Implement 1.20 style function signature matching under implicit conversion.  This was the last key unimplemented feature of versions 120 through 330.

git-svn-id: e7fa87d3-cd2b-0410-9028-fcbf551c1848
diff --git a/Todo.txt b/Todo.txt
index 1e6be18..f3ce5b4 100644
--- a/Todo.txt
+++ b/Todo.txt
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     GLSL 1.2
       + Handle multiple compilation units per stage
       + Allow initializers on uniform declarations
-      - signature matching takes type conversions into account, ambiguity is an error
+      + signature matching takes type conversions into account, ambiguity is an error
       - allow constructors to contain non-dereferenced arrays?
     GLSL 1.3
       . flat is for both user and predeclared built-in in/out variables