x86: cs_x86.prefix[] should have size 4, not 5
diff --git a/include/x86.h b/include/x86.h
index 3fa059e..d1e4cb0 100644
--- a/include/x86.h
+++ b/include/x86.h
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 typedef struct cs_x86 {
 	// (Optional) instruction prefix, which can be up to 5 bytes.
 	// A prefix byte gets value 0 when irrelevant.
-	uint8_t prefix[5];
+	uint8_t prefix[4];
 	// (Optional) segment override, which can be among CS, DS, SS, ES, FS, GS.
 	// This field get value 0 when irrelevant.