move the acknowledgments section below the TOC
diff --git a/doc/html/format.html b/doc/html/format.html
index 10d56a9..311cb8c 100644
--- a/doc/html/format.html
+++ b/doc/html/format.html
@@ -83,29 +83,11 @@
 		This is a detailed description of the FLAC format.  There is also a companion document that describes <A HREF="ogg_mapping.html">FLAC-to-Ogg mapping</A>.
-		First, as the original developer I have to say that I am not a compression expert and I feel obligated to give credit where it is due.  FLAC owes a lot to the many people who have advanced the audio compression field so freely.  For instance:
-	</P>
-	<P>
-	<UL>
-		<LI>
-			<A HREF="">A. J. Robinson</A> for his work on <A HREF="">Shorten</A>; his paper is a good starting point on some of the basic methods used by FLAC.  FLAC expands on the fixed predictors used in shorten.
-		</LI>
-		<LI>
-			<A HREF="">S. W. Golomb</A> and Robert F. Rice; their universal codes are used by FLAC's entropy coder.
-		</LI>
-		<LI>
-			N. Levinson and J. Durbin; the reference encoder uses an algorithm developed and refined by them for determining the LPC coefficients from the autocorrelation coefficients.
-		</LI>
-		<LI>
-			And of course, <A HREF="">Claude Shannon</A>
-		</LI>
-	</UL>
-	</P>
-	<P>
 		<A NAME="toc"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B><U>Table of Contents</U></B></FONT></A>
+		<LI><A HREF="#acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</A></LI>
 		<LI><A HREF="#scope">Scope</A></LI>
 		<LI><A HREF="#architecture">Architecture</A></LI>
 		<LI><A HREF="#definitions">Definitions</A></LI>
@@ -184,6 +166,28 @@
+		<A NAME="acknowledgments"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B><U>Acknowledgments</U></B></FONT></A>
+	</P>
+	<P>
+		FLAC owes much to the many people who have advanced the audio compression field so freely.  For instance:
+	</P>
+	<P>
+	<UL>
+		<LI>
+			<A HREF="">A. J. Robinson</A> for his work on <A HREF="">Shorten</A>; his paper is a good starting point on some of the basic methods used by FLAC.  FLAC trivially extends and improves the fixed predictors, LPC coefficient quantization, and Rice coding used in Shorten.
+		</LI>
+		<LI>
+			<A HREF="">S. W. Golomb</A> and Robert F. Rice; their universal codes are used by FLAC's entropy coder.
+		</LI>
+		<LI>
+			N. Levinson and J. Durbin; the reference encoder uses an algorithm developed and refined by them for determining the LPC coefficients from the autocorrelation coefficients.
+		</LI>
+		<LI>
+			And of course, <A HREF="">Claude Shannon</A>
+		</LI>
+	</UL>
+	</P>
+	<P>
 		<A NAME="scope"><FONT SIZE="+1"><B><U>Scope</U></B></FONT></A>