update instructions in COMPILE about compiling/installing bindings before usage
diff --git a/COMPILE b/COMPILE
index 3163419..e56d416 100644
@@ -69,5 +69,14 @@
 	$ ./compile.sh clang
-(6) So far, Python, Ruby, Ocaml, Java, C# and Go are supported by bindings. Look for the bindings
-under directory bindings/, and refer to README file of corresponding languages.
+(6) So far, Python, Ruby, Ocaml, Java, C# and Go are supported by bindings. Look for
+the bindings under directory bindings/, and refer to README file of corresponding languages.
+For each binding, the common method to compile its code is to run the command below
+from the directory of the binding (such as in ./bindings/python/ for Python and so on)
+	$ make
+For some bindings (such as Python), you can install the code into your machine with:
+	$ sudo make install