Negative Shader Function Test

Test that invalid call variants fail to compile.

Add tests for the following GLSL functions:
- atomicAdd
- atomicAnd
- atomicCompSwap
- atomicExchange
- atomicMax
- atomicMin
- atomicOr
- atomicXor
- bitCount
- bitfieldExtract
- bitfieldInsert
- bitfieldReverse
- EmitVertex
- EndPrimitive
- findLSB
- findMSB
- frexp
- imulExtended
- interpolateAtCentroid
- interpolateAtOffset
- interpolateAtSample
- ldexp
- packSnorm4x8
- packUnorm4x8
- texelFetch
- texture
- textureGather
- textureGatherOffset
- textureGatherOffsets
- textureGrad
- textureLod
- textureSize
- uaddCarry
- umulExtended
- unpackSnorm4x8
- unpackUnorm4x8
- usubBorrow
- fma

Change-Id: I46676924845d10d3d56c9d51ad1303d48eefe1ed
5 files changed