Android Platform

Honggfuzz (as of version 0.6) supports Android OS (NDK cross-compilation) using both ptrace() API and POSIX signals interface. When ptrace() API is enabled, honggfuzz's engine prevents monitored signals from reaching the debugger (no logcat backtraces & tombstones), since the fuzzer's runtime analysis is affected.


  • Android NDK: User has to manually install NDK and set environment PATH
  • libunwind: In case of first build an upstream git fork is executed followed by required patches
  • capstone: In case of first build an upstream git fork is executed
DependencyLast Tested Version
Android NDKr14b with Android API 24 (Nougat 7.0)
libunwindupstream master commit [bc8698f]
capstone3.0.4 stable version

Compatibility list

It has been tested under the following CPU architectures:

armeabiptrace() API & POSIX signal interface
armeabi-v7aptrace() API & POSIX signal interface
arm64-v8aptrace() API & POSIX signal interface *
x86ptrace() API & POSIX signal interface
x86_64ptrace() API & POSIX signal interface

*) libunwind fails to extract frames if fuzzing target is 32bit. Prefer a32bit build for such targets.



A series of helper bash scripts have been created under the third_party/android/scripts directory to automate the dependencies configuration & build process. The scripts are automatically invoked from the makefile, based on the selected target CPU. Normally you'll not need to manually execute or modify them.


All CPUs

For convenience the master makefile defines an android-all target that automatically builds honggfuzz (and its dependencies) for all the supported Android CPUs.

From the root directory execute the following. Build output is available under the libs directory.

$ make android-all
$ tree libs/
├── arm64-v8a
│   ├── android_api.txt
│   ├── honggfuzz
│   ├── libhfuzz.a
│   └── ndk_toolchain.txt
├── armeabi
│   ├── android_api.txt
│   ├── honggfuzz
│   ├── libhfuzz.a
│   └── ndk_toolchain.txt
├── armeabi-v7a
│   ├── android_api.txt
│   ├── honggfuzz
│   ├── libhfuzz.a
│   └── ndk_toolchain.txt
├── x86
│   ├── android_api.txt
│   ├── honggfuzz
│   ├── libhfuzz.a
│   └── ndk_toolchain.txt
└── x86_64
    ├── android_api.txt
    ├── honggfuzz
    ├── libhfuzz.a
    └── ndk_toolchain.txt

5 directories, 20 files

Specific CPU

To build for a specific CPU use the android target with one of the supported ABI descriptions. Again the dependencies are automatically build.

$ make android ANDROID_APP_ABI=<arch>

Were <arch> can be:

  • armeabi
  • armeabi-v7a (default)
  • arm64-v8a
  • x86
  • x86_64

Android specific flags

ANDROID_DEBUG_ENABLEDtrue, false (default: false)Enable Android debug builds
ANDROID_APP_ABIarmeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64 (default: armeabi-v7a)Target CPU
ANDROID_WITH_PTRACEtrue, false (default: true) 1Fuzzing engine backend architecture
ANDROID_APIandroid-21, android-22, ... (default: android-24) 2Target Android API
ANDROID_CLANGtrue, false (default: false)Android NDK compiler toolchain to use

1) If false, POSIX signals interface is used instead of PTRACE API

2) Due to bionic incompatibilities, only APIs >= 21 are supported