Mention all used licenses.
diff --git a/docs/LICENSE.TXT b/docs/LICENSE.TXT
index 102a03d..657b827 100644
--- a/docs/LICENSE.TXT
+++ b/docs/LICENSE.TXT
@@ -20,9 +20,12 @@
     GPL.  Note  that the  FTL is  incompatible with the  GPL due  to its
     advertisement clause.
-The contributed PCF driver comes with a license similar to that of the X
-Window System.   It is  compatible to the  above two licenses  (see file
+The contributed BDF and PCF drivers comes with a license similar to that
+of the X Window System.  It is compatible to the above two licenses (see
+file src/bdf/README and src/pcf/README).
+The gzip module uses the zlib license (see src/gzip/zlib.h) which too is
+compatible to the above two licenses.
 --- end of LICENSE.TXT ---