Fix example Podfiles, and document better
diff --git a/examples/objective-c/helloworld/Podfile b/examples/objective-c/helloworld/Podfile
index eebf054..a9f309b 100644
--- a/examples/objective-c/helloworld/Podfile
+++ b/examples/objective-c/helloworld/Podfile
@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
 source ''
 platform :ios, '8.0'
-pod 'Protobuf', :path => "../../../third_party/protobuf"
-pod 'BoringSSL', :podspec => "../../../src/objective-c"
-pod 'gRPC', :path => "../../.."
+install! 'cocoapods', :deterministic_uuids => false
+# Location of gRPC's repo root relative to this file.
+GRPC_LOCAL_SRC = '../../..'
 target 'HelloWorld' do
   # Depend on the generated HelloWorld library.
   pod 'HelloWorld', :path => '.'
+  # Use the local versions of Protobuf, BoringSSL, and gRPC. You don't need any of the following
+  # lines in your application.
+  pod 'Protobuf', :path => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/third_party/protobuf"
+  pod 'BoringSSL', :podspec => "#{GRPC_LOCAL_SRC}/src/objective-c"
+  pod 'gRPC', :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
+  pod 'gRPC-Core', :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
+  pod 'gRPC-RxLibrary', :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC
+  pod 'gRPC-ProtoRPC',  :path => GRPC_LOCAL_SRC