improved notes for building on win
diff --git a/README b/README
index 08b5278..1479e70 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -152,13 +152,43 @@
 @@@@ write instructions for FLAC.dsw and *.dsp, need %NASW% set to
 @@@@ full path to nasmw.exe, location of ogg static libs and headers
-There is no overall make system for MSVC but the individual
-source directories with a '' file in them allow
-building with MSVC.  Just 'nmake /f'.  Currently
-the for libFLAC is hardcoded to use nasm.  If
-you don't have nasm, or don't want any assembly optimizations,
-edit the makefile, adding '/D FLAC__NO_ASM', and delete the
-rules which compile the .nasm files.
+There are two ways to build with MSVC:
+  1. Project Files
+  Prerequisite: you must have nasm installed, and have the environment
+  variable FLAC_NASM set to the full path to nasmw.exe, e.g
+  C:\nasm\nasmw.exe
+  To build everything, run Developer Studio, do File|Open Workspace,
+  and open FLAC.dsw.  Switch to the 'Files' tab, select 'all files'
+  from the tree, do right-mouse-button and 'Set as active project'.
+  @@@@Debug/Release@@@@  Then do Project|Build.  The libraries will
+  be built as both libs@@@@ and DLLs.
+  2. nmake
+  Prerequisite: you must have nasm installed and nasmw.exe must be in
+  your path.
+  To build everything, open a Command window, cd to the top-level
+  directory (where this README is) and do
+  nmake /f
+  This will recur into all the source directories in the right order
+  and build everything.  The libraries will be build only as static
+  libs.  To clean up everything you can do
+  nmake /f clean
+  from the top level directory, or any directory which has a
+Everything will end up in the 'obj' directory.  DLLs and .exe files
+are all that are needed and can be copied to an installation area an
+added to the PATH.  The plugins have to be copied to their appropriate
+place in the player area.  For Winamp2 this is <winamp2-dir>\Plugins@@@@
+and for Winamp3 this is @@@@.