Adding the tools directory to the git export.
diff --git a/tools/run_tests/ b/tools/run_tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ee61f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/run_tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+"""Run tests in parallel."""
+import argparse
+import glob
+import itertools
+import multiprocessing
+import sys
+import jobset
+# flags required for make for each configuration
+_CONFIGS = ['dbg', 'opt', 'tsan', 'msan', 'asan']
+# parse command line
+argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run grpc tests.')
+argp.add_argument('-c', '--config',
+                  choices=['all'] + _CONFIGS,
+                  nargs='+',
+                  default=['all'])
+argp.add_argument('-t', '--test-filter', nargs='*', default=['*'])
+argp.add_argument('-n', '--runs_per_test', default=1, type=int)
+args = argp.parse_args()
+# grab config
+configs = [cfg
+           for cfg in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+               _CONFIGS if x == 'all' else [x]
+               for x in args.config)]
+filters = args.test_filter
+runs_per_test = args.runs_per_test
+# build latest, sharing cpu between the various makes
+if not
+    ['make',
+     '-j', '%d' % max(multiprocessing.cpu_count() / len(configs), 1),
+     'buildtests_c',
+     'CONFIG=%s' % cfg]
+    for cfg in configs):
+  sys.exit(1)
+# run all the tests[x]
+           for x in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+               itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat(
+                   glob.glob('bins/%s/%s_test' % (config, filt)),
+                   runs_per_test))
+               for config in configs
+               for filt in filters))