Changes for version 0.8.0
diff --git a/ b/
index 6b9429b..d3fe1a8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,513 +9,13 @@
 /* This program is copyright (c) 2009-2011 by Roderick W. Smith. It is distributed
   under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2, as detailed in the COPYING file. */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <popt.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "mbr.h"
-#include "gpt.h"
-#include "support.h"
-#include "parttypes.h"
-#include "attributes.h"
+#include "gptcl.h"
 using namespace std;
 #define MAX_OPTIONS 50
-int BuildMBR(GPTData& theGPT, char* argument, int isHybrid);
-int CountColons(char* argument);
-// Extract colon-separated fields from a string....
-uint64_t GetInt(const string & argument, int itemNum);
-string GetString(string argument, int itemNum);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-   GPTData theGPT, secondDevice;
-   uint32_t sSize;
-   uint64_t low, high;
-   int opt, numOptions = 0, saveData = 0, neverSaveData = 0;
-   int partNum = 0, deletePartNum = 0, infoPartNum = 0, bsdPartNum = 0, largestPartNum = 0;
-   int saveNonGPT = 1;
-   uint32_t gptPartNum = 0;
-   int alignment = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, retval = 0, pretend = 0;
-   uint32_t tableSize = 128;
-   uint64_t startSector, endSector;
-   uint64_t temp; // temporary variable; free to use in any case
-   char *attributeOperation = NULL;
-   char *device;
-   char *newPartInfo = NULL, *typeCode = NULL, *partName = NULL;
-   char *backupFile = NULL, *twoParts = NULL, *hybrids = NULL, *mbrParts;
-   char *partGUID = NULL, *diskGUID = NULL, *outDevice = NULL;
-   string cmd, typeGUID, name;
-   PartType typeHelper;
-   poptContext poptCon;
-   struct poptOption theOptions[] =
-   {
-      {"attributes", 'A', POPT_ARG_STRING, &attributeOperation, 'A', "operate on partition attributes", "list|[partnum:show|or|nand|xor|=|set|clear|toggle|get[:bitnum|hexbitmask]]"},
-      {"set-alignment", 'a', POPT_ARG_INT, &alignment, 'a', "set sector alignment", "value"},
-      {"backup", 'b', POPT_ARG_STRING, &backupFile, 'b', "backup GPT to file", "file"},
-      {"change-name", 'c', POPT_ARG_STRING, &partName, 'c', "change partition's name", "partnum:name"},
-      {"recompute-chs", 'C', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'C', "recompute CHS values in protective/hybrid MBR", ""},
-      {"delete", 'd', POPT_ARG_INT, &deletePartNum, 'd', "delete a partition", "partnum"},
-      {"display-alignment", 'D', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'D', "show number of sectors per allocation block", ""},
-      {"move-second-header", 'e', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'e', "move second header to end of disk", ""},
-      {"end-of-largest", 'E', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'E', "show end of largest free block", ""},
-      {"first-in-largest", 'f', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'f', "show start of the largest free block", ""},
-      {"first-aligned-in-largest", 'F', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'F', "show start of the largest free block, aligned", ""},
-      {"mbrtogpt", 'g', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'g', "convert MBR to GPT", ""},
-      {"randomize-guids", 'G', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'G', "randomize disk and partition GUIDs", ""},
-      {"hybrid", 'h', POPT_ARG_STRING, &hybrids, 'h', "create hybrid MBR", "partnum[:partnum...]"},
-      {"info", 'i', POPT_ARG_INT, &infoPartNum, 'i', "show detailed information on partition", "partnum"},
-      {"load-backup", 'l', POPT_ARG_STRING, &backupFile, 'l', "load GPT backup from file", "file"},
-      {"list-types", 'L', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'L', "list known partition types", ""},
-      {"gpttombr", 'm', POPT_ARG_STRING, &mbrParts, 'm', "convert GPT to MBR", "partnum[:partnum...]"},
-      {"new", 'n', POPT_ARG_STRING, &newPartInfo, 'n', "create new partition", "partnum:start:end"},
-      {"largest-new", 'N', POPT_ARG_INT, &largestPartNum, 'N', "create largest possible new partition", "partnum"},
-      {"clear", 'o', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'o', "clear partition table", ""},
-      {"print", 'p', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'p', "print partition table", ""},
-      {"pretend", 'P', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'P', "make changes in memory, but don't write them", ""},
-      {"transpose", 'r', POPT_ARG_STRING, &twoParts, 'r', "transpose two partitions", "partnum:partnum"},
-      {"replicate", 'R', POPT_ARG_STRING, &outDevice, 'R', "replicate partition table", "device_filename"},
-      {"sort", 's', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 's', "sort partition table entries", ""},
-      {"resize-table", 'S', POPT_ARG_INT, &tableSize, 'S', "resize partition table", "numparts"},
-      {"typecode", 't', POPT_ARG_STRING, &typeCode, 't', "change partition type code", "partnum:{hexcode|GUID}"},
-      {"transform-bsd", 'T', POPT_ARG_INT, &bsdPartNum, 'T', "transform BSD disklabel partition to GPT", "partnum"},
-      {"partition-guid", 'u', POPT_ARG_STRING, &partGUID, 'u', "set partition GUID", "partnum:guid"},
-      {"disk-guid", 'U', POPT_ARG_STRING, &diskGUID, 'U', "set disk GUID", "guid"},
-      {"verify", 'v', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'v', "check partition table integrity", ""},
-      {"version", 'V', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'V', "display version information", ""},
-      {"zap", 'z', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'z', "zap (destroy) GPT (but not MBR) data structures", ""},
-      {"zap-all", 'Z', POPT_ARG_NONE, NULL, 'Z', "zap (destroy) GPT and MBR data structures", ""},
-      POPT_AUTOHELP { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0 }
-   };
-   // Create popt context...
-   poptCon = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, (const char**) argv, theOptions, 0);
-   poptSetOtherOptionHelp(poptCon, " [OPTION...] <device>");
-   if (argc < 2) {
-      poptPrintUsage(poptCon, stderr, 0);
-      exit(1);
-   }
-   // Do one loop through the options to find the device filename and deal
-   // with options that don't require a device filename....
-   while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(poptCon)) > 0) {
-      switch (opt) {
-         case 'A':
-            cmd = GetString(attributeOperation, 1);
-            if (cmd == "list")
-               Attributes::ListAttributes();
-            break;
-         case 'L':
-            typeHelper.ShowAllTypes();
-            break;
-         case 'P':
-            pretend = 1;
-            break;
-         case 'V':
-            cout << "GPT fdisk (sgdisk) version " << GPTFDISK_VERSION << "\n\n";
-            break;
-         default:
-            break;
-      } // switch
-      numOptions++;
-   } // while
-   // Assume first non-option argument is the device filename....
-   device = (char*) poptGetArg(poptCon);
-   poptResetContext(poptCon);
-   if (device != NULL) {
-      theGPT.JustLooking(); // reset as necessary
-      theGPT.BeQuiet(); // Tell called functions to be less verbose & interactive
-      if (theGPT.LoadPartitions((string) device)) {
-         if ((theGPT.WhichWasUsed() == use_mbr) || (theGPT.WhichWasUsed() == use_bsd))
-            saveNonGPT = 0; // flag so we don't overwrite unless directed to do so
-         sSize = theGPT.GetBlockSize();
-         while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(poptCon)) > 0) {
-            switch (opt) {
-               case 'A': {
-                  if (cmd != "list") {
-                     partNum = (int) GetInt(attributeOperation, 1) - 1;
-                     if ((partNum >= 0) && (partNum < (int) theGPT.GetNumParts())) {
-                        switch (theGPT.ManageAttributes(partNum, GetString(attributeOperation, 2),
-                              GetString(attributeOperation, 3))) {
-                           case -1:
-                              saveData = 0;
-                              neverSaveData = 1;
-                              break;
-                           case 1:
-                              theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                              saveData = 1;
-                              break;
-                           default:
-                              break;
-                        } // switch
-                     } else {
-                        cerr << "Error: Invalid partition number " << partNum + 1 << "\n";
-                        saveData = 0;
-                        neverSaveData = 1;
-                     } // if/else reasonable partition #
-                  } // if (cmd != "list")
-                  break;
-               } // case 'A':
-               case 'a':
-                  theGPT.SetAlignment(alignment);
-                  break;
-               case 'b':
-                  theGPT.SaveGPTBackup(backupFile);
-                  free(backupFile);
-                  break;
-               case 'c':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  partNum = (int) GetInt(partName, 1) - 1;
-                  name = GetString(partName, 2);
-                  if (theGPT.SetName(partNum, (UnicodeString) name.c_str())) {
-                     saveData = 1;
-                  } else {
-                     cerr << "Unable to set partition " << partNum + 1
-                          << "'s name to '" << GetString(partName, 2) << "'!\n";
-                     neverSaveData = 1;
-                  } // if/else
-                  free(partName);
-                  break;
-               case 'C':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  theGPT.RecomputeCHS();
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'd':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  if (theGPT.DeletePartition(deletePartNum - 1) == 0) {
-                     cerr << "Error " << errno << " deleting partition!\n";
-                     neverSaveData = 1;
-                  } else saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'D':
-                  cout << theGPT.GetAlignment() << "\n";
-                  break;
-               case 'e':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  theGPT.MoveSecondHeaderToEnd();
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'E':
-                  cout << theGPT.FindLastInFree(theGPT.FindFirstInLargest()) << "\n";
-                  break;
-               case 'f':
-                  cout << theGPT.FindFirstInLargest() << "\n";
-                  break;
-               case 'F':
-                  temp = theGPT.FindFirstInLargest();
-                  theGPT.Align(&temp);
-                  cout << temp << "\n";
-                  break;
-               case 'g':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  saveNonGPT = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'G':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  theGPT.RandomizeGUIDs();
-                  break;
-               case 'h':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  if (BuildMBR(theGPT, hybrids, 1) == 1)
-                     saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'i':
-                  theGPT.ShowPartDetails(infoPartNum - 1);
-                  break;
-               case 'l':
-                  if (theGPT.LoadGPTBackup((string) backupFile) == 1) {
-                     theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                     saveData = 1;
-                  } else {
-                     saveData = 0;
-                     neverSaveData = 1;
-                     cerr << "Error loading backup file!\n";
-                  } // else
-                  free(backupFile);
-                  break;
-               case 'L':
-                  break;
-               case 'm':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  if (BuildMBR(theGPT, mbrParts, 0) == 1) {
-                     if (!pretend) {
-                        if (theGPT.SaveMBR()) {
-                           theGPT.DestroyGPT();
-                        } else
-                           cerr << "Problem saving MBR!\n";
-                     } // if
-                     saveNonGPT = 0;
-                     pretend = 1; // Not really, but works around problem if -g is used with this...
-                     saveData = 0;
-                  } // if
-                  break;
-               case 'n':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  partNum = (int) GetInt(newPartInfo, 1) - 1;
-                  if (partNum < 0)
-                     partNum = theGPT.FindFirstFreePart();
-                  low = theGPT.FindFirstInLargest();
-                  high = theGPT.FindLastInFree(low);
-                  startSector = IeeeToInt(GetString(newPartInfo, 2), sSize, low, high, low);
-                  endSector = IeeeToInt(GetString(newPartInfo, 3), sSize, startSector, high, high);
-                  if (theGPT.CreatePartition(partNum, startSector, endSector)) {
-                     saveData = 1;
-                  } else {
-                     cerr << "Could not create partition " << partNum + 1 << " from "
-                          << startSector << " to " << endSector << "\n";
-                     neverSaveData = 1;
-                  } // if/else
-                  free(newPartInfo);
-                  break;
-               case 'N':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  startSector = theGPT.FindFirstInLargest();
-                  endSector = theGPT.FindLastInFree(startSector);
-                  if (largestPartNum < 0)
-                     largestPartNum = theGPT.FindFirstFreePart();
-                  if (theGPT.CreatePartition(largestPartNum - 1, startSector, endSector)) {
-                     saveData = 1;
-                  } else {
-                     cerr << "Could not create partition " << largestPartNum << " from "
-                          << startSector << " to " << endSector << "\n";
-                     neverSaveData = 1;
-                  } // if/else
-                  break;
-               case 'o':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  theGPT.ClearGPTData();
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'p':
-                  theGPT.DisplayGPTData();
-                  break;
-               case 'P':
-                  pretend = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'r':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  uint64_t p1, p2;
-                  p1 = GetInt(twoParts, 1) - 1;
-                  p2 = GetInt(twoParts, 2) - 1;
-                  if (theGPT.SwapPartitions((uint32_t) p1, (uint32_t) p2) == 0) {
-                     neverSaveData = 1;
-                     cerr << "Cannot swap partitions " << p1 + 1 << " and " << p2 + 1 << "\n";
-                  } else saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'R':
-                  secondDevice = theGPT;
-                  secondDevice.SetDisk(outDevice);
-                  secondDevice.JustLooking(0);
-                  secondDevice.SaveGPTData(1);
-                  break;
-               case 's':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  theGPT.SortGPT();
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'S':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  if (theGPT.SetGPTSize(tableSize) == 0)
-                     neverSaveData = 1;
-                  else
-                     saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 't':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  partNum = (int) GetInt(typeCode, 1) - 1;
-                  typeHelper = GetString(typeCode, 2);
-                  if ((typeHelper != (GUIDData) "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") &&
-                      (theGPT.ChangePartType(partNum, typeHelper))) {
-                     saveData = 1;
-                  } else {
-                     cerr << "Could not change partition " << partNum + 1
-                          << "'s type code to " << GetString(typeCode, 2) << "!\n";
-                     neverSaveData = 1;
-                  } // if/else
-                  free(typeCode);
-                  break;
-               case 'T':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  theGPT.XFormDisklabel(bsdPartNum - 1);
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  break;
-               case 'u':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  gptPartNum = (int) GetInt(partGUID, 1) - 1;
-                  theGPT.SetPartitionGUID(gptPartNum, GetString(partGUID, 2).c_str());
-                  break;
-               case 'U':
-                  theGPT.JustLooking(0);
-                  saveData = 1;
-                  theGPT.SetDiskGUID(diskGUID);
-                  break;
-               case 'v':
-                  theGPT.Verify();
-                  break;
-               case 'z':
-                  if (!pretend) {
-                     theGPT.DestroyGPT();
-                  } // if
-                  saveNonGPT = 0;
-                  saveData = 0;
-                  break;
-               case 'Z':
-                  if (!pretend) {
-                     theGPT.DestroyGPT();
-                     theGPT.DestroyMBR();
-                  } // if
-                  saveNonGPT = 0;
-                  saveData = 0;
-                  break;
-               default:
-                  cerr << "Unknown option (-" << opt << ")!\n";
-                  break;
-            } // switch
-         } // while
-         if ((saveData) && (!neverSaveData) && (saveNonGPT) && (!pretend)) {
-            theGPT.SaveGPTData(1);
-         }
-         if (saveData && (!saveNonGPT)) {
-            cout << "Non-GPT disk; not saving changes. Use -g to override.\n";
-            retval = 3;
-         } // if
-         if (neverSaveData) {
-            cerr << "Error encountered; not saving changes.\n";
-            retval = 4;
-         } // if
-      } else { // if loaded OK
-         poptResetContext(poptCon);
-         // Do a few types of operations even if there are problems....
-         while ((opt = poptGetNextOpt(poptCon)) > 0) {
-            switch (opt) {
-               case 'v':
-                  cout << "Verification may miss some problems or report too many!\n";
-                  theGPT.Verify();
-                  break;
-               case 'z':
-                  if (!pretend) {
-                     theGPT.DestroyGPT();
-                  } // if
-                  saveNonGPT = 0;
-                  saveData = 0;
-                  break;
-               case 'Z':
-                  if (!pretend) {
-                     theGPT.DestroyGPT();
-                     theGPT.DestroyMBR();
-                  } // if
-                  saveNonGPT = 0;
-                  saveData = 0;
-                  break;
-            } // switch
-         } // while
-         retval = 2;
-      } // if/else loaded OK
-   } // if (device != NULL)
-   poptFreeContext(poptCon);
-   return retval;
+   GPTDataCL theGPT;
+   return theGPT.DoOptions(argc, argv);
 } // main
-// Create a hybrid or regular MBR from GPT data structures
-int BuildMBR(GPTData & theGPT, char* argument, int isHybrid) {
-   int numParts, allOK = 1, i, origPartNum;
-   MBRPart newPart;
-   BasicMBRData newMBR;
-   if ((&theGPT != NULL) && (argument != NULL)) {
-      numParts = CountColons(argument) + 1;
-      if (numParts <= (4 - isHybrid)) {
-         newMBR.SetDisk(theGPT.GetDisk());
-         for (i = 0; i < numParts; i++) {
-            origPartNum = GetInt(argument, i + 1) - 1;
-            if (theGPT.IsUsedPartNum(origPartNum)) {
-               newPart.SetInclusion(PRIMARY);
-               newPart.SetLocation(theGPT[origPartNum].GetFirstLBA(),
-                                 theGPT[origPartNum].GetLengthLBA());
-               newPart.SetStatus(0);
-               newPart.SetType((uint8_t)(theGPT[origPartNum].GetHexType() / 0x0100));
-               newMBR.AddPart(i + isHybrid, newPart);
-            } else {
-               cerr << "Partition " << origPartNum << " does not exist! Aborting operation!\n";
-               allOK = 0;
-            } // if/else
-         } // for
-         if (isHybrid) {
-            newPart.SetInclusion(PRIMARY);
-            newPart.SetLocation(1, newMBR.FindLastInFree(1));
-            newPart.SetStatus(0);
-            newPart.SetType(0xEE);
-            newMBR.AddPart(0, newPart);
-         } // if
-         theGPT.SetProtectiveMBR(newMBR);
-      } else allOK = 0;
-   } else allOK = 0;
-   if (!allOK)
-      cerr << "Problem creating MBR!\n";
-   return allOK;
-} // BuildMBR()
-// Returns the number of colons in argument string, ignoring the
-// first character (thus, a leading colon is ignored, as GetString()
-// does).
-int CountColons(char* argument) {
-   int num = 0;
-   while ((argument[0] != '\0') && (argument = strchr(&argument[1], ':')))
-      num++;
-   return num;
-} // CountColons()
-// Extract integer data from argument string, which should be colon-delimited
-uint64_t GetInt(const string & argument, int itemNum) {
-   uint64_t retval;
-   istringstream inString(GetString(argument, itemNum));
-   inString >> retval;
-   return retval;
-} // GetInt()
-// Extract string data from argument string, which should be colon-delimited
-// If string begins with a colon, that colon is skipped in the counting. If an
-// invalid itemNum is specified, returns an empty string.
-string GetString(string argument, int itemNum) {
-   size_t startPos = 0, endPos = 0;
-   string retVal = "";
-   int foundLast = 0;
-   int numFound = 0;
-   if (argument[0] == ':')
-      argument.erase(0, 1);
-   while ((numFound < itemNum) && (!foundLast)) {
-      endPos = argument.find(':', startPos);
-      numFound++;
-      if (endPos == string::npos) {
-         foundLast = 1;
-         endPos = argument.length();
-      } else if (numFound < itemNum) {
-         startPos = endPos + 1;
-      } // if/elseif
-   } // while
-   if ((numFound == itemNum) && (numFound > 0))
-      retVal = argument.substr(startPos, endPos - startPos);
-   return retVal;
-} // GetString()