Improve texture format pretty-printing.

- Rename PixelFormat to TextureFormat and include compressed formats.
- Add compressed3D pretty printing.
- Add compressed formats to texStorageXD.

Change-Id: Ifb24338119dae0e97e166d39c0edbc03d49e7150
diff --git a/framework/opengl/gluCallLogWrapper.inl b/framework/opengl/gluCallLogWrapper.inl
index d5829e4..eb8c98c 100644
--- a/framework/opengl/gluCallLogWrapper.inl
+++ b/framework/opengl/gluCallLogWrapper.inl
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glBindImageTexture (glw::GLuint unit, glw::GLuint texture, glw::GLint level, glw::GLboolean layered, glw::GLint layer, glw::GLenum access, glw::GLenum format)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindImageTexture(" << unit << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << getBooleanStr(layered) << ", " << layer << ", " << getImageAccessStr(access) << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(format) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glBindImageTexture(" << unit << ", " << texture << ", " << level << ", " << getBooleanStr(layered) << ", " << layer << ", " << getImageAccessStr(access) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.bindImageTexture(unit, texture, level, layered, layer, access, format);
@@ -520,14 +520,14 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getCompressedTexFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getCompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.compressedTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data);
 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexImage3D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << toHex(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getCompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.compressedTexImage3D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, imageSize, data);
@@ -541,14 +541,14 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexSubImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexSubImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getCompressedTexFormatStr(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexSubImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getCompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.compressedTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data);
 void CallLogWrapper::glCompressedTexSubImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLsizei imageSize, const void *data)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexSubImage3D(" << toHex(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << toHex(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCompressedTexSubImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getCompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << imageSize << ", " << data << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.compressedTexSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, imageSize, data);
@@ -597,14 +597,14 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTexImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.copyTexImage1D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, border);
 void CallLogWrapper::glCopyTexImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.copyTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border);
@@ -1643,7 +1643,7 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glGetInternalformativ (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLenum pname, glw::GLsizei bufSize, glw::GLint *params)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetInternalformativ(" << getInternalFormatTargetStr(target) << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << getInternalFormatParameterStr(pname) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glGetInternalformativ(" << getInternalFormatTargetStr(target) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << getInternalFormatParameterStr(pname) << ", " << bufSize << ", " << toHex(reinterpret_cast<deUintptr>(static_cast<const void*>(params))) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.getInternalformativ(target, internalformat, pname, bufSize, params);
 	if (m_enableLog)
 		m_log << TestLog::Message << "// params = " << getPointerStr(params, bufSize) << TestLog::EndMessage;
@@ -3306,7 +3306,7 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glReadPixels (glw::GLint x, glw::GLint y, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, void *pixels)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glReadPixels(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glReadPixels(" << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);
@@ -3327,14 +3327,14 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glRenderbufferStorage (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glRenderbufferStorage(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glRenderbufferStorage(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.renderbufferStorage(target, internalformat, width, height);
 void CallLogWrapper::glRenderbufferStorageMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(" << getFramebufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height);
@@ -3495,42 +3495,42 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexBuffer (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexBuffer(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexBuffer(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texBuffer(target, internalformat, buffer);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexBufferRange (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLuint buffer, glw::GLintptr offset, glw::GLsizeiptr size)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexBufferRange(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexBufferRange(" << getBufferTargetStr(target) << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << buffer << ", " << offset << ", " << size << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texBufferRange(target, internalformat, buffer, offset, size);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << border << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << border << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texImage1D(target, level, internalformat, width, border, format, type, pixels);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << border << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage2DMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage2DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage2DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texImage2DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLint border, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << border << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texImage3D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels);
@@ -3593,49 +3593,49 @@
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << getTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texStorage2D(target, levels, internalformat, width, height);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage2DMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage2DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage2DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texStorage2DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei levels, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << levels << ", " << getTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texStorage3D(target, levels, internalformat, width, height, depth);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexStorage3DMultisample (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLsizei samples, glw::GLenum internalformat, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage3DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexStorage3DMultisample(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << samples << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(internalformat) << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getBooleanStr(fixedsamplelocations) << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texStorage3DMultisample(target, samples, internalformat, width, height, depth, fixedsamplelocations);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexSubImage1D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage1D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << width << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texSubImage1D(target, level, xoffset, width, format, type, pixels);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexSubImage2D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage2D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels);
 void CallLogWrapper::glTexSubImage3D (glw::GLenum target, glw::GLint level, glw::GLint xoffset, glw::GLint yoffset, glw::GLint zoffset, glw::GLsizei width, glw::GLsizei height, glw::GLsizei depth, glw::GLenum format, glw::GLenum type, const void *pixels)
 	if (m_enableLog)
-		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getPixelFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glTexSubImage3D(" << getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", " << level << ", " << xoffset << ", " << yoffset << ", " << zoffset << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", " << depth << ", " << getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format) << ", " << getTypeStr(type) << ", " << pixels << ");" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	m_gl.texSubImage3D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, width, height, depth, format, type, pixels);
diff --git a/framework/opengl/gluStrUtil.inl b/framework/opengl/gluStrUtil.inl
index df02349..d43046f 100644
--- a/framework/opengl/gluStrUtil.inl
+++ b/framework/opengl/gluStrUtil.inl
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@
-const char* getPixelFormatName (int value)
+const char* getUncompressedTextureFormatName (int value)
 	switch (value)
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@
-const char* getCompressedTexFormatName (int value)
+const char* getCompressedTextureFormatName (int value)
 	switch (value)
@@ -1650,6 +1650,143 @@
+const char* getTextureFormatName (int value)
+	switch (value)
+	{
+		case GL_LUMINANCE:									return "GL_LUMINANCE";
+		case GL_ALPHA:										return "GL_ALPHA";
+		case GL_RGB:										return "GL_RGB";
+		case GL_RGBA:										return "GL_RGBA";
+		case GL_RGBA4:										return "GL_RGBA4";
+		case GL_RGB5_A1:									return "GL_RGB5_A1";
+		case GL_RGB565:										return "GL_RGB565";
+		case GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16:							return "GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16";
+		case GL_STENCIL_INDEX8:								return "GL_STENCIL_INDEX8";
+		case GL_RG:											return "GL_RG";
+		case GL_RED:										return "GL_RED";
+		case GL_RGBA_INTEGER:								return "GL_RGBA_INTEGER";
+		case GL_RGB_INTEGER:								return "GL_RGB_INTEGER";
+		case GL_RG_INTEGER:									return "GL_RG_INTEGER";
+		case GL_RED_INTEGER:								return "GL_RED_INTEGER";
+		case GL_DEPTH_STENCIL:								return "GL_DEPTH_STENCIL";
+		case GL_RGBA32F:									return "GL_RGBA32F";
+		case GL_RGBA32I:									return "GL_RGBA32I";
+		case GL_RGBA32UI:									return "GL_RGBA32UI";
+		case GL_RGBA16:										return "GL_RGBA16";
+		case GL_RGBA16_SNORM:								return "GL_RGBA16_SNORM";
+		case GL_RGBA16F:									return "GL_RGBA16F";
+		case GL_RGBA16I:									return "GL_RGBA16I";
+		case GL_RGBA16UI:									return "GL_RGBA16UI";
+		case GL_RGBA8:										return "GL_RGBA8";
+		case GL_RGBA8I:										return "GL_RGBA8I";
+		case GL_RGBA8UI:									return "GL_RGBA8UI";
+		case GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8:								return "GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8";
+		case GL_RGB10_A2:									return "GL_RGB10_A2";
+		case GL_RGB10_A2UI:									return "GL_RGB10_A2UI";
+		case GL_RGBA8_SNORM:								return "GL_RGBA8_SNORM";
+		case GL_RGB8:										return "GL_RGB8";
+		case GL_R11F_G11F_B10F:								return "GL_R11F_G11F_B10F";
+		case GL_RGB32F:										return "GL_RGB32F";
+		case GL_RGB32I:										return "GL_RGB32I";
+		case GL_RGB32UI:									return "GL_RGB32UI";
+		case GL_RGB16:										return "GL_RGB16";
+		case GL_RGB16_SNORM:								return "GL_RGB16_SNORM";
+		case GL_RGB16F:										return "GL_RGB16F";
+		case GL_RGB16I:										return "GL_RGB16I";
+		case GL_RGB16UI:									return "GL_RGB16UI";
+		case GL_RGB8_SNORM:									return "GL_RGB8_SNORM";
+		case GL_RGB8I:										return "GL_RGB8I";
+		case GL_RGB8UI:										return "GL_RGB8UI";
+		case GL_SRGB8:										return "GL_SRGB8";
+		case GL_RGB9_E5:									return "GL_RGB9_E5";
+		case GL_RG32F:										return "GL_RG32F";
+		case GL_RG32I:										return "GL_RG32I";
+		case GL_RG32UI:										return "GL_RG32UI";
+		case GL_RG16:										return "GL_RG16";
+		case GL_RG16_SNORM:									return "GL_RG16_SNORM";
+		case GL_RG16F:										return "GL_RG16F";
+		case GL_RG16I:										return "GL_RG16I";
+		case GL_RG16UI:										return "GL_RG16UI";
+		case GL_RG8:										return "GL_RG8";
+		case GL_RG8I:										return "GL_RG8I";
+		case GL_RG8UI:										return "GL_RG8UI";
+		case GL_RG8_SNORM:									return "GL_RG8_SNORM";
+		case GL_R32F:										return "GL_R32F";
+		case GL_R32I:										return "GL_R32I";
+		case GL_R32UI:										return "GL_R32UI";
+		case GL_R16:										return "GL_R16";
+		case GL_R16_SNORM:									return "GL_R16_SNORM";
+		case GL_R16F:										return "GL_R16F";
+		case GL_R16I:										return "GL_R16I";
+		case GL_R16UI:										return "GL_R16UI";
+		case GL_R8:											return "GL_R8";
+		case GL_R8I:										return "GL_R8I";
+		case GL_R8UI:										return "GL_R8UI";
+		case GL_R8_SNORM:									return "GL_R8_SNORM";
+		case GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F:							return "GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F";
+		case GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24:							return "GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24";
+		case GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8:							return "GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8";
+		case GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8:							return "GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8";
+		case GL_RGB10:										return "GL_RGB10";
+		case GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32:							return "GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32";
+		case GL_SRGB:										return "GL_SRGB";
+		case GL_SRGB_ALPHA:									return "GL_SRGB_ALPHA";
+		case GL_SR8_EXT:									return "GL_SR8_EXT";
+		case GL_SRG8_EXT:									return "GL_SRG8_EXT";
+		case GL_BGRA:										return "GL_BGRA";
+		case GL_COMPRESSED_R11_EAC:							return "GL_COMPRESSED_R11_EAC";
+		case GL_COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC:						return "GL_COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC";
+		default:											return DE_NULL;
+	}
 tcu::Format::Bitfield<16> getBufferMaskStr (int value)
 	static const tcu::Format::BitDesc s_desc[] =
diff --git a/framework/opengl/gluStrUtilPrototypes.inl b/framework/opengl/gluStrUtilPrototypes.inl
index 8bab4ca..d6ca550 100644
--- a/framework/opengl/gluStrUtilPrototypes.inl
+++ b/framework/opengl/gluStrUtilPrototypes.inl
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
 const char*							getCubeMapFaceName						(int value);
 const char*							getTextureDepthStencilModeName			(int value);
 const char*							getPixelStoreParameterName				(int value);
-const char*							getPixelFormatName						(int value);
-const char*							getCompressedTexFormatName				(int value);
+const char*							getUncompressedTextureFormatName		(int value);
+const char*							getCompressedTextureFormatName			(int value);
 const char*							getShaderVarTypeName					(int value);
 const char*							getShaderParamName						(int value);
 const char*							getVertexAttribParameterNameName		(int value);
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
 const char*							getDebugMessageSeverityName				(int value);
 const char*							getPipelineParamName					(int value);
 const char*							getPatchParamName						(int value);
+const char*							getTextureFormatName					(int value);
 tcu::Format::Bitfield<16>			getBufferMaskStr						(int value);
 tcu::Format::Bitfield<16>			getBufferMapFlagsStr					(int value);
 tcu::Format::Bitfield<16>			getMemoryBarrierFlagsStr				(int value);
@@ -120,8 +121,8 @@
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getCubeMapFaceStr						(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getCubeMapFaceName, value); }
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getTextureDepthStencilModeStr			(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureDepthStencilModeName, value); }
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getPixelStoreParameterStr				(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPixelStoreParameterName, value); }
-inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getPixelFormatStr						(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPixelFormatName, value); }
-inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getCompressedTexFormatStr				(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getCompressedTexFormatName, value); }
+inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getUncompressedTextureFormatStr			(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getUncompressedTextureFormatName, value); }
+inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getCompressedTextureFormatStr			(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getCompressedTextureFormatName, value); }
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getShaderVarTypeStr						(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getShaderVarTypeName, value); }
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getShaderParamStr						(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getShaderParamName, value); }
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getVertexAttribParameterNameStr			(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getVertexAttribParameterNameName, value); }
@@ -147,4 +148,5 @@
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getDebugMessageSeverityStr				(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getDebugMessageSeverityName, value); }
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getPipelineParamStr						(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPipelineParamName, value); }
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getPatchParamStr						(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getPatchParamName, value); }
+inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>	getTextureFormatStr						(int value)		{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 2>(getTextureFormatName, value); }
 inline tcu::Format::Enum<int, 1>	getBooleanStr							(deUint8 value)	{ return tcu::Format::Enum<int, 1>(getBooleanName, (int)value); }
diff --git a/framework/opengl/simplereference/sglrGLContext.cpp b/framework/opengl/simplereference/sglrGLContext.cpp
index 304c598..ed915d6 100644
--- a/framework/opengl/simplereference/sglrGLContext.cpp
+++ b/framework/opengl/simplereference/sglrGLContext.cpp
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexImage1D("
 								  << glu::getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", "
 								  << level << ", "
-								  << glu::getPixelFormatStr(internalFormat) << ", "
+								  << glu::getTextureFormatStr(internalFormat) << ", "
 								  << x << ", " << y << ", "
 								  << width << ", " << border << ")"
 			  << TestLog::EndMessage;
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
 		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glCopyTexImage2D("
 								  << glu::getTextureTargetStr(target) << ", "
 								  << level << ", "
-								  << glu::getPixelFormatStr(internalFormat) << ", "
+								  << glu::getTextureFormatStr(internalFormat) << ", "
 								  << x << ", " << y << ", "
 								  << width << ", " << height
 								  << ", " << border << ")"
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@
 	if ((m_logFlags & GLCONTEXT_LOG_CALLS) != 0)
 		m_log << TestLog::Message << "glReadPixels("
 								  << x << ", " << y << ", " << width << ", " << height << ", "
-								  << glu::getPixelFormatStr(format) << ", "
+								  << glu::getTextureFormatStr(format) << ", "
 								  << glu::getTypeStr(type) << ", " << data << ")"
 			  << TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/gles2/functional/es2fReadPixelsTests.cpp b/modules/gles2/functional/es2fReadPixelsTests.cpp
index d8c0732..b71274b 100644
--- a/modules/gles2/functional/es2fReadPixelsTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles2/functional/es2fReadPixelsTests.cpp
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 		if (glFormat != GL_RGBA && glFormat != GL_BGRA && glFormat != GL_RGB)
-			TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, ("Unsupported IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: " + de::toString(glu::getPixelFormatStr(glFormat))).c_str());
+			TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, ("Unsupported IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: " + de::toString(glu::getTextureFormatStr(glFormat))).c_str());
 		if (glu::getTypeName(glType) == DE_NULL)
 			TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, ("Unsupported GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE: " + de::toString(tcu::Format::Hex<4>(glType))).c_str());
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 	GLint						glType;
 	getFormatInfo(format, glFormat, glType, pixelSize);
-	m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Format: " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(glFormat) << ", Type: " << glu::getTypeStr(glType) << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+	m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Format: " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(glFormat) << ", Type: " << glu::getTypeStr(glType) << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
 	tcu::Texture2D reference(format, width, height);
diff --git a/modules/gles2/functional/es2fTextureFormatTests.cpp b/modules/gles2/functional/es2fTextureFormatTests.cpp
index 9b8f4b2..918e888 100644
--- a/modules/gles2/functional/es2fTextureFormatTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles2/functional/es2fTextureFormatTests.cpp
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 	tcu::TextureFormatInfo	spec	= tcu::getTextureFormatInfo(fmt);
 	std::ostringstream		fmtName;
-	fmtName << getPixelFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << getTypeStr(m_dataType);
+	fmtName << getTextureFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << getTypeStr(m_dataType);
 	log << TestLog::Message << "2D texture, " << fmtName.str() << ", " << m_width << "x" << m_height
 							<< ",\n  fill with " << formatGradient(&spec.valueMin, &spec.valueMax) << " gradient"
@@ -259,9 +259,9 @@
 	std::ostringstream		fmtName;
 	if (m_dataType)
-		fmtName << getPixelFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << getTypeStr(m_dataType);
+		fmtName << getTextureFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << getTypeStr(m_dataType);
-		fmtName << getPixelFormatStr(m_format);
+		fmtName << getTextureFormatStr(m_format);
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Cube map texture, " << fmtName.str() << ", " << m_width << "x" << m_height
 							<< ",\n  fill with " << formatGradient(&spec.valueMin, &spec.valueMax) << " gradient"
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
 		deUint32	format			= texFormats[formatNdx].format;
 		deUint32	dataType		= texFormats[formatNdx].dataType;
 		string	nameBase		= texFormats[formatNdx].name;
-		string	descriptionBase	= string(glu::getPixelFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
+		string	descriptionBase	= string(glu::getTextureFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
 		addChild(new Texture2DFormatCase	(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_2d_pot").c_str(),		(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_2D").c_str(),			format, dataType, 128, 128));
 		addChild(new Texture2DFormatCase	(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_2d_npot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_2D").c_str(),			format, dataType,  63, 112));
diff --git a/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureCases.cpp b/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureCases.cpp
index 8a79ecc..1f4502e 100644
--- a/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureCases.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureCases.cpp
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 												  Vec4(p11.x(), p11.y(), 0.0f, 0.0f)));
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Size: " << width << "x" << height << TestLog::EndMessage;
-	log << TestLog::Message << "Format: " <<glu::getPixelFormatName(m_format) << " " << glu::getTypeName(m_dataType) << TestLog::EndMessage;
+	log << TestLog::Message << "Format: " <<glu::getTextureFormatName(m_format) << " " << glu::getTypeName(m_dataType) << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Coords: " << p00 << ", " << p10 << ", " << p01 << ", " << p11 << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Wrap: " << glu::getTextureWrapModeStr(m_wrapS) << " / " << glu::getTextureWrapModeStr(m_wrapT) << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Filter: " << glu::getTextureFilterStr(m_minFilter) << " / " << glu::getTextureFilterStr(m_magFilter) << TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureCountTests.cpp b/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureCountTests.cpp
index 65584e9..fdc0cbb 100644
--- a/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureCountTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureCountTests.cpp
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 			deUint32	magFilter		= GL_NEAREST;
 			int			numTextures		= texCounts[cntNdx];
 			string		name			= string(texFormats[formatNdx].name) + "_" + de::toString(numTextures);
-			string		description 	= string(glu::getPixelFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
+			string		description 	= string(glu::getTextureFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
 			addChild(new Texture2DRenderCase(m_context, name.c_str(), description.c_str(), format, dataType, wrapS, wrapT, minFilter, magFilter, tcu::Mat3(), numTextures, false /* npot */));
diff --git a/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureFormatTests.cpp b/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureFormatTests.cpp
index 0bd3dfe..8ef14fb 100644
--- a/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureFormatTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles2/performance/es2pTextureFormatTests.cpp
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 		deUint32	minFilter		= GL_NEAREST;
 		deUint32	magFilter		= GL_NEAREST;
 		int			numTextures		= 1;
-		string		descriptionBase	= string(glu::getPixelFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
+		string		descriptionBase	= string(glu::getTextureFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
 		addChild(new Texture2DRenderCase(m_context, nameBase.c_str(), descriptionBase.c_str(), format, dataType, wrapS, wrapT, minFilter, magFilter, tcu::Mat3(), numTextures, false /* npot */));
diff --git a/modules/gles2/stress/es2sSpecialFloatTests.cpp b/modules/gles2/stress/es2sSpecialFloatTests.cpp
index 5730abb..3602575 100644
--- a/modules/gles2/stress/es2sSpecialFloatTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles2/stress/es2sSpecialFloatTests.cpp
@@ -438,8 +438,8 @@
 		m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message
-			<< "Creating fbo. Texture internalFormat = " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(internalFormat)
-			<< ", format = " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(format)
+			<< "Creating fbo. Texture internalFormat = " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(internalFormat)
+			<< ", format = " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(format)
 			<< ", type = " << glu::getTypeStr(type)
 			<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fCompressedTextureTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fCompressedTextureTests.cpp
index 648d8f4..f8e6297 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fCompressedTextureTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fCompressedTextureTests.cpp
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 				if (tcu::isAstcSRGBFormat(format) && isBlockTestTypeHDROnly(astcTestType))
-				testTypeGroup->addChild(new ASTCBlockCase2D(m_context, getASTCFormatShortName(format).c_str(), glu::getCompressedTexFormatName(glu::getGLFormat(format)), astcTestType, format));
+				testTypeGroup->addChild(new ASTCBlockCase2D(m_context, getASTCFormatShortName(format).c_str(), glu::getCompressedTextureFormatName(glu::getGLFormat(format)), astcTestType, format));
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 				if (!tcu::isAstcFormat(format))
-				blockSizeRemainderGroup->addChild(new ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D(m_context, getASTCFormatShortName(format).c_str(), glu::getCompressedTexFormatName(glu::getGLFormat(format)), format));
+				blockSizeRemainderGroup->addChild(new ASTCBlockSizeRemainderCase2D(m_context, getASTCFormatShortName(format).c_str(), glu::getCompressedTextureFormatName(glu::getGLFormat(format)), format));
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fFragmentOutputTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fFragmentOutputTests.cpp
index 53963cd..45fca33 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fFragmentOutputTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fFragmentOutputTests.cpp
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
 	for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)m_fboSpec.size(); ndx++)
 		log << TestLog::Message << "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" << ndx << ": "
-								<< glu::getPixelFormatStr(m_fboSpec[ndx].format) << ", "
+								<< glu::getTextureFormatStr(m_fboSpec[ndx].format) << ", "
 								<< m_fboSpec[ndx].width << "x" << m_fboSpec[ndx].height << ", "
 								<< m_fboSpec[ndx].samples << " samples"
 			<< TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fImplementationLimitTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fImplementationLimitTests.cpp
index 1e1e3d3..7b8fbea 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fImplementationLimitTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fImplementationLimitTests.cpp
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
 		// Log formats.
 		m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "Reported:" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 		for (vector<GLint>::const_iterator fmt = formats.begin(); fmt != formats.end(); fmt++)
-			m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << glu::getCompressedTexFormatStr(*fmt) << TestLog::EndMessage;
+			m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << glu::getCompressedTextureFormatStr(*fmt) << TestLog::EndMessage;
 		// Check that all required formats are in list.
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
 				if (!found)
-					m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "ERROR: " << glu::getCompressedTexFormatStr(fmt) << " is missing!" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+					m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "ERROR: " << glu::getCompressedTextureFormatStr(fmt) << " is missing!" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 					allFormatsOk = false;
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fMultisampleTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fMultisampleTests.cpp
index 5d9edf7..19ac82d 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fMultisampleTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fMultisampleTests.cpp
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
 			m_numSamples = m_fboParams.numSamples;
-			log << TestLog::Message << "Querying maximum number of samples for " << glu::getPixelFormatName(FBO_COLOR_FORMAT) << " with glGetInternalformativ()" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+			log << TestLog::Message << "Querying maximum number of samples for " << glu::getTextureFormatName(FBO_COLOR_FORMAT) << " with glGetInternalformativ()" << TestLog::EndMessage;
 			GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetInternalformativ(GL_RENDERBUFFER, FBO_COLOR_FORMAT, GL_SAMPLES, 1, &m_numSamples));
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
 			GLint maxSampleCount = -1;
 			GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetInternalformativ(GL_RENDERBUFFER, FBO_COLOR_FORMAT, GL_SAMPLES, 1, &maxSampleCount));
 			if (maxSampleCount < m_numSamples)
-				throw tcu::NotSupportedError(std::string("") + "Maximum sample count returned by glGetInternalformativ() for " + glu::getPixelFormatName(FBO_COLOR_FORMAT) + " is only " + de::toString(maxSampleCount));
+				throw tcu::NotSupportedError(std::string("") + "Maximum sample count returned by glGetInternalformativ() for " + glu::getTextureFormatName(FBO_COLOR_FORMAT) + " is only " + de::toString(maxSampleCount));
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fReadPixelsTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fReadPixelsTests.cpp
index 759ba5d..24b05ca 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fReadPixelsTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fReadPixelsTests.cpp
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 		if (m_format != GL_RGBA && m_format != GL_BGRA && m_format != GL_RGB)
-			TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, ("Unsupported IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: " + de::toString(glu::getPixelFormatStr(m_format))).c_str());
+			TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, ("Unsupported IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: " + de::toString(glu::getTextureFormatStr(m_format))).c_str());
 		if (glu::getTypeName(m_type) == DE_NULL)
 			TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, ("Unsupported GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE: " + de::toString(tcu::Format::Hex<4>(m_type))).c_str());
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
 	int							pixelSize;
 	getFormatInfo(format, pixelSize);
-	m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Format: " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(m_format) << ", Type: " << glu::getTypeStr(m_type) << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+	m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Format: " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(m_format) << ", Type: " << glu::getTypeStr(m_type) << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
 	tcu::Texture2D reference(format, m_width, m_height);
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fShaderDerivateTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fShaderDerivateTests.cpp
index ed49d28..70217b8 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fShaderDerivateTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fShaderDerivateTests.cpp
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
 	if (useFbo)
 		m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message
-						   << "Rendering to FBO, format = " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(fboFormat)
+						   << "Rendering to FBO, format = " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(fboFormat)
 						   << ", samples = " << m_numSamples
 						   << TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fTextureFormatTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fTextureFormatTests.cpp
index 629fe84..ce4f6b6 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fTextureFormatTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fTextureFormatTests.cpp
@@ -125,9 +125,9 @@
 	std::ostringstream		fmtName;
 	if (m_dataType)
-		fmtName << glu::getPixelFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << glu::getTypeStr(m_dataType);
+		fmtName << glu::getTextureFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << glu::getTypeStr(m_dataType);
-		fmtName << glu::getPixelFormatStr(m_format);
+		fmtName << glu::getTextureFormatStr(m_format);
 	log << TestLog::Message << "2D texture, " << fmtName.str() << ", " << m_width << "x" << m_height
 							<< ",\n  fill with " << formatGradient(&spec.valueMin, &spec.valueMax) << " gradient"
@@ -290,9 +290,9 @@
 	std::ostringstream		fmtName;
 	if (m_dataType)
-		fmtName << glu::getPixelFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << glu::getTypeStr(m_dataType);
+		fmtName << glu::getTextureFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << glu::getTypeStr(m_dataType);
-		fmtName << glu::getPixelFormatStr(m_format);
+		fmtName << glu::getTextureFormatStr(m_format);
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Cube map texture, " << fmtName.str() << ", " << m_width << "x" << m_height
 							<< ",\n  fill with " << formatGradient(&spec.valueMin, &spec.valueMax) << " gradient"
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@
 		deUint32	format			= texFormats[formatNdx].format;
 		deUint32	dataType		= texFormats[formatNdx].dataType;
 		string	nameBase		= texFormats[formatNdx].name;
-		string	descriptionBase	= string(glu::getPixelFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
+		string	descriptionBase	= string(glu::getTextureFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
 		unsizedGroup->addChild(new Texture2DFormatCase			(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_2d_pot").c_str(),			(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_2D").c_str(),			format, dataType, 128, 128));
 		unsizedGroup->addChild(new Texture2DFormatCase			(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_2d_npot").c_str(),		(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_2D").c_str(),			format, dataType,  63, 112));
@@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@
 		deUint32	internalFormat	= sizedColorFormats[formatNdx].internalFormat;
 		string	nameBase		= sizedColorFormats[formatNdx].name;
-		string	descriptionBase	= glu::getPixelFormatName(internalFormat);
+		string	descriptionBase	= glu::getTextureFormatName(internalFormat);
 		sized2DGroup->addChild		(new Texture2DFormatCase		(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_pot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_2D").c_str(),			internalFormat, 128, 128));
 		sized2DGroup->addChild		(new Texture2DFormatCase		(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_npot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_2D").c_str(),			internalFormat,  63, 112));
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@
 		deUint32	internalFormat	= sizedDepthStencilFormats[formatNdx].internalFormat;
 		string	nameBase		= sizedDepthStencilFormats[formatNdx].name;
-		string	descriptionBase	= glu::getPixelFormatName(internalFormat);
+		string	descriptionBase	= glu::getTextureFormatName(internalFormat);
 		sized2DGroup->addChild		(new Texture2DFormatCase		(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_pot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_2D").c_str(),			internalFormat, 128, 128));
 		sized2DGroup->addChild		(new Texture2DFormatCase		(m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_npot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_2D").c_str(),			internalFormat,  63, 112));
diff --git a/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureCases.cpp b/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureCases.cpp
index a80086e..ef6f4f2 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureCases.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureCases.cpp
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 												  Vec4(p11.x(), p11.y(), 0.0f, 0.0f)));
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Size: " << width << "x" << height << TestLog::EndMessage;
-	log << TestLog::Message << "Format: " <<glu::getPixelFormatName(m_internalFormat) << TestLog::EndMessage;
+	log << TestLog::Message << "Format: " <<glu::getTextureFormatName(m_internalFormat) << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Coords: " << p00 << ", " << p10 << ", " << p01 << ", " << p11 << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Wrap: " << glu::getTextureWrapModeStr(m_wrapS) << " / " << glu::getTextureWrapModeStr(m_wrapT) << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Filter: " << glu::getTextureFilterStr(m_minFilter) << " / " << glu::getTextureFilterStr(m_magFilter) << TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureCountTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureCountTests.cpp
index 8ead678..bed2660 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureCountTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureCountTests.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 			deUint32	magFilter		= GL_NEAREST;
 			int			numTextures		= texCounts[cntNdx];
 			string		name			= string(texFormats[formatNdx].name) + "_" + de::toString(numTextures);
-			string		description 	= glu::getPixelFormatName(format);
+			string		description 	= glu::getTextureFormatName(format);
 			addChild(new Texture2DRenderCase(m_context, name.c_str(), description.c_str(), format, wrapS, wrapT, minFilter, magFilter, tcu::Mat3(), numTextures, false /* npot */));
diff --git a/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureFormatTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureFormatTests.cpp
index 2488db7..4e636fb 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureFormatTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/performance/es3pTextureFormatTests.cpp
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
 		deUint32	minFilter		= GL_NEAREST;
 		deUint32	magFilter		= GL_NEAREST;
 		int			numTextures		= 1;
-		string		descriptionBase	= glu::getPixelFormatName(format);
+		string		descriptionBase	= glu::getTextureFormatName(format);
 		addChild(new Texture2DRenderCase(m_context, nameBase.c_str(), descriptionBase.c_str(), format, wrapS, wrapT, minFilter, magFilter, tcu::Mat3(), numTextures, false /* npot */));
diff --git a/modules/gles3/stress/es3sSpecialFloatTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/stress/es3sSpecialFloatTests.cpp
index 8f7394d..64ba419 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/stress/es3sSpecialFloatTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/stress/es3sSpecialFloatTests.cpp
@@ -450,8 +450,8 @@
 		m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message
-			<< "Creating fbo. Texture internalFormat = " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(internalFormat)
-			<< ", format = " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(format)
+			<< "Creating fbo. Texture internalFormat = " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(internalFormat)
+			<< ", format = " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(format)
 			<< ", type = " << glu::getTypeStr(type)
 			<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fAdvancedBlendTests.cpp b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fAdvancedBlendTests.cpp
index 0c5ae99..041c7aa 100644
--- a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fAdvancedBlendTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fAdvancedBlendTests.cpp
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
 		const int		numSamples	= m_rtType == RENDERTARGETTYPE_MSAA_FBO ? 4 : 0;
 		m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "Using FBO of size (" << m_renderWidth << ", " << m_renderHeight << ") with format "
-											   << glu::getPixelFormatStr(format) << " and " << numSamples << " samples"
+											   << glu::getTextureFormatStr(format) << " and " << numSamples << " samples"
 						   << TestLog::EndMessage;
 		gl.genRenderbuffers(1, &m_colorRbo);
diff --git a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fCopyImageTests.cpp b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fCopyImageTests.cpp
index a82b113..5d0fb8c 100644
--- a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fCopyImageTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fCopyImageTests.cpp
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@
 	string enumName;
 	if (glu::isCompressedFormat(format))
-		enumName = glu::getCompressedTexFormatStr(format).toString().substr(14); // Strip GL_COMPRESSED_
+		enumName = glu::getCompressedTextureFormatStr(format).toString().substr(14); // Strip GL_COMPRESSED_
-		enumName = glu::getPixelFormatStr(format).toString().substr(3); // Strip GL_
+		enumName = glu::getUncompressedTextureFormatStr(format).toString().substr(3); // Strip GL_
 	return de::toLower(enumName);
diff --git a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fStencilTexturingTests.cpp b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fStencilTexturingTests.cpp
index 6e41437..8175946 100644
--- a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fStencilTexturingTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fStencilTexturingTests.cpp
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
 		const char* reqExt = "GL_OES_texture_stencil8";
 		if (!ctxInfo.isExtensionSupported(reqExt))
-			throw tcu::NotSupportedError(glu::getPixelFormatStr(format).toString() + " requires " + reqExt);
+			throw tcu::NotSupportedError(glu::getTextureFormatStr(format).toString() + " requires " + reqExt);
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
 	UploadTex2DCase (Context& context, const char* name, deUint32 format)
-		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getPixelFormatName(format))
+		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getTextureFormatName(format))
 		, m_format	(format)
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@
 	UploadTex2DArrayCase (Context& context, const char* name, deUint32 format)
-		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getPixelFormatName(format))
+		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getTextureFormatName(format))
 		, m_format	(format)
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
 	UploadTexCubeCase (Context& context, const char* name, deUint32 format)
-		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getPixelFormatName(format))
+		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getTextureFormatName(format))
 		, m_format	(format)
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@
 	RenderTex2DCase (Context& context, const char* name, deUint32 format)
-		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getPixelFormatName(format))
+		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getTextureFormatName(format))
 		, m_format	(format)
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@
 	ClearTex2DCase (Context& context, const char* name, deUint32 format)
-		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getPixelFormatName(format))
+		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getTextureFormatName(format))
 		, m_format	(format)
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
 	CompareModeCase (Context& context, const char* name, deUint32 format)
-		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getPixelFormatName(format))
+		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getTextureFormatName(format))
 		, m_format	(format)
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@
 	BaseLevelCase (Context& context, const char* name, deUint32 format)
-		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getPixelFormatName(format))
+		: TestCase	(context, name, glu::getTextureFormatName(format))
 		, m_format	(format)
diff --git a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureBorderClampTests.cpp b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureBorderClampTests.cpp
index 5ceb433..742324b 100644
--- a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureBorderClampTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureBorderClampTests.cpp
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
 	m_texture = genDummyTexture<glu::Texture2D>(m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), m_texFormat, tcu::IVec2(m_texWidth, m_texHeight));
 	m_testCtx.getLog()	<< tcu::TestLog::Message
-						<< "Created texture with format " << ((glu::isCompressedFormat(m_texFormat)) ? (glu::getCompressedTexFormatName(m_texFormat)) : (glu::getPixelFormatName(m_texFormat)))
+						<< "Created texture with format " << glu::getTextureFormatName(m_texFormat)
 						<< ", size (" << m_texture->getRefTexture().getWidth() << ", " << m_texture->getRefTexture().getHeight() << ")\n"
 						<< "Setting sampling state using " << ((m_stateType == STATE_TEXTURE_PARAM) ? ("texture state") : ("sampler state"))
 						<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
@@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@
 	// texture info
 	m_testCtx.getLog()	<< tcu::TestLog::Message
-						<< "Created 3D texture with format " << ((glu::isCompressedFormat(m_texFormat)) ? (glu::getCompressedTexFormatName(m_texFormat)) : (glu::getPixelFormatName(m_texFormat)))
+						<< "Created 3D texture with format " << glu::getTextureFormatName(m_texFormat)
 						<< ", size (" << m_texture->getRefTexture().getWidth() << ", " << m_texture->getRefTexture().getHeight() << ", " << m_texture->getRefTexture().getDepth() << ")\n"
 						<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureFormatTests.cpp b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureFormatTests.cpp
index c014870..a964047 100644
--- a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureFormatTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureFormatTests.cpp
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 	if (m_maxTextureBufferSize <= 0)
 		TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE > 0 required");
-	log << TestLog::Message << "Buffer texture, " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << m_width
+	log << TestLog::Message << "Buffer texture, " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(m_format) << ", " << m_width
 							<< ",\n  fill with " << formatGradient(&colorA, &colorB) << " gradient"
 		<< TestLog::EndMessage;
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
 		deUint32	format		= texFormats[formatNdx].format;
 		deUint32	dataType	= texFormats[formatNdx].dataType;
 		string	nameBase		= texFormats[formatNdx].name;
-		string	descriptionBase	= string(glu::getPixelFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
+		string	descriptionBase	= string(glu::getTextureFormatName(format)) + ", " + glu::getTypeName(dataType);
 		unsizedGroup->addChild(new TextureCubeArrayFormatCase (m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), (nameBase + "_cube_array_pot").c_str(),		(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY").c_str(), format, dataType, 64, 12));
 		unsizedGroup->addChild(new TextureCubeArrayFormatCase (m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), (nameBase + "_cube_array_npot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY").c_str(), format, dataType, 64, 12));
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
 		deUint32	internalFormat	= sizedColorFormats[formatNdx].internalFormat;
 		string		nameBase		= sizedColorFormats[formatNdx].name;
-		string		descriptionBase	= glu::getPixelFormatName(internalFormat);
+		string		descriptionBase	= glu::getTextureFormatName(internalFormat);
 		sizedCubeArrayGroup->addChild(new TextureCubeArrayFormatCase (m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), (nameBase + "_pot").c_str(),		(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY").c_str(), internalFormat, 64, 12));
 		sizedCubeArrayGroup->addChild(new TextureCubeArrayFormatCase (m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), (nameBase + "_npot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY").c_str(), internalFormat, 64, 12));
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@
 		deUint32	internalFormat	= sizedDepthStencilFormats[formatNdx].internalFormat;
 		string		nameBase		= sizedDepthStencilFormats[formatNdx].name;
-		string		descriptionBase	= glu::getPixelFormatName(internalFormat);
+		string		descriptionBase	= glu::getTextureFormatName(internalFormat);
 		sizedCubeArrayGroup->addChild(new TextureCubeArrayFormatCase (m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), (nameBase + "_pot").c_str(),		(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY").c_str(), internalFormat, 64, 12));
 		sizedCubeArrayGroup->addChild(new TextureCubeArrayFormatCase (m_testCtx, m_context.getRenderContext(), m_context.getContextInfo(), (nameBase + "_npot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARRAY").c_str(), internalFormat, 64, 12));
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
 		deUint32	internalFormat	= bufferColorFormats[formatNdx].internalFormat;
 		string		nameBase		= bufferColorFormats[formatNdx].name;
-		string		descriptionBase	= glu::getPixelFormatName(internalFormat);
+		string		descriptionBase	= glu::getTextureFormatName(internalFormat);
 		sizedBufferGroup->addChild	(new TextureBufferFormatCase	(m_context, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_pot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER").c_str(),	internalFormat, 64));
 		sizedBufferGroup->addChild	(new TextureBufferFormatCase	(m_context, m_context.getRenderContext(),	(nameBase + "_npot").c_str(),	(descriptionBase + ", GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER").c_str(),	internalFormat, 112));
diff --git a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureGatherTests.cpp b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureGatherTests.cpp
index 440c003..1eecc83 100644
--- a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureGatherTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureGatherTests.cpp
@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@
 	GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "Create and setup framebuffer object");
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Using a framebuffer object with renderbuffer with format "
-							<< glu::getPixelFormatName(glu::getInternalFormat(m_colorBufferFormat))
+							<< glu::getTextureFormatName(glu::getInternalFormat(m_colorBufferFormat))
 							<< " and size " << RENDER_SIZE << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	// Generate subclass-specific iterations.
diff --git a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureLevelStateQueryTests.cpp b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureLevelStateQueryTests.cpp
index 86c50b1..00d151b 100644
--- a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureLevelStateQueryTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureLevelStateQueryTests.cpp
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@
 struct PixelFormatPrinter
-	static std::string	getIntegerName	(int v)		{ return de::toString(glu::getPixelFormatStr(v));		}
-	static std::string	getFloatName	(float v)	{ return de::toString(glu::getPixelFormatStr((int)v));	}
+	static std::string	getIntegerName	(int v)		{ return de::toString(glu::getTextureFormatStr(v));		}
+	static std::string	getFloatName	(float v)	{ return de::toString(glu::getTextureFormatStr((int)v));	}
 template <typename Printer>
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
 			if (ndx != 0)
 				msg << ", ";
-			msg << glu::getPixelFormatStr(refValues[ndx]);
+			msg << glu::getTextureFormatStr(refValues[ndx]);
 		msg << "}";
 		msg << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
 				if (state.getIntAccess() == refValues[ndx])
 					return true;
-			gl.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Error: got " << state.getIntAccess() << ", (" << glu::getPixelFormatStr(state.getIntAccess()) << ")" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+			gl.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Error: got " << state.getIntAccess() << ", (" << glu::getTextureFormatStr(state.getIntAccess()) << ")" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
 			return false;
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
 				if (state.getFloatAccess() == (float)refValues[ndx])
 					return true;
-			gl.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Error: got " << state.getFloatAccess() << ", (" << glu::getPixelFormatStr((int)state.getFloatAccess()) << ")" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+			gl.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Error: got " << state.getFloatAccess() << ", (" << glu::getTextureFormatStr((int)state.getFloatAccess()) << ")" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
 			return false;
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@
 		texGen.queryTarget		= queryTarget;
 		texGen.immutable		= true;
 		texGen.sampleCount		= (isMultisampleTarget(target) ? (1) : (0));
-		texGen.description		= glu::getTextureTargetStr(target).toString() + ", internal format " + glu::getPixelFormatName(internalFormats[internalFormatNdx]);
+		texGen.description		= glu::getTextureTargetStr(target).toString() + ", internal format " + glu::getTextureFormatName(internalFormats[internalFormatNdx]);
 		if (target == GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER)
diff --git a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureMultisampleTests.cpp b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureMultisampleTests.cpp
index 385eb8c..1bdf3e4 100644
--- a/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureMultisampleTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles31/functional/es31fTextureMultisampleTests.cpp
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@
 		if (m_numSamples > maxSamples)
 			throw tcu::NotSupportedError("Requested sample count is greater than supported");
-		m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Max sample count for " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(internalFormat) << ": " << maxSamples << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+		m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Max sample count for " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(internalFormat) << ": " << maxSamples << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
diff --git a/modules/glshared/glsFboCompletenessTests.cpp b/modules/glshared/glsFboCompletenessTests.cpp
index 73016fe..0426a83 100644
--- a/modules/glshared/glsFboCompletenessTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/glshared/glsFboCompletenessTests.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 using namespace glw;
 using glu::RenderContext;
 using glu::getFramebufferStatusName;
-using glu::getPixelFormatName;
+using glu::getTextureFormatName;
 using glu::getTypeName;
 using glu::getErrorName;
 using glu::Framebuffer;
@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@
 static string formatName (ImageFormat format)
-	const string s = getPixelFormatName(format.format);
+	const string s = getTextureFormatName(format.format);
 	const string fmtStr = toLower(s.substr(3));
 	if (format.unsizedType != GL_NONE)
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
 static string formatDesc (ImageFormat format)
-	const string fmtStr = getPixelFormatName(format.format);
+	const string fmtStr = getTextureFormatName(format.format);
 	if (format.unsizedType != GL_NONE)
diff --git a/modules/glshared/glsFboUtil.cpp b/modules/glshared/glsFboUtil.cpp
index d734ae0..0c27670 100644
--- a/modules/glshared/glsFboUtil.cpp
+++ b/modules/glshared/glsFboUtil.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 using glu::TransferFormat;
 using glu::mapGLInternalFormat;
 using glu::mapGLTransferFormat;
-using glu::getPixelFormatName;
+using glu::getTextureFormatName;
 using glu::getTypeName;
 using glu::getFramebufferTargetName;
 using glu::getFramebufferAttachmentName;
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
 	if (format.unsizedType == GL_NONE)
 		// sized format
-		return stream << glu::getPixelFormatStr(format.format);
+		return stream << glu::getTextureFormatStr(format.format);
 		// unsized format
-		return stream << "(format = " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(format.format) << ", type = " << glu::getTypeStr(format.unsizedType) << ")";
+		return stream << "(format = " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(format.format) << ", type = " << glu::getTypeStr(format.unsizedType) << ")";
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@
 static void logImage (const Image& img, TestLog& log, bool useType)
 	const GLenum type = img.internalFormat.unsizedType;
-	logField(log, "Internal format",	getPixelFormatName(img.internalFormat.format));
+	logField(log, "Internal format",	getTextureFormatName(img.internalFormat.format));
 	if (useType && type != GL_NONE)
 		logField(log, "Format type",	getTypeName(type));
 	logField(log, "Width",				toString(img.width));
diff --git a/modules/glshared/glsTextureBufferCase.cpp b/modules/glshared/glsTextureBufferCase.cpp
index b7f1f73..8954cf4 100644
--- a/modules/glshared/glsTextureBufferCase.cpp
+++ b/modules/glshared/glsTextureBufferCase.cpp
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@
 	const tcu::ScopedLogSection	section(log, "Texture Info", "Texture Info");
-	log << TestLog::Message << "Texture format : " << glu::getPixelFormatStr(format) << TestLog::EndMessage;
+	log << TestLog::Message << "Texture format : " << glu::getTextureFormatStr(format) << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	log << TestLog::Message << "Buffer size : " << bufferSize << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	if (offset != 0 || size != 0)
diff --git a/scripts/opengl/ b/scripts/opengl/
index c5f15e2..9d9dbc5 100644
--- a/scripts/opengl/
+++ b/scripts/opengl/
@@ -79,10 +79,12 @@
 	"glClearBufferfi":						LogSpec({0: enum("Buffer")}),
 	"glClearBufferiv":						LogSpec({0: enum("Buffer")}),
 	"glClearBufferuiv":						LogSpec({0: enum("Buffer")}),
-	"glCompressedTexImage2D":				LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("CompressedTexFormat")}),
-	"glCompressedTexSubImage2D":			LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 6: enum("CompressedTexFormat")}),
-	"glCopyTexImage1D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat")}),
-	"glCopyTexImage2D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat")}),
+	"glCompressedTexImage2D":				LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("CompressedTextureFormat")}),
+	"glCompressedTexSubImage2D":			LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 6: enum("CompressedTextureFormat")}),
+	"glCompressedTexImage3D":				LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("CompressedTextureFormat")}),
+	"glCompressedTexSubImage3D":			LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 8: enum("CompressedTextureFormat")}),
+	"glCopyTexImage1D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat")}),
+	"glCopyTexImage2D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat")}),
 	"glCreateShader":						LogSpec({0: enum("ShaderType")}),
 	"glCullFace":							LogSpec({0: enum("Face")}),
 	"glDeleteBuffers":						LogSpec({1: pointer(size = "n")}),
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@
 												# wrapper from attempting to print the argument as a C string.
 			argOutPrints = {2: booleanPointer(size = "getIndexedQueryNumArgsOut(target)")}),
-	"glGetInternalformativ":				LogSpec({0: enum("InternalFormatTarget"), 1: enum("PixelFormat"), 2: enum("InternalFormatParameter")}, argOutPrints = {4: pointer(size = "bufSize")}),
+	"glGetInternalformativ":				LogSpec({0: enum("InternalFormatTarget"), 1: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 2: enum("InternalFormatParameter")}, argOutPrints = {4: pointer(size = "bufSize")}),
 	"glGetMultisamplefv":					LogSpec({0: enum("MultisampleParameter")}, argOutPrints = {2: pointer(size = "2")}),
 	"glGetPointerv":						LogSpec({0: enum("PointerState")}, argOutPrints = {1: pointer(size = "1")}),
 	"glGetProgramiv":						LogSpec({1: enum("ProgramParam")}, argOutPrints = {2: pointer(size = "getProgramQueryNumArgsOut(pname)")}),
@@ -207,22 +209,22 @@
 	"glIsEnabledi":							LogSpec({0: enum("IndexedEnableCap")}),
 	"glPixelStorei":						LogSpec({0: enum("PixelStoreParameter")}),
 	"glReadBuffer":							LogSpec({0: enum("DrawReadBuffer")}),
-	"glReadPixels":							LogSpec({4: enum("PixelFormat"), 5: enum("Type")}),
-	"glRenderbufferStorage":				LogSpec({0: enum("FramebufferTarget"), 1: enum("PixelFormat")}),
-	"glRenderbufferStorageMultisample":		LogSpec({0: enum("FramebufferTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat")}),
+	"glReadPixels":							LogSpec({4: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 5: enum("Type")}),
+	"glRenderbufferStorage":				LogSpec({0: enum("FramebufferTarget"), 1: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat")}),
+	"glRenderbufferStorageMultisample":		LogSpec({0: enum("FramebufferTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat")}),
 	"glStencilFunc":						LogSpec({0: enum("CompareFunc")}),
 	"glStencilFuncSeparate":				LogSpec({0: enum("Face"), 1: enum("CompareFunc")}),
 	"glStencilMaskSeparate":				LogSpec({0: enum("Face")}),
 	"glStencilOp":							LogSpec({0: enum("StencilOp"), 1: enum("StencilOp"), 2: enum("StencilOp")}),
 	"glStencilOpSeparate":					LogSpec({0: enum("Face"), 1: enum("StencilOp"), 2: enum("StencilOp"), 3: enum("StencilOp")}),
-	"glTexImage1D":							LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat"), 5: enum("PixelFormat"), 6: enum("Type")}),
-	"glTexImage2D":							LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat"), 6: enum("PixelFormat"), 7: enum("Type")}),
-	"glTexImage2DMultisample":				LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat"), 5: enum("Boolean")}),
-	"glTexImage3D":							LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat"), 7: enum("PixelFormat"), 8: enum("Type")}),
-	"glTexStorage2D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat")}),
-	"glTexStorage3D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat")}),
-	"glTexStorage2DMultisample":			LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat"), 5: enum("Boolean")}),
-	"glTexStorage3DMultisample":			LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("PixelFormat"), 6: enum("Boolean")}),
+	"glTexImage1D":							LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 5: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 6: enum("Type")}),
+	"glTexImage2D":							LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 6: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 7: enum("Type")}),
+	"glTexImage2DMultisample":				LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 5: enum("Boolean")}),
+	"glTexImage3D":							LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 7: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 8: enum("Type")}),
+	"glTexStorage2D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("TextureFormat")}),
+	"glTexStorage3D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("TextureFormat")}),
+	"glTexStorage2DMultisample":			LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 5: enum("Boolean")}),
+	"glTexStorage3DMultisample":			LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 2: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 6: enum("Boolean")}),
 	# \todo [2012-03-08 pyry] Pointer values..
 	"glTexParameterf":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 1: enum("TextureParameter")}),
 	"glTexParameteri":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 1: enum("TextureParameter"), 2: lambda name: "getTextureParameterValueStr(pname, %s)" % name}),
@@ -236,9 +238,9 @@
 	"glSamplerParameteriv":					LogSpec({1: enum("TextureParameter"), 2: pointer(size = "getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)")}),
 	"glSamplerParameterIiv":				LogSpec({1: enum("TextureParameter"), 2: pointer(size = "getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)")}),
 	"glSamplerParameterIuiv":				LogSpec({1: enum("TextureParameter"), 2: pointer(size = "getTextureParamNumArgs(pname)")}),
-	"glTexSubImage1D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 4: enum("PixelFormat"), 5: enum("Type")}),
-	"glTexSubImage2D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 6: enum("PixelFormat"), 7: enum("Type")}),
-	"glTexSubImage3D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 8: enum("PixelFormat"), 9: enum("Type")}),
+	"glTexSubImage1D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 4: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 5: enum("Type")}),
+	"glTexSubImage2D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 6: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 7: enum("Type")}),
+	"glTexSubImage3D":						LogSpec({0: enum("TextureTarget"), 8: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat"), 9: enum("Type")}),
 	"glUniform1fv":							LogSpec({2: pointer(size = "(count * 1)")}),
 	"glUniform1iv":							LogSpec({2: pointer(size = "(count * 1)")}),
 	"glUniform1uiv":						LogSpec({2: pointer(size = "(count * 1)")}),
@@ -330,7 +332,7 @@
 	"glUnmapBuffer":						LogSpec({0: enum("BufferTarget")}),
 	"glFlushMappedBufferRange":				LogSpec({0: enum("BufferTarget")}),
 	"glMemoryBarrier":						LogSpec({0: enum("MemoryBarrierFlags")}),
-	"glBindImageTexture":					LogSpec({5: enum("ImageAccess"), 6: enum("PixelFormat")}),
+	"glBindImageTexture":					LogSpec({5: enum("ImageAccess"), 6: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat")}),
 	"glGetProgramResourceIndex":			LogSpec({1: enum("ProgramInterface")}),
@@ -347,8 +349,8 @@
 	"glDebugMessageControl":				LogSpec({0: enum("DebugMessageSource"), 1: enum("DebugMessageType"), 2: enum("DebugMessageSeverity"), 4: pointer(size = "(count)")}),
 	"glDebugMessageCallback":				LogSpec({0: fnPointer, 1: voidPointer}),
 	"glPushDebugGroup":						LogSpec({0: enum("DebugMessageSource")}),
-	"glTexBuffer":							LogSpec({0: enum("BufferTarget"), 1: enum("PixelFormat")}),
-	"glTexBufferRange":						LogSpec({0: enum("BufferTarget"), 1: enum("PixelFormat")}),
+	"glTexBuffer":							LogSpec({0: enum("BufferTarget"), 1: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat")}),
+	"glTexBufferRange":						LogSpec({0: enum("BufferTarget"), 1: enum("UncompressedTextureFormat")}),
 def glwPrefix (string):
diff --git a/scripts/opengl/ b/scripts/opengl/
index 72553b2..ac1dd15 100644
--- a/scripts/opengl/
+++ b/scripts/opengl/
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
-	("PixelFormat", [
+	("UncompressedTextureFormat", [
 		# GLES2 unsized formats
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@
-	("CompressedTexFormat", [
+	("CompressedTextureFormat", [
 		# ETC2/EAC formats
@@ -934,10 +934,21 @@
 	("PatchParam", [
+	("TextureFormat", [
+		# generated: UncompressedTextureFormat + CompressedTextureFormat
+	]),
+def getEnumGroupByName (name):
+	# \note: will raise an (index out of bounds) error if no such group
+	return [x for x in ENUM_GROUPS if x[0]==name][0][1]
 # EnableCap EnumGroups are also GettableState EnumGroups
-[x for x in ENUM_GROUPS if x[0]=="GettableState"][0][1].extend([x for x in ENUM_GROUPS if x[0]=="EnableCap"][0][1])
+# TextureFormat = UncompressedTextureFormat + CompressedTextureFormat
+getEnumGroupByName("TextureFormat").extend(getEnumGroupByName("UncompressedTextureFormat") + getEnumGroupByName("CompressedTextureFormat"))
 def genStrUtil (iface):
 	enumGroups		= addValuePrefix(ENUM_GROUPS, "GL_")