New files for 0.6.3
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c173ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// C++ Implementation: GUIDData
+// Description: GUIDData class header
+// Implements the GUIDData data structure and support methods
+// Author: Rod Smith <>, (C) 2010
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "guid.h"
+#include "support.h"
+using namespace std;
+GUIDData::GUIDData(void) {
+   Zero();
+} // constructor
+GUIDData::GUIDData(const GUIDData & orig) {
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+      uuidData[i] = orig.uuidData[i];
+} // copy constructor
+GUIDData::GUIDData(const char * orig) {
+   operator=(orig);
+} // copy (from char*) constructor
+GUIDData::~GUIDData(void) {
+} // destructor
+GUIDData & GUIDData::operator=(const GUIDData & orig) {
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+      uuidData[i] = orig.uuidData[i];
+   return *this;
+} // GUIDData::operator=(const GUIDData & orig)
+// Assign the GUID from a string input value. A GUID is normally formatted
+// with four dashes as element separators, for a total length of 36
+// characters. If the input string is this long or longer, this function
+// assumes standard separator positioning; if the input string is less
+// than 36 characters long, this function assumes the input GUID has
+// been compressed by removal of separators. In either event, there's
+// little in the way of sanity checking, so garbage in = garbage out!
+GUIDData & GUIDData::operator=(const string & orig) {
+   string copy, fragment;
+   size_t len;
+   // Break points for segments, either with or without characters separating the segments....
+   size_t longSegs[6] = {0, 9, 14, 19, 24, 36};
+   size_t shortSegs[6] = {0, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32};
+   size_t *segStart = longSegs; // Assume there are separators between segments */
+   Zero();
+   // Delete stray spaces....
+   copy = DeleteSpaces(orig);
+   // If length is too short, assume there are no separators between segments
+   len = copy.length();
+   if (len < 36) {
+      segStart = shortSegs;
+   };
+   // Extract data fragments at fixed locations and convert to
+   // integral types....
+   if (len >= segStart[1]) {
+      uuidData[3] = StrToHex(copy, 0);
+      uuidData[2] = StrToHex(copy, 2);
+      uuidData[1] = StrToHex(copy, 4);
+      uuidData[0] = StrToHex(copy, 6);
+   } // if
+   if (len >= segStart[2]) {
+      uuidData[5] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[1]);
+      uuidData[4] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[1] + 2);
+   } // if
+   if (len >= segStart[3]) {
+      uuidData[7] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[2]);
+      uuidData[6] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[2] + 2);
+   } // if
+   if (len >= segStart[4]) {
+      uuidData[8] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[3]);
+      uuidData[9] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[3] + 2);
+   } // if
+   if (len >= segStart[5]) {
+      uuidData[10] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[4]);
+      uuidData[11] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[4] + 2);
+      uuidData[12] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[4] + 4);
+      uuidData[13] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[4] + 6);
+      uuidData[14] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[4] + 8);
+      uuidData[15] = StrToHex(copy, segStart[4] + 10);
+   } // if
+   return *this;
+} // GUIDData::operator=(const string & orig)
+// Assignment from C-style string; rely on C++ casting....
+GUIDData & GUIDData::operator=(const char * orig) {
+   return operator=((string) orig);
+} // GUIDData::operator=(const char * orig)
+// Read a GUIDData from stdin, prompting the user along the way for the
+// correct form. This is a bit more flexible than it claims; it parses
+// any entry of 32 or 36 characters as a GUID (
+GUIDData & GUIDData::GetGUIDFromUser(void) {
+   string part1, part2, part3, part4, part5;
+   char line[255];
+   int entered = 0;
+   cout << "\nA GUID is entered in five segments of from two to six bytes, with\n"
+        << "dashes between segments.\n";
+   cout << "Enter the entire GUID, a four-byte hexadecimal number for the first segment, or\n"
+        << "'R' to generate the entire GUID randomly: ";
+   cin.get(line, 255);
+   part1 = DeleteSpaces(line);
+   // If user entered 'r' or 'R', generate GUID randomly....
+   if ((part1[0] == 'r') || (part1[0] == 'R')) {
+      Randomize();
+      entered = 1;
+   } // if user entered 'R' or 'r'
+   // If string length is right for whole entry, try to parse it....
+   if (((part1.length() == 36) || (part1.length() == 32)) && (entered == 0)) {
+      operator=(part1);
+      entered = 1;
+   } // if
+   // If neither of the above methods of entry was used, use prompted
+   // entry....
+   if (entered == 0) {
+      cout << "Enter a two-byte hexadecimal number for the second segment: ";
+      cin >> part2;
+      cout << "Enter a two-byte hexadecimal number for the third segment: ";
+      cin >> part3;
+      cout << "Enter a two-byte hexadecimal number for the fourth segment: ";
+      cin >> part4;
+      cout << "Enter a six-byte hexadecimal number for the fifth segment: ";
+      cin >> part5;
+      operator=(part1 += (string) "-" += part2 += (string) "-" += part3
+            += (string) "-" += part4 += (string) "-" += part5);
+   } // if/else
+   cin.ignore(255, '\n');
+   cout << "New GUID: " << AsString() << "\n";
+   return *this;
+} // GUIDData::GetGUIDData(void)
+// Erase the contents of the GUID
+void GUIDData::Zero(void) {
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+      uuidData[i] = 0;
+   } // for
+} // GUIDData::Zero()
+// Set a completely random GUID value....
+// The uuid_generate() function returns a value that needs to have its
+// first three fields byte-reversed to conform to Intel's GUID layout.
+// If that function isn't defined (e.g., on Windows), set a completely
+// random GUID -- not completely kosher, but it doesn't seem to cause
+// any problems (so far...)
+void GUIDData::Randomize(void) {
+#ifdef _UUID_UUID_H
+   uuid_generate(uuidData);
+   ReverseBytes(&uuidData[0], 4);
+   ReverseBytes(&uuidData[4], 2);
+   ReverseBytes(&uuidData[6], 2);
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+      uuidData[i] = rand();
+} // GUIDData::Randomize
+// Equality operator; returns 1 if the GUIDs are equal, 0 if they're unequal
+int GUIDData::operator==(const GUIDData & orig) {
+   int retval = 1; // assume they're equal
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+      if (uuidData[i] != orig.uuidData[i])
+         retval = 0;
+   return retval;
+} // GUIDData::operator==
+// Inequality operator; returns 1 if the GUIDs are unequal, 0 if they're equal
+int GUIDData::operator!=(const GUIDData & orig) {
+   return !operator==(orig);
+} // GUIDData::operator!=
+// Return the GUID as a string, suitable for display to the user.
+string GUIDData::AsString(void) {
+   char theString[40];
+   sprintf(theString,
+           "%02X%02X%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
+           uuidData[3], uuidData[2], uuidData[1], uuidData[0], uuidData[5],
+           uuidData[4], uuidData[7], uuidData[6], uuidData[8], uuidData[9],
+           uuidData[10], uuidData[11], uuidData[12], uuidData[13], uuidData[14],
+           uuidData[15]);
+   return theString;
+} // GUIDData::AsString(void)
+// Delete spaces or braces (which often enclose GUIDs) from the orig string,
+// returning modified string.
+string GUIDData::DeleteSpaces(const string & orig) {
+   string copy;
+   size_t position;
+   copy = orig;
+   for (position = copy.length(); position > 0; position--) {
+      if ((copy[position - 1] == ' ') || (copy[position - 1] == '{') || (copy[position - 1] == '}')) {
+         copy.erase(position - 1, 1);
+      } // if
+   } // for
+   return copy;
+} // GUIDData::DeleteSpaces()