blob: afdb60cc3dadf78778f29fc6224c9bda27ac0f08 [file] [log] [blame]
/* bsd.h -- BSD disklabel data structure definitions, types, and functions */
/* This program is copyright (c) 2009 by Roderick W. Smith. It is distributed
under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2, as detailed in the COPYING file. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include "gptpart.h"
#ifndef __BSD_STRUCTS
#define __BSD_STRUCTS
#define BSD_SIGNATURE UINT32_C(0x82564557) /* BSD disklabel signature ("magic") */
#define LABEL_OFFSET1 64 /* BSD disklabels can start at any of these three */
#define LABEL_OFFSET2 512 /* values; check all for valid signatures */
#define LABEL_OFFSET3 2048
// FreeBSD documents a maximum # of partitions of 8, but I saw 16 on a NetBSD
// disk. I'm quadrupling that for further safety. Note that BSDReadData()
// uses a 4096-byte I/O buffer. In combination with LABEL_OFFSET3 and the
// additional 148-byte offset to the actual partition data, that gives a
// theoretical maximum of 118.75 partitions that the program can handle before
// memory errors will occur.
#define MAX_BSD_PARTS 64
using namespace std;
* *
* BSDData class and related structures *
* *
// Possible states of the MBR
enum BSDValidity {unknown, bsd_invalid, bsd};
// Data for a single BSD partition record
// Create entries for all fields, although we only use lengthLBA, firstLBA,
// and fsType, to simplify loading the data from disk....
struct BSDRecord { // the partition table
uint32_t lengthLBA; // number of sectors in partition
uint32_t firstLBA; // starting sector
uint32_t fragSize; // filesystem basic fragment size
uint8_t fsType; // filesystem type, see below
uint8_t frag; // filesystem fragments per block
uint16_t pcpg; // filesystem cylinders per group
// Full data in tweaked BSD format
class BSDData {
// We only need a few items from the main BSD disklabel data structure....
uint32_t signature; // the magic number
uint32_t sectorSize; // # of bytes per sector
uint32_t signature2; // the magic number (again)
uint16_t numParts; // number of partitions in table
BSDRecord* partitions; // partition array
// Above are basic BSD disklabel data; now add more stuff....
uint64_t labelFirstLBA; // first sector of BSD disklabel (partition or disk)
uint64_t labelLastLBA; // final sector of BSD disklabel
uint64_t labelStart; // BSD disklabel start point in bytes from labelFirstLBA
BSDValidity state;
int ReadBSDData(char* deviceFilename, uint64_t startSector, uint64_t endSector);
void ReadBSDData(int fd, uint64_t startSector, uint64_t endSector);
void ReverseMetaBytes(void);
void DisplayBSDData(void);
int ShowState(void); // returns 1 if BSD disklabel detected
int IsDisklabel(void) {return (state == bsd);}
// Functions to extract data on specific partitions....
uint8_t GetType(int i);
uint64_t GetFirstSector(int i);
uint64_t GetLength(int i);
int GetNumParts(void);
GPTPart AsGPT(int i); // Return BSD part. as GPT part.
}; // struct MBRData