Fix #857: Convert uniform int to local bool for struct alias assignment.

This was done for one direction, but not both directions, so this commit
picks up the other direction.
diff --git a/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp b/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
index f8722fc..31f7aab 100755
--- a/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
+++ b/SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.cpp
@@ -2590,20 +2590,22 @@
         if (builder.isScalarType(nominalTypeId)) {
             // Conversion for bool
             spv::Id boolType = builder.makeBoolType();
-            if (nominalTypeId != boolType) {
-                spv::Id zero = builder.makeUintConstant(0);
-                spv::Id one  = builder.makeUintConstant(1);
-                rvalue = builder.createTriOp(spv::OpSelect, nominalTypeId, rvalue, one, zero);
-            }
+            if (nominalTypeId != boolType)
+                rvalue = builder.createTriOp(spv::OpSelect, nominalTypeId, rvalue, builder.makeUintConstant(1),
+                                                                                   builder.makeUintConstant(0));
+            else if (builder.getTypeId(rvalue) != boolType)
+                rvalue = builder.createBinOp(spv::OpINotEqual, boolType, rvalue, builder.makeUintConstant(0));
         } else if (builder.isVectorType(nominalTypeId)) {
             // Conversion for bvec
             int vecSize = builder.getNumTypeComponents(nominalTypeId);
             spv::Id bvecType = builder.makeVectorType(builder.makeBoolType(), vecSize);
-            if (nominalTypeId != bvecType) {
-                spv::Id zero = makeSmearedConstant(builder.makeUintConstant(0), vecSize);
-                spv::Id one  = makeSmearedConstant(builder.makeUintConstant(1), vecSize);
-                rvalue = builder.createTriOp(spv::OpSelect, nominalTypeId, rvalue, one, zero);
-            }
+            if (nominalTypeId != bvecType)
+                rvalue = builder.createTriOp(spv::OpSelect, nominalTypeId, rvalue,
+                                             makeSmearedConstant(builder.makeUintConstant(1), vecSize),
+                                             makeSmearedConstant(builder.makeUintConstant(0), vecSize));
+            else if (builder.getTypeId(rvalue) != bvecType)
+                rvalue = builder.createBinOp(spv::OpINotEqual, bvecType, rvalue,
+                                             makeSmearedConstant(builder.makeUintConstant(0), vecSize));