* Jamrules, Jamfile, src/Jamfile, src/*/Jamfile: Adding jamfiles
        to the source tree. see www.freetype.org/jam/index.html for details
diff --git a/Jamfile b/Jamfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74492d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Jamfile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# FreeType 2 Jamfile (c) 2001 David Turner
+# we need to invoke a SubDir rule if the FT2 source directory top
+# is not the current directory. This allows us to build FreeType 2 as
+# part of a larger project easily..
+if $(FT2_TOP) != $(DOT)
+  SubDir FT2_TOP ;
+FT2_INCLUDE = [ FT2_SubDir include ] ;
+FT2_SRC     = [ FT2_SubDir src ] ;
+FT2_LIB     = $(LIBPREFIX)freetype ;
+# we need "freetype2/include" in the current include path in order to
+# compile any part of FreeType 2
+SubDirHdr += $(FT2_INCLUDE) ;
+# uncomment the following line if you want to build individual source files
+# for each FreeType 2 module.
+# FT2_MULTI = true;
+# the file <freetype/config/ft2build.h> is used to define macros that are
+# later used in #include statements.. it needs to be parsed in order to
+# record these definitions..
+HDRMACRO [ FT2_SubDir  include freetype config ft2build.h ] ;
+# now include the Jamfile in "freetype2/src", used to drive the
+# compilation of each FreeType 2 component and/or module
+SubInclude  FT2_TOP src ;