Initial implementation of direct-mapped subset of HLSL intrinsics with type subset.

This checkin implements about half of the HLSL intrinsics for a subset of their
entire type support (but a useful subset).  The uncommented lines in
TBuiltInParseablesHlsl::identifyBuiltIns shows which are connected.
diff --git a/Test/hlsl.intrinsics.frag b/Test/hlsl.intrinsics.frag
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..563ce22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/hlsl.intrinsics.frag
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+float PixelShaderFunction(float inF0, float inF1, float inF2)
+    all(inF0);
+    abs(inF0);
+    acos(inF0);
+    any(inF0);
+    asin(inF0);
+    atan(inF0);
+    atan2(inF0, inF1);
+    ceil(inF0);
+    clamp(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    cos(inF0);
+    cosh(inF0);
+    countbits(7);
+    ddx(inF0);
+    ddx_coarse(inF0);
+    ddx_fine(inF0);
+    ddy(inF0);
+    ddy_coarse(inF0);
+    ddy_fine(inF0);
+    degrees(inF0);
+    // EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0);
+    // EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 0);
+    // TODO: EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(1,2));
+    exp(inF0);
+    exp2(inF0);
+    firstbithigh(7);
+    firstbitlow(7);
+    floor(inF0);
+    // TODO: fma(inD0, inD1, inD2);
+    fmod(inF0, inF1);
+    frac(inF0);
+    frexp(inF0, inF1);
+    fwidth(inF0);
+    isinf(inF0);
+    isnan(inF0);
+    ldexp(inF0, inF1);
+    log(inF0);
+    log2(inF0);
+    max(inF0, inF1);
+    min(inF0, inF1);
+    // TODO: mul(inF0, inF1);
+    pow(inF0, inF1);
+    radians(inF0);
+    reversebits(2);
+    round(inF0);
+    rsqrt(inF0);
+    sign(inF0);
+    sin(inF0);
+    sinh(inF0);
+    smoothstep(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    sqrt(inF0);
+    step(inF0, inF1);
+    tan(inF0);
+    tanh(inF0);
+    // TODO: sampler intrinsics, when we can declare the types.
+    trunc(inF0);
+    return 0.0;
+float1 PixelShaderFunction(float1 inF0, float1 inF1, float1 inF2)
+    // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+    return 0.0;
+float2 PixelShaderFunction(float2 inF0, float2 inF1, float2 inF2)
+    all(inF0);
+    abs(inF0);
+    acos(inF0);
+    any(inF0);
+    asin(inF0);
+    atan(inF0);
+    atan2(inF0, inF1);
+    ceil(inF0);
+    clamp(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    cos(inF0);
+    cosh(inF0);
+    countbits(int2(7,3));
+    ddx(inF0);
+    ddx_coarse(inF0);
+    ddx_fine(inF0);
+    ddy(inF0);
+    ddy_coarse(inF0);
+    ddy_fine(inF0);
+    degrees(inF0);
+    distance(inF0, inF1);
+    dot(inF0, inF1);
+    // EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0);
+    // EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 0);
+    // TODO: EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(1,2));
+    exp(inF0);
+    exp2(inF0);
+    faceforward(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    firstbithigh(7);
+    firstbitlow(7);
+    floor(inF0);
+    // TODO: fma(inD0, inD1, inD2);
+    fmod(inF0, inF1);
+    frac(inF0);
+    frexp(inF0, inF1);
+    fwidth(inF0);
+    isinf(inF0);
+    isnan(inF0);
+    ldexp(inF0, inF1);
+    length(inF0);
+    log(inF0);
+    log2(inF0);
+    max(inF0, inF1);
+    min(inF0, inF1);
+    // TODO: mul(inF0, inF1);
+    normalize(inF0);
+    pow(inF0, inF1);
+    radians(inF0);
+    reflect(inF0, inF1);
+    refract(inF0, inF1, 2.0);
+    reversebits(int2(1,2));
+    round(inF0);
+    rsqrt(inF0);
+    sign(inF0);
+    sin(inF0);
+    sinh(inF0);
+    smoothstep(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    sqrt(inF0);
+    step(inF0, inF1);
+    tan(inF0);
+    tanh(inF0);
+    // TODO: sampler intrinsics, when we can declare the types.
+    trunc(inF0);
+    // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+    return float2(1,2);
+float3 PixelShaderFunction(float3 inF0, float3 inF1, float3 inF2)
+    all(inF0);
+    abs(inF0);
+    acos(inF0);
+    any(inF0);
+    asin(inF0);
+    atan(inF0);
+    atan2(inF0, inF1);
+    ceil(inF0);
+    clamp(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    cos(inF0);
+    cosh(inF0);
+    countbits(int3(7,3,5));
+    cross(inF0, inF1);
+    ddx(inF0);
+    ddx_coarse(inF0);
+    ddx_fine(inF0);
+    ddy(inF0);
+    ddy_coarse(inF0);
+    ddy_fine(inF0);
+    degrees(inF0);
+    distance(inF0, inF1);
+    dot(inF0, inF1);
+    // EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0);
+    // EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 0);
+    // TODO: EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(1,2));
+    exp(inF0);
+    exp2(inF0);
+    faceforward(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    firstbithigh(7);
+    firstbitlow(7);
+    floor(inF0);
+    // TODO: fma(inD0, inD1, inD2);
+    fmod(inF0, inF1);
+    frac(inF0);
+    frexp(inF0, inF1);
+    fwidth(inF0);
+    isinf(inF0);
+    isnan(inF0);
+    ldexp(inF0, inF1);
+    length(inF0);
+    log(inF0);
+    log2(inF0);
+    max(inF0, inF1);
+    min(inF0, inF1);
+    // TODO: mul(inF0, inF1);
+    normalize(inF0);
+    pow(inF0, inF1);
+    radians(inF0);
+    reflect(inF0, inF1);
+    refract(inF0, inF1, 2.0);
+    reversebits(int3(1,2,3));
+    round(inF0);
+    rsqrt(inF0);
+    sign(inF0);
+    sin(inF0);
+    sinh(inF0);
+    smoothstep(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    sqrt(inF0);
+    step(inF0, inF1);
+    tan(inF0);
+    tanh(inF0);
+    // TODO: sampler intrinsics, when we can declare the types.
+    trunc(inF0);
+    // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+    return float3(1,2,3);
+float4 PixelShaderFunction(float4 inF0, float4 inF1, float4 inF2)
+    all(inF0);
+    abs(inF0);
+    acos(inF0);
+    any(inF0);
+    asin(inF0);
+    atan(inF0);
+    atan2(inF0, inF1);
+    ceil(inF0);
+    clamp(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    cos(inF0);
+    cosh(inF0);
+    countbits(int4(7,3,5,2));
+    ddx(inF0);
+    ddx_coarse(inF0);
+    ddx_fine(inF0);
+    ddy(inF0);
+    ddy_coarse(inF0);
+    ddy_fine(inF0);
+    degrees(inF0);
+    distance(inF0, inF1);
+    dot(inF0, inF1);
+    // EvaluateAttributeAtCentroid(inF0);
+    // EvaluateAttributeAtSample(inF0, 0);
+    // TODO: EvaluateAttributeSnapped(inF0, int2(1,2));
+    exp(inF0);
+    exp2(inF0);
+    faceforward(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    firstbithigh(7);
+    firstbitlow(7);
+    floor(inF0);
+    // TODO: fma(inD0, inD1, inD2);
+    fmod(inF0, inF1);
+    frac(inF0);
+    frexp(inF0, inF1);
+    fwidth(inF0);
+    isinf(inF0);
+    isnan(inF0);
+    ldexp(inF0, inF1);
+    length(inF0);
+    log(inF0);
+    log2(inF0);
+    max(inF0, inF1);
+    min(inF0, inF1);
+    // TODO: mul(inF0, inF1);
+    normalize(inF0);
+    pow(inF0, inF1);
+    radians(inF0);
+    reflect(inF0, inF1);
+    refract(inF0, inF1, 2.0);
+    reversebits(int4(1,2,3,4));
+    round(inF0);
+    rsqrt(inF0);
+    sign(inF0);
+    sin(inF0);
+    sinh(inF0);
+    smoothstep(inF0, inF1, inF2);
+    sqrt(inF0);
+    step(inF0, inF1);
+    tan(inF0);
+    tanh(inF0);
+    // TODO: sampler intrinsics, when we can declare the types.
+    trunc(inF0);
+    // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+    return float4(1,2,3,4);
+// TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+#define MATFNS() \
+    all(inF0); \
+    abs(inF0); \
+    acos(inF0); \
+    any(inF0); \
+    asin(inF0); \
+    atan(inF0); \
+    atan2(inF0, inF1); \
+    ceil(inF0); \
+    clamp(inF0, inF1, inF2); \
+    cos(inF0); \
+    cosh(inF0); \
+    ddx(inF0); \
+    ddx_coarse(inF0); \
+    ddx_fine(inF0); \
+    ddy(inF0); \
+    ddy_coarse(inF0); \
+    ddy_fine(inF0); \
+    degrees(inF0); \
+    determinant(inF0); \
+    exp(inF0); \
+    exp2(inF0); \
+    firstbithigh(7); \
+    firstbitlow(7); \
+    floor(inF0); \
+    fmod(inF0, inF1); \
+    frac(inF0); \
+    frexp(inF0, inF1); \
+    fwidth(inF0); \
+    ldexp(inF0, inF1); \
+    log(inF0); \
+    log2(inF0); \
+    max(inF0, inF1); \
+    min(inF0, inF1); \
+    pow(inF0, inF1); \
+    radians(inF0); \
+    round(inF0); \
+    rsqrt(inF0); \
+    sign(inF0); \
+    sin(inF0); \
+    sinh(inF0); \
+    smoothstep(inF0, inF1, inF2); \
+    sqrt(inF0); \
+    step(inF0, inF1); \
+    tan(inF0); \
+    tanh(inF0); \
+    transpose(inF0); \
+    trunc(inF0);
+// TODO: turn on non-square matrix tests when protos are available.
+float2x2 PixelShaderFunction(float2x2 inF0, float2x2 inF1, float2x2 inF2)
+    // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+    MATFNS()
+    // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+    return float2x2(2,2,2,2);
+float3x3 PixelShaderFunction(float3x3 inF0, float3x3 inF1, float3x3 inF2)
+    // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+    MATFNS()
+    // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+    return float3x3(3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3);
+float4x4 PixelShaderFunction(float4x4 inF0, float4x4 inF1, float4x4 inF2)
+    // TODO: FXC doesn't accept this with (), but glslang doesn't accept it without.
+    MATFNS()
+    // TODO: ... add when float1 prototypes are generated
+    return float4x4(4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4);