Misc patches from rroberts:

  # support virtual GIDs, support handling some GSUB offset overflows.

# 1) make getReverseGlyphMap  a public function; I find a reverse map
to often be useful
# 2) support virtual glyphs, e.g. references to GID's that are not in the font.
# Added the TTFont argument allowVID (default 0) to turn this off and on;
# added the arg requireReal ( default 0) so as to get the obvious
default behaviour when
# allowVID is 0 or 1, but to allow requiring a true GID when allowVID is 1.

# 1) speed optimization
# - collapse for loops
# - do not decompile extension lookups until a record is requested
from within the lookup.
# 2) handling offset overflows
# 3) support of extension lookups
# 4) Fixed FetauresParam converter class def so as to survive a font
that has this offset non-NULL.
# This fixes a stack dump.
# The data will now just get ignored

git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/fonttools/code/trunk@511 4cde692c-a291-49d1-8350-778aa11640f8
6 files changed
tree: 8417fbfe98b29a9f8002c8697651e1a34573e075
  1. Doc/
  2. Lib/
  3. Mac/
  4. MetaTools/
  5. Src/
  6. Tools/
  7. Windows/
  8. LICENSE.txt
  9. README.txt
  10. setup.py