all: avoid DNS with GRPC_PROXY_EXP

In some environments DNS is not available and is performed by the
CONNECT proxy. Nothing "special" should need to be done for these
environments, but the previous support took shortcuts which knowingly
would not support such environments.

This change should fix both OkHttp and Netty. Netty's
Bootstrap.connect() resolved the name immediately whereas using
ChannelPipeline.connect() waits until the address reaches the end of the
pipeline. Netty uses NetUtil.toSocketAddressString() to get the name of
the address, which uses InetSocketAddress.getHostString() when

OkHttp is still using InetSocketAddress.getHostName() which may issue
reverse DNS lookups. However, if the reverse DNS lookup fails, it should
convert the IP to a textual string like getHostString(). So as long as
the reverse DNS maps to the same machine as the IP, there should only be
performance concerns, not correctness issues. Since the DnsNameResolver
is creating unresolved addresses, the reverse DNS lookups shouldn't
occur in the common case.
3 files changed
tree: 171dd823446815b9664b4a645f949a795af58395
  1. .github/
  2. all/
  3. android-interop-testing/
  4. auth/
  5. benchmarks/
  6. buildscripts/
  7. compiler/
  8. context/
  9. core/
  10. examples/
  11. gradle/
  12. grpclb/
  13. interop-testing/
  14. netty/
  15. okhttp/
  16. protobuf/
  17. protobuf-lite/
  18. protobuf-nano/
  19. services/
  20. stub/
  21. testing/
  22. testing-proto/
  23. thrift/
  24. .gitattributes
  25. .gitignore
  26. .travis.yml
  27. build.gradle
  29. checkstyle.license
  30. checkstyle.xml
  31. codecov.yml
  34. gradlew
  35. gradlew.bat
  37. NOTICE.txt
  44. settings.gradle

gRPC-Java - An RPC library and framework

gRPC-Java works with JDK 6. TLS usage typically requires using Java 8, or Play Services Dynamic Security Provider on Android. Please see the Security Readme.

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Download the JARs. Or for Maven with non-Android, add to your pom.xml:


Or for Gradle with non-Android, add to your dependencies:

compile 'io.grpc:grpc-netty:1.0.3'
compile 'io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.0.3'
compile 'io.grpc:grpc-stub:1.0.3'

For Android client, use grpc-okhttp instead of grpc-netty and grpc-protobuf-lite or grpc-protobuf-nano instead of grpc-protobuf:

compile 'io.grpc:grpc-okhttp:1.0.3'
compile 'io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite:1.0.3'
compile 'io.grpc:grpc-stub:1.0.3'

Development snapshots are available in Sonatypes's snapshot repository.

For protobuf-based codegen, you can put your proto files in the src/main/proto and src/test/proto directories along with an appropriate plugin.

For protobuf-based codegen integrated with the Maven build system, you can use protobuf-maven-plugin (Eclipse and NetBeans users should also look at os-maven-plugin's IDE documentation):


For protobuf-based codegen integrated with the Gradle build system, you can use protobuf-gradle-plugin:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: ''

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    // ASSUMES GRADLE 2.12 OR HIGHER. Use plugin version 0.7.5 with earlier
    // gradle versions
    classpath ''

protobuf {
  protoc {
    artifact = ""
  plugins {
    grpc {
      artifact = 'io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.0.3'
  generateProtoTasks {
    all()*.plugins {
      grpc {}

How to Build

If you are making changes to gRPC-Java, see the compiling instructions.

Navigating Around the Source

Here's a quick readers' guide to the code to help folks get started. At a high level there are three distinct layers to the library: Stub, Channel & Transport.


The Stub layer is what is exposed to most developers and provides type-safe bindings to whatever datamodel/IDL/interface you are adapting. gRPC comes with a plugin to the protocol-buffers compiler that generates Stub interfaces out of .proto files, but bindings to other datamodel/IDL should be trivial to add and are welcome.

Key Interfaces

Stream Observer


The Channel layer is an abstraction over Transport handling that is suitable for interception/decoration and exposes more behavior to the application than the Stub layer. It is intended to be easy for application frameworks to use this layer to address cross-cutting concerns such as logging, monitoring, auth etc. Flow-control is also exposed at this layer to allow more sophisticated applications to interact with it directly.





The Transport layer does the heavy lifting of putting and taking bytes off the wire. The interfaces to it are abstract just enough to allow plugging in of different implementations. Transports are modeled as Stream factories. The variation in interface between a server Stream and a client Stream exists to codify their differing semantics for cancellation and error reporting.

Note the transport layer API is considered internal to gRPC and has weaker API guarantees than the core API under package io.grpc.

gRPC comes with three Transport implementations:

  1. The Netty-based transport is the main transport implementation based on Netty. It is for both the client and the server.
  2. The OkHttp-based transport is a lightweight transport based on OkHttp. It is mainly for use on Android and is for client only.
  3. The inProcess transport is for when a server is in the same process as the client. It is useful for testing.





The examples and the Android example are standalone projects that showcase the usage of gRPC.