Honggfuzz (as of version 0.6) supports Android OS (NDK cross-compilation) using both ptrace() API and POSIX signals interface. When ptrace() API is enabled, honggfuzz's engine prevents monitored signals from reaching the debugger (no logcat backtraces & tombstones), since the fuzzer's runtime analysis was affected.
Dependency | Last Tested Version |
Android NDK | r13 with Android API 24 (Nougat 7.0) |
libunwind | upstream master commit [bc8698f] |
capstone | 3.0.4 stable version |
It has been tested under the following CPU architectures:
ABI | Status |
armeabi | ptrace() API & POSIX signal interface |
armeabi-v7a | ptrace() API & POSIX signal interface |
arm64-v8a | ptrace() API & POSIX signal interface * |
x86 | ptrace() API & POSIX signal interface |
x86_64 | ptrace() API & POSIX signal interface |
) libunwind fails to extract frames if fuzzing target is 32bit. Prefer a 32bit build for such targets.
Helper bash scripts are present to automate capstone & libunwind builds for target CPU in case of ptrace() API interface being used. From project root directory execute the following to compile the two libraries for the matching architecture:
third_party/android/scripts/compile-libunwind.sh third_party/android/libunwind <arch>
third_party/android/scripts/compile-capstone.sh third_party/android/capstone <arch>
Were <arch>
For example in case of arm:
$ third_party/android/scripts/compile-libunwind.sh third_party/android/libunwind arm Submodule path 'third_party/android/libunwind': checked out 'bc8698fd7ed13a629a8ec3cb2a89bd74f9d8b5c0' patching file src/ptrace/_UPT_access_reg.c patching file src/ptrace/_UPT_access_fpreg.c glibtoolize: putting auxiliary files in AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR, 'config'. glibtoolize: copying file 'config/ltmain.sh' ... [*] 'arm' libunwind available at 'third_party/android/libunwind/arm' [*] Resetting locally applied patches
$ third_party/android/scripts/compile-capstone.sh third_party/android/capstone arm Submodule path 'third_party/android/capstone': checked out 'e710e4fcf40302c25d7bdc28da93571a61f21f5d' rm -f ./cs.o ./utils.o ./SStream.o ./MCInstrDesc.o ... GEN capstone.pc [*] 'arm' libcapstone available at 'third_party/android/capstone/arm'
Flag | Options | Description |
ANDROID_DEBUG_ENABLED | true, false (default: false) | Enable Android debug builds |
ANDROID_APP_ABI | armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64 (default: armeabi-v7a) | Target CPU |
ANDROID_WITH_PTRACE | true, false (default: true) 1 | Fuzzing engine backend architecture |
ANDROID_API | android-21, android-22, ... (default: android-24) 2 | Target Android API |
ANDROID_CLANG | true, false (default: false) | Android NDK compiler toolchain to use |
) in case of false, POSIX signals interface is used instead of PTRACE API
) Due to bionic incompatibilities, only APIs >= 21 are supported
After compiling the dependencies (ptrace() API only), from project's root directory execute make with android PHONY to cross-compile.
For example in case of ptrace() API for armeabi-v7a:
$ make -B android ANDROID_APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=./android/Android.mk \ APP_PLATFORM=android-24 APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a \ NDK_TOOLCHAIN=arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 ******************************************************************** Android PTRACE build: Will prevent debuggerd from processing crashes ******************************************************************** [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= honggfuzz.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= cmdline.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= display.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= log.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= files.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= fuzz.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= report.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= mangle.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= util.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= sancov.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= subproc.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= arch.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= ptrace_utils.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= perf.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= unwind.c [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : honggfuzz <= pt.c [armeabi-v7a] Executable : honggfuzz [armeabi-v7a] Install : honggfuzz => libs/armeabi-v7a/honggfuzz