devlib initial commit.
diff --git a/doc/instrumentation.rst b/doc/instrumentation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d5b16d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/instrumentation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+The ``Instrument`` API provide a consistent way of collecting measurements from
+a target. Measurements are collected via an instance of a class derived from
+:class:`Instrument`. An ``Instrument`` allows collection of measurement from one
+or more channels. An ``Instrument`` may support ``INSTANTANEOUS`` or
+``CONTINUOUS`` collection, or both.
+The following example shows how to use an instrument to read temperature from an
+Android target.
+.. code-block:: ipython
+    # import and instantiate the Target and the instrument
+    # (note: this assumes exactly one android target connected
+    #  to the host machine).
+    In [1]: from devlib import AndroidTarget, HwmonInstrument
+    In [2]: t = AndroidTarget()
+    In [3]: i = HwmonInstrument(t)
+    # Set up the instrument on the Target. In case of HWMON, this is
+    # a no-op, but is included here for completeness.
+    In [4]: i.setup()
+    # Find out what the instrument is capable collecting from the 
+    # target.
+    In [5]: i.list_channels()
+    Out[5]:
+    [CHAN(battery/temp1, battery_temperature),
+     CHAN(exynos-therm/temp1, exynos-therm_temperature)]
+    # Set up a new measurement session, and specify what is to be
+    # collected.
+    In [6]: i.reset(sites=['exynos-therm'])
+    # HWMON instrument supports INSTANTANEOUS collection, so invoking
+    # take_measurement() will return a list of measurements take from 
+    # each of the channels configured during reset()
+    In [7]: i.take_measurement()
+    Out[7]: [exynos-therm_temperature: 36.0 degrees]
+.. class:: Instrument(target, **kwargs)
+   An ``Instrument`` allows collection of measurement from one or more
+   channels. An ``Instrument`` may support ``INSTANTANEOUS`` or ``CONTINUOUS``
+   collection, or both.
+.. attribute:: Instrument.mode
+   A bit mask that indicates collection modes that are supported by this
+   instrument. Possible values are:
+   :INSTANTANEOUS: The instrument supports taking a single sample via
+                   ``take_measurement()``.
+   :CONTINUOUS: The instrument supports collecting measurements over a
+                period of time via ``start()``, ``stop()``, and
+                ``get_data()`` methods.
+   .. note:: It's possible for one instrument to support more than a single 
+             mode.
+.. attribute:: Instrument.active_channels
+   Channels that have been activated via ``reset()``. Measurements will only be
+   collected for these channels.
+.. method:: Instrument.list_channels()
+   Returns a list of :class:`InstrumentChannel` instances that describe what
+   this instrument can measure on the current target. A channel is a combination
+   of a ``kind`` of measurement (power, temperature, etc) and a ``site`` that
+   indicates where on the target the measurement will be collected from.
+.. method:: Instrument.get_channels(measure)
+   Returns channels for a particular ``measure`` type. A ``measure`` can be
+   either a string (e.g. ``"power"``) or a :class:`MeasurmentType` instance.
+.. method::  Instrument.setup(*args, **kwargs)
+   This will set up the instrument on the target. Parameters this method takes
+   are particular to subclasses (see documentation for specific instruments
+   below).  What actions are performed by this method are also
+   instrument-specific.  Usually these will be things like  installing
+   executables, starting services, deploying assets, etc. Typically, this method
+   needs to be invoked at most once per reboot of the target (unless
+   ``teardown()`` has been called), but see documentation for the instrument
+   you're interested in.
+.. method:: Instrument.reset([sites, [kinds]])
+   This is used to configure an instrument for collection. This must be invoked
+   before ``start()`` is called to begin collection. ``sites`` and ``kinds``
+   parameters may be used to specify which channels measurements should be
+   collected from (if omitted, then measurements will be collected for all
+   available sites/kinds). This methods sets the ``active_channels`` attribute
+   of the ``Instrument``.
+.. method:: Instrument.take_measurment()
+   Take a single measurement from ``active_channels``. Returns a list of
+   :class:`Measurement` objects (one for each active channel).
+   .. note:: This method is only implemented by :class:`Instrument`\ s that
+             support ``INSTANTANEOUS`` measurment.
+.. method:: Instrument.start()
+   Starts collecting measurements from ``active_channels``.
+   .. note:: This method is only implemented by :class:`Instrument`\ s that
+             support ``CONTINUOUS`` measurment.
+.. method:: Instrument.stop()
+   Stops collecting measurements from ``active_channels``. Must be called after
+   :func:`start()`.
+   .. note:: This method is only implemented by :class:`Instrument`\ s that
+             support ``CONTINUOUS`` measurment.
+.. method:: Instrument.get_data(outfile)
+   Write collected data into ``outfile``. Must be called after :func:`stop()`. 
+   Data will be written in CSV format with a column for each channel and a row
+   for each sample. Column heading will be channel, labels in the form 
+   ``<site>_<kind>`` (see :class:`InstrumentChannel`). The order of the coluns
+   will be the same as the order of channels in ``Instrument.active_channels``.
+   This returns a :class:`MeasurementCsv` instance associated with the outfile
+   that can be used to stream :class:`Measurement`\ s lists (similar to what is
+   returned by ``take_measurement()``.
+   .. note:: This method is only implemented by :class:`Instrument`\ s that
+             support ``CONTINUOUS`` measurment.
+Instrument Channel
+.. class:: InstrumentChannel(name, site, measurement_type, **attrs)
+   An :class:`InstrumentChannel` describes a single type of measurement that may
+   be collected by an :class:`Instrument`. A channel is primarily defined by a
+   ``site`` and a ``measurement_type``.
+   A ``site`` indicates where  on the target a measurement is collected from
+   (e.g. a volage rail or location of a sensor).
+   A ``measurement_type`` is an instance of :class:`MeasurmentType` that
+   describes what sort of measurment this is (power, temperature, etc). Each
+   mesurement type has a standard unit it is reported in, regardless of an
+   instrument used to collect it.
+   A channel (i.e. site/measurement_type combination) is unique per instrument,
+   however there may be more than one channel associated with one site (e.g. for
+   both volatage and power).
+   It should not be assumed that any site/measurement_type combination is valid.
+   The list of available channels can queried with
+   :func:`Instrument.list_channels()`.
+.. attribute::
+   The name of the "site" from which the measurments are collected (e.g. voltage
+   rail, sensor, etc).
+.. attribute:: InstrumentChannel.kind
+   A string indingcating the type of measrument that will be collted. This is
+   the ``name`` of the :class:`MeasurmentType` associated with this channel.
+.. attribute:: InstrumentChannel.units
+   Units in which measurment will be reported. this is determined by the
+   underlying :class:`MeasurmentType`.
+.. attribute:: InstrumentChannel.label
+   A label that can be attached to measurments associated with with channel.
+   This is constructed with ::
+       '{}_{}'.format(, self.kind)
+Measurement Types
+In order to make instruments easer to use, and to make it easier to swap them
+out when necessary (e.g. change method of collecting power), a number of
+standard measurement types are defined. This way, for example, power will always
+be reported as "power" in Watts, and never as "pwr" in milliWatts. Currently
+defined measurement types are
+| name        | units   | category      |
+| time        | seconds |               |
+| temperature | degrees |               |
+| power       | watts   | power/energy  |
+| voltage     | volts   | power/energy  |
+| current     | amps    | power/energy  |
+| energy      | joules  | power/energy  |
+| tx          | bytes   | data transfer |
+| rx          | bytes   | data transfer |
+| tx/rx       | bytes   | data transfer |
+.. instruments:
+Available Instruments
+This section lists instruments that are currently part of devlib.