convert to Unix line endings
diff --git a/builds/atari/ATARI.H b/builds/atari/ATARI.H
index 28a5575..4e99965 100644
--- a/builds/atari/ATARI.H
+++ b/builds/atari/ATARI.H
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-#ifndef ATARI_H

-#define ATARI_H


-#pragma warn -stu


-/* PureC doesn't like 32bit enumerations */


-#ifndef FT_IMAGE_TAG

-#define FT_IMAGE_TAG( value, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4 ) value 

-#endif /* FT_IMAGE_TAG */ 


-#ifndef FT_ENC_TAG

-#define FT_ENC_TAG( value, a, b, c, d ) value

-#endif /* FT_ENC_TAG */


-#endif /* ATARI_H */

+#ifndef ATARI_H
+#define ATARI_H
+#pragma warn -stu
+/* PureC doesn't like 32bit enumerations */
+#ifndef FT_IMAGE_TAG
+#define FT_IMAGE_TAG( value, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4 ) value 
+#endif /* FT_IMAGE_TAG */ 
+#ifndef FT_ENC_TAG
+#define FT_ENC_TAG( value, a, b, c, d ) value
+#endif /* FT_ENC_TAG */
+#endif /* ATARI_H */
diff --git a/builds/atari/FNames.SIC b/builds/atari/FNames.SIC
index 497f002..f365717 100644
--- a/builds/atari/FNames.SIC
+++ b/builds/atari/FNames.SIC
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-/* the following changes file names for PureC projects */


-if (argc > 0)


-	ordner = argv[0];

-	if (basename(ordner) == "") /* ist Ordner */

-	{

-		ChangeFilenames(ordner);

-	}



-proc ChangeFilenames(folder)

-local i,entries,directory,file;


-	entries = filelist(directory,folder);

-	for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i)

-	{

-		file = directory[i,0];

-		if ((directory[i,3]&16) > 0) /* subdirectory */

-		{

-			ChangeFilenames(folder+file+"\\");

-		}

-		else

-		{

-			if ((stricmp(suffix(file),".h")==0)|(stricmp(suffix(file),".c")==0))

-			ChangeFilename(folder,file);

-		}

-	}



-proc ChangeFilename(path,datei)

-local newfile,err;


-	newfile=datei;

-	newfile[0]=(newfile[0] | 32) ^ 32;

-	err=files.rename("-q",path+datei,newfile);


+/* the following changes file names for PureC projects */
+if (argc > 0)
+	ordner = argv[0];
+	if (basename(ordner) == "") /* ist Ordner */
+	{
+		ChangeFilenames(ordner);
+	}
+proc ChangeFilenames(folder)
+local i,entries,directory,file;
+	entries = filelist(directory,folder);
+	for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i)
+	{
+		file = directory[i,0];
+		if ((directory[i,3]&16) > 0) /* subdirectory */
+		{
+			ChangeFilenames(folder+file+"\\");
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if ((stricmp(suffix(file),".h")==0)|(stricmp(suffix(file),".c")==0))
+			ChangeFilename(folder,file);
+		}
+	}
+proc ChangeFilename(path,datei)
+local newfile,err;
+	newfile=datei;
+	newfile[0]=(newfile[0] | 32) ^ 32;
+	err=files.rename("-q",path+datei,newfile);