GLSL AST -> SPIR-V: Update to explicit enum values for the GLSL extended instruction set.

git-svn-id: e7fa87d3-cd2b-0410-9028-fcbf551c1848
diff --git a/SPIRV/GLSL450Lib.h b/SPIRV/GLSL450Lib.h
index aa92375..7565d8a 100644
--- a/SPIRV/GLSL450Lib.h
+++ b/SPIRV/GLSL450Lib.h
@@ -28,95 +28,95 @@
 namespace GLSL_STD_450 {


 enum Entrypoints {

-    Round,

-    RoundEven,

-    Trunc,

-    Abs,

-    Sign,

-    Floor,

-    Ceil,

-    Fract,

+    Round = 0,

+    RoundEven = 1,

+    Trunc = 2,

+    Abs = 3,

+    Sign = 4,

+    Floor = 5,

+    Ceil = 6,

+    Fract = 7,


-    Radians,

-    Degrees,

-    Sin,

-    Cos,

-    Tan,

-    Asin,

-    Acos,

-    Atan,

-    Sinh,

-    Cosh,

-    Tanh,

-    Asinh,

-    Acosh,

-    Atanh,

-    Atan2,

+    Radians = 8,

+    Degrees = 9,

+    Sin = 10,

+    Cos = 11,

+    Tan = 12,

+    Asin = 13,

+    Acos = 14,

+    Atan = 15,

+    Sinh = 16,

+    Cosh = 17,

+    Tanh = 18,

+    Asinh = 19,

+    Acosh = 20,

+    Atanh = 21,

+    Atan2 = 22,


-    Pow,

-    Exp,

-    Log,

-    Exp2,

-    Log2,

-    Sqrt,

-    InverseSqrt,

+    Pow = 23,

+    Exp = 24,

+    Log = 25,

+    Exp2 = 26,

+    Log2 = 27,

+    Sqrt = 28,

+    InverseSqrt = 29,


-    Determinant,

-    MatrixInverse,

+    Determinant = 30,

+    MatrixInverse = 31,


-    Modf,            // second argument needs the OpVariable, not an OpLoad

-    Min,

-    Max,

-    Clamp,

-    Mix,

-    Step,

-    SmoothStep,

+    Modf = 32,            // second argument needs the OpVariable = , not an OpLoad

+    Min = 33,

+    Max = 34,

+    Clamp = 35,

+    Mix = 36,

+    Step = 37,

+    SmoothStep = 38,


-    FloatBitsToInt,

-    FloatBitsToUint,

-    IntBitsToFloat,

-    UintBitsToFloat,

+    FloatBitsToInt = 39,

+    FloatBitsToUint = 40,

+    IntBitsToFloat = 41,

+    UintBitsToFloat = 42,


-    Fma,

-    Frexp,

-    Ldexp,

+    Fma = 43,

+    Frexp = 44,

+    Ldexp = 45,


-    PackSnorm4x8,

-    PackUnorm4x8,

-    PackSnorm2x16,

-    PackUnorm2x16,

-    PackHalf2x16,

-    PackDouble2x32,

-    UnpackSnorm2x16,

-    UnpackUnorm2x16,

-    UnpackHalf2x16,

-    UnpackSnorm4x8,

-    UnpackUnorm4x8,

-    UnpackDouble2x32,

+    PackSnorm4x8 = 46,

+    PackUnorm4x8 = 47,

+    PackSnorm2x16 = 48,

+    PackUnorm2x16 = 49,

+    PackHalf2x16 = 50,

+    PackDouble2x32 = 51,

+    UnpackSnorm2x16 = 52,

+    UnpackUnorm2x16 = 53,

+    UnpackHalf2x16 = 54,

+    UnpackSnorm4x8 = 55,

+    UnpackUnorm4x8 = 56,

+    UnpackDouble2x32 = 57,


-    Length,

-    Distance,

-    Cross,

-    Normalize,

-    Ftransform,

-    FaceForward,

-    Reflect,

-    Refract,

+    Length = 58,

+    Distance = 59,

+    Cross = 60,

+    Normalize = 61,

+    Ftransform = 62,

+    FaceForward = 63,

+    Reflect = 64,

+    Refract = 65,


-    UaddCarry,

-    UsubBorrow,

-    UmulExtended,

-    ImulExtended,

-    BitfieldExtract,

-    BitfieldInsert,

-    BitfieldReverse,

-    BitCount,

-    FindLSB,

-    FindMSB,

+    UaddCarry = 66,

+    UsubBorrow = 67,

+    UmulExtended = 68,

+    ImulExtended = 69,

+    BitfieldExtract = 70,

+    BitfieldInsert = 71,

+    BitfieldReverse = 72,

+    BitCount = 73,

+    FindLSB = 74,

+    FindMSB = 75,


-    InterpolateAtCentroid,

-    InterpolateAtSample,

-    InterpolateAtOffset,

+    InterpolateAtCentroid = 76,

+    InterpolateAtSample = 77,

+    InterpolateAtOffset = 78,




@@ -178,14 +178,12 @@
     names[PackUnorm2x16]           = "packUnorm2x16";

     names[PackHalf2x16]            = "packHalf2x16";

     names[PackDouble2x32]          = "packDouble2x32";

-    names[PackHalf2x16]            = "packHalf2x16";

     names[UnpackSnorm2x16]         = "unpackSnorm2x16";

     names[UnpackUnorm2x16]         = "unpackUnorm2x16";

     names[UnpackHalf2x16]          = "unpackHalf2x16";

     names[UnpackSnorm4x8]          = "unpackSnorm4x8";

     names[UnpackUnorm4x8]          = "unpackUnorm4x8";

     names[UnpackDouble2x32]        = "unpackDouble2x32";

-    names[UnpackHalf2x16]          = "unpackHalf2x16";

     names[Length]                  = "length";

     names[Distance]                = "distance";

     names[Cross]                   = "cross";