Throw instead of calling exit in enforceNotReservedTag

Closes #865
diff --git a/include/internal/catch_test_case_info.hpp b/include/internal/catch_test_case_info.hpp
index b4ca53a..4aa7044 100644
--- a/include/internal/catch_test_case_info.hpp
+++ b/include/internal/catch_test_case_info.hpp
@@ -38,17 +38,13 @@
     inline void enforceNotReservedTag( std::string const& tag, SourceLineInfo const& _lineInfo ) {
         if( isReservedTag( tag ) ) {
-            {
-                Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
-                Catch::cerr()
-                    << "Tag name [" << tag << "] not allowed.\n"
-                    << "Tag names starting with non alpha-numeric characters are reserved\n";
-            }
-            {
-                Colour colourGuard( Colour::FileName );
-                Catch::cerr() << _lineInfo << std::endl;
-            }
-            exit(1);
+            std::ostringstream ss;
+            ss << Colour(Colour::Red)
+               << "Tag name [" << tag << "] not allowed.\n"
+               << "Tag names starting with non alpha-numeric characters are reserved\n"
+               << Colour(Colour::FileName)
+               << _lineInfo << '\n';
+            throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());