1. 5a209e9 Update version to 4.0 by Colin Decker · 9 years ago
  2. 5be3e95 Remove the snapshot repository that was configured to support dagger-adapter. Dagger 2 is now released, so this is not necessary. by cgruber · 9 years ago
  3. db4dbfd Add a snapshot repository to guice's parent pom configuration, so it can rely on snapshot versions of things while in development. by cgruber · 9 years ago
  4. d0e92a7 Change jdk8 profile in pom.xml to use the <reporting> element rather than <reportPlugins>. by cgdecker · 9 years ago
  5. 3b76b6f Add "BOM" (Bill of Materials) for easier use with Maven by Thomas Broyer · 9 years ago
  6. ded13a7 Add a Maven module for JDK8-specific tests to open-source Guice. by cgdecker · 10 years ago
  7. 4ad6256 Use 'mvn license:format -N' at top of project to add missing headers by Stuart McCulloch · 10 years ago
  8. a7e52fc Override release repository from parent to use https, which is now required. by Colin Decker · 10 years ago
  9. 2fb23e3 Miscellaneous build improvements: by Stuart McCulloch · 10 years ago
  10. c15e74a Move utility scripts to util dir, add secure vars to CI username/pwd, update POM to use canonical snapshot dir, add support for snapshot on succesful commit in Travis. by Sam Berlin · 10 years ago
  11. f4d33ba remove custom sonatype deployment profile by Sam Berlin · 10 years ago
  12. 310d3ad Only suppress doclint on java8+ profiles by Sam Berlin · 10 years ago
  13. 6b3086d Cleanup javadocs. This makes the following changes: by Sam Berlin · 10 years ago
  14. 0558b32 Update references in code & configuration to point to github instead of by Sam Berlin · 10 years ago
  15. 3236b10 Replace guava 11 with 16 and extract Guava as a separate dependency. by Christian Edward Gruber · 10 years ago
  16. 32a8f24 Fix issue 720 -- minor build fixes, from the issue: by Sam Berlin · 10 years ago
  17. e1197a9 Update Guice's maven build system to run the unit tests in three configurations, representing the three different values for stack-trace inclusion in error messages. Additionally, modify the open-source InternalFlags to log a warning if a value is passed to the flag that does not correspond to the Enum. by Christian Edward Gruber · 10 years ago
  18. ba5acdf Allow turning off stack trace collection in Guice. by Christian Edward Gruber · 11 years ago
  19. a0e7344 Restore versions to 4.0-SNAPSHOT by Christian Edward Gruber · 11 years ago
  20. 359c5c3 Fix up poms to properly sign on deploy, provide source and javadoc jars per sonatype's requirements, and bump the API version to 1.4 for OSGI components. by Christian Edward Gruber · 11 years ago
  21. ce48fa8 Bump version numbers to release 4.0-beta. by Christian Edward Gruber · 11 years ago
  22. 7d72771 Actually pom versions should really be 3.1.0 to reflect the addition of a couple of new features (ProvisionListener SPI) by Stuart McCulloch · 12 years ago
  23. 7f6a136 Bump pom versions towards next maintenance release by Stuart McCulloch · 12 years ago
  24. 45ef017 Cleanup a few things: by Sam Berlin · 12 years ago
  25. d9c913a switch Guice from manually repackaging Guava to depending on Guava. it's still jarjar'd right now, which is causing a ~400k increase in guice-snapshot.jar. next step is to switch to ProGuard to remove the unnecessary code and cut it back down (even further?!). this will let people build from Guice source and depend directly on Guava code without having to worry about hiding internal/util. by sberlin · 13 years ago
  26. ca183a6 Fix maven build (TODO: replace dependency with official cglib-2.2.2 when it's on Maven Central) by mcculls · 13 years ago
  27. d5fcf7c don't include pom.xml & pom.properties in maven build, to better mirror ant build. by sberlin · 13 years ago
  28. 33018c3 Add standard Apache LICENSE and NOTICE files to the Maven build by mcculls · 13 years ago
  29. c2420fb Cleanup pom - lock deploy plugin to 2.5 and remove extra source/javadoc profile as they are already enabled when building with -DperformRelease by mcculls · 13 years ago
  30. 01941a0 Use same release profile id as the main google pom by mcculls · 13 years ago
  31. 692ca95 Align Maven no_aop classifier to match the Ant target by mcculls · 13 years ago
  32. 4489484 Add source and javadoc to Maven release profile by mcculls · 13 years ago
  33. 4d4e160 Clarify that the Maven build requires Maven3 and cleanup temporary CGLIB dependency by mcculls · 13 years ago
  34. aacb484 Add some comments to the Maven POMs by mcculls · 13 years ago
  35. 4757520 Run maven tests with TestNG (better handling of tests) by mcculls · 13 years ago
  36. 188875a Process googlecode test classes by mcculls · 13 years ago
  37. 2c3076b Update to jarjar-maven-plugin 1.3 release, and use simple logger in persist tests by mcculls · 13 years ago
  38. 8846db3 Update Maven poms to use new jarjar processing rules, allow jarjar and munge profiles to be turned off, and synchronize bundle headers in Ant and Maven builds by mcculls · 13 years ago
  39. 0009005 Add CI details by mcculls · 14 years ago
  40. ec49188 Update grid profile by mcculls · 14 years ago
  41. 8815358 Add grid profile by mcculls · 14 years ago
  42. bc7e150 Issue 552: add buildable maven poms by mcculls · 14 years ago
  43. b085238 issue 525 - update poms to guice 3.0. patch courtesy of max bowsher, thanks! by sberlin · 14 years ago
  44. 255af73 Merge 2.0-maven branch into trunk. by sberlin@gmail.com · 14 years ago
  45. ac266a2 Added Maven build file. by crazyboblee · 17 years ago