Fix device_memory_report test

allocation_failed test for VK_EXT_device_memory_report attempts to
allocate UINT64_MAX bytes of memory in order to deliberately trigger
an allocation failure. However, vkAllocateMemory also has VU in which
allocationSize must be less than or equal to
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties::memoryHeaps[memindex].size .

VK-GL-CTS issue: 3775

Components: Vulkan


Change-Id: I0b9db1beb1e7b01d369d5ee6bbfb93c2eb3e1c97
diff --git a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/memory/vktMemoryDeviceMemoryReportTests.cpp b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/memory/vktMemoryDeviceMemoryReportTests.cpp
index 05ffbc1..f22c098 100644
--- a/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/memory/vktMemoryDeviceMemoryReportTests.cpp
+++ b/external/vulkancts/modules/vulkan/memory/vktMemoryDeviceMemoryReportTests.cpp
@@ -1832,30 +1832,44 @@
 	const Unique<VkDevice>					device				(createDeviceWithMemoryReport(isValidationEnabled, vkp, instance, vki, physicalDevice, queueFamilyIndex, &recorder));
 	const DeviceDriver						vkd					(vkp, instance, *device);
 	const VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties	memoryProperties	= getPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties(vki, physicalDevice);
-	const VkDeviceSize						testSize			= std::numeric_limits<deUint64>::max();
 	const deUint32							testTypeIndex		= 0;
 	const deUint32							testHeapIndex		= memoryProperties.memoryTypes[testTypeIndex].heapIndex;
+	const VkDeviceSize						testSize			= memoryProperties.memoryHeaps[testHeapIndex].size;
-		VkResult					result				= VK_SUCCESS;
-		VkDeviceMemory				memory				= DE_NULL;
-		const VkMemoryAllocateInfo	memoryAllocateInfo	=
+		VkDeviceMemory			memory1 = DE_NULL;
+		VkDeviceMemory			memory2 = DE_NULL;
+		VkMemoryAllocateInfo	memoryAllocateInfo
 			DE_NULL,								// const void*		pNext;
-			testSize,								// VkDeviceSize		allocationSize;
+			128,									// VkDeviceSize		allocationSize;
 			testHeapIndex,							// uint32_t			memoryTypeIndex;
-		result = vkd.allocateMemory(*device, &memoryAllocateInfo, (const VkAllocationCallbacks*)DE_NULL, &memory);
+		// first do a small allocation to prevent LowMemoryKiller on android from culling this app
+		VkResult result = vkd.allocateMemory(*device, &memoryAllocateInfo, (const VkAllocationCallbacks*)DE_NULL, &memory1);
+		if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
+			TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "Unable to do a small allocation");
+		// if small allocation succeeded then we can try to trigger an allocation failure by allocating as much memory as there is on the heap
+		memoryAllocateInfo.allocationSize = testSize;
+		result = vkd.allocateMemory(*device, &memoryAllocateInfo, (const VkAllocationCallbacks*)DE_NULL, &memory2);
 		if (result == VK_SUCCESS)
-			return tcu::TestStatus::fail("Should not be able to allocate UINT64_MAX bytes of memory");
+			vkd.freeMemory(*device, memory1, DE_NULL);
+			vkd.freeMemory(*device, memory2, DE_NULL);
+			return tcu::TestStatus::fail(std::string("Should not be able to allocate ") + std::to_string(testSize) + " bytes of memory");
+		if (!!memory1)
+			vkd.freeMemory(*device, memory1, DE_NULL);
+		if (!!memory2)
+			vkd.freeMemory(*device, memory2, DE_NULL);
 	deBool	allocationFailedEvent	= false;