When detecting a child subcomponent's superclass implementation, don't assume that that it must be nested directly in the current component's superclass implementation. The child subcomponent builder may have been a pruned binding there, causing no generation of the subcomponent to occur.
Created by MOE: https://github.com/google/moe
diff --git a/java/dagger/internal/codegen/ComponentImplementationFactory.java b/java/dagger/internal/codegen/ComponentImplementationFactory.java
index c6095e9..a4f1624 100644
--- a/java/dagger/internal/codegen/ComponentImplementationFactory.java
+++ b/java/dagger/internal/codegen/ComponentImplementationFactory.java
@@ -363,26 +363,26 @@
final ComponentImplementation getChildSuperclassImplementation(ComponentDescriptor child) {
- // If the current component has a superclass implementation, that superclass
- // should contain a reference to the child.
- if (componentImplementation.superclassImplementation().isPresent()) {
- ComponentImplementation superclassImplementation =
- componentImplementation.superclassImplementation().get();
+ // If the current component has superclass implementations, a superclass may contain a
+ // reference to the child. Traverse this component's superimplementation hierarchy looking for
+ // the child's implementation. The child superclass implementation may not be present in the
+ // direct superclass implementations if the subcomponent builder was previously a pruned
+ // binding.
+ Optional<ComponentImplementation> currentSuperclassImplementation =
+ componentImplementation.superclassImplementation();
+ while (currentSuperclassImplementation.isPresent()) {
Optional<ComponentImplementation> childSuperclassImplementation =
- superclassImplementation.childImplementation(child);
- checkState(
- childSuperclassImplementation.isPresent(),
- "Cannot find abstract implementation of %s within %s while generating implemention "
- + "within %s",
- child.typeElement(),
- superclassImplementation.name(),
- componentImplementation.name());
- return childSuperclassImplementation.get();
+ currentSuperclassImplementation.get().childImplementation(child);
+ if (childSuperclassImplementation.isPresent()) {
+ return childSuperclassImplementation.get();
+ }
+ currentSuperclassImplementation =
+ currentSuperclassImplementation.get().superclassImplementation();
- // Otherwise, the enclosing component is top-level, so we must recreate the implementation
- // object for the base implementation of the child by truncating the binding graph at the
- // child.
+ // Otherwise, the superclass implementation is top-level, so we must recreate the
+ // implementation object for the base implementation of the child by truncating the binding
+ // graph at the child.
BindingGraph truncatedBindingGraph = bindingGraphFactory.create(child);
return createComponentImplementation(truncatedBindingGraph);
diff --git a/javatests/dagger/internal/codegen/AheadOfTimeSubcomponentsTest.java b/javatests/dagger/internal/codegen/AheadOfTimeSubcomponentsTest.java
index 2a39f24..28237b4 100644
--- a/javatests/dagger/internal/codegen/AheadOfTimeSubcomponentsTest.java
+++ b/javatests/dagger/internal/codegen/AheadOfTimeSubcomponentsTest.java
@@ -6880,6 +6880,155 @@
+ /**
+ * This test verifies that Dagger can find the appropriate child subcomponent
+ * super-implementation, even if it is not enclosed in the current component's
+ * super-implementation. This can happen if a subcomponent is installed with a module's {@code
+ * subcomponents} attribute, but the binding is not accessed in a super-implementation. To exhibit
+ * this, we use multibindings that reference the pruned subcomponent, but make the multibinding
+ * also unresolved in the base implementation. An ancestor component defines a binding that
+ * depends on the multibinding, which induces the previously unresolved multibinding
+ * contributions, which itself induces the previously unresolved subcomponent.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void subcomponentInducedFromAncestor() {
+ ImmutableList.Builder<JavaFileObject> filesToCompile = ImmutableList.builder();
+ createAncillaryClasses(filesToCompile, "Inducer");
+ filesToCompile.add(
+ JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines(
+ "test.InducedSubcomponent",
+ "package test;",
+ "",
+ "import dagger.Subcomponent;",
+ "",
+ "@Subcomponent",
+ "interface InducedSubcomponent {",
+ " @Subcomponent.Builder",
+ " interface Builder {",
+ " InducedSubcomponent build();",
+ " }",
+ "}"),
+ JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines(
+ "test.MaybeLeaf",
+ "package test;",
+ "",
+ "import dagger.Subcomponent;",
+ "",
+ "@Subcomponent(modules = InducedSubcomponentModule.class)",
+ "interface MaybeLeaf {",
+ " Inducer inducer();",
+ "}"),
+ JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines(
+ "test.MaybeLeaf",
+ "package test;",
+ "",
+ "import dagger.Module;",
+ "import dagger.Provides;",
+ "import dagger.multibindings.IntoSet;",
+ "",
+ "@Module(subcomponents = InducedSubcomponent.class)",
+ "interface InducedSubcomponentModule {",
+ " @Provides",
+ " @IntoSet",
+ " static Object inducedSet(InducedSubcomponent.Builder builder) {",
+ " return new Object();",
+ " }",
+ "}"));
+ JavaFileObject generatedMaybeLeaf =
+ JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines(
+ "test.DaggerLeaf",
+ "package test;",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "public abstract class DaggerMaybeLeaf implements MaybeLeaf {",
+ " protected DaggerMaybeLeaf() {}",
+ "}");
+ Compilation compilation = compile(filesToCompile.build());
+ assertThat(compilation).succeededWithoutWarnings();
+ assertThat(compilation)
+ .generatedSourceFile("test.DaggerMaybeLeaf")
+ .hasSourceEquivalentTo(generatedMaybeLeaf);
+ filesToCompile.add(
+ JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines(
+ "test.AncestorModule",
+ "package test;",
+ "",
+ "import dagger.Module;",
+ "import dagger.Provides;",
+ "import dagger.multibindings.Multibinds;",
+ "import java.util.Set;",
+ "",
+ "@Module",
+ "interface AncestorModule {",
+ " @Provides",
+ " static Inducer inducer(Set<Object> set) {",
+ " return null;",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " @Multibinds Set<Object> set();",
+ "}"),
+ JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines(
+ "test.Ancestor",
+ "package test;",
+ "",
+ "import dagger.Subcomponent;",
+ "",
+ "@Subcomponent(modules = AncestorModule.class)",
+ "interface Ancestor {",
+ " MaybeLeaf noLongerLeaf();",
+ "}"));
+ JavaFileObject generatedAncestor =
+ JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines(
+ "test.DaggerAncestor",
+ "package test;",
+ "",
+ "import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;",
+ "import java.util.Set;",
+ "",
+ "public abstract class DaggerAncestor implements Ancestor {",
+ " protected DaggerAncestor() {}",
+ "",
+ " protected abstract class MaybeLeafImpl extends DaggerMaybeLeaf {",
+ " protected MaybeLeafImpl() {}",
+ "",
+ " private Object getObject() {",
+ " return InducedSubcomponentModule_InducedSetFactory.proxyInducedSet(",
+ " getInducedSubcomponentBuilder());",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " protected abstract Object getInducedSubcomponentBuilder();",
+ "",
+ " protected Set<Object> getSetOfObject() {",
+ " return ImmutableSet.<Object>of(getObject());",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " @Override",
+ " public final Inducer inducer() {",
+ " return AncestorModule_InducerFactory.proxyInducer(getSetOfObject());",
+ " }",
+ "",
+ " protected abstract class InducedSubcomponentImpl extends",
+ " DaggerInducedSubcomponent {",
+ // ^ Note that this is DaggerInducedSubcomponent, not
+ // DaggerMaybeLeaf.InducedSubcomponentImpl
+ " protected InducedSubcomponentImpl() {}",
+ " }",
+ " }",
+ "}");
+ compilation = compile(filesToCompile.build());
+ assertThat(compilation).succeededWithoutWarnings();
+ assertThat(compilation)
+ .generatedSourceFile("test.DaggerAncestor")
+ .hasSourceEquivalentTo(generatedAncestor);
+ }
private void createAncillaryClasses(
ImmutableList.Builder<JavaFileObject> filesBuilder, String... ancillaryClasses) {
for (String className : ancillaryClasses) {