gRPC Java Plugin for Protobuf Compiler

This generates the Java interfaces out of the service definition from a .proto file.

System Requirement

Compiling and Testing the Plugin

Change to the compiler directory:

$ cd $GRPC_JAVA_ROOT/compiler

To compile the plugin:

$ gradle java_pluginExecutable

To test the plugin with the compiler:

$ gradle test

You will see a PASS if the test succeeds.

To compile a proto file and generate Java interfaces out of the service definitions:

$ protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-java_rpc=build/binaries/java_pluginExecutable/java_plugin \
  --java_rpc_out="$OUTPUT_FILE" --proto_path="$DIR_OF_PROTO_FILE" "$PROTO_FILE"

To generate Java interfaces with protobuf nano:

$ protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-java_rpc=build/binaries/java_pluginExecutable/java_plugin \
  --java_rpc_out=nano=true:"$OUTPUT_FILE" --proto_path="$DIR_OF_PROTO_FILE" "$PROTO_FILE"