diff --git a/include/grpc++/credentials.h b/include/grpc++/credentials.h
index d480e08..59ad638 100644
--- a/include/grpc++/credentials.h
+++ b/include/grpc++/credentials.h
@@ -105,11 +105,11 @@
     const grpc::string& json_key, const grpc::string& scope,
     std::chrono::seconds token_lifetime);
- // Builds JWT credentials.
-  // json_key is the JSON key string containing the client's private key.
-  // token_lifetime is the lifetime of each Json Web Token (JWT) created with
-  // this credentials.  It should not exceed grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime or
-  // will be cropped to this value.
+// Builds JWT credentials.
+// json_key is the JSON key string containing the client's private key.
+// token_lifetime is the lifetime of each Json Web Token (JWT) created with
+// this credentials.  It should not exceed grpc_max_auth_token_lifetime or
+// will be cropped to this value.
 std::unique_ptr<Credentials> JWTCredentials(
     const grpc::string& json_key, std::chrono::seconds token_lifetime);