Relax shader derivative test verification.

- Disable GL_DITHER. Dithering only adds noise to result images.
- Add to dfdx and dfdy cases a flush-to-zero aware verification phase after
  preliminary verification to check if seemingly invalid derivatives could
  be caused by flushing or other relaxations allowed by the spec. This phase
  is NOT added to the fwidth cases since they operate with significantly higher
  thresholds which are likely to hide flushing anyway.

Bug: 18539021
Change-Id: Ic17909d30de25c8bae9d9996ce8df15c9ad5bc5e
diff --git a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fShaderDerivateTests.cpp b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fShaderDerivateTests.cpp
index 3291e2d..97a948f 100644
--- a/modules/gles3/functional/es3fShaderDerivateTests.cpp
+++ b/modules/gles3/functional/es3fShaderDerivateTests.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include "tcuTextureUtil.hpp"
 #include "tcuRGBA.hpp"
 #include "tcuFloat.hpp"
+#include "tcuInterval.hpp"
 #include "deRandom.hpp"
 #include "deUniquePtr.hpp"
 #include "deString.h"
@@ -218,15 +219,117 @@
 	return tcu::Float32::construct(+1, exp, (1u<<23) | mask).asFloat() - tcu::Float32::construct(+1, exp, 1u<<23).asFloat();
+static int getNumMantissaBits (const glu::Precision precision)
+	switch (precision)
+	{
+		case glu::PRECISION_HIGHP:		return 23;
+		case glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP:	return 10;
+		case glu::PRECISION_LOWP:		return 6;
+		default:
+			DE_ASSERT(false);
+			return 0;
+	}
+static int getMinExponent (const glu::Precision precision)
+	switch (precision)
+	{
+		case glu::PRECISION_HIGHP:		return -126;
+		case glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP:	return -14;
+		case glu::PRECISION_LOWP:		return -8;
+		default:
+			DE_ASSERT(false);
+			return 0;
+	}
+static float getSingleULPForExponent (int exp, int numMantissaBits)
+	if (numMantissaBits > 0)
+	{
+		DE_ASSERT(numMantissaBits <= 23);
+		const int ulpBitNdx = 23-numMantissaBits;
+		return tcu::Float32::construct(+1, exp, (1<<23) | (1 << ulpBitNdx)).asFloat() - tcu::Float32::construct(+1, exp, (1<<23)).asFloat();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		DE_ASSERT(numMantissaBits == 0);
+		return tcu::Float32::construct(+1, exp, (1<<23)).asFloat();
+	}
+static float getSingleULPForValue (float value, int numMantissaBits)
+	const int exp = tcu::Float32(value).exponent();
+	return getSingleULPForExponent(exp, numMantissaBits);
+static float convertFloorFlushToZero (float value, int minExponent, int numAccurateBits)
+	if (value == 0.0f)
+	{
+		return 0.0f;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		const tcu::Float32	inputFloat			= tcu::Float32(value);
+		const int			numTruncatedBits	= 23-numAccurateBits;
+		const deUint32		truncMask			= (1u<<numTruncatedBits)-1u;
+		if (value > 0.0f)
+		{
+			if (value > 0.0f && tcu::Float32(value).exponent() < minExponent)
+			{
+				// flush to zero if possible
+				return 0.0f;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// just mask away non-representable bits
+				return tcu::Float32::construct(+1, inputFloat.exponent(), inputFloat.mantissa() & ~truncMask).asFloat();
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if (inputFloat.mantissa() & truncMask)
+			{
+				// decrement one ulp if truncated bits are non-zero (i.e. if value is not representable)
+				return tcu::Float32::construct(-1, inputFloat.exponent(), inputFloat.mantissa() & ~truncMask).asFloat() - getSingleULPForExponent(inputFloat.exponent(), numAccurateBits);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// value is representable, no need to do anything
+				return value;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+static float convertCeilFlushToZero (float value, int minExponent, int numAccurateBits)
+	return -convertFloorFlushToZero(-value, minExponent, numAccurateBits);
+static float addErrorUlp (float value, float numUlps, int numMantissaBits)
+	return value + numUlps * getSingleULPForValue(value, numMantissaBits);
+	INTERPOLATION_LOST_BITS = 3, // number mantissa of bits allowed to be lost in varying interpolation
 static inline tcu::Vec4 getDerivateThreshold (const glu::Precision precision, const tcu::Vec4& valueMin, const tcu::Vec4& valueMax, const tcu::Vec4& expectedDerivate)
-	const int			baseBits		= precision == glu::PRECISION_HIGHP		? 23	:
-										  precision == glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP	? 10	:
-										  precision == glu::PRECISION_LOWP		? 6		: 0;
+	const int			baseBits		= getNumMantissaBits(precision);
 	const tcu::UVec4	derivExp		= getCompExpBits(expectedDerivate);
 	const tcu::UVec4	maxValueExp		= max(getCompExpBits(valueMin), getCompExpBits(valueMax));
 	const tcu::UVec4	numBitsLost		= maxValueExp - min(maxValueExp, derivExp);
-	const tcu::IVec4	numAccurateBits	= max(baseBits - numBitsLost.asInt() - 3, tcu::IVec4(0));
+	const tcu::IVec4	numAccurateBits	= max(baseBits - numBitsLost.asInt() - (int)INTERPOLATION_LOST_BITS, tcu::IVec4(0));
 	return tcu::Vec4(computeFloatingPointError(expectedDerivate[0], numAccurateBits[0]),
 					 computeFloatingPointError(expectedDerivate[1], numAccurateBits[1]),
@@ -260,6 +363,12 @@
 } // anonymous
+enum VerificationLogging
+	LOG_ALL = 0,
 static bool verifyConstantDerivate (tcu::TestLog&						log,
 									const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess&	result,
 									const tcu::PixelBufferAccess&		errorMask,
@@ -267,13 +376,15 @@
 									const tcu::Vec4&					reference,
 									const tcu::Vec4&					threshold,
 									const tcu::Vec4&					scale,
-									const tcu::Vec4&					bias)
+									const tcu::Vec4&					bias,
+									VerificationLogging					logPolicy = LOG_ALL)
 	const int			numComps		= glu::getDataTypeFloatScalars(dataType);
 	const tcu::BVec4	mask			= tcu::logicalNot(getDerivateMask(dataType));
 	int					numFailedPixels	= 0;
-	log << TestLog::Message << "Expecting " << LogVecComps(reference, numComps) << " with threshold " << LogVecComps(threshold, numComps) << TestLog::EndMessage;
+	if (logPolicy == LOG_ALL)
+		log << TestLog::Message << "Expecting " << LogVecComps(reference, numComps) << " with threshold " << LogVecComps(threshold, numComps) << TestLog::EndMessage;
 	for (int y = 0; y < result.getHeight(); y++)
@@ -284,7 +395,7 @@
 			if (!isOk)
-				if (numFailedPixels < MAX_FAILED_MESSAGES)
+				if (numFailedPixels < MAX_FAILED_MESSAGES && logPolicy == LOG_ALL)
 					log << TestLog::Message << "FAIL: got " << LogVecComps(resDerivate, numComps)
 											<< ", diff = " << LogVecComps(tcu::abs(reference - resDerivate), numComps)
 											<< ", at x = " << x << ", y = " << y
@@ -295,6 +406,145 @@
+	if (numFailedPixels >= MAX_FAILED_MESSAGES && logPolicy == LOG_ALL)
+		log << TestLog::Message << "..." << TestLog::EndMessage;
+	if (numFailedPixels > 0 && logPolicy == LOG_ALL)
+		log << TestLog::Message << "FAIL: found " << numFailedPixels << " failed pixels" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+	return numFailedPixels == 0;
+struct Linear2DFunctionEvaluator
+	tcu::Matrix<float, 4, 3> matrix;
+	//      .-----.
+	//      | s_x |
+	//  M x | s_y |
+	//      | 1.0 |
+	//      '-----'
+	tcu::Vec4 evaluateAt (float screenX, float screenY) const;
+tcu::Vec4 Linear2DFunctionEvaluator::evaluateAt (float screenX, float screenY) const
+	const tcu::Vec3 position(screenX, screenY, 1.0f);
+	return matrix * position;
+static bool reverifyConstantDerivateWithFlushRelaxations (tcu::TestLog&							log,
+														  const tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess&	result,
+														  const tcu::PixelBufferAccess&			errorMask,
+														  glu::DataType							dataType,
+														  glu::Precision						precision,
+														  const tcu::Vec4&						derivScale,
+														  const tcu::Vec4&						derivBias,
+														  const tcu::Vec4&						surfaceThreshold,
+														  DerivateFunc							derivateFunc,
+														  const Linear2DFunctionEvaluator&		function)
+	DE_ASSERT(result.getWidth() == errorMask.getWidth());
+	DE_ASSERT(result.getHeight() == errorMask.getHeight());
+	DE_ASSERT(derivateFunc == DERIVATE_DFDX || derivateFunc == DERIVATE_DFDY);
+	const tcu::IVec4	red						(255, 0, 0, 255);
+	const tcu::IVec4	green					(0, 255, 0, 255);
+	const float			divisionErrorUlps		= 2.5f;
+	const int			numComponents			= glu::getDataTypeFloatScalars(dataType);
+	const int			numBits					= getNumMantissaBits(precision);
+	const int			minExponent				= getMinExponent(precision);
+	const int			numVaryingSampleBits	= numBits - INTERPOLATION_LOST_BITS;
+	int					numFailedPixels			= 0;
+	tcu::clear(errorMask, green);
+	// search for failed pixels
+	for (int y = 0; y < result.getHeight(); ++y)
+	for (int x = 0; x < result.getWidth(); ++x)
+	{
+		//                 flushToZero?(f2z?(functionValueCurrent) - f2z?(functionValueBefore))
+		// flushToZero? ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +- 2.5 ULP )
+		//                                                  dx
+		const tcu::Vec4	resultDerivative		= readDerivate(result, derivScale, derivBias, x, y);
+		// sample at the front of the back pixel and the back of the front pixel to cover the whole area of
+		// legal sample positions. In general case this is NOT OK, but we know that the target funtion is
+		// (mostly*) linear which allows us to take the sample points at arbitrary points. This gets us the
+		// maximum difference possible in exponents which are used in error bound calculations.
+		// * non-linearity may happen around zero or with very high function values due to subnorms not
+		//   behaving well.
+		const tcu::Vec4	functionValueForward	= (derivateFunc == DERIVATE_DFDX)
+													? (function.evaluateAt(x + 2.0f, y + 0.5f))
+													: (function.evaluateAt(x + 0.5f, y + 2.0f));
+		const tcu::Vec4	functionValueBackward	= (derivateFunc == DERIVATE_DFDX)
+													? (function.evaluateAt(x - 1.0f, y + 0.5f))
+													: (function.evaluateAt(x + 0.5f, y - 1.0f));
+		bool	anyComponentFailed				= false;
+		// check components separately
+		for (int c = 0; c < numComponents; ++c)
+		{
+			// interpolation value range
+			const tcu::Interval	forwardComponent		(convertFloorFlushToZero(functionValueForward[c], minExponent, numVaryingSampleBits),
+														 convertCeilFlushToZero(functionValueForward[c], minExponent, numVaryingSampleBits));
+			const tcu::Interval	backwardComponent		(convertFloorFlushToZero(functionValueBackward[c], minExponent, numVaryingSampleBits),
+														 convertCeilFlushToZero(functionValueBackward[c], minExponent, numVaryingSampleBits));
+			const int			maxValueExp				= de::max(de::max(tcu::Float32(forwardComponent.lo()).exponent(),   tcu::Float32(forwardComponent.hi()).exponent()),
+																  de::max(tcu::Float32(backwardComponent.lo()).exponent(),  tcu::Float32(backwardComponent.hi()).exponent()));
+			// subtraction in nominator will likely cause a cancellation of the most
+			// significant bits. Apply error bounds.
+			const tcu::Interval	nominator				(forwardComponent - backwardComponent);
+			const int			nominatorLoExp			= tcu::Float32(nominator.lo()).exponent();
+			const int			nominatorHiExp			= tcu::Float32(nominator.hi()).exponent();
+			const int			nominatorLoBitsLost		= maxValueExp - nominatorLoExp;
+			const int			nominatorHiBitsLost		= maxValueExp - nominatorHiExp;
+			const int			nominatorLoBits			= de::max(0, numBits - nominatorLoBitsLost);
+			const int			nominatorHiBits			= de::max(0, numBits - nominatorHiBitsLost);
+			const tcu::Interval	nominatorRange			(convertFloorFlushToZero(nominator.lo(), minExponent, nominatorLoBits),
+														 convertCeilFlushToZero(nominator.hi(), minExponent, nominatorHiBits));
+			const tcu::Interval	divisionRange			= nominatorRange / 3.0f; // legal sample area is anywhere within this and neighboring pixels (i.e. size = 3)
+			const tcu::Interval	divisionResultRange		(convertFloorFlushToZero(addErrorUlp(divisionRange.lo(), -divisionErrorUlps, numBits), minExponent, numBits),
+														 convertCeilFlushToZero(addErrorUlp(divisionRange.hi(), +divisionErrorUlps, numBits), minExponent, numBits));
+			const tcu::Interval	finalResultRange		(divisionResultRange.lo() - surfaceThreshold[c], divisionResultRange.hi() + surfaceThreshold[c]);
+			if (resultDerivative[c] >= finalResultRange.lo() && resultDerivative[c] <= finalResultRange.hi())
+			{
+				// value ok
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if (numFailedPixels < MAX_FAILED_MESSAGES)
+					log << tcu::TestLog::Message
+						<< "Error in pixel at " << x << ", " << y << " with component " << c << " (channel " << ("rgba"[c]) << ")\n"
+						<< "\tGot pixel value " << result.getPixelInt(x, y) << "\n"
+						<< "\t\tdFd" << ((derivateFunc == DERIVATE_DFDX) ? ('x') : ('y')) << " ~= " << resultDerivative[c] << "\n"
+						<< "\t\tdifference to a valid range: "
+							<< ((resultDerivative[c] < finalResultRange.lo()) ? ("-") : ("+"))
+							<< ((resultDerivative[c] < finalResultRange.lo()) ? (finalResultRange.lo() - resultDerivative[c]) : (resultDerivative[c] - finalResultRange.hi()))
+							<< "\n"
+						<< "\tDerivative value range:\n"
+						<< "\t\tMin: " << finalResultRange.lo() << "\n"
+						<< "\t\tMax: " << finalResultRange.hi() << "\n"
+						<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+				++numFailedPixels;
+				anyComponentFailed = true;
+			}
+		}
+		if (anyComponentFailed)
+			errorMask.setPixel(red, x, y);
+	}
 	if (numFailedPixels >= MAX_FAILED_MESSAGES)
 		log << TestLog::Message << "..." << TestLog::EndMessage;
@@ -428,7 +678,15 @@
-		m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "Rendering to default framebuffer" << TestLog::EndMessage;
+	{
+		const tcu::PixelFormat pixelFormat = m_context.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat();
+		m_testCtx.getLog()
+			<< TestLog::Message
+			<< "Rendering to default framebuffer\n"
+			<< "\tColor depth: R=" << pixelFormat.redBits << ", G=" << pixelFormat.greenBits << ", B=" << pixelFormat.blueBits << ", A=" << pixelFormat.alphaBits
+			<< TestLog::EndMessage;
+	}
 	m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "in: " << m_coordMin << " -> " << m_coordMax << "\n"
 										   << "v_coord.x = in.x * x\n"
@@ -465,6 +723,7 @@
 		gl.clearColor(0.125f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
+		gl.disable(GL_DITHER);
@@ -804,9 +1063,54 @@
 		const tcu::Vec4		reference	= ((m_coordMax - m_coordMin) / div) * scale;
 		const tcu::Vec4		opThreshold	= getDerivateThreshold(m_precision, m_coordMin*scale, m_coordMax*scale, reference);
 		const tcu::Vec4		threshold	= max(surfaceThreshold, opThreshold);
+		const int			numComps	= glu::getDataTypeFloatScalars(m_dataType);
-		return verifyConstantDerivate(m_testCtx.getLog(), result, errorMask, m_dataType,
-									  reference, threshold, m_derivScale, m_derivBias);
+		m_testCtx.getLog()
+			<< tcu::TestLog::Message
+			<< "Verifying result image.\n"
+			<< "\tValid derivative is " << LogVecComps(reference, numComps) << " with threshold " << LogVecComps(threshold, numComps)
+			<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+		// short circuit if result is strictly within the normal value error bounds.
+		// This improves performance significantly.
+		if (verifyConstantDerivate(m_testCtx.getLog(), result, errorMask, m_dataType,
+								   reference, threshold, m_derivScale, m_derivBias,
+								   LOG_NOTHING))
+		{
+			m_testCtx.getLog()
+				<< tcu::TestLog::Message
+				<< "No incorrect derivatives found, result valid."
+				<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+			return true;
+		}
+		// some pixels exceed error bounds calculated for normal values. Verify that these
+		// potentially invalid pixels are in fact valid due to (for example) subnorm flushing.
+		m_testCtx.getLog()
+			<< tcu::TestLog::Message
+			<< "Initial verification failed, verifying image by calculating accurate error bounds for each result pixel.\n"
+			<< "\tVerifying each result derivative is within its range of legal result values."
+			<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+		{
+			const tcu::IVec2			viewportSize	= getViewportSize();
+			const float					w				= float(viewportSize.x());
+			const float					h				= float(viewportSize.y());
+			const tcu::Vec4				valueRamp		= (m_coordMax - m_coordMin);
+			Linear2DFunctionEvaluator	function;
+			function.matrix.setRow(0, tcu::Vec3(valueRamp.x() / w, 0.0f, m_coordMin.x()));
+			function.matrix.setRow(1, tcu::Vec3(0.0f, valueRamp.y() / h, m_coordMin.y()));
+			function.matrix.setRow(2, tcu::Vec3(valueRamp.z() / w, valueRamp.z() / h, m_coordMin.z() + m_coordMin.z()) / 2.0f);
+			function.matrix.setRow(3, tcu::Vec3(-valueRamp.w() / w, -valueRamp.w() / h, m_coordMax.w() + m_coordMax.w()) / 2.0f);
+			return reverifyConstantDerivateWithFlushRelaxations(m_testCtx.getLog(), result, errorMask,
+																m_dataType, m_precision, m_derivScale,
+																m_derivBias, surfaceThreshold, m_func,
+																function);
+		}
@@ -1054,9 +1358,51 @@
 		const tcu::Vec4		reference	= ((m_texValueMax - m_texValueMin) / div) * scale;
 		const tcu::Vec4		opThreshold	= getDerivateThreshold(m_precision, m_texValueMin*scale, m_texValueMax*scale, reference);
 		const tcu::Vec4		threshold	= max(surfaceThreshold, opThreshold);
+		const int			numComps	= glu::getDataTypeFloatScalars(m_dataType);
-		return verifyConstantDerivate(m_testCtx.getLog(), compareArea, maskArea, m_dataType,
-									  reference, threshold, m_derivScale, m_derivBias);
+		m_testCtx.getLog()
+			<< tcu::TestLog::Message
+			<< "Verifying result image.\n"
+			<< "\tValid derivative is " << LogVecComps(reference, numComps) << " with threshold " << LogVecComps(threshold, numComps)
+			<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+		// short circuit if result is strictly within the normal value error bounds.
+		// This improves performance significantly.
+		if (verifyConstantDerivate(m_testCtx.getLog(), compareArea, maskArea, m_dataType,
+								   reference, threshold, m_derivScale, m_derivBias,
+								   LOG_NOTHING))
+		{
+			m_testCtx.getLog()
+				<< tcu::TestLog::Message
+				<< "No incorrect derivatives found, result valid."
+				<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+			return true;
+		}
+		// some pixels exceed error bounds calculated for normal values. Verify that these
+		// potentially invalid pixels are in fact valid due to (for example) subnorm flushing.
+		m_testCtx.getLog()
+			<< tcu::TestLog::Message
+			<< "Initial verification failed, verifying image by calculating accurate error bounds for each result pixel.\n"
+			<< "\tVerifying each result derivative is within its range of legal result values."
+			<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
+		{
+			const tcu::Vec4				valueRamp		= (m_texValueMax - m_texValueMin);
+			Linear2DFunctionEvaluator	function;
+			function.matrix.setRow(0, tcu::Vec3(valueRamp.x() / w, 0.0f, m_texValueMin.x()));
+			function.matrix.setRow(1, tcu::Vec3(0.0f, valueRamp.y() / h, m_texValueMin.y()));
+			function.matrix.setRow(2, tcu::Vec3(valueRamp.z() / w, valueRamp.z() / h, m_texValueMin.z() + m_texValueMin.z()) / 2.0f);
+			function.matrix.setRow(3, tcu::Vec3(-valueRamp.w() / w, -valueRamp.w() / h, m_texValueMax.w() + m_texValueMax.w()) / 2.0f);
+			return reverifyConstantDerivateWithFlushRelaxations(m_testCtx.getLog(), compareArea, maskArea,
+																m_dataType, m_precision, m_derivScale,
+																m_derivBias, surfaceThreshold, m_func,
+																function);
+		}