Import dEQP.

Import drawElements Quality Program from an internal repository.

Bug: 17388917
Change-Id: Ic109fe4a57e31b2a816113d90fbdf51a43e7abeb
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8cb63d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from build.common import *
+from build.config import *
+from import *
+import os
+import sys
+import string
+import socket
+import fnmatch
+from datetime import datetime
+BASE_NIGHTLY_DIR	= os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DEQP_DIR, "..", "deqp-nightly"))
+BASE_BUILD_DIR		= os.path.join(BASE_NIGHTLY_DIR, "build")
+BASE_LOGS_DIR		= os.path.join(BASE_NIGHTLY_DIR, "logs")
+BASE_REFS_DIR		= os.path.join(BASE_NIGHTLY_DIR, "refs")
+EXECUTOR_PATH		= "executor/executor"
+LOG_TO_CSV_PATH		= "executor/testlog-to-csv"
+EXECSERVER_PATH		= "execserver/execserver"
+CASELIST_PATH		= os.path.join(DEQP_DIR, "Candy", "Data")
+COMPARE_REPORT_NAME	= "nightly-report.html"
+<style type="text/css">
+body				{ font: serif; font-size: 1em; }
+table				{ border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }
+td					{ border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #808080; }
+.Header				{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; border-style: none; }
+.CasePath			{ }
+.Pass				{ background: #80ff80; }
+.Fail				{ background: #ff4040; }
+.QualityWarning		{ background: #ffff00; }
+.CompabilityWarning	{ background: #ffff00; }
+.Pending			{ background: #808080; }
+.Running			{ background: #d3d3d3; }
+.NotSupported		{ background: #ff69b4; }
+.ResourceError		{ background: #ff4040; }
+.InternalError		{ background: #ff1493; }
+.Canceled			{ background: #808080; }
+.Crash				{ background: #ffa500; }
+.Timeout			{ background: #ffa500; }
+.Disabled			{ background: #808080; }
+.Missing			{ background: #808080; }
+.Ignored			{ opacity: 0.5; }
+class NightlyRunConfig:
+	def __init__(self, name, buildConfig, generator, binaryName, testset, args = [], exclude = [], ignore = []):
+			= name
+		self.buildConfig	= buildConfig
+		self.generator		= generator
+		self.binaryName		= binaryName
+		self.testset		= testset
+		self.args			= args
+		self.exclude		= exclude
+		self.ignore			= ignore
+	def getBinaryPath(self, basePath):
+		return os.path.join(self.buildConfig.getBuildDir(), self.generator.getBinaryPath(self.buildConfig.getBuildType(), basePath))
+class NightlyBuildConfig(BuildConfig):
+	def __init__(self, name, buildType, args):
+		BuildConfig.__init__(self, os.path.join(BASE_BUILD_DIR, name), buildType, args)
+class TestCaseResult:
+	def __init__ (self, name, statusCode):
+		= name
+		self.statusCode	= statusCode
+class MultiResult:
+	def __init__ (self, name, statusCodes):
+			= name
+		self.statusCodes	= statusCodes
+class BatchResult:
+	def __init__ (self, name):
+		= name
+		self.results	= []
+def parseResultCsv (data):
+	lines	= data.splitlines()[1:]
+	results	= []
+	for line in lines:
+		items = line.split(",")
+		results.append(TestCaseResult(items[0], items[1]))
+	return results
+def readTestCaseResultsFromCSV (filename):
+	return parseResultCsv(readFile(filename))
+def readBatchResultFromCSV (filename, batchResultName = None):
+	batchResult = BatchResult(batchResultName if batchResultName != None else os.path.basename(filename))
+	batchResult.results = readTestCaseResultsFromCSV(filename)
+	return batchResult
+def getResultTimestamp ():
+	return"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
+def getCompareFilenames (logsDir):
+	files = []
+	for file in os.listdir(logsDir):
+		fullPath = os.path.join(logsDir, file)
+		if os.path.isfile(fullPath) and fnmatch.fnmatch(file, "*.csv"):
+			files.append(fullPath)
+	files.sort()
+	return files[-COMPARE_NUM_RESULTS:]
+def parseAsCSV (logPath, config):
+	args = [config.getBinaryPath(LOG_TO_CSV_PATH), "--mode=all", "--format=csv", logPath]
+	proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+	out, err = proc.communicate()
+	return out
+def computeUnifiedTestCaseList (batchResults):
+	caseList	= []
+	caseSet		= set()
+	for batchResult in batchResults:
+		for result in batchResult.results:
+			if not in caseSet:
+				caseList.append(
+				caseSet.add(
+	return caseList
+def computeUnifiedResults (batchResults):
+	def genResultMap (batchResult):
+		resMap = {}
+		for result in batchResult.results:
+			resMap[] = result
+		return resMap
+	resultMap	= [genResultMap(r) for r in batchResults]
+	caseList	= computeUnifiedTestCaseList(batchResults)
+	results		= []
+	for caseName in caseList:
+		statusCodes = []
+		for i in range(0, len(batchResults)):
+			result		= resultMap[i][caseName] if caseName in resultMap[i] else None
+			statusCode	= result.statusCode if result != None else 'Missing'
+			statusCodes.append(statusCode)
+		results.append(MultiResult(caseName, statusCodes))
+	return results
+def allStatusCodesEqual (result):
+	firstCode = result.statusCodes[0]
+	for i in range(1, len(result.statusCodes)):
+		if result.statusCodes[i] != firstCode:
+			return False
+	return True
+def computeDiffResults (unifiedResults):
+	diff = []
+	for result in unifiedResults:
+		if not allStatusCodesEqual(result):
+			diff.append(result)
+	return diff
+def genCompareReport (batchResults, title, ignoreCases):
+	class TableRow:
+		def __init__ (self, testCaseName, innerHTML):
+			self.testCaseName = testCaseName
+			self.innerHTML = innerHTML
+	unifiedResults	= computeUnifiedResults(batchResults)
+	diffResults		= computeDiffResults(unifiedResults)
+	rows			= []
+	# header
+	headerCol = '<td class="Header">Test case</td>\n'
+	for batchResult in batchResults:
+		headerCol += '<td class="Header">%s</td>\n' %
+	rows.append(TableRow(None, headerCol))
+	# results
+	for result in diffResults:
+		col = '<td class="CasePath">%s</td>\n' %
+		for statusCode in result.statusCodes:
+			col += '<td class="%s">%s</td>\n' % (statusCode, statusCode)
+		rows.append(TableRow(, col))
+	tableStr = ""
+	for row in rows:
+		if row.testCaseName is not None and matchesAnyPattern(row.testCaseName, ignoreCases):
+			tableStr += '<tr class="Ignored">\n%s</tr>\n' % row.innerHTML
+		else:
+			tableStr += '<tr>\n%s</tr>\n' % row.innerHTML
+	html = html.replace("${TITLE}", title)
+	html = html.replace("${RESULTS}", tableStr)
+	return html
+def matchesAnyPattern (name, patterns):
+	for pattern in patterns:
+		if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern):
+			return True
+	return False
+def statusCodesMatch (refResult, resResult):
+	return refResult == 'Missing' or resResult == 'Missing' or refResult == resResult
+def compareBatchResults (referenceBatch, resultBatch, ignoreCases):
+	unifiedResults	= computeUnifiedResults([referenceBatch, resultBatch])
+	failedCases		= []
+	for result in unifiedResults:
+		if not matchesAnyPattern(, ignoreCases):
+			refResult		= result.statusCodes[0]
+			resResult		= result.statusCodes[1]
+			if not statusCodesMatch(refResult, resResult):
+				failedCases.append(result)
+	return failedCases
+def getUnusedPort ():
+	# \note Not 100%-proof method as other apps may grab this port before we launch execserver
+	s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+	s.bind(('localhost', 0))
+	addr, port = s.getsockname()
+	s.close()
+	return port
+def runNightly (config):
+	build(config.buildConfig, config.generator)
+	# Run parameters
+	timestamp		= getResultTimestamp()
+	logDir			= os.path.join(BASE_LOGS_DIR,
+	testLogPath		= os.path.join(logDir, timestamp + ".qpa")
+	infoLogPath		= os.path.join(logDir, timestamp + ".txt")
+	csvLogPath		= os.path.join(logDir, timestamp + ".csv")
+	compareLogPath	= os.path.join(BASE_REFS_DIR, + ".csv")
+	port			= getUnusedPort()
+	if not os.path.exists(logDir):
+		os.makedirs(logDir)
+	if os.path.exists(testLogPath) or os.path.exists(infoLogPath):
+		raise Exception("Result '%s' already exists", timestamp)
+	# Paths, etc.
+	binaryName		= config.generator.getBinaryPath(config.buildConfig.getBuildType(), os.path.basename(config.binaryName))
+	workingDir		= os.path.join(config.buildConfig.getBuildDir(), os.path.dirname(config.binaryName))
+	execArgs = [
+		config.getBinaryPath(EXECUTOR_PATH),
+		'--start-server=%s' % config.getBinaryPath(EXECSERVER_PATH),
+		'--port=%d' % port,
+		'--binaryname=%s' % binaryName,
+		'--cmdline=%s' % string.join([shellquote(arg) for arg in config.args], " "),
+		'--workdir=%s' % workingDir,
+		'--caselistdir=%s' % CASELIST_PATH,
+		'--testset=%s' % string.join(config.testset, ","),
+		'--out=%s' % testLogPath,
+		'--info=%s' % infoLogPath,
+		'--summary=no'
+	]
+	if len(config.exclude) > 0:
+		execArgs += ['--exclude=%s' % string.join(config.exclude, ",")]
+	execute(execArgs)
+	# Translate to CSV for comparison purposes
+	lastResultCsv		= parseAsCSV(testLogPath, config)
+	writeFile(csvLogPath, lastResultCsv)
+	if os.path.exists(compareLogPath):
+		refBatchResult = readBatchResultFromCSV(compareLogPath, "reference")
+	else:
+		refBatchResult = None
+	# Generate comparison report
+	compareFilenames	= getCompareFilenames(logDir)
+	batchResults		= [readBatchResultFromCSV(filename) for filename in compareFilenames]
+	if refBatchResult != None:
+		batchResults = [refBatchResult] + batchResults
+	writeFile(COMPARE_REPORT_NAME, genCompareReport(batchResults,, config.ignore))
+	print "Comparison report written to %s" % COMPARE_REPORT_NAME
+	# Compare to reference
+	if refBatchResult != None:
+		curBatchResult		= BatchResult("current")
+		curBatchResult.results = parseResultCsv(lastResultCsv)
+		failedCases			= compareBatchResults(refBatchResult, curBatchResult, config.ignore)
+		print ""
+		for result in failedCases:
+			print "MISMATCH: %s: expected %s, got %s" % (, result.statusCodes[0], result.statusCodes[1])
+		print ""
+		print "%d / %d cases passed, run %s" % (len(curBatchResult.results)-len(failedCases), len(curBatchResult.results), "FAILED" if len(failedCases) > 0 else "passed")
+		if len(failedCases) > 0:
+			return False
+	return True
+# Configurations
+WGL_X64_RELEASE_BUILD_CFG			= NightlyBuildConfig("wgl_x64_release", "Release", ['-DDEQP_TARGET=win32_wgl'])
+ARM_GLES3_EMU_X32_RELEASE_BUILD_CFG	= NightlyBuildConfig("arm_gles3_emu_release", "Release", ['-DDEQP_TARGET=arm_gles3_emu'])
+BASE_ARGS							= ['--deqp-visibility=hidden', '--deqp-watchdog=enable', '--deqp-crashhandler=enable']
+	NightlyRunConfig(
+		name			= "wgl_x64_release_gles2",
+		buildConfig		= WGL_X64_RELEASE_BUILD_CFG,
+		generator		= DEFAULT_WIN64_GENERATOR,
+		binaryName		= "modules/gles2/deqp-gles2",
+		args			= ['--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8ms0'] + BASE_ARGS,
+		testset			= ["*", "dEQP-GLES2.functional.*", "dEQP-GLES2.usecases.*"],
+		exclude			= [
+				"dEQP-GLES2.functional.shaders.loops.*while*unconditional_continue*",
+				"dEQP-GLES2.functional.shaders.loops.*while*only_continue*",
+				"dEQP-GLES2.functional.shaders.loops.*while*double_continue*",
+			],
+		ignore			= []
+		),
+	NightlyRunConfig(
+		name			= "wgl_x64_release_gles3",
+		buildConfig		= WGL_X64_RELEASE_BUILD_CFG,
+		generator		= DEFAULT_WIN64_GENERATOR,
+		binaryName		= "modules/gles3/deqp-gles3",
+		args			= ['--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8ms0'] + BASE_ARGS,
+		testset			= ["*", "dEQP-GLES3.functional.*", "dEQP-GLES3.usecases.*"],
+		exclude			= [
+				"dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.loops.*while*unconditional_continue*",
+				"dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.loops.*while*only_continue*",
+				"dEQP-GLES3.functional.shaders.loops.*while*double_continue*",
+			],
+		ignore			= [
+				"dEQP-GLES3.functional.transform_feedback.*",
+				"dEQP-GLES3.functional.occlusion_query.*",
+				"dEQP-GLES3.functional.lifetime.*",
+				"dEQP-GLES3.functional.fragment_ops.depth_stencil.stencil_ops",
+			]
+		),
+	NightlyRunConfig(
+		name			= "wgl_x64_release_gles31",
+		buildConfig		= WGL_X64_RELEASE_BUILD_CFG,
+		generator		= DEFAULT_WIN64_GENERATOR,
+		binaryName		= "modules/gles31/deqp-gles31",
+		args			= ['--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8ms0'] + BASE_ARGS,
+		testset			= ["dEQP-GLES31.*"],
+		exclude			= [],
+		ignore			= [
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.draw_indirect.negative.command_bad_alignment_3",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.draw_indirect.negative.command_offset_not_in_buffer",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.vertex_attribute_binding.negative.bind_vertex_buffer_negative_offset",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.ssbo.layout.single_basic_type.packed.mediump_uint",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.blend_equation_advanced.basic.*",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.blend_equation_advanced.srgb.*",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.blend_equation_advanced.barrier.*",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.uniform_location.*",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.debug.negative_coverage.log.state.get_framebuffer_attachment_parameteriv",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.debug.negative_coverage.log.state.get_renderbuffer_parameteriv",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.debug.error_filters.case_0",
+				"dEQP-GLES31.functional.debug.error_filters.case_2",
+			]
+		),
+	NightlyRunConfig(
+		name			= "wgl_x64_release_gl3",
+		buildConfig		= WGL_X64_RELEASE_BUILD_CFG,
+		generator		= DEFAULT_WIN64_GENERATOR,
+		binaryName		= "modules/gl3/deqp-gl3",
+		args			= ['--deqp-gl-config-name=rgba8888d24s8ms0'] + BASE_ARGS,
+		testset			= ["*", "dEQP-GL3.functional.*"],
+		exclude			= [
+				"dEQP-GL3.functional.shaders.loops.*while*unconditional_continue*",
+				"dEQP-GL3.functional.shaders.loops.*while*only_continue*",
+				"dEQP-GL3.functional.shaders.loops.*while*double_continue*",
+			],
+		ignore			= [
+				"dEQP-GL3.functional.transform_feedback.*"
+			]
+		),
+	NightlyRunConfig(
+		name			= "arm_gles3_emu_x32_egl",
+		buildConfig		= ARM_GLES3_EMU_X32_RELEASE_BUILD_CFG,
+		generator		= DEFAULT_WIN32_GENERATOR,
+		binaryName		= "modules/egl/deqp-egl",
+		args			= BASE_ARGS,
+		testset			= ["*", "dEQP-EGL.functional.*"],
+		exclude			= [
+				"dEQP-EGL.functional.sharing.gles2.multithread.*",
+				"dEQP-EGL.functional.multithread.*",
+			],
+		ignore			= []
+		),
+	NightlyRunConfig(
+		name			= "opencl_x64_release",
+		buildConfig		= NightlyBuildConfig("opencl_x64_release", "Release", ['-DDEQP_TARGET=opencl_icd']),
+		generator		= DEFAULT_WIN64_GENERATOR,
+		binaryName		= "modules/opencl/deqp-opencl",
+		args			= ['--deqp-cl-platform-id=2 --deqp-cl-device-ids=1'] + BASE_ARGS,
+		testset			= ["dEQP-CL.*"],
+		exclude			= ["dEQP-CL.performance.*", "dEQP-CL.robustness.*", "dEQP-CL.stress.memory.*"],
+		ignore			= [
+				"dEQP-CL.scheduler.random.*",
+				"dEQP-CL.language.set_kernel_arg.random_structs.*",
+				"dEQP-CL.language.builtin_function.work_item.invalid_get_global_offset",
+				"dEQP-CL.language.call_function.arguments.random_structs.*",
+				"dEQP-CL.language.call_kernel.random_structs.*",
+				"dEQP-CL.language.inf_nan.nan.frexp.float",
+				"dEQP-CL.language.inf_nan.nan.lgamma_r.float",
+				"dEQP-CL.language.inf_nan.nan.modf.float",
+				"dEQP-CL.language.inf_nan.nan.sqrt.float",
+				"dEQP-CL.api.multithread.*",
+				"dEQP-CL.api.callback.random.nested.*",
+				"dEQP-CL.api.memory_migration.out_of_order_host.image2d.single_device_kernel_migrate_validate_abb",
+				"dEQP-CL.api.memory_migration.out_of_order.image2d.single_device_kernel_migrate_kernel_validate_abbb",
+				"dEQP-CL.image.addressing_filtering12.1d_array.*",
+				"dEQP-CL.image.addressing_filtering12.2d_array.*"
+			]
+		)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	config = None
+	if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+		cfgName = sys.argv[1]
+		for curCfg in CONFIGS:
+			if == cfgName:
+				config = curCfg
+				break
+	if config != None:
+		isOk = runNightly(config)
+		if not isOk:
+			sys.exit(-1)
+	else:
+		print "%s: [config]" % sys.argv[0]
+		print ""
+		print "  Available configs:"
+		for config in CONFIGS:
+			print "    %s" %
+		sys.exit(-1)