Import dEQP.

Import drawElements Quality Program from an internal repository.

Bug: 17388917
Change-Id: Ic109fe4a57e31b2a816113d90fbdf51a43e7abeb
diff --git a/executor/xeTestCaseListParser.cpp b/executor/xeTestCaseListParser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02c1f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/executor/xeTestCaseListParser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ * drawElements Quality Program Test Executor
+ * ------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *//*!
+ * \file
+ * \brief Test case list parser.
+ *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "xeTestCaseListParser.hpp"
+#include "deString.h"
+using std::vector;
+using std::string;
+namespace xe
+static TestCaseType getTestCaseType (const char* caseType)
+	// \todo [2012-06-11 pyry] Use hashes for speedup.
+	static const struct
+	{
+		const char*		name;
+		TestCaseType	caseType;
+	} s_caseTypeMap[] =
+	{
+		{ "Capability",		TESTCASETYPE_CAPABILITY		},
+		{ "Accuracy",		TESTCASETYPE_ACCURACY		},
+	};
+	for (int ndx = 0; ndx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(s_caseTypeMap); ndx++)
+	{
+		if (deStringEqual(caseType, s_caseTypeMap[ndx].name))
+			return s_caseTypeMap[ndx].caseType;
+	}
+	XE_FAIL((string("Unknown test case type '") + caseType + "'").c_str());
+TestCaseListParser::TestCaseListParser (void)
+	: m_root(DE_NULL)
+TestCaseListParser::~TestCaseListParser (void)
+void TestCaseListParser::clear (void)
+	m_xmlParser.clear();
+	m_nodeStack.clear();
+	m_root = DE_NULL;
+void TestCaseListParser::init (TestGroup* rootGroup)
+	clear();
+	m_root = rootGroup;
+void TestCaseListParser::parse (const deUint8* bytes, int numBytes)
+	DE_ASSERT(m_root);
+	m_xmlParser.feed(bytes, numBytes);
+	for (;;)
+	{
+		xml::Element element = m_xmlParser.getElement();
+		if (element == xml::ELEMENT_INCOMPLETE ||
+			element == xml::ELEMENT_END_OF_STRING)
+			break;
+		if (element == xml::ELEMENT_START || element == xml::ELEMENT_END)
+		{
+			bool		isStart		= element == xml::ELEMENT_START;
+			const char* elemName	= m_xmlParser.getElementName();
+			if (deStringEqual(elemName, "TestCase"))
+			{
+				if (isStart)
+				{
+					XE_CHECK_MSG(!m_nodeStack.empty(), "<TestCase> outside of <TestCaseList>");
+					TestNode*		parent		= m_nodeStack.back();
+					const char*		name		= m_xmlParser.hasAttribute("Name")			? m_xmlParser.getAttribute("Name")			: DE_NULL;
+					const char*		description	= m_xmlParser.hasAttribute("Description")	? m_xmlParser.getAttribute("Description")	: DE_NULL;
+					const char*		caseType	= m_xmlParser.hasAttribute("CaseType")		? m_xmlParser.getAttribute("CaseType")		: DE_NULL;
+					XE_CHECK_MSG(name && description && caseType, "Missing attribute in <TestCase>");
+					XE_CHECK_MSG(parent->getNodeType() == TESTNODETYPE_GROUP, "Only TestGroups are allowed to have child nodes");
+					bool			isGroup		= deStringEqual(caseType, "TestGroup") == DE_TRUE;
+					TestNode*		node		= isGroup ? static_cast<TestNode*>(static_cast<TestGroup*>(parent)->createGroup(name, description))
+														  : static_cast<TestNode*>(static_cast<TestGroup*>(parent)->createCase(getTestCaseType(caseType), name, description));
+					m_nodeStack.push_back(node);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					XE_CHECK_MSG(m_nodeStack.size() >= 2, "Unexpected </TestCase>");
+					m_nodeStack.pop_back();
+				}
+			}
+			else if (deStringEqual(elemName, "TestCaseList"))
+			{
+				if (isStart)
+				{
+					XE_CHECK_MSG(m_nodeStack.empty(), "Unexpected <TestCaseList>");
+					m_nodeStack.push_back(m_root);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					XE_CHECK_MSG(m_nodeStack.size() == 1, "Unexpected </TestCaseList>");
+					m_nodeStack.pop_back();
+				}
+			}
+			else
+				XE_FAIL((string("Unexpected <") + elemName + ">").c_str());
+		}
+		else if (element != xml::ELEMENT_DATA)
+			DE_ASSERT(false); // \note Data elements are just ignored, they should be whitespace anyway.
+		m_xmlParser.advance();
+	}
+} // xe