1. fb04cae Add ability to not scope exception to RemoteProviderBinder by cnester · 9 years ago
  2. 117b2a6 When checking for Logger keys in providermethodsmodule don't create a new Key<Logger> for every parameter. Instead use a constant. by lukes · 10 years ago
  3. 8557c77 Add a new method to ThrowingProviderBinder: providing(Class) or providing(TypeLiteral). by Sam Berlin · 12 years ago
  4. b7a02b0 by sberlin · 13 years ago
  5. d9c913a switch Guice from manually repackaging Guava to depending on Guava. it's still jarjar'd right now, which is causing a ~400k increase in guice-snapshot.jar. next step is to switch to ProGuard to remove the unnecessary code and cut it back down (even further?!). this will let people build from Guice source and depend directly on Guava code without having to worry about hiding internal/util. by sberlin · 13 years ago
  6. ba8a4cd add more tests for @CheckedProvides methods, fix bug exposed with @Exposed methods, cleanup class names & javadoc. by sberlin@gmail.com · 14 years ago[Renamed (87%) from extensions/throwingproviders/src/com/google/inject/throwingproviders/ThrowingProviderMethodsModule.java]
  7. 488284d deprecated ThrowingProvider in favor of CheckedProvider, which lets you specify more than one exception type. remove tentative @ThrowingProvides in favor of @CheckedProvides. add tests. by sberlin · 14 years ago
  8. ee446ca update ThrowingProvider to support an @ThrowingProvides annotation, much like @Provides. update the internals of the class to give more explicit error messaging & use bind.addError instead of throwing exceptions. added lots & lots of tests. by sberlin · 14 years ago