new minimal readme file

git-svn-id: svn:// 4cde692c-a291-49d1-8350-778aa11640f8
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 214cb03..32b66c1 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -1,79 +1,8 @@
-TTX/TTLib 1.0a5
+See the file "index.html" in the "Doc" subdirectory for installation, 
+usage and developer instructions.
+See the file "LEGAL.txt" for licensing info.
-You need the following software to use TTX/TTLib:
+Good luck!
-- Python 1.5.1 or newer 1.5.2. Version 1.5.2 is here:
-  on Windows: grab the Windows installer, run the full install
-  on Un*x: follow the build instructions
-  on Linux: maybe you already *have* Python: check whether you have
-  version 1.5.1 or newer.
-  on MacOS: grab the installer, run "Easy Install"
-- The Numeric Python extension (you don't need this under MacOS, since it's
-  included with the MacPython installer).
-  The compiled Win32 version:
-  The source distribution is here:
-  Included in this archive is a directory called "Numeric" (but do unzip 
-  the whole archive, it's needed for the install script!). 
-  On Linux or other Unices: follow the build instructions.
-  On Windows & Unix:
-  In the "Numeric" directory there is a script called "". 
-  If you've installed Python successfully, you can just run it, it will 
-  install (copy!) the neccesary stuff to the Python directory all by itself.
-- xmlproc (a Python based XML parser) from:
-  I don't know the official install procedure, but the archive should contain 
-  a directory called "xml", move that directory to the Python directory and 
-  you should be all set. To make sure: start python (python.exe on Win32) 
-  and type at the ">>>" prompt:
-  >>> import xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlproc
-  followed by a return. If that doesn't cause an error, you're all set.
-Oof. Almost there. Now run the "" script from the TTX archive. 
-This will make sure Python knows where to find TTLib. It doesn't copy anything.
-(Note that the "" script has only been lightly tested.)
-Additional Mac instructions:
-De-binhex "TTX.rsrc.hqx" by dropping it onto StuffIt expander. (Or use your
-own preferred method ;-)
-The "" script included in this archive is the Mac-only main program: 
-Drop it onto the "BuildApplet" app inside the Python folder; this will 
-produce the TTX applet.
-For Unix and DOS I've provided two command line programs:
-	-
-	-
-They do pretty much what you'd expect. They take one or two arguments: an input 
-file name and optionally an output file name.
-If you don't provide an output file name, an output file name will be contructed 
-from the input file name: foo.ttf becomes foo.xml in and vice versa 
-for WARNING: these tools will silently overwrite existing files!
-Adam Twarloch contributed a Windows registry file (ttffile.reg) which
-makes the two obove tools available under the Right Mouse Button. You will
-need to edit the paths in this file according to your installation: the
-file is just an example! Ideally the correct file could be generated by
-the script.
-To learn more about using TTLib, read the comments and documentation in
-TTLib/ttlib/; to learn more about writing table converters, read
-That's it so far! Thanks for your efforts, it's much appreciated. If you 
-encounter any problems, or if you have any questions, be sure to let me know: Oh, I'd be happy to hear success stories, too...
+Just van Rossum <>