vk1.2: [14] vulkan: fix issues in VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo marshaling

bug: 145153816

Per safe structs:


there are fields in VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo that should be ignored
depending on functions calculated off other fields.

Account for this in vk.xml by introducing the concept of "let" along
with functional expressions that compute off of struct fields, which
lets us have the same level of expressivity as the safe structs handling
for it

Original-Change: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/external/qemu/+/1224373/
Bug: b/179480537
Change-Id: I37f73fe283046993723387fadb4b14770bd120fd
1 file changed
tree: 097db49ed5fa3c8cc545d3a0ba05b004c7a24ef5
  1. registry/