using spaces for indentation for HACK
diff --git a/HACK b/HACK
index 98c8846..33afc87 100644
--- a/HACK
+++ b/HACK
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 Capstone source is organized as followings.
-.					<- core engine + README + COMPILE etc
-├── arch			<- code handling disasm for each arch
-│   ├── AArch64		<- ARM64 (aka ARMv8)
-│   ├── ARM			<- ARM
-│   ├── Mips		<- Mips
-│   └── X86			<- X86
-├── bindings		<- all bindings
-│   ├── csharp		<- C# bindings + test code
-│   ├── java		<- Java bindings + test code
-│   ├── ocaml		<- Ocaml bindings + test code
-│   ├── python		<- Python bindings + test code
-│   └── ruby		<- Ruby bindings + test code
-├── include			<- API headers in C (*.h)
-├── release			<- Precompiled binaries
+.                   <- core engine + README + COMPILE etc
+├── arch            <- code handling disasm engine for each arch
+│   ├── AArch64     <- ARM64 (aka ARMv8) code
+│   ├── ARM         <- ARM code
+│   ├── Mips        <- Mips code
+│   └── X86         <- X86
+├── bindings        <- all bindings
+│   ├── csharp      <- C# bindings + test code
+│   ├── java        <- Java bindings + test code
+│   ├── ocaml       <- Ocaml bindings + test code
+│   ├── python      <- Python bindings + test code
+│   └── ruby        <- Ruby bindings + test code
+├── include	        <- API headers in C (*.h)
+├── release         <- Precompiled binaries
 │   ├── linux
 │   ├── mac
 │   └── windows
-├── tests			<- Test code (in C)
+├── tests           <- Test code (in C)
 Follow COMPILE to see how to compile and run code.