SPV: Implement all matrix operators {+,-,*,/} for {matrix,scalar,vector}.
diff --git a/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp b/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
index 5e43286..3d589bd 100755
--- a/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
+++ b/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
     spv::Id handleUserFunctionCall(const glslang::TIntermAggregate*);
     spv::Id createBinaryOperation(glslang::TOperator op, spv::Decoration precision, spv::Id typeId, spv::Id left, spv::Id right, glslang::TBasicType typeProxy, bool reduceComparison = true);
+    spv::Id createBinaryMatrixOperation(spv::Op, spv::Decoration precision, spv::Id typeId, spv::Id left, spv::Id right);
     spv::Id createUnaryOperation(glslang::TOperator op, spv::Decoration precision, spv::Id typeId, spv::Id operand,glslang::TBasicType typeProxy);
     spv::Id createConversion(glslang::TOperator op, spv::Decoration precision, spv::Id destTypeId, spv::Id operand);
     spv::Id makeSmearedConstant(spv::Id constant, int vectorSize);
@@ -2122,26 +2123,17 @@
     case glslang::EOpVectorTimesMatrix:
     case glslang::EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign:
-        assert(builder.isVector(left));
-        assert(builder.isMatrix(right));
         binOp = spv::OpVectorTimesMatrix;
     case glslang::EOpMatrixTimesVector:
-        assert(builder.isMatrix(left));
-        assert(builder.isVector(right));
         binOp = spv::OpMatrixTimesVector;
     case glslang::EOpMatrixTimesScalar:
     case glslang::EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign:
-        if (builder.isMatrix(right))
-            std::swap(left, right);
-        assert(builder.isScalar(right));
         binOp = spv::OpMatrixTimesScalar;
     case glslang::EOpMatrixTimesMatrix:
     case glslang::EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign:
-        assert(builder.isMatrix(left));
-        assert(builder.isMatrix(right));
         binOp = spv::OpMatrixTimesMatrix;
     case glslang::EOpOuterProduct:
@@ -2220,29 +2212,8 @@
     // handle mapped binary operations (should be non-comparison)
     if (binOp != spv::OpNop) {
         assert(comparison == false);
-        if (builder.isMatrix(left) || builder.isMatrix(right)) {
-            switch (binOp) {
-            case spv::OpMatrixTimesScalar:
-            case spv::OpVectorTimesMatrix:
-            case spv::OpMatrixTimesVector:
-            case spv::OpMatrixTimesMatrix:
-                break;
-            case spv::OpFDiv:
-                // turn it into a multiply...
-                assert(builder.isMatrix(left) && builder.isScalar(right));
-                right = builder.createBinOp(spv::OpFDiv, builder.getTypeId(right), builder.makeFloatConstant(1.0F), right);
-                binOp = spv::OpFMul;
-                break;
-            default:
-                spv::MissingFunctionality("binary operation on matrix");
-                break;
-            }
-            spv::Id id = builder.createBinOp(binOp, typeId, left, right);
-            builder.setPrecision(id, precision);
-            return id;
-        }
+        if (builder.isMatrix(left) || builder.isMatrix(right))
+            return createBinaryMatrixOperation(binOp, precision, typeId, left, right);
         // No matrix involved; make both operands be the same number of components, if needed
         if (needMatchingVectors)
@@ -2326,6 +2297,111 @@
     return 0;
+// Translate AST matrix operation to SPV operation, already having SPV-based operands/types.
+// These can be any of:
+//   matrix * scalar
+//   scalar * matrix
+//   matrix * matrix     linear algebraic
+//   matrix * vector
+//   vector * matrix
+//   matrix * matrix     componentwise
+//   matrix op matrix    op in {+, -, /}
+//   matrix op scalar    op in {+, -, /}
+//   scalar op matrix    op in {+, -, /}
+spv::Id TGlslangToSpvTraverser::createBinaryMatrixOperation(spv::Op op, spv::Decoration precision, spv::Id typeId, spv::Id left, spv::Id right)
+    bool firstClass = true;
+    // First, handle first-class matrix operations (* and matrix/scalar)
+    switch (op) {
+    case spv::OpFDiv:
+        if (builder.isMatrix(left) && builder.isScalar(right)) {
+            // turn matrix / scalar into a multiply...
+            right = builder.createBinOp(spv::OpFDiv, builder.getTypeId(right), builder.makeFloatConstant(1.0F), right);
+            op = spv::OpMatrixTimesScalar;
+        } else
+            firstClass = false;
+        break;
+    case spv::OpMatrixTimesScalar:
+        if (builder.isMatrix(right))
+            std::swap(left, right);
+        assert(builder.isScalar(right));
+        break;
+    case spv::OpVectorTimesMatrix:
+        assert(builder.isVector(left));
+        assert(builder.isMatrix(right));
+        break;
+    case spv::OpMatrixTimesVector:
+        assert(builder.isMatrix(left));
+        assert(builder.isVector(right));
+        break;
+    case spv::OpMatrixTimesMatrix:
+        assert(builder.isMatrix(left));
+        assert(builder.isMatrix(right));
+        break;
+    default:
+        firstClass = false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (firstClass) {
+        spv::Id id = builder.createBinOp(op, typeId, left, right);
+        builder.setPrecision(id, precision);
+        return id;
+    }
+    // Handle component-wise +, -, *, and / for all combinations of type.
+    // The result type of all of them is the same type as the (a) matrix operand.
+    // The algorithm is to:
+    //   - break the matrix(es) into vectors
+    //   - smear any scalar to a vector
+    //   - do vector operations
+    //   - make a matrix out the vector results
+    switch (op) {
+    case spv::OpFAdd:
+    case spv::OpFSub:
+    case spv::OpFDiv:
+    case spv::OpFMul:
+    {
+        // one time set up...
+        bool  leftMat = builder.isMatrix(left);
+        bool rightMat = builder.isMatrix(right);
+        unsigned int numCols = leftMat ? builder.getNumColumns(left) : builder.getNumColumns(right);
+        int numRows = leftMat ? builder.getNumRows(left) : builder.getNumRows(right);
+        spv::Id scalarType = builder.getScalarTypeId(typeId);
+        spv::Id vecType = builder.makeVectorType(scalarType, numRows);
+        std::vector<spv::Id> results;
+        spv::Id smearVec = spv::NoResult;
+        if (builder.isScalar(left))
+            smearVec = builder.smearScalar(precision, left, vecType);
+        else if (builder.isScalar(right))
+            smearVec = builder.smearScalar(precision, right, vecType);
+        // do each vector op
+        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < numCols; ++c) {
+            std::vector<unsigned int> indexes;
+            indexes.push_back(c);
+            spv::Id  leftVec =  leftMat ? builder.createCompositeExtract( left, vecType, indexes) : smearVec;
+            spv::Id rightVec = rightMat ? builder.createCompositeExtract(right, vecType, indexes) : smearVec;
+            results.push_back(builder.createBinOp(op, vecType, leftVec, rightVec));
+            builder.setPrecision(results.back(), precision);
+        }
+        // put the pieces together
+        spv::Id id = builder.createCompositeConstruct(typeId, results);
+        builder.setPrecision(id, precision);
+        return id;
+    }
+    default:
+        assert(0);
+        return spv::NoResult;
+    }
 spv::Id TGlslangToSpvTraverser::createUnaryOperation(glslang::TOperator op, spv::Decoration precision, spv::Id typeId, spv::Id operand, glslang::TBasicType typeProxy)
     spv::Op unaryOp = spv::OpNop;