Merge tag 'android-13.0.0_r52' into int/13/fp3

Android 13.0.0 Release 52 (TQ3A.230605.012)

* tag 'android-13.0.0_r52': (162 commits)
  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE: Revert "Fix for export_multiple_times_temporary tests"
  Add all layer libs to apk
  RESTRICT AUTOMERGE: Adding Interrupted Exception + Adding 'timeout-ms' parameter as commandline argument
  Fix prettySize() in*
  Avoid watchdog timeout in dEQP-Vk.api.external.*.export_multiple_times_*
  Do not check framework-provided VK1.3.robustImageAccess feature
  Add RISC-V 64 bit support
  Check conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage in affected tests
  Fix shader interface mismatch in pipeline cache tests
  Fix access mask in pipeline barriers in ray tracing tests
  Fix stencil op in render pass stencil read only tests
  Fix for export_multiple_times_temporary tests
  Fix global priority tests
  Fix checking support in texture filtering tests
  Wrong assumption in robustness tests
  Fix timeout case in vktSynchronizationTimelineSemaphoreTests
  Fix query_present_modes_surfaceless tests
  Fix overlapping mutable descriptor types
  Fixes and updates for dEQP merge
  Disable image robustness by default

Change-Id: I5b0f07a7db1d4eba7998fe49dca65ecb48039c8e
tree: 1c71ec8da63cf6d81b971485c4956ceb928a3d1c
  1. .github/
  2. android/
  3. data/
  4. doc/
  5. execserver/
  6. executor/
  7. external/
  8. framework/
  9. modules/
  10. scripts/
  11. targets/
  12. .editorconfig
  13. .gitattributes
  14. .gitignore
  15. Android.bp
  16. AndroidGen.bp
  17. CMakeLists.txt
  23. NOTICE
  24. OWNERS


This repository contains a GPU testing suite called dEQP (drawElements Quality Program). dEQP contains tests for several graphics APIs, including OpenGL ES, EGL, and Vulkan.


Up-to-date documentation for the dEQP is available at Android Open Source Project site.

The .qpa logs generated by the conformance tests may contain embedded PNG images of the results. These can be viewed with scripts/qpa_image_viewer.html, by opening the file with a web browser and following its instructions, or using the Cherry tool.

Khronos Vulkan Conformance Tests

This repository includes Khronos Vulkan CTS under external/vulkancts directory. For more information see Vulkan CTS README.

Khronos OpenGL / OpenGL ES Conformance Tests

This repository includes Khronos OpenGL / OpenGL ES CTS under external/openglcts directory. For more information see OpenGL / OpenGL ES CTS README.

ANGLE for Android

ANGLE can be built for Android by following the instructions here.

The resulting ANGLE shared object libraries can be linked against and embedded into dEQP.apk with the --angle-path option. This will cause dEQP.apk to use the ANGLE libraries for OpenGL ES calls, rather than the native drivers.

An ABI must be specified and the directory structure containing the ANGLE shared objects must match it so the build system can find the correct *.so files.

Assuming ANGLE shared objects are generated into ~/chromium/src/out/Release/ and dEQP.apk will be generated with --abis arm64-v8a, issue the following commands:

cd ~/chromium/src/out/Release/
mkdir arm64-v8a && cd arm64-v8a
cp ../lib* .

The --angle-path ~/chromium/src/out/Release/ option can then be used to link against and embed the ANGLE shared object files. The full command would be:

python scripts/android/ --sdk <path to Android SDK> --ndk <path to Android NDK> --abis arm64-v8a --angle-path ~/chromium/src/out/Release/