1. 4f4f349 Show either a location or a fixit note, not both, for uninitialized variable warnings. by David Blaikie · 13 years ago
  2. f04eb2d Now that the analyzer is distinguishing between uninitialized uses that by Chandler Carruth · 14 years ago
  3. 908c09f Take 2: merge -Wuninitialized-experimental into -Wuninitialized. Only *must-be-uninitialized* warnings are reported, with *maybe-uninitialized* under a separate flag. I await any fallout/comments/feedback, although hopefully this will produce no noise for users. by Ted Kremenek · 14 years ago
  4. 1b52844 Move uninitialized variable checking back under -Wuninitialized-experimental. It is clear from user feedback that this warning is not quite ready. by Ted Kremenek · 14 years ago
  5. 609e317 Based on user feedback, swap -Wuninitialized diagnostics to have the warning refer to the bad use, and the note to the variable declaration. by Ted Kremenek · 14 years ago
  6. 1ea800c Teach -Wuninitialized about ObjC fast enumeration loops. by Ted Kremenek · 14 years ago