Reflow for better readability
diff --git a/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp b/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
index 8906493..740ec7b 100644
--- a/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
+++ b/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp
@@ -1529,12 +1529,15 @@
            "  --invert-y | --iy                 invert position.Y output in vertex shader\n"
            "  --keep-uncalled | --ku            don't eliminate uncalled functions\n"
            "  --no-storage-format | --nsf       use Unknown image format\n"
-           "  --reflect-strict-array-suffix     use strict array suffix rules when reflecting\n"
+           "  --reflect-strict-array-suffix     use strict array suffix rules when\n"
+           "                                    reflecting\n"
            "  --reflect-basic-array-suffix      arrays of basic types will have trailing [0]\n"
-           "  --reflect-intermediate-io         reflection includes inputs/outputs of linked shaders\n"
-           "                                    rather than just vertex/fragment\n"
-           "  --reflect-separate-buffers        reflect buffer variables and blocks separately to uniforms\n"
-           "  --reflect-all-block-variables     reflect all variables in blocks, whether inactive or active\n"
+           "  --reflect-intermediate-io         reflection includes inputs/outputs of linked\n"
+           "                                    shaders rather than just vertex/fragment\n"
+           "  --reflect-separate-buffers        reflect buffer variables and blocks\n"
+           "                                    separately to uniforms\n"
+           "  --reflect-all-block-variables     reflect all variables in blocks, whether\n"
+           "                                    inactive or active\n"
            "  --resource-set-binding [stage] name set binding\n"
            "                                    set descriptor set and binding for\n"
            "                                    individual resources\n"