utils/android: Use pexpect for LogcatMonitor

Using a pexpect.spawn object simplifies the LogcatMonitor by removing
the need for a separate thread along with the synchronization that
brings. Since pexpect.spawn creates a logfile that is flushed with
each write, it also removes the need for code to handle flushing.

I originally wrote this to allow more complex features that are made
possible by the pexpect API, however I then discovered those features
are not necessary and did not submit this for merging.

However I then discovered that in Python 2.7,
threading.Event.wait (used in the `wait_for` method) makes the task
uninterriptible (i.e. can't be killed with Ctrl+C/SIGINT), which is
rather frustrating. This issue doesn't arise when using pexpect's
expect method, so that's why I'm submitting this now.
1 file changed
tree: fe27b6da4d251ad9dbca79593011fe5895249654
  1. devlib/
  2. doc/
  3. src/
  4. .gitignore
  5. README.rst
  6. setup.py