ce89e7), TOBN(0x18908539, 0xcc890cb5),
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+            TOBN(0x1c780129, 0x977c97c4), TOBN(0x5ff9beeb, 0xc57eb9fa),
+            TOBN(0xa24d0524, 0xc822c478), TOBN(0xfd8eec2a, 0x461cd415),
+            TOBN(0xfbde194e, 0xf027458c), TOBN(0xb4ff5319, 0x1d1be115),
+            TOBN(0x63f874d9, 0x4866d6f4), TOBN(0x35c75015, 0xb21ad0c9),
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+            TOBN(0xc47cb339, 0x5f6d4a09), TOBN(0x6b4f355c, 0xee52b826),
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+            TOBN(0x546781d5, 0x206c4c74), TOBN(0xd021d4d4, 0xcb4d2e48),
+            TOBN(0x494a54c2, 0xca085c2d), TOBN(0xf1dbaca4, 0x520850a8),
+            TOBN(0x63c79326, 0x490a1aca), TOBN(0xcb64dd9c, 0x41526b02),
+            TOBN(0xbb772591, 0xa2979258), TOBN(0x3f582970, 0x48d97846),
+            TOBN(0xd66b70d1, 0x7c213ba7), TOBN(0xc28febb5, 0xe8a0ced4),
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+            TOBN(0x40242efe, 0xb483689b), TOBN(0x2575d3f6, 0x513ac262),
+            TOBN(0xf30037c8, 0x0ca6db72), TOBN(0xc9fcce82, 0x98864be2),
+            TOBN(0x84a112ff, 0x0149362d), TOBN(0x95e57582, 0x1c4ae971),
+            TOBN(0x1fa4b1a8, 0x945cf86c), TOBN(0x4525a734, 0x0b024a2f),
+            TOBN(0xe76c8b62, 0x8f338360), TOBN(0x483ff593, 0x28edf32b),
+            TOBN(0x67e8e90a, 0x298b1aec), TOBN(0x9caab338, 0x736d9a21),
+            TOBN(0x5c09d2fd, 0x66892709), TOBN(0x2496b4dc, 0xb55a1d41),
+            TOBN(0x93f5fb1a, 0xe24a4394), TOBN(0x08c75049, 0x6fa8f6c1),
+            TOBN(0xcaead1c2, 0xc905d85f), TOBN(0xe9d7f790, 0x0733ae57),
+            TOBN(0x24c9a65c, 0xf07cdd94), TOBN(0x7389359c, 0xa4b55931),
+            TOBN(0xf58709b7, 0x367e45f7), TOBN(0x1f203067, 0xcb7e7adc),
+            TOBN(0x82444bff, 0xc7b72818), TOBN(0x07303b35, 0xbaac8033),
+            TOBN(0x1e1ee4e4, 0xd13b7ea1), TOBN(0xe6489b24, 0xe0e74180),
+            TOBN(0xa5f2c610, 0x7e70ef70), TOBN(0xa1655412, 0xbdd10894),
+            TOBN(0x555ebefb, 0x7af4194e), TOBN(0x533c1c3c, 0x8e89bd9c),
+            TOBN(0x735b9b57, 0x89895856), TOBN(0x15fb3cd2, 0x567f5c15),
+            TOBN(0x057fed45, 0x526f09fd), TOBN(0xe8a4f10c, 0x8128240a),
+            TOBN(0x9332efc4, 0xff2bfd8d), TOBN(0x214e77a0, 0xbd35aa31),
+            TOBN(0x32896d73, 0x14faa40e), TOBN(0x767867ec, 0x01e5f186),
+            TOBN(0xc9adf8f1, 0x17a1813e), TOBN(0xcb6cda78, 0x54741795),
+            TOBN(0xb7521b6d, 0x349d51aa), TOBN(0xf56b5a9e, 0xe3c7b8e9),
+            TOBN(0xc6f1e5c9, 0x32a096df), TOBN(0x083667c4, 0xa3635024),
+            TOBN(0x365ea135, 0x18087f2f), TOBN(0xf1b8eaac, 0xd136e45d),
+            TOBN(0xc8a0e484, 0x73aec989), TOBN(0xd75a324b, 0x142c9259),
+            TOBN(0xb7b4d001, 0x01dae185), TOBN(0x45434e0b, 0x9b7a94bc),
+            TOBN(0xf54339af, 0xfbd8cb0b), TOBN(0xdcc4569e, 0xe98ef49e),
+            TOBN(0x7789318a, 0x09a51299), TOBN(0x81b4d206, 0xb2b025d8),
+            TOBN(0xf64aa418, 0xfae85792), TOBN(0x3e50258f, 0xacd7baf7),
+            TOBN(0xdce84cdb, 0x2996864b), TOBN(0xa2e67089, 0x1f485fa4),
+            TOBN(0xb28b2bb6, 0x534c6a5a), TOBN(0x31a7ec6b, 0xc94b9d39),
+            TOBN(0x1d217766, 0xd6bc20da), TOBN(0x4acdb5ec, 0x86761190),
+            TOBN(0x68726328, 0x73701063), TOBN(0x4d24ee7c, 0x2128c29b),
+            TOBN(0xc072ebd3, 0xa19fd868), TOBN(0x612e481c, 0xdb8ddd3b),
+            TOBN(0xb4e1d754, 0x1a64d852), TOBN(0x00ef95ac, 0xc4c6c4ab),
+            TOBN(0x1536d2ed, 0xaa0a6c46), TOBN(0x61294086, 0x43774790),
+            TOBN(0x54af25e8, 0x343fda10), TOBN(0x9ff9d98d, 0xfd25d6f2),
+            TOBN(0x0746af7c, 0x468b8835), TOBN(0x977a31cb, 0x730ecea7),
+            TOBN(0xa5096b80, 0xc2cf4a81), TOBN(0xaa986833, 0x6458c37a),
+            TOBN(0x6af29bf3, 0xa6bd9d34), TOBN(0x6a62fe9b, 0x33c5d854),
+            TOBN(0x50e6c304, 0xb7133b5e), TOBN(0x04b60159, 0x7d6e6848),
+            TOBN(0x4cd296df, 0x5579bea4), TOBN(0x10e35ac8, 0x5ceedaf1),
+            TOBN(0x04c4c5fd, 0xe3bcc5b1), TOBN(0x95f9ee8a, 0x89412cf9),
+            TOBN(0x2c9459ee, 0x82b6eb0f), TOBN(0x2e845765, 0x95c2aadd),
+            TOBN(0x774a84ae, 0xd327fcfe), TOBN(0xd8c93722, 0x0368d476),
+            TOBN(0x0dbd5748, 0xf83e8a3b), TOBN(0xa579aa96, 0x8d2495f3),
+            TOBN(0x535996a0, 0xae496e9b), TOBN(0x07afbfe9, 0xb7f9bcc2),
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+            TOBN(0x211cde10, 0x296c36ef), TOBN(0x7ee89672, 0x82c4da77),
+            TOBN(0xb617d270, 0xa57836da), TOBN(0xf0cd9c31, 0x9cb7560b),
+            TOBN(0x01fdcbf7, 0xe455fe90), TOBN(0x3fb53cbb, 0x7e7334f3),
+            TOBN(0x781e2ea4, 0x4e7de4ec), TOBN(0x8adab3ad, 0x0b384fd0),
+            TOBN(0x129eee2f, 0x53d64829), TOBN(0x7a471e17, 0xa261492b),
+            TOBN(0xe4f9adb9, 0xe4cb4a2c), TOBN(0x3d359f6f, 0x97ba2c2d),
+            TOBN(0x346c6786, 0x0aacd697), TOBN(0x92b444c3, 0x75c2f8a8),
+            TOBN(0xc79fa117, 0xd85df44e), TOBN(0x56782372, 0x398ddf31),
+            TOBN(0x60e690f2, 0xbbbab3b8), TOBN(0x4851f8ae, 0x8b04816b),
+            TOBN(0xc72046ab, 0x9c92e4d2), TOBN(0x518c74a1, 0x7cf3136b),
+            TOBN(0xff4eb50a, 0xf9877d4c), TOBN(0x14578d90, 0xa919cabb),
+            TOBN(0x8218f8c4, 0xac5eb2b6), TOBN(0xa3ccc547, 0x542016e4),
+            TOBN(0x025bf48e, 0x327f8349), TOBN(0xf3e97346, 0xf43cb641),
+            TOBN(0xdc2bafdf, 0x500f1085), TOBN(0x57167876, 0x2f063055),
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+            TOBN(0xee6bf835, 0x182b165d), TOBN(0xb11b5e5b, 0xba519727),
+            TOBN(0xe33ea76c, 0x1eea7b85), TOBN(0x2352b461, 0x92d4f85e),
+            TOBN(0xf101d334, 0xafe115bb), TOBN(0xfabc1294, 0x889175a3),
+            TOBN(0x7f6bcdc0, 0x5233f925), TOBN(0xe0a802db, 0xe77fec55),
+            TOBN(0xbdb47b75, 0x8069b659), TOBN(0x1c5e12de, 0xf98fbd74),
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+            TOBN(0xe576c09f, 0xf460b38f), TOBN(0x6b70d548, 0x22b7fb36),
+            TOBN(0x3fd237f1, 0x3bfae315), TOBN(0x33797852, 0xcbdff369),
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+            TOBN(0x7303ffde, 0xdd92d964), TOBN(0xe9712878, 0x71b5abf2),
+            TOBN(0x8f48a632, 0xf815561d), TOBN(0x85f48ff5, 0xd3c055d1),
+            TOBN(0x222a1427, 0x7525684f), TOBN(0xd0d841a0, 0x67360cc3),
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+            TOBN(0x860c44b1, 0xf2c34a99), TOBN(0x3b00aca4, 0xbf5855ac),
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+            TOBN(0xdbb7b352, 0xf97f68c6), TOBN(0x0c773b50, 0x0b02cf58),
+            TOBN(0xea2e4821, 0x3c1f96d9), TOBN(0xffb357b0, 0xeee01815),
+            TOBN(0xb9c924cd, 0xe0f28039), TOBN(0x0b36c95a, 0x46a3fbe4),
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+            TOBN(0x7f671302, 0xa70dab86), TOBN(0xfcbd12a9, 0x71c58cfc),
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+            TOBN(0x4752fcfe, 0x0d41d550), TOBN(0xe7eec0e3, 0x2155cffe),
+            TOBN(0x0fc39fcb, 0x545ae248), TOBN(0x522cb8d1, 0x8065f44e),
+            TOBN(0x263c962a, 0x70cbb96c), TOBN(0xe034362a, 0xbcd124a9),
+            TOBN(0xf120db28, 0x3c2ae58d), TOBN(0xb9a38d49, 0xfef6d507),
+            TOBN(0xb1fd2a82, 0x1ff140fd), TOBN(0xbd162f30, 0x20aee7e0),
+            TOBN(0x4e17a5d4, 0xcb251949), TOBN(0x2aebcb83, 0x4f7e1c3d),
+            TOBN(0x608eb25f, 0x937b0527), TOBN(0xf42e1e47, 0xeb7d9997),
+            TOBN(0xeba699c4, 0xb8a53a29), TOBN(0x1f921c71, 0xe091b536),
+            TOBN(0xcce29e7b, 0x5b26bbd5), TOBN(0x7a8ef5ed, 0x3b61a680),
+            TOBN(0xe5ef8043, 0xba1f1c7e), TOBN(0x16ea8217, 0x18158dda),
+            TOBN(0x01778a2b, 0x599ff0f9), TOBN(0x68a923d7, 0x8104fc6b),
+            TOBN(0x5bfa44df, 0xda694ff3), TOBN(0x4f7199db, 0xf7667f12),
+            TOBN(0xc06d8ff6, 0xe46f2a79), TOBN(0x08b5dead, 0xe9f8131d),
+            TOBN(0x02519a59, 0xabb4ce7c), TOBN(0xc4f710bc, 0xb42aec3e),
+            TOBN(0x3d77b057, 0x78bde41a), TOBN(0x6474bf80, 0xb4186b5a),
+            TOBN(0x048b3f67, 0x88c65741), TOBN(0xc64519de, 0x03c7c154),
+            TOBN(0xdf073846, 0x0edfcc4f), TOBN(0x319aa737, 0x48f1aa6b),
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+            TOBN(0xd8bfd3ca, 0xc0c22719), TOBN(0xc60209e4, 0xc9ca151e),
+            TOBN(0x7a744ab5, 0xd9a1a69c), TOBN(0x6de5048b, 0x14937f8f),
+            TOBN(0x171938d8, 0xe115ac04), TOBN(0x7df70940, 0x1c6b16d2),
+            TOBN(0xa6aeb663, 0x7f8e94e7), TOBN(0xc130388e, 0x2a2cf094),
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+            TOBN(0xff7ff0c0, 0x6c9146d6), TOBN(0x039aaf90, 0xe63a830b),
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+            TOBN(0xfcaadf9d, 0x2619ad31), TOBN(0x87882daa, 0xa7b349cd),
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+            TOBN(0xb9521d31, 0x113ec356), TOBN(0x9e48861e, 0x15eff1f8),
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+            TOBN(0xf60da8da, 0x3fd19408), TOBN(0x4aa716dc, 0x278d9d99),
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+            TOBN(0xd385377c, 0x40b557f0), TOBN(0xe001c366, 0xcd684660),
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+            TOBN(0xa687c74b, 0xbda94882), TOBN(0xd1bbcc48, 0xa684b299),
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+            TOBN(0x25031f16, 0x41b1d830), TOBN(0xa7ec851d, 0xcb0c1e27),
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+            TOBN(0x1f6bc6d9, 0x9c81adb3), TOBN(0x840f8ac3, 0x5b7d80d4),
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+            TOBN(0xa5ca4a07, 0xdfe68867), TOBN(0xf123d8f0, 0x5fcea120),
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+            TOBN(0x3014368b, 0x4ed80940), TOBN(0x67e6d056, 0x7a6fcedd),
+            TOBN(0x7c208c49, 0xca97579f), TOBN(0xfe3d7a81, 0xa23597f6),
+            TOBN(0x5e203202, 0x7e096ae2), TOBN(0xb1f3e1e7, 0x24b39366),
+            TOBN(0x26da26f3, 0x2fdcdffc), TOBN(0x79422f1d, 0x6097be83),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0x263a2cfb, 0x9db3b381), TOBN(0x9c3a2dee, 0xd4df0a4b),
+            TOBN(0x728d06e9, 0x7d04e61f), TOBN(0x8b1adfbc, 0x42449325),
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+            TOBN(0x80ba1e14, 0x810ac7ab), TOBN(0xdd2ae778, 0xf530f174),
+            TOBN(0x0435d97a, 0x205b9d8b), TOBN(0x6eb8f064, 0x056756d4),
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+            TOBN(0x4d849505, 0x3bcc876a), TOBN(0x12a75338, 0xa7404ce3),
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+            TOBN(0x14109fdd, 0x9669b621), TOBN(0x88a2ca56, 0xf6f87b98),
+            TOBN(0xfe2eb788, 0x170df6bc), TOBN(0x0cea06f4, 0xffa473f9),
+            TOBN(0x43ed81b5, 0xc4e83d33), TOBN(0xd9f35879, 0x5efd488b),
+            TOBN(0x164a620f, 0x9deb4d0f), TOBN(0xc6927bdb, 0xac6a7394),
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+            TOBN(0x664e46e5, 0x9090c632), TOBN(0xa38062d4, 0x1e66f8fb),
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+            TOBN(0x391223b2, 0x6bdc0e20), TOBN(0xbe2d93f1, 0xeb0a05a7),
+            TOBN(0xf23e2e53, 0x3f36d141), TOBN(0xe84bb3d4, 0x4dfca442),
+            TOBN(0xb804a48d, 0x6b7c023a), TOBN(0x1e16a8fa, 0x76431c3b),
+            TOBN(0x1b5452ad, 0xddd472e0), TOBN(0x7d405ee7, 0x0d1ee127),
+            TOBN(0x50fc6f1d, 0xffa27599), TOBN(0x351ac53c, 0xbf391b35),
+            TOBN(0x7efa14b8, 0x4444896b), TOBN(0x64974d2f, 0xf94027fb),
+            TOBN(0xefdcd0e8, 0xde84487d), TOBN(0x8c45b260, 0x2b48989b),
+            TOBN(0xa8fcbbc2, 0xd8463487), TOBN(0xd1b2b3f7, 0x3fbc476c),
+            TOBN(0x21d005b7, 0xc8f443c0), TOBN(0x518f2e67, 0x40c0139c),
+            TOBN(0x56036e8c, 0x06d75fc1), TOBN(0x2dcf7bb7, 0x3249a89f),
+            TOBN(0x81dd1d3d, 0xe245e7dd), TOBN(0xf578dc4b, 0xebd6e2a7),
+            TOBN(0x4c028903, 0xdf2ce7a0), TOBN(0xaee36288, 0x9c39afac),
+            TOBN(0xdc847c31, 0x146404ab), TOBN(0x6304c0d8, 0xa4e97818),
+            TOBN(0xae51dca2, 0xa91f6791), TOBN(0x2abe4190, 0x9baa9efc),
+            TOBN(0xd9d2e2f4, 0x559c7ac1), TOBN(0xe82f4b51, 0xfc9f773a),
+            TOBN(0xa7713027, 0x4073e81c), TOBN(0xc0276fac, 0xfbb596fc),
+            TOBN(0x1d819fc9, 0xa684f70c), TOBN(0x29b47fdd, 0xc9f7b1e0),
+            TOBN(0x358de103, 0x459b1940), TOBN(0xec881c59, 0x5b013e93),
+            TOBN(0x51574c93, 0x49532ad3), TOBN(0x2db1d445, 0xb37b46de),
+            TOBN(0xc6445b87, 0xdf239fd8), TOBN(0xc718af75, 0x151d24ee),
+            TOBN(0xaea1c4a4, 0xf43c6259), TOBN(0x40c0e5d7, 0x70be02f7),
+            TOBN(0x6a4590f4, 0x721b33f2), TOBN(0x2124f1fb, 0xfedf04ea),
+            TOBN(0xf8e53cde, 0x9745efe7), TOBN(0xe7e10432, 0x65f046d9),
+            TOBN(0xc3fca28e, 0xe4d0c7e6), TOBN(0x847e339a, 0x87253b1b),
+            TOBN(0x9b595348, 0x3743e643), TOBN(0xcb6a0a0b, 0x4fd12fc5),
+            TOBN(0xfb6836c3, 0x27d02dcc), TOBN(0x5ad00982, 0x7a68bcc2),
+            TOBN(0x1b24b44c, 0x005e912d), TOBN(0xcc83d20f, 0x811fdcfe),
+            TOBN(0x36527ec1, 0x666fba0c), TOBN(0x69948197, 0x14754635),
+            TOBN(0xfcdcb1a8, 0x556da9c2), TOBN(0xa5934267, 0x81a732b2),
+            TOBN(0xec1214ed, 0xa714181d), TOBN(0x609ac13b, 0x6067b341),
+            TOBN(0xff4b4c97, 0xa545df1f), TOBN(0xa1240501, 0x34d2076b),
+            TOBN(0x6efa0c23, 0x1409ca97), TOBN(0x254cc1a8, 0x20638c43),
+            TOBN(0xd4e363af, 0xdcfb46cd), TOBN(0x62c2adc3, 0x03942a27),
+            TOBN(0xc67b9df0, 0x56e46483), TOBN(0xa55abb20, 0x63736356),
+            TOBN(0xab93c098, 0xc551bc52), TOBN(0x382b49f9, 0xb15fe64b),
+            TOBN(0x9ec221ad, 0x4dff8d47), TOBN(0x79caf615, 0x437df4d6),
+            TOBN(0x5f13dc64, 0xbb456509), TOBN(0xe4c589d9, 0x191f0714),
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+            TOBN(0x8b51d1e2, 0x1f55988b), TOBN(0x5716dd73, 0x062bbbfc),
+            TOBN(0x633c11e5, 0x4e8bf3de), TOBN(0x9a0e77b6, 0x1b85be3b),
+            TOBN(0x56510729, 0x0911cca6), TOBN(0x27e76495, 0xefa6590f),
+            TOBN(0xe4ac8b33, 0x070d3aab), TOBN(0x2643672b, 0x9a2cd5e5),
+            TOBN(0x52eff79b, 0x1cfc9173), TOBN(0x665ca49b, 0x90a7c13f),
+            TOBN(0x5a8dda59, 0xb3efb998), TOBN(0x8a5b922d, 0x052f1341),
+            TOBN(0xae9ebbab, 0x3cf9a530), TOBN(0x35986e7b, 0xf56da4d7),
+            TOBN(0x3a636b5c, 0xff3513cc), TOBN(0xbb0cf8ba, 0x3198f7dd),
+            TOBN(0xb8d40522, 0x41f16f86), TOBN(0x760575d8, 0xde13a7bf),
+            TOBN(0x36f74e16, 0x9f7aa181), TOBN(0x163a3ecf, 0xf509ed1c),
+            TOBN(0x6aead61f, 0x3c40a491), TOBN(0x158c95fc, 0xdfe8fcaa),
+            TOBN(0xa3991b6e, 0x13cda46f), TOBN(0x79482415, 0x342faed0),
+            TOBN(0xf3ba5bde, 0x666b5970), TOBN(0x1d52e6bc, 0xb26ab6dd),
+            TOBN(0x768ba1e7, 0x8608dd3d), TOBN(0x4930db2a, 0xea076586),
+            TOBN(0xd9575714, 0xe7dc1afa), TOBN(0x1fc7bf7d, 0xf7c58817),
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+            TOBN(0x113fe413, 0xe702c42a), TOBN(0xdd1764ee, 0xc47cbe51),
+            TOBN(0x041e7cde, 0x7b3ed739), TOBN(0x50cb7459, 0x5ce9e1c0),
+            TOBN(0x35568513, 0x2925b212), TOBN(0x7cff95c4, 0x001b081c),
+            TOBN(0x63ee4cbd, 0x8088b454), TOBN(0xdb7f32f7, 0x9a9e0c8a),
+            TOBN(0xb377d418, 0x6b2447cb), TOBN(0xe3e982aa, 0xd370219b),
+            TOBN(0x06ccc1e4, 0xc2a2a593), TOBN(0x72c36865, 0x0773f24f),
+            TOBN(0xa13b4da7, 0x95859423), TOBN(0x8bbf1d33, 0x75040c8f),
+            TOBN(0x726f0973, 0xda50c991), TOBN(0x48afcd5b, 0x822d6ee2),
+            TOBN(0xe5fc718b, 0x20fd7771), TOBN(0xb9e8e77d, 0xfd0807a1),
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+            TOBN(0x040a73c5, 0xb2952e37), TOBN(0x0a9e252e, 0xd438aeca),
+            TOBN(0xdd43956b, 0xc39d3bcb), TOBN(0x1a31ca00, 0xb32b2d63),
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+            TOBN(0xb07dfc6f, 0xc74045ab), TOBN(0x2c6360bf, 0x7800caed),
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+            TOBN(0x90ffbf24, 0x92a79aa6), TOBN(0xde29d50a, 0x41c26ac2),
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+            TOBN(0xe8e9771d, 0x2e0680bf), TOBN(0x8c5bec98, 0xc54db063),
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+            TOBN(0x35865519, 0xa9a65d5a), TOBN(0x07c48aae, 0x8fd38a3d),
+            TOBN(0xb7e7aeda, 0x50068527), TOBN(0x2c09ef23, 0x1c90936a),
+            TOBN(0x31ecfeb6, 0xe879324c), TOBN(0xa0871f6b, 0xfb0ec938),
+            TOBN(0xb1f0fb68, 0xd84d835d), TOBN(0xc90caf39, 0x861dc1e6),
+            TOBN(0x12e5b046, 0x7594f8d7), TOBN(0x26897ae2, 0x65012b92),
+            TOBN(0xbcf68a08, 0xa4d6755d), TOBN(0x403ee41c, 0x0991fbda),
+            TOBN(0x733e343e, 0x3bbf17e8), TOBN(0xd2c7980d, 0x679b3d65),
+            TOBN(0x33056232, 0xd2e11305), TOBN(0x966be492, 0xf3c07a6f),
+            TOBN(0x6a8878ff, 0xbb15509d), TOBN(0xff221101, 0x0a9b59a4),
+            TOBN(0x6c9f564a, 0xabe30129), TOBN(0xc6f2c940, 0x336e64cf),
+            TOBN(0x0fe75262, 0x8b0c8022), TOBN(0xbe0267e9, 0x6ae8db87),
+            TOBN(0x22e192f1, 0x93bc042b), TOBN(0xf085b534, 0xb237c458),
+            TOBN(0xa0d192bd, 0x832c4168), TOBN(0x7a76e9e3, 0xbdf6271d),
+            TOBN(0x52a882fa, 0xb88911b5), TOBN(0xc85345e4, 0xb4db0eb5),
+            TOBN(0xa3be02a6, 0x81a7c3ff), TOBN(0x51889c8c, 0xf0ec0469),
+            TOBN(0x9d031369, 0xa5e829e5), TOBN(0xcbb4c6fc, 0x1607aa41),
+            TOBN(0x75ac59a6, 0x241d84c1), TOBN(0xc043f2bf, 0x8829e0ee),
+            TOBN(0x82a38f75, 0x8ea5e185), TOBN(0x8bda40b9, 0xd87cbd9f),
+            TOBN(0x9e65e75e, 0x2d8fc601), TOBN(0x3d515f74, 0xa35690b3),
+            TOBN(0x534acf4f, 0xda79e5ac), TOBN(0x68b83b3a, 0x8630215f),
+            TOBN(0x5c748b2e, 0xd085756e), TOBN(0xb0317258, 0xe5d37cb2),
+            TOBN(0x6735841a, 0xc5ccc2c4), TOBN(0x7d7dc96b, 0x3d9d5069),
+            TOBN(0xa147e410, 0xfd1754bd), TOBN(0x65296e94, 0xd399ddd5),
+            TOBN(0xf6b5b2d0, 0xbc8fa5bc), TOBN(0x8a5ead67, 0x500c277b),
+            TOBN(0x214625e6, 0xdfa08a5d), TOBN(0x51fdfedc, 0x959cf047),
+            TOBN(0x6bc9430b, 0x289fca32), TOBN(0xe36ff0cf, 0x9d9bdc3f),
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+            TOBN(0x00e0968b, 0x5fa9f4d6), TOBN(0x2d4066ce, 0x37a362e7),
+            TOBN(0xa99a9748, 0xbd07e772), TOBN(0x710989c0, 0x06a4f1d0),
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+            TOBN(0xa365f0e8, 0xa518001b), TOBN(0xee605eb6, 0x9d04ef0f),
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+            TOBN(0xa88fa05c, 0x1fc4e372), TOBN(0x8bf395cb, 0xaf8b3af2),
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+            TOBN(0xd73d577d, 0xa4955845), TOBN(0x39570c16, 0xbf9f4433),
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+            TOBN(0x145a8280, 0x23196332), TOBN(0x3c3862d7, 0x587b479a),
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+            TOBN(0xb78d4725, 0x745b029b), TOBN(0x74610713, 0xcefdd9bd),
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+            TOBN(0xf03977a9, 0x32aa8463), TOBN(0x8eb7763f, 0x8586d90a),
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+            TOBN(0x7dc71090, 0x6a09c731), TOBN(0x54778ffb, 0x51b816db),
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+            TOBN(0x810c7626, 0x71f311f0), TOBN(0xfa17ef8d, 0x4ab6ef53),
+            TOBN(0xaf47fd25, 0x93e43bff), TOBN(0x5cb5ff3f, 0x0be40632),
+            TOBN(0x54687106, 0x8ee61da3), TOBN(0x7764196e, 0xb08afd0f),
+            TOBN(0x831ab3ed, 0xf0290a8f), TOBN(0xcae81966, 0xcb47c387),
+            TOBN(0xaad7dece, 0x184efb4f), TOBN(0xdcfc53b3, 0x4749110e),
+            TOBN(0x6698f23c, 0x4cb632f9), TOBN(0xc42a1ad6, 0xb91f8067),
+            TOBN(0xb116a81d, 0x6284180a), TOBN(0xebedf5f8, 0xe901326f),
+            TOBN(0xf2274c9f, 0x97e3e044), TOBN(0x42018520, 0x11d09fc9),
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+            TOBN(0x27d291bc, 0x575eaa94), TOBN(0x9e7bc721, 0xb8ff522d),
+            TOBN(0x5f7268bf, 0xa7f04d6f), TOBN(0x5868c73f, 0xaba41748),
+            TOBN(0x9f85c2db, 0x7be0eead), TOBN(0x511e7842, 0xff719135),
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+            TOBN(0x39dbed97, 0xf65f8004), TOBN(0x0621b037, 0xc508991d),
+            TOBN(0x1c52e635, 0x96e78cc4), TOBN(0x5385c8b2, 0x0c06b4a8),
+            TOBN(0xd84ddfdb, 0xb0e87d03), TOBN(0xc49dfb66, 0x934bafad),
+            TOBN(0x7071e170, 0x59f70772), TOBN(0x3a073a84, 0x3a1db56b),
+            TOBN(0x03494903, 0x3b8af190), TOBN(0x7d882de3, 0xd32920f0),
+            TOBN(0x91633f0a, 0xb2cf8940), TOBN(0x72b0b178, 0x6f948f51),
+            TOBN(0x2d28dc30, 0x782653c8), TOBN(0x88829849, 0xdb903a05),
+            TOBN(0xb8095d0c, 0x6a19d2bb), TOBN(0x4b9e7f0c, 0x86f782cb),
+            TOBN(0x7af73988, 0x2d907064), TOBN(0xd12be0fe, 0x8b32643c),
+            TOBN(0x358ed23d, 0x0e165dc3), TOBN(0x3d47ce62, 0x4e2378ce),
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+            TOBN(0x2613b4f2, 0x0e9940c1), TOBN(0xfc598bb9, 0x047d1eb1),
+            TOBN(0x9744c62b, 0x45036099), TOBN(0xa9dee742, 0x167c65d8),
+            TOBN(0x0c511525, 0xdabe1943), TOBN(0xda110554, 0x93c6c624),
+            TOBN(0xae00a52c, 0x651a3be2), TOBN(0xcda5111d, 0x884449a6),
+            TOBN(0x063c06f4, 0xff33bed1), TOBN(0x73baaf9a, 0x0d3d76b4),
+            TOBN(0x52fb0c9d, 0x7fc63668), TOBN(0x6886c9dd, 0x0c039cde),
+            TOBN(0x602bd599, 0x55b22351), TOBN(0xb00cab02, 0x360c7c13),
+            TOBN(0x8cb616bc, 0x81b69442), TOBN(0x41486700, 0xb55c3cee),
+            TOBN(0x71093281, 0xf49ba278), TOBN(0xad956d9c, 0x64a50710),
+            TOBN(0x9561f28b, 0x638a7e81), TOBN(0x54155cdf, 0x5980ddc3),
+            TOBN(0xb2db4a96, 0xd26f247a), TOBN(0x9d774e4e, 0x4787d100),
+            TOBN(0x1a9e6e2e, 0x078637d2), TOBN(0x1c363e2d, 0x5e0ae06a),
+            TOBN(0x7493483e, 0xe9cfa354), TOBN(0x76843cb3, 0x7f74b98d),
+            TOBN(0xbaca6591, 0xd4b66947), TOBN(0xb452ce98, 0x04460a8c),
+            TOBN(0x6830d246, 0x43768f55), TOBN(0xf4197ed8, 0x7dff12df),
+            TOBN(0x6521b472, 0x400dd0f7), TOBN(0x59f5ca8f, 0x4b1e7093),
+            TOBN(0x6feff11b, 0x080338ae), TOBN(0x0ada31f6, 0xa29ca3c6),
+            TOBN(0x24794eb6, 0x94a2c215), TOBN(0xd83a43ab, 0x05a57ab4),
+            TOBN(0x264a543a, 0x2a6f89fe), TOBN(0x2c2a3868, 0xdd5ec7c2),
+            TOBN(0xd3373940, 0x8439d9b2), TOBN(0x715ea672, 0x0acd1f11),
+            TOBN(0x42c1d235, 0xe7e6cc19), TOBN(0x81ce6e96, 0xb990585c),
+            TOBN(0x04e5dfe0, 0xd809c7bd), TOBN(0xd7b2580c, 0x8f1050ab),
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+            TOBN(0x162a8b73, 0x921de0ac), TOBN(0x52ac9c22, 0x7ea78400),
+            TOBN(0xee2a4eea, 0xefce2174), TOBN(0xbe61844e, 0x6d637f79),
+            TOBN(0x0491f1bc, 0x789a283b), TOBN(0x72d3ac3d, 0x880836f4),
+            TOBN(0xaa1c5ea3, 0x88e5402d), TOBN(0x1b192421, 0xd5cc473d),
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+            TOBN(0x639961d0, 0x3a191ce2), TOBN(0xda3bc865, 0x6d837930),
+            TOBN(0xca990653, 0x056e6f8f), TOBN(0x84861c41, 0x64d133a7),
+            TOBN(0x8b403276, 0x746abe40), TOBN(0xb7b4d51a, 0xebf8e303),
+            TOBN(0x05b43211, 0x220a255d), TOBN(0xc997152c, 0x02419e6e),
+            TOBN(0x76ff47b6, 0x630c2fea), TOBN(0x50518677, 0x281fdade),
+            TOBN(0x3283b8ba, 0xcf902b0b), TOBN(0x8d4b4eb5, 0x37db303b),
+            TOBN(0xcc89f42d, 0x755011bc), TOBN(0xb43d74bb, 0xdd09d19b),
+            TOBN(0x65746bc9, 0x8adba350), TOBN(0x364eaf8c, 0xb51c1927),
+            TOBN(0x13c76596, 0x10ad72ec), TOBN(0x30045121, 0xf8d40c20),
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+            TOBN(0x11e45a9e, 0x86cffbfe), TOBN(0x78a61cf4, 0x637024f6),
+            TOBN(0xd06bc872, 0x3d502295), TOBN(0xf1376854, 0x458cb288),
+            TOBN(0xb9db26a1, 0x342f8586), TOBN(0xf33effcf, 0x4beee09e),
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+            TOBN(0xfb0e169f, 0x275264da), TOBN(0x80c2b746, 0xe57d8362),
+            TOBN(0xedd987f7, 0x49ad7222), TOBN(0xfdc229af, 0x4398ec7b),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0xb0d1ed84, 0x52666a58), TOBN(0x4bcb6e00, 0xe6a9c3c2),
+            TOBN(0x3c57411c, 0x26906408), TOBN(0xcfc20755, 0x13556400),
+            TOBN(0xa08b1c50, 0x5294dba3), TOBN(0xa30ba286, 0x8b7dd31e),
+            TOBN(0xd70ba90e, 0x991eca74), TOBN(0x094e142c, 0xe762c2b9),
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+            TOBN(0xed8e9634, 0xb9db65b6), TOBN(0x35c82e32, 0x03599d8a),
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+            TOBN(0x809cf852, 0x3524e36c), TOBN(0x136f4fb3, 0x0155be1d),
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+            TOBN(0xd9928b31, 0x77aea73e), TOBN(0xe2bf6af2, 0x5eaa244e),
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+            TOBN(0x57b8a70c, 0xf6845dd8), TOBN(0x808fc59c, 0x5da4a325),
+            TOBN(0xa9032b2b, 0xa3585862), TOBN(0xb66825d5, 0xedf29386),
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+            TOBN(0xc63a657e, 0x4606eaca), TOBN(0x9ae5a380, 0x43cd04df),
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+            TOBN(0x347b3b35, 0x9ff20f07), TOBN(0x4d65f034, 0xf7e4b286),
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+            TOBN(0x96dc9ba1, 0xf424b578), TOBN(0xbf8f66b7, 0xe83e9069),
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+            TOBN(0xc10b6fa4, 0xef030efd), TOBN(0x247aa4c7, 0x87b097bb),
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+            TOBN(0xa4f6ff11, 0x344579cf), TOBN(0x5825653c, 0x980250f6),
+            TOBN(0xb2dd097e, 0xbc1aa2b9), TOBN(0x07889393, 0x37a0333a),
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+            TOBN(0xb696e062, 0x9795914b), TOBN(0xcddab96d, 0x8bf236ac),
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+            TOBN(0xd6e7680b, 0xb310346c), TOBN(0xe06f4097, 0xd5d4ced3),
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+            TOBN(0xb4d880bf, 0xe1dc5c05), TOBN(0xd738adda, 0xeebeeb57),
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+            TOBN(0x44e7dc04, 0x95649aee), TOBN(0x498ca255, 0x5e7ec1d8),
+            TOBN(0x3bc766ea, 0xaaa07e86), TOBN(0x0db6facb, 0xf3608586),
+            TOBN(0xbadd2549, 0xbdc259c8), TOBN(0x95af3c6e, 0x041c649f),
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+            TOBN(0x00e758b1, 0x3c80515a), TOBN(0x6afe3247, 0x41485083),
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+            TOBN(0xc132f958, 0xb1ef8010), TOBN(0x29476f96, 0xe65c1a02),
+            TOBN(0x336a77c0, 0xd34c3565), TOBN(0xef1105b2, 0x1b9f1e9e),
+            TOBN(0x63e6d08b, 0xf9e08002), TOBN(0x9aff2f21, 0xc613809e),
+            TOBN(0xb5754f85, 0x3a80e75d), TOBN(0xde71853e, 0x6bbda681),
+            TOBN(0x86f041df, 0x8197fd7a), TOBN(0x8b332e08, 0x127817fa),
+            TOBN(0x05d99be8, 0xb9c20cda), TOBN(0x89f7aad5, 0xd5cd0c98),
+            TOBN(0x7ef936fe, 0x5bb94183), TOBN(0x92ca0753, 0xb05cd7f2),
+            TOBN(0x9d65db11, 0x74a1e035), TOBN(0x02628cc8, 0x13eaea92),
+            TOBN(0xf2d9e242, 0x49e4fbf2), TOBN(0x94fdfd9b, 0xe384f8b7),
+            TOBN(0x65f56054, 0x63428c6b), TOBN(0x2f7205b2, 0x90b409a5),
+            TOBN(0xf778bb78, 0xff45ae11), TOBN(0xa13045be, 0xc5ee53b2),
+            TOBN(0xe00a14ff, 0x03ef77fe), TOBN(0x689cd59f, 0xffef8bef),
+            TOBN(0x3578f0ed, 0x1e9ade22), TOBN(0xe99f3ec0, 0x6268b6a8),
+            TOBN(0xa2057d91, 0xea1b3c3e), TOBN(0x2d1a7053, 0xb8823a4a),
+            TOBN(0xabbb336a, 0x2cca451e), TOBN(0xcd2466e3, 0x2218bb5d),
+            TOBN(0x3ac1f42f, 0xc8cb762d), TOBN(0x7e312aae, 0x7690211f),
+            TOBN(0xebb9bd73, 0x45d07450), TOBN(0x207c4b82, 0x46c2213f),
+            TOBN(0x99d425c1, 0x375913ec), TOBN(0x94e45e96, 0x67908220),
+            TOBN(0xc08f3087, 0xcd67dbf6), TOBN(0xa5670fbe, 0xc0887056),
+            TOBN(0x6717b64a, 0x66f5b8fc), TOBN(0xd5a56aea, 0x786fec28),
+            TOBN(0xa8c3f55f, 0xc0ff4952), TOBN(0xa77fefae, 0x457ac49b),
+            TOBN(0x29882d7c, 0x98379d44), TOBN(0xd000bdfb, 0x509edc8a),
+            TOBN(0xc6f95979, 0xe66fe464), TOBN(0x504a6115, 0xfa61bde0),
+            TOBN(0x56b3b871, 0xeffea31a), TOBN(0x2d3de26d, 0xf0c21a54),
+            TOBN(0x21dbff31, 0x834753bf), TOBN(0xe67ecf49, 0x69269d86),
+            TOBN(0x7a176952, 0x151fe690), TOBN(0x03515804, 0x7f2adb5f),
+            TOBN(0xee794b15, 0xd1b62a8d), TOBN(0xf004ceec, 0xaae454e6),
+            TOBN(0x0897ea7c, 0xf0386fac), TOBN(0x3b62ff12, 0xd1fca751),
+            TOBN(0x154181df, 0x1b7a04ec), TOBN(0x2008e04a, 0xfb5847ec),
+            TOBN(0xd147148e, 0x41dbd772), TOBN(0x2b419f73, 0x22942654),
+            TOBN(0x669f30d3, 0xe9c544f7), TOBN(0x52a2c223, 0xc8540149),
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+            TOBN(0x74ee878d, 0xa3933acc), TOBN(0xe6510651, 0x4fe35ed1),
+            TOBN(0xb3eb9482, 0xf1012e7a), TOBN(0x51013cc0, 0xa8a566ae),
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+            TOBN(0x030754fe, 0xc731b4b3), TOBN(0x12a136a4, 0x99fda062),
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+            TOBN(0x881fe5be, 0x1925253c), TOBN(0xd8dc98e0, 0x91e8bc76),
+            TOBN(0x7120affe, 0x585cc3a2), TOBN(0x724952ed, 0x735bf97a),
+            TOBN(0x5581e7dc, 0x3eb34581), TOBN(0x5cbff4f2, 0xe52ee57d),
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+            TOBN(0x6404694e, 0x9a8ae255), TOBN(0xb6092eec, 0x8d6abfb3),
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+            TOBN(0x4472993a, 0xa14a90fa), TOBN(0x7706e20c, 0xba0c51d4),
+            TOBN(0xf403292f, 0x1532672d), TOBN(0x52573bfa, 0x21829382),
+            TOBN(0x6a7bb6a9, 0x3b5bdb83), TOBN(0x08da65c0, 0xa4a72318),
+            TOBN(0xc58d22aa, 0x63eb065f), TOBN(0x1717596c, 0x1b15d685),
+            TOBN(0x112df0d0, 0xb266d88b), TOBN(0xf688ae97, 0x5941945a),
+            TOBN(0x487386e3, 0x7c292cac), TOBN(0x42f3b50d, 0x57d6985c),
+            TOBN(0x6da4f998, 0x6a90fc34), TOBN(0xc8f257d3, 0x65ca8a8d),
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+            TOBN(0xd648af7f, 0xf0f84d2e), TOBN(0xf0aa9ebc, 0x6a43ac92),
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+            TOBN(0x0875c11a, 0xf4c698c8), TOBN(0x6652b5c7, 0xbece3794),
+            TOBN(0x7b3755fd, 0x4f5c0499), TOBN(0x6ea16558, 0xb5532b38),
+            TOBN(0xd1c69889, 0xa2e96ef7), TOBN(0x9c773c3a, 0x61ed8f48),
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+            TOBN(0x45d41064, 0x4a87157a), TOBN(0x8f9a78b7, 0xcbbce616),
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+            TOBN(0x473e339e, 0xfd083999), TOBN(0x6c94bdde, 0x8e796802),
+            TOBN(0x5a304ada, 0x8545d185), TOBN(0x82ae44ea, 0x738bb8cb),
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+            TOBN(0xe128a134, 0xab3a9b4f), TOBN(0x41c18807, 0xb1252f05),
+            TOBN(0xfc7ed089, 0x80ba9b1c), TOBN(0xac8dc6de, 0xc532a9dd),
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+            TOBN(0xc09945bb, 0xb6f11603), TOBN(0x57b09dbe, 0x41d2801e),
+            TOBN(0xfba5202f, 0xa97534a8), TOBN(0x7fd8ae5f, 0xc17b9614),
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+            TOBN(0x86e8fe58, 0x296deec8), TOBN(0x33b28188, 0x41010d74),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0x01079383, 0x171b445f), TOBN(0x9bcf21e3, 0x8131ad4c),
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+            TOBN(0xc713d2ac, 0xc4632b46), TOBN(0x17da427a, 0xafd60242),
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+            TOBN(0xc573dea9, 0x10a230cd), TOBN(0x24f46a93, 0xcd30f947),
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+            TOBN(0x2660199f, 0x355116ac), TOBN(0xcc38bb59, 0xb6d18eed),
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+            TOBN(0xc5fffa70, 0x114ebac3), TOBN(0xfe57c4e9, 0x5d89697b),
+            TOBN(0xfdd053ac, 0xb1aaf613), TOBN(0x31df210f, 0xea585a45),
+            TOBN(0x318cc10e, 0x24985034), TOBN(0x1a38efd1, 0x5f1d6130),
+            TOBN(0xbf86f237, 0x0b1e9e21), TOBN(0xb258514d, 0x1dbe88aa),
+            TOBN(0x1e38a588, 0x90c1baf9), TOBN(0x2936a01e, 0xbdb9b692),
+            TOBN(0xd576de98, 0x6dd5b20c), TOBN(0xb586bf71, 0x70f98ecf),
+            TOBN(0xcccf0f12, 0xc42d2fd7), TOBN(0x8717e61c, 0xfb35bd7b),
+            TOBN(0x8b1e5722, 0x35e6fc06), TOBN(0x3477728f, 0x0b3e13d5),
+            TOBN(0x150c294d, 0xaa8a7372), TOBN(0xc0291d43, 0x3bfa528a),
+            TOBN(0xc6c8bc67, 0xcec5a196), TOBN(0xdeeb31e4, 0x5c2e8a7c),
+            TOBN(0xba93e244, 0xfb6e1c51), TOBN(0xb9f8b71b, 0x2e28e156),
+            TOBN(0xce65a287, 0x968a2ab9), TOBN(0xe3c5ce69, 0x46bbcb1f),
+            TOBN(0xf8c835b9, 0xe7ae3f30), TOBN(0x16bbee26, 0xff72b82b),
+            TOBN(0x665e2017, 0xfd42cd22), TOBN(0x1e139970, 0xf8b1d2a0),
+            TOBN(0x125cda29, 0x79204932), TOBN(0x7aee94a5, 0x49c3bee5),
+            TOBN(0x68c70160, 0x89821a66), TOBN(0xf7c37678, 0x8f981669),
+            TOBN(0xd90829fc, 0x48cc3645), TOBN(0x346af049, 0xd70addfc),
+            TOBN(0x2057b232, 0x370bf29c), TOBN(0xf90c73ce, 0x42e650ee),
+            TOBN(0xe03386ea, 0xa126ab90), TOBN(0x0e266e7e, 0x975a087b),
+            TOBN(0x80578eb9, 0x0fca65d9), TOBN(0x7e2989ea, 0x16af45b8),
+            TOBN(0x7438212d, 0xcac75a4e), TOBN(0x38c7ca39, 0x4fef36b8),
+            TOBN(0x8650c494, 0xd402676a), TOBN(0x26ab5a66, 0xf72c7c48),
+            TOBN(0x4e6cb426, 0xce3a464e), TOBN(0xf8f99896, 0x2b72f841),
+            TOBN(0x8c318491, 0x1a335cc8), TOBN(0x563459ba, 0x6a5913e4),
+            TOBN(0x1b920d61, 0xc7b32919), TOBN(0x805ab8b6, 0xa02425ad),
+            TOBN(0x2ac512da, 0x8d006086), TOBN(0x6ca4846a, 0xbcf5c0fd),
+            TOBN(0xafea51d8, 0xac2138d7), TOBN(0xcb647545, 0x344cd443),
+            TOBN(0x0429ee8f, 0xbd7d9040), TOBN(0xee66a2de, 0x819b9c96),
+            TOBN(0x54f9ec25, 0xdea7d744), TOBN(0x2ffea642, 0x671721bb),
+            TOBN(0x4f19dbd1, 0x114344ea), TOBN(0x04304536, 0xfd0dbc8b),
+            TOBN(0x014b50aa, 0x29ec7f91), TOBN(0xb5fc22fe, 0xbb06014d),
+            TOBN(0x60d963a9, 0x1ee682e0), TOBN(0xdf48abc0, 0xfe85c727),
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+            TOBN(0xbfa92311, 0xf68cf9d1), TOBN(0xa4f9ef87, 0xc1797556),
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+            TOBN(0x49950b58, 0x88b5cead), TOBN(0x0ef00058, 0x6fa9dbaa),
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+            TOBN(0x6ea34103, 0x0ca1c328), TOBN(0xc74114bd, 0xb903928e),
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+            TOBN(0xa3f4f521, 0xe447f2c4), TOBN(0x81b8da7a, 0x604291f0),
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+            TOBN(0xb4494205, 0x66702158), TOBN(0xc33c65be, 0x73b1e178),
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+            TOBN(0xc0390266, 0xf114ae87), TOBN(0x39ed75a7, 0xcd6a8e2a),
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+            TOBN(0x531c4644, 0xc331be70), TOBN(0xbc04d32e, 0x90d2e450),
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+            TOBN(0x83422d21, 0x3e10ff12), TOBN(0x7b26d3eb, 0xbcc12494),
+            TOBN(0xb240d2d0, 0xc9469ad6), TOBN(0xc4a11b4d, 0x30afa05b),
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+            TOBN(0xb69f210b, 0x5700cf73), TOBN(0x61f6653a, 0x6d37c135),
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+            TOBN(0xac8ae851, 0x5e11115d), TOBN(0x0d63ff67, 0x6f03f59e),
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+            TOBN(0xd1c4a26d, 0x3be01cb1), TOBN(0x9ba14ffc, 0x243aa07c),
+            TOBN(0xf95cd3a9, 0xb2503502), TOBN(0xe379bc06, 0x7d2a93ab),
+            TOBN(0x3efc18e9, 0xd4ca8d68), TOBN(0x083558ec, 0x80bb412a),
+            TOBN(0xd903b940, 0x9645a968), TOBN(0xa499f0b6, 0x9ba6054f),
+            TOBN(0x208b573c, 0xb8349abe), TOBN(0x3baab3e5, 0x30b4fc1c),
+            TOBN(0x87e978ba, 0xcb524990), TOBN(0x3524194e, 0xccdf0e80),
+            TOBN(0x62711725, 0x7d4bcc42), TOBN(0xe90a3d9b, 0xb90109ba),
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+            TOBN(0x0794b746, 0x9e03d278), TOBN(0x80178605, 0xd70e6297),
+            TOBN(0x171792f8, 0x99c97855), TOBN(0x11b393ee, 0xf5a86b5c),
+            TOBN(0x48ef6582, 0xd8884f27), TOBN(0xbd44737a, 0xbf19ba5f),
+            TOBN(0x8698de4c, 0xa42062c6), TOBN(0x8975eb80, 0x61ce9c54),
+            TOBN(0xd50e57c7, 0xd7fe71f3), TOBN(0x15342190, 0xbc97ce38),
+            TOBN(0x51bda2de, 0x4df07b63), TOBN(0xba12aeae, 0x200eb87d),
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+            TOBN(0x8c508623, 0x20a71b89), TOBN(0x241a2aed, 0x1c229165),
+            TOBN(0x352be595, 0xaaf83a99), TOBN(0x9fbfee7f, 0x1562bac8),
+            TOBN(0xeaf658b9, 0x5c4017e3), TOBN(0x1dc7f9e0, 0x15120b86),
+            TOBN(0xd84f13dd, 0x4c034d6f), TOBN(0x283dd737, 0xeaea3038),
+            TOBN(0x197f2609, 0xcd85d6a2), TOBN(0x6ebbc345, 0xfae60177),
+            TOBN(0xb80f031b, 0x4e12fede), TOBN(0xde55d0c2, 0x07a2186b),
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+            TOBN(0xec57f211, 0x8be489ac), TOBN(0x2821895d, 0xb9a1104b),
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+        {
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+            TOBN(0xfb107fa3, 0xe1cf6f90), TOBN(0xb7e937c6, 0xd5e044e6),
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+            TOBN(0x66624b1f, 0xfe98ed30), TOBN(0xf772f4bf, 0x1090997d),
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+            TOBN(0xc507b6dd, 0x418e7ddd), TOBN(0x39888d93, 0x472f19d6),
+            TOBN(0x7eae26be, 0x0c27eb4d), TOBN(0x17b53ed3, 0xfbabb884),
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+            TOBN(0xbee096ec, 0x215e2d87), TOBN(0xeb2fea9a, 0xd242e29b),
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+            TOBN(0xb738ac2e, 0xb9a96d61), TOBN(0x7f8567ca, 0x369443f4),
+            TOBN(0x8698622d, 0xf803a440), TOBN(0x2b586236, 0x8fe2f4dc),
+            TOBN(0xbbcc00c7, 0x56b95bce), TOBN(0x5ec03906, 0x616da680),
+            TOBN(0x79162ee6, 0x72214252), TOBN(0x43132b63, 0x86a892d2),
+            TOBN(0x4bdd3ff2, 0x2f3263bf), TOBN(0xd5b3733c, 0x9cd0a142),
+            TOBN(0x592eaa82, 0x44415ccb), TOBN(0x663e8924, 0x8d5474ea),
+            TOBN(0x8058a25e, 0x5236344e), TOBN(0x82e8df9d, 0xbda76ee6),
+            TOBN(0xdcf6efd8, 0x11cc3d22), TOBN(0x00089cda, 0x3b4ab529),
+            TOBN(0x91d3a071, 0xbd38a3db), TOBN(0x4ea97fc0, 0xef72b925),
+            TOBN(0x0c9fc15b, 0xea3edf75), TOBN(0x5a6297cd, 0xa4348ed3),
+            TOBN(0x0d38ab35, 0xce7c42d4), TOBN(0x9fd493ef, 0x82feab10),
+            TOBN(0x46056b6d, 0x82111b45), TOBN(0xda11dae1, 0x73efc5c3),
+            TOBN(0xdc740278, 0x5545a7fb), TOBN(0xbdb2601c, 0x40d507e6),
+            TOBN(0x121dfeeb, 0x7066fa58), TOBN(0x214369a8, 0x39ae8c2a),
+            TOBN(0x195709cb, 0x06e0956c), TOBN(0x4c9d254f, 0x010cd34b),
+            TOBN(0xf51e13f7, 0x0471a532), TOBN(0xe19d6791, 0x1e73054d),
+            TOBN(0xf702a628, 0xdb5c7be3), TOBN(0xc7141218, 0xb24dde05),
+            TOBN(0xdc18233c, 0xf29b2e2e), TOBN(0x3a6bd1e8, 0x85342dba),
+            TOBN(0x3f747fa0, 0xb311898c), TOBN(0xe2a272e4, 0xcd0eac65),
+            TOBN(0x4bba5851, 0xf914d0bc), TOBN(0x7a1a9660, 0xc4a43ee3),
+            TOBN(0xe5a367ce, 0xa1c8cde9), TOBN(0x9d958ba9, 0x7271abe3),
+            TOBN(0xf3ff7eb6, 0x3d1615cd), TOBN(0xa2280dce, 0xf5ae20b0),
+            TOBN(0x56dba5c1, 0xcf640147), TOBN(0xea5a2e3d, 0x5e83d118),
+            TOBN(0x04cd6b6d, 0xda24c511), TOBN(0x1c0f4671, 0xe854d214),
+            TOBN(0x91a6b7a9, 0x69565381), TOBN(0xdc966240, 0xdecf1f5b),
+            TOBN(0x1b22d21c, 0xfcf5d009), TOBN(0x2a05f641, 0x9021dbd5),
+            TOBN(0x8c0ed566, 0xd4312483), TOBN(0x5179a95d, 0x643e216f),
+            TOBN(0xcc185fec, 0x17044493), TOBN(0xb3063339, 0x54991a21),
+            TOBN(0xd801ecdb, 0x0081a726), TOBN(0x0149b0c6, 0x4fa89bbb),
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+            TOBN(0x43800e7e, 0xd81a0715), TOBN(0xde08e346, 0xb44ffc5f),
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+            TOBN(0x874a8bc6, 0xf38cbeb6), TOBN(0xd94d3f1a, 0xccb6fd9e),
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+            TOBN(0x7437b69c, 0x05b03284), TOBN(0xe7f04702, 0x6948c225),
+            TOBN(0x8a56c04a, 0xcba2ecec), TOBN(0x0c181270, 0xe3a73e41),
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+            TOBN(0x9ae868a9, 0xe9adfe1c), TOBN(0x3984403d, 0x314e39bb),
+            TOBN(0xb5875720, 0xf2fe378f), TOBN(0x33f901e0, 0xba44a628),
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+            TOBN(0x62082aec, 0xedd36776), TOBN(0xf612c478, 0xe9859039),
+            TOBN(0xa493b201, 0x032f7065), TOBN(0xebd4d8f2, 0x4ff9b211),
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+            TOBN(0x266344a4, 0x3794f8dc), TOBN(0xdcca923a, 0x483c5c36),
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+            TOBN(0x620e28ff, 0x47b50a95), TOBN(0x933e3b01, 0xcef03371),
+            TOBN(0xf081bf85, 0x99100153), TOBN(0x183be9a0, 0xc3a8c8d6),
+            TOBN(0x4e3ddc5a, 0xd6bbe24d), TOBN(0xc6c74630, 0x53843795),
+            TOBN(0x78193dd7, 0x65ec2d4c), TOBN(0xb8df26cc, 0xcd3c89b2),
+            TOBN(0x98dbe399, 0x5a483f8d), TOBN(0x72d8a957, 0x7dd3313a),
+            TOBN(0x65087294, 0xab0bd375), TOBN(0xfcd89248, 0x7c259d16),
+            TOBN(0x8a9443d7, 0x7613aa81), TOBN(0x80100800, 0x85fe6584),
+            TOBN(0x70fc4dbc, 0x7fb10288), TOBN(0xf58280d3, 0xe86beee8),
+            TOBN(0x14fdd82f, 0x7c978c38), TOBN(0xdf1204c1, 0x0de44d7b),
+            TOBN(0xa08a1c84, 0x4160252f), TOBN(0x591554ca, 0xc17646a5),
+            TOBN(0x214a37d6, 0xa05bd525), TOBN(0x48d5f09b, 0x07957b3c),
+            TOBN(0x0247cdcb, 0xd7109bc9), TOBN(0x40f9e4bb, 0x30599ce7),
+            TOBN(0xc325fa03, 0xf46ad2ec), TOBN(0x00f766cf, 0xc3e3f9ee),
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+            TOBN(0x7ddc81ea, 0x77b46a08), TOBN(0xcf5a6477, 0xc7480699),
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+            TOBN(0x34fc8820, 0xfbeee3f9), TOBN(0x93e53490, 0x49091afd),
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+            TOBN(0x873d4ca6, 0xb709c3de), TOBN(0x64a84262, 0x3575b8f0),
+            TOBN(0x6275da1f, 0x020154bb), TOBN(0x97678caa, 0xd17cf1ab),
+            TOBN(0x8779795f, 0x951a95c3), TOBN(0xdd35b163, 0x50fccc08),
+            TOBN(0x32709627, 0x33d8f031), TOBN(0x3c5ab10a, 0x498dd85c),
+            TOBN(0xb6c185c3, 0x41dca566), TOBN(0x7de7feda, 0xd8622aa3),
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+            TOBN(0xc7c81daa, 0x2fd3cf36), TOBN(0xd1319547, 0xdf89e59f),
+            TOBN(0xb2be8184, 0xcd496733), TOBN(0xd5f449eb, 0x93d3412b),
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+            TOBN(0xca82114a, 0xb4dbe33b), TOBN(0x0f9f8769, 0x4eabfde2),
+            TOBN(0x4936b1c0, 0x38b27fe2), TOBN(0x63b6359b, 0xaba402df),
+            TOBN(0x40c0ea2f, 0x656bdbab), TOBN(0x9c992a89, 0x6580c39c),
+            TOBN(0x600e8f15, 0x2a60aed1), TOBN(0xeb089ca4, 0xe0bf49df),
+            TOBN(0x9c233d7d, 0x2d42d99a), TOBN(0x648d3f95, 0x4c6bc2fa),
+            TOBN(0xdcc383a8, 0xe1add3f3), TOBN(0xf42c0c6a, 0x4f64a348),
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+            TOBN(0xfb78ac62, 0x7688dffb), TOBN(0x7025a2ca, 0x67937d8e),
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+            TOBN(0xe48606a3, 0xd9205735), TOBN(0xac477cc6, 0xe177b917),
+            TOBN(0xfb1f73d2, 0xa883239a), TOBN(0xe12572f6, 0xcc8b8357),
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+            TOBN(0x27be56f1, 0xb54398dc), TOBN(0x1890efd7, 0x3fedeed5),
+            TOBN(0x62f77f1f, 0x9c6d0140), TOBN(0x7ef0e314, 0x596f0ee4),
+            TOBN(0x50ca6631, 0xcc61dab3), TOBN(0x4a39801d, 0xf4866e4f),
+            TOBN(0x66c8d032, 0xae363b39), TOBN(0x22c591e5, 0x2ead66aa),
+            TOBN(0x954ba308, 0xde02a53e), TOBN(0x2a6c060f, 0xd389f357),
+            TOBN(0xe6cfcde8, 0xfbf40b66), TOBN(0x8e02fc56, 0xc6340ce1),
+            TOBN(0xe4957795, 0x73adb4ba), TOBN(0x7b86122c, 0xa7b03805),
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+            TOBN(0xbad79105, 0x21ba473c), TOBN(0xb6c50bee, 0xded5389d),
+            TOBN(0xee2caf4d, 0xaa7c9bc0), TOBN(0xd97b8de4, 0x8c4e98a7),
+            TOBN(0xa9f63e70, 0xab3bbddb), TOBN(0x3898aabf, 0x2597815a),
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+            TOBN(0x25470fab, 0xe085116b), TOBN(0x04a43375, 0x87285310),
+            TOBN(0x4e39187e, 0xe2bfd52f), TOBN(0x36166b44, 0x7d9ebc74),
+            TOBN(0x92ad433c, 0xfd4b322c), TOBN(0x726aa817, 0xba79ab51),
+            TOBN(0xf96eacd8, 0xc1db15eb), TOBN(0xfaf71e91, 0x0476be63),
+            TOBN(0xdd69a640, 0x641fad98), TOBN(0xb7995918, 0x29622559),
+            TOBN(0x03c6daa5, 0xde4199dc), TOBN(0x92cadc97, 0xad545eb4),
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+            TOBN(0xce90f71f, 0xca6006e1), TOBN(0xc32363a6, 0xb02b6e77),
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+            TOBN(0xd784eeda, 0x7bc73061), TOBN(0xbd56d369, 0x6dd50614),
+            TOBN(0xd6575949, 0x229a8aa9), TOBN(0xdcca8f47, 0x4595ec28),
+            TOBN(0x814305c1, 0x06ab4fe6), TOBN(0xc8c39768, 0x24f43f16),
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+            TOBN(0xf8afdab7, 0x90f1632b), TOBN(0x79ebbecd, 0x1c295954),
+            TOBN(0xc7bb3ddb, 0x79592f48), TOBN(0x67216a7b, 0x5f88e998),
+            TOBN(0xd91f098b, 0xbc01193e), TOBN(0xf7d928a5, 0xb1db83fc),
+            TOBN(0x55e38417, 0xe991f600), TOBN(0x2a91113e, 0x2981a934),
+            TOBN(0xcbc9d648, 0x06b13bde), TOBN(0xb011b6ac, 0x0755ff44),
+            TOBN(0x6f4cb518, 0x045ec613), TOBN(0x522d2d31, 0xc2f5930a),
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+            TOBN(0x91acf17b, 0x342659d4), TOBN(0xe596ea34, 0x44f0378f),
+            TOBN(0x4515708f, 0xce52129d), TOBN(0x17387e1e, 0x79f2f585),
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+            TOBN(0x009e75be, 0x1d94066a), TOBN(0x6cca31c7, 0x38abf413),
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+            TOBN(0xea314c96, 0x4821c8c5), TOBN(0x8de49ded, 0xa83c15f4),
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+            TOBN(0xe54a37ca, 0xc2035d8e), TOBN(0x9087cda9, 0x80f20b8c),
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+            TOBN(0x48821948, 0x346f3705), TOBN(0x49a7b853, 0x16e4f4a2),
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+            TOBN(0xc9f8b696, 0xd0ff34fc), TOBN(0x20824de2, 0x1222718c),
+            TOBN(0x7213cf9f, 0x0c95284d), TOBN(0xe2ad741b, 0xdc158240),
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+            TOBN(0xf6c74ee0, 0xdfc98af0), TOBN(0xa78a169f, 0x52fcd2fb),
+            TOBN(0xd8ae8746, 0x99c930e9), TOBN(0x1d33e858, 0x49e117a5),
+            TOBN(0x7581fcb4, 0x6624759f), TOBN(0xde50644f, 0x5bedc01d),
+            TOBN(0xbeec5d00, 0xcaf3155e), TOBN(0x672d66ac, 0xbc73e75f),
+            TOBN(0x86b9d8c6, 0x270b01db), TOBN(0xd249ef83, 0x50f55b79),
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+            TOBN(0x4e05df05, 0x57dfcfe9), TOBN(0x94b29cdd, 0x51ef6bf0),
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+            TOBN(0x0faf7d5f, 0xc8eb0b48), TOBN(0x4d2de14c, 0x660eb039),
+            TOBN(0xc006bba7, 0x60430e54), TOBN(0x10a2d0d6, 0xda3289ab),
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+            TOBN(0x9ff22473, 0x8a0983cd), TOBN(0x28e25b38, 0xc883cabb),
+            TOBN(0xe968dba5, 0x47a58995), TOBN(0x2c80b505, 0x774eebdf),
+            TOBN(0xee763b71, 0x4a953beb), TOBN(0x502e223f, 0x1642e7f6),
+            TOBN(0x6fe4b641, 0x61d5e722), TOBN(0x9d37c5b0, 0xdbef5316),
+            TOBN(0x0115ed70, 0xf8330bc7), TOBN(0x139850e6, 0x75a72789),
+            TOBN(0x27d7faec, 0xffceccc2), TOBN(0x3016a860, 0x4fd9f7f6),
+            TOBN(0xc492ec64, 0x4cd8f64c), TOBN(0x58a2d790, 0x279d7b51),
+            TOBN(0x0ced1fc5, 0x1fc75256), TOBN(0x3e658aed, 0x8f433017),
+            TOBN(0x0b61942e, 0x05da59eb), TOBN(0xba3d60a3, 0x0ddc3722),
+            TOBN(0x7c311cd1, 0x742e7f87), TOBN(0x6473ffee, 0xf6b01b6e),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0x8303604f, 0x692ac542), TOBN(0xf079ffe1, 0x227b91d3),
+            TOBN(0x19f63e63, 0x15aaf9bd), TOBN(0xf99ee565, 0xf1f344fb),
+            TOBN(0x8a1d661f, 0xd6219199), TOBN(0x8c883bc6, 0xd48ce41c),
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+            TOBN(0x8932e5ff, 0x2d6d08ab), TOBN(0xf314874e, 0x25bd2731),
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+            TOBN(0x203cc2ec, 0xb10934cb), TOBN(0x6a8f2439, 0x2c9d46ee),
+            TOBN(0xf16b431b, 0x65ccde7b), TOBN(0x41e2cd18, 0x27e76a6f),
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+            TOBN(0xf78ab505, 0xcdd61d64), TOBN(0x8c7a53fc, 0xc8c18857),
+            TOBN(0xa653ce6f, 0x16147515), TOBN(0x9c923aa5, 0xea7d52d5),
+            TOBN(0xc24709cb, 0x5c18871f), TOBN(0x7d53bec8, 0x73b3cc74),
+            TOBN(0x59264aff, 0xfdd1d4c4), TOBN(0x5555917e, 0x240da582),
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+            TOBN(0x686d72a0, 0xac620366), TOBN(0x4be3fb9c, 0xb6d59344),
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+            TOBN(0x37cc1490, 0xb38f0409), TOBN(0x02951943, 0x2c2ade82),
+            TOBN(0x9b688783, 0x1190a2d8), TOBN(0x25627d14, 0x231182ba),
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+            TOBN(0xa45f5367, 0x37183bcf), TOBN(0x7152b7bb, 0x3370dff7),
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+            TOBN(0x801bb9e0, 0xa851d266), TOBN(0x0dd099be, 0xbf8990c1),
+            TOBN(0x58c5aaaa, 0xabe32986), TOBN(0x0fe9dd2a, 0x50d59c27),
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+            TOBN(0xa41dd476, 0x6ae06e0b), TOBN(0xcdd7888e, 0x9d42e25f),
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+            TOBN(0x115eb20a, 0x517d7061), TOBN(0x77fe3433, 0x6c2df683),
+            TOBN(0x6870ddc7, 0xcdc6fc67), TOBN(0xb1610588, 0x0b87de83),
+            TOBN(0x343584ca, 0xd9c4ddbe), TOBN(0xb3164f1c, 0x3d754be2),
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+            TOBN(0xc66350ed, 0xd9ded7fe), TOBN(0x8aeebb5c, 0x7a678804),
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+            TOBN(0x40d7511a, 0x2ef4400e), TOBN(0xc48990ac, 0x875a66f4),
+            TOBN(0x8de07d2a, 0x2199e347), TOBN(0xbee75556, 0x2a39e051),
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+            TOBN(0x49fc5054, 0xe4bd6d3d), TOBN(0x09540f04, 0x5ab551d0),
+            TOBN(0x8acc9085, 0x4942d3a6), TOBN(0x231af02f, 0x2d28323b),
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+            TOBN(0x29267bae, 0xc61c3855), TOBN(0xebff429d, 0x58c1fd3b),
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+            TOBN(0x51b4367c, 0x7bc467df), TOBN(0x926562e3, 0xd842d27a),
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+            TOBN(0xc5f0043c, 0x6aefdb27), TOBN(0x6cdd9987, 0x1be95c27),
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+            TOBN(0x3a05e778, 0xaf39aead), TOBN(0x84274408, 0x43a45193),
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+            TOBN(0x5305151e, 0x404bdc89), TOBN(0x1bcde201, 0xd0d07449),
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+            TOBN(0xa8fa00cf, 0xf4f066b5), TOBN(0x89ab5143, 0x461dafc2),
+            TOBN(0x44339ed7, 0xa3389998), TOBN(0x2ff862f1, 0xbc214903),
+            TOBN(0x2c88f985, 0xb05556e3), TOBN(0xcd96058e, 0x3467081e),
+            TOBN(0x7d6a4176, 0xedc637ea), TOBN(0xe1743d09, 0x36a5acdc),
+            TOBN(0x66fd72e2, 0x7eb37726), TOBN(0xf7fa264e, 0x1481a037),
+            TOBN(0x9fbd3bde, 0x45f4aa79), TOBN(0xed1e0147, 0x767c3e22),
+            TOBN(0x7621f979, 0x82e7abe2), TOBN(0x19eedc72, 0x45f633f8),
+            TOBN(0xe69b155e, 0x6137bf3a), TOBN(0xa0ad13ce, 0x414ee94e),
+            TOBN(0x93e3d524, 0x1c0e651a), TOBN(0xab1a6e2a, 0x02ce227e),
+            TOBN(0xe7af1797, 0x4ab27eca), TOBN(0x245446de, 0xbd444f39),
+            TOBN(0x59e22a21, 0x56c07613), TOBN(0x43deafce, 0xf4275498),
+            TOBN(0x10834ccb, 0x67fd0946), TOBN(0xa75841e5, 0x47406edf),
+            TOBN(0xebd6a677, 0x7b0ac93d), TOBN(0xa6e37b0d, 0x78f5e0d7),
+            TOBN(0x2516c096, 0x76f5492b), TOBN(0x1e4bf888, 0x9ac05f3a),
+            TOBN(0xcdb42ce0, 0x4df0ba2b), TOBN(0x935d5cfd, 0x5062341b),
+            TOBN(0x8a303333, 0x82acac20), TOBN(0x429438c4, 0x5198b00e),
+            TOBN(0x1d083bc9, 0x049d33fa), TOBN(0x58b82dda, 0x946f67ff),
+            TOBN(0xac3e2db8, 0x67a1d6a3), TOBN(0x62e6bead, 0x1798aac8),
+            TOBN(0xfc85980f, 0xde46c58c), TOBN(0xa7f69379, 0x69c8d7be),
+            TOBN(0x23557927, 0x837b35ec), TOBN(0x06a933d8, 0xe0790c0c),
+            TOBN(0x827c0e9b, 0x077ff55d), TOBN(0x53977798, 0xbb26e680),
+            TOBN(0x59530874, 0x1d9cb54f), TOBN(0xcca3f449, 0x4aac53ef),
+            TOBN(0x11dc5c87, 0xa07eda0f), TOBN(0xc138bccf, 0xfd6400c8),
+            TOBN(0x549680d3, 0x13e5da72), TOBN(0xc93eed82, 0x4540617e),
+            TOBN(0xfd3db157, 0x4d0b75c0), TOBN(0x9716eb42, 0x6386075b),
+            TOBN(0x0639605c, 0x817b2c16), TOBN(0x09915109, 0xf1e4f201),
+            TOBN(0x35c9a928, 0x5cca6c3b), TOBN(0xb25f7d1a, 0x3505c900),
+            TOBN(0xeb9f7d20, 0x630480c4), TOBN(0xc3c7b8c6, 0x2a1a501c),
+            TOBN(0x3f99183c, 0x5a1f8e24), TOBN(0xfdb118fa, 0x9dd255f0),
+            TOBN(0xb9b18b90, 0xc27f62a6), TOBN(0xe8f732f7, 0x396ec191),
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+            TOBN(0x9b53d4d6, 0x9725f694), TOBN(0x032a76c6, 0x0510ba89),
+            TOBN(0x840391a3, 0xebeb1544), TOBN(0x44b7b88c, 0x3ed73ac3),
+            TOBN(0xd24bae7a, 0x256cb8b3), TOBN(0x7ceb151a, 0xe394cb12),
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+            TOBN(0x270644ed, 0x7d937589), TOBN(0xee9e1a3d, 0x5f1dccfe),
+            TOBN(0xb0d40a84, 0x745b98d2), TOBN(0xda429a21, 0x2556ed40),
+            TOBN(0xf676eced, 0x85148cb9), TOBN(0x5a22d40c, 0xded18936),
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+            TOBN(0xf23f2c0c, 0x1a0bd47e), TOBN(0xa9c0bb31, 0xe1845531),
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+            TOBN(0xce55a236, 0x7f484acc), TOBN(0x08653ca7, 0x055b1f15),
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+            TOBN(0x07afab66, 0xade332ba), TOBN(0x9be1fdf6, 0x92dd71b7),
+            TOBN(0xa49b5d59, 0x5758b11c), TOBN(0x0b852893, 0xc8654f40),
+            TOBN(0xb63ef6f4, 0x52379447), TOBN(0xd4957d29, 0x105e690c),
+            TOBN(0x7d484363, 0x646559b0), TOBN(0xf4a8273c, 0x49788a8e),
+            TOBN(0xee406cb8, 0x34ce54a9), TOBN(0x1e1c260f, 0xf86fda9b),
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+            TOBN(0xf969f4e0, 0x7732b52f), TOBN(0xfceecdb5, 0xa5172a07),
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+            TOBN(0x05efa800, 0x374618e5), TOBN(0x11216969, 0x15a7925e),
+            TOBN(0xd4c89823, 0xf6021c5d), TOBN(0x880d5e84, 0xeff14423),
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+            TOBN(0xc29ad4a6, 0xa638e8ec), TOBN(0xf5ab8961, 0x46b78699),
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+            TOBN(0x2e597b42, 0xd985232e), TOBN(0x55b6c3c5, 0x53451777),
+            TOBN(0xbb53e547, 0x519cb9fb), TOBN(0xf134019f, 0x8428600d),
+            TOBN(0x5a473176, 0xe081791a), TOBN(0x2f3e2263, 0x35fb0c08),
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+            TOBN(0x054cc292, 0xb650dc39), TOBN(0x662246de, 0x6188045e),
+            TOBN(0x904b52fa, 0x6b83c0d1), TOBN(0xa72df267, 0x97e9cd46),
+            TOBN(0x886b43cd, 0x899725e4), TOBN(0x2b651688, 0xd849ff22),
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+            TOBN(0x2e10c7ef, 0xb61fe8eb), TOBN(0x9fd835da, 0xff97cf4d),
+        },
+        {
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+            TOBN(0xc92a510a, 0x2591d61b), TOBN(0x79aa87d7, 0x585b447b),
+            TOBN(0xf67db604, 0xe5287f77), TOBN(0x1697c8bf, 0x5efe7a80),
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+            TOBN(0x834116d2, 0xb74a085a), TOBN(0x53c99a73, 0xa62fe996),
+            TOBN(0x87585be0, 0x5b81c51b), TOBN(0x925bafa8, 0xbe0852b7),
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+            TOBN(0xc1663650, 0xbb3ee8a3), TOBN(0x75eb14fc, 0xb132075f),
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+            TOBN(0xb9114bfd, 0xa5e23221), TOBN(0x358b5fe2, 0xe94e742c),
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+            TOBN(0xa6b4bdb2, 0x0389168b), TOBN(0xc4ecd258, 0xea577d03),
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+            TOBN(0x292d238c, 0x61dd37f8), TOBN(0x0e54523f, 0x8f8142db),
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+            TOBN(0x82090b4b, 0xcaeca000), TOBN(0xca39687f, 0x1bd410eb),
+            TOBN(0xe7bb0df7, 0x65959d77), TOBN(0x39d78218, 0x9c964999),
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+            TOBN(0x65703e57, 0x8ec3feca), TOBN(0x06c38314, 0x393e7053),
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+            TOBN(0x0696bdde, 0xf6a70251), TOBN(0x548b801b, 0x3c6ab16a),
+            TOBN(0x37fcf704, 0xa4d08762), TOBN(0x090b3def, 0xdff76c4e),
+            TOBN(0x87e8cb89, 0x69cb9158), TOBN(0x44a90744, 0x995ece43),
+            TOBN(0xf85395f4, 0x0ad9fbf5), TOBN(0x49b0f6c5, 0x4fb0c82d),
+            TOBN(0x75d9bc15, 0xadf7cccf), TOBN(0x81a3e5d6, 0xdfa1e1b0),
+            TOBN(0x8c39e444, 0x249bc17e), TOBN(0xf37dccb2, 0x8ea7fd43),
+            TOBN(0xda654873, 0x907fba12), TOBN(0x35daa6da, 0x4a372904),
+            TOBN(0x0564cfc6, 0x6283a6c5), TOBN(0xd09fa4f6, 0x4a9395bf),
+            TOBN(0x688e9ec9, 0xaeb19a36), TOBN(0xd913f1ce, 0xc7bfbfb4),
+            TOBN(0x797b9a3c, 0x61c2faa6), TOBN(0x2f979bec, 0x6a0a9c12),
+            TOBN(0xb5969d0f, 0x359679ec), TOBN(0xebcf523d, 0x079b0460),
+            TOBN(0xfd6b0008, 0x10fab870), TOBN(0x3f2edcda, 0x9373a39c),
+            TOBN(0x0d64f9a7, 0x6f568431), TOBN(0xf848c27c, 0x02f8898c),
+            TOBN(0xf418ade1, 0x260b5bd5), TOBN(0xc1f3e323, 0x6973dee8),
+            TOBN(0x46e9319c, 0x26c185dd), TOBN(0x6d85b7d8, 0x546f0ac4),
+            TOBN(0x427965f2, 0x247f9d57), TOBN(0xb519b636, 0xb0035f48),
+            TOBN(0x6b6163a9, 0xab87d59c), TOBN(0xff9f58c3, 0x39caaa11),
+            TOBN(0x4ac39cde, 0x3177387b), TOBN(0x5f6557c2, 0x873e77f9),
+            TOBN(0x67504006, 0x36a83041), TOBN(0x9b1c96ca, 0x75ef196c),
+            TOBN(0xf34283de, 0xb08c7940), TOBN(0x7ea09644, 0x1128c316),
+            TOBN(0xb510b3b5, 0x6aa39dff), TOBN(0x59b43da2, 0x9f8e4d8c),
+            TOBN(0xa8ce31fd, 0x9e4c4b9f), TOBN(0x0e20be26, 0xc1303c01),
+            TOBN(0x18187182, 0xe8ee47c9), TOBN(0xd9687cdb, 0x7db98101),
+            TOBN(0x7a520e4d, 0xa1e14ff6), TOBN(0x429808ba, 0x8836d572),
+            TOBN(0xa37ca60d, 0x4944b663), TOBN(0xf901f7a9, 0xa3f91ae5),
+            TOBN(0xe4e3e76e, 0x9e36e3b1), TOBN(0x9aa219cf, 0x29d93250),
+            TOBN(0x347fe275, 0x056a2512), TOBN(0xa4d643d9, 0xde65d95c),
+            TOBN(0x9669d396, 0x699fc3ed), TOBN(0xb598dee2, 0xcf8c6bbe),
+            TOBN(0x682ac1e5, 0xdda9e5c6), TOBN(0x4e0d3c72, 0xcaa9fc95),
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+            TOBN(0xcc4ce47a, 0x460ff016), TOBN(0xda6d12bf, 0x725281cb),
+            TOBN(0x44c67848, 0x0223aad2), TOBN(0x6e342afa, 0x36256e28),
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+            TOBN(0x174d4699, 0x6d16768e), TOBN(0x9fc4ff6a, 0x628bf217),
+            TOBN(0x77705a94, 0x154e490d), TOBN(0x9d96dd28, 0x8d2d997a),
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+            TOBN(0x11f97010, 0xd040800c), TOBN(0xb4c5f529, 0x300feb20),
+            TOBN(0xcc543f8f, 0xde94fdcb), TOBN(0xe96af739, 0xc7c2f05e),
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+            TOBN(0x62f63df2, 0xb5932a7a), TOBN(0x2658252e, 0xde0979ad),
+            TOBN(0x2a19343f, 0xb5e69631), TOBN(0x718c7501, 0x525b666b),
+            TOBN(0x26a42d69, 0xea40dc3a), TOBN(0xdc84ad22, 0xaecc018f),
+            TOBN(0x25c36c7b, 0x3270f04a), TOBN(0x46ba6d47, 0x50fa72ed),
+            TOBN(0x6c37d1c5, 0x93e58a8e), TOBN(0xa2394731, 0x120c088c),
+            TOBN(0xc3be4263, 0xcb6e86da), TOBN(0x2c417d36, 0x7126d038),
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+            TOBN(0xd3ced3c6, 0xb539c92b), TOBN(0xe56f1bd9, 0xa31203c2),
+            TOBN(0x8b096ec4, 0x9ff3c8eb), TOBN(0x2deae432, 0x43491cea),
+            TOBN(0x2465c6eb, 0x17943794), TOBN(0x5d267e66, 0x20586843),
+            TOBN(0x9d3d116d, 0xb07159d0), TOBN(0xae07a67f, 0xc1896210),
+            TOBN(0x8fc84d87, 0xbb961579), TOBN(0x30009e49, 0x1c1f8dd6),
+            TOBN(0x8a8caf22, 0xe3132819), TOBN(0xcffa197c, 0xf23ab4ff),
+            TOBN(0x58103a44, 0x205dd687), TOBN(0x57b796c3, 0x0ded67a2),
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+            TOBN(0x118db9a6, 0xe546c879), TOBN(0x8e996df4, 0x6295c8d6),
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+            TOBN(0xcca523bb, 0x440e2229), TOBN(0x324673a2, 0x73ef4d04),
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+            TOBN(0x3e0ba883, 0xf06d18bd), TOBN(0x4ba6de53, 0xb2700843),
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+            TOBN(0xb2369274, 0x445e9115), TOBN(0x2972a7c4, 0xf520274e),
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+            TOBN(0x5e942e79, 0xc81710a0), TOBN(0x557e4a36, 0x27ccadd4),
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+            TOBN(0xc23db0f7, 0x35fbb42a), TOBN(0xb606bdf6, 0x6ae10040),
+            TOBN(0x1eb15d4d, 0x044573ac), TOBN(0x7dc3cf86, 0x556b0ba4),
+            TOBN(0x97af9a33, 0xc60df6f7), TOBN(0x0b1ef85c, 0xa716ce8c),
+            TOBN(0x2922f884, 0xc96958be), TOBN(0x7c32fa94, 0x35690963),
+            TOBN(0x2d7f667c, 0xeaa00061), TOBN(0xeaaf7c17, 0x3547365c),
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+            TOBN(0x07818df4, 0x5d04ef23), TOBN(0x55faa9c8, 0x673d41b4),
+            TOBN(0xced64f6f, 0x89b95355), TOBN(0x4860d2ea, 0xb7415c84),
+            TOBN(0x5fdb9bd2, 0x050ebad3), TOBN(0xdb53e0cc, 0x6685a5bf),
+            TOBN(0xb830c031, 0x9feb6593), TOBN(0xdd87f310, 0x6accff17),
+            TOBN(0x2303ebab, 0x9f555c10), TOBN(0x94603695, 0x287e7065),
+            TOBN(0xf88311c3, 0x2e83358c), TOBN(0x508dd9b4, 0xeefb0178),
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+            TOBN(0x38740f84, 0x87052f99), TOBN(0x178ebe5b, 0xb2974eea),
+            TOBN(0x030bbcca, 0x5b36d17f), TOBN(0xb5e4cce3, 0xaaf86eea),
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+        {
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+            TOBN(0xaec1a039, 0xe6d6f471), TOBN(0x14b2ba0f, 0x1198d12e),
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+            TOBN(0xc38659c3, 0xf091d9aa), TOBN(0x4a995e5d, 0xb12d8540),
+            TOBN(0x20a53bec, 0xf3a5598a), TOBN(0x56534b17, 0xb1eaa995),
+            TOBN(0x9ed3dca4, 0xbf04e03c), TOBN(0x716c563a, 0xd8d56268),
+            TOBN(0x27ba77a4, 0x1d6178e7), TOBN(0xe4c80c40, 0x68a1ff8e),
+            TOBN(0x75011099, 0x0a13f63d), TOBN(0x7bf33521, 0xa61d46f3),
+            TOBN(0x0aff218e, 0x10b365bb), TOBN(0x81021804, 0x0fd7ea75),
+            TOBN(0x05a3fd8a, 0xa4b3a925), TOBN(0xb829e75f, 0x9b3db4e6),
+            TOBN(0x6bdc75a5, 0x4d53e5fb), TOBN(0x04a5dc02, 0xd52717e3),
+            TOBN(0x86af502f, 0xe9a42ec2), TOBN(0x8867e8fb, 0x2630e382),
+            TOBN(0xbf845c6e, 0xbec9889b), TOBN(0x54f491f2, 0xcb47c98d),
+            TOBN(0xa3091fba, 0x790c2a12), TOBN(0xd7f6fd78, 0xc20f708b),
+            TOBN(0xa569ac30, 0xacde5e17), TOBN(0xd0f996d0, 0x6852b4d7),
+            TOBN(0xe51d4bb5, 0x4609ae54), TOBN(0x3fa37d17, 0x0daed061),
+            TOBN(0x62a88684, 0x34b8fb41), TOBN(0x99a2acbd, 0x9efb64f1),
+            TOBN(0xb75c1a5e, 0x6448e1f2), TOBN(0xfa99951a, 0x42b5a069),
+            TOBN(0x6d956e89, 0x2f3b26e7), TOBN(0xf4709860, 0xda875247),
+            TOBN(0x3ad15179, 0x2482dda3), TOBN(0xd64110e3, 0x017d82f0),
+            TOBN(0x14928d2c, 0xfad414e4), TOBN(0x2b155f58, 0x2ed02b24),
+            TOBN(0x481a141b, 0xcb821bf1), TOBN(0x12e3c770, 0x4f81f5da),
+            TOBN(0xe49c5de5, 0x9fff8381), TOBN(0x11053232, 0x5bbec894),
+            TOBN(0xa0d051cc, 0x454d88c4), TOBN(0x4f6db89c, 0x1f8e531b),
+            TOBN(0x34fe3fd6, 0xca563a44), TOBN(0x7f5c2215, 0x58da8ab9),
+            TOBN(0x8445016d, 0x9474f0a1), TOBN(0x17d34d61, 0xcb7d8a0a),
+            TOBN(0x8e9d3910, 0x1c474019), TOBN(0xcaff2629, 0xd52ceefb),
+            TOBN(0xf9cf3e32, 0xc1622c2b), TOBN(0xd4b95e3c, 0xe9071a05),
+            TOBN(0xfbbca61f, 0x1594438c), TOBN(0x1eb6e6a6, 0x04aadedf),
+            TOBN(0x853027f4, 0x68e14940), TOBN(0x221d322a, 0xdfabda9c),
+            TOBN(0xed8ea9f6, 0xb7cb179a), TOBN(0xdc7b764d, 0xb7934dcc),
+            TOBN(0xfcb13940, 0x5e09180d), TOBN(0x6629a6bf, 0xb47dc2dd),
+            TOBN(0xbfc55e4e, 0x9f5a915e), TOBN(0xb1db9d37, 0x6204441e),
+            TOBN(0xf82d68cf, 0x930c5f53), TOBN(0x17d3a142, 0xcbb605b1),
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+            TOBN(0x6beaba7d, 0x7624d7a3), TOBN(0x1e709afd, 0x304df11e),
+            TOBN(0x95364376, 0x02170456), TOBN(0xbf204b3a, 0xc8f94b64),
+            TOBN(0x4e53af7c, 0x5680ca68), TOBN(0x0526074a, 0xe0c67574),
+            TOBN(0x95d8cef8, 0xecd92af6), TOBN(0xe6b9fa7a, 0x6cd1745a),
+            TOBN(0x3d546d3d, 0xa325c3e4), TOBN(0x1f57691d, 0x9ae93aae),
+            TOBN(0xe891f3fe, 0x9d2e1a33), TOBN(0xd430093f, 0xac063d35),
+            TOBN(0xeda59b12, 0x5513a327), TOBN(0xdc2134f3, 0x5536f18f),
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+            TOBN(0x3d19827a, 0x1e59802c), TOBN(0x823bbc15, 0xb487a51c),
+            TOBN(0x856139f2, 0x99d0a422), TOBN(0x9ac3df65, 0xf456c6fb),
+            TOBN(0xaddf65c6, 0x701f8bd6), TOBN(0x149f321e, 0x3758df87),
+            TOBN(0xb1ecf714, 0x721b7eba), TOBN(0xe17df098, 0x31a3312a),
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+            TOBN(0xe29fa63e, 0x7882f14f), TOBN(0xc9f6dc35, 0x07c6cadc),
+            TOBN(0x46f22d6f, 0xb882bed0), TOBN(0x1a45755b, 0xd118e52c),
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+            TOBN(0xf58fecb1, 0x6f640f62), TOBN(0xe274b92b, 0x39f51946),
+            TOBN(0x7f4dfc04, 0x6288af44), TOBN(0x0a91f32a, 0xeac329e5),
+            TOBN(0x43ad274b, 0xd6aaba31), TOBN(0x719a1640, 0x0f6884f9),
+            TOBN(0x685d29f6, 0xdaf91e20), TOBN(0x5ec1cc33, 0x27e49d52),
+            TOBN(0x38f4de96, 0x3b54a059), TOBN(0x0e0015e5, 0xefbcfdb3),
+            TOBN(0x177d23d9, 0x4dbb8da6), TOBN(0x98724aa2, 0x97a617ad),
+            TOBN(0x30f0885b, 0xfdb6558e), TOBN(0xf9f7a28a, 0xc7899a96),
+            TOBN(0xd2ae8ac8, 0x872dc112), TOBN(0xfa0642ca, 0x73c3c459),
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+            TOBN(0x5043dea7, 0xe0f222c2), TOBN(0x309d42ac, 0x72e65142),
+            TOBN(0x94fe9ddd, 0x9216cd30), TOBN(0xd6539c7d, 0x0f87feec),
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+            TOBN(0xec28c85f, 0x280698de), TOBN(0x2331fb46, 0x7ec283b1),
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+            TOBN(0x69e6f130, 0xf04618e2), TOBN(0xa8ecec22, 0xf89c8ab6),
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+            TOBN(0xa8adca59, 0xb56cd3d1), TOBN(0x10c8350b, 0xdaf38232),
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+            TOBN(0x646a851b, 0x31590a47), TOBN(0x039e85ba, 0x15ee6df8),
+            TOBN(0xd19fa231, 0xd7b43fc0), TOBN(0x84bc8be8, 0x299a0e04),
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+            TOBN(0x76b6ba04, 0x9149202a), TOBN(0xb21c3831, 0x3670e7b7),
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+            TOBN(0x14cc15fc, 0x17eab9fe), TOBN(0xd6e863e4, 0xd3e70972),
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+            TOBN(0x44768151, 0x915f4379), TOBN(0xf086431a, 0xd8d22812),
+            TOBN(0x37461955, 0xc298b974), TOBN(0x905fb5f0, 0xf8711e04),
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+            TOBN(0xfc7a0d2d, 0x28c511da), TOBN(0xf127c7dc, 0xb66a262d),
+            TOBN(0xf9c4bb95, 0xfd63fdf0), TOBN(0x90016589, 0x3913ef46),
+            TOBN(0x74d2a73c, 0x11aa600d), TOBN(0x2f5379bd, 0x9fb5ab52),
+            TOBN(0xe49e53a4, 0x7fb70068), TOBN(0x68dd39e5, 0x404aa9a7),
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+            TOBN(0x419062da, 0x53ee4f8d), TOBN(0x7b9042d0, 0xbb97efef),
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+            TOBN(0xd3a0daa1, 0x202f01aa), TOBN(0xb0111674, 0xf25afbd5),
+            TOBN(0x6d00d6cf, 0x1afb20d9), TOBN(0x13695000, 0x40671bc5),
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+            TOBN(0x30495ba3, 0xe2a9a6db), TOBN(0x4601303d, 0x58f9268b),
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+            TOBN(0x8caf8798, 0xd33fd3e7), TOBN(0x1ccd8a89, 0xeb433708),
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+            TOBN(0xa5b00d8f, 0xc77baa99), TOBN(0x0acada29, 0xb4f34c9c),
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+            TOBN(0x84bfcf53, 0x43ad73b3), TOBN(0x1b528c20, 0x4f035a94),
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+            TOBN(0xc1184219, 0x8d9ea9f8), TOBN(0x090de5db, 0xf3fc1ab5),
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+            TOBN(0x754c588e, 0xecdaecab), TOBN(0x6ca4b0ed, 0x88342743),
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+            TOBN(0xd652c53e, 0xc8a4186a), TOBN(0xb3e878db, 0x946d8e33),
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+            TOBN(0xa1f5197f, 0x586d5e72), TOBN(0x47500be8, 0xc443ca59),
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+            TOBN(0xa748c0e4, 0x3e688809), TOBN(0x98021fbf, 0xd7a5a006),
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+            TOBN(0xf4469964, 0x457bf9c4), TOBN(0x0db6407b, 0x0d2ead83),
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+            TOBN(0x53da71b5, 0x0ef5cc85), TOBN(0x07012c7d, 0x4006f14f),
+            TOBN(0x4617f962, 0xac47800d), TOBN(0x53365f2b, 0xc102ed75),
+            TOBN(0xb422efcb, 0x4ab8c9d3), TOBN(0x195cb26b, 0x34af31c9),
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+            TOBN(0x33789fcd, 0x46cdfdd3), TOBN(0x9b8e2978, 0xcee040ca),
+            TOBN(0x9c69b246, 0xae0a6828), TOBN(0xba533d24, 0x7078d5aa),
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+            TOBN(0xf5b42358, 0xfe1a838c), TOBN(0x05aae6c5, 0x620ac9d8),
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+            TOBN(0xa0158eea, 0xe457a477), TOBN(0xd19857db, 0xee6ddc05),
+            TOBN(0xb3265224, 0x18c41671), TOBN(0x3ffdfc7e, 0x3c2c0d58),
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+            TOBN(0xa023bf42, 0x723bbfc8), TOBN(0x3d15002a, 0x14452691),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0x5ef7324c, 0x85edfa30), TOBN(0x25976554, 0x87d4f3da),
+            TOBN(0x352f5bc0, 0xdcb50c86), TOBN(0x8f6927b0, 0x4832a96c),
+            TOBN(0xd08ee1ba, 0x55f2f94c), TOBN(0x6a996f99, 0x344b45fa),
+            TOBN(0xe133cb8d, 0xa8aa455d), TOBN(0x5d0721ec, 0x758dc1f7),
+            TOBN(0x6ba7a920, 0x79e5fb67), TOBN(0xe1331feb, 0x70aa725e),
+            TOBN(0x5080ccf5, 0x7df5d837), TOBN(0xe4cae01d, 0x7ff72e21),
+            TOBN(0xd9243ee6, 0x0412a77d), TOBN(0x06ff7cac, 0xdf449025),
+            TOBN(0xbe75f7cd, 0x23ef5a31), TOBN(0xbc957822, 0x0ddef7a8),
+            TOBN(0x8cf7230c, 0xb0ce1c55), TOBN(0x5b534d05, 0x0bbfb607),
+            TOBN(0xee1ef113, 0x0e16363b), TOBN(0x27e0aa7a, 0xb4999e82),
+            TOBN(0xce1dac2d, 0x79362c41), TOBN(0x67920c90, 0x91bb6cb0),
+            TOBN(0x1e648d63, 0x2223df24), TOBN(0x0f7d9eef, 0xe32e8f28),
+            TOBN(0x6943f39a, 0xfa833834), TOBN(0x22951722, 0xa6328562),
+            TOBN(0x81d63dd5, 0x4170fc10), TOBN(0x9f5fa58f, 0xaecc2e6d),
+            TOBN(0xb66c8725, 0xe77d9a3b), TOBN(0x11235cea, 0x6384ebe0),
+            TOBN(0x06a8c118, 0x5845e24a), TOBN(0x0137b286, 0xebd093b1),
+            TOBN(0xc589e1ce, 0x44ace150), TOBN(0xe0f8d3d9, 0x4381e97c),
+            TOBN(0x59e99b11, 0x62c5a4b8), TOBN(0x90d262f7, 0xfd0ec9f9),
+            TOBN(0xfbc854c9, 0x283e13c9), TOBN(0x2d04fde7, 0xaedc7085),
+            TOBN(0x057d7765, 0x47dcbecb), TOBN(0x8dbdf591, 0x9a76fa5f),
+            TOBN(0xd0150695, 0x0de1e578), TOBN(0x2e1463e7, 0xe9f72bc6),
+            TOBN(0xffa68441, 0x1b39eca5), TOBN(0x673c8530, 0x7c037f2f),
+            TOBN(0xd0d6a600, 0x747f91da), TOBN(0xb08d43e1, 0xc9cb78e9),
+            TOBN(0x0fc0c644, 0x27b5cef5), TOBN(0x5c1d160a, 0xa60a2fd6),
+            TOBN(0xf98cae53, 0x28c8e13b), TOBN(0x375f10c4, 0xb2eddcd1),
+            TOBN(0xd4eb8b7f, 0x5cce06ad), TOBN(0xb4669f45, 0x80a2e1ef),
+            TOBN(0xd593f9d0, 0x5bbd8699), TOBN(0x5528a4c9, 0xe7976d13),
+            TOBN(0x3923e095, 0x1c7e28d3), TOBN(0xb9293790, 0x3f6bb577),
+            TOBN(0xdb567d6a, 0xc42bd6d2), TOBN(0x6df86468, 0xbb1f96ae),
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+            TOBN(0xb6caf5f0, 0x70a6a26b), TOBN(0x70686c0d, 0x328e6e39),
+            TOBN(0x80da06cf, 0x895fc8d3), TOBN(0x804d8810, 0xb363fdc9),
+            TOBN(0xbe22877b, 0x207f1670), TOBN(0x9b0dd188, 0x4e615291),
+            TOBN(0x625ae8dc, 0x97a3c2bf), TOBN(0x08584ef7, 0x439b86e8),
+            TOBN(0xde7190a5, 0xdcd898ff), TOBN(0x26286c40, 0x2058ee3d),
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+            TOBN(0xd99de954, 0x2f770fb1), TOBN(0x97c1c620, 0x4cd7535e),
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+            TOBN(0xedec7c22, 0x4fc0a9ef), TOBN(0x190ff083, 0x95c16ced),
+            TOBN(0xbe12ec8f, 0x94de0fde), TOBN(0x0d131ab8, 0x852d3433),
+            TOBN(0x42ace07e, 0x85701291), TOBN(0x94793ed9, 0x194061a8),
+            TOBN(0x30e83ed6, 0xd7f4a485), TOBN(0x9eec7269, 0xf9eeff4d),
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+            TOBN(0x1671c173, 0x73dd0b4e), TOBN(0x37a28214, 0x44a054c6),
+            TOBN(0x81760a1b, 0x4e8b53f1), TOBN(0xa6c04224, 0xf9f93b9e),
+            TOBN(0x18784b34, 0xcf671e3c), TOBN(0x81bbecd2, 0xcda9b994),
+            TOBN(0x38831979, 0xb2ab3848), TOBN(0xef54feb7, 0xf2e03c2d),
+            TOBN(0xcf197ca7, 0xfb8088fa), TOBN(0x01427247, 0x4ddc96c5),
+            TOBN(0xa2d2550a, 0x30777176), TOBN(0x53469898, 0x4d0cf71d),
+            TOBN(0x6ce937b8, 0x3a2aaac6), TOBN(0xe9f91dc3, 0x5af38d9b),
+            TOBN(0x2598ad83, 0xc8bf2899), TOBN(0x8e706ac9, 0xb5536c16),
+            TOBN(0x40dc7495, 0xf688dc98), TOBN(0x26490cd7, 0x124c4afc),
+            TOBN(0xe651ec84, 0x1f18775c), TOBN(0x393ea6c3, 0xb4fdaf4a),
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+            TOBN(0x9ec673d2, 0xf55edde7), TOBN(0xd1567f74, 0x8cfaefda),
+            TOBN(0x46381b6b, 0x0887bcec), TOBN(0x694497ce, 0xe178f3c2),
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+            TOBN(0xc368f784, 0xdea0c34d), TOBN(0x9bd0a120, 0x859a91a0),
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+            TOBN(0xea38e0e7, 0x0aa85593), TOBN(0x37f13e98, 0x7dc4aee8),
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+            TOBN(0xc93470cd, 0xc577fcac), TOBN(0xdee1b616, 0x2782470d),
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+            TOBN(0xa7e5bd25, 0x1d7a5144), TOBN(0x098b9c2a, 0xf13ec4ec),
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+            TOBN(0x10edc84f, 0xf2a46f21), TOBN(0x35441757, 0x4f43fa36),
+            TOBN(0xf1327899, 0xfd703431), TOBN(0xa438d7a6, 0x16dd587a),
+            TOBN(0x65c34c57, 0xe9c8352d), TOBN(0xa728edab, 0x5cc5a24e),
+            TOBN(0xaed78abc, 0x42531689), TOBN(0x0a51a0e8, 0x010963ef),
+            TOBN(0x5776fa0a, 0xd717d9b3), TOBN(0xf356c239, 0x7dd3428b),
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+            TOBN(0xa97b5126, 0x5c3427b0), TOBN(0x6401405c, 0xd282c9bd),
+            TOBN(0x3629f8d7, 0x222c5c45), TOBN(0xb1c02c16, 0xe8d50aed),
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+            TOBN(0x8cc3453a, 0xdb483761), TOBN(0xe7cc6085, 0x65d5672b),
+            TOBN(0x277ed6cb, 0xde3efc87), TOBN(0x19f2f368, 0x69234eaf),
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+            TOBN(0x6cfb4715, 0xb94ec75e), TOBN(0xd590dd5f, 0x453118c2),
+            TOBN(0x14e49da1, 0x1f17a34c), TOBN(0x5420ab39, 0x235a1456),
+            TOBN(0xb7637241, 0x2f50363b), TOBN(0x7b15d623, 0xc3fabb6e),
+            TOBN(0xa0ef40b1, 0xe274e49c), TOBN(0x5cf50744, 0x96b1860a),
+            TOBN(0xd6583fbf, 0x66afe5a4), TOBN(0x44240510, 0xf47e3e9a),
+            TOBN(0x99254343, 0x11b2d595), TOBN(0xf1367499, 0xeec8df57),
+            TOBN(0x3cb12c61, 0x3e73dd05), TOBN(0xd248c033, 0x7dac102a),
+            TOBN(0xcf154f13, 0xa77739f5), TOBN(0xbf4288cb, 0x23d2af42),
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+            TOBN(0x61096d1c, 0x802f63c8), TOBN(0x289e1462, 0x57750d3d),
+            TOBN(0xed06167e, 0x9889feea), TOBN(0xd5c9c0e2, 0xe0993909),
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+            TOBN(0x38df8dcc, 0x06aa1941), TOBN(0x5a074b4c, 0x63beeaa8),
+            TOBN(0xd6d65934, 0xc1cec8ed), TOBN(0xa6ecb49e, 0xaabc03bd),
+            TOBN(0xaade91c2, 0xde8a8415), TOBN(0xcfb0efdf, 0x691136e0),
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+            TOBN(0x8923c15c, 0x815d06f4), TOBN(0xc3ceb3f5, 0x0d61a436),
+            TOBN(0xaf52291d, 0xe88fb1da), TOBN(0xea057974, 0x1da12179),
+            TOBN(0xb0d7218c, 0xd2fef720), TOBN(0x6c0899c9, 0x8e1d8845),
+            TOBN(0x98157504, 0x752ddad7), TOBN(0xd60bd74f, 0xa1a68a97),
+            TOBN(0x7047a3a9, 0xf658fb99), TOBN(0x1f5d86d6, 0x5f8511e4),
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+            TOBN(0xa041b2bd, 0x245e3c83), TOBN(0x69b98834, 0xd21854ff),
+            TOBN(0x89d227a3, 0x963bfeec), TOBN(0x99947aaa, 0xde7da7cb),
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+            TOBN(0x8a8406ff, 0xeaa3fdb3), TOBN(0x106ae448, 0xdf3f2da8),
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+            TOBN(0xb5358b1e, 0x48ac2840), TOBN(0x18311294, 0xecba9477),
+            TOBN(0xda58f990, 0xa6946b43), TOBN(0x3098baf9, 0x9ab41819),
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+            TOBN(0xfc0b21fc, 0xc5dc67cf), TOBN(0x08d51647, 0x88405718),
+            TOBN(0xd955c21f, 0xcfe49eb7), TOBN(0x9722a5d5, 0x56dd4a1f),
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+            TOBN(0x22df99c7, 0x638167c3), TOBN(0xfe6ffe76, 0x795db30c),
+            TOBN(0x2b822d33, 0xa4854989), TOBN(0xfef031dd, 0x30563aa5),
+            TOBN(0x16b09f82, 0xd57c667f), TOBN(0xc70312ce, 0xcc0b76f1),
+            TOBN(0xbf04a9e6, 0xc9118aec), TOBN(0x82fcb419, 0x3409d133),
+            TOBN(0x1a8ab385, 0xab45d44d), TOBN(0xfba07222, 0x617b83a3),
+            TOBN(0xb05f50dd, 0x58e81b52), TOBN(0x1d8db553, 0x21ce5aff),
+            TOBN(0x3097b8d4, 0xe344a873), TOBN(0x7d8d116d, 0xfe36d53e),
+            TOBN(0x6db22f58, 0x7875e750), TOBN(0x2dc5e373, 0x43e144ea),
+            TOBN(0xc05f32e6, 0xe799eb95), TOBN(0xe9e5f4df, 0x6899e6ec),
+            TOBN(0xbdc3bd68, 0x1fab23d5), TOBN(0xb72b8ab7, 0x73af60e6),
+            TOBN(0x8db27ae0, 0x2cecc84a), TOBN(0x600016d8, 0x7bdb871c),
+            TOBN(0x42a44b13, 0xd7c46f58), TOBN(0xb8919727, 0xc3a77d39),
+            TOBN(0xcfc6bbbd, 0xdafd6088), TOBN(0x1a740146, 0x6bd20d39),
+            TOBN(0x8c747abd, 0x98c41072), TOBN(0x4c91e765, 0xbdf68ea1),
+            TOBN(0x7c95e5ca, 0x08819a78), TOBN(0xcf48b729, 0xc9587921),
+            TOBN(0x091c7c5f, 0xdebbcc7d), TOBN(0x6f287404, 0xf0e05149),
+            TOBN(0xf83b5ac2, 0x26cd44ec), TOBN(0x88ae32a6, 0xcfea250e),
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+            TOBN(0xcab29ca3, 0x25ef0e62), TOBN(0x4f2e9416, 0x49e4ebc0),
+            TOBN(0x45eb40ec, 0x0ccced58), TOBN(0x25cd4b9c, 0x0da44f98),
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+            TOBN(0x571340c9, 0xce6dc153), TOBN(0x138d5117, 0xd8665521),
+            TOBN(0xacdb45bc, 0x4e07014d), TOBN(0x2f34bb38, 0x84b60b91),
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+            TOBN(0x9da50174, 0xb1c180b2), TOBN(0x6b70ab66, 0x1693dc87),
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+            TOBN(0xf9a20135, 0x045a71a9), TOBN(0xefbfb415, 0xd27b6fb6),
+            TOBN(0x25ebea23, 0x9d33cd6f), TOBN(0x9caedb88, 0xaa6c0af8),
+            TOBN(0x53dc7e9a, 0xd9ce6f96), TOBN(0x3897f9fd, 0x51e0b15a),
+            TOBN(0xf51cb1f8, 0x8e5d788e), TOBN(0x1aec7ba8, 0xe1d490ee),
+            TOBN(0x265991e0, 0xcc58cb3c), TOBN(0x9f306e8c, 0x9fc3ad31),
+            TOBN(0x5fed006e, 0x5040a0ac), TOBN(0xca9d5043, 0xfb476f2e),
+            TOBN(0xa19c06e8, 0xbeea7a23), TOBN(0xd2865801, 0x0edabb63),
+            TOBN(0xdb92293f, 0x6967469a), TOBN(0x2894d839, 0x8d8a8ed8),
+            TOBN(0x87c9e406, 0xbbc77122), TOBN(0x8671c6f1, 0x2ea3a26a),
+            TOBN(0xe42df8d6, 0xd7de9853), TOBN(0x2e3ce346, 0xb1f2bcc7),
+            TOBN(0xda601dfc, 0x899d50cf), TOBN(0xbfc913de, 0xfb1b598f),
+            TOBN(0x81c4909f, 0xe61f7908), TOBN(0x192e304f, 0x9bbc7b29),
+            TOBN(0xc3ed8738, 0xc104b338), TOBN(0xedbe9e47, 0x783f5d61),
+            TOBN(0x0c06e9be, 0x2db30660), TOBN(0xda3e613f, 0xc0eb7d8e),
+            TOBN(0xd8fa3e97, 0x322e096e), TOBN(0xfebd91e8, 0xd336e247),
+            TOBN(0x8f13ccc4, 0xdf655a49), TOBN(0xa9e00dfc, 0x5eb20210),
+            TOBN(0x84631d0f, 0xc656b6ea), TOBN(0x93a058cd, 0xd8c0d947),
+            TOBN(0x6846904a, 0x67bd3448), TOBN(0x4a3d4e1a, 0xf394fd5c),
+            TOBN(0xc102c1a5, 0xdb225f52), TOBN(0xe3455bba, 0xfc4f5e9a),
+            TOBN(0x6b36985b, 0x4b9ad1ce), TOBN(0xa9818536, 0x5bb7f793),
+            TOBN(0x6c25e1d0, 0x48b1a416), TOBN(0x1381dd53, 0x3c81bee7),
+            TOBN(0xd2a30d61, 0x7a4a7620), TOBN(0xc8412926, 0x39b8944c),
+            TOBN(0x3c1c6fbe, 0x7a97c33a), TOBN(0x941e541d, 0x938664e7),
+            TOBN(0x417499e8, 0x4a34f239), TOBN(0x15fdb83c, 0xb90402d5),
+            TOBN(0xb75f46bf, 0x433aa832), TOBN(0xb61e15af, 0x63215db1),
+            TOBN(0xaabe59d4, 0xa127f89a), TOBN(0x5d541e0c, 0x07e816da),
+            TOBN(0xaaba0659, 0xa618b692), TOBN(0x55327733, 0x17266026),
+            TOBN(0xaf53a0fc, 0x95f57552), TOBN(0x32947650, 0x6cacb0c9),
+            TOBN(0x253ff58d, 0xc821be01), TOBN(0xb0309531, 0xa06f1146),
+            TOBN(0x59bbbdf5, 0x05c2e54d), TOBN(0x158f27ad, 0x26e8dd22),
+            TOBN(0xcc5b7ffb, 0x397e1e53), TOBN(0xae03f65b, 0x7fc1e50d),
+            TOBN(0xa9784ebd, 0x9c95f0f9), TOBN(0x5ed9deb2, 0x24640771),
+            TOBN(0x31244af7, 0x035561c4), TOBN(0x87332f3a, 0x7ee857de),
+            TOBN(0x09e16e9e, 0x2b9e0d88), TOBN(0x52d910f4, 0x56a06049),
+            TOBN(0x507ed477, 0xa9592f48), TOBN(0x85cb917b, 0x2365d678),
+            TOBN(0xf8511c93, 0x4c8998d1), TOBN(0x2186a3f1, 0x730ea58f),
+            TOBN(0x50189626, 0xb2029db0), TOBN(0x9137a6d9, 0x02ceb75a),
+            TOBN(0x2fe17f37, 0x748bc82c), TOBN(0x87c2e931, 0x80469f8c),
+            TOBN(0x850f71cd, 0xbf891aa2), TOBN(0x0ca1b89b, 0x75ec3d8d),
+            TOBN(0x516c43aa, 0x5e1cd3cd), TOBN(0x89397808, 0x9a887c28),
+            TOBN(0x0059c699, 0xddea1f9f), TOBN(0x7737d6fa, 0x8e6868f7),
+            TOBN(0x6d93746a, 0x60f1524b), TOBN(0x36985e55, 0xba052aa7),
+            TOBN(0x41b1d322, 0xed923ea5), TOBN(0x3429759f, 0x25852a11),
+            TOBN(0xbeca6ec3, 0x092e9f41), TOBN(0x3a238c66, 0x62256bbd),
+            TOBN(0xd82958ea, 0x70ad487d), TOBN(0x4ac8aaf9, 0x65610d93),
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+            TOBN(0xa10f5cc6, 0x6531899d), TOBN(0x590005fb, 0xea8ce17d),
+            TOBN(0xc437912f, 0x24544cb6), TOBN(0x9987b71a, 0xd79ac2e3),
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+            TOBN(0x80ab508b, 0x6cac8369), TOBN(0x87842be7, 0xf54f6c89),
+            TOBN(0xa7ad663d, 0x6bc532a4), TOBN(0x67813de7, 0x78a91bc8),
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+            TOBN(0xc079e0fb, 0xe3191591), TOBN(0xe40896bd, 0xb01aada7),
+            TOBN(0x8d466791, 0x0492d25f), TOBN(0x8aeb30c9, 0xe7408276),
+            TOBN(0xe9437495, 0x9287aacc), TOBN(0x23d4708d, 0x79fe03d4),
+            TOBN(0x8cda9cf2, 0xd0c05199), TOBN(0x502fbc22, 0xfae78454),
+            TOBN(0xc0bda9df, 0xf572a182), TOBN(0x5f9b71b8, 0x6158b372),
+            TOBN(0xe0f33a59, 0x2b82dd07), TOBN(0x76302735, 0x9523032e),
+            TOBN(0x7fe1a721, 0xc4505a32), TOBN(0x7b6e3e82, 0xf796409f),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0xe3417bc0, 0x35d0b34a), TOBN(0x440b386b, 0x8327c0a7),
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+            TOBN(0x26d6cdd2, 0x01e486c9), TOBN(0x20477abf, 0x42ff9297),
+            TOBN(0xa004dcb3, 0x292a9287), TOBN(0xddc15cf6, 0x77b092c7),
+            TOBN(0x083a8464, 0x806c0605), TOBN(0x4a68df70, 0x3db997b0),
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+            TOBN(0x126f35b5, 0x1e706ad9), TOBN(0xb99cebb4, 0xc3a9ebdf),
+            TOBN(0xa75389af, 0xbf608d90), TOBN(0x76113c4f, 0xc6c89858),
+            TOBN(0x80de8eb0, 0x97e2b5aa), TOBN(0x7e1022cc, 0x63b91304),
+            TOBN(0x3bdab605, 0x6ccc066c), TOBN(0x33cbb144, 0xb2edf900),
+            TOBN(0xc4176471, 0x7af715d2), TOBN(0xe2f7f594, 0xd0134a96),
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+            TOBN(0xdaddf340, 0xc49c8609), TOBN(0x97e49f52, 0xe9604a65),
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+            TOBN(0xd6f800e0, 0x7442f1d5), TOBN(0x475607d1, 0x66e0e3ab),
+            TOBN(0x82807f16, 0xb7c64047), TOBN(0x8858e1e3, 0xa749883d),
+            TOBN(0x5859120b, 0x8231ee10), TOBN(0x1b80e7eb, 0x638a1ece),
+            TOBN(0xcb72525a, 0xc6aa73a4), TOBN(0xa7cdea3d, 0x844423ac),
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+            TOBN(0x305e373e, 0xff98a658), TOBN(0xffe5a100, 0x823eb667),
+            TOBN(0x57477b11, 0xe51732d2), TOBN(0xdfd6eb28, 0x2538fc0e),
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+            TOBN(0x5c8ed8d5, 0xda64309d), TOBN(0x61a6de56, 0x91b30704),
+            TOBN(0xd6b52f6a, 0x2f9b5808), TOBN(0x0eee4194, 0x98c958a7),
+            TOBN(0xcddd9aab, 0x771e4caa), TOBN(0x83965dfd, 0x78bc21be),
+            TOBN(0x02affce3, 0xb3b504f5), TOBN(0x30847a21, 0x561c8291),
+            TOBN(0xd2eb2cf1, 0x52bfda05), TOBN(0xe0e4c4e9, 0x6197b98c),
+            TOBN(0x1d35076c, 0xf8a1726f), TOBN(0x6c06085b, 0x2db11e3d),
+            TOBN(0x15c0c4d7, 0x4463ba14), TOBN(0x9d292f83, 0x0030238c),
+            TOBN(0x1311ee8b, 0x3727536d), TOBN(0xfeea86ef, 0xbeaedc1e),
+            TOBN(0xb9d18cd3, 0x66131e2e), TOBN(0xf31d974f, 0x80fe2682),
+            TOBN(0xb6e49e0f, 0xe4160289), TOBN(0x7c48ec0b, 0x08e92799),
+            TOBN(0x818111d8, 0xd1989aa7), TOBN(0xb34fa0aa, 0xebf926f9),
+            TOBN(0xdb5fe2f5, 0xa245474a), TOBN(0xf80a6ebb, 0x3c7ca756),
+            TOBN(0xa7f96054, 0xafa05dd8), TOBN(0x26dfcf21, 0xfcaf119e),
+            TOBN(0xe20ef2e3, 0x0564bb59), TOBN(0xef4dca50, 0x61cb02b8),
+            TOBN(0xcda7838a, 0x65d30672), TOBN(0x8b08d534, 0xfd657e86),
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+            TOBN(0x8ea61059, 0x3de9abe3), TOBN(0x40434881, 0x9cdc03be),
+            TOBN(0x9b261245, 0xcfedce8c), TOBN(0x78c318b4, 0xcf5234a1),
+            TOBN(0x510bcf16, 0xfde24c99), TOBN(0x2a77cb75, 0xa2c2ff5d),
+            TOBN(0x9c895c2b, 0x27960fb4), TOBN(0xd30ce975, 0xb0eda42b),
+            TOBN(0xfda85393, 0x1a62cc26), TOBN(0x23c69b96, 0x50c0e052),
+            TOBN(0xa227df15, 0xbfc633f3), TOBN(0x2ac78848, 0x1bae7d48),
+            TOBN(0x487878f9, 0x187d073d), TOBN(0x6c2be919, 0x967f807d),
+            TOBN(0x765861d8, 0x336e6d8f), TOBN(0x88b8974c, 0xce528a43),
+            TOBN(0x09521177, 0xff57d051), TOBN(0x2ff38037, 0xfb6a1961),
+            TOBN(0xfc0aba74, 0xa3d76ad4), TOBN(0x7c764803, 0x25a7ec17),
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+            TOBN(0xff6fe32e, 0xea74237b), TOBN(0xc436d17e, 0xcd57508e),
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+            TOBN(0xa395c36f, 0x35d33ae7), TOBN(0x200ea123, 0x50bb5a94),
+            TOBN(0x20c789bd, 0x0bafe84b), TOBN(0x243ef52d, 0x0919276a),
+            TOBN(0x3934c577, 0xe23ae233), TOBN(0xb93807af, 0xa460d1ec),
+            TOBN(0xb72a53b1, 0xf8fa76a4), TOBN(0xd8914cb0, 0xc3ca4491),
+            TOBN(0x2e128494, 0x3fb42622), TOBN(0x3b2700ac, 0x500907d5),
+            TOBN(0xf370fb09, 0x1a95ec63), TOBN(0xf8f30be2, 0x31b6dfbd),
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+            TOBN(0xfa366010, 0xd9e5eef6), TOBN(0x64d487b0, 0xe316107e),
+            TOBN(0x4c076b86, 0xd23ddc82), TOBN(0x03fd344c, 0x7e0143f0),
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+            TOBN(0x804ce9f3, 0xdadeff48), TOBN(0xec464751, 0xb07c30c3),
+            TOBN(0x89d65ff3, 0x9e49af6a), TOBN(0xf2d6238a, 0x6f3d01bc),
+            TOBN(0x1095561e, 0x0bced843), TOBN(0x51789e12, 0xc8a13fd8),
+            TOBN(0xd633f929, 0x763231df), TOBN(0x46df9f7d, 0xe7cbddef),
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+            TOBN(0x8d110df6, 0xfc6a0a7e), TOBN(0xdd431b98, 0x6da425dc),
+            TOBN(0xcdc4aeab, 0x1834aabe), TOBN(0x84deb124, 0x8439b7fc),
+            TOBN(0x8796f169, 0x3c2a5998), TOBN(0x9b9247b4, 0x7947190d),
+            TOBN(0x55b9d9a5, 0x11597014), TOBN(0x7e9dd70d, 0x7b1566ee),
+            TOBN(0x94ad78f7, 0xcbcd5e64), TOBN(0x0359ac17, 0x9bd4c032),
+            TOBN(0x3b11baaf, 0x7cc222ae), TOBN(0xa6a6e284, 0xba78e812),
+            TOBN(0x8392053f, 0x24cea1a0), TOBN(0xc97bce4a, 0x33621491),
+            TOBN(0x7eb1db34, 0x35399ee9), TOBN(0x473f78ef, 0xece81ad1),
+            TOBN(0x41d72fe0, 0xf63d3d0d), TOBN(0xe620b880, 0xafab62fc),
+            TOBN(0x92096bc9, 0x93158383), TOBN(0x41a21357, 0x8f896f6c),
+            TOBN(0x1b5ee2fa, 0xc7dcfcab), TOBN(0x650acfde, 0x9546e007),
+            TOBN(0xc081b749, 0xb1b02e07), TOBN(0xda9e41a0, 0xf9eca03d),
+            TOBN(0x013ba727, 0x175a54ab), TOBN(0xca0cd190, 0xea5d8d10),
+            TOBN(0x85ea52c0, 0x95fd96a9), TOBN(0x2c591b9f, 0xbc5c3940),
+            TOBN(0x6fb4d4e4, 0x2bad4d5f), TOBN(0xfa4c3590, 0xfef0059b),
+            TOBN(0x6a10218a, 0xf5122294), TOBN(0x9a78a81a, 0xa85751d1),
+            TOBN(0x04f20579, 0xa98e84e7), TOBN(0xfe1242c0, 0x4997e5b5),
+            TOBN(0xe77a273b, 0xca21e1e4), TOBN(0xfcc8b1ef, 0x9411939d),
+            TOBN(0xe20ea302, 0x92d0487a), TOBN(0x1442dbec, 0x294b91fe),
+            TOBN(0x1f7a4afe, 0xbb6b0e8f), TOBN(0x1700ef74, 0x6889c318),
+            TOBN(0xf5bbffc3, 0x70f1fc62), TOBN(0x3b31d4b6, 0x69c79cca),
+            TOBN(0xe8bc2aab, 0xa7f6340d), TOBN(0xb0b08ab4, 0xa725e10a),
+            TOBN(0x44f05701, 0xae340050), TOBN(0xba4b3016, 0x1cf0c569),
+            TOBN(0x5aa29f83, 0xfbe19a51), TOBN(0x1b9ed428, 0xb71d752e),
+            TOBN(0x1666e54e, 0xeb4819f5), TOBN(0x616cdfed, 0x9e18b75b),
+            TOBN(0x112ed5be, 0x3ee27b0b), TOBN(0xfbf28319, 0x44c7de4d),
+            TOBN(0xd685ec85, 0xe0e60d84), TOBN(0x68037e30, 0x1db7ee78),
+            TOBN(0x5b65bdcd, 0x003c4d6e), TOBN(0x33e7363a, 0x93e29a6a),
+            TOBN(0x995b3a61, 0x08d0756c), TOBN(0xd727f85c, 0x2faf134b),
+            TOBN(0xfac6edf7, 0x1d337823), TOBN(0x99b9aa50, 0x0439b8b4),
+            TOBN(0x722eb104, 0xe2b4e075), TOBN(0x49987295, 0x437c4926),
+            TOBN(0xb1e4c0e4, 0x46a9b82d), TOBN(0xd0cb3197, 0x57a006f5),
+            TOBN(0xf3de0f7d, 0xd7808c56), TOBN(0xb5c54d8f, 0x51f89772),
+            TOBN(0x500a114a, 0xadbd31aa), TOBN(0x9afaaaa6, 0x295f6cab),
+            TOBN(0x94705e21, 0x04cf667a), TOBN(0xfc2a811b, 0x9d3935d7),
+            TOBN(0x560b0280, 0x6d09267c), TOBN(0xf19ed119, 0xf780e53b),
+            TOBN(0xf0227c09, 0x067b6269), TOBN(0x967b8533, 0x5caef599),
+            TOBN(0x155b9243, 0x68efeebc), TOBN(0xcd6d34f5, 0xc497bae6),
+            TOBN(0x1dd8d5d3, 0x6cceb370), TOBN(0x2aeac579, 0xa78d7bf9),
+            TOBN(0x5d65017d, 0x70b67a62), TOBN(0x70c8e44f, 0x17c53f67),
+            TOBN(0xd1fc0950, 0x86a34d09), TOBN(0xe0fca256, 0xe7134907),
+            TOBN(0xe24fa29c, 0x80fdd315), TOBN(0x2c4acd03, 0xd87499ad),
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+            TOBN(0xf5555805, 0xf67f3746), TOBN(0x85fc37ba, 0xa36401ff),
+            TOBN(0xdf86e2ca, 0xd9499a53), TOBN(0x6270b2a3, 0xecbc955b),
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+            TOBN(0x6d263f01, 0x5a061732), TOBN(0xc25430ce, 0xa32a1901),
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+            TOBN(0x349ae368, 0xda9f3804), TOBN(0x470f07fe, 0xa164349c),
+            TOBN(0xd52f4cc9, 0x8562baa5), TOBN(0xc74a9e86, 0x2b290df3),
+            TOBN(0xd3a1aa35, 0x43471a24), TOBN(0x239446be, 0xb8194511),
+            TOBN(0xbec2dd00, 0x81dcd44d), TOBN(0xca3d7f0f, 0xc42ac82d),
+            TOBN(0x1f3db085, 0xfdaf4520), TOBN(0xbb6d3e80, 0x4549daf2),
+            TOBN(0xf5969d8a, 0x19ad5c42), TOBN(0x7052b13d, 0xdbfd1511),
+            TOBN(0x11890d1b, 0x682b9060), TOBN(0xa71d3883, 0xac34452c),
+            TOBN(0xa438055b, 0x783805b4), TOBN(0x43241277, 0x4725b23e),
+            TOBN(0xf20cf96e, 0x4901bbed), TOBN(0x6419c710, 0xf432a2bb),
+            TOBN(0x57a0fbb9, 0xdfa9cd7d), TOBN(0x589111e4, 0x00daa249),
+            TOBN(0x19809a33, 0x7b60554e), TOBN(0xea5f8887, 0xede283a4),
+            TOBN(0x2d713802, 0x503bfd35), TOBN(0x151bb0af, 0x585d2a53),
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+            TOBN(0xe8a546d6, 0xb51110ad), TOBN(0x1dd50e66, 0x28e0b6c5),
+            TOBN(0x292e9d54, 0xcff2b821), TOBN(0x3882555d, 0x47281760),
+            TOBN(0x134838f8, 0x3724d6e3), TOBN(0xf2c679e0, 0x22ddcda1),
+            TOBN(0x40ee8815, 0x6d2a5768), TOBN(0x7f227bd2, 0x1c1e7e2d),
+            TOBN(0x487ba134, 0xd04ff443), TOBN(0x76e2ff3d, 0xc614e54b),
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+            TOBN(0x758caea2, 0x49ba158e), TOBN(0x5ab8ff4c, 0x02938188),
+            TOBN(0x33e16056, 0x35edc56d), TOBN(0x5a69d349, 0x7e940d79),
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+            TOBN(0xfbf3e790, 0xfac3a15b), TOBN(0x6ed7ea2e, 0x7a4f8e6b),
+            TOBN(0xa663eb4f, 0xbc3aca86), TOBN(0x22061ea5, 0x080d53f7),
+            TOBN(0x2480dfe6, 0xf546783f), TOBN(0xd38bc6da, 0x5a0a641e),
+            TOBN(0xfb093cd1, 0x2ede8965), TOBN(0x89654db4, 0xacb455cf),
+            TOBN(0x413cbf9a, 0x26e1adee), TOBN(0x291f3764, 0x373294d4),
+            TOBN(0x00797257, 0x648083fe), TOBN(0x25f504d3, 0x208cc341),
+            TOBN(0x635a8e5e, 0xc3a0ee43), TOBN(0x70aaebca, 0x679898ff),
+            TOBN(0x9ee9f547, 0x5dc63d56), TOBN(0xce987966, 0xffb34d00),
+            TOBN(0xf9f86b19, 0x5e26310a), TOBN(0x9e435484, 0x382a8ca8),
+            TOBN(0x253bcb81, 0xc2352fe4), TOBN(0xa4eac8b0, 0x4474b571),
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+            TOBN(0x321e7dcd, 0xe51e1ae2), TOBN(0x8e3a8ca6, 0xe3d8b096),
+            TOBN(0x8de46cb0, 0x52604998), TOBN(0x91099ad8, 0x39072aa7),
+            TOBN(0x2617f91c, 0x93aa96b8), TOBN(0x0fc8716b, 0x7fca2e13),
+            TOBN(0xa7106f5e, 0x95328723), TOBN(0xd1c9c40b, 0x262e6522),
+            TOBN(0xb9bafe86, 0x42b7c094), TOBN(0x1873439d, 0x1543c021),
+            TOBN(0xe1baa5de, 0x5cbefd5d), TOBN(0xa363fc5e, 0x521e8aff),
+            TOBN(0xefe6320d, 0xf862eaac), TOBN(0x14419c63, 0x22c647dc),
+            TOBN(0x0e06707c, 0x4e46d428), TOBN(0xcb6c834f, 0x4a178f8f),
+            TOBN(0x0f993a45, 0xd30f917c), TOBN(0xd4c4b049, 0x9879afee),
+            TOBN(0xb6142a1e, 0x70500063), TOBN(0x7c9b41c3, 0xa5d9d605),
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+            TOBN(0x0fa8587a, 0x25a41632), TOBN(0xc0814124, 0xa35b6c93),
+            TOBN(0x2b18a9f5, 0x59ebb8db), TOBN(0x264e3357, 0x76edb29c),
+            TOBN(0xaf245ccd, 0xc87c51e2), TOBN(0x16b3015b, 0x501e6214),
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+            TOBN(0x3b825b8d, 0xeff7a3a0), TOBN(0xbec33738, 0xb1df7326),
+            TOBN(0x68ad747c, 0x99604a1f), TOBN(0xd154c934, 0x9a3bd499),
+            TOBN(0xac33506f, 0x1cc7a906), TOBN(0x73bb5392, 0x6c560e8f),
+            TOBN(0x6428fcbe, 0x263e3944), TOBN(0xc11828d5, 0x1c387434),
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+            TOBN(0x7517c5c5, 0x2d4fb936), TOBN(0xef22f7ac, 0xe6518cdc),
+            TOBN(0xdeb483e6, 0xbf847a64), TOBN(0xf5084558, 0x92e0fa89),
+        },
+        {
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+            TOBN(0xd31646bf, 0x0d9a80e8), TOBN(0x453add2b, 0xcef3aabe),
+            TOBN(0xc9941109, 0xa607419d), TOBN(0xfaa71e62, 0xbb6bca80),
+            TOBN(0x34158c13, 0x07c431f3), TOBN(0x594abebc, 0x992bc47a),
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+            TOBN(0x023a40e5, 0x1c21f2bf), TOBN(0xf99a513c, 0xa5057aee),
+            TOBN(0xa3fe7e25, 0xbcab072e), TOBN(0x8568d2e1, 0x40e32bcf),
+            TOBN(0x904594eb, 0xd3f69d9f), TOBN(0x181a9733, 0x07affab1),
+            TOBN(0xe4d68d76, 0xb6e330f4), TOBN(0x87a6dafb, 0xc75a7fc1),
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+            TOBN(0x61d5590b, 0xc40493b6), TOBN(0x3a55b52e, 0x6f780331),
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+            TOBN(0x83084f19, 0x94f834cb), TOBN(0xd35653d4, 0x429ed782),
+            TOBN(0xa542f16f, 0x59e58243), TOBN(0xc2b52f65, 0x0470a22d),
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+            TOBN(0xca00938b, 0x87d61402), TOBN(0x2f186cdd, 0x411933e4),
+            TOBN(0xe042ece5, 0x9a29a5c5), TOBN(0xb19b3c07, 0x3b6c8402),
+            TOBN(0xc97667c7, 0x19d92684), TOBN(0xb5624622, 0xebc66372),
+            TOBN(0x0cb96e65, 0x3c04fa02), TOBN(0x83a7176c, 0x8eaa39aa),
+            TOBN(0x2033561d, 0xeaa1633f), TOBN(0x45a9d086, 0x4533df73),
+            TOBN(0xe0542c1d, 0x3dc090bc), TOBN(0x82c996ef, 0xaa59c167),
+            TOBN(0xe3f735e8, 0x0ee7fc4d), TOBN(0x7b179393, 0x7c35db79),
+            TOBN(0xb6419e25, 0xf8c5dbfd), TOBN(0x4d9d7a1e, 0x1f327b04),
+            TOBN(0x979f6f9b, 0x298dfca8), TOBN(0xc7c5dff1, 0x8de9366a),
+            TOBN(0x1b7a588d, 0x04c82bdd), TOBN(0x68005534, 0xf8319dfd),
+            TOBN(0xde8a55b5, 0xd8eb9580), TOBN(0x5ea886da, 0x8d5bca81),
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+            TOBN(0x2ad828b1, 0xd8e99563), TOBN(0x7de96ef5, 0x95f9cd87),
+            TOBN(0x4abb2d0c, 0xd77d970c), TOBN(0x03cfb933, 0xd33ef9cb),
+            TOBN(0xb0547c01, 0x8b211fe9), TOBN(0x2fe64809, 0xa56ed1c6),
+            TOBN(0xcb7d5624, 0xc2ac98cc), TOBN(0x2a1372c0, 0x1a393e33),
+            TOBN(0xc8d1ec1c, 0x29660521), TOBN(0xf3d31b04, 0xb37ac3e9),
+            TOBN(0xa29ae9df, 0x5ece6e7c), TOBN(0x0603ac8f, 0x0facfb55),
+            TOBN(0xcfe85b7a, 0xdda233a5), TOBN(0xe618919f, 0xbd75f0b8),
+            TOBN(0xf555a3d2, 0x99bf1603), TOBN(0x1f43afc9, 0xf184255a),
+            TOBN(0xdcdaf341, 0x319a3e02), TOBN(0xd3b117ef, 0x03903a39),
+            TOBN(0xe095da13, 0x65d1d131), TOBN(0x86f16367, 0xc37ad03e),
+            TOBN(0x5f37389e, 0x462cd8dd), TOBN(0xc103fa04, 0xd67a60e6),
+            TOBN(0x57c34344, 0xf4b478f0), TOBN(0xce91edd8, 0xe117c98d),
+            TOBN(0x001777b0, 0x231fc12e), TOBN(0x11ae47f2, 0xb207bccb),
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+            TOBN(0x50fb7905, 0xec041803), TOBN(0x85e3c977, 0x14404888),
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+            TOBN(0x49ee565a, 0xe4c6701e), TOBN(0x2a04ca66, 0xfc7d63d8),
+            TOBN(0xeb105018, 0xef0543fb), TOBN(0xf709a4f5, 0xd1b0d81d),
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+            TOBN(0xfff05337, 0x003c32ea), TOBN(0x5aa374dd, 0x205974c7),
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+            TOBN(0x98324dd4, 0x1fa26613), TOBN(0xa2dc6dab, 0xbdc29d63),
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+            TOBN(0xcac67ceb, 0x799ece3c), TOBN(0x29b910a9, 0x41e07e27),
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+            TOBN(0xfc28c194, 0xc7e31b27), TOBN(0x843be0aa, 0x6fbcbb42),
+            TOBN(0xf3b1ed43, 0xa6db836c), TOBN(0x2a1330e4, 0x01a45c05),
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+            TOBN(0xbb555e0a, 0xf2374aef), TOBN(0x2ad599c4, 0x1e8ca111),
+            TOBN(0x1b3a2fb9, 0x014b3bf8), TOBN(0x73092684, 0xf66d5007),
+            TOBN(0x079f1426, 0xc4340102), TOBN(0x1827cf81, 0x8fddf4de),
+            TOBN(0xc83605f6, 0xf10ff927), TOBN(0xd3871451, 0x23739fc6),
+            TOBN(0x6d163450, 0xcac1c2cc), TOBN(0x6b521296, 0xa2ec1ac5),
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+            TOBN(0x425a8d5e, 0xbe8e3a45), TOBN(0x53ea9e97, 0xa6102160),
+            TOBN(0x477a106e, 0x39cbb688), TOBN(0x532401d2, 0xf3386d32),
+            TOBN(0x8e564f64, 0xb1b9b421), TOBN(0xca9b8388, 0x81dad33f),
+            TOBN(0xb1422b4e, 0x2093913e), TOBN(0x533d2f92, 0x69bc8112),
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+            TOBN(0xc925ff87, 0xaedbae9f), TOBN(0x7daf0eb9, 0x36880a54),
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+            TOBN(0xe800400f, 0x728693e5), TOBN(0xe87d814b, 0x339927ed),
+            TOBN(0x93e94d3b, 0x57ea9910), TOBN(0xff8a35b6, 0x2245fb69),
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+            TOBN(0x00170052, 0x1e3e48d1), TOBN(0x978fe401, 0xb7adf678),
+            TOBN(0x55ecfb92, 0xd41c5dd4), TOBN(0x5ff8e247, 0xc7b27da5),
+            TOBN(0xe7518272, 0x013fb606), TOBN(0x5768d7e5, 0x2f547a3c),
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+            TOBN(0x7af18dd6, 0x832391ae), TOBN(0x1740f316, 0xc71a84ca),
+        },
+        {
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+            TOBN(0xef89c656, 0x580e40a2), TOBN(0xf194ed8c, 0x728068bc),
+            TOBN(0x74528045, 0xa47990c9), TOBN(0xf53fc7d7, 0x5e1a4649),
+            TOBN(0xbec5ae9b, 0x78593e7d), TOBN(0x2cac4ee3, 0x41db65d7),
+            TOBN(0xa8c1eb24, 0x04a3d39b), TOBN(0x53b7d634, 0x03f8f3ef),
+            TOBN(0x2dc40d48, 0x3e07113c), TOBN(0x6e4a5d39, 0x7d8b63ae),
+            TOBN(0x5582a94b, 0x79684c2b), TOBN(0x932b33d4, 0x622da26c),
+            TOBN(0xf534f651, 0x0dbbf08d), TOBN(0x211d07c9, 0x64c23a52),
+            TOBN(0x0eeece0f, 0xee5bdc9b), TOBN(0xdf178168, 0xf7015558),
+            TOBN(0xd4294635, 0x0a712229), TOBN(0x93cbe448, 0x09273f8c),
+            TOBN(0x00b095ef, 0x8f13bc83), TOBN(0xbb741972, 0x8798978c),
+            TOBN(0x9d7309a2, 0x56dbe6e7), TOBN(0xe578ec56, 0x5a5d39ec),
+            TOBN(0x3961151b, 0x851f9a31), TOBN(0x2da7715d, 0xe5709eb4),
+            TOBN(0x867f3017, 0x53dfabf0), TOBN(0x728d2078, 0xb8e39259),
+            TOBN(0x5c75a0cd, 0x815d9958), TOBN(0xf84867a6, 0x16603be1),
+            TOBN(0xc865b13d, 0x70e35b1c), TOBN(0x02414468, 0x19b03e2c),
+            TOBN(0xe46041da, 0xac1f3121), TOBN(0x7c9017ad, 0x6f028a7c),
+            TOBN(0xabc96de9, 0x0a482873), TOBN(0x4265d6b1, 0xb77e54d4),
+            TOBN(0x68c38e79, 0xa57d88e7), TOBN(0xd461d766, 0x9ce82de3),
+            TOBN(0x817a9ec5, 0x64a7e489), TOBN(0xcc5675cd, 0xa0def5f2),
+            TOBN(0x9a00e785, 0x985d494e), TOBN(0xc626833f, 0x1b03514a),
+            TOBN(0xabe7905a, 0x83cdd60e), TOBN(0x50602fb5, 0xa1170184),
+            TOBN(0x689886cd, 0xb023642a), TOBN(0xd568d090, 0xa6e1fb00),
+            TOBN(0x5b1922c7, 0x0259217f), TOBN(0x93831cd9, 0xc43141e4),
+            TOBN(0xdfca3587, 0x0c95f86e), TOBN(0xdec2057a, 0x568ae828),
+            TOBN(0xc44ea599, 0xf98a759a), TOBN(0x55a0a7a2, 0xf7c23c1d),
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+            TOBN(0x211ecee9, 0x52d048db), TOBN(0x2eea4056, 0xc86ea3b8),
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+            TOBN(0x0b616dca, 0xc1b20650), TOBN(0xe66dd6d1, 0x2131300d),
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+            TOBN(0xfc346d98, 0xce785254), TOBN(0xd50e8d72, 0xbb64a161),
+            TOBN(0xc03567c7, 0x49794add), TOBN(0x15a76065, 0x752c7ef6),
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+            TOBN(0xc0481b2c, 0xf5f7b884), TOBN(0x35626678, 0x61acfa6b),
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+            TOBN(0x776a0dac, 0xef0859e7), TOBN(0x06fec314, 0x21900942),
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+            TOBN(0xa72773f2, 0x2975f127), TOBN(0xdc744e8e, 0x04d0b326),
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+            TOBN(0x76fefae8, 0x56595eb1), TOBN(0x417b66ab, 0xcd5f29c7),
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+            TOBN(0x1569ae95, 0xb26eb58a), TOBN(0xc3cde188, 0x95fb1887),
+            TOBN(0x54e9f37b, 0xf9539a48), TOBN(0xb0100e06, 0x7408c1a5),
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+            TOBN(0xd17668cd, 0x8a7017a0), TOBN(0x77b4d19a, 0xbe9b7ee8),
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+            TOBN(0xbbbc0951, 0x2facc27d), TOBN(0x06394239, 0xac143b5a),
+            TOBN(0x35bb4a40, 0x376c1944), TOBN(0x7cb62694, 0x63da1511),
+            TOBN(0xafd29161, 0xb7148a3b), TOBN(0xa6f9d9ed, 0x4e2ea2ee),
+            TOBN(0x15dc2ca2, 0x880dd212), TOBN(0x903c3813, 0xa61139a9),
+            TOBN(0x2aa7b46d, 0x6c0f8785), TOBN(0x36ce2871, 0x901c60ff),
+            TOBN(0xc683b028, 0xe10d9c12), TOBN(0x7573baa2, 0x032f33d3),
+            TOBN(0x87a9b1f6, 0x67a31b58), TOBN(0xfd3ed11a, 0xf4ffae12),
+            TOBN(0x83dcaa9a, 0x0cb2748e), TOBN(0x8239f018, 0x5d6fdf16),
+            TOBN(0xba67b49c, 0x72753941), TOBN(0x2beec455, 0xc321cb36),
+            TOBN(0x88015606, 0x3f8b84ce), TOBN(0x76417083, 0x8d38c86f),
+            TOBN(0x054f1ca7, 0x598953dd), TOBN(0xc939e110, 0x4e8e7429),
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+            TOBN(0x9c4b646e, 0x9e2fce99), TOBN(0x68a21081, 0x1e80857f),
+            TOBN(0x06d54e44, 0x3643b52a), TOBN(0xde8d6d63, 0x0d8eb843),
+            TOBN(0x70321563, 0x42146a0a), TOBN(0x8ba826f2, 0x5eaa3622),
+            TOBN(0x227a58bd, 0x86138787), TOBN(0x43b6c03c, 0x10281d37),
+            TOBN(0x6326afbb, 0xb54dde39), TOBN(0x744e5e8a, 0xdb6f2d5f),
+            TOBN(0x48b2a99a, 0xcff158e1), TOBN(0xa93c8fa0, 0xef87918f),
+            TOBN(0x2182f956, 0xde058c5c), TOBN(0x216235d2, 0x936f9e7a),
+            TOBN(0xace0c0db, 0xd2e31e67), TOBN(0xc96449bf, 0xf23ac3e7),
+            TOBN(0x7e9a2874, 0x170693bd), TOBN(0xa28e14fd, 0xa45e6335),
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+            TOBN(0x9813ed9d, 0xd8f71cae), TOBN(0xf43272a6, 0x961fdaa6),
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+            TOBN(0x673257dc, 0x143ff951), TOBN(0x19c02205, 0xd752baf4),
+            TOBN(0x46c23069, 0xc4b7d692), TOBN(0x2e6392c3, 0xfd1502ac),
+            TOBN(0x6057b1a2, 0x1b220846), TOBN(0xe51ff946, 0x0c1b5b63),
+        },
+        {
+            TOBN(0x6e85cb51, 0x566c5c43), TOBN(0xcff9c919, 0x3597f046),
+            TOBN(0x9354e90c, 0x4994d94a), TOBN(0xe0a39332, 0x2147927d),
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+            TOBN(0x2842589b, 0x319540c3), TOBN(0x18490f59, 0xa283d6f8),
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+            TOBN(0xc878dcb9, 0x2ca979fc), TOBN(0x37e83ed9, 0xeb023a99),
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+            TOBN(0x78248316, 0x9a9414bd), TOBN(0x1b956bc0, 0xf0ea9ea1),
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+            TOBN(0x83084668, 0xc45bfcd1), TOBN(0xc357c9e3, 0x2b315e11),
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+            TOBN(0x1300da84, 0xd4f00c8a), TOBN(0x425cd048, 0xb54466ac),
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+            TOBN(0x79373b3f, 0x646fd6a0), TOBN(0x0e029db5, 0x0d3978cf),
+            TOBN(0x8bdfc437, 0x94fba037), TOBN(0xaefbd687, 0x620797a6),
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+            TOBN(0x098a8cfd, 0x9921851c), TOBN(0xd959c3f1, 0x3abe2f5b),
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+            TOBN(0x844d1b71, 0x90b771c3), TOBN(0x563b71e4, 0xba6426be),
+            TOBN(0x2efa2e83, 0xbdb802ff), TOBN(0x3410cbab, 0xab5b4a41),
+            TOBN(0x555b2d26, 0x30da84dd), TOBN(0xd0711ae9, 0xee1cc29a),
+            TOBN(0xcf3e8c60, 0x2f547792), TOBN(0x03d7d5de, 0xdc678b35),
+            TOBN(0x071a2fa8, 0xced806b8), TOBN(0x222e6134, 0x697f1478),
+            TOBN(0xdc16fd5d, 0xabfcdbbf), TOBN(0x44912ebf, 0x121b53b8),
+            TOBN(0xac943674, 0x2496c27c), TOBN(0x8ea3176c, 0x1ffc26b0),
+            TOBN(0xb6e224ac, 0x13debf2c), TOBN(0x524cc235, 0xf372a832),
+            TOBN(0xd706e1d8, 0x9f6f1b18), TOBN(0x2552f005, 0x44cce35b),
+            TOBN(0x8c8326c2, 0xa88e31fc), TOBN(0xb5468b2c, 0xf9552047),
+            TOBN(0xce683e88, 0x3ff90f2b), TOBN(0x77947bdf, 0x2f0a5423),
+            TOBN(0xd0a1b28b, 0xed56e328), TOBN(0xaee35253, 0xc20134ac),
+            TOBN(0x7e98367d, 0x3567962f), TOBN(0x379ed61f, 0x8188bffb),
+            TOBN(0x73bba348, 0xfaf130a1), TOBN(0x6c1f75e1, 0x904ed734),
+            TOBN(0x18956642, 0x3b4a79fc), TOBN(0xf20bc83d, 0x54ef4493),
+            TOBN(0x836d425d, 0x9111eca1), TOBN(0xe5b5c318, 0x009a8dcf),
+            TOBN(0x3360b25d, 0x13221bc5), TOBN(0x707baad2, 0x6b3eeaf7),
+            TOBN(0xd7279ed8, 0x743a95a1), TOBN(0x7450a875, 0x969e809f),
+            TOBN(0x32b6bd53, 0xe5d0338f), TOBN(0x1e77f7af, 0x2b883bbc),
+            TOBN(0x90da12cc, 0x1063ecd0), TOBN(0xe2697b58, 0xc315be47),
+            TOBN(0x2771a5bd, 0xda85d534), TOBN(0x53e78c1f, 0xff980eea),
+            TOBN(0xadf1cf84, 0x900385e7), TOBN(0x7d3b14f6, 0xc9387b62),
+            TOBN(0x170e74b0, 0xcb8f2bd2), TOBN(0x2d50b486, 0x827fa993),
+            TOBN(0xcdbe8c9a, 0xf6f32bab), TOBN(0x55e906b0, 0xc3b93ab8),
+            TOBN(0x747f22fc, 0x8fe280d1), TOBN(0xcd8e0de5, 0xb2e114ab),
+            TOBN(0x5ab7dbeb, 0xe10b68b0), TOBN(0x9dc63a9c, 0xa480d4b2),
+            TOBN(0x78d4bc3b, 0x4be1495f), TOBN(0x25eb3db8, 0x9359122d),
+            TOBN(0x3f8ac05b, 0x0809cbdc), TOBN(0xbf4187bb, 0xd37c702f),
+            TOBN(0x84cea069, 0x1416a6a5), TOBN(0x8f860c79, 0x43ef881c),
+            TOBN(0x41311f8a, 0x38038a5d), TOBN(0xe78c2ec0, 0xfc612067),
+            TOBN(0x494d2e81, 0x5ad73581), TOBN(0xb4cc9e00, 0x59604097),
+            TOBN(0xff558aec, 0xf3612cba), TOBN(0x35beef7a, 0x9e36c39e),
+            TOBN(0x1845c7cf, 0xdbcf41b9), TOBN(0x5703662a, 0xaea997c0),
+            TOBN(0x8b925afe, 0xe402f6d8), TOBN(0xd0a1b1ae, 0x4dd72162),
+            TOBN(0x9f47b375, 0x03c41c4b), TOBN(0xa023829b, 0x0391d042),
+            TOBN(0x5f5045c3, 0x503b8b0a), TOBN(0x123c2688, 0x98c010e5),
+            TOBN(0x324ec0cc, 0x36ba06ee), TOBN(0xface3115, 0x3dd2cc0c),
+            TOBN(0xb364f3be, 0xf333e91f), TOBN(0xef8aff73, 0x28e832b0),
+            TOBN(0x1e9bad04, 0x2d05841b), TOBN(0x42f0e3df, 0x356a21e2),
+            TOBN(0xa3270bcb, 0x4add627e), TOBN(0xb09a8158, 0xd322e711),
+            TOBN(0x86e326a1, 0x0fee104a), TOBN(0xad7788f8, 0x3703f65d),
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+            TOBN(0x9cd2a167, 0xe8f55a7b), TOBN(0xefbee3c6, 0xd9e4190d),
+            TOBN(0x33ee7185, 0xd40c2e9d), TOBN(0x844cc9c5, 0xa380b548),
+            TOBN(0x323f8ecd, 0x66926e04), TOBN(0x0001e38f, 0x8110c1ba),
+            TOBN(0x8dbcac12, 0xfc6a7f07), TOBN(0xd65e1d58, 0x0cec0827),
+            TOBN(0xd2cd4141, 0xbe76ca2d), TOBN(0x7895cf5c, 0xe892f33a),
+            TOBN(0x956d230d, 0x367139d2), TOBN(0xa91abd3e, 0xd012c4c1),
+            TOBN(0x34fa4883, 0x87eb36bf), TOBN(0xc5f07102, 0x914b8fb4),
+            TOBN(0x90f0e579, 0xadb9c95f), TOBN(0xfe6ea8cb, 0x28888195),
+            TOBN(0x7b9b5065, 0xedfa9284), TOBN(0x6c510bd2, 0x2b8c8d65),
+            TOBN(0xd7b8ebef, 0xcbe8aafd), TOBN(0xedb3af98, 0x96b1da07),
+            TOBN(0x28ff779d, 0x6295d426), TOBN(0x0c4f6ac7, 0x3fa3ad7b),
+            TOBN(0xec44d054, 0x8b8e2604), TOBN(0x9b32a66d, 0x8b0050e1),
+            TOBN(0x1f943366, 0xf0476ce2), TOBN(0x7554d953, 0xa602c7b4),
+            TOBN(0xbe35aca6, 0x524f2809), TOBN(0xb6881229, 0xfd4edbea),
+            TOBN(0xe8cd0c8f, 0x508efb63), TOBN(0x9eb5b5c8, 0x6abcefc7),
+            TOBN(0xf5621f5f, 0xb441ab4f), TOBN(0x79e6c046, 0xb76a2b22),
+            TOBN(0x74a4792c, 0xe37a1f69), TOBN(0xcbd252cb, 0x03542b60),
+            TOBN(0x785f65d5, 0xb3c20bd3), TOBN(0x8dea6143, 0x4fabc60c),
+            TOBN(0x45e21446, 0xde673629), TOBN(0x57f7aa1e, 0x703c2d21),
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+            TOBN(0x602884dc, 0x91077896), TOBN(0xa0d690cf, 0xc2c9885b),
+            TOBN(0xfeb4da33, 0x3b9a5187), TOBN(0x5f789598, 0x153c87ee),
+            TOBN(0x2192dd47, 0x52b16dba), TOBN(0xdeefc0e6, 0x3524c1b1),
+            TOBN(0x465ea76e, 0xe4383693), TOBN(0x79401711, 0x361b8d98),
+            TOBN(0xa5f9ace9, 0xf21a15cb), TOBN(0x73d26163, 0xefee9aeb),
+            TOBN(0xcca844b3, 0xe677016c), TOBN(0x6c122b07, 0x57eaee06),
+            TOBN(0xb782dce7, 0x15f09690), TOBN(0x508b9b12, 0x2dfc0fc9),
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+            TOBN(0x64f021f0, 0x6c775aa2), TOBN(0xdf09d8cc, 0x37c7eca1),
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+            TOBN(0x99cffcab, 0x0263ad10), TOBN(0xd8199e6d, 0xfcd18f8a),
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+            TOBN(0x1169989f, 0x8a342283), TOBN(0x8097799c, 0xa83012e6),
+            TOBN(0xece966cb, 0x8a6a9001), TOBN(0x93b3afef, 0x072ac7fc),
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+            TOBN(0x8852dfc9, 0xe0396673), TOBN(0x7ac70895, 0x3af362b6),
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+            TOBN(0x0dc3dbf3, 0x7a859d51), TOBN(0xe3ec7ce6, 0x3041196b),
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+            TOBN(0x98204cb6, 0x4fcf68e1), TOBN(0x0bdec211, 0x62bc6792),
+            TOBN(0x6973ccef, 0xa63b1011), TOBN(0xf9e3fa97, 0xe0de1ac5),
+            TOBN(0x5efb693e, 0x3d0e0c8b), TOBN(0x037248e9, 0xd2d4fcb4),
+        },
+        {TOBN(0x80802dc9, 0x1ec34f9e), TOBN(0xd8772d35, 0x33810603),
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+         TOBN(0x816fa3ed, 0x83f2405f), TOBN(0x73429bb9, 0xc14208a3),
+         TOBN(0xb618d590, 0xb01e6e27), TOBN(0x047e2ccd, 0xe180b2dc),
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+         TOBN(0x80400ba5, 0xf0f805ba), TOBN(0x8881065b, 0x5ec0f80f),
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+         TOBN(0x5fe5691e, 0xd785e73d), TOBN(0xa5db5ab6, 0x2ea60467),
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+         TOBN(0x491ccd7c, 0xda64f1b7), TOBN(0x7ef1ec27, 0xc47bde35),
+         TOBN(0xa857240f, 0xa36a2737), TOBN(0x35dc1366, 0x63621bc1),
+         TOBN(0x7a3a6453, 0xd4fb6897), TOBN(0x80f1a439, 0xc929319d),
+         TOBN(0xfc18274b, 0xf8cb0ba0), TOBN(0xb0b53766, 0x8078c5eb),
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+         TOBN(0x77261100, 0xc93dce83), TOBN(0x7e79da61, 0xa1922a2a),
+         TOBN(0x587a2b02, 0xf3149ce8), TOBN(0x147e1384, 0xde92ec83),
+         TOBN(0x484c83d3, 0xaf077f30), TOBN(0xea78f844, 0x0658b53a),
+         TOBN(0x912076c2, 0x027aec53), TOBN(0xf34714e3, 0x93c8177d),
+         TOBN(0x37ef5d15, 0xc2376c84), TOBN(0x8315b659, 0x3d1aa783),
+         TOBN(0x3a75c484, 0xef852a90), TOBN(0x0ba0c58a, 0x16086bd4),
+         TOBN(0x29688d7a, 0x529a6d48), TOBN(0x9c7f250d, 0xc2f19203),
+         TOBN(0x123042fb, 0x682e2df9), TOBN(0x2b7587e7, 0xad8121bc),
+         TOBN(0x30fc0233, 0xe0182a65), TOBN(0xb82ecf87, 0xe3e1128a),
+         TOBN(0x71682861, 0x93fb098f), TOBN(0x043e21ae, 0x85e9e6a7),
+         TOBN(0xab5b49d6, 0x66c834ea), TOBN(0x3be43e18, 0x47414287),
+         TOBN(0xf40fb859, 0x219a2a47), TOBN(0x0e6559e9, 0xcc58df3c),
+         TOBN(0xfe1dfe8e, 0x0c6615b4), TOBN(0x14abc8fd, 0x56459d70),
+         TOBN(0x7be0fa8e, 0x05de0386), TOBN(0x8e63ef68, 0xe9035c7c),
+         TOBN(0x116401b4, 0x53b31e91), TOBN(0x0cba7ad4, 0x4436b4d8),
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+         TOBN(0x75fe5c1d, 0x9ee9761c), TOBN(0x3497a16b, 0xf0c0588f),
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+         TOBN(0xd14d32fe, 0x39251114), TOBN(0x36bf25bc, 0xcac73366),
+         TOBN(0xc9562c66, 0xdba7495c), TOBN(0x324d301b, 0x46ad348b),
+         TOBN(0x9f46620c, 0xd670407e), TOBN(0x0ea8d4f1, 0xe3733a01),
+         TOBN(0xd396d532, 0xb0c324e0), TOBN(0x5b211a0e, 0x03c317cd),
+         TOBN(0x090d7d20, 0x5ffe7b37), TOBN(0x3b7f3efb, 0x1747d2da),
+         TOBN(0xa2cb525f, 0xb54fc519), TOBN(0x6e220932, 0xf66a971e),
+         TOBN(0xddc160df, 0xb486d440), TOBN(0x7fcfec46, 0x3fe13465),
+         TOBN(0x83da7e4e, 0x76e4c151), TOBN(0xd6fa48a1, 0xd8d302b5),
+         TOBN(0xc6304f26, 0x5872cd88), TOBN(0x806c1d3c, 0x278b90a1),
+         TOBN(0x3553e725, 0xcaf0bc1c), TOBN(0xff59e603, 0xbb9d8d5c),
+         TOBN(0xa4550f32, 0x7a0b85dd), TOBN(0xdec5720a, 0x93ecc217),
+         TOBN(0x0b88b741, 0x69d62213), TOBN(0x7212f245, 0x5b365955),
+         TOBN(0x20764111, 0xb5cae787), TOBN(0x13cb7f58, 0x1dfd3124),
+         TOBN(0x2dca77da, 0x1175aefb), TOBN(0xeb75466b, 0xffaae775),
+         TOBN(0x74d76f3b, 0xdb6cff32), TOBN(0x7440f37a, 0x61fcda9a),
+         TOBN(0x1bb3ac92, 0xb525028b), TOBN(0x20fbf8f7, 0xa1975f29),
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+         TOBN(0xdc703717, 0xa2ce2f2f), TOBN(0x7913b93c, 0x40814194),
+         TOBN(0x04924593, 0x1fe89636), TOBN(0x7b98443f, 0xf78834a6),
+         TOBN(0x11c6ab01, 0x5114a5a1), TOBN(0x60deb383, 0xffba5f4c),
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+         TOBN(0x83e0f1fd, 0xb4014604), TOBN(0xa8ce9919, 0x89415078),
+         TOBN(0x82375b75, 0x41792efe), TOBN(0x4f59bf5c, 0x97d4515b),
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+         TOBN(0xbecfa84c, 0x08b72863), TOBN(0xd7205ff5, 0x2576374f),
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+         TOBN(0x50474396, 0xe30ea15c), TOBN(0x575816a1, 0xc1494125),
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+         TOBN(0xc4456715, 0x77d4715c), TOBN(0xd30019f9, 0x6b703235),
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+         TOBN(0x02556a11, 0xb2935359), TOBN(0xda38aa96, 0xaf8c126e),
+         TOBN(0x47dbe6c2, 0x0960167f), TOBN(0x37bbabb6, 0x501901cd),
+         TOBN(0xb6e979e0, 0x2c947778), TOBN(0xd69a5175, 0x7a1a1dc6),
+         TOBN(0xc3ed5095, 0x9d9faf0c), TOBN(0x4dd9c096, 0x1d5fa5f0),
+         TOBN(0xa0c4304d, 0x64f16ea8), TOBN(0x8b1cac16, 0x7e718623),
+         TOBN(0x0b576546, 0x7c67f03e), TOBN(0x559cf5ad, 0xcbd88c01),
+         TOBN(0x074877bb, 0x0e2af19a), TOBN(0x1f717ec1, 0xa1228c92),
+         TOBN(0x70bcb800, 0x326e8920), TOBN(0xec6e2c5c, 0x4f312804),
+         TOBN(0x426aea7d, 0x3fca4752), TOBN(0xf12c0949, 0x2211f62a),
+         TOBN(0x24beecd8, 0x7be7b6b5), TOBN(0xb77eaf4c, 0x36d7a27d),
+         TOBN(0x154c2781, 0xfda78fd3), TOBN(0x848a83b0, 0x264eeabe),
+         TOBN(0x81287ef0, 0x4ffe2bc4), TOBN(0x7b6d88c6, 0xb6b6fc2a),
+         TOBN(0x805fb947, 0xce417d99), TOBN(0x4b93dcc3, 0x8b916cc4),
+         TOBN(0x72e65bb3, 0x21273323), TOBN(0xbcc1badd, 0x6ea9886e),
+         TOBN(0x0e223011, 0x4bc5ee85), TOBN(0xa561be74, 0xc18ee1e4),
+         TOBN(0x762fd2d4, 0xa6bcf1f1), TOBN(0x50e6a5a4, 0x95231489),
+         TOBN(0xca96001f, 0xa00b500b), TOBN(0x5c098cfc, 0x5d7dcdf5),
+         TOBN(0xa64e2d2e, 0x8c446a85), TOBN(0xbae9bcf1, 0x971f3c62),
+         TOBN(0x4ec22683, 0x8435a2c5), TOBN(0x8ceaed6c, 0x4bad4643),
+         TOBN(0xe9f8fb47, 0xccccf4e3), TOBN(0xbd4f3fa4, 0x1ce3b21e),
+         TOBN(0xd79fb110, 0xa3db3292), TOBN(0xe28a37da, 0xb536c66a),
+         TOBN(0x279ce87b, 0x8e49e6a9), TOBN(0x70ccfe8d, 0xfdcec8e3),
+         TOBN(0x2193e4e0, 0x3ba464b2), TOBN(0x0f39d60e, 0xaca9a398),
+         TOBN(0x7d7932af, 0xf82c12ab), TOBN(0xd8ff50ed, 0x91e7e0f7),
+         TOBN(0xea961058, 0xfa28a7e0), TOBN(0xc726cf25, 0x0bf5ec74),
+         TOBN(0xe74d55c8, 0xdb229666), TOBN(0x0bd9abbf, 0xa57f5799),
+         TOBN(0x7479ef07, 0x4dfc47b3), TOBN(0xd9c65fc3, 0x0c52f91d),
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+         TOBN(0x6a677c61, 0x12e83233), TOBN(0x0fbb3512, 0xdcc9bf28),
+         TOBN(0x562e8ea5, 0x0d780f61), TOBN(0x0db8b22b, 0x1dc4e89c),
+         TOBN(0x0a6fd1fb, 0x89be0144), TOBN(0x8c77d246, 0xca57113b),
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+         TOBN(0x3113940d, 0xec1b4991), TOBN(0xf12195e1, 0x36f485ae),
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+         TOBN(0xdb1c4f98, 0x6d840cd6), TOBN(0x471d62c0, 0xe634288c),
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+         TOBN(0x6793a20f, 0x4b709985), TOBN(0x7a7bd33b, 0xefa8985b),
+         TOBN(0x2c6a3fbd, 0x938e6446), TOBN(0x19042619, 0x2a8d47c1),
+         TOBN(0x16848667, 0xcc36975f), TOBN(0x02acf168, 0x9d5f1dfb),
+         TOBN(0x62d41ad4, 0x613baa94), TOBN(0xb56fbb92, 0x9f684670),
+         TOBN(0xce610d0d, 0xe9e40569), TOBN(0x7b99c65f, 0x35489fef),
+         TOBN(0x0c88ad1b, 0x3df18b97), TOBN(0x81b7d9be, 0x5d0e9edb),
+         TOBN(0xd85218c0, 0xc716cc0a), TOBN(0xf4b5ff90, 0x85691c49),
+         TOBN(0xa4fd666b, 0xce356ac6), TOBN(0x17c72895, 0x4b327a7a),
+         TOBN(0xf93d5085, 0xda6be7de), TOBN(0xff71530e, 0x3301d34e),
+         TOBN(0x4cd96442, 0xd8f448e8), TOBN(0x9283d331, 0x2ed18ffa),
+         TOBN(0x4d33dd99, 0x2a849870), TOBN(0xa716964b, 0x41576335),
+         TOBN(0xff5e3a9b, 0x179be0e5), TOBN(0x5b9d6b1b, 0x83b13632),
+         TOBN(0x3b8bd7d4, 0xa52f313b), TOBN(0xc9dd95a0, 0x637a4660),
+         TOBN(0x30035962, 0x0b3e218f), TOBN(0xce1481a3, 0xc7b28a3c),
+         TOBN(0xab41b43a, 0x43228d83), TOBN(0x24ae1c30, 0x4ad63f99),
+         TOBN(0x8e525f1a, 0x46a51229), TOBN(0x14af860f, 0xcd26d2b4),
+         TOBN(0xd6baef61, 0x3f714aa1), TOBN(0xf51865ad, 0xeb78795e),
+         TOBN(0xd3e21fce, 0xe6a9d694), TOBN(0x82ceb1dd, 0x8a37b527)}};
diff --git a/src/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64.c b/src/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09816ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64.c
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+/* Developers and authors:
+ * Shay Gueron (1, 2), and Vlad Krasnov (1)
+ * (1) Intel Corporation, Israel Development Center
+ * (2) University of Haifa
+ * Reference:
+ * S.Gueron and V.Krasnov, "Fast Prime Field Elliptic Curve Cryptography with
+ *                          256 Bit Primes" */
+#include <openssl/ec.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <openssl/bn.h>
+#include <openssl/crypto.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+#include "../bn/internal.h"
+#include "../ec/internal.h"
+#include "../internal.h"
+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && defined(OPENSSL_X86_64) && \
+    !defined(OPENSSL_SMALL)
+#if BN_BITS2 != 64
+#define TOBN(hi, lo) lo, hi
+#define TOBN(hi, lo) ((BN_ULONG)hi << 32 | lo)
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#define ALIGN32 __attribute((aligned(32)))
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define ALIGN32 __declspec(align(32))
+#define ALIGN32
+#define ALIGNPTR(p, N) ((uint8_t *)p + N - (size_t)p % N)
+#define P256_LIMBS (256 / BN_BITS2)
+typedef struct {
+} P256_POINT;
+typedef struct {
+typedef P256_POINT_AFFINE PRECOMP256_ROW[64];
+/* Functions implemented in assembly */
+/* Modular mul by 2: res = 2*a mod P */
+void ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
+                           const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Modular div by 2: res = a/2 mod P */
+void ecp_nistz256_div_by_2(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
+                           const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Modular mul by 3: res = 3*a mod P */
+void ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
+                           const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Modular add: res = a+b mod P */
+void ecp_nistz256_add(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS], const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS],
+                      const BN_ULONG b[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Modular sub: res = a-b mod P */
+void ecp_nistz256_sub(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS], const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS],
+                      const BN_ULONG b[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Modular neg: res = -a mod P */
+void ecp_nistz256_neg(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS], const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Montgomery mul: res = a*b*2^-256 mod P */
+void ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
+                           const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS],
+                           const BN_ULONG b[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Montgomery sqr: res = a*a*2^-256 mod P */
+void ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
+                           const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Convert a number from Montgomery domain, by multiplying with 1 */
+void ecp_nistz256_from_mont(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
+                            const BN_ULONG in[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Convert a number to Montgomery domain, by multiplying with 2^512 mod P*/
+void ecp_nistz256_to_mont(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
+                          const BN_ULONG in[P256_LIMBS]);
+/* Functions that perform constant time access to the precomputed tables */
+void ecp_nistz256_select_w5(P256_POINT *val, const P256_POINT *in_t, int index);
+void ecp_nistz256_select_w7(P256_POINT_AFFINE *val,
+                            const P256_POINT_AFFINE *in_t, int index);
+/* One converted into the Montgomery domain */
+static const BN_ULONG ONE[P256_LIMBS] = {
+    TOBN(0x00000000, 0x00000001), TOBN(0xffffffff, 0x00000000),
+    TOBN(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff), TOBN(0x00000000, 0xfffffffe),
+/* Precomputed tables for the default generator */
+#include "p256-x86_64-table.h"
+/* Recode window to a signed digit, see ecp_nistputil.c for details */
+static unsigned booth_recode_w5(unsigned in) {
+  unsigned s, d;
+  s = ~((in >> 5) - 1);
+  d = (1 << 6) - in - 1;
+  d = (d & s) | (in & ~s);
+  d = (d >> 1) + (d & 1);
+  return (d << 1) + (s & 1);
+static unsigned booth_recode_w7(unsigned in) {
+  unsigned s, d;
+  s = ~((in >> 7) - 1);
+  d = (1 << 8) - in - 1;
+  d = (d & s) | (in & ~s);
+  d = (d >> 1) + (d & 1);
+  return (d << 1) + (s & 1);
+static void copy_conditional(BN_ULONG dst[P256_LIMBS],
+                             const BN_ULONG src[P256_LIMBS], BN_ULONG move) {
+  BN_ULONG mask1 = ((BN_ULONG)0) - move;
+  BN_ULONG mask2 = ~mask1;
+  dst[0] = (src[0] & mask1) ^ (dst[0] & mask2);
+  dst[1] = (src[1] & mask1) ^ (dst[1] & mask2);
+  dst[2] = (src[2] & mask1) ^ (dst[2] & mask2);
+  dst[3] = (src[3] & mask1) ^ (dst[3] & mask2);
+  if (P256_LIMBS == 8) {
+    dst[4] = (src[4] & mask1) ^ (dst[4] & mask2);
+    dst[5] = (src[5] & mask1) ^ (dst[5] & mask2);
+    dst[6] = (src[6] & mask1) ^ (dst[6] & mask2);
+    dst[7] = (src[7] & mask1) ^ (dst[7] & mask2);
+  }
+static BN_ULONG is_zero(BN_ULONG in) {
+  in |= (0 - in);
+  in = ~in;
+  in &= BN_MASK2;
+  in >>= BN_BITS2 - 1;
+  return in;
+static BN_ULONG is_equal(const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS],
+                         const BN_ULONG b[P256_LIMBS]) {
+  BN_ULONG res;
+  res = a[0] ^ b[0];
+  res |= a[1] ^ b[1];
+  res |= a[2] ^ b[2];
+  res |= a[3] ^ b[3];
+  if (P256_LIMBS == 8) {
+    res |= a[4] ^ b[4];
+    res |= a[5] ^ b[5];
+    res |= a[6] ^ b[6];
+    res |= a[7] ^ b[7];
+  }
+  return is_zero(res);
+static BN_ULONG is_one(const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS]) {
+  BN_ULONG res;
+  res = a[0] ^ ONE[0];
+  res |= a[1] ^ ONE[1];
+  res |= a[2] ^ ONE[2];
+  res |= a[3] ^ ONE[3];
+  if (P256_LIMBS == 8) {
+    res |= a[4] ^ ONE[4];
+    res |= a[5] ^ ONE[5];
+    res |= a[6] ^ ONE[6];
+  }
+  return is_zero(res);
+void ecp_nistz256_point_double(P256_POINT *r, const P256_POINT *a);
+void ecp_nistz256_point_add(P256_POINT *r, const P256_POINT *a,
+                            const P256_POINT *b);
+void ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(P256_POINT *r, const P256_POINT *a,
+                                   const P256_POINT_AFFINE *b);
+/* r = in^-1 mod p */
+static void ecp_nistz256_mod_inverse(BN_ULONG r[P256_LIMBS],
+                                     const BN_ULONG in[P256_LIMBS]) {
+  /* The poly is ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff
+     ffffffff
+     We use FLT and used poly-2 as exponent */
+  BN_ULONG p2[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG p4[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG p8[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG p16[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG p32[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS];
+  int i;
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, in);
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(p2, res, in); /* 3*p */
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, p2);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(p4, res, p2); /* f*p */
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, p4);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(p8, res, p4); /* ff*p */
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, p8);
+  for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+    ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  }
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(p16, res, p8); /* ffff*p */
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, p16);
+  for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
+    ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  }
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(p32, res, p16); /* ffffffff*p */
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, p32);
+  for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
+    ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  }
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, res, in);
+  for (i = 0; i < 32 * 4; i++) {
+    ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  }
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, res, p32);
+  for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+    ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  }
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, res, p32);
+  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+    ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  }
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, res, p16);
+  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  }
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, res, p8);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, res, p4);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, res, p2);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(res, res);
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(res, res, in);
+  memcpy(r, res, sizeof(res));
+/* ecp_nistz256_bignum_to_field_elem copies the contents of |in| to |out| and
+ * returns one if it fits. Otherwise it returns zero. */
+static int ecp_nistz256_bignum_to_field_elem(BN_ULONG out[P256_LIMBS],
+                                             const BIGNUM *in) {
+  if (in->top > P256_LIMBS) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  memset(out, 0, sizeof(BN_ULONG) * P256_LIMBS);
+  memcpy(out, in->d, sizeof(BN_ULONG) * in->top);
+  return 1;
+/* r = sum(scalar[i]*point[i]) */
+static void ecp_nistz256_windowed_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, P256_POINT *r,
+                                      const BIGNUM **scalar,
+                                      const EC_POINT **point, int num,
+                                      BN_CTX *ctx) {
+  static const unsigned kWindowSize = 5;
+  static const unsigned kMask = (1 << (5 /* kWindowSize */ + 1)) - 1;
+  void *table_storage = OPENSSL_malloc(num * 16 * sizeof(P256_POINT) + 64);
+  uint8_t(*p_str)[33] = OPENSSL_malloc(num * 33 * sizeof(uint8_t));
+  const BIGNUM **scalars = OPENSSL_malloc(num * sizeof(BIGNUM *));
+  if (table_storage == NULL ||
+      p_str == NULL ||
+      scalars == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  P256_POINT(*table)[16] = (void *)ALIGNPTR(table_storage, 64);
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+    P256_POINT *row = table[i];
+    if (BN_num_bits(scalar[i]) > 256 || BN_is_negative(scalar[i])) {
+      BIGNUM *mod = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+      if (mod == NULL) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      if (!BN_nnmod(mod, scalar[i], &group->order, ctx)) {
+        goto err;
+      }
+      scalars[i] = mod;
+    } else {
+      scalars[i] = scalar[i];
+    }
+    int j;
+    for (j = 0; j < scalars[i]->top * BN_BYTES; j += BN_BYTES) {
+      BN_ULONG d = scalars[i]->d[j / BN_BYTES];
+      p_str[i][j + 0] = d & 0xff;
+      p_str[i][j + 1] = (d >> 8) & 0xff;
+      p_str[i][j + 2] = (d >> 16) & 0xff;
+      p_str[i][j + 3] = (d >>= 24) & 0xff;
+      if (BN_BYTES == 8) {
+        d >>= 8;
+        p_str[i][j + 4] = d & 0xff;
+        p_str[i][j + 5] = (d >> 8) & 0xff;
+        p_str[i][j + 6] = (d >> 16) & 0xff;
+        p_str[i][j + 7] = (d >> 24) & 0xff;
+      }
+    }
+    for (; j < 33; j++) {
+      p_str[i][j] = 0;
+    }
+    /* table[0] is implicitly (0,0,0) (the point at infinity), therefore it is
+     * not stored. All other values are actually stored with an offset of -1 in
+     * table. */
+    if (!ecp_nistz256_bignum_to_field_elem(row[1 - 1].X, &point[i]->X) ||
+        !ecp_nistz256_bignum_to_field_elem(row[1 - 1].Y, &point[i]->Y) ||
+        !ecp_nistz256_bignum_to_field_elem(row[1 - 1].Z, &point[i]->Z)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(&row[2 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(&row[3 - 1], &row[2 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(&row[4 - 1], &row[2 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(&row[6 - 1], &row[3 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(&row[8 - 1], &row[4 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(&row[12 - 1], &row[6 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(&row[5 - 1], &row[4 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(&row[7 - 1], &row[6 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(&row[9 - 1], &row[8 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(&row[13 - 1], &row[12 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(&row[14 - 1], &row[7 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(&row[10 - 1], &row[5 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(&row[15 - 1], &row[14 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(&row[11 - 1], &row[10 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(&row[16 - 1], &row[15 - 1], &row[1 - 1]);
+  }
+  BN_ULONG tmp[P256_LIMBS];
+  ALIGN32 P256_POINT h;
+  unsigned index = 255;
+  unsigned wvalue = p_str[0][(index - 1) / 8];
+  wvalue = (wvalue >> ((index - 1) % 8)) & kMask;
+  ecp_nistz256_select_w5(r, table[0], booth_recode_w5(wvalue) >> 1);
+  while (index >= 5) {
+    for (i = (index == 255 ? 1 : 0); i < num; i++) {
+      unsigned off = (index - 1) / 8;
+      wvalue = p_str[i][off] | p_str[i][off + 1] << 8;
+      wvalue = (wvalue >> ((index - 1) % 8)) & kMask;
+      wvalue = booth_recode_w5(wvalue);
+      ecp_nistz256_select_w5(&h, table[i], wvalue >> 1);
+      ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, h.Y);
+      copy_conditional(h.Y, tmp, (wvalue & 1));
+      ecp_nistz256_point_add(r, r, &h);
+    }
+    index -= kWindowSize;
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(r, r);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(r, r);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(r, r);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(r, r);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_double(r, r);
+  }
+  /* Final window */
+  for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+    wvalue = p_str[i][0];
+    wvalue = (wvalue << 1) & kMask;
+    wvalue = booth_recode_w5(wvalue);
+    ecp_nistz256_select_w5(&h, table[i], wvalue >> 1);
+    ecp_nistz256_neg(tmp, h.Y);
+    copy_conditional(h.Y, tmp, wvalue & 1);
+    ecp_nistz256_point_add(r, r, &h);
+  }
+  OPENSSL_free(table_storage);
+  OPENSSL_free(p_str);
+  OPENSSL_free((BIGNUM**) scalars);
+/* Coordinates of G, for which we have precomputed tables */
+const static BN_ULONG def_xG[P256_LIMBS] = {
+    TOBN(0x79e730d4, 0x18a9143c), TOBN(0x75ba95fc, 0x5fedb601),
+    TOBN(0x79fb732b, 0x77622510), TOBN(0x18905f76, 0xa53755c6),
+const static BN_ULONG def_yG[P256_LIMBS] = {
+    TOBN(0xddf25357, 0xce95560a), TOBN(0x8b4ab8e4, 0xba19e45c),
+    TOBN(0xd2e88688, 0xdd21f325), TOBN(0x8571ff18, 0x25885d85)
+/* ecp_nistz256_is_affine_G returns one if |generator| is the standard, P-256
+ * generator. */
+static int ecp_nistz256_is_affine_G(const EC_POINT *generator) {
+  return (generator->X.top == P256_LIMBS) && (generator->Y.top == P256_LIMBS) &&
+         (generator->Z.top == (P256_LIMBS - P256_LIMBS / 8)) &&
+         is_equal(generator->X.d, def_xG) && is_equal(generator->Y.d, def_yG) &&
+         is_one(generator->Z.d);
+/* r = scalar*G + sum(scalars[i]*points[i]) */
+static int ecp_nistz256_points_mul(
+    const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const BIGNUM *scalar, size_t num,
+    const EC_POINT *points[], const BIGNUM *scalars[], BN_CTX *ctx) {
+  static const unsigned kWindowSize = 7;
+  static const unsigned kMask = (1 << (7 /* kWindowSize */ + 1)) - 1;
+  int ret = 0, no_precomp_for_generator = 0, p_is_infinity = 0;
+  ALIGN32 union {
+    P256_POINT p;
+    P256_POINT_AFFINE a;
+  } t, p;
+  if (scalar == NULL && num == 0) {
+    return EC_POINT_set_to_infinity(group, r);
+  }
+  /* Need 256 bits for space for all coordinates. */
+  bn_wexpand(&r->X, P256_LIMBS);
+  bn_wexpand(&r->Y, P256_LIMBS);
+  bn_wexpand(&r->Z, P256_LIMBS);
+  r->X.top = P256_LIMBS;
+  r->Y.top = P256_LIMBS;
+  r->Z.top = P256_LIMBS;
+  const EC_POINT *generator = NULL;
+  if (scalar) {
+    generator = EC_GROUP_get0_generator(group);
+    if (generator == NULL) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    if (ecp_nistz256_is_affine_G(generator)) {
+      if (BN_num_bits(scalar) > 256 || BN_is_negative(scalar)) {
+        BIGNUM *tmp_scalar = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
+        if (tmp_scalar == NULL) {
+          goto err;
+        }
+        if (!BN_nnmod(tmp_scalar, scalar, &group->order, ctx)) {
+          goto err;
+        }
+        scalar = tmp_scalar;
+      }
+      uint8_t p_str[33] = {0};
+      int i;
+      for (i = 0; i < scalar->top * BN_BYTES; i += BN_BYTES) {
+        BN_ULONG d = scalar->d[i / BN_BYTES];
+        p_str[i + 0] = d & 0xff;
+        p_str[i + 1] = (d >> 8) & 0xff;
+        p_str[i + 2] = (d >> 16) & 0xff;
+        p_str[i + 3] = (d >>= 24) & 0xff;
+        if (BN_BYTES == 8) {
+          d >>= 8;
+          p_str[i + 4] = d & 0xff;
+          p_str[i + 5] = (d >> 8) & 0xff;
+          p_str[i + 6] = (d >> 16) & 0xff;
+          p_str[i + 7] = (d >> 24) & 0xff;
+        }
+      }
+      for (; i < (int) sizeof(p_str); i++) {
+        p_str[i] = 0;
+      }
+      /* First window */
+      unsigned wvalue = (p_str[0] << 1) & kMask;
+      unsigned index = kWindowSize;
+      wvalue = booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
+      const PRECOMP256_ROW *const precomputed_table =
+          (const PRECOMP256_ROW *)ecp_nistz256_precomputed;
+      ecp_nistz256_select_w7(&p.a, precomputed_table[0], wvalue >> 1);
+      ecp_nistz256_neg(p.p.Z, p.p.Y);
+      copy_conditional(p.p.Y, p.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
+      memcpy(p.p.Z, ONE, sizeof(ONE));
+      for (i = 1; i < 37; i++) {
+        unsigned off = (index - 1) / 8;
+        wvalue = p_str[off] | p_str[off + 1] << 8;
+        wvalue = (wvalue >> ((index - 1) % 8)) & kMask;
+        index += kWindowSize;
+        wvalue = booth_recode_w7(wvalue);
+        ecp_nistz256_select_w7(&t.a, precomputed_table[i], wvalue >> 1);
+        ecp_nistz256_neg(t.p.Z, t.a.Y);
+        copy_conditional(t.a.Y, t.p.Z, wvalue & 1);
+        ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine(&p.p, &p.p, &t.a);
+      }
+    } else {
+      p_is_infinity = 1;
+      no_precomp_for_generator = 1;
+    }
+  } else {
+    p_is_infinity = 1;
+  }
+  if (no_precomp_for_generator) {
+    /* Without a precomputed table for the generator, it has to be handled like
+     * a normal point. */
+    const BIGNUM **new_scalars;
+    const EC_POINT **new_points;
+    /* Bound |num| so that all the possible overflows in the following can be
+     * excluded. */
+    if (0xffffff < num) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    new_scalars = OPENSSL_malloc((num + 1) * sizeof(BIGNUM *));
+    if (new_scalars == NULL) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    new_points = OPENSSL_malloc((num + 1) * sizeof(EC_POINT *));
+    if (new_points == NULL) {
+      OPENSSL_free((BIGNUM**) new_scalars);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    memcpy((BIGNUM**) new_scalars, scalars, num * sizeof(BIGNUM *));
+    new_scalars[num] = scalar;
+    memcpy((EC_POINT**) new_points, points, num * sizeof(EC_POINT *));
+    new_points[num] = generator;
+    scalars = new_scalars;
+    points = new_points;
+    num++;
+  }
+  if (num) {
+    P256_POINT *out = &t.p;
+    if (p_is_infinity) {
+      out = &p.p;
+    }
+    ecp_nistz256_windowed_mul(group, out, scalars, points, num, ctx);
+    if (!p_is_infinity) {
+      ecp_nistz256_point_add(&p.p, &p.p, out);
+    }
+  }
+  if (no_precomp_for_generator) {
+    OPENSSL_free((BIGNUM **) scalars);
+    OPENSSL_free((EC_POINT **) points);
+  }
+  memcpy(r->X.d, p.p.X, sizeof(p.p.X));
+  memcpy(r->Y.d, p.p.Y, sizeof(p.p.Y));
+  memcpy(r->Z.d, p.p.Z, sizeof(p.p.Z));
+  bn_correct_top(&r->X);
+  bn_correct_top(&r->Y);
+  bn_correct_top(&r->Z);
+  ret = 1;
+  return ret;
+static int ecp_nistz256_get_affine(const EC_GROUP *group, const EC_POINT *point,
+                                   BIGNUM *x, BIGNUM *y, BN_CTX *ctx) {
+  BN_ULONG z_inv2[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG z_inv3[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG x_aff[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG y_aff[P256_LIMBS];
+  BN_ULONG point_x[P256_LIMBS], point_y[P256_LIMBS], point_z[P256_LIMBS];
+  if (EC_POINT_is_at_infinity(group, point)) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (!ecp_nistz256_bignum_to_field_elem(point_x, &point->X) ||
+      !ecp_nistz256_bignum_to_field_elem(point_y, &point->Y) ||
+      !ecp_nistz256_bignum_to_field_elem(point_z, &point->Z)) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  ecp_nistz256_mod_inverse(z_inv3, point_z);
+  ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont(z_inv2, z_inv3);
+  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(x_aff, z_inv2, point_x);
+  if (x != NULL) {
+    bn_wexpand(x, P256_LIMBS);
+    x->top = P256_LIMBS;
+    ecp_nistz256_from_mont(x->d, x_aff);
+    bn_correct_top(x);
+  }
+  if (y != NULL) {
+    ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(z_inv3, z_inv3, z_inv2);
+    ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(y_aff, z_inv3, point_y);
+    bn_wexpand(y, P256_LIMBS);
+    y->top = P256_LIMBS;
+    ecp_nistz256_from_mont(y->d, y_aff);
+    bn_correct_top(y);
+  }
+  return 1;
+const EC_METHOD *EC_GFp_nistz256_method(void) {
+  static const EC_METHOD ret = {
+      ec_GFp_mont_group_init,
+      ec_GFp_mont_group_finish,
+      ec_GFp_mont_group_clear_finish,
+      ec_GFp_mont_group_copy,
+      ec_GFp_mont_group_set_curve,
+      ecp_nistz256_get_affine,
+      ecp_nistz256_points_mul,
+      0, /* precompute_mult */
+      ec_GFp_mont_field_mul,
+      ec_GFp_mont_field_sqr,
+      ec_GFp_mont_field_encode,
+      ec_GFp_mont_field_decode,
+      ec_GFp_mont_field_set_to_one,
+  };
+  return &ret;
+#endif /* !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && defined(OPENSSL_X86_64) && \
+          !defined(OPENSSL_SMALL) */
diff --git a/src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa.c b/src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa.c
index 8403d60..a718cf8 100644
--- a/src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa.c
+++ b/src/crypto/ecdsa/ecdsa.c
@@ -325,7 +325,21 @@
   } while (BN_is_zero(r));
   /* compute the inverse of k */
-  if (!BN_mod_inverse(k, k, order, ctx)) {
+  if (ec_group_get_mont_data(group) != NULL) {
+    /* We want inverse in constant time, therefore we use that the order must
+     * be prime and thus we can use Fermat's Little Theorem. */
+    if (!BN_set_word(X, 2) ||
+        !BN_sub(X, order, X)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    BN_set_flags(X, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
+    if (!BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(k, k, X, order, ctx,
+                                   ec_group_get_mont_data(group))) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+  } else if (!BN_mod_inverse(k, k, order, ctx)) {
     goto err;
diff --git a/src/crypto/engine/engine.c b/src/crypto/engine/engine.c
index 6c3300d..25ea98d 100644
--- a/src/crypto/engine/engine.c
+++ b/src/crypto/engine/engine.c
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <assert.h>
-#include <openssl/dh.h>
-#include <openssl/dsa.h>
 #include <openssl/ec_key.h>
 #include <openssl/err.h>
 #include <openssl/mem.h>
@@ -27,8 +25,6 @@
 struct engine_st {
-  DH_METHOD *dh_method;
-  DSA_METHOD *dsa_method;
   RSA_METHOD *rsa_method;
   ECDSA_METHOD *ecdsa_method;
@@ -64,26 +60,6 @@
   return 1;
-int ENGINE_set_DH_method(ENGINE *engine, const DH_METHOD *method,
-                         size_t method_size) {
-  return set_method((void **)&engine->dh_method, method, method_size,
-                    sizeof(DH_METHOD));
-DH_METHOD *ENGINE_get_DH_method(const ENGINE *engine) {
-  return engine->dh_method;
-int ENGINE_set_DSA_method(ENGINE *engine, const DSA_METHOD *method,
-                         size_t method_size) {
-  return set_method((void **)&engine->dsa_method, method, method_size,
-                    sizeof(DSA_METHOD));
-DSA_METHOD *ENGINE_get_DSA_method(const ENGINE *engine) {
-  return engine->dsa_method;
 int ENGINE_set_RSA_method(ENGINE *engine, const RSA_METHOD *method,
                          size_t method_size) {
   return set_method((void **)&engine->rsa_method, method, method_size,
diff --git a/src/crypto/err/err.c b/src/crypto/err/err.c
index 24824e8..9221bf1 100644
--- a/src/crypto/err/err.c
+++ b/src/crypto/err/err.c
@@ -281,14 +281,6 @@
-const char *ERR_peek_function(void) {
-  ERR_STATE *state = err_get_state();
-  if (state == NULL || state->bottom == state->top) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  return state->errors[(state->bottom + 1) % ERR_NUM_ERRORS].function;
 uint32_t ERR_peek_last_error(void) {
   return get_error_values(0 /* peek */, 1 /* top */, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
@@ -346,8 +338,26 @@
   errno = 0;
-static void err_error_string(uint32_t packed_error, const char *func_str,
-                             char *buf, size_t len) {
+char *ERR_error_string(uint32_t packed_error, char *ret) {
+  static char buf[ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN];
+  if (ret == NULL) {
+    /* TODO(fork): remove this. */
+    ret = buf;
+  }
+#if !defined(NDEBUG)
+  /* This is aimed to help catch callers who don't provide
+   * |ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN| bytes of space. */
+  memset(ret, 0, ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN);
+  ERR_error_string_n(packed_error, ret, ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN);
+  return ret;
+void ERR_error_string_n(uint32_t packed_error, char *buf, size_t len) {
   char lib_buf[64], reason_buf[64];
   const char *lib_str, *reason_str;
   unsigned lib, reason;
@@ -367,17 +377,13 @@
     lib_str = lib_buf;
-  if (func_str == NULL) {
-    func_str = "OPENSSL_internal";
-  }
-  if (reason_str == NULL) {
+ if (reason_str == NULL) {
     BIO_snprintf(reason_buf, sizeof(reason_buf), "reason(%u)", reason);
     reason_str = reason_buf;
-  BIO_snprintf(buf, len, "error:%08" PRIx32 ":%s:%s:%s",
-               packed_error, lib_str, func_str, reason_str);
+  BIO_snprintf(buf, len, "error:%08" PRIx32 ":%s:OPENSSL_internal:%s",
+               packed_error, lib_str, reason_str);
   if (strlen(buf) == len - 1) {
     /* output may be truncated; make sure we always have 5 colon-separated
@@ -410,29 +416,6 @@
-char *ERR_error_string(uint32_t packed_error, char *ret) {
-  static char buf[ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN];
-  if (ret == NULL) {
-    /* TODO(fork): remove this. */
-    ret = buf;
-  }
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)
-  /* This is aimed to help catch callers who don't provide
-   * |ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN| bytes of space. */
-  memset(ret, 0, ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN);
-  ERR_error_string_n(packed_error, ret, ERR_ERROR_STRING_BUF_LEN);
-  return ret;
-void ERR_error_string_n(uint32_t packed_error, char *buf, size_t len) {
-  err_error_string(packed_error, NULL, buf, len);
 // err_string_cmp is a compare function for searching error values with
 // |bsearch| in |err_string_lookup|.
 static int err_string_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
@@ -461,7 +444,7 @@
    *   |6 bits|  11 bits  |    15 bits    |
    * The |lib| value is a library identifier: one of the |ERR_LIB_*| values.
-   * The |key| is either a function or a reason code, depending on the context.
+   * The |key| is a reason code, depending on the context.
    * The |offset| is the number of bytes from the start of |string_data| where
    * the (NUL terminated) string for this value can be found.
@@ -577,13 +560,12 @@
   const unsigned long thread_hash = (uintptr_t) err_get_state();
   for (;;) {
-    const char *function = ERR_peek_function();
     packed_error = ERR_get_error_line_data(&file, &line, &data, &flags);
     if (packed_error == 0) {
-    err_error_string(packed_error, function, buf, sizeof(buf));
+    ERR_error_string_n(packed_error, buf, sizeof(buf));
     BIO_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%lu:%s:%s:%d:%s\n", thread_hash, buf,
                  file, line, (flags & ERR_FLAG_STRING) ? data : "");
     if (callback(buf2, strlen(buf2), ctx) <= 0) {
@@ -623,8 +605,8 @@
   error->flags = flags;
-void ERR_put_error(int library, int reason, const char *function,
-                   const char *file, unsigned line) {
+void ERR_put_error(int library, int unused, int reason, const char *file,
+                   unsigned line) {
   ERR_STATE *const state = err_get_state();
   struct err_error_st *error;
@@ -647,7 +629,6 @@
   error = &state->errors[state->top];
-  error->function = function;
   error->file = file;
   error->line = line;
   error->packed = ERR_PACK(library, reason);
diff --git a/src/crypto/err/err_test.cc b/src/crypto/err/err_test.cc
index bdf3486..d691355 100644
--- a/src/crypto/err/err_test.cc
+++ b/src/crypto/err/err_test.cc
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 static bool TestOverflow() {
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < ERR_NUM_ERRORS*2; i++) {
-    ERR_put_error(1, i+1, "function", "test", 1);
+    ERR_put_error(1, 0 /* unused */, i+1, "test", 1);
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < ERR_NUM_ERRORS - 1; i++) {
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
     return false;
-  ERR_put_error(1, 2, "function", "test", 4);
+  ERR_put_error(1, 0 /* unused */, 2, "test", 4);
   ERR_add_error_data(1, "testing");
   int peeked_line, line, peeked_flags, flags;
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
   uint32_t peeked_packed_error =
       ERR_peek_error_line_data(&peeked_file, &peeked_line, &peeked_data,
-  const char *function = ERR_peek_function();
   uint32_t packed_error = ERR_get_error_line_data(&file, &line, &data, &flags);
   if (peeked_packed_error != packed_error ||
@@ -69,8 +68,7 @@
     return false;
-  if (strcmp(function, "function") != 0 ||
-      strcmp(file, "test") != 0 ||
+  if (strcmp(file, "test") != 0 ||
       line != 4 ||
       (flags & ERR_FLAG_STRING) == 0 ||
       ERR_GET_LIB(packed_error) != 1 ||
@@ -89,7 +87,7 @@
     return false;
-  ERR_put_error(1, 2, "function", "test", 4);
+  ERR_put_error(1, 0 /* unused */, 2, "test", 4);
   if (ERR_get_error() != 0) {
@@ -101,7 +99,7 @@
 static bool TestPrint() {
-  ERR_put_error(1, 2, "function", "test", 4);
+  ERR_put_error(1, 0 /* unused */, 2, "test", 4);
   ERR_add_error_data(1, "testing");
   uint32_t packed_error = ERR_get_error();
@@ -114,7 +112,7 @@
 static bool TestRelease() {
-  ERR_put_error(1, 2, "function", "test", 4);
+  ERR_put_error(1, 0 /* unused */, 2, "test", 4);
   return true;
@@ -134,11 +132,9 @@
   int line;
   const char *file;
-  const char *function = ERR_peek_function();
   uint32_t error = ERR_get_error_line(&file, &line);
-  if (strcmp(function, "TestPutMacro") != 0 ||
-      !HasSuffix(file, "err_test.cc") ||
+  if (!HasSuffix(file, "err_test.cc") ||
       line != expected_line ||
       ERR_GET_LIB(error) != ERR_LIB_USER ||
diff --git a/src/crypto/evp/p_dsa_asn1.c b/src/crypto/evp/p_dsa_asn1.c
index 4790cf6..c92068f 100644
--- a/src/crypto/evp/p_dsa_asn1.c
+++ b/src/crypto/evp/p_dsa_asn1.c
@@ -582,4 +582,7 @@
+  NULL  /* digest_verify_init_from_algorithm */,
+  NULL  /* digest_sign_algorithm */,
diff --git a/src/crypto/evp/p_ec_asn1.c b/src/crypto/evp/p_ec_asn1.c
index 9867947..c583e0f 100644
--- a/src/crypto/evp/p_ec_asn1.c
+++ b/src/crypto/evp/p_ec_asn1.c
@@ -569,5 +569,8 @@
-  old_ec_priv_encode
+  old_ec_priv_encode,
+  NULL /* digest_verify_init_from_algorithm */,
+  NULL /* digest_sign_algorithm */,
diff --git a/src/crypto/md4/md4.c b/src/crypto/md4/md4.c
index 5ef9ae5..0a8ea1d 100644
--- a/src/crypto/md4/md4.c
+++ b/src/crypto/md4/md4.c
@@ -64,18 +64,17 @@
 int MD4_Init(MD4_CTX *md4) {
   memset(md4, 0, sizeof(MD4_CTX));
-  md4->A = 0x67452301UL;
-  md4->B = 0xefcdab89UL;
-  md4->C = 0x98badcfeUL;
-  md4->D = 0x10325476UL;
+  md4->h[0] = 0x67452301UL;
+  md4->h[1] = 0xefcdab89UL;
+  md4->h[2] = 0x98badcfeUL;
+  md4->h[3] = 0x10325476UL;
   return 1;
-void md4_block_data_order (MD4_CTX *md4, const void *p, size_t num);
+void md4_block_data_order(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *data, size_t num);
-#define HASH_LONG uint32_t
 #define HASH_CTX MD4_CTX
 #define HASH_CBLOCK 64
 #define HASH_UPDATE MD4_Update
@@ -84,13 +83,13 @@
 #define HASH_MAKE_STRING(c, s) \
   do {                         \
     uint32_t ll;               \
-    ll = (c)->A;               \
+    ll = (c)->h[0];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->B;               \
+    ll = (c)->h[1];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->C;               \
+    ll = (c)->h[2];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->D;               \
+    ll = (c)->h[3];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
   } while (0)
 #define HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER md4_block_data_order
@@ -122,15 +121,14 @@
     a = ROTATE(a, s);                  \
-void md4_block_data_order(MD4_CTX *c, const void *data_, size_t num) {
-  const uint8_t *data = data_;
+void md4_block_data_order(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *data, size_t num) {
   uint32_t A, B, C, D, l;
   uint32_t X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X12, X13, X14, X15;
-  A = c->A;
-  B = c->B;
-  C = c->C;
-  D = c->D;
+  A = state[0];
+  B = state[1];
+  C = state[2];
+  D = state[3];
   for (; num--;) {
     HOST_c2l(data, l);
@@ -217,9 +215,9 @@
     R2(C, D, A, B, X7, 11, 0x6ED9EBA1L);
     R2(B, C, D, A, X15, 15, 0x6ED9EBA1L);
-    A = c->A += A;
-    B = c->B += B;
-    C = c->C += C;
-    D = c->D += D;
+    A = state[0] += A;
+    B = state[1] += B;
+    C = state[2] += C;
+    D = state[3] += D;
diff --git a/src/crypto/md5/md5.c b/src/crypto/md5/md5.c
index 6ad8d12..f27e62d 100644
--- a/src/crypto/md5/md5.c
+++ b/src/crypto/md5/md5.c
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@
 int MD5_Init(MD5_CTX *md5) {
   memset(md5, 0, sizeof(MD5_CTX));
-  md5->A = 0x67452301UL;
-  md5->B = 0xefcdab89UL;
-  md5->C = 0x98badcfeUL;
-  md5->D = 0x10325476UL;
+  md5->h[0] = 0x67452301UL;
+  md5->h[1] = 0xefcdab89UL;
+  md5->h[2] = 0x98badcfeUL;
+  md5->h[3] = 0x10325476UL;
   return 1;
@@ -93,11 +93,10 @@
-void md5_block_data_order(MD5_CTX *md5, const void *p, size_t num);
+void md5_block_data_order(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *data, size_t num);
-#define HASH_LONG uint32_t
 #define HASH_CTX MD5_CTX
 #define HASH_CBLOCK 64
 #define HASH_UPDATE MD5_Update
@@ -106,13 +105,13 @@
 #define HASH_MAKE_STRING(c, s) \
   do {                         \
     uint32_t ll;               \
-    ll = (c)->A;               \
+    ll = (c)->h[0];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->B;               \
+    ll = (c)->h[1];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->C;               \
+    ll = (c)->h[2];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->D;               \
+    ll = (c)->h[3];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
   } while (0)
 #define HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER md5_block_data_order
@@ -152,17 +151,16 @@
 #ifdef X
 #undef X
-void md5_block_data_order(MD5_CTX *md5, const void *in_data, size_t num) {
-  const uint8_t *data = in_data;
+void md5_block_data_order(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *data, size_t num) {
   uint32_t A, B, C, D, l;
   uint32_t XX0, XX1, XX2, XX3, XX4, XX5, XX6, XX7, XX8, XX9, XX10, XX11, XX12,
       XX13, XX14, XX15;
 #define X(i) XX##i
-  A = md5->A;
-  B = md5->B;
-  C = md5->C;
-  D = md5->D;
+  A = state[0];
+  B = state[1];
+  C = state[2];
+  D = state[3];
   for (; num--;) {
     HOST_c2l(data, l);
@@ -266,10 +264,10 @@
     R3(C, D, A, B, X(2), 15, 0x2ad7d2bbL);
     R3(B, C, D, A, X(9), 21, 0xeb86d391L);
-    A = md5->A += A;
-    B = md5->B += B;
-    C = md5->C += C;
-    D = md5->D += D;
+    A = state[0] += A;
+    B = state[1] += B;
+    C = state[2] += C;
+    D = state[3] += D;
diff --git a/src/crypto/pkcs8/p8_pkey.c b/src/crypto/pkcs8/p8_pkey.c
index bd9d30c..c69d0fa 100644
--- a/src/crypto/pkcs8/p8_pkey.c
+++ b/src/crypto/pkcs8/p8_pkey.c
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   /* Since the structure must still be valid use ASN1_OP_FREE_PRE */
   if (operation == ASN1_OP_FREE_PRE) {
     PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO *key = (PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO *)*pval;
-    if (key->pkey &&
+    if (key->pkey && key->pkey->type == V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING &&
         key->pkey->value.octet_string) {
diff --git a/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_arm.c b/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_arm.c
index c06eded..5e78dc0 100644
--- a/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_arm.c
+++ b/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_arm.c
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
 static void fe1305x2_frombytearray(fe1305x2 *r, const uint8_t *x,
                                    unsigned long long xlen) {
-  int i;
+  unsigned i;
   uint8_t t[17];
   for (i = 0; (i < 16) && (i < xlen); i++) {
diff --git a/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.txt b/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.txt
index 2a92c12..ad40699 100644
--- a/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.txt
+++ b/src/crypto/poly1305/poly1305_test.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# RFC 7359, section 2.5.2.
+# RFC 7539, section 2.5.2.
 Key = 85d6be7857556d337f4452fe42d506a80103808afb0db2fd4abff6af4149f51b
 Input = "Cryptographic Forum Research Group"
diff --git a/src/crypto/rsa/blinding.c b/src/crypto/rsa/blinding.c
index c93cee1..d21633f 100644
--- a/src/crypto/rsa/blinding.c
+++ b/src/crypto/rsa/blinding.c
@@ -127,9 +127,11 @@
   BIGNUM *mod; /* just a reference */
   int counter;
   unsigned long flags;
-  BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx;
+  /* mont is the Montgomery context used for this |BN_BLINDING|. It is not
+   * owned and must outlive this structure. */
+  const BN_MONT_CTX *mont;
   int (*bn_mod_exp)(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
-                    const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx);
+                    const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
@@ -284,8 +286,8 @@
     BN_BLINDING *b, const BIGNUM *e, BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,
     int (*bn_mod_exp)(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
-                      const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx),
-    BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx) {
+                      const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, const BN_MONT_CTX *mont),
+    const BN_MONT_CTX *mont) {
   int retry_counter = 32;
@@ -317,8 +319,8 @@
   if (bn_mod_exp != NULL) {
     ret->bn_mod_exp = bn_mod_exp;
-  if (m_ctx != NULL) {
-    ret->m_ctx = m_ctx;
+  if (mont != NULL) {
+    ret->mont = mont;
   do {
@@ -343,8 +345,8 @@
   } while (1);
-  if (ret->bn_mod_exp != NULL && ret->m_ctx != NULL) {
-    if (!ret->bn_mod_exp(ret->A, ret->A, ret->e, ret->mod, ctx, ret->m_ctx)) {
+  if (ret->bn_mod_exp != NULL && ret->mont != NULL) {
+    if (!ret->bn_mod_exp(ret->A, ret->A, ret->e, ret->mod, ctx, ret->mont)) {
       goto err;
   } else {
@@ -434,8 +436,7 @@
   BN_with_flags(n, rsa->n, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
   if (rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_CACHE_PUBLIC) {
-    mont_ctx =
-        BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->_method_mod_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx);
+    mont_ctx = BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->mont_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx);
     if (mont_ctx == NULL) {
       goto err;
diff --git a/src/crypto/rsa/internal.h b/src/crypto/rsa/internal.h
index c0044c3..4e896e2 100644
--- a/src/crypto/rsa/internal.h
+++ b/src/crypto/rsa/internal.h
@@ -65,6 +65,28 @@
+/* Default implementations of RSA operations. */
+extern const RSA_METHOD RSA_default_method;
+size_t rsa_default_size(const RSA *rsa);
+int rsa_default_encrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
+                        const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding);
+int rsa_default_sign_raw(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
+                         size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
+                         int padding);
+int rsa_default_decrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
+                        const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding);
+int rsa_default_verify_raw(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
+                           size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
+                           int padding);
+int rsa_default_private_transform(RSA *rsa, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in,
+                                  size_t len);
+int rsa_default_multi_prime_keygen(RSA *rsa, int bits, int num_primes,
+                                   BIGNUM *e_value, BN_GENCB *cb);
+int rsa_default_keygen(RSA *rsa, int bits, BIGNUM *e_value, BN_GENCB *cb);
@@ -84,8 +106,8 @@
     BN_BLINDING *b, const BIGNUM *e, BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,
     int (*bn_mod_exp)(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
-                      const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx),
-    BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx);
+                      const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx, const BN_MONT_CTX *mont),
+    const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
 BN_BLINDING *rsa_setup_blinding(RSA *rsa, BN_CTX *in_ctx);
@@ -128,8 +150,8 @@
   /* r is the product of all primes (including p and q) prior to this one. */
   BIGNUM *r;
-  /* method_mod is managed by the |RSA_METHOD|. */
-  BN_MONT_CTX *method_mod;
+  /* mont is a |BN_MONT_CTX| modulo |prime|. */
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont;
 } RSA_additional_prime;
 void RSA_additional_prime_free(RSA_additional_prime *ap);
diff --git a/src/crypto/rsa/rsa.c b/src/crypto/rsa/rsa.c
index 3ea4bff..49ab27b 100644
--- a/src/crypto/rsa/rsa.c
+++ b/src/crypto/rsa/rsa.c
@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@
 #include "../internal.h"
-extern const RSA_METHOD RSA_default_method;
 RSA *RSA_new(void) { return RSA_new_method(NULL); }
@@ -126,6 +124,7 @@
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(ap->mont);
@@ -155,6 +154,9 @@
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(rsa->mont_n);
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(rsa->mont_p);
+  BN_MONT_CTX_free(rsa->mont_q);
   for (u = 0; u < rsa->num_blindings; u++) {
@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@
     return rsa->meth->keygen(rsa, bits, e_value, cb);
-  return RSA_default_method.keygen(rsa, bits, e_value, cb);
+  return rsa_default_keygen(rsa, bits, e_value, cb);
 int RSA_generate_multi_prime_key(RSA *rsa, int bits, int num_primes,
@@ -187,8 +189,7 @@
     return rsa->meth->multi_prime_keygen(rsa, bits, num_primes, e_value, cb);
-  return RSA_default_method.multi_prime_keygen(rsa, bits, num_primes, e_value,
-                                               cb);
+  return rsa_default_multi_prime_keygen(rsa, bits, num_primes, e_value, cb);
 int RSA_encrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
@@ -197,8 +198,7 @@
     return rsa->meth->encrypt(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len, padding);
-  return RSA_default_method.encrypt(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len,
-                                    padding);
+  return rsa_default_encrypt(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len, padding);
 int RSA_public_encrypt(size_t flen, const uint8_t *from, uint8_t *to, RSA *rsa,
@@ -222,8 +222,7 @@
     return rsa->meth->sign_raw(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len, padding);
-  return RSA_default_method.sign_raw(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len,
-                                     padding);
+  return rsa_default_sign_raw(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len, padding);
 int RSA_private_encrypt(size_t flen, const uint8_t *from, uint8_t *to, RSA *rsa,
@@ -247,8 +246,7 @@
     return rsa->meth->decrypt(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len, padding);
-  return RSA_default_method.decrypt(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len,
-                                    padding);
+  return rsa_default_decrypt(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len, padding);
 int RSA_private_decrypt(size_t flen, const uint8_t *from, uint8_t *to, RSA *rsa,
@@ -272,8 +270,8 @@
     return rsa->meth->verify_raw(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len, padding);
-  return RSA_default_method.verify_raw(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len,
-                                       padding);
+  return rsa_default_verify_raw(rsa, out_len, out, max_out, in, in_len,
+                                padding);
 int RSA_public_decrypt(size_t flen, const uint8_t *from, uint8_t *to, RSA *rsa,
@@ -296,7 +294,7 @@
     return rsa->meth->size(rsa);
-  return RSA_default_method.size(rsa);
+  return rsa_default_size(rsa);
 int RSA_is_opaque(const RSA *rsa) {
@@ -808,7 +806,7 @@
     return rsa->meth->private_transform(rsa, out, in, len);
-  return RSA_default_method.private_transform(rsa, out, in, len);
+  return rsa_default_private_transform(rsa, out, in, len);
 int RSA_blinding_on(RSA *rsa, BN_CTX *ctx) {
diff --git a/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_asn1.c b/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_asn1.c
index 5d2a2b7..6144e74 100644
--- a/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_asn1.c
+++ b/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_asn1.c
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
 /* rsa_parse_additional_prime parses a DER-encoded OtherPrimeInfo from |cbs| and
  * advances |cbs|. It returns a newly-allocated |RSA_additional_prime| on
- * success or NULL on error. The |r| and |method_mod| fields of the result are
- * set to NULL. */
+ * success or NULL on error. The |r| and |mont| fields of the result are set to
+ * NULL. */
 static RSA_additional_prime *rsa_parse_additional_prime(CBS *cbs) {
   RSA_additional_prime *ret = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(RSA_additional_prime));
   if (ret == NULL) {
diff --git a/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_impl.c b/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_impl.c
index b14f7a0..bee7f22 100644
--- a/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_impl.c
+++ b/src/crypto/rsa/rsa_impl.c
@@ -73,29 +73,12 @@
   64 /* exponent limit enforced for "large" modulus only */
-static int finish(RSA *rsa) {
-  BN_MONT_CTX_free(rsa->_method_mod_n);
-  BN_MONT_CTX_free(rsa->_method_mod_p);
-  BN_MONT_CTX_free(rsa->_method_mod_q);
-  if (rsa->additional_primes != NULL) {
-    size_t i;
-    for (i = 0; i < sk_RSA_additional_prime_num(rsa->additional_primes); i++) {
-      RSA_additional_prime *ap =
-          sk_RSA_additional_prime_value(rsa->additional_primes, i);
-      BN_MONT_CTX_free(ap->method_mod);
-    }
-  }
-  return 1;
-static size_t size(const RSA *rsa) {
+size_t rsa_default_size(const RSA *rsa) {
   return BN_num_bytes(rsa->n);
-static int encrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
-                   const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding) {
+int rsa_default_encrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
+                        const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding) {
   const unsigned rsa_size = RSA_size(rsa);
   BIGNUM *f, *result;
   uint8_t *buf = NULL;
@@ -170,14 +153,12 @@
   if (rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_CACHE_PUBLIC) {
-    if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->_method_mod_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx) ==
-        NULL) {
+    if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->mont_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx) == NULL) {
       goto err;
-  if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(result, f, rsa->e, rsa->n, ctx,
-                             rsa->_method_mod_n)) {
+  if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(result, f, rsa->e, rsa->n, ctx, rsa->mont_n)) {
     goto err;
@@ -311,8 +292,9 @@
 /* signing */
-static int sign_raw(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
-                    const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding) {
+int rsa_default_sign_raw(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
+                         size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
+                         int padding) {
   const unsigned rsa_size = RSA_size(rsa);
   uint8_t *buf = NULL;
   int i, ret = 0;
@@ -360,8 +342,8 @@
   return ret;
-static int decrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
-                   const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding) {
+int rsa_default_decrypt(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
+                        const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding) {
   const unsigned rsa_size = RSA_size(rsa);
   int r = -1;
   uint8_t *buf = NULL;
@@ -425,8 +407,9 @@
   return ret;
-static int verify_raw(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out,
-                      const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len, int padding) {
+int rsa_default_verify_raw(RSA *rsa, size_t *out_len, uint8_t *out,
+                           size_t max_out, const uint8_t *in, size_t in_len,
+                           int padding) {
   const unsigned rsa_size = RSA_size(rsa);
   BIGNUM *f, *result;
   int ret = 0;
@@ -494,14 +477,12 @@
   if (rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_CACHE_PUBLIC) {
-    if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->_method_mod_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx) ==
-        NULL) {
+    if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->mont_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx) == NULL) {
       goto err;
-  if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(result, f, rsa->e, rsa->n, ctx,
-                             rsa->_method_mod_n)) {
+  if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(result, f, rsa->e, rsa->n, ctx, rsa->mont_n)) {
     goto err;
@@ -541,8 +522,8 @@
   return ret;
-static int private_transform(RSA *rsa, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in,
-                             size_t len) {
+int rsa_default_private_transform(RSA *rsa, uint8_t *out, const uint8_t *in,
+                                  size_t len) {
   BIGNUM *f, *result;
   BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
   unsigned blinding_index = 0;
@@ -598,13 +579,13 @@
     BN_with_flags(d, rsa->d, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
     if (rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_CACHE_PUBLIC) {
-      if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->_method_mod_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n,
-                                 ctx) == NULL) {
+      if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->mont_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx) ==
+          NULL) {
         goto err;
-    if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(result, f, d, rsa->n, ctx, rsa->_method_mod_n)) {
+    if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(result, f, d, rsa->n, ctx, rsa->mont_n)) {
       goto err;
@@ -665,20 +646,17 @@
     BN_with_flags(q, rsa->q, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
     if (rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_CACHE_PRIVATE) {
-      if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->_method_mod_p, &rsa->lock, p, ctx) ==
-          NULL) {
+      if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->mont_p, &rsa->lock, p, ctx) == NULL) {
         goto err;
-      if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->_method_mod_q, &rsa->lock, q, ctx) ==
-          NULL) {
+      if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->mont_q, &rsa->lock, q, ctx) == NULL) {
         goto err;
   if (rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_CACHE_PUBLIC) {
-    if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->_method_mod_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx) ==
-        NULL) {
+    if (BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&rsa->mont_n, &rsa->lock, rsa->n, ctx) == NULL) {
       goto err;
@@ -693,7 +671,7 @@
   /* compute r1^dmq1 mod q */
   dmq1 = &local_dmq1;
   BN_with_flags(dmq1, rsa->dmq1, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
-  if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(m1, r1, dmq1, rsa->q, ctx, rsa->_method_mod_q)) {
+  if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(m1, r1, dmq1, rsa->q, ctx, rsa->mont_q)) {
     goto err;
@@ -707,7 +685,7 @@
   /* compute r1^dmp1 mod p */
   dmp1 = &local_dmp1;
   BN_with_flags(dmp1, rsa->dmp1, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
-  if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(r0, r1, dmp1, rsa->p, ctx, rsa->_method_mod_p)) {
+  if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(r0, r1, dmp1, rsa->p, ctx, rsa->mont_p)) {
     goto err;
@@ -768,11 +746,11 @@
     if ((rsa->flags & RSA_FLAG_CACHE_PRIVATE) &&
-        !BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&ap->method_mod, &rsa->lock, prime, ctx)) {
+        !BN_MONT_CTX_set_locked(&ap->mont, &rsa->lock, prime, ctx)) {
       goto err;
-    if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(m1, r1, exp, prime, ctx, ap->method_mod)) {
+    if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(m1, r1, exp, prime, ctx, ap->mont)) {
       goto err;
@@ -789,8 +767,7 @@
   if (rsa->e && rsa->n) {
-    if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(vrfy, r0, rsa->e, rsa->n, ctx,
-                               rsa->_method_mod_n)) {
+    if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(vrfy, r0, rsa->e, rsa->n, ctx, rsa->mont_n)) {
       goto err;
     /* If 'I' was greater than (or equal to) rsa->n, the operation
@@ -818,7 +795,7 @@
       d = &local_d;
       BN_with_flags(d, rsa->d, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
-      if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(r0, I, d, rsa->n, ctx, rsa->_method_mod_n)) {
+      if (!rsa->meth->bn_mod_exp(r0, I, d, rsa->n, ctx, rsa->mont_n)) {
         goto err;
@@ -830,8 +807,8 @@
   return ret;
-static int keygen_multiprime(RSA *rsa, int bits, int num_primes,
-                             BIGNUM *e_value, BN_GENCB *cb) {
+int rsa_default_multi_prime_keygen(RSA *rsa, int bits, int num_primes,
+                                   BIGNUM *e_value, BN_GENCB *cb) {
   BIGNUM *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *tmp;
   BIGNUM local_r0, local_d, local_p;
   BIGNUM *pr0, *d, *p;
@@ -1119,11 +1096,15 @@
   return ok;
-static int keygen(RSA *rsa, int bits, BIGNUM *e_value, BN_GENCB *cb) {
-  return keygen_multiprime(rsa, bits, 2 /* num primes */, e_value, cb);
+int rsa_default_keygen(RSA *rsa, int bits, BIGNUM *e_value, BN_GENCB *cb) {
+  return rsa_default_multi_prime_keygen(rsa, bits, 2 /* num primes */, e_value,
+                                        cb);
-const struct rsa_meth_st RSA_default_method = {
+/* Many of these methods are NULL to more easily drop unused functions. The
+ * wrapper functions will select the appropriate |rsa_default_*| for all
+ * methods. */
+const RSA_METHOD RSA_default_method = {
     0 /* references */,
     1 /* is_static */,
@@ -1131,27 +1112,27 @@
   NULL /* app_data */,
   NULL /* init */,
-  finish,
+  NULL /* finish (defaults to rsa_default_finish) */,
-  size,
+  NULL /* size (defaults to rsa_default_size) */,
   NULL /* sign */,
   NULL /* verify */,
-  encrypt,
-  sign_raw,
-  decrypt,
-  verify_raw,
+  NULL /* encrypt (defaults to rsa_default_encrypt) */,
+  NULL /* sign_raw (defaults to rsa_default_sign_raw) */,
+  NULL /* decrypt (defaults to rsa_default_decrypt) */,
+  NULL /* verify_raw (defaults to rsa_default_verify_raw) */,
-  private_transform,
+  NULL /* private_transform (defaults to rsa_default_private_transform) */,
-  mod_exp /* mod_exp */,
+  mod_exp,
   BN_mod_exp_mont /* bn_mod_exp */,
-  keygen,
-  keygen_multiprime,
+  NULL /* keygen (defaults to rsa_default_keygen) */,
+  NULL /* multi_prime_keygen (defaults to rsa_default_multi_prime_keygen) */,
   NULL /* supports_digest */,
diff --git a/src/crypto/sha/sha1.c b/src/crypto/sha/sha1.c
index c03e608..568706b 100644
--- a/src/crypto/sha/sha1.c
+++ b/src/crypto/sha/sha1.c
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@
 int SHA1_Init(SHA_CTX *sha) {
   memset(sha, 0, sizeof(SHA_CTX));
-  sha->h0 = 0x67452301UL;
-  sha->h1 = 0xefcdab89UL;
-  sha->h2 = 0x98badcfeUL;
-  sha->h3 = 0x10325476UL;
-  sha->h4 = 0xc3d2e1f0UL;
+  sha->h[0] = 0x67452301UL;
+  sha->h[1] = 0xefcdab89UL;
+  sha->h[2] = 0x98badcfeUL;
+  sha->h[3] = 0x10325476UL;
+  sha->h[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0UL;
   return 1;
@@ -96,21 +96,20 @@
-#define HASH_LONG               uint32_t
 #define HASH_CTX                SHA_CTX
 #define HASH_CBLOCK             64
 #define HASH_MAKE_STRING(c, s) \
   do {                         \
     uint32_t ll;               \
-    ll = (c)->h0;              \
+    ll = (c)->h[0];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->h1;              \
+    ll = (c)->h[1];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->h2;              \
+    ll = (c)->h[2];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->h3;              \
+    ll = (c)->h[3];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
-    ll = (c)->h4;              \
+    ll = (c)->h[4];            \
     (void) HOST_l2c(ll, (s));  \
   } while (0)
@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@
 #ifndef SHA1_ASM
-void sha1_block_data_order(SHA_CTX *c, const void *p, size_t num);
+void sha1_block_data_order(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *data, size_t num);
 #include "../digest/md32_common.h"
@@ -186,111 +185,67 @@
 #define X(i)	XX##i
 #if !defined(SHA1_ASM)
-static void HASH_BLOCK_DATA_ORDER(SHA_CTX *c, const void *p, size_t num) {
-  const uint8_t *data = p;
+static void sha1_block_data_order(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *data,
+                                  size_t num) {
   register uint32_t A, B, C, D, E, T, l;
   uint32_t XX0, XX1, XX2, XX3, XX4, XX5, XX6, XX7, XX8, XX9, XX10,
       XX11, XX12, XX13, XX14, XX15;
-  A = c->h0;
-  B = c->h1;
-  C = c->h2;
-  D = c->h3;
-  E = c->h4;
+  A = state[0];
+  B = state[1];
+  C = state[2];
+  D = state[3];
+  E = state[4];
   for (;;) {
-    const union {
-      long one;
-      char little;
-    } is_endian = {1};
-    if (!is_endian.little && ((size_t)p % 4) == 0) {
-      const uint32_t *W = (const uint32_t *)data;
-      X(0) = W[0];
-      X(1) = W[1];
-      BODY_00_15(0, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(0));
-      X(2) = W[2];
-      BODY_00_15(1, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(1));
-      X(3) = W[3];
-      BODY_00_15(2, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(2));
-      X(4) = W[4];
-      BODY_00_15(3, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(3));
-      X(5) = W[5];
-      BODY_00_15(4, C, D, E, T, A, B, X(4));
-      X(6) = W[6];
-      BODY_00_15(5, B, C, D, E, T, A, X(5));
-      X(7) = W[7];
-      BODY_00_15(6, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(6));
-      X(8) = W[8];
-      BODY_00_15(7, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(7));
-      X(9) = W[9];
-      BODY_00_15(8, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(8));
-      X(10) = W[10];
-      BODY_00_15(9, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(9));
-      X(11) = W[11];
-      BODY_00_15(10, C, D, E, T, A, B, X(10));
-      X(12) = W[12];
-      BODY_00_15(11, B, C, D, E, T, A, X(11));
-      X(13) = W[13];
-      BODY_00_15(12, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(12));
-      X(14) = W[14];
-      BODY_00_15(13, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(13));
-      X(15) = W[15];
-      BODY_00_15(14, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(14));
-      BODY_00_15(15, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(15));
-      data += HASH_CBLOCK;
-    } else {
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(0) = l;
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(1) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(0, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(0));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(2) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(1, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(1));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(3) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(2, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(2));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(4) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(3, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(3));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(5) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(4, C, D, E, T, A, B, X(4));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(6) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(5, B, C, D, E, T, A, X(5));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(7) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(6, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(6));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(8) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(7, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(7));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(9) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(8, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(8));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(10) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(9, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(9));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(11) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(10, C, D, E, T, A, B, X(10));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(12) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(11, B, C, D, E, T, A, X(11));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(13) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(12, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(12));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(14) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(13, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(13));
-      (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      X(15) = l;
-      BODY_00_15(14, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(14));
-      BODY_00_15(15, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(15));
-    }
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(0) = l;
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(1) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(0, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(0));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(2) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(1, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(1));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(3) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(2, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(2));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(4) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(3, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(3));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(5) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(4, C, D, E, T, A, B, X(4));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(6) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(5, B, C, D, E, T, A, X(5));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(7) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(6, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(6));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(8) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(7, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(7));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(9) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(8, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(8));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(10) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(9, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(9));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(11) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(10, C, D, E, T, A, B, X(10));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(12) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(11, B, C, D, E, T, A, X(11));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(13) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(12, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(12));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(14) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(13, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(13));
+    (void)HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    X(15) = l;
+    BODY_00_15(14, E, T, A, B, C, D, X(14));
+    BODY_00_15(15, D, E, T, A, B, C, X(15));
     BODY_16_19(16, C, D, E, T, A, B, X(0), X(0), X(2), X(8), X(13));
     BODY_16_19(17, B, C, D, E, T, A, X(1), X(1), X(3), X(9), X(14));
@@ -361,21 +316,21 @@
     BODY_60_79(78, A, B, C, D, E, T, X(14), X(0), X(6), X(11));
     BODY_60_79(79, T, A, B, C, D, E, X(15), X(1), X(7), X(12));
-    c->h0 = (c->h0 + E) & 0xffffffffL;
-    c->h1 = (c->h1 + T) & 0xffffffffL;
-    c->h2 = (c->h2 + A) & 0xffffffffL;
-    c->h3 = (c->h3 + B) & 0xffffffffL;
-    c->h4 = (c->h4 + C) & 0xffffffffL;
+    state[0] = (state[0] + E) & 0xffffffffL;
+    state[1] = (state[1] + T) & 0xffffffffL;
+    state[2] = (state[2] + A) & 0xffffffffL;
+    state[3] = (state[3] + B) & 0xffffffffL;
+    state[4] = (state[4] + C) & 0xffffffffL;
     if (--num == 0) {
-    A = c->h0;
-    B = c->h1;
-    C = c->h2;
-    D = c->h3;
-    E = c->h4;
+    A = state[0];
+    B = state[1];
+    C = state[2];
+    D = state[3];
+    E = state[4];
diff --git a/src/crypto/sha/sha256.c b/src/crypto/sha/sha256.c
index 8276bbb..3681308 100644
--- a/src/crypto/sha/sha256.c
+++ b/src/crypto/sha/sha256.c
@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@
-#define HASH_LONG uint32_t
 #define HASH_CTX SHA256_CTX
 #define HASH_CBLOCK 64
@@ -185,12 +184,12 @@
 #ifndef SHA256_ASM
-void sha256_block_data_order(SHA256_CTX *ctx, const void *in, size_t num);
+void sha256_block_data_order(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *in, size_t num);
 #include "../digest/md32_common.h"
 #ifndef SHA256_ASM
-static const HASH_LONG K256[64] = {
+static const uint32_t K256[64] = {
     0x428a2f98UL, 0x71374491UL, 0xb5c0fbcfUL, 0xe9b5dba5UL, 0x3956c25bUL,
     0x59f111f1UL, 0x923f82a4UL, 0xab1c5ed5UL, 0xd807aa98UL, 0x12835b01UL,
     0x243185beUL, 0x550c7dc3UL, 0x72be5d74UL, 0x80deb1feUL, 0x9bdc06a7UL,
@@ -234,116 +233,72 @@
     ROUND_00_15(i, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);            \
   } while (0)
-static void sha256_block_data_order(SHA256_CTX *ctx, const void *in,
+static void sha256_block_data_order(uint32_t *state, const uint8_t *data,
                                     size_t num) {
   uint32_t a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, s0, s1, T1;
-  HASH_LONG X[16];
+  uint32_t X[16];
   int i;
-  const uint8_t *data = in;
-  const union {
-    long one;
-    char little;
-  } is_endian = {1};
   while (num--) {
-    a = ctx->h[0];
-    b = ctx->h[1];
-    c = ctx->h[2];
-    d = ctx->h[3];
-    e = ctx->h[4];
-    f = ctx->h[5];
-    g = ctx->h[6];
-    h = ctx->h[7];
+    a = state[0];
+    b = state[1];
+    c = state[2];
+    d = state[3];
+    e = state[4];
+    f = state[5];
+    g = state[6];
+    h = state[7];
-    if (!is_endian.little && sizeof(HASH_LONG) == 4 && ((size_t)in % 4) == 0) {
-      const HASH_LONG *W = (const HASH_LONG *)data;
+    uint32_t l;
-      T1 = X[0] = W[0];
-      ROUND_00_15(0, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
-      T1 = X[1] = W[1];
-      ROUND_00_15(1, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
-      T1 = X[2] = W[2];
-      ROUND_00_15(2, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-      T1 = X[3] = W[3];
-      ROUND_00_15(3, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
-      T1 = X[4] = W[4];
-      ROUND_00_15(4, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
-      T1 = X[5] = W[5];
-      ROUND_00_15(5, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
-      T1 = X[6] = W[6];
-      ROUND_00_15(6, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
-      T1 = X[7] = W[7];
-      ROUND_00_15(7, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);
-      T1 = X[8] = W[8];
-      ROUND_00_15(8, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
-      T1 = X[9] = W[9];
-      ROUND_00_15(9, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
-      T1 = X[10] = W[10];
-      ROUND_00_15(10, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-      T1 = X[11] = W[11];
-      ROUND_00_15(11, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
-      T1 = X[12] = W[12];
-      ROUND_00_15(12, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
-      T1 = X[13] = W[13];
-      ROUND_00_15(13, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
-      T1 = X[14] = W[14];
-      ROUND_00_15(14, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
-      T1 = X[15] = W[15];
-      ROUND_00_15(15, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);
-      data += HASH_CBLOCK;
-    } else {
-      HASH_LONG l;
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[0] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(0, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[1] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(1, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[2] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(2, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[3] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(3, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[4] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(4, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[5] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(5, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[6] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(6, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[7] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(7, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[8] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(8, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[9] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(9, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[10] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(10, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[11] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(11, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[12] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(12, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[13] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(13, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[14] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(14, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
-      HOST_c2l(data, l);
-      T1 = X[15] = l;
-      ROUND_00_15(15, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);
-    }
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[0] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(0, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[1] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(1, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[2] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(2, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[3] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(3, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[4] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(4, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[5] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(5, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[6] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(6, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[7] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(7, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[8] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(8, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[9] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(9, h, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[10] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(10, g, h, a, b, c, d, e, f);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[11] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(11, f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[12] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(12, e, f, g, h, a, b, c, d);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[13] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(13, d, e, f, g, h, a, b, c);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[14] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(14, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, b);
+    HOST_c2l(data, l);
+    T1 = X[15] = l;
+    ROUND_00_15(15, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a);
     for (i = 16; i < 64; i += 8) {
       ROUND_16_63(i + 0, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, X);
@@ -356,14 +311,14 @@
       ROUND_16_63(i + 7, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, X);
-    ctx->h[0] += a;
-    ctx->h[1] += b;
-    ctx->h[2] += c;
-    ctx->h[3] += d;
-    ctx->h[4] += e;
-    ctx->h[5] += f;
-    ctx->h[6] += g;
-    ctx->h[7] += h;
+    state[0] += a;
+    state[1] += b;
+    state[2] += c;
+    state[3] += d;
+    state[4] += e;
+    state[5] += f;
+    state[6] += g;
+    state[7] += h;
diff --git a/src/crypto/sha/sha512.c b/src/crypto/sha/sha512.c
index 57c96ab..beb0f8c 100644
--- a/src/crypto/sha/sha512.c
+++ b/src/crypto/sha/sha512.c
@@ -65,35 +65,27 @@
- * As you might have noticed 32-bit hash algorithms:
- *
- * - permit SHA_LONG to be wider than 32-bit (case on CRAY);
- * - optimized versions implement two transform functions: one operating
- *   on [aligned] data in host byte order and one - on data in input
- *   stream byte order;
- * - share common byte-order neutral collector and padding function
- *   implementations, ../md32_common.h;
- *
- * Neither of the above applies to this SHA-512 implementations. Reasons
+ * The 32-bit hash algorithms share a common byte-order neutral collector and
+ * padding function implementations that operate on unaligned data,
+ * ../md32_common.h. This SHA-512 implementation does not. Reasons
  * [in reverse order] are:
- * - it's the only 64-bit hash algorithm for the moment of this writing,
+ * - It's the only 64-bit hash algorithm for the moment of this writing,
  *   there is no need for common collector/padding implementation [yet];
- * - by supporting only one transform function [which operates on
- *   *aligned* data in input stream byte order, big-endian in this case]
- *   we minimize burden of maintenance in two ways: a) collector/padding
- *   function is simpler; b) only one transform function to stare at;
- * - SHA_LONG64 is required to be exactly 64-bit in order to be able to
- *   apply a number of optimizations to mitigate potential performance
- *   penalties caused by previous design decision; */
+ * - By supporting only a transform function that operates on *aligned* data
+ *   the collector/padding function is simpler and easier to optimize. */
 #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) &&                         \
     (defined(OPENSSL_X86) || defined(OPENSSL_X86_64) || \
      defined(OPENSSL_ARM) || defined(OPENSSL_AARCH64))
 #define SHA512_ASM
+#if defined(OPENSSL_X86) || defined(OPENSSL_X86_64) || \
 int SHA384_Init(SHA512_CTX *sha) {
   sha->h[0] = OPENSSL_U64(0xcbbb9d5dc1059ed8);
   sha->h[1] = OPENSSL_U64(0x629a292a367cd507);
@@ -163,7 +155,7 @@
 #if !defined(SHA512_ASM)
-void sha512_block_data_order(SHA512_CTX *ctx, const void *in, size_t num);
+void sha512_block_data_order(uint64_t *state, const uint64_t *W, size_t num);
 int SHA384_Final(uint8_t *md, SHA512_CTX *sha) {
@@ -181,7 +173,7 @@
     data = c->u.p;
-  sha512_block_data_order(c, data, 1);
+  sha512_block_data_order(c->h, (uint64_t *)data, 1);
 int SHA512_Update(SHA512_CTX *c, const void *in_data, size_t len) {
@@ -213,7 +205,7 @@
       memcpy(p + c->num, data, n), c->num = 0;
       len -= n;
       data += n;
-      sha512_block_data_order(c, p, 1);
+      sha512_block_data_order(c->h, (uint64_t *)p, 1);
@@ -222,14 +214,14 @@
     if ((size_t)data % sizeof(c->u.d[0]) != 0) {
       while (len >= sizeof(c->u)) {
         memcpy(p, data, sizeof(c->u));
-        sha512_block_data_order(c, p, 1);
+        sha512_block_data_order(c->h, (uint64_t *)p, 1);
         len -= sizeof(c->u);
         data += sizeof(c->u);
     } else
-      sha512_block_data_order(c, data, len / sizeof(c->u));
+      sha512_block_data_order(c->h, (uint64_t *)data, len / sizeof(c->u));
       data += len;
       len %= sizeof(c->u);
       data -= len;
@@ -253,7 +245,7 @@
   if (n > (sizeof(sha->u) - 16)) {
     memset(p + n, 0, sizeof(sha->u) - n);
     n = 0;
-    sha512_block_data_order(sha, p, 1);
+    sha512_block_data_order(sha->h, (uint64_t *)p, 1);
   memset(p + n, 0, sizeof(sha->u) - 16 - n);
@@ -274,7 +266,7 @@
   p[sizeof(sha->u) - 15] = (uint8_t)(sha->Nh >> 48);
   p[sizeof(sha->u) - 16] = (uint8_t)(sha->Nh >> 56);
-  sha512_block_data_order(sha, p, 1);
+  sha512_block_data_order(sha->h, (uint64_t *)p, 1);
   if (md == NULL) {
     /* TODO(davidben): This NULL check is absent in other low-level hash 'final'
@@ -443,23 +435,22 @@
  * This code should give better results on 32-bit CPU with less than
  * ~24 registers, both size and performance wise...
-static void sha512_block_data_order(SHA512_CTX *ctx, const void *in,
+static void sha512_block_data_order(uint64_t *state, const uint64_t *W,
                                     size_t num) {
-  const uint64_t *W = in;
   uint64_t A, E, T;
   uint64_t X[9 + 80], *F;
   int i;
   while (num--) {
     F = X + 80;
-    A = ctx->h[0];
-    F[1] = ctx->h[1];
-    F[2] = ctx->h[2];
-    F[3] = ctx->h[3];
-    E = ctx->h[4];
-    F[5] = ctx->h[5];
-    F[6] = ctx->h[6];
-    F[7] = ctx->h[7];
+    A = state[0];
+    F[1] = state[1];
+    F[2] = state[2];
+    F[3] = state[3];
+    E = state[4];
+    F[5] = state[5];
+    F[6] = state[6];
+    F[7] = state[7];
     for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, F--) {
       T = PULL64(W[i]);
@@ -484,14 +475,14 @@
       A = T + Sigma0(A) + Maj(A, F[1], F[2]);
-    ctx->h[0] += A;
-    ctx->h[1] += F[1];
-    ctx->h[2] += F[2];
-    ctx->h[3] += F[3];
-    ctx->h[4] += E;
-    ctx->h[5] += F[5];
-    ctx->h[6] += F[6];
-    ctx->h[7] += F[7];
+    state[0] += A;
+    state[1] += F[1];
+    state[2] += F[2];
+    state[3] += F[3];
+    state[4] += E;
+    state[5] += F[5];
+    state[6] += F[6];
+    state[7] += F[7];
     W += 16;
@@ -517,23 +508,22 @@
     ROUND_00_15(i + j, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);        \
   } while (0)
-static void sha512_block_data_order(SHA512_CTX *ctx, const void *in,
+static void sha512_block_data_order(uint64_t *state, const uint64_t *W,
                                     size_t num) {
-  const uint64_t *W = in;
   uint64_t a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, s0, s1, T1;
   uint64_t X[16];
   int i;
   while (num--) {
-    a = ctx->h[0];
-    b = ctx->h[1];
-    c = ctx->h[2];
-    d = ctx->h[3];
-    e = ctx->h[4];
-    f = ctx->h[5];
-    g = ctx->h[6];
-    h = ctx->h[7];
+    a = state[0];
+    b = state[1];
+    c = state[2];
+    d = state[3];
+    e = state[4];
+    f = state[5];
+    g = state[6];
+    h = state[7];
     T1 = X[0] = PULL64(W[0]);
     ROUND_00_15(0, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
@@ -587,14 +577,14 @@
       ROUND_16_80(i, 15, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, a, X);
-    ctx->h[0] += a;
-    ctx->h[1] += b;
-    ctx->h[2] += c;
-    ctx->h[3] += d;
-    ctx->h[4] += e;
-    ctx->h[5] += f;
-    ctx->h[6] += g;
-    ctx->h[7] += h;
+    state[0] += a;
+    state[1] += b;
+    state[2] += c;
+    state[3] += d;
+    state[4] += e;
+    state[5] += f;
+    state[6] += g;
+    state[7] += h;
     W += 16;
diff --git a/src/crypto/x509v3/v3name_test.c b/src/crypto/x509v3/v3name_test.c
index a3197e6..f9f7087 100644
--- a/src/crypto/x509v3/v3name_test.c
+++ b/src/crypto/x509v3/v3name_test.c
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
 	{set_email_and_cn, "set emailAddress", 0, 1},
 	{set_altname_dns, "set dnsName", 1, 0},
 	{set_altname_email, "set rfc822Name", 0, 1},
-	{NULL, NULL, 0}
+	{NULL, NULL, 0, 0},
 static X509 *make_cert(void)
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/aead.h b/src/include/openssl/aead.h
index f719f02..4f822e8 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/aead.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/aead.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 /* Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data.
- * AEAD couples confidentiality and integrity in a single primtive. AEAD
+ * AEAD couples confidentiality and integrity in a single primitive. AEAD
  * algorithms take a key and then can seal and open individual messages. Each
  * message has a unique, per-message nonce and, optionally, additional data
  * which is authenticated but not included in the ciphertext.
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
  * block counter, thus the maximum plaintext size is 64GB. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256(void);
-/* EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256 is AES-256 in CTR mode with HMAC-SHA256 for
+/* EVP_aead_aes_256_ctr_hmac_sha256 is AES-256 in CTR mode with HMAC-SHA256 for
  * authentication. See |EVP_aead_aes_128_ctr_hmac_sha256| for details. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_AEAD *EVP_aead_aes_256_ctr_hmac_sha256(void);
@@ -330,6 +330,14 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_AEAD_CTX_get_rc4_state(const EVP_AEAD_CTX *ctx,
                                               const RC4_KEY **out_key);
+/* EVP_AEAD_CTX_get_iv sets |*out_len| to the length of the IV for |ctx| and
+ * sets |*out_iv| to point to that many bytes of the current IV. This is only
+ * meaningful for AEADs with implicit IVs (i.e. CBC mode in SSLv3 and TLS 1.0).
+ *
+ * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+                                       const uint8_t **out_iv, size_t *out_len);
 #if defined(__cplusplus)
 }  /* extern C */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/base.h b/src/include/openssl/base.h
index ea7185f..47b3ccb 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/base.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/base.h
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
-#define OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER 0x10002000
 #define BORINGSSL_201510
+#define OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER 0x10002000
@@ -202,9 +202,7 @@
 typedef struct cmac_ctx_st CMAC_CTX;
 typedef struct conf_st CONF;
 typedef struct conf_value_st CONF_VALUE;
-typedef struct dh_method DH_METHOD;
 typedef struct dh_st DH;
-typedef struct dsa_method DSA_METHOD;
 typedef struct dsa_st DSA;
 typedef struct ec_key_st EC_KEY;
 typedef struct ecdsa_method_st ECDSA_METHOD;
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/bio.h b/src/include/openssl/bio.h
index 44de50f..c88a3e1 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/bio.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/bio.h
@@ -728,10 +728,11 @@
 /* Deprecated functions. */
-/* Returns a filter |BIO| that base64-encodes data written into it, and decodes
- * data read from it. |BIO_gets| is not supported. Call |BIO_flush| when done
- * writing, to signal that no more data are to be encoded. The flag
- * |BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL| may be set to encode all the data on one line. */
+/* BIO_f_base64 returns a filter |BIO| that base64-encodes data written into
+ * it, and decodes data read from it. |BIO_gets| is not supported. Call
+ * |BIO_flush| when done writing, to signal that no more data are to be
+ * encoded. The flag |BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL| may be set to encode all the data
+ * on one line. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const BIO_METHOD *BIO_f_base64(void);
 /* ERR_print_errors is an alias for |BIO_print_errors|. */
@@ -796,7 +797,7 @@
 struct bio_st {
   const BIO_METHOD *method;
   /* bio, mode, argp, argi, argl, ret */
-  long (*callback)(struct bio_st *, int, const char *, int, long, long);
+  long (*callback)(BIO *, int, const char *, int, long, long);
   char *cb_arg; /* first argument for the callback */
   /* init is non-zero if this |BIO| has been initialised. */
@@ -815,7 +816,7 @@
   void *ptr;
   /* next_bio points to the next |BIO| in a chain. This |BIO| owns a reference
    * to |next_bio|. */
-  struct bio_st *next_bio; /* used by filter BIOs */
+  BIO *next_bio; /* used by filter BIOs */
   size_t num_read, num_write;
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/bn.h b/src/include/openssl/bn.h
index 46673dc..01115c8 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/bn.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/bn.h
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b,
                               const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* BN_mod_mul sets |r| = |a|^2 mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
+/* BN_mod_sqr sets |r| = |a|^2 mod |m|. It returns one on success and zero
  * on error. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_sqr(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *m,
                               BN_CTX *ctx);
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
 /* BN_MONT_CTX_copy sets |to| equal to |from|. It returns |to| on success or
  * NULL on error. */
-                                             BN_MONT_CTX *from);
+                                             const BN_MONT_CTX *from);
 /* BN_MONT_CTX_set sets up a Montgomery context given the modulus, |mod|. It
  * returns one on success and zero on error. */
@@ -787,19 +787,20 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_exp_mont(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
                                    const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,
-                                   BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx);
+                                   const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(BIGNUM *rr, const BIGNUM *a,
                                              const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *m,
-                                             BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *in_mont);
+                                             BN_CTX *ctx,
+                                             const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_exp_mont_word(BIGNUM *r, BN_ULONG a, const BIGNUM *p,
                                         const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,
-                                        BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx);
+                                        const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int BN_mod_exp2_mont(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a1,
                                     const BIGNUM *p1, const BIGNUM *a2,
                                     const BIGNUM *p2, const BIGNUM *m,
-                                    BN_CTX *ctx, BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx);
+                                    BN_CTX *ctx, const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
 /* Deprecated functions */
@@ -812,7 +813,7 @@
  * find the needed amount of space, call the function with |out| set to NULL. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT size_t BN_bn2mpi(const BIGNUM *in, uint8_t *out);
-/* BN_bin2bn parses |len| bytes from |in| and returns the resulting value. The
+/* BN_mpi2bn parses |len| bytes from |in| and returns the resulting value. The
  * bytes at |in| are expected to be in the format emitted by |BN_bn2mpi|.
  * If |out| is NULL then a fresh |BIGNUM| is allocated and returned, otherwise
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h b/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h
index 2fa065e..906e7e8 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/bytestring.h
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
    * pending length-prefix. */
   size_t offset;
   /* child points to a child CBB if a length-prefix is pending. */
-  struct cbb_st *child;
+  CBB *child;
   /* pending_len_len contains the number of bytes in a pending length-prefix,
    * or zero if no length-prefix is pending. */
   uint8_t pending_len_len;
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/cipher.h b/src/include/openssl/cipher.h
index a4e79dd..fb7171f 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/cipher.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/cipher.h
@@ -91,17 +91,6 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_ofb(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_xts(void);
-/* Deprecated AES-GCM implementations that set |EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER|.
- * Use |EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm| and |EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm| instead. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_128_gcm(void);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_gcm(void);
-/* Deprecated 192-bit version of AES. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_ecb(void);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_cbc(void);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_ctr(void);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_gcm(void);
 /* EVP_enc_null returns a 'cipher' that passes plaintext through as
  * ciphertext. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_enc_null(void);
@@ -407,6 +396,18 @@
  * |name|, or NULL if the name is unknown. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_get_cipherbyname(const char *name);
+/* These AEADs are deprecated AES-GCM implementations that set
+ * |EVP_CIPH_FLAG_CUSTOM_CIPHER|. Use |EVP_aead_aes_128_gcm| and
+ * |EVP_aead_aes_256_gcm| instead. */
+OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_128_gcm(void);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_gcm(void);
+/* These are deprecated, 192-bit version of AES. */
+OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_ecb(void);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_cbc(void);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_ctr(void);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_192_gcm(void);
 /* Private functions. */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/dh.h b/src/include/openssl/dh.h
index 75df632..d781789 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/dh.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/dh.h
@@ -77,9 +77,6 @@
 /* DH_new returns a new, empty DH object or NULL on error. */
-/* DH_new_method acts the same as |DH_new| but takes an explicit |ENGINE|. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT DH *DH_new_method(const ENGINE *engine);
 /* DH_free decrements the reference count of |dh| and frees it if the reference
  * count drops to zero. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DH_free(DH *dh);
@@ -90,9 +87,8 @@
 /* Standard parameters.
- * These functions return new DH objects with standard parameters configured
- * that use the given ENGINE, which may be NULL. They return NULL on allocation
- * failure. */
+ * These functions return new DH objects with standard parameters. They return
+ * NULL on allocation failure. The |engine| parameter is ignored. */
 /* These parameters are taken from RFC 5114. */
@@ -204,35 +200,7 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *DH_get_ex_data(DH *d, int idx);
-/* dh_method contains function pointers to override the implementation of DH.
- * See |engine.h| for details. */
-struct dh_method {
-  struct openssl_method_common_st common;
-  /* app_data is an opaque pointer for the method to use. */
-  void *app_data;
-  /* init is called just before the return of |DH_new_method|. It returns one
-   * on success or zero on error. */
-  int (*init)(DH *dh);
-  /* finish is called before |dh| is destructed. */
-  void (*finish)(DH *dh);
-  /* generate_parameters is called by |DH_generate_parameters_ex|. */
-  int (*generate_parameters)(DH *dh, int prime_bits, int generator,
-                             BN_GENCB *cb);
-  /* generate_parameters is called by |DH_generate_key|. */
-  int (*generate_key)(DH *dh);
-  /* compute_key is called by |DH_compute_key|. */
-  int (*compute_key)(DH *dh, uint8_t *out, const BIGNUM *pub_key);
 struct dh_st {
-  DH_METHOD *meth;
   BIGNUM *p;
   BIGNUM *g;
   BIGNUM *pub_key;  /* g^x mod p */
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/dsa.h b/src/include/openssl/dsa.h
index b1e7309..bd16395 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/dsa.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/dsa.h
@@ -80,9 +80,6 @@
 /* DSA_new returns a new, empty DSA object or NULL on error. */
-/* DSA_new_method acts the same as |DH_new| but takes an explicit |ENGINE|. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT DSA *DSA_new_method(const ENGINE *engine);
 /* DSA_free decrements the reference count of |dsa| and frees it if the
  * reference count drops to zero. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void DSA_free(DSA *dsa);
@@ -312,31 +309,6 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void *DSA_get_ex_data(const DSA *d, int idx);
-struct dsa_method {
-  struct openssl_method_common_st common;
-  void *app_data;
-  int (*init)(DSA *dsa);
-  int (*finish)(DSA *dsa);
-  DSA_SIG *(*sign)(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len, DSA *dsa);
-  int (*sign_setup)(const DSA *dsa, BN_CTX *ctx_in, BIGNUM **kinvp, BIGNUM **rp,
-                    const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len);
-  int (*verify)(int *out_valid, const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len,
-                DSA_SIG *sig, const DSA *dsa);
-  /* generate_parameters, if non-NULL, is used to generate DSA parameters. */
-  int (*generate_parameters)(DSA *dsa, unsigned bits, const uint8_t *seed,
-                             size_t seed_len, int *counter_ret,
-                             unsigned long *h_ret, BN_GENCB *cb);
-  /* keygen, if non-NULL, is used to generate DSA keys. */
-  int (*keygen)(DSA *dsa);
 struct dsa_st {
   long version;
   int write_params;
@@ -356,9 +328,6 @@
   BN_MONT_CTX *method_mont_p;
   CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
   CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data;
-  DSA_METHOD *meth;
-  /* functional reference if 'meth' is ENGINE-provided */
-  ENGINE *engine;
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ec.h b/src/include/openssl/ec.h
index fe1c89e..ac36a32 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ec.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ec.h
@@ -220,8 +220,10 @@
                                                        BIGNUM *x, BIGNUM *y,
                                                        BN_CTX *ctx);
-/* EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp sets the value of |p| to be (|x|, |y|). The
- * |ctx| argument may be used if not NULL. */
+/* EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp sets the value of |p| to be (|x|, |y|).
+ * The |ctx| argument may be used if not NULL. It returns one on success or
+ * zero on error. Note that, unlike with OpenSSL, it's considered an error if
+ * the point is not on the curve. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(const EC_GROUP *group,
                                                        EC_POINT *point,
                                                        const BIGNUM *x,
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ecdsa.h b/src/include/openssl/ecdsa.h
index b7f15c4..f3f68eb 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ecdsa.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ecdsa.h
@@ -106,14 +106,14 @@
 /* ECDSA_SIG_free frees |sig| its member |BIGNUM|s. */
-/* ECDSA_sign signs |digest_len| bytes from |digest| with |key| and returns the
- * resulting signature structure, or NULL on error. */
+/* ECDSA_do_sign signs |digest_len| bytes from |digest| with |key| and returns
+ * the resulting signature structure, or NULL on error. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT ECDSA_SIG *ECDSA_do_sign(const uint8_t *digest,
                                         size_t digest_len, EC_KEY *key);
-/* ECDSA_verify verifies that |sig| constitutes a valid signature by |key| of
- * |digest|. It returns one on success or zero if the signature is invalid or
- * on error. */
+/* ECDSA_do_verify verifies that |sig| constitutes a valid signature by |key|
+ * of |digest|. It returns one on success or zero if the signature is invalid
+ * or on error. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ECDSA_do_verify(const uint8_t *digest, size_t digest_len,
                                    const ECDSA_SIG *sig, EC_KEY *key);
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/engine.h b/src/include/openssl/engine.h
index d3d278a..128a2ae 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/engine.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/engine.h
@@ -53,15 +53,6 @@
  * Set functions return one on success and zero on allocation failure. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT int ENGINE_set_DH_method(ENGINE *engine, const DH_METHOD *method,
-                                        size_t method_size);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT DH_METHOD *ENGINE_get_DH_method(const ENGINE *engine);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT int ENGINE_set_DSA_method(ENGINE *engine,
-                                         const DSA_METHOD *method,
-                                         size_t method_size);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ENGINE_set_RSA_method(ENGINE *engine,
                                          const RSA_METHOD *method,
                                          size_t method_size);
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/err.h b/src/include/openssl/err.h
index c61e1ef..40361d7 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/err.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/err.h
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
  * Each error contains:
  *   1) The library (i.e. ec, pem, rsa) which created it.
- *   2) The function, file, and line number of the call that added the error.
+ *   2) The file and line number of the call that added the error.
  *   3) A pointer to some error specific data, which may be NULL.
  * The library identifier and reason code are packed in a uint32_t and there
@@ -183,10 +183,6 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_peek_error_line_data(const char **file, int *line,
                                                  const char **data, int *flags);
-/* ERR_peek_function returns the name of the function which added the least
- * recent error or NULL if the queue is empty. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *ERR_peek_function(void);
 /* The "peek last" functions act like the "peek" functions, above, except that
  * they return the most recent error. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT uint32_t ERR_peek_last_error(void);
@@ -246,7 +242,7 @@
  * The string will have the following format (which differs from
  * |ERR_error_string|):
- *   [thread id]:error:[error code]:[library name]:[function name]:
+ *   [thread id]:error:[error code]:[library name]:OPENSSL_internal:
  *   [reason string]:[file]:[line number]:[optional string data]
  * (All in one line.)
@@ -298,29 +294,20 @@
 /* ERR_clear_system_error clears the system's error value (i.e. errno). */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_clear_system_error(void);
-#if defined(OPENSSL_WINDOWS)
-/* TODO(davidben): Use |__func__| directly once the minimum MSVC version
- * supports it. */
 /* OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR is used by OpenSSL code to add an error to the error
  * queue. */
-#define OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(library, reason)                                     \
-  ERR_put_error(ERR_LIB_##library, reason, OPENSSL_CURRENT_FUNCTION, __FILE__, \
-                __LINE__)
+#define OPENSSL_PUT_ERROR(library, reason) \
+  ERR_put_error(ERR_LIB_##library, 0, reason, __FILE__, __LINE__)
 /* OPENSSL_PUT_SYSTEM_ERROR is used by OpenSSL code to add an error from the
- * operating system to the error queue. */
-/* TODO(fork): include errno. */
-  ERR_put_error(ERR_LIB_SYS, 0, #func, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ * operating system to the error queue.
+ * TODO(fork): include errno. */
+  ERR_put_error(ERR_LIB_SYS, 0, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__);
 /* ERR_put_error adds an error to the error queue, dropping the least recent
  * error if neccessary for space reasons. */
-OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_put_error(int library, int reason, const char *function,
+OPENSSL_EXPORT void ERR_put_error(int library, int unused, int reason,
                                   const char *file, unsigned line);
 /* ERR_add_error_data takes a variable number (|count|) of const char*
@@ -343,15 +330,12 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int ERR_pop_to_mark(void);
 struct err_error_st {
-  /* function contains the name of the function where the error occured. */
-  const char *function;
   /* file contains the filename where the error occured. */
   const char *file;
   /* data contains optional data. It must be freed with |OPENSSL_free| if
    * |flags&ERR_FLAG_MALLOCED|. */
   char *data;
-  /* packed contains the error library, function and reason, as packed by
-   * ERR_PACK. */
+  /* packed contains the error library and reason, as packed by ERR_PACK. */
   uint32_t packed;
   /* line contains the line number where the error occured. */
   uint16_t line;
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/evp.h b/src/include/openssl/evp.h
index 99b147e..6f594e5 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/evp.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/evp.h
@@ -150,17 +150,17 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(EVP_PKEY *pkey, RSA *key);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(EVP_PKEY *pkey, struct dsa_st *key);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_assign_DSA(EVP_PKEY *pkey, DSA *key);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT struct dsa_st *EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(EVP_PKEY *pkey, struct ec_key_st *key);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT struct ec_key_st *EVP_PKEY_get1_EC_KEY(EVP_PKEY *pkey);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_set1_DH(EVP_PKEY *pkey, struct dh_st *key);
+OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_set1_DH(EVP_PKEY *pkey, DH *key);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int EVP_PKEY_assign_DH(EVP_PKEY *pkey, DH *key);
-OPENSSL_EXPORT struct dh_st *EVP_PKEY_get1_DH(EVP_PKEY *pkey);
 #define EVP_PKEY_NONE NID_undef
 #define EVP_PKEY_RSA NID_rsaEncryption
@@ -664,7 +664,11 @@
                                                               int nid);
-/* TODO(fork): move to PEM? */
+/* EVP_PKEY_asn1_find_str returns an |EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD| by matching values
+ * of the |len| bytes at |name|. For example, if name equals "EC" then it will
+ * return an ECC method. The |pengine| argument is ignored.
+ *
+ * TODO(fork): move to PEM? */
     ENGINE **pengine, const char *name, size_t len);
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/md4.h b/src/include/openssl/md4.h
index 1db7499..e363b73 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/md4.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/md4.h
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void MD4_Transform(MD4_CTX *md4, const uint8_t *block);
 struct md4_state_st {
-  uint32_t A, B, C, D;
+  uint32_t h[4];
   uint32_t Nl, Nh;
   uint32_t data[16];
   unsigned int num;
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/md5.h b/src/include/openssl/md5.h
index 9b13922..87c3ba4 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/md5.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/md5.h
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void MD5_Transform(MD5_CTX *md5, const uint8_t *block);
 struct md5_state_st {
-  uint32_t A, B, C, D;
+  uint32_t h[4];
   uint32_t Nl, Nh;
   uint32_t data[16];
   unsigned int num;
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/obj.h b/src/include/openssl/obj.h
index 956bbe9..32a4894 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/obj.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/obj.h
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 /* OBJ_nid2sn returns the short name for |nid|, or NULL if |nid| is unknown. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *OBJ_nid2sn(int nid);
-/* OBJ_nid2sn returns the long name for |nid|, or NULL if |nid| is unknown. */
+/* OBJ_nid2ln returns the long name for |nid|, or NULL if |nid| is unknown. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *OBJ_nid2ln(int nid);
 /* OBJ_nid2cbb writes |nid| as an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER to |out|. It returns
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/rsa.h b/src/include/openssl/rsa.h
index e0c4368..e624f7c 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/rsa.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/rsa.h
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
                  BN_CTX *ctx); /* Can be null */
   int (*bn_mod_exp)(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p,
                     const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx,
-                    BN_MONT_CTX *m_ctx);
+                    const BN_MONT_CTX *mont);
   int flags;
@@ -567,9 +567,9 @@
   /* Used to cache montgomery values. The creation of these values is protected
    * by |lock|. */
-  BN_MONT_CTX *_method_mod_n;
-  BN_MONT_CTX *_method_mod_p;
-  BN_MONT_CTX *_method_mod_q;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont_n;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont_p;
+  BN_MONT_CTX *mont_q;
   /* num_blindings contains the size of the |blindings| and |blindings_inuse|
    * arrays. This member and the |blindings_inuse| array are protected by
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/sha.h b/src/include/openssl/sha.h
index ac2ab75..f4253ec 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/sha.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/sha.h
@@ -98,7 +98,22 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT void SHA1_Transform(SHA_CTX *sha, const uint8_t *block);
 struct sha_state_st {
-  uint32_t h0, h1, h2, h3, h4;
+#if !defined(ANDROID)
+  uint32_t h[5];
+  /* wpa_supplicant accesses |h0|..|h4| so we must support those names
+   * for compatibility with it until it can be updated. */
+  union {
+    uint32_t h[5];
+    struct {
+      uint32_t h0;
+      uint32_t h1;
+      uint32_t h2;
+      uint32_t h3;
+      uint32_t h4;
+    };
+  };
   uint32_t Nl, Nh;
   uint32_t data[16];
   unsigned int num;
diff --git a/src/include/openssl/ssl.h b/src/include/openssl/ssl.h
index dbf8705..38d838d 100644
--- a/src/include/openssl/ssl.h
+++ b/src/include/openssl/ssl.h
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
  * descriptor then it returns -1. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_wfd(const SSL *ssl);
-/* SSL_set_wfd configures |ssl| to read from and write to |fd|. It returns one
+/* SSL_set_fd configures |ssl| to read from and write to |fd|. It returns one
  * on success and zero on allocation error. The caller retains ownership of
  * |fd|. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_set_fd(SSL *ssl, int fd);
@@ -317,18 +317,24 @@
  * returns the number of bytes read. Otherwise, it returns <= 0. The caller
  * should pass the value into |SSL_get_error| to determine how to proceed.
- * A non-blocking |SSL_write| differs from non-blocking |write| in that a failed
- * |SSL_write| still commits to the data passed in. When retrying, the caller
- * must supply the original write buffer (or a larger one containing the
+ * In TLS, a non-blocking |SSL_write| differs from non-blocking |write| in that
+ * a failed |SSL_write| still commits to the data passed in. When retrying, the
+ * caller must supply the original write buffer (or a larger one containing the
  * original as a prefix). By default, retries will fail if they also do not
  * reuse the same |buf| pointer. This may be relaxed with
  * |SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER|, but the buffer contents still must be
  * unchanged.
- * By default, |SSL_write| will not return success until all |num| bytes are
- * written. This may be relaxed with |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE|. It allows
- * |SSL_write| to complete with a partial result when only part of the input was
- * written in a single record.
+ * By default, in TLS, |SSL_write| will not return success until all |num| bytes
+ * are written. This may be relaxed with |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE|. It
+ * allows |SSL_write| to complete with a partial result when only part of the
+ * input was written in a single record.
+ *
+ * |SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE| do anything. The caller may retry with a
+ * different buffer freely. A single call to |SSL_write| only ever writes a
+ * single record in a single packet, so |num| must be at most
  * TODO(davidben): Ensure 0 is only returned on transport EOF.
  * https://crbug.com/466303. */
@@ -396,7 +402,7 @@
  * |SSL_do_handshake|. */
-/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ indicates the operation failed attempting to write to
+/* SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE indicates the operation failed attempting to write to
  * the transport. The caller may retry the operation when the transport is ready
  * for writing. */
@@ -482,11 +488,18 @@
  * flight of handshake messages and returns 1. If too many timeouts had expired
  * without progress or an error occurs, it returns -1.
- * NOTE: The caller's external timer should be compatible with the one |ssl|
- * queries within some fudge factor. Otherwise, the call will be a no-op, but
+ * The caller's external timer should be compatible with the one |ssl| queries
+ * within some fudge factor. Otherwise, the call will be a no-op, but
  * |DTLSv1_get_timeout| will return an updated timeout.
- * WARNING: This function breaks the usual return value convention. */
+ * If the function returns -1, checking if |SSL_get_error| returns
+ * |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE| may be used to determine if the retransmit failed due
+ * to a non-fatal error at the write |BIO|. However, the operation may not be
+ * retried until the next timeout fires.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This function breaks the usual return value convention.
+ *
+ * TODO(davidben): This |SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE| behavior is kind of bizarre. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int DTLSv1_handle_timeout(SSL *ssl);
@@ -596,14 +609,16 @@
  * Modes configure API behavior. */
-/* SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE allows |SSL_write| to complete with a partial
- * result when the only part of the input was written in a single record. */
+/* SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE, in TLS, allows |SSL_write| to complete with a
+ * partial result when the only part of the input was written in a single
+ * record. In DTLS, it does nothing. */
-/* SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER allows retrying an incomplete |SSL_write|
- * with a different buffer. However, |SSL_write| still assumes the buffer
- * contents are unchanged. This is not the default to avoid the misconception
- * that non-blocking |SSL_write| behaves like non-blocking |write|. */
+/* SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER, in TLS, allows retrying an incomplete
+ * |SSL_write| with a different buffer. However, |SSL_write| still assumes the
+ * buffer contents are unchanged. This is not the default to avoid the
+ * misconception that non-blocking |SSL_write| behaves like non-blocking
+ * |write|. In DTLS, it does nothing. */
 /* SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN disables automatically building a certificate chain
@@ -1027,9 +1042,15 @@
 /* SSL_CIPHER_has_MD5_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-MD5. */
+/* SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA1_HMAC returns one if |cipher| uses HMAC-SHA1. */
 /* SSL_CIPHER_is_AESGCM returns one if |cipher| uses AES-GCM. */
+/* SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128GCM returns one if |cipher| uses 128-bit AES-GCM. */
 /* SSL_CIPHER_is_CHACHA20POLY1305 returns one if |cipher| uses
  * CHACHA20_POLY1305. */
@@ -1043,6 +1064,13 @@
 /* SSL_CIPHER_is_block_cipher returns one if |cipher| is a block cipher. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CIPHER_is_block_cipher(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
+/* SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDSA returns one if |cipher| uses ECDSA. */
+/* SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version returns the minimum protocol version required
+ * for |cipher|. */
+OPENSSL_EXPORT uint16_t SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
 /* SSL_CIPHER_get_name returns the OpenSSL name of |cipher|. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_CIPHER_get_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher);
@@ -1166,13 +1194,13 @@
  * |str| as a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on failure. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *str);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list configures the TLS 1.0+ cipher list for |ctx|,
+/* SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list_tls10 configures the TLS 1.0+ cipher list for |ctx|,
  * evaluating |str| as a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on
  * failure. If set, servers will use this cipher suite list for TLS 1.0 or
  * higher. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list_tls10(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *str);
-/* SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list configures the TLS 1.1+ cipher list for |ctx|,
+/* SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list_tls11 configures the TLS 1.1+ cipher list for |ctx|,
  * evaluating |str| as a cipher string. It returns one on success and zero on
  * failure. If set, servers will use this cipher suite list for TLS 1.1 or
  * higher. */
@@ -2598,6 +2626,16 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_rc4_state(const SSL *ssl, const RC4_KEY **read_key,
                                      const RC4_KEY **write_key);
+/* SSL_get_ivs sets |*out_iv_len| to the length of the IVs for the ciphers
+ * underlying |ssl| and sets |*out_read_iv| and |*out_write_iv| to point to the
+ * current IVs for the read and write directions. This is only meaningful for
+ * connections with implicit IVs (i.e. CBC mode with SSLv3 or TLS 1.0).
+ *
+ * It returns one on success or zero on error. */
+OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_ivs(const SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out_read_iv,
+                               const uint8_t **out_write_iv,
+                               size_t *out_iv_len);
 /* SSL_get_structure_sizes returns the sizes of the SSL, SSL_CTX and
  * SSL_SESSION structures so that a test can ensure that outside code agrees on
  * these values. */
@@ -2648,6 +2686,7 @@
   ssl_renegotiate_never = 0,
+  ssl_renegotiate_ignore,
 /* SSL_set_renegotiate_mode configures how |ssl|, a client, reacts to
@@ -2656,8 +2695,10 @@
  * The renegotiation mode defaults to |ssl_renegotiate_never|, but may be set
  * at any point in a connection's lifetime. Set it to |ssl_renegotiate_once| to
- * allow one renegotiation and |ssl_renegotiate_freely| to allow all
- * renegotiations.
+ * allow one renegotiation, |ssl_renegotiate_freely| to allow all
+ * renegotiations or |ssl_renegotiate_ignore| to ignore HelloRequest messages.
+ * Note that ignoring HelloRequest messages may cause the connection to stall
+ * if the server waits for the renegotiation to complete.
  * There is no support in BoringSSL for initiating renegotiations as a client
  * or server. */
@@ -2793,10 +2834,10 @@
-/* SSL_set_info_callback configures a callback to be run when various events
- * occur during a connection's lifetime. The |type| argumentj determines the
- * type of event and the meaning of the |value| argument. Callbacks must ignore
- * unexpected |type| values.
+/* SSL_CTX_set_info_callback configures a callback to be run when various
+ * events occur during a connection's lifetime. The |type| argumentj determines
+ * the type of event and the meaning of the |value| argument. Callbacks must
+ * ignore unexpected |type| values.
  * |SSL_CB_READ_ALERT| is signaled for each alert received, warning or fatal.
  * The |value| argument is a 16-bit value where the alert level (either
@@ -2870,6 +2911,11 @@
  * respectively. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT int SSL_get_shutdown(const SSL *ssl);
+/* SSL_get_server_key_exchange_hash, on a client, returns the hash the server
+ * used to sign the ServerKeyExchange in TLS 1.2. If not applicable, it returns
+ * |TLSEXT_hash_none|. */
+OPENSSL_EXPORT uint8_t SSL_get_server_key_exchange_hash(const SSL *ssl);
 /* Deprecated functions. */
@@ -2909,9 +2955,9 @@
 /* SSLv23_method calls |TLS_method|. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_method(void);
-/* Version-specific methods behave exactly like |TLS_method| and |DTLS_method|
- * except they also call |SSL_CTX_set_min_version| and |SSL_CTX_set_max_version|
- * to lock connections to that protocol version. */
+/* These version-specific methods behave exactly like |TLS_method| and
+ * |DTLS_method| except they also call |SSL_CTX_set_min_version| and
+ * |SSL_CTX_set_max_version| to lock connections to that protocol version. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv3_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *TLSv1_1_method(void);
@@ -2919,7 +2965,7 @@
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *DTLSv1_2_method(void);
-/* Client- and server-specific methods call their corresponding generic
+/* These client- and server-specific methods call their corresponding generic
  * methods. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_server_method(void);
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_client_method(void);
@@ -3285,7 +3331,8 @@
 #define SSL_get_state(ssl) SSL_state(ssl)
 /* SSL_state_string returns the current state of the handshake state machine as
- * a six-letter string. Use |SSL_state_string */
+ * a six-letter string. Use |SSL_state_string_long| for a more intelligible
+ * string. */
 OPENSSL_EXPORT const char *SSL_state_string(const SSL *ssl);
 /* SSL_set_shutdown causes |ssl| to behave as if the shutdown bitmask (see
@@ -3337,42 +3384,8 @@
 struct ssl_session_st {
-  int ssl_version; /* what ssl version session info is being kept in here? */
-  int master_key_length;
-  uint8_t master_key[SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH];
-  /* session_id - valid? */
-  unsigned int session_id_length;
-  uint8_t session_id[SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH];
-  /* this is used to determine whether the session is being reused in
-   * the appropriate context. It is up to the application to set this,
-   * via SSL_new */
-  unsigned int sid_ctx_length;
-  uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH];
-  char *psk_identity;
-  /* Used to indicate that session resumption is not allowed. Applications can
-   * also set this bit for a new session via not_resumable_session_cb to
-   * disable session caching and tickets. */
-  int not_resumable;
-  /* peer is the peer's certificate. */
-  X509 *peer;
-  /* cert_chain is the certificate chain sent by the peer. NOTE: for historical
-   * reasons, when a client (so the peer is a server), the chain includes
-   * |peer|, but when a server it does not. */
-  STACK_OF(X509) *cert_chain;
-  /* when app_verify_callback accepts a session where the peer's certificate is
-   * not ok, we must remember the error for session reuse: */
-  long verify_result; /* only for servers */
   CRYPTO_refcount_t references;
-  long timeout;
-  long time;
-  const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
+  int ssl_version; /* what ssl version session info is being kept in here? */
   /* key_exchange_info contains an indication of the size of the asymmetric
    * primitive used in the handshake that created this session. In the event
@@ -3386,16 +3399,46 @@
    * A zero indicates that the value is unknown. */
   uint32_t key_exchange_info;
+  int master_key_length;
+  uint8_t master_key[SSL_MAX_MASTER_KEY_LENGTH];
+  /* session_id - valid? */
+  unsigned int session_id_length;
+  uint8_t session_id[SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH];
+  /* this is used to determine whether the session is being reused in
+   * the appropriate context. It is up to the application to set this,
+   * via SSL_new */
+  unsigned int sid_ctx_length;
+  uint8_t sid_ctx[SSL_MAX_SID_CTX_LENGTH];
+  char *psk_identity;
+  /* peer is the peer's certificate. */
+  X509 *peer;
+  /* cert_chain is the certificate chain sent by the peer. NOTE: for historical
+   * reasons, when a client (so the peer is a server), the chain includes
+   * |peer|, but when a server it does not. */
+  STACK_OF(X509) *cert_chain;
+  /* when app_verify_callback accepts a session where the peer's certificate is
+   * not ok, we must remember the error for session reuse: */
+  long verify_result; /* only for servers */
+  long timeout;
+  long time;
+  const SSL_CIPHER *cipher;
   CRYPTO_EX_DATA ex_data; /* application specific data */
   /* These are used to make removal of session-ids more efficient and to
    * implement a maximum cache size. */
   SSL_SESSION *prev, *next;
   char *tlsext_hostname;
   /* RFC4507 info */
   uint8_t *tlsext_tick;               /* Session ticket */
   size_t tlsext_ticklen;              /* Session ticket length */
-  uint32_t tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint; /* Session lifetime hint in seconds */
   size_t tlsext_signed_cert_timestamp_list_length;
   uint8_t *tlsext_signed_cert_timestamp_list; /* Server's list. */
@@ -3404,20 +3447,30 @@
   size_t ocsp_response_length;
   uint8_t *ocsp_response;
-  char peer_sha256_valid; /* Non-zero if peer_sha256 is valid */
-  uint8_t
-      peer_sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; /* SHA256 of peer certificate */
+  /* peer_sha256 contains the SHA-256 hash of the peer's certificate if
+   * |peer_sha256_valid| is true. */
+  uint8_t peer_sha256[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
   /* original_handshake_hash contains the handshake hash (either SHA-1+MD5 or
    * SHA-2, depending on TLS version) for the original, full handshake that
    * created a session. This is used by Channel IDs during resumption. */
   uint8_t original_handshake_hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
-  unsigned int original_handshake_hash_len;
+  unsigned original_handshake_hash_len;
+  uint32_t tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint; /* Session lifetime hint in seconds */
   /* extended_master_secret is true if the master secret in this session was
    * generated using EMS and thus isn't vulnerable to the Triple Handshake
    * attack. */
-  char extended_master_secret;
+  unsigned extended_master_secret:1;
+  /* peer_sha256_valid is non-zero if |peer_sha256| is valid. */
+  unsigned peer_sha256_valid:1; /* Non-zero if peer_sha256 is valid */
+  /* not_resumable is used to indicate that session resumption is not allowed.
+   * Applications can also set this bit for a new session via
+   * not_resumable_session_cb to disable session caching and tickets. */
+  unsigned not_resumable:1;
 /* ssl_cipher_preference_list_st contains a list of SSL_CIPHERs with
@@ -3592,10 +3645,6 @@
    * abort. */
   int (*dos_protection_cb) (const struct ssl_early_callback_ctx *);
-  /* quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
-   * shutdown. */
-  int quiet_shutdown;
   /* Maximum amount of data to send in one fragment. actual record size can be
    * more than this due to padding and MAC overheads. */
   uint16_t max_send_fragment;
@@ -3669,22 +3718,13 @@
   size_t tlsext_ellipticcurvelist_length;
   uint16_t *tlsext_ellipticcurvelist;
-  /* If true, a client will advertise the Channel ID extension and a server
-   * will echo it. */
-  char tlsext_channel_id_enabled;
   /* The client's Channel ID private key. */
   EVP_PKEY *tlsext_channel_id_private;
-  /* If true, a client will request certificate timestamps. */
-  char signed_cert_timestamps_enabled;
   /* Signed certificate timestamp list to be sent to the client, if requested */
   uint8_t *signed_cert_timestamp_list;
   size_t signed_cert_timestamp_list_length;
-  /* If true, a client will request a stapled OCSP response. */
-  char ocsp_stapling_enabled;
   /* OCSP response to be sent to the client, if requested. */
   uint8_t *ocsp_response;
   size_t ocsp_response_length;
@@ -3696,20 +3736,28 @@
   /* current_time_cb, if not NULL, is the function to use to get the current
    * time. It sets |*out_clock| to the current time. */
   void (*current_time_cb)(const SSL *ssl, struct timeval *out_clock);
+  /* quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
+   * shutdown. */
+  unsigned quiet_shutdown:1;
+  /* ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
+   * whether OCSP stapling will be requested. */
+  unsigned ocsp_stapling_enabled:1;
+  /* If true, a client will request certificate timestamps. */
+  unsigned signed_cert_timestamps_enabled:1;
+  /* tlsext_channel_id_enabled is copied from the |SSL_CTX|. For a server,
+   * means that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients. For a client, means that
+   * we'll advertise support. */
+  unsigned tlsext_channel_id_enabled:1;
 struct ssl_st {
   /* version is the protocol version. */
   int version;
-  /* method is the method table corresponding to the current protocol (DTLS or
-   * TLS). */
-  const SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method;
-  /* enc_method is the method table corresponding to the current protocol
-   * version. */
-  const SSL3_ENC_METHOD *enc_method;
   /* max_version is the maximum acceptable protocol version. If zero, the
    * maximum supported version, currently (D)TLS 1.2, is used. */
   uint16_t max_version;
@@ -3718,21 +3766,29 @@
    * minimum supported version, currently SSL 3.0 and DTLS 1.0, is used */
   uint16_t min_version;
+  /* method is the method table corresponding to the current protocol (DTLS or
+   * TLS). */
+  const SSL_PROTOCOL_METHOD *method;
+  /* enc_method is the method table corresponding to the current protocol
+   * version. */
+  const SSL3_ENC_METHOD *enc_method;
   /* There are 2 BIO's even though they are normally both the same. This is so
    * data can be read and written to different handlers */
   BIO *rbio; /* used by SSL_read */
   BIO *wbio; /* used by SSL_write */
-  BIO *bbio; /* used during session-id reuse to concatenate
-              * messages */
-  /* This holds a variable that indicates what we were doing when a 0 or -1 is
-   * returned.  This is needed for non-blocking IO so we know what request
-   * needs re-doing when in SSL_accept or SSL_connect */
-  int rwstate;
+  /* bbio, if non-NULL, is a buffer placed in front of |wbio| to pack handshake
+   * messages within one flight into a single |BIO_write|.
+   *
+   * TODO(davidben): This does not work right for DTLS. It assumes the MTU is
+   * smaller than the buffer size so that the buffer's internal flushing never
+   * kicks in. It also doesn't kick in for DTLS retransmission. Replace this
+   * with a better mechanism. */
+  BIO *bbio;
-  /* true when we are actually in SSL_accept() or SSL_connect() */
-  int in_handshake;
   int (*handshake_func)(SSL *);
   /* Imagine that here's a boolean member "init" that is switched as soon as
@@ -3741,15 +3797,6 @@
    * handshake_func is == 0 until then, we use this test instead of an "init"
    * member. */
-  /* server is true iff the this SSL* is the server half. Note: before the SSL*
-   * is initialized by either SSL_set_accept_state or SSL_set_connect_state,
-   * the side is not determined. In this state, server is always false. */
-  int server;
-  /* quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
-   * shutdown. */
-  int quiet_shutdown;
   int shutdown; /* we have shut things down, 0x01 sent, 0x02
                  * for received */
   int state;    /* where we are */
@@ -3768,8 +3815,6 @@
                        const void *buf, size_t len, SSL *ssl, void *arg);
   void *msg_callback_arg;
-  int hit; /* reusing a previous session */
   X509_VERIFY_PARAM *param;
   /* crypto */
@@ -3785,6 +3830,11 @@
   /* This is used to hold the server certificate used */
   struct cert_st /* CERT */ *cert;
+  /* This holds a variable that indicates what we were doing when a 0 or -1 is
+   * returned.  This is needed for non-blocking IO so we know what request
+   * needs re-doing when in SSL_accept or SSL_connect */
+  int rwstate;
   /* the session_id_context is used to ensure sessions are only reused
    * in the appropriate context */
   unsigned int sid_ctx_length;
@@ -3793,9 +3843,6 @@
   /* This can also be in the session once a session is established */
   SSL_SESSION *session;
-  /* Used in SSL2 and SSL3 */
-  int verify_mode; /* 0 don't care about verify failure.
-                    * 1 fail if verify fails */
   int (*verify_callback)(int ok,
                          X509_STORE_CTX *ctx); /* fail if callback returns 0 */
@@ -3852,19 +3899,9 @@
    * DTLS-SRTP. */
   const SRTP_PROTECTION_PROFILE *srtp_profile;
-  /* Copied from the SSL_CTX. For a server, means that we'll accept Channel IDs
-   * from clients. For a client, means that we'll advertise support. */
-  char tlsext_channel_id_enabled;
   /* The client's Channel ID private key. */
   EVP_PKEY *tlsext_channel_id_private;
-  /* Enable signed certificate time stamps. Currently client only. */
-  char signed_cert_timestamps_enabled;
-  /* ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
-   * whether OCSP stapling will be requested. */
-  char ocsp_stapling_enabled;
   /* For a client, this contains the list of supported protocols in wire
    * format. */
   uint8_t *alpn_client_proto_list;
@@ -3878,6 +3915,37 @@
    * don't support. */
   EVP_CIPHER_CTX *enc_read_ctx;
   EVP_MD_CTX *read_hash;
+  /* in_handshake is non-zero when we are actually in SSL_accept() or
+   * SSL_connect() */
+  int in_handshake;
+  /* verify_mode is a bitmask of |SSL_VERIFY_*| values. */
+  uint8_t verify_mode;
+  /* hit is true if this connection is resuming a previous session. */
+  unsigned hit:1;
+  /* server is true iff the this SSL* is the server half. Note: before the SSL*
+   * is initialized by either SSL_set_accept_state or SSL_set_connect_state,
+   * the side is not determined. In this state, server is always false. */
+  unsigned server:1;
+  /* quiet_shutdown is true if the connection should not send a close_notify on
+   * shutdown. */
+  unsigned quiet_shutdown:1;
+  /* Enable signed certificate time stamps. Currently client only. */
+  unsigned signed_cert_timestamps_enabled:1;
+  /* ocsp_stapling_enabled is only used by client connections and indicates
+   * whether OCSP stapling will be requested. */
+  unsigned ocsp_stapling_enabled:1;
+  /* tlsext_channel_id_enabled is copied from the |SSL_CTX|. For a server,
+   * means that we'll accept Channel IDs from clients. For a client, means that
+   * we'll advertise support. */
+  unsigned tlsext_channel_id_enabled:1;
 typedef struct ssl3_record_st {
@@ -4094,6 +4162,11 @@
      * False Start. The client may write data at this point. */
     char in_false_start;
+    /* server_key_exchange_hash, on a client, is the hash the server used to
+     * sign the ServerKeyExchange in TLS 1.2. If not applicable, it is
+     * |TLSEXT_hash_none|. */
+    uint8_t server_key_exchange_hash;
     /* peer_dh_tmp, on a client, is the server's DHE public key. */
     DH *peer_dh_tmp;
diff --git a/src/ssl/d1_both.c b/src/ssl/d1_both.c
index 4d550e9..a940af6 100644
--- a/src/ssl/d1_both.c
+++ b/src/ssl/d1_both.c
@@ -145,10 +145,6 @@
  * current one to buffer. */
 static const unsigned int kHandshakeBufferSize = 10;
-static void dtls1_fix_message_header(SSL *s, unsigned long frag_off,
-                                     unsigned long frag_len);
-static unsigned char *dtls1_write_message_header(SSL *s, unsigned char *p);
 static hm_fragment *dtls1_hm_fragment_new(size_t frag_len, int reassembly) {
   hm_fragment *frag = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(hm_fragment));
   if (frag == NULL) {
@@ -251,127 +247,165 @@
   frag->reassembly = NULL;
-/* send s->init_buf in records of type 'type' (SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE or
-int dtls1_do_write(SSL *s, int type, enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch) {
-  int ret;
-  int curr_mtu;
-  unsigned int len, frag_off;
-  /* AHA!  Figure out the MTU, and stick to the right size */
-  if (s->d1->mtu < dtls1_min_mtu() &&
-      !(SSL_get_options(s) & SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU)) {
-    long mtu = BIO_ctrl(SSL_get_wbio(s), BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_QUERY_MTU, 0, NULL);
+static void dtls1_update_mtu(SSL *ssl) {
+  /* TODO(davidben): What is this code doing and do we need it? */
+  if (ssl->d1->mtu < dtls1_min_mtu() &&
+      !(SSL_get_options(ssl) & SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU)) {
+    long mtu = BIO_ctrl(SSL_get_wbio(ssl), BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_QUERY_MTU, 0, NULL);
     if (mtu >= 0 && mtu <= (1 << 30) && (unsigned)mtu >= dtls1_min_mtu()) {
-      s->d1->mtu = (unsigned)mtu;
+      ssl->d1->mtu = (unsigned)mtu;
     } else {
-      s->d1->mtu = kDefaultMTU;
-      BIO_ctrl(SSL_get_wbio(s), BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_MTU, s->d1->mtu, NULL);
+      ssl->d1->mtu = kDefaultMTU;
+      BIO_ctrl(SSL_get_wbio(ssl), BIO_CTRL_DGRAM_SET_MTU, ssl->d1->mtu, NULL);
-  /* should have something reasonable now */
-  assert(s->d1->mtu >= dtls1_min_mtu());
+  /* The MTU should be above the minimum now. */
+  assert(ssl->d1->mtu >= dtls1_min_mtu());
-  if (s->init_off == 0 && type == SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE) {
-    assert(s->init_num ==
-           (int)s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len + DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH);
+/* dtls1_max_record_size returns the maximum record body length that may be
+ * written without exceeding the MTU. It accounts for any buffering installed on
+ * the write BIO. If no record may be written, it returns zero. */
+static size_t dtls1_max_record_size(SSL *ssl) {
+  size_t ret = ssl->d1->mtu;
+  size_t overhead = ssl_max_seal_overhead(ssl);
+  if (ret <= overhead) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  ret -= overhead;
+  size_t pending = BIO_wpending(SSL_get_wbio(ssl));
+  if (ret <= pending) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  ret -= pending;
+  return ret;
+static int dtls1_write_change_cipher_spec(SSL *ssl,
+                                          enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch) {
+  dtls1_update_mtu(ssl);
+  /* During the handshake, wbio is buffered to pack messages together. Flush the
+   * buffer if the ChangeCipherSpec would not fit in a packet. */
+  if (dtls1_max_record_size(ssl) == 0) {
+    ssl->rwstate = SSL_WRITING;
+    int ret = BIO_flush(SSL_get_wbio(ssl));
+    if (ret <= 0) {
+      return ret;
+    }
+    ssl->rwstate = SSL_NOTHING;
-  /* Determine the maximum overhead of the current cipher. */
-  size_t max_overhead = SSL_AEAD_CTX_max_overhead(s->aead_write_ctx);
-  frag_off = 0;
-  while (s->init_num) {
-    /* Account for data in the buffering BIO; multiple records may be packed
-     * into a single packet during the handshake.
-     *
-     * TODO(davidben): This is buggy; if the MTU is larger than the buffer size,
-     * the large record will be split across two packets. Moreover, in that
-     * case, the |dtls1_write_bytes| call may not return synchronously. This
-     * will break on retry as the |s->init_off| and |s->init_num| adjustment
-     * will run a second time. */
-    curr_mtu = s->d1->mtu - BIO_wpending(SSL_get_wbio(s)) -
-        DTLS1_RT_HEADER_LENGTH - max_overhead;
-    if (curr_mtu <= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH) {
-      /* Flush the buffer and continue with a fresh packet.
-       *
-       * TODO(davidben): If |BIO_flush| is not synchronous and requires multiple
-       * calls to |dtls1_do_write|, |frag_off| will be wrong. */
-      ret = BIO_flush(SSL_get_wbio(s));
-      if (ret <= 0) {
-        return ret;
-      }
-      assert(BIO_wpending(SSL_get_wbio(s)) == 0);
-      curr_mtu = s->d1->mtu - DTLS1_RT_HEADER_LENGTH - max_overhead;
-    }
-    /* XDTLS: this function is too long.  split out the CCS part */
-    if (type == SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE) {
-      /* If this isn't the first fragment, reserve space to prepend a new
-       * fragment header. This will override the body of a previous fragment. */
-      if (s->init_off != 0) {
-        assert(s->init_off > DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH);
-        s->init_off -= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH;
-        s->init_num += DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH;
-      }
-      if (curr_mtu <= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH) {
-        /* To make forward progress, the MTU must, at minimum, fit the handshake
-         * header and one byte of handshake body. */
-        return -1;
-      }
-      if (s->init_num > curr_mtu) {
-        len = curr_mtu;
-      } else {
-        len = s->init_num;
-      }
-      assert(len >= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH);
-      dtls1_fix_message_header(s, frag_off, len - DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH);
-      dtls1_write_message_header(
-          s, (uint8_t *)&s->init_buf->data[s->init_off]);
-    } else {
-      assert(type == SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC);
-      /* ChangeCipherSpec cannot be fragmented. */
-      if (s->init_num > curr_mtu) {
-        return -1;
-      }
-      len = s->init_num;
-    }
-    ret = dtls1_write_bytes(s, type, &s->init_buf->data[s->init_off], len,
-                            use_epoch);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    /* bad if this assert fails, only part of the handshake message got sent.
-     * But why would this happen? */
-    assert(len == (unsigned int)ret);
-    if (ret == s->init_num) {
-      if (s->msg_callback) {
-        s->msg_callback(1, s->version, type, s->init_buf->data,
-                        (size_t)(s->init_off + s->init_num), s,
-                        s->msg_callback_arg);
-      }
-      s->init_off = 0; /* done writing this message */
-      s->init_num = 0;
-      return 1;
-    }
-    s->init_off += ret;
-    s->init_num -= ret;
-    frag_off += (ret -= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH);
+  static const uint8_t kChangeCipherSpec[1] = {SSL3_MT_CCS};
+  int ret = dtls1_write_bytes(ssl, SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, kChangeCipherSpec,
+                              sizeof(kChangeCipherSpec), use_epoch);
+  if (ret <= 0) {
+    return ret;
-  return 0;
+  if (ssl->msg_callback != NULL) {
+    ssl->msg_callback(1 /* write */, ssl->version, SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC,
+                      kChangeCipherSpec, sizeof(kChangeCipherSpec), ssl,
+                      ssl->msg_callback_arg);
+  }
+  return 1;
+int dtls1_do_handshake_write(SSL *ssl, enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch) {
+  dtls1_update_mtu(ssl);
+  int ret = -1;
+  CBB cbb;
+  CBB_zero(&cbb);
+  /* Allocate a temporary buffer to hold the message fragments to avoid
+   * clobbering the message. */
+  uint8_t *buf = OPENSSL_malloc(ssl->d1->mtu);
+  if (buf == NULL) {
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Consume the message header. Fragments will have different headers
+   * prepended. */
+  if (ssl->init_off == 0) {
+    ssl->init_off += DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH;
+    ssl->init_num -= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH;
+  }
+  assert(ssl->init_off >= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH);
+  do {
+    /* During the handshake, wbio is buffered to pack messages together. Flush
+     * the buffer if there isn't enough room to make progress. */
+    if (dtls1_max_record_size(ssl) < DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH + 1) {
+      ssl->rwstate = SSL_WRITING;
+      int flush_ret = BIO_flush(SSL_get_wbio(ssl));
+      if (flush_ret <= 0) {
+        ret = flush_ret;
+        goto err;
+      }
+      ssl->rwstate = SSL_NOTHING;
+      assert(BIO_wpending(SSL_get_wbio(ssl)) == 0);
+    }
+    size_t todo = dtls1_max_record_size(ssl);
+    if (todo < DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH + 1) {
+      /* To make forward progress, the MTU must, at minimum, fit the handshake
+       * header and one byte of handshake body. */
+      goto err;
+    }
+    todo -= DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH;
+    if (todo > (size_t)ssl->init_num) {
+      todo = ssl->init_num;
+    }
+    if (todo >= (1u << 24)) {
+      todo = (1u << 24) - 1;
+    }
+    size_t len;
+    if (!CBB_init_fixed(&cbb, buf, ssl->d1->mtu) ||
+        !CBB_add_u8(&cbb, ssl->d1->w_msg_hdr.type) ||
+        !CBB_add_u24(&cbb, ssl->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len) ||
+        !CBB_add_u16(&cbb, ssl->d1->w_msg_hdr.seq) ||
+        !CBB_add_u24(&cbb, ssl->init_off - DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH) ||
+        !CBB_add_u24(&cbb, todo) ||
+        !CBB_add_bytes(
+            &cbb, (const uint8_t *)ssl->init_buf->data + ssl->init_off, todo) ||
+        !CBB_finish(&cbb, NULL, &len)) {
+      goto err;
+    }
+    int write_ret = dtls1_write_bytes(ssl, SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE, buf, len,
+                                      use_epoch);
+    if (write_ret <= 0) {
+      ret = write_ret;
+      goto err;
+    }
+    ssl->init_off += todo;
+    ssl->init_num -= todo;
+  } while (ssl->init_num > 0);
+  if (ssl->msg_callback != NULL) {
+    ssl->msg_callback(
+        1 /* write */, ssl->version, SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE, ssl->init_buf->data,
+        (size_t)(ssl->init_off + ssl->init_num), ssl, ssl->msg_callback_arg);
+  }
+  ssl->init_off = 0;
+  ssl->init_num = 0;
+  ret = 1;
+  CBB_cleanup(&cbb);
+  OPENSSL_free(buf);
+  return ret;
 /* dtls1_is_next_message_complete returns one if the next handshake message is
@@ -644,37 +678,6 @@
   return -1;
-/* for these 2 messages, we need to
- * ssl->enc_read_ctx			re-init
- * ssl->s3->read_sequence		zero
- * ssl->s3->read_mac_secret		re-init
- * ssl->session->read_sym_enc		assign
- * ssl->session->read_compression	assign
- * ssl->session->read_hash		assign */
-int dtls1_send_change_cipher_spec(SSL *s, int a, int b) {
-  uint8_t *p;
-  if (s->state == a) {
-    p = (uint8_t *)s->init_buf->data;
-    *p++ = SSL3_MT_CCS;
-    s->d1->handshake_write_seq = s->d1->next_handshake_write_seq;
-    s->init_num = DTLS1_CCS_HEADER_LENGTH;
-    s->init_off = 0;
-    dtls1_set_message_header(s, SSL3_MT_CCS, 0, s->d1->handshake_write_seq, 0,
-                             0);
-    /* buffer the message to handle re-xmits */
-    dtls1_buffer_message(s, 1);
-    s->state = b;
-  }
-  /* SSL3_ST_CW_CHANGE_B */
-  return dtls1_do_write(s, SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, dtls1_use_current_epoch);
 int dtls1_read_failed(SSL *s, int code) {
   if (code > 0) {
@@ -696,7 +699,9 @@
   return DTLSv1_handle_timeout(s);
-int dtls1_get_queue_priority(unsigned short seq, int is_ccs) {
+static uint16_t dtls1_get_queue_priority(uint16_t seq, int is_ccs) {
+  assert(seq * 2 >= seq);
   /* The index of the retransmission queue actually is the message sequence
    * number, since the queue only contains messages of a single handshake.
    * However, the ChangeCipherSpec has no message sequence number and so using
@@ -709,27 +714,6 @@
 static int dtls1_retransmit_message(SSL *s, hm_fragment *frag) {
-  int ret;
-  /* XDTLS: for now assuming that read/writes are blocking */
-  unsigned long header_length;
-  /* assert(s->init_num == 0);
-     assert(s->init_off == 0); */
-  if (frag->msg_header.is_ccs) {
-    header_length = DTLS1_CCS_HEADER_LENGTH;
-  } else {
-    header_length = DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH;
-  }
-  memcpy(s->init_buf->data, frag->fragment,
-         frag->msg_header.msg_len + header_length);
-  s->init_num = frag->msg_header.msg_len + header_length;
-  dtls1_set_message_header(s, frag->msg_header.type,
-                           frag->msg_header.msg_len, frag->msg_header.seq,
-                           0, frag->msg_header.frag_len);
   /* DTLS renegotiation is unsupported, so only epochs 0 (NULL cipher) and 1
    * (negotiated cipher) exist. */
   assert(s->d1->w_epoch == 0 || s->d1->w_epoch == 1);
@@ -739,10 +723,24 @@
     use_epoch = dtls1_use_previous_epoch;
-  ret = dtls1_do_write(s, frag->msg_header.is_ccs ? SSL3_RT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC
-                                                  : SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE,
-                       use_epoch);
+  /* TODO(davidben): This cannot handle non-blocking writes. */
+  int ret;
+  if (frag->msg_header.is_ccs) {
+    ret = dtls1_write_change_cipher_spec(s, use_epoch);
+  } else {
+    /* Restore the message body.
+     * TODO(davidben): Make this less stateful. */
+    memcpy(s->init_buf->data, frag->fragment,
+           frag->msg_header.msg_len + DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH);
+    s->init_num = frag->msg_header.msg_len + DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH;
+    dtls1_set_message_header(s, frag->msg_header.type,
+                             frag->msg_header.msg_len, frag->msg_header.seq,
+                             0, frag->msg_header.frag_len);
+    ret = dtls1_do_handshake_write(s, use_epoch);
+  }
+  /* TODO(davidben): Check return value? */
   return ret;
@@ -763,46 +761,65 @@
   return 1;
-int dtls1_buffer_message(SSL *s, int is_ccs) {
-  pitem *item;
-  hm_fragment *frag;
-  uint8_t seq64be[8];
+/* dtls1_buffer_change_cipher_spec adds a ChangeCipherSpec to the current
+ * handshake flight, ordered just before the handshake message numbered
+ * |seq|. */
+static int dtls1_buffer_change_cipher_spec(SSL *ssl, uint16_t seq) {
+  hm_fragment *frag = dtls1_hm_fragment_new(0 /* frag_len */,
+                                            0 /* no reassembly */);
+  if (frag == NULL) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  frag->msg_header.is_ccs = 1;
+  frag->msg_header.epoch = ssl->d1->w_epoch;
+  uint16_t priority = dtls1_get_queue_priority(seq, 1 /* is_ccs */);
+  uint8_t seq64be[8];
+  memset(seq64be, 0, sizeof(seq64be));
+  seq64be[6] = (uint8_t)(priority >> 8);
+  seq64be[7] = (uint8_t)priority;
+  pitem *item = pitem_new(seq64be, frag);
+  if (item == NULL) {
+    dtls1_hm_fragment_free(frag);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  pqueue_insert(ssl->d1->sent_messages, item);
+  return 1;
+int dtls1_buffer_message(SSL *s) {
   /* this function is called immediately after a message has
    * been serialized */
   assert(s->init_off == 0);
-  frag = dtls1_hm_fragment_new(s->init_num, 0);
+  hm_fragment *frag = dtls1_hm_fragment_new(s->init_num, 0);
   if (!frag) {
     return 0;
   memcpy(frag->fragment, s->init_buf->data, s->init_num);
-  if (is_ccs) {
-    assert(s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len + DTLS1_CCS_HEADER_LENGTH ==
-           (unsigned int)s->init_num);
-  } else {
-    assert(s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len + DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH ==
-           (unsigned int)s->init_num);
-  }
+  assert(s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len + DTLS1_HM_HEADER_LENGTH ==
+         (unsigned int)s->init_num);
   frag->msg_header.msg_len = s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len;
   frag->msg_header.seq = s->d1->w_msg_hdr.seq;
   frag->msg_header.type = s->d1->w_msg_hdr.type;
   frag->msg_header.frag_off = 0;
   frag->msg_header.frag_len = s->d1->w_msg_hdr.msg_len;
-  frag->msg_header.is_ccs = is_ccs;
+  frag->msg_header.is_ccs = 0;
   frag->msg_header.epoch = s->d1->w_epoch;
+  uint16_t priority = dtls1_get_queue_priority(frag->msg_header.seq,
+                                               0 /* handshake */);
+  uint8_t seq64be[8];
   memset(seq64be, 0, sizeof(seq64be));
-  seq64be[6] = (uint8_t)(
-      dtls1_get_queue_priority(frag->msg_header.seq, frag->msg_header.is_ccs) >>
-      8);
-  seq64be[7] = (uint8_t)(
-      dtls1_get_queue_priority(frag->msg_header.seq, frag->msg_header.is_ccs));
+  seq64be[6] = (uint8_t)(priority >> 8);
+  seq64be[7] = (uint8_t)priority;
-  item = pitem_new(seq64be, frag);
+  pitem *item = pitem_new(seq64be, frag);
   if (item == NULL) {
     return 0;
@@ -812,6 +829,17 @@
   return 1;
+int dtls1_send_change_cipher_spec(SSL *s, int a, int b) {
+  if (s->state == a) {
+    /* Buffer the message to handle retransmits. */
+    s->d1->handshake_write_seq = s->d1->next_handshake_write_seq;
+    dtls1_buffer_change_cipher_spec(s, s->d1->handshake_write_seq);
+    s->state = b;
+  }
+  return dtls1_write_change_cipher_spec(s, dtls1_use_current_epoch);
 /* call this function when the buffered messages are no longer needed */
 void dtls1_clear_record_buffer(SSL *s) {
   pitem *item;
@@ -836,27 +864,6 @@
   msg_hdr->frag_len = frag_len;
-static void dtls1_fix_message_header(SSL *s, unsigned long frag_off,
-                                     unsigned long frag_len) {
-  struct hm_header_st *msg_hdr = &s->d1->w_msg_hdr;
-  msg_hdr->frag_off = frag_off;
-  msg_hdr->frag_len = frag_len;
-static uint8_t *dtls1_write_message_header(SSL *s, uint8_t *p) {
-  struct hm_header_st *msg_hdr = &s->d1->w_msg_hdr;
-  *p++ = msg_hdr->type;
-  l2n3(msg_hdr->msg_len, p);
-  s2n(msg_hdr->seq, p);
-  l2n3(msg_hdr->frag_off, p);
-  l2n3(msg_hdr->frag_len, p);
-  return p;
 unsigned int dtls1_min_mtu(void) {
   return kMinMTU;
diff --git a/src/ssl/d1_clnt.c b/src/ssl/d1_clnt.c
index 3dd5f8c..b86655c 100644
--- a/src/ssl/d1_clnt.c
+++ b/src/ssl/d1_clnt.c
@@ -190,13 +190,6 @@
       case SSL3_ST_CW_CLNT_HELLO_A:
       case SSL3_ST_CW_CLNT_HELLO_B:
         s->shutdown = 0;
-        if (!ssl3_init_handshake_buffer(s)) {
-          ret = -1;
-          goto end;
-        }
         ret = ssl3_send_client_hello(s);
         if (ret <= 0) {
@@ -352,6 +345,7 @@
       case SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_VRFY_A:
       case SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_VRFY_B:
+      case SSL3_ST_CW_CERT_VRFY_C:
         ret = ssl3_send_cert_verify(s);
         if (ret <= 0) {
diff --git a/src/ssl/d1_lib.c b/src/ssl/d1_lib.c
index cb95585..787ad9a 100644
--- a/src/ssl/d1_lib.c
+++ b/src/ssl/d1_lib.c
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
   s->init_off = 0;
   /* Buffer the message to handle re-xmits */
-  dtls1_buffer_message(s, 0);
+  dtls1_buffer_message(s);
   /* Add the new message to the handshake hash. Serialize the message
    * header as if it were a single fragment. */
@@ -336,5 +336,5 @@
 int dtls1_handshake_write(SSL *s) {
-  return dtls1_do_write(s, SSL3_RT_HANDSHAKE, dtls1_use_current_epoch);
+  return dtls1_do_handshake_write(s, dtls1_use_current_epoch);
diff --git a/src/ssl/d1_pkt.c b/src/ssl/d1_pkt.c
index a31dcc3..8cabdd4 100644
--- a/src/ssl/d1_pkt.c
+++ b/src/ssl/d1_pkt.c
@@ -512,8 +512,9 @@
 static int do_dtls1_write(SSL *s, int type, const uint8_t *buf,
                           unsigned int len, enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch) {
-  /* ssl3_write_pending drops the write if |BIO_write| fails in DTLS, so there
-   * is never pending data. */
+  /* There should never be a pending write buffer in DTLS. One can't write half
+   * a datagram, so the write buffer is always dropped in
+   * |ssl_write_buffer_flush|. */
   /* If we have an alert to send, lets send it */
@@ -540,19 +541,16 @@
   if (!ssl_write_buffer_init(s, &out, max_out) ||
       !dtls_seal_record(s, out, &ciphertext_len, max_out, type, buf, len,
                         use_epoch)) {
+    ssl_write_buffer_clear(s);
     return -1;
   ssl_write_buffer_set_len(s, ciphertext_len);
-  /* memorize arguments so that ssl3_write_pending can detect bad write retries
-   * later */
-  s->s3->wpend_tot = len;
-  s->s3->wpend_buf = buf;
-  s->s3->wpend_type = type;
-  s->s3->wpend_ret = len;
-  /* we now just need to write the buffer */
-  return ssl3_write_pending(s, type, buf, len);
+  int ret = ssl_write_buffer_flush(s);
+  if (ret <= 0) {
+    return ret;
+  }
+  return (int)len;
 int dtls1_dispatch_alert(SSL *s) {
diff --git a/src/ssl/d1_srtp.c b/src/ssl/d1_srtp.c
index 628bb29..115bd70 100644
--- a/src/ssl/d1_srtp.c
+++ b/src/ssl/d1_srtp.c
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
         "SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32", SRTP_AES128_CM_SHA1_32,
-    {0},
+    {0, 0},
 static int find_profile_by_name(const char *profile_name,
diff --git a/src/ssl/internal.h b/src/ssl/internal.h
index 76a31bf..520131e 100644
--- a/src/ssl/internal.h
+++ b/src/ssl/internal.h
@@ -695,15 +695,6 @@
 /* See if we use signature algorithms extension and signature algorithm before
  * signatures. */
 #define SSL_USE_SIGALGS(s) (s->enc_method->enc_flags & SSL_ENC_FLAG_SIGALGS)
-/* Allow TLS 1.2 ciphersuites: applies to DTLS 1.2 as well as TLS 1.2: may
- * apply to others in future. */
-#define SSL_USE_TLS1_2_CIPHERS(s) \
-  (s->enc_method->enc_flags & SSL_ENC_FLAG_TLS1_2_CIPHERS)
-/* Determine if a client can use TLS 1.2 ciphersuites: can't rely on method
- * flags because it may not be set to correct version yet. */
-#define SSL_CLIENT_USE_TLS1_2_CIPHERS(s)                       \
-  ((SSL_IS_DTLS(s) && s->client_version <= DTLS1_2_VERSION) || \
-   (!SSL_IS_DTLS(s) && s->client_version >= TLS1_2_VERSION))
  * 	    <- (EXPORT & (RSA_ENC | RSA_TMP) & RSA_SIGN)
@@ -739,17 +730,12 @@
   const SSL_PRIVATE_KEY_METHOD *key_method;
   /* For clients the following masks are of *disabled* key and auth algorithms
-   * based on the current session.
+   * based on the current configuration.
    * TODO(davidben): Remove these. They get checked twice: when sending the
-   * ClientHello and when processing the ServerHello. However, mask_ssl is a
-   * different value both times. mask_k and mask_a are not, but is a
-   * round-about way of checking the server's cipher was one of the advertised
-   * ones. (Currently it checks the masks and then the list of ciphers prior to
-   * applying the masks in ClientHello.) */
+   * ClientHello and when processing the ServerHello. */
   uint32_t mask_k;
   uint32_t mask_a;
-  uint32_t mask_ssl;
   DH *dh_tmp;
   DH *(*dh_tmp_cb)(SSL *ssl, int is_export, int keysize);
@@ -857,9 +843,6 @@
 /* Uses SHA256 default PRF */
 #define SSL_ENC_FLAG_SHA256_PRF 0x4
-/* Allow TLS 1.2 ciphersuites: applies to DTLS 1.2 as well as TLS 1.2:
- * may apply to others in future. */
-#define SSL_ENC_FLAG_TLS1_2_CIPHERS 0x8
 /* lengths of messages */
 #define DTLS1_COOKIE_LENGTH 256
@@ -912,7 +895,9 @@
   /* records being received in the current epoch */
   DTLS1_BITMAP bitmap;
-  /* handshake message numbers */
+  /* handshake message numbers.
+   * TODO(davidben): It doesn't make much sense to store both of these. Only
+   * store one. */
   uint16_t handshake_write_seq;
   uint16_t next_handshake_write_seq;
@@ -1075,11 +1060,10 @@
 int ssl3_set_handshake_header(SSL *s, int htype, unsigned long len);
 int ssl3_handshake_write(SSL *s);
-int dtls1_do_write(SSL *s, int type, enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch);
+int dtls1_do_handshake_write(SSL *s, enum dtls1_use_epoch_t use_epoch);
 int dtls1_read_app_data(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *buf, int len, int peek);
 void dtls1_read_close_notify(SSL *ssl);
 int dtls1_read_bytes(SSL *s, int type, uint8_t *buf, int len, int peek);
-int ssl3_write_pending(SSL *s, int type, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned int len);
 void dtls1_set_message_header(SSL *s, uint8_t mt, unsigned long len,
                               unsigned short seq_num, unsigned long frag_off,
                               unsigned long frag_len);
@@ -1091,8 +1075,7 @@
 int dtls1_send_change_cipher_spec(SSL *s, int a, int b);
 int dtls1_send_finished(SSL *s, int a, int b, const char *sender, int slen);
 int dtls1_read_failed(SSL *s, int code);
-int dtls1_buffer_message(SSL *s, int ccs);
-int dtls1_get_queue_priority(unsigned short seq, int is_ccs);
+int dtls1_buffer_message(SSL *s);
 int dtls1_retransmit_buffered_messages(SSL *s);
 void dtls1_clear_record_buffer(SSL *s);
 void dtls1_get_message_header(uint8_t *data, struct hm_header_st *msg_hdr);
@@ -1311,8 +1294,13 @@
 const EVP_MD *tls1_choose_signing_digest(SSL *ssl);
 size_t tls12_get_psigalgs(SSL *s, const uint8_t **psigs);
-int tls12_check_peer_sigalg(const EVP_MD **out_md, int *out_alert, SSL *s,
-                            CBS *cbs, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
+/* tls12_check_peer_sigalg checks that |hash| and |signature| are consistent
+ * with |pkey| and |ssl|'s sent, supported signature algorithms and, if so,
+ * writes the relevant digest into |*out_md| and returns 1. Otherwise it
+ * returns 0 and writes an alert into |*out_alert|. */
+int tls12_check_peer_sigalg(SSL *ssl, const EVP_MD **out_md, int *out_alert,
+                            uint8_t hash, uint8_t signature, EVP_PKEY *pkey);
 void ssl_set_client_disabled(SSL *s);
diff --git a/src/ssl/s3_clnt.c b/src/ssl/s3_clnt.c
index 13bc0e8..843403b 100644
--- a/src/ssl/s3_clnt.c
+++ b/src/ssl/s3_clnt.c
@@ -604,9 +604,12 @@
   for (i = 0; i < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(ciphers); i++) {
     const SSL_CIPHER *cipher = sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(ciphers, i);
     /* Skip disabled ciphers */
-    if (cipher->algorithm_ssl & ssl->cert->mask_ssl ||
-        cipher->algorithm_mkey & ssl->cert->mask_k ||
-        cipher->algorithm_auth & ssl->cert->mask_a) {
+    if ((cipher->algorithm_mkey & ssl->cert->mask_k) ||
+        (cipher->algorithm_auth & ssl->cert->mask_a)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version(cipher) >
+        ssl3_version_from_wire(ssl, ssl->client_version)) {
     any_enabled = 1;
@@ -645,6 +648,13 @@
     return ssl_do_write(ssl);
+  /* In DTLS, reset the handshake buffer each time a new ClientHello is
+   * assembled. We may send multiple if we receive HelloVerifyRequest. */
+  if (SSL_IS_DTLS(ssl) && !ssl3_init_handshake_buffer(ssl)) {
+    return -1;
+  }
   CBB cbb;
@@ -734,7 +744,6 @@
   CBS server_hello, server_random, session_id;
   uint16_t server_version, cipher_suite;
   uint8_t compression_method;
-  uint32_t mask_ssl;
   n = s->method->ssl_get_message(s, SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_A,
                                  SSL3_ST_CR_SRVR_HELLO_B, SSL3_MT_SERVER_HELLO,
@@ -827,18 +836,11 @@
     goto f_err;
-  /* ct->mask_ssl was computed from client capabilities. Now
-   * that the final version is known, compute a new mask_ssl. */
-  if (!SSL_USE_TLS1_2_CIPHERS(s)) {
-    mask_ssl = SSL_TLSV1_2;
-  } else {
-    mask_ssl = 0;
-  }
   /* If the cipher is disabled then we didn't sent it in the ClientHello, so if
    * the server selected it, it's an error. */
-  if ((c->algorithm_ssl & mask_ssl) ||
-      (c->algorithm_mkey & ct->mask_k) ||
-      (c->algorithm_auth & ct->mask_a)) {
+  if ((c->algorithm_mkey & ct->mask_k) ||
+      (c->algorithm_auth & ct->mask_a) ||
+      SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version(c) > ssl3_version_from_wire(s, s->version)) {
     goto f_err;
@@ -1242,9 +1244,17 @@
     if (SSL_USE_SIGALGS(s)) {
-      if (!tls12_check_peer_sigalg(&md, &al, s, &server_key_exchange, pkey)) {
+      uint8_t hash, signature;
+      if (!CBS_get_u8(&server_key_exchange, &hash) ||
+          !CBS_get_u8(&server_key_exchange, &signature)) {
+        al = SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;
         goto f_err;
+      if (!tls12_check_peer_sigalg(s, &md, &al, hash, signature, pkey)) {
+        goto f_err;
+      }
+      s->s3->tmp.server_key_exchange_hash = hash;
     } else if (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA) {
       md = EVP_md5_sha1();
     } else {
@@ -1449,7 +1459,9 @@
   if (CBS_len(&ticket) == 0) {
     /* RFC 5077 allows a server to change its mind and send no ticket after
-     * negotiating the extension. Behave as if no ticket was sent. */
+     * negotiating the extension. The value of |tlsext_ticket_expected| is
+     * checked in |ssl_update_cache| so is cleared here to avoid an unnecessary
+     * update. */
     s->tlsext_ticket_expected = 0;
     return 1;
diff --git a/src/ssl/s3_lib.c b/src/ssl/s3_lib.c
index 5209802..7bf223d 100644
--- a/src/ssl/s3_lib.c
+++ b/src/ssl/s3_lib.c
@@ -503,8 +503,8 @@
     ok = 1;
-    /* Skip TLS v1.2 only ciphersuites if not supported */
-    if ((c->algorithm_ssl & SSL_TLSV1_2) && !SSL_USE_TLS1_2_CIPHERS(s)) {
+    /* Check the TLS version. */
+    if (SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version(c) > ssl3_version_from_wire(s, s->version)) {
       ok = 0;
diff --git a/src/ssl/s3_pkt.c b/src/ssl/s3_pkt.c
index 1cb2ac6..7416d0e 100644
--- a/src/ssl/s3_pkt.c
+++ b/src/ssl/s3_pkt.c
@@ -249,6 +249,23 @@
+static int ssl3_write_pending(SSL *s, int type, const uint8_t *buf,
+                              unsigned int len) {
+  if (s->s3->wpend_tot > (int)len ||
+      (s->s3->wpend_buf != buf &&
+       !(s->mode & SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER)) ||
+      s->s3->wpend_type != type) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  int ret = ssl_write_buffer_flush(s);
+  if (ret <= 0) {
+    return ret;
+  }
+  return s->s3->wpend_ret;
 /* do_ssl3_write writes an SSL record of the given type. */
 static int do_ssl3_write(SSL *s, int type, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned len) {
   /* If there is still data from the previous record, flush it. */
@@ -298,22 +315,6 @@
   return ssl3_write_pending(s, type, buf, len);
-int ssl3_write_pending(SSL *s, int type, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned int len) {
-  if (s->s3->wpend_tot > (int)len ||
-      (s->s3->wpend_buf != buf &&
-       !(s->mode & SSL_MODE_ACCEPT_MOVING_WRITE_BUFFER)) ||
-      s->s3->wpend_type != type) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  int ret = ssl_write_buffer_flush(s);
-  if (ret <= 0) {
-    return ret;
-  }
-  return s->s3->wpend_ret;
 /* ssl3_expect_change_cipher_spec informs the record layer that a
  * ChangeCipherSpec record is required at this point. If a Handshake record is
  * received before ChangeCipherSpec, the connection will fail. Moreover, if
@@ -345,6 +346,8 @@
       return ssl->s3->total_renegotiations == 0;
     case ssl_renegotiate_freely:
       return 1;
+    case ssl_renegotiate_ignore:
+      return 1;
@@ -566,6 +569,10 @@
       goto err;
+    if (s->renegotiate_mode == ssl_renegotiate_ignore) {
+      goto start;
+    }
     /* Renegotiation is only supported at quiescent points in the application
      * protocol, namely in HTTPS, just before reading the HTTP response. Require
      * the record-layer be idle and avoid complexities of sending a handshake
diff --git a/src/ssl/s3_srvr.c b/src/ssl/s3_srvr.c
index fad2d0a..8cfa0e6 100644
--- a/src/ssl/s3_srvr.c
+++ b/src/ssl/s3_srvr.c
@@ -2056,9 +2056,17 @@
   CBS_init(&certificate_verify, s->init_msg, n);
   /* Determine the digest type if needbe. */
-  if (SSL_USE_SIGALGS(s) &&
-      !tls12_check_peer_sigalg(&md, &al, s, &certificate_verify, pkey)) {
-    goto f_err;
+  if (SSL_USE_SIGALGS(s)) {
+    uint8_t hash, signature_type;
+    if (!CBS_get_u8(&certificate_verify, &hash) ||
+        !CBS_get_u8(&certificate_verify, &signature_type)) {
+      al = SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;
+      goto f_err;
+    }
+    if (!tls12_check_peer_sigalg(s, &md, &al, hash, signature_type, pkey)) {
+      goto f_err;
+    }
   /* Compute the digest. */
diff --git a/src/ssl/ssl_buffer.c b/src/ssl/ssl_buffer.c
index 63dcd80..f1abc53 100644
--- a/src/ssl/ssl_buffer.c
+++ b/src/ssl/ssl_buffer.c
@@ -292,11 +292,18 @@
     return 1;
+  ssl->rwstate = SSL_WRITING;
   int ret = BIO_write(ssl->wbio, buf->buf + buf->offset, buf->len);
-  /* Drop the write buffer whether or not the write succeeded synchronously.
-   * TODO(davidben): How does this interact with the retry flag? */
+  if (ret <= 0) {
+    /* If the write failed, drop the write buffer anyway. Datagram transports
+     * can't write half a packet, so the caller is expected to retry from the
+     * top. */
+    ssl_write_buffer_clear(ssl);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  ssl->rwstate = SSL_NOTHING;
-  return (ret <= 0) ? ret : 1;
+  return 1;
 int ssl_write_buffer_flush(SSL *ssl) {
diff --git a/src/ssl/ssl_cipher.c b/src/ssl/ssl_cipher.c
index 0ffeb5b..e87835f 100644
--- a/src/ssl/ssl_cipher.c
+++ b/src/ssl/ssl_cipher.c
@@ -1384,10 +1384,18 @@
   return (cipher->algorithm_mac & SSL_MD5) != 0;
+int SSL_CIPHER_has_SHA1_HMAC(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher) {
+  return (cipher->algorithm_mac & SSL_SHA1) != 0;
 int SSL_CIPHER_is_AESGCM(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher) {
   return (cipher->algorithm_enc & (SSL_AES128GCM | SSL_AES256GCM)) != 0;
+int SSL_CIPHER_is_AES128GCM(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher) {
+  return (cipher->algorithm_enc & SSL_AES128GCM) != 0;
 int SSL_CIPHER_is_CHACHA20POLY1305(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher) {
   return (cipher->algorithm_enc & SSL_CHACHA20POLY1305_OLD) != 0;
@@ -1406,6 +1414,17 @@
       cipher->algorithm_mac != SSL_AEAD;
+int SSL_CIPHER_is_ECDSA(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher) {
+  return (cipher->algorithm_auth & SSL_aECDSA) != 0;
+uint16_t SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher) {
+  if (cipher->algorithm_ssl & SSL_TLSV1_2) {
+    return TLS1_2_VERSION;
+  }
+  return SSL3_VERSION;
 /* return the actual cipher being used */
 const char *SSL_CIPHER_get_name(const SSL_CIPHER *cipher) {
   if (cipher != NULL) {
diff --git a/src/ssl/ssl_lib.c b/src/ssl/ssl_lib.c
index 5fc2f66..c78a91a 100644
--- a/src/ssl/ssl_lib.c
+++ b/src/ssl/ssl_lib.c
@@ -1986,14 +1986,16 @@
 void SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode) {
-  ctx->quiet_shutdown = mode;
+  ctx->quiet_shutdown = (mode != 0);
 int SSL_CTX_get_quiet_shutdown(const SSL_CTX *ctx) {
   return ctx->quiet_shutdown;
-void SSL_set_quiet_shutdown(SSL *ssl, int mode) { ssl->quiet_shutdown = mode; }
+void SSL_set_quiet_shutdown(SSL *ssl, int mode) {
+  ssl->quiet_shutdown = (mode != 0);
 int SSL_get_quiet_shutdown(const SSL *ssl) { return ssl->quiet_shutdown; }
@@ -2634,6 +2636,27 @@
          EVP_AEAD_CTX_get_rc4_state(&ssl->aead_write_ctx->ctx, write_key);
+int SSL_get_ivs(const SSL *ssl, const uint8_t **out_read_iv,
+                const uint8_t **out_write_iv, size_t *out_iv_len) {
+  if (ssl->aead_read_ctx == NULL || ssl->aead_write_ctx == NULL) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  size_t write_iv_len;
+  if (!EVP_AEAD_CTX_get_iv(&ssl->aead_read_ctx->ctx, out_read_iv, out_iv_len) ||
+      !EVP_AEAD_CTX_get_iv(&ssl->aead_write_ctx->ctx, out_write_iv,
+                           &write_iv_len) ||
+      *out_iv_len != write_iv_len) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
+uint8_t SSL_get_server_key_exchange_hash(const SSL *ssl) {
+  return ssl->s3->tmp.server_key_exchange_hash;
 int SSL_clear(SSL *ssl) {
   if (ssl->method == NULL) {
diff --git a/src/ssl/t1_lib.c b/src/ssl/t1_lib.c
index a6c48f1..9a29028 100644
--- a/src/ssl/t1_lib.c
+++ b/src/ssl/t1_lib.c
@@ -169,8 +169,7 @@
-            |SSL_ENC_FLAG_TLS1_2_CIPHERS,
 static int compare_uint16_t(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
@@ -641,16 +640,11 @@
   return sizeof(tls12_sigalgs);
-/* tls12_check_peer_sigalg parses a SignatureAndHashAlgorithm out of |cbs|. It
- * checks it is consistent with |s|'s sent supported signature algorithms and,
- * if so, writes the relevant digest into |*out_md| and returns 1. Otherwise it
- * returns 0 and writes an alert into |*out_alert|. */
-int tls12_check_peer_sigalg(const EVP_MD **out_md, int *out_alert, SSL *s,
-                            CBS *cbs, EVP_PKEY *pkey) {
+int tls12_check_peer_sigalg(SSL *ssl, const EVP_MD **out_md, int *out_alert,
+                            uint8_t hash, uint8_t signature, EVP_PKEY *pkey) {
   const uint8_t *sent_sigs;
   size_t sent_sigslen, i;
   int sigalg = tls12_get_sigid(pkey->type);
-  uint8_t hash, signature;
   /* Should never happen */
   if (sigalg == -1) {
@@ -659,13 +653,6 @@
     return 0;
-  if (!CBS_get_u8(cbs, &hash) ||
-      !CBS_get_u8(cbs, &signature)) {
-    *out_alert = SSL_AD_DECODE_ERROR;
-    return 0;
-  }
   /* Check key type is consistent with signature */
   if (sigalg != signature) {
@@ -682,8 +669,8 @@
       return 0;
-    if (s->server && (!tls1_check_curve_id(s, curve_id) ||
-                      comp_id != TLSEXT_ECPOINTFORMAT_uncompressed)) {
+    if (ssl->server && (!tls1_check_curve_id(ssl, curve_id) ||
+                        comp_id != TLSEXT_ECPOINTFORMAT_uncompressed)) {
       *out_alert = SSL_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER;
       return 0;
@@ -691,15 +678,14 @@
   /* Check signature matches a type we sent */
-  sent_sigslen = tls12_get_psigalgs(s, &sent_sigs);
+  sent_sigslen = tls12_get_psigalgs(ssl, &sent_sigs);
   for (i = 0; i < sent_sigslen; i += 2, sent_sigs += 2) {
     if (hash == sent_sigs[0] && signature == sent_sigs[1]) {
-  /* Allow fallback to SHA-1. */
-  if (i == sent_sigslen && hash != TLSEXT_hash_sha1) {
+  if (i == sent_sigslen) {
     *out_alert = SSL_AD_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER;
     return 0;
@@ -727,13 +713,6 @@
   c->mask_a = 0;
   c->mask_k = 0;
-  /* Don't allow TLS 1.2 only ciphers if we don't suppport them */
-    c->mask_ssl = SSL_TLSV1_2;
-  } else {
-    c->mask_ssl = 0;
-  }
   /* Now go through all signature algorithms seeing if we support any for RSA,
    * DSA, ECDSA. Do this for all versions not just TLS 1.2. */
   sigalgslen = tls12_get_psigalgs(s, &sigalgs);
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/async_bio.cc b/src/ssl/test/async_bio.cc
index 0534845..7a5737b 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/async_bio.cc
+++ b/src/ssl/test/async_bio.cc
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 struct AsyncBio {
   bool datagram;
+  bool enforce_write_quota;
   size_t read_quota;
   size_t write_quota;
@@ -43,9 +44,7 @@
     return 0;
-  if (a->datagram) {
-    // Perform writes synchronously; the DTLS implementation drops any packets
-    // that failed to send.
+  if (!a->enforce_write_quota) {
     return BIO_write(bio->next_bio, in, inl);
@@ -111,6 +110,7 @@
     return 0;
   memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a));
+  a->enforce_write_quota = true;
   bio->init = 1;
   bio->ptr = (char *)a;
   return 1;
@@ -178,3 +178,11 @@
   a->write_quota += count;
+void AsyncBioEnforceWriteQuota(BIO *bio, bool enforce) {
+  AsyncBio *a = GetData(bio);
+  if (a == NULL) {
+    return;
+  }
+  a->enforce_write_quota = enforce;
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/async_bio.h b/src/ssl/test/async_bio.h
index 1ccdf9b..fbc4016 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/async_bio.h
+++ b/src/ssl/test/async_bio.h
@@ -38,5 +38,8 @@
 // AsyncBioAllowWrite increments |bio|'s write quota by |count|.
 void AsyncBioAllowWrite(BIO *bio, size_t count);
+// AsyncBioEnforceWriteQuota configures where |bio| enforces its write quota.
+void AsyncBioEnforceWriteQuota(BIO *bio, bool enforce);
 #endif  // HEADER_ASYNC_BIO
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/bssl_shim.cc b/src/ssl/test/bssl_shim.cc
index 3f4e9cf..07ba9f5 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/bssl_shim.cc
+++ b/src/ssl/test/bssl_shim.cc
@@ -808,6 +808,7 @@
     return false;
+  const TestConfig *config = GetConfigPtr(ssl);
   TestState *test_state = GetTestState(ssl);
   if (test_state->clock_delta.tv_usec != 0 ||
       test_state->clock_delta.tv_sec != 0) {
@@ -818,7 +819,17 @@
     test_state->clock.tv_sec += test_state->clock_delta.tv_sec;
     memset(&test_state->clock_delta, 0, sizeof(test_state->clock_delta));
-    if (DTLSv1_handle_timeout(ssl) < 0) {
+    // The DTLS retransmit logic silently ignores write failures. So the test
+    // may progress, allow writes through synchronously.
+    if (config->async) {
+      AsyncBioEnforceWriteQuota(test_state->async_bio, false);
+    }
+    int timeout_ret = DTLSv1_handle_timeout(ssl);
+    if (config->async) {
+      AsyncBioEnforceWriteQuota(test_state->async_bio, true);
+    }
+    if (timeout_ret < 0) {
       fprintf(stderr, "Error retransmitting.\n");
       return false;
@@ -863,9 +874,19 @@
 // the result value of the final |SSL_read| call.
 static int DoRead(SSL *ssl, uint8_t *out, size_t max_out) {
   const TestConfig *config = GetConfigPtr(ssl);
+  TestState *test_state = GetTestState(ssl);
   int ret;
   do {
+    if (config->async) {
+      // The DTLS retransmit logic silently ignores write failures. So the test
+      // may progress, allow writes through synchronously. |SSL_read| may
+      // trigger a retransmit, so disconnect the write quota.
+      AsyncBioEnforceWriteQuota(test_state->async_bio, false);
+    }
     ret = SSL_read(ssl, out, max_out);
+    if (config->async) {
+      AsyncBioEnforceWriteQuota(test_state->async_bio, true);
+    }
   } while (config->async && RetryAsync(ssl, ret));
   return ret;
@@ -1040,6 +1061,15 @@
+  if (config->expect_server_key_exchange_hash != 0 &&
+      config->expect_server_key_exchange_hash !=
+          SSL_get_server_key_exchange_hash(ssl)) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "ServerKeyExchange hash was %d, wanted %d.\n",
+            SSL_get_server_key_exchange_hash(ssl),
+            config->expect_server_key_exchange_hash);
+    return false;
+  }
   if (!config->is_server) {
     /* Clients should expect a peer certificate chain iff this was not a PSK
      * cipher suite. */
@@ -1184,6 +1214,9 @@
   if (config->renegotiate_freely) {
     SSL_set_renegotiate_mode(ssl.get(), ssl_renegotiate_freely);
+  if (config->renegotiate_ignore) {
+    SSL_set_renegotiate_mode(ssl.get(), ssl_renegotiate_ignore);
+  }
   if (!config->check_close_notify) {
     SSL_set_quiet_shutdown(ssl.get(), 1);
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/runner/common.go b/src/ssl/test/runner/common.go
index 7defec1..078c227 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/runner/common.go
+++ b/src/ssl/test/runner/common.go
@@ -782,6 +782,11 @@
 	// connections where the client offers a non-empty session ID or session
 	// ticket.
 	FailIfSessionOffered bool
+	// SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryAppDataRecord, if true, causes a
+	// HelloRequest handshake message to be sent before each application
+	// data record. This only makes sense for a server.
+	SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryAppDataRecord bool
 func (c *Config) serverInit() {
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/runner/conn.go b/src/ssl/test/runner/conn.go
index 986e2b5..ab9e233 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/runner/conn.go
+++ b/src/ssl/test/runner/conn.go
@@ -1078,14 +1078,16 @@
 		seq := packet[5:11]
 		length := uint16(packet[11])<<8 | uint16(packet[12])
 		if bytes.Equal(c.in.seq[:2], epoch) {
-			if !bytes.Equal(c.in.seq[2:], seq) {
+			if bytes.Compare(seq, c.in.seq[2:]) < 0 {
 				return errors.New("tls: sequence mismatch")
+			copy(c.in.seq[2:], seq)
 		} else {
-			if !bytes.Equal(c.in.nextSeq[:], seq) {
+			if bytes.Compare(seq, c.in.nextSeq[:]) < 0 {
 				return errors.New("tls: sequence mismatch")
+			copy(c.in.nextSeq[:], seq)
 		if len(packet) < 13+int(length) {
@@ -1150,6 +1152,10 @@
 		c.sendAlertLocked(alertLevelError, c.config.Bugs.SendSpuriousAlert)
+	if c.config.Bugs.SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryAppDataRecord {
+		c.writeRecord(recordTypeHandshake, []byte{typeHelloRequest, 0, 0, 0})
+	}
 	// SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 are susceptible to a chosen-plaintext
 	// attack when using block mode ciphers due to predictable IVs.
 	// This can be prevented by splitting each Application Data
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/runner/dtls.go b/src/ssl/test/runner/dtls.go
index fac035e..c3ee521 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/runner/dtls.go
+++ b/src/ssl/test/runner/dtls.go
@@ -80,15 +80,21 @@
 			return 0, nil, c.in.setErrorLocked(fmt.Errorf("dtls: received record with version %x when expecting version %x", vers, expect))
-	seq := b.data[3:11]
-	// For test purposes, we assume a reliable channel. Require
-	// that the explicit sequence number matches the incrementing
-	// one we maintain. A real implementation would maintain a
-	// replay window and such.
-	if !bytes.Equal(seq, c.in.seq[:]) {
+	epoch := b.data[3:5]
+	seq := b.data[5:11]
+	// For test purposes, require the sequence number be monotonically
+	// increasing, so c.in includes the minimum next sequence number. Gaps
+	// may occur if packets failed to be sent out. A real implementation
+	// would maintain a replay window and such.
+	if !bytes.Equal(epoch, c.in.seq[:2]) {
+		c.sendAlert(alertIllegalParameter)
+		return 0, nil, c.in.setErrorLocked(fmt.Errorf("dtls: bad epoch"))
+	}
+	if bytes.Compare(seq, c.in.seq[2:]) < 0 {
 		return 0, nil, c.in.setErrorLocked(fmt.Errorf("dtls: bad sequence number"))
+	copy(c.in.seq[2:], seq)
 	n := int(b.data[11])<<8 | int(b.data[12])
 	if n > maxCiphertext || len(b.data) < recordHeaderLen+n {
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/runner/handshake_server.go b/src/ssl/test/runner/handshake_server.go
index 9647715..568f836 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/runner/handshake_server.go
+++ b/src/ssl/test/runner/handshake_server.go
@@ -203,6 +203,15 @@
 		hs.clientHello.signatureAndHashes = config.signatureAndHashesForServer()
+	// Check the client cipher list is consistent with the version.
+	if hs.clientHello.vers < VersionTLS12 {
+		for _, id := range hs.clientHello.cipherSuites {
+			if isTLS12Cipher(id) {
+				return false, fmt.Errorf("tls: client offered TLS 1.2 cipher before TLS 1.2")
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	c.vers, ok = config.mutualVersion(hs.clientHello.vers)
 	if !ok {
@@ -1053,3 +1062,14 @@
 	return nil
+func isTLS12Cipher(id uint16) bool {
+	for _, cipher := range cipherSuites {
+		if cipher.id != id {
+			continue
+		}
+		return cipher.flags&suiteTLS12 != 0
+	}
+	// Unknown cipher.
+	return false
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/runner/packet_adapter.go b/src/ssl/test/runner/packet_adapter.go
index b432659..2351eb0 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/runner/packet_adapter.go
+++ b/src/ssl/test/runner/packet_adapter.go
@@ -28,13 +28,22 @@
 type packetAdaptor struct {
+	debug *recordingConn
 // newPacketAdaptor wraps a reliable streaming net.Conn into a reliable
 // packet-based net.Conn. The stream contains packets and control commands,
 // distinguished by a one byte opcode.
 func newPacketAdaptor(conn net.Conn) *packetAdaptor {
-	return &packetAdaptor{conn}
+	return &packetAdaptor{conn, nil}
+func (p *packetAdaptor) log(message string, data []byte) {
+	if p.debug == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	p.debug.LogSpecial(message, data)
 func (p *packetAdaptor) readOpcode() (byte, error) {
@@ -87,6 +96,8 @@
 // for acknowledgement of the timeout, buffering any packets received since
 // then. The packets are then returned.
 func (p *packetAdaptor) SendReadTimeout(d time.Duration) ([][]byte, error) {
+	p.log("Simulating read timeout: " + d.String(), nil)
 	payload := make([]byte, 1+8)
 	payload[0] = opcodeTimeout
 	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(payload[1:], uint64(d.Nanoseconds()))
@@ -102,6 +113,7 @@
 		switch opcode {
 		case opcodeTimeoutAck:
+			p.log("Received timeout ACK", nil)
 			// Done! Return the packets buffered and continue.
 			return packets, nil
 		case opcodePacket:
@@ -110,6 +122,7 @@
 			if err != nil {
 				return nil, err
+			p.log("Simulating dropped packet", packet)
 			packets = append(packets, packet)
 			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected opcode '%d'", opcode)
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/runner/recordingconn.go b/src/ssl/test/runner/recordingconn.go
index 6537714..39deb19 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/runner/recordingconn.go
+++ b/src/ssl/test/runner/recordingconn.go
@@ -12,33 +12,49 @@
+type flowType int
+const (
+	readFlow flowType = iota
+	writeFlow
+	specialFlow
+type flow struct {
+	flowType flowType
+	message  string
+	data     []byte
 // recordingConn is a net.Conn that records the traffic that passes through it.
 // WriteTo can be used to produce output that can be later be loaded with
 // ParseTestData.
 type recordingConn struct {
-	flows   [][]byte
-	reading bool
+	flows       []flow
+	isDatagram  bool
+	local, peer string
+func (r *recordingConn) appendFlow(flowType flowType, message string, data []byte) {
+	r.Lock()
+	defer r.Unlock()
+	if l := len(r.flows); flowType == specialFlow || r.isDatagram || l == 0 || r.flows[l-1].flowType != flowType {
+		buf := make([]byte, len(data))
+		copy(buf, data)
+		r.flows = append(r.flows, flow{flowType, message, buf})
+	} else {
+		r.flows[l-1].data = append(r.flows[l-1].data, data...)
+	}
 func (r *recordingConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
 	if n, err = r.Conn.Read(b); n == 0 {
-	b = b[:n]
-	r.Lock()
-	defer r.Unlock()
-	if l := len(r.flows); l == 0 || !r.reading {
-		buf := make([]byte, len(b))
-		copy(buf, b)
-		r.flows = append(r.flows, buf)
-	} else {
-		r.flows[l-1] = append(r.flows[l-1], b[:n]...)
-	}
-	r.reading = true
+	r.appendFlow(readFlow, "", b[:n])
@@ -46,37 +62,33 @@
 	if n, err = r.Conn.Write(b); n == 0 {
-	b = b[:n]
-	r.Lock()
-	defer r.Unlock()
-	if l := len(r.flows); l == 0 || r.reading {
-		buf := make([]byte, len(b))
-		copy(buf, b)
-		r.flows = append(r.flows, buf)
-	} else {
-		r.flows[l-1] = append(r.flows[l-1], b[:n]...)
-	}
-	r.reading = false
+	r.appendFlow(writeFlow, "", b[:n])
+// LogSpecial appends an entry to the record of type 'special'.
+func (r *recordingConn) LogSpecial(message string, data []byte) {
+	r.appendFlow(specialFlow, message, data)
 // WriteTo writes hex dumps to w that contains the recorded traffic.
 func (r *recordingConn) WriteTo(w io.Writer) {
-	// TLS always starts with a client to server flow.
-	clientToServer := true
+	fmt.Fprintf(w, ">>> runner is %s, shim is %s\n", r.local, r.peer)
 	for i, flow := range r.flows {
-		source, dest := "client", "server"
-		if !clientToServer {
-			source, dest = dest, source
+		switch flow.flowType {
+		case readFlow:
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, ">>> Flow %d (%s to %s)\n", i+1, r.peer, r.local)
+		case writeFlow:
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, ">>> Flow %d (%s to %s)\n", i+1, r.local, r.peer)
+		case specialFlow:
+			fmt.Fprintf(w, ">>> Flow %d %q\n", i+1, flow.message)
-		fmt.Fprintf(w, ">>> Flow %d (%s to %s)\n", i+1, source, dest)
-		dumper := hex.Dumper(w)
-		dumper.Write(flow)
-		dumper.Close()
-		clientToServer = !clientToServer
+		if flow.data != nil {
+			dumper := hex.Dumper(w)
+			dumper.Write(flow.data)
+			dumper.Close()
+		}
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/runner/runner.go b/src/ssl/test/runner/runner.go
index 17fdff9..6ab71cf 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/runner/runner.go
+++ b/src/ssl/test/runner/runner.go
@@ -244,22 +244,36 @@
 var testCases []testCase
 func doExchange(test *testCase, config *Config, conn net.Conn, isResume bool) error {
-	var connDebug *recordingConn
 	var connDamage *damageAdaptor
-	if *flagDebug {
-		connDebug = &recordingConn{Conn: conn}
-		conn = connDebug
-		defer func() {
-			connDebug.WriteTo(os.Stdout)
-		}()
-	}
 	if test.protocol == dtls {
 		config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor = newPacketAdaptor(conn)
 		conn = config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor
-		if test.replayWrites {
-			conn = newReplayAdaptor(conn)
+	}
+	if *flagDebug {
+		local, peer := "client", "server"
+		if test.testType == clientTest {
+			local, peer = peer, local
+		connDebug := &recordingConn{
+			Conn:       conn,
+			isDatagram: test.protocol == dtls,
+			local:      local,
+			peer:       peer,
+		}
+		conn = connDebug
+		defer func() {
+			connDebug.WriteTo(os.Stdout)
+		}()
+		if config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor != nil {
+			config.Bugs.PacketAdaptor.debug = connDebug
+		}
+	}
+	if test.replayWrites {
+		conn = newReplayAdaptor(conn)
 	if test.damageFirstWrite {
@@ -2918,27 +2932,25 @@
-	var suffix string
-	var flags []string
-	var maxHandshakeRecordLength int
-	if protocol == dtls {
-		suffix = "-DTLS"
-	}
-	if async {
-		suffix += "-Async"
-		flags = append(flags, "-async")
-	} else {
-		suffix += "-Sync"
-	}
-	if splitHandshake {
-		suffix += "-SplitHandshakeRecords"
-		maxHandshakeRecordLength = 1
-	}
 	for _, test := range tests {
 		test.protocol = protocol
-		test.name += suffix
-		test.config.Bugs.MaxHandshakeRecordLength = maxHandshakeRecordLength
-		test.flags = append(test.flags, flags...)
+		if protocol == dtls {
+			test.name += "-DTLS"
+		}
+		if async {
+			test.name += "-Async"
+			test.flags = append(test.flags, "-async")
+		} else {
+			test.name += "-Sync"
+		}
+		if splitHandshake {
+			test.name += "-SplitHandshakeRecords"
+			test.config.Bugs.MaxHandshakeRecordLength = 1
+			if protocol == dtls {
+				test.config.Bugs.MaxPacketLength = 256
+				test.flags = append(test.flags, "-mtu", "256")
+			}
+		}
 		testCases = append(testCases, test)
@@ -3906,6 +3918,28 @@
 			"-expect-total-renegotiations", "2",
+	testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
+		name: "Renegotiate-Client-NoIgnore",
+		config: Config{
+			Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
+				SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryAppDataRecord: true,
+			},
+		},
+		shouldFail:    true,
+		expectedError: ":NO_RENEGOTIATION:",
+	})
+	testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
+		name: "Renegotiate-Client-Ignore",
+		config: Config{
+			Bugs: ProtocolBugs{
+				SendHelloRequestBeforeEveryAppDataRecord: true,
+			},
+		},
+		flags: []string{
+			"-renegotiate-ignore",
+			"-expect-total-renegotiations", "0",
+		},
+	})
 func addDTLSReplayTests() {
@@ -3992,6 +4026,19 @@
+		testCases = append(testCases, testCase{
+			name: "SigningHash-ServerKeyExchange-Verify-" + hash.name,
+			config: Config{
+				CipherSuites: []uint16{TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256},
+				SignatureAndHashes: []signatureAndHash{
+					{signatureRSA, 42},
+					{signatureRSA, hash.id},
+					{signatureRSA, 255},
+				},
+			},
+			flags: []string{"-expect-server-key-exchange-hash", strconv.Itoa(int(hash.id))},
+		})
 	// Test that hash resolution takes the signature type into account.
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/test_config.cc b/src/ssl/test/test_config.cc
index abec0e1..50e6b23 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/test_config.cc
+++ b/src/ssl/test/test_config.cc
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
   { "-expect-verify-result", &TestConfig::expect_verify_result },
   { "-renegotiate-once", &TestConfig::renegotiate_once },
   { "-renegotiate-freely", &TestConfig::renegotiate_freely },
+  { "-renegotiate-ignore", &TestConfig::renegotiate_ignore },
   { "-disable-npn", &TestConfig::disable_npn },
@@ -140,6 +141,8 @@
   { "-mtu", &TestConfig::mtu },
   { "-export-keying-material", &TestConfig::export_keying_material },
   { "-expect-total-renegotiations", &TestConfig::expect_total_renegotiations },
+  { "-expect-server-key-exchange-hash",
+    &TestConfig::expect_server_key_exchange_hash },
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/src/ssl/test/test_config.h b/src/ssl/test/test_config.h
index 23fa1f1..9f295ae 100644
--- a/src/ssl/test/test_config.h
+++ b/src/ssl/test/test_config.h
@@ -98,7 +98,9 @@
   int expect_total_renegotiations = 0;
   bool renegotiate_once = false;
   bool renegotiate_freely = false;
+  bool renegotiate_ignore = false;
   bool disable_npn = false;
+  int expect_server_key_exchange_hash = 0;
 bool ParseConfig(int argc, char **argv, TestConfig *out_config);
diff --git a/src/tool/CMakeLists.txt b/src/tool/CMakeLists.txt
index 2d706ba..a6cc15f 100644
--- a/src/tool/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/tool/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+  ciphers.cc
diff --git a/src/tool/ciphers.cc b/src/tool/ciphers.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7cc36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tool/ciphers.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2015, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <openssl/ssl.h>
+#include "../crypto/test/scoped_types.h"
+#include "../ssl/test/scoped_types.h"
+#include "internal.h"
+bool Ciphers(const std::vector<std::string> &args) {
+  if (args.size() != 1) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bssl ciphers <cipher suite string>\n");
+    return false;
+  }
+  const std::string &ciphers_string = args.back();
+  ScopedSSL_CTX ctx(SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()));
+  if (!SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx.get(), ciphers_string.c_str())) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse cipher suite config.\n");
+    ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+    return false;
+  }
+  const struct ssl_cipher_preference_list_st *pref_list = ctx->cipher_list;
+  STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER) *ciphers = pref_list->ciphers;
+  bool last_in_group = false;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < sk_SSL_CIPHER_num(ciphers); i++) {
+    bool in_group = pref_list->in_group_flags[i];
+    const SSL_CIPHER *cipher = sk_SSL_CIPHER_value(ciphers, i);
+    if (in_group && !last_in_group) {
+      printf("[\n  ");
+    } else if (last_in_group) {
+      printf("  ");
+    }
+    printf("%s\n", SSL_CIPHER_get_name(cipher));
+    if (!in_group && last_in_group) {
+      printf("]\n");
+    }
+    last_in_group = in_group;
+  }
+  return true;
diff --git a/src/tool/pkcs12.cc b/src/tool/pkcs12.cc
index c191531..fe830d6 100644
--- a/src/tool/pkcs12.cc
+++ b/src/tool/pkcs12.cc
@@ -128,8 +128,10 @@
     return false;
-  PEM_write_PrivateKey(stdout, key, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
-  EVP_PKEY_free(key);
+  if (key != NULL) {
+    PEM_write_PrivateKey(stdout, key, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+    EVP_PKEY_free(key);
+  }
   for (size_t i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(certs); i++) {
     PEM_write_X509(stdout, sk_X509_value(certs, i));
diff --git a/src/tool/tool.cc b/src/tool/tool.cc
index f67f0c7..afe6840 100644
--- a/src/tool/tool.cc
+++ b/src/tool/tool.cc
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+bool Ciphers(const std::vector<std::string> &args);
 bool Client(const std::vector<std::string> &args);
 bool DoPKCS12(const std::vector<std::string> &args);
 bool GenerateRSAKey(const std::vector<std::string> &args);
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
 static const Tool kTools[] = {
+  { "ciphers", Ciphers },
   { "client", Client },
   { "genrsa", GenerateRSAKey },
   { "md5sum", MD5Sum },
diff --git a/src/util/doc.go b/src/util/doc.go
index ce7a3e8..7d15d9b 100644
--- a/src/util/doc.go
+++ b/src/util/doc.go
@@ -388,6 +388,19 @@
 			if last := len(section.Decls) - 1; len(name) == 0 && len(comment) == 0 && last >= 0 {
 				section.Decls[last].Decl += "\n" + decl
 			} else {
+				// As a matter of style, comments should start
+				// with the name of the thing that they are
+				// commenting on. We make an exception here for
+				// #defines (because we often have blocks of
+				// them) and collective comments, which are
+				// detected by starting with “The” or “These”.
+				if len(comment) > 0 &&
+					!strings.HasPrefix(comment[0], name) &&
+					!strings.HasPrefix(decl, "#define ") &&
+					!strings.HasPrefix(comment[0], "The ") &&
+					!strings.HasPrefix(comment[0], "These ") {
+					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Comment for %q doesn't seem to match just above %s:%d\n", name, path, lineNo)
+				}
 				anchor := sanitizeAnchor(name)
 				// TODO(davidben): Enforce uniqueness. This is
 				// skipped because #ifdefs currently result in
diff --git a/win-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.asm b/win-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9789f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win-x86_64/crypto/ec/p256-x86_64-asm.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,2201 @@
+default	rel
+%define XMMWORD
+%define YMMWORD
+%define ZMMWORD
+section	.text code align=64
+	DQ	0xffffffffffffffff,0x00000000ffffffff,0x0000000000000000,0xffffffff00000001
+	DQ	0x0000000000000003,0xfffffffbffffffff,0xfffffffffffffffe,0x00000004fffffffd
+	DD	1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
+	DD	2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
+	DD	3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
+	DQ	0x0000000000000001,0xffffffff00000000,0xffffffffffffffff,0x00000000fffffffe
+global	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	mov	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	add	r8,r8
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adc	r9,r9
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	lea	rsi,[$L$poly]
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	r10,r10
+	adc	r11,r11
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	sbb	r13,r13
+	sub	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	sbb	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	sbb	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r12,r11
+	sbb	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	test	r13,r13
+	cmovz	r8,rax
+	cmovz	r9,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	cmovz	r10,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	cmovz	r11,r12
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_div_by_2
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	mov	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	rax,r8
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	lea	rsi,[$L$poly]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	xor	r13,r13
+	add	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r12,r11
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	adc	r13,0
+	xor	rsi,rsi
+	test	rax,1
+	cmovz	r8,rax
+	cmovz	r9,rdx
+	cmovz	r10,rcx
+	cmovz	r11,r12
+	cmovz	r13,rsi
+	mov	rax,r9
+	shr	r8,1
+	shl	rax,63
+	mov	rdx,r10
+	shr	r9,1
+	or	r8,rax
+	shl	rdx,63
+	mov	rcx,r11
+	shr	r10,1
+	or	r9,rdx
+	shl	rcx,63
+	shr	r11,1
+	shl	r13,63
+	or	r10,rcx
+	or	r11,r13
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_mul_by_3
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	mov	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	xor	r13,r13
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	add	r8,r8
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adc	r9,r9
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	r10,r10
+	adc	r11,r11
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	adc	r13,0
+	sub	r8,-1
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	sbb	r9,QWORD[(($L$poly+8))]
+	sbb	r10,0
+	mov	r12,r11
+	sbb	r11,QWORD[(($L$poly+24))]
+	test	r13,r13
+	cmovz	r8,rax
+	cmovz	r9,rdx
+	cmovz	r10,rcx
+	cmovz	r11,r12
+	xor	r13,r13
+	add	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	adc	r13,0
+	sub	r8,-1
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	sbb	r9,QWORD[(($L$poly+8))]
+	sbb	r10,0
+	mov	r12,r11
+	sbb	r11,QWORD[(($L$poly+24))]
+	test	r13,r13
+	cmovz	r8,rax
+	cmovz	r9,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	cmovz	r10,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	cmovz	r11,r12
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_add
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	mov	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	xor	r13,r13
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	lea	rsi,[$L$poly]
+	add	r8,QWORD[rdx]
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rdx]
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rdx]
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rdx]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	adc	r13,0
+	sub	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	sbb	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	sbb	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r12,r11
+	sbb	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	test	r13,r13
+	cmovz	r8,rax
+	cmovz	r9,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	cmovz	r10,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	cmovz	r11,r12
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_sub
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	mov	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	xor	r13,r13
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	lea	rsi,[$L$poly]
+	sub	r8,QWORD[rdx]
+	sbb	r9,QWORD[8+rdx]
+	mov	rax,r8
+	sbb	r10,QWORD[16+rdx]
+	sbb	r11,QWORD[24+rdx]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	sbb	r13,0
+	add	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r12,r11
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	test	r13,r13
+	cmovz	r8,rax
+	cmovz	r9,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	cmovz	r10,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	cmovz	r11,r12
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_neg
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	xor	r8,r8
+	xor	r9,r9
+	xor	r10,r10
+	xor	r11,r11
+	xor	r13,r13
+	sub	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	sbb	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	sbb	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	rax,r8
+	sbb	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	lea	rsi,[$L$poly]
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	sbb	r13,0
+	add	r8,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	adc	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	adc	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r12,r11
+	adc	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	test	r13,r13
+	cmovz	r8,rax
+	cmovz	r9,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	cmovz	r10,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	cmovz	r11,r12
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_to_mont
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	lea	rdx,[$L$RR]
+	jmp	NEAR $L$mul_mont
+global	ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	push	rbp
+	push	rbx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	mov	rbx,rdx
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rdx]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	pop	r15
+	pop	r14
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	pop	rbx
+	pop	rbp
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+	mov	rbp,rax
+	mul	r9
+	mov	r14,QWORD[(($L$poly+8))]
+	mov	r8,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	mov	r9,rdx
+	mul	r10
+	mov	r15,QWORD[(($L$poly+24))]
+	add	r9,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	r11
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	r12
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	rdx,0
+	xor	r13,r13
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	mov	rbp,r8
+	shl	r8,32
+	mul	r15
+	shr	rbp,32
+	add	r9,r8
+	adc	r10,rbp
+	adc	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rbx]
+	adc	r12,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	xor	r8,r8
+	mov	rbp,rax
+	mul	QWORD[rsi]
+	add	r9,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[8+rsi]
+	add	r10,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[16+rsi]
+	add	r11,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[24+rsi]
+	add	r12,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,r9
+	adc	r13,rdx
+	adc	r8,0
+	mov	rbp,r9
+	shl	r9,32
+	mul	r15
+	shr	rbp,32
+	add	r10,r9
+	adc	r11,rbp
+	adc	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+rbx]
+	adc	r13,rdx
+	adc	r8,0
+	xor	r9,r9
+	mov	rbp,rax
+	mul	QWORD[rsi]
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[8+rsi]
+	add	r11,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[16+rsi]
+	add	r12,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[24+rsi]
+	add	r13,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,r10
+	adc	r8,rdx
+	adc	r9,0
+	mov	rbp,r10
+	shl	r10,32
+	mul	r15
+	shr	rbp,32
+	add	r11,r10
+	adc	r12,rbp
+	adc	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[24+rbx]
+	adc	r8,rdx
+	adc	r9,0
+	xor	r10,r10
+	mov	rbp,rax
+	mul	QWORD[rsi]
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[8+rsi]
+	add	r12,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[16+rsi]
+	add	r13,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,rbp
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	QWORD[24+rsi]
+	add	r8,rcx
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r8,rax
+	mov	rax,r11
+	adc	r9,rdx
+	adc	r10,0
+	mov	rbp,r11
+	shl	r11,32
+	mul	r15
+	shr	rbp,32
+	add	r12,r11
+	adc	r13,rbp
+	mov	rcx,r12
+	adc	r8,rax
+	adc	r9,rdx
+	mov	rbp,r13
+	adc	r10,0
+	sub	r12,-1
+	mov	rbx,r8
+	sbb	r13,r14
+	sbb	r8,0
+	mov	rdx,r9
+	sbb	r9,r15
+	sbb	r10,0
+	cmovc	r12,rcx
+	cmovc	r13,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	cmovc	r8,rbx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	cmovc	r9,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r9
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	push	rbp
+	push	rbx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	pop	r15
+	pop	r14
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	pop	rbx
+	pop	rbp
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+	mov	r13,rax
+	mul	r14
+	mov	r9,rax
+	mov	rax,r15
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	r13
+	add	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	mul	r13
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,r15
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	r12,rdx
+	mul	r14
+	add	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rbp,rdx
+	mul	r14
+	add	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	rdx,0
+	add	r12,rbp
+	mov	r13,rdx
+	adc	r13,0
+	mul	r15
+	xor	r15,r15
+	add	r13,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	r14,rdx
+	adc	r14,0
+	add	r9,r9
+	adc	r10,r10
+	adc	r11,r11
+	adc	r12,r12
+	adc	r13,r13
+	adc	r14,r14
+	adc	r15,0
+	mul	rax
+	mov	r8,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	rax
+	add	r9,rcx
+	adc	r10,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	rax
+	add	r11,rcx
+	adc	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,rdx
+	mul	rax
+	add	r13,rcx
+	adc	r14,rax
+	mov	rax,r8
+	adc	r15,rdx
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[(($L$poly+8))]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[(($L$poly+24))]
+	mov	rcx,r8
+	shl	r8,32
+	mul	rbp
+	shr	rcx,32
+	add	r9,r8
+	adc	r10,rcx
+	adc	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,r9
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	shl	r9,32
+	mov	r8,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	shr	rcx,32
+	add	r10,r9
+	adc	r11,rcx
+	adc	r8,rax
+	mov	rax,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	shl	r10,32
+	mov	r9,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	shr	rcx,32
+	add	r11,r10
+	adc	r8,rcx
+	adc	r9,rax
+	mov	rax,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,r11
+	shl	r11,32
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	rbp
+	shr	rcx,32
+	add	r8,r11
+	adc	r9,rcx
+	adc	r10,rax
+	adc	rdx,0
+	xor	r11,r11
+	add	r12,r8
+	adc	r13,r9
+	mov	r8,r12
+	adc	r14,r10
+	adc	r15,rdx
+	mov	r9,r13
+	adc	r11,0
+	sub	r12,-1
+	mov	r10,r14
+	sbb	r13,rsi
+	sbb	r14,0
+	mov	rcx,r15
+	sbb	r15,rbp
+	sbb	r11,0
+	cmovc	r12,r8
+	cmovc	r13,r9
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	cmovc	r14,r10
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	cmovc	r15,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r14
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r15
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_from_mont
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[(($L$poly+24))]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	mov	r8,rax
+	mov	r12,QWORD[(($L$poly+8))]
+	mov	rcx,rax
+	shl	r8,32
+	mul	r13
+	shr	rcx,32
+	add	r9,r8
+	adc	r10,rcx
+	adc	r11,rax
+	mov	rax,r9
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,r9
+	shl	r9,32
+	mov	r8,rdx
+	mul	r13
+	shr	rcx,32
+	add	r10,r9
+	adc	r11,rcx
+	adc	r8,rax
+	mov	rax,r10
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,r10
+	shl	r10,32
+	mov	r9,rdx
+	mul	r13
+	shr	rcx,32
+	add	r11,r10
+	adc	r8,rcx
+	adc	r9,rax
+	mov	rax,r11
+	adc	rdx,0
+	mov	rcx,r11
+	shl	r11,32
+	mov	r10,rdx
+	mul	r13
+	shr	rcx,32
+	add	r8,r11
+	adc	r9,rcx
+	mov	rcx,r8
+	adc	r10,rax
+	mov	rsi,r9
+	adc	rdx,0
+	sub	r8,-1
+	mov	rax,r10
+	sbb	r9,r12
+	sbb	r10,0
+	mov	r11,rdx
+	sbb	rdx,r13
+	sbb	r13,r13
+	cmovnz	r8,rcx
+	cmovnz	r9,rsi
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r8
+	cmovnz	r10,rax
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r9
+	cmovz	r11,rdx
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r10
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r11
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_select_w5
+	lea	rax,[((-136))+rsp]
+DB	0x48,0x8d,0x60,0xe0
+DB	0x0f,0x29,0x70,0xe0
+DB	0x0f,0x29,0x78,0xf0
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x00
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x48,0x10
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x50,0x20
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x58,0x30
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x60,0x40
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x68,0x50
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x70,0x60
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x78,0x70
+	movdqa	xmm0,XMMWORD[$L$One]
+	movd	xmm1,r8d
+	pxor	xmm2,xmm2
+	pxor	xmm3,xmm3
+	pxor	xmm4,xmm4
+	pxor	xmm5,xmm5
+	pxor	xmm6,xmm6
+	pxor	xmm7,xmm7
+	movdqa	xmm8,xmm0
+	pshufd	xmm1,xmm1,0
+	mov	rax,16
+	movdqa	xmm15,xmm8
+	paddd	xmm8,xmm0
+	pcmpeqd	xmm15,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm9,XMMWORD[rdx]
+	movdqa	xmm10,XMMWORD[16+rdx]
+	movdqa	xmm11,XMMWORD[32+rdx]
+	movdqa	xmm12,XMMWORD[48+rdx]
+	movdqa	xmm13,XMMWORD[64+rdx]
+	movdqa	xmm14,XMMWORD[80+rdx]
+	lea	rdx,[96+rdx]
+	pand	xmm9,xmm15
+	pand	xmm10,xmm15
+	por	xmm2,xmm9
+	pand	xmm11,xmm15
+	por	xmm3,xmm10
+	pand	xmm12,xmm15
+	por	xmm4,xmm11
+	pand	xmm13,xmm15
+	por	xmm5,xmm12
+	pand	xmm14,xmm15
+	por	xmm6,xmm13
+	por	xmm7,xmm14
+	dec	rax
+	jnz	NEAR $L$select_loop_sse_w5
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[rcx],xmm2
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[16+rcx],xmm3
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[32+rcx],xmm4
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[48+rcx],xmm5
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[64+rcx],xmm6
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[80+rcx],xmm7
+	movaps	xmm6,XMMWORD[rsp]
+	movaps	xmm7,XMMWORD[16+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm8,XMMWORD[32+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm9,XMMWORD[48+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm10,XMMWORD[64+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm11,XMMWORD[80+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm12,XMMWORD[96+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm13,XMMWORD[112+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm14,XMMWORD[128+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm15,XMMWORD[144+rsp]
+	lea	rsp,[168+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_select_w7
+	lea	rax,[((-136))+rsp]
+DB	0x48,0x8d,0x60,0xe0
+DB	0x0f,0x29,0x70,0xe0
+DB	0x0f,0x29,0x78,0xf0
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x00
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x48,0x10
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x50,0x20
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x58,0x30
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x60,0x40
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x68,0x50
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x70,0x60
+DB	0x44,0x0f,0x29,0x78,0x70
+	movdqa	xmm8,XMMWORD[$L$One]
+	movd	xmm1,r8d
+	pxor	xmm2,xmm2
+	pxor	xmm3,xmm3
+	pxor	xmm4,xmm4
+	pxor	xmm5,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm8
+	pshufd	xmm1,xmm1,0
+	mov	rax,64
+	movdqa	xmm15,xmm8
+	paddd	xmm8,xmm0
+	movdqa	xmm9,XMMWORD[rdx]
+	movdqa	xmm10,XMMWORD[16+rdx]
+	pcmpeqd	xmm15,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm11,XMMWORD[32+rdx]
+	movdqa	xmm12,XMMWORD[48+rdx]
+	lea	rdx,[64+rdx]
+	pand	xmm9,xmm15
+	pand	xmm10,xmm15
+	por	xmm2,xmm9
+	pand	xmm11,xmm15
+	por	xmm3,xmm10
+	pand	xmm12,xmm15
+	por	xmm4,xmm11
+	prefetcht0	[255+rdx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm12
+	dec	rax
+	jnz	NEAR $L$select_loop_sse_w7
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[rcx],xmm2
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[16+rcx],xmm3
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[32+rcx],xmm4
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[48+rcx],xmm5
+	movaps	xmm6,XMMWORD[rsp]
+	movaps	xmm7,XMMWORD[16+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm8,XMMWORD[32+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm9,XMMWORD[48+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm10,XMMWORD[64+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm11,XMMWORD[80+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm12,XMMWORD[96+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm13,XMMWORD[112+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm14,XMMWORD[128+rsp]
+	movaps	xmm15,XMMWORD[144+rsp]
+	lea	rsp,[168+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_avx2_select_w7
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+DB	0x0f,0x0b
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+	add	r12,QWORD[rbx]
+	adc	r13,QWORD[8+rbx]
+	mov	rax,r12
+	adc	r8,QWORD[16+rbx]
+	adc	r9,QWORD[24+rbx]
+	mov	rbp,r13
+	sbb	r11,r11
+	sub	r12,-1
+	mov	rcx,r8
+	sbb	r13,r14
+	sbb	r8,0
+	mov	r10,r9
+	sbb	r9,r15
+	test	r11,r11
+	cmovz	r12,rax
+	cmovz	r13,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	cmovz	r8,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	cmovz	r9,r10
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r9
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+	sub	r12,QWORD[rbx]
+	sbb	r13,QWORD[8+rbx]
+	mov	rax,r12
+	sbb	r8,QWORD[16+rbx]
+	sbb	r9,QWORD[24+rbx]
+	mov	rbp,r13
+	sbb	r11,r11
+	add	r12,-1
+	mov	rcx,r8
+	adc	r13,r14
+	adc	r8,0
+	mov	r10,r9
+	adc	r9,r15
+	test	r11,r11
+	cmovz	r12,rax
+	cmovz	r13,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	cmovz	r8,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	cmovz	r9,r10
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r9
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+	sub	rax,r12
+	sbb	rbp,r13
+	mov	r12,rax
+	sbb	rcx,r8
+	sbb	r10,r9
+	mov	r13,rbp
+	sbb	r11,r11
+	add	rax,-1
+	mov	r8,rcx
+	adc	rbp,r14
+	adc	rcx,0
+	mov	r9,r10
+	adc	r10,r15
+	test	r11,r11
+	cmovnz	r12,rax
+	cmovnz	r13,rbp
+	cmovnz	r8,rcx
+	cmovnz	r9,r10
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+	add	r12,r12
+	adc	r13,r13
+	mov	rax,r12
+	adc	r8,r8
+	adc	r9,r9
+	mov	rbp,r13
+	sbb	r11,r11
+	sub	r12,-1
+	mov	rcx,r8
+	sbb	r13,r14
+	sbb	r8,0
+	mov	r10,r9
+	sbb	r9,r15
+	test	r11,r11
+	cmovz	r12,rax
+	cmovz	r13,rbp
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	cmovz	r8,rcx
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	cmovz	r9,r10
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r9
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_point_double
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	push	rbp
+	push	rbx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	sub	rsp,32*5+8
+	movdqu	xmm0,XMMWORD[rsi]
+	mov	rbx,rsi
+	movdqu	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rsi]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((32+0))+rsi]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((32+8))+rsi]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((32+16))+rsi]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((32+24))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[(($L$poly+8))]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[(($L$poly+24))]
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[96+rsp],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(96+16)+rsp],xmm1
+	lea	r10,[32+rdi]
+	lea	r11,[64+rdi]
+DB	102,72,15,110,199
+DB	102,73,15,110,202
+DB	102,73,15,110,211
+	lea	rdi,[rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((64+0))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((64+8))+rsi]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((64+16))+rsi]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((64+24))+rsi]
+	lea	rsi,[((64-0))+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((8+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((16+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((24+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[32+rbx]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((64+0))+rbx]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((64+8))+rbx]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((64+16))+rbx]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((64+24))+rbx]
+	lea	rsi,[((64-0))+rbx]
+	lea	rbx,[32+rbx]
+DB	102,72,15,126,215
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((96+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((96+8))+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[64+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((96+16))+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((96+24))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((96+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r13,QWORD[((96+8))+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[64+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((96+16))+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((96+24))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((8+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((16+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((24+0))+rsp]
+DB	102,72,15,126,207
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	xor	r9,r9
+	mov	rax,r12
+	add	r12,-1
+	mov	r10,r13
+	adc	r13,rsi
+	mov	rcx,r14
+	adc	r14,0
+	mov	r8,r15
+	adc	r15,rbp
+	adc	r9,0
+	xor	rsi,rsi
+	test	rax,1
+	cmovz	r12,rax
+	cmovz	r13,r10
+	cmovz	r14,rcx
+	cmovz	r15,r8
+	cmovz	r9,rsi
+	mov	rax,r13
+	shr	r12,1
+	shl	rax,63
+	mov	r10,r14
+	shr	r13,1
+	or	r12,rax
+	shl	r10,63
+	mov	rcx,r15
+	shr	r14,1
+	or	r13,r10
+	shl	rcx,63
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	shr	r15,1
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	shl	r9,63
+	or	r14,rcx
+	or	r15,r9
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r14
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r15
+	mov	rax,QWORD[64+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[64+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	lea	rdi,[128+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	lea	rbx,[32+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_add_toq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[96+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[96+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	lea	rdi,[128+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_by_2q
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((8+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((16+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((24+32))+rsp]
+DB	102,72,15,126,199
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	lea	rbx,[128+rsp]
+	mov	r8,r14
+	mov	r9,r15
+	mov	r14,rsi
+	mov	r15,rbp
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rcx,QWORD[((0+16))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((0+24))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[32+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[32+rsp]
+	mov	r14,r12
+	xor	ecx,ecx
+	mov	QWORD[((0+0))+rsp],r12
+	mov	r10,r13
+	mov	QWORD[((0+8))+rsp],r13
+	cmovz	r11,r8
+	mov	QWORD[((0+16))+rsp],r8
+	lea	rsi,[((0-0))+rsp]
+	cmovz	r12,r9
+	mov	QWORD[((0+24))+rsp],r9
+	mov	r9,r14
+	lea	rdi,[rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+DB	102,72,15,126,203
+DB	102,72,15,126,207
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	add	rsp,32*5+8
+	pop	r15
+	pop	r14
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	pop	rbx
+	pop	rbp
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_point_add
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	push	rbp
+	push	rbx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	sub	rsp,32*18+8
+	movdqu	xmm0,XMMWORD[rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm4,XMMWORD[64+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm5,XMMWORD[80+rsi]
+	mov	rbx,rsi
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[384+rsp],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(384+16)+rsp],xmm1
+	por	xmm1,xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[416+rsp],xmm2
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(416+16)+rsp],xmm3
+	por	xmm3,xmm2
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[448+rsp],xmm4
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(448+16)+rsp],xmm5
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqu	xmm0,XMMWORD[rsi]
+	pshufd	xmm5,xmm3,0xb1
+	movdqu	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rsi]
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqu	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rsi]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((64+0))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((64+8))+rsi]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((64+16))+rsi]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((64+24))+rsi]
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[480+rsp],xmm0
+	pshufd	xmm4,xmm5,0x1e
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(480+16)+rsp],xmm1
+	por	xmm1,xmm0
+DB	102,72,15,110,199
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[512+rsp],xmm2
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(512+16)+rsp],xmm3
+	por	xmm3,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm4
+	pxor	xmm4,xmm4
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	lea	rsi,[((64-0))+rsi]
+	mov	QWORD[((544+0))+rsp],rax
+	mov	QWORD[((544+8))+rsp],r14
+	mov	QWORD[((544+16))+rsp],r15
+	mov	QWORD[((544+24))+rsp],r8
+	lea	rdi,[96+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	pcmpeqd	xmm5,xmm4
+	pshufd	xmm4,xmm3,0xb1
+	por	xmm4,xmm3
+	pshufd	xmm5,xmm5,0
+	pshufd	xmm3,xmm4,0x1e
+	por	xmm4,xmm3
+	pxor	xmm3,xmm3
+	pcmpeqd	xmm4,xmm3
+	pshufd	xmm4,xmm4,0
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((64+0))+rbx]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((64+8))+rbx]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((64+16))+rbx]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((64+24))+rbx]
+	lea	rsi,[((64-0))+rbx]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[544+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[544+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+96))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+96))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[224+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[448+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[448+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[256+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[416+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[416+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+224))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+224))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+224))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+224))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+224))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[224+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[512+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[512+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+256))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+256))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+256))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+256))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+256))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[256+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	lea	rbx,[224+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	or	r12,r13
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	or	r12,r8
+	or	r12,r9
+	por	xmm2,xmm5
+DB	102,73,15,110,220
+	mov	rax,QWORD[384+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[384+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+96))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+96))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[160+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[480+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[480+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[192+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	lea	rbx,[160+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	or	r12,r13
+	or	r12,r8
+	or	r12,r9
+DB	0x3e
+	jnz	NEAR $L$add_proceedq
+DB	102,73,15,126,208
+DB	102,73,15,126,217
+	test	r8,r8
+	jnz	NEAR $L$add_proceedq
+	test	r9,r9
+	jz	NEAR $L$add_proceedq
+DB	102,72,15,126,199
+	pxor	xmm0,xmm0
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[rdi],xmm0
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[16+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[32+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[48+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[64+rdi],xmm0
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[80+rdi],xmm0
+	jmp	NEAR $L$add_doneq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((8+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((16+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((24+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[96+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[448+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[448+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[352+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((8+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((16+0))+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((24+0))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[544+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[544+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+352))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+352))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+352))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+352))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+352))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[352+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[128+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[160+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[160+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[192+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	add	r12,r12
+	lea	rsi,[96+rsp]
+	adc	r13,r13
+	mov	rax,r12
+	adc	r8,r8
+	adc	r9,r9
+	mov	rbp,r13
+	sbb	r11,r11
+	sub	r12,-1
+	mov	rcx,r8
+	sbb	r13,r14
+	sbb	r8,0
+	mov	r10,r9
+	sbb	r9,r15
+	test	r11,r11
+	cmovz	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsi]
+	cmovz	r13,rbp
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	cmovz	r8,rcx
+	mov	rcx,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	cmovz	r9,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	lea	rbx,[128+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[288+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((192+0))+rsp]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((192+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rcx,QWORD[((192+16))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((192+24))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[320+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r9
+	mov	rax,QWORD[128+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[128+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+224))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+224))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+224))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+224))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+224))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[256+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[320+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[320+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[320+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	lea	rbx,[256+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[320+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+DB	102,72,15,126,199
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm0,XMMWORD[352+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm1,XMMWORD[((352+16))+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm5
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[544+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((544+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm0,xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[448+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((448+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[64+rdi],xmm2
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[80+rdi],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm0,XMMWORD[288+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm1,XMMWORD[((288+16))+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm5
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[480+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((480+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm0,xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[384+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((384+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[rdi],xmm2
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[16+rdi],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm0,XMMWORD[320+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm1,XMMWORD[((320+16))+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm5
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[512+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((512+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm0,xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[416+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((416+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[32+rdi],xmm2
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[48+rdi],xmm3
+	add	rsp,32*18+8
+	pop	r15
+	pop	r14
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	pop	rbx
+	pop	rbp
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret
+global	ecp_nistz256_point_add_affine
+	mov	QWORD[8+rsp],rdi	;WIN64 prologue
+	mov	QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+	mov	rax,rsp
+	mov	rdi,rcx
+	mov	rsi,rdx
+	mov	rdx,r8
+	push	rbp
+	push	rbx
+	push	r12
+	push	r13
+	push	r14
+	push	r15
+	sub	rsp,32*15+8
+	movdqu	xmm0,XMMWORD[rsi]
+	mov	rbx,rdx
+	movdqu	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm4,XMMWORD[64+rsi]
+	movdqu	xmm5,XMMWORD[80+rsi]
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((64+0))+rsi]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((64+8))+rsi]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((64+16))+rsi]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((64+24))+rsi]
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[320+rsp],xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(320+16)+rsp],xmm1
+	por	xmm1,xmm0
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[352+rsp],xmm2
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(352+16)+rsp],xmm3
+	por	xmm3,xmm2
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[384+rsp],xmm4
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(384+16)+rsp],xmm5
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqu	xmm0,XMMWORD[rbx]
+	pshufd	xmm5,xmm3,0xb1
+	movdqu	xmm1,XMMWORD[16+rbx]
+	movdqu	xmm2,XMMWORD[32+rbx]
+	por	xmm5,xmm3
+	movdqu	xmm3,XMMWORD[48+rbx]
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[416+rsp],xmm0
+	pshufd	xmm4,xmm5,0x1e
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(416+16)+rsp],xmm1
+	por	xmm1,xmm0
+DB	102,72,15,110,199
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[448+rsp],xmm2
+	movdqa	XMMWORD[(448+16)+rsp],xmm3
+	por	xmm3,xmm2
+	por	xmm5,xmm4
+	pxor	xmm4,xmm4
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	lea	rsi,[((64-0))+rsi]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	pcmpeqd	xmm5,xmm4
+	pshufd	xmm4,xmm3,0xb1
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rbx]
+	mov	r9,r12
+	por	xmm4,xmm3
+	pshufd	xmm5,xmm5,0
+	pshufd	xmm3,xmm4,0x1e
+	mov	r10,r13
+	por	xmm4,xmm3
+	pxor	xmm3,xmm3
+	mov	r11,r14
+	pcmpeqd	xmm4,xmm3
+	pshufd	xmm4,xmm4,0
+	lea	rsi,[((32-0))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,r15
+	lea	rdi,[rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	lea	rbx,[320+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[384+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[384+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[384+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[384+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[288+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[448+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[448+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+32))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+32))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	lea	rbx,[352+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[96+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((8+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((16+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((24+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[128+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r14,QWORD[((8+96))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r15,QWORD[((16+96))+rsp]
+	mov	r8,QWORD[((24+96))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[192+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sqr_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[128+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[128+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[160+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[320+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[320+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+128))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+128))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+128))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+128))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+128))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	add	r12,r12
+	lea	rsi,[192+rsp]
+	adc	r13,r13
+	mov	rax,r12
+	adc	r8,r8
+	adc	r9,r9
+	mov	rbp,r13
+	sbb	r11,r11
+	sub	r12,-1
+	mov	rcx,r8
+	sbb	r13,r14
+	sbb	r8,0
+	mov	r10,r9
+	sbb	r9,r15
+	test	r11,r11
+	cmovz	r12,rax
+	mov	rax,QWORD[rsi]
+	cmovz	r13,rbp
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[8+rsi]
+	cmovz	r8,rcx
+	mov	rcx,QWORD[16+rsi]
+	cmovz	r9,r10
+	mov	r10,QWORD[24+rsi]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	lea	rbx,[160+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[224+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[((0+0))+rsp]
+	mov	rbp,QWORD[((0+8))+rsp]
+	mov	rcx,QWORD[((0+16))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((0+24))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_subq
+	mov	QWORD[rdi],r12
+	mov	QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+	mov	QWORD[16+rdi],r8
+	mov	QWORD[24+rdi],r9
+	mov	rax,QWORD[352+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[352+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+160))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+160))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+160))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+160))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+160))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[32+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	mov	rax,QWORD[96+rsp]
+	lea	rbx,[96+rsp]
+	mov	r9,QWORD[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r10,QWORD[((8+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rsi,[((0+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r11,QWORD[((16+64))+rsp]
+	mov	r12,QWORD[((24+64))+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[64+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_mul_montq
+	lea	rbx,[32+rsp]
+	lea	rdi,[256+rsp]
+	call	__ecp_nistz256_sub_fromq
+DB	102,72,15,126,199
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm0,XMMWORD[288+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm1,XMMWORD[((288+16))+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm5
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[$L$ONE_mont]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[(($L$ONE_mont+16))]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm0,xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[384+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((384+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[64+rdi],xmm2
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[80+rdi],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm0,XMMWORD[224+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm1,XMMWORD[((224+16))+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm5
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[416+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((416+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm0,xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[320+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((320+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[rdi],xmm2
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[16+rdi],xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm5
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm0,XMMWORD[256+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm5
+	pandn	xmm1,XMMWORD[((256+16))+rsp]
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm5
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[448+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((448+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqa	xmm0,xmm4
+	movdqa	xmm1,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm0,xmm2
+	movdqa	xmm2,xmm4
+	pandn	xmm1,xmm3
+	movdqa	xmm3,xmm4
+	pand	xmm2,XMMWORD[352+rsp]
+	pand	xmm3,XMMWORD[((352+16))+rsp]
+	por	xmm2,xmm0
+	por	xmm3,xmm1
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[32+rdi],xmm2
+	movdqu	XMMWORD[48+rdi],xmm3
+	add	rsp,32*15+8
+	pop	r15
+	pop	r14
+	pop	r13
+	pop	r12
+	pop	rbx
+	pop	rbp
+	mov	rdi,QWORD[8+rsp]	;WIN64 epilogue
+	mov	rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+	DB	0F3h,0C3h		;repret